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Discussion 2

Discussion 2

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Discussion 2

Critical Thinking Exercise

In the healthcare system, to treat psychological disorders the medical model of mental is used. When a person breaks his arm, medical treatment is provided, the same is the case with psychological imbalances and model of illness used for the treatment. One of the approaches by the psychopathology suggests that every mental disorder has a physical cause, whereas, this emphasizes the neurotransmissions, neurophysiology, and genetics of individuals. Advanced Syphilis also suggests that some of the behavioral and cognitive symptoms are transmitted to the offspring through sexually transmitted diseases. Some of the disorders that are characterized by any physical change may not be real. The problem associated with the medical model is that it is only limited to only physical symptoms. For the treatment of psychological imbalances, this model emphasizes on the medication or drugs. While during the 19th century with the development, traditional medical practices were modified and replaced with the new ones. At the beginning of the 20th century, the behavioral model was introduced, which is also referred to as the cognitive-behavioral model. This model was more oriented towards the scientific study of the psychoanalytical aspects. While the biological model had not logical treatments and was limited to certain conditions. This model is more relevant to understand the etiology of psychanalytical problems because of this emphasis on the scientific ways of treatments (Barlow et al., 2016). The clinical treatments were initially tested on the animals before their implementation of the humans. This reflects that the biological model which used the medical treatments without any scientific test was applied directly to humans. In comparison with the traditional medical model, that was only dependent on the environmental changes and determined reactions. The biological model also failed to satisfy the standards of psychoanalytical treatments. The behavioral therapy is more concerned with the scientific implementation and study of the behavioral changes or the psychoanalytical imbalances in the individuals. Naturally, human beings pose desires and needs that are important to be met to satisfy the mind and body.

Response to Discussion Question

The observations by Freud which he concluded as the psychoanalytic model will be helpful for me to understand the emotional difficulties that I face. Freud categorized the mental conditions as the id, ego, and superego. These three mental conditions reflect our behaviors and desires of our mind and body that are important to be met and sometimes the same desires can be compromised under certain conditions. These certain conditions may include compromising on a desire that may hurt some other individual, as this can be met in other ways. If I were to develop any mental disorder, these three conditions would have helped me to understand the nature of the disorder with the help of three major functions. It is important to understand the nature of the psychological imbalances first and this is possible when we know about the three functions. The ID function is based on the pleasure principles which induce the physical desires of the body and the other two functions towards a reflection o fulfilling the demands and desires of life. Based on the concepts, if I had developed any emotional difficulty, I could understand my issue by comparing it with these three categories. These functions by Freud may help treat the behavioral changed too. The reason is that these categories are very simple to be analyzed and these are very easy to understand the emotional imbalance. This will also help me to analyze my selfish desires and understand which desires are realistic and beneficial for my development of myself and others. This model by Freud is helpful for individuals to analyses the demands and the basic realities in our environment.


Barlow, D. H., Durand, V. M., & Hofmann, S. G. (2016). Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach. Cengage Learning.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Discussion 2

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Structure ad Working of Nervous System

The endocrine system is a complex communication network between the nervous system and key vital functions such as reproduction, resistance, metabolism, and behavior. The living organism's nervous system is represented by a communication network that ensures its connection to the outside world and its processes. “The elementary component is a neuron cell, which has processes (axons and dendrites) that transmit information electronically and chemically” (Allen, Nicola and David181). The multicellular nervous system is qualitatively different from similar training in the simplest. The latter, the entire communication system, is located in the metabolism of a single cell. Shellfish "learn" from various processes occurring inside or outside due to changes in the composition of the protoplasm and the activity of some other structures. Multicellular living beings have a system built from functional units, each with its metabolic process.

Without myelin, nerve impulses are not transmitted properly, which over time leads to a gradual disruption of such vital functions like the ability to walk, hold objects, and even see. It seems obvious to most people that all complex mental activity is provided exclusively by nerve cells that conduct impulses, condition emotions and allow one to interact with the outside world successfully. However, the correct functioning of neurons would not be possible without a very important cell formation - neuroglia. Glial cells form a specific microenvironment for neurons, providing the conditions for the generation and transmission of nerve impulses.

According to Klingseisen and David (2018), explains the process and functioning of nervous system. Their study showed that the development of the nervous system requires physical support to help cells migrate . The circulatory system serves as such a “substrate” in mammals. It turns out that the role of blood vessels is not limited to the transport of gases and nutrients. Recent observations prove that it is the circulatory network that contributes to the normal development of the brain and spinal cord (Klingseisen and David 21).

Work cited

Allen, Nicola J., and David A. Lyons. "Glia as architects of central nervous system formation

and function." Science 362.6411 (2018): 181-185.

Klingseisen, Anna, and David A. Lyons. "Axonal regulation of central nervous system

myelination: structure and function." The Neuroscientist 24.1 (2018): 7-21.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 3

Discussion 3

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Discussion 3

Q.1 Hangover-Free Alcohol: This topic is briefly discussed in Chapter 5. Do some research and post your findings and thoughts.

Each year, about 90,000 people in the United States and 4 million around the world lose their lives due to complications raised after alcohol-abuse (Day, 2018). The alcohol incurs about $250 billion in cost on the national health budget in the United States (Day, 2018).

In a bid to save lives and reduce the burden on the health budget, David Nutt, British neuroscientist, came forward with the idea of alcohol without any alcohol in it (Kubota, 2016). The hangover-free alcohol has been named as “alcosynth” by the creator.

Mr. Nutt has claimed that “alcosynth” is about 100 times safer than actual alcohol. There are two reasons given by Mr. Nutt for this claim; first, “alcosynth” only has milligrams of alcohol (Kubota, 2016). Second, it is almost calorie-free. About 90 compounds go into the making of “alcosynth”, but there is little information available currently about the formulation of hangover-free alcohol. Many reputable scientists are reluctant to comment on “alcosynth”. According to them, it is yet to be seen what happens when a person overdose on the “hangover-free” alcohol (Kubota, 2016).

Q.2 The Prohibition: Watch this video about the prohibition and post your response.

Although humans have been creating slightly intoxicating drinks by fermenting various fruits for over thousands of year, the Americans by 1800 created various drinks that contained higher than normal amounts of alcohol (Prohibition, 2011). Alcohol became an integral part of American culture. History bears evidence that Americans at every instance had consumed alcohol (Prohibition, 2011).

The culture of drinking had been deeply ingrained in American society. The Americans developed a habit of drinking at any given moment. They just had to find an excuse to get themselves drunk. There was no answer from anyone about this romance with alcohol (Prohibition, 2011).

However, this culture made the Americans known as a nation of drunkards. American society became decadent as women and children suffered at the hands of the men. As Americans were always drunk, they were not able to provide their women and children with sufficient food, clothes and deprived them their rights.


Day, E. (2018). Facing addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL Washington, DC, USA: US Department of Health and Human Services, 2016 382 pp. Online (grey literature): https://addiction. Surgeongeneral. Gov/. Drug and alcohol review, 37(2), 283.

Kubota, T. (2016). What Is 'Hangover Free' Synthetic Alcohol, and Is It Safe?. livescience.com. Retrieved 3 September 2019, from https://www.livescience.com/56353-what-is-synthetic-alcohol-and-is-it-safe.html

Prohibition: Home | PBS. (2011). Pbs.org. Retrieved 3 September 2019, from http://www.pbs.org/kenburns/prohibition/

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 3



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Author Note


Delirium is a condition that affects mental abilities which result in condensed awareness and disorganized thinking. There are one or more contributing factors that cause delirium such as chronic illness, surgery, infection, and alcohol withdrawal or drug intoxication. The metabolic imbalances, such as decline in level of sodium in the body can also result in delirium. Dementia is a condition that results in the deterioration of thinking, behaviors, and memory to perform everyday activities. It usually affects older people and is thought to be a part of aging.

