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From Genesis to the Gospel

Purpose Statement


Larry Williamson


17 January 2019

From Genesis to the Gospel

In the article From Genesis to the Gospel, Hodge (2010) stresses the importance of remembering that Jesus is the central focus of the Bible and thus every part and situation of the Bible should be interpreted with Christ and his sacrifice as the focus. In this context, he first emphasizes that Jesus in fact did not appear 2000 years ago but had always been at the heart of events, starting with Adam and Eve eating from the forbidden fruit. The paper will make a critical examination of the reading and the author’s interpretation of biblical texts to support his arguments, thereby presenting an alternate view and interpretation wherein there is disagreement.

Hodge (2010) begins his argument by introducing the idea of theophany CITATION Bod10 \l 1033 (Hodge 2010). Theophany, in fact, occurs at different places of the Bible and often features God revealing Himself to certain people. In the scriptures, Moses’ encounters with God form most of the theophany that are referenced in the bible such as in Exodus (3:1-6, NKJV), in which Moses climbed up Mount Sinai to converse with God (Ex. 33:11; Deut. 34:10, NKJV). The idea of Christophany has been discussed some biblical scholars who see it as a distinct idea from Jesus’ life on earth as a man. Hodge (2010) suggests that any biblical passages that hint at theophany are in fact to be recognized as Christophany, such as when God is said to have walked with Adam and Eve (John 1:1-5, NKJV).

The author’s view is grounded in the notion that Jesus Christ and God the Father are one and the same, and Christ only represented a manifestation of the Father’s role. However, a close reading of the Biblical text indicates that the view does not hold ground, and thus theophany must be differentiated from Christophany. There are a number of biblical passages that suggest that Father is the sender and that Christ was the one who was sent. Jesus said that he "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work" (John 4:34, NKJV) and that “By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me” (John 5:30, NKJV). Moreover, Jesus clearly said, “For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it (John 12:49, NKJV). Additionally, according to the Apostle Paul, God sent Christ born under the law, and from a woman, when the time had come (Galatians 4:4).

This is not to indulge in a theological debate but to assert the fact that the author’s insistence that all references to God in the Bible, wherein he meets and converses with Moses, Abraham, Adam and Eve, or Satan is in fact Jesus who is doing so, and on this premise he forms the crux of his argument. However, since Scriptural reading demonstrates that the Father and Christ are distinct thus the premise that the author uses to support his arguments is a weak one, despite the fact he is correct in asserting that Jesus remains the central figure, and is more important than any other character in the bible. Hence, we can focus on Jesus as a central figure despite not seeing all instances of theophany as Christophany.

Furthermore, Hodge (2010) suggests that all characters, heroes of faith, angels or even Satan should be less of a focus, so that the faithful can focus on Christ and his sacrifice alone. However, other characters in the bible are there for a reason. To understand God, His authority and the world he created us to be in, the character and idea of Satan as a being is important. A spiritual war is going around us, in which Satan and other demons play a characteristic role. Thus, his character is important to understand and portray as an enemy of God, and how Jesus defeated him at the cross. The idea of the serpent in Adam and Eve’s story as well as the whole idea of Satan helps us to know that God has a special purpose of allowing evil. A greater good is accomplished, as the followers of Christ prevail over Satan and his armies. Thus, the understanding that a greater blessing is attained through permitting evil helps Christians understand their place and significance in the world, in a better way.

To conclude, the primary premise that Hodge (2010) bases his argument on is weak in my view, however the assertion he wants to support is in itself true.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Hodge, Bodie. From Genesis to the Gospel. July 13, 2010. https://answersingenesis.org/jesus-christ/from-genesis-to-the-gospel/ (accessed January 17, 2019).

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Writers Choice

Invasion of Canaan

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

After reading given material, an area that fascinated me the most is the event of invasion of Canaan. While reading the assigned readings, event of invasion of Canaan by Joshua grasped my attention as I realized that one should know more about history that how old civilizations and religious people were defined and explained in Bible and other scriptures. While going through the reading, I got an instinct that I should study more about this event to seek some teachings out of it by analyzing the reasons and background that why it took place. Though I know much about it, still I wanted to add more knowledge about this significant historical event as I have many questions in my mind related to this event.

It is being hypothesized that one of the difficult tasks is the explanation of conquest of Canaan by Joshua who led Israelites after the departure of Moses. There are many conflicting things that I found while studying this event. One of the main things that I cannot figure out even today is that how it has been claimed that God commanded, the Israelites to slaughter all creatures of Canaan. Every time, this question revolves around my mind that how God could give an immoral command. Even I have read many critics, who have raised some concern that being the creator of entire creature how God could be biased. It looks quite strange that God ordered one of his tribe to slaughter all the men, women and children of another tribe. In the Holy Bible, God has mentioned many times that we should forgive others and treat them kindly, so, how God could ask for killing other as it has been mentioned in Bible, that God love harmony. I think the doubts about this invasion are quite reasonable as God cannot be so cruel that He would want killing of any of His creature. There are many stories and conflicting ideas about this event that has been mentioned in the Book of Joshua, but I think if this had happened it was not the way as it has been described. So as a whole, I asserts that this is one of the events that always engage me whenever I go through Bible and holds my attention by incorporating the sense of keenness for investigating more and more. I could say that all religion specifically Christianity never promotes terror and bloodshed as it is the religion of peace and love.

“And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword” (Joshua 6:21)

This verse always raised a question about the generosity of God in my mind. As in the Bible, it has been mentioned that,

“Whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death” (Leviticus 24:17)

End Notes

Berthelot, Katell. "4 The Torah Between Revelation and Concealment in Rabbinic Traditions Pertaining to the Conquest of the Land of Canaan." Sharing and Hiding Religious Knowledge in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam10 (2018): 85.

Dinger, Dennis. Studies in Joshua, Judges, & Ruth. Lulu. com, 2018.

Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Writers Choice

Facebook Consensus

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

[Include any grant/funding information and a complete correspondence address.]

Facebook Consensus

Behavioral conformity, as a result of various social and contextual factors, has been researched and analyzed by a growing body of sociologists and anthropologists. Changes in behavior or social responses is a normative practice as social agents tend to shape and reshape their beliefs and opinions according to the widely prevailing narrative. This practice is self-explanatory as people have an innate desire to appear 'normal' and express an inclination to fit in. A plethora of research and existing literature define conformity as the perceived and 'felt' change in the behavior or opinion of an individual when there is an influence of external factors. The extant literature has not adequately researched the impact of social consensus on moral decision making and the individual actions under circumstances that impose a certain degree of pressure on the individual.

Recent studies and literature indicate that moral judgment and inner moral compass can undulate by the influence of social and contextual factors CITATION Gib19 \l 1033 (Gibbs, 2019). One such study in this regard has been conducted whereby a philosophical question acted as a pivotal factor behind the motivation CITATION Kun13 \l 1033 (Kundu, 2013). The researchers probed into the dynamics of conformity and experimented to determine whether morality is influenced by social consensus or not. A basic premise duly considered while answering this question was that morality is an integral part of an individual's identity. The results of this study determined that a strong conformity effect prevails in societies and social context is a crucial reason for the changes perceived and felt in social decision making. These results led the researchers to think around the lines of rationality and social acceptability. If an individual exhibited conformed behavior, would it be considered rational and socially acceptable? Literature specifies that the answer to this question depends on the weight which will be awarded to social consensus. If social consensus and prevailing opinions held by a significant majority of people will be deemed irrelevant, then the perceived and exhibited conformity will be irrational. Social conformity is also viewed as acceptable because consensus on the majority opinion is an indication that there has been a departure from one's own inherent beliefs. The logical claim behind this frame of reference was that subjective and individual beliefs can invite uncertainty and suspicion which are, in most cases, unwanted. A counter-argument in this regard was provided that rationality is violated by people when they conform to socially acceptable behavior CITATION Cam90 \l 1033 (Campbell, 1990).

