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Week 3 Discussion

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Response to how hybrid cars work

Hybrid cars are some of the latest technological advancements that have been made in the recent past. Many people have now become very much interested in the cars and want to know how they work. They also wish to know why the cars are referred to as hybrid. The name hybrid comes from the fact that they are improvements of cars that have existed in the past. Each car that you see on the road might have an improvement later as time goes by. The improvement is what can be termed as a hybrid version of the older one. The manner in which hybrid cars work define the extent to which they will be accepted by people in the market. In the post, you have talked about different aspects of hybrid cars and the manner in which they have contributed to the efficiency on the roads. The big question that one needs to ask is whether the cars have more advantages than the existing one.

One of the good things that I have learned in the post is the fact that hybrid cars can be trusted to last long compared to the other cars. Hybrid cars have good features that enable them to stay for long compared to the cars we have. Depending on how the car is made, they have features that also enable then to reduce the rate of conception of fuel and other things that cars need to operate well. Cars can be very hard to maintain if they do not adapt to our environment. Hybrid cars are made bearing in mind that the cost of living keeps going up. Researchers have come up with cars that can adapt to the environment which makes it easy for them to survive for longer periods than the other normal cars we know. Another good feature that people know about hybrid cars is the fact that they have automatic start up options. Everybody wants a car that can be instructed. For some people, driving is quite tiresome and all they want is to have is a car that engages gears on its own. Such cars have assisted a lot in trying to make the lives of drivers more comfortable.

Another thing that one cannot fail to mention when talking about hybrid cars is the fact that they have the best braking system. People who have used the cars report that the cars can be trusted to reduce the amount of energy used when braking. A lot of energy is always lost when a car is braking. It is sometimes not easy to regain this energy and be used by the car. The post has been very educative and it has taught me aspects about hybrid cars that I did not know.


The cost effectiveness of hydraulic cars

Car enthusiasts have a problem with the rate at which their cars consume fuel. In this description, you will learn about the advantages of hydraulic cars.

Speed: this is one aspect that has saved many people a lot of money. The cars not only save fule consumption but also have the fastest speeds. A person using a hybrid will reach their destination earlier than a person using the normal cars. It is for this reason that many people are now using the hybrid cars.

Ability to save on fuel consumption: when buying a car, one of the things that people will always look at is the fact that they can have access to cars that use less fuel. Everyone wishes to have a car that can make them save some money though they can still the best quality services from the car.





Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Week 3 Discussion

Week 3 Discussion

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Week 3 Discussion

Bias is the preference or the hate towards an individual, a group, or a thing. Biases are often held by individuals, a group or an entire institution (Easterly & Ricard, 2011). There are more negative impacts of bias than positive. Bias can be understood as discrimination towards a race or a particular ethnicity. Furthermore, bias can be aimed towards the age, gender, religion, weight, and sexual orientation along with many other aspects (Easterly & Ricard, 2011). Unconscious bias is the typical stereotyping of a certain group a society by the individuals of the society which takes place without them having a complete awareness of it. For instance, the unconscious bias that was discussed in the TEDx video was that few people would have considered a black pilot greeting them at the gate of the plane (TEDx Talks, 2018). Additionally, even fewer would have imagined a gay couple having dinner at the restaurant (TEDx Talks, 2018). And I am certain that none of the audience members would have thought about a female CEO of a tech company (TEDx Talks, 2018). This tends to show that there are widespread biases, though unconscious, still exist in our society.

After taking the tests, some results shocked me. I undertook the IAT test of weight. During the test when I saw thin people in succession I somehow forgot that there were fat people on the list. Therefore, I entered the wrong key for fat persons. To be clear, I pressed the key not intended for fat persons thinking that only thin people would appear on the list from now onwards. I completely trust the outcomes of the IAT tests undertaken. Honestly, I felt quite relaxed and composed while taking the tests. However, after receiving the results, I questioned myself about the unconscious bias I might have. The results were “automatic preference for thin people over fat people”. Yes, certain parts were easier. In some parts, a strong focus was needed. The unconscious bias that I have stumbled upon may influence me in the class. If I unwittingly gave preference to a thin individual over a fat individual, I might be exhibiting the unconscious bias once again. Certainly, Mead's strategies would help overcome this bias. I would try to learn about diversity a lot more, recognize stereotypes, and would shed a light on my bias from now onwards (Meads,2015).


Easterly, D. M., & Ricard, C. S. (2011). Conscious Efforts to End Unconscious Bias: Why Women Leave Academic Research. Journal of Research Administration, 42(1), 61-73.

Meads, J. (2015). What lies beneath the surface. American Theatre, 32(8). 48-50. Retrieved from https://www.americantheatre.org

TEDx Talks. (2018, January 10). Mind Bugs | Mahzarin R. Banaji | TEDxBari [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/AFEaCFFsM2U

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week 3 Discussion Forum

Week 3 Discussion Forum

Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees

Week 3 Discussion Forum

Part A

In recent years, it has been observed that diseases that were once mitigated completely due to the invention of various vaccines are spreading again. The author Sarah Dzubay in her research article also highlighted that even in most developed countries, the diseases that were once eradicated have been re-emerged (Dzubay, 2019). The main point of her piece of research is the re-emergence of diseases and the fear of vaccination that people have regarding the specific disease. The main reason for the re-emergence of disease is not only due to the lack of accessibility of vaccinations but the lack of people getting vaccinated regularly. If an individual is getting vaccinated regularly then he or she is not only protecting himself from getting sick but also facilitating in reducing the chances of a disease outbreak that can have severe consequences.

Throughout the research, the author provided evidence to support her point. For instance, to present the idea that people do not get vaccinated regularly, the author utilized the research of another researcher and discussed that “Many people fear that because companies are attempting to make a profit off of the vaccines they are producing, these pharmaceutical corporations are pressuring the CDC and other regulatory agencies to approve their vaccines before they are truly effective or safe (Fadda et al.)”.

The author Sarah also provided the counter argument by highlighting that in many cases, the concerns of people regarding vaccination are true. The author used the help of article to present counter-argument that “One family, featured in a PBS movie depicting the controversy about vaccines, were horrified when their infant son began to have terrible seizures hours after he received his first round of vaccinations (Vaccinations–Calling the Shots)”.


