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Freudian analysts study the influence of unconscious mind on behavior. They would solve Emma’s problem by giving her neutral and nonthreatening stimuli, and ask her to interpret ambiguous pictures. It will help her regain her lost confidence. Since a single mother raised Emma, she owes her a lot. Therefore, assessing her childhood memories is a must. Emma will be encouraged to express her emotions so she can overcome them.

Adlerian lifestyle works on the principle of holistic approach. From the perspective of Adlerian lifestyle assessment, Emma will be considered an introvert who must be taught to increase number of people in her life slowly. Currently, she does not hang out with her friends and prefers to stay at home watching TV.

Emma continuously fails to control her emotions. For this reason, she remains highly excited and delightful about joining the classes at the time of admission but fails to leave the house to take them ever. She has anxiety issues. Therefore, she finds it really difficult to step out of her comfort zone. For the same reason, she fails to switch her job as well.

The REBT therapist understands that people are born with rational or irrational thinking behaviors. Therefore, people, right from the moment of their birth, have predisposition for growth actualization, happiness, and self-preservation. Moreover, a REBT therapist also believes that Emma was born constructivist, and thus, has an immense potential for growth. Hence, the therapist will modify the statement to, I know I should go back to school, and I can.”

Emma must work on the principles of Acceptance and commitment theory because she fails to admit her potential and capacity to do work. Therefore, she needs to commit to action to embrace her inner self with all of its beauty instead of focusing on what is out of her control. In this regard, she must adopt mindfulness techniques such as keep reminding her about the potential and capacity of work she has. Then she must commit to action, and work on changing her life.

Emma cooks at home for her mother, and takes it as an action to give her back for all of her efforts and hard works.

John Watson believed that human behaviors are learned. Therefore, the behavioral plan for Emma must be comprised of behavior learning and modification techniques. She remains afraid of stepping out of her comfort zone. Hence, she never joins classes or switches her job. Thus, a behavioral plan must comprise of identifying the behavior, setting up a reward system to reinforce learning, and start learning new behavior step by step.

Emma remains interested in better paying jobs, yet she believes that she will not be a proper fit for such jobs. She made such a statement to her sister when she offered her a job at her workplace. Therefore, CBT must be employed in an attempt to modify her under-confident statements about her work potential and inner capacity.

From the existential standpoint, Emma has started cooking for her mother, who is a single workingwoman. Emma believes that her mother’s condition happened because of her. She has done several jobs to take care of Emma and her older sister. That's why she wants to pay back to her mother in the form of cooked meals everyday.

The primary goal of an ACT therapist is to help people realize their true potential and develop the understanding about what is important and meaningful to them. In this regard, several mindfulness skills are taught to the clients. Keeping this approach in mind, an ACT therapist will help Emma develop an acceptance of undesirable feelings and thoughts with the help of mindfulness techniques.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Correlation Of Psychological Theories Of Child Normal Development And It's Impact On Personality And Child Normal Development

Correlation of Psychological Theories of Child Normal Development and its Impact on Personality and Child Normal Development



Author Note

Correlation of Psychological Theories of Child Normal Development and its Impact on Personality and Child Normal Development


Child psychology is one of the most significant branches of psychology, since it focuses on child behavior from prenatal development, all the way into adolescents. Earlier, they were seem as a much smaller version of adults. However, it was Jean Piaget that suggested that children’s mind work differently as compared to an adult. Thus, they think differently and consequently are more capable of handle certain psychology aspects of life when compared to most adults ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"MhAqdkV0","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Soto & Tackett, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Soto & Tackett, 2015)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":380,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/54C6TBIW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/54C6TBIW"],"itemData":{"id":380,"type":"article-journal","title":"Personality traits in childhood and adolescence: Structure, development, and outcomes","container-title":"Current Directions in Psychological Science","page":"358-362","volume":"24","issue":"5","author":[{"family":"Soto","given":"Christopher J."},{"family":"Tackett","given":"Jennifer L."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Soto & Tackett, 2015).

In the present age, psychologists realize that child psychology is not only unique, but it is complex enough to demand its very own set of theories. Thus, child psychologists, while dealing with children, have to take on a unique perspective in terms of their approach. Their approach, along with their opinion, have to be customized on the basis of the case that they are working with, which is why no detail is too small for them or unworthy of being placed into consideration. They have to take into account every single experience that a child goes through in order to work with the child, understand his psychology, understand his cognitive ability and his development over a period of time in order to understand this little person and make an assessment of his development, both mental and psychological ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"4we0lojx","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Jirout & Newcombe, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Jirout & Newcombe, 2015)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":381,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/AJVVIJQR"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/AJVVIJQR"],"itemData":{"id":381,"type":"article-journal","title":"Building blocks for developing spatial skills: Evidence from a large, representative US sample","container-title":"Psychological science","page":"302-310","volume":"26","issue":"3","author":[{"family":"Jirout","given":"Jamie J."},{"family":"Newcombe","given":"Nora S."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Jirout & Newcombe, 2015).

Since childhood plays a crucial role in the development of a child, it is rather important that the child in question be studies through the lens of multiple perspectives, to ensure that the child, the people that surround him or the environment he is being raise in, nothing hinders his development. In fact, the environment the child is being raised in should be nurturing, which not only allows the child to grow into a fully functioning and capable adult, but it also allows them to be studied in an effective an unbiased manner ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"vmjl2glO","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Kaufmann et al., 2017)","plainCitation":"(Kaufmann et al., 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":382,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/SM6W67ZU"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/SM6W67ZU"],"itemData":{"id":382,"type":"article-journal","title":"Delayed stabilization and individualization in connectome development are related to psychiatric disorders","container-title":"Nature neuroscience","page":"513","volume":"20","issue":"4","author":[{"family":"Kaufmann","given":"Tobias"},{"family":"Alnæs","given":"Dag"},{"family":"Doan","given":"Nhat Trung"},{"family":"Brandt","given":"Christine Lycke"},{"family":"Andreassen","given":"Ole A."},{"family":"Westlye","given":"Lars T."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Kaufmann et al., 2017).

Case Study

781050554355000For the purpose of this paper, a three-year-old boy was observed, with his characteristic traits studies through his development, mannerism and personality to assess if the child’s development correlated with his personality. He was observed both in a clinical as well as home setting and his behavior was recorded for the purpose of assessment and evaluation. Th child in question seemed to be very inquisitive and interacted with his environment in an engaging manner. The child belongs to a family that hails from Nigeria in West Africa. They identify with the Yoruba cultural/ethnic group and migrated to the USA in 2004. They believe in Christianity and have no religious beliefs limiting their ability to receive any type of care needed or offered when sick. Children are expected to abide by the society’s rules and regulations. The behavioral expectations for the children are that they should be respectful, obedient, polite, smart, not engage in profanity, no stealing, no smoking, no indulging in criminal activity and associate with friends from good background. The genogram of the family the child lives with is as follows:

The first interaction of the child with the observer showed that the child was initially hesitant to interact with the stranger, although he was curious about this new person he was meeting and wanted to know more about her. According to Erik Erickson’s theory ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"sGjwavqr","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Erickson & Thiessen, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Erickson & Thiessen, 2015)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":383,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/VNE3DCP3"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/VNE3DCP3"],"itemData":{"id":383,"type":"article-journal","title":"Statistical learning of language: Theory, validity, and predictions of a statistical learning account of language acquisition","container-title":"Developmental Review","page":"66-108","volume":"37","author":[{"family":"Erickson","given":"Lucy C."},{"family":"Thiessen","given":"Erik D."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Erickson & Thiessen, 2015), the child is in a psychosocial stage of development i.e. initiative vs. guilt. This showed that while the child was initially anxious and fearful of meeting a stranger, he was open to learning more and building trust overtime. The child also clung closely to his mother, which showed that he has some separation anxiety at the thought of being away from his mother. However, the child also showed some independence when his mother left to get some food and remained calm. Later, when the mother goes away to get the child some food, the nurse cautiously approaches the child offering her a toy and a book. However, the child refuses to take both especially since he notices that his mother is not around. He begins to cry and stops as soon as he spots his mother. This represents symbolic thinking and show that he has good cognition for his age and great gross motor skills.

In the second week of observation, the child has become more familiar with the observer and interacts with her by showing her his toy. He communicates in short sentences and according to Erik Erickson’s theory, the child is in a psychosocial stage of development i.e. initiative vs. guilt ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"bJpTeQSk","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Erickson & Thiessen, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Erickson & Thiessen, 2015)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":383,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/VNE3DCP3"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/VNE3DCP3"],"itemData":{"id":383,"type":"article-journal","title":"Statistical learning of language: Theory, validity, and predictions of a statistical learning account of language acquisition","container-title":"Developmental Review","page":"66-108","volume":"37","author":[{"family":"Erickson","given":"Lucy C."},{"family":"Thiessen","given":"Erik D."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Erickson & Thiessen, 2015). However, at this point it stems from the fact that the child initiates play. However, he needs to build his confidence and that is what the observer works on improving in the child. Although the child is easily distracted, he remains interested in the book the nurse is flipping through and is eager to learn the alphabets and the body parts the observer has named. However, he does not seem interested in the questions that the nurse asks, but still seeks her encouragement for doing something right. The child is seen to initiate activity, as well as the type of social interaction that he wants. Thus, the nurse supports the child’s choices in order to make him feel ambitious.

By the third week, the child has become more familiar with the observer i.e. the nurse. He seems excited to see her, and her bag of toys. He was observed to be in a playful and made eye contact with the nurse and sought her encouragement while playing with the toys. Analysis of the interaction showed Lawrence Kohlberg’s Pre-conventional stage ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"bgKpZLnn","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Kohlberg, 1985)","plainCitation":"(Kohlberg, 1985)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":384,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/9G4E685T"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/9G4E685T"],"itemData":{"id":384,"type":"article-journal","title":"Kohlberg’s stages of moral development","container-title":"WC Crain, Theories of development","page":"118-136","author":[{"family":"Kohlberg","given":"Lawrence"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1985"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Kohlberg, 1985) when the child obeys and stops splashing water because he perceived there will be consequences of his action and he wanted to avoid being punished. The punishment would have been his inability to play with toys. The nurse calls the child by his first name when she arrives so that the child feels familiar to her and that he will be willing to cooperate. Unlike before, when the nurse asks who he was playing with, the child responds to her with his friend’s name. This shows that the child trusts the nurse enough to feel free to interact with her in any manner he deems fit. He also listens to her when he is admonished for splashing water everywhere and stops doing it immediately.

Upon visit on week four, the boy seems to be cranky and is crying when the nurse arrives. He is hungry and refuses to listen to his mother to brush his teeth first. Client’s speech is understandable. He can say very short sentences. Child tells mom I want cereal and goes to the cupboard to get his bowl. He then reaches to get the cereal he wants and attempts to pour the cereal but spills the cereal everywhere. The child’s mother asks him to brush his teeth before he can eat the cereal. Child cries when the pack of cereal falls and cereal spills perceiving he has done something wrong. Perceiving mom’s reaction, he moves away from the scene. Using Erikson’s theory to analyze this behavior, the child took initiative in trying to control his environment, he went to get the bowl for the cereal, and then tried to get his cereal ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"y96uFRRv","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Erickson & Thiessen, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Erickson & Thiessen, 2015)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":383,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/VNE3DCP3"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/VNE3DCP3"],"itemData":{"id":383,"type":"article-journal","title":"Statistical learning of language: Theory, validity, and predictions of a statistical learning account of language acquisition","container-title":"Developmental Review","page":"66-108","volume":"37","author":[{"family":"Erickson","given":"Lucy C."},{"family":"Thiessen","given":"Erik D."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Erickson & Thiessen, 2015). Thus, the nurse observed child does take initiative in getting the things he needs to make his cereal and to see if he was able to get the cereal successfully. Children who experience guilty will feel like failures and be left with a sense that they are not good at many things. In this regard, the mom should have expressed that he made a mistake and find another way to teach him that brushing his teeth comes before cereal. Furthermore, the observer believes that the child did not listen initially because Maslow’s hierarchy of needs show that human beings feel the need to satisfy their physiological needs prior to anything else. The child’s physiological need in this case was hunger. With regard to his motor skills, the child attempts to brush his teeth but needed assistance unable to properly handle brushing his teeth.

By week 5, the child is very familiar with the nurse and greets her with the proclamation of it being his birthday that day, asking for presents. The nurse responds with a “No problem”, reaffirming that he will get lots of present on your birthday. The child is more comfortable and trusting of the nurse because of the consistency of visits. Children develop trust and familiarity as the relationship between care givers develops. Nurse shows child pictures of animals to name each animal, brings a doll and asks child to name the body parts which child does correctly. She puts him through a series of similar assessments and later the child is seen trying to mimic the nurse when he is playing with a child younger then himself. This child is in the pre-operational stage of Piaget’s theory ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"cjPknkHR","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Piaget, 1976)","plainCitation":"(Piaget, 1976)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":385,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/6BEW53RX"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/6BEW53RX"],"itemData":{"id":385,"type":"chapter","title":"Piaget’s theory","container-title":"Piaget and his school","publisher":"Springer","page":"11-23","author":[{"family":"Piaget","given":"Jean"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1976"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Piaget, 1976). He does not yet understand concrete logic and unable to take the view of others. He finds pretend play very interesting. He likes to use objects and pretend that they represent something else. The child’s cognitive skills are appropriate for his age.

