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Nothing in this mortal world is permanent be it anything. Just like the waves in the ocean that rise and fall. This is a natural process and it is inevitable. The human beings sometimes tend to ignore the fact but it is true that nothing lasts for so long period of time

The convergence of the things is inevitable that rise at first. The idea of the difference in perception of people and the reality is beautifully presented by Flannery O'Connor in everything that Rises Must Converge.

The conflict between perception and reality is not something new for humans. We humans often tend to fall for the things and ideas that we think are true, or it may be the fact that we sometimes know at heart that they are not true but still we deceive ourselves into thinking otherwise. As in this story, Flannery O'Connor propagates the idea that the perception of humans is different from reality. The characters tend to have an objective version of reality but in the end, their ideas converge into the ground reality.

This reality-perception conflict is as old as humans. In the story, Julian shows kindness and courtesy towards the black people but deep inside he has a shallow perception of himself. “When [Julian] got on a bus by himself, he made it a point to sit down beside a Negro, in reparation as it were for his mother's sins.” Julian has a superficial sense of superiority of himself. He feels no sympathy for his mother he just shows kind behavior towards the black people just to make his mother feel uneasy. While his mother has a different perception of reality and that also is subjective. She still thinks of herself as superior to the black people but shows an artificial and fake kind of attitude towards them. This false perception of the reality of both the mother and son comes to an end when they meet the reality in its fullest and purest form towards the end of the story. The fake superiority and shallow version of his reality crumble when his mother dies in front of him. All of his pathetic feelings towards his mother turn into remorse. This last scene of the story is eye-opening for his mother too. She had her own fancy world and could not think of anything more real than what she thought was real. She was hit by the black lady because of giving a coin to the little black kid as a symbol of sympathy and kindness.

The other conflict that seems to occur is that the black lady had also her own view of perceiving reality. She took it as an act of revenge and out of anger she hit the white lady. The fall of everything that rises is inevitable and a must. The need is to accept reality and move forward.

All the characters were living in their own little world and did not try to come out of it to see the other perspectives. This actually leads to their convergence.

The writer in this essay put much emphasis on the need to grow up with time mentally and emotionally. Julian should have understood what her mother needed and what she thought. She was single and she raised him up all by herself soot may be that now she thinks that her son is all grown up and can help himself. she might have become nostalgic and more lonely as the old people become. The fact that she wanted to go to the reducing center and the way she talks about things shows that she is stuck mentally in her youth days. The fact that loneliness comes with age is portrayed well here. Her youth had ended and now she is in her old days only trying to relive those days by doing such things as wearing fancy hats and talking about the neighborhood. Her older days symbolizes her rise and the present of her is that harsh fact that she denies accepting. This denial is turned into total acceptance by nature and her false perception converges to the very own reality at the end of the story.

Works Cited

O'Connor, Flannery, et al. Everything that rises must converge. Australian Listening Library, 1992.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Argumentative Position Rough Draft

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Argumentative Position Rough Draft

Topic: Limitation of the internet to students

There was a time when there was no technology in the world and everyone used to struggle so hard to perform the daily activities. A double effort was required and more time was consumed. There was hardly any free time left after that to spend on something else. People used to work together and collectively to get work done in less time but the happiness of working together to accomplish the work was very real. People used to remain happy as there was no distraction and their focus was very clear whether it was on studies, performing house chores or ringing up children. The time period was difficult and different at the same time. Physical activities made the people fit and active. There was ignorance but that didn't stop the individuals from interacting with each other.

Coming to the present to this newly discovered world of technological devices, it is observed that life now is quite easy as compared to life in the past. Everything has become very simple and user-friendly to handle in this modern era. The main revolution in the current world is the access of the internet to everyone, everywhere around the world. People now look for the solution to every problem they have on the internet. Students also do not have to put much thinking in the studies and can pass any exam by searching for the answers on the internet. They are connected to their friends through the medium of virtual communication. However the main argument of this essay is that, is it really that necessary to replace the internet with everything else in the student’s lives? This essay will argue on the excessive use of the internet by the students these days and will explore the damage internet is giving to the students unknowingly.

Internet rapidly became a necessity for the people of all ages and now the whole world is dependent on the internet to guide them in life. This over-dependence is more harmful than beneficial (Mensah, Okyeadie & Nizam, 2016). It is seen that the students who overuse the technology in everyday life are isolated from society, displays antisocial behavior and are reluctant to learn something new. With the internet, many damaging factors are also coming in the lives of students. Now the students are more depressed and suicidal than they were in the past (Burnett, 2017). They keep looking for friends in social media and ultimately get depressed by unsuccessful comparison. The Internet has become the parasite that is draining our mental energy and due to this reason we are losing our mental peace, and ends up fixing appointments with psychologists and psychiatrists. An abundance of anything is always harmful to the health. There should be a limit set on the usage of internet so that students get involved in lively discussions, social meetups and voluntarily participate in charity. They keep losing morality and ethical principles on the battle of arguments they present on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter etc. (Mills, 2016). It has become more important for them to win the race of active hours online than the passive hours spent offline. Many of the students do not have much of an idea about their future, their career planning and the ambitions they might have if they take time out to think for themselves. This needs to be stopped if not, then at least controlled to some extent. It will be unrealistic to say that the internet should be removed from the student’s lives because the evolution came as a comfort for them but the damage is far greater until now (Williams, Derrick & Ribisl, 2015). Limits must be set to bring them back to this world of reality from where they were dragged away.

Works Cited

Burnett, Amy L. "Internet related to suicide." International Journal of Child Health and Human Development 10.4 (2017): 335-338.

Mensah, Sandra Okyeadie, and Ismail Nizam. "The impact of social media on students' academic performance-a case of Malaysia tertiary institution." International Journal of Education, Learning and Training 1.1 (2016): 14-21.

Mills, Kathryn L. "Possible effects of internet use on cognitive development in adolescence." Media and Communication 4.3 (2016): 4-12.

Williams, Rebecca S., Jason Derrick, and Kurt M. Ribisl. "Electronic cigarette sales to minors via the internet." JAMA pediatrics 169.3 (2015): e1563-e1563.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Argumentative Research Essay Assignment

Argumentative Research Essay Assignment

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Argumentative Research Essay Assignment


Vaccination has played an essential part in the lives of many people, and the effectiveness of it has proven itself by saving the lives of many people. When it comes to vaccinating children, then the parents have to decide whether they want to vaccinate their children or not. Vaccines can protect people from deadly diseases, and the effectiveness of it is equal in all the people regardless of their age or gender. The responsibility of vaccination for children falls on the parents as children cannot take that decision for themselves. If a child is vaccinated, then that child will be able to develop immunity against certain diseases before coming into contact with it. Vaccination can also be used to combat the infection if it has taken roots in a person. Vaccination of children not only protect children themselves other people as well.

Young children are at more risk of getting an infection because their immune system is not ready to protect their body against serious infections. The disease that is less dangerous to adults might be hazardous for children such as pneumococcal which is more dangerous to children compared to adults, and they are even deadly to infants. Children could be protected from dangerous diseases through vaccination before these diseases can take hold in their bodies. There is a misconception regarding the vaccination that it can overload the immune system of children and will do more harm than good. In reality, the immune system of a child fights off many germs on a daily basis. Even if the child did get the vaccination than it will make a small ratio of the immunity that the immune system of a person makes on a daily basis. Vaccination can help the children to combat the infection quickly and effectively. Through vaccination, a child can fight off the infection better in the future. Vaccination can cure the deadly diseases which could otherwise prove fatal. Parents need to vaccinate their children because it is their duty as parents to protect their children from deadly diseases.


Parents are responsible for vaccinating their children to prevent them from getting a fatal or dangerous infection. Vaccination can help children to combat disease or protect them from being infected in the first place. Certain conditions can be avoided only through vaccination which can otherwise prove deadly. Doctors urge the parents to let their children get vaccinated unless there are medical reasons that are preventing the children from getting vaccinated. According to a report of UNICEF 123 million children were immunized on the global level in the year 2017 ("Vaccination and Immunization Statistics - UNICEF DATA," 2019). There are still lots of children that are not immunized especially in the underdeveloped countries. Many parents would deliberately avoid vaccinating their children due to the myths that are associated with vaccination. There are lots of risks that parents need to understand if they avoid vaccination their child. The result of avoiding vaccination can only yield negative consequences and would ultimately prove dangerous to the children. Avoiding vaccination is not only hazardous to the children but other people as well and its effects could spread to other people.

Certain diseases are dangerous and can only affect the children. Avoiding vaccination can increase the chances of these diseases. The infection can prove deadly in most cases, and it can even lead to disability in children. Mumps is a disease that can lead to permanent deafness in children if left unvaccinated. Polio can cause permanent paralysis of a particular part of the body, and its chances are exceptionally high in the children compared to adults. To prevent polio children needs to be vaccinated. Measles is an infection that could cause the brain to swell which can lead to the damage of the brain and can even cause death. Meningitis is an infection that could lead to permanent deafness and brain damage. The chances of these infections are unusually high in the children compared to adults. Sick people also need to be avoided to prevent these infections because certain diseases such as Measles can even spread through the air. Infections can also be spread through people who might not look sick as these germs can be dormant in one person and might not be inactive in another person. So it is vaccination is also essential in preventing the spread of disease to other people. The effects of vaccination are not only limited to the affected person but rather its impact could resonate in all the people surrounding the affected person (Bärnighausen et al., 2014). Certain diseases can only be avoided and cannot be treated such as polio, mumps, and measles. The severe infections can only be prevented through vaccination, and once these infections take hold, then the effects of it can permanently disable a person, or it can even result in death.

Vaccination can provide immunization against disease and vaccinated children are way better protected than the unvaccinated children. The advance in medicine has led to better prevention against diseases. The diseases were deadly in the past and had killed many children can now be cured with the help of vaccination, and some infections that were common in the past are nearly eliminated, or the frequency of these infections has been reduced. One such example is polio which devastated the lives of many people in the past however with the advancement of medical science polio is nearly extinct, and it can't be found in almost all of the countries in the world. Immunization in children has made them immune to the diseases that proved fatal for many children in the past. Without vaccination, polio would still be a significant problem, but vaccination has helped in the elimination of this issue. The lives of many children have been save from polio through immunization. Parents have to vaccinate their children against such diseases. The United States was divested by polio, but the willingness of parents to vaccinate their children has made the lives of many children better.

Vaccination can also help in making the lives of families easier and can also save them from excessive cost of treatment. Children might not be allowed to enter certain educational institutions and facilities if they are not vaccinated thus complicating problem for the parents. Certain diseases can be prevented through vaccination however when these diseases are left untreated then they can cause disabilities that last for a long time. Treatment of such conditions can put a financial strain on the family. In most cases, the children are left disable permanently, which could also result in disability care of the children. Vaccination against such severe diseases is always a good alternative because it prevents children from permanent disability and at the same time reduce the cost of treatment. There is a common perception that vaccines are not safe. This perception is wrong because vaccines go through many trials under the care of scientists. Vaccines are given to children after the careful consideration by scientists, the doctor and healthcare professional carefully review the case after giving vaccination to the children (Jolley & Douglas, 2014). The vaccines can be painful to some degree, but that pain is always preferable compared to pain caused by the disease that these vaccines are used to prevent. Allergic reaction to vaccination is rare, and the doctor can find such a case before the vaccination. The benefits that vaccination provide is far greater than the side effect, so they are preferable.

Vaccination has also helped in the elimination of disease that killed or severely disable many people in the previous generations. The elimination was possible due to the immunization of the previous generation the children born to vaccinated parents had stronger immune system compared to their parents to the diseases against which their parents vaccinated. For instance diseases like smallpox has been declared extinct due to vaccination and polio has nearly been eliminated due to the immunization of the previous generation. Children that are born after this eradication don't need protection against Smallpox because they are immune due to the vaccination of prior generation. Polio has also been eliminated through the vaccination. So vaccination not only prevents disease in the administered person but the future generations as well. If children are vaccinated, then their next generation will have less chance of infection against the immunized diseases. The effects of vaccinations are not only limited to and individual, but it can spread to the future generation.

Vaccination not only protects the vaccinated person but the people surrounding the person as well. If a person is vaccinated against specific disease than that person would not be able to spread the infection to other people who might not be suitable for vaccinating. Certain individuals are too young for vaccination such as babies. People with a particular type of allergy might also prevent children from getting vaccinated. The children with the weakened immune system that is caused by certain conditions might not be fit for vaccination. To prevent infections in such cases, it is essential for parents to vaccinate their children and themselves so that they are not able to spread the infection to other individuals. Such steps will help in preventing the spread of disease inside the family but will also assist in limiting the infection to the society as well.

Vaccination is the moral obligation of parents to help their children and society in general. If certain people have weak immunization system and cannot get vaccinated, then they will depend on other people of the community to get vaccinated so that the rate of infection could be reduced. The diseases that can be prevented from spreading through vaccination depend on the immune system of the entire community. The collective immunization can prevent the spread of such diseases on a large scale, and people with conditions preventing them from vaccination depends on the collective immunization of the community for their protection (Meunier, 2015). If the immune system of a person is stronger than that person would have less chance of getting infected. The collective immune system strength of a community will keep the people of weaker immune system safe. If more people in a community are vaccinated than it will reduce the chance of infections for certain diseases. Parents who chose not to vaccinate their children are putting the entire community at risk. The situation could be damaging to both the family of the child and the community. The parents who prevent the vaccination of their children are betraying their moral obligation. The treatment is not only protecting their child, but the protection of society is also depended on the immunization of these children.

Parents who chose not to vaccinate their child without any medical reason fully must take some steps to prevent the occurring of such disease. If the child is not vaccinated, then the immune system of that child will heavily depend on the preventive measure. If a child has vaccine-preventable diseases, then the preventable measurements will not help in combating such problem. Precaution would be needed to prevent the disease from spreading to other people in case the parents decided to avoid the vaccine. The record of immunizations would also need to keep close so that medical care could be taken according to medical history. However, in such case it will be a moral obligation of the parents to give vaccination their child so that the community could be kept safe and people with medical reason should be saved from such infection.

Avoiding the vaccination of children can lead to a certain problem if a vaccine-preventable disease is active in the community. People would try to avoid coming into contact with such a person, and the state institutes will also take steps to prevent such children from getting into different activities to prevent the spread of infection. Children whose parents refuse to vaccinate them in such condition might be asked to keep their children away from the childcare, school or other organization related to the children to prevent the spread of disease towards other children. The children would be kept away from such institutes till the management is sure that the situation is clear and the case could last for weeks. Certain diseases cannot be prevented with the immune system of the community. Tetanus or Lockjaw is one such disease, and there is no community protection against it because the disease is not contagious (Siddhapura, Harde & Jain, 2016). Tetanus does not spread from one child to another, and if a child is not vaccinated against Tetanus, then they can face serious consequences. The disease can spread by coming in contact with soil. Even with most intensive care, the chance of death is high both children and adults will face similar consequences. A vast majority of people who are infected with Tetanus have no history of any cut and injury that lead to the infection. The children need vaccination to prevent them from such sickness. There are conditions in which vaccination is unavoidable. Children cannot decide the immunization for themselves, and they depend on parents for the vaccine.