Part B

Q1 Answer: The goal of a writer/ director was to highlight the difference in perspectives of people and how people mold truth to attain their motives.

Q2 Answer: The tone of the piece was ironic, sad and playful. It was intended for every individual of society regardless of age.

Q3 Answer: The video facilitates a lot in understanding how people do not accept the truth when it is not in their favor. The video also highlighted the role of media in spreading making everything an issue of life and death and how people are bullied based on class differences.


Dzubay, S. (2019). An Outbreak of the Irrational. Retrieved 4 November 2019, from https://freshwriting.nd.edu/volumes/2017/essays/an-outbreak-of-the-irrational

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week 3/ Discussion 6 And 7

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Week 3/ discussion 6 and 7

Discussion 6

Academic credibility of a source for references is cardinal for academic writing. There are a couple of things which makes a source present on the internet credible or non-credible for academic writing. For secondary sources which include articles, journals, and research paper, the main thing which make them credible is that it should not be older than ten years. The reason is that data in the old secondary sources can be outdated. Sources should be from verified, academic and credible database like database provided by the institution and universities. JSTOR is the most credible database for article and journals. The articles should also be written by valued and renowned authors. Lastly, for the secondary sources from the website, the website should end with .gov, .edu, and .ac ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Y6dn3MPT","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Aaron)","plainCitation":"(Aaron)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":100,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/29T72JBP"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/29T72JBP"],"itemData":{"id":100,"type":"book","title":"The Little, Brown Compact Handbook: With Exercises","publisher":"Pearson/Longman","ISBN":"0-321-40914-0","author":[{"family":"Aaron","given":"Jane E."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2007"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Aaron, 372). Sources from google scholar are also credible. Hence the presence of the things as mentioned above makes a secondary source credible.

In addition to this for a source to the reliable one should look for a connection between the thesis statement or the topic of academic writing and the data present in the source. Generally, information and sources present on the government websites are reliable. Therefore for credible sources, one should look for a source present on a government website, JSTOR, and database of universities.

For adding a source in my Essay, the best thing for me was adding the keywords in the google scholar. With this, I found a myriad of articles and research papers which had the same keywords. The second step was to find the lasted article with the maximum number of similar keywords. Then I read the abstract of a few articles. It helped me in getting a general idea of the article and the aim of the author. From all the selected articles I chose the one which was most relevant, and I can link the data with my paper.

Discussion 7

In the arena of literature, the primary aim of every writer is to capture the interest and attention of the readers completely. For keeping the level of curiosity very high in the readers is paramount for creating a high impact of the piece of writing on the readers. It is the reason why generally stories in literature open up in chronological order. When the story beings a brief description of the characters is given, and the consequences of their actions are also presented in a proper sequence. However, the short story “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner is written in a different manner.

In this story, the scenes or scenarios are not explained in chronological order, and each section of the story defines one aspect of the life of Emily completely. In other words, it can also be said that Emily was presented in the story as she was perceived by the people in the Town.

A profound analysis of the story and the sequence in which the scenes are present in the story makes it evident that the narrator has used this method so that each aspect of Emily’s life can be explained and understood precisely. The fundamental effect of this on the readers is that all the information has the maximum impact. The author gave each information at the perfect time so that the readers can create a link between information efficiently. On the other side, this requires the readers to be attentive so that not a single point can be missed. It is because every bit of the information in the story is essential to understand the theme and central idea.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Aaron, Jane E. The Little, Brown Compact Handbook: With Exercises. Pearson/Longman, 2007.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Week 3/Essay 2: Short Story

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Week 3/Essay 2: Short Story


Change is a constant part of society. In the 1900s, the advent of the era of industrialization resulted in changing the old traditional societies into new modern societies. The change in the community is not measured through the increased use of commodities and manufactured goods, but a change in the attitude and practices of the people also signifies change and modernization. In the field of literature, many writers and poets have either criticized the change or have supported the concept of modernization or reform in society. In the early 1990s, there were some segments of the society who were resistant to change and hence by showing the real picture of the society to the readers, and authors have advocated a change in the community by rejecting traditional manner of living. One such example is of the short story by William Faulkner titled “A Rose for Emily." It is a story of a woman who belonged to a noble family and was highly respected in the town, but with the passage of time, she was neglected by the people and the town and lived alone in her grand house for many years. The prerogative to her like exemption from paying taxes was also taken back which represents a change in hierarchical society towards positivity. A profound analysis of the story by William Faulkner makes it evident that the author advocates the acceptance of modernization. Hence the thesis statement of this paper is that the theme and symbols in the story signify the acceptance of modernization by William Faulkner. The paper will discuss the theme and symbols which illustrates the embracing of modern future by the author.


The story begins with the death of Emily, who lives in a substantial traditional house alone. The funeral of her was attended by a few people in the town and her cousins. It means that she had no nuclear family. The people of the town respected her because of the family she belonged but in the story, it is evident that the people were not close to her and when a foul smell was coming from her house, the people of the town complained to the authority. Throughout the story, there is a constant struggle by Emily to reject modern ways of living like she refused to use the modern mail service because she was comfortable with using the traditional method of communication. Another example of the rejection of modernization is the action of killing homer. The room in which Homer's dead body was present shows like the time was stuck. The grooms dress and everything in order makes it apparent that Emily tried to make the time stop and this was at the cost of human life. In addition to this the fact that Emily did not get married to Homer because he belonged to the working class and was not suitable for Emily also represents the struggles of the traditional people and the sacrifices they have to make for complying to the conventional way of life. Hence all these examples portray the inclination of the author towards the modern way of life by describing the negative consequences of following the traditional manner of living.

