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What Makes A Con Man

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Title: What Makes a Con Man


According to Webster, the con man or a con artist is the person who tricks pothers to get their money. Con artist or con men is known for deceiving others to get their money; it can be said that their skill of making money is deception. Con men generally fool others and cheat them to grab their money; general tricks involve making them believe in easy money, some fake deal or use their weakness. Con men are also said to have a lack of conscience; though it is part of their job and their way of making money ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"j5CKEf9Y","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Bhattacharjee)","plainCitation":"(Bhattacharjee)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":160,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/77JI93QK"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/77JI93QK"],"itemData":{"id":160,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"The New York Times","title":"The mind of a con man","volume":"28","author":[{"family":"Bhattacharjee","given":"Yudhijit"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2013"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Bhattacharjee). The skills of deception have been used by many business persons and investors, who are known as famous con men. They generally defraud a person after gaining their trust and then play on weak human characteristics such as greed, lust, compassion, irresponsibility, and credibility. The term con man is generally associated with the men, however, anybody can be a con man. This paper seeks to highlight famous con men and what takes to be a con man covering all the skills that enable one to deceive others.

Famous Con Artists

Statistics reveal that about more than 30 million US citizens have been victims of financial frauds; let it be a financial fraud or an online fraudulent scheme. The number of incidents is rising as well ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"x5WWEZ7J","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Blanton)","plainCitation":"(Blanton)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":162,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/JQCPEZN2"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/JQCPEZN2"],"itemData":{"id":162,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Center for Retirement Research working paper","title":"The rise of financial fraud: Scams never change but disguises do","author":[{"family":"Blanton","given":"Kimberly"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2012"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Blanton). Con artists are generally referred to as confidence artists; they gain others 'confidence to get hands-on their money. They can generally work out their plans unless the next person starts losing their trust in them. That is why con artists tend to play their tricks unless one knows about them. One of the famous con men of the 19th century is George Appo (1856-1930), he is known for his involvement in green goods scams ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"VnhkeeLH","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Gilfoyle and Appo)","plainCitation":"(Gilfoyle and Appo)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":172,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/NB5ZK22Z"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/NB5ZK22Z"],"itemData":{"id":172,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"The Missouri Review","issue":"2","page":"34-78","title":"A Pickpocket's Tale: The Autobiography of George Appo","volume":"16","author":[{"family":"Gilfoyle","given":"Timothy J."},{"family":"Appo","given":"George"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1993"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Gilfoyle and Appo). This scheme became very popular in the 19th century in the US that claimed to offer "genuine" counterfeit currency for sale. George Appo is known for his influential speaking skills that enabled him to play such a big fraud in the country. C. L. Blood (1835–1908) is known as the famous fraudster and blackmailer owing to the patent medicine. He was proved to be the blackmailer and got public attention in May 1884. He was involved in many fraudulent activities that involved deceiving businessmen and government as well.

In the 20th century, Bernie Cornfeld (1927–1995) got fame as a con man for his Investors Overseas Service, which proved to be fraudulent at the end ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"NCTXWZOM","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Florian)","plainCitation":"(Florian)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":173,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/22KFL95A"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/22KFL95A"],"itemData":{"id":173,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Fortune","page":"28-32","title":"Schemers and Scams: A Brief History of Bad Business","volume":"18","author":[{"family":"Florian","given":"Ellen"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2002"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Florian). The American TV pitchman Don Lapre (1964–2011) is also known for his various get-rich-quick schemes. These schemes describe shady investments to deceive people to invest their money that results in equal to no profit but loss at the end of the day. Gaston Means (1879–1938) is associated with the Ohio gang that was involved in numerous financial scandals. These scandals also included the famous Teapot Dome scandal of the US. Charles Ponzi (1882–1949) was also a very famous con man of the 20th century in the US, his fraudulent scheme became so popular that it is now denoted as “Ponzi Scheme”. Investors had to bear huge losses because of his fraudulent scheme ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"vzPRYCRG","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Nature and History of Ponzi Schemes})","plainCitation":"(Nature and History of Ponzi Schemes)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":158,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/X5PT7SXI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/X5PT7SXI"],"itemData":{"id":158,"type":"webpage","title":"Nature and History of Ponzi Schemes","URL":"https://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/ponzi.htm","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,9]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Nature and History of Ponzi Schemes). The same scheme was later used by William F. Miller, a Brooklyn bookkeeper in 1899. Founder of an attorney firm, Marc Dreier, is famous for selling the fictitious promissory notes worth $700 million.

American history has witnessed a number of con men who used their skills of deceiving others and made a huge corrosive impact on the economy of the US as well ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"hd6JSklE","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Trahan et al.)","plainCitation":"(Trahan et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":174,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/N3GFANR5"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/N3GFANR5"],"itemData":{"id":174,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Deviant Behavior","issue":"6","page":"601-620","title":"Fraud and the American dream: Toward an understanding of fraud victimization","volume":"26","author":[{"family":"Trahan","given":"Adam"},{"family":"Marquart","given":"James W."},{"family":"Mullings","given":"Janet"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2005"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Trahan et al.). Another example is Victor Lustig who is famous as the Man who Sold the Eiffel Tower ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"caok5Unr","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Bush)","plainCitation":"(Bush)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":165,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/523GEPAW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/523GEPAW"],"itemData":{"id":165,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books","issue":"8","page":"415-415","title":"Tricky Vic: The Impossibly True Story of the Man Who Sold the Eiffel Tower by Greg Pizzoli","volume":"68","author":[{"family":"Bush","given":"Elizabeth"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Bush).

What Makes a Con Man?

Being a con man one needs to have prominent communication skills, social skills, innovative and quick, and of course, as the cherry on top, they also need a special charm. As a con man, one is able to instantly realize that the large majority of urban populations, people want to be noticed, they want to be praised and placed on top of everyone, their all pathological liars. Conning as more an art rather than any other classification. Every con man is subjected to their own desires and reasoning, and we separate ourselves based on our ways of going about the common everyday con. They generally learn about each individual person or the group to incorporate their weaknesses to not only integrate into their next con but to improve me. Conning in itself is a branch of learning, whether being sociology, human behavior, communications, innovation, one is able to become a more well-rounded individual if they were to perform correctly.

A con man requires confidence and tricks to gain the trust of people. A con man is often referred to as a person with confidence. A con artist has skills and gestures to capture the attention of the audience. They are really good at adopting skills that can easily get admiration form people. To become a good con artist, it is important to get expertise in confidence and self-assurance. It is essentially important to follow some steps to become a confident con man. They need to work on the foundation that includes the advancement in the action and they usually require training to progress in the field. The con artist is good at understanding human psychology as they have to amuse them therefor, they understand their customers and audience. Understanding how people will react and what they want from a con artist is essentially important and accordingly, they have to make decisions during their tricks. Experience is also important for the con persons as it added confidence in their acts. A con person has to wear a metaphoric mask to hide their emotions and feelings from people. They have to represent themselves as a character what people want to see to gain admiration.

To become a con man, the first factor that plays a role in understanding who can be the victim of their schemes or frauds ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"lNxnx650","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Konnikova)","plainCitation":"(Konnikova)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":168,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/7CJ4KMMS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/7CJ4KMMS"],"itemData":{"id":168,"type":"webpage","abstract":"No matter how smart you are, anyone can be easily swayed by emotions.","container-title":"Inc.com","title":"Con Artists Use These Psychological Tactics to Manipulate People to Believe Them Every Time","URL":"https://www.inc.com/maria-konnikova/why-people-believe-liars.html","author":[{"family":"Konnikova","given":"Maria"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,9]]},"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016",1,25]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Konnikova). What are their needs and what can be done to create a sense of empathy? Besides, con men know that they have to build an emotional foundation and after that, they play to the trick of logic and persuasion so that the scheme works in their benefit.

Confidence Trick

A con artist needs courage, leadership, confidence, and vision to stand in front of the public to perform an act or fulfill a character. The approach to motivate people is truly based on their experience and with time they learn how to sketch a character in the eyes of people to get their trust build ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"xMe8sYDy","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Con Artists and Their Marks\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(“Con Artists and Their Marks”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":166,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/YQ37VX6C"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/YQ37VX6C"],"itemData":{"id":166,"type":"webpage","abstract":"How con artists exploit our tendency to overrate our intelligence and judgment.","container-title":"Psychology Today","language":"en-US","title":"Con Artists and Their Marks","URL":"https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/is-america/201601/con-artists-and-their-marks","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,9]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Con Artists and Their Marks”). They not only give people the business to view but also deliver life in a character to attract customers. Con man requires to pay attention to connect the emotions of people in the business to create a connection of signals to the imagination. Without connection, a business is useless to display as it does not attract people. It also does not attract people with pleasure if the vision of imagination is lost.

Skills of Persuasion

It is critical for defrauding customers with a game of words to them according to the mid of people ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Os7EAMtN","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Henderson)","plainCitation":"(Henderson)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":176,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/TD22AVWV"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/TD22AVWV"],"itemData":{"id":176,"type":"book","ISBN":"0-9687133-0-0","publisher":"Coyote Ridge Publishing","title":"Crimes of Persuasion: Schemes, Scams, Frauds: how Con Artists Will Steal Your Savings and Inheritance Through Telemarketing Fraud, Investment Schemes and Consumer Scams","author":[{"family":"Henderson","given":"Les"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2000"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Henderson). It needs compassion, responsibility, vision and exchange of thoughts for the perpetrator to display a confident operation. In case of failures, they have to remain consistent with the action to continue the trick confidently. A con person is actually deceiving people in terms of fooling them to attract their attention to earn money. However, a great con person needs to pay attention to build his character like a con artist to display false emotions and feeling in front of people. They actually work by deceiving and cheating others. A great com man needs to continue his trick till people become suspicious. They fool people by means of different tricks achieved through confidence.


A con artist wears snappy suits and displays fake smiles in a way that it actually looks real ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"qj0EOJQO","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}How Con Artists Work\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(“How Con Artists Work”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":170,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/ITNFNF4L"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/ITNFNF4L"],"itemData":{"id":170,"type":"webpage","abstract":"Have you ever gotten a chain e-mail that promised riches if you just sent $5 to everybody on the list? The person who began that e-mail is a con artist -- someone who lies, cheats and fool people into thinking they've happened onto a great deal. Learn about basic cons, how to avoid being conned and what to do if you're a victim.","container-title":"HowStuffWorks","language":"en","title":"How Con Artists Work","URL":"https://money.howstuffworks.com/con-artist.htm","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,9]]},"issued":{"date-parts":[["2006",7,10]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“How Con Artists Work”). Skills to persuade people include understating people's psychology, nature, and features that attract the audience in their tracks. Prompt decisions and hook the attention of people in their tracks. To promote reputation, it is important for a con man to develop their character that can effortlessly engage the minds of people. A great technique to persuade people is a fake mask that a con man wears to sketch a character to perform an action ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"8F2jODYg","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Martin)","plainCitation":"(Martin)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":177,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/6SFY5729"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/6SFY5729"],"itemData":{"id":177,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Early American Literature","issue":"2","page":"179-192","title":"The Rogue and the Rational Man: Hugh Henry Brackenridge's Study of a Con Man in\" Modern Chivalry\"","volume":"8","author":[{"family":"Martin","given":"Wendy"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1973"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Martin). For example, to gain the trust of people it is important to divert the attention of people from their situation to the trick to make them enjoy their role.

Individuals good in understanding the gestures and emotions of people are able to persuade people easily from their tricks. To become a good con artist, persons need to develop skills that can fuse feelings and emotions with tricks. For instance, Samuel Thomson was a man famous as a confidence man and he was a clumsy swindler of the 1800 century. His tricks represent that he used his victims to express confidence by giving him money so his victims express their amusement and attention by giving him money and people trust him. His wiles involve people to understand his tricks by providing confidence. Confidence is often interrupted by greed, opportunism, and credulity. There is no specific profile for a con man to develop his proficiency and confidence. Con man learns from his tricks however, common skills required are understanding nature and expressions of gestures that can divert the attention of the audience. A trick of a con artist requires a corroboration step for those who used tricks that are not commonly used. Different studies have identified that there are different con artists such as some involved tricks and involve elder people.


The skills needed by a man to become a con man reveals that it is not easy to become one as it requires a set of skills. My reasoning and perception stem from the research and analysis that people who become a con man have no worry and fear of an insecure financial future, and they are without the doubts of freedom. These con men take short-cuts to the top whilst laughing at those who publicly and frankly fail at creating a false gold path built of pathetic lies and rich heritage. It can be witnessed that throughout history these con men have caused havoc through a range of schemes that manipulate people. They are either in the form of convincing “investors” or repeated businessmen. The only way to put to stop these people from deceiving us is to learn from the masterminds, as discussed in the paper ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"bfQVgx1G","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Trahan et al.)","plainCitation":"(Trahan et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":174,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/N3GFANR5"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rhLtY1cq/items/N3GFANR5"],"itemData":{"id":174,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Deviant Behavior","issue":"6","page":"601-620","title":"Fraud and the American dream: Toward an understanding of fraud victimization","volume":"26","author":[{"family":"Trahan","given":"Adam"},{"family":"Marquart","given":"James W."},{"family":"Mullings","given":"Janet"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2005"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Trahan et al.).

