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Women Rights

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Women’s Right

Thesis Statement: Women empowerment should be encouraged and equality between the two sexes should be implemented both professionally as it will induce advantages for both males and female lives overall.

1: Equal Work Opportunities

A: “In 2012, female full-time workers made only 77 cents for every dollar that was earned by men, a gender wage gap of 23% ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"N0Lt2dJv","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Institute for Women\\uc0\\u8217{}s Policy Research | Institute for Women\\uc0\\u8217{}s Policy Research})","plainCitation":"(Institute for Women’s Policy Research | Institute for Women’s Policy Research)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1602,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/E92MGGYD"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/E92MGGYD"],"itemData":{"id":1602,"type":"webpage","title":"Institute for Women's Policy Research | Institute for Women's Policy Research","URL":"https://iwpr.org/people/institute-for-womens-policy-research/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,17]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Institute for Women’s Policy Research | Institute for Women’s Policy Research).

B: Normalization

1: Once normalization begins then it will be possible to end inequality and provide equal opportunities both for males and females ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"bMRqfVsV","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Are Women Really Getting Equal Opportunities in Today\\uc0\\u8217{}s World? - Classy Career Girl})","plainCitation":"(Are Women Really Getting Equal Opportunities in Today’s World? - Classy Career Girl)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1604,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/63IQ5DWN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/63IQ5DWN"],"itemData":{"id":1604,"type":"webpage","title":"Are Women Really Getting Equal Opportunities in Today's World? - Classy Career Girl","URL":"https://www.classycareergirl.com/2017/09/equal-opportunities-women-today-world/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,17]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Are Women Really Getting Equal Opportunities in Today’s World? - Classy Career Girl).

2: Equal opportunities are only possible when women are not considered something else than men. Normalization Scenario where men and women are considered equal is the only way to provide equal opportunities ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"PLLcXjYi","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Are Women Really Getting Equal Opportunities in Today\\uc0\\u8217{}s World? - Classy Career Girl})","plainCitation":"(Are Women Really Getting Equal Opportunities in Today’s World? - Classy Career Girl)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1604,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/63IQ5DWN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/63IQ5DWN"],"itemData":{"id":1604,"type":"webpage","title":"Are Women Really Getting Equal Opportunities in Today's World? - Classy Career Girl","URL":"https://www.classycareergirl.com/2017/09/equal-opportunities-women-today-world/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,17]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Are Women Really Getting Equal Opportunities in Today’s World? - Classy Career Girl).

C: Providing equal work opportunities is also beneficial for the companies because in this way the man force of the company is increased which will then help in the growth of that specific company ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"PLLcXjYi","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Are Women Really Getting Equal Opportunities in Today\\uc0\\u8217{}s World? - Classy Career Girl})","plainCitation":"(Are Women Really Getting Equal Opportunities in Today’s World? - Classy Career Girl)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1604,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/63IQ5DWN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/63IQ5DWN"],"itemData":{"id":1604,"type":"webpage","title":"Are Women Really Getting Equal Opportunities in Today's World? - Classy Career Girl","URL":"https://www.classycareergirl.com/2017/09/equal-opportunities-women-today-world/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,17]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Are Women Really Getting Equal Opportunities in Today’s World? - Classy Career Girl).

2: Freedom of Movement

A: The freedom of movement is essential women right but it is restricted in many parts of the world.

B: Women are not allowed to leave their house without a male guardian or without the consent of her husband or father ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"U56z1e4s","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Women\\uc0\\u8217{}s Rights - Wikipedia})","plainCitation":"(Women’s Rights - Wikipedia)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1606,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/EGACIQPK"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/EGACIQPK"],"itemData":{"id":1606,"type":"webpage","title":"Women's rights - Wikipedia","URL":"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_rights#Freedom_of_movement","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,17]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Women’s Rights - Wikipedia).

C: Even if women are allowed to go out then they may face abuse like an insult, sexual harassment or violence ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"U56z1e4s","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Women\\uc0\\u8217{}s Rights - Wikipedia})","plainCitation":"(Women’s Rights - Wikipedia)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1606,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/EGACIQPK"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/EGACIQPK"],"itemData":{"id":1606,"type":"webpage","title":"Women's rights - Wikipedia","URL":"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_rights#Freedom_of_movement","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,17]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Women’s Rights - Wikipedia).

3: Property Rights of Women:

A: The right to own and inherit property is the most important right which is mostly taken for granted by the majority of people and for women, it is far from reality.

B: These rights should be granted to women all over the world in order to make sure women empowerment ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"NmSYtLvw","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Assets and Property Rights \\uc0\\u8212{} Background \\uc0\\u8212{} Women\\uc0\\u8217{}s Advancement Deeply})","plainCitation":"(Assets and Property Rights — Background — Women’s Advancement Deeply)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1610,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/F2HUTN3B"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/F2HUTN3B"],"itemData":{"id":1610,"type":"webpage","title":"Assets and Property Rights — Background — Women's Advancement Deeply","URL":"https://www.newsdeeply.com/womensadvancement/background/assets-and-property-rights","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,17]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Assets and Property Rights — Background — Women’s Advancement Deeply).

C: Providing property rights to women is essential because then they are more likely to have bank accounts and also more likely to have educated children ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"NmSYtLvw","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Assets and Property Rights \\uc0\\u8212{} Background \\uc0\\u8212{} Women\\uc0\\u8217{}s Advancement Deeply})","plainCitation":"(Assets and Property Rights — Background — Women’s Advancement Deeply)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1610,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/F2HUTN3B"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/F2HUTN3B"],"itemData":{"id":1610,"type":"webpage","title":"Assets and Property Rights — Background — Women's Advancement Deeply","URL":"https://www.newsdeeply.com/womensadvancement/background/assets-and-property-rights","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,17]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Assets and Property Rights — Background — Women’s Advancement Deeply).


“ “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” Brigham Young 

This quotation is a summary of the entire ongoing debate about women's rights. Providing them their right is not only helpful for women but it is beneficial for the generations to come. Having said that there are still countries where women are not given their basic rights including education. Even in developed countries, women face issues in their workplaces, they are paid less despite their potential. Therefore, if a country truly wants to move forward and progress it has to make sure that the women are given their rights because only then a nation can progress and prosper.


Work Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Are Women Really Getting Equal Opportunities in Today’s World? - Classy Career Girl. https://www.classycareergirl.com/2017/09/equal-opportunities-women-today-world/. Accessed 17 Apr. 2019.

Assets and Property Rights — Background — Women’s Advancement Deeply. https://www.newsdeeply.com/womensadvancement/background/assets-and-property-rights. Accessed 17 Apr. 2019.

Institute for Women’s Policy Research | Institute for Women’s Policy Research. https://iwpr.org/people/institute-for-womens-policy-research/. Accessed 17 Apr. 2019.

Women’s Rights - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_rights#Freedom_of_movement. Accessed 17 Apr. 2019.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Women Rights


Professor name





The paper examines what factors that are important for targeting potential customers. It is also focused on finding the elements that have significant role in persuading customers. It is important for a business to identify appropriate strategy that is crucial for finding future market for a product and adopting methodology for reaching them. This topic is important because it provides information to the new businesses that are intending to build customer base. The topic is relevant in society because every business is concerned about determining the perceptions of customers. This research will provide information about the demographics and perceptions that are needed for estimating the market for products. The research is based on the assumption that demographic characteristics of customers’ plays significant role in generating future market for a product. The topic fits into the market research because the focus on studying the attitudes of customers that could help firms in expanding customer base.

The bottom line is created based on the expectations of the customers. This stresses on creating building product that fulfill customers expectations. To avoid losses it is also important to consider the preferences of the customers and offer products that satisfy their needs. Another appropriate strategy is to offer different categories of such as affordable products for middle-income groups CITATION Tim152 \l 1033 (Kloppenborg). Quality is another effective strategy for capturing wider customers CITATION Coo14 \l 1033 (Cooper and Schindler). The perceived value of a customer is another goal of business development. It is basically the disparity between the value of the shopper and the price that the shopper is paying for buying that value. Here, the total value implies the benefits that the customer expects from the usage of the product in exchange for the amount paid to get those benefits. The total cost implies the price paid to purchase the company’s product. This strategy of company improves its growth and business CITATION Hil17 \l 1033 (Milnes).

This research can be used by organizations for understanding the need of customers. This is a customer-centered approach that relies on the belief that the success and the profits of the organization depends on the capacity of firm to fulfill customers needs CITATION Coo14 \l 1033 (Cooper and Schindler). The research also provides information about identifying the customers by finding their gender, age, occupation, disposable incomes, education and locations. These are important factors for understanding the desires of customers that also allow firms to compete with rivals. The shopping trends of customers are also analyzed for understanding their buying patterns. This include finding their incomes spent on shopping, number of days they go for shopping and amount spent on shopping annually CITATION Tim152 \l 1033 (Kloppenborg). The research is useful because it uncovers the buying patterns of customers that can be used by firms for finding potential customers and locations where they could earn revenues. Customer behaviors can also be understood by finding the common methods used for shopping such as online, from stores or retail shopping. These factors can also be used for finding the market for products and services. The research is useful for finding the changes needed to be made for addressing customer concerns. The people affected by this research include customers who are surveyed, firms and the marketers. The research also highlights strategies that can be used for marketing the product, based on customer demographics. This will allow firms to find the right customers by determining their age, gender, incomes and locations. The firms can determine what would be right prices for products or services depending on their preferences.

Work Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Cooper, Donald.R and Pamela.S Schindler. Business research methods. London: The McGraw-Hill, 2014.

Kloppenborg, Timothy. Contemporary Project Management. South-Western College, 2015.

Milnes, Hilary. The digital strategy driving Gucci’s growth . 2017. 22 04 2019 <https://digiday.com/marketing/digital-strategy-driving-guccis-growth/>.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Women Role In Beowulf And Mobinogion

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Importance of Women In Beowulf


Beowulf is considered to be the most wonderful poem in the literature of Old English. The society described in the poem reflected the heroic values such as generosity, loyalty, and courage of both men and women. The character of the female also seemed to inconspicuous at the initial sight, but if someone observes closely, he would realize that the Beowulf-poet did not neglect them. The women in these texts were classified as the instruments of their kings, and also the extensions for their husband. This paper describes the importance of women in Beowulf.


Women are referred to as a peace waver as a married woman from one tribe to another moved for securing the peace between the two groups. Beowulf described two examples of outstanding female characters who worked as the foil for the weavers of peace. The most important duty of every woman who was considered to be peace waver was to bear the problems of their children. The problems of children were the reason for many fights between the two groups, but the involvement of women can act as a physical mean of gaining peace (Singh, 45).