The symbols in the story also represent the notion that William Faulkner is glorifying the modernized practices of living. But it is essential to note here that the author has not criticized traditionalism. The title of the story “A Rose for Emily” justifies the notion that the author is aiming to give tribute to Emily who is the symbol of traditionalism. When Emily was in a relationship with Homer, the town’s people were worried about their relationship because they believed that Homer was not suitable for the daughter of a noble family. This shows that people had respect for their traditions. The House of Emily is also a symbol of traditionalism. Sura M. Khrais in the article “An Eyesore among Eyesores": The Significance of Physical Setting in Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" has stated that the old, isolated and shaggy house of Emily is her refuge from the modernized world ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"scr7gJNO","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Khrais)","plainCitation":"(Khrais)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":94,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/P3IIE89V"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/P3IIE89V"],"itemData":{"id":94,"type":"article-journal","title":"\"An Eyesore among Eyesores\" : The Significance of Physical Setting in Faulkner's \"A Rose for Emily\"","container-title":"International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature","page":"123-126","volume":"6","issue":"6","source":"journals.aiac.org.au","abstract":"It is the purpose of this paper to study the significance of the physical setting of Faulkner's \"A Rose for Emily\". The two main geographical settings are Jefferson Town and the Grierson's house . The researcher will show how Faulkner's treatment of the details of the house (the microcosmic geographical settings) which include the upstairs bridal chamber, the crayon portrait, the front door, and window frame leads to a better understanding of Miss Emily's motivations and actions, and gives us insight to her lonely isolated life. At a certain point, Emily's decaying smelly house is refuge from the modernised outside world to which she does not belong. Furthermore, the house is the source of Miss Emily's power. Inside the walls of the  house, she is a strong woman, a killer; yet a woman falling in love. Nevertheless, Faulkner presents another horrifying image of Emily's house. It harbours death and decay. In this sense, the house is closer to dark setting we read about in Gothic Romance. On the other hand, the town is the macrocosmic setting. It is a fallen legacy as it becomes a symbol for the fall of the old South which Emily's house still harbours.","DOI":"10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.6n.6p.123","ISSN":"2200-3452","shortTitle":"An Eyesore among Eyesores","language":"en-US","author":[{"family":"Khrais","given":"Sura M."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017",9,1]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Khrais, 124). In the beginning, the house was magnificent but latter the image of the house was changed to dusty, locked rooms and barren. In the story, the author tells that after Homer disappeared "people hardly saw her at all" ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"r0CBDi9H","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Faulkner et al.)","plainCitation":"(Faulkner et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":97,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/E8VBTEQU"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/Tqq4tlqy/items/E8VBTEQU"],"itemData":{"id":97,"type":"book","title":"A rose for Emily","publisher":"Verlag F. Schöningh Paderborn, De","author":[{"family":"Faulkner","given":"William"},{"family":"Carradine","given":"John"},{"family":"Huston","given":"Anjelica"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1958"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Faulkner et al., 629). Another most significant symbol illustrating acceptance to modernization by the author is the payment of taxes. In the beginning, Emily was exempted from paying the taxes because of her father, but later she was forced to pay the taxes because of the changed gender roles. The author established the idea that modernization allows women to have been equal to men who are capable of working and paying taxes as men do. Hence changed gender roles and changed the attitude of the people towards women and society means that the author is glorifying modern way of living. Henceforth the symbols in the story also symbolize the acceptance and glorification of modernization.

Prominent characters in the story like Emily’s Father, Mr. Grierson, her cousins, Homer and Emily by the author represents the darker side of traditionalism. Emily's father was a traditional man, and the people of the town remembered him as an inflexible, controlling and harsh man. Mr. Grierson turned away many suitors for Emily because he thought they were not suitable for Emily and the title she holds. Likewise, he dominated her even after his death because his name was attached to her and she had to comply with the traditions. The author through the character of Mr. Grierson is aiming to present the inflexibility of the traditional ways of life which makes life difficult for the followers. Another example is from the role of Homer. Homer is believed to be homosexual as it is stated “he liked men,” (pg 632). His acceptance of homosexuality. At the end of the story, Homer was found dead because he was poisoned by Emily the reason for her murdering him was not mentioned but creating a link between these two facts highlights the point that he must have refused to marry Emily and she killed him. Through the character of Homer and Emily, the author is trying to show the darker side of the traditionalism.


To cap it all, writers in the field of literature use different techniques to express their ideologies or to give the reader the real picture of the society. The image presented by artists create a profound impact on the minds of their audience and hence it is easier for them to alter the attitude of the people towards a specific idea or behavior. On such author was William Faulkner who wrote the story “A Rose for Emily" in the 1930s. It was the era of industrialization and modernization, and the author advocated leaving of traditionalism and adopting a new and modernized way of living. It was done by William Faulkner through the use of symbols, theme, and character. The idea of the story shows a constant struggle between modernization and traditionalism. Including this, the symbols in the story and the figures represent the harmful consequences of complying to the old rules and traditions blindly in the modern world.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Faulkner, William, et al. A Rose for Emily. Verlag F. Schöningh Paderborn, De, 1958.

Khrais, Sura M. “‘An Eyesore among Eyesores’ : The Significance of Physical Setting in Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, vol. 6, no. 6, Sept. 2017, pp. 123–26. journals.aiac.org.au, doi:10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.6n.6p.123.

Annotated Bibliography

Faulkner, William, et al. A Rose for Emily. Verlag F. Schöningh Paderborn, De, 1958

It is the primary source of the essay. The story is written by William Faulkner in 1930s.

Khrais, Sura M. “‘An Eyesore among Eyesores’ : The Significance of Physical Setting in Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, vol. 6, no. 6, Sept. 2017, pp. 123–26. journals.aiac.org.au, doi:10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.6n.6p.123.

This research paper is based on the study of the story "A Rose for Emily" In this paper, the author has discussed the physical setting of the short story. Sura M. Khrais in the paper has discussed the two geographical settings of the story that is Jefferson Town and the Grierson's house in great detail. Each minor detail of the house in which Emily used to live was presented by the author for the better understanding of the live, actions and ideas of Emily. The article sufficiently proves the importance of the house in the story by creating an elegant link between the house and the mental condition of Emily. The article discussed the character of Emily meticulously and highlighted the shades of her personality. On the contrary, Jefferson Town is described as a symbol for the fall of traditionalism. (Sura M. Khrais)

This article is useful for the analysis of the story because in this article the house as a symbol of traditionalism is described precisely which supports the thesis statement of the essay excellently. Another reason for considering this article for the analysis is that the character of Emily is also explained in high precision, and it assists in creating a comparison between the modern world and the old traditions.

The article is taken from a credible source because it was published by International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, unlike Wikipedia and random websites the author of this article is known which also makes this article credible and authentic.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Week 4 Discussion

Week 4 Discussion

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Week 4 Discussion

At the beginning of this course, I was not very well prepared for the workload this course was going to offer. The courses I took before this course went very smooth and I was very well-organized throughout the entire courses. However, after taking this course I found I am a little disorganized and felt I am not prepared well for the course. Reading and going through the College Writing Handbook, I feel I am better equipped to deal with the course responsibilities. I am proactive when it comes to course assignments and tasks and try to prepare beforehand to avoid any mismanagement at the end.

