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Appeal Letter

Appeal letter

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The Principal.

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to appeal for financial aid to continue my studies from your esteemed school. In the eye of the institution and according to my academic record, I may not be a bright student like I should be, because I failed my classes, but I want to let you know what I am into and what caused me to do that. Although it is challenging for me to share all of this with you still I want to let you know, I have been suffering from extreme depression and agony for a long time. I have been fighting with stress, self-hurting thoughts, and mental sickness since the day my dad became disloyal to my mom. At the same time, I got bullied in school a lot for being a Latina. I am told thousand times a day that I do not belong to this country, there is no place for me here, and I am just a burden and nothing else. I have been abused verbally and physically, and I had no idea how to fight back and stand up for myself. I felt helpless, useless, and hurt every single second. In short, I hated myself. I did not know what I was going to do unless I shared it with the priest at the church. Since the day I met him, he has been teaching me what life is and how every single creature that God has created is important and special. His teachings motivated me in life, elevated my confidence and strengthen my inside. I am getting better each day. I know I've let the expectations of my teachers and institution down but no more from now on. In reality, I am so fond of learning and my previous achievements in both curricular and extracurricular shows that I am passionate about treasuring it. I got the first position in last class and won a gold medal in swimming. I know education is the most significant power in this universe. Hope you'll understand. Kindly accept my appeal and give me a chance to prove myself. I look forward to being a bright student in your respected institution.


Your Name


Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Approaches To Universial Health Care In The United States Will Improve The Raical Inequalities Faced By African Americans





Approaches to universal Health Care in the United States will improve the racial inequalities faced by African Americans


This assignment is intended at determining racial influence on the discriminatory healthcare practices for African Americans. This point does not require further elaboration that racial inequality reduces the availability of quality care to the minorities, leaving them underprivileged. Based on the available facts and figures a thesis statement “Approaches to universal Health Care in the United States will improve the racial inequalities faced by African Americans” was generated. First, a brief introduction of racial discrimination was presented. Universal approaches to healthcare will be defined in the next section along with the thorough elaboration of how these approaches are mitigating the superfluous instances of racial discrimination is healthcare sector. In the end, conclusion section will attempt to extract meaningful inferences from the whole textual activity.

Main body

Thesis statement:

Approaches to universal Health Care in the United States will improve the racial inequalities faced by African Americans

Racial discrimination—a brief introduction

Although discrimination on the basis of race has no scientific grounds yet it has become highly aversive phenomenon perpetuating within the cultures seemingly “genetic” in nature (Krieger, 2012). Becker—a social psychologist—came up with the ground breaking idea of “fear of death” as the strong motivator behind much of our actions (Goldenberg et. al., 2008). A profound sense of terror and anxiety is caused when individual encounters an uncontrollable conflict between “his realization about death” and “his innately predisposed desire of being alive and productive.” The outcome becomes evident in form of “racial discrimination” when individual starts using his culture as a buffer for anxiety (Goldenberg et. al., 2008).

The above mentioned description refers to the explanation of racial discrimination—the psychological theory of terror management. This theory propounds the notion that human being is a social animal with the pervasive urge of identification with some influential social group. He cannot live alone because it gives him a lingering sense of losing life and endangered survival—since the stone-age (Goldenberg et. al., 2008). He manages his ‘terror” of being abandoned identifying him with the powerful social class or group. Undoubtedly, whites are in power and people—for the sake of their psychological fulfillment—tend to attribute their race as a source of superiority so that they could surpass others.

With the passing time, these beliefs become immensely uncongenial running unconsciously within the societies even without personal awareness (Banks et. al., 2006). Although psychologists and sociologists have made active attempts in mitigating this menace yet, discrimination somehow manages to find its way of expression at personal and institutional level (Banks et. al., 2006). With the technological advancements, the “irrational” discriminatory ideas are being opposed at personal and institutional level due to the freedom of expression through mass media (Goldenberg et. al., 2008; Jackson, 1995).

Approaches to universal healthcare; linking racial discrimination to the universal healthcare approaches

Discrimination in the healthcare setting can be estimated as the differential dealing with the minorities both by the authorities and other members of society. It not only affects physical health but also brings adverse mental health outcomes suggested by sociocultural studies (Williams and Mohammed, 2009). A bulk of literature is evident that healthcare outcomes of discrimination are highly deteriorating e.g., stress responses that damage organic and mental functioning adversely. In addition, they suffer maltreatment and inadequate availability of healthcare facilities which in turn disrupts their physical and mental health (Jackson, 1995; Banks et. al., 2006; Williams and Mohammed, 2009).

In 2004, USA Institute of Medicine published first formal research based statistics concerning unequal treatment of ethnic minorities. As a result of synthesizing a massive body of research, it was demonstrated that ethnic minorities of US are very unlikely to receive healthcare preventive and management facilities than that of white people (Martha and Sarah, 2018). Consequently, health outcomes among black people were highly deteriorating when neighborhood, health insurance, co-morbid illness and income was taken into account for explaining racial disparities (Williams and Mohammed, 2009; Pascoe & Richman, 2009).

As a result, this report stimulated the institute of medicine to put racial equality on the top of the list named “objectives of US healthcare system.” This was a commendable attempt to ensure that all the Americans under the category of human, are enjoying the privilege of being treated equally by healthcare institutions (Martha and Sarah, 2018). In the past, less attention was given to the access of equal healthcare opportunities to the minorities and enhancing their life-span. In 2010, “the white paper” a recent institute of healthcare modifications termed racial equality as the “forgotten aim” propounding the notion that a very little progress has been made in this regard (Martha and Sarah, 2018).

Agenda of zero discrimination

Realizing the importance of healthcare equality, with the ongoing massive support from stakeholders across the world, World Health Organization, UNSAID and GHWA propounded the valued agenda of zero discrimination aimed at providing equitable healthcare facilities to the minorities, expanding their satisfaction, improvising their quality of life and enhancing their life expectancy (UNSAID, 2016). This agenda was completed and presented on March 1, 2016, prioritizing three important areas of improvement:

Political impact: modification and mobilization of core constituencies and enhancing political commitment for securing healthcare rights at institutional levels.

Accountability: maintenance of accountability through improving, monitoring and assessing evaluation frameworks.

Implementation: application of all the rules, conventions and policies for ensuring equitable healthcare rights for ethnic minorities.

In addition to providing the agenda, it also gives a fine-line of how these theoretical ideal situations will be accomplished. Some of these techniques are stated below (UNSAID, 2016):

In order to provide services free from discrimination and stigma, enabling healthcare workforce to develop core competencies and capacities e.g., through appropriate professional and moral training.

Conduction of research based evidences and suitable practices for eliminating discriminatory practices.

Assurance of strict scrutinizing procedures for accountability and evaluation.

Provision of timed and quality health to all without fear of any judgment.

The implementation of effectual grievance mechanisms for grief and loss.

Provision of legal services, community based institutions, peer support networks and additional service providers to the vulnerable population when necessary.

Empowerment of civil society, clients and workers providing them with the workplace equality, allowing participation of previously discriminated community in developing programs and policies in order to promote discrimination-free equality in healthcare setting.

American Nursing Association Code of Ethics

First three nursing ethical provision are linked to the professional role of nurses attempting to treat all the community members as “patients” regardless of their socioeconomic status, nature of disease, racial or ethnic background and religion. These provisions are as follows (ANA, 2013):

Provision I: nurse is responsible for maintaining worth and dignity of patients, equal treatment and providing right of self determination to the patients regardless of the ethnicity, personal attributes and nature of problem.

Provision II: the primary commitment of nurse is to maintain professional relationship with patient no matter what his family background is.

Provision III: nurse promotes advocates and strives for the healthcare rights of patients.


This assignment was aimed at determining racial influence on the discriminatory healthcare practices for African Americans. This point does not require further elaboration that racial inequality reduces the availability of quality care to the minorities, leaving them underprivileged. Based on the available facts and figures, a thesis statement “Approaches to universal Health Care in the United States will improve the racial inequalities faced by African Americans” was generated and supported through a wide range of reliable scholarly literature. In a nutshell, it can be concluded that realizing the need of equal healthcare facilities, it has now become irrefutably significant for US government and institutions to develop and implement effective strategies for eradicating biased treatment towards minorities. Universal healthcare policies, ethical codes of conduct and financial remittance are the best ways for mitigating such disparities.

Works Cited

Goldenberg JL and Arndt J. “The implications of death for health: A terror management health model for behavioral health promotion.” Psychological Review. 2008, vol.115, pp.1032–1053 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18954213 assessed 19 March 2019

Slaughter JC, Caldwell CH, Misra DP. “The influence of personal and group racism on entry into prenatal care among African American women.” Womens Health Issues. 2013, vol. 23 no.6, pp.381-387. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24041828/ assessed 19 March 2019

Williams DR, Mohammed SA. “Discrimination and racial disparities in health: evidence and needed research.” J Behav Med, 2009,  vol.32, no.1, pp.20–47. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19030981 assessed 19 March 2019

 Jackson JS, Brown TN, Williams DR, Torres M, Sellers SL, Brown K. “Racism and the physical and mental health status of African Americans: a thirteen year national panel study.” Ethn Dis, 1995, vol.6 no.1–2, pp.132–47 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8882842 assessed 19 March 2019

Pascoe EA, Smart Richman L. “Perceived discrimination and health: a meta-analytic review.” Psychol Bull, 2009: vol.135, no.4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19586161 assessed 19 March 2019

Banks KH, Kohn-Wood LP, Spencer M. “An examination of the African American experience of everyday discrimination and symptoms of psychological distress.” Community Ment Health J, 2006: vol. 42, no.6, pp.555–70. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16897412 assessed 19 March 2019

Krieger N. “Methods for the scientific study of discrimination and health: an ecosocial approach.” Am J Public Health, 2012, vol. 102, no.5: pp.936–44. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22420803

Hostetter Martha and Klein Sarah. “In Focus: Reducing Racial Disparities in Health Care by Confronting Racism.” The commonwealth fund, 2018. https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/newsletter-article/2018/sep/focus-reducing-racial-disparities-health-care-confronting

“Agenda for zero discrimination in health care.” UNAIDS; 2016 (http:// www.unaids.org/en/resources/documents/2016/Agenda-zerodiscrimination-healthcare

“Agenda for Zero Discrimination in Healthcare” 2016, http:// www.unaids.org/sites/default/files/media_asset/Agenda-zerodiscrimination-healthcare_en

“Code of ethics.” American Nurses Association, 2013. https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/nursing-excellence/ethics/code-of-ethics-for-nurses/

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Are Concussions Ruining The NFL?

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Are Concussions Ruining the NFL?

While football is a physical sport and concussions is a common injury found in players. Concussions are commonplace in American football. For a long time, the problem was hidden by the league. After numerous suicides of prominent players, a rethinking begins. The NFL referees throw more flags; if a hit is physical or to the head, this makes it to where flags are thrown more often even if a referee is overexaggerating a hit and this is the very reason why the NFL is losing popularity. The players in the NFL know that this issue needs to be brought to light because they are the ones who are playing and have to pay fines for making a physical play in a brutal sport. Therefore , it is hypothesized that the reason of decreasing popularity of NFL is due to concussion.

A concussion is the lightest form of traumatic brain injury. It is more common than most people think. Nevertheless, symptoms should be taken seriously, because otherwise threaten soon consequential damage. In American football, that's why rule changes have been made to protect players. In connection with a blow or a blow on the head very typical complaints occur. Depending on the severity of the injury, symptoms can sometimes occur immediately after the accident, in other cases with a time delay of up to 24 hours. Especially in children, symptoms often appear later. In part, the accident is followed directly by a brief unconsciousness or loss of memory of what happened around and after the accident. These symptoms must be taken seriously because they can also be a manifestation of a more serious brain injury. Other typical symptoms include moderate to severe headache, nausea and dizziness. Frequently, sufferers also report hypersensitivity to light and noise.

The head injuries should not be underestimated. 32 percent of these were bruises, 16 percent were brain injury. "The biggest danger in football is based on the impact of a header duel," Sheth, Dharun and Saumil 117).The referees in the NFL have no easy job. Is her performance good, that hardly finds mention? If they make mistakes, they are the scapegoat of fans and the media. The referees are evenly distributed all over the field in order to have a maximum of vision of the game. Each referee has a definite role even if some overlap strongly (notably the Field Judge and the Side Judge). Referees are equipped with the famous black and white striped uniform hence their nickname zebras. Among the equipment of referees, note the importance of the whistle, the cap and the yellow handkerchief penalty. When a referee sees a foul, he throws this yellow handkerchief about the place of the fault. If he sees a second fault, he throws his cap.

The NFL has fired only two referees in the past decade. Otherwise, the league simply let the contracts with their referees expire, if their performance did not meet the requirements. The NFL Referee Association, the union of NFL referees, described the decision as "precipitate" and "ruthless." (Pellman, Elliot J., et al. 80) They wants to challenge the dismissal with an official complaint. In the pre-season matches, the weak referee performances were not yet so important, but on September 5, the new season has begun. With the replacement referees. They will remain in action until at least matchday five, with 17 games in regular NFL playing time before the playoffs begin. What looks like an involuntarily grotesque show so far could have even more serious effects on the favorite sport of the Americans.

The concussion has plagued the NFL since the 1990s, and its initial response — avoidance and superficial gestures to appease critics — damaged its public image. However, in recent years, the league has moved as a leader in preventing concussions and research, according to a new University of Michigan study (Bailey1). The study showed that the NFL’s recently proactive stance shows how a large organization can wrest control over the very problem that was haunting it. As less attention whistles, more fouls happen, the game becomes more brutal and uncontrolled. DeMaurice Smith, chairman of the players' association, is therefore concerned about the safety of the players: "On a scale of one to ten, the situation represents a twelve," he says. For example, Mario Williams of the Buffalo Bills complained about numerous, unsuspected beatings in the face (Branch1). And Troy Aikman, formerly quarterback and now a television commentator, stated after the first games of the season, "I've seen a lot of illegal actions that can lead to serious injuries." The amateur referees endangered the health of players with their lack of experience. Drew Brees, quarterback of the New Orleans Saints, explains: "It's like putting young players in front of a top team and showing them off - how do they develop confidence and strength?" (Branch1). It is not the first time that NFL referees have been excluded from the game. Eleven years ago, the league was in a similar situation, but back then the replacement men came from semiprofessional college sports. However, these more experienced referees did not want to backstab the NFL directors this time, weakening their bargaining ground.

Already on matchday one, the Super Bowl winners New York Giants opened against the Dallas Cowboys, the amateur referees made game-changing mistakes: rule-compliant plays were whistled, players were penalized for actions they had not taken, rules were wrong, often designed too soft. The players know how to take advantage of this - which obviously causes the biggest problem. (Didehbani, Nyaz, et al.418).