The queen in Beowulf and the mother of Grendel divert their significance from their sons. The queens in Beowulf were involved in the several roles of society. The most significant of them was considered to be "passer-of-the-cup. Both Hygd and Wealhtheow acted as the hostesses who carried the cup around the hall for offering it to the warriors. This looks to be an unimportant task until the readers examine and carefully understand how such duty was carried out. The significance of it lay particularly in the order related to which the warriors were approached by the queen. She showed that the utmost power lay only in the hands of their leaders. It is considered to be a very active role that enabled them to indicate the hall power structure. While distributing the cup, Wealththeow was shown for performing other tasks as well. She used to have a conversation with the warriors, praised them and reminded them politely of their loyalty to their king and also with each other. She functioned as an intermediary between the warriors and kings that strengthen the war band ties. The Queen acted diplomatically for speaking wisely and for counseling through her constructive eloquence, gentleness, and lightheartedness (Harmer, 35).

The character of the mother of Grendel has gained a significance as she is considered to the monster for the hero to fight. Another important work for women was gift-giving. The women in times of Anglo-Saxon owned their properties and could divide it at their will. One of the most significant duties of women were to be generous. Unlike Hildeburh who gave importance to both Frisians and Danes, Wealhtheow remained identified in relation to her kindred of the husband. Wealhtheow was proved to be very competent in her job and always fulfilled her peace-waver role effectively. Like Wealtheow, Hygd also held considerable power, and she was able to influence these matters as a successor choice to the throne. After the death of Hygelac, she offered the throne to Beowulf on her own expense. Her decision for preferring the Beowulf proved her devotion to the Greatish people and showed that his welfare is more significant for her than her son. Moreover, maternal relationships in Beowulf are depicted as supportive and cooperative. For example, Wiglaf who was the son of the sister of Beowulf remained loyal to his uncle even in the time of some of the greatest dangers while the relationships on the paternal side were depicted as ominous or problematic.

Similarly, Queen Hygd was also famous for her attitude and devotion to her husband. She is the only woman in the entire poem who is described to love someone. The character of mourning women at the funeral of Beowulf was also very significant and was considered to be the last female character in the poem. The mourning woman was interpreted as being the wife of Beowulf who was a professional leader. Her most of the importance were lies in the act of mourning. She was not able to involve in the actions of the hero directly, but she influenced the men with her advice and also praised them (Martha ,411).


So, it is concluded that the role of women had shown that they possessed several functions that have an impact on the men heroic world. Although Beowulf focused primarily on the male hero's deeds, but the figures of the female also contributed to the poem complexity. They have a significant place in the poetic structure and as well as in the story.

Importance of Women In Mabinogion


The Mabinogion is considered to be the earliest stories of prose in the Britain literature. The stories were about the Middle Welsh in the 12-13th centuries. The roles of Mabinogi has not been although sufficiently examined or defined still it could not be denied that women play an important part in the tale. Mabinogion women were portrayed as gorgeous with skin fair, and the golden locks. This paper describes the importance of women in the Mabinogion.


Mabinogion women highlight the women character. It includes courtesy literature, church doctrines, and bardic grammars. The indication of the importance of women is clearly mentioned in the Welsh law of women. It provides the behaviors and qualities prized and desired in the women. The text of the early Church describes the women nature starting with the fall from Eden Garden. In order to convince the men for not to marry, the focus of the Church was on the sexuality of female for all the Fathers of the Church who accepted that marriage was considered to be inferior to virginity. The ideas of Medieval about the femininity were complex and ambiguous. In the medieval lives of saints, there were small subsets of saints who were women, and many of them were also considered to be martyred virgins (Francis, 315).

Female saints were depicted by the Hagiography as disavowing marriage for purity life. The ideal women of medieval therefore considered to be obedient, virginal, silent, and chaste. The Virgin Mary was a pure embodiment of such absolute in the scripture. The women of Welsh were also encouraged in marriage to be chaste rather than embracing religious vocation lives. Young women were dealt according to their virginity value, and the married women had the chastity issue. The Middle ages female saint had the exceptional characters that were transgressing against the norms of culture for defying the religious and social times more. It was clearly portrayed in the stories that female saints were serving as an inspiration for living a faith-filled life. In Wales, these saints were also admired but not imitated. Female saints were also considered to be a serious threat for authority and patriarchal order. These female saints also inspired the characters of an unlikely female in the literature of Medieval Welsh (Reeves, 530)

Courtesy books describe the women social subordination and the social classes ideal behavior. The qualities of modesty, humility, obedience, loyalty, and chastity were valued universally. These texts clearly determined the responsibilities and duties of merchant and aristocratic women as well as the ideals and values of the time. It also gave the idea that during that time the good women were considered to be submissive and the bad women as considered to be disobedient.

The women subservience was considered to be the natural order part rather than simply a construct of the society. The women praise was involved in the household poet duties. The poets described both elegies and poetry for the daughters and wives of nobility who used to sponsor their work. By giving the example of Christian virtues, poetry tries to give women importance by comparing them to the female saints or the Virgin Mary. In the poetry of Medieval the women were portrayed mostly in a formalistic manner. Noblewomen were praised for their modesty, chastity, nobility, gentleness or generosity. Noblewoman was also placed on the pedestal of virtue while chastising and disparaging those whose rebuffed their advance so sexual activities.

Throughout the ages of Middle women, were describes either as Eve or Mary. Some women were also described as the queen who wore shining brocaded golden garment of silk. The status of women describes the nature of independence in that society. The status of woman in the society of medieval was changeable. The status of women was followed that of her father, and after marriage, her husband was falling and rising with their fortunes. The worth of women was a fraction to that of life circumstance, age, and role of the man. In the Mabinogi, the characters of unlikely female describe their independence within local life. For example, Rhiannon made her own direct events and decisions. She appeared on the white horse of magic and started the courtship providing the chase. The Medieval women were also defined by relationships to men and their establishment roles within the social order. Noblewomen were also worked as a deft manager with the important responsibilities that were able to exercise the authority on the absence of lord. As independence is a significant characteristic for the women and the women in Mabinogion also rescued their son and lost somewhere in the world of magic. Another significant character of women in Mabinogi is her role as a mother.


So, it concluded that women in Mabinogi are highly intelligent with the sharp observation of the role of women in society. The qualities of noblewomen showed both forthrightness and independence which proved them unique.

Work Cited

Francis, Matthew. "Rewriting the Mabinogi." New Writing 15.3 (2018): 311-321.

Harmer, Allison. "Haunted By Gender: Teaching Gender Performance through Monstrosity in the Beowulf Manuscript/The New F Words: The Importance of Failure and Frustration in AP English Classrooms." (2016).

Martha, M. "“The Woman Who loves” Women as guardians of life and Weavers of Peace in Biak, Papua." Creating the Third Force: Indigenous Processes of Peacemaking (2016): 411.

Reeves, Rosanne, and Jane Aaron. "Gwyneth Vaughan, Eluned Morgan and the Emancipation of Welsh Women." Women's Writing 24.4 (2017): 517-534.

Singh, Stephanie. "The Importance of Women in Anglo-Saxon Society as Portrayed through Literature." The Compass. Vol. 1. No. 2. 2015.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Women Roles

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Women Roles

Jensen, Juanita Leisch. "Women on the Home Front: THEIR ESSENTIAL ROLES DURING THE CIVIL WAR." Military Images 35.1 (2017): 38-40.

Unfolding the progressive role of women in home and war zones, the author provides essential aspects of actions taken by females during the state of emergency and war. In the images of military women helped in supplying and encouraging the men to enlist through psychological and social support. The article has considered the valuable movement of females during the era of war.

The author has rightly pointed towards the negligence of society in considering females as weak and unable to serve for social order and circumstances. War is not a play game; instead, it demands courage and tiresome efforts to engage people for the defense of their motherland.

There is a history of roles played by females in the wars. Right from the period of ancient times to the contemporary world they have following moves alongside the men. Loss of men placed a direct impact on women and children which implies that they are full participants of the fighting.

McQuillan, Julia, et al. "The importance of motherhood and fertility intentions among US women." Sociological Perspectives 58.1 (2015): 20-35.

Women have diverse functions in any community, and the same is the case with their fertility and motherhood, which according to the authors is the guidance for life. It has a significant and supportive role for the people to move in their life by one or the other way. As a godmother, every female feels to provide enough services for their children and individuals.

The approach of these writers supported the fact that career, attitude, and behavior of individuals are encouraged by their mothers. We cannot deny the existence of isolating female roles and their support for making a bright future of children.

From every single aspect of society or communities in the United States, the identity of motherhood reflects that intentions of fertility are linked with progressive moves from the women. In the shape of a mother, sister, and daughter they directed the line of action where one has to move.

Trisko Darden, Jessica. "Assessing the significance of women in combat roles." International Journal 70.3 (2015): 454-462.

After going through the research of various article, journals, and extensive reading, the writer has found out that women have a significant role in conflict areas. It is measured by the understanding of gaps that are already existed in previous studies.

The examination of writer identified and reinforces the analysis of women and war, where the social norms and values encourage or discourage them from fighting or not to fight. Females have various benefits from which they participate in social events and what they did, was part of an active role played by them.

The areas and communities which provide forums and opportunities to the females have a more significant source of research and success. On the contrary, there are social groups that restrict them not to participate in social events. They are considered as weak and unable to find the right place in conflict areas. Same like men they have no such benefits and often fail to achieve the incentives which are not taken by male members.

Spencer, Lynda Gichanda. "Visible Wars and Invisible Women: interrogating women's roles during wartime in Goretti Kyomuhendo's Waiting: a novel of Uganda at war." English in Africa 42.2 (2015): 109-128.

Reflecting on the existing literature regarding the disparity of women and hidden role in the time of conflict, the writer has pointed out the humiliation inflicted on them. The disturbed lives and oppressed feelings are the factors that show the indirect effects of fighting on the female gender. The real issue is the acceptance of service being paid by the women.

The writer directed that violence or any disturbance is influencing social and community roles of women in society. Power of the state, hegemonic groups, and patriarchal thinking have resulted in the physical violence on the bodies of women. They have bad experiences, and destructive approaches towards the wartime and participation are valid for other members.

In any situation or the condition of repression, women are constructing significant roles which cannot be denied by the organic groups. Despite the violence and disruption, they have maintained their families which is an excellent service for any broken society. There is a need for acknowledgment and acceptance of the role played by female members.

