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Absolute poverty

It is the state where a person does not have enough amount of income to meet the basic requirements and lacks basic needs such as shelter, food, clean water, basic education and medical care. It is also called as extreme poverty, typically discussed in the developing countries.

Relative poverty

It is also described as “relative deprivation” because people suffering from relative poverty are not totally poor which means they have money to meet their basic needs but can not afford anything else apart from these basic needs. This type of poverty mostly depends on the economic growth of the country and is changeable.

Subjective poverty

It is an individual’s perception of deprivation based on his/her financial situation ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"iXNMFOo5","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Objective and Subjective Poverty | SpringerLink,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Objective and Subjective Poverty | SpringerLink,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":107,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/Y92QT2VV"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/Y92QT2VV"],"itemData":{"id":107,"type":"webpage","title":"Objective and Subjective Poverty | SpringerLink","URL":"https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-94-007-0753-5_3779","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",10,24]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Objective and Subjective Poverty | SpringerLink,” n.d.). It depends on the feelings of an individual, for example, if somebody says they feel poor, then this means subjective poverty.

Debt bondage

Debt bondage also is known as bonded laborasa form of slavery where people give themselves as security specifically against a loan and are expected to work in brutal conditions.

Dependency theory

A theory based on the Marxist view of the world is the exploitation of cheap labour and their resources in order to make the developed countries economically stable ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"7OvyHfgF","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Dependency Theory\\uc0\\u8212{}An overview | ScienceDirect Topics,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Dependency Theory—An overview | ScienceDirect Topics,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":109,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/XAVGWBJH"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/XAVGWBJH"],"itemData":{"id":109,"type":"webpage","title":"Dependency Theory - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics","URL":"https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/economics-econometrics-and-finance/dependency-theory","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",10,24]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Dependency Theory—An overview | ScienceDirect Topics,” n.d.). It means that there is a dominant world that relies on the poor ‘peripheral’ countries which makes the poor poorer and the rich richer.

First world

The first world refers to the countries that were aligned with the United States and other western countries during the cold war. Back in 1991, these countries were in opposition to the Soviet Union and its allies. It also refers to the countries which are developed than the other countries.

Second world

The term second world refers to the countries which were associated with the Soviet Union. It also refers to the countries that are more stable and more developed than the third-world countries but less stable than and developed than the first world countries.

Third world

It is a phrase that emerged during the Cold war and is used to describe the developing countries. Those countries who do not have the same view as of the NATO or the Soviet Union likethe countries in Asia and Africa fall under the category of the Third world.

Fourth world

It is used to describe the countries which are poverty-stricken, most underdeveloped and cornered regions of the world. These countries don’t have any diplomatic affairs with other countries and are nomadic in nature. They are called the fourth world due to their economic performance.

Global stratification

This happens when the resources and opportunities of a region are distributed unequally among people based on their class, position or social status.

Modernization theory

Emerged in the 1950s, it suggests that the development of a country depends entirely on the technology as well as on the political and social situation.

Underground economy

It is a type of shadow economy that involves the transaction of goods and different services without the involvement of government in order to escape tax collectors and regulators. It is more related to an illegal activity performed without any security.

The global feminization

This refers to the participation of female force in the labour market and the equal distribution of wages between both the genders. It is an era of flexibility where women are pushed to different forms of labor.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Dependency Theory—An overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2019, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/economics-econometrics-and-finance/dependency-theory

Objective and Subjective Poverty | SpringerLink. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2019, from https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-94-007-0753-5_3779

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Globalization And Media

Globalization And Media


[Name of the Institution]

Globalization And Media


Globalization is a process by which various societies, cultures, and economies interact through a global network of communication. The impact of globalization is diverse and has influenced different aspects of our society. It is considered as an integral part of bringing change and development in the livelihoods of people. Earlier it was considered as an economic aspect that influences the trade activities carried out between different countries. However, globalization lately emerged the concept of cosmopolitan culture worldwide. It stated that globalization not only influences the financial capability but has a strong impact on cultural diversity as well CITATION Ran04 \l 1033 (Rantanen, 2004). This paradigm shift was highly influenced by media which played a significant role in bridging the gap between countries. It not only provided the necessary information across the world but also inspired the standard of living of masses.

Globalization increased access to foreign commodities and provided a variety of products to emerging consumers. The free trade policies have initially made it easy for companies to target population across the borders. On the other hand, Media provided an effective means of communication like television, internet, etc to showcase the new trends to the consumers which increased the demand for such goods. It has played an important role in reaching the maximum number of audience and shaping the mindset of the public. In simple words, media has accelerated globalization with increasing acceptance of economic, technological and cultural differences CITATION Glo \l 1033 (Lule, 2017). Similarly, globalization has escalated the access to the comprehensive range and broadcasting of media across the globe. Globalization has a major influence on media, and resultantly impacted the masses. The most evident impact of globalization is extensive communication which has helped to convey information easily and make people come closer globally.

Thesis Statement

Globalization is highly dependent on media for disseminating information but there are other interconnected factors such as economic, political, and cultural factors that play an important role in the process of globalization. This paper tends ‘to analyze the role of media in globalization; influencing the global culture through social, economic and political factors'. The study will evaluate different factors contributing to the evolution of globalization by media and will examine the way it has impacted people lives across the borders.


Globalization is the process of interaction with the international world which entails the exchange of products, information and technology, trade, and even employment opportunities across the borders. Globalization primarily focused on economic indicators for national interest, however, the increasing role of media has resulted in the globalization of cultures and social values as well. Media has performed an evolutionary process in the transformation of societies and their values. It has connected people across the world where they can exchange their social and cultural norms. The increasing role of media has influenced the lifestyle of people, therefore, the growing concern is whether such dependence on media in the process of globalization is positive or negative.

Media Positive for Globalization

Many researchers claim that media has a positive impact on globalization. It provides opportunities for people to experience new trends. It has made communication easier and faster with the help of the internet. People can easily access throughout the world. Some of the major achievements of globalization include quality education, job opportunities, access to international companies and products and development of tourism.

Role of Online Education

Media has a strong role in educating the masses across the borders. People highly depends on media for all sorts of information related to new trends and events which highly influence their opinions. The educational choices are based on the scope in the international community which is made accessible through media by providing online education.The transfer of education from traditional ways to the internet was indeed a revolution in the media CITATION Ran04 \l 1033 (Rantanen, 2004). The digital media is freely accessible and transforming the nature of consumer behavior. Computerized technology has reduced the cost of communication by widening access to local consumers. Castells (2000), a philosopher of cyberspace stated that the “Internet has revolutionized international information exchange’ by providing the information across the borders CITATION Cas00 \l 1033 (Castells, 2000).

Increase in Jobs Opportunities

Media provides people with occupational opportunities such as online jobs and businesses as well. Students can search for jobs online and search for the right opportunities. They apply online for the right postings and get selected. Students are heavily active on their social media accounts such as LinkedIn, where they share their profile which is easily accessible to the companies. Similarly, it has made the recruitment process easier for the firms to select the right candidates for their jobs. By evaluating the LinkedIn profiles and online Cvs of the individual, it is easier for companies to select the right people for a particular job. The media has played a great role in the ‘individualism of contemporary reality' with consumers utilizing the media according to their own will and create innovative content CITATION Ran04 \l 1033 (Rantanen, 2004).

Access to International Companies

Globalization has made it easier for the world to connect through media with international companies. It ensures that people can access products in any country. The economic globalization has encouraged free capital flows, cross-border transaction and diverse blending of technology. It has made it easier for international companies to work with local people. It also encourages to start entrepreneurship and order products from different countries online and sell them locally. The trend has caught much attention in recent times and people are importing various international branded products and selling them locally. It is beneficial for both the public to have large choices available as well as for the companies to have a larger consumer market CITATION Lan06 \l 1033 (Landow, 2006). This has strengthened the business activities of diasporic people in connecting with like-minded people.

Development of Tourism

Media has increased tourism throughout the world, people can move freely through online booking in different countries and explore new places. The speedy progress in the field of transportation has converted this world into a ‘global village’ where people have easy access to any part of the world. Globalization has reduced the costs of connection to the world, and leading to a stronger integration. It also transfers and exchange the ideas and values from one culture to another, and reduce the hatred and cultural differences. Media has decreased racial differences among different groups and educated the people of accepting diversity CITATION Glo \l 1033 (Lule, 2017). The ethnic differences between African Americans, where a greater threat to the countries stability, it was through the social change that took place over media and gained the attention of the international community.

Political role

Media is considered an important platform for social movements and fascinating the abilities between groups. The mobilizations of NGOs, civil society and political parties significantly shape the future of states. In recent times, media has a major role in providing awareness to people about their rights, the use of votes, and connecting to the elected representatives. Media scholars are capable of the development of ‘media democratization' by providing and disseminating the information to local people. Many scholars believe that democracy is achieved through the active role of media, otherwise, people would be still living in the era of colonialism. Media has given people the right to fully express their ideas and perceptions about current affairs CITATION Gor00 \l 1033 (Gordon, 2000). The representatives are held accountable to respond to the general queries of people. The Obama government is one of the greatest examples of democratic government which came into power because of the movements of people.

Language and Globalization

Media has been significant in bridging the gap between different ethnic and cultural groups, however, it has also influenced the transfer of language from one country to another. People are capable of speaking different languages while there is one global language English which is followed as a medium of connection worldwide. Media has made it easier for people to learn and speak languages outside of their country CITATION Fai07 \l 1033 (Fairclough, 2007). The different programs and movies help people accept other languages.

Media Negative for Globalization

Media has its share of a negative impact as well, the critics of globalization believe that media has increased hatred and conflict among people. It also has increased the tendency of bullying and hate speech in the media as a result of globalization. The critics of globalization referred to the offensive statements on international platforms and the emergence of ethnic and racist hatred in the globalized world is widely prevailing. Moreover, people largely believe what is presented on media which most of the time leads to miscommunication. The indifferences are thus not very well accepted by the majority of people which arises conflicts and other issues.

Loss of Cultures

Globalization is a global trend that is not only related to lowering economic barriers but has much influence on the culture as well. Through the transfer of different industries and technology, space has been open for transfer of culture in the same markets as well. Globalization is perceived to be largely influenced by Western culture and is perceived to be spreading the same modernization patterns through media. The outcomes of this transfer are referred to as heterogenization, where western cultures collide with the local culture. However, people being much fascinated by the new trends tends to forget their values and adopt new trends and fashions. The proponents of media and globalization are responsible for local cultural loss across the globe CITATION Ran04 \l 1033 (Rantanen, 2004).