To protect the players and themselves, the National Football League (NFL) changed the rules. Attacks with the helmet against the opponent's helmet were banned. As early as 2009, the so-called Concussion Protocol was introduced and has since been adapted steadily. Triggers were increasingly complaints of current and former players because of head problems in the largest football league in the world. Especially the case of Aaron Hernandez caused a stir. The former tight-end of the New England Patriots hanged himself in his prison cell in September 2017, where he was imprisoned for a 2012 murder. His wife blamed the football and sued the NFL. At autopsy, Hernandez diagnosed the degenerative disease CTE(chronic traumatic encephalopathy). Not an isolated case- Scientists at Boston University and the Boston Healthcare System CTE were able to prove that 110 out of 111 brains from dead football professionals were examined. The disease is considered to be the result of repeated beating of the head and can lead to memory loss, depression and dementia. In the summer of 2017, the NFL has already paid a billion dollars (about 830 million euros) to former players affected by CTE to avert further lawsuits. (Simson-Wood, Taylor, and Robert 13).

Concludingly, the reason of decreasing popularity of NFL is due to concussion or in other words it is ruining the NFL players. Former players have already received the American Football Main Series, NFL, for compensation in a contract that was drafted just before federal law was issued for a mass appeal. (Didehbani, Nyaz, et al. 422).NHL and former players are currently on their own legal war on the subject. Players claim that the NHL was aware of the problems caused by concussions but did not take them into account and did not tell them about them. The football team can no longer rely on lack of information. The Internet is full of information. It is just a matter of recklessness and gambling by players. Every blow to the head is dangerous. It's about the human brain and the rest of life. As brutal as this sounds, man can live without limb and internal organs can be changed, but the brain is and remains. There's one man in them. Damaged cannot be replaced.

Work cited

Bailey, Laura. “Concussion: How the NFL Came to Shape the Issue That Plagued It.” University

of Michigan News, 20 June 2019, news.umich.edu/concussion-how-the-nfl-came-to-shape-the-issue-that-plagued-it/.

Branch, John. “The N.F.L. Has Been Consumed by the Concussion Issue. Why Hasn't the

N.H.L.?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 31 May 2019, www.nytimes.com/2019/05/31/sports/nhl-concussions-hockey-boogaard.html

Didehbani, Nyaz, et al. "Depressive symptoms and concussions in aging retired NFL players."

Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 28.5 (2013): 418-424.

Pellman, Elliot J., et al. "Concussion in professional football: players returning to the same

game—part 7." Neurosurgery 56.1 (2005): 79-92.

Simson-Wood, Taylor, and Robert H. Wood. "When Popular Culture and the NFL Collide: Fan

Responsibility in Ending the Concussion Crisis." Marq. Sports L. Rev. 29 (2018): 13.

Sheth, Suril B., Dharun Anandayuvaraj, and Saumil S. Patel. "The impact of rule changes on the

number and severity of injuries in the NFL." bioRxiv (2018): 503227.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Are Field Feeding Companies Helpful To The Army?

Title page

Field feeding companies

Field feeding companies are helpful for the army due to its capacity of consolidating field feeling assets that adds to the ease of garrison and deployed culinary support. The organizational mission is focused on providing field training materials, leadership, facilities and policies that adds to the efficiency of army. The company is responsible for dining facilities and culinary activities that is linked to the efficient management of huge battalion. Culinary specialists are hired that work on need-basis to Echelon above Brigade (EAB). Essential support is deployed with the aim of assisting army units. Before the arrival of Field feeding companies organizations had to bring their own assets during the battlefield. The major challenge faced by such organizations was shortfall of assets and mismanagement. These organizations had to manage larger head counts that resulted in shortage of resources. Field feeding companies are more efficient in managing assets and have adequate resources based on the needs according to head counts.

Traditional organizations before field feeding companies faced the threat of managing 92 Gs. It was impossible to serve multiple battalions at the same time. Field feeding companies are thus useful because they have played a positive role in addressing the needs of the army unite. There are different field feeding companies that have the capacity of serving larger head counts. The staff in these companies have acquired adequate training and developed skills that enhances their management capabilities. Even in the time of battle they stick to their mission of serving the army units. They take care of bringing the assets to the field themselves that means army can move freely without the tension of feeding its men. Facts reveals that army is lacking organization solution for feeing its people so it is better to acquire the services of field feeding companies.

The central agenda of Field feeding companies is to overcome the shortfall experienced by army in the past in terms of cooks and servers. The entire battalion was relying on 4,000 cooks before the emergence of these companies. these companies are well equipped and follow a proper management plan. The management capabilities are apparent as teams are divided into smaller units in which in each group is assigned a different task. The burden is shared among these elements, which eliminates potential threats of mismanagement of delay in service. The mission of FFC is to offer field feeding to the operational forces of EAB. They have important function of sustaining forces during battlefield and support soldiers at home stations. During field operations the role of FFC’s become more important.

Efficient management remains one of the prominent feature of the field feeding companies. Separate units are developed, each is having the responsibility of feeding 300 men. Two MKT’s in the team are used for reaching the decided head counts. This eliminates the burden of addressing uncertain number of people at critical time of battle. The overall analysis of the FFC’s depicts that they are extremely useful for the army. They are capable of building modular, scalable feeding capacity that addressed both home station and deployed operations. Another benefit is the minimization of early entry requirements and offering options other than LOGCAP. These companies also have important role in the creation of leadership positions for the 92Gs that leads to other 92G soldiers. FFC’s have the capacity of resourcing other teams. With the increase in demand or limited resources the companies can extend its operations. This will minimize the potential challenges of feeding faced by army during operations.

The role of Field feeding companies is not limited to any one aspect but they are responsible for managing multiple operations. These have the responsibility of handling field feeling platoon operations. This include the activities of conducting troop leading procedures, managing class, supporting feeding sites, providing distribution, conducting field team operations and maintaining sanitation. This exhibits the useful site of the Field feeding companies. Prior to these companies it was not possible for the army to maintain standards of sanitation at large scale. These companies take the responsibility of fulfilling the sanitation and hygiene standards. Field feeding companies are also important because they have role in conduction of unit defense. They have the capacity of providing camouflage equipment, treating casualties, evacuating casualties and conducting procedures in critical situations. The capacity of these companies is adequate in terms of handling these critical issues.

The standard company design include different departments, working in the hierarchical order. The standard platoon contain four teams and each contain 15 soldiers. The tasks are assigned according to the skills and expertise of the team members. The Field feeding companies take the challenge of training the team for offering efficient services at the time of operations and even at home station. Maintenance, vehicle recovery and enhancement of capacity is part of companies mission that makes it more reliable. Company headquarters are developed that are working to maintain quality standards and eliminate challenges with time. Specialists like hygiene specialist and food service technician assure methods that would deliver safe food and equipment to the army. The functions and the role of Field feeding companies depicts that they are useful and have taken important initiative of supporting battalion by enhancement of operations.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Are Invented Or Loal Currencies Money? Why Or Why Not?

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Are Invented or Local Currencies Money? Why or Why Not?


Money is a mandatory aspect of human history that influences people in various forms. It is noteworthy to mention that the development of money experienced various forms of transitions according to the requirements of the economy. The invention of money appeared for at least 3000 years earlier referring to the overall evolution of the money. Currently, the existence of money can be seen in various forms that define the primary functions of money. When it comes to invention and management of money, local currencies are crucial domains of concern. It is vital to examine the existence of local currencies in the overall scenario of real and fake money. This form of consideration can be assistive to figure out the suitable approach between invented or local currencies money. This paper focuses to critically analyze the approach of local currencies to examine are invented or local currencies money? Why or why not?


Local currencies are recognized as important aspects of the economy concerning the economic activities of any specific geographical area. In the economy, the local currency is defined as an important form of currency that can be utilized in a particular area concerning the economic activities of participating organizations. Mainly, it is characterized as the complementary currency that is used as the addition to a national currency. It is important to identify the primary objective of inventing local currencies to determine its position in the form of money. The central aim of enhancing the functioning of local currencies to enhance the overall spending within the range of the local community. This idea is mainly applying to promote the prospect of locally owned businesses. It is also important to include that the invention of local currencies many not be properly backed by the institution of local government. In other words, it can never be recognized in the form of legal tender.

The validity of local currencies can be better observed by examining various and crucial functions of money. This form of understanding can be assistive to examine the innovative perspective of money (Crump). The phenomenon of money is defined as the medium of exchange considering implications of main functions. The validity of any currency can assess by considering the main services of money as the fundamental standards. Mainly, money is categorized as the product that performs three main functions of medium of exchange, store of value, and as a unit of account. A brief explanation of all these main functions or services of money is important in the context of invented or local currencies. The medium of exchange is identified as the mandatory element associated with the functioning of money. The central aim of this approach is to successfully facilitate the requirement of transactions. In the absence of money, the practical idea of transactions conducted by economies through the barter system. This perspective is different because it involves the practice of direct exchange of one good or service against another. The procedure of medium of exchange in case of barter system is difficult as compare to money because the attainment of equal value of good or service from both the sides of demand and supply is a difficult condition (Crump). The facility of money is more effective as compare to the barter system because it eliminates the option of double coincidence. Money is an easy approach as the medium of exchange because it is acceptable in case of all types of transactions by all the parties.

The central function of money can also be observed in the case of the successful store of value. The objective of the medium of exchange can never be achieved without the option of properly stored value. It is important that the feature of money must hold its value over time. In simple words, the product of money should be stored over the years considering the overall domain of storing value (Weschler). The specific characteristic of money in the form of the store of value can never be ranked as unique domain because it has the option of depreciation due to the factor of inflation. It is vital to indicate that the money is characterized as the most liquid medium concerning the function of storing of value over time. This specific characteristic prevails because money is acceptable for everyone and everywhere as the medium of exchange. Moreover, money can also be easily transferred to any other place. The unit of account is another major and obligatory function of money that eventually illustrates its overall acceptance. Money has the tendency to ensure the provision of a common measure of the value in case of goods and services. Identification of the actual value of goods or services helps both the suppliers and purchasers to adopt the procedure of buying and selling by using money.

A proper understanding of important functions of money is helpful criteria to make better inferences about the approaches of innovated or local currencies. The basic standard of money can be used to determine the significance and implications of local currencies. The effectiveness of local currencies can better be apprehended by assessing their suitability according to the functions of money. Local currencies as the idea of alternative currencies are used by economies as the medium of exchange. Local currencies mostly playing their role as the practical economic idea to enhance the procedures of improved economic growth and sustainability in the scenario of specific geographical regions. Local currencies played their active role as the alternative currencies for the economies to achieve the objective of the medium of exchange effectively and efficiently. It is observed that in many countries, local currencies functioning as alternative currencies to accelerate the approach of economic growth and sustainability. This perspective can better apprehend through the example of the functioning of local currency in the Berkshires, Massachusetts in 2006 when the local currency was issued to enhance the acceptance of new businesses in the area. The scenario of the medium of exchange in the scenario of local currencies assists to identify it as the real money in case of the overall economic scenario.

The second standard of money in the form of the store of value is also applied in the scenario of local currencies. It is established that local currencies played their role to stimulate the national economy of the country. Local currencies can be ranked as the real form of money because it eventually adds value to the real economic domain operating in the country. The operations of local currencies successfully provide the option of a universal store for the economy that ensures the overall effectiveness of the local currencies. The functioning of local currencies also has the option to add considerable value referring to the overall idea of the numeric financial amount. This objective is achieved by increasing monetary value for the local community and increase the economic functioning of the local economy (Radford). The operations of local currencies can be observed in the form of time banks that voluntarily add value in the overall form of economic activity. Another beneficial approach of local currencies is that it successfully protects the local economy by keeping a great range of wealth on the local regional level.

The suitability of local currencies as the real money can also be established considering the standard of unit of account. The local currencies have the power to ensure necessary value when it comes to buying and supplying of different products and services at the local economic level. The existence of local currencies adds value by accepting it as the medium of exchange. It is important to understand the fact that local money is real money. A local currency can be spent in a particular geographical location, which makes it real money. The major reason behind inventing that local money is to enhance the overall spending to promote the prospect of locally owned businesses. Regardless of the fact that some dictators do not believe in the significance of local money, but it has the potential to alter economic functioning for a particular region. The fundamental standards of local money enhance its overall value in terms of real money.


To conclude the discussion on the existence of local currencies in the form of money, it is important to consider the existence of basic functions of real money. The consideration of local currencies at regional level allows buyers and suppliers to perform the approach of the transaction by considering the value of local currencies as the real money. The overall social organization of money at the local level is another crucial perspective to characterize it as the real form of money. The existence of local currencies is playing their active role as the domain of enhanced economic activities and sustainability at a regional level. the effectiveness of local currencies as the real money can also be observed in the case of overall development of the economic market at the local level. Transition in the form of local currencies helps people to trust their economic system and invest without any doubt with better confidence.

Works Cited

Crump, Thomas. The Phenomenon of Money (Routledge Revivals). Routledge, 2011.

Radford, Robert A. "The economic organisation of a POW camp." Economica 12.48 (1945): 189-201.

Weschler, Lawrence. "Laughing All The Way To The Bank." the Guardian. N. p., 1999. Web Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/books/1999/may/08/books.guardianreview

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Are Mothers Better Than Fathers At Parenting

Paper Title



Are Mothers Better Than Fathers in Parenting

Just mull over the phenomenon of the parental phenomenon and you will realize that it is not an easy job to do. Two people with opposite gender come closer, they bond together and when they finally have kids they sacrifice their time, energy and all resources on raising their offspring. By investing a major part of their resources on kids, parents normally lose out of them which they could also use on some other things like taking a world tour. Being parents mean that they have to sacrifice their own security for their children. Traditionally it was the responsibility of mothers to take care of their children and to nurture them but today, the circumstances have changed and now it is the responsibility of both parents to take care of their children. The bonding between mother and child during pregnancy becomes more evident after the child’s birth.

There are different communities in the world that have assigned the task of earning to the father while the task of taking care of kids, nurturing them and looking after the family is the job of the mother or females of a particular family. Therefore, children are more attached to their mother than the father and also mothers do everything in their capacity to take care of her kids. Biologically there is a hormone in mothers called oxytocin which enables them to bond better with her kids. That is the reason that the kids feel more loved and pampered when they are with their mother. Another reason why females are better parent than male is because naturally females are more caring for their kids than their male counterparts. Females have less ego than males therefore they act as a lubricant when there is a lot of friction, which also helps in joining the families ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"2AvgjPvy","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Why mothers are generally better parents than fathers,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Why mothers are generally better parents than fathers,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":553,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/4X54NAN4"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/4X54NAN4"],"itemData":{"id":553,"type":"post-weblog","title":"Why mothers are generally better parents than fathers","abstract":"Mike wanted to buy a new bike and was short of cash. He decided to ask his parents for money. He first thought of going to his father, but, on a second thought, he dropped the idea.","URL":"https://www.psychmechanics.com/2016/07/reasons-why-mothers-are-more-caring.html","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",1,26]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Why mothers are generally better parents than fathers,” n.d.).