Arianti, V., and Nur Azlin Yasin. "Women’s Proactive Roles in Jihadism in Southeast Asia." Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses 8.5 (2016): 9-15.

Gone were the days when females were restricted to the kitchens because these two authors have pointed out that females have played a more significant role in the South Asian region. They recruited and appointed various nature of males for fighting in the war zone areas like the Middle East and Asia.

These authors have collected data to examine the prominent role of females over males. In groups like ISIS and ethnic-based collection of people, these women had a hold on technologies to enforce their ideas and thoughts over the entire community of people. They are following fighters and communicating with their children to become a leading warrior in the future.

Over the past few decades, we have experienced a radical change in society which includes the advancement of technology and dissemination of female ideas. The reformation provides the females to participate in every type of movement that is hovering around. Same is the case with Malaysia and Indonesia where the women have established their ideologies by involving in war activities.

O’Neil, Deborah A., Margaret E. Brooks, and Margaret M. Hopkins. "Women’s roles in women’s career advancement: what do women expect of each other?" Career Development International 23.3 (2018): 327-344.

Other than the war and conflicts, the role of women is constructive. These writers in the paper provided that career assistance is something that is the subject of men, but it is taken by females to guide people for their bright future. Similarly, women to women relationship are also studied, and they found that there is a gap between senior and junior females.

A higher degree of difference is experienced after the study conducted by the writer. The major conflict was the expectations of senior women from the junior. Hopes can only be actualized after the engagement of mature girls with those who are trying to progress their career professionally.

Everything is count for females to play their role according to the needs and demands of their colleagues. It is based on the intelligence and level of understanding of a woman to perceive positive results from assistance in career advancement. It can be done in other areas of life as well.

O’Reilly, Marie, Andrea Ó. Súilleabháin, and Thania Paffenholz. "Reimagining peacemaking: Women’s roles in peace processes." New York: International Peace Institute (2015): 11-13.

The process of peace building and sustainability after the conflict goes for decades and here the role of women is significant. These authors have tried to express the progressive involvement of females is significant because there was 9 percent of mediators that were males against the 2 percent of male members.

The approach implied by the writers in the paper supported the fact that soft corner on the part of women has significance in convincing stakeholder to resolve their differences on the table. A useful need of the time is the acceptance of evidence that roles of women are confident and they can build more durable peace initiatives than male members of world society.

Women also now have improved access to decision-making and other elements of control. In essence, the evolutions in women's roles presented in the article show that women are capable of contributing to economic growth. Like their male counterparts, they can be productive members of society.

Avolio, Beatrice E., and Giovanna F. Di Laura. "The progress and evolution of women’s participation in production and business activities in South America." CEPAL Review (2017).

The author’s subject in the article The Progress and Evolution of Women’s Participation in Production and Business Activities in South America is the evolving role of women in society. The author’s thesis is women, compared to the past, have more active roles in society; they are no longer limited to domestic functions but prove that they can also be productive contributors in the business sector.

As a summary, the article analyzes the development and evolution of women's participation in business activities, particularly in the South American region. The article is on the rising numbers of female employees. There have been significant changes over the past decades in the way women participate in the public world and the labor market and some scholars refer to this is a silent revolution (Avolio & Di Laura, 32). These developments brought shifts in various areas including the labor market, educational attainment, family dynamics and even decline in female fertility rates.

We are all aware of the kind of inequalities women experienced in the past due to society's stereotypes. In the past, women were treated as second class citizens where they were expected to stay at home and care for the family. It is good to hear that society is evolving and women are being given more active roles.

Works Cited

Arianti, V., and Nur Azlin Yasin. "Women’s Proactive Roles in Jihadism in Southeast Asia." Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses 8.5 (2016): 9-15.

Avolio, Beatrice E., and Giovanna F. Di Laura. "The progress and evolution of women’s participation in production and business activities in South America." CEPAL Review (2017).

Jensen, Juanita Leisch. "Women on the Home Front: THEIR ESSENTIAL ROLES DURING THE CIVIL WAR." Military Images 35.1 (2017): 38-40.

McQuillan, Julia, et al. "The importance of motherhood and fertility intentions among US women." Sociological Perspectives 58.1 (2015): 20-35.

O’Neil, Deborah A., Margaret E. Brooks, and Margaret M. Hopkins. "Women’s roles in women’s career advancement: what do women expect of each other?" Career Development International 23.3 (2018): 327-344.

O’Reilly, Marie, Andrea Ó. Súilleabháin, and Thania Paffenholz. "Reimagining peacemaking: Women’s roles in peace processes." New York: International Peace Institute (2015): 11-13.

Spencer, Lynda Gichanda. "Visible Wars and Invisible Women: interrogating women's roles during wartime in Goretti Kyomuhendo's Waiting: a novel of Uganda at war." English in Africa 42.2 (2015): 109-128.

Trisko Darden, Jessica. "Assessing the significance of women in combat roles." International Journal 70.3 (2015): 454-462.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Women’s Role In Society Has Been Changing Throughout The Years Considered

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Women’s Role in Society has been changing throughout the years considered


La Salle University is a Private Roman Catholic University which is located in Philadelphia. Named after St. Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, the university was initially founded by the Brothers of the Christian School. The university has ties with the Roman Catholic Church. Initially founded in 1863, March, La Salle College was an all-male single-sex college. The founders of the college were Archbishop James Wood and Brother Teliow of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. La Salle fully became a co-educational institute in the 1970s after considering the Women Liberation Movement (Piana). The Women Liberation Movement initiated in the 1960s. It was a political arrangement of females and feminist intellectualism. The movement was mainly concentrated in the industrialized nations of the West. This movement brought about a great change in regards to culture, politics, and intellect worldwide. The Women Liberation Movement brand of essential feminism, rooted in modern philosophy comprised of women from all racial and diverse backgrounds. The movement suggested that women should be given psychological, social and economic freedom in order to flourish and leave behind the second class status given to them by the society (Lovelace, 4). La Salle took under consideration what the movement had instigated and decided that their university needs to have female students. This way they were letting the society know that they are no longer a single-sex institute and welcomed both genders on equal terms. This paper will shed light on how La Salle was a single-sex institute, and their journey from being an all-male university to finally admitting women (Piana). A little reflection on the background and history of La Salle and the changing role of women in the society and how the Women Liberation Movement established the platform for it will be discussed as well.


Background and History of La Salle

St. Jean-Baptiste de La Salle was privileged enough to attend a private boys school and get an education, but unlike most of his peers, he was more focused on using his teachings to enhance the pedagogical experience for everyone. He wanted to reach out to the poor and help them get an education (La Salle Magazine). The schools that he opened initially in the French City of Rheims were targeted to touch the hearts and souls of all youngsters but more importantly all the young male children. He wanted to inspire everyone around him with the Christian spirit. De La Salle admired the vision of a teacher touching and teaching the mind and soul of a student and changing lives forever (Piana). This fact led him to practice this vision through the brothers who were members of the congregation that he had formed, he taught them to introduce academia that would be unique and modern. In 1685 he put forward the first ever normal and practical school. On the 24th of May 1900, De La Salle was canonized. He was declared as the Patron Saint of the Teachers by the Pope Pius XII on 15th May 1950 to give recognition to the educational novelty that he founded (Dale).

Three years post-Spain yielded control of the Philippines to the United States in 1901, the Americans eventually made a decision of establishing a whole new educational system, which used English as the main language to give instructions. However, the Catholic schools were persistently teaching their students in Spanish. Which later also raised the concern that these children will not be able to take the leading roles in the United States industrial world. In the meanwhile, the brothers had established schools in around 35 countries inclusive of the United States. That is when the Archbishop of the United States also conversed with the brothers that the medium language should be English. After some hesitation, this was put under consideration and then implemented (Piana). The first classes in La Salle started with 125 male students. They were mostly taught on a primary and secondary level. They were eventually granted permission to give in high school diplomas. In the same year, the school started to be referred to as the De La Salle College. After there was a rise in the student population the college moved to its new and current location in 1921. The college became well known as an excellent business school. In 1931, when the institute added a year to its commerce plan, they started to offer its first Bachelor's program (La Salle Magazine). The college was finally given the university status in 1975, a few years after it became a co-education.

Single-sex All-male Students.

As long as De La Salle remained a college they only accepted all-male students. Shortly prior to becoming a university, they started to take in female students as well. This was mainly based on single-sex or single-gender education. Where the males and females study in separate rooms or in this case separate schools (Coveney). The practice was commonly known before the rise of the 20th century. This mainly lasted throughout the primary and secondary education, but in the case of La Salle, they stayed this way even after they started to offer Bachelor's programs. There are certain traditions and cultures that instigated the single-gender school systems (La Salle Magazine). There were certain religious rules and factors that were refraining the Religious brothers from teaching women, rules that they had formed from the very beginning of starting La Salle. The fact that La Salle was a Catholic School had a lot to do with only taking in male students. The Catholic Church believed in the fact that male and female students both can carry out education but not under one roof. It was thought that both the genders following the same routine under one roof will temper with the learning experience (Hoffnung, 635-636). That is why the majority of the schools before the 20th century segregated both the genders or did not take in females if they were teaching males. Further, it was not the time of social change. Women were given secondary status in society (Bizjournals). No one thought that the female children of the family should be educated. La Salle after putting in all the factors both religious and societal into consideration decided that they will not be enrolling female students, to begin with.

The early 1900s was the time when women had the image of being the house makers. They were expected to either stay in the kitchen or spending their time doing household chores. There were not many rights or awareness for that matter. Even if La Salle took in female students initially there were chances that they might not even get any and on the other hand it might even drive away families from admitting their sons (Bizjournals). Or a boy, in general, would not want to study under the same roof as females. It was also thought that when both the genders are put together they behave differently, but when they are segregated their behavior is also quite diverse. As unfortunate and unsettling as it is, the world was a whole lot sexist back in the day. The girls who wanted to pursue an education back in those days were either eye-balled or laughed on. Further, even the all-female schools were teaching specific subjects that they deemed appropriate and what would be fit for women. It was odd if a woman wanted to be a mathematician or a businesswoman (La Salle Magazine). The Christian brothers had created this rule, which dated back to the pioneering blocks of La Salle. The rule stated that they just could not teach women or at least they were not supposed to. It carried a French significance. It was one of those things which were inevitable for survival. So, societal facts, as well as the La Salle College being Catholic, hampered the idea of women studying under the same room as men (Hoffnung, 635-636).