Effect of the Internet on Children

Researchers indicate that the most popular programs on television are not in national interest anymore and reflect international distribution. Television tends to increase the marketing those programs which pay them huge amount irrespective of the fact that they are not representing the right values. Robert Mc Chesney, a media historian states that ‘the multinational corporations are using media to serve their interests only'. Also, the foreign investment in local media is threatening for the local children. They tend to provide discounts by watching a certain number of shows, which made the children addicted to the whole seasonal show CITATION Pel09 \l 1033 (Pelzer & Vergeer, 2009). Children are becoming addicted to increasing information on media and losing physical exertion. The unpredictable trends in our future generations is a threat to productivity and growth in the future. It is very important for nations to control what type of information and trends are shaping in their surroundings to have a positive impact on media.

Effects on the Economy

Globalization encourages free trade, increase foreign investments, develops export and imports which boost the economic capacity of a country. However, many economists are of the view that globalization has helped the industrialized nations to boost their economies. These nations have achieved higher economic growth with increase productions by purchasing cheap raw materials from underdeveloped countries and turned them into manufactured goods. The developed nations then sell the manufactured goods at high prices which is only beneficial for their country. It is believed that the industrialized nations have achieved development at the expense of the underdeveloped world. This is a huge loss to the local industries, where people don't buy local products and considered them low quality CITATION Haf \l 1033 (Hafez, 2007). With the help of media, international brands are easily accessible online and people can buy through online orders. Also, with free trade, there are no regulations on the number of foreign goods coming into your country. Thus, people trust international products more than local brands.

Projection of Violence

Media tends to increase the incidence of violence, especially among religious groups. The conflicts among different countries are highly glorified on media which increase the tensions between the conflicting parties. Another country exploits one country and these incidences are highly showed on media to boost hatred and fight. Such incidence happened in the Syrian Crises, the Palestine issue, the Kashmir conflict, which blames one country and bashes their image to the international community. The critics of globalization believe that the situation and relationship between states were better when there was no globalization CITATION Ear10 \l 1033 (Early, 2010). However, it is evident that not globalization itself, but media transfer the wrong information that creates conflicts.

Wrong Use of Social Media

Due to easy access to different sites, there is no check and control on what majority of people follow on social media. The ratio of people watching pornography has largely increased in the past. People spending their leisure time in such activities tend to develop behaviors, researches show that such individuals become frustrated and indulge in sexual harassment. Physical and mental violence is a result of watching the wrong sites CITATION Das11 \l 1033 (Dashora, 2011).


Globalization and media are strongly related, some believe that if there would be no media, there would have been no globalization. Although political globalization has taken place quite early, it was social and cultural globalization shared recently through media. It has connected people across the borders, which has enabled them to enjoy global trends and products. Globalization has provided more benefits than losses, people have got educated, and performing different jobs. Social media is freely available to everyone and each of us can easily access whatever we want. However, it depends on the intellectual capability of each person that how blindly they follow and believe each news on social media.

The advantages of media on globalization are much greater than the disadvantages. Millions of people daily get benefitted through different mediums of globalization. However, people need to focus on how they use social media platforms. In a specialized world, people need to research before any unpleasant information shared on social media. They should form their views based on the evidence rather than following a random fight on social media. This will decrease the conflicts between people, and individuals will learn to accept realities rather than focusing on doubts. The world is strongly dependent on media and globalization which has taken place as a result of connecting through the world. Globalization and media hence interconnected, influencing lifestyles all around the globe.

The world today is highly influenced by media regarding information, however, it is evident that media is a product created by people. Globalization and media are not abstract and is considered a human-shaped technology. Still, people are so dependent on both these mediums due to its increasing influence on peoples lives. It is important to consider that we can control certain aspects of media, which is harmful to ourselves as well as our country. Media and globalization are beneficial if you take advantage of it in a positive manner eliminating the negative consequences.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Castells, M. (2000). Materials for an exploratory theory of the network society1. The British journal of sociology.

Dashora, K. (2011). Cyber Crime in the Society: Problems and. Journal of Alternative Perspective in Social Sciences, 240-259.

Early, J. R. (2010). Cyber-bullying on increase. Retrieved from http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2010/02/07/4609017

Fairclough, N. (2007). Language and globalization. taylorfrancis.com.

Gordon, M. T. (2000). Public Trust in Government: The US Media as an Agent of Accountability? International Review of Administrative Sciences.

Hafez, K. (2007). The Myth of Media Globalization.

Landow, G. P. (2006). Hypertext 3.0: Critical Theory and New Media in an Era of Globalization. JHU Press.

Lee, T. T. (2010). Why they don't trust the media: An examination of factors predicting trust. Sage Publications.

Lule, J. (2017). Globalization and Media: Global Village of Babel. Rowman & Littlefield.

Pelzer, B., & Vergeer, M. (2009). Consequences of media and Internet use for offline and online network capital and well-being. A causal model approach. Journal of Computer-Mediated.

Rantanen, T. (2004). The Media and Globalization. Sage Publications.

Wall, D. S. (2005). The internet as a conduit for criminal activity. In: Pattavina, A. (Ed.), Information Technology and the Criminal Justice System. Sage Publication.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 10 Words: 3000

Globalization, Products And Consumerism


[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]


Globalization, Products, and Consumerism

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap

Headquarter of Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap is located in California. This company makes products related to personal care and organic soap and was founded by Emanuel Bronner in the late 1940s. Still, the company runs by Bronner family member. In 2017, 120 million dollars were collected as revenue annually. Most of the ingredients used in Magic Soaps made by Dr. Bronner are organic in nature. Dr. Bronner's company makes its products in countries such as Ghana, Samoa, Kenya, and India through LLC, Serendiworld.

They have mass produced most of the products and sell it mostly in America. It sells its product in the name of organic and natural product. I mostly use this product 2-3 times daily. After a month I have to purchase a new product for my daily usage.

Benefits offered to all the employees of Dr. Bronner’s makes no distinction whether the employee is a company leader or a worker. 15% of reception of the paid salary by all the employees annually goes into their retirement plan; bonuses up to 25% of salary are given and health policy for all its employees is provided. Up to $ 5000 is paid to each family for venues related to childcare.

Bronner was a keen promoter of his ideology related to syncretic ideology and distribute originally his soap to those who attended his philosophy ‘All One’ lectures but in short period of time is convinced that people are not seeking his ideology but rather his soap.

As for today most of the products are synthetic in nature, Dr. Bronner's philosophy and ideology reflects in not his teachings but also in his products. This company makes pure organic with fair trade ingredients and most products used in this soap are vegan in nature so I am definitely going to use it for my daily requirements.


About: Our Six Cosmic Principles. (2019). Dr. Bronner's. Retrieved 1 May 2019, from https://www.drbronner.com/about/

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Globalization: A Closer Look

Global Stratification



Global Stratification

The term stratification is used for inequality or classification of things in hierarchical order. When the word ‘Global’ precedes the term ‘stratification’ then it accounts for the unequal distribution of opportunities and resources between different countries. Global stratification provides the tools for the determination of any country’s standing vis-a-vis other countries or country CITATION Article \l 1033 (Henslin, 2019). The best way to describe the term global stratification is to determine any country’s standing based on its economic power. Global stratification incorporates two theories that include the modernization theory and dependency theory CITATION Article \l 1033 (Henslin, 2019). This essay will discuss the effects of global stratification on the local culture and the American culture as well.

Global Stratification and its impacts on Local Culture

Of the two theories i.e. modernizing theory and dependency theory, both theories influence the cultural dimensions of any country. Both the theories are related to global stratification, however, the influence of global stratification depends on two aspects. The two aspect are; whether a peripheral country modernizes or remains dependent is determined by the balance of power between the peripheral country and the core country or countries that are exploiting it, as well as on the relations with other peripheral countries CITATION Article \l 1033 (Henslin, 2019).

Dependency theory describes how peripheral countries export materials to core countries and import finished goods from them. Modernization theory describes how peripheral countries become core countries by developing the capability to use their own materials to produce finished goods for their own use or for the export. In the 18th century, Britain regarded the American colonies as a dependent, to be exploited, and manufacturing goods in the colonies was prohibited. The colonists shifted the balance of power, and the colonies united and modernized CITATION Article \l 1033 (Henslin, 2019). China was once dependent but is now modernizing. Japan was once dependent but is now fully modernized. This pattern seems to be followed in other countries as well. A peripheral country can be dependent only by remaining dependent. Once it shifts to a modernizing track, it’s unlikely to return to the dependent status. The future of global stratification will, therefore, be that dependent countries will unpredictably, separately or together, break out of dependence and modernize.

Global stratification is a broad term that incorporates two main theories. None of the aforementioned theories necessarily operates as a static rule. The theories can be used as a way to study how wealth and resources are distributed amongst state actors at a macro level. In addition, these theories can be used as a way to study how wealth and resources are distributed amongst state actors at a macro level CITATION Last \l 1033 (Pieterse, 2019).

Global Stratification and its Impacts on the United States

The global stratification has rendered America as ‘World Government’. People with powerful business interests have more power and influence than most heads of state or the government. On an individual basis, they likely have more power than a random US Senator. Exxon Mobil has a GDP of a large country. Goldman controls finance. McKinsey is thought of as having the smartest minds in the highest concentrations in the world. The MNCs that operate have access to power and thus the theoretical ability to influence it CITATION Last \l 1033 (Pieterse, 2019). Even just the people willing to stump for political parties are often considered to have a bit of power.

As far as the impacts of global stratification on the United States are concerned then it has both positive and negative impact in the United States. In case of United States, stratification hinges upon the accumulation of wealth and power. This has compelled people from other countries to seek immigration in America. Global stratification has influenced local American culture by manipulating the sense of people concerning their ability to afford expenses and economic well-being. Such a change in the local population’s attitude towards economic well-being can either hinder or stimulate the local culture.

The Beneficiary of Global Stratification

The owners and CEOs of international corporations have increased their wealth because of cheap labor in poor countries and lower wages in the US have increased profits. The decrease in labor cost for tradable good and services also is good for professionals in the US who are not in competition with foreign labor CITATION Last \l 1033 (Pieterse, 2019). On the contrary, as someone coming from a developing country, most of the benefit goes for developing countries. It improves knowledge and education in developing countries. Students study abroad and bring back their knowledge and skills to their home country, contributing productivity and economic growth CITATION Last \l 1033 (Pieterse, 2019).