Concerted efforts have also tried to answer the question of whether a departure from the social consensus is morally acceptable or not. Several studies have carried out unique experiments on various online platforms to determine if peer pressure or a general influence will impact the behavior of observers and bystanders. (Anderson et al., 2014) conducted a research and found that in situations where individuals faced weight-based cyberbullying, modeling dissenting behavior can significantly avoid the bystander effect. As a direct outcome of the experiment carried out and analyzed in this study, bystanders provided verbal support to the victims of weight-based cyberbullying. Amongst all the social media networking sites, Facebook was pinpointed as a specific medium for this study, given its popularity and a rapidly growing body of users CITATION Bak13 \l 1033 (Baker, 2013). The motivation behind this study was the reflection upon dissenter and conformity effects. The researchers had a pre-supposed hypothesis structured from a theoretical framework that if a Facebook user experiences some pressure in the cyberspace, there is a maximum likelihood that conformity will occur. The reason attributed to this presumption was that challenging a bully or resisting against bullying behavior in the cyberspace is a quintessential dissent from the norm and socially acceptable behaviors CITATION Sul05 \l 1033 (Suler, 2005). However, the results of this study do not fully support the hypotheses which primarily entailed that bystanders, in a situation where an individual is being bullied, may conform to this behavior and/or provide tacit support through mere observation or silence to the bully.

Facebook is also appraised as an effective tool for the dissemination of news since print media has considerably reduced and its circulation has faced a conspicuous decline. Although as per set journalistic criteria, this platform cannot be solely relied upon for authentic news but increased dependency has been observed on it for day-to-day information and news sharing. The impact of social consensus on controversial topics on peers has been studied and analyzed by a lot of researchers. Effects of peer reactions on Facebook news channels were examined in a study by Winter & Krämer (2015), and an online questionnaire was filled by a total of 227 respondents and in the analysis of the experiment, dependent and moderating variables were also used. The driving force behind this study was to analyze whether the voices of online audiences and peers in response to an online post are representative of the public opinion or not CITATION Lee10 \l 1033 (Lee, 2010). Another objective of the study was to comprehend whether positive comments reinforce the widely prevailing opinion or not. In contrast to the positive comments, argumentative and dissenting comments (opinions) were also taken into consideration. Four types of hypotheses were designed and tested. The first two hypotheses were designed to test if the comments of a diverse group of people on Facebook will affect the attitude of readers in that direction which is reflective of the prevalent opinion or if the perception of a reader about the public opinion will steer towards the main premise of the comments. The third hypothesis was highly significant as it proposes that subjective comments tend to be less convincing than argumentative comments. This also led the researchers to scrutinize the engagement level of readers on Facebook and their need for cognition. The participants of the experiment in the study were not influenced by the comments of their peers against the expectations.

Extensive research on social influence also inquired into the different phenomena associated with individual personalities. One such study has been conducted by (Perfumi et al., 2019). An online experiment was carried out to determine whether the loss of self-awareness invalidates the effects of social consensus or normative influence. Results explained that normative influence has an almost negligible or non-existent effect in those situations where social identity is not fortified by the consciousness of self-awareness and the presence of an inner moral compass and inherent beliefs. The motivation for this highly significant study was derived from the functioning of influence exuded from social factors whereby the physical or online presence of a group of people led to the change in the judgment of the other group. This resulted in the conformity of behavior but it was also theorized that events can take place differently in cyberspace CITATION Lee04 \l 1033 (Lee E. J., 2004). Paving the way for elaboration and meticulous comprehension of deindividuation, researchers identified the diminishing of personality traits as a major driving force behind the normative influence.

Researchers are also well-aware of the fact that there is a difference between reviews and opinions which are posted online and those which are disseminated in a personal capacity. In the context of online reviews of various products and services, the comments and opinions held by the majority group can markedly impact the conception of an individual. Although that review is considered as primarily helpful which is closer to the average score of the product or which synchronizes with the prevailing belief about the brand, some online users also steer in a completely different direction and express a behavior which is anti-conforming in nature CITATION Moe12 \l 1033 (Moe, 2012). Advancement in neuroimaging and particularly, brain imaging, have shed light on a direct connection between behavioral patterns and specific parts of the brain CITATION Sta15 \l 1033 (Stallen, 2015). The results of the experiment specified that positive reviews are more helpful for online users as opposed to negative reviews. Although this study requires clarification and elaborate comprehension on several fronts, the results signify that in the social and online context of reviews, a negativity bias lies in the process of cognition when users read such reviews. In case of positive reviews, there is no need for a lot of cognitive effort and this supports the hypothesis of the study that positive reviews continue to receive a considerably higher rate of votes which indicates their helpfulness.

The above analyses and studies have paved the way for a well-crafted hypothesis which reinstates the effect of social factors on the behavioral conformity of individuals. In general, we predict that participants who read unanimously supportive feedback will rate the Facebook user’s conduct as more acceptable than participants who read unanimously oppositional feedback, with those who read mixed feedback falling between these extremes. More specifically, participants in the unanimously supportive condition will more strongly agree with supportive survey statements (“Abigail’s behavior was understandable, “Abigail’s behavior was reasonable”, “Abigail’s behavior was appropriate”, “I would advise Abigail to keep silent”, and “I would try to comfort Abigail”) and more strongly disagree with oppositional survey statements (“Abigail’s behavior was wrong”, “Abigail’s behavior was unethical”, “Abigail’s behavior was immoral”, and “Abigail’s behavior was unacceptable”) compared to participants in the unanimously oppositional condition, with participants in the mixed condition falling between these extremes. However, participants in both the unanimously supportive and unanimously oppositional conditions will strongly agree that they would give Abigail the same advice that her friends gave her.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Anderson, J. B. (2014). Combating weight-based cyberbullying on Facebook with the dissenter effect. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 281-286.

Baker, S. (2013). Conceptualizing the use of Facebook in ethnographic research: as a tool, as data, and as context. Ethnography and Education, 131-145.

Campbell, J. D. (1990). Self-esteem and clarity of the self-concept. Journal of personality and social psychology, 538.

Coppolino Perfumi, S., Bagnoli, F., Caudek, C., & Guazzini, A. (2019). Deindividuation effects on normative and informational social influence within computer-mediated-communication. Computers In Human Behavior, 92, 230-237. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.11.017

Gibbs, J. C. (2019). Moral development and reality: Beyond the theories of Kohlberg, Hoffman, and Haidt. Oxford University Press.

Kundu, P. (2013). Morality and conformity: The Asch paradigm applied to moral decisions. Social Influence, 268-279.

Lee, E. J. (2004). Effects of visual representation on social influence in computer‐mediated communication: Experimental tests of the social identity model of deindividuation effects. Human Communication Research, 234-259.

Lee, E. J. (2010). What do others' reactions to the news on Internet portal sites tell us? Effects of presentation format and readers' need for cognition on reality perception. Communication Research, 825-846.

Moe, W. W. (2012). Online product opinions: Incidence, evaluation, and evolution. Marketing Science, 372-386.

Stallen, M. &. (2015). The neuroscience of social conformity: Implications for fundamental and applied research. Frontiers in neuroscience, 337.

Suler, J. (2005). The online disinhibition effect. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 184-188.

Subject: Education

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Writers Choice

Is the Old Testament Relevant to Christians Today?

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Is the Old Testament Relevant to Christians Today?


Every religion has its own beliefs, practices, values, and cultures by which an individual has grown up. These religions have their own sacred books which provide guidance for each individual. A person can effectively organize his life by following the rules and regulations of holy books. The Bible is a divine book having a lot of followers around the globe. Bible is written by almost forty people. Old Testaments comprehends ten while the New Testament contains thirty contributors. Both the New Testament and the Old Testament are not uninformed words of God’s power. I believe that for Christians, the Old Testament arranges the sequential settings for the New Testament. It is notable to mention that John, Matthew, Paul, and Peter along with various others in the New Testament, thoroughly referenced back from the Old Testament. Here, the focus is to justify the importance of the Old Testament in the lives of Christians.


Old Testament is an enriching and essential source for the establishment of spirituality among Christians. Old Testament is relevant to the lives of Christians today as it reveals God. According to Genesis 1; Isaiah 46:9-10, “that there is a Creator, that the world didn't just happen, and He is in control over everything at all times.” I believe that the Old Testament has made it clear to all of us that there is only one God in the entire world. He is the one who has the power to create and control anything. The verse mentioned above has made it clear to me that God controls everything and without His permission not even a single thing can move from its position. Old Testament revealed that God is a God of love. I have a strong belief that God's love is defined by His laws. Christians can take help from these laws in order to live according to God’s way of love. “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Deuteronomy 6:5). We should need to take guidance from the Old Testament as it tells us how to behave and treat others. God tells us to behave reasonably with our neighbors. Therefore, I tend to behave nicely with my neighbor and always make sure that my words and actions must not hurt them.