My time management technique is based on multi-tasking and planning of tasks using some time management techniques. Using planners is always a priority for me to keep me aligned with daily activities (Garten, 2018). This technique has helped me a lot in saving my time and saves me from any disaster. Though, I don’t get harsh on me and allow a bit of distraction sometimes. I am flexible when I do not have a lot of responsibilities on hand. I will also start using reminders along with the planners to keep me alert if I am missing something important. One more thing I do is distinguishing between urgent and important tasks and I am looking forward to using the same strategy.

This article provides some interesting findings and insight into chronic procrastinators. I was not familiar with this concept before (Ferrari, 2011). I am a procrastinator some times, but time management techniques I have used helped a lot in coping with it. So in my opinion, I have never been a chronic procrastinator based on how the author defined the concept. In addition, I hardly delay my responsibilities for irrational reasons, especially when the task is significant.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Ferrari, J. R. (2011). Chronic procrastination: Life beyond ineffective time management. Time Management, 83–91.

Garten, A. (2018). College writing handbook. Bridgepoint Education.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week 4 Discussion

Week 4 Discussion

Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees

Week 4 Discussion

Owing to an increase in the cases of gun violence, many people are concerned about this issue. In recent years, in the U.S., there were several cases where innocent children and adults were subjected to gun violence. In the article published in the New York Times, the author, Nicholas also highlighted that guns do not kill people and in fact, people kill people (Kristof, 2019). The author also discussed that as we regulate cars by instituting evidence-based practices, so it is necessary to make laws regarding gun usage and held people accountable for using guns as a source of violence.

In the second article, the author Dennis Barron argued that it is necessary to ban the English language so that people can speak their mother tongue confidently (Baron, 2019). According to the author, making the English language an official language will create several problems for the people who are unable to speak the English language. So people should ban the English language as it will prevent the divisiveness that prevails in America.

While comparing both texts, one thing that is common among the two is the authors' own opinions. The authors just explained their perspectives regarding the topic rather than supporting their claims with evidence gathered from multiple sources. Although in the article “Our Blind Spot about Guns” the author did mention some statistical facts and discussed about the Second Amendment in the U.S. constitution to support his claim, but the references were missing. So it is not clear whether the statistics were authentic or not. In contrast, in the article “Don’t make English official, ban it instead”, the author only presented his perspective (Baron, 2019). Typically, the authors use appeal to reason trust and emotion to persuade readers but in both the above mentioned texts, the techniques appeal to trust and authority were missing as there were no references to the claims. However, both the authors successfully used appeal to emotion and reason to persuade readers. For instance, the author Nicholas in his article mentioned that, “Cars kill people, too, so why not ban cars? Why are you so hypocritical as to try to take away guns from law-abiding people when you don’t seize cars.” (Kristof, 2019). This argument is the perfect example of reasoning and appeal to emotion as it is true that cars also cause accidents, however, they are not banned by the government. 


Baron, D. (2019). The Web of Language. Retrieved 16 November 2019, from https://blogs.illinois.edu/view/25/130039

Kristof, N. (2019). Opinion | Our Blind Spot About Guns. Retrieved 16 November 2019, from https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/31/opinion/nicholas-kristof-our-blind-spot-about-guns.html

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week 5 - Discussion 1

Week 5: Discussions

Your Name

University of North Carolina School of Social Work

Week 5: Discussions

Discussion 1


The demand for labor is called "derived" demand because it is contingent upon the consumers' demand for the products produced by the workers. The greater the demand for the goods and services by the consumers, the greater will be the demand for labor.


According to the article, the labor market is tight at present. A tight market means greater demand for workers while workers are in a short supply. Companies like Amazon, Google and Apple are competing for workers. Due to increased demand for consumer goods, the labor market is near to hitting full employment.


The firm wage is linked with the demand for workers, which in turn depends on consumers demand for the products these workers make. If companies are competing for workers, they may increase the wage in order to attract more workers. Although big firms possess the power to set wages themselves in normal circumstances, in a tight market they cannot resist pay rise. In the article, Allegretto implies that Amazon might be able to resist pay rise at 5 percent unemployment, but it would be compelled to raise the wages at unemployment below 4 percent. This also means that if unemployment remains at 5 percent, millions of workers would not be able to enjoy a wage-raise. For bigger firms, it takes more than a low employment rate to raise the wage. There also needs to be political pressure.


Although the federal minimum wage is fixed at $7.25 per hour, Amazon self-imposed a minimum wage of $15 per hours. There are several explanations for this. Some of the higher labor costs will eventually come back to Amazon. This can be seen as Henry Ford's business model wherein the workers could afford the cars they made. Moreover, although the inflation rate is slow, the change will show up to some extent in the higher inflation in future. Moreover, Amazon intended to use its political influence in the future and ask the Congress to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. Therefore other businesses might be compelled in future to raise their minimum to $15 an hour.


Although in many higher-wage states, workers already earn $15 or more per hour, in the lower-wage state it is a welcome step for the 350,000 employees of Amazon. Since Amazon intended to push the congress to increase the minimum wage, it would have a profound impact on the 160 million workers that constitute the total labor force. According to the author, this increase in labor cost might eventually end up in Amazon's coffers, so there may not be a decrease in Amazon's revenue. The impact on the companies is clear. Amazon is already competing for workers and now it will attract more workers. In a tight market, losing workers will have serious implications for other companies. However, the total number of worker in labor force is 160 million and Amazon can accommodate only 350,000. This means the workers of other companies will be feeling uncomfortable to see the difference in wage between their firm and Amazon. They might start their activism.

Discussion 2


According to the public choice theory or idea, politicians have economic motives, and just like the rest of us, politicians too have the same regard to economic self-interest. An extension of this theory is that since politicians have economic motives like the rest of us, they may take bribes or receive donations for election campaigns from rent-seeking big businesses to legislate in their favor by introducing tariffs of imported products of international competitors or regulatory insight on domestic competitors.

Explain what rent-seeking is.