Parents have to vaccinate their children, and their immune system is not ready to combat against the severe infections. Lots of children in the world are still left unvaccinated which leave them vulnerable to lots of severe infections. If parents avoid vaccinating their children than it will only yield negative results, avoiding vaccination can lead to permanent disability or even death. Certain infections are deadly to children, and only treatment can help in the prevention of such disease. Vaccinations have helped in the eradication of many diseases, so the effects of it are not limited to the vaccinated person but impact the whole society. Certain conditions cannot be cured after the contamination and can only be prevented through vaccination. Vaccination provides better immunization against certain infections that could otherwise be dangerous to children. Vaccination has helped in the elimination of dangerous infections that affected the lives of many people in the past such as polio. The willingness of parents to vaccinate their children has helped in the eradication of these diseases. Vaccination not only save the cost of treatment by preventing infections but it also keeps people from the struggles of care after an illness. There is a false perception that vaccination is dangerous, but the benefits of immunization out weights the side effects and the occurrence of adverse effects are rare. Vaccination also helps in the prevention of certain infectious diseases in future generations. Vaccination can help a community in combating specific infection due to the collective immunization. Some diseases can only be prevented or cured through vaccination. It is the duty and moral obligation to vaccinate their child so that they can help not only their children but society as well.


Bärnighausen, T., Bloom, D. E., Cafiero-Fonseca, E. T., & O’Brien, J. C. (2014). Valuing vaccination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(34), 12313-12319.

Jolley, D., & Douglas, K. M. (2014). The effects of anti-vaccine conspiracy theories on vaccination intentions. PloS one, 9(2), e89177.

Meunier, J. (2015). Social immunity and the evolution of group living in insects. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 370(1669), 20140102.

Siddhapura, K., Harde, H., & Jain, S. (2016). Immunostimulatory effect of tetanus toxoid loaded chitosan nanoparticles following microneedles assisted immunization. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 12(1), 213-222.

Vaccination and Immunization Statistics - UNICEF DATA. (2019). Retrieved from https://data.unicef.org/topic/child-health/immunization/

Subject: English

Pages: 8 Words: 2400

Argumentative Research Paper

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Neil Armstrong

Basic Information

Neil A. Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio and is known for being the first man who walked on the moon. Neil was born on August 5, 1930, and started his NASA career in Ohio. Neil has set incredible remarks throughout his life and even after his death, his works are still a matter of debate among different scientists. He is primarily famous for being the person to set foot on the moon. Neil died on August 25, 2012, in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Early Life And Career

Stephen Koenig Armstrong who used to be a state auditor along with his wife Viola Louise Engel gave birth to three children. Neil was the eldest among the three of them. The passion of Neil for flight and aviation was kindled when at the very early age of 6, he took his first airplane ride. Neil used to be active in the Boy Scouts of America which later on made him earn the highest rank of Eagle Scout. When he turned 16, Neil was seen to become a licensed pilot and a naval air cadet in the year 1947.

When it comes to the history of America, Neil has undoubtedly a great hand, or we say participation when it comes to the Korean War. Due to the serving in Korean War in 1950, the studies of Neil in aeronautical engineering were interrupted at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. During the Korean War, Neil was awarded three Air Medals and was shot down once. In the year 1955, Neil’s degree was completed which eventually lead him to become a civilian pilot for NACA which in other words is known as National Aeronautics and Space Administration. After his services in NACA, Neil moved the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or simply known as NASA. Neil along with the second group of astronauts joined the space program in 1962.

Moon Landing

Neil along with Michael Collings and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. blasted off towards the moon on July 16, 1969. Right after four days, the Eagle lunar landing module which Armstrong guided manually was observed to be touched down on a plain near the southwestern edge of the sea of Tranquility. The most awaited moment in the history of the science was seen when Armstrong stepped onto the dusty surface of the moon from the Eagle. That moment is considered to be one of the most historical moments in the history of mankind as the first ever person was able to step into the moon. Aldrin and Armstrong left the module for more than two hours and then followed by deploying scientific instruments. As per their mission, and the instructions, Armstrong and Aldrin took a number of photographs and collected surface samples from the moon.

It was July 21, right after spending more than 21 hours on the Moon, Armstrong and Aldrin along with Collins lifted off and begin the voyage back to Earth. The three astronauts were seen spending 18 days in quarantine after splashdown in the Pacific on July 24 (Rowe et al., 2017). The reason for their time in quarantine was for guarding against the possible contamination by lunar microbes (Rowe, 2016).

Later Career

After giving so much of his efforts and dedication while working in NASA, Armstrong finally resigned in the year 1971. One thing that must be taken into consideration is the fact that Armstrong tried to shy away from being a public figure after Apollo 11. He was seen confining himself to professional and academic endeavors. Between the years of 1971 and 1979, Armstrong served himself as the professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio. The purpose for becoming a teacher himself was to set an example for others and teach the young generation in such a manner that would result for them to have a bright future in the same field in which Armstrong has his name on the top.

It was the year 1979 which lead the Armstrong to change his mindset, and he eventually started to serve as a director or chairman for a number of companies. The role of Armstrong in those companies is undoubtedly remarkable. Armstrong was seen to become the active part of the Computing Technologies for Aviation between the years of 1982 and 1992. Armstrong also dedicated his work in EDO Corporation formerly known as the AIL Systems. The organization was considered to the maker of electronic equipment for the military. Armstrong served there from 1977 until his retirement in the year 2002.

Even after the retirement, Armstrong still used to believe in keeping himself busy. Apart from his work in several organizations, he was seen serving on the National Commission on Space or simply known as NCOS. The Presidential Medal of Freedom was awarded to Armstrong in the year 1969. In 1978, he was honored to have the Congressional Space Medal of Honor. Later on, Armstrong named the Congressional Gold Medal to himself in 2009.


The legacy of Neil Armstrong is something that is never-ending. Neil Armstrong has become the subject for the debates among different group of people due to his incredible achievements. No one had ever imagined that a human would be able to reach the moon. There is no doubt that stepping into the moon was simply a dream which ultimately became a reality. The craze for Neil Armstrong is so much in young generation that A Neil Armstrong biography was released in the year 2018. The plot of the movie is based on the life of Neil A. Armstrong which is undoubtedly a tribute to such a great legend (Matthews, 2018).

Work Cited

"Biography Of Neil Armstrong." NASA. N. p., 2019. Web. 7 Jan. 2019.

Matthews, Joshua. "First Man (Movie Review)." (2018).

Rowe, W. J. "Neil Armstrong’s Lunar Diastolic Hypertension." J. Hypertens. Manag. (2017): 029e.

Rowe, William J. "Armstrong’s moon cardiac scare." Spaceflight 58 (2016): 56-57.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Argumentative Research Paper

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Why Americans are becoming more obese?

At present, with the evolution and progress of technology a change in the human lifestyle has been observed. People changed their ways of living and are facing many health issues. Obesity has become one of the biggest health issues that Americans are facing. According to David M. Cutler and his colleague's obesity has considerably become more threatening condition over the past twenty five years (Cutler et al, pp. 93-118). Americans are becoming obese because of consuming more calories. Technological innovation has resulted in the increased consumption of food itself which made it possible for food to be prepared far from the point of consumption and prepared as well as consumed at a lower cost. Different experts believed that there are various causes that are making US citizens obese, some believe that it is the lifestyle due to which they are putting extra fats. Others believe, US citizens are becoming obese because of fast food consumption. According to Eisenberg and his colleagues, there has been seen a decrease in the money that was previously spent on healthcare as in 1960 America spent three times as much on food as they used to on health (Eisenberg et al, pp. 854-860). In 2012, a change in spending was seen, as they spent twice on health care as they did on food items and preparation, but for the five decades, money spent on food increased while a decrease in the healthcare cost has been seen.

Some experts believe, obesity is genetic and affects all the demographic groups. According to Gary Taubes, obesity is reaching an alarming peak as 22.5% of Americans are considered to be obese clinically and this number was pretty less in 1980 (Taubes). Public health experts call it the "obesity epidemic" that affects all demographic groups including children and old alike. It is claimed that the increased obesity ratio is because of the lower physical activity and increased food availability. It won’t be wrong to say that eating habits and behavior of Americans have been changed. Junk food has replaced home food and Americans are becoming more attracted to the unhealthy junk food that makes them obese. Americans are becoming obese because of the junk food, they are taking.

Different experts and researchers have proposed various reasons why people in America are becoming obese. Different perceptions have been given by various experts likewise, Barbara Fraser claims that for the past few decades all the communities of Americans (including the rural communicates) are abandoning their traditional values and lifestyle as they are moving to the cities (Fraser et al, pp. 1995-1996). When they migrate to the cities, they are given many opportunities for improving their life but at the same time, they fall victim to several health issues. People who migrate to cities consume more junk food as it is readily available and cost-friendly so Americans are taking more junk food than ever before. Junk food has adversely affected eating habits including lessening of the ability to control the appetite.

Junk food carries more calories so play a destructive role in making the Americans obese. Obesity does not come over the night rather it develops gradually as a result of poor dietary habits and unhealthy lifestyle choices. Funk food consumption includes eating more processed food and food that has high sugar and fat. Obesity is becoming more common in Americans who prefer to earn more money by doing jobs and are ignoring the importance of exercise and walk. New ways of life adopted by the Americans are indulging them in making more money. They prefer jobs that do not demand any physical activity rather they wanted to do jobs that would let them sit for hours that make them obese. So take a look at the above-mentioned researches and opinions of experts, it could be asserted that American citizens are becoming more obese because of their lifestyle.

Another major reason why they are becoming over-weight is, people migrating from under-development areas when they consume more junk food which makes them obese. One of the central causes of obesity in Americans is, they are not considering it as an epidemic challenge and are taking it very light. Americans with low-income demographics struggle more with obesity and its effects. Eating fresh and healthy food could be expensive, so they have to get the food that would be suitable for them. Modern ways of life made people less active and decreased their physical activities and make them obese. Obesity becomes the root cause of many health issues such as heart diseases, respiratory disease etc. So taking a look at the above discussion, it could be said that there are various reasons why Americans are becoming obese and find it difficult to fight against the health issues that may develop because of the lack of healthy diet and lifestyle.

Work Cited

Cutler, David M., Edward L. Glaeser, and Jesse M. Shapiro. "Why have Americans become more obese?." Journal of Economic Perspectives 17.3 (2003): 93-118.

Eisenberg, David M., and Jonathan D. Burgess. "Nutrition education in an era of global obesity and diabetes: thinking outside the box." Academic Medicine 90.7 (2015): 854-860.

Fraser, Barbara. "Latin America's urbanization is boosting obesity." The Lancet 365.9476 (2005): 1995-1996.

Taubes, G. (1998). DEMOGRAPHICS: As Obesity Rates Rise, Experts Struggle to Explain Why. Science, 280(5368), 1367-1368. doi:10.1126/science.280.5368.1367

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Argumentative Research Paper Assignment

Argumentative Research Paper Assignment

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Argumentative Research Paper Assignment


A migraine is a common headache disorder in which a person experiences recurrent headaches. Typically, people having migraines experience a severe headache in one half of their head that last for several hours to 3 days. In recent years many researchers are debating over a topic that whether migraine is one of the potential causes of stroke or not. According to many researchers people who experience migraines with aura are more prone to having a stroke. As migraines with aura tend to form blood clots due to narrowed blood vessels causing stroke. However, many researchers do not agree upon the statement that migraines cause strokes. According to them, migraines with aura affects the senses of a person due to which a person experiences light flashes, numbness of arms and legs. These symptoms are similar to the symptoms of stroke due to which people often get confused. This paper provides detail on the controversy surrounding migraines as a potential cause of strokes by comparing the symptoms and causes of both migraines and strokes. A detailed literature review regarding previous studies done on this topic is also presented that will help in understanding the connection between strokes and migraines. Furthermore, arguments in the favor and against of the topics are also presented to support the statement that migraines cause strokes are also presented.


There is a complex association between migraine and stroke that is a topic of debate for more than a decade. Stroke is considered to be the second most common cause of death worldwide. It is also the third leading factor that causes disabilities in people. On the other hand, migraine affects more than 13% population especially women. A stroke is a medical condition that occurs due to the poor blood flow to the brain. The two main types of strokes are ischemic that occurs due to lack of blood supply to the brain while the other is hemorrhagic that is caused due to excessive bleeding. In contrast, Migraines are a recurring type of headache disorder that causes moderate to severe throbbing pain typically on one side of the head. This pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, light and sound sensitivity. Generally, migraines begin from childhood to adolescence progress through four stages. These stages are pro-drome, aura, attack and post-drome (Migraine and stroke, 2017) Due to these similarities people often think that migraine can trigger stroke. As during migraine, the blood supply to the brain is decreased that can make blood clots causing a stroke. Several studies conducted on migraines often linked it with cardiovascular disease that may result in a stroke. Also, migraine infarction is a condition in which a person can have a stroke due to migraines. Although, migraine infarctions occur rarely yet still people think that migraines increase the risk of having a stroke. Despite several studies conducted on both of these disorders, researchers are still debating over the topic that whether migraine trigger stroke or not. Many researchers and health care professionals do not agree that migraine can trigger stroke. According to them, factors such as obesity, smoking, and drinking are the main factors that increase the risk of having a stroke (De Reuck et al., 2010). In this paper, a detailed literature review related to the topic under discussion is presented, followed by the pro side and con side of the controversy. Lastly, a conclusion of the whole paper is discussed that briefly summarizes all the points related to the study that was discussed in the previous sections is presented.

Literature review

Stroke is considered one of the most common causes of death. Several factors cause stroke such as obesity, smoking, and drinking, etc. However, one factor that is often neglected and sometimes not even considered is a migraine. Researchers and healthcare professionals are divided on the issue that whether migraine triggers a stroke or not. Several researchers are favoring the statement that migraine triggers stroke and to determine whether the statement is true or not they conducted several experiments and research.