Dementia affects memory whereas delirium affects attention. Dementia is caused by the changes in brain and has a gradual onset which is irreversible. The major causes of delirium are drug intoxication or a chronic illness which is usually reversible ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"aj496sik63","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Anjum, 2016)","plainCitation":"(Anjum, 2016)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1144,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/LAXE4DDT"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/LAXE4DDT"],"itemData":{"id":1144,"type":"chapter","title":"The Amnestic Syndrome","container-title":"The Medical Basis of Psychiatry","publisher":"Springer","page":"43-51","author":[{"family":"Anjum","given":"Afshan"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Anjum, 2016). Amnestic disorders are a group of disorders that causes loss of memory and loss of capability to develop new memory. Patients with this disorder usually suffer from difficulty in learning new information ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"aap0fvmcn5","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf (Ekstr\\uc0\\u246{}m et al., 2017)}","plainCitation":"(Ekström et al., 2017)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1145,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/N8KPP62R"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/N8KPP62R"],"itemData":{"id":1145,"type":"article-journal","title":"Dementia and cognitive disorder identified at a forensic psychiatric examination-a study from Sweden","container-title":"BMC geriatrics","page":"219","volume":"17","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Ekström","given":"Anette"},{"family":"Kristiansson","given":"Marianne"},{"family":"Björkstén","given":"Karin Sparring"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Ekström et al., 2017). The causes of amnestic disorders are chemical or structural damage to the brain. It has been observed in patients that this disorder is usually caused by tumors, stroke, and cerebrovascular disease. Most of the symptoms and causes of dementia, delirium, and amnestic disorder are the same. However, these conditions vary in various aspects such as dementia is usually associated with aging whereas delirium and amnestic disorders arise usually initiated after chronic medical conditions such as surgery or other related conditions ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"aap0fvmcn5","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf (Ekstr\\uc0\\u246{}m et al., 2017)}","plainCitation":"(Ekström et al., 2017)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1145,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/N8KPP62R"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/N8KPP62R"],"itemData":{"id":1145,"type":"article-journal","title":"Dementia and cognitive disorder identified at a forensic psychiatric examination-a study from Sweden","container-title":"BMC geriatrics","page":"219","volume":"17","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Ekström","given":"Anette"},{"family":"Kristiansson","given":"Marianne"},{"family":"Björkstén","given":"Karin Sparring"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Ekström et al., 2017). The medical condition of delirium onsets in patients suffering from dementia. A complete medical history and physical examination of the patient helps physicians to diagnose the condition. Dementia and delirium are somewhat related to each other in a way that both conditions cause difficulty in remembering things and information. However, the onset of dementia is linked with aging whereas delirium can be caused at any stage of life.

There are strengths and limitations to a psychological diagnosis and labeling of the patient. Most importantly, labeling requires a complete medical history and physical examination of the patient. Leaving mental health condition untreated will result in damage and harm to other persons living with the patient or in the community. It has been described that several health conditions are necessary to be labeled and treated as the behavior of the patient can cause serious problems for other persons. It has been suggested by the physicians that if certain mental health conditions are not treatable then labeling the patient with certain mental health disorder is important. This is to ensure for the protection of other persons living with that patient in the society. Another con attached with the official diagnosis and labeling is lack of precision in the psychological conditions. Many physicians and nurses have usually observed that they are uncertain about the condition affecting the patient. For example, a label of any mental health disorder applied to the individual whether a depression, phobia or personality disorder may vary in only few symptoms ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a7sieal4q2","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Miller & Boeve, 2016)","plainCitation":"(Miller & Boeve, 2016)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1146,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/C25MEPW2"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/C25MEPW2"],"itemData":{"id":1146,"type":"book","title":"The behavioral neurology of dementia","publisher":"Cambridge University Press","ISBN":"1-107-07720-6","author":[{"family":"Miller","given":"Bruce L."},{"family":"Boeve","given":"Bradley F."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Miller & Boeve, 2016). Another example is that a person with general pains and aches may develop symptoms of depression or phobia that might confuse a physician to label the individual with any mental health disease. Another con of official diagnosis and labeling is that a diagnosis can be false as there is no diagnostic test available to test the certainty of the condition. However, the symptoms and diagnoses are mentioned in the diagnostic and statistical manual. The diagnosis of the physicians might slightly deviate from the symptoms mentioned in the scientific document ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"aap0fvmcn5","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf (Ekstr\\uc0\\u246{}m et al., 2017)}","plainCitation":"(Ekström et al., 2017)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1145,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/N8KPP62R"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/N8KPP62R"],"itemData":{"id":1145,"type":"article-journal","title":"Dementia and cognitive disorder identified at a forensic psychiatric examination-a study from Sweden","container-title":"BMC geriatrics","page":"219","volume":"17","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Ekström","given":"Anette"},{"family":"Kristiansson","given":"Marianne"},{"family":"Björkstén","given":"Karin Sparring"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Ekström et al., 2017). For example, a patient with symptoms of dementia might be suffering from delirium as both the conditions appear with almost similar symptoms but a detailed diagnosis can distinguish the actual condition ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"aodsgq3eji","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf (Ekstr\\uc0\\u246{}m et al., 2017)}","plainCitation":"(Ekström et al., 2017)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1145,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/N8KPP62R"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/N8KPP62R"],"itemData":{"id":1145,"type":"article-journal","title":"Dementia and cognitive disorder identified at a forensic psychiatric examination-a study from Sweden","container-title":"BMC geriatrics","page":"219","volume":"17","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Ekström","given":"Anette"},{"family":"Kristiansson","given":"Marianne"},{"family":"Björkstén","given":"Karin Sparring"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Ekström et al., 2017). Similarly, a person with dementia usually develops symptoms of depression and anxiety but the conditions should not be diagnosed with uncertainity.


BIBLIOGRAPHY ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Anjum, A. (2016). The Amnestic Syndrome. The Medical Basis of Psychiatry (pp. 43–51). Springer.

Ekström, A., Kristiansson, M., & Björkstén, K. S. (2017). Dementia and cognitive disorder identified at a forensic psychiatric examination-a study from Sweden. BMC Geriatrics, 17(1), 219.

Miller, B. L., & Boeve, B. F. (2016). The behavioral neurology of dementia. Cambridge University Press.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Discussion 3-4

Discussion 3-4

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Discussion 3-4

Q.1 Decreased Dopamine in Addicted Brains : Read the "Did You Know" Section on page 113 and after researching this a bit more on your own, post what additionally you learned.

There are numerous neurotransmitters in the brain that serve different purposes. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that is released in the brain when we experience a pleasure (Koob & Volkow, 2016). During proper functioning of the brain, dopamine is stimulated and a positive reward is associated with different activities that give pleasure (Koob & Volkow, 2016). These activities may be having sex, eating a favorite food, drinking your favorite beverage.

Each time, dopamine is stimulated and attached to the activity. Cocaine bears a negative impact on the dopamine system of the brain (Volkow & Morales, 2015). Cocaine impedes the movement of dopamine back into its home cell after being released during pleasure activity (Volkow & Morales, 2015). When the dopamine finds nowhere to go back into its home, it stays outside.