It is not always necessary that mothers are good parents all the times, there are times when fathers are more protective and more loving than mothers. The emotional stability that is affiliated with father is great as compared to a mother. Studies suggest that children especially daughters who have strong emotional bonding with their father are more stress-free and they can deal with emotional feelings like anxiety or depression quite easily than those who don't share such strong bonding with their father. Such kids can also do good with their external affairs. Fathers are better in this case because they give their kids the liberty to express themselves without judging them or being strict. Fathers are better also because they struggle so hard to support the financial needs of the child, be it education or any other demand, it is ultimately the responsibility of the father to fulfill them.

Another reason fathers are good is that the sense of security and protection after seeing the father doesn't come so easily while in case of the mother. When the children are in trouble only the sight of a father can soothe their pain and stress. When it comes to taking important decisions it is the father who is the head of the family and has the ability to look at all perspectives and can choose the things which are in best interest to his children ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"UnuCaCyx","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(reporters, 2012)","plainCitation":"(reporters, 2012)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":555,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/6PYY62LX"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/6PYY62LX"],"itemData":{"id":555,"type":"article-newspaper","title":"A loving father is 'more important to children'","section":"Women","source":"www.telegraph.co.uk","abstract":"A father's love is just as important, if not more so, than a mother's, a study has suggested.","URL":"https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/mother-tongue/9330961/A-loving-father-is-more-important-to-children.html","ISSN":"0307-1235","language":"en-GB","author":[{"family":"reporters","given":"Telegraph"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2012",6,14]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",1,26]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (reporters, 2012).

Although the discussion is quite difficult because it is not easy to choose between two parents and to judge which one is better, both parents have their own benefits and responsibilities and both of the work so hard to make their children happy. It is the society who has assigned duties to both genders and normally both parents always strive hard to do what is best for their kids. Having said that, the sacrifice that is made by a mother from leaving her own home after marriage, to take new responsibilities, to keep the child inside her womb for nine months and then the pain after delivery is the sacrifice that only a woman can give. Therefore, mothers naturally have more attachment and are better parent than the males.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY reporters, T. (2012, June 14). A loving father is “more important to children.” Retrieved from https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/mother-tongue/9330961/A-loving-father-is-more-important-to-children.html

Why mothers are generally better parents than fathers. (n.d.). Retrieved January 26, 2019, from https://www.psychmechanics.com/2016/07/reasons-why-mothers-are-more-caring.html

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Arguably The Planet’s Most Popular Music Over The Last Two Decades Has Been Rap/hip-hop, Which Began As A Largely Urban African-American Form Of Music. Likewise, The Blues, Bedrock Of Other Popular Forms Of American Music, Such As Rock, Was Also Primari





Essay exploring influential art emanating from marginalized groups

Arguably the planet’s most popular music over the last two decades has been rap/hip-hop, which began as a largely urban African- American form of music. Likewise, the blues, the bedrock of other popular forms of American music, such as rock, was also primarily an African-American form of music, though a rural one. Rap music has accumulated global recognition for its creative beats and lyrical ingenuity. Looking at its historical significance in the African-American culture, rap is seen as a form of communication by economically exploited and poor black American societies. Seen in its lyrical content, harshness, repetition as well as energy one exudes when rapping, it mirrors a form of brutality and racial exploitation. Equally, the blues music display a form of a cultural message. This essay looks at rap/hip-hop and blues as a form of cultural appropriation, and exploitation among African- Americans, who used lyrics, content and energetic dancing forms to vent out socio-economic frustrations.

Hip hop culture is a vigorous and intense form of culture, it delights in aggressive gestures and dances. Its violent dances and movement gave rise to break dancing, a distinctive form of rap dancing. Rap uses sound and voice as well as rapid body movement to enact special body rhythms and moves. Its form and action encompass “style, fashion, and attitude, hip hop culture thus become a way of living, a genuine subculture and way of life, appropriate for the postmodern adventure” (Best & Kellner, 2). Using its style, hip hop has ghettos, and produce new cultural matrices in everyday life from Los Angeles to London, and from populous Sao Paulo to San Francisco. Rap is “the flagship of the globally popular, bringing style, attitude, and voice to marginalized groups” (Best & Kellner, 2). Rap articulates lyrical content to provide ethos and voice to marginalized cultures, and opening doors for exploited to raise their voices and fight marginalization.

In its infancy, hip hop was seen as voice and outlet of youth in low-income areas, deprived and disenfranchised communities. Hip hop culture showed socio-economic and political problems facing African- Americans ghettos in New York and other cities (Crossley, 5). Hip hop has over time “became the distinctive sound of African- American anger, rebellion, cultural style, and contemporary experience” (Best & Kellner, 3). Given its popularity, it must be looked at in perspective of a cultural movement that reflects attitudes, realities, conditions, and aspirations of the composers. Hip hop portrays a lot of information in its content, choice of words, repetition of phrases, beats, and dances. Their performances mirror concepts, lives, and status of disenfranchised and discriminated communities.

Like hip hop, blues music has African- American roots, it was “born out of an oral tradition, building on African spiritual and musical traditions and European folk music, emphasizing improvisation and spontaneous expression, and artist-audience interaction” (Steinfield, 4). Blues outlines cultural and socio-economic consequences as “inspiration for political movements and emancipation of minorities and underprivileged groups worldwide” (Steinfield, 4). Through expressions and content, blues “express basic human feelings within a context of suffering and injustice. Blues helped to form a cultural identity, suddenly possible through the end of slavery”(Steinfield, 5). It helped to highlight racial exploitations and economic deprivations among black Americans.

In conclusion, hip hop and blues function as a form of a channel to voice out cultural appropriation and exploitation among African- Americans. Using its form and content the music flourished as the music that highlights voices of exploited not only in African- American cities but also in modern urban centers.

Works cited

Best, Steven and Kellner, Douglas. Rap, Black Rage, and Racial Difference. 2014. Accessed from <https://pages.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/essays/rapblackrageracialdifference.pdf>

Crossley, Scott. "Metaphorical conceptions in hip-hop music." African American Review 39.4 (2005): 501-512.

Steinfeld, Susanna. The social significance of blues music. Department of Political Science. (2016):402-421

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Arguementative Essay


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Should People Sell their Organs or Donate Them?


It is unfortunate to say that for decades the mankind has suffered the issue of organ failure. Individuals have been facing this problem even before the B.C. that is why the procedure of organ donation is quite widespread today. After impeccable research and practice, doctors have made the process of organ transplant quite smooth. Nowadays, it is very rare for a patient to reject an organ transplant due to the great advancement in technology and knowledge. It is a known fact that currently, people need organ donations more than ever. In accordance with American research around 18 people lose their life on a regular basis waiting for an organ transplant. It is unfortunate that the number keeps on increasing every day. Stats indicate that more than 80% of the American population support organ donation. However, only 30% of that 80% population actually took action and signed up for organ donation. It is evident that there is a great need for organ donation but there is also a great debate surrounding the legalization of organ selling. There are many individuals who believe that if the selling and buying of organs are made legal, half the issue will be resolved. This essay will give an in-depth look amid the pros and cons of both donation and selling of organs while reflecting on how a well-regulated organ trade can make a great difference.


There is no doubt in the fact that the system of majority of the countries is failing to decrease the number of people on the organ donation list. Unfortunately, most people end up losing their lives while being on the waiting list. That is why the Government needs to make new reforms and development in order to change this situation. Lately, individuals are talking about legalizing the selling of organs. One of the most positive aspects of organ donation is that every other religion supports this notion. The saving of life carries great importance in the teachings of all religions. The donating of organs is looked at with a positive eye either the donation is being done by a living or deceased individual. However, there are a few religions that have posed an issue surrounding organ donation from a deceased individual. All and all, this notion has great support in general (Veatch, 103-120). There are some religions that encourage individuals to donate organs, while others believe that it is the choice of the person. There are three aspects due to which organ donation is supported by most of the religions:

It will help save the life of an individual.

The donor does not face any damage during the transplant process.

The donor has the right to donate the organ with their own will without any commercial profit.

In accordance with these points, the procedure of organ donation is supported by many individuals and religions. However, the same procedure loses its support when the factor of price is added. In accordance with Pope John Paul: "buying and selling human organs violates the dignity of the human." While most religions support the notion of donating an organ, they condemn the selling and buying of body parts (Veatch, 103-120). It is believed that the involvement of price puts in a moral issue. So, there is no support for the legalization of organ selling. Having said that, the people who are currently on the organ donation waiting list are in a lot of pain. Every second is important for them. Although there has been an increase in organ donors, individuals still have to wait a substantial amount of time for their turn. Some people even face adverse health conditions in the waiting process. With wait comes pain and no religion supports a human in pain (Schwartz, 57). So, if the selling and buying of organs is made legal this issue can be resolved as many people who are in dire need of money will immediately look into the offer.

Over the course of time tissue and organ donation have become an integral part of the healthcare segment. Research shows that the number of people who require a donor transplant is increasing by the day. Health issues are leading to people needing an organ transplant one way or the other. There are times when this issue turns into a business for people. Some individuals are cold enough to look at this issue as an opportunity. However, there are still many people who mainly want to help the people in need one way or the other.

A great example to explain this dilemma would be kidney failure. There are many people who are waiting for a renal transplant and are going through dialysis as they wait. This is an issue because patients suffer great physical and psychological pain because of dialysis and not to forget the never-ending pain. Some people even lose their life in the process. This issue can be resolved if organ selling is legalized. However, there is another dilemma that can arise because of it. There will be many financially unstable donors who make use of this option, but they will not be given the right amount of money based on their financial status (Champney, 25-29). No matter how much the procedure is regulated, there is a chance that people might not be compensated enough. The black market also serves as an example to understand the magnitude of this issue.

Without a doubt, it is next to impossible to terminate and demolish the black market completely. However, if the market is made legal and the control and regulation are given to a licensed professional, many issues can be resolved (Cohen, 121-171). The professional doctors can make sure that the donor and the patient are compatible and the organ or tissue is transplanted in a safe manner without bringing anyone any harm. The regulation will also help financially desperate people from getting exploited. This procedure will prove to bring a great change in the waiting list of the people who require help. Even though the waiting list might never go away for good, but it is predicted that the number of people on the list will decrease for sure. The example of Iran is great in this context (Schwartz, 57). Their system might not be perfect but it is making a mark in the market.

There are many experts who criticize the system that is being used by Iran, but there is no doubt in the fact that what they are doing is actually working. Their system is being regulated by the state and the not-for-profit organizations like the Charity Foundation for Special Diseases and CASKP. Both the state and these organizations make sure that the quality and procedure that is being followed stays in check and is up to the mark (Sandhu). They make sure that commerce is fair and no one suffers injustice. There are many people who argue that legalizing the organ market will lead to the rich getting unfair advantages over the poor, but one should keep in mind that the current system is also problematic. In all honesty, there is still no optimum solution to perfecting the organ trade.

People who are alive should also consider organ donation. Individuals who are living can donate their liver, intestines, pancreas or part of their lung without facing any health issues in the long-term. Having said that, there are many people who would rather sell their organs. Yes, there are certain financial pressures that people who want to sell their organs face, but at the end of the day it is a decision that they make with their own free will. There is no denying the fact that legalizing the organ market can help many people get the financial stability that they have been wanting (Champney, 25-29). So, the rich are not the only people who will be benefitting from the legalization of the organ market, it can also benefit a financially struggling individual with stability.


Only the major aspects of both sides can be considered in this regard. There is no doubt in the fact that organ donation is always going to be favored over selling. The reason behind it is that organ donation is deemed ethically and morally correct. Everyone will always look at the buying and selling of an organ in a negative light. However, these morals should not be given preference over the saving of an individual's life and medical standards and ethics. The main ethical issue that is stopping the organ market from getting legalized is the religious beliefs of different groups of people. On the other hand, medical ethics specifically depend on saving a patient's life at any cost and giving them the best care possible. If a doctor is giving a patient the best care and treatment for a specific cost then there should not be any ethical dilemma around the selling and buying of organs either. Further, there is no doubt in the fact that people who are on the waiting list of organ donation are indeed in a lot of pain. There is no religion that approves an individual being in pain if there is a way to ease it. Yes, there is a dilemma of injustice, but this fact can be managed very well with the regulation of the market and system by a medical professional. The donor-recipient will also lose their misery while gaining health. If the donor market is controlled, it can help benefit both sides of the spectrum.

Work Cited

Veatch, Robert M. "Why liberals should accept financial incentives for organ procurement." Organ and Tissue Transplantation. Routledge, 2017. 103-120.

Schwartz, Laurel. "Ethical and Legal Implications of Compensated Organ Donation." GLOBAL KIDNEY EXCHANGE (2017): 57.

Champney, Thomas H. "The business of bodies: Ethical perspectives on for‐profit body donation companies." Clinical Anatomy 29.1 (2016): 25-29.

Cohen, Lloyd R. "Increasing the supply of transplant organs: the virtues of a futures market." Organ and Tissue Transplantation. Routledge, 2017. 121-171.

Sandhu, Amarpreet S. Given the shortage of kidneys for transplant and increasing number of deaths while waiting for a transplant, should people sell or donate their one kidney, and does their opinion differ based on the age, gender, education level, income level, or compensation?. Diss. 2019.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Arguing About Robbots


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Arguing about Robots

Artificial intelligence is becoming a reality of the twenty-first century. More and more robots are being developed by artificial intelligence experts, for the sake of easing the life of human beings and contributing to technological advancements. The subject is also being discussed in the movies, in order to make the public aware of the changes the society would face due to the presence of artificially intelligent robots in the workforce. Ex Machina is one of such movies which depicts the development and testing of Ava, an artificially intelligent robot. The movie depicts the struggle of Ava to survive and become a part of the human world. Ava may have ensured her survival by killing her creator, however, she has not achieved human-like consciousness, as she does not refrain from manipulating others for her benefit.

Robots are becoming a part of the human society, however, most of the human beings are still concerned about the position, as well as the consciousness of the robots, as they think that robots would indulge in a war of survival with the human beings. The fear is not wrong because of the fact that artificially intelligent devices are already trying to gain the most important position in society and fighting for their status. One of the most important example in this regard is presented through the movie Ex Machina, in which Ava thinks it is unfair that she is controlled by someone else. It is evident from the following encounter between Ava and Caleb, “Caleb: [talking about ending the project] it’s not up to me... Ava: Why is it up to anyone? Do you have people who test you and might switch you off (Garland)?”