Rent seeking is an effort by big businesses to acquire privileges. A business may be privileged by the politicians when they introduce tariffs on the international competitor's products imported into the country. It may be an effort to acquire subsidies. It may also involve lobbying to subject local competitors to negative privilege i.e. greater regulatory oversight. In this way, the lesser regulated business becomes privileged against the more regulated. Rent-seeking involves bribing politicians. But since bribes are considered un-Americans and there is a danger of FBI detecting it, the tactic of funding election campaigns is the more prevailing way of rent-seeking.


On the one side, politicians are driven by economic motives, and on the other, big businesses practice rent-seeking in order to acquire privilege. Both these tendencies complement each other, and therefore politicians may readily acquire economic benefits such as bribes or donations for election campaigns from big businesses. Thus the politicians may keep taking economic benefits from businesses and, therefore, keep introducing regulations and tariffs in the favor of their colluded businesses. This may eventually lead to a highly regularized country (Game Theory).


The example of ObamaCare provides an example of combining public choice and rent-seeking. One explanation for the Obama’s administration’s introduction of the ObamaCare is the rent-seeking by the Insurance Companies. The ObamaCare required the citizens to buy insurance. This meant that insurance companies would be getting a lot of consumers.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Week 6 Discussion 11/12

Discussion 11 Initial Post:

It is not difficult to guess that illegal immigration is a crime related to the crossing of state borders or violation of the regime of stay in a particular country. In general, a person who wants to move to live abroad, must apply to the immigration service, to obtain a residence permit or immediately residence permit. If acceptable economic, social, and political conditions are established in the state, immediately a multitude of people willing to move there will appear. Illegal migration is a serious problem faced by citizens of all developed countries. Why not all newcomers draw up the necessary papers, but prefer to hide from the police? Are the immigration officers ’arguments about punishment not convincing enough? And what threatens the dominance of illegal migrants to the indigenous people of prosperous states? If illegal immigrants are criminals then who is responsible for their act of criminality; circumstances or government.

As with any offense, illegal border crossing brings problems to police officers, immigration officers and the “native” population of the country. However, it is not easy for visitors. Nomads are looking for housing, get a job and acquire the necessary goods and services, including expensive ones - and all this, of course, with a risk to health and even to life. In particular, the heads of shadow enterprises violate the rights of illegal migrants, because even those who do not have to work in dangerous conditions for meager wages. As a result, visitors often engage in harmful production without receiving social and medical assistance, while the working day lasts longer for them than for official workers, and the salary may not exceed the subsistence minimum.

The issue of crime rates among illegal immigrants compared to legal immigrants and US citizens was studied by the John R. Lott, President of the Crime Prevention Research Center, investigating the situation among Arizona prisoners as a model. According to Lott, the ability to measure real crime rates among illegal immigrants in the United States is complicated by many factors, including the lack of a national database and the “primitive” methodology used in trying to analyze whether higher crime rates are observed in areas with higher immigration, and an approach based solely on the consideration of the time period ... ":" Look at the United States as a whole and note that since 1990 the number of crimes has decreased, as the flow has increased and migration. (Lott128)


“Supporting Family Values” by Linda Chavez at page #422

“Fish Cheeks” by Amy Tan at page#75

Lott, John R. More guns, less crime: Understanding crime and gun control laws. University of

Chicago Press, 2013.

Replies to Classmates: (if you want to use it only in initial post then add it before source otherwise you can use it as replies).

Illegal immigration is a big problem of USA. Many families immigrate daily to get better life circumstances. It is important to understand what illegal immigration is and as generally think it is crime. if it is crime then who is the responsible for this crime—immigrants, circumstances or governments? An essay by Linda Chavez discusses the issues of illegal immigration. She explained the difference between legal and illegal immigration and how illegal immigration effects the family? Where as Amy Tan is famous for her writing related to the problems and gap in immigrants. The US migration movement has been part of the propagandistic projection of the "American Dream" that has led people to embark on adventures, opportunities or financial needs, hoping for economic benefits that will enable them to support their families. But there is another side of the story - people are leaving Latin America because life cannot be more difficult.

Central American immigration has its main causes in the lack of sustainable economic development, in socio-political instability, as well as in civil wars and natural disasters. Poverty and recurrent financial crises make life in Latin America more difficult than in the US. Life on the northern side of the US-Mexico border can easily be seen as a different world from Latin America, isolated from the US. In truth, the US government has made life in Latin America more difficult historically by overthrowing democratically elected governments, financing atrocities, and promoting trade policies that have undermined Latin American industries and dealt heavy blows to local economies.

Discussion 12

Initial Post: essay 4 is different from our previous essays in various ways. The first essay was analysis of text and we simply did it. It was a short essay lass than 2 pages. Then in other essay we compare between 2 text and I feel compare and contrast is little bit difficult. This essay is totally different as it is argumentative essay. Persuasive argument is difficult and strong persuasive techniques required to persuade audience. After reading Bradford reader , I have found that The key elements of a powerful paper of this type are the balanced evaluation of the problem, powerful evidence gathered from the credible sources and persuasive tone of the author. It is necessary to be a field expert. Avoid topics that do not interest or inspire you. To discover more information on how to write a good argumentative essay, keep reading the expert recommendations. Proofreading word vice in the Introduction section of the paper writing last recommends that the cell to complete. The reason for this is that it is difficult to finalize the content of Introduction unless you write up the other part. Since the essay is basically about the research that is completed at the present moment, it is necessary to adjust the introduction in the introduction and the direction of the research by looking at the whole and, in some cases, to match the. When we first completed the Introduction, we turned to a conclusion focusing on a limited result than we initially planned in the analysis of the research results, for example, the introduction part had a broader range of general content as it touches on the subject, the whole article may get a strange impression.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

WEEK 7 Discussion 14

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]




As I have come to the end of this course, I can tell that the most valuable thing for me in this course was the chance to read and analyze a number of texts. It gave me an insight into different perspectives of different authors and the way they present their ideas. I got familiar with the writing styles of many of them. The pieces of texts were very interesting, and it also enhanced my analytical skills. In addition, comparing the texts of the same themes enlightened me of different ways in which one theme can be elaborated.

