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Digital or Paper Notes: Which is "better" and why?

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Digital or Paper Notes: Which is "better" and why?

Note taking is one of the most important aspects of learning. However, this process has changed a lot over the period due to the advancements in technology. It can be noticed that the traditional method of taking notes on paper has changed into taking notes with the use of laptops and digital devices in classrooms such as tablets and digital notebook devices. Keeping in the notice the two ways of notes taking, there are different aspects to consider for each way based on the different dimensions, but when it comes to answering the question of which way is better for taking notes. Whereas, based on the experience and existing literature, taking notes on paper is my personal preference.

Digital note taking is easy, but when it comes to long term effectiveness of the note-taking process and the retrieval of the noted data, then the paper note taking way is the best one. According to the research by Mueller and Oppenheimer, (2018) the handwriting note taking on paper is more effective, because while taking notes on paper, our brain uses the sensory-motor functions and that leads to the long term retention of the data. Moreover, by the digital note-taking way, it is more likely to mere record the verbatim and the information, which is not much effective. Furthermore, while taking notes on paper, the use of conceptual mapping, paraphrasing and summarizing are the additional skills that can be learned. On the other, these skills cannot be learned on the larger scale by the use of digital note taking (Mueller & Oppenheimer, 2018).

By these findings, it can be inferred that while taking notes on paper, our brains tend to think and process the information (Mueller & Oppenheimer, 2018). The use of digital note taking provides the way to copy the information or note it down. These are the indicators, that supports the idea of paper notes taking being more beneficial than that of the digital note-taking.


Mueller, P. A., & Oppenheimer, D. M. (2018). " The pen is mightier than the keyboard: Advantages of longhand over laptop note taking": Corrigendum.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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Sociology and Research

Conducting a scientific research, sociologists use scientific method. Basic steps in scientific method are as: problem has to be defined, literature review and hypothesis formulation, research design selection and data analysis and findings of research are developed. While conducting a research, researchers understand and learn few terminologies in the beginning. Hypothesis is meant as the statement which can be tested, variables are the one which keep changes according to the situations, causal logic can be understood as the relation between a variable and an event, independent variable is the one which changes the variable and dependent variable is the one which gets changed by variable. For hypothesis assessment, data has to be collected and scientific method is about validity and invalidity of data. There has to be a targeted population, or it may be a random sampling which include a population. The method used for scientific data collection is the research design whether it is quantitative study or qualitative research study. Quantitative research study of the data which is in the numeric like mean, midpoint and mode. Qualitative research study relies on the observations, ethnography, and experiments. While conducting a research a researcher has to take care of research ethics which is called code of ethics which includes the confidentiality of participants volunteered. Their confidentiality is important because they cannot be exploited. Code of ethics is the standard for all whether they are volunteers for a research study or the researchers. According to Max Weber there should be a value neutrality used by researchers. Feminist researchers are more intended towards the work and family relationships and this has greater impact on the recent researcher in the sociology.


Defining sociology and research is an important part to create an understanding of the whole terminologies in the research studies. A researcher has to follow scientific method to deduce or to reach to a result which can be called as theory and it contributes in the academic literature. Without scientific studies and research, the research is considered incomplete. This literature helps other researchers to conduct other studies, literature review is about the deep studies of different resources. The main and important thing in the research is the anonymity of the participants or the sample being concluded and non-biased research studies. The two methodologies include qualitative and quantitative methodology. Any decision made by an individual should not have an impact on the overall studies because of biasness and biasness in the research study should be managed in order to have reliable and valid results and outcomes. Code of ethics should be made equal for all and biased behaviors should not affect the research analysis and conclusion. Max Weber suggested that feelings of an individual should not leave an influence on the data analysis and conclusion. For this purpose, sociologists have to work in order to overcome biasness in the work and research. The new researchers in the field of sociology are being impressed by the feminist perspectives. Feminist theories and perspectives deny this thinking of considering work and family as two different. The feminist perspectives suggest that there is a relationship between the work place and family. Family and work place are interrelated and interconnected. Sometimes it becomes harder to keep a balance in family and workplace. A research data shows that men are the providers and mostly women stay in the house to take care of children. Keeping a balance between family and work is not being an easy task to perform like a mummy. (Shah, 2018). This has become a challenge to work on by the current researcher. Their role is to work on these gaps so that they contribute in raising public awareness and become the change makers in the sociology and society.

Theories and Methods in Sociology

The two main topics of discussion are theories and methods being used by sociologists to study about the social world. Research methodologies are the instruments and techniques used to conduct a research. Meaning for the term research is to investigate which will unveil new facts and truths and another meaning of research is to search again for something and uncover the meaning and gain knowledge about it which is already in existence. Correct methodologies in the research will lead you to a good research. The right methodologies will be helpful in convincing people and it will show validity in the conclusion of a research study. In a research a researcher can compare two things, philosophies, theories and phenomena, a researcher can evaluate, explain, describe, create a correlation, do predictions and get control over the situations. while conducting a research study there comes different aspects of questioning and reasoning about certain situations like the behavior of the OSU students over parking. For every explanation there is a theory for it, one cannot go for explanations without any knowledge and theories. In social sciences, natural sciences and physics it is believed that theory has an importance in creating a proper framework which allows and individual to understand different processes going around. And theories are important to explain things. Sociology has three main perspectives based on theories: structural functionalism, conflict perspective and symbolic interactionism.


Research is about gaining knowledge about facts and their interpretation to create a new picture of the nature and inner nature of an individual. The research problem is the central point on which information collection and analyzing the data depends upon. To proceed a research there has to be a research problem which will be further studied and analyzed. Problem identification in research methodology will create a subject, aims and objectives of research. Then identification of data collection for investigation of issues being raised and what is the suitable way to analyze it. On the basis of theoretical studies an argument can also be generated. There are different perspectives in sociology (Walliman, 2017).

There are three main sociological theories. First one is functionalism, which focuses in the macro levels of societal structures, and it does not focus on the micro levels of daily life. this theory is about how a society can contribute in the stability of overall society. Parts of society in a functionalist theory are the social institutions and institutions are the ones which are in existence and plays important role in the functioning of the society. The second theory is the conflict theory which mentions that unequal distributions power, resources and status are the reasons for the political and social conflicts in the society. Conflict theory is considered as the ongoing conflict between the existing societies. Conflicts between people and different social groups will results in the change. The third one is the symbolic interactionism. This theory concentrates and gives focus on individuals and groups rather than looking on the larger scale of societal structures. This theory studies about the individuals and their relationships between the societies. Human actions and interactions can be understood by developing a communication. To understand the societal structures, it is important to understand the symbols which exist, and individuals are the ones who can create self-identities by interacting with societies.


Shah, V., & Shah, P. (2016). Work-Family Balance–A Challenge For A Women. In InternationalConference: Women in Science and Technology-Creating Sustainable Career. RetrievedMarch (Vol. 18, p. 2019).

Walliman, N. (2017). Research methods: The basics. Routledge.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

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Prompt 4

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Prompt 4

The research of Chambliss distinguishes between the reception of both the saints and the roughnecks in the society due to three factors which include Visibility, Demeanor, and Bias. For instance, the Roughnecks meddle in fights at public spaces and do not maintain good relations with their teachers, whereas the saints, always fight or play around near the poolside, where no one can see them. Similarly, the saints maintain a good social reputation and law i.e. police officials speak highly of them. The biases formed against the roughnecks are due to their low socioeconomic status (Chambllis, 1973). Moreover, it is a common perception that the poor class is more involved in crime, theft, liquor, and drudgery because of the lack of resources.

In society, social orders or norms act as strict codes that everyone has to follow otherwise, they will be labeled as good or bad (Social Norms and Deviant Behavior (Practice) Khan Academy). The deviant behavior of a person varies from society to society or even in class differences. For instance, sex and liquor are not prohibited in the high socioeconomic class because it is a common perception that they occasionally indulge in it. Whereas, the labels of a drunkard or alcoholic are more likely to be associated with a poor person because of his low socioeconomic status.

Labeling affects the deviant behavior to a great extent because when society label people based on their deviant or non-deviant behavior, it serves as a motivation for the person to succumb to that very label. For instance, the saints are considered good or a saint-like because they maintain a high social class profile and are labeled according to primary deviance. On the contrary, the roughnecks are labeled as roughnecks according to secondary deviant (7.6C: Labeling Theory - Social Sci LibreTexts). In the light of the above instances and norm practices, a label thus controls a person's perception of his identity.


Chambliss, William J. “The Saints and the Roughnecks.” Society 11, no. 1 (November 1973): 24–31. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03181016.

“7.6C: Labeling Theory - Social Sci LibreTexts.” Accessed November 5, 2019. https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Sociology/Book%3A_Sociology_(Boundless)/7%3A_Deviance%2C_Social_Control%2C_and_Crime/7.6%3A_The_Symbolic-Interactionalist_Perspective_on_Deviance/7.6C%3A_Labeling_Theory.

“Social Norms and Deviant Behavior (Practice) | Khan Academy.” Accessed November 5, 2019. https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/social-sciences-practice/social-science-practice-tut/e/social-structures---passage-2.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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Body Ritual Among the Nacirema

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Author Note

Reflection of Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism

The Nacirema is a group of North Americans living in the region between the Yaqui & Tarahumara of Mexico and the Canadian Cree. Horace Miner articulates the story of an eccentric lifestyle and its rituals. The two major aspects he covered in his writing are Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativity.

Ethnocentrism refers to the evaluation of cultures following preconceptions instigating the customs and morals, and of one's own culture, whereas, cultural relativity states that we should understand others in the context of their cultural values.

Horace Miner’s article, “Body Ritual among the Nacirema”, is a reflection of ethnocentrism. The author well explained the American cultural practices related to hygiene and cosmetics associated with a prehistoric tribal society. Miner described that Americans have so many beliefs that seem ridiculous when viewed from somebody else's perspective ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"b9nJanW0","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Miner 1956)","plainCitation":"(Miner 1956)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":258,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/55bqtMd8/items/CCPRH478"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/55bqtMd8/items/CCPRH478"],"itemData":{"id":258,"type":"article-journal","title":"Body ritual among the Nacirema","container-title":"American anthropologist","page":"503-507","volume":"58","issue":"3","author":[{"family":"Miner","given":"Horace"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1956"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Miner 1956). But throughout his writing, he points out that we should use our cultural preconceptions against our societal standards. But on the other hand, he allows the reader to be more open to understanding the values and beliefs of other people and judge them according to their cultural beliefs rather than own.

Miner’s article depicts a situation in which society has a natural tendency to adopt modernism. But people are trapped in their traditional ways of living and are too blind to see and realize their perspective is not necessarily the best way to observe things, particularly in a positive way.