For the chosen people of Israel, Mosaic Law of the Old Testament was written. There is a distinctive gap between the purpose of the law and their implication in our daily lives. A distinction can be made between how Christians are chosen now and how the Israelites were chosen before. I believe that Christians were God’s instruments in order to rescue the world. “Israel was chosen for a purpose” (Genesis 12:1-3). I think that they were chosen in order to execute the God’s plan of salvation rather than to be saved. It is noteworthy to mention that they were not chosen to secure their salvation instead they were chosen to secure a salvation plan for the world. However, I believe that Christians are one who benefitted from that plan of salvation. Additionally, I believe that the Old Testament is an important source for Christians to understand the nature of God. When Moses was sent to deliver the sons of Israel from Egypt, he was curious that what he would tell to people regarding the name of God. Therefore, God told him, "I am Who Am. Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: He Who Is, has sent me to you” (Exodus3: 14). There were many problems that Israelites were facing at that time. At that time, people were facing difficulties such as confusion related to the multiplication of churches, loss of trust, idolatry, and unfaithfulness. Therefore, God sends the Old Testament to those people so that they could walk towards life. I believe that Christians are still facing the same problem as Israelites. Christians are tempting with idolatry and unfaithfulness. Without the Old Testament, our foundation as Christians is ineffective and weak.

The revelation of the words of God towards people was a long and gradual process. The primary purpose behind this gradual process was to help people to understand who He is to them. God revealed His mission to people which they could implement in their life to make their life better. God revealed His mission to induce gradual kind of education that helped to malformed the worship and cults of Israelites. The Old Testament explains man's fall into sin. I believe it helped us to find the difference between right and wrong. According to John, "Sin is a transgression of the law of God." The sin of Adam has been mentioned in the book which results in the loss of blessing of everlasting life. Therefore, I believe that Christians must know about it and should understand that death was a punishment, not a purpose. The Old Testament forms a backdrop of the New Testament. I think that in recent times, Christians can only understand the New Testament if they have a considerate of the Old Testament. Therefore, I believe that Christians should need to focus on understanding the Old Testament if they are planning to implement the New Testament in their life. In the Old Testament, God had made certain promises to the people, and these promises are fulfilled in the New Testament.

In the Old Testament, the mission of God has been revealed. “There would be a Savior who would pay the death penalty for your sins” (Daniel 2:44, Isaiah 53). I believe that God is a savior. When Israel was facing problems, God helped them. When they were invaded, God made them realize that He is their God. He helped the people of Egypt. He helped them to settle in the land and fed them in the desert. That’s why I believe that Christians should trust him. Many people around us are desperate because of marriage, school, job, and life. I believe that people have lost faith in God. People should need to take help from the Old Testament and should put their trust in God. I think that Christians should remember how God has been a savior in the past. Having faith in God allow us to energize ourselves to keep going. I believed that prophets played a vital role in restoring the faith of Israel. It is evident that the Old Testament remains of value in order to understand the nature of God.


In a nutshell, the Old Testament plays a vital role in our lives as it will help us to orient our lives towards God. We should need to search God in our lives instead of moving far to search for God. The Old Testament helps us to correct our way of life. It provides a platform to talk about the promise of savior and messiah. Immortality is presented as a value in this world. Therefore I believe that the Old Testament helps us in recognizing our role in this world, the world which is full of sin, hatred, division, and injustice. It is beneficial for Christians to rediscover what does God wants from humans and for this, they must go back to the origin which is the Old Testament.

Subject: Education

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Writers Choice

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The Title of Your Manuscript Here Informative versus Persuasive Speech

(1/4 page down from top)

Your Name here

(1/2 page down from top)

EDFS 309 Scholarly Personal Narrative Writing

Dr. Robert Nash Sydnee Viray

Date Here

(All double-spaced)

(Insert a Page Break here to maintain a separation between your title page and page one)

Informative versus Persuasive Speech

Informative Speech

There are a lot of similarities between informative and persuasive speech. It is a given in persuasive speaking a person is constantly trying to make themselves heard. A person is trying to persuade the audience non-stop one way or the other. When an individual is carrying out persuasive speech they are trying to inform the specified audience about their idea or argument with the help of evidences and much more. Having said that, there are two basic features that differentiate persuasive and informative topics which I will be discussing below.

The informative topic will almost every time lean towards being noncontroversial. When one is making an informative speech or presenting an informative topic there are most likely chances that the speaker will not be presenting an idea or view that the audience might disagree with. For example, in an informative speech you can talk about Chinese medicine and educate your audience about it. However, if you start criticizing Chinese medicine in your speech that would obviously mean that you are leaning towards a persuasive speech. This certainly does not mean that your speech needs to be boring, it just means that whatever way you are presenting your idea just cannot portray conflict in any way. It should not oppose the viewpoint of the audience.

The speaker does not push to change the ideas and views of the audience. The speaker is not focused on the changing the audiences attitude, they are trying to actually ensure the importance of the idea. In no way the audience has to feel differently about the representation. For example, a person can talk about a fridge and the importance of it, but they cannot persuade the audience to buy a certain brand that the speaker might think to be fit.

Persuasive Speech

While on the contrary, persuasion is a process in which the speaker is trying to motivate a change in the viewer through argument and evidence. The idea is to make the audiences belief or attitude change towards a certain view point. Persuasion does not mean that it will be coercive. It is not like you will be holding a gun to someones head to listen to you. Persuasion is usually incremental. It succeeds over time, the speaker tends to leave an impression on the audience, says something thought provoking to invoke a change in the in the audiences belief. The social judgment theory can explain persuasion very well. The audience when listens to something different they usually compare it to the ideas that they already know. The opinion that already exists is called the anchor, but surrounding it is latitude of rejection, acceptance and noncommitment. Around this model the audience perceive the new idea represented.




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Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Writers Choice

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Course Code


What stance do the authors of the article take?

The authors of the article believe that the building the wall is all about the future of President Donald Trump. The article states that President Donald Trump promised to build the wall during the campaign trail and therefore, it is a promise, which he must keep to show voters that he is committed to his promises he made. Again, in the article, it is stated that President Trump does not care about politics when it comes to the wall, but he takes it a personality as something, which he must achieve before the end of his first term. It is, therefore, clear that the authors support the idea of building of the wall was argued by President Trump as the best way to secure the American public.

The ramification of each side

The Democrats managed to convince President Trump and open the government without allocation of fund for the wall, and then it would be easy for the wall to be constructed during this financial year. The problem mentioned at the Southern border would still exist and threat to the American people mentioned by the border threat could cause a major threat to the United States. However, if the government shutdown continues, both federal government and state are likely to continue losing taxes, and many federal governments would go without food and other basic needs. This is likely to affect many people and could cause President Trump Election in 2020, which sounds to be critical to the President.

Characterize action taken by president Trump

The action taken by Trump is bold and cynical. Trumps' decision on the wall is based on facts from the national intelligent agency and there is no humanitarian at the southern board and other boarders and therefore, it does not make sense to put border issue as a national issue.

President Recent decisions

President Trump recent decision to shut down the government is very unethical. First, the action does not take into consideration many Americans who have suffered because of lack of a paycheck. It is clear that the majority of federal workers could not access basic needs and many went without food, and could not pay school fee for their children as well because of a government shutdown. This is a critical issue and therefore, the President forgot to look at the interest of thousands of federal workers and focus on his Wall and main thing.

Why outcome would set the power for the next two year.

The outcome, either way, would set the power balance in the next two years. President Trump is determined to have his way through the Congress controlled by Democrats to push his policies through the house. And convincing the house to fund the wall is just the first step and if could manage that, then the president would not have a big problem in the next two year. It would also give him time to launch is the 2020 election as a winner. It is also important for the Democrats to deliver promise made to the electorates for it to stand a chance in the 2020 election and this depends on how the negotiation over the border funding would end.

Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Writers Choice

Old Testament

Palestine's history reveals many interesting aspects as the tribe was known as sea people. Old Testament refers it to the land of Canaan. Its connections with crusaders in the Middle Ages made it Holy land. The land was covered on the west by the Mediterranean. Palestine was more wider at its southern end. Palestine remained a great attraction for other tribes due to its geographical importance. It had the most fertile valley known as Jezreel. Another aspect that added significance to the land was climate. Winter was most pleasant as rainfalls were required for the fertility of the land. The climate varied and never remained the same. In winter there was cold while rainfall in coastal plains was very erratic. The rain was considered good for the harvest that normally started by the end of dry season. Palestine had good harvest due to the rainfall. These rainfalls were seen as blessings of God because the crops and food production was dependent on it. The heavy rains supported the vegetation system during summer. I am interested in the history of Palestine because it depicts that the current climatic patterns have close relevance to Palestine's patriarchal times. Another interesting fact indicates that the climatic patterns were constant in the region for at least six thousand years. Not only Palestine but other tribes and regions also benefited from its harvest and vegetation. The changes in vegetation were the result of increased dependence of humans and goats on them.

Palestine’s geography was of great significance because it serves as a crossroads for the merchants and armies. An interesting thing about Palestine was that it was always controlled by the military of different regions including Egypt, Hattie Greek, and Rome. I find this topic interesting because it provides a brief analysis of the historical clash between Palestine and Israel. Due to its strategic positioning, “Palestine served as a buffer zone" (LaSort, Hubbardt and Bush 1982, 630). Israel's entered the place after the Exodus and lived for many years in the mountains. The physical characteristics of the place contributed to the dignity of Israelis. However, the trends in rainfall changed dramatically with time. The drying up of land has been the result of deforestation. The readings reveal that Palestine was considered a blessed region due to natural geographical settings. Due to its geographical and climatic importance military of different tribes targeted Palestine for many years. The people of the mountainous land believed on the god of mountains CITATION Wil82 \l 1033 (LaSort, Hubbardt and Bush 1982).


BIBLIOGRAPHY LaSort, William Sanford, David Allan Hubbard, and Fredric Bush. 1982. The Old Testament Survey. William B Eerdmans Publishing Company.

Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Writers Choice

Methods of Bible Study

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Questions: Psalms-Hebrew Poetry

1. In how many sections is the book of Psalms divided

2.Why it is believed that the Book of Psalms is not written by a single author.

3.How does the book of Psalms interpret the image of God? Is the God presented in the book of Psalms is different from the image of God in other books of the Holy Bible

4.Which part of the Psalms is more poetic and which part is more religious.

5.How can a person who does not hold the Christian faith can be benefited from the book of Psalms?

6.Highlight the characteristics of poetry in the book of Psalms. What are the similarities and differences in the poetry of Psalms and modern-day poetry?

7.How is an average Israeli person interpreted in the text?

8.The book of Psalms was written 2000 years back, but it is believed that the text is still relevant to the readers in the contemporary world. Explain in great detail and by giving examples of how the Book of Psalms can be taken as a guide in the modern world by the people with or without Christian faith.

9.What are the reasons that the Book of Psalms is in the form of poetry and not in the form of text? Do you think that people learn more when they read poetry?

10.What does the book of Psalms understand about the enemies of Israel? Do you believe that the book talks more about peace and resolving the conflict?

Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Writers Choice

Methods of Bible Study

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Methods of Bible Study

Jonah was a Hebrew prophet who disobeyed God and was punished for his act. He is the central character of the book of Jonah in the Hebrew Bible. Jonah was an ambitious and emotional man (4:1) who showed signs of both ordinary human and prophet. He had the capacity to communicate with God, and this is why during the difficult hours he was not afraid to pray to the God (2:1), and God responded to his prayers(2:10).

Johan was ordered by God to travel to Nineveh and to tell the people about the divine judgment (1:2). But he disobeyed God and ran towards Joppa (1:3). Jonah believed in God and called the God his creator (1:9), this is why after being punished by the God once, the reluctantly went to Nineveh to give the God’s message to the people (3:2). It shows that Jonah unwillingly journeyed to Nineveh because he was ordered by his creator. Jonah had a close link with the God because when he was in the boat during the storm, while the sailors were worried and throwing the cargo in the sea, Jonah was sleeping (1:6). Another incident which shows his trust in God is when Jona told the people on the ship to throw him in the sea (1:12). In addition to this when Jonah was eaten by a big fish, he was not afraid and only prayed to God (2:2).

Furthermore, Jonah was a foolish man because he became angry when God did not punish the people of Nineveh (4:1). But when God explained to him, that why God did not punish the people (4:11), Jonah understood the reason. Jonah was also self-centered because he ran from God’s command (1:3), he was angry when the people of the town were not punished (4:1) and when the plant died (4:9).

Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Writers Choice

Is the Bible is a book of magic?

Mickelsen in his book said that the Bible is not a book of Magic. By this, he meant that everything discussed in the bible is real and is valid from the scientific aspect.

List nine things the Mickelsen's note can be expected from conscientious study of the Bible.

Faith, Holy Spirit, Wisdom, Faith, Hope, Trust in God, Strength, eternal life and freedom.

What do five points the Mickelsen's suggest one should watch out for in Bible study?

According to Mickelsen, the five things which one should watch out for in the Bible study are following

What is the aim of the author

What is present between the lines in the scripture

What are the current facts

What is the relation between the different themes

What was the time or era when the text was written

4. T/F The Bible offers us "case studies" of how God deals with people.\


5. T/F Our preconceived ideas can influence how we interpret the Bible.


6. TF Accepting commands we like and ignoring the ones we don't is called “selective literalism.”


7. T/F The Bible gives us honest answers, not necessarily easy ones, to the complex problems of life.


8. When asking what a Bible passage means, what two questions can we ask?

What does the God want us to do and what was the motive of the God behind this.

9. T/F Understanding the history and culture of the time of writing of a passage helps us get at the meaning the first hearers/readers might have seen.


10. Sound Biblical interpretation requires us to distinguish between…..

Religious and profane believes

11. What five other important principles do the Mickelsen's note we should follow in our reading of Scripture?

Theme, symbols, Understanding the context, the culture, and traditions of the people and understanding the aim of the author.

12. The Bible derives it's authority from God who is sovereign and powerful

13. The Hebrew word "amar" means: to say or to speak

14. The Hebrew word "davar" means: Word

15. Which two Biblical passages are offered to support the statement that God action brought the Scriptures into being?

The Gospels of Mark and Luke

16. T/F Verbal inspiration refers to language inspiration.


17. T/F The "how" of inspiration is clearly stated in Scripture.


18. T/F The Old Testament, but not the New Testament, emphasizes God as Creator


19. What theme runs through the history of Israel?

Acceptance from the God

20. T/F All people respond to God the same way.


21. T/F The purposes of the writers of the Biblical books bring diversity.


22. T/F We are given the Scriptures so that we might know God.


Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Writers Choice

The Incident That Changed Me

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

The Incident That Changed Me

In my life, I have never given much importance to material things and appearances. I have always prioritized knowledge and wisdom and have always been keen to learn more and more. I love to increase my knowledge, and for this purpose, I adopt various tools and methods. For the sake of improving knowledge and skills, the first method that I use is books; I love to read books. The second method I adopt is the reading of blogs and informative articles over the internet. I like to read, on any topic, on any issue, from any medium and at any time. I love to read biographies, stories, fantasy, and fiction, about current affairs, politics, history, geography, and scientific inventions, anything you name. Maybe, this is the reason; I am popular as a book-worm in my social circle.

I always took pride in being called so, as it was a kind of honorable title for me, and never felt ashamed of myself. My parents also felt proud that their son is interested in a healthy activity, but this all changed last summer, when I took admission in college. My first day at college was the worst day until now as I faced the worst embarrassment that day. As I belong to a small town, I have always been very simple and humble. I never gave much importance to fashion trends and given priority to my comfort over any kind of stupid torn jeans or any cool T-shirt. Being an introvert, I also happened to be less social and talked very less.

On my first day at college, I faced the worst ragging of my life. I won’t go in the details, but my simplicity became a reason of insult for me, and my knowledge never helped me there. I was mocked for wearing outdated clothes and got taunted for wearing glasses. They were the senior boys and were ragging everybody who they thought were new to the college. They went so far to pushing me and teasing me. I fell on the ground, and my glasses also fell at a distance. One of them stepped over my glasses, and they broke.