While outside, dopamine interacts with other receptors. During this interaction, dopamine binds with other cells (Volkow & Morales, 2015). This binding generates a perpetual pleasure signal in the brain. That is why cocaine addicts after using drugs feel high (Volkow & Morales, 2015).

Q.2 Cannabis is still listed as a Schedule I Substance. Research why this may be and post your response.

Some 50 years ago, the US government approved the Controlled Substance Act. This act laid down a classification system (Nutt, King & Nichols, 2013). The US government holds the prerogative to prescribe any drug on any one of the schedules devised in the act. There are five schedules in the act (Nutt, King & Nichols, 2013). Many drugs and controlled substances are placed on these schedules.

The schedule I of the Controlled Substance Act is dedicated to the most lethal drugs. Cannabis has been placed on the schedule I. It is interesting to note that certain drugs are considered more dangerous than cannabis is placed on schedule II. Also, the drugs on the schedule I do not have any proven medical use. Contrarily, the medical usage of cannabis has been approved widely (Hasin et.al, 2017).

Additionally, numerous states within the US have granted permission for its medical usage. However, due to its high potential for abuse, the US government seems reluctant to remove it from the schedule I (Hasin et.al, 2017).


Hasin, D. S., Sarvet, A. L., Cerdá, M., Keyes, K. M., Stohl, M., Galea, S., & Wall, M. M. (2017). US adult illicit cannabis use, cannabis use disorder, and medical marijuana laws: 1991-1992 to 2012-2013. Jama Psychiatry, 74(6), 579-588.

Koob, G. F., & Volkow, N. D. (2016). Neurobiology of addiction: a neurocircuitry analysis. The Lancet Psychiatry, 3(8), 760-773.

Nutt, D. J., King, L. A., & Nichols, D. E. (2013). Effects of Schedule I drug laws on neuroscience research and treatment innovation. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 14(8), 577.

Volkow, N., & Morales, M. (2015). The brain on drugs: from reward to addiction. Cell, 162(4), 712-725.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 4

Discussion 4

Author name



High doses of stimulants produce behaviors in abusers that mimic schizophrenia. ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"zN8wQ6CS","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Steeds, Carhart-Harris, & Stone, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Steeds, Carhart-Harris, & Stone, 2015)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":2763,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/DRZTR89I"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/DRZTR89I"],"itemData":{"id":2763,"type":"article-journal","title":"Drug models of schizophrenia","container-title":"Therapeutic advances in psychopharmacology","page":"43-58","volume":"5","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Steeds","given":"Hannah"},{"family":"Carhart-Harris","given":"Robin L."},{"family":"Stone","given":"James M."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Steeds, Carhart-Harris, & Stone, 2015). These people can experience delusions, hallucinations, the paucity of speech or thought and bizarre behavior in addition to disorganized thinking. For example, if the abuser is taking a high dose of cocaine then all these effects are exaggerated. There will be an increase in anxiety, thoughtlessness, apprehension and paranoid psychosis as a result of higher blood levels ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"21XiPjWi","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Julien, Advokat, & Comaty, 2010)","plainCitation":"(Julien, Advokat, & Comaty, 2010)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":2761,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/VM9J6JQB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/VM9J6JQB"],"itemData":{"id":2761,"type":"book","title":"Primer of Drug Action","publisher":"Macmillan","ISBN":"1-4292-3343-5","author":[{"family":"Julien","given":"Robert M."},{"family":"Advokat","given":"Claire D."},{"family":"Comaty","given":"Joseph E."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2010"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Julien, Advokat, & Comaty, 2010). Moreover, he can also have a sensation of bugs crawling around under the skin or can be involved in any aversive activity, for example, cleaning an apartment.

The use of drugs produce changes in people’s brains leading to loss of gray matter. In addition, abnormal neural responses are also generated in cortical areas and people tend to lose their memory. Besides, this also wired the brain and force it to repeat the experience and feel good.


Drug abusers sometimes consumer more than one drug. Some cocaine addicts also abuse alcohol. Cocaine has a very strong effect as it is in powdered form and is absorbed directly into the blood circulation. Moreover, it also increases the amount of dopamine that affects the distinguishing ability of abusers to create a difference between different objects. its small quantities

Alcohol after its absorption is readily disseminated all through the body by crossing the blood-brain barrier, causing normal brain functions to disturb ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"m2wK8sxC","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Julien et al., 2010)","plainCitation":"(Julien et al., 2010)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":2761,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/VM9J6JQB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/VM9J6JQB"],"itemData":{"id":2761,"type":"book","title":"Primer of Drug Action","publisher":"Macmillan","ISBN":"1-4292-3343-5","author":[{"family":"Julien","given":"Robert M."},{"family":"Advokat","given":"Claire D."},{"family":"Comaty","given":"Joseph E."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2010"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Julien et al., 2010). Its effects are additive when used with sedative-hypnotic compounds. In these cases, there is more damage to the motor and cognitive abilities of persons. A person can experience mild discrepancies to alcohol-induced blackouts.

Furthermore, it affects the circulation and the heart by dilating the blood vessels in the skin and decreasing body temperature ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"9sFVzRQk","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Pienaar et al., 2017)","plainCitation":"(Pienaar et al., 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":2762,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/UDBTXIDC"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/UDBTXIDC"],"itemData":{"id":2762,"type":"article-journal","title":"Diffracting addicting binaries: An analysis of personal accounts of alcohol and other drug ‘addiction’","container-title":"Health:","page":"519-537","volume":"21","issue":"5","author":[{"family":"Pienaar","given":"Kiran"},{"family":"Moore","given":"David"},{"family":"Fraser","given":"Suzanne"},{"family":"Kokanovic","given":"Renata"},{"family":"Treloar","given":"Carla"},{"family":"Dilkes-Frayne","given":"Ella"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Pienaar et al., 2017). At low doses, blood pressure increases and heart rate.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Julien, R. M., Advokat, C. D., & Comaty, J. E. (2010). Primer of Drug Action. Macmillan.

Pienaar, K., Moore, D., Fraser, S., Kokanovic, R., Treloar, C., & Dilkes-Frayne, E. (2017). Diffracting addicting binaries: An analysis of personal accounts of alcohol and another drug ‘addiction.' Health: 21(5), 519–537.

Steeds, H., Carhart-Harris, R. L., & Stone, J. M. (2015). Drug models of schizophrenia. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 5(1), 43–58.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 4-5

Discussion 4-5

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Discussion 4-5

Question Number 1

In theory, devised by Gottfredson, he mentioned four stages of Circumscription in which he also described the orientation according to sex roles. The distinction made on the bases of gender according to our society and culture defines the self –image (Sharf, 2016). As a girl I was trained by early age how and where should girls be positioned in society, mostly by parents and the school. I wanted to be an aeronautical engineer, but this was least accepted by the norms and values of my society, so I ended up choosing majors such as social sciences. In this way, I learned the circumscription (restrictions) and compromised based on my gender in this society. Being a career counselor it would be my duty to make the students focus on their innate capabilities regardless of society-defined gender roles, and expand the career building options for them.