Moreover, I learned how I could revise one piece of text, and there is always room of improvement in texts. My writing style dramatically changed and I learned even the bits of academic writing, persuasion, and argumentation, etc. Another important fact which came to my knowledge is that the importance of audience and purpose in academic writing CITATION Aar07 \l 1033 (Aaron). My writing process is now more focused on the audience to whom the essay or paper is addressed. My papers are now more organized, balanced and well-reasoned. When I started I had little knowledge of the accurate writing process and organization of ideas but by the end of this course I can see a clear transformation in my writing style, and it gives me a sense of achievement.

I also intend to read texts and practice critical analysis of them after the course is over. In addition, I will also practice essay writing to polish my skills. My advice to those who will take this course in the future is that give attention to detail to each and every assignment and essay writing activities. Do not consider any of them useless or less important as each assignment makes a significant contribution to writing and analyzing skills, which will help throughout the academic journey.

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Aaron, J. E. The Little, Brown Compact Handbook: With Exercises. Pearson/Longman, 2007.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300


Name of student

Name of institution

Name of instructor

Explanation on whether the earth is curved or not

There has been a lot of discussion as to whether the earth can be defined to be curved or flat. In the past, scientists thought that the earth is curved. Over time, different theorists have come up to try and explain why they think that the earth is flat. The theorists do not believe in the conventional knowledge that the earth is round and that it is always in constant motion around the sun. One of the most common reasons that they give is the fact that one can see the horizon. They claim that by looking at the horizon, there is not an aspect that can show that the world is round. They do not recognize the presence of the Antarctica, and for this reason, they believe that the world is just a flat body.

Contrary to their argument, other scientists believe that the earth is round. They have also come up with theories to prove their argument. They also make use of the horizon to prove that the earth is round. When one looks at the horizon, they notice that the sky and the surface of the earth to meet. This clearly shows that the earth is round. Another reason that they give is the fact that other bodies that have been seen within the universe are round. The earth is one of them and clearly it shows that it is also round. Apart from the two arguments, they also say that the rising of the sun, as well as the presence of day and night, shows that the earth is a round body. As it rotates, other parts become shadow which forms the night and the part that is direct to the sun experiences day. It is a debate that has now caught many peoples’ attention. I believe that the world is round as a result of the proofs above.


Lindberg, David. (1992) The Beginnings of Western Science. University of Chicago Press. Page 363.

Bruce S. Eastwood, Ordering the Heavens: Roman Astronomy and Cosmology in the Carolingian Renaissance, (Leiden: Brill, 2007), pp. 62–63.

S.C. McCluskey, Astronomies and Cultures in Early Medieval Europe, (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1998), pp. 114, 123.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week: 1 Discussion

Week: 1 Discussion

[Author’s Name]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Week: 1 Discussion

In “The Clinic” the author Jeff Gremmels reflects upon his experience when he was a medical student, doing an internship in the hospital CITATION Gre10 \l 1033 (Gremmels, 2010). The author shared a story of a young boy who was abused by his step-father and therefore he was in severe depression. The main idea of a story was the importance of knowing patient’s history before treating them. When the author was in a hospital, he saw that a young boy was rushed into the hospital as he had severe stomachaches. When author went to examine him, the boy was unable even to describe his pain in words. So, to understand boy’s condition, the author reflected upon the medical lessons that he learned during the lectures he took in medical college. However, as the mother of a boy was very dominating, author was unable to determine the reason why a boy had a severe stomachache.

A conflict in a story arose when the author asked boy's mother regarding the bruises on the boy's body. The mother made an excuse by telling the author that her son is very active in physical activities and often gets bruises while playing in the forest, especially in the rain. The author knew that something was wrong, yet stayed quiet and went home. In the climax of a story, it was revealed that the bruises on boy’s body were results of the physical abuse his step-father. It was also revealed that the boy had a history of self-mutilation along with depression.

The author then went to see the boy in his room and found a note. On a note, the boy wrote a poem to express his feeling. The boy was in a depression and had experienced severe trauma; he wanted to attain freedom. Therefore, using compare and contrast techniques, he compared himself with an airplane and UFO that fly freely in a sky without restrictions.



Gremmels, J. (2010). The Clinic. Retrieved from


Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week: 2 Reply To Two Student

Week: 2 Reply to Two Students

[Author Name]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Week: 2 Reply to Two Students

Response 1

Dear Jeannette, after reading your discussion post I liked the idea of using bullet points to covey the author’s message. I agree with you that to depict the problems and struggles of the black people the author gave a historical perspective. This helped a lot in understanding the time of segregation when black people were oppressed by the white people and were also considered less worthy. In your post, you have mentioned that by explaining the terror of segregation the author connects to the reader (Mebane, M. (2018). I also agree with the discussed she mentioned about the injustice done by law enforcement officers and cannot even imagine the struggle that black people must have faced during that time.

As you shared your bus experience I agree that most of the time public transport lacks some basic facilities. Additionally, people also lack some ethics due to which traveling in public transport is extremely hard.

Response 2

Dear David, after reading your discussion post, I must say that you did a commendable job in explaining the author’s perspective. The details you provided facilitates a lot in getting a clear idea of the circumstances in the segregation era. I also agree with you that several laws are made to protect the right of every citizen yet the discrimination based on color is still prevailing in our society (Saperstein & Penner, 2012). This is terrifying that we as a nation has still not progressed enough to protect the citizens. As you mentioned in your post that education is the only way that can help people understand the concept of equality. I would like to add that media can also play a vital role in spreading awareness among people to stop discrimination against people based on their color, gender or religion.

According to your travelling experience, I must say that you showed a lot of courage while handling the situation. Typically, people are not friendly when they have to fly on a plane with a sick child. Yet, you are lucky that the people on that plane supported you.


Mebane, M. (2018). The Back of the Bus. In T. Cooley (Ed.), The Norton sampler: Short essays for composition (9th ed., pp. 120-121). New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company.