During the last week, the child receives a new iPad as a gift from his parents. He is seen to be possessive about his gift and snatches it away from his brother when he tries to approach it. He even makes his little brother cry by pushing him down. According to John B. Watson, behavior can be controlled through positive or negative reinforcement. Modeling positive behavior can encourage positive behavior to be repeated while discouraging undesirable behavior. Furthermore, the child responds well to nurses questions but makes a fuss when he is reprimanded for pushing his brother. He has his iPad taken away and try a number of times to get it back. Child seems more upset about his brother taking his ipad than being punished by mom and doesn’t seems to realize that his action is what got him in trouble. Piaget explained that a child is not fully cognitively capable of understanding the relationship between cause and effect, or logical and abstract reasoning until at least age 6 or 7. Thus, the nurse demonstrates to the child how to make a request. Mom tells child to apologize to his little brother for pushing him down and making him cry. The child apologizes, but seemingly just to get his iPad back. However, putting the iPad completely out of reach or putting him in timeout would have been more effective.


In order to study the child, various forms of assessment from the Denver Development Screening tools were used. This relayed the cognitive development of child and he was scored accordingly. Furthermore, the child characteristics were associated with psychological theories, which showed the reason why the child did what he did. Both these assessments were able to prove the fact that the child is developing in a normal manner psychological and is at the level of his peers in terms of his gross motor and cognitive skills. The child may exhibit an inclination of throwing tantrums and is used to getting things his way, however, these cannot be regarded as psychological ills as these are commonplace for a child his age. The child belongs to a big family, as is shown from the genogram attached, which may show why is slightly spoiled and refuses to share his toys and belonging with his brother.


There are a number of internal factors that influence a child’s growth, such as their personal characteristics, along with genetics. However, a child’s development involves a whole lot more than what arises from within an individual. The various factors that have a role to play in this regard, such as the relationships children have with their peers and other adults i.e. the social context, the culture the child is being exposed to as well as the socioeconomic conditions the child is being raised in. All three of these contexts constantly interact with one another and hence shape the opportunities the child is exposed to in future. Furthermore, it enriches the social associations with other people and at the same time give them a moral direction through cultural ties. This keeps imbalance at bay and allow them to grow into their own unique person with one of a kind characteristics ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"F8mxE9qd","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Piaget, 1976)","plainCitation":"(Piaget, 1976)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":385,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/6BEW53RX"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/6BEW53RX"],"itemData":{"id":385,"type":"chapter","title":"Piaget’s theory","container-title":"Piaget and his school","publisher":"Springer","page":"11-23","author":[{"family":"Piaget","given":"Jean"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1976"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Piaget, 1976).

Understanding children is a huge undertaking. Not only is the field of psychology wide and deep but placing as child and his development in a certain sphere is nearly impossible. This is because of the given the number of factors that control their lives, as well as the influence these factors possess. A combination of these interactions defines the personalities of these children, labelling it as normal or otherwise. Thus, a solid understand of how children develop overtime, how they think and how his behavior correlates with child personality development theories is ideal to possess a deeper understanding of their development and help them be the very best versions of themselves in the future ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Ab6eisgh","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Jirout & Newcombe, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Jirout & Newcombe, 2015)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":381,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/AJVVIJQR"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/AJVVIJQR"],"itemData":{"id":381,"type":"article-journal","title":"Building blocks for developing spatial skills: Evidence from a large, representative US sample","container-title":"Psychological science","page":"302-310","volume":"26","issue":"3","author":[{"family":"Jirout","given":"Jamie J."},{"family":"Newcombe","given":"Nora S."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Jirout & Newcombe, 2015).


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Erickson, L. C., & Thiessen, E. D. (2015). Statistical learning of language: Theory, validity, and predictions of a statistical learning account of language acquisition. Developmental Review, 37, 66–108.

Jirout, J. J., & Newcombe, N. S. (2015). Building blocks for developing spatial skills: Evidence from a large, representative US sample. Psychological Science, 26(3), 302–310.

Kaufmann, T., Alnæs, D., Doan, N. T., Brandt, C. L., Andreassen, O. A., & Westlye, L. T. (2017). Delayed stabilization and individualization in connectome development are related to psychiatric disorders. Nature Neuroscience, 20(4), 513.

Kohlberg, L. (1985). Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. WC Crain, Theories of Development, 118–136.

Piaget, J. (1976). Piaget’s theory. In Piaget and his school (pp. 11–23). Springer.

Soto, C. J., & Tackett, J. L. (2015). Personality traits in childhood and adolescence: Structure, development, and outcomes. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24(5), 358–362.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 7 Words: 2100

Counseling Paper

Counseling Paper

Your Name (First M. Last)

School or Institution Name (University at Place or Town, State)



By taking a look at the Lapan and Turner theory, it could be seen that this theory helps the psychologists in choosing the career as it assists in developing self-efficacy beliefs that are necessary for dealing with barriers that cast effects on the outcomes expectations. Self-efficacy also cast effects on the set goals as well. In self-efficacy, there comes social cognitive theory that helps people for having a flexible attitude towards the career that is going to opt and helps them in making good occupational choices. Vocational identity all about helps the clients in realizing the fact that they have something unique in them that can give them benefit if they are going to opt a career of their own choice that is in accordance with their interest.

Lapan and Turner have also spotted a light on Gottfredson's theory and trait and factor theory that helps the clients/student in having a better understanding of their sled and the world of work. Lapan and Turner have also investigated that Super's theory helps in addressing an issue from a developmental point that ensures the accuracy of the decision of choosing a career. So as a whole, Lapan and Turner’s integrative theory includes all the above-mentioned theories that make a great combination for helping students /clients in making the best choices when it comes to career. Being a psychologist, I would have implemented this theory in my professional life for helping my clients in making best career choices.


Being a career counselor, I would always take help from Super's theory and would apply in both trait, and factor theory and career decision-making theories as Super's theory helps in resolving the issues that restrict one from making good career choices and adjusting at the workplace. I would use this theory by making my clients aware of his weakness so that he could beforehand work upon the weak area.

Part. 2

Career counseling has become one of the most important professions in today's age as there is tough competition everywhere as far as professional life is concerned. It has been seen that people face various issues, when they have to choose a career for them or when they have to face an issue in their professional life (Kenny, et, al,2018). There has been seen a very effective role played by the career counselors who come to rescue and guide people when they face problems in choosing and adjusting with their careers. Counseling has always been my passion, and while counseling people, I also used to learn many new things that add a lot to my experience. Many theories in psychology could be practically applied to helping people in career counseling. Counselors used to help clients by giving them suggestions and letting them know about their innate skills that they could use for improving their professional performance.

Being a career counselor, recently I have conducted an interview in which I had face to face sessions with a person who had certain issues with jumping into their professional life. Being a career counselor, I have learned many theories in psychology that I used to apply for giving best solutions to the people facing any problem and after these sessions, I come to know that people face issues while choosing and retaining good careers. I have gone through three sessions of career counseling in which I had my first interview with a fresh graduate who did his graduation in software engineering and was looking for a suitable job. His family contacted me and wanted me to do career counseling of that fresh graduate who was around 24 years old. I arranged an interview session with this person and noted down all the essential details of the interview. During my interview session with this young boy, I came to know that as he is a fresh graduate he is not sure about things that would work best for him, so what he needs is, to know what occupation he should choose (Krause,et, al,2016). So in the first interview after having in-depth analysis and taking a look at all the aspects, I came to know, that this young boy was facing low confidence issue for making a career choice. After the study of his case, I found that for this client Turner and Lapan's integrative theory could be a solution for overcoming the issue that this client was having. It is a theory that helps the client for developing self-efficacy beliefs. This theory could be applied to his situation as it would prove helpful for him in making better occupational choices. Career counseling would prove valuable for him as it would help him in deciding about his career and life.

Then I had second followed up session with the client after a week. The previous session was regarding the in-depth study of the case, and provide the basic tips on how to boost the self-confidence of the student. In the second session, I tried to discuss different options and their pros and cons. The fresh graduate students often have confusion regarding their future. In the second session, I got the assistance of factor theory which allows the student to make a proper decision regarding his career. The field of software engineering is broad, and there are many disciplines in which a person can get specialized in one of these areas. Every option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The student was interested in apps development. He was also interested in networking. However, he wanted to join an IT firm for apps development and services. The android applications are a fast-growing sector, and there is a lot of potential in this market. While networking is an important component an all the organizations where communication and data sharing is online. We also discussed several options and analyzed the results of every option. During the second session, the client was more relaxed and was out of the stress because of the vivid goal and images.

During the third and final session, the student had to decide on his career. The third session was conducted a week later than in the second session. Being a career counselor, I would always take help from Super's theory and would apply in both trait, and factor theory and career decision-making theories as Super's theory helps in resolving the issues that restrict one from making good career choices and adjusting at the workplace. I would use this theory by making my clients aware of his weakness so that he could beforehand work upon the weak area. I deeply studied the nature of the student and analyzed the information collected in the previous two sessions. I suggested him to fill an online questionnaire regarding the personality of the person, the MBTI test which indicates 16 types of personalities. According to his personality traits, he was more flexible with backend office jobs. I came to know about the category of personality they belong to, as it has been seen that there are 16 types of personality and occupation that people choose for them should be chosen by taking a look at the category of personality type they belong to (Di Fabio, et, al,2016). Being a career counselor, I recognize my responsibility of keeping the identity and details of my clients, confidential. As a whole, it could be said that theories of psychology that I have used while doing the career counseling of these clients proved effective and very helpful and the output that I got from these clients after a few months made me realized the importance of the above-mentioned theories in career counseling. Lapan and Turner have also investigated that Super's theory helps in addressing an issue from a developmental point that ensures the accuracy of the decision of choosing a career. The client has to make a proper decision which will be logical and based on facts and figures. The decision made about the future and the career must be based on cost and benefits analysis. Where an option is selected by it’s the higher weight of benefits and lower weight of loses.


Crause, E., Watson, M., & McMahon, M. (2016). Career development learning in childhood. Career Exploration and Development in Childhood: Perspectives from theory, practice, and research, 186.

Di Fabio, A. (2016). Life design and career counseling innovative outcomes. The Career Development Quarterly, 64(1), 35-48.

Kenny, M. E., Blustein, D. L., & Meerkins, T. M. (2018). Integrating relational perspectives in career counseling practice. The Career Development Quarterly, 66(2), 135-148.

Yunus, A. R., Hassan, S. S., Kamarudin, M. F., Majid, I. A., & Saad, M. S. (2018). Integrated Personality Profiling Framework Using Traits and Factors Theory for Malaysian HLI Enrolment: A New Approach. International Journal of Human and Technology Interaction (IJHaTI), 2(1), 57-60.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Counseling Paper

Counseling Paper

Your Name (First M. Last)

School or Institution Name (University at Place or Town, State)

Career counseling has become one of the most important professions in today’s age as there is a tough competition everywhere as far as professional life is concerned. It has been seen that people face various issues, when they have to choose a career for them or when they have to face an issue in their professional life (Kenny,et,al,2018). There has been seen a very effective role played by the career counselors who come to rescue and guide people when they faces problems in choosing and adjusting with their careers. Counseling has always been my passion, and while counseling people, I also used to learn many new things that add a lot to my experience. Many theories in psychology could be practically applied for helping people as in career counseling. Counselors used to help clients by giving them suggestions and letting them know about their innate skills that they could use for improving their professional performance.

Being a career counselor, recently I have conducted three interviews in which I had face to face session with three different people who were having some issues or people who wanted to jump into their professional life. Being a career counselor, I have learned many theories in psychology that I used to apply for giving best solutions to the people facing any problem and after these sessions, I come to know that people face issues while choosing and retaining good careers. I have gone through three sessions of career counseling in which I had my first interview with a fresh graduate who did his graduation in software engineering and was looking for a suitable job. His family contacted me and wanted me to do career counseling of that fresh graduate who was around 26 years old. I arrange an interview session with this person and noted down all the essential details of the interview. During my interview session with this young boy, I came to know that as he is a fresh graduate he is not sure about things that would work best for him, so what he needs is, to know what occupation he should choose (Crause,et,al,2016). So in the first interview after having in-depth analysis and taking a look at all the aspects, I came to know, that this young boy was facing low confidence issue for making a career choice. After the study of his case, I found that for this client Turner and Lapan's integrative theory could be a solution for overcoming the issue that this client was having. It is a theory that helps the client for developing self-efficacy beliefs. This theory could be applied to his situation as it would prove helpful for him in making better occupational choices. Career counseling would prove valuable for him as it would help him in deciding about his career and life.

The second interview was with a 30 years old male who was doing job in a Private Company, but his job was not related to the field in which he wanted to make his career. It won’t be wrong to say that just for bearing his expenses he was doing that job. He wanted to have career counseling because he was not happy with that job and was unsatisfied with what he was doing at that private company. I arranged an interview session of about 50 minutes with this client who was having an IT degree but was doing a job that was not of his field. When I had my session with this client, I came to know about the issues that he was facing at his workplace, and the issues were, feeling unfulfilled along with having social ethics complications at his workplace that was making him feel dissatisfied with the job that he was doing. After doing analysis, I suggested him to feel relax as it is not the job he has opted as his career, so there is no need to get panic and to get into depression as this job is just for meeting the necessities of his life (Yunus,et,al,2018). I suggested him that he should keep up with the job with a cool mind. He should apply for a job that would be of his own field; a job of his own profession would give him satisfaction as it would give him a feeling that he is doing something productive that would give him useful experience for life. In this case, I applied Frank Parson’s Trait and Factor theory, as it could be seen that according to this theory, people, as well as occupations, have unique characteristics that should match with each other, only then people would deliver their best otherwise any job that they are doing, out of their interest will never give them mental peace and inner satisfaction. There has been seen many pieces of evidence that the level of satisfaction would be only high when there would be a good match of characteristics between job and individual. Another major theory of psychology should be applied here in this case, and that is Career Decision Making Combined that every person should make a decision about his career by taking a look at his interests and personality.