Miner relates his piece to cultural relativism. He defined culture as an art and a representation of human intellectual achievements. He wants to set an example of cultural relativism by looking at American Rituals the way Americans themselves perceive. In the end, Miner is tries to make us realize that we are all trying to see other’s life the way we live, which is morally ridiculous. We should not define others according to our beliefs but rather according to their own.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Miner, Horace. 1956. “Body Ritual among the Nacirema.” American anthropologist 58(3): 503–7.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

No Title Necessary

Name: Mayron NewmanDate 10/27/19

Sociology 101 – Text JournalChapter: 7

“Control theory suggests that our connection to members of society leads us to systematically conform to society’s norms. According to sociologist Travis Hirsch and other control theorists, our bonds to family members, friends, and peers induce us to follow the mores and folkways of our society. We give little conscious thought to whether we will be sanctioned if we fail to conform. Socialization develops our self-control so well we don’t need further pressure to obey social norms” (Schaeffer, p.146)

The above quote is contradictory to some of the experiences that I have had with defiant individuals. The perception that individuals are likely to be obedient if they have bonds with friends and family is not true according to my observations. During my time in the military, I met with individuals who were quite rogue and less controlled in their behavior. Interestingly, such individuals had firm bonds with their spouses and family more than those who were compliant and docile. This nullifies the theory that having a connection to the society contributes to a person conforming to laws. I believe that self-control is developed from a personal interest. At high school, the individuals who had no disciplinary issues were those who had made the personal decision to be compliant. Their attachment to family played an insignificant role in shaping their self-control. The learners who had most disciplinary problems had backup support from their friends and members of family who extensively defended their bad behavior. Juveniles emanate from societies and families and this raises the question as to why they behave in the manner they do if having a sense of belonging should shape one’s behavior more. There are advanced factors that can induce us into following the social norms. For instance, taking etiquette lessons about one’s community can enable an individual to fit in a community’s standards of behavior. Looking into the trends of the contemporary society, there is a need for developing better ways for us to conform to the norms of society rather than relying on bonds made with our close counterparts.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Observation Analysis

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[Name of Instructor]



Observation Analysis

There is little doubt that sports are the healthiest of activities. Sports enable individuals to develop physical skills that would help them in both the field of sports and everyday life. Moreover, sports provide an opportunity for individuals to socialize. Therefore, sports are a great source of socialization as well. The players that are playing in the field, coach providing training and drawing strategies for them to excel in the field, and the audience cheering for the players all socialize with each other in one or the other. This paper would observe a youth sports competition and analyze how it provided a platform for socialization for the participants- the players, the coaches, and the audience.

The youth sports competition that is analyzed is the under-15 baseball world cup. The under-15 youth baseball world cup was held in two cities of Panama; David and Chitre. The average age of the team under observation was just under 14 years. These players have an almost entire career ahead of themselves, so this is the best age to make them learn different social values.

At the sporting, there were different values at the display from all the participants. For example, the players displayed sportsmanship in several instances. The corresponding behavior that depicted this value was the handshakes before and the game. The coaches made the players to greet their audience after the games. This behavior demonstrated that players respect the fans that travel for them. Lastly, the audience was witnessed cheering for both teams in the majority of the matches. This behavior demonstrated that audience values sports and sportsmanship at display more than anything.

The team coaches before each game gathered the players in a circle like formation. The coaches directed the players to put the team before anything. This behavior exhibited how a bond is forged among the team.

The players had so much positive to learn that would be beneficial for them in the future. The coaches too had a positive experience as they had to teach and inculcate positive social values in the young players. Lastly, the audience was ecstatic to witness young players fight hard to earn the victory.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Observation Journal

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Observation Journal

Article Choice

In this task, I chose advertisement such as Land Rover, Maasai, Infusium Miracle and Airwaves bus. The three ads provide a clear way of connection and I was interested in the way they relate to gender and good life. The ads Land Rover, Maasai shows strength and energy which land rover can pull, Infusium Miracle shows the attraction of female and good life.

Assumption and Observation

Audience: The three advertisements have specific audience. The Land rover – Maasai targets people who are believe in durability of a car, Infusium Maasai targets customers seeking for beauty and would want to improve their image while Airwaves bus targets party lovers. However, three ads do not have any cultural boundaries. They target all races, ethnics and believe CITATION DPK15 \p 21 \l 1033 (Kumar 21). However, the advertisement Infusium Miracle can be believed to be targeting mostly non Muslim and religion oriented people. The image used in the ads shows an inner pant of a lady which strong religious believers would view as offensive.

Message: The message which the advertisement is conveying to the public is the relationship between the product and people. For ad Land Rover Maasai it is about the strength and durability of the product which impress the people. It shows that the tire last longer and the maasai run faster and therefore, land rover can perform like the maasai in tires shoes. The Infusium Miracle illustrates the beauty of hair and a lady in pant is used for attraction. This shows the relationship between the people and the product CITATION Inf19 \p 2 \l 1033 (Infusium 2).

Question: The ads indicate the relationship between product and the people. The main question is what motivates customers to act in certain way? It mostly stereotype which drives the main agenda of the actions of many people. In the ads, stereotype is evidence in Infusium miracle; Land rover maasai and airwaves bus.

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Infusium. "Infusium miracle ." https://www.adsoftheworld.com/media/print/infusium_miracleInfusium (2019): 2-34.

Kumar, DP. "The Role of Advertising in Consumer Decision ... - Semantic Scholar." Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM (2015): 2-34.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300



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Postmodernism is a philosophical concept that was introduced in the late 20th century. It is both a style and concept in the areas of art, science, philosophy, architecture, and literary criticism that marks the beginning of a revolution in their respective fields (Featherstone, 2007). Postmodernism is a sign of departure or shifting of concepts from modern to a postmodern school of thought. Additionally, it is also known as a specific time period in history.

On the other hand, the subject of science has been divided into multiple sub-branches or various types that narrow down as the knowledge keeps becoming wider and wider. Ontology is also an example of this. Ontology is a branch of metaphysics which deals with the science, properties and the nature of being. Metaphysics is a further extension of a major branch of physics (Euzenat, & Shvaiko, 2007). Ontology may also be described as a branch of metaphysics that takes a specific subject area in consideration and discusses their properties and relationship among each other.

Ontology holds a special place in the subject of Philosophy. Postmodernism and Ontology are very closely related as both revolve around the same fundamental ideas of philosophy (McHale, 1987). Postmodernism states that people come up with different tales and stories in order to explain the events and happenings in the world. None of these stories may be real, existing merely as tales; yet they are based on reality. These stories are representations of reality that is based upon information that may sometimes be complete and at times incomplete (Lash, 2014). The accuracy of this information is also doubted as it may not be accurate or completely false.

Most of the researchers, scholars, and intellects nowadays follow the concepts of postmodernism to create further concepts and theories. In most cases, they apply postmodernist principles to describe the concepts of subjectivism, anti-realism, altruism, skepticism, relativism, collectivism, pragmatism, egalitarianism and anti-individualism. In contrast with traditional views, they do not distinguish religious views from secular views; tending to focus more on objective knowledge (Nicholson, 2013). The traditional approach also does not differentiate between metaphysics and science. The postmodern way of thinking, on the other hand, lays emphasis on the emotional, moral, and artistic way of acquiring knowledge. Its unique approach and ways of thinking has started to become the more preferred method for the formation of ideas because it values both diversity and modernism. It provides freedom of expression and honors post-materialistic and relativistic values that are more relevant to today’s society.


Euzenat, J., & Shvaiko, P. (2007). Ontology matching (Vol. 18). Heidelberg: Springer.

Featherstone, M. (2007). Consumer culture and postmodernism. Sage.

Lash, S. (2014). Sociology of postmodernism. Routledge.

McHale, B. (1987). Postmodernist lyric and the ontology of poetry. Poetics Today, 8(1), 19-44.

Nicholson, L. (2013). Feminism/postmodernism. Routledge.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Opposing Viewpoint

Opposing Viewpoint

[Name of the Writer]

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Opposing Viewpoint


Sports are used for centuries to spread peace and harmony in society. They help in resolving the socio-political matters of the countries without using any force. International sports events like the FIFA World cup, Olympics and Asian Cups are significant examples of using sports to smoothen the relations of the countries. While cultures, ethnicity, and race can create division in the society, sports make sure to blend these differences so that no conflict could occur. For the evidence, two events will be analyzed belonging to politics and sports each. The idea is to assess the role of politics in that particular sports event and the role of games in the mentioned political event. One sports event is taken of 2004 AFC Asian Cup where the final match was played between China and Japan, but during the game, the fans of both the countries created a disturbance (CNN, 2004). The other event is political, taken from the football war which happened in 1969 between El Salvador and Honduras (Boniface, 1998). This was a 100-hour war between the two countries, boosted during the match and was heated at the end of games making the situation quite worse for both the countries.


Considering both the sports/politics events, it was seen that first sports event where politics interfered, took place in the near past, i.e. 2004. While the other event which was political but sports came in the way was occurred in 1969.

Sports Event

In 2004, the AFC Asian Cup was organized by China, and the final match of the mega event was between China and Japan. As the game started, the national anthem of both the countries was played in sequence. But the fans of both the countries expressed their hate for the opponent country because of the intense history they shared including the World War II. The bitter memories of the Second Sino-Japanese War and Nanjing Massacre were refreshed, and the fans became violent. The anti-Japanese slogans were chanted, and the players were harassed. When Japan defeated China in 3-1, the Chinese fans went on roads after the match and burned the Japanese flag in front of media (CNN, 2004).

Political Event

The second event is political as there was already a war tension going on between El Salvador and Honduras in 1969. Both the countries are located in Central America, and the conflict was socio-economic which was on land reforms and immigration. The event is famously known as football war because the tension was further escalated on the outset of the football qualifying round for the 1970 FIFA World Cup (Cable, 1969). The matters were heated in the first game and got worse in the second game leading to the violation on both the sides and Salvadorans were killed in retaliation by Honduras people. Thousands of people began to flee the country, and the countries entered into the mode of attack. OAS (Organization of American States) had to intervene, and Salvadoran troops then withdrew (Xinaris & Kassimeris, 2017).

Comparison and Contrast

The similarities between both the events are that fans interfered and led to the spread of hate between the countries which were involved in those events. Another analogy is, due to the adverse outcomes at the end of the games, the international reputation of the states was severely damaged. However, both the events also share some differences with each other. The contrasting view was that, in the 2004 event, the matters did not get much worse despite the horrible relations both the countries had, but in 1969 incident, people were killed, and 100-hour war was fought. In the 2004 event, pride was involved, and the reasons of conflict were illogical as it was a sports event and should be taken lightly by the fans. Whereas in 1969 incident, power and money were involved and the cause of the war was although socio-economic, but the reaction of people was illogical and exaggerated. In the 2004 event, politics intervened in an otherwise sports event whereas, in the 1969 game, sports intervened in a political issue making the scenario worse to handle. Conclusion

In both, the events, politics, and sports played a negative role and instead of resolving the issues made the situation difficult for countries to tolerate. Politics plays with the emotion of people, politicize the games, and eliminates the sportsmanship behavior in sports. The above events paved the way for politicizing the sports. In the 2004 event, no effective action was taken to stop the disturbances, whereas in 1969 event OAS intervened to resolve the conflict between the countries. This shows that the politicization of sports should not be supported as an audience loses interests in sports and an environment of hate is created. The professional attitude should be encouraged in this kind of events.


Boniface, P. (1998). Football as a Factor (and a Reflection) of International Politics. The international spectator, 33(4), 87-98.

Cable, V. (1969). The'Football War'and the Central American Common Market. International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), 658-671.

Xinaris, C., & Kassimeris, C. (2017). Politics and identity in European football: Cyprus in comparative context. In Sport and National Identities (pp. 60-76). Routledge.

CNN.com - Chinese riot after Japan win final - Aug 7, 2004. (2019). Edition.cnn.com. Retrieved 22 January 2019, from http://edition.cnn.com/2004/SPORT/football/08/07/china.japan/

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600


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Environmental Concerns

Environmental Overview


History of the issue needs to be discussed as it will highlight all the important stances that were taken for countering this issue. The issue has been around for quite some time. Further, explanation will be done based on the Scholarly sources found through the Ashford Library. The research was made more precise by selecting the option of year. All the sources are 2015 onwards (Goebel, 2015). The articles and books chosen are by known authors who have provided the perfect platform to conduct the research paper. Additionally, the research that I conducted for this paper has helped me understand the environmental concerns in depth.

Thesis Statement

Environmental issues are to be addressed constructively all around the globe as it is one of the harshest realities of the world. The concerns and all the little things that are affecting our environment needs to be taken care of and we all as citizens of this great world must always take proper initiatives to address this issue.


a) Provide the idea and the vision that you have and what have you so far studied in this perspective.


Discuss about the environment that we as human beings use and dwell in and how these are essential for our part of lives.

a) Natural and Physical

b) Socioeconomic

c) Discussion about the land and how the land is being treated by the people, the proper use of sanitation and how factories affect our surroundings.

d) Explanation of the concept of employment.