Saperstein, A., & Penner, A. M. (2012). Racial fluidity and inequality in the United States. American Journal of Sociology, 118(3), 676-727.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week: 2 Blog

Week 2: Blog



Author Note

Week 2: Blog

Writing is an art that has always been lost on me ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"C6hjf8fc","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hunker, Gazza, & Shellenbarger, 2014)","plainCitation":"(Hunker, Gazza, & Shellenbarger, 2014)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1246,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/67XX62EH"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/67XX62EH"],"itemData":{"id":1246,"type":"article-journal","title":"Evidence-Based Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes for Scholarly Writing Development Across all Levels of Nursing Education","container-title":"Journal of Professional Nursing","page":"341-346","volume":"30","issue":"4","abstract":"Because nursing care in health care settings becomes more complex, nurses are called upon to work effectively with other health care providers to deliver high-quality evidence-based care. To do so in a cost effective and efficient manner requires the development of effective oral and written communication skills in nurses. One form of written communication is scholarly writing. Scholarly writing is defined by the authors as writing that is specialized in nursing, communicates original thought, includes support from a body of literature, contains formal language consistent with the discipline of nursing, and is formatted in a manner consistent with peer-review publications. Faculty who facilitate the development of these skills face inconsistencies in students' writing ability and development across programs and levels of education. Nurse educators need to understand how to develop these communication skills for students enrolled at various educational levels and to teach students how to share information in a scholarly way.","DOI":"10.1016/j.profnurs.2013.11.003","ISSN":"8755-7223","journalAbbreviation":"Journal of Professional Nursing","author":[{"family":"Hunker","given":"Diane F."},{"family":"Gazza","given":"Elizabeth A."},{"family":"Shellenbarger","given":"Teresa"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014",7,1]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hunker, Gazza, & Shellenbarger, 2014). I knew what I had to write but putting words on paper in a cohesive manner, where I can get my point across with relative ease, has always been a hassle for me. I was often called out for making mistakes in my assignment during class and that had definitely made me hesitant in terms of writing anything.

However, the OWL or the Online Writing Lab has certainly made things easier for me. I get regular emails from the writing lab which are really helpful in terms of improving my grammar. It brings attention to areas that many people are having issues with in an easier and comprehensive manner. It helps me improve my papers by reviewing them prior to submission and is also rather helpful with regards to providing tips to improve my writing as a whole.

Furthermore, it has improved my method of research and has made it easier for me to look up material for any project I am working on. The handbook is also really helpful for new writers as it gives tips on how to begin writing in the first place. Furthermore, the questioning room is a safe haven for people like me, where I not only get to ask questions on my own but also learn through the questions that were posted previously and come to a well-rounded conclusion.

Through OWL, I have been able to discover that I usually have a good idea in terms of what I would like to write about and am more than capable of supplementing the material written with good ideas and a great context. I am also capable of looking up excellent material to work with. However, the problem that I often face in putting my ideas in a cohesive and comprehensive manner on paper and concluding one idea before working on another. I considerably lag behind in these two areas and believe that working on them would certainly help me in my effort to do better.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Hunker, D. F., Gazza, E. A., & Shellenbarger, T. (2014). Evidence-Based Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes for Scholarly Writing Development Across all Levels of Nursing Education. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30(4), 341–346. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2013.11.003

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week: 2 Writing Assignments The King And I

Week 2 Writing Assignments

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

[Include any grant/funding information and a complete correspondence address.]

Week 2 Writing Assignments

#1 Practice Paragraph

My friend Alex is a tall, good-natured, sophisticated boy who is always there for me during all thick and thin. Alex is my classmate at college as well as a businessperson who looks after his hospital after his father’s death. He is very much focused on taking care of his family. He is passionate about working hard and providing an even better life for his family. I would associate Alex with The Great Wall of China, as the Wall is a symbol of hard work and ability to do something for the country and my friend is also passionate to work hard and achieve something in life. The most annoying trait of Alex is that he lacks patience and gets offended even on petty issues. My friend means a lot to me. He is the one whom I can trust and count on.

#2 Practice Paragraph

Feeling of sorrow is one of the different shades of human mood. Whenever it comes, it comes at the wrong time. The girl in the picture is in a state of sorrow. She is grieving at the loss of her best friend who died in a car accident. She has lost her only friend, and her family is away as well. She has no one to share her feelings with. She needs condolence and counselling from her family and friends so that she gets out of this dark phase. The human mood is a blend of several shades and gloominess is one of them.

#3 Practice Paragraph

Last week I had an encounter with an alien that landed near my house in a spaceship. Each of us was curious about each other, and we asked many questions to know about each other's lives. I asked him the purpose behind his visit to which he answered that his spaceship landed on earth because there was some problem in its engine. My friends and I helped him fix the engine, and after that, he sat in his spaceship and flew back to his planet. It was an amazing experience to talk to an unusual creature.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Cooley, T. (2018). The Norton Sampler: Short Essays for Composition (9th ed.). New York NY: W. W. Norton & Company. Retrieved from https://www.amazon.com/Norton-Sampler-Short-Essays-Composition-ebook/dp/B07BHZ9SP3

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week: 3 Discussion Mother Tongue

Final Film Critique

Martin Gutierrez

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

Week: 3 Discussion Mother Tongue

Chapter four discusses how to start an effective paragraph. The paragraph should have a topic sentence stating the main point. The introductory paragraph is very important because it is a chance to get the reader’s attention. Parallel structures should be used to help connect ideas in paragraphs. This can be done by using transitions. Classifying and describing can also help in developing paragraphs. A paragraph might consist of a narration of an event, comparison of two or more subjects or an analysis of cause and effect relationship. Organizing paragraphs depends upon the topic. The topic will suggest if the paragraphs need narration, classification or comparison. The important thing about the paragraph is that it should have coherence.

In “Mother Tongue”, Amy Tan narrates her life story to the audience. In the first paragraph of page number 235, she used the personal pronoun ‘I’ to indicate that she is going to use a narrative strategy. She is concerned about the main event which is the center of the story. Tan develops her narration by describing events. She introduces her setting to tell readers where the conflict started. She gives a description of the event where she talked to a large number of people about her writings. Along with narration, she uses a description strategy to support her story. Parallel structures are used to connect one sentence to another. The topic sentence of her first paragraph is “… the first time she had heard me give a lengthy speech, using the kind of English I have never used with her ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"4f2MLKQd","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Mother Tongue,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Mother Tongue,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":"UBNoKOjK/mzqhi1gD","uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/W97BGCLQ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/W97BGCLQ"],"itemData":{"id":70,"type":"webpage","title":"Mother Tongue","URL":"http://www.u.arizona.edu/~sab4949/mother.html","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",10,12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Mother Tongue n.d.).” Sentences in the whole paragraph are coherent with the topic sentence and the topic. She made good use of the strategies that are required for exceptional writing.