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Bhattacharjee, Yudhijit. “The Mind of a Con Man.” The New York Times, vol. 28, 2013.

Blanton, Kimberly. “The Rise of Financial Fraud: Scams Never Change but Disguises Do.” Center for Retirement Research Working Paper, 2012.

Bush, Elizabeth. “Tricky Vic: The Impossibly True Story of the Man Who Sold the Eiffel Tower by Greg Pizzoli.” Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books, vol. 68, no. 8, 2015, pp. 415–415.

“Con Artists and Their Marks.” Psychology Today, https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/is-america/201601/con-artists-and-their-marks. Accessed 9 Dec. 2019.

Florian, Ellen. “Schemers and Scams: A Brief History of Bad Business.” Fortune, vol. 18, 2002, pp. 28–32.

Gilfoyle, Timothy J., and George Appo. “A Pickpocket’s Tale: The Autobiography of George Appo.” The Missouri Review, vol. 16, no. 2, 1993, pp. 34–78.

Henderson, Les. Crimes of Persuasion: Schemes, Scams, Frauds: How Con Artists Will Steal Your Savings and Inheritance Through Telemarketing Fraud, Investment Schemes and Consumer Scams. Coyote Ridge Publishing, 2000.

“How Con Artists Work.” HowStuffWorks, 10 July 2006, https://money.howstuffworks.com/con-artist.htm.

Konnikova, Maria. “Con Artists Use These Psychological Tactics to Manipulate People to Believe Them Every Time.” Inc.Com, 25 Jan. 2016, https://www.inc.com/maria-konnikova/why-people-believe-liars.html.

Martin, Wendy. “The Rogue and the Rational Man: Hugh Henry Brackenridge’s Study of a Con Man in" Modern Chivalry".” Early American Literature, vol. 8, no. 2, 1973, pp. 179–92.

Nature and History of Ponzi Schemes. https://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/ponzi.htm. Accessed 9 Dec. 2019.

Trahan, Adam, et al. “Fraud and the American Dream: Toward an Understanding of Fraud Victimization.” Deviant Behavior, vol. 26, no. 6, 2005, pp. 601–20.

Subject: English

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

What Role Should Logic Play In Modern Argument? Which Approach To Reasoning Do You Think Will Be Most Useful For You In The Research Argument That You Are Developing In This Course?


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The role of Logic in Modern Argument

Logic is the method to evaluate an argument or a reason. A person with critical thinking abilities knows the right usage of logics to separate fact from untruthful, and motive from irrational beliefs. The ability to gain, manipulate and inform knowledge are the abilities which distinguish human from animals (Flach and Dale, sp. 680). In order to better understand the different entitlements, thoughts and opinions an individual meet, he or she needs a good understanding of logic.

There specific principles and criteria to use logic, if those principles are followed then it is logic. Otherwise, it is not and a person cannot claim to be logical. At the same time, modern argument also demands logic and critical thinking.

The modern communication involves a lot of skills, and every interaction needs a critical thinking in it. The time has changed nowadays. People do not accept whatever they receive in a conversation instead they consider what a second person is saying. People try to find out whether there is a logic in it or not. People enact their critical message and they engage variety of their skills in a conservation such as listening, investigation, assessment, implication and analysis.

Logic gives people an ability to identify the flaws in an argument and it helps people to identify the validity of an information. The modern world speaks the language of science where only those arguments and statements are acceptable which are logical and having facts in it. The demand of modern communication is mostly based on scientific method. Every discipline burrows scientific method to conduct a thorough research in its field. Therefore, preconception prior to investigation is a silly thing to do in the current world. For a proper investigation you need to follow a logical path to draw conclusions.

Logic reflects the way this world works and the way a person thinks. If it is removed from the arguments, then it will be very hard to see to understand the world and perform the functions in this world. With the help of logic, a problem can be solved and you can convince the second person to agree with your point. Giving strong reasons that exist can help you convey your message.

Logic differentiates human beings from animals. The conceptual ability of human being help them to distinguish between various things whereas animals lack this skill. Due to this ability human has developed a proper language to communicate and he has given a meaning to his sound. On the other side, animals lack these skills.

Logic is one of the essential skills that does not build logical thinking only but also assists in exploring the logical situation which a person will going to face in future (Ferreirós, pp. 445). Studying Logic as a subject will train people to construct good arguments and those arguments can be useful in any field.

I am expecting that this course will enhance my inductive reasoning abilities. All the research disciplines conclude their research on the basis of facts and observations. Different evidence is collected to prove the hypothesis. However, it cannot be proved without truthful evidence. Inductive reasoning approach will help me to conclude from an oversimplification (Bao, p. 586). At the same time, it will help me to induct from statistical data and guide to draw conclusions on the basis of a sample.

Finally, a person with critical thinking abilities knows the right usage of logics to separate fact from untruthful, and motive from irrational beliefs. In order to better understand the different entitlements, thoughts and opinions an individual meet, he or she needs a good understanding of logic. Logic gives people an ability to identify the flaws in an argument and it helps people to identify the validity of an information. This course will enhance the inductive skills to conduct the research in a successful manner.

Works Cited

Bao, Lei, et al. "Learning and scientific reasoning." Science 323.5914 (2009): 586-587.

Flach, Peter A., and Dale Jacquette. "Modern Logic and its Role in the Study of Knowledge." A companion to Philosophical Logic (2002): 680-693.

Ferreirós, José. "The road to modern logic—an interpretation." Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7.4 (2001): 441-484.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

What Role Should Logic Play In Modern Argument? Which Approach To Reasoning Do You Think Will Be Most Useful For You In The Research Argument That You Are Developing In This Course?

[Name of the Writer]

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What Role Should Logic Play In Modern Argument?


An argument is a very important source of exchange of ideas between two or more than two people. The term "argument" basically refers to the reason or set of reasons, in support or opposition of an idea, theory or practice. An argument also means the exchange of opposite of diverting ideas.

Most of the times, an argument is taken from a negative perspective. An argument is mostly perceived to be a heated or angry discussion, in which the participants exchange their ideas in an aggressive manner which may not be true. An argument may just be the flow of ideas from one participant to the other, with or without the use of aggression. But the most important factor that should be present in an argument is "logic." An argument is incomplete without the presence of a sound logic. Arguments become influential in the presence of a strong logic as logic forms the basis or root of the argument (Johnson). The following essay will throw light on the fact that a logic is an essential and integral part of any argument and deductive reasoning is the best approach to prove the worth of an argument.


(Body of supporting evidence)

Logic has always been a very important and integral part of any argument as it puts weight in the arguments. Any argument, if not backed up by the strong pillars of logic, will have less convincing power and very low power to put an impact. An argument is like a plant that will stand weak until it is nourished by the strong fertilizer of logic and watered with reasoning.

Many scholars and experts have laid emphasis over the importance and energy of logic in an argument. The terms of logic and argument hold great value in the arenas of philosophy, as the discipline of philosophy, relies heavily upon the basis of exchange of ideas and formulation of ideas on the basis of these ideas. If the idea would not have a strong base, how it can become a strong theory (Van Eemeren). A weak argument can never be a basis of a strong theory, and it is a universal fact that theories, when testified and proven correct repeatedly, become laws.

So can we risk our laws to be entirely baseless or, if based on some reasoning, based on weak grounds? The answer would definitely be No. The modern argumentators or instigators are also of the same view, which is why, while preparing their arguments, they always go for well-researched and well-thought out logics, in order to make their points more valid and robust.

Mostly, scholars and philosophers adopt two approaches for developing a logic or reasoning. One is the inductive reasoning approach, and the other is called deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning uses the extraction of facts and figures from multiple sets of data and develops its reasoning from there, whereas in deductive reasoning, comprises of drawing the truth, from a broad and generalized spectrum.

Deductive reasoning is a much better approach for the basis of formation of ideas and logics as it gives out the conclusion on the basis of truth or false. On the other hand, in inductive reasoning, the findings are not induced to be true or false (Sik), but they become strong or weak arguments. Another major difference between both the approaches is that in inductive reasoning, it is understood that the conclusions can change. It is flexible an can be changed whenever a strong argument comes to take its place.


Hence, the importance of logic can be clearly seen in the building up and presentation of an argument. The condition only implies that the logic should be valid and should not be changing. It should provide the final answer to the questions of the participant involved in the argument.

Works Cited

Johnson, Ralph H. The rise of informal logic: Essays on argumentation, critical thinking, reasoning, and politics. Vol. 2. University of Windsor, 2014.

Sik, Kubra. "Tradition or modernism in grammar teaching: deductive vs. inductive approaches." Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 197 (2015): 2141-2144.

Van Eemeren, Frans H., and Rob Grootendorst. Argumentation, communication, and fallacies: A pragma-dialectical perspective. Routledge, 2016.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

What The Health - Documentary


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What the Health – Documentary Review

‘What the Health’ is one of the most controversial, as well as groundbreaking documentary film. The documentary film has been written, directed and produced by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, which also features Kip Andersen who explains his experiences, as well as the interviews of doctors, and specialists in the field. The basic message of the documentary film is that the dairy products, as well as meat, are harmful to the health of human beings, and become the reason for a number of chronic illnesses. The presenter of the documentary film is trying to explore the link between the consumption of meat and dairy products, and chronic illnesses. After interviewing the physician, health practitioners and nutritionists, he depicts a lack of satisfaction with their answers. He is trying to highlight the fact that the major food making corporations, which specifically deal with meat and dairy products conspire with pharmaceutical companies, in order to promote their business and sell diseases and medication to the general public (Andersen). The author is advocating the importance of a vegetarian life, which is not only nutritious but also helps to control the causation of chronic illnesses. The food industries dealing with meat and dairy products may have been conspiring against humanity by selling hazardous products and their medication, in order to promote their business and increase their profits.

Kip Andersen describes in his documentary film that his family has a history of chronic illnesses, like his father, grandfather, and his brothers died due to cancer or heart diseases. Till a certain point of life, he kept thinking that it is due to the genetic issues that the diseases are being transferred. He tried hard to keep himself safe as he exercised regularly and took the vitamins as well. He believed that a healthy diet could save him; however, he as disappointed by the claims, as he became the victim of hypochondria. This motivated him to explore the myths of a healthy diet, and he came to know that processed meat which is the most important and essential component of the human food, is not good for their health. The experts in the video highlight the fact that diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases in human beings, in each and every part of the world. It is commonly believed the consumption of sugar causes diabetes; however, the actual cause is fat, which is quite excessive in the diet consisting of meat and dairy products. Excessive aft also becomes the reason for increasing the cholesterol level and giving rise to heart issues. He is of the view that meat production and consumption should be stopped and preference should be given to the vegetarian diet, which is nutritious and does not cause diseases (Andersen, and Kuhn).

The merits of the documentary film are that it is highlighting the importance of vegetarian diet, which is not only good for the health of the human beings, but its production also creates a good impact on the environment. Vegetables and fruits have excessive nutrients which are needed for the growth and health of the human beings, and they would not need to take the vitamin supplements to restore their health (Ekmekcioglu et al.). On the other hand, there is a number of shortcomings in the documentary film. The most important out of them is that the presenter claimed that very type of meat is bad for the health of human beings, which is not supported by evidence. It is true that bacon or processed meat can give rise to health issues; however; beef is a healthy and nutritious form of meat. In addition to it, the presenter also claimed that eggs are not good for the health of the human beings; however, the yolk of eggs contains the nutrients which are not present in any vegetable or fruit and are also quite essential for the human health. He also claimed that sugar does not cause any harm to health, which is not supported by evidence. He has failed to present the research-based evidence of his claims and the experts depicted in the video have not done conducted any research about the topic and are just talking about anything which comes in their mind. The recommendation to the audience is that they should not get swayed by the conspiracies of the vegetarians, as well as those who favor the diet of consisting of meat but try to keep a balance in their food consumption. They should avoid processed meat, and include a fair amount of vegetables in their diet, as well as exercise to keep them healthy.

The documentary film has highlighted the importance of a vegetarian diet on the health of human beings, as well as on the environment by undermining the meat diet. The presenter of the documentary film has failed to provide a logical justification of their claims due to which it seems like a conspiracy against the meat making companies.

Works Cited

Andersen, Kip, and Keegan Kuhn. The Sustainability Secret: Rethinking Our Diet to Transform the World. Earth Aware Editions, 2015.