I was very embarrassed at this and cried for hours in my room, once I entered my hostel. It never stopped there; whenever those boys saw me, they taunted me and called me names so insulting that I burned with anger. I wanted to kick them, but I knew they were greater in number and bigger in strength. One day, I gave an analysis to the whole scenario. After thinking for a while in various directions, I reached a conclusion, that those boys only judged me over my looks, and considered themselves superior on the basis of outer appearance. I thought that what use is my knowledge, if I do not use it as my power. I decided that I will no longer be a punching bag for any one, and will use my extensive experience as my strength. For this, I had to come a far out of my comfort zone.

There was a debate competition taking place in our college, and the participation was open to all. I usually didn’t take part in any extra-curricular activities, but this was a golden chance for me, to remove the negative tags off me. I requested my supervisor to allow me to participate in the competition. He hesitated at first, because I didn't participate much in the class as well, but gave me permission reluctantly, and forwarded my name as a candidate. I worked very hard to prepare myself to talk publically, especially in front of a large audience. I used to stand in front of the mirror till late at night and practice the material which I had collected through various sources. Finally, on the day of the debates, I was feeling very nervous. As I was climbing the stairs for delivering my speech, my legs were shivering, because I had never spoken publically. Due to the constant support from my peers and teachers, I was able to stand at this stage. I hesitated a little before starting the speech, but it was now or never. I mustered up all the courage and began speaking. Once I started talking, I got the confidence and went on speaking. The bullies, who were sitting in the front rows, and were teasing every other candidate who came to deliver the speech, were shocked to see the confidence and speak me like this. I was feeling satisfied to see the look the shocked reaction on their face. It looked like finally, I was able to prove that knowledge is a more significant strength than the physical and apparent appearances.

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Writers Choice


[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]


In a speech an audience tends to agree more with the points in the speech because of some of the below-mentioned factors:

Nonverbal Communication is important in witnessing.

People tend to believe action over words.

It is an easily cultivated tool.

Some nonverbal are universal and cross culture.

Non-verbal communication is easily presentable, and even a disabled person can understand it.

A person may present the following reasons NOT to do the recommended or the advised action:

Plain laziness. A person may not want to try the thing at all.

Physical hindrance. A person may find it hard to conduct the act due to any sort of physical disability, like they may not be able to speak.

Not understanding the message. A person may resist to follow the instructions of the communicator because the message is unclear. The receiver is not able to comprehend the message properly that creates an issue in following the orders.

The medium used is not proper. The medium of the communication is not appropriate. It is causing hindrance in the way of communication and making the message vague.

Inability to properly communicate. The sender is not able to deliver the message due to any barrier like a language barrier or cultural barrier. So the receiver will not be able to act over the advised action.

Points to be added in speech.

The following points can be added in the speech in order to make it more influential and emphasizing:

Nonverbal Communication is important in witnessing

Removing the language barriers so that communication can be more effective.

Taking care of the cultural barriers.

Keeping a clear and complete message so that the receiver may face no difficulty in comprehending the message.

Keeping a simple medium for communication

Keeping in mind the communication preferences of the receiver.

End Notes

Austin, Erica Weintraub, and Bruce E. Pinkleton. Strategic public relations management: Planning and managing effective communication campaigns. Routledge, 2015.

Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Writers Choice

Reflection: Old Testament Survey

Larry Williamson

[Name of the Institution]

Reflection: Old Testament Survey

The Old Testament is a unique literature that besides its commandments and laws offers a unique insight into the history of Israel, engrossing a person in stories that are thousands of years old which have captured the imagination and heart of readers and the faithful ever since. In the course readings from Lasor, et al. (1996), I gained a number of insights that have personally impacted me as a man of faith. The Old Testament Survey offers unique historical perspectives that present the history of significant events in the Old Testament in an objective and historically accurate manner that has allowed me to comprehend Jewish history not just from the religious perspective but an anthropological, literary and sociological perspective as well. In the paper, I will reflect upon three key concepts and events that I found to be personally appealing and insightful, and attempt to share some of the perspectives and viewpoints I gained from the reading.

In the book, Lasor and colleagues (1996) offer a detailed account of the history of the patriarchs with an emphasis on Abraham as a key historic individual who personified faith. The history of Abraham is a stark reminder to the faithful how faith leads one to develop a personally close relationship to God. I learned from the reading that Paul regarded Abraham as the father of the faithful and believers in God. Abraham, his son Isaac and grandson Jacob are personifications of mankind’s relationship to God. Yet among all, I find that Lasor (1996) gave the most important to Abraham's story in the Old Testament, as the key patriarch. A number of verses from the Old Testament are cited that depict the personal relationship between God and Abraham in which Lasor (1996) stresses on God’s initiative and purpose regarding Abraham in Genesis. I find the perspective unique and interesting that God made the covenant with Abraham for his purpose and initiative, and this understanding provides me a deeper understanding of the significance Abraham carried among all the Patriarchs and Prophets.

In Genesis, Lasor (1996) relates the account of Abraham being severely tested in his faith by God, who intervenes to save Abraham and his family at the final moments. One of the biggest tests Abraham faces was to sacrifice his son. “Take your son, your only son Isaac whom you love…and offer him there (in the land of Moriah) as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains of which I shall tell you” (Gen 22:2). I learned the significance of the story when I looked into the deeper perspectives surrounding the event that Lasor (1996) offered; it was an unimaginably difficult test of faith that Abraham realized that God had the right to demand. It shows the total commitment God expects from a man who is complete in his faith, and only when God was satisfied with Abraham’s commitment, a ram replaced his son. For me, it is a reminder of the duty man owes to God, and helps me stay focused on the objectives in my life that are aligned with God’s mission.

The other concept I found highly interesting in the reading was the Golden age of Israel that Lasor (1986) discussed in the context of the reign of King David and his son. David "reigned over Israel for forty years, seven and a half in Hebron and thirty-three in Jerusalem." The reign of King David marks a special phase in the history of Israel that started with David's reign and ended with the death of King Solomon in around 833 BC. It is also interesting for me to observe that each civilization in history enjoyed a golden period that saw economic, cultural and military advancement but the golden age of Israel was something unique, as it was built on the foundation of Moses and his Law. I see in terms of how It finally achieved what Moses had started by rescuing the Children of Israel from slavery and Pharoah’s oppression and provided for them a moral and legal code to govern themselves with. The golden age was what that nation was being prepared for. In his reign, David united all the Jews into a single national entity, set the stage for the building of the Temple and conquered the enemies of Israel.

Lasor (1986) outlines the changes Israel saw as King David took over. Jerusalem became Israel’s religious center and the political capital for both Israel and Judah. The Ark was brought by the King to the city, something that had remained hidden in storage for a long time after the Philistines returned it. I learned the symbolic importance of bringing the Ark to Jerusalem as it symbolized a unifying element that strengthened Israel's bond with Judah. What is also interesting was the religious and spiritual nature of David's reign that was discussed in the chapter. David was an ardent and sincere devotee and worshipper of God. It not only paved the way for his acceptance but in my view, became the reason why he was favored by God above everyone else. His expansions are thus not imperialistic because imperial expansions are motivated only by a quest for resources. His expansion brought the Law and Justice of God with it. Lasor discussed his political marriages to his armies who would follow him everywhere he went. He defended Israel from the west and expanded the kingdom towards the east, and gained control over key trade routes. Eventually, the kingdom of Israel also saw itself become an economic power with Jerusalem as its capital. The golden age saw an extension with David’s heir, Solomon who went on to became the undisputed ruler of the land. In my view, studying this period opens up a lot of perspectives about the nature of the God-centric civilization that was Israel, and how it differs from the Greek, Persian or the Han empires.

The third important concept I learned in the readings was the significance of the Old Testament itself for people of Christian faith. In my understanding of the Christian doctrine, the Old Testament is equally a part of the Bible as is the New Testament. It was, as Lasor (1986) explains, the key scripture for the early generations of Christians and continued to be for the first few centuries. Although, there have been those who did not accept the place of the Old Testament in Christian religious writings yet a significant majority has always upheld it as part of the sacred canon and scripture. For me, the most compelling argument is that the Old Testament itself had a key role in the life of Jesus, who received spiritual nourishment from the scripture. It inspired its consoling messages in his heart and was a source of evidence to prove the divinity of Jesus' mission. It foretold of his arrival, and thus I hold it to have a principal position in Christian doctrine.