Question Number 2

The career maturity depends on the two important factors of knowledge and attitude according to the vignette of stage four Gottfredson’s theory (Sharf, 2016). The attitude further relies on career decidedness, and in the case of Mia, she is uncertain about her career as she has many ideas and no planning in her mind. She wants to be a painter and travel Europe, nurse, computer engineer, and journalist. All these occupations are not possible at the same time. As a career counselor, I will assist her in choosing a career according to her capabilities and competence, not just due to the grieving and confused state of her mind. Firstly, I will do a screening and asses her over the levels of career maturity and decidedness. Also, the decision making capability in Mia will be assessed. Then I will provide her with proper career opting strategies and plans according to her school grades and level of career maturity.

Question Number 3

My life4-career rainbow at the current stage of my life would look like a complete rainbow with extended colors in some stages than the others. The top three current roles currently in my life are of the student, worker, and leisurite (Pant et al., 2017). The least salient life role at this stage of my life is of a parent or spouse. However I expect that to change in the next five years to be engaged to my life partner, and then in the next ten years, I aspire to be a mother of two or three children with a successful life with my husband. This activity is helpful in future practice as I will comnapre4 the rainbow charts with my current to my ideal chart in the next five to ten years.

Question Number 4

One of my cousins was working as a skin-care associate and was on the verge of his career in dermatology, and he got fired from his workplace over a minor mistake of ill-advising a client of a medicine. That was the turning point of his life, and he quit the profession of dermatology over this issue, and now he is a successful chartered accountant as he was best at finance and economics. His career crises turned out to productive for him as described in the Hopson and Adams, and it was an involuntary transition as he was fired from his job. He dealt with his shortcoming and focused on his strengths and then entered what he was best at.

The cruses fit perfectly in the Hopson and Adams seven stages of adult transition, and firstly in the state of shock, my cousin got immobilized totally as he became hand to mouth (Leybourne, 2016). Secondly, he dealt with the stage with resilience and made himself understand that this loss is not more than the loss of someone's well-being just due to his incompetence. He further searches for the meaning and importance of things in his life and what he can do better than being a dermatologist. Lastly, by internalization, he developed good coping with the situation and chose the better option, i.e., CA.


Leybourne, S. A. (2016). Emotionally sustainable change: two frameworks to assist with the transition — International Journal of Strategic Change Management.

Pant, D., Nagpal, S., Joneja, G. K., Brar, R., & Joshi, V. (2017). Unit-11 Career Patterns.

Sharf, R. S. (2016). Applying career development theory to counseling. Nelson Education.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Discussion 5

Applications of Hallucinogens and schizophrenia

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]


Hallucinogens refer to that class of drugs that cause illusions. These drugs are divided into different categories based on the pharmacological mechanism of action as well as chemical structure. These categories are psychedelics, entactogens, and dissociatives ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"GkGANdt6","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Garcia-Romeu, Kersgaard, & Addy, 2016)","plainCitation":"(Garcia-Romeu, Kersgaard, & Addy, 2016)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":18,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CNBGYtRv/items/WWPZMDE5"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CNBGYtRv/items/WWPZMDE5"],"itemData":{"id":18,"type":"article-journal","title":"Clinical applications of hallucinogens: A review.","container-title":"Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology","page":"229","volume":"24","issue":"4","author":[{"family":"Garcia-Romeu","given":"Albert"},{"family":"Kersgaard","given":"Brennan"},{"family":"Addy","given":"Peter H."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Garcia-Romeu, Kersgaard, & Addy, 2016). The use of these drugs cause changes in realization, and changes in somatic and cognitive processes.

Conversely, these drugs can also have therapeutic use. For instance, LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, DMT, and the DMT containing admixture ayahuasca can be used to treat several medical and psychological conditions such as chronic pain, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well as all mood disorders.

Moreover, these can also be used in combination with psychotherapy. Thus, this class has experienced a more serious reassessment in the past period than any other hallucinogens. Current treatment models are not effective for certain diseases such as addiction and posttraumatic stress disorder. Then, these drugs can be effectively used to treat the illness.


Schizophrenia being the psychiatric syndrome affects overall brain functions. This affects numerous aspects of brain functioning such as human cognitive, emotional, as well as behavioral functioning. The theory of schizophrenia explains the disturbance that occurs in the delivery of energy and oxygen to the brain ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"4R96m07t","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Steeds, Carhart-Harris, & Stone, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Steeds, Carhart-Harris, & Stone, 2015)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":20,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CNBGYtRv/items/YMER8GXN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CNBGYtRv/items/YMER8GXN"],"itemData":{"id":20,"type":"article-journal","title":"Drug models of schizophrenia","container-title":"Therapeutic advances in psychopharmacology","page":"43-58","volume":"5","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Steeds","given":"Hannah"},{"family":"Carhart-Harris","given":"Robin L."},{"family":"Stone","given":"James M."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Steeds, Carhart-Harris, & Stone, 2015). This then causes delays in different processes affecting human decision making.

Moreover, there are abnormalities of CNS metabolism due to genetically modulated inflammatory reactions that cause harm to the microvascular system of the brain. This harm can be the result of any infection and physical trauma. Once there is a negative effect on the microvascular system of the brain, human performance affects.

In addition, hallucinogens such as drugs PCP and ketamine cause acerbate psychosis in a schizophrenic patient ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"0j0yyMD9","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Murray, 2002)","plainCitation":"(Murray, 2002)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":19,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CNBGYtRv/items/AW6EV5GL"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CNBGYtRv/items/AW6EV5GL"],"itemData":{"id":19,"type":"article-journal","title":"Phencyclidine (PCP): a dangerous drug, but useful in schizophrenia research","container-title":"The Journal of psychology","page":"319-327","volume":"136","issue":"3","author":[{"family":"Murray","given":"John B."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2002"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Murray, 2002). Ketamine is specifically responsible for negative symptoms such as catatonia and body perception disturbances ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"BjOPq7iF","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Garcia-Romeu et al., 2016)","plainCitation":"(Garcia-Romeu et al., 2016)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":18,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CNBGYtRv/items/WWPZMDE5"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CNBGYtRv/items/WWPZMDE5"],"itemData":{"id":18,"type":"article-journal","title":"Clinical applications of hallucinogens: A review.","container-title":"Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology","page":"229","volume":"24","issue":"4","author":[{"family":"Garcia-Romeu","given":"Albert"},{"family":"Kersgaard","given":"Brennan"},{"family":"Addy","given":"Peter H."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Garcia-Romeu et al., 2016). Similarly, PCP also hurts humans and they may show symptoms that are an imitator of those of schizophrenia.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Garcia-Romeu, A., Kersgaard, B., & Addy, P. H. (2016). Clinical applications of hallucinogens: A review. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 24(4), 229.

Murray, J. B. (2002). Phencyclidine (PCP): A dangerous drug, but useful in schizophrenia research. The Journal of Psychology, 136(3), 319–327.

Steeds, H., Carhart-Harris, R. L., & Stone, J. M. (2015). Drug models of schizophrenia. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 5(1), 43–58.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 5

Title page

Discussion 5

Nigel Marsh’s Ted Talk, “How to make work-life balance” addresses the thorny issues that undermines one’s participation at home. It is important for the people to give proper time to family, irrespective of their hard work nature. Certain jobs and career choices are fundamentally incompatible. The most important way of resolving any issue is by accepting the reality of the situation we are in. People spend long hours on jobs they don’t like just to impress others. Another observation highlighted in the video is the fact that governments and corporations are not going to solve the problems for the people so they need to face the truth. The only solution for overcoming thorny issues is to take control and responsibility of our lives that we want to live. If an individual fail to design his or her life, someone else will design it and it may not be liked by the person CITATION Nig11 \l 1033 (Marsh, 2011). It is important to perform self-analysis for determining what exactly a person needs.