While having my third interview for doing career counseling I came across a staff nurse who was not much happy with the drastic changes that she was facing while doing that job at a nursing home care center. By personality, she was a kind of introvert person, and she was not ready for accepting the changes at such a fast rate that were coming in her life(Klein,et,al,2018). So, I suggested her to be what she is and motivated her to keep on performing her duties and appreciated what she is doing as in this case, I could see implementation of a psychological theory that is known as Super’s development theory. According to this theory there occur many changes in the life of a person, such as sociological, psychological and cultures factors affect life of every individual and these factors cannot stay same throughout life. I suggested her that she has to wait for career maturity that would come with time. Roles of individual changes with time and people have to behave accordingly. So changes should be welcome no matter from which personality type you belong.

After having interviews with all the above-mentioned people (student, IT graduate, and nurse), I came to know that these people needed career counseling as there were not happy with the changes that they were having or maybe they were confused about the selection of career. I also administered an assessment for all the three clients, in which I provided them a questionnaire that they filled by their own choice and after analyzing MBTI types profile test and analyzing their answers, I came to know about the category of personality they belong to, as it has been seen that there are 16 types of personality and occupation that people choose for them should be chosen by taking a look at the category of personality type they belong to (Di Fabio,et,al,2016). Being a career counselor, I recognize my responsibility of keeping the identity and details of my clients, confidential. As a whole, it could be said that theories of psychology that I have used while doing the career counseling of these clients, proved effective and very helpful and the output that I got from these clients after a few months made me realized the importance of the above mentioned theories in career counseling.


Crause, E., Watson, M., & McMahon, M. (2016). Career development learning in childhood. Career Exploration and Development in Childhood: Perspectives from theory, practice, and research, 186.

Di Fabio, A. (2016). Life design and career counseling innovative outcomes. The Career Development Quarterly, 64(1), 35-48.

Kenny, M. E., Blustein, D. L., & Meerkins, T. M. (2018). Integrating relational perspectives in career counseling practice. The Career Development Quarterly, 66(2), 135-148.

Klein, M. (2018). On the Theory of Anxiety and Guilt 1. In Developments in psychoanalysis (pp. 271-291). Routledge.

Yunus, A. R., Hassan, S. S., Kamarudin, M. F., Majid, I. A., & Saad, M. S. (2018). Integrated Personality Profiling Framework Using Traits and Factors Theory for Malaysian HLI Enrolment: A New Approach. International Journal of Human and Technology Interaction (IJHaTI), 2(1), 57-60.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Counseling Psychology And In Multicultural Psychology, Specifically Latina/o Psychology

Counseling psychology and in multicultural psychology, specifically Latina/o psychology

Your Name (First M. Last)

School or Institution Name (University at Place or Town, State)


In this project, I am working on reviewing a pioneering article of "Edward Delgado-Romero”. He had done great work in the field of multicultural psychology, counselling psychology, and especially for the Latina/o psychology. I have selected his article which deals with the recruitment of Latina's family and their controversial issues. The basic reason for the project is to convey the major findings and research of the pioneering article and its comparison with another article relevant to the pioneering article. The pioneer article based on education observed the identity of Latina and highlighted the retention and hiring implications. The article that I have chosen for comparison is also based on the Latina's education in which scholar discussed the demographic changes within the country. The changes lead to educational changes. The main difference between the two is that pioneer article focused on the Latina's identity while relevant article focused on the demographic changes.

Counseling Psychology and in Multicultural Psychology, Specifically Latina/o Psychology

Pioneer Article:

In the article, Author discussed the educational condition of the Latinas and highlighted the theme like identity as a homosexual, bisexual, and transgender etc. The idea that the authors wanted to covey are reasons behind educational problems for Latina's in America. Through the case scenario, they developed the idea that ambiguous and complete identity of Latina would lead to weakening the Latina's category. They provided information about the various problems that occur unintentionally occur in society. The main idea that the authors presented at the end are for the educational department. According to the author educational administrations must not understand the diversity within the teaching environment for Latina faculty and should be prepared them for the challenges related to the globalisation, education progress and competitiveness ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"rU7Opwu2","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Delgado-Romero, Manlove, Manlove, & Hernandez, 2007)","plainCitation":"(Delgado-Romero, Manlove, Manlove, & Hernandez, 2007)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":104,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/HS2LFNRN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/HS2LFNRN"],"itemData":{"id":104,"type":"article-journal","title":"Controversial Issues in the Recruitment and Retention of Latino/a Faculty","container-title":"Journal of Hispanic Higher Education","page":"34-51","volume":"6","issue":"1","source":"SAGE Journals","abstract":"This article deals with controversial issues in recruitment of Latino/a faculty in higher education in the United States. The authors present a hypothetical faculty hiring case scenario that they follow throughout the manuscript. Through this case scenario, they examine aspects of Latino/a identity, Latino/a demographics in higher education, and the interaction of Latino/a faculty dimensions that interact with faculty search committee expectations. They highlight implications for hiring and retention.","DOI":"10.1177/1538192706294903","ISSN":"1538-1927","journalAbbreviation":"Journal of Hispanic Higher Education","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Delgado-Romero","given":"Edward A."},{"family":"Manlove","given":"Angela Nichols"},{"family":"Manlove","given":"Joshua D."},{"family":"Hernandez","given":"Carlos A."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2007",1,1]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Delgado-Romero, Manlove, Manlove, & Hernandez, 2007).

With context to the history of psychology the authors Edward A. Delgado-Romero, and Joshua D. Manlove discussed the educational problem by relating it to the Latino psychology. They have discussed the history based on ethics, race, colour and multicultural competence history. The demographic changes on the basis of race and colour are limiting the progress of the Latina students. On the basis of Latina psychology, the authors determined the factors of the problems that bring the demographic changes within the educational system. The study indicates that mental health counselling is required in the institute. Most often faculty of Latina lose their attention and skills towards their word due to the complex they acquire from the diverse society. Latina faculty if they do not face discrimination, still there are chances they lose their focus from the study due to the complex of being a minority. All these contexts from history psychology are being discussed by the authors to highlight the roots of the educational problems for Latinas.

The objection that I would make in the article is the structure of it. The article is based on discussion. It is the qualitative data based article in which different evidence and examples are being used to discuss the main objective of the research. The discussion that the authors made is clear and understandable for the readers, but I felt that there should be some data analysis as well. For instance, the authors explained the concept of identity, their reasons, consequences, and problem. All discussion is based on the past researches and the author's own psychological point of view. If the data through interviews or questionnaire were collected, then it can bring useful information related to the Latina's point of view. According to me, it was important to know that Latina's experience and point of view on the topic. In other words, the article shows lack of some analysis based on qualitative data all evidence shared within the article is from past researches. No new survey or data collection is being used for the project.

Recent Publication:

The main idea that authors want to convey through their project is related to the bilingual education, problems of Latina's students due to poverty, race, ethics, and colour within the urban educational system. Latino population is rapidly increasing in America, one out of four students in the American school is Latino. Still, they face problem-based on their diverse culture. The fundamental goal of the authors was to present the educational challenges due to the demographic changes. The author highlighted the problem of disparity among the different communities living together in America.

The whole study made in the project is relevant to the recent literature. America is the country of a diverse society. People from different countries, race, ethics, and colours live together. America has encountered many civil wars between different communities. Even today people in America face problem due to the disparities. Discrimination in the educational systems as well as in employment is common. Hate crime is high within the country than all other countries. All these issues are part of the recent literature. America’s government is working for minimising the inequality within the society and trying to promote equality. In the article, the same problems are being discussed, but the authors only highlighted the educational system and their problems arising due to the disparities.

The authors successfully defined their argument with relevant evidence. Each section is providing wide information for the readers. They have highlighted all the problems efficiently. Graphs and other quantitative data is also used to make the project more credible. The objection here I want to pose is related to the recommendations. The authors although discussed the history and contemporary educational problem and demographic changes but the project lacks some useful solution. The research does not present the strategies or policies that can be used by the American people or government to resolve the issue discussed in the project ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"q1FQh6cj","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}(PDF) Demographic Change and the New (and Not So New) Challenges for Latino Education,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“(PDF) Demographic Change and the New (and Not So New) Challenges for Latino Education,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":102,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/GVDBIY8A"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/GVDBIY8A"],"itemData":{"id":102,"type":"webpage","title":"(PDF) Demographic Change and the New (and Not So New) Challenges for Latino Education","URL":"https://www.researchgate.net/publication/314235954_Demographic_Change_and_the_New_and_Not_So_New_Challenges_for_Latino_Education","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,14]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“(PDF) Demographic Change and the New (and Not So New) Challenges for Latino Education,” n.d.).

Discussion and Conclusion:

The pioneer article is “Controversial Issues in the Recruitment and Retention of Latino/a Faculty” presented by the authors Edward A. Delgado-Romero, Angela Nichols Manlove, Joshua D. Manlove, and Carlos A. Hernandez. The article which is used of comparison is “Demographic Change and the New (and Not So New) Challenges for Latino Education” presented by authors Patricia Gándara and Kfi r Mordechay.

The pioneer article made research on the problems related to the Latino's faculty recruitment in the educational system of America. Authors presented the hypothetical hiring of the faculty member with the help of case scenario. The case scenarios are also used to determine the identity of the Latino on the basis of bisexual, homosexual, and transgender. Authors also highlighted the retention and hiring implications whereas recent publication article focused on the students’ problem. The educational challenges are arising in contemporary America and it has adverse impacts on the students. Although America is focusing on the disparities issue, still problem is there. Therefore authors highlighted the problems that students face and the factor that create these problems.

If we consider the similarities between the two articles, then the main similarity between the two is the educational system. Both the articles discussed the demographic changes and disparities issues related to the educational system. The other similarity is that both articles are based on qualitative data, although recently published data have used some graphs for discussion the main work is based on the qualitative method. Both articles are focused on the American population and especially the Latinas who face disparities on the basis of ethics, colour, and identity. Both articles concluded that Latina people are facing problem whether they are student or faculty members. Government should play their role to solve the issue.

The main difference in the discussions of two articles is that one discusses the discrimination and biases that Latinos face in the faculty of education and the other article discusses the discrimination and biases that are faced by the Latin students in our education system. Both articles have discussed the discrimination of Latinos in society. It has been addressed in both articles that whether Latinos are the member of faculty or students in the education system, they face serious discrimination in our society. Impacts of such biases affect seriously on the behaviour and mentality of the individuals, and they feel unacceptance and rejection given by society. Another difference between the two articles is that pioneer categorized Latina faculty on the basis of their identity i.e. their sexuality while other article take Latina community as a whole and discussed their problem without focusing on their categorized identity.

It is concluded that the American educational system is facing problems due to the disparities on the basis of ethics, colour, and identity. The Latina students are unable to compete the white students due to the lack of opportunities and therefore are unable to pass the school. When they failed school, the job becomes a serious problem for them. Even the students who successfully complete the diverse culture and get the education, they face difficulty for a good job. Faculty hiring in America is also showing the discrimination for the Latina people. They were judged on the basis of their identity.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Delgado-Romero, E. A., Manlove, A. N., Manlove, J. D., & Hernandez, C. A. (2007). Controversial Issues in the Recruitment and Retention of Latino/a Faculty. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 6(1), 34–51.

(PDF) Demographic Change and the New (and Not So New) Challenges for Latino Education.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Counseling Theories

Title page

Counseling theories

Initial post

The discussion of Corey is inspiring because he manages to provide in-depth review on counselor’s role in professional life. I think that counselor face many challenges in their professional life such as avoiding establishing any close relationship with their client. This could affect their profession and undermine work ethics. The counselor face the challenge of using their personal traits for enhancing their performance professionally. Personal skills are equally important for the psychologists because it allow them to look beyond intellectual care. I think an important challenge highlighted by Corey is the difficulty faced by psychologists in showing respect to the clients. The counselor may find it challenging because all clients don’t exhibit patience. Sometimes they are more inclined to find immediate solutions that convince them to ask questions again and again. In this state it is difficult for the counselors to control their anger. They also face the challenge of maintaining self-pride when their professional competency is threatened by the inappropriate attitude of clients (Corey, 2017).

I like the way in which Corey attempts to demonstrate two different roles of a counselor. Counselor as a person is different than what he is professionally. I think that the central reason for him to remain professionally different is to comply with the code of ethics. I also agree that people give more importance to the profession of counselors that often make them ignore them as a person. It is not good to ignore personhood because they also have feelings and emotions. I also agree that there is need for conducting research in order to understand the personhood of counselor. Personal characteristics of counselor are important and they can make them better professionally. The major takeaways from the video and book depicts that it is important for the counselors to develop personality traits that help them in building a positive relationship with clients. Self-pride, patience, composed nature and compassion are essential personal skills. Compassion is critical for handling clients with care and empathy. It is important for the counselor to show that he respect clients irrespective of their differences. Efficiency according to Corey’s discussion can only be attained when counselor learns to utilize his professional and personal skills for the betterment and welfare of clients.

