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Narrative Essay


Life is so unpredictable that no one could guarantee which chapter of life is going to be opened. Sometimes life wants to teach you many things, but it does not always bring happiness or what one wants to have. If would be in the control of a person to decide which kind of incident is coming and no one would be willing to welcome gloominess. Life is not a bed of roses. Some incidents change life once forever. Like other children, I was living a normal and happy life with my parents and being the only child of my parents, my life was perfect. I was seven years old and was living the best version of life that anyone could live. I was warmth with the unconditional love of my parents for whom I was the only priority. But sometimes life twists and turn in such a way that it does not give you a second chance to be the same as you were. Family is the only social institution that not only provides love and affection but also at the same time, it provides social security.


I was living a happy life with my picture-perfect family, but one day the over speeding of the other vehicle and carelessness of the other driver ruined my life. It was the day that never gets fade in my memory and used to haunt me still today. In the beginning, it was like any other day normal as usual. My mother woke me up with a kiss and made me ready for school. She prepared my favorite breakfast. I had my breakfast and was waiting for my school van. At eight, my school van arrived with the deafening sound of its horn indicated me to go out of my home. I waved at my parents when I got seated in my school van without knowing that I was watching their loving faces for the last time. I had no idea that it would prove my last good-bye to parents. I went to school and was having a good time with my class fellows when our principal called my class teachers and asked her to brine me with her. As soon as I reached the office of the principal, I came to know that a tragedy occurred in my family, and it was the death of my parents in a serious car accident. After a few days, I came to know that I am going to an orphanage; it was more like the biggest change in my life. I was the only child in my family, and I was sued to live my life with al the facilities and facilities of life.

This incident changed my life for long because I was not left with all those opportunities and accessories any longer as I am an orphan in an orphanage. I was very sad and pathetic without my loving parents. The only thing I wanted from life was to take me back to the days when I was with my parents. I wanted my early days of carefree laughter back. I woke up in the morning when a maid came to wake up wishing to hear the jovial and lively voice of my mother saying "rise and shine", but the reality was different. Io like my roommates had to get ready for school with mother combing my hair. The breakfast in orphanage consists of bread and milk in the breakfast, which reminded me of the breakfast prepared for me by my mother with loving care. As I was deep down in my thoughts, a glutton took advantage of my oblivion and had my breakfast too. So I for the first time I started my day without breakfast. My teachers treated me with kindness and love knowing the mental trauma I was suffering. The thought of going back to the orphanage and living with strangers haunted me all day.

Surrounded by a lot of children, I was alone and was bullied by girls. I wanted to talk to my parents, but they were not there. I was utterly helpless and pathetic in this wide world with no one who cares for me. As I was lying on my bed, waiting for my parents to give me a goodnight kiss, but they were in Heaven while I was alone. Those days were like a nightmare, but after some time, I was used to it. The orphanage was a hard transition for someone living in a home in the loving company of parents like me in many aspects of life. I made some new friends, their company made orphanage less horrible. At the orphanage, we were not treated as individuals I learned sharing.

After spending five years at the orphanage, I was called for a meeting by the head of the orphanage who wanted me to meet a family who was having no child for fifteen. They were in the orphanage for adoption, and my head wanted me to go with them as I was one of the most affected children among other as I was unable to come out of the trauma of the death of my parents after the untiring efforts of the orphanage management and psychiatrists. I was not ready to meet the people who came to adopt me. I was shattered with the thought that I am going to be someone's adopted child, It was the moment that broken me into pieces because I came to know that I am longer an orphan den I am going to be a child having parent again. This is again a life-changing event for me because I came to have a new vision of life. Moreover, it was more like an essence that made me realize some new and major ideas about life such as having parents, being adopted and having a new version of life When first came to meet my foster parents it was harder me to believe that they are my foster parents as they were treating me with great care and affection.

The love with which they were treating were exampling, and I made me realize how it feels to have parents again and have the happiness of being a child again. My foster parents encouraged me to look at life from every positive aspect so that I could make my life inspiring for others who are going through the same pain and trauma. They are providing me with the best of all the things they can, not only they are providing me with all the basic life facilities but what moved and inspired me the most is their affection and tenderness. They empowered me with the security and confidence that I am growing more and more in my academia and achieving great grades. They feel proud of calling me their child and wanted to see me transcend the average standard and making myself stand out. I wanted to achieve the highest of the sky so that I would return them what they are investing in me. I wanted to fulfill all their desires and expectations.