The most important thing that a person must realize is the quality of life. It is up to the individual to decide how they can maintain work-life balance. The commercial companies are focused on getting as much out of a person as they could. This deteriorates the idea of creating balance. However, the power is with the individual because they can decide if they want to design a best life for them or simply follow the instructions of the company and continue to work harder CITATION Deb16 \l 1033 (Harley-McClaskey, 2016). A person has a right to spend quality life by participating in entertaining activities and going on vacations. Without maintaining a balance, it is not possible to attain the ideal state of quality life. This require giving time to activities other than work as well.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Harley-McClaskey, D. (2016). Developing Human Service Leaders . SAGE Publications, Inc.

Marsh, N. (2011). Howt to make work life balance. Retrieved 11 05, 2019, from https://www.ted.com/talks/nigel_marsh_how_to_make_work_life_balance_work?language=en#t-86197

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 6

Discussion post

This is not just interesting but informative exercise. It allowed me to think about my self . I never think about my future and time planning in depth. My first preference is my education. I have planned next five years to complete my education because I believe if you start doing some thing else like some job then your education disturbs . So I want to complete it before I pursue any career. After completing my education I would like to pursue my career that take me to achieve my leadership position and I would like to practice in next 10 years. It will not only help me to pursue my career goals but also polish my strength and my skills. It will give me professional success and through my leadership I can put impact on my local community. “Leaders are people who we trust for guidance, direction ,feedback, coaching ,strategy and encouragement”( Harley,2015).

Meanwhile I would like to marry in next 10 years and obviously would love to travel the world with my life partner as much as I can and for rest of my life. After 15 years I would be able to have good money and I will be economically stable. Young age and good life cannot go long if we do not care after 15 years, I need to be very careful about my health and I have to change my daily routine. My last proposed goal is to serve humanity because after 20 years I will be able to do good for humanity because that that time I will be economically strong, I had family and I will be successful in my career.so I would list things like ;


Friends and close ties

Professional success

Economic stability

Marriage/ loving life partner


Creating something new

Strengthening the human conditions

Strong faith

Act with Moral encompass

After doing this exercise I have found that what is most important to me and how I would like to spend my life and how I want to plan it according to time management.


Harley-McClaskey, D. (2015). Developing human service leaders. Sage Publications.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 7

Discussion 7

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Discussion 7

How do we know that a person knows something about a particular subject? Or how can we determine the level of individual skill in a certain area? This is one of the most important things that is answered by the help of the achievement tests. An achievement test is a test that is designed in order to determine the level of skill, knowledge, or accomplishment that a person possesses in a specific domain. Most of the achievement tests we know are related to the standard exams that are given by every student in the school. Students are expected to demonstrate regularly their proficiency and learning in various subjects.

The achievement tests are categorized generally as tests of single subjects, survey batteries, or test of diagnostics and further subdivided into the group or individual based testing. The most common type of achievement test in educational settings are classified as:

a-Group Administered

b-Modality Specific tests of Achievement

c-Individually Administered

The advantage of the achievement test is that it authorities the individual performance comparison among various skill areas of particular deficits and strength. Many of the instruments as stated above provides the profile as well as the cumulative scores which allows the comparison in a go of different test performances. The monitoring of student performance that is done continuously provides the means that assesses the student progress as well as the link to the strategic instructional and learning objectives with identified skills deficits and learning need of the student.

As we know that the achievement tests are most extensively used in a diverse settings. Of the entire test discussed in the Handbook of Psychological assessment chapter 7, the two of the most widely used tests for the non-majority samples of U.S. population is the California Achievement tests and the Wide Range Achievement tests. In the ethnic minorities, the Asian students are good performer than other ethnic minorities. Asian families explain this by saying that it is due to the difference in motivation. In contrast to this, the American mothers think of the better performance of their kids is related to their children natural aptitude. Terman (1916) helped in the development of the most widely used Stanford Achievement Test that excludes the effect of the minority groups.


Drummond, R. J., & Jones, K. D. (2006). Assessment procedures for counselors and helping professionals. Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.

Katz, L. J., & Slomka, G. T. (2000). Achievement testing. Handbook of psychological assessment, 149-182.

Roth, P. L., Bevier, C. A., Bobko, P., SWITZER III, F. S., & Tyler, P. (2001). Ethnic group differences in cognitive ability in employment and educational settings: A meta‐analysis. Personnel Psychology, 54(2), 297-330.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 9

Discussion 9

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Discussion 9

Personality testing is a very important and vital tool in assessing and evaluating various aspects of the personality of an individual. The personality of a person refers to the combination of a number of characteristics, whether positive or negative, which contribute in shaping up the overall nature and the attitude of an individual (Murphy, & Davidshofer, 1988). The personality of a persona also predicts the behavior of a person in certain situations which is why, it garners great importance in the area of psychology. The various aspects or characteristics of the personality are assessed through the techniques of personality assessment or personality testing.

Personality testing garners great importanct not only in the field of psychology but also in the areas of sociology, criminology and even human resource management. A number of tools and techniques have been developed to evaluate the personality of an individual. Although, no test or tool can provide the exact answer or analysis of the overall personality of an individual, these tests try to predict the traits of anyone’s personality to the nearest accurate level, so that further analysis can be done in the light of the results of these tests.

On a personal level, when I think of my own career goals, I consider these tests and personality evaluation tools to be of great importance. I have always dreamed of becoming a leader or at least work at a leadership position in any good organization or platform. Personality tests can help me asses the multiple traits of my personality, and help me detect that do I have those qualities in me that are required for a leadership role. My career goals require me to have strong insight and leadership qualities in order to be an inspirational leader. The personality test will let me analyze and analyze both these front and help develop those traits so that I can achieve my career goals (Praskova, Hood, & Creed, 2014).


Murphy, K. R., & Davidshofer, C. O. (1988). Psychological testing. Principles, and Applications, Englewood Cliffs.

Praskova, A., Hood, M., & Creed, P. A. (2014). Testing a calling model of psychological career success in Australian young adults: A longitudinal study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(1), 125-135.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion Board

Discussion post 1

I disagree with Adam’s quote because he consider psychology as a sinful rather than a behavioral science. “There is the risk that we undervalue the reality that some psychology is scientific” (i.e. empirically founded)( Johnson & Jones, 2000, p.238). Adam again stated that “Scriptures are suitable as the textbook for life, and for varying our living to follow with God’s rations(Adam,210,p.31).

In general, the psychology of religion can hardly be attributed to the field of Christian psychology, if only because, as a science and practice, it does not imply the faith of the psychologist himself and can be practiced by people external to Christianity and the Church. Therefore, referring to it, we turn to, in fact, Christian approaches. In light of the foregoing, I would also like to draw attention to the fact that psychology in the church, introduced initially as a kind of service, actually has qualitative differences from most other services. It has already been said about the particular burden of the concept of Christian psychology. And the certain wariness existing in the Church, apparently, is not without foundation. Perhaps in everyday practice the awareness of the fact that faith and psychology “live” at incomparably distant value levels is imperceptibly lost.

I believe “The integrated Model” is better than other models because in this model nothing argued bad or sin but declared that both are different disciplines and ‘All truth is God’s truth” . According to Entwistle, “Knowledge of human functioning …………………..different methodologies”(Entwistle,2015.p.135).