BIBLIOGRAPHY Henslin, J. M. (2019). Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach. (Thirteenth, Ed.) Boston: Pearson. Retrieved from https://www.pearsonhighered.com/assets/preface/0/1/3/4/0134739892.pdf

Pieterse, J. N. (2019). Globalization and Culture. New York: Rowman and Littlefield. Retrieved Sep 11, 2019, from https://books.google.com.pk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=QfCYDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR1&dq=global+stratification+and+culture&ots=AgGDWLGHEk&sig=BoIdl2cLZHV587ZHUXtCR-W21jY#v=onepage&q=global%20stratification%20and%20culture&f=false

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Groups And Organization

Groups and Organizations

Groups and Organizations

The essay aims at analyzing the sociological perspectives of Initech office from the film ‘Office Space’. The essay makes reference to the movie for analyzing sociological perspective in terms of identifying groups, in- groups, out-group, dyad, triad, primary and secondary groups, reference group and conformity. The movie is based on the Initech Office, where Peter Gibson is employed. Peter and his colleagues Milton, Samir and Michael are office drones and dislike the dullness of the office, as many of their colleagues do. The primary characters in the movie change their attitude toward the work, since the occupational therapist which they used to admire dies. Peter who is the primary character is so uncaring and employs ill- attitude toward his tasks. When he visits office in the weekends for official routine, he spends his time playing games. Another thing he finds interesting is changing office décor. His company consider this behavior of him as peculiar in nature and promotes him to the Managerial level. At the company, the motivation level is not encouraging, for this reason the employees don’t take proud of associating themselves with the company.

As ‘group’ in sociology is composed of individuals who are related to one another that makes them codependent ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"j6MsbKtc","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Gieryn)","plainCitation":"(Gieryn)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":338,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/9RM9DY2Z"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/9RM9DY2Z"],"itemData":{"id":338,"type":"article-journal","title":"A space for place in sociology","container-title":"Annual review of sociology","page":"463–496","volume":"26","issue":"1","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Gieryn","given":"Thomas F."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2000"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Gieryn). The group is actually the class of social entities who interact with each other. In ‘Office Space’, the handful of individuals in the software company represents a group. The group in the movie is limited to the characters of Gibson, Milton, Samir, and Micheal. They are interdependent upon each other, so from the sociological perspective they represent a group. ‘In- group’ in sociology is defined as group with which one like to relate to, whereas the ‘out-group’ is the bunch of people, which one doesn’t like getting related to. For Peter, the official environment is out-group, with which he doesn’t like to relate himself too. His attitude toward the official routine suggests this aspect. Similarly, with his girlfriend, who is cheating on him, is his in-group. Although she is cheating upon him he is comfortable to interact with her.

A dyad is the smallest possible group consisting of two people ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"73w0U8cq","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Gieryn)","plainCitation":"(Gieryn)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":338,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/9RM9DY2Z"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/9RM9DY2Z"],"itemData":{"id":338,"type":"article-journal","title":"A space for place in sociology","container-title":"Annual review of sociology","page":"463–496","volume":"26","issue":"1","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Gieryn","given":"Thomas F."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2000"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Gieryn), therefore the group of Peter and Michael is a dyad, as they interact most in the office. Their interaction in the office premises and their dependence upon each other to meet the official task conform to the sociological perspective of a dyad. Different from dyad, triad is a group of three people in sociology, therefore, other than Peter and Michael, Samir adds up in their group to make it a triad. The primary group in sociology consist of members who share close, personal and enduring relations. In the movie, since the family of Peter Gibson is much portrayed, therefore, it is the example of the primary group. Different to primary group, secondary group is the social group to which one doesn’t like to relate to. It is less personal in nature. The employee group in the office is an example of secondary group.

As in sociology, a reference group is a group to which one compares itself to. At many times in the IT Company, there has been a comparative analysis. Therefore, the comparative analysis part indicates the reference group. Finally, commodity is what satisfy human needs of any kind. As Peter Gibson is satisfied by changing the apparent settings, therefore it shows the aspect of commodity in the ‘Office Space’. This is how a comic movie relates much to the aspects of sociology. The environment and the management linked to the characters how that how an organizational setting conform too many aspect of the sociology. Since the movie talks about a group of people and the organizational settings therefore, the sociological conditions are met in the movies.

Works Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Gieryn, Thomas F. “A Space for Place in Sociology.” Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 26, no. 1, 2000, pp. 463–496.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Gun Control

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



How Guns Impact Crime in the United States and Compare It to Other Weapons That Are Used In Crime


The increasing crime rates in the United States has grabbed the attention of many researchers and policymakers. There is a never-ending debate on the topic of gun control laws owing to the fact that the prevalence of guns increases crimes in the community and society. Whenever a crime incident is reported by media, the debate on gun control laws is aggravated. 2018 has been marked as one of the worst years when it comes to crimes and deaths. Many states have also implemented gun control laws, but they continue to witness increasing crimes and incidents of gun violence. According to the statistics obtained from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a crime is reported every 22 seconds in the United States. These crimes includes theft, burglary, assault, robbery, and motorcycle thefts. This paper seeks to evaluate the impact of guns in crimes in the United States as compared to any other weapons.


In the US, the violent crime rates and homicides rates have been higher which brings the attention of many researchers to study the impacts of legal access of guns on the homicide rates. According to the statistics, the year 2015, is marked with about 36000 gun-related deaths, in which 13463 were homicides, and 489 were unintentional harms. According to a most recent study by Siegel and fellows conducted in 2017, there is a significant relationship between legal access of guns or firearms with the increasing homicide rates. Carrying permitted guns was linked with 6.5% overall rise in homicide rates. This study was specifically based in the United States. The link between shall-issue laws and rates of homicides in the US, which is specific to a handgun, increases the credibility of their research (Siegel, Michael, et al. 1928). This relationship is true for both handguns and long-guns.

It is also claimed by a number of researchers and experts that increasing firearms will deter crimes by providing people the opportunity to protect themselves from criminals. In this case, with the increase in legal hand-guns and long-guns would result in lowering the homicide rates, but as examined by the researchers this rate is rising. Some of the studies argue that the relationship of gun prevalence with the increase in crimes is unclear. Though a number of studies also states the clear link of these factors. Shall issues laws, a legal system to issue a license to carry a concealed weapon has a direct link with the increasing rate of firearm homicides. Public opinion is exactly opposite to this fact. Public wants to increase the permitted guns and weapons, as a safety measure, however, it only provides easy access to weapons to be used for murders, and other criminal acts. Permitting licensed guns is also inconsistent with public safety concerns.

The statistics of murders in the United States according to the weapon used to kill victims shows the highest rate of murders committed using handguns (Statista, n.p). The second highest ratio of weapons used were firearms and knives and cutting instruments were the third highest to be used in killing others. Aggravated assaults are the most common violent crime according to reports of 2017. Handguns were by far the most common weapon used to murder and in the year 2017, almost 7032 people were killed using this weapon and in that year gun was considered as the most popular murder weapon. In comparison with the other weapons used for one of the most violent and prevalent crimes in the United States, guns are at the top of the list. This fact confirms the general assumption that the access of guns can result in higher rates of violent crimes. This is also consistent with the above-mentioned research study which confirms this hypothesis.

Residential burglary is also one of the most common criminal offense in the United States. According to Forbes, most of the US states are vulnerable to burglary, especially in the winter season. Most of such incidents happen at night and there is also the prevalence of these events in the day time. A study examined the impact of gun prevalence on burglary, as soon as the statistics became regarding the gun prevalence and residential burglary. Gun ownership which is considered as a way to deter crimes and residential burglaries, was the leading cause of more burglaries. The study reported that higher rates of gun prevalence will engender more burglaries. The study claims that keeping guns at home as a way to protect from burglary increases the risk of being burglarized. There is an irony that gun possession is used as a mean to protect from robberies and burglaries but they result in an increase of victimization rates (Cook, Philip, and Jens, 21). This shows that guns can be a weapon in another most common crime in the United States.

Guns are considered as a mean to control violent crimes. In order to find out the impact of guns on violent crimes in the United States, some other factors can be examined such as the implication of gun control laws as a mean to deter violent crimes. A study indicates that effective gun control laws can be a great way to reduce violent crimes. The study examined the impact of gun control laws on different violent crimes in the US and revealed that gun control laws such as a ban on purchase by alcoholics, mentally ill persons, minors, and possession in the home, resulted in lower rates of homicide, assaults, and robberies. This shows that guns have a direct impact on crime rates 20. Only by implementing gun control laws, various crimes in the United States can be controlled. The implication of gun ownership for crime deterrence is also a reasonable factor if it is strictly regulated by the court of law. The background and mental health checks on persons acquiring firearms, if implemented, can reduce the impact of crimes due to guns and other firearms, and bans of guns by the criminals and alcoholics can reduce the impact of crimes occurring due to use of guns (Kleck, Gary, Tomislav, and Jon Bellows, 22).

Forearms and guns are not only associated with murders but also suicides and unintentional deaths. A study indicates that the US has a very high rate of homicides than any other country. It also reveals that not only homicides, the US has also a very high rate of firearm deaths and self-killings. Most of these deaths, killings, and suicides are attributed to the prevalence of guns and firearms in society (Richardson, Erin, and David, 242). Since the United States is an outline in the homicides rate, guns are the most crucial weapon that must be considered in this regard, owing to the fact that most of the deaths, suicide, murders, and assaults involves guns and firearms. The reduction in prevalence rates of firearms can be a simple solution to most of these crimes, deaths, and killings.

Prevalence of guns results in easy access of weapons to the criminals and thus increases the rates of crimes. Indulging in crimes using any weapon other than the gun has no particular incident. Most of the crimes, especially violent crimes in the US involve firearm or gun. Another study supports the idea that the prevalence of guns by the house owners is linked with the non-stranger total and firearm homicides (Siegel, Michael, et al, 1915). This research study also questions the fact that the guns ownership deters or reduces crime.

The research reveals that data available on crimes in the United States are mostly related to guns, gun ownership, and firearms. Most of the criminal incidents involve any type of guns and firearms. No detailed data is available on the other weapons such as knives, cutting instruments, and personal weapons such as hands, fists, feet, etc. Guns are very easy to use and the licensed and legal permission to carry guns also make it very easy for the criminals to use it for the crimes. In addition, possession of guns by the household also provides easy access to minors, mentally ill people and alcoholics who may sue it for unintentional killings, suicide attempts, and other criminal acts. Robberies, snatching, kidnapping, motorcycle theft, and other crimes, more or less include use of guns and firearms (Carter, Jeremy and Michael, 20). Studies find a direct and positive relationship between crimes especially those committed with a gun and firearm with the concealed carry weapons and permits. Concealed guns which are considered as a source of self-protection and are used as a remedy of individual fear results in more prevalent violent crimes, supported by a number of studies.


This research paper explored a number of studies, of which most of them indicate a direct and positive relationship between the prevalence of guns and firearms with the crime rates in the United States. Various states have started to implement gun control laws but the crime rates associated with guns such as homicides, assaults, and burglaries are not reducing, however, some studies also indicate that gun control laws are a solution to various crimes in different states. One of the most prevalent violent crime in the US is also committed using a gun or firearm as a weapon. There is not a lot of evidence, which supports the use of other weapons such as cutting materials in committing crimes, as observed from the research.

Works Cited

Carter, Jeremy G., and Michael Binder. "Firearm violence and effects on concealed gun carrying: large debate and small effects." Journal of interpersonal violence 33.19 (2018): 3025-3052.