The other important thing to be learned from Lasor’s discussion on the topic is that the whole Bible is linked to the character and nature of a human being, and the Old Testament provides us with key insights about it. The primary concepts to be gained from the reading is that a person of faith realizes that God speaks and reveals Himself to his agents or Prophets, and communicates through them his Will to mankind and creation. However, the Christian also realizes that the process was incomplete until the arrival of the Messiah. This leads the Christian reader of the Old Testament towards the New Testament, and in my view, Lasor (1986) provides an excellent account of how interconnected the Old, and the New Testaments are.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Lasor, William Sanford, David Allan Hubbard, Frederic William Bush, and Leslie C. Allen. Old Testament Survey: The Message, Form, and Background of the Old Testament. 2nd edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Willam B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1996.

Subject: Education

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Writers Choice

Nike Footwear

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

[Include any grant/funding information and a complete correspondence address.]

Nike Footwear

Formerly known as Blue Ribbon Sports, and currently headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, Nike, Inc. was founded in 1964 by Bill Rowerman and his student, Phil Knight. In 2018, Nike, Inc. generated 36.4 billion dollars in revenue, marking a 7% increase from the preceding rates. In the contemporary world of sports and footwear, it is regarded as the world leader and also influences many pre-eminent brands in American popular culture.

Firm and product’s profile

Nike, Inc. is internationally recognized as an important marketer and a widely acclaimed designer for producing comfortable and stylish footwear. The first store of the company was opened in Santa Monica in 1966 and soon after, the brand started to work on its promotional and expansionary strategies. Although the incorporation is providing a lot of products, for instance, clothing, footwear, and sports equipment and accessories, the most famous product of the brand are the Air Max sneakers. Nike, Inc. has 529 factories in more than 40 countries and currently it is investing a huge amount of its revenue in digital demand sensing. In the following sections of this paper, the supply chain management of Nike and other conceptualizations such as factors influencing the future demand and the role of forecasting in supply chain management will be discussed.

Nike’s approach

The employment of several activities that help to maintain the dominant niche of Nike, Inc. in the arenas of designer footwear is vital to the signature approach of this brand. A production system that is largely demand-driven influences future demand effectively. Nike, Inc. efficaciously exhibits a high degree of flexibility in its management and operations so that its position is maintained among fluid and dynamic markets CITATION Ram08 \l 1033 (Ramaswamy, 2008). A key strategy that is brought into action by the management is the achievement of updated shipment data which has considerably improved Nike’s supply chain management.

Supply chain management

Since the 1990s, Nike, Inc. has exhibited greater responsibility in improving its supply chain management through upgrading its environmental and social practices. After many claims of child and bonded labor uncovered by media, the President and CEO of the incorporation stressed upon the significance of sustainability in the 2011 corporate report in which Nike’s business and management practices were meticulously detailed CITATION Por13 \l 1033 (Porteous, 2013). The management installed a robust and dynamic system of auditing, supply monitoring, and mediation in the pursuit of solving innumerable complexities which the business had to face in recent years CITATION Dis16 \l 1033 (Distelhorst, 2016). The deliverance of lean manufacturing, training sessions, and company-wide promotion of innovation assisted in the betterment of supply chain management. The key factors for nearly transforming the supply chain are innovation, integration, and incentives. In addition to these factors, five major precursors are leading to changes in the brand's supply chain management and its logistics. These include technological advancement, the company's organizational consolidation, globalization, regulatory reforms by the state authorities, and empowerment expressed by the consumer base.

Factors influencing future demand

Past demand

The estimation of probable demand at Nike shoes is done by doing an in-depth analysis of the past demand.

Planned price discounts

Nike has successfully managed to differentiate its pricing strategies from its competitors by carefully planning its pricing discounts. After finding a target market for a particular product, Nike employs a premium pricing strategy and provides many discount plans in the pursuit of associating its prices with its customers. The planned price documents ultimately lead to the development of loyalty among customers. The planned price discounts also helped the customer base to choose Nike over its competitors in many points of time.

State of the economy

The distribution channels of Nike are divided into two categories. Firstly, it sells its products to various wholesale dealers that are based in the United States. Through this channel, Nike also ships its products in the international markets. Secondly, Nike also sells through factory outlets and e-commerce sales through a user-friendly and 24/7 active website.

Marketing or advertising plans

The marketing plans and advertising strategies of Nike utilize the approach of emotional branding. Word-of-mouth marketing also assists Nike in the propagation of its narrative towards its target market CITATION Mah15 \l 1033 (Mahdi, 2015). They sponsor some young athletes and team up with college communities who endorse the Air Max sneaker series. Nike is also involved in many philanthropist activities in addition to a lot of social and environmental outreach initiatives on a global scale, which helps expand the supply chain.

Lead time of product replenishment

As consumers have adopted new habits and they buy new products at the spur of a moment, therefore Nike has made its conventional retail calendar redundant and is striving to transform its e-commerce retail strategies. The management is also in the pursuit of automating every phase of the manufacturing chain. This chain includes pre-production, design, and stitching of the various products and apparel, and finally the assembly. Nike has also reduced the shelf time to a considerable degree to synchronize its production plans with the concerns of environmental activists. The logistics network is also being redesigned and there has been an improvement in the contract manufacturer relationships. At the end of last year, Nike installed almost a thousand new automated machines in the factories of its Asian suppliers to pursue a speedy shoe assembly and retail marketing. The experts in the footwear industry also predict that all these efforts will benefit the profit margins and Nike will be able to attain a greater and dominant share in the market.

Competitors’ actions

Reebok and Adidas have also introduced a lot of innovative strategies which are playing an instrumental role in their outreach and business expansion. Adidas has planned for the mass-production of 3-D printed shoes and recently it invested in speed factories, where robots working through the principles of artificial intelligence are involved in the production of customized shoes CITATION Kwo17 \l 1033 (Kwon, 2017).

Role of forecasting in Nike’s supply chain management

Forecasting plays a central role in any brand's supply chain management to determine future demand and it is the basis for all the planning decisions at work. Forecasting is utilized to push and pull processes. These processes are inclusive of scheduling of production, organization of inventory, promotions, allocation of the sales force, and introduction of new products. Forecasting is also done to meticulously plan the budget for the next quarter and it is instrumental for all the hiring and/or layoff decisions as well. As all of these decisions are inter-related, Nike also corroborates forecasting in its supply chain management and this is evident from many reports. The overall profitability of Nike essentially requires the right demand forecasting. In a recent report, the CEO of the company said that there is an "express lane" strategy in motion which will cut the lead replenishment time of all its products in half. It can be deduced that demand analysis from previous sales have paved the way for this strategy. The management and executive board of the brand also opined that demand forecasting would be chiefly dealt with technology so that the brand can quickly capitalize on the reduced lead times of product replenishment.


The evolution of Nike, Inc. from a footwear provider to a specific target market to an all-encompassing leading manufacturer in the sportswear industry is evident from the milestones it has achieved. If efficiency is maintained within the supply chain management, Nike, Inc. will attain global dominance in the next foreseeable future.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Distelhorst, G. H. (2016). Does lean improve labor standards? Management and social performance in the Nike supply chain. Management Science, 707-728.

Kwon, Y. M. (2017). Case study on 3D printing education in fashion design coursework. Fashion and Textiles, 26.

Mahdi, H. A. (2015). A Comparative Analysis of Strategies and Business Models of Nike, Inc. and Adidas Group with special reference to Competitive Advantage in the context of a Dynamic and Competitive Environment. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 167-177.

Ramaswamy, V. (2008). "Co-creating value through customers' experiences: the Nike case.". Strategy & leadership, 9-14.

Subject: Education

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Writers Choice





Public Speaking

I did well in is the speeches done in the past, and not so well in some. The ability to do well in the speeches was based on being able to apply the positive and strong elements of an effective public speech. First, I did well in ensuring that I overcame fear and therefore delivered the speeches with a high level of confidence (Adler 2016). I also did well in that I knew my audience, and therefore knew their likes and dislikes. I also understood their content and therefore based my speech to suit their expectations. Another area of strength was in the ability to master the topic well in relation to the event under consideration, and therefore remaining relevant throughout.

I feel that public speaking is one form of communication that requires some form of preparation. It is not as normal communication where one does not need to get prepared in advance. In public speaking, one ought to understand the audience effectively before addressing them. It is necessary to understand the kind of event and the expectations that people have. The ability to involve the audience in the speech is one of the best strategies to make a moving speech.