The Concerns

How natural, physical and socioeconomic environments are being affected and what are their concerns.

Natural and Physical Concerns.

Glaciers, floods, high temperature, habitat, water issues etc.

Socioeconomic concern.

In socioeconomic concerns, talk about the issues of moving from one place to another, how floods and heavy rainfalls are forcing residents to relocate and how difficult it is to settle.

How the community and employment is affected. Certain examples will be given to make the concept clear (Djakman, Hasniasari Prihatanto, 2016).

Public Awareness

Talk about the ways the public came to know about the problem.

How media is portraying this issue and how social media is spreading its importance all over the globe.

The literatures and the movies that have given this issue importance and highlighted it.

The current study on Himalayas and glaciers also makes up for this paper (Tietenberg Lewis, 2016).

International summits

How the international bodies (United Nations) see this problem and how they are planning to cope up with this issue needs to be discussed here.

The inclusion of local governments can also be highlighted here. Proper explanation through references and evidence will be done.

The Reality of Environmental Issues

Provide proof of how the issues of environments are of great concerns.

What are the grieve consequences that we are to face if these issues are not addressed properly.

The explanation will be done via facts (Rees, 2017).


The impact of environmental issue and how people are aware of it and how some of them are not aware of it.

How can we as simple individuals are causing this issue and what steps can be taken in the future And if this issue is not addressed properly, how will it impact our daily lives and how bitter will it be for us

Future studies and materials can be discussed here as well. Additionally, the research that I conducted for this paper has helped me understand the environmental concerns in depth.


Goebel, J., Krekel, C., Tiefenbach, T., Ziebarth, N. R. (2015). How natural disasters can affect environmental concerns, risk aversion, and even politics evidence from Fukushima and three European countries.Journal of Population Economics,28(4), 1137-1180.

Djakman, C. D., Hasniasari, R., Prihatanto, H. (2016). Concern on Social-Environment Factor, Governance, Politics and Anti-fraud to Influence Government Performance Indonesia Local Government Case.Publication name, 375.

Tietenberg, T. H., Lewis, L. (2016).Environmental and natural resource economics. Routledge.

Rees, J. (2017).Natural resources allocation, economics and policy. Routledge.





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Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600


Research Paper

Trump’s Immigration Crisis




Research Paper

Trump’s Immigration Crisis

Immigration crisis of the United States of America, which is getting all the attention of the president and his force, is one of the greatest issues of the present time. Almost twenty percent population of the United States of America consists of the immigrants and the number is increasing with every passing day. The situation is getting problematic for the native population and the government as the government had to develop the laws and policies, keeping in view the immigrant population. This is also impacting the demography and economy of the country, due to which a greater part of the general population wants to restrict the immigration of people from other parts of the world. The Trump government is announcing the development of borders and not letting the immigrants become a part of the United States of America, which is concerning the social workers, as they think that dignity and worth of immigrants is getting hurt. This paper will discuss the issue of Trump’s immigration crisis, as highlighted by Ross Douthat and discuss the stance of the social workers on the issue in the light of the social work code of ethics.

The article by Douthat sheds light on the immigration crisis which the president of the United States of America is facing at the present time. The author has highlighted the fact that the issue of immigration is not new for the public of the United States of America, and it has not been highlighted by Trump, however, it has always existed in the society. The Trump government has used it as a source of coming into power, as they talked about implementing the strict immigration laws and change the demographic structure of the American society. The thing which has really helped Trump in winning the elections is the fact that he was ready to become a bad person in the eyes of the international world by forcefully stopping the entry of the immigrants into the United States of America. He has carried forward the plan of constructing walls on the borders to ensure the cease of immigration. Moreover, he has changed the asylum laws, in order to discourage immigration. The author has argued that the issue of immigration was already present in the American society, however, due to the policies of Trump, the country has to face the overgrowing issue of the asylum seeking, which is ruining the image of the American society in the world. The deportation of the immigrants and the asylum seekers, as well as separating the children of the immigrants' families from their parents, as the parents are facing the legal consequences of their actions are contributing to decreasing the popularity of Trump, as well as impacting the image of the country. The world is getting the message that the United States of America is not ready to help the needy population of the world, due to the fear of being populated by the immigrants. The country is facing criticism on the international level due to the policies of Trump, which have worsened the issue, instead of resolving it (Douthat, 2019).

The issue of immigration and asylums is affecting the individuals, groups and families. The people who are moving to the United States of America due to the lack of opportunities or other issues are not getting the permission of entering the country. The existing immigrants are being deported or facing the prosecution for violating the immigration laws. They are not being allowed asylum by the country, which is making the living conditions quite threatening for them. Moreover, the families are facing the consequences as the children are being separated from their parents, which is stressful for them and causing emotional pain and suffering, in addition to dependence over others.

A social worker may address this issue by supporting the right of asylum of the immigrants. This is a macro level social issue which is affecting the lives of thousands of immigrants who are currently facing the issue of deportation and detentions. The issue is a cause of great concern for social workers because it is undermining the basic right of human beings by not allowing them a place to live. The social workers can argue that the immigration policies of the United States of America are disturbing due to the fact that they are not helping the poor population of the world but adding to their difficulties and suffering by shutting the doors of opportunities of a better life (Larsen, 2019).

One of the six core values in Social work Code of Ethics is the dignity and worth of an individual which is greatly relevant to the social issue of immigrants' rights. The policies of the Trump government and the United States of America are undermining the dignity and worth of the immigrants by making life difficult for them. Closing the borders and not letting the immigrants into the country is a major issue, however, their deportation and detention is an even bigger issue, as it is hurting their worth and dignity. They are facing the legal consequences and are being separated from their children which is great emotional torture for them. So, the government needs to resolve the matter in a favorable manner.

The immigration crisis of the United States of America, which is heightened by the Trump governments, has emerged as a great social and international issue. It is adding to the suffering of the immigrants and running the image of the country in the whole world. The government needs to rethink its policies and laws and reformulate them, in order to deal with the situation in a better way.


Douthat, R. (2019). Trump’s Immigration Crisis. The New York Times. Retrieved from: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/09/opinion/trump-kirstjen-nielsen-border-security-.html

Larsen, E. (2019). The Trump Administration's Zero-Tolerance Policy: Separating Families as Immigration Deterrence.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 3 Words: 900



Amadeus is a famous fable with Mozart, Father Vogler and Salieri as the main characters used to illustrate a point about talent. The play in view was titled “Amadeus” which means “to be loved by God”. God’s love is in this case being a composer of the greatest talent. So the first scene from the play that aim choosing is the one where, Salieri makes a deal with God to be the greatest composer of all time, (it seems to be going great for a while for him), only to be undermined by Mozart of whom he thought was not a good person and not worthy of God’s love. In his words

“Whilst my father prayed earnestly to God to protect commerce, I would offer up secretly the proudest prayer a boy could think of. Lord, make me a great composer! Let me celebrate your glory through music - and be celebrated myself! Make me famous through the world, dear God! Make me immortal! After I die let people speak my name forever with love for what I wrote! In return I vow I will give you my chastity - my industry, my deepest humility, and every hour of my life. And I will help my fellow man all I can. Amen and amen!”

The point of the fable or what Salieri did not realize in this play is that one cannot be a great composer just because one wants to, that is not how God works. The play puts much more emphasis on Salieri’s relationship with God. In the hands of great actor, the role of Salieri is a tour de force. He not only has to play the part, but he also serves as narrator, switching roles on a dime between young Salieri and old Salieri. As far as the lighting of the play is considered since the overall genre of the play is musical, but the lighting is kept dark with a lot of Shadows whereas a dim light can be seen at a distance. The shadows in the background of the play give viewers a hint as to the gloomy and depressed character of the man hidden in the darkness which is not like the traits of a good musical. The dim light at the end of the stage shows that happiness in life is very confined and appears for a small minuscule of time. However, since most of the characters of the play are dramatic and unsavory, their character is highlighted by the eerie darkness devouring the entire scenery. A little and faded amount of lighting assists the onlookers to think of the plot as troublesome and uneven which get clearer and clearer as the play progresses.

The second scene I chose is the scene of Mozart’s death which is marvelous in my opinion as it treats Mozart’s death much more powerfully than the original written play. We don’t see the pauper’s grave or the lime dust thrown on top of the corpses. In the production I saw, two servants came in, lifted him up and onto a table and then dumped him off the back of the stage. One can hear the actor’s body slide and hit with a thump, like throwing out the trash. It was powerful. In this regard on of the most powerful lines said by Mozart include “Forgive me.” As if he knew he was going to suffer. As far as the costumes are considered every main character of the story is seen wearing the 17th and 18th century clothes accustomed to every character in a fable. The incongruous costume is synchronous with the overall theme of the entire plot which is enlightened as a Shakespeare play. The characters are seen out of the house in dull clothes which may show a state of a troubled mind and highlight their vulnerability, hence it was unable to attract me since for such strong and empowering scenes; the characters must also be empowered with enabling clothes. Numerous props appear in the entire span of the plot in synchronization of the story of each character in the play giving the play a reality based touch. The overall cinematography of the play shows some contrast in sound and vision along with the sound effects to give the audience a fun filled experience.


Shaffer, P., & Forman, M. (1981). Amadeus (p. 108). Penguin.

Barth, K. (2003). Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Zegers, R. H., Weigl, A., & Steptoe, A. (2009). The death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: an epidemiologic perspective. Annals of internal medicine, 151(4), 274-278.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

PART 1 Research And Developement

Part I: Research and Development

Issues Faced by Women in Canada

[Name of the Author]

[Educational Institute]

Part I: Research and Development

Issues Faced by Women in Canada


A social issue is a problem that affects a large number of people living in that society. These issues may be economic in nature, however, most of the times, these issues are people related. Canada being a large country constitutes a big society with a large number of people living in it. The total number of people living in this country exceeds 37.59 million out of which approximately 17.2 million are females. Every society has its own share of social, economic and political issues; Canada is also not barred from these issues. Various segments of society, living in the country, are facing various issues; some have a problem with the health act, some want abortion right, some want strict action against alcohol and while others want the freedom of speech.

Gender issues have been a hot topic of debate since the very beginning of times. Females have been facing different issues since the beginning of times. Issues like rapes, sexual assaults, genital mutilation, acid burning, glass ceiling, gender discrimination and even murder are a common sight in many societies. However, the severity of the nature of issue depends on many factors of the society like the developmental level of the country, the economic condition of the overall society and the economic condition of the country, the literacy rate among the people of the country. The issues, like rapes, sexual assaults, acid burning issues take place in countries that are economically less developed or third world countries.

The developed countries definitely have their share of gender-related issues, but they are different in nature ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"ENwV3nTZ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Best & Best, 2013)","plainCitation":"(Best & Best, 2013)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":357,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/aDSOzgCJ/items/SADC822G"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/aDSOzgCJ/items/SADC822G"],"itemData":{"id":357,"type":"book","ISBN":"0-393-91863-7","publisher":"WW Norton & Company New York","title":"Social problems","author":[{"family":"Best","given":"Joel"},{"family":"Best","given":"Joel"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2013"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Best & Best, 2013). These issues constitute a completely different range of problems and questions that need to be catered and answered respectively. Developed countries like Canada have a completely different set of gender-related issues which include gender discrimination, the wage gap, and glass ceiling. The following piece of writing will discuss the gender issues prevailing in our society, the Canadian society. Moreover, they will also highlight some of the major issues faced by the women living and working in the Canadian society and how these issues can be resolved. One of the major issues, the wage gap or gender wage gap will especially be targeted and various reason and aspects of this issue will be discussed.