Life is indeed something that keeps on giving you surprises and shocks that changes the identity of the individual for the rest of his/her life. Life unfolded itself in the most unexpected fashion and put us in deep thoughts. Some events make us realize that how harsh life could be as when I lost my parents in the car accident, my life was transformed that turned me into a broken soul but then life surprised me when it blessed me with my foster parents who made me realized that though life puts us in trouble at the same time, it blesses us with people who change our lives and identity forever. I was a completely changed person after my foster parents adopted me. They made sure the provision of all the facilities of life so that I could do whatever makes me happy. They put a lot of efforts in bringing me out of the trauma and emotional crises (Miller et al.). Though I never forget my real parents the warmth and affection of the foster parents changed my life and transformed me into a completely changed being when they adopted me.


I would say that living in orphanage reveals many life realities and bring you closer to the realities of life. I do miss my parents, but my foster parents treat in a well-mannered way, they address and fulfill my needs. My foster parents are more than a life-boat for me excuse they are the only ray of hope for me. When I am with me, I feel I am blessed with something that I always wanted. They not only help to address and forget my trauma, but they have changed my self-identity for long. Today I am someone who is looking ahead to become a shroud top those how are not having parents are they are living without the reflection of parent. My foster parents are also my goal orienteer because their love has changed me to think about others as well who are living without parents.

Work Cited

Miller, James S. Acting Out Culture: Reading and Writing. Macmillan, 2008.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

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Smoking and Vaping

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Smoking and Vaping

The world is a social place where individuals exhibiting different patterns of behaviors and actions interact with each other. It is hard to fathom how society is influenced by these minute actions of every individual. Although, these interactions are an inevitable part of an individual's life, sometimes it is hard to keep those interactions due to individual discipline and practices that might be disturbing. One such example is the habit of smoking and vaping among individuals of various age groups in our society. It is hard to ignore the magnitude of this habit prevalence since every second person around you may be involved in either smoking or vaping. Ranging from family to the old neighborhood where you lived decades ago, the smoking practice is quite prominent. Walking in the streets, it is nearly impossible for you to not see cigarette butts lying around. Tobacco cigarettes and E-cigarettes advertisements might give you an idea about the trend of smoking and vaping around the world and how it has been promoted among the masses by the advertisements, which fail to recognize the complexity of the issue. Now coming towards the global statistics of cigarette smoking, until now, 1.1 billion people are reported to be involved in the practice of smoking and vaping ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"5ffVSki1","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}30 Surprising Smoking Statistics & Facts (2019 Edition),\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“30 Surprising Smoking Statistics & Facts (2019 Edition),” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":527,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/5MRYLXSK"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/5MRYLXSK"],"itemData":{"id":527,"type":"post-weblog","abstract":"In this post, we present you with some of the most important cigarette smoking statistics and facts to know, including both tobacco and weed.","container-title":"LoudCloudHealth","language":"en-US","title":"30 Surprising Smoking Statistics & Facts (2019 Edition)","URL":"https://loudcloudhealth.com/smoking-statistics/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,14]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“30 Surprising Smoking Statistics & Facts (2019 Edition),” n.d.). Although the habit of smoking has been prevalent for decades the new sophisticated version of smoking which is thought to have fewer health effects is emerging readily nowadays ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"JhwlVRrR","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Tomashefski, 2016)","plainCitation":"(Tomashefski, 2016)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":536,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/625I3YNX"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/625I3YNX"],"itemData":{"id":536,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: There is a lack of research on perceived health effects of electronic cigarettes by adult users. Because more people are choosing electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) in addition to, or instead of traditional cigarettes, it is important for the nurse practitioner (NP) to understand why.\nMETHODS: A comprehensive literature search was conducted using four scholarly databases. The search strategy utilized remained consistent. Qualitative, quantitative, observational studies and meta-analyses were considered for review. Of the 52 articles preliminarily retrieved, 9 met inclusion criteria and were analyzed.\nCONCLUSIONS: The majority of e-cigarette users perceive they are less harmful to health than traditional cigarettes. One reason for use is smoking cessation. Current guidelines recommend against promoting e-cigarette use. More research is needed on the long-term health effects of e-cigarettes as well as regulatory statements to guide future healthcare practice.\nIMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: As prevalence of e-cigarette use increases, it is important for NPs to understand the perceived effects on health by adults who use them and, specifically, how these perceptions motivate use. Armed with this information, the NP can communicate with patients about e-cigarettes, confidently recommend against their use, and begin discussions about reliable smoking cessation tools and resources that will help patients achieve their goals.","container-title":"Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners","DOI":"10.1002/2327-6924.12358","ISSN":"2327-6924","issue":"9","journalAbbreviation":"J Am Assoc Nurse Pract","language":"eng","note":"PMID: 26997487","page":"510-515","source":"PubMed","title":"The perceived effects of electronic cigarettes on health by adult users: A state of the science systematic literature review","title-short":"The perceived effects of electronic cigarettes on health by adult users","volume":"28","author":[{"family":"Tomashefski","given":"Amy"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016",9]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Tomashefski, 2016). More or less associated with smoking, it is mainly the inhalation of vapor generated by the device called electronic cigarettes. With the older generation sticking to the old traditional smoking via cigarettes, vaping is more commonly observed among teens and adults ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"pG6n2V7y","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Yoong et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Yoong et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":534,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/YUKCAQVX"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/YUKCAQVX"],"itemData":{"id":534,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Australian and New Zealand journal of public health","issue":"3","page":"303–308","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Prevalence of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) use among youth globally: a systematic review and meta-analysis of country level data","title-short":"Prevalence of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) use among youth globally","volume":"42","author":[{"family":"Yoong","given":"Sze Lin"},{"family":"Stockings","given":"Emily"},{"family":"Chai","given":"Li Kheng"},{"family":"Tzelepis","given":"Flora"},{"family":"Wiggers","given":"John"},{"family":"Oldmeadow","given":"Christopher"},{"family":"Paul","given":"Christine"},{"family":"Peruga","given":"Armando"},{"family":"Kingsland","given":"Melanie"},{"family":"Attia","given":"John"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Yoong et al., 2018). As a university student, I have also observed the use of e-cigarettes among my classmates who are mostly around my age.