The author Androulakis in his paper investigated the association of migraine in causing ischemic stroke while incorporating the atherosclerosis risk. For this purpose, the author conducted an experiment in which he included participants from the age group 45-64 in four different communities from the US. Initially, the participants were a part of the ARIC study. The ARIC study aimed to identify the causes of atherosclerosis and clinical sequel. However, to investigate the role of migraine in the cause of a stroke were identified by using these participants from the ARIC study. To assess the headache a questionnaire was given to all the participants and the results were analyzed statistically. The results yield that 5.3% of all the participants having migraine experiences an ischemic stroke. Also, 4 out of 1000 persons having migraine experienced stroke per year. Additionally, people having Migraine are more to have a cardio-embolic stroke (Androulakis et al., 2016). Similarly, the author Mi Ji in his paper also explored the role of migraine in causing a stroke. The author explained several factors that connect migraines with stroke. The first factor explained was a genetic association in which a gene known as methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase was considered as the gene that mediates an increased risk of stroke in patients having a migraine. The second factor was endothelial dysfunction that is characterized by reduced vasodilator activities. Although, there is very little association between systemic endothelial and cerebral endothelial dysfunction in patients having migraines yet still there is a potential risk of stroke in patients having a migraine. The third factor discussed was coagulation abnormalities. The individuals having migraine have an increased level of platelet-activating factor. Thus making migraine a risk factor in causing a stroke. Additionally, the author also explained that people having migraines are also prone to have a hemorrhagic stroke. Specifically, females are more vulnerable to have a hemorrhagic stroke. All the studies mentioned in this paper points out the fact that migraines do trigger stroke. (Lee et al., 2016). According to the article presented by the American Heart Association, migraines with aura are linked to causing blood clots that lead to cause a stroke. According to the statistics people having migraine with aura are 2.4 times more prone to have an ischemic stroke than people having migraines without aura. Migraine alters the blood vessels of the brain that results in the formation of clots. Not only the brain but Migraine also disturbs the heart and neck blood vessels. However, in the US only 87% of the strokes are ischemic strokes due to which it is necessary to take into account the migraine factor to avoid further issues (A.B. Caminero et al., 2012).

Despite all the research conducted on the role of migraine in triggering stroke there still are many researchers that do not agree with this statement. The author Anna in her research also studied the link between stroke and migraine. According to her research, several underlying mechanisms coincidently links migraine and stroke. The first factor identified was (CSD) cortical spreading depression. This factor underlies migraine aura and plays a vital role in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke and other subtypes of strokes. CSD alters the blood-brain barrier permittivity that increases cerebral blood flow causing an ischemic stroke to occur. The second factor identified as patent foramen ovale (PFO). This factor is linked to cryptogenic stroke. Although, many studies reported a high prevalence of PFO in patients having a migraine that may cause a stroke. The author concluded that there exists a correlation between migraine and stroke yet there is no evidence that supports that strokes are only caused due to migraine. Also, strokes are common in patients having migraine with aura but people that have episodic migraine does not experience stroke. (De Reuck et al., 2010). However, it is necessary to target migraine with aura to reduce the chances of stroke. Also, there is an immense need to further investigate the role of migraine in triggering stroke. Moreover, in an article presented by the American stroke association, the relation between migraine and stroke was discussed. According to the author, having migraines with aura makes a person twice vulnerable to have a stroke. Also, women taking contraceptive pills are more prone to have a stroke if they are migraine patients yet still the association of migraine in triggering a stroke is very low. This is because factors like smoking and obesity are the main risk factors that cause a stroke. Additionally, most of the population experiences migraines without aura which means that they are less likely to have a stroke due to migraines CITATION Mig17 \l 1033 (Migraine and stroke, 2017). Thus, it is important to focus on other factors such as obesity, smoking, and drinking while discussing stroke as these factors cause an increased risk of stroke. Also, lack of physical activities and an unhealthy lifestyle is associated to trigger migraine while also making an individual prone to having a stroke.

Epidemiological evidence associating migraines with stroke

Ischemic stroke and migraine

For many neurologists, the link between migraine and stroke is still a perplexing problem. However, the occurrence of strokes during migraine prompts to the new discussion that whether migraines are directly linked or indirectly linked to stroke. Migraines infarctions can be considered as a direct link between migraine and stroke. It is a condition in which a stroke occurs during a migraine. As migraine is a neurovascular disorder during which arterial constriction and the decreased blood flow to the posterior circulation results in the spreading of neuronal depression in the cerebral cortex. Typically, a prolonged decrease in the cerebral blood flow results in sluggish flow during migraine with aura in large intracerebral vessels. All these effects combined can lead to migraine infarction. Several other factors link migraine directly with stroke especially cerebral ischemia. These factors include genetics association, endothelial dysfunction, and cervical artery dissection (Zhang & Qian, 2017).

Hemorrhagic stroke and migraine

Most of the studies conducted on migraine and its link with stroke were more focused on ischemic stroke. Fewer studies have shown a link between hemorrhagic stroke and migraine. Typically, women are more prone to have a hemorrhagic stroke. More specifically the females who have a history of migraine and take contraceptive pills are more prone to have a hemorrhagic stroke (Kurth Tobias & Diener Hans-Christoph, 2012)Although, factors such as age and healthy lifestyle choices also accounts for having a hemorrhagic stroke yet still migraine can be considered as a potential risk factor (Kuo & Pan, 2013).

Cardiovascular diseases and migraine

Migraine is also tied to many cardiovascular diseases. The main reason that tie the two is that during migraine the constriction of cerebral arteries occurs in the brain that makes a person more prone to stroke. Additionally, people having migraine need to rest a lot due to which they are less involved in physical activities this could increase their risk of blood clots and atrial fibrillation. Cardiovascular diseases are often linked to people who are obese or have a drinking or smoking problem yet migraine is one the factor that should not be neglected. Also, people having migraine could have elevated blood pressure that could further increase their risk of getting a stroke. Thus, it is important to maintain normal blood pressure during a migraine to reduce the risk of having a heat stroke (Schürks & Kurth, 2009).

Stroke risk links with migraine-specific medicines

Some of the medicines that are prescribed for migraine attacks can also indirectly serves as a factor for increased risk of strokes. For instance, medicine triptans and ergot alkaloids can have a Vasco-constrictive effect on the patients that are taking these medicines. This constriction in the blood vessels can lead to the formation of clots that are directly linked to strokes. Not only these clots are formed in the blood vessels in the brain but they are also formed in the cerebral arteries as well. Thus increasing the risk of heart attack as well. Specifically, many studies revealed that prolonged use of ergotamine is directly linked to increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases in the patients having a migraine.

Epidemiological evidence not associating migraines with stroke

As explained in the literature review section many researchers even many health care professionals do not consider as an independent risk factor. Although, they support the link between migraine and stroke they do not consider it as a sole factor in causing a stroke. Strokes are typically caused when there is a very less or limited blood supply to the brain that deprives brain tissues of accessing oxygen. Due to this brain cells begins to die. In contrast, migraine causes the narrowing of blood vessels. This narrowing sometimes may cause blood clots especially in people that have migraine with aura (Milhaud & Liot, 2001).However, the relation of all migraine types with stroke has little to no evidence. Also, factors like smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, and smoking, etc are the most important factors that cause a stroke. Therefore, it is important to not mix the symptoms of migraine with that of stroke so that both the disorders can be treated separately to avoid serious consequences.


Migraine is a very common neurological condition in which a person experiences severe headaches. Migraine causes the narrowing of blood vessels that may cause clots. This is the reason that migraine is considered to be a potential trigger of stoke (Androulakis et al., 2016). However, many researchers and health professionals do not agree with this statement. According to them, migraine is not the sole reason for triggering stroke yet several other factors combined with migraine can cause a stroke. However, they also agree that migraine indirectly does trigger stroke. The paper provides detailed literature in the favor and against the statement that migraine triggers stroke. The analysis of the literature revealed that migraine does trigger stroke. Even some medicines that are prescribed during a migraine can increase the factor of stroke. It was also revealed that migraine with aura is directly linked to ischemic strokes. Also, a condition migration infarction is discussed in which a stroke occurs during a migraine attack. All these factors point out the main topic of the paper that migraines are involved in causing a stroke. In this paper, a brief discussion regarding gender was also discussed in the literature review. This discussion also pointed that regardless of the gender migraine can trigger stroke however women are more to have a hemorrhagic stroke. Several other factors pointed in the paper can also increase the risk of stroke yet still the factor migraine triggering stroke should not be neglected.

Part 3 (Reflection)

The basic purpose of this paper was to get a deep understanding of the connection between migraine and stroke. Initially, the whole research was focused on the topic migraine. However, after researching more about the topic the main issue highlighted was migraine as a potential reason for triggering stroke. Furthermore, while I was researching this statement I found several studies that were in favor of or against this statement. After, analyzing the literature review I analyzed that many researchers do not consider migraine as a potential cause of stroke yet still they believe that it does indirectly cause a stroke. In my paper, I have discussed each type of stroke and its link to migraine separately so that a new reader can easily grasp the concept.

Moving on with my research I came across several articles that supported my topic however they were lacking several points. For instance, many articles do not come from an authentic source and the statistical data provided lacks the proper citation. In contrast, the academic articles and research papers include all the details regarding the issue with proper reference and methodology that helped me a lot in grasping the main concept. This assignment helped me a lot in learning the argumentative type research paper and essay as I have discussed both the pro and con side of my main topic. Overall my experience was very good as I learned a lot from doing this research.


Androulakis, X. M., Kodumuri, N., Giamberardino, L. D., Rosamond, W. D., Gottesman, R. F., Yim, E., & Sen, S. (2016). Ischemic stroke subtypes and migraine with visual aura in the ARIC study. Neurology, 87(24), 2527–2532. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000003428. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5207003/

A.B. Caminero, M. Sánchez Del Río González. (2012) Migraine as a cerebrovascular risk factor, Neurología (English Edition), Volume 27, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 103-111, Retrieved from: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S2173580812000260

De Reuck, J., Paemeleire, K., Van Maele, G. (2010), Stroke in patients with migraine. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/18037307/Stroke_in_patients_with_migraine

Migraine and Stroke (2017) Stroke Association. Retrieved from https://www.stroke.org.uk/sites/default/files/migraine_ and_stroke.pdf

Kuo, C. Y., Yen, M. F., Chen, L. S., Fann, C. Y., Chiu, Y. H., Chen, H. H., & Pan, S. L. (2013). Increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke in patients with migraine: a population-based cohort study. PloS one, 8(1), e55253. Retrieved from


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Kurth Tobias, & Diener Hans-Christoph. (2012). Migraine and Stroke. Stroke, 43(12), 3421–3426. Retrieved from


Lee, M. J., Lee, C., & Chung, C. S. (2016). The Migraine-Stroke Connection. Journal of stroke, 18(2), 146–156. doi:10.5853/jos.2015.01683. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4901947/

Milhaud, D., Bogousslavsky, J., van Melle, G., & Liot, P. (2001). Ischemic stroke and active migraine. Neurology, 57(10), 1805-1811. Retrieved from


Schürks, M., Rist, P. M., Bigal, M. E., Buring, J. E., Lipton, R. B., & Kurth, T. (2009). Migraine and cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis. Bmj, 339, b3914. Retrieved from


Zhang, Y., Parikh, A., & Qian, S. (2017). Migraine and stroke. Stroke and vascular neurology, 2(3), 160-167. Retrieved from


Subject: English

Pages: 11 Words: 3300

Argumentative Research Proposal

The issue of arms and Gun control has been a subject of debate for decades now. The assignment in view intends to highlight the same issue by stating various concerns on how guns are consistently proving to be a lethal object which are regulated by the governing authorities. As a result, the history of United States of America has witnessed many massacres and shootings. The aim of this research attempt is to critically answer every reason for guns to be legalized for every person seeking to gain asylum to be able to protect themselves in case of any trouble by asserting that they should opt for knives and a dog instead of armed weapons they have zero experience to use. All the general audiences (the local residents and the citizens of America including all genders, and ethnicities) and the legislating authorities (including the gun regulation authorities, the law enforcement and the government) are both responsible for the problem and can play a dominant role in solving the problem. The aim is draw their attention towards the harmful aspects of guns and the need to control their access to only "A well-regulated militia" with both long training and long discipline instead of untrained and power hungry local citizens with questionable mental state at hand.

The consequences of why the new policies aimed at guns and arms control address why access to guns for all citizens needs to be controlled. Many proponents of the notion ripostes to each concern of guns proponents by raising their awareness on how guns might be one of the most murderous weapons in their vicinity. They explain how guns might not be the killers, but if the killers have access to such weapons, they might be a source of assault instead of safety asylums. The declaration of guns being a cause of death in many houses after minor disagreements and fights (which might not have happened if guns had not been there in the first place) is a grave matter to ponder upon.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Argumentive Essay

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Argumentive Essay


With every heinous incident of school shooting in the US, a debate gets triggered on gun violence. The issue is widely debated at the national level for days only to be put on back-burners after a while. The collective response from the American society to the shocking incidents of school shooting has been demand of deploying heavily armed security guards at the school premises. The proponents of this demand hold the view that the presence of heavily armed personnel within the school premises make up an additional layer of security. With this added layer, first response time to engage the armed attacker would reduce significantly. At the same time, children and teachers would feel safer. On the other hand, there exists a group that has always advocated for legally possessing guns. They argue that most of the school shooting incidents had armed guards deployed in close proximity to the school. The guards were not able to thwart the shootings. Hence, it would be a waste of taxpayer’s money and state’s resources to deploy armed security guards at the public schools. This paper will examine the contextual background of the school shootings. Additionally, the dissenting argument put forward by different sections of the society. In the end, this paper would try to draw up s logical conclusion to the malady that has plagued the US for quite some time now.


Contextual Background

The demand for the deployment of armed guards must be understood contextually along with the series of school shooting incidents that has plagued the US. In 1999, Columbine High School shooting saw 13 students die. A more recent event of school shooting the collective conscience of the nation is the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in the year 2012. The 2012 school shooting resulted in 26 deaths, of which 20 were children aged less than seven. According to Barkoukis, in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the National Rifle Association (NFA) suggested the deployment of armed security guards (Barkoukis, 2014). The suggestion was corresponding with the demands of most Americans, according to Rasmussen survey conducted in 2013. Certainly, the suggestion was made in response to a perceived threat. The idea behind the suggestion is having armed guards would not only provide protection to the children and teachers but they would also retaliate against the armed attacker. Without a shadow of a doubt, the suggestion has highlighted a grave issue within the US society. However, considering the ease of access to guns and existence of mentally sick monsters the National Rifle Association did not demonstrate a completed understanding of the issue revolving around guns and violence. The proposal from the NFA is narrowly perceived as they have assumed that there would be armed attackers willing to unleash terror. Although this might seem a practical solution to some, there is a dire need to dig deeper in this issue.

Deployment of Armed Guards

Objectively speaking, the armed guards, in an event of school shooting, would respond in shortest amount of time. However, according to Martin, the response time is the biggest challenge in this problem. The police and the government are unable to effectively respond to emergency calls to shield the citizens from the deadly violence (Martin, 2013). As the police and government are unable respond timely, the only practical way to confront the armed attacker in shortest amount of time is to have armed guards deployed at the campus.