Initially, the subordinate nature of psychological knowledge somehow fades into the background, it is possible that this is an alarming symptom of cooling the faith. In real life, spiritual growth is increasingly declared as the goal of church psychological practice. It is overlooked that he, like happiness (remember J. St. Mill and V. Frankl), refers to the concepts of “indirect access”: one and the other cannot be done directly, they can only be achieved as a “side effect” of implementation their life tasks, interacting with others and overcoming personal crises.


Adams, J. E. (2010). How to help people change: The four-step Biblical process. Zondervan.

Entwistle, D. N. (2015). Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity: An introduction

to worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and models of integration. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Johnson, E. L., & Jones, S. L. (2000). Psychology & Christianity: Four views. Intervarsity Press.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion Board

Your Name

Instructor Name

Course Number


Title: Discussion Responses

Response 1

Sexual identity is sometimes used as sexual orientation though it refers to whether one feels like a male or a female while the former is used to define an inherently emotional and romantic attraction to the other people. There are some factors that one can’t change about their identity; sex is one of them. The way individuals perceive themselves in terms of self as female or male is termed as sexual identity. Developing an understanding of one's sex is an important part of their development. Learning more about oneself and their sexual identity helps them understand themselves and the world around them. Biology is the most important factor that determines sexual orientation. Several biological factors such as prenatal hormones, genes and brain structure are related to sexual orientation. No one factor can be attributed to the determination of the sexual identity of a person. It is considered as a significant part of an individual’s identity.

Different studies consider that sexual identity is not determined by biological factors but environmental factors and it is a nurtured behavior. Individuals also change their identities to portray a different image than what they are by learning new skills and changing jobs, etc. understanding how people perceive themselves and consider their sexual identity is important for all medical specialists and trainers. It is commonly understood that people identified as intersex or LGBTIQ need crucial care when it comes to pain management, rehabilitation, and mental health, etc. They need more attended follow-ups resulting from their complex and entwined needs. Studies reveal that these people experience many challenges such as explicit and implicit discrimination, uneasiness and lack of knowledge pertaining to their specific needs ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"0LC3dQSI","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Ross and Setchell)","plainCitation":"(Ross and Setchell)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1505,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/RYTH85AS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/RYTH85AS"],"itemData":{"id":1505,"type":"article-journal","title":"People who identify as LGBTIQ+ can experience assumptions, discomfort, some discrimination, and a lack of knowledge while attending physiotherapy: a survey","container-title":"Journal of physiotherapy","page":"99-105","volume":"65","issue":"2","author":[{"family":"Ross","given":"Megan H."},{"family":"Setchell","given":"Jenny"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2019"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Ross and Setchell). As a physical therapist, I may encounter such patients and I look forward to ways of improving their well-being.

Response 2

Man's life can be divided into different seasons such as pre-adulthood, early adulthood, middle adulthood, late adulthood, and late adulthood. The middle adulthood period ranges from the age 40 to 60 and it is regarded as the time of emotional and social development ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"WRfZn4qN","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Resource: Seasons of Life})","plainCitation":"(Resource: Seasons of Life)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1506,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/PSSWCE9D"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/PSSWCE9D"],"itemData":{"id":1506,"type":"webpage","title":"Resource: Seasons of Life","URL":"http://www.learner.org/resources/series54.html","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,16]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Resource: Seasons of Life). It is also considered a period of change and reflection. The ideal mix of work and leisure in this time is imperative if one wants to create a legacy for the next generation. It is also considered as the golden age of adulthood characterized by emotional maturity, physical health, gratifying family and relationships, competence and power in work life, etc.

Studies also reveal that participation in social leisure activities and activities which entail cognitive efforts results in high cognitive abilities. If I were in my middle adulthood, I would spend my time in activities that have an impact on the cognitive function such as using modern technology, visiting clubs, listening to games, volunteering at the workplace and sharing valuable experiences with others. In addition, I would be involved in social indoor games, taking part in social work, and learning modern technical skills. Moreover, I will be more concerned about acquiring knowledge with regard to emerging technologies and techniques to be applicable in the workplace. I would also be concerned about making health a priority, spending time with children and the relationships I have nurtured.

Focusing on health involves avoiding smoking, drinking and adopting a healthier approach. Leisure activities that can make a positive contribution to health would have been my first choice. As a physical therapist, I understand that an active lifestyle in middle adulthood is linked with high cognitive abilities in older adulthood ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Z7vcXUVJ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Ihle et al.)","plainCitation":"(Ihle et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1508,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/FECWIVU6"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/FECWIVU6"],"itemData":{"id":1508,"type":"article-journal","title":"The association of leisure activities in middle adulthood with cognitive performance in old age: The moderating role of educational level","container-title":"Gerontology","page":"543-550","volume":"61","issue":"6","author":[{"family":"Ihle","given":"Andreas"},{"family":"Oris","given":"Michel"},{"family":"Fagot","given":"Delphine"},{"family":"Baeriswyl","given":"Marie"},{"family":"Guichard","given":"Eduardo"},{"family":"Kliegel","given":"Matthias"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Ihle et al.). Taking help from a physical therapist for health promotion for healthier older adulthood is also beneficial.

Response 3

Ego integrity vs despair is the last stage of Erik Erickson's stages of psychosocial development. This stage starts at the age of 65 and continues until death. Generally at this stage of life, one has accepted the inevitability of death and waits for it calmly ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"cv4NBpap","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Erik Erikson | Psychosocial Stages | Simply Psychology})","plainCitation":"(Erik Erikson | Psychosocial Stages | Simply Psychology)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1509,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/5DMFPRKW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/5DMFPRKW"],"itemData":{"id":1509,"type":"webpage","title":"Erik Erikson | Psychosocial Stages | Simply Psychology","URL":"https://www.simplypsychology.org/Erik-Erikson.html#ego","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,16]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Erik Erikson | Psychosocial Stages | Simply Psychology). This is the time when one contemplates their achievements in life and tries to reflect on whether the life they have lived can be regarded as successful or not. If one feels their life is unsuccessful and their goals have not been met, they feel a high level of dissatisfaction and experience despair. This state of mind is generally very hopeless. The virtue of wisdom is the success of this stage.

If I had been at this stage of life, I would have been curious to know about the ways I have impacted my close relations. In this time of life, I believe everyone wants to know about their legacy, if they have created positive impacts on any one's life, especially their closed relations. I would have wanted to study what my close relationships think of me and if they consider me a person who has played a constructive role in their lives. I would also have wanted to know if I have fulfilled the expectations of my close relationships. Since life at this stage is characterized by both despair and integrity, both the states have to be managed. My career as a physical therapist also reveals that most of the people who have made efforts throughout life want to know if it was worth it or not. But I would only like to know if I am leaving a legacy behind and if my efforts will have a reward afterwards.

Response 4

My current attitude about death is that it is something inevitable. It may or may not be a definite end, yet it is very peaceful to imagine that there is a place for eternal rest. The notion that nothing is permanent is something I love. There will not be pain, no struggle to achieve something but just an idea that one chapter is over. Sometimes I do not understand why the greater number of humanity is fearful of such comforting closure. Whatever I have studied so far about death, the process of dying and bereavement, I consider it is an important event that has to occur ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"9ovzGFbf","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}DEATH AND BEREAVEMENT - Counselling for Maternal and Newborn Health Care - NCBI Bookshelf})","plainCitation":"(DEATH AND BEREAVEMENT - Counselling for Maternal and Newborn Health Care - NCBI Bookshelf)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1511,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/SIXDSC34"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/SIXDSC34"],"itemData":{"id":1511,"type":"webpage","title":"DEATH AND BEREAVEMENT - Counselling for Maternal and Newborn Health Care - NCBI Bookshelf","URL":"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK304197/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,16]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (DEATH AND BEREAVEMENT - Counselling for Maternal and Newborn Health Care - NCBI Bookshelf). If this process stops, there will be no life cycle. Everything revolves around birth and death. In my opinion, people who fear death are those who do not live life up to their expectations. That is why the idea of having no time to make effort seems darker to them. People who are successful and have several accomplishments to look at in the last stage of their life, referred to as Ego integrity vs despair in psychology by Erik Erickson, die peacefully. A life of gratitude and compassion makes the process of dying easier and one is able to accept death calmly.