Cook, Philip J., and Jens Ludwig. The effects of gun prevalence on burglary: Deterrence vs inducement. No. w8926. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2002.

Kleck, Gary, Tomislav Kovandzic, and Jon Bellows. "Does gun control reduce violent crime?." Criminal justice review 41.4 (2016): 488-513.

Richardson, Erin G., and David Hemenway. "Homicide, suicide, and unintentional firearm fatality: comparing the United States with other high-income countries, 2003." Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 70.1 (2011): 238-243.

Siegel, Michael, et al. "Easiness of legal access to concealed firearm permits and homicide rates in the United States." American journal of public health 107.12 (2017): 1923-1929.

Siegel, Michael, et al. "The relationship between gun ownership and stranger and nonstranger firearm homicide rates in the United States, 1981–2010." American journal of public health 104.10 (2014): 1912-1919.

Statista. The Statistics Portal. 2017. 20 4 2018. <https://www.statista.com/statistics/195325/murder-victims-in-the-us-by-weapon-used/>.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

He Sociologist, Robin Williams Jr., Originally Created A

Assignment 1: Discussion

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the institution]


Assignment 1: Discussion


The list might has been quite different if it were created today because, with the drastic changes in the socio-economic structure of the United States, many things have changed. The civil rights have increased and American people are more concerned about their surroundings and society today than they were in the past. Of all the cultural values, the topmost priority of Americans in the new list will be democracy and freedom of speech as they cannot compromise when it comes to freedom of speech (Martineau, 2017). Gender equality should be separately included in the list as this cultural value covers a much broader area of fair and equal treatment of females with no stereotyping, sexism and sexual harassment issues.


The values related to progress, efficiency and practicality have changed to some extent in American society as they have attained enough progress which they have wanted back in the 1970s. But this time they want to have more progress in developing a green environment and not the technological progress as they have realized the damages of technology with the passage of time. They want to fix the environment and progress will only be made if positive efforts will be put together from their side to sustain the growth and make the world a peaceful place for everyone. This will be the real definition of progress for the Americans to value for. Efficiency and practicality still matter for them but they are no longer ready to promote this value by sacrificing their mental health.


American Politics has over the past played a great role in changing the perception of many cultural values by passing many laws to legalize same-sex marriage etc. to promote freedom of speech and freedom in the American society. Media has also participated actively to maintain the discipline and cultural norms in society by highlighting the major social issues that are violating the American values (Lasch, 2018). Through media, the message of gender equality is conveyed on every platform due to which women are no longer bond with their stereotypic gender role.

Question. 4

The five most famous symbols of American culture are the statue of liberty, the American national anthem, U.S. flag, Uncle Sam and the liberty bell. Americans show their affiliation with these symbols even now in this modern society (Coe et al.,2016). They feel proud whenever they come across these symbols and promote patriotism. They are important because important history is associated with each one of them and they represent our roots with the land of the United States of America. These symbols give us a feeling of freedom and equality with the democracy prevailing in the country.

Question. 5

Excessive ethnocentrism is the belief of feeling superior about one's ethnicity and do not consider other ethnic groups of the same level. Ethnocentrism is both good and bad for any society. It can be good if a person is feeling proud about one’s ethnic group but it becomes harmful when the intensity increases leading to excessive ethnocentrism (Weaver, 2016). As excessive ethnocentrism can lead to hatred towards other ethnic groups that will give birth to racism and inequality in society.


Coe, K. M., Domke, D., Hill, T., Keeley-Jonker, B., Koch, J. P., Lahr, A. M., ... & Tareen, S. A. (2016). The rhetoric of American civil religion: Symbols, sinners, and saints. Lexington Books.

Lasch, C. (2018). The culture of narcissism: American life in an age of diminishing expectations. WW Norton & Company.

Martineau, H. (2017). Society in America. Routledge.

Weaver, H. N. (Ed.). (2016). Social Issues in Contemporary Native America: Reflections from Turtle Island. Routledge.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Health And Medicine

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Health and Medicine

The instances and tales shared by diverse communities on The Series portray a critical picture of the sexualities and societies. Among all the real-life incidents shared by communities, the voice of soldiers and their families who received the impact resonated with me the most ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"5rNoX21d","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Humans of New York,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Humans of New York,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1977,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/H8YOvGFC/items/UPM25LP3"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/H8YOvGFC/items/UPM25LP3"],"itemData":{"id":1977,"type":"webpage","title":"Humans of New York","container-title":"Humans of New York","abstract":"Humans of New York","URL":"http://www.humansofnewyork.com/","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,4]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Humans of New York,” n.d.). Each community has strived to serve the nation and has received a wide range of impacts. The black community has sacrificed in the Afghan war to a significant extent. However, the stereotyping and the sexuality issues are still pervasive in the states. They have not yet cherished the social status of equality and justice in American society.

In addition, the survivors of the wars are faced with complex issues. Each member of the American community is faced with the challenge irrespective of the sexuality, gender or community. For instance, a story shared by a person reveals the dreadful impacts of living the moments in the war ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"wx3mYkVE","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Zosuls, Miller, Ruble, Martin, & Fabes, 2011)","plainCitation":"(Zosuls, Miller, Ruble, Martin, & Fabes, 2011)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1979,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/H8YOvGFC/items/H7QLYW9D"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/H8YOvGFC/items/H7QLYW9D"],"itemData":{"id":1979,"type":"article-journal","title":"Gender Development Research in Sex Roles: Historical Trends and Future Directions","container-title":"Sex roles","page":"826-842","volume":"64","issue":"11-12","source":"PubMed Central","abstract":"The late 1960s through the 1970s marked an important turning point in the field of gender research, including theory and research in gender development. The establishment of Sex Roles in 1975 as a forum for this research represented an important milestone in the field. In this article, we celebrate the 35th anniversary of Sex Roles and, in particular, its contributions to the field of research on children’s and adolescents’ gender development. We examine the trends in research on gender development published in Sex Roles since its inception and use this analysis as a vehicle for exploring how the field has grown and evolved over the past few decades. We begin with a brief review of the history of this field of research since 1975. Then, we present a descriptive assessment of articles published on gender development in Sex Roles over time, and link this assessment to general trends that have occurred in the study of gender development over the past 35 years. We conclude with a discussion of future directions for the field of gender development. In particular, we highlight areas in which the journal could play a role in promoting more diversity in topics, methods, and ages employed in gender development research.","DOI":"10.1007/s11199-010-9902-3","ISSN":"0360-0025","note":"PMID: 21747580\nPMCID: PMC3131694","shortTitle":"Gender Development Research in Sex Roles","journalAbbreviation":"Sex Roles","author":[{"family":"Zosuls","given":"Kristina M."},{"family":"Miller","given":"Cindy Faith"},{"family":"Ruble","given":"Diane N."},{"family":"Martin","given":"Carol Lynn"},{"family":"Fabes","given":"Richard A."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011",6]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Zosuls, Miller, Ruble, Martin, & Fabes, 2011). The adverse impacts were so immense that he had to live the rest of his life as a mentally disturbed person. Furthermore, the social menace of drinking, post-traumatic disorders and the prolific stories of war dominate the culture of sexuality in American society. A critical appraisal of the matter reflects that these issues are primarily rooted in the social norms and values ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"A2dg7sTe","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Major Social Changes:,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Major Social Changes:,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1996,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/H8YOvGFC/items/Y5VPI4B8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/H8YOvGFC/items/Y5VPI4B8"],"itemData":{"id":1996,"type":"webpage","title":"Major Social Changes:","URL":"http://people.uncw.edu/pricej/teaching/socialchange/causes%20of%20social%20change.htm","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,4]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Major Social Changes:,” n.d.). Irrefutably, the instances are supplemented with not only historic instances but also pertinent data. The refugees shared heart-shattering stories faced with the issues of sexuality based on their religion, plight and the untoward circumstances to seek asylum. To conclude, the refugees are the community of people receiving detrimental manifestations of sexuality influenced by race and complex. References

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Humans of New York. (n.d.). Retrieved February 4, 2019, from http://www.humansofnewyork.com/

Major Social Changes: (n.d.). Retrieved February 4, 2019, from http://people.uncw.edu/pricej/teaching/socialchange/causes%20of%20social%20change.htm

Zosuls, K. M., Miller, C. F., Ruble, D. N., Martin, C. L., & Fabes, R. A. (2011). Gender Development Research in Sex Roles: Historical Trends and Future Directions. Sex Roles, 64(11–12), 826–842. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-010-9902-3

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Health And Medicine

Health and Medicine

[Author’s Name]

Health and Medicine

AIDS is a disease that is caused by a virus called HIV. Initially, after coming in contact with the virus an individual does not show visible symptoms of the disease. However, after some time the infection start to progress in the body of an infected person, he or she is at an increased risk of getting many common diseases. This is because the disease directly damages the immune system. There are multiple ways by which an individual can get infected by HIV yet the most common are, drug injection, sexual transmission, and prenatal transmission.

 Specifically, discussing the US, according to the statistics, more than 36 million people were infected by HIV in 2017. Furthermore, more than 1.2 million are currently living with AIDS and the most concerning part is that more than 16% of people are still unaware that they have AIDS (Reif & Whetten, 2006). In our society, there is a stigma associated with AIDS and the people suffering from this deadly disease are discriminated against and bullied. While discussion about the Deep South states and the recent cases of AIDS, the author Andrew in his research paper highlighted that in the years 2008 to 2016, Deep South had the highest rates of people diagnosed with AIDS than any region with the US. Especially, Mississippi, and South Carolina, the states have a history of slavery with an agrarian economy based on plantation. It is noted that most of the population in these states is black and therefore African-Americans have to bear the burden of more than 44% HIV/AIDS cases. Moreover, in Deep South according to the statistics, more than 70% of the reported AIDS cases are of African-Americans (Reif & Whetten, 2006).

In the video, “HIV in the Deep South: The Stigma”, it was highlighted that even today AIDS is associated with gay men (HIV in the Deep South, n.d.-b). In the video, the narrator explained that people are ashamed of embracing and revealing their sexuality because of the stereotypical thinking of our society. Similarly, gay people who have AIDS are subjected to discrimination and in most cases are abandoned by the families. Although, the government of the US has transitioned in to the new era, where there is less discrimination against black people and people belonging from LGBTQ community yet, there still exists segregation between black and white people especially in Deep South States which is the reason of hurdles that the government face while restructuring the healthcare system.

 In another video “HIV in the Deep South: The Big Problem”, the narrator focused on the social exclusion framework to determine the potential causes of AIDS and its association with gender equalities. (HIV in the Deep South, n.d.-a). According to the narrator, relative perspective constitutes socioeconomic, political and cultural dimensions. These four dimensions make a hierarchy of social stratification. Once an individual is diagnosed with AIDS, due to the stigma associated with the diseases, he or she will be excluded from all the necessities of like job and social support. Social exclusion leads to lower self-esteem that can worsen the symptoms.