The Canadian nation is currently highlighted with a number of sociological issues, some of the top ones out of them are elaborated in details. The treatment of o First Nations in the past and to this day. In brief, Canada has not lived up to its treaty obligations with the First Nations with which we negotiated in the 19th century. The effort to assimilate and destroy Native culture was ongoing until fairly recently. First Nations people have a very legitimate sense of grievance towards these injustices. On the other hand, the majority population was not aware of most of this until recently and some segments are resistant to accepting responsibility for what was done before their time.

Wealth inequality is also a big issue, prevailing in Canadian society. While not as pronounced as in Canada, the same trends are at work in Canada. Stagnating incomes, loss of low-skill high-pay jobs, the growth of the gig economy, all of these are contributing to a sense of precariousness in the middle class. A large proportion of people are living paycheque to paycheque with no financial cushion.

Another major issue of Canadian society is immigration. While it was nice to see that Canada's immigration system gets kudos from the most unlikely places (talking to you, the Donald), there is a perception in the Canadian public that Canada allows too many immigrants in. The Federal and Provincial governments, as well as the business community and social groups, need to get programmatic about explaining why immigrants are good for Canada. In particular, there is a need to explain how Canada rigorously selects immigrants based on the economic needs of the country, and the skills of applicants ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"hWa79I9c","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Stephens & Joubert, 2001)","plainCitation":"(Stephens & Joubert, 2001)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":358,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/aDSOzgCJ/items/P7D3TRC9"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/aDSOzgCJ/items/P7D3TRC9"],"itemData":{"id":358,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Chronic Dis Can","issue":"1","page":"18-23","title":"The economic burden of mental health problems in Canada","volume":"22","author":[{"family":"Stephens","given":"Thomas"},{"family":"Joubert","given":"Natacha"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2001"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Stephens & Joubert, 2001). A further false perception exists that we allow hordes of refugees to enter. This is not the case. Unsparingly, the resistance to immigration tends to come from places in Canada that attract very few immigrants. Once again, the fear of the unknown or of the stranger is the driver of the negative views.

One of the biggest mistakes the Canadian government made was allowing illegal immigrants into Canada, while there are tens or hundreds of thousands of Canadians unemployed and/or homeless. It fills homeless shelters with illegal immigrants ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"pmEdGr8N","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Latif, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Latif, 2015)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":361,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/aDSOzgCJ/items/DZKX2RV8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/aDSOzgCJ/items/DZKX2RV8"],"itemData":{"id":361,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Economic Modelling","note":"ISBN: 0264-9993\npublisher: Elsevier","page":"162-167","title":"The relationship between immigration and unemployment: Panel data evidence from Canada","volume":"50","author":[{"family":"Latif","given":"Ehsan"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Latif, 2015). Another mistake that is being continuously committed by the government is supplying illegal immigrants and Syrian refugees with hotel rooms, food and healthcare at taxpayer expense. The government Signs away Canadian sovereignty on immigration with the ultra-corrupt, bringing in even more people who will live in Canada at taxpayers’ expense

There is much more to add to the list, but I’ve tried to stay with what is on the radar for most people. The big issues of capital punishment and abortion have largely been settled. There is a developing social issue around elder care and poverty but this one won’t hit full “issue” status until more baby boomers retire and find that they can’t afford to live without working. It shouldn’t take much longer before we’re there.

One of the biggest issues, that has always been under discussion not only in the underdeveloped countries but also in the developed countries of the world is the wage gap. Wage gap refers to a standard, a measure, or a statistical result that that is used as an indicator of the index of the status of the earnings of a female as compared to that of a man’s. This measure is also used to check the difference in the daily wages (or monthly wages) of people belonging to various races and ethnicities ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"CiEpvyQF","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Cool, 2010)","plainCitation":"(Cool, 2010)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":359,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/aDSOzgCJ/items/78GEHFPW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/aDSOzgCJ/items/78GEHFPW"],"itemData":{"id":359,"type":"book","publisher":"Library of Parliament Ottawa, Canada","title":"Wage gap between women and men","author":[{"family":"Cool","given":"Julie"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2010"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Cool, 2010). It can be used to check the discrepancies between the wages of white men and black men or even the difference between the wages of females belonging to different races.

Many people state that this wage gap is a myth or a made-up concept by the feminists but, the fact is, the gender wage gap (also known as the earnings gap) exists in the west. In fact, this gap is larger and more frequent in the west and first world countries. Essentially, any country that allows women to choose their own work and provides economic freedom for her to do so creates a wage gap. Generally, the poorer country the smaller the wage gap. India is a good example of this.

Undoubtedly, there exists a pay gap, but one cannot say it is because of just gender. There is an individual pay gap and experts need to look at it on a case by case basis. A most common reason why people believe there is a gender pay gap is that when a woman is in the workforce, they must leave for a period of time when they have children, hence their career is on hold and they are no longer progressing as such. There are women who choose not to have children and may not be effected. Another reason is the personality trait called 'agreeablenesses. The number of people in society that have agreeableness happens to be more women than men. A person who isn't agreeable is more likely to negotiate a higher wage than just agree with whatever is offered. There are most likely more factors than having babies and being agreeable but they are the main two which likely affect the female gender. In short, there is a pay gap, but it isn't because that person is of a certain gender, it is because the choices that a person makes in career and life. Once a person takes responsibility for their life and stops blaming their misfortunes on things like society, gender or any other generalisation, they can then take charge of their lives and make it better.

There were studies conducted on the gender wage gap. In those studies, two salaries were always put side by side and compared. These revealed that men had a higher income on average. However, this didn't take into account that men also generally worked more, for example, men are more likely to work overtime and they don't take a leave of absence when a baby is born. Since then, a multitude of people has debunked this myth, including a female Harvard professor. They state that if you took two people who worked in the exact same field and have worked the same amount of hours a week, they will have the same salary, no matter what their gender is. Not to mention it has been illegal since 1963 to pay women less.

No one knows the actual facts and cannot say without taking a closer look at the numbers and where they come from. The problem with statistics is that they can oversimplify a topic to the point that it is irrelevant and can be made to lie. For instance, a person's wages are a product of many factors like career choice, years of experience, college degree, hours worked, and job performance. For instance, a successful person in the entertainment business easily get paid millions of dollars per year - the average NFL player makes $2.1 million per year and are exclusively men. That same ecosystem employs just men for most of the coaching staff and all the way up. The only exclusive position held by women are cheerleaders who maybe get paid $50 per game or some relatively low nominal amount. So taking just that ecosystem's wage gap, it's pretty clear the men are paid much higher wages than the women, but at the same time, it's hard to argue that the men do not do more (to attract paying fans) as well as risk serious injury compared to the women ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Xfmt9v5x","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hegewisch, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Hegewisch, 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":363,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/aDSOzgCJ/items/7Z7H6L4K"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/aDSOzgCJ/items/7Z7H6L4K"],"itemData":{"id":363,"type":"article-journal","title":"The gender wage gap: 2017","author":[{"family":"Hegewisch","given":"Ariane"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hegewisch, 2018). Now while one may argue a more analogous comparison to male athletes are female athletes and there is a gender pay gap there, the problem exists with the ecosystem itself. Athletes are paid by the team owners, who in a franchising world are based on the number of paying fans and TV contracts to broadcast. Broadcasters pay based on the number of viewers they expect because broadcasters are paid by advertisers who pay based on the number of viewers. So if male sports are viewed more than female sports which they generally are, if you were to attempt to enforce female athletes to be paid the same as their male counterparts, it would be like forcing viewers to watch more female sports which don't just happen. As such, for the ecosystem to keep going, female athletes are being paid less than their male counterparts, so the idea of the gender wage gap still exists, but in this case, it appears to exist for regular economic reasons rather than some kind of agenda or mass gender discrimination by the system., unless one wants to purely argue that female sports lack viewership compared to male sports because of a systemic gender discrimination occurring.

The general assumption is that women and men are being paid differently because of discrimination—but academic studies have (largely) disproven this. While there are always some discriminatory pay decisions (prosecutable by law since the early 1960s), the grand bulk of the disparity comes from three things:

Women are the only sex which can bear children—and the impact of bearing—and caring for—children affects work. Taking time away from work can affect some employment negatively, and that’s probably obvious. Whether men or women should bear a greater burden of child-care might be controversial, but it remains that only women can bear children.

Women are more likely to work part-time, and fewer hours than men. Why that is might be controversial—but being paid less for working less isn’t.

Women and men choose different careers, and different careers pay differently. Why that is might be controversial—but being paid different money for different work isn’t.

The standard numbers like women make 80 cents to the dollar a man makes mostly seem to stem from taking average wages across industries, which is very dangerous to do as discussed above. Statistics are easy to manipulate to draw incorrect conclusions on what is actually happening and it does so by oversimplifying the issue ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"rfzaCqHw","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Nadeau & Seckin, 2010)","plainCitation":"(Nadeau & Seckin, 2010)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":360,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/aDSOzgCJ/items/H2FE8RZ9"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/aDSOzgCJ/items/H2FE8RZ9"],"itemData":{"id":360,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Canadian Public Policy","issue":"3","note":"ISBN: 0317-0861\npublisher: University of Toronto Press Incorporated","page":"265-285","title":"The immigrant wage gap in Canada: Quebec and the rest of Canada","volume":"36","author":[{"family":"Nadeau","given":"Serge"},{"family":"Seckin","given":"Aylin"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2010"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Nadeau & Seckin, 2010). So again, one would have to see concrete raw data that provides the more complete picture before that they can just believe a single number that attempts to depict such a complex thing with many factors like wage gap.

Other factors that may lead to a gender pay difference are willing to ask for a raise and how to go about it and the level of potential discrimination that exists at the supervisor positions since direct supervisors are usually the ones who determine an employees performance and contribute to the raise the employee gets. This last part is where I see the most plausible reason for a gender pay gap as in many industries the majority of middle management are men who may have gender discrimination issues like what has been uncovered at places like Uber and Riot Games.

Though a general perspective is that gender inequality is an outflow consequence, it is a symptom of a much larger problem that includes the world society in its entirety, which is the capitalistic system and how we've found our societies on inequality and competition. Because of this system, specific groups of people are either privileged or penalized in their daily living and in their access to resources. White females are still subject to white male hegemony, but immigrant women are subjugated by white women . Blue-collar men and young men without education are increasingly becoming one of the most exposed socio-economic groups.

In the end, the stress comes from living in a system where we have to fight each other to survive, tacitly or as a matter of fact. The stress comes from having to live a lie where all know that what they doing day in and day out is not living actually, but merely surviving as wage slaves in a broken system, yet they still convince ourselves that everything is fine. As such gender inequality is simply one part of the equation that is certainly relevant but that does not define the whole picture. So a point to consider when asking such questions is also whether one is looking to blame a particular group instead of actually taking self-responsibility because through that one is ironically placing oneself in an inferior position of powerlessness instead of standing up as an equal.

Women, on average, make less than men do. This occurs in every country and market that has ever been studied. All these can be easily found online, in academic journals and Canada doesn’t have the largest wage gap.

Women work fewer hours than men do, on average. It makes some logical sense that if you work less, you’ll probably make less.

Men also accept more overtime, more off-shifts, and more dangerous work than women do, on average. More OT and more risk seem like a reasonable reason to pay someone more.

Regardless of why some jobs pay more than, men gravitate toward more highly-compensated roles than women do, on average. There are now very few actual barriers for women to enter these fields, and actually, there are active recruitment campaigns to attract them—which may result in this choice-gap closing.

Women are the only sex who can become pregnant and bear children—and that fact also has an impact on work through time off. There are some practical reasons for women to engage in child-rearing over men, breastfeeding being one obvious one), but culturally the role of men being a stay-at-home Dad is becoming more prevalent, as well.