Statistically speaking, the occurrence of school shooting incidents in relatively low when compared to other deadly crimes. Hence, deployment of security guards in a low-threat environment would only waste resources of the state.

Additionally, minor issues would attain the significance of a crime which, otherwise, would have been treated as disciplinary matter. According to Advancement Project, a spike in arrests based on the color of the students has been witnessed after the deployment of security guards. Youth have been handcuffed, arrested and criminalized on petty issues.

Hence, there is a constant fear among the students of getting arrested on minor disciplinary issues. Minor problems are escalated to criminal level making students feel less safe. Undoubtedly, with guns around them, students would perceive it as a danger making them insecure.

Would Students feel safer?

Considering this issue from psychological perspective, question whether the students would feel safer or not with the presence of firearms around them. According to Plumer, in 2011, a study was conducted by Youth Society portrayed a grim picture about the feelings of the students regarding presence of firearms around them. Most of the students participating in the study expressed concerns about firearms present at the school premises (Plumer, 2012). Hence, it would be safer to conclude that most students have felt insecure from the guards that are meant to protect them.

According to (Hughes), the reason for this could be that students think that having firearms around them as a decrease in their safety (Hughes et.al, 2011). Another Reason could be that constant presence of firearms tends to create a feeling that there could be an armed attack on the school at any time (Hughes et.al, 2011).Hence, the guards are seen as primary source of fear and intimidation. The guards could become a threat to the safety of the students in the absence of any outside threat. Physical safety of the students is also on the line should the guards decide to become belligerent towards the students over petty disciplinary issues.

Jeopardizing Civil Rights

Whenever there is an incident of school shooting, two contrary opinions are disseminated from the masses. Looking this issue from the spectacle of civil liberties, should the students be empowered to exercise their right to not to be patrolled by security guards. According to Toppo, numerous civil rights groups have pleaded that armed guards tend to exacerbate the security situation. As a result, students become extremely disciplined regarding petty disciplinary issues (Toppo, 2015).

The civil rights of the students such as the right to life, freedom of movement, and safety are compromised. That the schools are not war zones on most of the days and there is no satisfactory justification to the deployment of armed guards. Hence, the overall culture of the school would take a step towards authoritarianism, compromising the rights of the students.

Liberty and safety are two points preached by their respective advocates. There is disagreement whether the threat the security guards pose to the right to liberty is greater than the safety those guards could offer. Keeping in mind that school shootings when compared to other violent crimes occur very rarely.


Taking into account the discussion above, the deployment of security guards within the school premises cannot make the students feel safer. Additionally, civil rights of students are also compromised. Deploying armed security guards at school is only seen as a palliative measure by many. There is a far bigger problem of the wide and ease of availability of guns which cannot be solved by any cosmetic solution. In order to make schools safer, there is a dire need for legislation on stringent gun control laws within the United States. One must think that making availability of guns difficult need for security guards reduce significantly. The proponents of deploying armed security guards at school neglect this perspective. There should be a balance approach to this issue. An environment should be created, by taking all stakeholders on board, in which the neither the firearms nor the security guards would be perceived as a threat.

Works Cited

Barkoukis, Leah. "Armed Guards Ended School Shooting in Oregon." Town Hall. 11 Jun. 2014.

Hughes, Michael, et al. "Posttraumatic stress among students after the shootings at Virginia Tech." Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 3.4 (2011): 403.

Martin, Maureen. "The Truth about Armed Guards in Schools." The Daily Caller. 10 Jan. 2013.

Plumer, Brad. "Security Guards in School: Kids Feel Less Safe, Unclear Effect on Crime." Washington Post. 21 Dec. 2012.

Toppo, Greg. "Civil Rights Groups: Cops in Schools Don't Make Students Safer." USA Today. 28 Oct. 2015. 

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Argumentive Essay

Your Name


Instructor’s Name


The labor law of the United States entails some employers to provide paid leaves for essential medical and emergency family reasons. Some specific employees are eligible to avail 12 weeks' leave under the United States Family and Medical Leave Act. The leave should be specified for certain medical and family emergencies that fit under the law. Not any leave for any reason can be granted, only specific employers that are covered by the FMLA can grant such paid leaves. Protection under FMLA can be availed if there is a chance of arrival of a new child, a family member is in serious need of care due to his/her health condition or the employee which is seeking leave is facing serious health issues that can affect his performance during a job. This act protects the legal interests of employees and also helps in providing equal opportunities to both male and female employees. Under FMLA paid leaves should be allowed to employees to help them find a balance between their work and responsibilities of a family as it can help in improving health conditions, financial benefit, and employee retention.

The health conditions to avail paid leaves under this act include serious illness, mental conditions, serious injuries, or some treatment that is going on and require bed rest for its completion. Employees can also take these paid leaves to take care of their immediate family members which include, children, spouses, and parents. The important point for an employee is to know whether his condition falls under the FMLA or not. Employees are qualified for paid leaves if they have at least served for a year and at least 1,250 hours in that time ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"WJLvWXHM","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) | U.S. Department of Labor})","plainCitation":"(Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) | U.S. Department of Labor)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":159,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KfR9yuY2/items/CUGI8DVR"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KfR9yuY2/items/CUGI8DVR"],"itemData":{"id":159,"type":"webpage","title":"Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) | U.S. Department of Labor","URL":"https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/benefits-leave/fmla","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,5]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) | U.S. Department of Labor).

The implication of FMLA in an organization is important for both employee and employer. For an employee, it reduces his anxiety and stress of losing a job if he is able to fully take care of his family during their tough time. They can also retain their health insurance at that time which can be later used at the time of need. Under the FMLA the employers are made compulsory to continue the insurance coverage just like the employee has been working in the company rather than out on leave. The FMLA allows employees to enjoy health benefits in the form of health plans created by employers to help their previous and current workers. For any other financial benefits, an employee will continue to get them as per the policy of an organization on benefits during leaves. FMLA doesn't put any boundaries and limitations on employees nor give any special wavier to them about a company’s benefits. Also, FMLA leave cannot be considered as a break during a plan for employment, and if a retirement plan requires someone to be present at a specific date and time and that person is on FMLA, he will be considered employed during that time.

FMLA is important and beneficial for both employers and employees as employers must pay their usual share to its workers. The same rules will also be applied to all other insurances such as life insurance or disability insurances during an FMLA as well. One further need and argument that can be made for the application of FMLA is that all of the employee's benefits are restored on his return to the duty. The return must also be at the same level and position on which the employee took a leave unless similar reshuffling and position changes took place at the entire institutional level. This means that FMLA helps in improving satisfaction and confidence level of employees which in turn increase or at least maintain their performance level ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"dhfrL3W7","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Kim)","plainCitation":"(Kim)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":162,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KfR9yuY2/items/JLTUNNF7"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KfR9yuY2/items/JLTUNNF7"],"itemData":{"id":162,"type":"article-journal","title":"THE EFFECTS OF PAID FAMILY LEAVE ON FAMILY CAREGIVING FOR OLDER ADULTS","container-title":"Innovation in Aging","page":"355","volume":"2","issue":"Suppl 1","author":[{"family":"Kim","given":"S."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Kim). During the time of leave if the premiums or pays increase the employee will be entitled to those increases in pays.

The absence of family and medical leave insurance means that many parents will not be present at home to provide necessary care for their children. Most of the children have either both or at least a single parent that is working. Due to the absence of FMLA in all departments and organizations in America many people have to take leave of absence from work in order to take care of their family. This means that extra pressure and stress of work are always there on them which in turn lower their performance in workplaces. Parental leave also allows parents and specifically fathers to spend time with their children and get a chance to know them better. This will help them in creating a better relationship with their parents. Giving time to your children can also reduce the spousal tensions between couples and which results in the eradication of psychological pressures and tensions. If there is no pressure from family many people will tend to work with more ease and concentration. This can further increase the productivity level of any organization for which those employees are working.

The benefits of FMLA are more and importance should be given to its implications. Parental leaves can hugely enhance the physical health of children and also if the parents are giving taking days off, they will be mentally calm, which will result in the better upbringing of their children. Parental leaves can also rise the time duration breastfeeding and reduce the rate of deaths among newborns and also their behaviors later on. Depression and anxiety among mothers can also be decreased by increasing the time of their maternal leaves ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"dOzp2MR7","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Dederich et al.)","plainCitation":"(Dederich et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":160,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KfR9yuY2/items/EIXVGZIZ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KfR9yuY2/items/EIXVGZIZ"],"itemData":{"id":160,"type":"paper-conference","title":"Analyzing Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance in Wisconsin: Possible Costs and Effects","container-title":"Workshop in Public Affairs","author":[{"family":"Dederich","given":"Ben"},{"family":"Erickson","given":"Claire"},{"family":"Gross","given":"Tyler"},{"family":"Ross","given":"Marisa"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2019"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Dederich et al.). Employers should also give paid leaves to their employees as such leaves can help develop the economy. FMLA can increase the participation of labors in a working environment. Many paid leave programs provide encourage female workers to remain on the workforce after childbirth because they know that there is a law that safeguards their return in a working environment. Women usually take more family leaves than men, because they work more for taking care of newborn children and also ill family members. The FMLA policy can help women to return more quickly to their jobs as compared to that of Pre-FMLA.

Family and medical leave act ensure higher rates of employee retention. It can help in the reduction of employee turnover and helps in limiting the problems that employees face during their work. Those workers, especially with low quality of jobs who used the right given to them by FMLA, are more than 80 percent likely to return to their previous jobs as compared to those who didn't have the right under FMLA i.e. 73% ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"4vADFZLk","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Baum and Ruhm)","plainCitation":"(Baum and Ruhm)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":161,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KfR9yuY2/items/A6UG7K3I"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KfR9yuY2/items/A6UG7K3I"],"itemData":{"id":161,"type":"article-journal","title":"The effects of paid family leave in California on labor market outcomes","container-title":"Journal of Policy Analysis and Management","page":"333-356","volume":"35","issue":"2","author":[{"family":"Baum","given":"Charles L."},{"family":"Ruhm","given":"Christopher J."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Baum and Ruhm ). The continuity of a worker on their job can certainly help in protecting the human capital of an organization. This human capital cost includes investment in training, wages, insurances, skill development and specific funds related to occupation, employer and industry. The workers that are already working in an organization can certainly help in getting rid of these costs as they already possess such knowledge and skills. If someone is quitting their job just to take leave it will affect the structure of an organization and will also add the extra burden of human capital. FMLA has helped in creating a better, helpful and cooperative environment in many organizations that in turn provide a safe establishment of a business. This also enhances the morale of current employees and encourage them to take part in their duties with more responsibility.


Access to Family and Medical leave insurance through FMLA is a basic requirement of this age for the workforce. FMLA allows employees to take care of their personal and family issues that are important and need immediate action. This act helps them in achieving their goals while at the same time remain active in the workforce as they don't lose their jobs. Those families which avail of family and medical leaves often enjoy countless financial benefits that can help both employees and employers. Family and Medical Leave Act will help the United States in the long run in terms of its economy and financial stability. FMLA increases the chance for employees to return to their original posts on which they were working. The retention of employees can help in the reduction of turnover costs, similar or unchanged operations and the people working on them, less capital spent on training programs and increased profitability for the employer.

It can also help them in reducing the wage gap between the workers of employers who provide care as compared to those who don't. Many families who rely on the earnings of single mothers will be less financially vulnerable due to this policy. FMLA can also help in promoting better gender equality at workplaces because it gives men the same opportunity to take leaves and spend that time with their families at the time of their need. If the United States wants to continue its development FMLA should be implicated in all work organizations without any discrimination. It is evident from many types of research that the results we get from the application of Financial and Medical leave act are far more as compared to the cost of the process. There should be no further delay in the application of FMLA across all America.

Work Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Baum, Charles L., and Christopher J. Ruhm. “The Effects of Paid Family Leave in California on Labor Market Outcomes.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 35, no. 2, 2016, pp. 333–56.

Dederich, Ben, et al. “Analyzing Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance in Wisconsin: Possible Costs and Effects.” Workshop in Public Affairs, 2019.

Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) | U.S. Department of Labor. https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/benefits-leave/fmla. Accessed 5 Nov. 2019.

Kim, S. “THE EFFECTS OF PAID FAMILY LEAVE ON FAMILY CAREGIVING FOR OLDER ADULTS.” Innovation in Aging, vol. 2, no. Suppl 1, 2018, p. 355.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Argumentive Research Paper

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Argumentative Research Paper


Honesty may still be the best policy. However, at present time and age, some definitely like it hoax. Fake news has been in existence ever since the 14th century, with people using it to attract readers and improve their chances of selling the papers. On the contrary, the former term has taken on a meaning of its own and has been a part of the regular circulation to such an extent that it was regarded as the term of the year by Oxford Dictionary in the year 2016. That is not all. By 2017, the usage of the term had increased by 365%, earning itself a spot, once again, in Collins Dictionary.

At present, courtesy of its use, the term fake news holds legitimacy for not being legitimate. As ironic as that sounds, it is the truth. The reason behind this well-known term has earned novelty at present is its integration in media. Media has always been one of the most powerful entities on the planet. They bring political, social and economic awareness to the masses and is responsible for showing us the truth and laying bare the harsh realities of life at the same time. Thus, it is accurately considered the fourth pillar of the state in a democratic society. Walter Lippmann, writing for The Atlantic in 1919, argued how propaganda created a problem for democracy ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"IuWK2i7U","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Sproule)","plainCitation":"(Sproule)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":"Dz3g6tOA/uuIOanqf","uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/MYGKDHZX"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/MYGKDHZX"],"itemData":{"id":30,"type":"book","title":"Propaganda and democracy: The American experience of media and mass persuasion","publisher":"Cambridge University Press","ISBN":"0-521-47022-6","author":[{"family":"Sproule","given":"J. Michael"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1997"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Sproule). He was of the belief that news is regarded as a source of public opinion in a democratic modern western society and it should be protected from the taint of propaganda. Unless it does so, no society can justifiably call itself free ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"aZN1TOg9","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Lippmann)","plainCitation":"(Lippmann)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":"Dz3g6tOA/pnvuchYp","uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/LYUBNTNJ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/LYUBNTNJ"],"itemData":{"id":31,"type":"article-journal","title":"The mental age of Americans.","container-title":"New Republic","author":[{"family":"Lippmann","given":"Walter"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1922"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Lippmann).