Women Liberation Movement

It is safe to say that the United States and the United Kingdom are pioneers when it comes to women’s education. Considering the Women Liberation Movement that initiated in the 1960s, changed the position and status of women worldwide. This was the time that women from diverse backgrounds came together and asked for their rights (Coveney). They believed that they had the right to be educated and not just specific courses but everything that is taught to men, they wanted to be in politics, they wanted psychological and social freedom. They wanted to be part of the economy and aid to it as well. This can also be considered as one of the originating concepts of feminism (La Salle Magazine). This movement strived for equality of women. One of the pivotal focus of their strikes and campaigns was; equality in education and job opportunities. Education and learning should not be restricted to a small portion of the elite. Both Females and males from every background had the right to pursue an education in any field they want. It should not be dictated by the society that what subjects or area a woman can master in or not. It was also unfair that there are a lot more single-sex institutes for men than women and why cannot females study under the same roof as males (Thompson). All of this created quite the stir everywhere.

Later, to support the cause and instill the notion of equal education La Salle opened their college for women as well in the 1970s after holding their first ever Student Council elections in 1969. In 1969 President Daniel Burke continued the process and kept on moving through a committee that he created “Committee on Co-Education.” This committee was chaired by Brother Emery Mollenhauer. The committee was also inclusive of faculty, students and two administrators. To summarize the committee’s historic recommendation at the time, Br, Emery said, “To seek to continue our identity as an all-male college would be to perpetuate an anachronism. On educational grounds alone—and what other reason can be offered for our existence—the case for coeducation is incontestable.” Changing times needed to be catered and the college had to provide to that, one way or the (Thompson). Their ideology needed to be changed as the world required a social change and the institute itself also wanted to create an example. In fact, Mollenhauer had been striving for admitting women since the early 1960s. Eventually in the 1970s after much debate, the initial group of female student was admitted (Dale). They were around 138. The college at the time could never think that females will be constituting half of the student body in the next ten years (Hoffnung, 635-636).

The First Women of La Salle

Back in the 1970 post the first Student Council elections, La Salle prepared itself for a moment that was going to change the College's history forever. The institute finally decided to deviate from a program and structure that was being followed for more than a century. This time around more than fifty years ago a few dozen determined and strong-willed women prepared themselves to settle into a new environment as well (Bizjournals). It was time that they would settle a new routine and step into La Salle as the very first full-time female undergraduate day students. There were a lot of people who were concerned about the fact that this will break the very fabric of La Salle, an institute that only catered to male education for around 107 years (La Salle Magazine). The fabric of the institute did break, but it was for a positive cause. It helped bound the community of La Salle even closer than it already was. It also helped add to the heritage of the institute and made it more diverse and rich (Dale).

Female Student and Faculty Experiences and Views

This paper will further shed light on the experience of the new female students in light of their own thought and faculty thoughts. Diane Bones, who newly got admission in the institute talked about how just looking at photos from 1971-1975 can tell that how the times have changed and the change is for the good. A person can see the world transforming in front of their own eyes over the course of a few years. Throughout this change, La Salle was present there in its rebellious glory making a mark in history (La Salle Magazine). Diane also said that for me La Salle was throbbing with interesting new things, individuals of both genders and environment that I had never seen or witnessed before. She said that these new people who I started having a routine with were involved in various fields like technology, sports, women’s rights, art, philosophy and peace movements (Bizjournals). It was empowering to see this change and to know that my gender was responsible for it was even more beautiful.

Coming to another student named Tina Halpin, she talked about how enticing her experience in college was. She said that not only I and my peers were finally in college, but it was the time when we were all trying to figure ourselves out. It was the time of the Equal Rights Amendment, consciousness raising, awareness and the Vietnam War (Coveney). It was not just us who were trying to figure out our rights but the whole world was in a similar place figuring things out. Amid all this La Salle was also trying to go through its own experience and figure itself out (Hoffnung, 635-636).

Now, looking at things from the faculty perspective Mollenhauer, F.S.C., Ph.D., Provost Emeritus and former Dean of the Evening Division and associate professor of English said that the first female student came in when I was the evening dean (Lovelace, 4). He said that his initial desire was to get the females admitted in the college in 1962 when the Women Liberation Movement had started, but unfortunately, that did not work out (Bizjournals). He claimed that we had to go to our Provincial then. It was complicated since they have certain rules and policies when it came to not teaching women. He also added that this ideology was old school and needed to be changed.

Then coming to the opinion of Br. Charles Gresh, F.S.C., former director of Housing and Dean of Students. In accordance with Charles, there were still some Brothers who were not in favor of the change that was coming. They were saying that it had been more than a hundred years that they had thrived without being a co-education, and there was no reason that they could not go on like this. Regardless of what they had to say, it was indeed a need of the time in order to grow in terms of admissions, programs and general growth (La Salle Magazine). Apart from that, it was not just us alone who were part of the change, this change was universal and much essential.

John Rossi, Ph.D. Professor emeritus of history and author of Living the Promise: A history of La Salle explained that admitting women in the institution became the salvation of the institute in many ways. He believed that it was not possible for the institute to thrive as a single-sex institute. He also added that it was not just about fiscal stability and boosting the enrollment, it was also about expanding the horizons of the students (Coveney). A survey was held out in La Salle in which 86% of the students voted that they were in favor of co-education. The campus was in great need of change and the President Br. Daniel led that change as La Salle stepped into a new era. The institution officially opened its doors to female students in the fall of 1970. This decision was shaped after years of contemplating (La Salle Magazine). He also said that Br. Daniels believed that the coeds will be adding and enhancing the quality of academics and the social life of La Salle. In the fall of 1970, around 837 freshmen were enrolled in the campus and 138 of that figure were females. The first ever female day students of La Salle. These women never saw themselves as groundbreakers, all they wanted was to further themselves and find what their place is on campus as well as the whole world.

The thoughts of Marianne Salmon an MBA student helps to see what all this equality in education for both the genders was all about. She said that she had had enough of studying in single-sex schools. She just wanted change, she was scared of it at first. She said that I was people pleaser all my life and I just did not want to offend anyone. The idea of studying with boys was scary at first (La Salle Magazine). The guys usually fought playfully after every class which was odd at first but became fun to see how they function. She also said that it was never about proving a point, it was mainly about functioning like everyone else (Thompson). Salmon said that me and my peers we just wanted to get an education and establish an identity of our own.


This paper helps to see how far women have come over the course of time, from not being given the right to education to going to the moon. The fact that women role and rights are being discussed through La Salle, it should be good to mention that in 2015 Colleen M. Hanycz, Ph.D. became the first ever woman President of the school. The Women Liberation Movement instigated a change that can be seen throughout the world to this day. La Salle is just a small example of the change (Coveney et al.). It was never about trying to be superior for woman or trying to prove a point, it was more about equality. The idea was to live and let live in the same manner. Women just wanted to be given the same opportunities that were given to their male counterparts (Dale). The fact that La Salle having Catholic roots took the step of giving admission to women at that time indeed created an example for everyone to this date. From being strictly a boy’s school with literal rules to not teach women, to having equal, in fact, more women than men in the student body today.

Work Cited

Piana, Ronald, and Ronald Piana. "LaSalle Leffall: Often the ‘first,’& never the last." Oncology 33.4 (2019).

"The First Women Of La Salle - La Salle Magazine." La Salle Magazine. N. p., 2019. Web. 27 Apr. 2019.

"Female Firsts At La Salle - La Salle Magazine." La Salle Magazine. N. p., 2019. Web. 27 Apr. 2019.

"First Word: A Family Legacy Of La Salle Women - La Salle Magazine." La Salle Magazine. N. p., 2019. Web. 27 Apr. 2019.

Bizjournals.com. N. p., 2019. Web. 27 Apr. 2019.

Thompson, Jane. Learning liberation: Women's response to men's education. Routledge, 2017.

Coveney, Lal, et al. The Sexuality Papers: Male sexuality and the social control of women. Routledge, 2019.

Lovelace, Carey. "Optimism and Rage: The Women's Movement in Art in New York, 1969-1975." Woman's Art Journal 37.1 (2016): 4.

Dale, Reginald R. Mixed or Single-sex School?: A Research Study in Pupil-Teacher Relationships. Routledge, 2017.

Hoffnung, Michele. "Separate is Never Equal: The Repackaging of Single-Sex Education." (2017): 635-636.

Subject: English

Pages: 10 Words: 3000

Womens Right

Student name

Submitted to



Women equality right

This is the rationale that women's rights and roles must be fought for. Various movements have echoed across the archipelago by women workers, social activists, and politicians. Through Labor Rights for Women events and training with the theme " Gender Equality ", women are expected to be more motivated to defend their rights in work / career opportunities , maternal rights and balance between family and career.At present, various opinions and perceptions of the community regarding gender equality only refer to the scope of work and social affairs. But further than that, the basic thing is whether every woman has an awareness of their rights and roles?

Various problems that occur in terms of personal and cultural. As we know, that Indonesia is rich in customs and culture. Some cultures demand that women / women only act as figures who serve men. Such a concept is very different from the concept of gender equality. However, are there among us who blame the applied cultural customs. During this time, many women / women assume that the spearhead of their lives lies with the man who will become their future husband. So the mind to achieve education and career planning and the future is not as far as the thoughts of men. Awareness movements should be done early, so that women who have good quality education and good jobs are capable of competitiveness. (Hynes23)

Women's empowerment activists praised their appointment, seeing them as a means of giving signals to the wider community that the obstacles for women taking leadership positions were gradually diminishing. But they also note that such efforts need to be applied more broadly and, in all aspects, to reduce gender inequality. Often national policies and international development programs related to women's empowerment mainly focus on increasing the number of beneficiaries: the number of girls attending school, the number of women who can give birth safely, or the number of women who can access credit for livelihood initiatives.

That is certainly an indicator of progress, but a long-term reduction in gender inequality involves efforts to destroy or transform the structure of economic, political and social forces that prevent women from reaching their full potential and get a higher quality of life. This will not be an easy matter for Indonesia, given its large population and geographical size, the number of districts with significant policy-making autonomy, and the existence of diverse social norms that in some places limit the role of women in public life and decision making. The impact of such support may only be seen in the future. We will not get there short of women's equality in decision-making as women in governance1 places mark on to international agreements that take action contrary to climate change more than their male counterparts. (Hynes23)

Civil society organizations play a key role in removing social norms and structural obstacles in achieving gender equality . They provide an important link between "high-level" policies and real change in the field by supporting a large network of subnational women's organizations and groups. This bottom-up initiative seeks to enhance participatory development so that women, especially those who cannot access public life or are not accustomed to participating in level decision making forums, slowly grow their skills and numbers to collectively influence the priority setting process and determine budget allocation.