I am particularly worried about the ability to involve the audience in the speech. It is one of the best strategies to ensure that the audience follows on the speech. However, I have the difficulty of getting them on board and involving them from time to time. This could make the speech quite ineffective. The best advice on this could be to train as much as possible and to engage the audience when it is necessary. There is no point of engaging them all through (Adler 2016). The best story is a great experience that I have had in public speaking. The long experience has enabled me to become a better public speaker and win the confidence of my audience. Experience is a good teacher in public speaking.

Works Cited

Adler, Ronald B., George R. Rodman, and Athena Du Pré. Understanding human communication. Vol. 10. Oxford University Press, 2016. Link: https://vimeopro.com/user13308368/comm-200-understanding-human-communication/video/128488130.

Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Writers Choice


Institutional Affiliation

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Organization in Communication

Communication refers to the exchange of ideas between two or more people. It doesn’t really matter the means being used in transferring the information, but the main focus is usually to ensure that the message is received as expected. There are various aspects which must be considered during communication (Keller et al, 2018). This includes the relevance of the subject, the relationship between the parties involved among other things. But the main question remains, what are some of the things that need to be put into consideration in ensuring effective communication? Well, there are those who believe that provided they are fluent in the language they might be using then it means that they are good at communication. To some, what matters is the courage and audibility. To some extent, these people are all right, but then personally I consider the need to being organized as an important characteristic when it comes to communication.

Organization can be defined in different ways basing on the subject one is referring to. But when it comes to communication, it is the ability to have good mental alignment such that the flow of ideas can be well received and understood by the other party. For instance, when it comes to public speaking, organization can be seen when the speaker writes down short points on what he/she is planning to talk about (Strayhorn 2016). There are many issues most public speakers usually talk about, but failure to be well organized prevents the listeners from getting the point. This is the reason why you will get people failing to change their ways even after receiving a powerful motivational speech. Basically, organization plays an important role in ensuring that the listeners will understand what is being said, and also enables them to remember for the rest of their lives. This can be achieved by staring with a good introduction to capture the attention of the speakers, making them understand the relevance of the speech and also providing main points that are relevant.

Apart from that, organization need also to be observed when discussing various aspects. For instance, if at all the speakers needs to talk about a wide topic which probably has a wide subtopics or information, then in this case grouping of information is important. This is to ensure that there is minimal time taken in discussing all the issue and ensuring that all topics are covered. According to psychological research, most listeners always want the speech to end, no matter how interesting the topic might seem to be. This raises the importance of partitioning the ideas so that they can be easily delivered in a way that everyone can understand and even remember. Giving out many points, however relevant they might be increases the chances of listeners taking them lightly and even forgetting.

It is therefore important in communication to consider being organized. This will make the communication process more interesting and even more relevant. The kind of organization will also vary depending on the audience (Carnegie 2017). The way a speaker would prepare before talking to the youth is totally different on the preparation made before addressing elder people or even children. In this case, it is the role of the speaker to consider all factors that would facilitate organization in their communication, just to ensure that their message becomes beneficial to the receivers. Communication is not only what is shared, but more importantly how it is shred. In conclusion, it is important for the speakers to be organized, just to ensure that they don’t miss important information out, and to ensure they remain relevant throughout the speech and finally for the sake of ensuring that the audience understands and remember everything they say.


Carnegie, D. (2017). How to develop self-confidence and influence people by public speaking. Simon and Schuster.

Keller, J., Mendes, K., & Ringrose, J. (2018). Speaking ‘unspeakable things’: Documenting digital feminist responses to rape culture. Journal of Gender Studies, 27(1), 22-36.

Strayhorn, T. L. (2016). The Art and Science of Sharing BIG IDEAS in Academic Public Speaking. In Academics Going Public (pp. 49-64). Routledge.

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Writers Choice

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Foucaults Discipline and Punish Illegalities and Delinquency narrates of the ancient regime on the inception of crime and punishment which led to the concept of penology (imprisonment). As a matter of fact, different eras lead to emergence of prison confinement in an effort to decrease criminal rates. However, at the turn of eighteenth and nineteenth century the definition of crime and the rules for punishment crime was classified on the basis of socio-economic class encompassing economic, social, and political aspects and resulted to conflicts due to divergence of opinions. In comparison to Foucaults point of view Angela Davis is of the same opinion with the characterization of the development as a whole peasant illegality a structural framework to prompt discrimination (p.274). Crime, according to Angela Davis and also seconded by Foucault, has been made a function of criminalizing poverty and the uneducated population- this precedence is also witnessed in the contemporary society on how we view delinquent (Davis 38). There is a higher possibility of using this structured phenomenon of delinquent as an agent to prompt colonization, discrimination, and civil rights violation with the dominant group as the villain (p. 279).

In reference to the case of Angela, a victim of political prisoner, delinquent as a structured identity, has been long exposed to manipulation, undergoing intensive surveillance, and used by the dominant upper social class attached to materialistic wealth. The proliferation of political prisoners justified using the constructed delinquency led to the establishment of the black civil rights movement after the criminalization of the struggle for liberty in the effort of the bourgeois to sway public opinion and have their way to control governance (Camp 95). The intended purpose of establishment of criminal rules and prisons was never achieved and it is for the reason Angela started a movement going up against the status quo which prompted to her imprisonment as a delinquent even without violating the law. It is full confirmation that establishment of prisons will always remain as a technical project.

Works Cited

Agnew, Robert. Foundation for a general strain theory of crime and delinquency.Criminology30.1 (1992) 47-88.

Camp, Michael. Resisting Law and Order in California Howard Moore Jr., Angela Davis, and the Politics of Prison Radicalism.The Journal of African American History104.1 (2019) 84-106.

Davis, Angela Y. Political prisoners, prisons, and black liberation.If They Come in the Morning Voices of Resistance(1971) 27-43.

Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish the Birth of the Prison. 1975.Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York Vintage1 (1995) 977.

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Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Writers Choice

Family Social Capital, Family Social Bonds, and Juvenile Delinquency

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Juvenile Delinquency


Juvenile Delinquency refers to the unlawful acts and offences that are committed by children under 18. Usually it covers the kids of age between 10 and 18, who have been charged for violating the laws. The crimes committed by these young children is denoted as delinquent acts. Penalty of these acts depend on severity of the offense conducted by the child. It may seem like a single action committed by a young person. However, there are multiple factors behind the illegal actions of Juvenile delinquents. The reasons of delinquency vary for a person to person. Likewise, most of the times there are life related issues that are directly linked to the type of crime a youth commits. Juvenile delinquency is very common all over the world and it is not unusual to hear about an individual who is committing a crime at very young age. However, once ta crime is committed, the Juvenile Delinquents have to face a lot of consequences onwards in the society.

Likewise, the article chosen for this paper is related to juvenile delinquency that further studies the causes of the criminal behavior among the young people. Using the social capital and social bond theories from the sociology, the authors have explained that how those social theories influence the behavior of juvenile delinquents. Under the social bond theory, the family social bonds are more focused in the article as family bonding is directly linked to the behavioral development of an individual. The home environment makes a child to act the way he or she acts. It is very essential to deeply understand the factors behind the violent and unlawful attitude of the young generation. At the same, it also assists in understanding the different social factors of delinquency that further guides in catering the problem with the help of the identified indicators. At the same time, the problem needs to be address in such a way that Juvenile Delinquents might change their behavior in future.


The relationship between social bond and delinquent or criminal behavior of person is already explained by Travis Hirschi (1969). Burrowing the concepts from Hirschi, the authors of the article are trying to make their argument stronger. As it is a brief and well-explained article that compares two social theories on the basis of their association with the delinquent behavior of children. At the same time, the article under discussion uses the data from different sources that help to measure the two social theories that how these theories make up the basis for delinquent behavior. Also, the article concludes the results on the basis of comparison of those theories. The data for the research mostly focuses the children who are enrolled between 7 to 12 Grades. On the basis of that data, researchers analyze the properties of two of the most applicable social theories. All the relevant variables of family social bond and social capital theory are used to give more valid results.