In another video, “In US, Poverty Weighs on Women’s Risk of HIV/AIDS”, the narrator highlighted that the main cause of HIV in the Deep South States is the increase in the prevalence of multiple STDs (In US, poverty weighs on women’s risk of HIV/AIDS, n.d.). However, poverty and poor access to health are the major factors that contribute to the disproportionate rates of HIV in the Deep South. Several studies have discussed that the HIV epidemic is concentrated in low-income communities, especially where black people are disproportionately represented. Individuals living in poverty do not have access to healthcare facilities and preventive services due to which AIDS is spreading among the population living in Deep South. The high levels of poverty also limit the ability of the state to allocate and distribute resources among individuals to provide adequate AIDS prevention and treatment facilities.  


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY HIV in the Deep South: The Big Problem. (n.d.-a). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNJdqRK24Gc

HIV in the Deep South: The Stigma. (n.d.-b). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5h5cFHNruA

In US, poverty weighs on women’s risk of HIV/AIDS. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py_SmYbGwXs

Reif, S., Geonnotti, K. L., & Whetten, K. (2006). HIV infection and AIDS in the Deep South. American journal of public health, 96(6), 970-973.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Health Care

Discussion 16

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Discussion 16

Health is an umbrella term that can be described as the complete wellbeing of an individual both physically and emotionally. In the video, “Sick Around America,” it was highlighted that due to the economic recession, many people were left jobless and therefore, lost health insurance. ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"w4slEf7K","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Sick Around America,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Sick Around America,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":214,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/sbFMNDWM/items/UFJ2949U"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/sbFMNDWM/items/UFJ2949U"],"itemData":{"id":214,"type":"webpage","title":"Sick Around America","container-title":"FRONTLINE","abstract":"FRONTLINE travels the country examining America's broken health care system and exploring the need for a fundamental overhaul.","URL":"https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/sickaroundamerica/","language":"en-US","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,26]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Sick Around America,” n.d.). Furthermore, several health insurance companies rejected the people who have diabetes, or cardiovascular diseases. According to the functionalist perspective, disease and illness endanger society’s survival (Stam, 2000). Thus, a dysfunctional healthcare system can hinder social functioning and a country’s progress.

Although, socioeconomic stratification is a major factor that influences the health of an individual, yet factors like race and ethnicity also influence an individual’s health. The author, Eileen, in her research paper, also discussed that mounting evidence indicates that although gender relations effect the expression of biological traits however, sex-associated biological characters can play a huge role in amplifying gender differences in health (Anderson & National Research Council (US) Panel on Race, 2004). For instance, there is a high prevalence of needle-stick injuries among females than in males and therefore, the occurrence of HIV infection due to needle-stick injuries among females is more. Thus, it is evident that gender does impact the health of an individual.

While discussing the influence of race and ethnicity on an individual’s health, it has been observed that unlike gender, race is not firmly biologically based but it is a construct of human variability that is based on a perceived difference in physical appearance. Owing to the increase in the racial inequalities in health, the definition of ethnicity has come under scientific scrutiny. Several studies conducted on racial disparities highlight that disadvantages in health exist for different ethnicities. The author also discussed that multiple studies have revealed the differences in major reasons of death such as diabetes or terminal stroke among different ethnicities. The research paper highlights that the age-adjusted mortality rate from the most common causes of death for African Americans is 1.4 times greater as compared to Caucasians (Blazer & Hernandez, 2006). Also, African American people are very less likely to survive to the middle age as compared to other ethnicities and even if they do survive, they develop multiple health issues.

Thus, it is undeniably true that factors like ethnicity and socioeconomic conditions influence the chances of an individual getting sick and dying.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Anderson, N. B., Bulatao, R. A., Cohen, B., & National Research Council (US) Panel on Race, E. (2004). Race/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, and Health. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25526/

Blazer, D. G., & Hernandez, L. M. (Eds.). (2006). Genes, behavior, and the social environment: Moving beyond the nature/nurture debate. National Academies Press.

Stam, H. J. (2000). Theorizing health and illness: Functionalism, subjectivity and reflexivity. Journal of health psychology, 5(3), 273-283.

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Sick Around America. (n.d.). Retrieved November 26, 2019, from FRONTLINE website: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/sickaroundamerica/

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Health Care

[Name of the Writer]

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Health Care

The citizens of the United States of America are entitled to various insurance plans, and they can avail multiple types of insurances at a time. These insurance plans may include life insurance, car insurance, home insurance and many other types of coverages. One of the most important type of insurance is health insurance or health care plan. The health care plans, in the United States of America, keep undergoing various changes from time to time in order to fulfill the needs of the public according to the current demands of the time.

The most recent advancement in the field of health care plans or health insurance is the introduction of Obamacare. Obama Care is also known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. This plan mainly focuses on the health care sector and aims to improve the standard of over al health care services being provided to the American citizens (Palfreman, 2009). Obamacare facilitates the individuals who avail this plan in no less than nine ways.

Many American are of the view that health insurance is not a necessary thing. This school of thought is more prevailing amongst the young population of America, who think that availing a health insurance plan is a total waste of money because they are young and healthy and nothing seems to happen to them. On the contrary, health insurance plans are a must for everyone, regardless of age, gender, race, class or nationality. Health insurance plans especially Obamacare has been designed especially keeping in mind the occurrence of an emergency situation. Health care plans come in handy when a person suddenly falls ill or meets an accident, and he or she requires medical treatment on an urgent basis. In such cases, health insurance plans work as a blessing and support the patient on an immediate basis on financial grounds.

Works Cited

Palfreman, J. (2009). Sick Around America. [online] FRONTLINE. Available at: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/sickaroundamerica/ [Accessed 27 Mar. 2019].

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Health Care Problems Of Physical And Mental Illness

Health Care Problems of Physical and Mental Illness

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Health Care Problems of Physical and Mental Illness

The word health can be defined as complete well-being of a person on physical, mental and social aspects. The term Health cannot be limited to only physical health. It is a multidimensional phenomenon that includes all aspects of a human. In the same way, illness can be defined as the absence of health or any disturbance in any aspect of health. For any type of illness either it is mental or physical, healing is required. Healing is defined as the systematic response of individuals or institutions to overcome the illness. In the United States, health care is of most important for both the public and private sectors.

In the US, HIV / AIDS is a disease that has its impact on both, the individual and the society. Currently, 1.1 million people in US are infected with AIDS ("Services Issues", 2019). AIDS is a disease that is spread through a virus called the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is generally transmitted from one person to another through a bodily fluid like blood and semen and affect the human immune system. As a society, we need to be very careful about blood transmission from one person to the other i.e the sexual relationships. This virus cannot transmit through eating, hugging or shaking hands with the patient.

Besides the physical disease like AIDS, the current US society is largely suffering from many mental health issues like depression, anxiety, insomnia and eating disorder to bipolar disorder, persistent depressive disorder, Obsessive-compulsive disorder and this list of mental disorders go on. About 43.8 million people are suffering from one or another kind of mental disorder and we spend approximately 201 billion USD on the treatment of mental illness ("Services Issues", 2019). Although American society is among the world’s most liberal and progressive societies, still this state of the mental and physical health needs our attention and we need to find out core problems in social and cultural norms. According to the functionalist perspective, health is crucial for the stability of the society. Therefore, a sick person must not be held responsible for his or her condition and should be allowed to exempt from normal social roles. (Kendall, 2019).

There can be different reasons for mental disorders in our society. The United States of America is where people migrated from around the world. Here we can find people belonging to a different race, color, economic class, and religion. Researchers have found that in such a diverse society like the society of the USA, diversity can cause mental disorders like anxiety and depression. The economic status of a person also can be a source of mental disorder in a person. Similarly, chances of a mental disorder increase in the cases of child abuse, social isolation for a long time, unhappy marriage / relationships, unemployment, poor housing and facing any sort of discrimination from society.

In short, we can say that there is an ultimate link between society and the individual. Any change in society affects its members and in the same way, the behavior of an individual determines the fate of a society. Besides, the medical treatment and preventing options to avoid any type of physical or mental illness, we also need to work on our behavior as an individual as well as a member of society CITATION Ken19 \l 1033 (Kendall, 2019).


BIBLIOGRAPHY Kendall, D. (2019). Social Problems in a Diverse Society. ©2019 .

Services Issues. (2019). Retrieved 11 November 2019, from https://www.mhanational.org/taxonomy/term/34/feed

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600


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Hierarchies of power, wealth and prestige

How social status relate to their social hierarchies

The people I interviewed defined Social hierarchies in society as a form of inequality in the community, which is caused by the distribution of resources. Right from childhood, they got to learn that our society is divided into classes. This is through sports competitions, spelling competition, and grading. They got to learn that in this world, one is ranked according to how favored, better, and smarter. When it comes to adults, one is considered significant according to how many cars, houses, or career titles one owns. The way people perceive status and give quick ranks to people shows that people consider hierarchical social organization. People also believe that knowing the social status one belongs promotes successful social interactions and helps in defining roles in our society. They farther argued that people vary in skills and traits; thus, we select who to follow or to listen to or to follow if they have higher skills and traits than them. Therefore, organizing soil groups based on their hierarchies helps to maximize production and also promotes cohesion in society.

How they conceive their socials status in the social hierarchy

They further stated that Organizing social groups into social hierarchies also assists in allocating limited resources efficiently. This includes resources such as food, social learning, and individual motivation. Individuals who are always at the top of the hierarchy usually have more sources of wealth as compared to those individuals that are the bottom of the hierarchy (Guo, 2016). This affects mortality and morbidity. However, there will always be losers in this hierarchy; thus, these hierarchies are usually pervasive across human cultures. However, social hierarchies usually appear naturally from society. Most of them believed that their social status was in the middle of the hierarchy, others believed that they were at the bottom while others believed that they were at the top

Does their stratification refer to ethnic stratification?

Their stratification does not refer to ethnic stratification; rather, it is based on the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and prestige. For example, they believe that in the united states, it is very easy to distinguish between the haves and the halve not. The Rockefellers are still enjoying the wealth their family members gained back in the 19th century, while some black American families who were involved in the slave trade are still languishing in poverty. Thus their social status is based on social, economic status. This normally depends on wealth, education, and career. These three factors determine the social class one belongs to. This is further termed as the class system. In most countries, people choose the social status to belong, and one is usually locked in social status.


Karl Marx divided the society into two major classes and one minor class, the capitalist, the small capitalist, and the worker class. This was based on whether some means of production, such as factories, tools, and machines are owned and whether one has hired workers. Capitalists were those people that owned the method and tools of production while employing workers. While workers were those people that did not own any means of production but used to be employed by capitalists. Small capitalist were those people that owned the means of production but were not used to employing others. These were people like tradesmen, doctors, or lawyers. Mark further argued that given the three classes in society, exploitation will always be there (Guo, 2016). For capitalists to gain more profits, they would force the workers to work for long hours only to receive a small compensation. Marx predicted that a time would come that workers would revolve against such impunity. Despite marks prediction, such economic exploitation and inequality still exist in society today. Wealth is referred to as assets and income a person has, while income is defined as the money one receives after a certain time. Wealth includes assets such as stock bonds and saving accounts, while income includes salaries.