However, reducing structural barriers to achieving gender equality is a long-term project that involves slow and difficult achievements that are not easily calculated in development indicators that are often bound by program timeframes.

Work cited

Hynes, H. Patricia. "Female Equality Is Key to Sustainable Future." Peace and Freedom 77.2

(2016): 23-23.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Woodruff Writing Assignment

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Woodruff’s Theatre


Last week I went to New York on the invitation of my friend to attend a theatre performance that was based on empathy and tolerance in the society. The performers at the stage were two girls with three males, and those who were watching the event came from my college. As per the instructions of my professor I have to attend it as curriculum activity. Other than educational learning it was also healthy and enjoyable moment. One of the girls in the event was trying to show her costumes and dressing as she was going to be wed. While the second girl was focused on conveying the message of Woodruff element of non-performance art through her simplicity and helping the bride.


There was less movement of the second girl because she wanted to show the audience that watching too much about the visuals might lose the capacity for action. Suddenly an unfamiliar figure enters into the stage, and he put the man behind and talked with the audience openly. He asks all of us that we need actors not watchers because he wanted us to find humanness in the live show. The second girl asked the stranger that he should leave the stage because his alcohol driven words towards the audience posted the negative side of the picture. It was unusual for the girl to identify herself, but she speaks in a cultural and traditional way.


After wedding the girl with her husband move to the church for offering prayers. It brings emotions for many students that they need to adopt the traditional way of marrying and interaction in social culture. The second girl supports the bride in their movement while the stranger left the stage suddenly. The event and sentiment reflect the woodruff non-art performance in the theatre.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Words As A Force For Social Change

Riber Mohammad

Instructor Name


8th January 2020

Words as a Force for Social Change

Part A- Answers Only

It can be seen clearly that this is rather a personal response, even though it may seem entirely different to some people in emphasis and pace, due to a sudden change of the author.

Here, the word prolific means abundant, specifically, as an adjective for the writer who has published many literary items on a specific subject

First, there is alliteration in the words "Poetic Passing". Also, there is diction and parallelism in "didactic, educational, edifying". Lastly, there is a hint of assonance if we read the lines aloud, as the words "phase" and "way" produce an internal rhythm.

Part B- Answers Only

The words “It is time” are repeated frequently in the course of the poem. This acts as an emphasis on the poet’s message and the urgency of her plea.

The word “livicate" was created by the poet to create a pun, as the word rhymed with dead. This is an example of the use of literary devices of empower and enslave. This way the poet manages to emphasize the living and creates a positive tone.

The word "too" can be seen as an anaphora and parallelism. Both the devices are used to create emphasis; a device used in the poem to capture the attention of the reader.

I would ask her why does she believe that people will go against their innate thirst for power, as many believe that power flows out of the barrel of a gun.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300


Character Comparison: Moira and Offred

Sexual subjection and woman's rights are two of the primary topics in Atwood's tragic book The Handmaid's Tale (1986), in which she depicts a general public called Gilead in which ladies are denied of their common freedoms. In Atwood's tragic culture most ladies have turned out to be fruitless and the couple of ones who can in any case bear youngsters are transformed into handmaids, I. e. sexual hirelings who are mentally conditioned for the insignificant motivation behind reproducing solid youngsters for the world class. This epic is a record of Offred's thoughts and her divided impression of the real world. It is Offred who presents two contradictory characters: insubordinate Moira and agreeable Janine. In spite of the fact that these characters utilize distinctive systems to either escape or suit separately, they end up being repressed by Gilead's routine, figuratively losing power over their own body. I will diagram the two characters' identities, their oppression to Gilead and the loss of association with their own bodies. Moira is a defiant lesbian who is admired by the Handmaids, yet as the story unfurls, she stifles to Gilead.

Moira's rowdy conduct is shown by her activities and discourse, which is very informal, as when she states, "I'm getting five expels you, alright? " (p. 32) and when she alludes to the Red Center as an "Insane asylum" (p. 61). She continually resists the Gilead framework and even endeavors to escape twice prevailing on her second endeavor and because of this Moira never turns into an appropriate handmaid. Notwithstanding when Moira has disappeared from the scene, she has an emotional effect on the Handmaids, who appreciate her: "Moira was our dream (… ) she was with us stealthily, a snicker" (p. 17). In any case, her control over Offred appears to stop when Moira shows up in scene at Jezebel's, a spot in which ill-advised Handmaids, for example, Moira are constrained into prostitution: "I am stunned by them (the ladies in Jezebel's) I remember them as truant. The official statement of faith denies them, denies their very presence, yet they are here" (p. 213). There, Moira gives herself a chance to be utilized by men once and again so as to suit to this new reality, notwithstanding limiting the gravity of the circumstance: "it's not all that awful, there's bunches of ladies around. Butch heaven, you may call it" (p. 28).

In this manner, her once insubordinate personality blurs as she loses control of her body. Along these lines, it tends to be reasoned that even the most defiant identity stifles to Gilead. Not at all like Moira, Janine is viewed as a no nonsense, compliant character who is always attempting to suit to Gilead, however at last, she gets stifled too. Her agreeable conduct is plainly shown when, at the Red Center, she reprimands herself for having been assaulted in the pre-Gilead society, as a procedure for convenience: "It was my blame, she says. It was my own blame. I drove them on. I merited the agony" (p. 62). Before long, the aunties consider Janine a "model" (p. 62) for the remainder of the Handmaids. Be that as it may, though Moira is admired for her bravery, Janine is portrayed by the handmaids in an injurious sense, considering her a "whiny bitch" (p. 98), and even "awful" (p. 98). Their hatred for Janine develops when she turns into a government agent for the Aunts: "We (the handmaids) kept away from her when we could (… ) She was a peril to us". Like Moira, Janine winds up working for Gilead, despite the fact that Janine does it legally.

Be that as it may, even these contradictory characters have a comparative fate: their oppression to the general public and the allegorical loss of association with their very own bodies. The suggestion that emerges from this correlation is that were a general public like this be built up, ladies would not exclusively be ethically influenced, however they would likewise lose their very own character. A different line of research worth seeking after further is to think about the impact that a general public like this could have on the present world.

Further, in The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, Offred, the novel's hero, lives in a tragic culture called The Republic of Gilead where, since she is ripe, she is compelled to engage in sexual relations with one of the high positioning officers to perhaps bring forth an infant. One of the main things keeping Offred going is musings of Moira, her companion from before she was a Handmaid. All through the story, Moira can be deciphered as an image of would like to Offred while they are at the Center and after they meet again at Jezebel's.

One of the principal times where Moira really gives Offred trust that things may improve is the point at which they are both at the Red Center. Offred landed at the Rachel and Leah Center, as it was formally called, weeks before Moira did, however her attitude changed once her companion arrived. This was even called attention to by Offred when she stated, "it makes me feel more secure, that Moira is here" (p. 71.) When Moira endeavors to make a departure and comes up short, Offred's confidence in Moira falters. Moira's second getaway endeavor ends up being effective and goes about as a proof that different young ladies could get away. Despite the fact that none of them really escaped, Moira symbolizes would like to the majority of the young ladies at the center, however principally Offred, in light of the fact that she opposed the bonds that kept them all in subjugation. "In the light of Moira, the Aunts were less fearsome… their capacity had a defect to it (p. 133). This line demonstrates that Moira gave Offred trust and lifted her spirits enough to give her an alternate point of view toward her circumstance.

After Offred escaped the Red Center, she turned into a Handmaid, and however Moira might not have been with her face to face, she was in Offred's brain as a wellspring of motivation. As Offred turned out to be increasingly more close with her Commander, he started to make a special effort to do decent things for her. One of these was taking her to Jezebel's, an honorable men's club for high up men in the administration. It was at the club where Offred met Moira once and for all. Rather than the solid and courageous Moira that Offred admired, she found an individual who society had demolished and "removed something… that used to be so central to her" (p. 249). Since Moira symbolizes plan to Offred, seeing Moira surrender like that causes Offred to lose her expectation for a superior future. "I don't need her to resemble me… I need gallantry" (p. 249). This statement demonstrates that Offred put Moira on a pedestal regarding versatility and the will to battle back. Since she sees her previous wellspring of motivation in this state, Offred never again trusts that things will show signs of improvement and loses her battle.

While experiencing troublesome occasions, motivation is, point of fact, a surefire approach to continue onward. When one loses their motivation, they will in general surrender or if nothing else become a lot nearer to it. Offred, the hero of The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, draws trust from her previous companion Moira who was constantly fearless and defiant. In time, Moira came to symbolize trust, and a deficiency in that department, for Offred and this can be seen at the Red Center and at Jezebel's.



Character analysis and contrast of Offred and Moira

Sexual subjection and woman's rights are two of the primary topics in Atwood's tragic book The Handmaid's Tale (1986).

Moira’s Character

Moira's rowdy conduct is shown by her activities and discourse, which is very informal.

She continually resists the Gilead framework and even endeavors to escape twice prevailing on her second endeavor and because of this Moira never turns into an appropriate handmaid.

Her control over Offred appears to stop when Moira shows up in scene at Jezebel's, a spot in which ill-advised Handmaids, for example, Moira are constrained into prostitution.

Moira gives herself a chance to be utilized by men once and again so as to suit to this new reality, notwithstanding limiting the gravity of the circumstance.

Faith and Hope for Offred

The suggestion that emerges from this correlation is that were a general public like this be built up, ladies would not exclusively be ethically influenced, however they would likewise lose their very own character.

Offred, the novel's hero, lives in a tragic culture called The Republic of Gilead where, since she is ripe, she is compelled to engage in sexual relations with one of the high positioning officers to perhaps bring forth an infant.

Trust and Relationship

One of the principal times where Moira really gives Offred trust that things may improve is the point at which they are both at the Red Center.

Offred landed at the Rachel and Leah Center, as it was formally called, weeks before Moira did, however her attitude changed once her companion arrived.

After Offred escaped the Red Center, she turned into a Handmaid, and however Moira might not have been with her face to face, she was in Offred's brain as a wellspring of motivation.


Offred, the hero of The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, draws trust from her previous companion Moira who was constantly fearless and defiant.