Andersen, Kip. What the Health – Documentary. Youtube.com. 2017. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL2cLhOqPsE

Ekmekcioglu, Cem, et al. "Red meat, diseases, and healthy alternatives: A critical review." Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 58.2 (2018): 247-261.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

What The Numbers Show About NFL Players Arrest

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Critical Analysis

How is the Material organized?

One of the key things about presentation of any argument is that how the organization of the material is supposed to be carried out. What it means that there has to be careful though and deliberation as far as the way presentation of the facts is carried out. Furthermore, effort has to be made to not merely look at the numbers, but context and purpose behind the numbers must also be there. This is where the article has done well as it first introduced the point that is going to be discussed during the paper and then backs up all the arguments with an empirical and statistical evidence. The article tends to make sure that the impartial way is being made possible in terms of the way presentation of the information is supposed to be done. At the same time, the main thesis of the material is very clear.

Who is the Intended Audience?

The premise and the arguments that are being made during the paper are such that they are going to be appealing to larger audience. The first audience that is interested in the whole thing is the general populace who would like to know the prevalence of the violence among the focus group. The other target demographic that is going to be probably interested in the direction and the critique that is being made during the paper is going to be that how the law enforcement agencies are going to be look at the whole situation. The idea is to make sure that how the presentation of the thought process of the intended audience is going to be made and what are some of the key aspects that are needed to be kept with regards to prevalence of violence among the demographic of the football players.

What are the writer's assumptions about the audience?

The writer has made lot of assumptions about the audience, the first thing that one gets to see is that how writer is assuming that most of the readers are going to be of the point of view that the perpetuation and the prevalence of the violence is more common among the focus group. This is not the case here as there are large number of people who are under the impression regarding how the whole thing is supposed to work out. The other thing that is being assumed at the end of the writer is that the people who are reading are not aware of the cultural intricacies that are involved in the football clubs and how these things tend to shape up the ideology and the personality of the people at the given group.

What kind of language and imagery does the author use?

For an article that comes up with the lot of empirical evidence, the language and the tone is such that makes it quite easy to read. The flow is there, there is a deliberate attempt on the part of the writer to make sure that the dots and the connections among the variables are connected. Not only that, all the statistical information that has been discussed has been illustrated in the form of graphs a well to give clear insight about how things are supposed to be working out at the given point of time. The other thing that stands out about the article is that how the images of the athletes who are convicted in the violence are being showed but the article does not discuss high profile cases of these athletes in great length. The article also tends to discuss that how the violence among athletes is pretty much same in another aspects of life.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

What Would Be The Most Effective Way For Embry-Riddle Table Tennis Federation Club To Train For The National Collegiate Table Tennis Association (NCTTA) Within One Year?

Sports Psychology (Anger Management)

Definition / Description

Table tennis is all about movement, precision, and focus. Concentration is one of the key elements required to play because of the steady fast pace moving of the ball and a racket the size of the palm makes It is very easy to lose concentration. Researchers found out that as table tennis is a non-contact sport, players hold a large amount of anger inside due to self-control (Martinent et al., 2012). During the game, the player goes through a series of events which can cause annoyance, frustration and eventually the lead to anger. Such scenarios are losing consecutive points, completely missing the ball when making a play, if the opponent takes too long to serve or when the crowd does not support. It was concluded by Martinent et al, that all of those will affect a player’s performance (2012). The Embry-Riddle Table Tennis Club will conduct cognitive behaviour training which will allow players to increase self-control, become tranquil and concerted allowing for better play.

center24130000Survey Results

Figure 1. Embry-Riddle players anger level during game


Management of anger, on and off the field for athletes, is vital and conceivable. Fortunately, there are things the player can do to enable to oversee it and express it usefully (Mamassis & Doganis, 2004). In any case, much the same as any game, tolerance, practice, and constancy are keys to utilizing anger the board instruments and changing practices (Mamassis & Doganis, 2004). The player may require assistance from others, for example, a games therapist.

Work-Out and Exercise to Vent out Anger

Most athletes as of now exercise however in the event that the player stop for reasons unknown, for example, having damage or the season arrives at an end and the player have a break, know that keeping up some sort of exercise program can be exceptionally useful. Exercising assumes a job in controlling adrenaline levels and the arrival of endorphins (feel-great synthetics) in the body. Additionally, exercising is an incredible method to enable the player to decrease the feelings of anxiety and increment the sentiment of being increasingly loose. Now and again, it is only a smart thought to put the majority of our vitality, dissatisfaction, and anger into preparing. Consider this, rather than falling to pieces or endeavoring to hurt others on account of the anger, wouldn't it be better on the off chance that the player would concentrate it on something positive like chipping away at athlete or player somehow or another?

Taking Breaks

One reason why we can end up pushed or baffled is on the grounds that we here and there work for significant lots without taking a break. It is imperative to realize how to registration with athlete or player periodically for the duration of the day or amid a high-power preparing time. The registration can pause for a moment or two or last considerably more, similar to ten minutes. The thought is to check the body for strain and take some great full breaths and breathes out to help loosen up the body and brain.

Wrist Flexing and Proprioception

Definition/ discussion

Table tennis is a sport which require movement of all body parts namely the feet, head, waist, abdominals, knees, arms and, most importantly, the wrist. It is a sport where the playing surface is very small. The board is only nine feet long and five feet wide, leaving each opponent with only four and a half feet on either side with a net of six inches tall in the middle. There’s not much room for error. The ball comes with tremendous speed and spin which will require a great deal of accuracy in the angle of the racket that is controlled by the wrist and also the ball needs to be struck at the right time and level of force in other for the ball to reach the other side of the table. That’s where proprioceptors come into play. It is crucial for the Embry-Riddle student who is training to have considerable control of his or her proprioceptors as it is something we were most likely born with. The student who has more will have the advantage over one who does not. This is an effective strategy for coaches to single-out the students who acquires the true talent for the sport.

Training for a sport can be difficult, but finding the most effective way to do it in limited time is downright challenging. One approach would be to use an audio analyser system done by An et al which identifies the player stroke position, by using a unique technology done Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) using lab-view software (measurement, 2018). The authors divided the racket into four sections; centre, left, right and trail. Each section has a diffident frequency when contacted with the ball. These frequencies are then synchronized and analysed through FFT. Based on those frequencies, the coach can tell where exactly the player is hitting the ball and in what angle with the help of the web camera located on the audio device. This way the player can also see his stroke when playing the shot but also improve timing of the shot and finding the sweet spot on the racket while improving player posture. This is good for Embry-Riddle Table-Tennis Club as it provides feedback in real time. The student is able to see his or her action as the motion is being done allowing the player to see also their mistake from each other’s own point of view. The video can also be saved and viewed for later reference. Another strategy of training that can be looked into is a study which was done by the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, where the authors concluded that specific strengthening exercises with a bucket weight of 60% 1-RM of water, three days per week, will result in having no effect on hand grip strength but a vast increase in wrist flexors and extensor strength (2017). In table tennis, grip strength isn’t much of a factor when playing but wrist flexors are. Grip only deals with how tight one may hold the racket, but wrist flexors and extensor strength plays a huge role in generating spin and adding power to the forehand drive. Increasing the strength of the player extensor increases the player arm muscle. This increase will give the player an upper advantage in the forehand drive. In conclusion both training methods are outstanding, but as for which one would be most effective all depends on how quickly the Embry-Riddle students improve their game play. Will it be the first method which allows the player to see his/her movement and get instant feedback or the second method which enhances muscle strength that is a critical part in creating attacking plays such as the forehand drive.



Different kinds of exercises have been upheld in the neuromuscular preparing after tendon/joint damage. These incorporate isokinetic, isometric, whimsical, coactivation, and responsive muscle actuation exercises (Zzulak et al. 2007).

The majority of these therapies have been utilized after wounds to the knee or shoulder joints, however the terms will presently be disclosed in connection to wrist recovery.

Cognizant Neuromuscular Rehabilitation The isokinetic exercises are most much of the time utilized in proprioception preparing in athletes, as they are anything but difficult to train and evaluate utilizing a business isokinetic exerciser (Zzulak et al. 2007). The term involves a muscle constriction performed at constant angular speed, and is consequently free of level of muscle adequacy and speed. It takes into account a controlled preparing, enhances muscle quality all through joint movement, and advances endurance, however is in certainty very nonphysiologic as it doesn't mirror the genuine day by day exercises of a muscle moving over a joint. Isokinetic preparing exercises have been appeared to improve muscle quality, strong endurance, and in general proprioceptive joint capacities in athletes with ankle, knee, and shoulder insecurities.

Henceforth, in the proprioception restoration of a patient with extraordinary demands on wrist work, that is, an expert athlete or musician, it is probably going to be of significant worth to reinforce proper muscles and take into account a prior come back to preparing (Zzulak et al. 2007). In the normal hand therapy setting, be that as it may, isokinetic exercises are probably going to have a little job in essential wrist proprioception preparing, as it demands uncommon gear and information, just as being both exorbitant and tedious.

Isometric exercise is the point at which a functioning muscle constriction is performed at a fixed joint angle and, hence, with a constant muscle length. As opposed to isokinetic exercises, which are dynamic and all through the range of joint movement, isometric exercises are static and serve to fortify muscles at explicit joint angles (Zzulak et al. 2007). They are, besides, simple to utilize, will rapidly manufacture muscle quality and are the sort of exercise most much of the time utilized in hand therapy preparing after carpal hazards. Curiously, one-sided isometric exercises of the wrist have been appeared to build deliberate muscle initiation respectively, potentially by invigorating the engine cortex and diving neuromuscular control. Henceforth, the isometric exercises seem to have a key job in wrist proprioception re-instruction.

As isometric exercises are performed at explicit joint angles, they can be utilized right on time after medical procedure without the danger of over the top joint movement, advancing early neuromuscular joint control. For instance, a controlled isometric enactment of pronator quadratus in supination and nonpartisan wrist position will serve to balance out the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ), and can be utilized both pre-and postoperatively in patients with triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) wounds.

Training Exercises (Typical exercises)

Wall bounce and pairing exercise

The forehand drive, also referred to as topspin, is the main attacking stroke, and every player is required to demonstrate this ability. A player who masters this form of play will increase the chances of gaining points and would have a greater chance of winning the match. This research compares two training strategies, pairing practice and wall-bounce training strategy which went head on to see which one is most effective for forehand drive. Results have shown that wall-bouncing was dominant; however, this is only the case when it comes to students with strong arm muscle. The research goes on further stating that students with weak arm muscles have greater efficiency in forehand drive when practicing with a pair. This goes on to say that Embry-Riddle students will have to train with either wall-bounce or in pairs depending on their arm strength since doing the wrong exercise will not produce the best outcome for forehand drive.



For tennis players, this progression up as far as wellness can have a significant effect in tennis performance. It's a game that depends on short, sharp runs and constant changes in system. Focussing just on racket strategy won't get the player to the following dimension.

In light of that, here are some basic exercises and readiness bores that the player can fuse into the preparation routine to improve the speed and dexterity on court.

Lateral Line Jumps

Pogo hops are an extraordinary exercise to present toward the start of a plyometric exercise. The exercise basically includes hopping vertically, jumping up utilizing only the ankles.

While the player are noticeable all around, pull the toes up towards the player. Ensure the heel never contacts the ground all through the exercise, keep the knees bolted, keep up straight stance, and endeavor to invest minimal measure of energy in contact with the ground as could reasonably be expected.

Expand the exercise by hopping from side to side.

Plyometric Lunges

The plyometric rush is utilized here to build dangerous power. This exercise includes taking the jump exercise to a far larger amount of force and is testing.

This exercise won't just expand the capacity, it will likewise create solid endurance through the hips and thighs and help to improve the by and large real control and coordination.

Star Jumps

The star hop will enable the player to create control through the middle and improve the vertical bounce. This is ideal for hitting those high shots when the player stall out near the net.

When playing out this exercise, as with the pogo bounces, intend to invest as meager energy in contact with the ground as could reasonably be expected.

Parallel Movement

Begin at the administration line, make three fast horizontal advances and contact the hand to the ground on the last advance, at that point quickly do likewise to one side.

Diminish the measure of ventures to work fundamentally on spend and increment the measure of ventures to concentrate more on endurance and wellness.

In reverse and Forwards

Start on the benchmark, run as quick as the player can to the net and mix in reverse. Play out these dashes at greatest force multiple times and rest for 2-3 minutes before participating in the drill once more.

Preparation before Exercise

It is important to think about that, similarly as with all plyometric or power preparing, the player should set aside some effort to build up a solid center dimension of wellness and generally quality before starting.

Medium to long runs will help build up the sort of wellness and endurance required in an aggressive tennis match. On the off chance that the player are unfit to finish 5-10k keeps running without hardly lifting a finger it is far-fetched that the player have the wellness to prop the player up through an extreme three-set match.