Although there are many good points made by Corey in the discussion but I think that much emphasis is given on building personal skills. I don’t like it because according to my views it is equally important for the counselor to develop professional skills. I think counselors must follow code of ethics because the nature of their suggests that they must not harm patients/ clients. By emphasizing on professional code of conduct they will develop many personal skills such as treating clients with dignity and adopting a compassionate behavior. These characteristics are more important for helping clients in regaining pride and recover well. I think it is more practical for the counselor to use both professional and personal characteristics in dealing with the patients. 

Reply 1

I agree with the viewpoints of Christina M DeFlorio because she provides in-depth review of the Corey’s video. I agree that the video has significant connection with the textbook as both emphasize on the profession of counseling. Counselor face many challenges such as making client share the issues at clinic and assuring that those issues are not taken by him too his home. I think that counselor have a responsibility of providing the most comfortable environment to the clients where they could share their feelings and insecurities. After listening to the concerns of the clients the counselor must be able to adopt ways that will help clients to overcome negative feelings. I also agree with Christina that the video has uncovered the neglected part of counselor’s profession. Clients and their families only see counselors as professional people but neglect their personhood. It is equally important to think about the personal life of the counselors. It is also important for the counselors to help clients in identifying how they are living their lives and must avoid projecting their personal values. I don’t agree with this point because personal values of counselors are important and will help in attaining wellness.

Reply 2

I like the post of Brendan P Sharpe who discuses the counter-transference. I agree that counter-transference suggests how therapist should interact with clients. I also agree that a good therapist must be able to control his personal feelings and emotions. This is because if a therapist is judging clients with his own mindset it results in biased attitudes that will be destructive for the clients. I believe that therapist who can’t control their personal feelings must separate them from their profession. I agree with Sharpe that personal biases of therapists must not impact their judgments. I think that Corey has stressed more on developing adequate counseling skills that will prevent therapists from giving biased views or opinions. I further believe that personal values are important for therapists and can help them in building a good bonding with clients that is essential for their recovery and wellness. I think that Sharpe has not discussed important points raised by Corey such as combining of personal and professional characteristics. The common attributes of personal values that could help therapists in effective counseling include empathy, compassionate behavior and maintaining dignity of clients. These traits have high likelihood of improving condition of clients.


Corey, G. (2017). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (10th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Counselor Ethics And Responsibilities

Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities


[Name of the Institution]

Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities


The counselor acts as a reformer, instructor, or spiritual teacher to provide intelligent support to the clients so that they can make their decisions well and improve their current condition overall. The counselor understands the clients’ problems, knows their rights, and carries out their treatment complying with the legal, ethical, and cultural parameters. The counselor prioritizes between rights of a client and interests of the community, and makes subsequent decisions regarding confidentiality of clients’ data, identification of possible victims, and providing multi-faceted support to different parties.


Part I

Section 1: Client’s Rights



While providing counseling services to the client, I would prefer giving him or her autonomy of decision making regarding the medical care being provided. Empowering the client with autonomy reflects the collaborative nature of the psychotherapy relationship between the counselor and the client. I will make sure that the informed consent of the client is proceeding with counseling practice. It will give me an enhanced sense of professional ethics. I will ask the client for permission as well as reasons for taking a particular side in the decision-making.


I will work on the principle of nonmaleficence, that is, I will not perform any activity that could be harmful to the client in any way. People come to counselors with a trust in their relationship with the counselors (Bronzino & Peterson, 2016). I will avoid any activity that can cause harm to the client, such that I will not neglect my duty toward the client, and complete each session with utmost focus on the client's wellbeing.


In clinical practice, certain situations demand beneficence from the counselor’s end towards the client. This is because the client is sometimes not in a position to afford the counseling session, therefore, I will provide such clients with free or low-charged sessions depending on their financial background. It will remind me of the nobility of my profession and prevent me from being selfish at work.


Justice, in psychological counseling, refers to the fair treatment with the client based on human and moral values. For instance, I will assist my clients in overcoming their difficulties during the counseling sessions and make the necessary arrangements that help them take full benefits of the sessions. They might have a problem in speaking, hearing, seeing, or explaining the situation or answering my questions. Hence, I will facilitate them accordingly with the use of appropriate technology.


Since the counseling profession requires maximum confidence to exist in the client-counselor relationship, I’ll never take any initiative that can damage this confidence. I will always keep the information related to the client confidential and keep my commitment with the client. I will also regard clients’ requests to my best so that they can feel perfectly comfortable and secure under my clinical supervision.


Informed consent involves emphasizing the client’s role in deciding about the treatment decisions regarding options or procedures to be undertaken or avoided in providing medical care. The client feels an enhanced sense of ownership when empowered with the option of giving consent. A client usually fears the uncertainty and lack of clarity of the therapeutic process and therefore, has the right to be informed of all the complexities, implications, and incurring expenses beforehand to make better decisions.


Billing arrangements are among certain financial decisions that the client must know before the commencement of counseling.

Right to Privacy

Clients with different backgrounds, cultures, and moral values come to counselors, and it is the counselor’s job to address these types of issues. I will protect my clients by providing them with the need for recovery, protecting their privacy, and other information.

HIPAA Compliance

It is the health insurance profitability and accountability act that ensures the protection of the sensitive data of clients. Organizations have to develop and implement procedures and systems that comply with HIPAA so that protection of sensitive health data can be guaranteed (Lulla, Emmert, Cienki, & Chitra, 2017). I will keep clients’ information confidential as being the counselor until a situation demands it to be disclosed for legal or regulatory purposes. I will make a written agreement signed by clients stating the particular situations for information disclosure.

Compliance with Credentialing Board Requirements

I will commence my psychological counseling practice after completing my relevant degree and getting the licensure necessary for the practice. It will help me in dealing with clients confidently and authorize me to disclose their confidential information when it would be necessary, based on their informed consent duly signed, as described in the doctrine of informed consent.

Section 2: Responsibility to Warn and Protect

The counselor has to distinguish clearly between two sensitive matters, that is, the credibility of the client-counselor relationship by keeping everything confidential and disclosing information to the concerned authorities upon their request (Welfel, 2015). I will try to be a good judge between my ethical responsibility toward the client and legal responsibility to the state. Certain situations can emerge where I have to identify possible victims in a client’s case, and I will practice in compliance with the legal requirements. This is compulsory because certain clients can cause serious harm to others. Violence, abuse, offensive behavior, physical damages, and many other kinds of damages can result if I neglect my duties as a counselor. I must have to focus on preventing any detrimental effects on the community caused by my lack of cooperation with the authorities. I will warn the identifiable victims (third-party) to protect themselves from being harmed. I will inform the authoritative institutions in this regard as well. I will suggest anger therapies to the client.

Section 3: Client Record-Keeping

Record-keeping is more important in healthcare as compared to any other profession. It is essential for retrieving data in the absence of a client in case of an emergency. Many aspects are considered while preparing the records. These include legal, ethical, and external constraints. Maintaining records will help track the history and articulating logical connections in the development of his or her profile. I will keep clients’ records so that they can be used for legal proceedings, if any, and by the clients in the future in case they need to continue therapy again or with some other counselor. The records may also be used by some agencies for reimbursement purposes. I will keep the records confidential, inform the clients of the record-keeping procedures as necessary, organize them to be retrieved easily, protect them from being damaged, and comply with the related acts and regulations.

Part II

Section 4: Self-care

1. The ACA Code of Ethics says that counselors have to engage in self-care activities essentially. These activities would ensure their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of the counselors.

2. Attaining a balance between the professional and personal life will be among one of the main priorities in my career. As a counselor, I will need the personal-professional life balance more than the professionals of other fields. Counseling people means giving advice and support to eliminate their problems, which requires the counselor to be in good health and spirit as well (Meier & Davis, 2019). I will prioritize my tasks and activities. I will organize my work schedule and social involvement. I will avoid unnecessary and non-productive activities.

3. I have been involved in several self-care activities since my high school days. I have managed my time in a way that I have sufficient opportunity to do daily aerobics, sleep well, and prepare nutritious food for myself. These activities are healthful as well as dynamic. I get refreshed when I spend leisure time with my family and friends. I have an aptitude for reading prestigious books and writing letters to my loved ones. I often visit people having certain needs in my acquaintances and I get spiritually inspired by offering them my humble services.

4. I am fully convinced of the usefulness of yoga, however, I have not taken any training classes for it until now. I plan to do yoga every day after having the necessary information and training about it in the near future. Another important activity I planned but could not pursue is swimming, which I believe gives enough confidence thrill to a person in life. It is also a useful skill. Finally, I want to make my cognitive abilities perfectly developed. Healthy mental habits, reasoning, effective use of logic, and creative thinking are the most privileged abilities as per my perception.

5. Red flag symbolizes some threat or weakness. When I analyze critically my abilities, I find myself to be little talkative, shy, and less sociable. This weaknesses of mine is a red flag in my career. I have already identified it and started taking lessons. I have friends who are very dear to me, but I talk little to them in our meetings. I am reading personal development literature nowadays, and practically making an effort to overcome these red flags.

6. I agree with the notion of counselors being counseled. Counselors can also have problems related to body, mind, emotions, and integrity, which call for examination and treatment.

Section 5: Advocacy

Advocacy is providing argument and support to some issue related to society or individuals. ACA makes efforts for advocating for counseling. Legislators pay heed to the issues presented before them. If we could convey our message of advocacy in favor of the counseling profession and its requirements, the legislators will take necessary action fast (Walley & Chen-Hayes, 2015). I am a student and I want to contribute to this noble profession. I will advocate for the need of this profession. People with good health and appropriate actions may contribute their resources and time to help those deprived of normal health conditions. Counseling enables people to return to life, and it is essential to keep this profession for service to the needy.

Section 6: Counselor Values


The girl has freedom of choice in view of her plans for life. As the counselor, I will suggest her parents to try to understand their daughter's point of view. She is an adult now and take decisions with her free will. Though religion does not consider abortion as a better option, the condition of the girl is the major determinant of decision in this regard. I will endorse the rights given to the girl by country's legislation and convince her parents with the same argument that the country's law supports their daughter to make a decision she thinks better for her. As per ACA code, of the conflict between ethics and law cannot be resolved by commitment to the code, the counselor will follow the regulations set by legislation.

Assisted Suicide

Ms. Eleanor, the old lady, does not need to talk to her family because they are aware of her incurable condition. The hospital staff is accountable for any decision or action they take in her case. Ms. Eleanor can take the decision of ending her life as per the ACA code. “Counselors who provide services to terminally ill individuals who are considering hastening their own deaths have the option to maintain confidentiality, depending on applicable laws and the specific circumstances of the situation and after seeking consultation or supervision from appropriate professional and legal parties (“Code of Ethics Resources,” 2014).” If she plans to die early, nobody is going to doubt the hospital staff as her condition is critical.


Counseling is a highly esteemed profession that is challenging and demanding at the same time. The counselor has to know clearly his or her limits and authorities, and play an important role in transforming the clients' lives. The counselor should be informed of the legal, ethical, and professional responsibilities and do the necessary things in the right context. While working as a counselor, I will keep both clients' rights and community's overall wellbeing in consideration to avoid detrimental effects to any of them.


Bronzino, J. D., & Peterson, D. R. (2016). Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, and Medical Technology. In Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs (pp. 1259–1266). CRC Press.

Code of Ethics Resources. (2019). Retrieved December 16, 2019, from https://www.counseling.org/knowledge-center/ethics/code-of-ethics-resources

Lulla, A., Emmert, S. E., Cienki, E. A., & Chitra, S. (2017). Systems and Methods for Determining HIPAA Compliance. Google Patents.

Meier, S. T., & Davis, S. R. (2019). The elements of counseling. Waveland Press.

Walley, C. T., & Chen-Hayes, S. F. (2015). Advocacy for professional counseling.

Welfel, E. R. (2015). Ethics in counseling & psychotherapy. Cengage Learning.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

Create A Quantitative Procedure

The effect of heat on aggression




The effect of heat on aggression


For thousands of years, people have linked human behaviors with the weather. Many thoughts have generated over the idea that hot temperature may be promoting aggression. The idea has been tested with the help of corresponding technologies and proper climate. Those tests proposed that other determinants such as biological factors, social conditions and attitudes could also be involved in this process. The recent studies show that climate change is trivial that can create only an indirect influence on the aggressive behavior of human being. Other studies suggest that the reason to believe that aggression is thrilled by hot temperature is due to several biological and psychological changes it creates (C.A. Anderson, 1989).

However, human aggression is any behavior that is adopted by an individual to cause harm to another individual. Additionally, the proprietor must know that aggression will hurt the other individual and such violent actions are an extreme form of aggression (Craig A. Anderson & Bushman, 2002).

Moreover, Bushman tested the hypothesis that individuals with the trait if high aggression is more effected by violet actions and find out that they are affected more with the videotape violence (Bushman, 1995). This study reveals that people with aggressive traits are more influenced by factors that can increase their aggression like violent videotapes or increasing temperature.

Quantitative procedure

This study will identify the effect of heat on aggression and will take help from previous studies. The study will test the hypothesis, “heat will increase aggression”. Heat is the independent variable in this quantitative study and “aggression “will be taken as a dependent variable.

The data will be collected with the help of a sample size that includes 60 adults and 30 of them will be male and 30 females. The age limit will be between ages 20 - 40, mean = 30; and the ethnic groups will be 60% Caucasian, 20% African American, 10% Hispanic, 5% Asian, and 5% Other. The study will gather data from the various states of the east coast and quantitative test will be run to identify the effect of temperature on aggression.