Most of the academic studies explain the grand bulk of the differences in average pay through those factors. Without evidence of discrimination, there are other legally-acceptable reasons for the disparity. People who actually study the facts of the gender wage gap do agree on them. If a person gives a debate or speech or writes an essay that doesn’t include those factors, then you’re probably hearing more of an emotional or political argument. Those women are conditioned to not negotiate "hard enough”. There may be some studies that would support that but there are also other tactics and traits that people can use to increase their wages. Negotiation is most helpful in initial hiring salaries, but its effectiveness drops off precipitously after actually seeing the person’s work ethic and work output. Further, conditioning as a psychological function can be undone, and it’s not entirely difficult to do.


Hence, it can be concluded that gender issues are a very common sight not only in Canadian society but all over the world. Female being targeted and subjected to various mistreatments in the society all over the world and the big authorities are mute over this, No one takes a stand and speaks against the cruelty and oppression. The sad part is this tradition is even carried on in developed and comparatively educated countries like the United States of America and Canada. There are a number of issues that are being faced by women living in Canada currently. Some of these are very specific in nature like religious restrictions (banning the hijab and niqab), while other are general and apply to all the females of the society, irrespective of their age, race, religion, nationality, economic status and even marital status. These issues may be faced by a student or a working woman, a housewife or a woman running a business. Certain measures should be taken in order to curb and control these issues so that females can live and work with complete peace of mind. By taking these measures, females will feel more values and secure and contribute in a much better and productive way in the progress and prosperity of the country.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Best, J., & Best, J. (2013). Social problems. WW Norton & Company New York.

Cool, J. (2010). Wage gap between women and men. Library of Parliament Ottawa, Canada.

Hegewisch, A. (2018). The gender wage gap: 2017.

Latif, E. (2015). The relationship between immigration and unemployment: Panel data evidence from Canada. Economic Modelling, 50, 162–167.

Nadeau, S., & Seckin, A. (2010). The immigrant wage gap in Canada: Quebec and the rest of Canada. Canadian Public Policy, 36(3), 265–285.

Stephens, T., & Joubert, N. (2001). The economic burden of mental health problems in Canada. Chronic Dis Can, 22(1), 18–23.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 10 Words: 3000

Part 1 Research And Developement

Research and Development


[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

Research and Development

Part III

The review of literature related to research and development has guided the correct policies that can lead to gender mainstreaming. The growth and progress of communities are significantly dependent on the development of such policies that promote men and women equally. GBA + is a gender based analysis plus process that is important to be implemented in the societies of Canada to improve gender disparities. These policies can lead to the growth and development of certain areas such as education, health, and social sectors. Socio-cultural factors including race, ethnicity and religion-based disparities would be removed from societies by implementing gender mainstreaming. It has been learned through research and investigation that empowering women and promoting GBA + analysis would help the country to improve the health and education sectors ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a2el0tqlb4m","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1125,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"itemData":{"id":1125,"type":"chapter","title":"Sex, Gender, and Cultural Considerations for Rehabilitation Research with Older Adults","container-title":"Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults","publisher":"Springer","page":"519-537","author":[{"family":"Biscardi","given":"Melissa"},{"family":"Colantonio","given":"Angela"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018). GBA + research has investigated that the education sector and health sectors are directly linked with gender inequality. Communities that are lacking essential education often treat women badly and therefore improving awareness and education can impact such societies. It has been learned that the growth and development of societies and broadly countries are significantly dependent on the health and education of people. Improving these areas will ultimately lead to healthy communities. It has been learned that GBA + perspective is improving gender disparities from communities significantly. However, further research is required to improve the policies and implementation procedures to effectively improve the status of women among communities.

Part IV

Gender mainstreaming has been officially endorsed internationally since 1995. Research has been focused mainly on the progress and impact of mainstreaming approaches and principles following this context. Gender mainstreaming advancement and application in Australia and Canada have been evaluated on a broader perspective ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"pVUFJdO9","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1125,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"itemData":{"id":1125,"type":"chapter","title":"Sex, Gender, and Cultural Considerations for Rehabilitation Research with Older Adults","container-title":"Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults","publisher":"Springer","page":"519-537","author":[{"family":"Biscardi","given":"Melissa"},{"family":"Colantonio","given":"Angela"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018). It has been evaluated that there are three major components such as feminist and gender research and women's movement that can be significantly improved through GBA +. Policies and principles have been designed in this particular regard. Historical perspective and major stakeholders have also been interviewed to observe the changes gender mainstreaming has been illuminating.

Through policies, it has been analyzed that gender equality has been promoted by gender mainstreaming approaches in Canada. It has been internationally recognized as the best policy to promote gender equality among communities. However, various researches have been questioning the efficacy of gender mainstreaming approaches and implementation. For example, current issues and gender mainstreaming in the policy-making section need to be evaluated on priority. The significance of women's movement and specific elements related to gender mainstreaming have been predicting positive aspects such as women empowerment.

GBA + is a gender based analysis plus process that involves a range of approaches for men, women and binary people that may have a significant impact on their lives because of effective principles, policies, and initiatives. GBA + analysis evaluated the policies beyond socio-cultural and biological differences ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"3MlVP11s","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1125,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"itemData":{"id":1125,"type":"chapter","title":"Sex, Gender, and Cultural Considerations for Rehabilitation Research with Older Adults","container-title":"Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults","publisher":"Springer","page":"519-537","author":[{"family":"Biscardi","given":"Melissa"},{"family":"Colantonio","given":"Angela"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018). Multiple elements including identify factors such as religion, age, gender, race, ethnicity, and mental disability are a part of GBA + analysis. The government of Canada in 1995 has promised to improve gender equality in the communities and the commitment was taken in the United States Beijing Platform for Action. Gender equality is a part of the constitution of Canada. The policies for strengthening gender equalities have faced many challenges in accomplishing these policies ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"IOyN4cTm","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1125,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"itemData":{"id":1125,"type":"chapter","title":"Sex, Gender, and Cultural Considerations for Rehabilitation Research with Older Adults","container-title":"Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults","publisher":"Springer","page":"519-537","author":[{"family":"Biscardi","given":"Melissa"},{"family":"Colantonio","given":"Angela"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018). The gender mainstreaming is promoting gender equality and therefore, men, women, and binary people can equally participate in the spheres of life including democratic and social life. These policies have been developed by the commitment of the government of Canada to implement GBA +. The government is still working and implementing the significant policies in the process to improve gender biased disparities.

It was assumed that men and women are equal in societies however, gender inequality was prevailing in the societies of Canada. To fill the gap, research was conducted and it has been reported that on an average 87 cents are the dollars that are earned by males. This report was presented by the statistics of Canada in 2017. Women were always ignored in employment sector to avail the jobs and they were also a victim of domestic and social violence. It has been suggested that around 23% of the part of Canada's top most positions and occupations are availed by females. The gap has been representing that gender inequality was prevailing among communities significantly, therefore, the need to establish gender mainstreaming approaches. The major sufferers of societies were trans women and women having physical disabilities. Employment was the major area that has been recognized as exploiting women socially. The research is required in such areas to evaluate the major elements that lead to such gender inequalities among communities. Gender inequalities have been improving with the GBA + establishment ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"fSiPYhsz","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1125,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"itemData":{"id":1125,"type":"chapter","title":"Sex, Gender, and Cultural Considerations for Rehabilitation Research with Older Adults","container-title":"Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults","publisher":"Springer","page":"519-537","author":[{"family":"Biscardi","given":"Melissa"},{"family":"Colantonio","given":"Angela"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018). The situation of females and binary people has been improving in communities particularly in employment and education zones in Canada ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a104smqmf6n","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Dawson & Davies, 2017)","plainCitation":"(Dawson & Davies, 2017)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1132,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/8IQBKLTZ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/8IQBKLTZ"],"itemData":{"id":1132,"type":"article-journal","title":"Gender differences in understanding police perspectives on crowd disorder","container-title":"Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management","page":"228-243","volume":"40","issue":"2","author":[{"family":"Dawson","given":"Stephanie E."},{"family":"Davies","given":"Garth"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Dawson & Davies, 2017). These improvements have been identified to be increasing because of GBA + and its policies. Further researches is required that can identify with evidence that heart disease is truly a men's disease however, osteoporosis was identified as a women's disease. Major biological and social factors have confirmed the researches that osteoporosis is widely a female related disease as they bear a child in their life.

The myth that GBA + is only women related is not true. There are several challenges in the societies that are linked with gender inequality and therefore focusing on women and binary people will eliminate such differences from societies ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"iaJSScKR","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1125,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"itemData":{"id":1125,"type":"chapter","title":"Sex, Gender, and Cultural Considerations for Rehabilitation Research with Older Adults","container-title":"Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults","publisher":"Springer","page":"519-537","author":[{"family":"Biscardi","given":"Melissa"},{"family":"Colantonio","given":"Angela"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018). GBA + is also focusing on race, ethnicity, and disabilities. It is essential to remove such barriers from communities because empowering women is important for the strength of communities. Gender is an important element for the strengthening of communities therefore, GBA + is analyzing and focusing mainly on women's strength along with related issues such as race, ethnicity, and disabilities. The economy of a country is significantly dependent on such elements that include women empowerment and gender equality among communities.

GBA is not limited to social areas only. It is associated with the programs and policies that affect diversity issues and gender-related problems among communities. Education, health, natural resources and almost all domains of life are covered by GBA + analysis ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"wCDzC3XT","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1125,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"itemData":{"id":1125,"type":"chapter","title":"Sex, Gender, and Cultural Considerations for Rehabilitation Research with Older Adults","container-title":"Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults","publisher":"Springer","page":"519-537","author":[{"family":"Biscardi","given":"Melissa"},{"family":"Colantonio","given":"Angela"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018). GBA + is focusing almost on all factors that contribute to gender inequality among communities. Health and education should be equally distributed to all persons in the communities including men, women and binary people ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a14evssr2m6","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hutchinson, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Hutchinson, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1131,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/YTS57U8V"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/YTS57U8V"],"itemData":{"id":1131,"type":"article-journal","title":"Leading the Operationalisation of WPS","container-title":"Security Challenges","page":"124-143","volume":"14","issue":"2","author":[{"family":"Hutchinson","given":"Susan"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hutchinson, 2018). To ensure and implement these policies in the communities, it is important to cover and evaluate all aspects of social life which include the health sector, education sector, and cultural sector. GBA+ is focusing on policies that implement its principles in all of these mentioned areas. GBA+ is working at a larger and broader perspective and procurement of projects, products, and equipment is all under its mandate.

Part VI

A study was conducted by Biscardi and Colantonio in the year 2018 to evaluate the gender, sex and cultural consideration for rehabilitation services for older adults ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a12vaul60hs","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1125,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"itemData":{"id":1125,"type":"chapter","title":"Sex, Gender, and Cultural Considerations for Rehabilitation Research with Older Adults","container-title":"Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults","publisher":"Springer","page":"519-537","author":[{"family":"Biscardi","given":"Melissa"},{"family":"Colantonio","given":"Angela"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018). This study has highlighted that clinicians and healthcare providers should apply processes such as treatment of illness and rehabilitation according to gender and sex differences ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"J8NNcmts","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1125,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"itemData":{"id":1125,"type":"chapter","title":"Sex, Gender, and Cultural Considerations for Rehabilitation Research with Older Adults","container-title":"Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults","publisher":"Springer","page":"519-537","author":[{"family":"Biscardi","given":"Melissa"},{"family":"Colantonio","given":"Angela"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018). It has also been suggested that research should be conducted in utilizing GBA + analysis to observe the efficacy of the project ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"V0GjYRNe","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1125,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"itemData":{"id":1125,"type":"chapter","title":"Sex, Gender, and Cultural Considerations for Rehabilitation Research with Older Adults","container-title":"Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults","publisher":"Springer","page":"519-537","author":[{"family":"Biscardi","given":"Melissa"},{"family":"Colantonio","given":"Angela"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018). A superior emphasis on sex and gender in the investigation of researches will show that development is required in the sectors of healthcare and education. Gender disparities can be significantly improved through awareness and education. The suggestion is somewhat true in the sense that gender-related diseases should be focused or analyzed timely. For example, osteoporosis usually affects women therefore, they should be given priority to take supplements and essential elements for their health, especially in childbearing age. Improving gender-based studies and research will help in strengthening communities and countries. The arguments are true that gender based disparities would be effectively reduced from societies after implementing GBA + processes. The population that will take benefit from gender mainstreaming would be women and binary people.