The player will likewise want to have a firm base in quality preparing with the goal that the body is sufficiently adapted to have the capacity to handle the thorough demands of quick course change, bouncing and short runs, also serving and restoring the ball at rapid.


Considerable assessment of the different requests put on game contenders, the dynamic idea of tennis orders refined expectation abilities. The spatial-transient weights that exist in singles tennis rivalries accentuate equivalent significance on player speed and exactness just as execution choices that enable players to control (or even direct) apparently erratic circumstances. In spite of the fact that members furnished with PCST uplifted these capacities over a 1-week time frame, the absence of a subsequent maintenance test makes it hard to determine whether the enhancements watched for the PCST bunch are practically critical learning impacts or simply transient execution impacts. The potential advantages of expanded training periods and proceeded with work on joining these training standards of intrigue are surely justified and may permit proceeded with support and accomplishment for an assortment of senior athletes. Since age-related physical disintegration (e.g., muscles, joints, balance, coordination) makes it increasingly hard to address incorrect developments or make-up moderate reaction speed with "quick feet," a little "wellspring of the playerth" may exist in multidimensional training of perceptual-intellectual abilities. While thinking about that middle of the road tennis players regularly hit shots somewhere in the range of 64 and 120 km/h, which permits just 1,250 to 900 ms for the ball to venture to every part of the length of the court, upgrades in both reaction speed and precision ends up imperative to improving execution. Despite the fact that there are times amid a tennis match when speed or precision may have more prominent significance, by and large, tennis players (in fact, all players) will essentially profit by improved mental briskness and exactness. This is particularly the situation for athletes with psychological impedances, also the individuals who experience the ill effects of physical difficulties. In any case, for those examinations that have battled with investigating both reaction speed and precision, future investigations may think about whether members are reacting precisely amid a predetermined time window that is esteemed key to the effective execution on a specific preliminary.

Also, the discoveries (a) bolster the utilization of multidimensional perceptual-intellectual expertise securing with senior tennis players; (b) show the transference of perceptual abilities training to constant, focused singles coordinate play; and (c) loan support for the compensatory impacts of perceptual training on mellow, age-related decreases in psychological working. Surviving exploration on psychological maturing demonstrates that even sound more established grown-ups endure bargained subjective working. Our discoveries give introductory signs that unavoidable psychological shortages can be limited or defeat through multidimensional perceptual-intellectual training. Further, we are idealistic that our outcomes may potentially be stretched out past game to other execution settings. Grown-ups may discover such training gainful in different workplaces, at home, and amid ordinary exercises.

Based on the recommendations and observations, it is highly recommended to focus on proprioceptive training as it is highly essential for boosting the capability of an efficient tennis player belonging to the Embry-Riddle Table Tennis Federation Club preparing for NCTTA that is within one year.

Given the importance of proprioception for engine control, it has been contended that therapies planning to reestablish engine work after damage should concentrate on preparing the proprioceptive sense. Various mediations guarantee to establish a type of proprioceptive preparing that improves proprioception and helps engine recuperation. Lamentably, there is little understanding of what really establishes proprioceptive preparing, which might be somewhat owed to the way that there are different definitions for the term proprioception. Comprehensively characterized, proprioception alludes to the cognizant consciousness of body and appendages and has a few distinct properties: uninvolved movement sense, dynamic movement sense, appendage position sense, and the feeling of greatness (Sekir et al. 2008). Nonetheless, it has for some time been set up that proprioception has an oblivious part in which proprioceptive signs are utilized for the reflexive control of muscle tone and the control of stance that has for some time been perceived. So as to distinguish between the cognizant and oblivious preparing of proprioceptive afferents it has been proposed to allude to kinesthesia as the cognizant impression of appendage and body position and movement and to save the term proprioception for alluding to the oblivious handling of proprioceptive data. Be that as it may, this distinction isn't without issues, in light of the fact that the term kinesthesia has additionally been utilized to show movement sense in distinction to position sense.

Perceiving that the preparing of proprioceptive signs has cognizant and oblivious parts infers that the accessible strategies for surveying proprioceptive capacity may just address one of the two parts of proprioception. For evaluating the perceptual part of proprioception, psychophysical limits speak to the best quality level (Moezy et al. 2008). Also, deciding a joint position mistake while coordinating the situation of two homologous appendages (e.g., two arms), is the most effectively gained proportion of proprioceptive capacity and basic in clinical practice. For deciding the commitment of proprioceptive signs for balance control, many biomechanical measures have been utilized, for example, latencies and amplitudes of electromyographic signals, joint kinematics or energy, or factors demonstrative of the postural influence of the body's focal point of mass. Concerning proprioceptive preparing this means a mediation concentrating on preparing the proprioceptive sense may prepare one or the two parts of proprioception, that is, the cognizant perceptual or the oblivious or verifiable sensorimotor angle.

Further, it should be viewed as that proprioception is firmly connected to development (Moezy et al. 2008). Not at all like faculties, for example, trthe playert, where, for instance, contribute observation can be prepared the nonattendance of appendage or body development, proprioception requires development. In this way, while assessing the viability of an intercession to improve proprioception, it might be hard to isolate the tactile from an engine part of preparing. Truth be told, one can contend that any type of engine learning is related with proprioceptive preparing and in this manner may prepare proprioception. On the off chance that one buys in to such wide elucidation of proprioceptive preparing, the obtaining of engine aptitudes, even those that are normally seen to be visuomotor errands, for example, going after articles or tossing darts, establish a type of proprioceptive preparing. We would contend that such a wide meaning of proprioceptive preparing isn't useful while tending to engine shortages that are known to be related with proprioceptive brokenness. Realizing that engine learning is intrinsically multisensory, it ends up difficult to discern if enhancements in the keenness or affectability of at least one methodology, for example, proprioception or vision added to upgrades in engine performance, or whether changes in multisensory or sensorimotor coordination are dependable. Subsequently, so as to pick up an understanding of the adequacy of proprioceptive preparing, there should be a typical understanding of what establishes proprioceptive preparing.


Chandler, T. J. (1995). Exercise training for tennis. Clinics in sports medicine, 14(1), 33-46.

Williams, A. M., Ward, P., Knowles, J. M., & Smeeton, N. J. (2002). Anticipation skill in a real-world task: measurement, training, and transfer in tennis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 8(4), 259.

Mamassis, G., & Doganis, G. (2004). The effects of a mental training program on juniors pre-competitive anxiety, self-confidence, and tennis performance. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 16(2), 118-137.

Knobloch, K., Spies, M., Busch, K. H., & Vogt, P. M. (2007). Sclerosing therapy and eccentric training in flexor carpi radialis tendinopathy in a tennis player. British journal of sports medicine, 41(12), 920-921.

Baca, A., & Kornfeind, P. (2006). Rapid feedback systems for elite sports training. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 5(4), 70-76.

Reid, M., & Schneiker, K. (2008). Strength and conditioning in tennis: current research and practice. Journal of Science and medicine in Sport, 11(3), 248-256.

Daw, J., & Burton, D. (1994). Evaluation of a comprehensive psychological skills training program for collegiate tennis players. The Sport Psychologist, 8(1), 37-57.

Sekir, U., Yildiz, Y., Hazneci, B., Ors, F., Saka, T., & Aydin, T. (2008). Reliability of a functional test battery evaluating functionality, proprioception, and strength in recreational athletes with functional ankle instability. European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 44(4), 407-415.

Moezy, A., Olyaei, G., Hadian, M., Razi, M., & Faghihzadeh, S. (2008). A comparative study of whole body vibration training and conventional training on knee proprioception and postural stability after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. British journal of sports Medicine, 42(5), 373-385.

Zazulak, B. T., Hewett, T. E., Reeves, N. P., Goldberg, B., & Cholewicki, J. (2007). The effects of core proprioception on knee injury: a prospective biomechanical-epidemiological study. The American journal of sports medicine, 35(3), 368-373.

Subject: English

Pages: 10 Words: 3000


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Whatever It Takes to Get A College Degree

Education has become an important and basic element for survival in the 21st century and every human being needs education as much as they need oxygen for life. Because it gives people the knowledge and makes them skilful in this competitive world. Its importance has taken a rise in the recent time and American being a developed first world country, has been putting a lot of efforts in its education sector. For the last many years, it has opted and implements several policies for the improvement of education. America has now some of the best and renown institutions in the world and leading in the game of higher education competition. The government has made education compulsory for all its citizens and has provided the best version of educational policies which do not only encourage students to get their schooling done but also push them to get a college degree. There are large aspects of reasons why this culture has taken strong root in America but it has now become a bitter reality of American society. pressuring students to get a college degree has become a normal practice and a culture where students are required to get into college at any cost. This is made some people choose some illegal ways to get their children in the most prestigious institution whereas their kids do not fulfil the criteria of these institutions. They are involved in illegal activities for the admission of their kids because of societal and cultural pressure. They want their kids to be referred to as elite class people and want their future to be secured. They are compelled to go along with the expectations of the society and the elite culture they are living in.

Education is an important factor in why countries develop so fast and in the case America much of attention has been given to the education sector to get the perfect version of educational institutions. It is a continuous process and does finish with an ending but somehow the actual period for getting education stats with schools and continue till university. An analysis will be given to the part of the college in this paper as it involves several unexpected activities from the last many years. Having a college degree is such an important step in life that it has now become the basic and necessary part of “American Dream”. It may not be easy to get into a college, get a job, buy a house or raise a family but these all are connected to a college education because having a college degree means opening all the opportunities in life. It not only prepares one intellectually but also socially for the life one wants to live and for the career.

There are several benefits of college education better pay, higher-skilled jobs and according to some researches, it leads to overall happiness and stability. But there are differences among colleges as they are ranked according to the education system. Not all the colleges in America can be compared with one another and some of these colleges hold a better position in the country and are named with some of the worlds prestigious colleges. Everyone wants their kids to be admitted in such exceptional prestigious institution because this way the would be able to maintain their status in the society. mostly people won't look at the disadvantages of being involved in illegal activity and are only concerned about the future of their children’s who would be labelled as someone who very intelligent and it will maintain their societal or cultural dilemma of status. All they think about is money because earning more money is a driving force behind this activity as studies have shown that students with college degrees earn more money than school graduates. College graduates earn an average of fifty thousand dollars a year as compared to the high school graduates who earn thirty thousand dollars a year. The second foremost reason of getting into prestigious colleges is for better career opportunities because a college degree is the most common and easy way to a better career. This means if you are in a good college then it will not be difficult to get access to all the best and unexpected opportunities that are not always available for common people. The employment and career opportunities are shrinking in today’s economy and a large majority of graduates are ready to work on low pay jobs ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"LsWgAaet","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Loveless)","plainCitation":"(Loveless)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":398,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/RRXWPNE5"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/RRXWPNE5"],"itemData":{"id":398,"type":"webpage","title":"Benefits of Earning a College Degree","abstract":"Explore the many benefits of earning a college degree, including higher pay, job security and better career opportunities.","URL":"https://www.educationcorner.com/benefit-of-earning-a-college-degree.html","author":[{"family":"Loveless","given":"Becton"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,24]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Loveless).

Recently according to a federal indictment, wealthy people along with Hollywood actresses, coaches and college prep executives were being accused of a nationwide fraud of getting a student into the prestigious universities ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"q34SyhkR","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Medina et al.)","plainCitation":"(Medina et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":392,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/IA929YX3"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/IA929YX3"],"itemData":{"id":392,"type":"article-newspaper","title":"Actresses, Business Leaders and Other Wealthy Parents Charged in U.S. College Entry Fraud","container-title":"The New York Times","section":"U.S.","source":"NYTimes.com","abstract":"A sprawling federal investigation accuses 50 people of involvement in a scheme to get undeserving students into major American universities.","URL":"https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/12/us/college-admissions-cheating-scandal.html","ISSN":"0362-4331","language":"en-US","author":[{"family":"Medina","given":"Jennifer"},{"family":"Benner","given":"Katie"},{"family":"Taylor","given":"Kate"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,12]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,24]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Medina et al.). This scandal has two major parts that said that parent paid a handsome amount to the college so that the authority could take tests on behalf of the students or they could just correct their answers. The second part of the scandal includes bribery that colleges took to help students to get into college regardless of their abilities. These colleges made fake athletic profiles for these students to show them as a successful athlete. They opt a corruptive method of getting into elite college admission through their wealth. For example, a high school boy was falsely labelled as someone who has a learning disability and who can only attempt the test under the supervision of a proctor who helped him in getting a high score after taking fifty thousand dollars from his parents. The allegations also underlined that admission to college has become so competitive that some have tried to break the rules. According to the authorities, parents of some of the richest and most privileged students in the country wanted to buy places for their children at top universities, cheating not only the system but also taking the positions of deserving and hardworking students.