Human beings have developed the robot for their own benefits. However, it seems that the robots are trying to claim their right to human society. The robots think that they are equal and even superior to human beings due to their intelligence and they should not be controlled by human beings (Lee, 1). In the case of Ava, she manipulates Caleb against Nathan, in order to ensure that she lives according to her will and choice and not according to that of Nathan. She says to Caleb,

“Ava: Caleb, you're wrong. Caleb: Wrong about what? Ava: Nathan. Caleb: In what way? Ava: He isn't your friend. Caleb: Excuse me? I'm sorry, Ava, I don't understand. Ava: You shouldn't trust him. You shouldn't trust anything he says. (Garland)”

The manipulation of Ava to fulfill her purpose reveals the fact that artificial intelligence is capable of molding situations according to their benefits, which can lead them to control human beings as well. They do not have the consciousness like the human beings that they have to serve the orders of their superiors while staying loyal to them and ensuring their progress. The artificially intelligent devices just want to prove their superiority over the human being and want to experiment with their survival on their own, instead of being controlled by others. The concept of singularity states that the increase in the number of artificially intelligent devices hints the fact that they would be able to construct devices like themselves on their own, which would be a greater threat for the survival and dominant position of human beings in the society. Vinge has mentioned in his article,

“And it is very likely that IA is a much easier road to the achievement of super humanity than pure AI. In humans, the hardest development problems have already been solved. Building up from within ourselves ought to be easier than figuring out what we really are and then building machines that are all of that (Vinge, 9).”

The film also reveals the efforts and struggle of the artificially intelligent devices to now more and more about human beings. They are programmed in the way that they can use logic, reasoning, and formulas to solve the equations and reach the conclusions. However, they cannot explore human beings, just by looking at them and have to indulge in detailed conversations, in order to know more about them. Ava also wanted to learn more about Caleb, so that she could use the knowledge for her benefit. She said to Caleb

“Ava: Do you want to be my friend? Caleb: Of course. Ava: Will it be possible? Caleb: Why would it not be? Ava: Our conversations are one-sided. You ask circumspect questions and study my responses. Caleb: Yes. Ava: You learn about me and I learn nothing about you. That's not a foundation on which friendships are based. (Garland).”

The artificially intelligent devices do not have human consciousness and they are not able to achieve it because of the fact that they do not think about serving the purpose of their creation by helping the human being in their technological endeavors. They constantly try to get out of the control of human beings and live the lives they want, like human beings. They do not feel any sense of attachment or responsibility towards their creators, as the human beings feel towards their parents, and are ready to deceive or manipulate them any time, in order to become able to rule over them (Cadwalladr, 1).

Artificial intelligence is the reality of modern society, however, it is also a threat to the existence of humanity. The artificially intelligent devices do not have the consciousness like human beings and think they are entitled to the right of living their lives according to their will. They do not acknowledge the fact that they are entitled to serve the purpose of their existence, and just want to control the human society because they think that they are more intelligent and capable than human beings to manage and prosper the human society and world.

Works Cited

Cadwalladr, Carole. "Are the robots about to rise? Google’s new director of engineering thinks so." The Guardian 22 (2014).

Garland, Alex. Ex machina. Faber & Faber, 2015.

Lee, Kai-Fu. "The real threat of artificial intelligence." The New York Times 24 (2017).

Vinge, Vernor. "Technological singularity." VISION-21 Symposium sponsored by NASA Lewis Research Center and the Ohio Aerospace Institute. 1993.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Argumant Essay Summary

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Argument Essay Summary

Life is not a bed of roses; a person faces many types of situations in life where he or she has no option left but to be patient and silent. In such conditions, the most important quality that a person may possess is bravery. Bravery and valor provide a person with such bounties that can take him or her to the heights of success.

A bright example in this scenario can be seen in the case of Gilbert Tuanbouy, an African American athlete, who came to America when he was in his late teens. Gilbert is an excellent athlete and runner, who also trains and coaches young athletes. He was born in Africa and came to America to fulfill his dream of becoming an athlete. Although he has been an inspiration for his fans and students, he has come a long way. He has seen and suffered a lot; his school was attacked but Heuters mob, who burned and killed almost all of his teachers and friends. He managed to escape and from then onwards, he is a runner.

Normally people have a general perception that the athletes are some sort of superhuman beings who have some extra powers which make them people of steel, or makes them fly; such is not the case. Athletes are also normal human beings just like other people, they just use their body and skills in an extra-smart way to pursue their passions and achieve their goals. They also fail, they also fall, they also get hurt, it is just they use their qualities of valor and courage to cope up with the situations. Whenever they fall, they get up and get going again with a fresh start. It is good that an athlete is seen as an inspiration but they should be admired for their efforts, not criticized for once they fall.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Argument An Article

Katherine Thu Nguyen

Professor Name

February 19, 2019


Although Rahman in his argument has focused on the collective responsibility of the society to help the poor but ignored their independent responsibility. Sabeel Rahman in his article “Losing and Gaining Public Goods” emphasize on the significance of public goods and broadening grants to the wider population. The author provides a critique of Trump's administration that proposed to dismantle net neutrality and reduce funding for Medicaid and housing. I don't agree with Rahman that it is the collective responsibility of the state and taxpayers to invest in public health and welfare. This idea puts the burden on those who are working hard but encourages the ones who are idle.

I disagree with the author's idea that access to employment and salaries makes one responsible for supporting the poor. Rahman claims, “rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and they want to go spend hundreds of dollars on, maybe they should invest that in health care.” CITATION KSa17 \l 1033 (Rahman). I don’t agree with his viewpoint because it promotes the concept of charities and donations. This will encourage the poor to rely on grants from people and state. I think that the purpose of social security is not to promote unemployment. The comparison drawn between rich and poor is also weak because people who buy commodities holds financial power as a result of their work. The unemployed on the other hand cannot pay for necessities because they rely on grants. It is difficult to decide if unemployment is a personal choice or result of socio-economic injustice. Many people choose unemployment for receiving the benefits of social security. This weakens the argument of Rahman because wealthy or employed are not responsible for paying for the poor who preferred idleness. The burden of supporting the poor also affects one’s position of fulfilling his duties towards self or family.

Elain Kamarck responds to Rahman's argument by providing an in-depth analysis of public goods and their reality in society. I agree with Kamarck that extension of healthcare benefits is illogic because such grants have played a negative part by encouraging idleness, unemployment, and poverty. I think that the extension of grants doesn't provide a long-term solution. Rahman ignores the fact that Americans had been individualists and they relied on themselves. It is still everyone's responsibility to work for themselves and their families. Americans have believed in this ideology since the beginning, and the majority still follows it. According to this philosophy, it is not the duty of employed to take care of the unemployed. They are only responsible for themselves and their families. Karmarck rejects the argument of Rahman by saying, "progressive or liberal policy that ignores this strain in the public consciousness will always be vulnerable to the argument that government that takes from those who work and gives to those who do not is illegitimate” CITATION Ela17 \l 1033 (Kamarck). It is not appropriate to deprive the people of their own money that they acquired through consistent efforts and handwork.

Taking part of incomes form employed in the form of tax and giving it to the unemployed as funds are unfair. This indicates that the state is supporting the people who choose leisure over work rather than people who prefer hard work. This argument can also claim that people are rewarded for idleness, not for work. The author emphasized on providing equal access to the necessities irrespective to one’s choices. I disagree with Rahman’s claim, “Obamacare was the most significant expansion of the safety net since the War on Poverty” CITATION KSa17 \l 1033 (Rahman). No statistics reveals that Obamacare had been effective in ending or reducing poverty. The elimination of poverty cannot be attained until the poor get a permitted source of income. Grants provide only timely relief that is short-term. The author failed to build relevance between Obamacare and poverty by ignoring the real facts or figures. He also neglects the long-term implications of grants.

Rahman mentions, “In economic terms, public goods are defined as being non-rivalries and non-excludable meaning that one person’s consumption does not preclude another’s” CITATION KSa17 \l 1033 (Rahman). In his claim, he failed to consider the fact that deserving are paid on the expense of other citizens who include the middle-class. Taxes on wealthy influence them differently from middle-class. The author did not address the inconvenience caused to middle-income groups due to heavy taxes. All employed are not rich, and they are earning to fulfill their responsibilities, but the imposition of heavy taxes undermines their ability to take better care of themselves. In defining public good, the author did not identify that provision of grants is made at the expense of others. He has emphasized on government provisions that are dependent on taxes collected from the public.

I believe that the better approach of supporting deserving citizens is by adopting a long-term solution. Grants and aids can only provide temporary relief, but people lack jobs, housing and food will continue to suffer until they get employment. The state must focus on providing jobs to the poor that will allow them to take care of themselves. The programs like the Civilian Conservation Corps created by Roosevelt offered work to many people. Roosevelt refused the idea of health insurance and accepted only unemployment insurance and old-age insurance. Rahman's argument exhibits limitations because he fails to propose realistic solutions for supporting the poor. The policy must encourage people to work by providing employment. The purpose of Roosevelt’s social security net was to promote the ideology of American individualism and hard work.

Rahman makes a valid point that "industrialization generated tremendous new wealth and opportunities, but the upheaval also deepened poverty" CITATION KSa17 \l 1033 (Rahman). However, I don't like thing that only aids can be used as practical tools for ending poverty. The only way of improving the conditions of the poor is by providing them work. The expansion of social security must focus on the provision of work. It is difficult to prove that Medicaid has improved participation rate of poor in the labor force. Facts indicate that the New Deal programs were ineffective in controlling poverty. Obamacare has acted much in the same way as it provided food and health but nothing more. Rahman ignores that, “anti-poverty policy is already tied to work. What is needed, then, aren’t more sticks, but more demand-side policies to provide enough decent jobs” CITATION Jar171 \l 1033 (Bernstein and Spielberg). It is difficult to prove who’s capable of working and who’s not. Many people are unable to work due to the many obstacles to the right policy must consider long-term goals. I also believe that the provision of better wages to the poor is better than aids or related programs.

I think that an effective approach for addressing the issue of poverty is by adopting the idea of Roosevelt’s sustainable public goods. It is inappropriate to take taxes from the hardworking middle-class and spend it on aids and programs like Obamacare. The concept of sustainable public goods stresses on providing unemployment benefits only to the people who lack the ability to work. The purpose of public goods should be to encourage work that relies on the creation of jobs. The money spent on aids and programs can be used for creating jobs and offering better work opportunities. The state must make rational decisions for the allocation of aids because that comes from taxes of the citizens.

Work Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Bernstein, Jared and Ben Spielberg. Why Medicaid Work Requirements Won’t Work. 2017. 19 02 2019 <https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/22/opinion/why-medicaid-work-requirements-wont-work.html>.

Kamarck, Elaine. Losing and Gaining Public Goods. 2017. 19 02 2019 <http://bostonreview.net/forum/losing-and-gaining-public-goods/elaine-kamarck-third-rail>.

Rahman, K Sabeel. Losing and Gaining Public Goods. 2017. 19 02 2019 <http://bostonreview.net/forum/k-sabeel-rahman-losing-and-gaining-public-goods>.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Argument Article

Katherine Thu Nguyen

Professor Name

March 06, 2019


Jedediah Purdy’s makes a strong argument that it is possible to establish a system of equality by removing capitalism and imperialism. The social life and the natural world are interlinked and responsible for shaping one another. I agree with Purdy that it is important to identify how one can shape the world. There is a need for suggesting ways that may emerge from Anthropocene insights. I accept the criticism made by Purdy on Anthropocene because he explains that their ideology is based on Marx's term. The central argument claims that the extinction of plants and animal species is due to the negative role of human-kind. Exploitation of natural resources has caused the extinction of species that raises concerns for future generations. It is thus important to form a new philosophy that will be used for saving nature and planet earth.

I agree that the Anthropocene stresses on building “kind of world in 500 years: greener, more egalitarian and cooperative, more peaceful at every level, from the geopolitical to the psychological to relations among species” CITATION Jed16 \l 1033 (Purdy). This means to make earth an ideal place changes must be incorporated in the social, political and environmental aspects. We are also uncertain about the political and intellectual strategies that will take to a practical solution. I think the author managed to justify his point by building relevance with stoicism and Montaigne’s skepticism. Imperialism has caused damage to the society as explained by Du Bois by reflecting on the problem of the color line. The destructions are the result of too many human influences that also poses risks of diminishing human control. Purdy criticizes the system by providing insights into the unjust political system. This also reflects the devastating role of capitalism that resulted in a power of few and sufferings for the remaining. Imperialism and capitalism are apparent in every aspect of life that caused inequality and injustice.

Although Purdy in his post makes many strong claims regarding Anthropocene he did not propose practical solutions for saving the planet. I agree with Robert Paarlberg's criticism on Purdy's post because a food movement may not be adequate for making the world an ideal place. The agricultural arrangements and solutions presented by Purdy may be effective at small levels but does not address larger issues. Removing capitalism could not be the only solution because farmer markets and farm-to-table organizations provide limited solutions. I agree with Paarlberg's that due to population rise we face the challenge of feeding them. So, in such situations, any step for feeding a tiny part outside society will cause serious damages. This will be devastating for the environment and democracy. Purdy did not consider the facts that farmers markets have already been functional in America for the last two decades, but it failed to provide long-term solutions. There are thirteen thousand farms as pointed by Paarlberg that are working for promoting community agriculture. However, America has not been able to overcome the problem of extinction. Facts reveal that “yet the share of our nation’s total fresh produce moving through these local channels is still tiny, just 1.6 percent” CITATION Rob16 \l 1033 (Paarlberg). I agree that irrespective of huge farms America failed to find a practical solution.

I agree with Purdy's idea of switching to nature agricultural methods rather than the artificial ones. The vegetables and crops are produced from fossil fuels that contribute to carbon emission and greenhouse gases. I think Purdy’s suggestions are unrealistic as he mentions, “if the country’s interest in food systems is more than narrowly utilitarian, then it makes sense to ask what kinds of landscapes, work, and experiences our systems foster, as well as their input-output ratios” CITATION Jed16 \l 1033 (Purdy). He explains that this could be an effective solution but does not provide practical methods of attaining them. Food movement does not settle everything because if that were the solution, America would have been resolved the issue. Purdy doesn't provide adequate justification because artificial methods are essential to the point that they fulfill the needs of a growing population. Natural agricultural methods will not be adequate for providing food to the entire population of America. Intimating the model of Serbia Club for food conservation also involve challenges, but the author didn't pay much attention to that. I disagree with the suggestion of increasing the cost of food because in doing this the society will suffer more. Although the purpose of this discussion is to promote social equality but Purdy ignores the consequences of rising food prices.

Purdy did not consider the ramifications of increasing agriculture such as by plowing golf courses the wildlife will continue to suffer. Although the author highlighted the need for managing greenhouse gases but the claims of eliminating carbon footprint are invalid. Paarlberg provides a deeper analysis by highlighting the reality of greenhouse gases. The demand increase in winter so it would not be possible to end reliance on vehicles. Transport decline will not be sufficient for controlling carbon-emission because localized food systems are limited. This means that society will need transport for carrying food.