While the incorporation of social media in our lives and society as a news outlet has changed the normative news cycle and has made media more active, it has its very own set of vices. With social media, there is no 24-hour news cycle to work in to get the word to the masses. News outlets update news portals by the minute and people consume these updates like air. In spite of the importance, this minute based update holds, it gives fake news a window of legitimacy. This means, that those individuals that have a propaganda of their own can very easily integrate fake news right among the correct facts and figures. Funnily enough, these individuals do so in such an incredible manner that no one can separate the truth from fake news. This way, social media has not only been beneficial to the spread of the news cycle, but it has also been undermining its credibility. Disinformation and fake news have become symbols of various ills ailing society. They are regarded as the prime sources of manipulation of the public opinion and affect the real world in a number of ways ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"4MCt3NYl","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Gu et al.)","plainCitation":"(Gu et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":"Dz3g6tOA/ShB7EA7H","uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/QJIJP9QI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/QJIJP9QI"],"itemData":{"id":32,"type":"article-journal","title":"The fake news machine: how propagandists abuse the internet and manipulate the public","container-title":"Trend Micro","page":"5","author":[{"family":"Gu","given":"Lion"},{"family":"Kropotov","given":"Vladimir"},{"family":"Yarochkin","given":"Fyodor"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Gu et al.). It may be a historical phenomenon, the introduction of a new form of technology simply gives it new ways to spread like wildfire.

Incorrect information disguised as genuine facts has laid the basis of information pollution for many countries ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"F7n5uFaK","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Wardle and Derakhshan)","plainCitation":"(Wardle and Derakhshan)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":"Dz3g6tOA/dIK785hE","uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/JDJ3RPW6"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/JDJ3RPW6"],"itemData":{"id":33,"type":"article-journal","title":"Information Disorder: Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policy making","container-title":"Council of Europe report, DGI (2017)","volume":"9","author":[{"family":"Wardle","given":"Claire"},{"family":"Derakhshan","given":"Hossein"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Wardle and Derakhshan), along with manipulation of media ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"sWj6DRSI","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Marwick and Lewis)","plainCitation":"(Marwick and Lewis)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":"Dz3g6tOA/hQI2MvCY","uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/E5U9ZXPC"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/E5U9ZXPC"],"itemData":{"id":34,"type":"article-journal","title":"Media manipulation and disinformation online","container-title":"New York: Data & Society Research Institute","author":[{"family":"Marwick","given":"Alice"},{"family":"Lewis","given":"Rebecca"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Marwick and Lewis) and information warfare ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"YlHM7RcK","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Khaldarova and Pantti)","plainCitation":"(Khaldarova and Pantti)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":"Dz3g6tOA/bF0AYQQ3","uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/YB56WITJ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/YB56WITJ"],"itemData":{"id":36,"type":"article-journal","title":"Fake news: The narrative battle over the Ukrainian conflict","container-title":"Journalism Practice","page":"891-901","volume":"10","issue":"7","author":[{"family":"Khaldarova","given":"Irina"},{"family":"Pantti","given":"Mervi"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Khaldarova and Pantti), among other things. Not only is it damaging democracy, but it is also polluting the public sphere, giving rise to misinformation and radicalization of the masses. It also shapes people’s attitudes, which may not always be in favor of the state or those around them.

It is worth mentioning here that powerful actors, including politicians and bureaucrats, have been appropriating the media to comply with their demand and keep the news bits not favorable to them out of the news cycle. For instance, The US President Donald Trump has often seen criticizing news outlets such as the New York Times and CNN as portals of fake news. This is especially prevalent in countries where press freedom is restricted, such as Russia, China or Turkey to name a few. The politicians in the countries have taken to undermining the news outlets all to beat back the scrutiny of media ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"h7kwlojD","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Erlanger)","plainCitation":"(Erlanger)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":"Dz3g6tOA/JpXxmUel","uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/TJU3NGU3"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/TJU3NGU3"],"itemData":{"id":37,"type":"article-journal","title":"As Trump era arrives, a sense of uncertainty grips the world","container-title":"New York Times","volume":"16","author":[{"family":"Erlanger","given":"Steven"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Erlanger).

For quite some time, people looked towards hard news to measure the political impact of mass media. However, in recent years entertainment-oriented programming has also become significant in this regard such as late-night talk shows and satirical news-programs. While late-night talk shows tend to see things in a humorous light, satirical news-programs are regarded as fake news ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"RDtrQhO5","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Holbert)","plainCitation":"(Holbert)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":9,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/PGXRUXMB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/PGXRUXMB"],"itemData":{"id":9,"type":"article-journal","title":"A typology for the study of entertainment television and politics","container-title":"American Behavioral Scientist","page":"436-453","volume":"49","issue":"3","author":[{"family":"Holbert","given":"R. Lance"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2005"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Holbert). They tend to have an effect on viewers attitudes, perception, salience, behaviors and have a politically significant outcome. Given the way how media works, it goes without saying how various modes of media influence one another ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"l0cMSyDJ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Holbert)","plainCitation":"(Holbert)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":9,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/PGXRUXMB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/PGXRUXMB"],"itemData":{"id":9,"type":"article-journal","title":"A typology for the study of entertainment television and politics","container-title":"American Behavioral Scientist","page":"436-453","volume":"49","issue":"3","author":[{"family":"Holbert","given":"R. Lance"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2005"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Holbert). The same goes for how multiple modes of media influence the political narrative and how it shapes the perspective of an individual. Just as easily as it can break a good-hearted individual down, it can be built a tyrant up, all through the use of a few soft words by someone people trust.

The influence fake news has can easily be judged by things like how a make-believe story about Pope Francis endorsing Donald Trump’s run for the US President tipped the scales in his favor to win the elections. The same is observed in the UK, where cyber troops are exclusively at work trying to create and upload videos that particularly featured persuasive content and messages, created solely to sway the public opinion towards their exclusive narrative. The power that fake news wields that completely be described in the fact that those that need their paper in circulation choose to create war hysteria and contain gory details regarding murders, sexual assaults, and other immortal behavior just to pique people’s interest to make a purchase may be worth criticizing. However, it cannot be denied that this tactic actually tends to work.

Potential Causes of Promoting Fake News

Identifying the creators giving rise to the phenomenon of fake news is a concern that ails the society to such an extent that it has become a feature for most academic articles and media reports. No one really knows is behind the initiation of a vicious cycle, but just about every influential actor like the government, companies, organizations and such have been held responsible in order to make money or propagate their personal views. While it has been suggested that understanding the reasons behind the fake news may help in understanding the motivation or intention it stems from, the core three factors identified so far are either political, financial or social (Wardle & Hossein, Warwick & Lewis).


Fake news being circulated recently is seen to be dripping in political ideology or motivation ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"wgS5aUrP","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Woolley and Guilbeault)","plainCitation":"(Woolley and Guilbeault)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":18,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/SIT2ZJAE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/SIT2ZJAE"],"itemData":{"id":18,"type":"article-journal","title":"Computational propaganda in the United States of America: Manufacturing consensus online","container-title":"Computational Propaganda Research Project","page":"22","author":[{"family":"Woolley","given":"Samuel C."},{"family":"Guilbeault","given":"Douglas R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Woolley and Guilbeault). Political disinformation is often called propaganda, or strategic narratives, which are regarded as mediums for political actors to shape perceptions and actions ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"rCBA2fGC","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Miskimmon et al.)","plainCitation":"(Miskimmon et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":21,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/CCCV96B2"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/CCCV96B2"],"itemData":{"id":21,"type":"book","title":"Strategic narratives: Communication power and the new world order","publisher":"Routledge","ISBN":"1-317-97520-0","author":[{"family":"Miskimmon","given":"Alister"},{"family":"O'loughlin","given":"Ben"},{"family":"Roselle","given":"Laura"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Miskimmon et al.). Using fake news, along with automated bot account and other means of manipulation tactics have played an important role in rigging the election in about 17 countries in the past year or so, including Philippines, Turkey, and Venezuela. Political disinformation efforts like these are typically used to sow mistrust and confusion about what sources of information are authentic, making people confused about what and whom to believe in. In the long run, it can diminish trust in central institutions, such as news media.


Yellow journalism is often associated with the misconduct of newsgathering ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"FLJeDzxR","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Campbell)","plainCitation":"(Campbell)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":22,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/QPCULYWI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/QPCULYWI"],"itemData":{"id":22,"type":"book","title":"Information age journalism: Journalism in an international context","publisher":"Arnold (Hodder Headline Group)","ISBN":"0-340-76349-3","author":[{"family":"Campbell","given":"Vincent Patrick"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Campbell). It can be described to explain the circulation war between the New York Journal by William Randolph Hearst and New York World by Joseph Pulitzer. Critics were accused by both papers for not only sensationalizing the news but also glamourizing morbid details like murders, sexual assaults, and immortality to increase the newspaper circulation (Campbell). One of the most infamous recent examples of fake news produced for financial gain involves the teenagers from a town in Veles, Macedonia, who churned out sensationalist stories about the American presidential candidates in 2016 to earn cash from advertising ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"OLMz6bfH","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Kirby; Subramanian)","plainCitation":"(Kirby; Subramanian)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":23,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/TE62SC3K"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/TE62SC3K"],"itemData":{"id":23,"type":"article-journal","title":"The city getting rich from fake news","container-title":"BBC News","volume":"5","author":[{"family":"Kirby","given":"Emma Jane"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}}},{"id":24,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/UGH7MHKC"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/UGH7MHKC"],"itemData":{"id":24,"type":"article-journal","title":"Inside the Macedonian fake-news complex","container-title":"Wired magazine","volume":"15","author":[{"family":"Subramanian","given":"Samanth"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Kirby; Subramanian). This was observed and confirmed by a number of platforms within the same election campaigns, where false and true stories are compared with one another. Additionally, these stories outperformed the real ones on Facebook, with most stories with explicitly in the favor of Trump while going against Clinton ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"feQYX6PG","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Silverman)","plainCitation":"(Silverman)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":25,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/LCIU44KI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/5VyEEXyp/items/LCIU44KI"],"itemData":{"id":25,"type":"article-journal","title":"This analysis shows how viral fake election news stories outperformed real news on Facebook","container-title":"BuzzFeed News","volume":"16","author":[{"family":"Silverman","given":"Craig"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Silverman).


Fake news and the news outlets are a match made in hell. There are sites that are made with the sole intention to click bait people into wild conspiracy theories and spread false beliefs among the general public. While most people are diligent enough to separate fake news and actual news and don’t believe most of the things they read on the internet, that doesn’t necessarily mean that there are folks that don’t. According to Statista, 21% of people in the United States believe that they believe ‘a lot’ of the fake news that goes around on the internet. And, this number is obviously extremely concerning. However, there are ways to recognize and even counter fake news.

The thing we, as a community, can do, is to start flagging any fake information that we find on the internet. If you were able to disprove of some piece of the news report, that doesn’t mean that others could do the same. So, it is now your ethical responsibility to prevent further propagation of that misinformation. For example, if you see some far-fetched news report on Facebook, just flag it so that the Facebook Team can review the contents of the post. Most of the time, news outlets and corporations are extremely careful about their medium being used as a way to distribute misinformation. Due to this reason, if an account gets flagged a certain number of times, there’s a high probability that the account will be removed for violation of terms and policies.

The second step is through creating algorithms that are able to filter false and true information. A good example of this is Wikipedia’s ClueBot NG which fights off vandalism and false news on the open-to-edits Wikipedia pages. While these algorithms work pretty well, all they do is cross-reference some information with reliable websites. However, this isn't the best way to check for false news since sometimes, even reliable news sources could be affected by disinformation. So, to counter this problem, companies are implementing AI into their algorithms that are fed thousands of fake articles. This repository helps them identify common characteristics of fake news posts and then cross-reference them with the unknown sourced report.

The third initiative to take is to start teaching naïve minds on how they can pick up on fake and real news. Schools have started implementing on this initiative and there are already hundreds of campaigns in the process to help kids (the age group that is the most affected by fake news) understand the difference between fake and real news. But, the best way to educate yourself and the people around you is to completely stop taking everything you hear at face value. Sure, there are outlets like Forbes or HuffPost that are 100% reliable. These news sources conduct thorough research before they post anything. But, other sources that are just looking for likes and views should never be believed – Even if they’re claiming that the sky is blue.


The concerns over fake news are plenty and are borne out of necessity. With various types of manipulations in place, which are studied within political communication, marketing, warfare, and information technology. The concerns of the masses regarding the spread of fake news are rather vital and should be given its due consideration, one of its biggest vices is the toll it takes on the perception of an individual and the masses as a whole. In today’s world, people would rather believe a glamourized lie than a plain truth. Thus, as key as it is to keep them engaged in the truth, it is just as important for the people to keep an open mind. They should not believe everything they come across, because news portals are one thing that shouldn’t do away with the benefit of the doubt. They are aware of the power they hold and they should be held accountable for misusing it.

Works Cited

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Gu, Lion, et al. “The Fake News Machine: How Propagandists Abuse the Internet and Manipulate the Public.” Trend Micro, 2017, p. 5.

Holbert, R. Lance. “A Typology for the Study of Entertainment Television and Politics.” American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 49, no. 3, 2005, pp. 436–53.

Khaldarova, Irina, and Mervi Pantti. “Fake News: The Narrative Battle over the Ukrainian Conflict.” Journalism Practice, vol. 10, no. 7, 2016, pp. 891–901.

Kirby, Emma Jane. “The City Getting Rich from Fake News.” BBC News, vol. 5, 2016.

Lippmann, Walter. “The Mental Age of Americans.” New Republic, 1922.

Marwick, Alice, and Rebecca Lewis. “Media Manipulation and Disinformation Online.” New York: Data & Society Research Institute, 2017.

Miskimmon, Alister, et al. Strategic Narratives: Communication Power and the New World Order. Routledge, 2014.

Silverman, Craig. “This Analysis Shows How Viral Fake Election News Stories Outperformed Real News on Facebook.” BuzzFeed News, vol. 16, 2016.

Sproule, J. Michael. Propaganda and Democracy: The American Experience of Media and Mass Persuasion. Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Subramanian, Samanth. “Inside the Macedonian Fake-News Complex.” Wired Magazine, vol. 15, 2017.

Wardle, Claire, and Hossein Derakhshan. “Information Disorder: Toward an Interdisciplinary Framework for Research and Policy Making.” Council of Europe Report, DGI (2017), vol. 9, 2017.

Woolley, Samuel C., and Douglas R. Guilbeault. “Computational Propaganda in the United States of America: Manufacturing Consensus Online.” Computational Propaganda Research Project, 2017, p. 22.

Subject: English

Pages: 6 Words: 1800


Submitted by

Submitted to



What is the link between Jean Rousseau and Pestalozzi?

The sensory education was an application for enlightenment ideas set by Jean Rousseau. Pestalozzi developed his concept of sensory education based on the ideals of enlightenment that Jean-Jacques Rousseau set forth between the years 1712 and 1778.

What is the philosophy of Bauhaus?