Part VII


Gender bias is a major problem in the communities of Canada. It has been observed that gender based inequalities can be improved through promotion of education ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"aoasbfgpsq","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1125,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"itemData":{"id":1125,"type":"chapter","title":"Sex, Gender, and Cultural Considerations for Rehabilitation Research with Older Adults","container-title":"Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults","publisher":"Springer","page":"519-537","author":[{"family":"Biscardi","given":"Melissa"},{"family":"Colantonio","given":"Angela"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018).

Gender mainstreaming can significantly improve the conditions of gender inequality.

Only 23% of the top most occupations are offered to females in Canada.

An important element that can significantly improve the economic and socio-cultural growth of the country.

This paper will analyze research and organizational outline to investigate issues concerning females in Canadian societies from GBA + perspective.



Developed and underdeveloped areas of Canada would be part of the research.

Societies and Implementation

A major part of Canadian societies are females, therefore, need gender mainstreaming particularly GBA perspective is needed ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a2ncmu8k4uh","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Welch et al., 2017)","plainCitation":"(Welch et al., 2017)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1128,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/SRMVAVUP"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/SRMVAVUP"],"itemData":{"id":1128,"type":"article-journal","title":"Reporting of sex and gender in randomized controlled trials in Canada: a cross-sectional methods study","container-title":"Research integrity and peer review","page":"15","volume":"2","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Welch","given":"V."},{"family":"Doull","given":"M."},{"family":"Yoganathan","given":"M."},{"family":"Jull","given":"J."},{"family":"Boscoe","given":"M."},{"family":"Coen","given":"S. E."},{"family":"Marshall","given":"Z."},{"family":"Pardo","given":"J. Pardo"},{"family":"Pederson","given":"A."},{"family":"Petkovic","given":"J."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Welch et al., 2017).

GBA + is a procedure that includes a diverse range of strategies concerning men, women and binary people that may have a significant impact on their status to be improved with its principles, policies, and initiatives.


Education and awareness can significantly improve the status of women among communities. Women should be given priority to get education.

Advances in gender inequalities will ultimately help in the growth of the economy.

Suitable policies and strategies are required to focus on gender equality including policies related to the development of men, women and binary people in the communities ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"ahq51n0tnv","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Grace, 2016)","plainCitation":"(Grace, 2016)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1126,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/U6DJBFZY"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/U6DJBFZY"],"itemData":{"id":1126,"type":"article-journal","title":"Presence and Purpose in the Canadian House of Commons: The Standing Committee on the Status of Women","container-title":"Parliamentary Affairs","page":"830-844","volume":"69","issue":"4","author":[{"family":"Grace","given":"Joan"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Grace, 2016).

Analysis and Recommendations

When gender mainstreaming is encouraging gender equality and consequently, men, women, and binary people can likewise be able to participate in all the spheres of life.

Policies would help to empower women and that will lead to a healthy and growing community ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"ar3821um25","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Mason, 2019)","plainCitation":"(Mason, 2019)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1129,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/Z4RJBI84"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/Z4RJBI84"],"itemData":{"id":1129,"type":"article-journal","title":"Buzzwords and fuzzwords: flattening intersectionality in Canadian aid","container-title":"Canadian Foreign Policy Journal","page":"203-219","volume":"25","issue":"2","author":[{"family":"Mason","given":"Corinne L."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2019"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Mason, 2019).

It is important to eliminate such barriers including gender inequality and health disparities from communities because empowering women is important for the economic and socio-cultural growth of the country.


Gender equality and gender mainstreaming would help communities to provide equal opportunities for education and access to health for men, women, indigenous and binary people.

Gender equality would help in the growth of communities and ultimately in the economy of the country ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"3555p4KX","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1125,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/p8kwKNoG/items/9RFDRFV8"],"itemData":{"id":1125,"type":"chapter","title":"Sex, Gender, and Cultural Considerations for Rehabilitation Research with Older Adults","container-title":"Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults","publisher":"Springer","page":"519-537","author":[{"family":"Biscardi","given":"Melissa"},{"family":"Colantonio","given":"Angela"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Biscardi & Colantonio, 2018).

Women are an equal part of societies, therefore, encouraging them would help in the establishment of strong and vigorous societies in Canada.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Biscardi, M., & Colantonio, A. (2018). Sex, Gender, and Cultural Considerations for Rehabilitation Research with Older Adults. In Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults, (pp. 519–537). Springer.

Dawson, S. E., & Davies, G. (2017). Gender differences in understanding police perspectives on crowd disorder. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 40(2), 228–243.

Grace, J. (2016). Presence and Purpose in the Canadian House of Commons: The Standing Committee on the Status of Women. Parliamentary Affairs, 69(4), 830–844.

Hutchinson, S. (2018). Leading the Operationalisation of WPS. Security Challenges, 14(2), 124–143.

Mason, C. L. (2019). Buzzwords and fuzzwords: flattening intersectionality in Canadian aid. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 25(2), 203–219.

Welch, V., Doull, M., Yoganathan, M., Jull, J., Boscoe, M., Coen, S. E., Marshall, Z., Pardo, J. P., Pederson, A., & Petkovic, J. (2017). Reporting of sex and gender in randomized controlled trials in Canada: a cross-sectional methods study. Research Integrity and Peer Review, 2(1), 15.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

Paying For The Party

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Course Number


Paying for the Party: Class Projects, Organizational Imperatives, and Social Isolation

The education system of the U.S. does not provide equal opportunity to the people of its stratified society. Some colleges are inaccessible because of the hefty amounts of tuition fee, while in others, even after getting enrolled, the students do not get equal opportunity to succeed. Many studies have been conducted to see what hurdles the lower and working class face in order to get into a college and what they go through while in college. The book Paying for the Party by Armstrong and Hamilton provides a deep insight into how the pathways of most colleges promote inequality. After examining the college experiences of young women students at Midwest University (MU), they highlight how inequality is promoted at the university. The inequality is faced by the students at two distinct levels. First, it is the structural level defined by the policies of the university that puts the students belonging to low-income families at a disadvantaged position. And then, it is the micro-level interaction among students which further perpetuates inequality. Therefore, both the organizational and interactional dimensions of colleges contribute to inequality.

Armstrong and Hamilton in their book argue that Midwest University and many other colleges and universities design the college environment in such a way that all the students other than the most affluent are systematically put in a disadvantaged position. The MU, according to the authors, has designed its enrollment system such that it rewards students on the basis of financial factors. The affluent who are socially oriented (and in most cases academically poor) are the means of sustenance for the college. In fact, the resources of the University are directed to maintain what the authors call the Greek system of extravagance and partying. The authors have highlighted three possible pathways for the students: the mobility pathway, the professional pathway and finally the party pathway. The focus of MU, according to the authors, is the party pathway. This pathway manifests itself in the form of Fraternities, sororities, and the overall extravagant Greek life. However, being expensive, this pathway is suited only for the affluent since only they can afford it financially and only they do not need to rely on a degree with good grades to succeed in their lives. Other students, for whom this pathway is not feasible or sustainable, seek other pathways. But unfortunately, the University's organizational imperatives make it nearly impossible for these students to succeed at pursuing even the other pathways. The imperatives of the University is designed to elevate only one class i.e. the affluent.

The same phenomenon of how colleges maintain inequity has been thoroughly discussed in episode 5, Food Fight, of the Revisionist History podcast. In this episode, Malcolm Gladwell makes a comparison between the food of two colleges, Vassar and Bowdoin, and argues that the difference of food quality between these two colleges is a moral problem because it promotes education inequality. While Bowdoin is the typical college that aims at maintaining the Greek system of partying and extravagance, Vassar is a college that is committed to helping the smart kinds of people. Not only does it allow equal opportunity to poor kids, but it also promotes racial diversity which provides a better learning environment. However, for poor families studying in a college like Vassar means spending nearly 40% of the income on tuition only. The total fee including boarding in Vassar is about 62,000 USD a year. Therefore, Vassar spends nearly 60 million USD on financial aid.

There are 2450 under-grad students in Vassar College, out of which 1000 are wealthy and pay the full tuition fee CITATION Gla \l 1033 (Gladwell). The remaining students pay nearly half as much and are supported by the College financial aid. Therefore Vassar needs all of the 1000 students to pay the full fee and therefore generate revenue that could be spent on the smart poor kids. In order to accommodate poor kids, Vassar College had reduced the rich students who paid the full fee from 80% in 2007 to 33% in 2016. This means a reduction in college income. Therefore the college, without compromising on academics, reduced the quality of food. This was a trade-off. To cut spending, the college could not compromise on academics. That would be self-defeating because the college aims at providing quality education to poor kids. Therefore, the college discourages extravagance. But since the 1000 upper-class students are used to a lavish lifestyle, Vassar becomes an unattractive option for them as compared to Bowdoin where the food is great. Hence it becomes really difficult for Vassar to attract these 1000 students whose full-paid fee is important for them to support the poor kids. While Vassar is one of the most accessible colleges in the U.S. with rank 8, Bowdoin is at 51st position when it comes to accessibility. One school spends more on cheese; the other on academics and promotes education for smart poor kids. Therefore Bowdoin becomes an attractive option for the upper-class 1000 students, whose fee is instrumental for Vassal. Thus the policy of Bowdoin supporting extravagance to attract upper class becomes a moral question. It provides a classic example of a college that promotes education inequality.

Armstrong and Hamilton go on further to explain how Greek life promotes the process of competition and struggle these young women undergo in order to enter the sorority of their choice. Entry into several houses is based on personality. The primary focus is on race, social class, and appearance CITATION Arm13 \p 94-117 \l 1033 (Armstrong and Hamilton 94-117). In this racist and classist process, girls are evaluated on the basis of their looks which can be maintained through money. Therefore, once again, the rich are placed in an advantaged position against the poor. People of color also suffer.

Even the physical layout of the floors of the dorms was such that it contributed to stratification and sorting. For instance, women who joined the same sororities or social circles would remain closely together, thereby shunning those women who did not fit in. This process of sorting and isolation ultimately created two sides on the floors: the Social Side and the Dark Side CITATION Arm13 \p 118-147 \l 1033 (Armstrong and Hamilton 118-147). The students who can afford the party pathway evolve into a dominant sub-culture. On the other, hand, the remaining low-income students, working-class and minorities are relegated to the position of social outcasts i.e. the "isolates". The dorm floor was consequently divided into two halves. In the social side, the girls interacted and socialized with one another. However, the isolated girls faced a myriad of problems ranging from academics to social lives. Their isolation kept them from making new connections which could benefit them in the future. As a result of this social isolation, most of the girls lost their motivation and their interest in academics, and ultimately fell behind those were more engaged socially. In such circumstances, the authors highlight, the students fall prey to mental health complications such as anxiety and depression, which eventually take a toll on their academics.

The young women from the upper class tend to have adequate social capital and therefore they join the party pathway easily. However, the wannabes' journey is not as smooth to fit into the Greek party scene. Consequently, they rush into sororities of lower categories. But they have to struggle hard due to financial constraints, and it is not easy for them to keep up with the financial demands to sustain the extravagant lifestyle. Eventually, most of them flounder academically. They end up with an unmarketable degree, abysmal grades and heavy student loans. Lacking the connections enjoyed by the rich upper class, they are unable to establish successful careers.