According to the Social bond theory, a person is free to get engaged in immoral behavior when he or she has weak bonds with his or her community. The common causes of the criminal behavior of young children also speak of the social bond theory. The belief, obligation, participation, and connection are the primary features of the social bond that prohibit a person getting deviated from the societal norms and values. Having a belief in the social rules and regulations positively influence the children regarding the society and its system. Likewise, the concepts related to criminology are better explained by social bond theory; the role of family and other relationships in eliminating the criminal behavior of a child. At the same time, strong connections with the family would never allow a child to go against the standards and principles of the society. In the article, Hoffmann and Dufur (2018) emphasize on the parent-child relationships that is based on love and care. This affectionate relationship discourages the unacceptable and odd behavior, as a result a child understands its importance. However, weak connections with parents can deteriorate the commitment to social norms. As a result the youth develop delinquent behavior. The influence of social bonds in case of delinquent or criminal behavior is not positive all the time. Demonstrating on social bonds tends to focus on finding the factors that could change the offending behavior of juveniles during the learning phase of their lives.

The bonding between parents and children also depends on the responsibilities that are provided by the parents. It is the primary responsibility of the parents to take care of the children and try to keep the positive interactions with them. In addition, there are different ways available for the parents to get advantage, in order to keep their children away from destructive thoughts and bad company. In this regard, the article informs about the children’s education. Academic development is considered as the best method to prepare a child for the society. It is the parents’ responsibility to invest on a child’s academic development and keep the child engaged in activities that help him or her create bonds with the other people. Through these interactions a child will also learn about the norms and values that are considered standard in the society. The social bond with the family begins even before the birth of the child and it continues throughout the life that provides guidance, monitors and encourages the children’s social accomplishments.

It is also agreeable that there are the modified results of social bonds in case of bad company. Sometimes, children get into a company of friends who are already into juvenile delinquency. In such cases, the effects of social bonds on a person is not the same. The social factors will now act in a different way. Social bond is connected to social control. The social bonds of a person keep him in controlling his or her behavior from causing any trouble to the society. At the same time, the social connections do not remain same throughout the life. The relationships with the family and other social members vary throughout the life, letting the person to modify his or her characteristics.

Moreover, a child socializes under the supervision of his or her parents that helps him or her to get controlled over their emotions and actions. It further forbids them from showing any antisocial behavior at a very young age. Self-control needs to remain consistent throughout the life. Juvenile delinquency is one of the major problems of the society and studying it with the help of different social theories can help to under the issue in a better way. Likewise, social capital theory is another interesting concept of sociology. It highlights the factors that influence the relationships of individuals living in a society. The social needs like emotional support and societal benefits compel people to get into the different communities in order to fulfil their social needs.

The authors have wisely selected two of the theories to reflect on the factors of juvenile delinquency that leads to creation of dangerous criminals in the society when not dealt properly. The social capital theory explained in the article refers to the linking resources that unites a family with its society. The bonding social capital also clarifies the connections within the family and also focuses the connections of that family with the actors outside the family. These actors can be neighbors, classmates and workplace friends. Therefore, the social capital theory as important as the social bond theory is. Both of the theories primarily focus the role of family in developing delinquent behavior in youth. Meanwhile, the article also informs about the literature that has proved the relationship between social capital theory with the juvenile delinquency and criminal behavior among the adults.

Using the comparison mechanism, the researchers are trying to validate one of the theory on the basis of empirical concepts. The social capital theory is equally significant in understanding the role of family on the delinquency and other associated problematic behaviors. Moreover, the affectionate bonding with the family reliefs the children with delinquent behavior to overcome the problem in future. It is natural that humans are more towards selfish actions, but the weak bonds with the family make the children to get totally free from morally executed resistances on their behavior. Therefore, the street children are more into juvenile delinquency and other violent activities. These kids are free from any type of restriction so they are free to do whatever they wish to do. Having a supportive in life can compel the children to behave nicely in order to do not jeopardize their bonds through their behaviors. Also, it is due to the supervision of the parents that they have taught their children about the importance of relationships in their lives.

After briefly explaining the significance of social bond theory, the article also highlights the weaknesses of the theory in the same context. Being neutral on the point, Hoffmann & Dufur (2018) informs about the drawbacks of social bond theory. As the strengths of interactions with the parents are widely described, in terms of adopting the certain rules and principles of the society through socialization. However, the theory has ignored the role of communication between family members and a child. Sometimes, the bonds are very strong but the weak communication between them influences the behavior of a kid. A strong communication keeps the child aware about the conventional society and informs about the role of a child as a part of society. Communication between parent and child, pursuits the child to show commitment to conventional roles and concepts that are according to the societal laws. When social bond theory fails to answer the questions, the social capital theory is able to deal with the problem of communication. Social capital theory notes that the change in love and obligation needs a proper time from the parents and the never disconnecting interactions that communicate about the norms and social responsibilities. The article uses the direct quotes and evidence from the theory to make a valid point.

Without any doubts, social bond theory has somehow failed to address the role of communication and it has only articulated about the expectations and desires of the society. On the other side, the social capital bond theory is able to explain the drawbacks of strong relationships that promote an antisocial behavior and severe outcomes. It is the same example that a child with strong bonds with his or her delinquent friends or criminal peers will influence their criminal behavior. At the same, it also informs about the financial capital that when a child is without any financial support, a social capital cannot help him or her. In this case, social capital plays a negative role in developing the personality of a child. Although the antisocial rules and connections are harmful, they transfer easily through social interactions within the society. These behaviors develop the same way, as the other positive social capital elements enhance through the investments and communication. On the other side, the social bond theory has failed to prove that the strong relationships among the youth gang members can promote a negative and anti-social norm behavior.

As a result, it was found that social capital theory better explains the mechanisms related to delinquent behavior of the children. It is more clear and advanced theory that includes all the relevant elements to better explain the parent-child interaction that is based on affectionate connections and communication forms. On the basis of discussions from the gathered data, it is found that Family social capital theory better explains all the elements of family social bond theory by adding the role of love and communication. Both affection and communication are useful in transferring the social norms from the parents to the children. Hence, it is more likeable theory that can better elaborate factors of juvenile delinquency. Social capital theory is able to cover the incomplete concepts of social bond theory.


In conclusion, Juvenile delinquency is a social problem that is interlinked to multiple factors. The delinquent behavior of kids at very young age is not based on an individual behavior but related to other elements. Likewise, the article by Hoffmann & Dufur (2018) is able to inform about the factors relevant to juvenile delinquency based on the social theories. It has better explained the part of social bond theory and social capital theory by focusing on the role of the family relative to delinquent behavior among the children. Likewise, the article is able to find out the importance of communication between the parents and children. The stronger family bond would be, when there are strong interactions and communication between the family members with their children. It would also control over the development of delinquent behavior among the youth. It is a well-informed article that helps the reader to understand the role of two of the most essential theories that are relevant in studying the criminality.


Hoffmann, J. P., & Dufur, M. J. (2018). Family Social Capital, Family Social Bonds, and Juvenile Delinquency. American Behavioral Scientist, 62(11), 1525-1544.

Subject: Education

Pages: 7 Words: 2100


Academic Institution


Purpose Statement





Knapp's Relationship Model

We live in a society with the number of people around us. We make different types of relationship with them like a family relationship, friendships, romantic relationship, and relationship with our co-workers. Mark Knapp described the ten stages of a relationship; five refers to the development and five to the ending of a relationship. In this assignment, I will discuss the five stages in which I made a friendship relationship with my colleague "Roger."


I met Roger at my new job. His table was next to me. We both greet each other and observe each other appearance. He helped me to understand my tasks. We used to ask general questions related to education and job experiences. This is how we got to know basic information about each other.


Roger and I continue to see each other. He used to give his precious time for proofreading my documents to help me in making my work perfect. We have been getting together sometime, for hang out and dinner. All these activities helped us to know more about each other.


We both entered in the strong friendship relationship. Our trust and commitment helped us to continue this relationship. We started sharing our personal information, thoughts, emotions, family issues, secret, and regrets with each other. This stage developed our emotional and relational investment in our relationship.


Our emotional attachment clearly showed us how really we want to be together in the future. We are together every day for more than seven hours, present for other every time. We ask for suggestions before taking any decision. The level of trust between us made our emotional friendship relationship more profound and beautiful.


It’s Roger’s birthday. We have developed the extreme friendship and are proved our relationship unbreakable connection in front of family and friends. Everyone knows the strong bonding we have, and we are looking forward to continuing and mending it.

Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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