For them the language of vision addresses biological perception rather than to the culturally conditioned intellect. “Bauhaus theorists defined this language as a system analogous that is primarily isolated from verbal language. Visual form was seen as a universal and transhistorical script, speaking directly to the mechanics of the eye and brain”(Lupton and Abbot 4).

How the pattern formed by Gestalt is basics of graphics?

The principles of gestalts are an attempt to describe how people perceive visual elements when certain principles or conditions are applied. They are built on four key ideas including appearance, multiple stability, embodiment and invariance.

How semiology works?

The most obvious sign system is the language people speak. In semiotics, it is called natural, distinguishing it from artificial sign systems, such as sign language, chemical symbols, mathematical and programming languages, Morse code, traffic signs, military uniform insignia and so on. Semiotics not only describes such languages, but also participates in their development - for example, in programming and the creation of machine and automated translation systems.

What is graphics and how it is different ?

Graphics is a type of fine art, including drawing and printed works of art (various types of engraving), based on the art of drawing , but possessing its own visual aids and expressive capabilities. The capacity of the image in the graphic is often achieved by the economy and concentration of artistic means, metaphorical metaphors. Therefore, in the graphic along with the completed compositions, the independent sketches, sketches of works of painting, sculpture and architecture have independent artistic value.

Works Cited

Lupton, Ellen V., and Abbot J. Miller. "The ABCs of II e: Sources and Design Theory." Design

Issues, vol. 3, no. 1, 2011, p. 2-31.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300



Luxene Isabelle Lukau

27 January 2020.


Sabrina Tavernises’ article published in The New York Times presents what the Americans must fear. Her reflection of swerving drawbacks which erupt from lack of migration suggests that the American economy is facing damages and drawbacks, for fewer migrations inside America. In comparison, she suggests that back in the 1950s, people of America were more at ease in finding a new home and a new job for themselves, which is totally opposite now. Being unbiased, she has referred to some cases, which are eye-opening, if viewed in comparison to previous figures released by the Census Bureau of America . Though she hadn’t addressed the classic economic hurdles behind these causes, the macroeconomic indicators, she refereed are enough for an ordinary reader to get an idea of the depleting economic risks, the earlier generations practiced. She has rightly pointed toward the economic aspects, which are a cause of suspicion.

After reading the article, the first impression any reader can get is about the advantages of shifting to other states, which the previous generations took advantage of. For the generations of this time, it is hard to grab such advantages. Owing to the increasing competition and expanding commercialization, people have started losing their jobs, which is the worst part of this economic up-building of nations. Her references, related to the latest Census data from the year 2019, suggest that young people have quit their options of moving from one state or county, to another. But they have the right reason for not moving since they cannot afford a new living, which is probably higher and more competitive, compared to the previous generations. Some general reflections this article presents is related to the causes of gradual economic decline, and lessening of opportunities, which is quite concerning.

Article Summary

Starting from analyzing the Census Bureau recent, Tavernise points toward a historical reference about the advantages of moving from one state to another, during the low season. She refers to the stories of some people from the previous decades, which she believed were able to manage their expenses in a small amount of income, since the rent was quite low, and were not a burden over monthly expenditures. She then goes on to refer to the industrial slumps, which are still quite often. During the industrial slumps, people managed to get new jobs easily and new art as well. In later parts of her article, Tavernise points toward a worker, who was associated with General Motors; but had to be let go of his job since his company no more required his services. In this point, she refers to an alarming aspect released by the Census Bureau, which suggests that the rate of inter- migrations have reduced to fifty per cent, compared to as much as it was in the 1950s.


There is no denial of the fact that people are suffering, the worst time in terms if economic recessions. The companies in America are looking forward to individuals who have the requisite skills and academic qualification to complete a certain task. Though it is good, for those who are not able to get an opportunity to being trained or get an academic qualification, this decline is nothing but a nightmare. Throughout the times in American history, people had moved from one place to another, for getting a handsome living, which has now become impossible. Similarly, the external economic conditions as pointed by Backhouse and Boianovsky, reveals that this trend will be continuing for more years to come. Friedrich, who is a socio-economic expert believes that the economy is related to social structuring and creating diversity which, in the case of America, is experiencing the worst times. Schor also points toward the declining aspect of moving from one place to another among people who are in late teens. For him, this aspect is limiting productivity, lessening the opportunities for acquiring new skills, hurting the social structure of America and creating distances among ordinary Americans and the elites.


Tavernise attempts to explore the flaws which are parallel to the American economy is an attempt to create awareness among the general public, about what is actually threatening for American people. Though the article presents the opinion and cases of a few Americans, it presents an accurate image of where the Americans are at fault. In her analysis and findings, she has linked the American social structure to its economy. She believes that since the economic and social indicators are unalike and unparalleled, therefore it points toward an impending economic crisis. The subject of her analysis was also the young Americans, which according to her, find no harm in leaving their place and moving to another county or state.

The article is an excellent insight into American socio-political, socio-economic and societal traits. Tavernise who herself, is not an economist, rather a journalist, has attempted to limit the macroeconomic indicators and their impact. Her insight to these indicators is quite concise, yet thorough. She links these aspects to the socio-economic upbringing of the American people. Her arguments have the worth to see toward the reason of the American economic decline, in a holistic manner. Cutting short, it is worthwhile to argue that American economic decline is not always linked to governmental consequences, rather they are linked to public dispositions as well.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Backhouse, Roger E., and Mauro Boianovsky. “Secular Stagnation: The History of a Macroeconomic Heresy.” The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 23, no. 6 (2016): 946–970.

Frenken, Koen, and Juliet Schor. “Putting the Sharing Economy into Perspective.” A Research Agenda for Sustainable Consumption Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.

Friedrich, Peter, and Chang Woon Nam. “Economic Decline and Public Intervention: Do Special Economic Zones Matter?” In Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.

“Frozen in Place: Americans Are Moving at the Lowest Rate on Record - The New York Times.” Accessed January 26, 2020. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/20/us/american-workers-moving-states-.html.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Article Analysis

Your Name

Instructor Name

Course Number


Article analysis


In the article entitled, “Why Technology Favors Tyranny” by Yuval Noah Harari explains the relationship between technology and tyranny. The issue explained in this article is that democracy feared the "tyranny of the majority," it may be convenient to start vaccinating against the "tyranny of technology." But beware, technology will only be tyrannical if it becomes exclusive to a few, even if they are more than in times past.


New technologies, the spearhead and alibi of an industry obsessed with profitability, contribute a little more every day to the destruction of the social bond and the disappearance of old forms of sociability, organization of work and thought. Their massive diffusion and their omnipresence lay the foundations of a real anthropological mutation comparable to the appearance of writing. If literacy was often the companion of emancipation, contemporary technologies prepare and organize a world based on speed, immediacy, superficiality, profit and death.

The ability to reduce distances, costs and to be able to integrate ourselves although in doing so many are getting in the way since there is no democratization in access to information technologies and generating various groups that could receive a qualifier for initially by the opportunity that has access to technologies, then the one that has access but becomes a technological illiterate and that in turn is marking the ability to integrate into a networked society or its exclusion from it.


In the second period of the 21st period, liberalism has started to lose reliability. Queries almost the skill of liberal egalitarianism to give for the middle class have developed gaudier; government have developed more group; and in ever more states, leaders are viewing a proclivity for autocracy and demagoguery. The reasons of this radical shift are multifaceted, however they seem to be entwined by present technological progresses. The technology that preferred democracy is varying, and as artificial intelligence progresses, it may change advance.

The author consider that we are facing a technological revolution that will radically transform the economy, labor relations, social relations, etc. It is obvious that it can also transform government in a fundamental way. This influence on government can be a profounder, more cooperative and purposeful democracy that leverages technology by structures of direct involvement that can detention cooperative intelligence. By a much more see-through political power, with greater answerability and more topic to expert inspection of citizenship, etc. Solving these great global challenges can be a very effective way to achieve greater development and legitimacy of democratic systems. Social welfare and democracy is a binomial that usually generates mutually beneficial feedback. but in the longer term (Harari, 2)


There is an evident causal relationship between technological revolution and change of political paradigm that is an empirical evidence if the impact of the information society during the last ten years is analyzed. First, this technological revolution has changed the traditional capitalist economic model. The economy is dominated by info economics (economics of the information society). The engines of the economy, the companies with more capital and influence belong to the info economy. They do not respect the most essential labor rules and violate the principle of privacy and confidentiality of the personal data of citizens. It is the avant-garde return of wild capitalism.

The neo-feudal model in which the new feudal lords are the plutocrats (companies and people who accumulate most of the capital). This technological and economic change together with the impact of globalization is manifesting a brutal impact on the societies of the most advanced countries. The result is greater social inequality due to job losses resulting from technological implementation, but in particular, for a new labor organization with a huge crown of unstable employees with very low salaries and a tiny core with stable and well-paid employees.

Ambiguous Language

The language used in this article is easy to understand for the general audience.


The first is the problem of a small number of experts capable of interacting with artificial intelligence systems. This problem is being gradually solved, the market is realizing the value of such specialists, and more and more employees are mastering the skills necessary for an emerging market. The technological factor can be attributed to the lack of computing power: now we are again developing ideas that we will be able to implement only with the advent of more powerful machines.

The technological revolution, centered around information technologies, is altering the substantial foundation of culture at an accelerated rate. Economies about the world have become symbiotic on a global scale, presenting a new method of correlation among economy, national and society in a structure of mutable geometry. The collapse of Soviet states and the succeeding disappearance of the worldwide collectivist movement have now destabilized the historical experiment to capitalism, liberated from the political left (and Marxist theory) from the deadly attraction of Marxism-Leninism, put an end to the cold war,

The current technological transformations are intertwined with another historical change: the economic globalization that unifies, at an accelerated rate, the markets of the planet. Both processes reinforce each other. Trade liberalization, along with other significant policy transformations around the world, such as privatization and the fall of communism in the former Soviet Union, served as a driving force for the integration of world markets that took place at the end of the 20th century. The new tools offered by information and communications technology strengthened and accelerated the process.

Works Cited

Harari, Yuval. "Why Technology Favors Tyranny". The Atlantic, 2019, https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/10/yuval-noah-harari-technology-tyranny/568330/.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900



The two artefacts that can be ‘engaging in lascivious act’ and ‘racial fair’. The writer did not provide a clear explanation of the lascivious act and how it might differ in the case of American whites. The artefacts can be revised because in defining "racial fair" the writer did not provide clear details. It is important to define what is fair and what is unfair in the justice system. The writer needs to explain how fairness varies between black and white Americans.

The assessment depicts the there is scope for improving the artefacts by providing examples of what these terms refer to. The first artifact ‘engaging in lascivious act’ can be revised by highlighting how it might be unfair in the justice system. The terms are lacking clear meaning that indicates that the writer must support them with adequate evidence CITATION Eng15 \l 1033 (Engin, 2015).

Pre-writing will allow addressing some of the flaws in the writing by clarifying the idea. Quality of work can also be improved by revising the terms and providing contextual meaning. Drafting the changes will help in proposing practical solutions related to the chosen artefacts. This will assist the writer to give a broader definition of the two artefacts.


Engin, M. (2015). Written artefacts in post-conference feedback sessions: the running commentary as a support for teacher learning. Journal of Education for Teaching, 41 (3).

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Aspects Of Sumerian, Hindu, And Ancient Greek Religion


Name of Professor



Aspects of Sumerian, Hindu, and Ancient Greek Religion

Religion and culture play a critical role to closely observe different prospect of any civilization. It is worthy to mention that different aspect of life closely linked to the phenomenon of religion. It is vital to explore different forms of faith and religious practices to make inferences about the functioning of different civilizations. When it comes to the idea of ancient civilization than Sumerian, Hindu, and Ancient Greek religion are some significant names. It is interesting to explore all these civilizations to make better inferences about the living patterns of people belongs to these specific societies. Here the main focus is to compare and contrast different aspects of Sumerian, Hindu, and Ancient Greek religion referred to the idea of epics.

Critical observation of different ancient civilizations helps to identify the religious and cultural domains adopted and practiced by the earlier civilizations of the world. Sumerian, Hindu, and the Ancient Greek religion are categorized as the earliest societies that bring evolution in the overall paradigm of the civilized world. It is noticeable that there are many different aspects that help to determine the features of similarities and differences that prevailed in case of this civilization. It is interesting to examine how different civilizations situated in separate areas are connected with each other referring to the ides of some of their living practices. It is great to mention that Mesopotamia, Hindu, and Ancient Greek religion are interconnected with each other and share a combined form of various knowledge. Referring to the particular civilizations of Ancient Greek religion and Hindu, it is worthy to indicate these societies have great similarities when it comes to their gods and the development of the entire societies. Architecture and the overall structure of the buildings are other significant examples that help to identify the common domains of living adopted by the Hindu and Greek civilizations. A proper understanding of different epics relevant to the different civilizations of Sumerian, Hindu, and Ancient Greek Religion indicate about the difference of region referred by these societies. All these civilizations immensely suffered from the feature of war between right and wrong. People of these civilizations faced great tension to apprehend the actual ideas of faithfulness and wisdom in their true forms. Another common aspect that can identify in the form of these civilizations that they shared their knowledge and prospect of religious foundations with each other that ultimately reflects in the form of living standards of these societies. There are many different cultural paradigms which are shared by the considered civilizations. All the civilizations of Sumerian, Hindu, and Ancient Greek have the similarity that they are considered as the influential communities of the Bronze Age.

Development of the cities is another prominent facet of concern that helps to determine the similarities and differences of this civilization. It is interesting to mention that these civilizations initiated their independent city-states that later came into the conflicting phase with each other. The phenomenon of development is somewhat different for the Civilization of Sumerian due to the prominent approach of Tigris and Euphrates. There is a difference between these considered civilizations exist in the form of land ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"hD2DCa4T","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(George)","plainCitation":"(George)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1680,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/6BUUI4EI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/6BUUI4EI"],"itemData":{"id":1680,"type":"book","title":"The Epic of Gilgamesh: The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian","publisher":"Penguin Books","URL":"https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=eCZRK_61adMC","ISBN":"978-0-14-044919-8","author":[{"family":"George","given":"A."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2002"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (George). The Mesopotamians have the advantage in the form of their land that makes it effective for them to sustain and develop a large population.

To conclude the critical discussion about the compare and contrast of the great civilizations of the Sumerian, Hindu, and the Ancient Greek religion, it is vital to mention that they have similarity to adopt some structural features for the proper functioning of the societies. Different living standards are adopted by the citizens of these civilizations that eventually reflects in the form of their approach to development.