They further argued that the second aspect of social stratification is power or the ability to influence people to get prestige and wealth. Power and wealth are usually related. This is evident in the lives of people who have top government positions. Wealthy people are also thought to be politically active to gain power. Poor people rarely involve themselves in politics, given the fact that they are powerless to affect the process. Wealth and power are usually unequally distributed. Elite theorists state that a few individuals have all the power in the united states. Power elites also state that people that come from specific backgrounds and environments hold power in the united states. Conflict theorists also argued that only a few capitalists in the united states have power (Guo, 2016). The capitalist may have offices in government, but they rarely influence government policies and politics, but they always protect their interests. On the other hand, pluralist theorist argues that power is not in the hands of the elite or a few people in the society, instead it is usually in the hands of diverse groups in the society. For example, citizens are known to affect the political system through voting systems. While businesses and governments usually balance the power of lab pour. In a democratic country, no person can be termed as a powerless individual.

How objectivity and subjectivity is experienced in the social status


There is always inequality in the distribution of prestige in society. Although power and wealth are objectives, prestige is usually subjective because it depends on people's attitudes and perceptions (Guo, 2016). Prestige is also not tangible as compared to money or influence. Occupation is known to define prestige. Professionals are usually ranked based on the level of their income and education. Occupations also depend on the social status of an individual, such as gender, age, and race. A professor is highly ranked, which is contrary to being a female racist minority. As a result, a female racist minority may suffer from resentment, anxiety, and depression.

Work Cited

Guo, Yingjie. Handbook on Class and Social Stratification in China. , 2016. Internet resource.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 3 Words: 900

High Profile Juevnile Delinquency Case

High Profile Juvenile Delinquency Case




High Profile Juvenile Delinquency Case

A high profile juvenile delinquency case took place in Thornton, Colorado in the year 2017, when a teenager killed his stepsister. The culprit who was arrested in 2017, has now been sentenced to life in prison in 2019. This is a high profile juvenile delinquency case because of the fact that the teenager was tried in the court as an adult and not as a minor. The social conditions, as well as the personal characteristics, played an important role in influencing the juvenile to commit the crime. The theory of victimization which is applicable to the scenario is the routine activities theory, shedding light on the vulnerability of the victim as well as the opportunities to the criminal. The high profile juvenile delinquency case is one of its kind because of the social condition, personal characteristics and the verdict of the case.

The criminal offense took place in Thornton, Colorado on 7th of June, 2017 when a fifteen years old boy, named Aidan Zellmer, killed his ten years old stepsister, named Kiaya Campbell. The offender killed the victim after raping and beating her. He not killed the young child but also dumped her body near the house of her biological father. When the child was reported as missing, he gave the statement that he lost her while trying to escape the rainstorm on the night she went missing. The dead body of the victim was found two days later, and Zellmer was arrested. The dead body of the victim had the marks of the assault and depicted the brutality of the victim who was only fifteen years old. When he was tried in court, he pleaded guilty, which saved the family from the pain and suffering of the trail. The judge of the case remarked that the details of the case, scene, and other elements included had highlighted the fact that it was not a sudden happening, which took place without the realization of the offender. However, it was a deliberate act of brutality at the hands of the offender, who actually wanted to kill the victim and tried his best by utilizing the available means to do so. Moreover, he remarked that the offender could not be tried as a minor because of the fact that it was a deliberate attempt when the offender was aware of the circumstances of his action and he actually wanted to take the life of a young child. After spending two years in the juvenile detention, the criminal has now been sent to the adult prison, after being sentenced to life in prison. He will get the chance to parole after spending forty years in prison (Brighton, 2019).

The social condition which would have influenced the juvenile to commit the crime includes the fact that the mother of the victim was in a relationship with the father of the criminal. In addition to it, the victim used to live at the home of the criminal with her mother, instead of living with her biological father, while the criminal was living with his father and not mother. The relation of the victim’s mother with his father may have been the source of his grudge towards the young child, although it has not been proved. Another social condition which could have influenced the happening is that the victim was not in the protection of her parents, which provided a chance to the criminal to victimize her (Mail Online, 2019).

The personal characteristics of Zellmer were not identified to be unusual, and he was an ordinary teenager like all the other teenagers of his age. However, not being able to see an expected relationship between his parents may have influenced his hate or grudge towards the victim. One of the aspects of his personality which was depicted through his social media account was that he was interested in the crime and horror movies, which may have influenced him as well. The background and personality information of the criminal has not been shared by the officials, who also did not reveal his name initially. So, the researchers can only try to assess the personality of the criminal from the limited available information about him. The criminal was the trusted guardian of the victim at the time of the criminal happening and the brutality depicted by him is quite shocking not only for their family but also for the whole society (Geanous, 2019).

The theory of victimization which can help to explore the scenario is the routine activities theory, which is also termed as routine activity theory. According to the routine activities theory, three variables of routine activities play an important role in the victimization scenario, which consists of a suitable target, capable guardian, and motivated offender. In the case of Zellmer, the suitable target was present in the form of his stepsister. Moreover, the capable guardian was also absent in the scenario in the way both of the kids were living with one step parents at the time. The little girl was living with his stepfather, who was the biological father of the boy. Biological parents of the girl were not present to ensure her safety as they trusted the criminal; however, he made the young girl the victim of his frustration who actually was the motivated offender. H probably as troubled due to the relationship of his parents and victimized the young girl, when he was not able to show his anger through a proper channel (Culatta, Clay-Warner, Boyle, & Oshri, 2017). The girl was innocent and was not victimized due to any of her fault or incapability; however, the circumstances around her provided the opportunity to the victim to assault and killed her. He was the guardian of the girl at the time of the crime scene; however, his frustration and motivation to commit the crime did not let him act according to his role and responsibility. The routine activity theory of victimization highlights the fact that the presence of one variable out of the three becomes the source of a criminal happening and victimization of some individual. While in the case of Campbell, all of the variables turned in favor of the criminal and he was able to achieve his motive of killing the young girl, after sexually assaulting her.

The latest high profile juvenile delinquency case of Zellmer highlights the fact that the social conditions and personality characteristics of the criminal influenced his criminal actions. In addition to it, the routine activities theory of victimization highlights the fact that the little girl was vulnerable to victimization because she was the suitable target for the criminal, who did not have the capable guardian at that moment and the criminal was also motivated offender. The judges treated him as an adult offender, instead of as a minor because of the fact that he had deliberately planned and killed the girl by utilizing all his efforts and did not accidentally committed the crime. The criminal has received the sentence of life in prison which cannot ring the girl back to life; however, served the justice to her parents in the least possible ways.


Brighton, C. (2019). Aidan Zellmer, Teen Who Killed 10-Year-Old Kiaya Campbell, Sentenced To Life In Prison. Denver.cbslocal.com. Retrieved from: https://denver.cbslocal.com/2019/03/11/aidan-zellmer-kiaya-campbell-murder-thornton/

Culatta, E., Clay-Warner, J., Boyle, K. M., & Oshri, A. (2017). Sexual revictimization: A routine activity theory explanation. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260517704962.

Geanous, J. (2019). Teen, 16, who molested and killed his stepsister, 10, will spend life in jail. Metro.co.uk. retrieved from: https://metro.co.uk/2019/02/01/teen-16-molested-killed-stepsister-10-will-spend-life-jail-8426719/

Mail Online. (2019). Colorado teen raped 10-year-old stepsister beat her to death jailed. Dailymail.co.uk. retrieved from: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6797369/Colorado-teen-raped-10-year-old-stepsister-beating-death-jailed-life.html

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Hip Hop

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Hip Hop Sub Culture

There are certain cultures and the subcultures that have always provided me with the intrigue in terms of how they operate. Not only they are different from the other respective cultures in terms of the way they operate, but there is also quite a lot of difference they have originated, what is their thought process and how they go about their business. One of these subcultures is the hip hop culture. Even though there is not much of an idea about when is the precise time that it has originated, the experts tend to believe that it was during 1970’s and 80’s that this culture really started to take shape.

Now, one of the core reasons that hip hop as a culture has always fascinated is that how the racial undertones tend to operate in that culture. The idea is that how the racial undertones are witnessed in the hip hop culture and whether this subculture is confined by certain cultural demographic, or it is something that is inclusive in nature.

To make sure that some perspective and history about the culture is developed. The first thing that I did was to make sure that I developed understanding regarding what the origination of this culture is and how this movement started. The major source of information came from the already existing literature that exists in this regard that have already discussed the whole movement in great detail, but there was another source of information about this subculture, and that information was not provided in the formal literature and journals. Thus, I have to look at the YouTube videos to make sure that I have the necessary insight about the particulars of this culture, how they operate, what are their primary motivations and what is something that they stand for.

Now, it has to be noted that the time period in which the hip hop culture started to emerge for the first time was during the 1970’s and it was the time period in terms of how different racial minorities in the United States were starting to find their voice. Not only they were being heard at the more predominant level at the political level, but there was a need for the cultural outlet for them as well through which they are able to express themselves in an appropriate manner. The hip hop thus can attribute its start to the various contributions that came from the different regions. In the nutshell though, it was the manifestation and the cultural representation of the different ethnic groups that had started to find their voice in the new United States. Each component stands on its own, however, with its own artisans, audiences, and commercial products. The intersection of these components in the West and South Bronx generated the cultural revolution of hip-hop. Although rap music and hip hop are often used interchangeably, rap is only one of (at least) four elements of hip hop. A brief explanation of these elements underscores their original emergence and sets the stage for the corresponding racial categorizations.

Now, looking at the way this subculture is different from some of the other subcultures, the key thing that stands out for this culture is that how different elements of these cultures are playing their role in the creation of the identity of that culture. The first one is the DJ-in, the other is the B-boying. The other two critical components of this culture are MC-in/rapping, and visual/graffiti art/ With the passage of time, the people who belong this culture have also started to develop their sense of style in terms of how they dress up for different situations and what is their reaction to different emotional situations that they are surrounded with the passage of time.

As is the case with any subculture, this subculture also was different in a sense that there were many seminal figures that emerged in that culture with the passage of time and how they have become more inclusive in their nature. For instance, people of white color and white race were considered to be an outcast when one discussed about the subculture, but it changed with the emergence of the modern rappers and practitioners who practiced hip hop as an art of music. The success in the musical arena as well as the public demeanor that was followed by them showed that it is not about the race of the person, it is about making sure that one presents themselves in an appropriate manner and bring about the change in the corresponding manner as far as the way change is going to be represented at the given point of time.