I am extremely disgusted by the habit of smoking and vaping among adults and youngsters around me for several reasons. Considering the health effects of smoking and vaping, it is quite evident that it is the major reason for the prevalence of lung cancer among individuals; not only smokers but the non-smokers as well. Last year, 18,000 people have been reported to die as a consequence of smoking ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"PWndWHBM","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Lung Cancer | CDC,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Lung Cancer | CDC,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":"GQORYFX9/wtvC1cjz","uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/LGdpQbDd/items/DRWG7ZSB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/LGdpQbDd/items/DRWG7ZSB"],"itemData":{"id":35,"type":"webpage","title":"Lung Cancer | CDC","URL":"https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/lung/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,1]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Lung Cancer | CDC,” n.d.). It is extremely injurious to health. It is perilous, yet individuals decide to smoke. A slight puff seems harmless to them, however, it is not. We are at a loss of health due to smoking. Although, people like us who do not like to smoke or be around smokers are exposed to the smoke containing harmful chemicals such as nicotine which have negative effects. The toxic substances we inhale via breathing should be taken under account. Three key substances found in tobacco smoke are CO, tar, and nicotine. They are known to cause shocking impairment to the human body especially the heart, lungs, and brain ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"cak5mQKi","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Eysenck & Eaves, 1980)","plainCitation":"(Eysenck & Eaves, 1980)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":538,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/YPW6XWCZ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/YPW6XWCZ"],"itemData":{"id":538,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"SAGE PUBLIC., BEVERLY HILLS, CA. 1980.","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Causes and effects of smoking","author":[{"family":"Eysenck","given":"Hans Jurgen"},{"family":"Eaves","given":"L. J."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1980"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Eysenck & Eaves, 1980). The high practice of such a habit is the only cause of passive smoking. Passive smoking is characterized by the inhalation of smoke from nearby smokers ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"PABoZ0nQ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Ritchie & Roser, 2013)","plainCitation":"(Ritchie & Roser, 2013)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":541,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/NPYXB3FX"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/NPYXB3FX"],"itemData":{"id":541,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"Smoking is one of the largest risk factors for health. It’s estimated to kill 7 million prematurely every year. But how do rates of smoking vary across the world? How has this changed over time? See global and country-level data on smoking prevalence, health impacts and deaths.","container-title":"Our World in Data","journalAbbreviation":"Our World in Data","source":"ourworldindata.org","title":"Smoking","URL":"https://ourworldindata.org/smoking","author":[{"family":"Ritchie","given":"Hannah"},{"family":"Roser","given":"Max"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,14]]},"issued":{"date-parts":[["2013",5,23]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Ritchie & Roser, 2013). It is quite distressing that despite knowing the harmful effects of cigarette smoke, smokers refuse to acknowledge the fact that they are not only killing themselves but are also contributing to the gradual deterioration of public health. There is no difference between the harm caused by active or passive smoking because the magnitude of both is the same. The smell of cigarettes contributes to giving headaches, lightheadedness, and nausea. I do not like smokers because of the negative aura around them. Smokers do not look appealing as they do not have the most charming personality, and have dirty fingernails and pale teeth. They seem lethargic, and on various occasions, refuse to pay attention to others due to the feelings of relaxation. Moreover, because of my concern for the environment, I am extremely unhappy about the fact that extreme smoking among masses is the cause of air, land and consequently water pollution. First, the smoke contributes to the bad air quality due to the release of harmful chemicals into the air. The same air when inhaled by various individuals in society including children and pregnant ladies, cause their health to deteriorate. Secondly, smokers contribute to land pollution by throwing cigarette butts around every other corner. These cigarette butts litter the environment and later the harmful chemicals seep into soils and waterways consequently causing water pollution. Also, the key ingredient used in the production of cigarettes that smokers consume is wood. It requires almost 40 pages to make one roll of cigarette. Where do you reckon are all those pages come from? Deforestation ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"IcgM9dwC","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Rinkesh, 2017)","plainCitation":"(Rinkesh, 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":539,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/UZ7JTBZN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/UZ7JTBZN"],"itemData":{"id":539,"type":"post-weblog","abstract":"Cigarette smoking causes environmental pollution by releasing toxic air pollutants into the atmosphere. The cigarette butts also litter the environment and the toxic chemicals in the remains seep into soils and waterways therefore causing soil and water pollution respectively.","container-title":"Conserve Energy Future","language":"en-US","title":"10 Serious Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Environment and Human Health","URL":"https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/name=serious-effects-cigarette-smoking-environment-and-human-health","author":[{"literal":"Rinkesh"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,14]]},"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017",10,6]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Rinkesh, 2017). Deforestation is ultimately causing global warming, earth erosion, and loss of biodiversity. These smokers are indirectly affecting the environment that on a small scale does not seem like a critical issue but is actually a major threat to the ecosystem. Another major reason for my disgust towards smokers is their unwavering attitude towards non-smokers. Despite knowing that they may not be recognized as “pleasant individuals”, they still encourage and pressurize others to smoke or vape in some cases. Most of the smokers in my neighborhood have developed this habit by getting inspiration from their smoker friends during public interactions. I have also been under peer pressure of smoking, that is why I dislike this attitude of smokers, as they seem to influence society and neither care for themselves nor their fellow human beings. I believe all these reasons are enough to justify my unlikeness for smoking.