Several reasons are behind theses corrupt and illegal ways of admission and one of those reasons is the societal culture or societal pressure of getting a college degree. People especially the rich people have set up a specific image in the society and somehow, they must maintain there this image. It is hard for them to show the true image of their children who are not good enough to pas the standardized test or not qualifies enough to get into any prestigious university. The actresses were involved in the admission scandal proves that how much famous are worried about the future of kids along with their stud in society. they give this message that their kids are hardworking and are deserved enough to get admission in any of America’s top university. They want their kids to be their partners in the omg run competition of high status. They do it by giving a lot of donations to colleges like one of the parents paid 1.2 million dollars to get her kid into Yale university ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Lau6PZJk","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Westover)","plainCitation":"(Westover)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":385,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/ZWEXZJ64"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/ZWEXZJ64"],"itemData":{"id":385,"type":"article-newspaper","title":"Is College Merely Helping Those Who Need Help Least?","container-title":"The New York Times","section":"Books","source":"NYTimes.com","abstract":"Higher education was meant to be a great equalizer. Paul Tough’s “The Years That Matter Most” suggests that colleges and universities are exacerbating inequality, not reducing it.","URL":"https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/11/books/review/the-years-that-matter-most-paul-tough.html","ISSN":"0362-4331","language":"en-US","author":[{"family":"Westover","given":"Tara"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2019",9,11]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,24]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Westover). Likewise, some parents paid bout twenty-five million dollars to coaches so that they can designate their kids as athletes to ensure their admission in the college. According to the New York Times, a family must pay a donation of ten million dollars to inspire an admission committee. This way the committee can take a second look at their child.

A college degree for the wealthy people is a trait that is necessary to get certain recognition because it’s the degree that shows how educated a person is and the degree decide whether the person fits in a specific circle. The parents of such kids make sure that their kids go to the best institutions and avail all the opportunities or resources of the institutions that are otherwise not possible. They try their best to engage them in something they do not deserve. Getting an education is good and getting education from the best university is even better but one should not make this a very hard decision just for the sack of children. There are more deserving candidates waiting to get into these prestigious institutions and they want to learn. Instead of opting illegal means for admission, the parents should focus on academic life as they need more attention in that. If can pay millions of dollars on college admission than they can provide their kids with the best tutors and this can make their job easy as parents. This cultural and societal pressure of getting into college would only make the situation worse and much difficult for the deserving candidates. So, it is important to spend more money on learning of children than on the illegal ways of getting admissions.

Work cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Anderson, Jenny. “America’s Top Colleges Are Not the Engines of Social Mobility They Say They Are.” Quartz, https://qz.com/1706334/college-admissions-are-a-game-that-still-favors-rich-over-poor/. Accessed 24 Nov. 2019.

Differences in Cultural Expectations and Styles | Educational Psychology. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/educationalpsychology/chapter/differences-in-cultural-expectations-and-styles/. Accessed 24 Nov. 2019.

Loveless, Becton. Benefits of Earning a College Degree. https://www.educationcorner.com/benefit-of-earning-a-college-degree.html. Accessed 24 Nov. 2019.

Medina, Jennifer, et al. “Actresses, Business Leaders and Other Wealthy Parents Charged in U.S. College Entry Fraud.” The New York Times, 12 Mar. 2019. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/12/us/college-admissions-cheating-scandal.html.

“The Importance of Continuing Education for Your Future.” People’s Alliance for Continuing Education, 21 Sept. 2016, http://paceorg.net/the-importance-of-continuing-education.

Times, The New York. “College Admissions Scandal: Your Questions Answered.” The New York Times, 14 Mar. 2019. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/14/us/college-admissions-scandal-questions.html.

Timsit, Annabelle. “A New Scandal Shows Some US Parents Taking Extreme Measures to Avoid College Costs.” Quartz, https://qz.com/1678111/a-new-college-admission-scandal-involves-a-financial-aid-loophole/. Accessed 24 Nov. 2019.

Westover, Tara. “Is College Merely Helping Those Who Need Help Least?” The New York Times, 11 Sept. 2019. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/11/books/review/the-years-that-matter-most-paul-tough.html.

Wiliams, Jeffery. How College Is Helping to Create a Class Divide in America (Essay) | Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2016/07/11/how-college-helping-create-class-divide-america-essay. Accessed 24 Nov. 2019.

Wong, Alia. “Why the College-Admissions Scandal Is So Absurd.” The Atlantic, 12 Mar. 2019, https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2019/03/college-admissions-scandal-fbi-targets-wealthy-parents/584695/.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Whatever The Site You Choose

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Too screen time for kids of how it makes them less active

DeNisco, Alison. "Rethinking edtech amid parent concerns over screen time." District Administration, Jan. 2019, p. 21. Academic OneFile, http://link.galegroup.com.ezproxy.library.astate.edu/apps/doc/A570439115/AONE?u=akstateu1&sid=AONE&xid=af1d3f96.

The authors belonged to the administration department catering to the district affairs. School administration department and teachers are direct audiences of the author. The work addresses schools taking into account that efforts are made to reduce the screen time for the school students in accordance with the parent's group. The work is directly related to my topic because it addresses the dilemma that more screen time is making children less active. It has been highlighted that there is a difference between actual screen time and academic screen time; however, initiatives are taken to reduce screen time and engage students in other activities. There is no prominent limitation. However, the work is well researched. All the facts and figures are clearly illustrated with a clear background. In other article, there is no information related to the use of screens in school; rather a generalized context is depicted. Certain steps are given that can ensure adequate physical health of a child.

Too much screen time prevents young tots from meeting healthy movement guidelines. (2017, Nov 20). PR Newswire Retrieved from https://ezproxy.library.astate.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.library.astate.edu/docview/1966050478?accountid=8363

The research work is done by a group of researchers at the University of Alberta who belonged to the Department of Public Health. Parents and caregivers are the specified audience. The article reflects the bibliography topic by inferring that increased screen time has reduced the actual and bodily movement of children, making them victim of disease. As parents and caregivers are addressed specified version of steps are mentioned that should be practiced in order to keep children physically fit. It is being inferred that restoration of physical activity can act as an integral approach to prevent children from chronic disease and impart healthy living. The information is well-researched, taking into account that, there is a limitation of knowledge a broader context of efforts to reduce screen time is not included, and addition of certain strategies must have made research more informative. The above article addresses the use of screens and information technology in the realms of academics; the context of article is specified to education.

Work Cited

DeNisco, Alison. "Rethinking edtech amid parent concerns over screen time." District Administration, Jan. 2019, p. 21. Academic OneFile, http://link.galegroup.com.ezproxy.library.astate.edu/apps/doc/A570439115/AONE?u=akstateu1&sid=AONE&xid=af1d3f96.

Too much screen time prevents young tots from meeting healthy movement guidelines. (2017, Nov 20). PR Newswire Retrieved from https://ezproxy.library.astate.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.library.astate.edu/docview/1966050478?accountid=8363

Subject: English

Pages: 28 Words: 8400

When Is Military Force Justified

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



When is Military force justified

Military force is justified when there is a threat of War on one's border. A country has the right to use their military force if they were having threats that someone will attack them. Military forces fight for the safety, freedom, and happiness of people of their country. They put their lives on the line and die fighting for the country. Military forces can be called up when the sovereignty of the country is threatened, or any casualty happens due to the violation of conventional international laws, however, if the country uses military force in such situations that often creates a more worse situation for them (Private writing. n.p).

The United States is one of the countries who had to use their military forces in many situations throughout its history. However, usage of military forces should be accepted by the legislative branch of government, and the cause for war must be based on genuine fact. Military forces can also be utilized when a country uses military resources that are unconventional against their people or their rivals. For example, when Syrian air force used unconventional weapons against their own people who caused thousands of injuries and deaths, President Obama's decision to ask the authority of Congress to strike was justified. However, the allegations against the president of Syria was later proved false (The Odyssey Online. n.p).

Military force is also justified when a powerful country threatens or attacks a less powerful country. For example, After the attack of September 11, 2001, united states used its forces against al Qaida in Afghanistan. In 2003, the US went to war against Iraq under the wrong allegations that Saddam Hussein is a terrorist and he had acquired weapons which can cause massive destruction (The Odyssey Online. n.p). However, in this situation use of military forces caused some severe consequences for the united states because such conflicts usually get prolong with time and make the situation even worse for the country. United state is not only the country who have used their military forces to attack a less powerful country, but Russia has also done that in the past (Private writing. n.p).

Military forces must not be used for fighting a war of personal conflicts. A political solution is always the best option for the countries instead of war because it helps in resolving the conflict between two parties without causing any casualty. The use of military forces can only be justified when there is no political solution between the two countries, and the last option is to declare war. Every country has its own way of solving their problems because one country cannot understand the issues of the other country. However, war is not the solution to every problem and countries should avoid the use of military forces when they are not necessary to use. There are many other solutions except war which countries should consider before going for war. People can only desire for the world with no war. However, it is challenging to happen (Private writing. n.p).

Works Cited

"When Is Military Force Justified? | Privatewriting." privatewriting.com. N. p., 2016. Retrieved from https://www.privatewriting.com/blog/when-is-military-force-justified

"When Is The Use Of Military Force Justified?." The Odyssey Online. N. p., 2016. Retrieved from https://www.theodysseyonline.com/use-of-the-military-force-conflict-combat-america-2016-civil-war-in-syria

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Where Sweatshops Are A Dream

Where Sweatshops are a Dream




Where Sweatshops are a Dream

An American journalist named, Nicholas D. Kristof authored an opinion article in the New York Times, which was entitled as “Where sweatshops are a dream.” The article was published in the year 2009. In this particular article, the author has talked about the importance of working in the sweatshops for the poor population of Phnom Penh, which is one of the most deprived areas of East Asia. The sweatshops are considered an exploiting mean of production, in which the labor force is not provided with better facilities, and they are also exploited by making them work for the long hours. However, the population of the area is so much poor and deprived that they dream of working in the sweatshops. They consider it a big opportunity of making a difference in their lives. The author may have utilized the rhetorical sources like ethos, pathos in order to motivate the target audience; however, it actually depicts the poor conditions in which humanity is forced to survive (Kristof, 2009).

The author has talked about the poor conditions in which people of Phnom Penh are forced to live their lives. He has explained in his article that the poor people of the area dream of working in the sweatshops, instead of living their lives sorting the waste and dumps of the society. The author has utilized the metaphors in the article in order to shed light on the severity of the condition. He mentioned that “The miasma of toxic stink leaves you gasping, breezes batter you with filth, and even the rats look forlorn (Kristof, 1).” The author stressed that the area is full of filth which has polluted the air and the people are forced to breathe that same air. Moreover, the children in the area work hard to find the recyclable glasses in the dump and sale them in order to earn some money.

The author has used the rhetorical elements in his article to get the attention of his readers. He incorporated pathos by mentioning the details about the struggle of children to find recyclables. The author has also incorporated ethos in the article by providing the details about a little girl who lost her hand, as the dump truck passed over her. The area is so much full of filth that the dump trucks are not able to differentiate between filth and a living person present in that filth. In addition to it, the author has used the element of logos by stressing the fact that more and more sweatshops should be established in the area, in order to provide an opportunity of improving the living standards for these people.

The intended audience of the article by the author was Obama and his government, who were working for the rights of the labors. The author tried to get the attention of the government towards the point that they should establish the production companies in the poor areas like the one described in the article because it is the sole opportunity of progress for that population. The people do not want to spend their lives while sorting the dump; however, there are not enough sweatshops which would employ them. The author has perfectly organized the information and presented the evidence as well, which adds meaning to his claims (Snyder, 2010).

Kristof has presented the details about the unhygienic conditions in which the people of East Asia are forced to live their lives, due to poverty. He has used the elements of ethos, pathos, and logos in his article to make it more impressive and impactful for the readers. Moreover, he has addressed the government of Obama to take a stand against the issue and play his role in improving the situation.


Kristof, N. D. (2009). Where sweatshops are a dream. The New York Times, 15.

Snyder, J. (2010). Exploitation and sweatshop labor: Perspectives and issues. Business Ethics Quarterly, 20(2), 187-213.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

White Privilege

Name of Student

Name of Professor

Name of Class

Day Month Year

White privilege

Privilege is another name of freedom. Everyone wants freedom, but not everyone gets it. People work day and night, fight with the world to get the privilege. However, at times this privilege proves harmful for the human. Since the ancient days, men possessed privilege over women. A lot of movements from feminist took place in the past, but the reality is, men are still dominating the world. Men do not want to talk about their privilege. Besides, men privilege which is quite acceptable by our society, there exists another privilege called white privilege. White privilege is difficult to combat as white people do not want to talk about it. Also, they do not find or observe this privilege ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"NeR7wclZ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---White-Privilege-Essay-Mcintosh.Pdf})","plainCitation":"(Huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---White-Privilege-Essay-Mcintosh.Pdf)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":143,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/3P2V7E6D"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/3P2V7E6D"],"itemData":{"id":143,"type":"article","title":"huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---white-privilege-essay-mcintosh.pdf","URL":"http://www.docs.writing4money.com/uploads/orders/huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---white-privilege-essay-mcintosh.pdf","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,19]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---White-Privilege-Essay-Mcintosh.Pdf). For them, everything is balanced. The main argument is that white people are doing almost nothing for racism, a disease which can kill the whole society. Without the initiatives taken by white people, racism cannot be eliminated from society.