Not only that, there was a change in the way gender representation was witnessed in the scene of hip hop. The general perception was that the sort of dressing style that was adopted by the practitioners of the hip hop is such that all the given stakeholders are supposed to play claim to the changes that are happening in terms of the gender inclusion found their way in the hip hop scene as well. The women representation also came with some female artists perfecting the style and the imagery that was supposed to be the hallmark of the hip hop artist. It is admittedly a racially essentialist conclusion to assert that any of the aforementioned elements of hiphop are dominated by any particular ethnic group.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 3 Words: 900



[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note


Homelessness is regarded as the result of various interactions within risk factors which can be ranged from the individual to environmental circumstances, and the socio-economic structures. The homeless individuals experience housing status changes which consist of being on the streets, an emergency shelter, and permanent and transitional housing.

Global Impact

It is traditionally stereotyped that homeless people are often middle-aged alcoholic males. In reality, however, most of the homeless people are ethnically diverse, young people who are members of families ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"t9OeYb1a","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Nooe & Patterson, 2010)","plainCitation":"(Nooe & Patterson, 2010)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":448,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/MPT33NZE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/MPT33NZE"],"itemData":{"id":448,"type":"article-journal","title":"The Ecology of Homelessness","container-title":"Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment","page":"105-152","volume":"20","issue":"2","source":"Taylor and Francis+NEJM","abstract":"This article proposes an ecological model of homelessness drawn from a broad review of the research and practice literature. The spectrum of biopsychosocial risks associated with pathways into homelessness is reviewed, followed by examination of social and individual consequences resulting from periods of homelessness. The temporal dimensions of homelessness, including “first-time,” “episodic,” and “chronic,” are defined and discussed along with the continuum of living arrangements experienced by homeless individuals and families. These constituent domains of the ecology of homelessness are presented in a conceptual map depicting the relationships and interactions among the parts of the model. The intention is to provide a coherent and cogent map to encourage comprehensive integrated efforts as individuals, agencies, and communities strive to prevent and resolve homelessness.","DOI":"10.1080/10911350903269757","ISSN":"1091-1359","author":[{"family":"Nooe","given":"Roger M."},{"family":"Patterson","given":"David A."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2010",3,9]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Nooe & Patterson, 2010). In America, homeless people are often Hispanics and Africans which represents the disproportionality of homeless people in comparison to the overall population. It is also observed that the homeless in rural and urban areas mostly went through various doubling up stages with friends and families before they become visibly homeless. The continuous increase in the number of homeless people both internationally and on national level, reflects the negligence in the provision of fundamental human requirements in the capitalist society. In 1980, when for the first time the issue of homelessness aroused the number of poor people increased. For instance, it is also noted that most of the homeless people came from 20% of the lowest class population who ranks extremely poor ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"chl6dp6h","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(People, 1988)","plainCitation":"(People, 1988)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":451,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/QNVAEIJE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/QNVAEIJE"],"itemData":{"id":451,"type":"book","title":"Summary and Recommendations","publisher":"National Academies Press (US)","source":"www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov","abstract":"Among congressional actions taken in recent years to address both the broader aspects of homelessness and the more narrow issues relating to the health of homeless people was the Health Professions Training Act of 1985 (P.L. 99-129). This mandated that the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services ask the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences to study the delivery of health care services to homeless people. This report is the result of that study.","URL":"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK218243/","language":"en","author":[{"family":"People","given":"Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Health Care for Homeless"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1988"]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,29]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (People, 1988). The census done by U.S. estimates that African Americans made half of the homeless population and more than 1/3 are living on the street.

The industrialized societies mostly regard homeless people as a third world nation in which poverty is uncontrolled. However, the issues of homelessness are present in every country. The categories of homeless people are seasonal, handicapped, mentally ill, and the impoverished homeless ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"QTTGYn2R","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Wright, 2000)","plainCitation":"(Wright, 2000)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":455,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/9VTWY8CK"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/9VTWY8CK"],"itemData":{"id":455,"type":"article-journal","title":"Resisting Homelessness: Global, National, and Local Solutions","container-title":"Contemporary Sociology","page":"27-43","volume":"29","issue":"1","source":"JSTOR","archive":"JSTOR","DOI":"10.2307/2654929","ISSN":"0094-3061","title-short":"Resisting Homelessness","author":[{"family":"Wright","given":"Talmadge"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2000"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Wright, 2000). Despite being the wealthiest country of the world, it is estimated that almost 2.3 to 3.5 million people face homelessness in the U.S. According to PBS research, almost 1.5 million more people became homeless because of the economic recession. According to the UN homeless population census, around 100 million people are homeless around the world. In Australia, almost every one in every 200 people is homeless. The mission Australia reported that the reason for homelessness is income inequality and poverty while the secondary factors are alcoholism and mental illness. It is also reported that domestic violence is also one of the major reasons for homelessness in Australia. Despite the fast growing economy of India, the highest rate of homelessness is in India with 78 million people in India regarded as homeless ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"zZlh31Hm","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}\\uc0\\u8216{}Us and them,\\uc0\\u8217{}\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“‘Us and them,’” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":453,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/JMF4VV3E"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/JMF4VV3E"],"itemData":{"id":453,"type":"webpage","title":"'Us and them': What homelessness looks like around the world","container-title":"Topics","abstract":"If the world were to accept Australia’s definition of ‘homelessness’ and include everyone with inadequate shelter, there would be over 1.6 billion homeless people scattered across the globe: that's around 20 per cent of the world's population.","URL":"https://www.sbs.com.au/topics/life/culture/article/2017/07/04/us-and-them-what-homelessness-looks-around-world","title-short":"'Us and them'","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,29]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Us and them”, n.d.). While France, is mostly effected by the refugee crisis which raised the number of homeless people. It can be observed that the major reason for homelessness throughout the world is poverty and economic recession.

The major effect of globalization related to housing is based on the increased price of houses globally. It is recorded that the residential property in the developed economies is recorded to be enhanced by $20 trillion to more than $60 trillion from 2002 to 2003 ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"779pytvB","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Kenna, 2008)","plainCitation":"(Kenna, 2008)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":458,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/VU7WY2GK"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/VU7WY2GK"],"itemData":{"id":458,"type":"article-journal","title":"Globalization and Housing Rights","container-title":"Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies","page":"397","volume":"15","issue":"2","source":"DOI.org (Crossref)","abstract":"This articleseeks to explore the relationshipbetween the growingphenomenon of globalizationandthefield of housing rights.I begin with a generaldescription ofglobalization,and move on to discuss its effect on homelessness, and on housing systems across the world. I examine the role ofglobalcorporations;the globalizationofhousing finance and real estate investment; the reordering of cities and slums; the idea of the minimaliststate; andthe effects ofprivatization.I examine the rise ofgovernance networks andhow they have creatednew patternsofmaking law; globalization'seffect on housingpolicy; and its effects on the movement ofpeople. Next I look to the idea of housing rightsandsome specific instances oftheirdevelopment through the UnitedNations,the CouncilofEurope,andthe European Union. These rightsmay offer the possibility ofmediatingthe excessesofneo-liberalglobalizationandpromote socialequality andinclusion. I conclude with a call to reconsidertraditionalliberallegal models and housing-as-propertyregimes,andrecommend the legalconcept ofthe \"home\" may bea more appropriatebase modelfor housing rightsin a globalizingworld.","DOI":"10.2979/gls.2008.15.2.397","ISSN":"10800727","journalAbbreviation":"Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies","language":"en","author":[{"literal":"Kenna"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2008"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Kenna, 2008). It is also reported that the unusual housing boom in relation to the incomes of these countries increases homelessness.

The issues arise through homelessness are mostly mental health related issues. Although if studied closely, it can be observed that various factors play a vital role in homelessness. Various economic forces contribute to housing insecurity and poverty situation both locally and globally. The major reason for homelessness is the economic crisis.

The reason for homelessness is similar worldwide which is an economic crisis that results in high unemployment and low wages which increases the homeless population both locally and globally ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"rM9G9f7c","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}The Economics of Homelessness,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“The Economics of Homelessness,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":459,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/YZGBM88P"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/YZGBM88P"],"itemData":{"id":459,"type":"webpage","title":"The Economics of Homelessness","container-title":"Wharton Public Policy Initative","abstract":"Homelessness is commonly attributed to mental health and substance abuse issues. However, when one looks more closely, these factors only play a small role i...","URL":"https://publicpolicy.wharton.upenn.edu/live/news/2594-the-economics-of-homelessness/for-students/blog/news.php","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,29]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“The Economics of Homelessness”, n.d.). As the forces of globalization concentrated wealth in major cities, which resulted in huge number of migration from small cities to big cities which increased the houses prices. In recent years, the major global concern is the lack of economic opportunities and expensive houses which resulted in homelessness.

Potential Solutions

One of the proven homelessness solutions was developed in the city of New York which latterly replicated globally and is named 'housing first'. The approach of housing first is based on constructing supportive houses. The main objective of this is moving homeless individuals who are affected by abuse and mental disorders to subsidized houses ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"ACh7Dm9k","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Proven Solutions\\uc0\\u8212{}Coalition For The Homeless,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Proven Solutions—Coalition For The Homeless,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":461,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/NNXK9RX6"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/vDOrLj7p/items/NNXK9RX6"],"itemData":{"id":461,"type":"webpage","title":"Proven Solutions - Coalition For The Homeless","URL":"https://www.coalitionforthehomeless.org/ending-homelessness/proven-solutions/","language":"en-US","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,29]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Proven Solutions—Coalition For The Homeless,” n.d.). It is observed that people without a home, when moved to the apartments, experienced improvements significantly related to their health issues. The approach, housing first, is less costly as compared to institutional and emergency care which consists of shelters and hospitals.

One of the unsuccessful solutions for homelessness is 'Winter Night Shelter' because of strict policy it is not providing shelter to the victims of domestic abuse as well as creating issues for people with disabilities. Some of the clients also reported that the local authority is providing poor services.