My feelings of disgust for smokers have affected my relationship and communication with them in various ways. I am highly concerned about the non-pleasant smell of cigarettes when I am around them. It gives me headaches and nausea. I work at a private firm, as a part-time employee and the person beside me is a chronic smoker. Although, he does not smoke inside the office, whenever he comes back after smoking outside, he brings the unpleasant odor with him which spreads throughout the office. It is nearly unbearable to sit with him during work when he comes back after fulfilling his appetite for nicotine. This is just the one case that I am discussing which has significantly decreased my productivity at work. Moreover, some smokers have an unacceptable habit of blowing cigarette smoke in your face which I believe is quite rude. In such cases, I have experienced various episodes of coughing, which in most cases, make smokers feel embarrassed. Throughout the day, ranging from the workplace to my home, I have difficulty while coping with smokers. My father is also a smoker and he has been smoking since the day he retired from his job. Most of the times I do not feel like sitting with him and telling him about my day because of the unpleasant smell and aura around him. The extremely unpleasant habit of smokers according to which they leave their cigarette butts lying around the streets and public places makes me frustrated. Educating smokers about the various impacts of environmental pollution and health consequences have instead contributed to the weakening of relationships because smokers are willing to do anything rather than quitting their habit of smoking in public settings.

However, some of the smokers in my social circle do not necessarily smoke in front of me. They ask if I am comfortable being around them, and when I refuse, they go somewhere else to smoke. But, most of the time, I am the one who has to compensate for people’s practice of smoking in public interactions. When I am offered a cigarette in a public or group setting, I initially refuse, but if I feel I am being pressurized, I leave the place for good. I have developed a communicating style, so smokers around me do not get offended. When I get a severe headache, I let the smoker know that it might be due to the cigarette smoke. They immediately apologize and take the cigarette outside or put it out, altogether. In some cases when they unintentionally blow smoke in my face, I intentionally cough to make them realize that I am not comfortable with this practice. I often tell them, “I am avoiding smoke to stay healthy so if you don’t mind taking cigarette outside, it would be a huge favor”. Many smokers do not like to be told about not smoking around so in that case, if they light up a cigarette I say, “I don’t like to be around cigarette smoke so I would come back later when you are done smoking”. If this also does not work I tell people that I am allergic to cigarette smoke. This eventually makes smokers take their cigarettes away from me. When I walk past smokers in public, I sometimes cover my nose with a cloth or shirt, or make a gesture that suggests that I am bothered by the smoke. All these communication styles have somewhat enabled me to cope with the situation I don’t like. I believe, no one but you can solve the potential problems around you via coping effectively.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY 30 Surprising Smoking Statistics & Facts (2019 Edition). (n.d.). Retrieved December 14, 2019, from LoudCloudHealth website: https://loudcloudhealth.com/smoking-statistics/

Eysenck, H. J., & Eaves, L. J. (1980). Causes and effects of smoking. SAGE PUBLIC., BEVERLY HILLS, CA. 1980.

Lung Cancer | CDC. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2019, from https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/lung/

Rinkesh. (2017, October 6). 10 Serious Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Environment and Human Health. Retrieved December 14, 2019, from Conserve Energy Future website: https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/name=serious-effects-cigarette-smoking-environment-and-human-health

Ritchie, H., & Roser, M. (2013). Smoking. Our World in Data. Retrieved from https://ourworldindata.org/smoking

Tomashefski, A. (2016). The perceived effects of electronic cigarettes on health by adult users: A state of the science systematic literature review. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 28(9), 510–515. https://doi.org/10.1002/2327-6924.12358