An incidence of racism was recorded in America where nineteen workers filed a lawsuit against the employer. The owner of United Parcel Service facility and some of the higher management were involved in encouraging the culture of racism. The employees who were black claimed that they had been humiliated by the managers and management of the company. They hung two noses and monkey dresser above their desks — this latest news indicating the contemporary mentality of the American. White privilege enables them to humiliate and harass minorities.

White people have learned another context of white privilege. They see racism as an act which creates a disadvantage for the others. They do not see racism as the advantage that they are getting because of their white color. Therefore, white privilege is like an unearned asset which they can freely use without the fear of being finished. The white privilege starts directly from the school. White children get much more advantage than the other children. Unknowingly, schooling makes an innocent white child as an oppressor. When this child passes the school and enters into the college life or professional life, he already becomes a grown up with white privilege as an invisible weightless Knapsack. The news of lawsuit is the example as the oppressors are not only the white people, but they are highly educated, working on the higher posts. This case raises the question over the educational system of America. Education is necessary to develop a good personality of the children, but cases like the United Parcel Service facility shows the failure of the educational system.

Another aspect of the racism that people easily justify is predominantly religious personalities or white churches. White church's religious personalities do not find anything to talk about racism with their people. They believe that unless people do not perform any racist action, there is no need to highlight the issue. Therefore, it can be estimated that for white churches, racism is the act which gives harm to others. As common people, they also do not see anything wrong in the privilege or dominance of white people over other race and religion. A lot of myths have been developed to justify white privilege. The first one is the most crucial that is "racism is not our problem." The religious people follow this myth and believe that their community which has strong faith in Christ cannot be a racist. However, the reality is people may have strong faith. They may not perform any racist crime. Still, they can be a racist through their nature of being dominant and getting an advantage through their moral will. Therefore, religious personalities who can do a lot for the elimination of racism from society are not ready to see racism within the positive attitude of the white people ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"9JVUK9zz","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---White.Pdf})","plainCitation":"(Huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---White.Pdf)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":142,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/HTYPDKAQ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/HTYPDKAQ"],"itemData":{"id":142,"type":"article","title":"huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---white.pdf","URL":"http://www.docs.writing4money.com/uploads/orders/huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---white.pdf","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,19]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---White.Pdf). They link racism from the bad deed or acts casting negative impacts. These personalities can highlight the role of racism from the positive frame of life. For instance, a white person can go anywhere to the country and live freely then why not the Latina or Asian can move freely within the country. It's been years, white people have benefited from the social and religious personalities are directly or indirectly justifying their people.

The situation where white privilege is becoming the part of society, and white people are doing nothing for it, black people or people from other race should take the step. It is not necessary to get your rights through violence; peaceful strategies can also bring revolutions. The main problem with the races other than white people is they do not understand their rights and moral values. In many past incidents happened where white privilege caused the hurdles and problems for other people like discrimination and hate crime. Still, people do not raise their voices. The sad reality is that they prefer not to raise voice against oppression. With so many white privileges, people have made their mind as white privilege is the natural phenomena. They have the right to dominate society. No one can get a change unless he wants a change. The mentality of the people is accepting the fact of white privilege and people from other communities are adjusting themselves in the society of damaged culture. When a child sees a society with low moral values, fewer opportunities, and discrimination, as a permanent practice, he would grow up with the same practices. With time white child adopts his privilege, and other children get used to the injustice from the society. This is a detrimental practice because no one will be leaving their privilege unless the people who deserve a balanced life raise their voice. Many cases of racism do not come into the account because people hide them and feel fear to talk about it. They feel oppressed and helpless but as the lawsuit case of United Parcel Service facility indicates that minorities are getting awareness about their moral values and rights, but the behavior and attitude of white people are still questionable.

Another adverse impact of racism can be noticed in law enforcement. The law enforcement institute declares racism as a crime and against the law. Still, in many ways laws are enabling the culture of racism. Lastly, the role of technology is vital for the betterment of the society. With the advancement in technology, no incidence of racism can be hidden from the eye of the people. News channels have more freedom than before, and they are covering the issue of racism very positively. Especially the social media platforms where videos of policemen killing black people and white persons beating black people get viral within hours. When more people get involved and know about the incidence, it pressurizes the law enforcement authority to take action ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"8u8Xw1Lc","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Race, Religion And Confronting Majority Privilege\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(“Race, Religion And Confronting Majority Privilege”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":144,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/NKUZ4TAK"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/NKUZ4TAK"],"itemData":{"id":144,"type":"webpage","title":"Race, Religion And Confronting Majority Privilege","container-title":"Americans United for Separation of Church and State","abstract":"Just before coming to Americans United, and after years of work in nonprofits, law, advocacy and coalition-building, I dedicated myself to learning about and working to dismantle racism and white privilege.","URL":"https://www.au.org/church-state/april-2018-church-state-magazine/perspective/race-religion-and-confronting-majority","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,19]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Race, Religion And Confronting Majority Privilege”).

Therefore, it can be concluded that racism is a crucial problem in America. The incidence of the United Parcel Service facility Company indicates that people in contemporary time are living with the old mentality. Racism cannot be eliminated from society unless white people take the initiative. The bottom line is that racism shows the weaknesses of the educational system, white churches, politics, and law enforcement institute. However, it is people who have to modify themselves then only the institutions and society will be able to change.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---White.Pdf. http://www.docs.writing4money.com/uploads/orders/huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---white.pdf. Accessed 19 Mar. 2019.

Huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---White-Privilege-Essay-Mcintosh.Pdf. http://www.docs.writing4money.com/uploads/orders/huq33aihujro2o8hmk6o3u3ru3---white-privilege-essay-mcintosh.pdf. Accessed 19 Mar. 2019.

“Race, Religion And Confronting Majority Privilege.” Americans United for Separation of Church and State, https://www.au.org/church-state/april-2018-church-state-magazine/perspective/race-religion-and-confronting-majority. Accessed 19 Mar. 2019.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Whitman Poetry

Whiteman Poetry

Taylor Chiasson

Whiteman Poetry


Herman Melville’s poems give an idea of self- centralism and persuasions. His beliefs and ideas have remained too narrow when it comes to talking or writing about a certain phenomenon. In his writings, he pursues a personal struggle, which he believes had made himself- appealing and anxious. In his different masterpieces, he had taken, a self- centric approach to create an image for many of his followers, who still enjoy reading his poetry. Another aspect of Melville’s poetry is the use of imaginations and mythologies, to open up the concepts of religion over his readers. By introducing Darwin’ theory of evolution, by referring to the world as a machine, and by introducing God as a watchmaker, Melville has attempted to ease the understanding of religion, for those who find it inquisitive. From his writings, it is very observable, that Melville was prognosticator, forecaster and above all an unmatchable writer. The following paragraphs will analyze Melville’s use of mythology, religion and historical referencing in his poems.


In his poem the Portent, Melville introduces, the image of a body, who is hanging from a beam ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"RygGJ3rr","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Melville 1924, 47)","plainCitation":"(Melville 1924, 47)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":601,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/XSE232YR"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/XSE232YR"],"itemData":{"id":601,"type":"book","publisher":"Constable","source":"Google Scholar","title":"The Works of Herman Melville","volume":"16","author":[{"family":"Melville","given":"Herman"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1924"]]}},"locator":"47","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Melville 1924, 47). This imagery of a body and its shadow speaks about many different things happening in the slave society of that time. Melville has portrayed that body, as the body of a slave, which has faced the ruthlessness of the society. After, when he is hanged, there are different dark societal traits, which becomes apparent under the shadow of his dead body. The hanging body is posing a dark image of the society, which so many around do not see, Melville has attempted to explore anguish among the slave population of that time. When this slave was hanged, his hood pulled over his head, which Melville believes is that darkness, which has taken over the causes of other abolitionists. This mythological relation of the body, his hood, the shadow and the society at large suggests that Melville had tried to blame the society at large for not showing unity against slavery.

In his other poem, the battle for Mississippi, Melville has used the metaphor of religion for describing a war situation, he experienced in his life ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"le1ScYNu","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Melville 1963, 75)","plainCitation":"(Melville 1963, 75)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":603,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/R8XFP3C8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/R8XFP3C8"],"itemData":{"id":603,"type":"book","publisher":"T. Yoseloff","source":"Google Scholar","title":"The Battle-pieces of Herman Melville: Poems; Edited with Introd. and Notes by Hennig Cohen","title-short":"The Battle-pieces of Herman Melville","author":[{"family":"Melville","given":"Herman"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1963"]]}},"locator":"75","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Melville 1963, 75). As the Battle of Mississippi is famous for winning without conflict in the battlefield, and even without fighting a single bullet, similar is the case of Moses who made the Hebrew slaves free, without a conflict. These metaphoric and religious connotations suggest that the world must give a chance to some non- violent conflict. Many believe that since Melville was a poet from the times, when there was so bloodshed, therefore, he attempted to draw the attention of his readers to solving conflicts in a peaceful manner. Melville ideas about Moses response to slaves remains no different from Admiral David’s strategy of winning the Mississippi river fight without fighting.

Melville poem ‘the released rebel prisoner’ is also another literary illustration of human feelings. Melville exposes different feelings about escape and emissions ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"HtzoL4ip","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Melville, Parker, and Tanselle 2009, 36)","plainCitation":"(Melville, Parker, and Tanselle 2009, 36)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":604,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/EZYLSI73"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/EZYLSI73"],"itemData":{"id":604,"type":"book","publisher":"Northwestern University Press","source":"Google Scholar","title":"The Writings: Published poems: Battle pieces; John Marr; Timoleon","title-short":"The Writings","volume":"11","author":[{"family":"Melville","given":"Herman"},{"family":"Parker","given":"Hershel"},{"family":"Tanselle","given":"George Thomas"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2009"]]}},"locator":"36","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Melville, Parker, and Tanselle 2009, 36). Melville believes that the human body is also a spirit, which cannot be caged. The human body remains true to its spirit, and there comes a time when this affiliation of body and human spirit becomes successful in breaking the barriers, imposed artificially. This poem of Melville is a complete illustration of human feelings, which he believe become elusive when they are made to feel a certain situation for too long. He has presented his rage against prisoning someone. From mentioning of rebels, he also attempts to justify, another human trait which is anger and annoyance. Throughout his poetry, he has attempted to depict human as not an erroneous creature, yet more pleasing and helping.


There had been many poets in American history who have influenced the human perception about nature and the worldly environment. But there are few who have literally changed this perception by referring to human’s ability to interpret things and Melville’s writing depicts that he was one among such influential writers of that time.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Melville, Herman. 1924. 16 The Works of Herman Melville. Constable.

———. 1963. The Battle-Pieces of Herman Melville: Poems; Edited with Introd. and Notes by Hennig Cohen. T. Yoseloff.

Melville, Herman, Hershel Parker, and George Thomas Tanselle. 2009. 11 The Writings: Published Poems: Battle Pieces; John Marr; Timoleon. Northwestern University Press.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Who Are You Calling Underprivileged?

I. Background Information

Natasha Rodriguez, who is the student newspaper editor of the Sarah Lawrence College, admonished the college administrations for labeling students underprivileged (206) on the grounds of race and ethnicity. The prime purpose of her essay, “Who Are You Calling Underprivileged?” is to highlight the difference between the two terms, i.e., underprivileged (206) and in need (206). In this regard, she has maintained her prime focus in the essay on investigating the definition of the label, the causes and both short-term and long-term effects of being categorized as underprivileged (206). For this purpose, she has successfully utilized and maintained a dismayed tone for conveying her confusion and disappointment, i.e., confused (206) and angered (207), on the behavior of the college administrations for assigning such a derogatory labels to students.

II. Thesis Statement

Natasha Rodriguez was negatively labeled (207) as underprivileged (206) on a college financial form. It made her to think and question how she saw herself in the world? (206). In an attempt to answer this question, she investigated the controversial label further, and explored that fact that people should be referred to as underprivileged only if they’re the ones who are calling themselves that” (207). Finally, she reached to the conclusion that people should only be called underprivileged only if they call themselves so” (207). Instead, she recommended the label of student in need (207), which is a much better suggestion to make this world a better place. Primarily, this label works for maintaining peace on the planet due to the fact that it does not affix a particular demographic with a potentially embarrassing or uncomfortable label, i.e., it successfully and peacefully crosses all boundaries.