Anderson, C.A. (1989). Temperature and aggression: Ubiquitous effects of heat on occurrence of human violence. Psychological bulletin.

Anderson, Craig A., & Bushman, B. J. (2002). Human aggression. Annual Review of Psychology, 53.

Bushman, B. J. (1995). Moderating role of trait aggressiveness in the effects of violent media on aggression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69(5), 950.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Create A Title

Emotional, Social, and Cognitive development in Childhood

Lacosta Emanuel

[Name of the Institution]

Emotional, Social, and Cognitive development in Childhood

Children are the most important part of our lives and the country as they are the future of the country. It is therefore important to work on the development of children if we want to have a bright future. In the course, I found the concept of emotional, social and cognitive development in childhood more important. The early development influences a person’s future behavior and choices such as career choices, health choices and educational choices.

The cognitive development helps in determining the thinking ability of a child at various stages of his growth while the social and emotional development describes the ability to develop skills that helps them in interacting and expressing themselves to other people. Many theories help in understanding children's behavior during different ages that can help in their development such as Piaget’s theory in which the children were divided into different groups based on their ages along with the skills they develop in that particular age. The things children experience in their earliest years affects their brain and its growth a lot. In the social and emotional development of child factors like temperament, attachment, social skills, and emotion regulation are studied that may help in the better development of a child (Nevid, 2011).

During early childhood, children are on their journey to explore the world however they do not know the difference between good and bad. So biblical stories that parents tell them during their bedtime can help them in understanding good and evil. This will also them learn about three important concepts that are intimacy (relation between child and God), Identity (Child’s ability to understand God) and Imitation (Willful actions of a child towards God). The biblical lessons will let the child learn about many good habits such as sharing and caring providing them awareness about the concept of trust and mistrust (McLeod, 2013). Thus making them a better human being.


Nevid, J. S. (2011). Essentials of psychology: Concepts and applications. Cengage Learning.

McLeod, S. (2013). Erik Erikson. Retrieved August, 9, 2013.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Create Operationalization

Create Operationalization

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Create Operationalization

Hypothesis: Heat will increase aggression

This hypothesis suggests that human exposure towards hot weather is the reason for increased aggression. In this hypothesis, two variables are identified that are heat and aggression. Here heat is considered as independent variable whereas aggression is considered as dependent variable.

Moving on with this hypothesis, it is important to operationalize the variables to test the hypothesis. For this purpose, 60 adults, including both male and female, were approached. These people are from East Coast and are of different ethnicity.

Operationalized independent variable

In the hypothesis mentioned above the independent variable is heat. In order to measure heat half of the 60 adults were sent in a room with high temperature while others in a controlled temperature room with a questionnaire to solve. The questionnaire consists of hundred questions of different social issues. It was observed that people in the hot temperature room were not even reading the questions due to the extreme fatigue while others were aggressively filling the questionnaire.

In contrast, people who were in the controlled temperature were more focus on the questionnaire. It was also observed that the people in the controlled temperature were willing to come again for the follow-up survey rather than those in the hot temperature room (Denson & Miller, 2006).

Operationalized dependent variable

To measure the aggression, half of the 60 adults were sent to the hot temperature room while others were sent to control the temperature room. Each of them was given games to play, but the joysticks were placed in normal position and inverted position. It was observed that people in the hot temperature room and controlled temperature shows no frustration when the joysticks were placed normal. When the joysticks were placed inverted people in the hot temperature room showed more aggressive behavior as compared to the controlled temperature room (Anderson & DeNeve, 1995).


Anderson, C. A., Deuser, W. E., & DeNeve, K. M. (1995). Hot temperatures, hostile affect, hostile cognition, and arousal: Tests of a general model of affective aggression. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 21(5), 434-448.

Denson, T. F., Pedersen, W. C., & Miller, N. (2006). The displaced aggression questionnaire. Journal of personality and social psychology, 90(6), 1032.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Create Sample

The effect of heat on aggression

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

The effect of heat on aggression

Weather is one of the major factors that affect human behavior. The researchers and social commentators agreed upon the linkage between human behavior and weather. They specifically focus on hot temperature as according to the high temperature would facilitate aggression leading towards violence. The hypothesis, temperature aggression comprises of the theories that how uncomfortable temperature affects human behavior while heat hypothesis specifically referred to as how hot temperature affects one’s behavior. It is also a general perception that hot temperature tends to increase anger and violence while cold temperature exhibits the opposite effects (Anderson & Bushman 2002).

Hypothesis: Heat will increase aggression

How heat affects human behavior, and does it intensify aggression and violence in the people living in hot regions? The hypothesis recommends that any exposure of humans to hot weather should have a negative effect on their behavior like an intensification of aggression. Intensification in aggression leads to serious consequences like an increase in crime rate and violence. Another theory claims that during the summer season, there is an increase in crime rates. This is due to the fact that the hot temperature makes people uncomfortable and they tend to fight with others easily. Feelings of resentment and hatred towards other people will eventually increase aggression as well (Bushman 1995). In another theory, it is suggested that although the assault rates are high during summer there is no evidence that hot temperature is the real culprit. Besides, the negative effects of the heat will contribute to reducing the amount of aggression and its intensity. This case is specifically true when the temperature is extreme. During an extreme heatwave or extreme cold temperature, the human body is unable to perform thus the question that temperature affects behavior should be reframed accordingly (Anderson, 1989).

Independent variable: Heat

In the topic “the effect of heat on aggression," heat is the independent variable as heat is not dependent upon aggression. It is totally reliant on the climate of the region, more specifically the temperature.

Dependent variable: Aggression

In this topic the dependent variable is aggression. Aggression depends upon the behavior of human being which is affected by the hot temperature. Aggression also influences the final outcome of one’s behavior.


Anderson, C. A. (1989). Temperature and aggression: ubiquitous effects of heat on occurrence of human violence. Psychological bulletin, 106(1), 74.

Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2002). Human aggression. Annual review of psychology, 53.

Bushman, B. J. (1995). Moderating role of trait aggressiveness in the effects of violent media on aggression. Journal of personality and social psychology, 69(5), 950.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Critical Thinking Assignment

Critical Thinking Assignment



Critical Thinking Assignment

There exists no second opinion about the fact that human activities are impacting negatively on the global climate. With the passage of time, a growing number of scientists have developed a consensus that the environment remains at threat because of human activities, which can result in deleterious consequences. Related to the carbon emissions, scientists have already warned the policymakers. It is for such facts that the new policies derived are made by keeping in view the specified number of carbon emissions. It can not only serve the purpose of limiting the climate effect, rather it can also resist a sizeable negative impact of the carbon emissions. Although an increasing number of public activists are working in lieu of the suggestions made forward to limiting climate change, there are some who oppose this collectivist approach. They cite some ideological myths and reasons to solidify their stance ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"k954Kmun","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Merlan, 2019)","plainCitation":"(Merlan, 2019)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":283,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/RH37MI52"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/RH37MI52"],"itemData":{"id":283,"type":"webpage","title":"On the Dark and Dangerous Underbelly of Climate Conspiracy Theories | Literary Hub","container-title":"Lit Hub","URL":"https://lithub.com/on-the-dark-and-dangerous-underbelly-of-climate-conspiracy-theories/","author":[{"family":"Merlan","given":"Anna"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2019",9]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",10,19]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Merlan, 2019). They believe that climate change is not happening, and it is just another narrative being put forward to derail the attention from other pressing issues.

The scientific data and the claims of the other side are based on the results deduced by the use of modern satellites. They have based their facts on the reasoning that scientific evidence cannot be neglected, and also, the humans ourselves are facing the negative consequences. They call the narrative of them as cynicism and skepticism. The voice of such negative figures varies from region to region ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"H50U85nA","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Uscinski & Olivella, 2017)","plainCitation":"(Uscinski & Olivella, 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":281,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/M6P9UK6U"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/M6P9UK6U"],"itemData":{"id":281,"type":"article-journal","title":"The conditional effect of conspiracy thinking on attitudes toward climate change","container-title":"Research & Politics","page":"2053168017743105","volume":"4","issue":"4","author":[{"family":"Uscinski","given":"Joseph E."},{"family":"Olivella","given":"Santiago"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Uscinski & Olivella, 2017). Although there exist strong political and bureaucratic voices against them in these regions, from time to time, the negative ones raise their voices, citing some authentic claims. A 2013 poll conducted in the United States suggested that during that year, a striking 40 percent of people opposed the efforts taken against climate change. These negative people about climate change call this as deleterious approach and unrealistic thinking ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"TMLQXlW6","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Uscinski, Douglas, & Lewandowsky, 2017)","plainCitation":"(Uscinski, Douglas, & Lewandowsky, 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":280,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/XPLRWK8P"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/XPLRWK8P"],"itemData":{"id":280,"type":"chapter","title":"Climate change conspiracy theories","container-title":"Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science","author":[{"family":"Uscinski","given":"Joseph E."},{"family":"Douglas","given":"Karen"},{"family":"Lewandowsky","given":"Stephan"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Uscinski, Douglas, & Lewandowsky, 2017). However, the other side believes that those who oppose the climate change efforts live in denials and want that political efforts to be tilted toward gains associated with their interests.

Nonetheless, these conspiracy theories regarding climate change are important to consider. Though people have choices to believe whatever they wish to believe about climate change. It is entirely up to their perception and choice if they wish to consider it a major threat or just another hoax. However, opinions about the validity of climatic concern are not important; rather, the actions taken to control the climate are what matter the most as they have the ability to impact the earth's climate. The misconceptions about climate change on social media are vividly flamed by our president Donald Trump who is reportedly a prominent peddler of misinformation. Trump has used his official twitter handle more than 100 times to highlight the doubts about the negative implications of climate change while challenging an overpowering consensus among global scientists ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"M6FxT106","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Oakes, 2019)","plainCitation":"(Oakes, 2019)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":284,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/3G44V6RT"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/3G44V6RT"],"itemData":{"id":284,"type":"webpage","title":"Campaigners create Twitter 'fact avalanche' to combat climate untruths","container-title":"Campaign","URL":"https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article/campaigners-create-twitter-fact-avalanche-combat-climate-untruths/1660427","author":[{"family":"Oakes","given":"Omar"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2019",9]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",10,19]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Oakes, 2019). The main issue with condemning the conspiracy theories is that they play into the minds of the conspiracy theorists. Just like Trump has been pushing a false narrative about a detrimental issue because he believes so.

National scientific academies have provided evidence of how climate is changing, and the main cause of global warming is human activities. All global standing bodies agree on the summary conclusions of the report by IPCC. It clearly states that human activities have caused an impact on the atmosphere of the oceans and global water cycle, glaciers melting, and changes in temperature. There is a significant likelihood that human influence is the primary cause for rise in global temperature since 20th century ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"bwszVYoH","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Bolsen & Druckman, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Bolsen & Druckman, 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":286,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/X9X3WASM"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/X9X3WASM"],"itemData":{"id":286,"type":"article-journal","title":"Validating Conspiracy Beliefs and Effectively Communicating Scientific Consensus","container-title":"Weather, Climate, and Society","page":"453-458","volume":"10","issue":"3","author":[{"family":"Bolsen","given":"Toby"},{"family":"Druckman","given":"James N."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Bolsen & Druckman, 2018). Senator James Inhofe, a Republican, in his speech in 2003 at the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works left a question for the audience that all this hysteria and phony science about global warming could it be man-made and was it the greatest deception among American people. He also stated that the IPCC report had predetermined facts, and the technical and scientific exactitude was trumped by the ideological beliefs ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"v88fxbPB","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Montague, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Montague, 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":282,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/HFHPNQC6"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/HFHPNQC6"],"itemData":{"id":282,"type":"article-journal","title":"When US senator Jim Inhofe called climate change a hoax","container-title":"The Ecologist","URL":"https://theecologist.org/2018/oct/19/when-us-senator-jim-inhofe-called-climate-change-hoax","author":[{"family":"Montague","given":"Brendan"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018",10]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",10,19]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Montague, 2018). The opponents of this dilemma believe that supporter nations of Kyoto Protocol basically aim at the purpose of global governance.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Bolsen, T., & Druckman, J. N. (2018). Validating Conspiracy Beliefs and Effectively Communicating Scientific Consensus. Weather, Climate, and Society, 10(3), 453–458.

Merlan, A. (2019, September). On the Dark and Dangerous Underbelly of Climate Conspiracy Theories | Literary Hub. Retrieved October 19, 2019, from Lit Hub website: https://lithub.com/on-the-dark-and-dangerous-underbelly-of-climate-conspiracy-theories/

Montague, B. (2018). When US senator Jim Inhofe called climate change a hoax. The Ecologist. Retrieved from https://theecologist.org/2018/oct/19/when-us-senator-jim-inhofe-called-climate-change-hoax

Oakes, O. (2019, September). Campaigners create Twitter “fact avalanche” to combat climate untruths. Retrieved October 19, 2019, from Campaign website: https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article/campaigners-create-twitter-fact-avalanche-combat-climate-untruths/1660427

Uscinski, J. E., Douglas, K., & Lewandowsky, S. (2017). Climate change conspiracy theories. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science.

Uscinski, J. E., & Olivella, S. (2017). The conditional effect of conspiracy thinking on attitudes toward climate change. Research & Politics, 4(4), 2053168017743105.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Critical Thinking Paper

Critical Thinking Paper

Your Name (First M. Last)

School or Institution Name (University at Place or Town, State)

Critical Thinking Paper

I have chosen the research article: Violent Video Games and Aggression: A Review of The Literature, written by Mark Griffiths. This article was found on the American Psychological Association.