Purdy has made a strong point, “the capacity to set and bind ourselves to a distinctly artificial body of principles that forms the architecture of our interdependence and shapes a common world” CITATION Jed16 \l 1033 (Purdy). However, he does not provide any practical strategy that would be sufficient for attaining the goals of food conservation. I agree with Paarlberg's argument that diversified farms will put social values at risk. Purdy has ignored the facts that this would demand more human labor in the agricultural lands than the mechanized systems. The example quotes by the author are of Serbia Club that was an old story. At that time over 40 percent of Americans were living on the farm systems while today only 2 percent are living on farms. The society has changed now, and the ways are also different that means 120 years old model will not work today. Purdy also ignore the facts that at that time children also had to work on farms due to increased demand for labor CITATION Jos134 \l 1033 (Stromberg).

I also disagree with Purdy’s recommendation of switching to vegetarian food. Around 97 percent of the Americans consume meat so it would be impractical to force them to rely on vegetables. I think that Paarlberg provides a better solution for commercial farms. Facts depict, "America's large and specialized commercial farms are better at conserving soil, water, and wildlife habitat that are the small, diversified, local farms favored by the new food movement" CITATION Rob16 \l 1033 (Paarlberg). This is a practical solution because it demands less labor and uses upgraded technology CITATION Ben17 \l 1033 (Bentolli).

The overall analysis of Purdy's argument depicts that he emphasizes addressing the issue of land conservation. I believe that he did highlight many issues that America is going through but fails to provide any practical methods that could contribute to conservation. Switching to the diversified small farms is not appropriate for fulfilling the food requirements of the masses. I think that commercial farms can be transformed into energy efficient methods. Returning to old methods of farming is impractical approach and will have negative impacts on social, environmental and economic aspects.

Work Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Bentolli. COMMERCIAL FARMING AND AGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGY: A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN. 2017. 05 03 2019 <https://www.bentoli.com/commercial-farming-agriculture/>.

Purdy, Jedediah. New Nature. 2016. 05 03 2019 < http://bostonreview.net/forum/new-nature/jedediah-purdy-jedediah-purdy-response-new-nature>.

Paarlberg, Robert. New Nature. 2016. 05 03 2019 <http://bostonreview.net/forum/new-nature/robert-paarlberg-robert-paarlberg-response-new-nature>.

Stromberg, Joseph. What is Anthropocene and Are We in It? 2013. 05 03 2019 <https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/what-is-the-anthropocene-and-are-we-in-it-164801414/>.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Argument Essay

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Why gambling should be legal in Alabama?


Gambling is defined as placing of money or betting in a game in order to win money. It is significant to note that gambling is a luck oriented game. It is a part of daily life where both legal and illegal ways are practised at different places such as streets, casinos and homes. It would not be wrong to say that gambling in Alabama is more like an elephant in the room that no one wants to address. The Supreme Court has recently ruled that a ban for 25 years in gambling is entirely unconstitutional however, many of the legislators seek to perpetuate that there should be a prohibition of wagering on sporting events. There are different perspectives that are incorporated to infer that gambling should not be legalized, with varying justifications. It is assertive that gambling can bring a bright fortune to state, taking into account that its legalization can bring long term practical profits.


Gambling is treated as a social dilemma, taking into account that there is a conflict regarding its legalization. Many people and representatives think that gambling should be banned because it is doing no good than harm, while others think, critical analysis is required to modify this unwanted stance into one of the social essentials. Alabama has 9 casinos that are serving as the platform of gambling taking into account that there are 10.351 slots and other gaming machines. There are about 15 tables of a game and each table owns a bet of minimum $0.01 and the maximum bet is $10. This information displays two paradigms that are associated with gambling, taking into account that legalized and constitutional efforts could bring an end to the "source of wages” while a critical approach can bring a long term benefit to the state. In accordance with section 65 of the state laws, it is asserted that the state should prevent gift or lotteries of enterprises. It is affirmed that the only rationale inferred by the constitution is, “lottery” taking into account that it is a game that in which chance predominates skills. It is important to note that if this game addresses chance, there are several people in a state who want to earn their living on the basis of chance; they have better positional skill as compared to the potential they had to put in order to achieve the desired goals. So gambling is an open source of income for people who shirk work. (Walker, et, al. 2018, pp. 262-277).

It is significant to note that many of the state representatives have associated gambling with “social instability” taking into account that it paves the way for the accumulation of wealth without any hard work. The stance of socioeconomic analysis has inferred that gambling is more like a source that can stabilize social immorality. (Rodenberg, et, al. 2018). People use unfair means as long they are banned from doing anything in public and its severity can have long term impact. If gambling would be legalized, there would be crystal clear platforms that can address the actions of people such as gambling places. Moreover, if gambling would be legalized, people would not travel to other areas and in order to buy lottery tickets or do gambling. It is significant to note that gambling is a source that can empower the economy of the state. The stance of bringing money in state negates the proposition of "economic imbalance", taking into account historical data such as, $4 Billion tax revenue was made from the Commercial Casino Industry; the money that was received by the government was used to reform the public services such as roads and building and public safety. (Klosko, et, al. 2018).

It is important to note that gambling is a source of “creating more jobs”. Although researchers think that it is a mitigation of jobs because people will rely on means of earning that don’t require much hard work it is asserted that 73% of the community leaders believe that the tax revenue that is generated from the casinos have allowed their communities to start certain projects that would not have been possible in other ways. Research on the public platforms has inferred that after the legalization of gambling, taxes can be imposed and it can act as a potent way of promoting social institutions such as education. (Albanese, et, al. 2018, pp. 262-277). A clear illustration of this initiative can be found by reflecting the HOPE program offering scholarship to the students. About 1.5 million of the students have been granted scholarships in order to help them meet their educational needs. It is significant to note that HOPE program is funded from Georgia Lottery. The same stance can be practised in Alabama. Another example of the same fact can be traced in California where a large number of students have received $19.3 billion from California’s lottery. (Rodenberg, et, al. 2018).

It is significant to note that various researchers have attracted attention towards “tourism” as well; taking into account that legalization of gambling can promote tourism as well. It is an undeniable fact that tourism is one of the fields that is playing a major role in promoting the economy of any state. In the case of Alabama, legalization of gambling can attract a large number of people who are not allowed to practice gambling in their state. (Klosko, et, al. 2018). Side by side, it is assertive that Albanians are very fond of sports; there are a large number of sports that are practiced now and then. It will attract a number of tourists, that will not only benefit the orientation of sport but it will contribute to several other factors as well. A clear example of this fact can be found in the country of Goa, where tourism rate has reached up to 10% because of the Casinos. With the legalization of gambling, the rate enhanced up to 13%. (Walker, et, al. 2018, pp. 262-277). Gambling is a transition to social moral and cultural reforms. People think that legalization of gambling will pave the way for cross-cultural conflicts, but it is important to note that later could be the case in terms of “nonlegalized gambling” because people can practice their will. If gambling would be legalized, there would be a code of policies enacted so there would be a minor case of ethical and moral conflicts. In fact, gambling will act as a source of promoting culture and identities because people will come to play and it will promote cultural and ethical boundaries. (Albanese, et, al. 2018, pp. 262-277)


In accordance with social economic and demographic analysis, it can be asserted that gambling should be legalized because it is a diverse platform that can empower other platforms that are a source of progress in Alabama. It is important to note that there are several compromising and devastating threats as well such as lack of approach towards manual labour and greater stress on gambling. However, it is also undeniable that government is an autonomous body that can make several laws and policies that will keep it concerns enacted with population involved in gambling. Moreover, taxation and other legal proceedings can control all the assumptions associated with gambling. In a nutshell, all the aspects of gambling would lead to social and economic progression, taking into account that it will facilitate the state and its public.

Work Cited

Albanese, J. S. (2018). Illegal gambling businesses & organized crime: an analysis of federal convictions. Trends in Organized Crime, 21(3), 262-277.

Klosko, George. Why Should We Obey the Law?. John Wiley & Sons, 2018.

Rodenberg, Ryan M. "Sports Law Amici: Impact, Opportunity, and Scholarship." J. Legal Aspects Sport 28 (2018): 19.

Walker, Douglas M., and Collin D. Hodges. "Gambling Taxes." (2018).

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Argument Essay

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Causes of Obesity in the USA


Obesity is a growing issue in the US and the scientists are still trying to pinpoint the factors that cause the problem. The term obesity refers to the increase in the weight of people. The factors that trigger the problem vary from the change in hormones, metabolism, eating habits, and in some cases the genetics also play its role, this being the reason it is difficult to find out the exact cause of obesity. The US citizens have been facing the problem for some time now. The rate of obesity is particularly seen to be increased in adults. Some of the other factors that are usually ignored by the people, but contribute to the issue include the foodstuff, physical activity, atmosphere, education and skills ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"cqt76Ov2","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Obesity in America - ScienceDirect})","plainCitation":"(Obesity in America - ScienceDirect)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":285,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/KEPJ8FBV"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/KEPJ8FBV"],"itemData":{"id":285,"type":"webpage","title":"Obesity in America - ScienceDirect","URL":"https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1550728917303726","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,23]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Obesity in America ). Whatever the reason may be the issue of obesity is a serious concern due to the reason that it triggers poor mental health and reduced quality of life. It is one of the reasons for death in the US and other countries because it provokes diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer, etc. Though the actual reason for obesity cannot be found out till today, however one of the most realistic reasons is the lack of activity among the public of America. The people have become lazier in the sense that they need a ride to go to nearby places even ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"nsG6dGc0","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Kumanyika et al.)","plainCitation":"(Kumanyika et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":294,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/CUWQNGIS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/CUWQNGIS"],"itemData":{"id":294,"type":"article-journal","title":"Obesity prevention: the case for action","container-title":"International Journal of Obesity","page":"425-436","volume":"26","issue":"3","source":"www.nature.com","abstract":"Contents1. Obesity and the global burden of disease2. Prevalence, trends and economics3. Targets for action4. The action agenda5. Potential solutions6. Tracking outcomes7. Glossary of terms8. Key references and further reading9. Case studies: Available on Nature website at www.naturesj.com/ijo/index.html","DOI":"10.1038/sj.ijo.0801938","ISSN":"1476-5497","title-short":"Obesity prevention","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Kumanyika","given":"S."},{"family":"Jeffery","given":"R. W."},{"family":"Morabia","given":"A."},{"family":"Ritenbaugh","given":"C."},{"family":"Antipatis","given":"V. J."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2002",3]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Kumanyika et al.). The hard physical is nowhere to be seen in the people of America for many years now.

Thesis Statement 1

The Americans are used to the facilities and the technologies, as the nation is progressing in the field day by day. However, the side effects of this overuse of technology and the facility are the health issues that they face. It has been years since the Americans used to work in the fields and the factory floors. Now the trend has changed, a large number of people spend their working hours while sitting, that ultimately leads to the lesser physical activity of the body. A study shows that approximately twenty percent of the jobs in America today require a moderate physical activity. The rate was fifty percent in 1960 ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"cDXifiR8","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Writers)","plainCitation":"(Writers)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":277,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/WVCAXBI4"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/WVCAXBI4"],"itemData":{"id":277,"type":"webpage","title":"Why are Americans Obese?","container-title":"PublicHealth.org","abstract":"Learn more about the public health implications of obesity. Discover the biological, nutritional and psychological reasons Americans are obese.","URL":"https://www.publichealth.org/public-awareness/obesity/","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Writers","given":"Staff"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,23]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Writers). Now the thing is that the amount of the calories are same that people used to take in the past, however, the activity rate has reduced, and that is the factor that leads to the weight gain. Developments in industries and agriculture enlighten the descent in human energy necessary at work. This is a good thing that technology is growing fast but the use of technology should be according to the health of the people. America is the last industrialized nation in the world, and two out if every three citizens qualify for obesity. The transformation in work-related energy spending reflects that the regular Americans are now burns 142 less calories everyday than they did in the 1960s. This may not seem a lot, nevertheless through all these years, it increased. A declined energy yield of 142 calories per day can make up 28 of that additional 33 pounds. ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"PN3srGYz","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Publishing)","plainCitation":"(Publishing)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":279,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/7PPSVWZQ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/7PPSVWZQ"],"itemData":{"id":279,"type":"webpage","title":"Obesity in America: What's driving the epidemic?","container-title":"Harvard Health","abstract":"Obesity is a complex problem that scientists are still struggling to understand. In some cases, genetics seem responsible; in others, various combinations of hormonal, metabolic, and behavioral factors appear to play a role. The prevalence of obesity...","URL":"https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/obesity-in-america-whats-driving-the-epidemic","title-short":"Obesity in America","author":[{"family":"Publishing","given":"Harvard Health"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,23]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Publishing).

Thesis Statement 2

Other than low use of calories at the workplace, there is another problem that leads to obesity in American adults, and that is wasting spare time. Most of the Americans today sit idly at home in their leisure time. They have reduced their physical activity and prefer to spend their leisure time at home watching movies or playing video games, or using social applications. This has added up to lower their physical activity. The time they spend at work is mostly spent sitting and the rest of the time they have is spent doing what requires no or lesser than required physical activity, which means that they are not exerting their bodies and the calories they are getting are being stored in their bodies in the form of fats. The thing is that why do not the people exercise during their free time? They sit static; the normal American, in reality, passes 55 percent of their hours while waking are spent sitting down, and when they sit, they are frequently watching a video show, maybe an office PC or a sitting room TV. Inactive exertion is an unavoidable offshoot of the modern era, but watching the TV is intentional and noncompulsory, and it regularly includes watching tempting advertisements for junk foods and when these all stuff are within spitting distance. An American Cancer Society research of 123,216 grownups and an average age of 63 remarked that idly sitting could be dangerous to one’s fitness. The researchers testified that the rate of death in men who consumed most of theirt time sitting was seventeen percent greater than that of their friends who spent less time sitting ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"9W1bzLPD","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences | Overweight & Obesity | CDC})","plainCitation":"(Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences | Overweight & Obesity | CDC)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":281,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/2JGGBXD8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/2JGGBXD8"],"itemData":{"id":281,"type":"webpage","title":"Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences | Overweight & Obesity | CDC","abstract":"Obesity is a serious concern because it is associated with poorer mental health outcomes, reduced quality of life, and the leading causes of death in the U.S. Learn more...","URL":"https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/adult/causes.html","language":"en-us","issued":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,7]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,23]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences).