In time, Moira came to symbolize trust, and a deficiency in that department, for Offred and this can be seen at the Red Center and at Jezebel's.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Work Cite


Instructor Name

Art 101

19November 2018

Work Cite

Compiled by: Hope Yen

Number of Authors: 1

Author’s Name:

First: Hope M: Last: Yen

Article’s Title: Supreme Court Poised to Upend Civil Rights Policies

Date Published: March 31, 2013

Are the pages continuous? No

Pages from: 1 to 3

Where are the sources found? Online

Compiled by: Ernest Hemingway

Number of Authors: 1

Author’s Name:

First: Ernest M: Last: Hemingway

Book Title: For Whom the Bell Tolls

Published by: Scribner

Publishing City: New York

Year Published: 1940

Where was the source found? Online

Compiled by: Markham Heid

Number of Authors: 1

Author’s Name:

First: Markham M: Last: Heid

Article’s Title: How Insomnia Harms Your Heart

Date Published: March 31, 2013

Published on: nbcnews.com

Where are the source found? Print

Compiled by: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Number of Authors: 1

Author’s Name:

First: F. Scott M: Last: Fitzgerald

Book Title: The Great Gatsby

Published by: Scribner

Publishing City: New York

Year Published: 1925

Where was the source found? Print

11. "Myanmar." Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown, Television, 14 Apr. 2013. Accessed 19 Oct. 2019.

12. Bleach. Sub pop, 1989. Accessed 19 Oct. 2019.

13. Harrison, Jim. Legends of the Fall. New York, Grove Press, 1978. Accessed 19 Oct.2019.

14. Bondarenko, Peter. "Angus S. Deaton." Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019. Accessed 19 Oct. 2019.

15. "Standing Tall: Egypt’s Great Pyramids: " National Geographic, Television, Accessed 19 Oct. 2019.

16. Monet, Claude. Impression, Sunrise. 1872, Accessed 19 Oct. 2019.

17. The New York Times (1863). A Broken. [online] Available at:https://spiderbites.nytimes.com/1863/articles_1863_06_00000.html [Accessed 19 Oct.2019].

18. Day-Lewis, Daniel, actor. Gangs of New York. , 2002. . Accessed 19 Oct. 2019.

19.Timberlake, Henry. The Norton anthology of American literature. 1979. Accessed 19 Oct.2019.

20. King Jr., Martin L. "Speech." Washington D.C. Civil Rights March, 28 Aug. 1963,Washington D.C. Accessed 19 Oct. 2019.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Work Cited Paper


Professor name


July 10, 2019

Work cited paper

Antonucci, Toni C, Kristine J Ajrouch and Jasmine A Manalel. "Social Relations and Technology: Continuity, Context, and Change ." Innov Aging 1.3 (2017).

The article explains that increased dependence of society on social media has undermined in-personal interactions that undermined the quality of relationship. The empirical evidence suggests that people who depend more on social media avoid social relations in real life. Although these platforms are effective means of exchanging and removed barriers of interaction but it also involves some repercussions.

Drago, Emily. "The Effect of Technology on Face-to-Face Communication." ELON JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH IN COMMUNICATIONS 6.1 (2015).

The source highlights the impacts of social media on personal relationships among people. There are more negative impacts of technology because people have distanced themselves from real relations. They prefer to spend more time on social media. The article claims that online interactions have changed the nature of communication between people. This indicates the need for making online communications safe and useful.

Sciencedaily. "Social media does not decrease face-to-face interactions ." University of Missouri-Columbia (2018).

The article uncovers the impact of social media on nature of communication among people. It claims that social media has deteriorating impacts on face-to-face interactions. During interaction people are lacking concentration and such communications are not important. Digital world is disconnecting people from their families, friends and real people. The source reflects the need for providing guidance to the youth who is suffering worst damages.

Gruzd, Anatoliy and Caroline Haythornthwait. "Enabling Community Through Social Media ." J Med Internet Res 15.10 (2013).

The source criticizes the role of social media platforms and digital world that deteriorated the real-time communications. In person interactions are more important for a healthy relationship. Compared to that interaction through social platforms lack emotions. No significant impact of social media is noticed on social wellbeing of the people. The article also highlights the repercussions of social media interactions in students and adults including loneliness.

Preece, J and D Maloney-Krichmar. "Special theme: Online Communities." Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 10.1 (2005).

The article builds relevance of social media communications with social isolation. It states that youth’s increased dependence on social platforms is damaging their personality. They prefer to spend more time alone that distances them from family and friends.

Work Cited

Antonucci, Toni C, Kristine J Ajrouch and Jasmine A Manalel. "Social Relations and Technology: Continuity, Context, and Change ." Innov Aging 1.3 (2017).

Drago, Emily. "The Effect of Technology on Face-to-Face Communication." ELON JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH IN COMMUNICATIONS 6.1 (2015).

Gruzd, Anatoliy and Caroline Haythornthwait. "Enabling Community Through Social Media ." J Med Internet Res 15.10 (2013).

Preece, J and D Maloney-Krichmar. "Special theme: Online Communities." ournal of Computer Mediated Communication 10.1 (2005).

Sciencedaily. "Social media does not decrease face-to-face interactions ." University of Missouri-Columbia (2018).

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Work Image Analysis

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Work Image Analysis

“Work is about a search, too, for daily meaning as well as daily bread, for recognition as well as cash, for astonishment rather than torpor; in short, for a sort of life rather than a Monday through Friday sort of dying.”

The quote mentioned above was written by famous American author, actor, historian and broadcaster, Studs Terkel, in his classic book, Working. With these words, the author wants to highlight the significance of work an why it should be important for any individual.

To elaborate the words of Terkel in a more appropriate way, two images have been selected.

Image 1:

The above image depicts the benefits of working, especially working hard. In the picture, a man, most probably a laborer is shown working in a mine of coal. The laborer is digging on the stones, and it is an established fact that how hard working and digging in the pits is. The artist has tried to portray that if you work hard, you will get something good in the end, which implies that work is nothing but meaningful.

Image 2:

This image shows the workspace of an office. This image is more related to teamwork at workplace and the importance of working in groups. There are some laptops and notes over the table, and the workers are shown to first-five with each other to show unity and teamwork for some upcoming project. This implies that if the work is done happily and by keeping yourself united, it can prove to be more productive and increase your motivation.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Work Sheet

ENG-106 Peer Review Worksheet: Definition Argument

Part of your responsibility as a student in this course is to provide quality feedback to your peers that will help them to improve their writing skills. This worksheet will assist you in providing that feedback.To highlight the text and type over the information in the boxes on this worksheet, double-click on the first word.

Name of the draft’s author: FORMTEXT Type Author Name Here

Name of the peer reviewer: FORMTEXT Type Reviewer Name Here


After reading through the draft one time, write a summary (3-5 sentences)of the paper that includes your assessment of how well the essay meets the assignment requirements as specified in the syllabus and the rubric.

FORMTEXT The assignment is well- organized, length of paragraphs is well- managed and the ideas in all the paragraphs are connected with each other. Assignment starts with general discussion about organs then it moves to organ donation. After elaborating the need and significance of organ donation, associated problems were described such as infected organs, illegal donations, unfavorable environment and black market. However, room for improvement is always there, at some points punctuation and grammatical issues were found for example "all organ donor" "must be check" before the agreement is made the organs" with some other similar errors; rest of the assignment is done accurately.


After a second, closer reading of the draft, answer each of the following questions. Positive answers will give you specific elements of the draft to praise; negative answers will indicate areas in need of improvement and revision. Please be sure to indicate at least three positive aspects of the draft and at least three areas for improvement in reply to the questions at the bottom of this worksheet.

Definition Argument Content and Ideas

How effectively does the thesis statement identify the main points that the writer would like to make in this definition argument?

FORMTEXT Thesis statement ideatifies the main points accurately such as diversified mediums of trade for organs that are used for medical and other purposes. Rest of the essay revolves around this issue.

How successfully does the argument focus on explaining and justifying a specific definition?

FORMTEXT In- text citations were utilized to develop and support the arguments more strongly. Personal observation coupled with the in- text citations made the essay worth reading.

If the writer uses resemblance arguments, how successfully were they used?

FORMTEXT Yes, writer used resemblance arguments while explaining the thesis points. These arguments were used accurately.

How persuasively is evidence used to justify ideas and enrich the essay?

FORMTEXT Writer utilized daily life experinces, media images and support from literature to make his arguments persuasive and reliable.

How effectively does the essay incorporate supporting strategies such as the criteria-match pattern described?

FORMTEXT Criteria match patterns were found in the essay that were used to define the main points in thesis statement. Their utilization was effective as they helped developing a deviating argument.


How effectively does the introduction engage the reader while providing an overview of the paper?

FORMTEXT It starts with the description of organs, their significance and underlying reasons behind their donation. It makes the reader engaged through developing the element of curiosity and an urge to know more.

Please identify the writer’s thesis and quote it in the box below.

FORMTEXT Legal organ donation is the only way to reduce health risks for both parties involved and to avoid the spreading of diseases.      

How effectively do the paragraphs develop the topic sentence and advance the essay’s ideas?

FORMTEXT It explains the ideas very well as it encapsulates real life instances and literature support to enhance the validity of information

How effectively does the conclusion provide a strong, satisfying ending, not a mere summary of the essay?

FORMTEXT Conclusion section draws meaningful take aways from the textual activity


How closely does the paper follow GCU formatting style?Is it double-spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman font?Does it have 1" margins? Does it use headers (page numbers using appropriate header function)?Does it have a proper heading (with student’s name, date, course, and instructor’s name)?

FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMTEXT only line spacing does not follow GCU conventions

Are all information, quotations, and borrowed ideas cited in parenthetical GCU format?

FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMTEXT Add optional clarification here

Are all sources listed on the references page in GCU format?

FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMTEXT Add optional clarification here

Is the required minimum number of sources listed?

FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMTEXT Add optional clarification here

Language Use and Style

Are the voice and tone of the essay effective in characterizing ideas and creating the appropriate mood?If “No,” please provide examples of ineffective or inappropriate voice and tone.

FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMTEXT Add optional clarification here

How effectively does the paper incorporate a variety of sentence structures that strengthen the ideas, create vitality, and avoid choppiness in the writing?

FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMTEXT Add optional clarification here

How would you assess the writer’s diction (i.e., word choice)? Does the writer use active verbs, concrete nouns, and precise words?

FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMTEXT Add optional clarification here

Grammar and Mechanics

Does the writer use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling?If “No,” please provide examples of errors in need of correction.

FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMTEXT "all organ donor" "must be check" before the agreement is made the organs" "Someone having cancer or diseases are" "Also, as stated before, if the government regulated organ transplantation and required the healthy organs of a deceased individual be donated to a patient on the donor list this may help the shortage that has been increasing around the world" "who receive organs thru the black market" "without the selling, or trading of organs" ". Next, would be to donate all healthy organs" "Doing something such as this will keep all parties safe" "Health risks are can be great even when someone is healthy" "The goal is to keep both parties healthy and living, while keeps costs within reason" "The medical professional need to monitor the patient closely within the first few days of surgery to make sure they patient heals and that their body accepts the new organ" and similar ones.