One of the dominant concern that is persistently highlighted is the association of aggressiveness with several features of video games. A wide range of research has asserted significance on this critical aspect. The individuals who profoundly engage in playing video games can receive detrimental consequences ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"3KbQ4C8C","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}APA Review Confirms Link Between Playing Violent Video Games and Aggression,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“APA Review Confirms Link Between Playing Violent Video Games and Aggression,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":223,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/h6KbaPMu/items/VFDS3QJY"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/h6KbaPMu/items/VFDS3QJY"],"itemData":{"id":223,"type":"webpage","title":"APA Review Confirms Link Between Playing Violent Video Games and Aggression","URL":"https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2015/08/violent-video-games","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,27]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“APA Review Confirms Link Between Playing Violent Video Games and Aggression,” n.d.). Irrefutably, many video games feature violence, death and retaliation. It can never be, however, implied that all video games inculcate violence and aggressive behavior in individuals.

To begin, the article takes into account the empirical researches conducted comprising self-report procedures, observation of free play and scientific studies. The primary argument lies at the very heart of the postulate that most of the research conducted on the particular matter has methodological ambiguities. For instance, they are inclined towards deliberating the short-term implications of aggressive traits. The most imperative findings of the study reveal the majority of research on children demonstrates that children become more aggressive when engaged in either watching or playing a violent video game. Both the television and video games share a common feature. They offer entertainment value, several physical feature similarities (pace and action) and violent content.

Furthermore, the theoretical paradigm is an explicit illustration of the fact threat that video games possess the potential to promote aggressive aspirations. Similar deliberation is constituted in the social learning theory. For instance, it hypothesizes that aggressive video games will ultimately lead to the adoption of aggressive behavior. In the developmental ages, children inherently advance to imitate the scenes and events they persistently observe on the screens. Nevertheless, the catharsis theory sketches a contradictory picture. It asserts playing violent video games cast a positive impact on the behavior of children. There exist a wide spectrum of studies that examine the intricate aggressive traits associated with video games and subsequent behavior of children. It is imperative to highlight the long-term aggressive traits exhibited by violent video games.

Moreover, Hunt and Griffiths had reported when adolescents who played video games were asked whether or not video games made them violent, they affirmed that video games played an instrumental role in making their behavior aggressive ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"IvMHh1M1","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Griffiths, 1999)","plainCitation":"(Griffiths, 1999)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":221,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/h6KbaPMu/items/SQAJ2JG2"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/h6KbaPMu/items/SQAJ2JG2"],"itemData":{"id":221,"type":"article-journal","title":"Violent video games and aggression: A review of the literature","container-title":"Aggression and Violent Behavior","page":"203-212","volume":"4","issue":"2","source":"APA PsycNET","abstract":"One of the main concerns that has constantly been raised against video games is that most of the games feature aggressive elements. This has led many people to assert that this may have a detrimental effect on individuals who play such games. Despite continuing controversy for over 15 yrs, there has been little in the way of systematic research. This article reviews the empirical studies in this area, including research methodologies such as the observation of free play, self-report methods, and experimental studies. The article argues that all the published studies on video game violence have methodological problems and that they only include possible short-term measures of aggressive consequences. The 1 consistent finding is that the majority of the studies on very young children—as opposed to those in their teens upwards—tend to show that children do become more aggressive after either playing or watching a violent video game. However, all of these come from the use of 1 particular research methodology (i.e., observation of children's free play). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)","DOI":"10.1016/S1359-1789(97)00055-4","ISSN":"1359-1789(Print)","shortTitle":"Violent video games and aggression","author":[{"family":"Griffiths","given":"Mark"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1999"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Griffiths, 1999). The association of aggressive behavior is not portrayed in every child. Essentially, the frequency at which a child engages in playing video games defines the extent of violent behavior. A critical aspect is worthy of being mentioned here. The study noted that a correlation as the aggressive children are inherently urged to play video games instead of their aggression being the outcome of the activity. Besides, a study Fling conducted on 153 high school children noted that the extent of playing video games correlated with the self-reported attitudes of aggression. These studies are limited by certain impediments. For instance, the correlation may not be casual instead ramification of mediating factors as low socio-economic status and low educational attainment may have contributed to the outcome.

To discuss the experimental studies, Lynch postulated that video games constituting violent content are likely to manifest increased cardiovascular responses in adolescents as compared to those who played non-violent games. The research examined the blood pressure and heart rate differences between seventy-six non-hostile and hostile subjects aged between 12 to 16 years. However, both groups were devoid of prominent differences. In another experimental research, Prentice and Lightdale explored the effect of roles on sex dissimilarities utilizing a video game. The results lacked a potential similarity in female and male aggression while playing a video game. However, males exhibited aggressive traits than those exhibited by the female.

Likewise, several studies have evaluated variations in children’s attitude as a consequence of playing a violent video game by discerning the free play of the child ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"LoAX1Ur3","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hollingdale & Greitemeyer, 2014)","plainCitation":"(Hollingdale & Greitemeyer, 2014)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":225,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/h6KbaPMu/items/FVEZUYD9"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/h6KbaPMu/items/FVEZUYD9"],"itemData":{"id":225,"type":"article-journal","title":"The Effect of Online Violent Video Games on Levels of Aggression","container-title":"PLOS ONE","page":"e111790","volume":"9","issue":"11","source":"PLoS Journals","abstract":"Background In recent years the video game industry has surpassed both the music and video industries in sales. Currently violent video games are among the most popular video games played by consumers, most specifically First-Person Shooters (FPS). Technological advancements in game play experience including the ability to play online has accounted for this increase in popularity. Previous research, utilising the General Aggression Model (GAM), has identified that violent video games increase levels of aggression. Little is known, however, as to the effect of playing a violent video game online. Methods/Principal Findings Participants (N = 101) were randomly assigned to one of four experimental conditions; neutral video game—offline, neutral video game—online, violent video game—offline and violent video game—online. Following this they completed questionnaires to assess their attitudes towards the game and engaged in a chilli sauce paradigm to measure behavioural aggression. The results identified that participants who played a violent video game exhibited more aggression than those who played a neutral video game. Furthermore, this main effect was not particularly pronounced when the game was played online. Conclusions/Significance These findings suggest that both playing violent video games online and offline compared to playing neutral video games increases aggression.","DOI":"10.1371/journal.pone.0111790","ISSN":"1932-6203","journalAbbreviation":"PLOS ONE","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Hollingdale","given":"Jack"},{"family":"Greitemeyer","given":"Tobias"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014",11,12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hollingdale & Greitemeyer, 2014). Mackie and Cooper explored the free play of children aged ten years after watching and playing video games. Williamson and Silvern concluded that individuals aged six years developed aggressive traits comparative to a circumstance when observed in free play after playing violent video games. These studies affirm that there existed no major variations in aggression levels between passive video game observers and video games players. The children playing a jungle video game advanced to prioritizing similar models in the free play. On the contrary, the children playing violent video games became aggressive.

To conclude, the variety of evidence stipulated in the research article highlights that violent video games cast a profound impact on young children in comparison to teenagers. Some ambiguities raise the debate of defining the scope of aggressive or violent behavior. For instance, Tom and Jerry cannot be termed violent within prescribed domains defined by the media. Since video games, generally, are animated, a similar disagreement arises in this case. I believe that the research article critically discussed the influence of violent video games on children's behavior. It is apparent that they can have both adverse and favorable ramifications on the children. The research article can play a dominant role to encourage and make the parents aware of the consequences of permitting their children to play violent video games. The detailed spectrum of the literature review on self-play, observational studies, theoretical manifestations and experimental studies make the research article a potential source to examine the implications of playing violent video games thoroughly.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY APA Review Confirms Link Between Playing Violent Video Games and Aggression. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2019, from https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2015/08/violent-video-games

Griffiths, M. (1999). Violent video games and aggression: A review of the literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 4(2), 203–212. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1359-1789(97)00055-4

Hollingdale, J., & Greitemeyer, T. (2014). The Effect of Online Violent Video Games on Levels of Aggression. PLOS ONE, 9(11), e111790. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0111790

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Current Event


[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]


A boy from Guatemala died on the border of the United States and Mexico. This is the second time in a month when a migrant child dies while being detained at the border, reports BBC . An eight-year-old child, whose identity has not been officially identified, was detained with his father on December 18 in El Paso, Texas, after illegally crossing the border between the United States and Mexico. They were held for two days at the border patrol station. December 24, the child began to cough. He was taken along with his father to the hospital, where the doctors first decided that it was a cold and gave the child medication. Two hours later, the boy began to lose consciousness, and after another two hours, he died. The cause of death is still unknown. the child was prescribed the necessary medications and was discharged from the hospital, but after that the boy’s condition worsened and he had to be brought back to the health facility.


The president of the United States of America (USA), Donald Trump, firmly rejected accusations that his administration was responsible for the deaths of children of immigrants detained at the border between the USA and Mexico.

According to the US border guards, migrants with children are increasingly seeking to illegally cross the border. Most of them, once in the United States, surrender to the authorities in the hope of obtaining asylum in the country. Meanwhile, in the spring of 2018, the US Department of Justice announced a "zero tolerance" policy towards violators of immigration laws, including those who illegally cross the border with children. As a rule, detained parents are detained and prosecuted, and their children are sent to special centers.

Several thousand people from migrant caravans who came from Central America now have accumulated on the border with the United States in Mexico. According to various estimates, between six and nine thousand migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador may be in the Tijuana and Mexicali areas. US authorities transferred to the southern border of several thousand troops for security.

It is reported that the child died as a result of dehydration. At the same time, the border guards claim that the migrants were given access to the necessary amount of water and food, and the girl was provided with timely medical assistance. Humanitarian organizations blamed the authorities for the death of the child, and congressmen demanded an investigation. According to experts, there is little hope that the difficult situation on the border will improve: a split in society on the issue of migration is too great, and Donald Trump is not ready to give up his tough position.

During his election campaign, Donald Trump paid great attention to the topic of illegal migration, promising voters to start a fight against this phenomenon in the event of his victory. According to the politician, one of the measures capable of stopping the influx of immigrants from the countries of Central America should be the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico.

The child and mother were detained in March while trying to illegally cross the US border and were placed in a temporary detention center for migrants. According to the woman and her lawyer, during her stay in the center, the girl started having problems with the respiratory system, but the center staff did not take care to cure her, and let her go when she was still sick. As a result, the child died.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Current Events In Psycholgoy

Current Events in Psychology

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Current Events in Psychology


Key Events on 23rd May

On 23rd May 1586, the physician, Timothie Bright of St. Bartholomew’s London hospital wrote his book forward, the “Treatise on Melancholy”. It was the first English book published on mental illness subject with some phrases used in his disordered behavior description which is later used by Shakespeare in his play.

1734 is the birth date of Franz Anton Mesmer. He used animal magnetism term with a suggestion to bring cure physically. In psychotherapy, the use of hypnotism is traced back to Mesmerism

On 1883, Ivan Pavlov received his MD degree from Military Medical Academy Russia. His experiments on doctoral were on hearts’ augmentor nerves.

On 1905, Roelof Gerbrands was born; he went into experimental equipment business, found a company of experimental psychological equipment, best known for supplying equipment of operant conditioning.

In the year 1951, Kenneth Clark who is renowned psychologist left with Thurgood Marshall and Robert Carter from New York Penn Station to give his statement on bad effects on segregation due to self-esteem in case of Briggs v. Elliot related to African American Children.

In the year 1955, article by Lee J. Cronbach was published in Psychological Bulletin.

In the year 1955, a petition was submitted to create APA 28th Division

In the year 1983, National Working Conference on Education and Training in Health Psychology was initiated in New York.

Protection and Advocacy for Mentally Ill Individuals Act were passed by Congress in Public Law 99-319.

In the year 1990, Cambridge Center for Behavioral studies established the Loebner Prize. This prize is annually given to computer program authors that best mimics human behavior

Key Events on 21st December

First South Carolina state mental hospital was authorized by state legislature act IN THE YEAR 1821. It was built on four acres of land in South Carolina.

Jean Henri Fabre in the year 1823 was born. He was a high school teacher in France with interest in insect ethology study. He detailed his papers on insects natural behavior observed close to his house.

Morton Prince in the year 1854 was born. He uses and promote the abnormal personality study and is a pioneer for presented study in The Dissociation of Personality (1905).

1888 is the birth date of Anna Berliner. She was the only female student of Wilhelm Wundt’s in doctoral.  Her specialties include experimental optometry, visual perception, and advertising psychology.  Applied experimental psychology was introduced by her during a 10-year sojourn in Japan.  In 1936 she leaves Germany by force and in the United States later she finished her career.

In the year 1938, American Association Members for the Applied Psychology met at University of Ohio to assign officially the association bylaws to approve APA affiliation with the Advancement of Science American Association.

Henry Riecken, Leon Festinger, and Stanley Schachter studied the group “doomsday” in 1954 which predicted the end of the world would happen on this day.  The group behavior was reported in the “When Prophesy Fails” book (1956), a cognitive dissonance case study. It was a failed prophecy by this groups.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Current Events PSYCH 101

130g bjbj 7 x x q80n2UUUFUUUU0


Current Events PSYCH 101

Students Name

Institutional Affiliation

Psychology is a science that involves the study of behaviors and mental progressions of animals as well as human beings. The behavior can be described as an attribute of a living organism that can be observed directly like talking or even sleeping. Mental processes are activities of a living organism that cannot be seen directly. Psychology is a scientific study because it involves the collection and evaluation of information by the use of precise measurements and observations. Some of the current trends in psychology include invisible chains of poverty. The trend is as a result of physical limitations whereby most of the individuals are elderly, and as a result, they are not able to sample the food needed. Moreover, others have health and dental problems, which also makes it hard for them to sample the food required.