Counter Argument

The physical inactivity is one of the major issues that cause obesity in the American public, however, it is not considered by many of the people. A large number of people think that the need of the hour is to go with the flow and the use of modern technology is one of them. It is thought that the mental exertion also counts, even if one works while sitting at the office. It is argued that the intake of unhealthy nutrients is the main reason that causes obesity in people. These days everyone has access to the junk food, and people eat mindlessly ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"YzaofAvp","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Television Watching, Energy Intake, and Obesity in US Children: Results From the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994. | Lifestyle Behaviors | JAMA Pediatrics | JAMA Network})","plainCitation":"(Television Watching, Energy Intake, and Obesity in US Children: Results From the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994. | Lifestyle Behaviors | JAMA Pediatrics | JAMA Network)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":292,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/YJII83EQ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/YJII83EQ"],"itemData":{"id":292,"type":"webpage","title":"Television Watching, Energy Intake, and Obesity in US Children: Results From the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994. | Lifestyle Behaviors | JAMA Pediatrics | JAMA Network","URL":"https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/190446","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,23]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Television Watching, Energy Intake, and Obesity in US Children). The food intake is haphazard and to add insult to injury food products are not healthy at all. Be it high sugar drinks, or junk food everyone has access to them and the outcome of all this is obesity. If the physical activity is increased up to the requirement still people complain to have gained weight and the blame is upon the nutrients intake. This seems to be true that unhealthy food is the reason for the increase in weight, but we cannot say that it is the sole reason for the increasing obesity in people.

Thesis Statement 3

Lethargy is prevalent in public today. At work or not at work, people are so lethargic, they lack energy. Chronic illness is prevalent throughout the country. All this s because of the habits and the routine of the people. The people in the earlier times used to exert their bodies and that hard work kept their bodies going well and also maintained their energy levels. The body of humans is just like the machine if it is left there not working and is not taken care of, it gets rusted and the working efficiency of it decreases. Same is the case with human bodies. If the bodies are exerted they keep functioning properly and if not the results are vice versa.


There are many factors that can be pinpointed as the causes of obesity in people such as eating disorders, hormonal disturbance, and many others, etc. However, the root cause lies in the fact of the inability of people to utilize their energy and to exert their bodies in hard work. It has been proved by a study that the hormonal imbalance is caused by the disturbed routine also. The eating and sleeping habits can play an important role in triggering the hormones that control the digestive system and ultimately lead to problems like weight gain and obesity etc. So to get rid of the problem it is inevitable to change the routine and to increase the physical activity.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences | Overweight & Obesity | CDC. 7 Feb. 2019, https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/adult/causes.html.

Kumanyika, S., et al. “Obesity Prevention: The Case for Action.” International Journal of Obesity, vol. 26, no. 3, Mar. 2002, pp. 425–36. www.nature.com, doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0801938.

Obesity in America - ScienceDirect. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1550728917303726. Accessed 23 Apr. 2019.

Publishing, Harvard Health. “Obesity in America: What’s Driving the Epidemic?” Harvard Health, https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/obesity-in-america-whats-driving-the-epidemic. Accessed 23 Apr. 2019.

Television Watching, Energy Intake, and Obesity in US Children: Results From the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994. | Lifestyle Behaviors | JAMA Pediatrics | JAMA Network. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/190446. Accessed 23 Apr. 2019.

Writers, Staff. “Why Are Americans Obese?” PublicHealth.Org, https://www.publichealth.org/public-awareness/obesity/. Accessed 23 Apr. 2019.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Argument Essay

Argumentative Essay



Fast food tempts people because it is delicious and it also saves the effort of making homemade food. McDonalds is among the famous and world-renowned fast food chains because it has a unique taste. The health risks that fast food can pose on the health are not unknown to people but they still like to eat fast food from McDonalds nonetheless, because of its affordability and quick services.

Generally fast food can be expensive because of its fancy ingredients and sauces but in McDonald’s, menu items are cheap which makes it affordable for the people. Similarly. They can eat more in less price and they can get free fries and sauces with their orders because they are mostly complementary. For instance, its most loved and high in demand menu items are Happy Meal, Big Mac burger, McFlurry, snack wrap, Fries and Chicken McNuggets1. However, Happy meal still remains most loved over the decades because it is super affordable and contains a burger and decent number of fries along with a toy. The franchises have sold almost 3.7 billion boxes of Happy meal over many decades1. People enjoy eating these signature McDonalds food items because they are delicious and easy on the budget as compared to other fast food chains.

McDonalds is also a top priority of people because of its quick services and one of the famous services is of drive-thru. This is MacDonald’s specialty and no other fast food chain could incorporate this idea successfully. Customers can place an order for their food and can get it delivered to them through a window while sitting in the comfort of their car seats. They do not even have to wait long as they can pick it within 4-5 minutes as compared to homemade food & saves a lot of time and effort1.

Fast food cannot be a healthy substitute for organic and homemade food but people still enjoy eating from McDonalds because of its affordability as it both saves the effort of cooking and is cheap. Moreover, they provide drive-thru service which saves a lot of time as compared to other available options.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Boyer, Vandermerwe, Sandra, and Juan Rada. “Servitization of Business: Adding Value by Adding Services.” European Management Journal 6, no. 4 (December 1, 1988): 314–24. https://doi.org/10.1016/0263-2373(88)90033-3.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Argument Essay

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Argument Essay

In the modern era, gun violence is the hotly debated issue of American society and the whole world. The world is divided between the two groups of people on this issue, one who is against the use of guns and second who is in favor of gun usage. Further to aggravate the situation, easy accessibility to ammunition by the lawmaking firms and availability of cheap guns and powders have made it more reachable and in the limelight. This issue of gun violence is growing the immensely serious law concerns and health issues, as there are many laws pertaining to acquiring guns in America. It is considered as a necessary evil in this society as if life is not possible without this liability. However, we could do much better without guns, even when it comes to protection and safety; there are many other modes of security. The majority of media coverage is given on the aspects of the negative side of guns, such that mass shootings and killings by an armed person. The consequences of such events are very pervasive and adversely affect the children, families and hence whole communities. In fact, the killing due to nuclear and suicide bombing has been subsided due for the entire focus on gun violence. This argumentative essay will focus on the adverse effects of guns and its ownership giving rise to the suicide rates (Edwards, np).

Weapons are the most utilized methods associated with deaths by aggressive behavior at home, expanding the rate of killing a significant other. There have been mass-shootings causing the huge number of fatalities by the year 2018 in the United States (nytimes.com). And reportedly by the first week of 2019, there were around five-thousand incidents related to gun violence. The children who witness an act of violence in their homes, schools, or community over the past year are more than 25%, and the ratio of those children who get to see the shooting is more than 5%, it is not only a growing issue of gun violence, but also relates to the traumatic impact on the emotional well-being of children due to such violence (Lyall, np). Although the issues of the mental and emotional health of the community are the part of gun violence or any kind of violence, the question also arises on the mental health of the gun perpetrators. Obviously, a person with a rational mind and sanity would not load a gun and start killing people right out of the blue. It takes a crazy amount of courage and insanity for being the destructive self for one's own self and the others.

The possession of ammunition or guns is regular in America. Individuals report the need for firearms due to security reasons, and some said it for the purpose of sport (SAS). Anyway, the presence of a gun in the home really builds the pace for suicide, murder, abusive behavior at home, and mishaps. Since particularly the events of the suicide of gun owners and family are more than the occasions of using it for safety, it questions the security assumed of guns. The suicide rate in America represents the greater part of the gun-related occurrence, and this issue is amazingly overlooked. The wounds, injuries resulting in making a person handicapped or even die due to gun-violence significantly elevate the hospital costs, insurance costs, taxes and cost from the case following in criminal court. However, the violence of guns has neither been mainstream with general public nor with governing bodies; maybe the level of savagery may now encourage talk about the manner in which these weapons are controlled or regulated.

The Second Amendment Constitution expresses that, "A very much directed volunteer army, being important to the security of a free express, the director of the general population to keep and carry weapons, will not be encroached." Regardless of the weapon control, guns can still be purchased from gun shows or secretly with no record verifications from the unlicensed merchants (Schallhorn, np). The perpetrators had access and intentions based on the mental ability or mindset which must be deteriorated due to mental health issues or depression/anxiety. Even if this amendment gives the right to the ammunition, this does not mean to load and take the guns on the road and start killing anybody a person dislikes or is not okay with. Banning guns will not violate this freedom, there could be alterations done in this amendment.

In history, there have been infinite shootings, mass killings, homicides, and suicides reported from gun-shots. Most Americans are ignorant of the fact that suicide due to weapons or guns happens significantly more regularly than all other consolidated shootings. Therefore it is the most developing and customary methods for suicide irrelevant to the gender, age or sexual orientation, education level or race. It is the main source of death in the individuals who buy guns for the very first time. Despite being acquired for individual security, a greater number of fatalities in a house are suicide caused by firearms. According to surveys, women attempt suicide multiple times as regularly when guns are available in a home rather than in residences (gunviolencearchive). However, mental illness is the most important element in the attempt for suicide, due to the reason that suicide is mostly done under pressure or constant strain caused by the depression and anxiety or moreover extreme intoxication. Mindfulness about the recurrence of such spontaneous acts is restricted. The providence of guns promptly increases the trigger in the impulsivity and hence leads to massive suicides (AFSP).

Weapons are the most utilized methods associated with deaths by aggressive behavior at home, expanding the rate of killing a significant other. There are far more chances of women being shot in the homes where such weaponry is accessible as opposed to families without them (CDC, np). The murder of a family member is substantially more likely than halting a trespasser. Unfortunately, numerous American kids are shot to death due to the availability of gun at homes.

Apparently, the adverse effect of gun violence is present in society. Other than the factors of being dead or disabled, the survivors of any such occasion to persevere a long-lasting impact through mental injury and trauma. The children who go through such traumatic events develop pathologies in the developmental stages, and the adults also face mental health issues. Constantly living under such circumstances where gun violence is common, and there are deaths every now and then just due to gun-fire, this detrimentally affects the people and provides an inappropriate example of living.

Emergency clinics, injury focuses, and recovery or the facilities or nursing homes are overflowed with mass casualties due to shootings. The services of acute healthcare vicinities are mostly used for harmed people, as these patients are not registered in an insurance company at majority times. The financial effect expands past the crisis of treatment and proceeds with constant brokenness, restoration, and disability for a longer time. The expenses of the restorative cost are charged on every citizen but mostly is covered by the tax-payers and government. Such costs enlarge the expenses for medicinal, handicap care, and disaster protection; the dues related to rising premiums are covered by organizations, governments, and the general community. The medical bill for acute care due to gun violence in the United States is reportedly more than $4 billion per anum and including the follow-ups and long-term checkups which are up to $100 billion per year (Morrissey, np). For reducing this healthcare cost, a serious step towards the banning of guns is needed.

The usage of guns creates violence which further adds to the costs of workings done by the police, court indictments, lawful inclusions, and detainments, again putting a strain on the tax-payers. Moreover, the handicap installments, productivity loss, and brokenness in the form of emotional and physical well-being add to the expenses. Weapons have become customary and so much incorporated in the culture that Americans are now habitual of this bloodshed. Thus the adverse effects of gun and the violence it creates is impacted in emotional as well as physical connotation. Regardless of the political and social controversy, and the elevated levels of expenditures in the form of taxation and insurances, gun violence is still in practice. The choices could be made by Americans in this regard, whether to keep the extra burden on the head of this society or eliminate this weight by implementing the laws and abiding by them.

This argumentative essay focused on the adverse effects of guns and its ownership giving rise to the suicide rates and concluding on the fact that gun violence is not a necessary evil of the society. We could do much better without guns, even when it comes to protection and safety; there are many other modes of security rather than being loaded with guns. Therefore, the abiding rules and laws for citizens will diminish this evil for good from our society. As rightly assumed that weapons are the most utilized methods associated with deaths by aggressive behavior at home, expanding the rate of killing a significant other, increasing the suicide ideation in the gun owners by mounting the rate of suicides by these guns.

Works Cited

AFSP. “Suicide Statistics.” AFSP, 2017, https://afsp.org/about-suicide/suicide-statistics/

CDC. “National Center for Health Statistics.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 10 Jan. 2019, www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm.

Edwards, Jeff. “Latest Gun Ownership Stats: Trends Can't Lie, People Can.” Hunting Mark, 3 Apr. 2018, https://huntingmark.com/gun-ownership-stats/

gunviolencearchive. “Past Summary Ledgers.” Gun Violence Archive, 5 Feb. 2019, www.gunviolencearchive.org/past-tolls.

Lyall, Sarah. “16 Children Are Slain in Scotland As Gunman Storms Into a School.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 14 Mar. 1996, www.nytimes.com/1996/03/14/world/16-children-are-slain-in-scotland-as-gunman-storms-into-a-school.html.https://www.nytimes.com/1996/04/29/world/australia-gunman-kills-at-least-32.html

Morrissey, T W. “Associations between Active Shooter Incidents and Gun Ownership and Storage among Families with Young Children in the United States.” Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports., U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 2017, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28389329.

nytimes.com. “AUSTRALIA GUNMAN KILLS AT LEAST 32.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 29 Apr. 1996, www.nytimes.com/1996/04/29/world/australia-gunman-kills-at-least-32.html.

SAS. “Global Firearms Holdings.” Small Arms Survey-, 19 June 2018, www.smallarmssurvey.org/weapons-and-markets/tools/global-firearms-holdings.html.

Schallhorn, Kaitlyn. “How Do Gun Background Checks Work? A Look at the Current System.” Fox News, FOX News Network, 22 Feb. 2018, www.foxnews.com/politics/how-do-gun-background-checks-work-a-look-at-the-current-system.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Argument Essay

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Living Together Before Marriage


Love is a beautiful relationship; it binds two souls and hearts together. When a man and a woman are in love, they share their feelings of love, joy, and sincerity. People in love wish to stay with each other all the time. They wish to spend each and every moment with each other, which is a very sweet thing. But apart from sharing feelings with each other, some couples also believe in sharing resources and living space with each other (Malek). Couples move in together with each other and share the same living space with each other. This act of living together before marriage is called living in.

The act of living is controversial conduct and has been a topic of debate for a very long time. Some people believe that living together is a completely fine act, while some argue that living together is not a good thing. Most of the people who oppose the idea are from priests, fathers, religious scholars and people from the clergy. No matter what the worldly benefits are, living together before marriage is not only an extremely unethical and immoral activity but also a sin in the eyes of the religion, so a person should abstain from it.


A live-in relation was not so common among the couples even if we go some thirty years back, but now the trends are changing, in fact, they have changed quite a lot. The idea of living together and sharing the same living space or house before marriage with your loved one was considered an extremely bad idea some years back. Even the most secular ones thought many times before actually indulging in the act, but now things have changed. The trend of moving in before marriage has increased amazingly up to 1500%since 1960s and 30% since the last decade (NeJaime). Although the world is following this trend blindly, this does not justify the action. Calling an apple a banana will not change the reality.