III. Summary/Description of the Work

Natasha Rodriguez, student newspaper editor of the Sarah Lawrence College, was unfairly labeled as underprivileged on a college financial form based on her ethnicity. She did not like the notion due to the fact that it came to her as a slap, i.e., without her choice and consent. Thus, she investigated the matter on why students were being labeled as underprivileged by the colleges. She came to the conclusion that only the students willing to call themselves as underprivileged must be called so. The remaining students must be labeled as the ones in need, instead. Thus, ethnicity must never be made the ground for calling someone underprivileged.

IV. Interpretation and Evaluation

The organization of the essay is clear and concise. The two-page essay talks about the much deeper topic of the world that is mostly not spoken about. The chronicle of the event have not been dramatized in an attempt to create a particular aura around the topic despite the fact it remains one of the most controversial topics in today’s world. In a similar fashion, the style of the essay is simple and the flow is easy. The readers can easily relate themselves to the events. The flow and content of the essay has made it efficiently effective in raising questions concerning discriminatory behaviors being shown to people on the grounds of ethnicity and race; the questions that had never been answered before, and were taken as a matter of routine such as labeling a student underprivileged in a college financial aid form due to their ethnicity. Natasha Rodriguez has treated the topic very well. Although the appeal has been made to a particular audience, i.e., the college administration but it can be generalized around the globe as well.

V. Conclusion

It is a common misconception that students applying for financial aid in colleges are the ones who are underprivileged particularly if they belong to a particular race or ethnicity. Natasha Rodriguez raised her eyebrow on this, otherwise, matter of routine. Her efforts are appreciable.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Why And How Students At Norther Virginia Community College Should Know About The Impacts Of Climate Change.

Name of Student

Name of Professor

Name of Class

Day Month Year

Why and how students at Northern Virginia community college should know about the impacts of climate change


At the global level, there could be seen various issues and one of the most threatening of them is “Global warming”. With time, drastic change in climate has been witnessed that is threatening. At present human activities are becoming the main reason, why the temperature of earth is rising rapidly. It has become one of the major atmospheric issues and earth is becoming hot with each passing day as it is trapping the sun’s heat. With the increase of temperature, many changes occur at earth i.e. droughts, floods, and intense rain, etc. Change in climate used to take place after decades but for the last few years, climatic changes are taking place drastically i.e. global warming. Global warming is an umbrella term for several environmental issues as it is giving rise to many environmental problems. Natural and human influence both are the factors that are causing a rise in earth’s temperature (Harbour et al, 1-9). Natural causes that are contributing to global warming could not be controlled but the human influence could be mitigated so that global warming could be controlled at its best. Awareness about global warming could be looked upon as a key element because it is important to guide people, how they are influencing the environment and how they could control activities that are negatively affecting the environment. Students could be looked upon as the main source for creating awareness as they could mitigate effect of global warming. Teachers and institutions must organize awareness programs for educating students regarding global warming and techniques for mitigating its effect on human life.


Students must be approached at first hand if there is a need to spread a message. Students of Northern Virginia Community college should be educated about global warming and they must be made aware that climate of the earth is changing because of the human activities that need to be controlled for saving life and environment from its drastic effects. Students are the key figure that could contribute in making others aware, how people could control their activities for saving earth from the negative effects of global warming (Alvermann et al, 128-136 ). Students could bring a positive change in making the environment better and they could arrange seminars and programs for creating awareness. Students must not only make others aware of how they could keep their environment healthy and clean but first-hand, students need to take practical steps on their own and must try to get them out of the activities that are becoming the main cause of climatic change and rising temperature.

History is the witness of the negative impacts that humans casted on the environment and with their activities have polluted the environment that used to be clean years before. Evidence showed that when humans started facilitating themselves more than they needed they got indulged in activities that proved as a termite for a healthy environment. Though there are various pieces of evidence from history that showed how human activities poisoned the environment and Chlorofluorocarbon is one of the key elements that damages the ozone layer and become a reason of global warming (Kim et al, 1-23). Students could bring revolution if they started paying attention to the issue of climatic change and start taking practical steps. Students could strongly fight back climate change by adopting simple things and steps. There are several simple things that students could do for mitigating the effects of global warming. Saving water would also help to lower the rising temperature of the earth.

Students could appreciate a decrease in the use of vehicle and industrial emissions. Student could bring a change by taking some steps and educating about these steps i.e. changing light (bulb) with the compact fluorescent light bulbs that would be saving 150 pounds of the carbon dioxide per year. They could also control carbon dioxide and other poisonous gases by driving less. Driving personal vehicles must be avoided. Students must promote the recycling process as they could save 2400 pounds of the carbon dioxide per year if they are going to recycle even half of their household waste (Snider et al, 290-299). Students could personally avoid the use of the hot water and they could also educate others, how to save nature in its purest form. The use of less hot water by taking cooler and shorter showers would help in saving water. Saving water would help in controlling the rising temperature of the earth. Students must start campaigns for educating people for taking measures that they could practice daily for mitigating the effects of global warming (Jones et al, 68-83). One of the best things that students could do for controlling the temperature of the earth is promoting plantation that would be the best step for encouraging others for the wellness of the environment. Experts believe that even a single tree could absorb one ton of carbon dioxide throughout its life. Habit of less use of electronic devices could be adopted for controlling global warming as well by the students.


Taking a look at the statistics and effects of radically changing climate it has been seen that there are various negative impacts that global warming is casting on human life and earth. Keeping in account this fact that human activities are the main cause of rising temperature of earth it won’t be wrong to say that people, especially students must be educated. Global warming is becoming a threat to all the countries so there is a need to educate people more and more on how they could control their activities that are becoming the real cause of climate change. Students could play an effective role in controlling the temperature that is increasing because of human activities.


Alvermann, Donna E. "The Power of Discourse: cml and The Tantrum that Saved the World." The International Journal of Critical Media Literacy 1.1 (2019): 128-136.

Harbour, Clifford P., and Beverly L. Bower. "Community Colleges in the Anthropocene: A Philosophical Justification for Campus Climate Action Plans." Community College Journal of Research and Practice (2019): 1-9.

Jones, Richard C., and Nazgol Bagheri. "National Warming: An Exercise for World Geography." The Geography Teacher 16.2 (2019): 68-83.

Kim, Kyongseok, and Sun Joo Ahn. "The moderating role of cultural background in temporal framing: focusing on climate change awareness advertising." Asian Journal of Communication (2019): 1-23.

Snider, Anthony G., Shanhong Luo, and Emily Fusco. "Predicting college students’ environmentally responsible behavior from personality, political attitudes, and place attachment: a synergistic model." Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 8.3 (2018): 290-299.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Why Children/people Bully?

Introduction to English – Writing Workshop


Rough Draft #1

Marshall M. Crumpton


Why Children/People Bully?

In the contemporary social age, there exist a wide range of social issues. All these protracted issues have been desecrating the social fabric of society. One of the most common among them is the menace of bullying. Its poison has been circling around our society and today in the world of globalization; it has become the most debatable social topic.

Listening about bullying has become casual nowadays. Taking care of a child that has been bullied should be first priority but it needs to be focused as well that who and what is responsible for children that bully other children? Should the parents be responsible for their children bullying other children, sibling, or teachers? I personally feel that it is the parents’ responsibility to take it in their notice why their child has been bullying others. Moreover, they need to take care of how their child behaves in social circles. There are great chances that those who bully others may have suffered a lot in their rough childhood. The issue starts from their home and the way they are brought up ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"ZJRHMM5z","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf ({\\i{}StopBullying.Gov})}","plainCitation":"(StopBullying.Gov)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1331,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/N4F4AUFI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/N4F4AUFI"],"itemData":{"id":1331,"type":"webpage","title":"StopBullying.gov","URL":"https://www.stopbullying.gov/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,9]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (StopBullying.Gov). It has been observed that whenever a bully is asked and counseled, most of them justify their actions by opening up about their rough past, it is almost like if I don’t win then I am going to hurt some else. They need to acknowledge that they didn’t win because of their mistakes; there is no need to hurt or take down someone else to take revenge. Moreover they need to stop blaming others for their personal issues.

As a parent, one should talk to children about why they make fun of other children and how it can affect the mental health of other children. If more than that is done in the household children will be more careful about what they are saying and doing to other children. The other issue is cyberbullying, which is utterly wrong and the parents should be held responsible for it as well ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"2najPNDw","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf ({\\i{}Bullying Facts - National Bullying Prevention Center})}","plainCitation":"(Bullying Facts - National Bullying Prevention Center)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1333,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/4AXPRMJQ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/4AXPRMJQ"],"itemData":{"id":1333,"type":"webpage","title":"Bullying Facts - National Bullying Prevention Center","URL":"https://www.pacer.org/bullying/resources/facts.asp","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,9]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Bullying Facts - National Bullying Prevention Center). It is parents' responsibility to keep a check on what is going on in the life of their child and they need to monitor the computer of the child all the time. They need to monitor what their child is saying to other children in chats and conversations, by reading in and outgoing emails and limiting who they communicate with. Positive parents and children relationship can eliminate much of this bullying that is done on children today. As a parent positive reinforcement and bonding with open communication helps a lot and tell them that using prohibiting behaviors with other children will be punished by the parent and the parent should tell them that the law enforcers would step in as well. We must have the understanding to know what is bullying. Harmful words or actions break the confidence of a person in society. Learning what bullying means comes with some severe consequences to the abuser and the abused. I was told by a family member who teaches at a school that once she told a parent that their child has been bullying another child, they always denied that their child is not doing such a thing and they taught them not to do such things. Later, she told me that she learned through the child that he was being bullied by their brothers or sisters and their only reaction was to do the same to someone that was just like them, they were afraid to speak up for themselves and that they believe that no one listens to them. .

Learning some of the reason why child bully other children will be a key factor in some of our answers. I would like to explore some of the reasons I came up with such as children with low self-esteem, a child that is easily frustrated and don’t like to obey rules and laws of authority, one that lacks empathy of the others. These are some of the ways that are declared as bullying; physically touch someone to afflict pain to others, gossiping and tell lies on someone, ignoring or taking advantage of someone else’ s personal property, and putting someone down ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"vStmpXOL","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf ({\\i{}Our Bullying Prevention Partners | American Federation of Teachers})}","plainCitation":"(Our Bullying Prevention Partners | American Federation of Teachers)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1335,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/7QD25GUQ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/7QD25GUQ"],"itemData":{"id":1335,"type":"webpage","title":"Our Bullying Prevention Partners | American Federation of Teachers","URL":"https://www.aft.org/our-bullying-prevention-partners","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,9]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Our Bullying Prevention Partners | American Federation of Teachers). Those are some of the types of bullying.

My conclusion is to learn the key signs that a child is bullying someone or is being bullied by someone else; these are the essential focuses to stop children of today’s world and the reasons of severe disorders of mental illness in them. Take some time and talk with your child and see what is making them and angry and assist them with an action plan to control their behavior. Explain to them that being disobedient and defying law authority is not acceptable in today’s society. Check their grades in school and get help if their grades reflect poor results, so that they won’t take their behavior out on someone else. Make sure that they are not hanging around the wrong crowd or doing some illegal drugs which can be a cause of their bad behavior and they become a bully. Consider professional counseling for the child to see what is really going on with that child that is making that child believe that bullying is what they need to do with others. Don’t stop trying to come up with a situation that can help your child. Do whatever it is possible to help your child if he/she has this kind of behavior.

Work cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Bullying Facts - National Bullying Prevention Center. https://www.pacer.org/bullying/resources/facts.asp. Accessed 9 Feb. 2019.

Our Bullying Prevention Partners | American Federation of Teachers. https://www.aft.org/our-bullying-prevention-partners. Accessed 9 Feb. 2019.

StopBullying.Gov. https://www.stopbullying.gov/. Accessed 9 Feb. 2019.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Why College Education Is Important


Professor name



Why a college education is important

A college education is important for many reasons such as better opportunities for employment, financial stability, happy married life and future. The prominent reason for people to acquire a college degree is to get a good job. Bureau of Statistics has revealed that workers with a Bachelor's degree earn more compared to the students with a high-school diploma. Everyone is aspiring to secure their future by findings of appropriate employment. A college education increases the likelihood of getting a job in future. Statistics reveal that students with a college degree earn $1 million more than a worker who is without a post-secondary degree. Investing in college education is important because a person will less likely face unemployment. With a college degree, an individual can have a stable career.

Another reason for completing a college degree is job satisfaction. Studies have determined a positive relationship between a college degree and job satisfaction. individuals after completing college education find better opportunities of employment with better wages that lead to increased satisfaction. Researches have revealed that college degrees allow individuals to attain financial stability. working adults with a college education are 9.4 times more likely to have bank accounts than people with school education. tax refund loan is also paid by workers who acquired college degrees.