Work Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY George, A. The Epic of Gilgamesh: The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian. Penguin Books, 2002, https://books.google.com/books?id=eCZRK_61adMC.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Ass 3 InterP

Ass 3 InterP: Letter of Advice to a Newly Engaged Couple

Ronald Lubin

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Ass 3 InterP: Letter of Advice to a Newly Engaged Couple

Dear Jack & Selina,

I hope this letter finds you well. I was immensely pleased at hearing about your engagement and congratulate both of you. I feel honored for being asked to advise the two of you on interpersonal communication to help you in maintaining a healthy relationship. During my coursework in communication, I have obtained some valuable insights regarding the subject and hopeful that the insights I share with you would help you develop a joyous, positive and a lasting relationship. In the following parts of my later, I would discuss with you some basic elements of interpersonal communication and divide different sections of the letter for each element so that you could easily follow the information. Some of the common obstacles to a successful interpersonal communication would be identified along with discussions on nonverbal communication, the importance of self-esteem, and the various social influences, such as gender and culture, that shape the way we communicate.

Barriers to effective interpersonal communication

The human being is a highly communicative species, and interpersonal communication is a highly critical and important element of their lives. Interpersonal communication refers to the interaction we have with each other through face to face or mediated channels. We communicate in anticipation of how the other would interpret or respond to that information. Although it looks simple, however, it requires effort to develop an understanding of it to be able to communicate successfully and build a satisfying relationship.

Some of the most important interpersonal communication principles include treating the other person with respect and not to interrupt when the other person is communicating. Another principle is this regard is the right to pass and not participate when one does not wish to. The third principle in this regard is to speak only for one’s oneself, and not assume that the other person would feel the same way about something as one does CITATION Ste08 \l 1033 (Beebe, Beebe, & Ivy, 2008). Moreover, we should not speak too often or too long since that can lead the other person to lose attention. Furthermore, it is not correct to challenge the other person but rather their behavior. Respecting the other person’s privacy and confidentiality is yet another principle, you must remember, to maintain trust with them. In addition, you must remember that we all can make mistakes in communication, but that should be an opportunity for insight, learning and connecting rather than condemnation CITATION Ste08 \l 1033 (Beebe, Beebe, & Ivy, 2008).

There are a number of barriers to successful interpersonal communication. For instance, our preconceptions often lead us to create misconceptions about the other individual, or it often happens that we fail to acknowledge the other person's perspective. Words carry a lot of power, and our choice of words can carry real-life positive or negative consequences. Furthermore, you should be careful of selective hearing in which the other person pays attention only to those parts of a conversation that they want to hear. A key barrier that I want you two to take note of is power struggles within communication. At times, we think we are in a position of power or authority and want the other person to respect that power and listen to us CITATION Jen14 \t \l 1033 (Bevan & Sole, 2014). Lastly, it is important to pay attention to our non-verbal gestures and practice using them to avoid giving the other person a wrong impression.

Communication and Self-Esteem

A number of factors that are related to our self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem affect the way we communicate. Our self-esteem, in particular, serves a major role in our communication, and it is something that is subjective and can change based on external information or feedback, but sometimes it resists change and becomes conservative. In contrast, our self-image can be affected by the media, our parents or friends and can sometimes not be based on reality. In contrast, our self-esteem is the regard and respect we hold for ourselves and links to feelings of optimism and positivity CITATION Pra16 \l 1033 (Sampthirao, 2016). It is possible for people to change their natural communication habits or styles and force themselves to adopt another if they see perceive some deficiency in their personality. Likewise, poor communication too can build a negative self-image, because our body image, dislikes or likes are often influenced by other people’s opinions. Our self-esteem also determines how assertively we are able to communicate to deal with a certain situation, whereas extroversion helps us approach strangers, talk in large groups and appear more friendly. Appreciation can serve as a powerful boost to the other person's self-esteem, and therefore you both have to practice frequently appreciating your partner, which, in turn, will help them feel happy, valued, important and loved. You should also cheer-lead the other person and brag about them in front of your friends and families to boost their self-esteem. Self-esteem is also linked to empathy and kindness that we show each other. A study found that open communication and positive self-esteem in the wife, predicts higher sexual satisfaction in the husband and leads to overall marital satisfaction in women CITATION Lar98 \l 1033 (Larson, Anderson, Holman, & Niemann, 1998).

Significance of Emotional Intelligence and Self-Disclosure

Human beings value their sense of privacy, and all of us have certain boundaries and rules determining what we share about us with the other. Appropriate self-disclosure is a key element of interpersonal relationships. It refers to that information that the other person cannot typically know or discover about us unless we tell them. Too much of self-disclosure can increase the other person’s vulnerability while appropriate self-disclosure helps foster better communication CITATION Lau98 \l 1033 (Laurenceau, Barrett, & Pietromonaco, 1998). Mutual self-disclosure can lead both of you to understand each other in a more deeper way and enhance your trust, but remember inappropriate, or early self-disclosure can also create complications.

Another related element of interpersonal communication is emotional intelligence. This is our ability to identify and manage the other person’s emotions and our own CITATION Jen14 \t \l 1033 (Bevan & Sole, 2014). It comprises of five characteristics: self-awareness, motivation, self-regulation, social skills, and empathy. When you are able to understand the emotions of the other person, it can help you learn more about your own self and help you sympathize with the emotions of the other person. Emotional intelligence also helps regulate self-disclosure as you learn how to set boundaries and a relationship in which both partners are emotionally intelligent is more lasting as a result of the partners regulating or deflecting negative emotions CITATION Kau17 \l 1033 (Kaur & Junnarkar, 2017).

Culture and Gender-based influences on communication

This is another aspect of interpersonal communication that is important for you to learn to gain an appreciation of how the other person may think or react to a conversation or a situation. Gender theorists are of the view that the interaction of different physical attributes and social arrangements in a society lead to gender differences in communication, which lead to different social expectations from each gender. For instance, the male is associated with competition, autonomy, and power and thus emotions related to displaying vulnerability are discouraged. Conversely, the female is expected to demonstrate powerless emotions because this maintains relational and social harmony and reduces hostility within a relationship, in which power dynamics play a role. It was found in a study that in Western culture, the different social expectations from men lead them to develop a restrictive emotionality, and the patterns in male behavior and communication remain unchanged even when a society moves towards greater gender equality, while the linguistic styles of women are often reflective of their roles in the social order and they are more likely to make use of tag questions, fillers, and qualifiers to soften their conversations. Moreover, Gender equality still does not develop feminine associated emotions and characteristics in men CITATION Agn04 \l 1033 (Fischer, Mosquera, Vianen, & Manstead, 2004).

Therefore, our notions and cultural notions of gender have a key role to play in our communicative practices, which can also be seen in our non-verbal behavior, or how we spatially associate with the other person within our cultureCITATION Bev14 \t \l 1033 (Bevan & Sole, 2014). The female gender identity typically focusses more on interconnectedness to socialize in relationships, whereas men typically engage in informative and less emotional topics that are mostly purpose driven. I would advise you that you learn about these different areas of communication such as issues related to language, non-verbal gestures, assumed similarity, preconceptions, and stereotypes that we typically associate with genders CITATION Bec94 \l 1033 (Mulvaney, 1994). Our acknowledgment of the other person's cultural and gender-based influences would help us develop an enhanced appreciation of the other person and improve our day to day interaction. Knowing how masculinity or femininity, along with our cultural practices, intertwines with communication within our social order will help you orient yourself to work through any potential problems arising from these differences.


To conclude, I believe it is important for the two of you, who have just entered into a new phase of your relationship, to remember that interpersonal communication in marriages and relationships take time, skill and practice. The barriers that I have identified in interpersonal communication and its overall principals would make you empathic, active and conscious communicators. Moreover, your emotional intelligence will help you appreciate and understand the other person’s emotions and help you maintain appropriate self-disclosure. In addition, I would like to once again stress on the importance of upholding the other person’s self-esteem while being aware of how cultural and gender-based influences can influence our emotions along with our non-verbal and verbal communication. I am hopeful that the insights I have shared would help you maintain a smooth and joyous relationship, and avoid any potential conflicts. I wish you both a happy and blissful life ahead, and I look forward to meeting the two of you soon.

Yours Sincerely,

Ronald Lubin


BIBLIOGRAPHY Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Ivy, D. K. (2008). Communication: Principles for a Lifetime, Portable Edition -- Volume 2: Interpersonal Communication (1st ed., Vol. 2). Pearson.

Bevan, J. L., & Sole, K. (2014). Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communicaton (2nd ed.). Bridgepoint Education.

Bevan, J. L., & Sole, K. (2014). Verbal and Nonverbal Communication: Making Every Word and Gesture Matter. In J. L. Bevan, & K. Sole, Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication (2nd ed.). Bridgepoint Education.

Fischer, A. H., Mosquera, P. M., Vianen, A. E., & Manstead, A. S. (2004). Gender and Culture Differences in Emotion. Emotion, 4(1), 87-94.

Kaur, J., & Junnarkar, M. (2017). Emotional Intelligence and Intimacy in Relationships. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 4(3), 27-35. doi:18.01.084/20170403

Larson, J. H., Anderson, S. M., Holman, T. B., & Niemann, B. K. (1998). A longitudinal study of the effects of premarital communication, relationship stability, and self-esteem on sexual satisfaction in the first year of marriage. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 24(3), 193-206. doi:10.1080/00926239808404933

Laurenceau, J.-P., Barrett, L. F., & Pietromonaco, P. R. (1998). Intimacy as an Interpersonal Process: The Importance of Self-Disclosure, Partner Disclosure, and Perceived Partner Responsiveness, in Interpersonal Exchanges. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(5), 1238-1251. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lisa_Barrett3/publication/13685624_Intimacy_as_an_Interpersonal_Process_the_Importance_of_Self-Disclosure_Partner_Disclosure_and_Perceived_Partner_Responsiveness_in_Interpersonal_Exchanges/links/0c960517a6ba3a7f2800000

Mulvaney, B. M. (1994). Gender Differences in Communication: An Intercultural Experience . Retrieved from Feminism Eserver: https://feminism.eserver.org/gender/cyberspace/gender-differences

Sampthirao, P. (2016). Self-Concept and Interpersonal Communication. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 3(3), 178-189. doi: 18.01.115/20160303

Subject: English

Pages: 14 Words: 4200

Ass2 InTP

Ass2 In TP

Your Name (First M. Last)

School or Institution Name (University at Place or Town, State)


Functions of non-verbal communication:

Managing of impression and identities:

Before a person opens his mouth to speak, you could guess what he is about to say from his expression and looks, his posture, dress and even you can guess about what he is going to talk through his eye-contact. The person also makes certain impressions for you to guess by using non-verbal cues. One of the primary things for forming impressions is body movement and physical appearance. Non-verbal communication is essential for perceiving others.

For example:

When a person works in an organization, by his dress code he/she discloses his/her identity (Bell,et,al,2018). Also, impressions could be judged by looking at the behavior and attitude of an individual. When a person would be happy, he would behave politely but when the same person would be upset his response won't be pleasant at all. Many times, a guess that we make about specific people with whom we met even for five minutes proves correct just by taking a look at their physical appearance.

Impacts of biased language on attitudes and behaviors:

It has been generally seen that some languages are not at all acceptable. Biased language is a type of language that presents specific information in favor or against a particular person or point of view. Biased language shows a negative attitude for a person's race, religion; ethnicity, age or illness may be intentionally or unintentionally. In professional and academic set up this kind of language is greatly discouraged, and this type of language obstructs cooperation among people.


It has a negative impact on an individual's behavior. In the end, communication is unhealthy that generates hate and leads towards the lack of cooperation that ensures the comforts of others. It helps in understanding the impact of subjectivity in communication.

Communication and gender:

2) Gender is one of the most important things that define how a person is going to communicate. There are specific attributes linked with males and females. Being a male, I like to have direct communication in which I use eye contact with the person I speak to.

3) There could be seen a clear difference in the way of communication between males and females. According to Bevan and Sole, traits of masculine communication are, they use to do point communication and use slangs. On the other hand, in the case of feminine communication, it has been seen that their communication is full of emotions. They also use hedges as well.

4) Benefits of androgyny communication:

It enables the speaker to communicate with others (both males and females) without receiving any negative feedback.

It also helps in fluctuating between the two worlds without any problem.

Digital communication:

With the advancement of time, digital communication has become one of the fastest and effective ways of communication (Bevan,et,al,2014). In fact, most of our verbal messages are now being converted into digital instruction as it could be seen that people are nowadays using mobiles and other digital devices for communication. People by looking at the situations define in which way they have to communicate so that they could have a healthy environment. But digital communication creates confusion sometimes so people should be aware of the fact they have to confirm if sometimes confuses them. Secondly, they may become addicted to digital communication that may distract them from the real goals.

For becoming a better communicator, one should use such a language that won’t be confusing for the other participant of communication and people should give a limited time and should try avoiding becoming an addicted of digital mediated communication. For better communication, one should become a good listener as well so that he could understand other’s point of view clearly.


Bevan, L., Sole, K. (2014). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication (2nd ed.). [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/

Bell, V., Dunne, H., Zacharia, T., Brooker, K., & Shergill, S. (2018). A symptom-based approach to treatment of psychosis in autism spectrum disorder. BJPsych open, 4(1), 1-4.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600


Ass4InT: Interpersonal Conflict in Television

Ronald Lubin

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

Ass4InT: Interpersonal Conflict in Television

If the person in need of social support does not consider it helpful, the manner in which that support is provided can worsen the situation CITATION Bev14 \l 1033 (Bevan & Sole, 2014). Television is an excellent example of interpersonal conflicts that pertain to one’s daily life. One example of this is the television episode of Big Bang Theory in which numerous interpersonal conflicts were going on and can be traced very easily by reading the material. It gives an insight into how a person can be affected by one's own absence of concerns about other people emotions.

"The Sales Call Sublimation" was the interpersonal conflict showcased in the television episode of "The Big Bang Theory" CITATION Joh16 \l 1033 (Lorre, Prady, Molaro, Holland, & Reynolds, 2016). The wife of the character in this episode gradually became like her mother in law. The outcome of this interpersonal conflict was the accommodating nature of that character in his marital relationship giving into his wife demands, a woman who does not understand how she took the role of a manipulator throughout the course of their relationship. As revealed by the psychiatrist, the wife was playing the role of the mother rather than considering the matter seriously as it was harmful to their marital relationship. He prescribes the medications to deal with the mental strain arising from their relationship conflicts.

Such issues demand the understanding of empathy and self-control over one's behavior if one wants to improve the situation. Empathy is needed for a healthier relationship if one remains aware of another person's needs and can make sacrifices to satisfy those needs CITATION Bev14 \l 1033 (Bevan & Sole, 2014). The doctor identified the issues in marital relationship with the roommate which Plays on everyone. An interesting element was that by the end of the meeting with the wife was selling like her husband did to get her to visit a physician.