Another current trend in psychology is that psychologist are lauding equal acts as good for health, business, and families. The equality act would increase sexual orientation as well as the identity of gender as safeguarded by federal civil rights. There is a decrease in the growth of psychology baccalaureates. The decline in the degree awards has as well been observed in other social disciplines. Other current trending issues include health college intimate relationship in which college students make decisions as they experience transition in their lives. The active sexual students feel ready to deal with close contact.

Some of the perspectives on psychology include the psychodynamic perspective, which mainly is concerned with the purposes of early experiences of childhood, insensible cognizance, and interactive relationship to describe the conduct of human being. The biological perspective focuses on the biological and bodily bases of behavior. Other perspectives, like the humanistic perspectives, emphasize the functions of motivation in behavior and thoughts. The behavioral perspective also describes psychology based on behaviors that are learned. The cognitive perspective on psychology is more concerned with mental processes like making a decision, thinking, and memory as well as solving a problem. Finally, a psychologist can as well use the cross-culture perspective to explain the behavior of human across various cultures.

In conclusion, the study of psychology is essential because it is applied in our day to day activities. It also helps in studying the behavior and mental processes. Stress management, as well as making decisions, can be improved by the help of psychology.


Castro, V. (2019). Do American Psychological Association (APA) or Council for Accreditation of Counseling Related Educational Programs (CACREP) Accreditations Make a Difference A Look at GLB Competency Among Faculty and Graduate Students.


Running head CURRENT EVENTS PSYCH 101 1

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Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

DB 8

How do you maintain school-work-life balance?




This assignment will attempt to enlighten the significance of balance between different social obligations. It is important to note that it is all about the magnitude of motivation, ability, type of personality and the nature reinforcement being received from the environment. Student-work-life imbalance is potent enough to create mental distress, exhaustion, frustration, aggression, poor social skills, and loneliness, which not only affects mental health but also takes a serious toll on physical health.

Social Animal and his Obvious Social Roles

Being social animals, number of social roles are expected to perform by individuals e.g., a responsible parent, brilliant teacher, thriving student, successful working employee and productive member of community. It is quite important and equally challenging for individual to maintain balance between his diverse social roles. It can be difficult in many ways:

If individual is highly motivated to study or work

If he has conscientiousness by personality and sets more challenging goals

If his environment demands him to become study or workaholic or it is the source of positive reinforcement for him.

If he possess both interest, ability and aptitude for performing certain task

Ways to Manage School-Work-life Balance

For academic success, it is important to work hard. We take less time to struggle when we are intrinsically motivated and intellectually able to accomplish tasks with less processing time. Problem arises when either we lack motivation or ability; time is the hardest fuel that student uses to capture fortune. The basic concern that an employee finds is “time management” due to which it becomes laborious for him to perform good both as a student and as an employee. Following ways address related issues:

Retrospection and estimation of internal strengths and resources. It enables to estimate the extent of effort that we are supposed to serve.

Set realistic goals after retrospection and analyze available resources to accomplish them readily

Keep diary to maintain the record of important events with time estimation

Choose job that suits your academic schedule

Try deep breathing relaxation and meditation for stress management

Keep a strict eye on your job satisfaction; if you are burnt out, leaving job is the good option

Try to bind yourself within context specific limits both in work and academics. Remember, it is good to demonstrate average performance on both aspects rather than showing worst or highly commendable in either of them.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Death Dying And Bereavement

Death, Dying and Bereavement

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

[Include any grant/funding information and a complete correspondence address.]

Death, Dying and Bereavement

Social justice is an important consideration of society because it enables us to observe issues, which are related to having access to resources, and social messages circulating around reflection of valuing productivity. This paper aims to discuss ‘Death, dying and bereavement’ in the contextual study of social justice.

In clinics, medical staff including doctors and nurses, make decisions with the consent of patients and their families to decrease the levels of pain. Patients having incurable diseases suffer from severe levels of pain to avoid their further suffering, while clinical staff makes decision to end life of patients through medical processes. However, this is a complex and a controversial process which clinical staff have to follow, while this is also painful for them. Process of end-of-life may result in increased number of mortalities, and may create more instability in life ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"0L4Nzytb","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Mckenzie et al., 2017)","plainCitation":"(Mckenzie et al., 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1114,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/F0XOCTdk/items/ERUK26NS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/F0XOCTdk/items/ERUK26NS"],"itemData":{"id":1114,"type":"article-journal","title":"Ethical considerations in sensitive suicide research reliant on non-clinical researchers","container-title":"Research ethics","page":"173-183","volume":"13","issue":"3-4","author":[{"family":"Mckenzie","given":"Sarah K."},{"family":"Li","given":"Cissy"},{"family":"Jenkin","given":"Gabrielle"},{"family":"Collings","given":"Sunny"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Mckenzie et al., 2017). After end-of-life of a dear one or a family member, the other family members suffer from bereavement, while it is the greatest sorrow for them therefore they grieve ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"24l5AEqC","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Corless, 2016)","plainCitation":"(Corless, 2016)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1115,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/F0XOCTdk/items/LAGXHP8A"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/F0XOCTdk/items/LAGXHP8A"],"itemData":{"id":1115,"type":"article-journal","title":"Bereavement.","author":[{"family":"Corless","given":"Inge B."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Corless, 2016). This bereavement may result in decline in the well-being, and loss of other relationships which are important.

Death, dying, and bereavement in the context of social justice, it is illegal to kill someone, which results in higher rates of mortality. This greatly influences family members, and rest of society by creating health issues and mistrust on medical staff. For some people this may be a decision in favor of patients, because it decreases severity of pain, while having same intentions and willingness by patients, medical staff makes decisions. The reason why people favor the end-of-life is that it is carried with the consent, and by including all family members of patients, while this process is considered as a part of social justice ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"WYv3tHRQ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Harris & Bordere, 2016)","plainCitation":"(Harris & Bordere, 2016)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1116,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/F0XOCTdk/items/GKXHW3PK"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/F0XOCTdk/items/GKXHW3PK"],"itemData":{"id":1116,"type":"book","title":"Handbook of Social Justice in Loss and Grief: Exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion","publisher":"Taylor & Francis","URL":"https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=XGCFCwAAQBAJ","ISBN":"978-1-317-33500-9","author":[{"family":"Harris","given":"D. L."},{"family":"Bordere","given":"T. C."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Harris & Bordere, 2016). However, it is against social justice because taking someone’s is against humanity, and patients have full right to live regardless of suffering from severe pain.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Corless, I. B. (2016). Bereavement.

Harris, D. L., & Bordere, T. C. (2016). Handbook of Social Justice in Loss and Grief: Exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Retrieved from https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=XGCFCwAAQBAJ

Mckenzie, S. K., Li, C., Jenkin, G., & Collings, S. (2017). Ethical considerations in sensitive suicide research reliant on non-clinical researchers. Research Ethics, 13(3–4), 173–183.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Declarative, Procedural, Semantic Memory In Psychology

Declarative, semantic and Procedural Memory

[Author Name]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Declarative, semantic and Procedural Memory

Declarative memory is one of the two main types of long-term memory. It is also known as the memory of facts, data, and events. This is because it involves the conscious recollection of memories. Declarative memory has the ability to both store and retrieves information (Riedel & Blokland, 2015). Declarative memory can be further categorized into two main types that are episodic memory and semantic memory. Episodic memory comprises the storage and recollection of the information that we have observed or is related to any specific event that occurred in our life. On the other hand, semantic memory comprises the memory of facts that a person gathers throughout their lives. An example of declarative memory from my experience is that I remember the time when our family planned to go to nanna’s house on our summer break. However, we forgot to bring the tickets and had to return home to the airport with huge disappointment.

Semantic memory is the type of memory that is associated with common knowledge such as facts and ideas (Yee & McRae, 2018). In the context of semantic memory, I know all the names of the states that are in the US. However, another example that I remember is of the time when I was sitting in my university psychology class. My professor asked the class to define the term Psychology. I raise my hand to tell my professor about what psychology is. My definition was very much accurate and related to the scientist's knowledge and so my professor asked me where I got that definition. It was probably from a book or research article and I told him that I used to read things of my interest usually. This retained in my memory as semantic memory and it was useful when my professor asked me about it. I still remember that moment and definition as it is stored in my semantic memory.

Procedural memory refers to the type of memory which helps people in performing certain types of tasks without the conscious awareness of previous experiences. It is a part of long-term memory and is also referred to as automatic memory. This type of memory stores information regarding the daily functions that a person performs such as walking or talking, etc (Quam & Lotto, 2018). This type of memory is acquired through the repetition of tasks regularly. However, many researchers describe this memory as muscle memory or body memory. The main difference between declarative and procedural memory is that procedural memory helps an individual in remembering how to drive a car even though you have not driven the car for years. While declarative memory helps in remembering the date when you have purchased your first car or the place from where you bought your car. Procedural memoirs are a lot problematic to explain. If somebody questioned you how you drive your car. You would need a lot of struggle to place this event into words. Though, you would perhaps be able to express the route more easily. Memorizing the physical procedure and to explain that procedure of how to do something is procedural memory. Remembering the procedural memory would also take you to go through the declarative memory. For instance, I was learning to ride a bike-riding when I was 4 years old. It was that time when I usually do not know how to balance myself. My father helped me to handle my bicycle in balancing. At that time he was always there when I lost control of my bicycle. This learning took all of my 33 days efforts and a lot of injuries to balance my bicycle. Despite the injuries, I was able to learn how to ride a bike.


Quam, C., Wang, A., Maddox, W. T., Golisch, K., & Lotto, A. (2018). Procedural-Memory, Working-Memory, and Declarative-Memory Skills Are Each Associated With Dimensional Integration in Sound-Category Learning. Frontiers in psychology, 9.

Riedel, W. J., & Blokland, A. (2015). Declarative memory. In Cognitive Enhancement (pp. 215-236). Springer, Cham.

Yee, E., Jones, M. N., & McRae, K. (2018). Semantic memory. Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, 3, 1-38.

Subject: Psychology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Depends On The Article Chosen

Critique Analysis

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

[Include any grant/funding information and a complete correspondence address.]


Persistent, accidental, and irrepressible ruminative feelings are the indication of depression and also been linked with susceptibility to the beginning and reappearance of depressing episodes. The study was conducted to see the effects of emotional words, positive, negative, and neutral, on working memory by Joormann and colleagues in 2011. It has been observed in previous studies that the cognitive rigidity is linked with rumination. In this study, it was also under consideration to acquire an improved understanding of whether cognitive rigidity increases rumination or not ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"bxaSd47B","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Joormann, Levens, & Gotlib, 2011)","plainCitation":"(Joormann, Levens, & Gotlib, 2011)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":128,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"itemData":{"id":128,"type":"article-journal","title":"Sticky thoughts: Depression and rumination are associated with difficulties manipulating emotional material in working memory","container-title":"Psychological science","page":"979-983","volume":"22","issue":"8","author":[{"family":"Joormann","given":"Jutta"},{"family":"Levens","given":"Sara M."},{"family":"Gotlib","given":"Ian H."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Joormann, Levens, & Gotlib, 2011). The structured interviews of 53 participants were conducted for the research. It was evident that the control groups have lower sorting costs. When introduced negative words in the depressive group, the sorting costs were higher. The positive and neutral words introduction and presentation were not predicted in the study. While this article detected noteworthy positive consequences and the results were in line with the hypothesis that the negative words are associated with difficulty in functioning of working memory. Cognitive rigidity was associated with amplifying depression and rumination. The critique analysis of the article ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"YTWzFqE2","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","plainCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":128,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"itemData":{"id":128,"type":"article-journal","title":"Sticky thoughts: Depression and rumination are associated with difficulties manipulating emotional material in working memory","container-title":"Psychological science","page":"979-983","volume":"22","issue":"8","author":[{"family":"Joormann","given":"Jutta"},{"family":"Levens","given":"Sara M."},{"family":"Gotlib","given":"Ian H."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Joormann et al., 2011) produced significant results by using cross-sectional study methods and design to assess and recognize the association between rumination and depression with working memory.

Article Summary

The researchers conducted structured interviews with 53 participants. The participants were called for the research by advertising in the community broadsheet. Designed clinical interview was arranged by the skilled examiners using interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (First, Spitzer, Gibbon, & Williams, 1996). Participants in the depressed groups were 26 meetings; the inclusion criteria for Major Depressive Disorder. A comparison of these participants with the control group (n= 27) was completed in the study. It was perceived how these members would answer to the presentation of negative and sad emotional states and signs of dysphoria. The participants were introduced with 180 positive, 180 negative, and 180 neutral nouns ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"fUtKAqON","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","plainCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":128,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"itemData":{"id":128,"type":"article-journal","title":"Sticky thoughts: Depression and rumination are associated with difficulties manipulating emotional material in working memory","container-title":"Psychological science","page":"979-983","volume":"22","issue":"8","author":[{"family":"Joormann","given":"Jutta"},{"family":"Levens","given":"Sara M."},{"family":"Gotlib","given":"Ian H."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Joormann et al., 2011). Stimulation and valence ratings were observed on the 9-point scale. From previous studies, it was evident that the arrears in working memory trigger ruminative replies in anxiety ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"X3D5EZDQ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","plainCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":128,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"itemData":{"id":128,"type":"article-journal","title":"Sticky thoughts: Depression and rumination are associated with difficulties manipulating emotional material in working memory","container-title":"Psychological science","page":"979-983","volume":"22","issue":"8","author":[{"family":"Joormann","given":"Jutta"},{"family":"Levens","given":"Sara M."},{"family":"Gotlib","given":"Ian H."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Joormann et al., 2011). The researchers have selected an important topic to assess the association of rumination and depression by manipulation in working memory.