In conclusion, the colleges and universities in the U.S. are focused on the upper-class because they are their primary source of income. In a bid to enroll more and more upper-class students, the poor children are put in a disadvantaged position. Since colleges compete with one another to attract rich students, they focus more on partying and lavish facilities. One the one hand, this whole process makes it difficult for poor students to acquire financial aid from colleges. And on the other, it makes their on-campus life really difficult. The organizational imperatives driven by the symbolic social boundaries, reinforce stratification. According to the authors, due to structural problems with Midwest University, it was less about academics and more about the social experience. The party pathways and the Greek life, supported by the students with upper-class family backgrounds, were the primary focus of the university. Rather than grades, it was more about charm, family connections and open door for the particular class of socialites. Moreover, even the micro-level interactions in the university put the low-income students at a disadvantage. They are subjected to racism and isolation, which take a toll on their grades and reduces their motivation in life. The higher education of the U.S., the authors warn, is without a clear purpose. The institutions need to recognize and acknowledge the intersectionality of the students joining them.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Armstrong, Elizabeth A. and Laura T. Hamilton. Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 2013.

Gladwell, Malcolm. "Food Fight." Revisionist History, 2016. <http://revisionisthistory.com/episodes/05-food-fight>.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Peaceful Protest In Puerto Rico In The Summer Of 2019

Peaceful protest in Puerto Rico in the summer of 2019

Name of the Writer

Name of the University

Peaceful protest in Puerto Rico in the summer of 2019


Puerto Rico is Caribbean island and is unincorporated in the territory of the United States of America. The country had had hard times recently with both natural and man-made disasters which have rocked the nation down to its core. The country’s economy is based on the agriculture sector but primarily it was mostly supported by manufacturing and the services industry. On September 20, 2017 Puerto Rico was struck by a massive disaster that had plunged the island into devastation and let to a high loss of life. This storm was known as Hurricane Maria, however, this essay is to focus on the protests that had emerged in Puerto Rico in the summer of 2019.


Puerto Rico has been one of the most competitive and dynamic economies within the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. However, most of its economy is sustained by the aid that is flown in from the United States of America (Villanueva, et al, 2018). Until the 1900’s the economy of Puerto Rico was mostly dominated by agriculture such as sugar. However, as time passed the manufacturing and services industry surpassed it and become a forty six percent contributor to the country’s total GDP. However, since 2006, there has been a negative growth in the economy of this Caribbean island due to the removal of the tax preferences given to the USA companies to operate in its territory (Williams and Waxman, 2017).

In the morning of September 20, 2017 a devastating storm by the name of Hurricane Maria struck the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. In over eighty years this was one of the worst storms that ever hit this island (Kishore, et al, 2018).. This had resulted in the migration of a total of 130,000 people from the land of Puerto Rico, however, most of the citizens that had left they were also US nationals. Furthermore, it is estimated that by the year 29024 there would be a further drop in the population of the island by eight percent.

In the summer of 2019, nearly nine hundred pages of conversations between the Governor Ricardo Rossello and his aids was released. The fact is there is always leaks that occur in the political atmosphere so it would not have been much of a problem. However, the sad part of this was that the ;leaked conversations showed the Governor and top eleven of his aides involved in messages that were misogynistic, profanity laced and homophobic in nature (Sanchez, 2019). Furthermore, these messages were directed at the people in media, politicians and even celebrities. This was obtained by the center for investigative journalism. Furthermore, the messages showed the Governor and his aides making fun of the people that had been devastated by Hurricane Maria. All of these further aggravated the people of Puerto Rico and they came out in full force to protest the actions of the Governor. They blocked every major road in and out of San Juan and asked for the resignation of the Governor. This protest kept going for twelve days and kept pressuring the governor for his resignation. As the governor became more and more alienated by his fellow party members and other politicians he finally decided to give up office after twelve days of continued protests (Robles & Rosa, 2019).


The heinous actions of the governor and his aides led to the people of Puerto Rico coming on to the streets of SanJuan to ask for the resignation of their governor. This was a historic moment as this was the first time that ever a sitting governor was ever kicked out without an election. Their remarks regarding the damages to life and property of the people of Puerto Rico is further gruesome in nature.


Kishore, N., Marqués, D., Mahmud, A., Kiang, M. V., Rodriguez, I., Fuller, A., ... & Maas, L. (2018). Mortality in puerto rico after hurricane maria. New England journal of medicine, 379(2), 162-170.

Robles, F., & Rosa, A. (2019). ‘The People Can’t Take It Anymore’: Puerto Rico Erupts in a Day of Protests. Retrieved 8 November 2019, from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/22/us/puerto-rico-protests-politics.html

Sanchez, R. (2019). These are some of the leaked chat messages at the center of Puerto Rico's political crisis. Retrieved 8 November 2019, from https://edition.cnn.com/2019/07/16/us/puerto-rico-governor-rossello-private-chats/index.html

Villanueva, J., Cobián, M., & Rodríguez, F. (2018). San Juan, the Fragile City: Finance Capital, Class, and the Making of Puerto Rico's Economic Crisis. Antipode, 50(5), 1415-1437.

Williams, E., & Waxman, S. (2017). States can adopt or expand earned income tax credits to build a stronger future economy. Washington, DC: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Personal Journal

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Instructor Name

Course Number


Personal Journal

Losing Virginity

While sitting on her sofa, Emily made a very disgusted face while telling about Hilton who recently lost her virginity. When I asked her why she is bothered so much, she slyly said why I support her stance. ‘Yes I do,' I replied. Emily is a conservative and practicing Christian so she might get her libido locked up before taking anyone as her consort. Whereas, I am much of a free minded person when it comes to exploring sexuality and concerning issues. Therefore Emily was a bit infuriated as she is my best pal and wanted me to support her viewpoint. But that's not how it should be. I cannot accept what she was preaching, because I think it is the right of every human being to have the perks of sexual pleasure.

Kinky Sex

The other day we were all discussing a topic of pain and pleasure, that one of my teammates took it to another level and started asking each person about one of their experiences of sexual pain and pleasure. Some blushed with such a personal question, while others got more interested in the discussion than they were before. Then one of my classmates described his experience of sexual pleasure and pain while he was involved in BDSM. He played a submissive part with his dominant partner, and that Dom used various gadgets to induce sexual pleasure through pain in him. It was the first time I came across such a term. What a world!

Sexual Consent

On our journey back to hometown, I asked my parents about consent. They have a very realistic view of things, and due to this practical approach as a family, we discuss various issues going on in our personal life and social life. My father started off by telling us about sexual consent and its requisites. As told by my father consent is a matter of importance for every relationship, more importantly, it brings the element of mutual respect and love in a relationship. It defines the limits and dos and don'ts of another partner. Then I asked him, what is the way of taking consent? My father replied very gracefully, ‘to talk or communicate openly about everything in the relationship,’ and he was right.


I’ve always thought about loyalty and disloyalty factor of a relationship and it sickens me that people enjoy cheating on their partners. So I asked one of my professor, who are a poet too, whether he is thinks cheating is more appropriate with monogamy or polygamy. He replied very calmly to this and said cheating has not related to any type of sexual relationships. it does not matter if a person has one or two or more than two partners, but the things which matter is loyalty and respect to the other partner, and he further said that cheating is the facet of monogamy, not polygamy. Further, he related to a study which informed that people who are in non-monogamous relationships are sexually more satisfied than the people who are in monogamous relationships, whereas other study reported the opposite. So he concluded that sexual satisfaction is related to other factors not just numbers of partners, this got me curious.

Sexual Satisfaction

Today I asked Clark, who I used to be thought of as my ‘love guru' to explain to me if sexual satisfaction is gained through love or desire, or it is just a mind game? Clark very mystically narrated his experience in the matter and told me that sexual satisfaction is a way of keeping a relationship alive, and it comes through a romantic sexual activity. He explained that orgasm is involved with sexual satisfaction and mostly it is the vaginal orgasm. As women are less likely to get satisfied sexually if their partner is not giving them the pleasure which makes them reaches the climax. However, sex in a romantic relationship satisfies people more as they feel strong feelings due to the bond or connection they share.


Raiha (my one of the good friends) asked me hesitantly if I masturbate or not. Well, to what I think that it is one of the basic night rituals for all the people who are either in a long-distance relationship (like me) or are single as a prickle, too often take their hand or dildo as their intimate partners. I asked why she hesitated to ask me this question, to what she responded that it is much easier to ask about my boyfriend then to ask about sexual fetishes, desires, or STIs. Masturbation is often taken wrongly and wryly, as some partners take it as cheating with their other partners but giving self-pleasure to oneself is not wrong in my opinion. I would take pleasure as likely as I would want.

Sex-Pep Talks

My parents opened up to me about sex when I was 13 years old and kissed my classmate for the first time when I didn't even clearly knew about the meaning of kisses. However, my mother came to know about the incident and there she explained to me what sex is and how should we respond to sexual desires, and most importantly safe-sex thing. Although she told me that it's up to me when and how I want to lose my virginity, but she told me about all the possibilities of things going right and wrong between two partners.

Sex-Ed to Children

Whenever I think that children who are living in conservative families and have no right people beside them for guiding them through the journey of puberty, it worries me of those children. Therefore, I have decided I will proper education to my children regarding their basic human right and nature. As humans are denoted as sexual animals, it is innate in them to explore their desires and needs. So I will properly guide my children and will recommend my friends to also teach their children about sex and its basics. I will definitely teach them about their sexual rights and consent so that they are well-informed about all such scenarios.


Last night I got into a hot-debate with one of my boyfriend's friend, who is orthodox of heteronormative society. He was generally making fun of another friend who recently configured that he was gay after having two or more intimates moments with a guy friend of his. I questioned him if it was bringing any harm to him, to what he replied that he is just taking things lightly but that's funny. So, I explained to him, rather aggressively the things which were not funny about this matter. Being gay, lesbian or transgender is not something extraordinary as these are just defined sexualities like in heterosexual people. We as a society have to accept it and give a proper place like all the other "normal" heterosexual individuals.

Gender Roles

The other day, my father was cooking a meal for us, while my mother was out doing some grocery at the store. My aunt came and she was upset that my father was cooking and doing the laundry, "whilst his wife should do the cores" said she. It greatly reminded how this society has defined the gender roles, so before I could say anything my father nodded at me, t was a symbol of staying quiet as this discussion has been a great part of our history whenever my father’s side visit our home.


Today I read about a guardian angel who took celibacy as an option after getting ditched by his girlfriend whom he loved truly. He took the path of celibacy as to abstain from sexual activities and desires, and according to him, it is quite easy to do so if one breaks the addictive cycle of sexual desires. Then I asked one of my friend who is a pro at information regarding such stuff. He confirmed that when people go into celibacy it gets easier for them to abstain from sexual desires and activities.


Saw the headline today on a news channel regarding ‘heartbeat' abortion bill in the state of Georgia. The abortion of a baby after six weeks is considered illegal under this law. This law created a debate in my friend circle over social media, as we couldn't meet due to an exam. I got over 300 above notifications of my WhatsApp group made up of psychics. Some were brutally against the passing of this bill, and some thought it was a good end to abortion which causes an innocent life to end. However, I agreed with neither of them so let them debate till they calm down. I will tell these bunch of debaters to hold their horses and listen to me, while I'll give an explanation of both sides and to approve this bill it will have to include various scenarios in it.

Women’s Vs. Men’s Sex Talk

While having sex, it is important to converse or at least communicate what is important to a person and what is not desirable. However, I have noticed in separately in my friends that girls are much involved in talking about sex or dirty talking than men. I inferred this while talking to my friends in the group that my one of the friend was telling things about her intimacy with her partner, whereas when my guy friend was asked the same type of question he was not much talking and stopped right away. This is what I have noticed generally about guys they don't usually share much about their sex life, whereas women express it all, except a few exceptions.