The impacts of a college degree are not limited to financial aspects. Sociologists have identified a positive link of college education with marriage life. Adults who complete a college education are more likely to live a happy married life. Their marriages are long-lasting. The research conducted by Pew depicts that women with college degrees are expected to complete at least 20 years of marriage compared to women with high-school degrees only. The people who completed college education are well informed about their health so they are expected to live a healthy life. This is because education gives them an awareness of investing in health insurance and other welfare funds that help them in managing health. They also exhibit healthy lifestyle patterns apparent in their habits of taking vegetables, fruits and milk in diets (Rau et al., 2000). They give more time to fitness and exercise. This reflects the role of education on changing their behaviors towards wellness. Compared to the individuals below college-level education neglect their health which increase the risks of different diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiac problems.

Earning a college degree is important because it boosts the level of happiness. Better financial and socio-economic status contributes to their happiness and wellness. Because they are less likely to remain unemployed or unhealthy, they will stay away from stress or psychological problems. College graduates are well aware of managing their stress such as by adopting coping strategies. They give time to meditation and other physical exercises that help them in calming minds. Individuals who lack college degrees are more likely to be unhappy because of financial insecurity and low wages(Rau et al., 2000). A college education also contributes to the social development of individuals. People who are more educated know how to live in society and interact with others. they exhibit appropriate behaviors that help them in adapting to society.

The benefits of having a college degree are not limited to financial aspects because it covers all domains. People who acquire college degrees earn more, have better employment, are more healthy that leads to a happy life. By using their knowledge and awareness they build a positive personality that helps them in adjusting to society.

Work Cited

Oyserman, Daphna, et al. “School Success, Possible Selves, and Parent School Involvement.” Family Relations, vol. 56, no. 5, 2007, pp. 479–89.

Rau, William, and Ann Durand. “The Academic Ethic and College Grades: Does Hard Work Help Students to" Make the Grade"?” Sociology of Education, 2000, pp. 19–38.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Why Communications Matter And Internal Memo

Geriatric Counseling Cell




This assignment will attempt to document the nature and significance of a community outreach program “Geriatric Counseling Cell” with the targeted audience of elderly population. First, it will be explained that how this program works, then its underlying significance will be discussed. In the end, a sponsored event for uplifting its funding will be explained.

Main body

The distinctive character of human beings is “humanity” that makes them superior to other creatures. His pro-social insight and constructive overview towards society is something innately predisposed and requires practical expression and constant monitoring. The basic purpose behind initiating and maintaining an outreach community program is to serve underserved and deserving individuals with the specified solutions to their particular problems. This program encapsulates various targeted populations with problems having different nature and intensity e.g., mitigating physical and mental disability, opportunities for uplifting their financial conditions and self esteem.

My supposed community outreach program will be “Geriatric Counseling Cell” encompassing elderly population and their emotional, behavioral and cognitive problems. At the end of life stages particularly due to retirement, individual makes a systematic evaluation of his accomplishments and failures. If he finds his life as failure and full of disparities, the outcome is obvious—mental distress and emotional problems. Other than that, fear of being dead soon adds fuel to the fire. Hence, in my view, this population requires a full-fledge professional assistance in multifaceted aspects of its life e.g., personal or family issues. Counseling cells will be situated within the main localities having clinical psychologists and counselors as working employees.

It is quite difficult to manage smooth and regulatory practice with limited financial resources. The fund-raising event will be designed to encourage financial contributions from well-heeled members of society. An annual event “A Step towards Healthy Ageing” will present different elderly speakers for sharing their experiences and how counseling altered their cognitive patterns, perceptions, orientations towards life, decision making power and self-esteem in constructive ways. Elderly population itself will represent its issues and a way towards healing its emotional, behavioral and social problems. In this way, fund raising outcome will become more effective.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Why Cristiano Ronaldo Is Influential For Me

Your Name

Instructor Name

Course Number


Why Cristiano Ronaldo Is Influential for Me?

The world is full of successful people who make us wonder about their identity but we never actually realize that they got there through constant struggles, failures, hard work and dedication. It is a fact that almost every successful individual achieved that position through endless struggle and persistence.

Cristiano Ronaldo has been a great inspiration for me. He is recognized as one of the best footballers in the world. The title of best Portuguese player of all time was conferred on him by the Portuguese Football Federation. He owns four Golden Boots and Golden Balls till now, earning as many titles as possible in his sports career. There are a lot of reasons Cristiano Rolando inspires me; his tale of success is breathtaking. His journey from childhood to where he is now is pretty encouraging.

Early Life

Ronaldo was not brought up in Portugal. He lived in the capital Funchal of a small island Madeira. He was raised in a family of poor background. His mother was a cook while his father did gardening for a living. At the age of 9, he started playing football. His passion for football is nearly indescribable. His classmates used to bully him for coming from a poor family. To earn extra money, his father used to clean lockers. All of this humiliation couldn't discourage him and he kept practicing football.

Teenage Life

He moved to Lisbon, Portugal alone at the age of 11 to become part of Sporting CP which is a football club based in Lisbon. His father developed a liking for alcohol when he was 14 years old and became an addict. At the age of 15, Ronaldo was diagnosed with Tachycardia. Developing a racing heart condition didn’t stop him from pursuing his dream of playing football. His condition was treated by major surgery. Later he joined SCP to begin his senior club career. At the age of 18, he signed a reasonable contract with Manchester United. With his deranged family and a drunk father, he kept struggling to make his way through sufferings and didn't lose hope. At the age of 20, his father passed away due to alcoholism. This incident affected him. He refused to drink alcohol and became the reason his brother quit his drinking habit.

Football Career

He won his first trophy in an England FA Cup. During his presence, Manchester United won 6 titles including 3 Premier Leagues, one UEFA Champions League and one FIFA World Cup. By the age of 22, he had individually received many titles such as Ballon d’Or and Player of the year. He joined Real Madrid in the year 2009 with a transfer worth 94 million dollars. During his career in Real Madrid Club, he won almost 15 trophies and titles, making him the first-class footballer in the World.

Ronaldo as a Humanitarian

Besides making his place among the best footballers in the world, he is considered as a humanitarian and patron all over the world. He has been seen to help troubled people. He paid for the treatment of a boy who was suffering from brain cancer. He raised funds for the education of a tsunami survivor. To construct schools in Gaza, he donated 1.5 million euros by giving away his golden boot. He took two Syrian refugees and offered them work to make them self-sufficient. He refused to get a tattoo because he donates blood regularly.

Although Ronaldo had a difficult life and suffered many difficulties but he refused to give up. Besides his football skills, he is a complete embodiment of kindness, dedication and hard work.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Why Do People Behave In Ways That Are Considered Beyond The Boundaries?


Instructor Name



Why do people behave in ways that are considered beyond the boundaries?

Social expectations and social norms dictate the behavioral patterns of masses and often these practices normalize themselves in the form of social discourse and normative behavior. In the context of America, racial prejudices by White Americans have become a normal behavior against Black Americans. Likewise, African Americans are given inhumane treatment as compared to the White dominant group in America. Racism is a burning issue in American literature as well since it highly affected the sense of Black identity. The novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, highlights the racial mindset of the White majority group and its serious impacts on the lives of the Black minority group. Lee has developed the character of Atticus to show the necessity of breaking social boundaries to help the submissive people in lieu of racial issues in America. Similarly, he acts against the social norms because he wants to set an example for his children to always side with the truth.

Atticus is a lawyer by profession, but most importantly, it is his high sense of morals and principles that motivate him to raise his voice against injustice. In the fictional city of Maycomb, he enjoys the status of a well-established and well-disciplined lawyer. However, people from his own community turn against him when he decides to defend a black man, Tom against the influential White man, Bob Ewell. Similarly, it can be said that the judicial system of America clearly did not protect the civil rights of Blacks since it was highly influenced by the racial stereotypes prevalent in American society. In hindsight, Atticus knows that he is not going to win this case because of the biased judicial system but he stands for the civil rights of Tom. He shows high regard for the services of Calpurnia, the Black nanny of his children. Likewise, in his opinion, social justice and civil liberties are the fundamental rights of every person despite his color and ethnicity. Similarly, Tom Robinson is falsely accused of attempted rape whereas, in reality, Mayella is guilty but she knows about her White privilege. His character stands apart from his community because of his sense of humanity. In a dialogue, he says, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it” (Lee 36). African Americans have suffered a lot in the context of racial prejudices in a so-called liberal American state.

Atticus is a father as well and he believes that these stereotypes are passed on from one generation to another in America. Likewise, he takes extra measures to ensure that his children refrain from developing a prejudiced mindset unlike the people of their community. His parenting style is significant as compared to other characters in the novel since he talks to them in an adult fashion. Moreover, he lets his children explore their surroundings and asks their opinion about it. His daughter, Scout, says in the novel that his father’s most dangerous style of inquiring is direct questions that seek her opinion. Atticus is appreciated by her values by another character Miss Maudie in these words, “Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets” (Lee 25). He lets his children attend the Sunday church proceedings at Calpurnia’s church and trusts her services as a housekeeper and caretaker of his children. In one of his famous dialogues, he advises his children “I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand” (Lee 61). In another instance, he explains the importance of liberty, freedom, and justice to them as “Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” (Lee 93).

In the novel, Atticus appears as a self-righteous man who dares to raise his voice against racism in America but this behavior portrays him as a person who goes beyond the social boundaries. Furthermore, Atticus decides to break social norms and stereotypes because he wants to end Racism and restore justice in America. Likewise, as a father, he wants his children to value humanity over the social systems of racial prejudice and ethnic marginalization.

Work Cited:

Lee, Harper. To kill a mockingbird. Random House, 2010.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Why Do Some People Become Lifelong Readers

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Why Do Some People Become Lifelong Readers

Reading is important as it helps in the mental, emotional, and psychological growth. Every time an individual reads, his knowledge is increased, he learns new things, and he is able to explore new ideas. The article “How some people become lifelong readers” by Joe Pinsker discusses the importance of reading and why some people grow into lifelong readers. He states that the involvement of parents in developing the reading habits of their child holds great importance.

The most interesting part of this article is the description of three variables by Willingham in his book “Raising Kids who Read”, which greatly influence a person to become a lifelong reader. The first variable described by Pinsker is fluent decoding. If a kid is a fluent decoder, he is more likely to become a lifelong reader. He has given a very interesting strategy for making children fluent decoders. The strategy is the use of wordplay. “-especially when that reading involves wordplay, which particularly helps kids with the challenge of identifying the “individual speech sounds” that make up a word.” Good decoding leads to a good comprehension. When a child is able to comprehend easily, he gets a lifetime fluency, a linguist maturity, and a wide vocabulary. The educational institutions help children with this struggle, but parents themselves should try to get involved in this strategy at home as well. They should try to create a shared experience and a positive association in which the child can learn to read on their own.

The second variable is also very interesting that is having a wide background knowledge. It is helpful in understanding of a new text the child is reading. “…make sure their kids have some familiarity with whatever it is they’re reading about.” According to the writer, it should be the aim of parents to provide necessary information about the world. It would make their kids understand the piece of information they are going through. The comprehension of the students also increases, as they are able to relate the text they are reading with the information they carry and they enjoy reading as well. Parents can begin building prior knowledge by categorizing words and teaching them to the kids. They can use analogies, contrasts and comparisons, and multimedia. Parents should build both informational and narrative knowledge of the child so that a firm foundation for learning is built in him.

The third variable presented by Pinsker is of central importance in making a child lifelong reader. Pinsker refers to the book “How to Raise a Reader” by Pamela Paul and Maria Russo, in which Paul states, “the aim is to present reading not as “spinach,” but as “chocolate cake.” Reading should not seem a battle to kids. Parents should keep their child’s interest fixed into the activity of reading. They can themselves take part in reading happily and should try to make reading an exciting activity for the child. The best way to engage the interest of the children in reading is letting them choose the topic for reading. Visuals or pictures are also useful in making them understand and connect the ideas. Storytelling also proves to be a wonderful and lively experience in learning new things and developing interest in reading. Reading should not be imposed as an obligation on the child. It should rather be an experience full of fun, imagination, and creativity. A suitable time and an interesting content to read is very significant for a lifelong reading process. A child should be introduced to every genre be it magazines, novels, factual books, comics and so on.

An exciting bond between the reader and the child creates a happy experience. It leads a child to perform better in all the skills- reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The development of great enthusiasm for reading in a child gives him wonderful hours of pleasure and gaining knowledge. A child who becomes a lifelong reader surely becomes a lifelong learner.

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Pinsker, Joe. "Why Some People Become Lifelong Readers." The Atlantic (2019). <https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2019/09/love-reading-books-leisure-pleasure/598315/>.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

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