Specific mindset and cognitive rigidity also lead to depression. Studies have suggested that cognitive flexibility is associated with improvement in patients with depression ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"lfCIg7Xo","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":129,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"itemData":{"id":129,"type":"article-journal","title":"Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy improves cognitive functioning and flexibility among individuals with elevated depressive symptoms","container-title":"Mindfulness","page":"1457-1469","volume":"9","issue":"5","author":[{"family":"Shapero","given":"Benjamin G."},{"family":"Greenberg","given":"Jonathan"},{"family":"Mischoulon","given":"David"},{"family":"Pedrelli","given":"Paola"},{"family":"Meade","given":"Kathryn"},{"family":"Lazar","given":"Sara W."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Shapero et al., 2018). Cognitive impairment and rigidity prevent information from entering in working memory, which leads to the symptoms of sadness and depression. Also, it prevents the removal and deletion of previously held negative incidents from working memory. Working memory is a part of cognitive memory which is directly involved in the fabrication of decision making and performance. By manipulation and organized management in updating the information in working memory, depression, and ruminating thoughts can be improved ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"38reHUsO","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Yang, Cao, Shields, Teng, & Liu, 2017)","plainCitation":"(Yang, Cao, Shields, Teng, & Liu, 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":133,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/AW3YLGYA"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/AW3YLGYA"],"itemData":{"id":133,"type":"article-journal","title":"The relationships between rumination and core executive functions: A meta‐analysis","container-title":"Depression and anxiety","page":"37-50","volume":"34","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Yang","given":"Yingkai"},{"family":"Cao","given":"Songfeng"},{"family":"Shields","given":"Grant S."},{"family":"Teng","given":"Zhaojun"},{"family":"Liu","given":"Yanling"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Yang, Cao, Shields, Teng, & Liu, 2017). Through this updating, problem-solving cognitive behavior can also be improved. It was difficult for the members with MDD to manipulate and update information in working memory. However, the effects were intensified with negative words. This may happen because the ruminators turn out to be trapped on recurring feelings that rotate around a definite subject and have trouble flexibly swapping to a novel sequence of thought. This represents troubling in the manipulation of material present in working memory.

Certainly, control members did not validate the discrepancy in sorting costs for all these words. All these words include positive, negative, and neutral words ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"prFdXRBN","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","plainCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":128,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"itemData":{"id":128,"type":"article-journal","title":"Sticky thoughts: Depression and rumination are associated with difficulties manipulating emotional material in working memory","container-title":"Psychological science","page":"979-983","volume":"22","issue":"8","author":[{"family":"Joormann","given":"Jutta"},{"family":"Levens","given":"Sara M."},{"family":"Gotlib","given":"Ian H."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Joormann et al., 2011). The members with MDD showed expressively greater sorting costs when introduced by negative words. The sorting costs for positive and neutral words remained unchanged. These conclusions matched the results with earlier researches conducted on working memory function in depression. As it represents that MDD is connected with trouble possessing inappropriate negative information from inflowing working memory ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"nd1P5xlE","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":129,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"itemData":{"id":129,"type":"article-journal","title":"Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy improves cognitive functioning and flexibility among individuals with elevated depressive symptoms","container-title":"Mindfulness","page":"1457-1469","volume":"9","issue":"5","author":[{"family":"Shapero","given":"Benjamin G."},{"family":"Greenberg","given":"Jonathan"},{"family":"Mischoulon","given":"David"},{"family":"Pedrelli","given":"Paola"},{"family":"Meade","given":"Kathryn"},{"family":"Lazar","given":"Sara W."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Shapero et al., 2018). It also represents that individuals with MDD face difficulty in the manipulation of negative thoughts in working memory. However, this study could not recognize the evidence of how and why some members were disposed to ruminate, and it was easy for others in reorientation and recovering. It was maybe persons stayed stuck in negative thoughts in working memory that inhibits them from recovering.

Article Critique

The researchers have conducted the study, which provides significant results that arrears and deficits in working memory can stimulate a ruminative response. There is a strong association between depression and manipulation of thoughts in working memory. Individuals who failed to manipulate and update information in working memory would suffer depression like in individuals with Major Depressive Disorder ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"QQCqGkUF","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":129,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"itemData":{"id":129,"type":"article-journal","title":"Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy improves cognitive functioning and flexibility among individuals with elevated depressive symptoms","container-title":"Mindfulness","page":"1457-1469","volume":"9","issue":"5","author":[{"family":"Shapero","given":"Benjamin G."},{"family":"Greenberg","given":"Jonathan"},{"family":"Mischoulon","given":"David"},{"family":"Pedrelli","given":"Paola"},{"family":"Meade","given":"Kathryn"},{"family":"Lazar","given":"Sara W."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Shapero et al., 2018). But the study participants or sample size was very small, only 26 participants were offered for interviews to collect the data. With this small-sized sample, it would be challenging for the specifying results to a large population. Also, the participants were represented from a single clinic or hospital; this limits the results for the larger population. There will be other factors that can manipulate results when generalizing over a larger population.

The introduction of structured interviews is an important and useful tool for the research problem. It is also evident from other studies that prolonged negative thoughts and negative incidents are the hallmark sign for MDD ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"h4scwY1H","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":129,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"itemData":{"id":129,"type":"article-journal","title":"Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy improves cognitive functioning and flexibility among individuals with elevated depressive symptoms","container-title":"Mindfulness","page":"1457-1469","volume":"9","issue":"5","author":[{"family":"Shapero","given":"Benjamin G."},{"family":"Greenberg","given":"Jonathan"},{"family":"Mischoulon","given":"David"},{"family":"Pedrelli","given":"Paola"},{"family":"Meade","given":"Kathryn"},{"family":"Lazar","given":"Sara W."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Shapero et al., 2018). This study, however, could not identify the underline causes of the difficulties faced by the individuals in manipulating thoughts in the working memory. It is suggested from other studies that cognitive rigidity and cognitive biases are the significant reasons for depressive episodes ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"orC8iALo","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":129,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"itemData":{"id":129,"type":"article-journal","title":"Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy improves cognitive functioning and flexibility among individuals with elevated depressive symptoms","container-title":"Mindfulness","page":"1457-1469","volume":"9","issue":"5","author":[{"family":"Shapero","given":"Benjamin G."},{"family":"Greenberg","given":"Jonathan"},{"family":"Mischoulon","given":"David"},{"family":"Pedrelli","given":"Paola"},{"family":"Meade","given":"Kathryn"},{"family":"Lazar","given":"Sara W."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Shapero et al., 2018). The study reviews the cognitive deficits and its association with working memory, which shows that the subject or the study is an important discussion, and inspiring awareness specifically for patients with Major Depressive Disorder.

Depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders are prevalent psychiatric problems in the recent era. It has been observed that cognitive impairment is somehow linked with depression. It was not clear how and in what ways it is related and associated with the negative incidents. By the study ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"3P81KXKb","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","plainCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":128,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"itemData":{"id":128,"type":"article-journal","title":"Sticky thoughts: Depression and rumination are associated with difficulties manipulating emotional material in working memory","container-title":"Psychological science","page":"979-983","volume":"22","issue":"8","author":[{"family":"Joormann","given":"Jutta"},{"family":"Levens","given":"Sara M."},{"family":"Gotlib","given":"Ian H."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Joormann et al., 2011), this has been proved that there is a positive association between depression and rumination with working memory ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"hpupBJjv","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Chiu et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Chiu et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":132,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/JUMVFVQJ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/JUMVFVQJ"],"itemData":{"id":132,"type":"article-journal","title":"Meta-analysis of the association between rumination and reduced autobiographical memory specificity","container-title":"Memory","page":"1323-1334","volume":"26","issue":"10","author":[{"family":"Chiu","given":"Connie PY"},{"family":"Griffith","given":"James W."},{"family":"Lenaert","given":"Bert"},{"family":"Raes","given":"Filip"},{"family":"Hermans","given":"Dirk"},{"family":"Barry","given":"Tom J."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Chiu et al., 2018). This study has not provided any data related to the improvement in the symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder; however, it has opened an endeavor that open-minded thoughts, cognitive flexibility, and imprints of positive thoughts can improve cognitive impairment in patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Prolonged and continuous introduction of strategies that can change and help in removing negative thoughts from working memory can reduce signs of depression in patients suffering from Major Depressive disorder ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"EIppnZQ2","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Yang et al., 2017)","plainCitation":"(Yang et al., 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":133,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/AW3YLGYA"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/AW3YLGYA"],"itemData":{"id":133,"type":"article-journal","title":"The relationships between rumination and core executive functions: A meta‐analysis","container-title":"Depression and anxiety","page":"37-50","volume":"34","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Yang","given":"Yingkai"},{"family":"Cao","given":"Songfeng"},{"family":"Shields","given":"Grant S."},{"family":"Teng","given":"Zhaojun"},{"family":"Liu","given":"Yanling"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Yang et al., 2017). The results can be beneficial and helpful in the improvement of the efficiency of treatment strategies used for Major Depressive disorder.


The study has detected noteworthy outcomes in detecting the association of negative thoughts and incidents and difficulty in manipulation for working memory ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"D3NgRkBO","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","plainCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":128,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"itemData":{"id":128,"type":"article-journal","title":"Sticky thoughts: Depression and rumination are associated with difficulties manipulating emotional material in working memory","container-title":"Psychological science","page":"979-983","volume":"22","issue":"8","author":[{"family":"Joormann","given":"Jutta"},{"family":"Levens","given":"Sara M."},{"family":"Gotlib","given":"Ian H."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Joormann et al., 2011). Though the small sample size but it is evident that there is some positive association between sticky thoughts, negative thoughts, and it is difficult for the working memory to manipulate and update information received. Working memory remains stuck and obstructed between previous thoughts and incidents happened ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"fBFkAYJL","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":129,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"itemData":{"id":129,"type":"article-journal","title":"Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy improves cognitive functioning and flexibility among individuals with elevated depressive symptoms","container-title":"Mindfulness","page":"1457-1469","volume":"9","issue":"5","author":[{"family":"Shapero","given":"Benjamin G."},{"family":"Greenberg","given":"Jonathan"},{"family":"Mischoulon","given":"David"},{"family":"Pedrelli","given":"Paola"},{"family":"Meade","given":"Kathryn"},{"family":"Lazar","given":"Sara W."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Shapero et al., 2018). This has released an endeavor to be explored and discovered to improve working memory manipulation as this would be helpful and beneficial for the patients suffering from Major Depressive Disorder ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"BjrAn3Wo","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Shapero et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":129,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/3B5I48BS"],"itemData":{"id":129,"type":"article-journal","title":"Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy improves cognitive functioning and flexibility among individuals with elevated depressive symptoms","container-title":"Mindfulness","page":"1457-1469","volume":"9","issue":"5","author":[{"family":"Shapero","given":"Benjamin G."},{"family":"Greenberg","given":"Jonathan"},{"family":"Mischoulon","given":"David"},{"family":"Pedrelli","given":"Paola"},{"family":"Meade","given":"Kathryn"},{"family":"Lazar","given":"Sara W."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Shapero et al., 2018). Negative thoughts and undesirable events can intensify the depressive episodes ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"kekPe3Gq","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","plainCitation":"(Joormann et al., 2011)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":128,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/NG3WG2GW"],"itemData":{"id":128,"type":"article-journal","title":"Sticky thoughts: Depression and rumination are associated with difficulties manipulating emotional material in working memory","container-title":"Psychological science","page":"979-983","volume":"22","issue":"8","author":[{"family":"Joormann","given":"Jutta"},{"family":"Levens","given":"Sara M."},{"family":"Gotlib","given":"Ian H."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Joormann et al., 2011). Though the sample size used has made the research challenging to generalize the results over a large population, but a noteworthy association in line with the hypothesis has been appraised (Chiu et al., 2018). Stubborn, and uncontrollable ruminative feelings are the symptoms of depression and are connected with susceptibility to the reappearance of depressing events.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Chiu, C. P., Griffith, J. W., Lenaert, B., Raes, F., Hermans, D., & Barry, T. J. (2018). Meta-analysis of the association between rumination and reduced autobiographical memory specificity. Memory, 26(10), 1323–1334.

Joormann, J., Levens, S. M., & Gotlib, I. H. (2011). Sticky thoughts: Depression and rumination are associated with difficulties manipulating emotional material in working memory. Psychological Science, 22(8), 979–983.

Shapero, B. G., Greenberg, J., Mischoulon, D., Pedrelli, P., Meade, K., & Lazar, S. W. (2018). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy improves cognitive functioning and flexibility among individuals with elevated depressive symptoms. Mindfulness, 9(5), 1457–1469.

Yang, Y., Cao, S., Shields, G. S., Teng, Z., & Liu, Y. (2017). The relationships between rumination and core executive functions: A meta‐analysis. Depression and Anxiety, 34(1), 37–50.

Subject: Psychology

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