Yoong, S. L., Stockings, E., Chai, L. K., Tzelepis, F., Wiggers, J., Oldmeadow, C., … Attia, J. (2018). Prevalence of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) use among youth globally: A systematic review and meta-analysis of country level data. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 42(3), 303–308.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

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Title: America a melting pot or salad bowl


Born as humans but divided by race and ethnicity we all lost our actual identity that is why we are all Homo sapiens and no one is superior to others. Unfortunately, this concept vanishes right after birth. While filling the birth certificate form, we all are differentiated by our color, race, ethnicity, cast, and, etc. The race is defined as the classification of people from one another based on their physical appearances and social qualities. While ethnicity is defined as a group of people having the same cultural values. It also includes language and religion (Bertsch 131). Now the question arises that should we be judged by these definitions or by our mind, our views, and, our ethics.


There is huge cultural diversity in the US. This is because the US is considered to be the nation of immigrants. Although a lot of people may disagree, but this is a fact. There are a lot of people in the US that are of mixed races as well. Despite being so much diversity race is still a major issue. Although, people like to cover the issue by saying that we live in a progressive world and race does not matter but in reality, it does. It does affect the people in their daily lives. Whether they are studying, working, regardless of their age and gender. When it comes to children they see and perceive the world differently than what we see. For them, it does not matter what their skin color is. They just like to be differentiated by their names. While entering the school when they came across different people they often ask questions like why I am so white or black, why my hair is curly or straight. As they grew older they realize the concept of race and become part of the same stereotypical culture.

In the US bullying based upon one’s skin color is very common and the sad part is that even children have to go through this. A survey shows that one out of every 5 people faces bullying due to their physical appearance. This causes children to question their own identity and existence. It is also one of the major reason of an increase in mental disorder and suicide. As children and teens are not fully grown they find it hard to understand this harsh reality. Although there are many educational institutes where there is no bullying policy yet still children face this discrimination at every point in their lives.

In our society white is not only a dominant race but it is also considered as the default race. Whether it be TV advertisements, fashion magazines, TV serials white people will be prominent. This is a form of systematic racism that is often neglected. Although bullying and passing racist remarks are major issues but systematic racism is an issue that needs immediate attention. For instance, in most of the leading cosmetics brands there are fewer foundation shades available for tanned or dark skin. Most dolls and toys are available with the picture of white children on them. Additionally, our community is also divided into groups like while people live in a separate block and black in a separate block (Edwards, Roger & Francis 135).

The impact of how the race affects can be easily understood by the examples of many famous people for example the former president of the US Barak Obama faced lots of hurdles to reach to the point where he became president of one of the most powerful state yet still he was not given recognition as other presidents just because of his color though he was mixed –race, not pure black. The same case is with the world-renowned tennis player Serena Williams. She faces constant bullying on social media and in real life just because of their color. Even in films and music industry bullying because of race is not new. With the increase in technology people are more prone to bullying and racism on a daily basis (Dovidio & Samuel 21). People with mixed races spend their entire life to create an identity for themselves yet still they lack the social status that is their birth-right.