As the major reason for homelessness is gaps in housing affordability, it is required that the government must reduce the prices for the people having middle and lower-income. It is required that the government must address the affordability gaps difference and should invest in affordable rental houses that help homeless individuals and families.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Kenna. (2008). Globalization and Housing Rights. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 15(2), 397. https://doi.org/10.2979/gls.2008.15.2.397

Nooe, R. M., & Patterson, D. A. (2010). The Ecology of Homelessness. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 20(2), 105–152. https://doi.org/10.1080/10911350903269757

People, I. of M. (US) C. on H. C. for H. (1988). Summary and Recommendations. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK218243/

Proven Solutions—Coalition For The Homeless. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2019, from https://www.coalitionforthehomeless.org/ending-homelessness/proven-solutions/

The Economics of Homelessness. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2019, from Wharton Public Policy Initative website: https://publicpolicy.wharton.upenn.edu/live/news/2594-the-economics-of-homelessness/for-students/blog/news.php

“Us and them”: What homelessness looks like around the world. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2019, from Topics website: https://www.sbs.com.au/topics/life/culture/article/2017/07/04/us-and-them-what-homelessness-looks-around-world

Wright, T. (2000). Resisting Homelessness: Global, National, and Local Solutions. Contemporary Sociology, 29(1), 27–43. https://doi.org/10.2307/2654929

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 3 Words: 900



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The term homelessness can be described as a situation in which people have to live on a street or have to move from one temporary shelter to another. Homelessness can be situational in which an individual is forced into homelessness due to various situations such as disasters, loss of job, domestic violence or loss of a family member. The second category is episodic in which a person due to mental illness or addiction falls in and out of a situation of being homelessness. The third and last category is long term homelessness in which an individual is homeless for relativity long period of time either due to lack of resources or due to various mental health issues (Dovey, 1985).

Specifically discussing about the US, there were more than 552850 people in the US in 2018 who have experienced homelessness on a single night. It has been observed that more than 65 percent of people who experience homelessness are individuals that have no families. However, the most shocking this is that more than 33 percent of the homeless people are the people having families with them ("State of Homelessness - National Alliance to End Homelessness", 2019). This is alarming as children are vulnerable and are prone to develop stress and other mental disorders when they had to suffer from situations like this.

Several reasons are there due to which people are forced to being in a situation of homelessness but the main reason of people being homeless is poverty. Owing to the economic recession many people lost their jobs and eventually their homes. Furthermore, social stratification also plays a crucial role in forcing people into homelessness (Buckley, 1958). Typically, in our society the inequality in the distribution of wealth results in poverty. This is because our society is structured in a way that rich people are getting richer while poor people are getting poor day by day. Rich people have all the facilities while poor people are unable to attain even the basic necessities of life. Rich people can facilitate their children in getting higher education that will in turn guarantee a bright and successful future while poor people are not able to bear the educational expenses of their children and therefore their children are unable to have a successful future.

Poverty also hinders social mobility and therefore many people have to experience long term homelessness. According to the conflict perspective rich people dominate over poor and week people. The theory highlights that stratification is dysfunction and harmful in society as it only benefits rich people while causing severe consequences for the poor people. Conflict theory suggests that rich people exploit working class and poor people by depriving them on basic human needs such as shelter and food and their aim to accumulate wealth by any means (Dahrendorf, 1958). Moreover, rich people see poor people unmotivated and see homeless people as people who want to live off of welfare. When in reality the circumstances like losing job or not having enough money to pay for a house let people be homeless.

In my opinion to make society functional people regardless of class, ethnicity and gender must collaborate with each other so that a society can progress. I have seen many homeless families who have to be in this situation just because of low income or lose their job. Although, they are willing to do any work to save their families from being into a state of homelessness yet due to unemployment they are forced to be homeless. According to the functionalist perspective each aspect of society is interdependent thus contributing to society’s functioning as a whole (Hilgard & Bower, 1966). So, government must revise old policies and work more upon the improvement in division of wealth among people so that no one has to be in a situation of homelessness. There is a need of social consensus or social cohesion in which every member of the society work together at attain what is in the best interest of a society.


Buckley, W. (1958). Social stratification and the functional theory of social differentiation. American Sociological Review, 23(4), 369-375.

Dahrendorf, R. (1958). Toward a theory of social conflict. Journal of conflict Resolution, 2(2), 170-183.

Dovey, K. (1985). Home and homelessness. In Home environments (pp. 33-64). Springer, Boston, MA.

Hilgard, E. R., & Bower, G. H. (1966). Theories of learning.

State of Homelessness - National Alliance to End Homelessness. (2019). Retrieved 17 November 2019, from https://endhomelessness.org/homelessness-in-america/homelessness-statistics/state-of-homelessness-report/

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Homework #2 Response Paper

Homework #2 Response Paper

Name of the writer

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In the ‘Narrative Techniques of Fear Mongering,' Barry Glassner explores the methods by which fear is inducted into the society. He also described the role of media in creating this societal fear of issues to a greater degree. This paper will provide a complete response to the article by Glassner.



This article is about the fear in American society related to the issues and problems of society. This according to him arises due to the money and power which overtook the moral insecurities of America just for own good. These fear mongers use the narrative technique for normalizing the genuine errors in objectivity. This all started after the 1990s when youth delinquency took a toll on the country. There were homicides done by young kids, and many other horrific incidents were reported in these years. Misdirection occurred from the political and social sides, i.e., media pertaining to fear mongering. The actual fear mongering occurred after Columbian shooting and 9/11 (Glassner 2004:820). The writer talked about the three techniques of fear-mongering, as compared to the relative risk, fear-mongering was the newer technique. The writer stated that print, electronic and social media were the ultimate causes for fear-mongering, by treating these issues as trends and misleading. Homicides, child kidnapping, and all such societal issues were reported by media in the limelight. These fear mongers mislead the attention from serious problems of the legislation and financial commodities of the country.


As studied in the course about social crimes and controls, this article relates to the conformity and obedience to the crime which also includes the deviance from social norms and trends. This article explored the types of crimes and the justice system of the US, such that the response to the crime is based on due process. Moreover, through conformity, these media channels influenced the mechanism of social control as it is responsible for creating a particular order of society. The professional and occupational groups were investigated in this article, i.e., sociologists, reporters, journalists, politicians, law enforcing authorities, etc.


The understanding of the society in this article at micro, meso and macro level indicates that the author thoroughly explored the individuals, population and the criminal and media institutes while covering for this article. The lengthy list of professional occupational gatherings or groups, i.e., politicians, social scientists, policymakers, criminologists, ethicists, etc. are held by Glassner in his article.

CritiqueThe article is a plethora of fears which underlie the questioning perception of Glassner very critically, and he particularly scrutinized specific fears, i.e., political correctness, juvenile criminals, violence and crime, child abduction, teen gambling, television violence, missing children, and post 9/11 fears (Glassner 2004:820). He uncovered the neglected truths of society related to building fear. His article raises my questions to inquisitive minds; for instance, the proper definition of fear, cause and effect relationship of some variables and concerning some issues what is the level of fear in public. These things inevitably cross every reader's mind.


Concluding this article and the findings of this paper, the writer explained very genuinely about the ways fear is being a sale in our society on the name of law and justice. A brief summary tells about the theme and idea of an article by Glassner. Furthermore, the relevance of this article to the course can be seen by the fact that it is about societal control and crimes. Media is controlling the buy and sell off social crimes. The analysis levels indicate that the author has explored the individuals, population and the criminal and media institutes while covering for this article.


Glassner, Barry. 2004. Narrative techniques of fear mongering. Social Research: An International Quarterly, 71(4), pp.819-826.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Homework 1

Response Paper

The Promise by C. Wright Mills




Response Paper

The Promise by C. Wright Mills

‘The Promise’ by C. Wright Mills sheds light on one of the most fundamental topics related to the subject of sociology, as well as society. The author has described in his work that human beings and the whole society are connected and inter-linked. Most of the times, human beings fail to see or understand this connection and feel pressurized by the problems of their life. They overlook the fact that they are the basis of society and are playing their role in the development and progress of society. In addition to it, the history, economy, and future of the society is dependent over them, as well as impact their daily lives, while having the tendency to impact their future also. The main point of the writing by Mills is that in order to understand the issues and happenings of the life of an individual, it is quite necessary to understand the working and process of the society. C. Wright Mills coined the term of sociological imagination, which means the use of the social lens, in order to understand the issues of the life of an individual from the broader perspective of society. He was of the view that most of the individuals feel that only they are facing the worst circumstances of life. However, if they try to see the pattern of the society, they would be able to know that every other person is suffering from the same issue and that is actually a bigger social issue and not a mere personal problem. Moreover, sociological imagination can help the individuals of any society to identify their societal issues and come up with the strategies to nullify those issues (Mills, 1959).

The article is related to the class and supported by the lecture notes in the way that it helps in identifying the fundamental connection between human beings and society. It also helped in exploring the fact that although society develops due to the effort and progress of human beings, yet it has the power to impact their lives. Moreover, it helped in understanding the need of the sociological imagination and sociological perspectives, described in the lecture notes.

The article is also related to the understanding of society at the micro, macro and mezo level. The sociological imagination helps the individuals to explore the micro, macro and mezo level impacts of any issue on the society. For example, if a person gets unemployed due to the reason that his company was closed, he would think that it is only him who is suffering from the issue of unemployment. This is the micro level of the problem. Using the sociological imagination, the individual would be able to explore the mezo level analysis of the issue, which is that due to the closing of the company, many other people have become unemployed, which is also giving rise to homelessness. In addition to it, the macro level analysis of the issue would help the person to understand that due to the economic issues, a vast range of companies are getting shut down, turning a great number of the population unemployed and contributing towards the economic depression. So, unemployment is a bigger issue, which is impacting the whole society in one way or the other.

According to my opinion, the article has described the connection between human beings and society in a quite elaborated manner. The thing that the author has got right is that if a social problem exists in the society, then it is not just affecting a single person but many others as well. The severity and consequences of the problem may be different for different individuals; however, it would impact the functionality of the whole society. Moreover, nothing was lacking in the article according to my opinion.


Mills, C. W. (1959). The Promise.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Homework 10

Title page


The inflexibility of work means that the employees have to follow a schedule for work hours. Schedules don’t change irrespective of the problems encountered by employees. Low income mothers experience inflexibility of work that undermine their capacity for fulfilling professional and personal responsibilities. Inflexibility negatively impacts the mothers because they are pressurized to follow work schedule. This means that they cannot get an early leave from work if their children is ill or they need to attend schools for parent-teacher meeting. Mothers in such conditions are unable to take good care of their children. Kids also suffer because they fail to get proper attention from mothers CITATION Lis11 \l 1033 (Dodson & Luttrell, 2011).

Mothers and their children often feel stigmatized by ‘their families ways of getting by’ because they have to meet family standards and expectations. Stigmas says that the mothers must know what their children are doing and they must known the reason behind their inappropriate learning behavior. Low-income women are also regarded as uncommitted towards parents education because society believe that they lack good mothering standards. Due to poverty they are unable to take proper care of their children and help them in their education. They are unable to participate in school activities or identify the problematic behavior of children.

Insufficient income causes low-income mothers to make untenable choices such as spending more time at work. This undermines their capacity to work with the child improvement. Their children have to manage their household needs that affected their education negatively. They bear high-cost of such choices because their children blame them form not fulfilling their needs. Also they are unable to receive better returns by investing in their children’s education and development. Many children gets deviant and choose criminal lives that brings future demise for these mothers.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Dodson, L., & Luttrell, W. (2011). Families Facing Untenable Choices. Sage, 10 (1).

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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