In my career as a physical therapist, I have dealt with people who seek physical therapy at the age of 60 or 65 to enhance their physical strength and to attain satisfaction stemmed from the efforts of staying healthy in the later stages. Earlier, I too was afraid of the idea of demise, but learning about death as an inevitable event and dealing the people in their last stages has made the idea of dying comfortable to me.

Works Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY DEATH AND BEREAVEMENT - Counselling for Maternal and Newborn Health Care - NCBI Bookshelf. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK304197/. Accessed 16 Nov. 2019.

Erik Erikson | Psychosocial Stages | Simply Psychology. https://www.simplypsychology.org/Erik-Erikson.html#ego. Accessed 16 Nov. 2019.

Ihle, Andreas, et al. “The Association of Leisure Activities in Middle Adulthood with Cognitive Performance in Old Age: The Moderating Role of Educational Level.” Gerontology, vol. 61, no. 6, 2015, pp. 543–50.

Resource: Seasons of Life. http://www.learner.org/resources/series54.html. Accessed 16 Nov. 2019.

Ross, Megan H., and Jenny Setchell. “People Who Identify as LGBTIQ+ Can Experience Assumptions, Discomfort, Some Discrimination, and a Lack of Knowledge While Attending Physiotherapy: A Survey.” Journal of Physiotherapy, vol. 65, no. 2, 2019, pp. 99–105.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Discussion Board

Discussion board

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Discussion board

DB 1- Understanding Life Span Human Development

Human development follows a life span in which an individual learns and acquires different things, both physically and psychologically. The life span of human development indicates the change in the life of an individual due to cohort effect, culture, and other socio-economic conditions. The change can be physical or psychological, but both bring change in the behavior and lifestyle of the individual. The main purpose of discussion on this topic is to understand the importance of biological predispositions as a factor of human development.

There are various domains of development which bring changes in human life. The major domains include cohort, socio-emotional, cognitive, language, and physical. Domain indicates the different aspect of change and growth. For instance, after birth baby shows prominent physical changes. He changes in strength, size, and acquires skills. Cognitive domains indicate the intellectual development, which helps in acquiring the ability of thinking, decision making, understanding of the environment, and pay attention. Baby adopt language, religion, and norms of the society where he born. Before reaching to the cognitive development, he unconsciously adopts different socio-emotional changes without any issue or question. Therefore, culture and environment are the crucial elements in the life span of human development. Cohort and socio-emotional development mainly depend on the people living in the surroundings. Parent, relative, and peer play an important role in psychological development. More than one domain may work at the same time, but most often one of the domain acts more prominently during different phases of life because development is a multifaceted process.

Hence, change in one domain can bring change in others. For instance, when a child starts to go to school, the cohort effect increases and peer pressure change the psychological behavior of the child. It is important to have a positive impact of cohort effect to make child positive and better person. My career goal is to become a physical therapy program. This goal is the result of the effect of my parents, culture, cognitive, and cohort effect from childhood to the stage where I had to choose the future profession.

DB 2- Health and Intelligence

Gender role is an important aspect of any society. Society contains numbers of stereotypes which shape the behavior pattern of the gender. Gender roles are mainly influenced by factors including culture, environment, family life, and cognitive development. In pursuing healthy development societal expectations influence the cognitive development for gender.

Stereotypes like men are strong and women take care of family somehow influence the mentality of the children. At this point, parents play the main role because thoughts, behavior and psychological thinking of the parents affect the thinking of the children. For instance, my parents used to say in my childhood that my baby will become a doctor one day. This statement influences me so much that over time, this thinking or wish of my parents become my wish and goal. Moreover, there are many occasions when negative societal expectations influence the creativity and intelligence of children. For instance, in my childhood, I saw parents of my friend, forcing him to drop his name from dance competition as he had to wear frock for performance. In our society, dresses also indicate the strength of gender. Boys cannot wear a pink shirt or frocks. Therefore, my friend left the performance due to parental pressure. There are many other stereotypes developed in the culture like women cannot do a night job and men do not cry. Men are tough and should join fields like the doctor, engineer, economist but they cannot select field like fine art, fashion designing because these are for female. These types of influence can bring both positive as well as negative impact in different domains. In cognitive development, the child learns these stereotypes and start accepting it due to the great influence of family, society, and media.

Therefore, it can be concluded that during cognitive development, societal expectations affect creativity and intelligence. It develops the behavior pattern of male and female differently rather than the same.

DB 4- Gender Roles and Sexuality

Babies born without the ability to thinking and making the decision. During the first year of development, they face the domain of cognitive development, which enables them to pay attention, make the decision, and reflex to different activities. However, sex difference is not the thought of any child, it becomes indifferent with time due to the influence of family and environment.

Moving from childhood to adulthood various physical and psychological changes happens in human that determine the gender-typed behaviors. These changes happen due to the chromosomal and hormonal differences in male and female. Research indicates that the male brain is larger than the female brain but there is an area of the brain appears as not to be differentiated based on sexuality. In childhood, an individual is unable to experience the feelings of sexual attraction but after becoming adult they start differentiating in sexuality. Sex and brain start influencing human development during early adulthood and changes the behavior of the child. Some child becomes aggressive while some become sensitive and less confident. For instance, when I entered into adulthood, I start feeling uncomfortable with the opposite sex and become a little aggressive. However, over time aggression disappeared and I learned how to communicate with sex and the opposite sex. Therefore, during the life span different domain like cognitive, temperament, the language keeps on changing the physical and psychological behavior of the individual. Cognitive domain helps in learning how to differentiate sexes and socio-emotional domain changes the perception of the individual regarding sexuality. Here parenting play a crucial role. For instance, in movie “babies,” a child who was closer to mother learned different things earlier than other siblings. He starts walking earlier and adopted language because his mother used to speak and sing a lot in front of him.

Therefore, It can be concluded that cognitive development is highly influenced by the culture and society which and results in physiological differences and behavioral differences between sexes.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Discussion Board

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Instructor Name

Course Number


Title: Discussion Board

Response: Part one

Individuals demand a life without pain, but when they become sick, to relieve pain, people they start medication. While, doctors prescribe medication to patients; in some cases, these prescriptions are appropriate, but these are not always appropriate. However, medicine is not always a solution to relieve pain, and there are physical therapies, which can help for the safe management of pain and stress. Physical pain is managed by educating the patients and increasing the physical activities of patients. The physical therapies help people to rehabilitate and these practices can also help to save individuals from fatal diseases and helps to avoid medicines which can result in addiction.