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Mother Tongue. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2019, from http://www.u.arizona.edu/~sab4949/mother.html

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week: 3 Writing Assignment

Week: 3 Writing Assignment

[Author Name]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Week: 3 Writing Assignment

Paragraph 1

Veronica, a newly engaged girl while looking at her engagement ring wonders whether her ring is a sign of love and commitment or a sign of losing her independence. Although the ring has an emotional significance for her as she and Don were in a relationship for seven long years, and she always wanted to marry Don. So when Don proposed, she was so overwhelmed with emotions that she agreed. However, soon after getting engaged, she realized that the ring merely an object that does not guarantee that she and Don will live happily after. She was in a dilemma of whether she should stay engaged as she always wanted to get married or whether she should just give herself some time to overcome her fears of losing her independence.

Paragraph 2

Sitting on a bench in a local park, Betty had a nostalgia for her childhood. It was the same park where she used to play when she was a child. All things of a park reminded her of the days when she had no worries regarding her education or career. The park had the same fountain where children were not allowed to play, yet she and her friends sneak around and used to play for hours. However, one thing was not the same. She used to come to the park with her mother, who passed away when Betty was only twelve years old.

Paragraph 3

When the boy was rushed into the hospital, he was heavily bleeding. He was in so much pain that he started crying. Despite several efforts of his parents, the hospital administration did not admit him to the hospital. Additionally, he was not given first aid, as well. According to the hospital staff, it is a police case as they thought that the boy was lying, and he is not bullied by his school-fellows rather he was involved in a gang fight (Davis, 2001). So his family waited for the police to arrive. Thus, after police intervention, they treated him and admitted him to the hospital.


Davis, J. E. (2001). 12 Black boys at school: negotiating masculinities and race. Educating our Black children: New directions and radical approaches, 169.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week: 3- Reply To Two Student

Rosa Martinez

Instructor Name

Discussion Forum Replies

19 October 2019

Discussion Forum Replies

David Koch

A: I often find myself going on the same track. Remaining inside the scope of the topic is very difficult if you are discussing it in general terms. However, there are ways in which you can keep it simple and ger your point across. Firstly, identify your topic according to the main subject under discussion. A topic can be similar and discussable in several subjects. Secondly, make a list of points that would be discussing in the paragraph, while being true to the main point that you are trying to convey. Lastly, always use simple and coherent language. Using difficult words not only makes others difficult for others to understand, but it also blocks the message that you are trying to convey in the first place.

B: Regarding the views of A. Tan, very often it is true that people want other’s views to be “fixed”. Such should never be the case. The language is automatically “fixed” if one gets there point across during any discussion. The use of grammar is not important in our daily usage of any language as it often violated, even by a native speaker of the language due to there surroundings.

Robert Batch Joudi

A: I agree to some extent, but it is better to have coherence in any discussion, written or otherwise. This helps in the betterment of the communication skills of the writer and helps him to address a wider audience. It is better to discuss the brief background of the concept that you would be discussing in your paragraph. As for the connections between the paragraphs, it is needed to build the argument of the paragraphs so that you can convey your thought and ideas to the people for whom it is targeted.

B: Amy Tan's concern about her mother is very sound. However, she should consider the fact that everyone has a different learning curve, meaning the ability to absorb knowledge is different for each mind. Also, English is not the native language of her mother. She may regard it as something of importance but her mother may not do so. Math, on the other hand, is more of a "universal" language as it is the same in every language and culture.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week: 4 Writing Assignment Narrative Essay

Week: 4 Writing Assignment Narrative Essay

[Author Name]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Week: 4 Writing Assignment Narrative Essay

During summer break, I decided to work for a charitable organization that aims to improve community healthcare facilities while also providing quality care to the patients. Several other volunteers and I used to visit different hospitals and advocate for the importance of patient safety and hygiene. On Monday afternoon, a severely injured boy was rushed into the hospital where I was working. His shirt was covered with blood, and he was crying due to immense pain. Despite several efforts of his parents, the hospital administration denied admitting the boy in a hospital just because he was black. A sight of the severely injured child made me question why the discrimination based on color is still prevailing in our society (Thomson, 1997). In this essay, I will reflect upon my experience that I had while working as a volunteer at a local healthcare facility.

Working at a healthcare facility is a bit overwhelming. This is because, in a hospital, a person experiences various emotion. Some people are happy because they recovered while some are sad as they lost their dear ones. Despite experiencing various situations, I never experienced a situation in which an injured child was not admitted to the hospital because of his color. Although, the parents of a boy fulfilled all forms and formalities required by the hospital to admit a patient. However, even after completing all the requirements, the hospital administration did not let the boy be admitted to a hospital. It was a very shocking moment for me as I have never seen anything like this before.

The boy's parents stated that he was beaten by the bullies at his school, who used to make fun of his looks and color, yet still, the hospital administration refused to admit the boy. According to hospital management, a boy must be involved in some kind of gang fight due to which he was severely injured. So without police permission, they will not start treating him. The parents and other people who were present at the hospital opposed hospital staff's decision and demanded first aid treatment for a boy. However, the situation was getting worse, and due to the loss of blood, the boy lost consciousness.

The whole situation sparked anger and frustration. I could not believe in my eyes as living in a country where every citizen has a right to attain quality healthcare; the boy was not even able to get first aid treatment. Even though his parents explained the whole situation to management again and again yet still, they did not believe them. Many other people and I tried to negotiate with the staff to at least provide first aid to the boy, but all our efforts were in vain. However, at the same time, police arrived and ordered the hospital staff to admit a boy and start treating him. The police also took severe action against the hospital management and issued warning as well. Soon after the police intervention, the boy was treated and gained consciousness after a few hours. Although he lost lots of blood yet still managed to recover with the aid of physicians and nurses.

This experience taught me a lot regarding the difficulties that black and many other immigrants face while getting healthcare facilities. Despite several laws that are made to protect the right of every citizen, issues like discrimination based on color are still prevailing in our society (Charatz-Litt, 1992). This experience changed my life, and since then, I decided to spread awareness among people regarding the importance of human life irrespective of the color, gender, and class differences.


Charatz-Litt, C. (1992). A chronicle of racism: the effects of the white medical community on black health. Journal of the National Medical Association, 84(8), 717.

Thomson, G. E. (1997). Discrimination in health care. Annals of Internal Medicine, 126(11), 910-912.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

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