Being Taken for Granted

One of my friends broke up with her partner after he got this feeling that she is no more loving or making him feel special. This saddened and broke my friend to its depth that he had to take therapies from a psychologist to snap out of this phase. In a relationship, the most hurting and disrespectful things are to take another partner and his/her feelings for granted. When a person stops making his/her intimate partner feel loved or special it brings the relationship very low and down. It further breaks two partners apart, as it did to my friend and his girlfriend (who was least bothered by it though).

Hooking-Up Culture

Living a flirtatious life was a dream of my brother, so he did live it to its fullest. He hooked up with uncountable girls according to him he even forgot the count. But these were not a deep intimate sexual kind-of relationships. Rather they were more of like flings, little dating or developing a short-term romance, known as hook-ups. The hook-up culture is commonly prevailing in our society, as one day my professor narrated a study in the class regarding the estimates of hook-up vs. intimate long-term relationships, and he reported that the ratio of hook-up is three-fold higher than the long-term relationships.

Abusive Relationships

I was busy with my dentist while aching out of wisdom tooth that my friend called almost crying badly. Honestly, she got me scared at first as I thought something terribly bad has happened to her but then she started narrating fight between her and her husband. Well, I consoled her a bit and told about my situation and disconnected the phone. It was there the first fight in which her husband hit her badly. I told her to report the police about this domestic violence but she refused as she loved him insanely and he loves her too and it was a ‘small' fight. Hence, I concluded that a partner allows his own partner to treat him badly by justifying it with such nonsense things.


While talking about expectations I asked my philosophy teacher about it and he replied very intently that where there is love there is the expectation. But then he continued, ‘ however expectations are unrealistic, so if one expects less from his or her partner it will hurt less and lead their relationship successfully.' I agreed to some part of it, but not the most, because that does not mean to not to expect from your partner. because I have studied that you get what you expect. So when expectations are kept higher, a person is most likely to get higher things in his relationship.

Love and Intimacy

‘The true essence of relationship is love and intimacy,' this is what my uncle was telling his daughter while we visited them over the weekend. I agree with his thoughts totally due to the fact that these two factors keep a relationship alive. I guess there would be no one negating these elements in a relationship.


I highlighted certain factual findings over the issue of pornography which is drastically affecting the real-life sexual activities in normal relationships. This violent pornography is becoming a default educator for most of our people; it is alarming as women and men now tend to sexual stuff which seems extreme and unnatural.

Contraceptive Practices

My friend told us how her boyfriend has not allowed her to take contraceptives, neither does he wear any protections and that they had three abortions within the last 6 months, and got STDs. I was upset at this and asked my friend to leave the guy immediately but she is not willing to do so in her early phase of the relationship as she thinks he will understand someday. This is a norm created by our society which goes through the illiterate practices for making things this way.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 7 Words: 2100

Personal Memior

Personal memoir

In the years since I lost my parents at the age of eighteen, I found myself saying "I wish I had talked to my parents when they were alive." This wish applies when I ask myself what faith is? They were the primary source of my understanding of the world and everything. Although they had shared many of their beliefs and views about the world and life but I, unfortunately, didn't record any. After their death, I came to realize that my journey of faith was influenced by my relationship with them. As days passed my desire of connecting to them increased. But it resulted in my disappointment and dissatisfaction. I lost faith in life because everything around me was a source of constant pain.

I questioned myself "where is God? does he exist?" loss of my parents had been cruel and unbearable. I had many other questions in mind, but there was no one to answer. In this process, I started doubting God, and my faith began to weaken. I haven’t felt the need of talking to someone earlier about my feelings. My search for faith influenced me to meet my uncle, George who was a religious man. He had knowledge of the Bible and spirituality, so I shared my views with him.

At that time I realized I had left behind the innocence of childhood for embracing complications of faith into adulthood. He told me that God wants me to reach him even though my faith is small. He wants me to trust him even when there is no reason for me to do so. Then he told me the story of Job who encountered the worst grief of losing his children and financial losses. He irrespective of his physical illness never cursed God. His trust in God grew stronger with his pains and sufferings. He mentioned, "though he (God) slay me, yet will I trust in him” (Job: 13:15).

The words of uncle George echoed in my mind and helped in solving the puzzle of life. I developed the utmost desire of establishing my connection with God CITATION Lea04 \l 1033 (Newman). I had to muster the small amount of faith for finding peace in life. I surrounded myself with string spiritual people who helped me through my times of doubt. Whenever I was confused about something or felt disappointed, I took guidance from my uncle. He taught me ways of attaining spirituality CITATION Ste145 \l 1033 (Cowen).

My search for spiritual enlightenment increased with time because it was the only method for me to overcome my miserable past. I used it for enlightening my experiences and strengthening my senses. The first step of this process was to understand the reality of things in the surroundings that could make me feel calm and peaceful. I practiced to free myself from the worries of the past and future. The second stage involved connecting with the environment and nature. To attain inner peace I spent time with plants and in open fields. Taking care of the plants and humans allowed me to feel better. I realized that my soul was merging with the soul of nature. The more I helped people, the more I attained happiness CITATION EAP14 \l 1033 (Peterson).

I killed my ego and focused on becoming kind and humble. Eternal happiness depends on the art of understanding others and saving relationships. Another challenge for me was to embrace my fears by accepting the reality. It allowed me to overcome my insecurities and pains. This process also demanded forgiving people and me. At the end of this process, I find myself a better and composed person.

Work Cited

Cowen, Steven B. The Christian Worldview. 2014. 2018 йил 02-March <https://arcapologetics.org/culture/the-christian-worldview/>.

Newman, Leanne Lewis. "Faith, Spirituality, and Religion: A Model for Understanding the Differences." THE COLLEGE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS JOURNAL 23.2 (2004).

Peterson, E A. “A Review of “Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing.” Journal of Religion, Disability & Health, Vol 14, No 2 (2014).

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Photo Essay

Photo Essay

Your Name (First M. Last)

School or Institution Name (University at Place or Town, State)

Photo Essay

The topic I have chosen for photo essay is income inequality and poverty. Economists believe that income inequality is a serious problem in developing countries. When they start developing, investors get more benefits than labors, therefore, inequality starts. This statement seems wrong in case of America which is a developed country still facing income inequality. This income inequality makes the US unable to maintain the poverty level in the country. One of the main factors that cause income inequality is globalization.

Globalization has successfully connected the world in a progressive knot. On the other hand, it is causing inequality within the countries ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a220bqldhjm","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf (\\uc0\\u8220{}Study,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)}","plainCitation":"(“Study,” n.d.)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1217,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/C86MVBZA"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/C86MVBZA"],"itemData":{"id":1217,"type":"webpage","title":"Study: Globalization Has Boosted Income Inequality","container-title":"US News & World Report","abstract":"Research links the global trade environment with corporate pay increases and inequality in the U.S.","URL":"https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2017-05-08/globalization-boosted-income-inequality-study-says","shortTitle":"Study"}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Study,” n.d.). One notable example is of iPhone. With the help of globalization American company expanded its business in different countries. China is the developing country which is producing a large amount of iPhone which leads to problems for labor in America. iPhone prefers China because labors are cheap there, where labors in America lost their opportunity due to this strategy.

In recent elections, anger about globalization is observed in America, which raised the question for policymakers to take wise steps for distributional implications of globalization. Here as well, people are facing struggle which can be observed by the statement of Trump’s governance.

Trump administration claims that there are only three percent poor in America. This shows that the struggle of the poor is real in America as policymakers are not ready to accept the actual poverty level in the country ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a227oj9abc4","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Noffke, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Noffke, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1216,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/AGGHPBFA"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/AGGHPBFA"],"itemData":{"id":1216,"type":"article-magazine","title":"Trump Launches Aggressive Poverty Disinformation Campaign","container-title":"The American Prospect","source":"American Prospect","abstract":"The middle class is starting to look poor, but the president’s Council of Economic Advisers now argues that not even the poor are poor—all the better to cut programs that serve both groups.","URL":"https://prospect.org/article/trump-launches-aggressive-poverty-disinformation-campaign","ISSN":"1049-7285","language":"en-US","author":[{"family":"Noffke","given":"Saurav Sarkar & Aaron"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018",9,10]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",1,28]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Noffke, 2018). The imperfect ways of poor interpretation can lead to poor policy making to solve this issue.

The above two pictures show the inequality in the country. The unequal opportunities to the people due to globalization and poor performance of governance is the result of increasing poverty and struggles for the poor people of America. The government should not hide the problem instead they should fight for solving the problem.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Noffke, S. S. & A. (2018, September 10). Trump Launches Aggressive Poverty Disinformation Campaign. The American Prospect. Retrieved from https://prospect.org/article/trump-launches-aggressive-poverty-disinformation-campaign

Study: Globalization Has Boosted Income Inequality. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2017-05-08/globalization-boosted-income-inequality-study-says

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Pick A Policy

Title page

Policy for happiness

Environment policy

Government policy on environment protection is linked to happiness. This reflects the need for meeting the greatest challenge of the time. Climate change has adverse impacts on society as a whole and it reflects inequality. As the climate conditions are deteriorating the state can take actions for ensuring climate protection because it is linked to the welfare of the people. The human rights bandwagoning is focused on climate protection, having positive impacts on society. The policy measures that emphasize on illuminating ways for deploying green technologies and eliminating exploitative practices such as excessive water pollution or selling of plastic promotes human rights that leads to their happiness.

The American policies focused on protecting the environment include Solar energy projects and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009) and clean power plans discussed by Trump in 2018. The green policy of American is "about gradually eliminating those factors which lead to suffering and cultivating those which lead to happiness" (Lama and Clutter 1998). Such policy measures are effective in establishing affinity and goodwill. This makes people feel that the state is engaged in actions that restrict bad actors from taking personal gain by harming the environment (Daniel and Nicholson 2009). This is because the policy on climate change stresses keeping the environment protected from negative humans activities, it promotes human welfare by improving the quality of air and water.

The Green Power Plan emphasize reducing carbon pollution by making it a legal and moral obligation of the people. American state has invested huge amounts for promoting the green plans. The policy also aims at switching from fossil fuels to solar and other renewable projects. The environmental and climate policy has a direct relationship with the happiness of every American citizen. This is because clean air, clean water and pollution free environment are linked to improved health status and quality of life. People who are healthier and enjoys a good life are more likely to stay happy. This reflects that the policymakers can research on how environmental policies can contribute to the happiness of the entire population. Derek explains, “in a democracy, political leaders are representatives of the citizenry; they are elected to promote the welfare of the people, not to impose their own conception of an exemplary life” (Derek 2010). This indicates that the leaders have an obligatory duty to formulate policies in a way that the address the concerns of the entire population.

The improved environment also minimizes the health diseases associated with pollution such as respiratory problems and asthma. This reflects that such policies have a positive impact on improving the health status of the people. Such practices are important for eliminating inequality such as by restricting firms from using fossil fuels that could harm the health of humans by generating carbon dioxide and toxic gases (Daniel and Nicholson 2009). The state policy also restricts firms from exploiting the water resources that again leads to environmental protection and citizens happiness. Climate policies thus work for the maximization of welfare for the maximum number of people.

The overall analysis of the argument depicts that government policy on the environment and climate has a strong correlation with citizens’ happiness. The policies on climate change stress on protecting the environment from negative human activities. This enhances the quality of air and water that is linked to improved quality of life. collective happiness remains the clear outcome of environment-related policies because they neglect individual gains such as excessive profits made by international organizations.


Chong, Daniel and Simon Nicholson. 2009. “Framing Climate Change: How a Human Rights Approach Affects Climate Policy.” Presented at the annual meeting of the ISA-ABRI Joint International Meeting, July 22, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Retrieved April 13, 2019


BIBLIOGRAPHY Derek, Bok. 2010. The Politics of Happiness: What Government Can Learn from the New Research on Well-Being. Princeton University Press.

Lama, Dalai., & Cuttler, H. Clutter. 1998. The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living. Riverhead Books.

Subject: Sociology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

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