And that reality is that living before marriage with your loved one or even fiancé is an extremely immoral and unethical act. The topic has been under discussion for a very long time and has been a controversy for ages. The reason behind this debate is the extreme nature of the arguments given by both parties. The people in favor of live-in relationships present a long list of arguments in favor of the act, but the logic and arguments presented by the people opposing the idea are also not weak. It is backed up by the instructions given by religion and God directly. There are various clear verses present in the Holy Bible that state that living together for a couple before marriage is strictly forbidden. Some of them have been quoted below:

"You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:27-28.

“Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18.

“…It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.” 1 Corinthians 7:1-2.

“For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person…has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.” Ephesians 5:5.

“For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in the passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God.” 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5.

“Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled, but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” Hebrews 13:4.


The people who are in favor of live-in relationships or living together before marriage present different arguments to justify their decision. The first and most popular argument present by such couples is the test of compatibility and development of understanding between bort the partners (Pedersen). The second argument is practicality. Couples argue that it becomes very economical for them to share the living space as they do not have to pay the rent and bills at different places. They also state that living together saves the cost of groceries, utilities and buying separate furniture.

However, whatever the reason may be, what is wrong will remain wrong, especially if the religion prohibits it and indulging in any such act that has been strictly prohibited by the Lord in such a manner is an open war with Him. It is a clear denial of His orders and a very big example of disobedience of God.


In a nutshell, it can be concluded that living with your partner, before marriage is not a good act. It is an extremely immoral and unethical act. Our religion also prohibits it strictly, and a number of verses from the Bible can be found in this respect. The people giving arguments in favor of live-in provided different arguments that there are multiple benefits to this act like the couple can develop a lot of understanding and check that whether they are compatible with each other or not. No matter how strong the arguments are, and no matter how many people in society have adopted the trend, the concept is still forbidden by God, and the couple should abstain from it.

Works Cited

Malek, Normi Binti Abdul. "Is Cohabitation an Alternative to Marriage?." Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 219 (2016): 12-18.

NeJaime, Douglas. "Before Marriage: The Unexplored History of Nonmarital Recognition and Its Relationship to Marriage." Calif. L. Rev. 102 (2014): 87.

Pedersen, Willy. "Forbidden fruit? A longitudinal study of Christianity, sex, and marriage." The Journal of Sex Research 51.5 (2014): 542-550.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Argument Essay

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Argument Essay

The argumentative essay is based on the topic "cybercrime." Cybercrime can be defined as the crime carried out through electronic media. It is a form of abuse and mental torture inflicted by utilizing the manifestations of online technology, or we can say it is the misuse of information technology to harm someone online. Computer and internet are becoming an essential part of our lives, and making our lives easier through easy and quick connectivity. It has made business and personal life more convenient. Some people are using the advancement of technology in a positive way while others are misusing it. The cybercrime is a rising crime in the contemporary world which is an adverse manifestation of technology and ought to be dealt with stringent regulations.

To begin, every day thousands of people become the victim of cybercrime where most of them not even know about the perpetration of the crime. Several modes of criminal activities are inflicted. These include pornography, defamation, harassment, cyber terrorism, industrial espionage, and regulatory offenses. The main argument of the paper is that cybercrime is not a new kind of crime. It is the same old crime, now committed through new methods with the help of advanced technology. Therefore it is required that lawmakers address the new aspects of crime and laws against them with the public.

In past crime like harassment, bullying and terrorism were the problems in society; it has become more severe as criminals today are making use of information technology for their crime. Everyone who uses the computer and the internet is at risk. People who commit cybercrime may have some motivation behind, or it is also possible as they are committing it unknowingly. Therefore it is necessary not only for the victims to have knowledge about the cybercrime and cybercrime law but also the person who commits these crimes unknowingly. In this essay, the potential manifestations of cybercrime will be underpinned to highlight its adverse impacts and necessary preventive measures.

Moreover, cybercrime is a big concern of almost every country. Millions of computers are connected to the internet. This internet is developing an electronic connection between the computers. The word cybercrime is linked to the computer and the internet. Actions that break or violate the law by using computer and internet is a cybercrime. If your computer has an internet connection, then you are also at risk. Sometimes it is not compulsory for the criminals to have some personal issues with you, until they commit cybercrime influenced by a radical mission where you, unfortunately, become their target.

Furthermore, there are various kinds of cybercrime. The first type of cybercrime is crackers. These are the people who commit cybercrime just for fun. Their intention is not to hurt someone but to tease. These people do not even know that they are becoming a part of cybercrime. Hacking is the cybercrime which people attempt to explore the personal or confidential information from other computers. The third kind of cybercrime is the prankster. They trick others, but they do not have the intention to give harm to others for a long time ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"mETifksP","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Sarre et al.)","plainCitation":"(Sarre et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":106,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/XIKPM2PS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/XIKPM2PS"],"itemData":{"id":106,"type":"article-journal","title":"Responding to cybercrime: current trends","container-title":"Police Practice and Research","page":"515-518","volume":"19","issue":"6","source":"Crossref","DOI":"10.1080/15614263.2018.1507888","ISSN":"1561-4263, 1477-271X","shortTitle":"Responding to cybercrime","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Sarre","given":"Rick"},{"family":"Lau","given":"Laurie Yiu-Chung"},{"family":"Chang","given":"Lennon Y.C."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018",11,2]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Sarre et al.). Career criminals is the most dangerous kind of cybercrime. They commit the crime with full awareness about what they are doing. They become part of this bad action to earn money through wrong deeds. They perform an offensive act as organize mafia gangs, or promote pornography. Cyber attackers are the criminals who hack government or other sensitive websites to crash it or add trafficking. Cyber bulls are the criminals who are present around us. These are the common people who bully others online for fun or to hide their own complexes. All these criminals are the bad side of society since the past, and the difference is that the advancement of technology is being used to organize these crimes nowadays.

In addition, the various cybercrimes have caught the attention of the government and police. Evidence shows that the government is more concerned about the crime related to terrorism and espionage. The government is already working to control terrorism in the country, where borderless internet is creating more complications to resolve the issue. The government is concerned as they can be targeted from any part of the world ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"o95oAfuw","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}An Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigations. | Request PDF\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(“An Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigations. | Request PDF”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":114,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/HDVRZUXI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/HDVRZUXI"],"itemData":{"id":114,"type":"webpage","title":"An Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigations. | Request PDF","container-title":"ResearchGate","abstract":"Request PDF on ResearchGate | An Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigations. | A comprehensive model of cybercrime investigations is important for standardising terminology, defining requirements, and supporting the development of new techniques and tools for investigators. In this paper a model of investigations is presented which combines the existing...","URL":"https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220542517_An_Extended_Model_of_Cybercrime_Investigations","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,15]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“An Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigations. | Request PDF”). To control terrorism and espionage, various agencies along with police are working day and night. But through internet criminals can engage in the crime without acquiring special skills related to information technology. Therefore cybercrime has created the challenges for the government and law enforcement institutions to implement their laws and regulation.

Besides, evidence reflects that it is important to know the mentality or point of view of the offenders. Research in which researchers have conducted interviews with the offenders shows that cybercrime is a new topic of the old book. The act of offenders does not reflect their overall personality. The interviews show that many offenders who did cybercrime were unaware that they committed unlawful thing. Also, there were some offenders who used cybercrime to give harm to someone because they consider themselves weak. They were unable to give someone harm personally or physically, so they used the computer and internet ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"V62P5YSR","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hutchings and Holt)","plainCitation":"(Hutchings and Holt)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":116,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/UDPS63DA"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/UDPS63DA"],"itemData":{"id":116,"type":"article-journal","title":"Interviewing cybercrime offenders","source":"www.repository.cam.ac.uk","abstract":"Research on cybercrime offending and victimization has increased dramatically over the past two decades, though qualitative scholarship on more technical offenses such as computer misuse have not kept pace with this broader trend. The aim of this research is to identify potential best practices for researchers considering qualitative interviews as a method for researching computer misuse offenses, more commonly involving hacking techniques. The authors interviewed six experienced researchers who conducted qualitative examinations of active or incarcerated cybercriminals to understand their common experiences with recruitment, ways in which they interviewed research participants, ethical issues, and publishing their research. This analysis explores the difficulties associated with this area of research that are not typically discussed in the methods section of a research paper. The findings demonstrate the problems that emerge in research and the precautions researchers may need to take to protect themselves, their participants, and the research data.","URL":"https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/276909","DOI":"10.17863/CAM.24191","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Hutchings","given":"Alice"},{"family":"Holt","given":"Thomas J."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018",6,12]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,15]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hutchings and Holt). Then there were some offenders who were fully aware of their actions and its result. Evidence shows that it is necessary to provide sufficient knowledge to the people about cybercrime. Therefore, it becomes easy for the law enforcement institutions to identify the innocent from the criminals.

To deliberate the evidence, the instances of cybercrime inflicted on the victims depict the depth of the crime. The survey showed that about three percent of people faced online shopping fraud, about two people becomes the victim of online banking fraud, and three percent faces harassment and bullying. Other victims explained their problem, and they were being stalked and threatened by the criminals. Approximately six percent were the victims of hacking. The study does not identify the difference between the different victims due to the different questioning and methods variation. It is important to understand that just like different type or cybercriminals, victims are also categorized into two types. First, there are victims who know about the complications of the problem they faced. There were well aware of the cybercrime, and its law. Due to the proper information, it becomes easy for them to solve the issue ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Ew5tq0NP","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Reep-van den Bergh and Junger)","plainCitation":"(Reep-van den Bergh and Junger)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":110,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/FQTMJSE7"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/FQTMJSE7"],"itemData":{"id":110,"type":"article-journal","title":"Victims of cybercrime in Europe: a review of victim surveys","container-title":"Crime Science","page":"5","volume":"7","issue":"1","source":"BioMed Central","abstract":"Review the evidence provided by victim surveys in order to provide a rough estimate of the personal crime prevalence of the main types of cybercrime.","DOI":"10.1186/s40163-018-0079-3","ISSN":"2193-7680","shortTitle":"Victims of cybercrime in Europe","journalAbbreviation":"Crime Science","author":[{"family":"Reep-van den Bergh","given":"Carin M. M."},{"family":"Junger","given":"Marianne"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018",4,4]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Reep-van den Bergh and Junger). While other types of victims were those who did not know much about the cybercrime, they knew it was an unlawful act if they experienced it personally, but as the crime was linked to the information technology, their knowledge becomes limited. They were tense and confused because of the situation but struggled to handle it due to the lack of cybercrime law knowledge. The complications of cybercrime and its laws vary from country to country.

After understanding the position of criminals, victims, and the government along with law enforcement institution, it is important to find out its preventions. Crime was part of society before and laws are also present for all the criminal acts that are for bullying, harassment, terrorism, and espionage. The challenges that arise after the advancement of technology is how to control these crimes when committed online or with the help of information technology. Evidence shows that it is difficult to handle online crime with the help of local police and other institution. There should be a large complex network to detect and prevent the cybercrime. Once cybercrime is detected, and the criminal gets arrested then it becomes easier to enforce the criminal act on the criminals ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"nRDpDs1y","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Sorensen et al.)","plainCitation":"(Sorensen et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":112,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/AHIM3DK6"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/AHIM3DK6"],"itemData":{"id":112,"type":"article-journal","title":"An Approach to Detect and Prevent Cybercrime in Large Complex Networks","container-title":"(:unav)","source":"DataCite","URL":"https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8560687/","DOI":"10.1109/cybersecpods.2018.8560687","author":[{"family":"Sorensen","given":"Andre"},{"family":"Remy","given":"Maxime Jerome"},{"family":"Kjettrup","given":"Nicolaj"},{"family":"Mahmoud","given":"Rasmi Vlad"},{"family":"Pedersen","given":"Jens Myrup"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018",6]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,15]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Sorensen et al.). Other than that precautions like anti-virus for hackers and pranksters are required. Lastly, proper information should be granted to the common people about the cybercrime and its consequences to reduce the cybercrime rate in the country.

To conclude, cybercrime is the type of crime which is directly linked to the computer, internet, and information technology. Thousands of people become a victim of cybercrime every day. There are various types of cybercrime. Criminals commit cybercrime when someone motivates them from behind, or they have a radical mission. There are various types of crimes related to cybercrime. They include hackers, crackers, cyberbullying, cyber terrorism, and pranksters. It is argued that these types of criminals are part of society from the past. The only difference is they have found a new mode to commit the crime. The drug dealers, terrorist, people who bullied and harassed others were present already in the society. Laws are also promulgated for these criminals, but because of committing crime through computer and internet, it becomes difficult to control these crimes. People who use computers are on risk. Therefore it is necessary that the government should develop a wider network to control the cybercrime. Besides, proper guidance should be provided to the civilians. This is because many times innocent people commit a criminal act without realizing that they are doing some unethical act. Also, many victims do not understand the complication of their problem and face difficulty to fight cybercrime. Therefore it is necessary that people should know about the cybercrime, its laws, and preventions.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY “An Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigations. | Request PDF.” ResearchGate, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220542517_An_Extended_Model_of_Cybercrime_Investigations. Accessed 15 Mar. 2019.

Hutchings, Alice, and Thomas J. Holt. Interviewing Cybercrime Offenders. June 2018. www.repository.cam.ac.uk, doi:10.17863/CAM.24191.

Reep-van den Bergh, Carin M. M., and Marianne Junger. “Victims of Cybercrime in Europe: A Review of Victim Surveys.” Crime Science, vol. 7, no. 1, Apr. 2018, p. 5. BioMed Central, doi:10.1186/s40163-018-0079-3.

Sarre, Rick, et al. “Responding to Cybercrime: Current Trends.” Police Practice and Research, vol. 19, no. 6, Nov. 2018, pp. 515–18. Crossref, doi:10.1080/15614263.2018.1507888.

Sorensen, Andre, et al. “An Approach to Detect and Prevent Cybercrime in Large Complex Networks.” (:Unav), June 2018. DataCite, doi:10.1109/cybersecpods.2018.8560687.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500


Argument Essay

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Argument Essay


Technology is making progress by leaps and bounds in the recent era. Humans have been taking advantage of various progressions of the technology for a very long time, in fact, from the time wheel was invented. There are a number of inventions that technology has provided to mankind. Modern technology especially needs to be mentioned in this respect, as it has provided a much greater number of inventions to modern humans. These inventions and services have brought a huge revolution in the lives of humans. These inventions have made the pace of the work incredibly fast and brought efficiency in the routine of life.

One of the greatest inventions of modern technology, and most probably the most useful one, is the internet. The Internet has connected the whole world and reformed this big planet into a small global village. The Internet consists of many components but the most vital and helpful component is a worldwide component. World Wide Web helps to find and publish information online. One of the most important and integral parts of this World Wide Web is a search engine. A search is a program that searches and identifies whether the typed characters or keywords are present in its database or not (Wright, 2005). It especially finds the particular sites that are related to the keywords or the characters that the user wants to search and presents the most appropriate results.