The issues between them could be solved by identifying the communication issues between them and developing an action plan to address their issues. Verbal and non-verbal communications were not employed to take the best advantage of the script CITATION Bev14 \l 1033 (Bevan & Sole, 2014). Listening and problem skills were not used effectively. Studies reveal that rewards are also an effective way to solve interpersonal conflicts. In fact, scholars were initially having trouble identifying the importance of rewards for relationship management CITATION Lin16 \l 1033 (Linda Torstveit, 2016).

The "Social Exchange Theory" explains that the rewards versus cost happened in a relationship when one considers it essential to develop and maintain relationships. It is the natural tendency to reduce the cost of a relationship by increasing the rewards CITATION Eme76 \l 1033 (Emerson, 1976). In the conflict in the episode, the sick man wanted to have rewards without bearing any cost. Restoring equity is another way of positive resolution in a relationship. The person who is over-benefited can change behavior inclines to change their behavior due to guilt feelings CITATION Lin16 \l 1033 (Linda Torstveit, 2016). When people take things for granted, interpersonal communications take a turn. Not considering others in relationships eventually end them which can be saved by the use of empathy CITATION Ale17 \l 1033 (Main, Walle, Kho, & Halpern, 2017).

This episode gives an insight into how one can get miss-lead by one's lack of consideration, and these television shows are a mirror image of human lives. The conflict in this episode lacked empathy on behalf of the couple and the friend of man. Although the spouse, psychiatrist, and bends identified the problems but failed to handle the matter in a positive and intact manner. Though it is easy to recognize the conflicts in some cases, it is handled poorly like the one instance is in the episode of Big Bang Theory.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Bevan, L., & Sole, K. (2014). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication (2nd ed.). Ashford: Bridgepoint Education.

Emerson, R. M. (1976). Social Exchange Theory. Annual Review of Sociology, 2, 335-362. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/2946096

Linda Torstveit, a. S. (2016). Empathy, Guilt Proneness, and Gender: Relative Contributions to Prosocial Behaviour. Europe's journal of psychology, 12(2), 260-270. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.5964%2Fejop.v12i2.1097

Lorre, C., Prady, B., Molaro, S., Holland, S., Reynolds, J. (Writers), & Cendrowski, M. (Director). (2016). The Sales Call Sublimation: The Big Bang Theory 2007 [Motion Picture]. USA: Warner Bros. Television.

Main, A., Walle, E. A., Kho, C., & Halpern, J. (2017). The Interpersonal Functions of Empathy: A Relational Perspective. Emotion Review, 9(4), 358-366. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1754073916669440

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600


Ass5: Advice to a Couple

Ronald Lubin

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Ass5: Advice to a Couple

Dear Jason & Margaret,

It was great to hear from you. I was delighted to hear that you two are now engaged and planning to get married soon. It is really an honor that you asked me for advice regarding interpersonal communication in relationships. Although I am still in the learning process, but my coursework has allowed me to gain some great insights regarding interpersonal communication that I would love to share with you to help you two forge a stronger and lasting relationship. To make it easy for you, I would organize my letter into four parts wherein I would discuss different aspects of interpersonal communication, such as barriers to successful communication, important principles at play, the effect of cultural, social and gender-based influences and the importance of self-esteem and emotional intelligence in helping us communicate effectively. After reading through these parts, you will be able to gain and apply some of the key insights that I have gained from my course to strengthen your relationship in the future.

Effective interpersonal communication and Common Obstacles

Human beings are among the most communicate species on the planet with interpersonal communication being a vital component of their lives. By interpersonal communication, I am referring to the common interaction human beings have with each other through mediated or face-to-face channels. Our communication is often dependent on the way we anticipate the other person’s response or interpretation of our messages. Although, it may seem something easy and natural; but in many ways, a substantial effort to learn and develop the right approaches towards communication.

A number of barriers exist that obstruct our ability to communicate our message across successfully. One of these barriers is our own preconceptions which often create misconceptions within us about the intent of the other individual. Also, at times we do not acknowledge the perspective of others when interpreting their words. It should be remembered that words carry substantial power within them, and our choice of words can deeply impact our message. Another barrier to effective interpersonal communication is selective hearing, which occurs when one focusses only on that part of a conversation which they like to hear. Similarly, at times, power struggles can occur within two communicating individuals in which a person who is in authority or position of power wants the other to listen to them because of the power they enjoy (Bevan & Sole, 2014). Likewise, it is also important to practice our non-verbal gestures to go along correctly with our communications to avoid creating a wrong impression.

To overcome these barriers, there are a number of principles which define successful interpersonal communication. Among these principles, one of the first and most important one is to treat the other individual with respect and not interrupt them when they are conversing. Secondly, one should not feel pressured to participate in a conversation when they do not wish to. Thirdly, it is important to acknowledge that the other person may feel differently about something than we do; therefore we should try to speak for our own self first (Beebe, Beebe, & Ivy, 2008). Another principle to effective communication is not to speak too long or too often that it causes the other person to feel bored or lose attention. If we disagree with someone, we should challenge their act, message or behavior rather than their person. At the same time, one should respect the other person's autonomy, confidentiality, and privacy in order to maintain a level of trust between yourselves (Beebe, Beebe, & Ivy, 2008).

Self-Esteem and Communication

One important factor that affects our communication is our self-esteem and by extension our self-image and self-concept. An individual's self-esteem is based often on the external feedback or information they receive externally, but at times it also becomes conservative and resistant to change. It essentially refers to the respect and regard we have for ourselves and is often linked to our sense of positivity and optimism CITATION Pra16 \l 1033 (Sampthirao, 2016). Our self-esteem affects communication in a number of ways; for instance, people tend to change their natural ways of communication and adopt another one if they sense a deficiency within their personality. Likewise, a negative self-image can be formed as a result of people's opinions, likes or dislikes. Moreover, our assertiveness in communication is also linked to our self-esteem as is our extroversion; a quality that helps people talk in large groups, approach strangers or appear friendly.

In a relationship, you should frequently practice boosting each other’s self-esteem through the simple act of appreciation. It makes them feel important, valued, loved and in turn, happy because of the improved self-esteem. Similarly, cheer-leading your partner and bragging about them in front of your families and friends can also become a self-esteem booster. Additionally, kindness and empathy are also strongly associated with self-esteem. Positive self-esteem develops from open communication with one's partner and is a predictor of higher overall marital satisfaction among women and sexual satisfaction among husbands in men, in a relationship CITATION Lar98 \l 1033 (Larson, Anderson, Holman, & Niemann, 1998).

Gender and Cultural influences on communication

Another aspect of successful interpersonal communication is learning to appreciate how the other person may react to a situation or a particular conversation. These reactions are a result of various influences in our lives. For instance, gender theorists suggest that certain gender-based differences exist within our communication styles that have arisen out of an interaction between various social arrangements and physical attributes of society. In turn, it leads to differing social expectations from men and women. A woman, thus, is expected to demonstrate more powerlessness in a relationship because it maintains social and relational harmony and reduces potential hostilities, whereas men's communication is associated more with an expression of autonomy, competition, and power. In western cultures, men and women tend to develop a gender-restricted emotionality which is so embedded within them that it does not change even if society adopts substantial gender equality. The language adopted by men and women differs in the sense that women make more use of fillers, tag questions and qualifiers to make their conversations soft while these ‘feminine’ styles remain absent from male communication styles even when a society has achieved gender equality CITATION Agn04 \l 1033 (Fischer, Mosquera, Vianen, & Manstead, 2004).

Therefore, you both should realize that the cultural notion of gender that you have grown up with will inevitably play a significant role in your interpersonal communication. It will, similarly, also extend to your spatial behavior and non-verbal communicationCITATION Bev14 \t \l 1033 (Bevan & Sole, 2014). These will become evident in the form of the typical communication styles you adopt that match your gender identity. For instance, Margaret may find herself focusing more on interconnectedness and socialization within relationships while Jason may conventionally engage in more informative topics of conversation that are driven by purpose. It is advisable to learn about these various differences in language and the gender-linked stereotypes we often tend to hold, in order to be able to acknowledge these variations in styles CITATION Bec94 \l 1033 (Mulvaney, 1994). This would allow you to gain an appreciation of how your partner communicates and help improve your daily interactions.

Self-Disclosure and Emotional Intelligence

As human beings, we all value our privacy and hold certain rules and boundaries that determine what we want to share about ourselves to the outside world. Self-disclosure is closely linked to our sense of privacy and is an important element to our communication and relationships. Self-disclosure refers to disclosing information that cannot be known or discovered about us unless we disclose it ourselves. While appropriate self-disclosure is known to enhance communication, too much of it can lead to harm by increasing the vulnerability of the discloser CITATION Lau98 \l 1033 (Laurenceau, Barrett, & Pietromonaco, 1998). Therefore, while self-disclosure helps you understand your partner in a closer way and builds trust, early or inappropriate self-disclosure can also lead to complications.

Emotional intelligence is one quality that helps us manage and identify our own emotions and that of others CITATION Jen14 \t \l 1033 (Bevan & Sole, 2014). It involves self-regulation, self-awareness, empathy, and social skills that help us understand the emotions of the other person in a better way by empathizing with their feelings and emotions while helping us learn about our own selves better. Emotional intelligence is significant in interpersonal communication because it can help individuals regulate their self-disclosure with the person they communicate with, by learning how to create personal boundaries. If relationship partners have higher emotional intelligence, it is known to lead to more lasting relationships as couples become more adept in regulating their emotions and deflecting negative ones CITATION Kau17 \l 1033 (Kaur & Junnarkar, 2017).


In the end, I hope you have understood the importance good interpersonal communication carries in relationships. It is also equally important to understand that knowing theories is not enough rather developing strong interpersonal communication with your partner requires patience, time and practice. For this, you have to pay attention to the barriers that impede communication and make use of your emotional intelligence to understand, acknowledge and appreciate the other person's communication styles. Moreover, you have to take into consideration the gender, social and culture-based influences that affect the way you and your partner communicate, and ensure that you boost the other's self-esteem. After you have gone through the discussion, I would love to meet you two personally to further discuss these issues in person. I wish you both a happy and joyful life ahead.

Sincerely Yours,

Ronald Lubin


BIBLIOGRAPHY Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Ivy, D. K. (2008). Communication: Principles for a Lifetime, Portable Edition -- Volume 2: Interpersonal Communication (1st ed., Vol. 2). Pearson.

Bevan, J. L., & Sole, K. (2014). Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication (2nd ed.). Bridgepoint Education.

Bevan, J. L., & Sole, K. (2014). Verbal and Nonverbal Communication: Making Every Word and Gesture Matter. In J. L. Bevan, & K. Sole, Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication (2nd ed.). Bridgepoint Education.

Fischer, A. H., Mosquera, P. M., Vianen, A. E., & Manstead, A. S. (2004). Gender and Culture Differences in Emotion. Emotion, 4(1), 87-94.

Kaur, J., & Junnarkar, M. (2017). Emotional Intelligence and Intimacy in Relationships. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 4(3), 27-35. doi:18.01.084/20170403

Larson, J. H., Anderson, S. M., Holman, T. B., & Niemann, B. K. (1998). A longitudinal study of the effects of premarital communication, relationship stability, and self-esteem on sexual satisfaction in the first year of marriage. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 24(3), 193-206. doi:10.1080/00926239808404933

Laurenceau, J.-P., Barrett, L. F., & Pietromonaco, P. R. (1998). Intimacy as an Interpersonal Process: The Importance of Self-Disclosure, Partner Disclosure, and Perceived Partner Responsiveness, in Interpersonal Exchanges. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(5), 1238-1251. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lisa_Barrett3/publication/13685624_Intimacy_as_an_Interpersonal_Process_the_Importance_of_Self-Disclosure_Partner_Disclosure_and_Perceived_Partner_Responsiveness_in_Interpersonal_Exchanges/links/0c960517a6ba3a7f2800000

Mulvaney, B. M. (1994). Gender Differences in Communication: An Intercultural Experience. Retrieved April 28, 2018, from Feminism Eserver: https://feminism.eserver.org/gender/cyberspace/gender-differences

Sampthirao, P. (2016). Self-Concept and Interpersonal Communication. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 3(3), 178-189. doi: 18.01.115/20160303

Segal, J., & Smith, M. (2018, January). Conflict Resolution Skills. Retrieved April 28, 2018, from Help Guide: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships-communication/conflict-resolution-skills.htm?pdf=true

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500


[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]




[Date Letter is Drafted]

[Samantha Marx],

This letter is to inform you that your employment will be no longer be required as the Networking Officer in our organization. The decision of your termination has been taken after the annual performance evaluation of the employees. Your performance in this organization is not matching our expectations. We were analyzing your performance since last year as you were not completing your tasks properly and responded very slowly to our valuable clients. The higher management of the company has now realized that over time, you are becoming a liability for our organization and it will be in great favor of the company to terminate you from your duties. The decision of the company is not reversible but our company will compensate you well.

You will be compensated for your unused leave days, two months' salary. The salary you were owed, will be not deducted from your compensation. You will be eligible to avail the rest of your limit regarding healthcare benefits. You are requested to return your employment card, security swipe card, cell phone, office keys, laptop, equipment and all belongings of the company. Kindly submit all belongings that the company provided you during your services in this organization as soon as possible. You have knowledge about the employment policy which was signed by you during the process of appointment, If you have any queries about our benefits, compensation and returning company property, then you are free to contact the company. You are required to provide us your current contact number and residence address, which will be helpful for the company to contact you in the future in case of need in this organization. We wish you the best of luck for your future life.


Manager, Human Resource

[Date Letter is Drafted]

[Samantha Marx],

We are very sorry to inform you about our discussion in today’s meeting that your services in this organization as “Networking Officer” are no longer required. Unfortunately, the company has been continuously facing economic problems for long due to political instability, which has resulted in low or no sales. We discarded our obsolete technology and introduced new products in the market but unfortunately, all our efforts were worthless and we failed to increase sales and work. The higher management had decided to eliminate some employees from the networking department due to our low sales in the offseason. With deepest regret, we have to inform you that your name is on the list of people, who have been eliminated from the organization from the start of next month.

Within a few days, the Human Resource representative will call you for a meeting. In this meeting, we will let you know about your separation benefits, which will be provided by the organization after this layoff. You will also be provided our assistance for counseling session for finding a new job. You are requested to return all belongings of the company, which includes employment card, office keys, office vehicle, cell phone, and laptop. We are requesting you to provide us your current residence address and contact number so that we will approach you whenever we need your services in the future. Kindly discuss your queries in next meeting regarding your compensation from the organization. You will receive good compensation from the company after termination from the organization. Your compensation will be probably two months' salary and payment of unused leaves. We wish you the best of luck in your future career.


Manager Human Resource

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

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