Chronic diseases can be avoided by regular physical activities, while chronic diseases include diabetes, heart attacks, depression, and anxiety. Patients are suggested to follow the physical therapies to avoid chronic diseases, and they get a therapy plan by the nurses or physical therapists. A positive aspect of the physical therapy practice is that these therapies help in relieving pain, whether it is physical pain, or it is depression. Physical therapies encourage the exercises and discourage the use of medicines while they give number of solutions to treat the medical risks.

Response: Part two

Requirements and scope of nurses

The main requirement for nurses is to understand the medical history of patients seeking physical therapies and they have to develop a better understanding with the people and physical therapists. According to a study, it was found that, the patients who received education sessions got less treatment while those who did not receive the educational session were more likely to receive the medical treatments. While, the scope of nurses is to teach people to rehabilitate, coordinate, and support by teaching them exercises, and provide training sessions. The exercises, which a nurse teaches to people includes, giving massages to people, walk with the canes, and the nurses also have to teach the use of physical supporting agents like ultrasounds and electrical stimulators. Nurses can also have a check on and measure in the progress of people who are guided and provided with the physical therapies.

How can Nurses can Collaborate with PTs?

Nurses can collaborate with the physical therapists by following the guidelines and instructions given by the PTs and nurses interact with the PTs during the group discussions and sessions. A clear message and prescription by the PTs can help nurses to understand the instructions, and exercises for the people, and they guide nurses by making them their team members. Nurses by focusing on their skill development and by creating linkages with the other team members and their team leaders. They can develop a positive relationship with the other members so that, they will treat people together during their physical therapies. However, the for nurses it is important to collaborate in the basis of communicational skills. Communication skills play a vital role in healthcare and medication because any misinterpretation can lead to unexpected results. To avoid such results and consequences, a better, and improved communication skills can be used in healthcare. During the physical therapy sessions, nurses are taught to provide quality services to people. Nurses collaborate by performing their tasks in a team and they can do group work, providing care to the patients, while good communication is important to provide care and instructions. However, group work can be helpful in better understanding of the cases and their solutions. Every organization has resources, which can be used to ensure quality services to people. Nurses can also collaborate by using the resources available in their organization, and according to their technical skills, which will be productive for their work experience because they would be performing practically, and they will learn to use various resources.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[["http://zotero.org/users/local/F0XOCTdk/items/7ARDX8B4"],["http://zotero.org/users/local/F0XOCTdk/items/EE5PYXP3"]],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Avoid Chronic Disease With Regular Physical Activity - ChoosePT.Com. https://www.choosept.com/Resources/Detail/avoid-chronic-disease-with-regular-physical-activi. Accessed 4 Nov. 2019.

Choose Physical Therapy Over Opioids for Pain Management - #ChoosePT - ChoosePT.Com. https://www.choosept.com/choose-physical-therapy-over-opioids-for-pain-management-choosept. Accessed 4 Nov. 2019.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion Board

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Discussion Board


With time, the gender identity of a person is developed by a differentiation process comprising of social and biological factors. From a biological perspective, up until the second month of pregnancy, there is no difference between a male and a female fetus (unborn human). As time passes, sexual developments start to occur resulting in variation in gender. In this process, fetal gonads (reproductive system) start to grow. From a social point of view, gender identity is often affected by the way gender is viewed by family and the media.

According to Money and Ehrhardt, both nature and nurture have an important role to play in the development of gender identity. According to John Money, once a child is born, social labeling coupled with differential treatment of boy and girl determines the growth of gender identity.

During pregnancy, the womb is exposed to certain hormones controlled by the chromosomes or the sex of the child. After pregnancy, parents and family members label a child based on his/her genitals. As a result of this social labeling, a boy or a girl creates a sense a personal gender identity.

However, the theory of neutrality suggests that sense of gender is not created until the first three years of a child's life. Going by the statement, it would be possible to change the gender identity of a boy into a girl.

According to me, the gender of the child is determined at birth using biological factors. However, the sociological factors to which a child is exposed may have a hand in shaping their gender identity. The most important people around a child play a significant role in developing a child’s sense of gender identity.


Sthefany has shown a deep understanding of the development of gender identity. According to Sthefany, genetics have a role to play in creating gender identity. Since males have androgen and females have estrogen, they tend to be diverging and choose a car and doll respectively. In the end, Sthefany says that each child is different and special and must be viewed as they are, not how society thinks of them.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion Board


Professor name



Discussion board

Which language development theory does this video emphasize? How can you tell?

The video has focused on communication theory and presents it as one of an effective methods for helping children. It states that children have a desire for communicating and they imitate words and even sounds. Children learning starts from verbal language.

To support your answer, provide an example of one of the experiments conducted.

When a same word is spoken in front of the child he will ultimately try to speak it. After several attempts he would succeed in pronouncing the word. This is a common experiment used for determining the effectiveness of communication theory.

Explain how this fits into the learning theory process you identified.

I think children can learn and imitate everything. They not only learn to speak the words but also develop personalities that are reflection of their parents. Child of an angry father often becomes angry. It also suggests that environment and people play significant role in learning process.

What is your position on language acquisition? Based on your position, would you advocate that parents read to their children even before they start to talk?

I am analyzing situation from a therapist’s perspective who can provide guidance to the parents for improving the learning of their children by adopting right methods. Based on my position I would advocate the parents to provide a positive and friendly learning environment to their kid. I would suggest them to engage the child in talking because it builds a positive learning attitude CITATION LAM01 \l 1033 (Mooney and Edwards).


I agree with the post because it gives a good answer for the question. I agree that children learn from communications and they are highly responsive to the sounds, words and language. The post rightly points out how a particular environment promotes specific learning. I agree that family settings and learning environment is created by parents that improves of undermines learning capability of children. I also agree that it is important for the parents to realize that child will learn what they hear in their interaction with the parents.

Work Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Mooney, L A and B Edwards. "Experiential learning in sociology: Service learning and other community-based learning initiatives." Teaching Sociology 29.2 (2001): 181-194.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion Board 3, Psychology

Case Study

Name (First M_Last)

Institution Name

The environment is a central component that affects the learning process of a person. In the learning model, the environment in which the student learns is the most significant component. Many internet sites and books state that it is significant to attend to several structures of the environment, for instance, no television or music, a quiet room, allowing students to have control over studies, high-level social support, preferring study times to students and ensuring that they get sufficient exercise and sleep. Educational institutions are not only involved in the learning environment of the students, but home is also an essential part which plays a role in taking care of many features like these. Such features are responsible for affecting the learning process of students significantly (Hattie & Donoghue, 2016).

Undoubtedly, negative emotions like those that are prompted by anxiety, stress, fear and depression can negatively and directly affect memory and learning. These kind of negative emotions are responsible for blocking the learning of the students. If the student faces sources of pressure, stress and anxiety in educational perspective that goes beyond positive challenge threshold, for instance, bullying students, aggressive teachers, or ambiguous materials of learning whether computers or book, it leads to fear and cognitive function is affected negatively (Hattie & Donoghue, 2016).

Learning environment and emotions of the students have a direct relation. The environment of the student is responsible for the learning of an individual if it is negative, students will reflect back all the negativity in their learning process, but if it is positive and motivated, students will give opposite results. The main point is that learning can lead to the enhancement of the skills, motivations, dispositions and excitements which can be invested again in learning, and it can lead to higher standards that are set by students for success criteria of their studies (Hattie & Donoghue, 2016).

Reference ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Hattie, J. A. C., & Donoghue, G. M. (2016). Learning strategies: a synthesis and conceptual model. Npj Science of Learning, 1, 16013. https://doi.org/10.1038/npjscilearn.2016.13

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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