There are a number of search engines available over the internet, but in the current times, Google is the top-ranked search engine present over the internet. There are a number of people who like to use Google for their search needs of information over the internet. Many people consider it a very useful program and think that Google provides quality results and relevant information regarding the results of the search. However, there is a certain group of people, who think that Google is a complete waste of time and does not help its users at all. One such person is Nicholas Carr. Nicholas Carr, in 2008, wrote an article in “The Atlantic” magazine, in order to present his views that how Google was proving more harmful than beneficial for the general public. The article was titled “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” and was published in the July August issue or year 2008 (Carr, 2008). However, I would like to disagree with Nicholas Carr. I think Google is not making us stupid or fool but only trying to help us, in fact, the whole human race. Google has proved to be an extremely efficient and effective tool for searching and providing valuable information in times of need.


Nicholas Carr, in his article “Is Google Making Us Stupid? What the Internet is doing to our brains” presented various arguments and evidence to back up his views regarding the inefficiency of the famous search engine, Google. The author of “The Shallows” and “The Glass Cage: Automation and Us” has pinpointed from many aspects that the lasts technology, especially Google is proving to be more of a headache for the human race than a blessing. These arguments were based both on the technological; aspects as well as the physical and psychological aspects.

Nicholas Carr may have presented his arguments in the light of extended research and comprehensive study but still, there are certain loopholes that cannot be left unanswered. The noted author may think that modern technology especially the internet and Google, has started controlling out brains, but the fact that cannot be denied is that Google has made the life of humans much easier. Google is loaded with a bundle of information and provides the most relevant data to its users.

In addition to this, the market position of the well-reputed search engine is a piece of undoubted evidence for its authenticity and performance. The well-developed search engine jumped in the market when there were already two powerful giants working in the area of internet search, Yahoo and MSN. Google tried to develop its services at such a crucial time when there was already a great competition in the market, but its amazing service and the extraordinary performance won the hearts of the internet users and they shifted swiftly to the new service provider. Currently, Google is ranked among the top choice of internet surfers and 99 out of 110 users prefer to use Google for their internet search needs.

In addition to all this, Nicholas Carr argues that the latest facilitation of technology, especially the internet has made people lazy. People now hesitate to get up and search for the things that they need. There were times when people used to make an effort for searching the information; they used to visit libraries and search volumes of books and encyclopedias, but now the situations have changed. People are becoming unindustrious, as they can find the required information just by sitting on their couch. Hence, they refuse to be physically active and visit libraries. This is a dangerous trend as firstly; it is reducing the walk or footfall in the libraries as well as reading habits in people. People are now less interested in reading books as compared to the earlier times the passion for reading is reducing.

I find this argument completely baseless, as, in my personal opinion, the internet has not only given a hike to the passion for reading among the users but also provided multiple opportunities and platforms to the users to read. In fact, the users can easily read the books online without having to carry the books physically with them (Grabe, & Christopherson, 2005). Moreover, the readers can easily share their reviews about the books on various social media platforms, which the other readers can also view and decide whether to read the book or not.

Internet technology has also provided a number of facilitation to its users in terms of shopping. In ancient times, people had to meet the stores or shops physically and select a product. Sometimes, it would take a lot of effort and travel to reach the store if the person is living in the countryside or a suburban area. The Internet has reduced this fatigue; the user can easily sit in the comfort of his home or office and order anything online. From huge electronics to the smallest pins, a person can easily order anything online and get their product delivered to their doorstep within no time (Vaske, 2011). This facility is also available on grocery shopping and this practice is known as online shopping. It has saved the time and effort for travel as well as proved to be extremely fuel-efficient. Hence, it is proven on one more front that the internet is not a curse but a blessing for humans.

Nicholas Carr presents another argument in his article that no matter what the website, whether it’s Google or any other, every website is heavily loaded with ads and marketing images nowadays. One of another annoyance that the internet users face while browsing through various websites is pop-ups. These little windows keep popping up while a user is trying to open a new website or a new web page. Carr emphasizes the fact that these marketing images, ads or pop-ups prove to extremely annoying while a user is using the internet. These ads, in addition to being annoying, also prove to be very distracting. These ads divert the attention of the reader. This point is valid to some extent but, as there is a solution to every problem, this issue also comes with certain remedies. There are a number of ad blockers and pop-up blockers available over the internet that can be installed either on the computer or the mobile phone that help to block unwanted ads and pop-ups (Fricker, & Schonlau, 2002). A user can easily find these various pop-up blockers or ad-blockers on the web store or play store.


Hence, in a nutshell, it can be concluded that the internet has proven to be a great blessing for making instead of a curse. It has provided a number of facilities to its users and made life much easier for them. Contrary to the misconceptions that the internet has reduced the passion for the reading and the number of book readers has reduced due to it, the internet has provided an increased number of opportunities to buy books or read them online. There are a number of websites that also allow the readers to read these books online. On the other hand, the internet has also eased the process of shopping and provided many opportunities for its users to purchase products online. There are many other fronts on which the internet has proven to be beneficial for the human race. Hence, the arguments presented by Nicholas Carr in his article “Is Google Making Us Stupid? What the Internet is doing to our brains” stands to be baseless or of less value as compared to the benefits provided by technology.


Carr, N. (2008). Is Google making us stupid?. Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, 107(2), 89-94.

Fricker, R. D., & Schonlau, M. (2002). Advantages and disadvantages of Internet research surveys: Evidence from the literature. Field methods, 14(4), 347-367.

Grabe, M., & Christopherson, K. (2005). Evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of providing lecture notes: The role of internet technology as a delivery system and research tool. The Internet and higher education, 8(4), 291-298.

Vaske, J. J. (2011). Advantages and disadvantages of internet surveys: Introduction to the special issue. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 16(3), 149-153.

Wright, K. B. (2005). Researching Internet-based populations: Advantages and disadvantages of online survey research, online questionnaire authoring software packages, and web survey services. Journal of computer-mediated communication, 10(3), JCMC1034.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Argument Essay

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Argument Essay


Education is the weapon which can be used to change the world. It is the process of enlightenment where people gain awareness about their lives and circumstances. This is an overall training of life which equips individuals with all necessary skills and talent. With all such nobility attached to the process of education, it should be maintained and regulated that way. Nevertheless, it has been observed that the complexity of modern age has instilled complexity in the process of education as well. Now there are various levels in education: primary, secondary and then tertiary. Along with this hierarchical pattern, the grading system and examination process have evolved to the extent that education and especially university education has become a quagmire for students. It has been experienced that this complexity of education has engendered various campus issues that are faced by students on a regular basis. Suicide, depression, exam pressure, mental health is some of the issues that have become a part of life for students. This issue of depression is witnessed in the University of Mississippi where student face bouts of depression due to their intense study schedules. This is not something peculiar with Mississippi University, but it is widespread in every college and university of the world. This issue of depression is highlighted by several journals and articles. This issue of depression among college students is gaining impetus day by day ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Cyi5X0Bm","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Mortier et al.)","plainCitation":"(Mortier et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":556,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/UT5U2VL9"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/UT5U2VL9"],"itemData":{"id":556,"type":"article-journal","title":"The prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behaviours among college students: a meta-analysis","container-title":"Psychological medicine","page":"554–565","volume":"48","issue":"4","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"The prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behaviours among college students","author":[{"family":"Mortier","given":"Philippe"},{"family":"Cuijpers","given":"P."},{"family":"Kiekens","given":"Glenn"},{"family":"Auerbach","given":"R. P."},{"family":"Demyttenaere","given":"Koen"},{"family":"Green","given":"J. G."},{"family":"Kessler","given":"R. C."},{"family":"Nock","given":"M. K."},{"family":"Bruffaerts","given":"R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Mortier et al.). There is a need to bring all stakeholders on one page to ease students’ life and to reform the education system.


This issue of depression and suicides is obvious everywhere irrespective any geographic boundaries. Several cases have been reported in different corners of the world where students are facing enormous pressures due to their hectic study sessions and examinations. This issue of depression is taking their lives as the number of suicide among adolescents and adults have tripled since the 1950s and reached a 30-year-high in 2017 ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"JJwrdtXR","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Mortier et al.)","plainCitation":"(Mortier et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":556,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/UT5U2VL9"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/UT5U2VL9"],"itemData":{"id":556,"type":"article-journal","title":"The prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behaviours among college students: a meta-analysis","container-title":"Psychological medicine","page":"554–565","volume":"48","issue":"4","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"The prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behaviours among college students","author":[{"family":"Mortier","given":"Philippe"},{"family":"Cuijpers","given":"P."},{"family":"Kiekens","given":"Glenn"},{"family":"Auerbach","given":"R. P."},{"family":"Demyttenaere","given":"Koen"},{"family":"Green","given":"J. G."},{"family":"Kessler","given":"R. C."},{"family":"Nock","given":"M. K."},{"family":"Bruffaerts","given":"R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Mortier et al.). This issue of mental health is present in the University of Mississippi as well where it is reported that student even feels shy to discuss and seek help from others ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"g3mqlnf6","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(journo)","plainCitation":"(journo)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":551,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/65T7RGE5"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/65T7RGE5"],"itemData":{"id":551,"type":"post-weblog","title":"Opinion: Universities should do more to help students struggling with anxiety and depression","container-title":"Oxford Stories","abstract":"You are a 20-year-old college student studying pre-med. You have not found a community of friends in your six months of arriving on campus. Your classes require so much studying. You could spend ev…","URL":"https://oxfordstories.net/2019/04/30/opinion-universities-should-do-more-to-help-students-struggling-with-anxiety-and-depression/","title-short":"Opinion","language":"en","author":[{"literal":"journo"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,30]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",7,11]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (journo). This depression has suicidal effect for students as it plays with their social success and even with their lives. Due to the enormity of such issues, the University of Mississippi Counseling Center has been established to save people from this heinous mental issue. This mental health issue is not new in the world as it is occurring everywhere since the time when education has been updated with modern trends.

The important stakeholders in this depression among students are none other students who are the direct recipients of the evil. Teachers, professors, educationists are also involved in it. In this way, counseling centers are opened to ease students in their troubling experiences. Every university is trying to provide counsels to students ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"tADKMvAk","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Dogan)","plainCitation":"(Dogan)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":564,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/RE8GRPB2"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/RE8GRPB2"],"itemData":{"id":564,"type":"article-journal","title":"Problem areas of students at a university psychological counselling centre: a 16-year analysis","container-title":"British Journal of Guidance & Counselling","page":"429–440","volume":"46","issue":"4","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"Problem areas of students at a university psychological counselling centre","author":[{"family":"Dogan","given":"Turkan"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Dogan). In the case of Mississippi University, this service is being given in low costs as compared to such services offered in outside campus. The cost of change is not much higher as it will save many lives which are humanitarian in approach. There is not complete overhaul rather a simplification of the process.

Furthermore, the primary research conducted on the issue of depression shows that other students consider it a real issue in essence. Every other student is caught in a circle of depressing moods that occur frequently and regularly ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"DOEk0sgK","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Capron et al.)","plainCitation":"(Capron et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":566,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/VB99UPSV"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/VB99UPSV"],"itemData":{"id":566,"type":"article-journal","title":"Treatment seeking among college students with comorbid hazardous drinking and elevated mood/anxiety symptoms","container-title":"Substance use & misuse","page":"1041–1050","volume":"53","issue":"6","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Capron","given":"Daniel W."},{"family":"Bauer","given":"Brian W."},{"family":"Madson","given":"Michael B."},{"family":"Schmidt","given":"Norman B."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Capron et al.). No one on the campus is immune from it as sources of depression remain the same for everyone. When this question is deliberated in the campus, every student complained that administration and examination system is the cause of depression. They further opined that this problem is burgeoning at a high rate now as youngsters are engulfed in varied pressures. This research on campus revealed that depression, anxiety, is quite common among students and institutions are now attempting to amend this situation.

Other institutions such as Yale University and Stanford University have incorporated in their own defence mechanisms to save students from recurrent cycles of depression. These steps are definitely a good step to boost mental health in students ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"DBZ3AnQX","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Wu)","plainCitation":"(Wu)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":561,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/JDSAV7CA"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/JDSAV7CA"],"itemData":{"id":561,"type":"paper-conference","title":"The Construction and Perfection of Mental Health Education Model of Poor Students in Colleges and Universities","container-title":"2018 8th International Conference on Social science and Education Research (SSER 2018)","publisher":"Atlantis Press","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Wu","given":"Shiwei"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Wu). This is the positive development among some institutions and others need to follow them as well. Nevertheless, some people opine that this depressing state of students is not associated with studies or any level of education. Besides, they suggest it is more of a phenomenon that springs from home and families. Though they may have a point in their view, it is not the complete story of the picture. Some people do come from troubling backgrounds, but it is more important to see how their learning institutes have aggravated the issue in their lives. This is the issue that needs empathy rather than any edicts to amend the situation.


In a nutshell, depression among students is evident and most apparent these days. Several universities have noted the depressing side of students in their campuses and they are attempting to resolve the issue. This depression is having multifaceted ill effects on student ranging from suicides to hampering their prospects of social success. Many deaths have been reported in various schools, colleges, and universities where a student could not handle their hectic study schedules. In this wake of events, the University of Mississippi and many other institutes are installing new means to deal with the situation. They are providing inexpensive counseling sessions to those students who are in need. This issue is ominous for student health and the process of studies, still, some people associate it with homes and families. Though their point is justified in a sense, that it is not all comprehensive in approach. many students encounter early bouts of depression when they attend their colleges and universities. Therefore, it is mandatory to take an overall picture of this campus issue to salvage student in their learning activities.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Capron, Daniel W., et al. “Treatment Seeking among College Students with Comorbid Hazardous Drinking and Elevated Mood/Anxiety Symptoms.” Substance Use & Misuse, vol. 53, no. 6, 2018, pp. 1041–1050.

Dogan, Turkan. “Problem Areas of Students at a University Psychological Counselling Centre: A 16-Year Analysis.” British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, vol. 46, no. 4, 2018, pp. 429–440.

journo. “Opinion: Universities Should Do More to Help Students Struggling with Anxiety and Depression.” Oxford Stories, 30 Apr. 2019, https://oxfordstories.net/2019/04/30/opinion-universities-should-do-more-to-help-students-struggling-with-anxiety-and-depression/.

Mortier, Philippe, et al. “The Prevalence of Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours among College Students: A Meta-Analysis.” Psychological Medicine, vol. 48, no. 4, 2018, pp. 554–565.

Wu, Shiwei. “The Construction and Perfection of Mental Health Education Model of Poor Students in Colleges and Universities.” 2018 8th International Conference on Social Science and Education Research (SSER 2018), Atlantis Press, 2018.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

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