Is the writing clear and comprehensible throughout the draft?If “No,” please provide examples in need of improvement.

FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMTEXT examples are provided above

Three things that I liked about your draft are:

FORMTEXT start of essay

FORMTEXT paragraph arrangement

FORMTEXT utilization of literature

Three things that could be improved are:

FORMTEXT grammar

FORMTEXT punctuation

FORMTEXT sentense structure particularly use to present and past tenses

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Working Bibliography

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]




ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Bier, David, et al. “Drones on the Border: Efficacy and Privacy Implications.” Cato Institute, 1 May 2018, https://www.cato.org/publications/immigration-research-policy-brief/drones-border-efficacy-privacy-implications.

Chesney, Robert, and Danielle Keats Citron. “Deep Fakes: A Looming Challenge for Privacy, Democracy, and National Security.” SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018. Crossref, doi:10.2139/ssrn.3213954.

Ding, Guoru, et al. “An Amateur Drone Surveillance System Based on the Cognitive Internet of Things.” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, no. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 29–35. Crossref, doi:10.1109/MCOM.2017.1700452.

“Experts Say Drones Pose a National Security Threat — and We Aren’t Ready.” Time, http://time.com/5295586/drones-threat/. Accessed 18 Feb. 2019.

Koslowski, Rey, and Marcus Schulzke. “Drones Along Borders: Border Security UAVs in the United States and the European Union.” International Studies Perspectives, vol. 19, no. 4, Nov. 2018, pp. 305–24. Crossref, doi:10.1093/isp/eky002.

Lin, Connie A., et al. “Drone Delivery of Medications: Review of the Landscape and Legal Considerations.” American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, vol. 75, no. 3, Feb. 2018, pp. 153–58. academic.oup.com, doi:10.2146/ajhp170196.

Nelson, Jake R., et al. “The View from Above: A Survey of the Public’s Perception of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Privacy.” Journal of Urban Technology, vol. 26, no. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 83–105. Crossref, doi:10.1080/10630732.2018.1551106.

Um, Jung-Sup. “Drone Flight Ready.” Drones as Cyber-Physical Systems, Springer Singapore, 2019, pp. 21–57. Crossref, doi:10.1007/978-981-13-3741-3_2.

Winkler, Stephanie, et al. “Privacy and Civilian Drone Use: The Need for Further Regulation.” IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 16, no. 5, Sept. 2018, pp. 72–80. DataCite, doi:10.1109/msp.2018.3761721.

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY “Experts Say Drones Pose a National Security Threat — and We Aren’t Ready.” Time, http://time.com/5295586/drones-threat/. Accessed 18 Feb. 2019.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Working Thesis

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

WP3 Revised Essay

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Hate is a downhill

Although people learn different emotions but hate is the downhill in life. People who suffer from tragedy or experience the harsh realities of life are more likely to express hatred. There are different reasons that promote feelings of hatred including failures of life. People who exhibit hate moves towards the worsened state. This is because their emotions negatively undermined their ability to cope with various situations that could contribute to their satisfaction. Hate is downhill because it prevents people of all ages from using their full potential for living life to the fullest.

Hate is downhill in life because it promotes negative emotions of anger, envy, sadness, disappointment and hopelessness. Such emotions are destructive for human beings as they discourage them from living a happy and healthy life. Hate is a powerful negative force that prevents people from enjoying their lives. People who appear to be angry are capable of harming themselves because in the extreme case they get violent. Controlling anger is difficult for the people and it can undermine the quality of life. Anger provoke them to show hatred towards others that affects their relationship because people prefer to maintain distance from such people. Hate also promote feelings of envy that is destructive both mentally and physically. Hate makes people sad because they are always focusing on the things that they lack in life. They stay away from others due to the negative emotions that promote loneliness. Such people worry a lot that prevents them from living a happy life.

Hate is downhill in life because it is correlated to the feelings of disappointment and hopelessness. People who build hate are less likely to see the brighter side of life. They are inclined to count their problems and the impossibility of things. Their negative feelings result in elevated levels of disappointments. They stay believing that there is no end to their worries so they become helpless. They lack motivation when they need to take a risky action because of their preconception of failure. Disappointment discourages them from taking bold steps that are required in different aspects of life. Emotional blows of hatred cause disappointment that is further linked to blame, rage and resentment. Such people are unable to see their talents or utilize their potentials for achieving something great. Hate also creates feelings of hopelessness because the victims of hate believe that there is no end to their tragedy CITATION Agn18 \l 1033 (Fischer, Halperin and Canetti). This undermines them from using their efforts and great energy required for the accomplishment of a dream. Hate increases the likelihood of emotional bursts that leads to mental and psychological illness.

Feeling of hate is further linked to stress, anxiety, irritability and resentfulness. Hate makes people more stressed because they continue to overthink. This ends their peace of mind and they suffer from unnecessary thinking. Hate also prevent them from having a good sleep because elevated levels of frustration stop the brain from relaxing. This indicates the impacts of hate on deteriorated quality of health. When a youth is unable to sleep well it is unable to take part in all of their life activities. Hate also promote feelings of irritability. An individual who established hate towards others is more likely to get annoyed. This has adverse impacts on his relationship with other people because such attitude convinces others to maintain distance CITATION Agn18 \l 1033 (Fischer, Halperin and Canetti). The common example is of a student who gets irritated on little jokes will give the reason for staying away to others. Hate also promote the emotions of resentfulness because they believe that they have been forced to the current state by others. Resentment in relationships is complex because it creates dislike towards the companion or friend. The feeling of hate is thus linked to the recitative painful patterns that affect both physical and mental health. Hate makes people psychology ill and emotionally unstable CITATION All171 \l 1033 (Abrams). Hate is downhill because it undermines the quality of life.

Hate is a powerful feeling that can offer some benefits to people. Someone who developed hate can use his anger in a positive way of attaining his goals. Anger is the product of hate that can serve as a motivational force for accomplishing important things. This indicates the possibility of transforming anger or hatred into positive energy. Anger can be pushed for facing the barriers and putting extra efforts that lead to a positive gain. This is also useful for building competitive strength in the people. Hate can be transformed to anger that can be utilized for reaching one’s goal or dream CITATION Spr12 \l 1033 (Spring). This also assists people in realizing their individual power and using all energy for proving their competency.

Hate can motivate people to become strong and powerful. Hate acts as a positive emotion when people establish independence. People who develop feelings of hate are less likely to depend on others this will help them in taking independent roles. This is also due to the fact that such people lack trust for others. Their belief that everyone is selfish convinces them to rely on no one. This makes them strong and builds the capacity for solving problems. Hate is thus beneficial when people learn the art of using their individual strength rather than looking at others. People who exhibit hate don’t expect from others that makes them more realistic. They know that no one will help them in their competitive lives so they stop expecting from others. This is crucial for making them self-sufficient CITATION Spr12 \l 1033 (Spring). This attribute is again linked to the personality development and accomplishment of life goals. Hate is used in a positive way to allow individuals to create their own opportunities. Anger is a significant emotion that offers insights into the self. This means an individual gets to learn about himself and his personality. Familiarity with strengths and weaknesses makes an individual more realistic. Having knowledge about one’s flaws can be used for improving self CITATION Agn18 \l 1033 (Fischer, Halperin and Canetti). Becoming aware of one's weaknesses is beneficial because it encourages people to adopt ways to overcome them.

When hate is used in a positive way it can bring triumph and success. This can be seen in the case of a young black guy whose hatred is the result of racial discrimination. He can use his feelings of hate in a positive way and as a motivational force for attaining his academic and career goals. His hate convinces him to bring change by succeeding in life CITATION Spr12 \l 1033 (Spring). Here hate can be seen as a positive force that provokes him to study hard and create a successful life.

Although hate is downhill in life it can be used in a positive way for attaining success. People who exhibit hate moves towards the worsened state. They lack motivation when they need to take a risky action because of their preconception of failure. Anger, anxiety, disappointment and demise are common factors that reflect why hate is downhill. However, hate can be beneficial if one learns to use it as a motivational force. Anger can be pushed for facing the barriers and putting extra efforts that lead to a positive gain.

Work Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Abrams, Allison. The Psychology of Hate. 2017. 17 04 2019 <https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/nurturing-self-compassion/201703/the-psychology-hate>.

Fischer, Agneta, Eran Halperin and Daphna Canetti. "Why We Hate." Emotion Review 10.4 (2018).

Spring. The Upside of Anger: 6 Psychological Benefits of Getting Mad. 2012. 17 04 2019 <https://www.spring.org.uk/2012/03/the-upside-of-anger-6-psychological-benefits-of-getting-mad.php>.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

WP3 Rough Draft

Client’s name

Professor’s title

The title of the course

15 April 2019

Body Image

A permanent impact has been left on the minds of the audiences of social media and mass media forums. Media now serves as a platform to integrate communication propensities which target all gender, age groups and ethnicities. Different popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram give the audience’s a day to day update with unique images of heroes, action figures, models and actresses all over the world all the while, adhering to their regular attention; leading to a profound influence on their thinking patterns and behavior approaches. As a result the young minds now rely more and more on the widely shown models on TV shows to define their own characters and body images instead of constructing their own social images. In particular, they are widely influenced by the role models exhibited in the TV shows and movies often a representative of perfect body images with an hour glass figure for women and a strong and muscular figure for men. Almost all of the content shown on mass media encompasses unrealistic characteristics regarding body images only to attain audience’s courtesy and responsiveness, resulting in detrimental effects on the spectator’s thoughts. As a results, the spectators indulge into impulse buying to feel closer to the models and the body images they present in some way.

A Body image is how someone thinks about the way they look. Someone with a healthy body image is comfortable with their own body and accepts themselves for who they are while someone with an unhealthy body image does not and usually has negative thoughts that associate with their physical appearance. Media has a role in formulating standards in an individual’s mind regarding body image and can shape or break an individual’s life. Over time media is a major contributing factor in people developing a negative body image, especially in teens and young adults. A lot of the messages we receive in the media become almost subliminal, and when there is a consistent theme in them (for example, beauty equaling youth and a certain body type) then, just due to sheer overwhelming volume, they will add to a person’s world view. Especially if there is a tendency to compare oneself to those images, and to find oneself not looking like them, then the effects on body image can be quite negative. However, the brands are able to generate a huge pool of buyers through this technique as each individual strives to buy the endorsed make up item or product to feel as beautiful and as complete as the ideal model image represented in the ads.

Hight (2001) talks about the issue by saying that:

"Most assumptions about the psychology of social networking viewership are derived from textual analyses of reality-based programs, rather than research involving audiences. Thus, it calls for investigations of reality-based programming based on the assumption that such online campaign may implicate a network of social, economic, and political changes in modern society."

Most of the TV adverts and programs imply that the lives of the actors and models are built around the issues and events they are seen dealing with and that all of the reality appearances (showing of their skins and hour glass figures) and selfies are either candid or impromptu. This often leads the viewers to go astray from the Intellect to separate the social media from the Actual Reality. Thus, influencing the audiences to indulge into actions that they typically would not agree to be a part of. A survey in 2011 showed high ratios of young girls' acquaintance with inappropriate social problems owing to social networking sites where they took numerous medications to shape their bodies like the models shown on various TV series.

Works Cited

Hargreaves, Duane A., and Marika Tiggemann. "Idealized media images and adolescent body image:“Comparing” boys and girls." Body image 1.4 (2004): 351-361.

Perloff, Richard M. "Social media effects on young women’s body image concerns: Theoretical perspectives and an agenda for research." Sex Roles 71.11-12 (2014): 363-377.

Yamamiya, Yuko, et al. "Women's exposure to thin-and-beautiful media images: Body image effects of media-ideal internalization and impact-reduction interventions." Body image 2.1 (2005): 74-80.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

WP3 Rough Draft

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Social Construction of Gender

Gender, a buzz word, but a socially constructed concept, and has nothing to do with nature or biology. The roles assigned to gender does not depend upon its reproductive organs but the very own perception of society regarding gender (Wisby n.p). Expectations attached to gender when matures and becomes acquainted become gender roles. A role, any specific gender would find convenient to play in the society.

Gender structures have always been there, ever since we human beings witnessed the dawn of societies. Societal structures changed time to time and so the gender roles and expectations did. It seems quite an intricate question to draw a line between men, women and transgender without having any kind of expectations attached to them. Expectations and roles out of expectations are actually what label them as men, women or transgender. Gender roles and expectations actually have three levels and each level play a significant role in determining the gender expectations and roles out of those expectations (Wisby n.p). The three levels are individual, interactional and institutional. Parallel to these three levels are cultural traits which actually provide a foundation to the roles assigned to gender in every society.

Gender socialization is yard stick in the hands of society and most commonly used against Trans people, or more precisely against transgender women. If a transgender woman absorbs the role of male, she, by no means, can escape what she was treated as in her past. History also propounds the view that gender socialization has complications, so profoundly complicated that no gender; male, female or Transgender is socialized in superlative mode. Every person irrespective of the roles assigned to it by biology has a inimitable gender and affiliation with that gender. Transgender women face multifaceted problems so far as their roles and expectations drawn out of those roles are concerned (Burns n.p). Society brands them as lampoons if they are too feminine in their outlook or roles. Same society would lacerate them if they are bold like men, just because their roles are not up to the mark and standards according to the masculinity.

Gender by no means is a naturally constructed but socially constructed. What roles they play, what dress they would wear, which brand they would promote for advertising, what role they would play, all are decided by societal patterns and resonated by cultural traits. Transgender women actually have to pass before they could actually aspire to be considered as beautiful. A sort of exams they need to take, and if, by any means they fail the exam, society will abhor them and living life would no more than a nightmare for them (Burns n.p). Same goes for the other two genders as well. Their roles and expectations of society is what make their life adorned with petals or thorns.

It’s not the gender who independently defines his roles, it the socialization who would make a man or woman. As far as transgender are concerned, they have a social stigma attached to them ever since the day they came out of their mothers’ womb. The stigma is still there. The spot got darker and darker as the time passed. They have no way to wash that out of their foreheads. Going down the aisle of history, it is beheld that society evolved from hunting and gathering to agrarian, from industrial to postindustrial, but evolution could not wash the social stigmas attached to any specific gender. Evolution, to some extent changed their roles but expectations are still there, which must be considered.

Works Cited

Burns, K. "Navigating Beauty Standards As A Trans Woman Is An Impossible Balancing Act." Allure. N. p., 2018. Web. 15 Apr. 2019.

Wisby, Gary. "Gender, Culture And Expectations | UIC Today." Today.uic.edu. N. p., 2019. Web. 15 Apr. 2019.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Write A Comparison-contrast Essay On Topic: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living In The City And In The Countryside


Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees


Every individual has his or her preferences regarding their living style as a way of life differs when people live in different places. It is undeniably true that people’s lifestyles will be directly influenced by the society, culture and overall surroundings where they live in. There is always a big dilemma associated with living in the city or countryside owing to the differences in both the places. Both have certain advantages along with disadvantages. However, personal preference is important while selecting a place for living as many people prefer clean, fresh air while for many people everyday noise along with traffic jams and congestion is something that fulfills their lives.

The main advantage of living in a city is job opportunities. Although, many people living in the countryside have farms where they grow different crops that are summer-autumn yield and winter-spring yield. After this time people in the countryside have nothing to do and therefore they need jobs to bear their living expenses. In contrast, there are multiple job opportunities in the city. Many people move to the city to find a job as it is very easy to find a job due to multiple opportunities. Also, if an individual has skills along with higher education then the city is the place where one can find a job and can attain luxuries. Unlike the countryside, people can visit various places like cinemas, zoos, parks, theaters, bars, libraries, etc (Fuguitt, 1963). In short, quality education, and adequate medicine are the main advantages that the city offers. The main disadvantage of living in a city is that it is overcrowded. There are traffic jams everywhere along with pollution especially air pollution. Additionally, in cities the crime rate is high and safety is one of the major issues that people living in the city face. Moreover, residents are less familiar with others as everyone is busy.

While discussing the countryside, the cost of living is less as compared to cities. People are familiar with each other and often care about other people's belongings so the crime rate is very less. Additionally, there are rivers, mountains, and lakes due to which people can live in a pollution-free place and do not have to spend money on healthcare (Fuguitt, 1963). People living in the countryside are not occupied with money-based success rather they like to raise animals and harvesting their lands. The main disadvantage of the countryside is the lack of basic facilities such as transportation, limited employment opportunities, lack of healthcare facilities.


Fuguitt, G. V. (1963). The city and countryside. Rural Sociology, 28(3), 246.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Write A Definition Essay. A Definition Essay Can Be Deceivingly Difficult To Write. This Type Of Paper Requires You To Write A Personal Yet Academic Definition Of One Specific Word. The Definition Must Be Thorough And Lengthy. It Is Essential That You Cho

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Definition Essay

The origins of the word ‘success’ can be traced back to a 16th-century Latin word succedere that can be roughly translated to coming close after a particular goal. The general, widely accepted meaning of success during the early 20th and 21st centuries alluded to the accomplishment of a purpose or a good outcome of any undertaking or proceeding in daily life. The concept of success and its implications vary from one person to another. It is one of those abstractions which are really hard to define because of their extensive interpretations and differing implications. One may associate success with earning huge amounts of profit or popularity, and at the same time, a person able to indulge in one of his favorite activities may consider himself as successful. Having good health and fortune is also considered a success by many people which is a form of personal achievement. High levels of social capital, for instance, having strong ties with family and friends is also one form of success which many people fail to achieve.

In spite of the implication that success always paves the way for a goal, everyone has a subjective understanding of the word ‘success.’

Some people also have a staunch belief in the presumption that one has to fiercely compete with their counterparts to achieve some milestones which can be regarded as a success. A comparison of one’s own accomplishments with others often results in feelings of superiority or inferiority. This can also lead to the belief that if someone has respect and praise in a particular society, they are successful. The uplifting of social status and the rise of one’s image through sheer competition is thought of as success by many people. Contemporary trends in media platforms and mainstream marketing have essentially brainwashed a larger portion of our society into accepting a nearly fallacious definition of success. Nowadays, an individual who has managed to achieve all the laurels of life and is famous in his social circle is considered successful.

Another relatively better way of defining success is perceiving a sense of happiness and contentment with the liberties that people enjoy and can practice. People believe that in spite of the results, the mere efforts count and are instrumental in making them successful. Acceptance and embracement of people’s true personality attribute including the flaws and weaknesses can often lead to success based on inner bliss and happiness.

Since the advent of mankind, perhaps the most desired and wanted feeling of everyone is the experience of achieving their goals and surpassing others in their daily struggles. In the initial part of an individual’s life, the chief concern and the primary bailiwick is an academic success. After the academic journey is over, the next goal of young adults becomes a financial success and their lives start to revolve around this goal. It is also observed in many instances, that those who only focus on success in their work lives, often have to struggle with succeeding in maintaining personal life relationships. In the contemporary world, success has been equated to the possession of assets, fortunes and riches, prosperity and so many other quotidian things. There is also a general conception that if someone has enough purchasing power to afford anything he wants or if he can support several households, he is considered successful. This partial definition has been deeply impressed on our minds by the global conditions and media tactics.

Success is a very useful concept and the in-depth analysis of its operationalization is vital for the correct understanding of societal gaps and global inequality. The path towards personal success cannot be determined by a mere formalization of some variables and this realization is mandatory for individuals to make when they are striving for personal growth. Everyone associated with a different yet vast spectrum of priorities which implies that various attitudes and activities will have distinct effects on our well-being.

The ultimate achievement of success is perhaps the scrupulous understanding of the importance of things in one’s life and the timely recognition of weaknesses so that they can be overcome by consistent efforts and perseverance. If everyone starts to spend his or her efforts in meeting someone else’s values about success, the end result would be unhappiness and exhaustion. Another definition of this term also imparts that acquiring the ability to discern the goals in one’s life and their righteous prioritizing is a major step towards success.

I personally think that waking up every day and being able to pursue my cherished activities constitutes success. Having the means for reading books and spending a significant part of my day in research activities simultaneously means success for me and also proves to be a source of sheer happiness for me. Utilizing my mental faculties for the long-term benefits of global society is the ultimate definition of success for me. For me, this term also denotes true contentment with my life prospects and whatever that I have achieved until now. This sense of fulfillment has very minimal to do with my material assets or social standing. Having my parents smile at me with a look of pride and satisfaction is also linked with my subjective idea of happiness.

Summing up, it is necessary that every phase of life should be contemplated over so that success can be defined in an adequate manner. During the course of life, success may find a person but ultimately it has to find you striving for it.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

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