Although the US is referred to as a melting pot but after seeing the amount of racism the melting pot is having a severe meltdown. Despite being the citizens of America people are often classified as African-American, Asian-American, and, etc. As by default Americans are supposed to be white. This attitude is the leading cause of people being not able to achieve their goals. Constant bullying and racism are the real cause of increased crimes, drug addiction, and severe mental disorders. Most of the facilities are provided to the white people and their children are more privileged. Whereas black people or any other mixed-race person had to face challenges in every aspect of their lives.


Racism is an issue that needs to be addressed because it is the root cause of all the crimes and mental disorders. A country will never be successful where people are judged by their color. As Michael Johnson says “I don’t fancy colors of the face, I am always attracted to the colors of the brain”, we need to finish this concept of identifying people on the basis of their color or race or their physical appearances and focused more on who they are as human beings. It is very important to understand the fact that every human being is different and should be treated with kindness and respect rather than categorizing them based on their appearances this will make our country successful and prosperous.

Works Cited

Bertsch, Andy. "The melting pot vs. the salad bowl: a call to explore regional cross-cultural differences and similarities within the USA." Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict 17.1 (2013): 131.

Dovidio, John F., and Samuel L. Gaertner. Prejudice, discrimination, and racism. Academic Press, 1986.

Edwards, Christopher L., Roger B. Fillingim, and Francis Keefe. "Race, ethnicity and pain." Pain 94.2 (2001): 133-137.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

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The true face of Social Media

Social Media is an indispensable aspect of modern society. Apparently, it gives freedom of speech and contributes to a democratic society. It gives people an opportunity to have a voice in government and offers freedom of expression and free sharing of information. Yet it has produced negative impacts, and the free sharing of information is linked with a number of issues when it comes to freedom, civilization, and democracy. This paper seeks to explain the negative impacts of social media in these areas in light of views of Standage, Radcliffe, and Blum. Because the power of social media is in the hands of people, it is ineffective for attaining freedom, democracy, and civilization.

Standage, Radcliffe, and Blum have shared their views on the role of social media and its impacts the areas under consideration. All the articles present a successful claim that how the age of internet marked with social media fails to provide democracy and freedom of speech and shapes civilization. Tom Standage in the article “History Retweets Itself” examines the role of social media on freedom of speech. He claims that social media not only gives freedom for sharing bad ideas but also promote negative things. Dana Radcliffe in the article "Dashed Hopes: Why Aren't Social Media Delivering Democracy?" Through social media countries like Tunisia, Egypt and Lybia failed to establish democracy depicting the ineffectiveness of social media. Susan D. Blum in "The United States of (Non) Reading - The End of Civilization or a New Era?" The argument states that dependence on the Internet has undermined the concept of reading in youth. The three authors in their arguments are addressing youth and students who are addicted to social media. The purpose is to inform them about the negative impacts of social media.

Free media does not mean a free society. Social media does not pave ways for the achievement of democracy. Dana makes an argument that the purpose of using social media in the Arab spring was to unite against dictatorship and gain freedom. The reality was different because these countries failed to attain democracy. Radcliffe mentions, “With the qualified exception of Tunisia, Arab Spring did not transform dictatorship into democracies” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"9ABLxROY","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Dashed Hopes: Why Aren\\uc0\\u8217{}t Social Media Delivering Democracy? | HuffPost})","plainCitation":"(Dashed Hopes: Why Aren’t Social Media Delivering Democracy? | HuffPost)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":80,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/W346C6PF"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/W346C6PF"],"itemData":{"id":80,"type":"webpage","title":"Dashed Hopes: Why Aren't Social Media Delivering Democracy? | HuffPost","URL":"https://www.huffingtonpost.com/dana-radcliffe/dashed-hopes-why-arent-so_b_8343082.html","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Dashed Hopes: Why Aren’t Social Media Delivering Democracy? | HuffPost). She further argues that democracy cannot be achieved until people are equal and share the same interests. Although social media united people on a common platform, it could not transform their personal interests. Standane also expresses his concerns about the misuse of social media. He mentions, "racism, sexism, bigotry, incivility, and ignorance abound in many online discussion forums” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"5vg99HS7","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Social Media: History Retweets Itself - Spiked})","plainCitation":"(Social Media: History Retweets Itself - Spiked)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":82,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/63U4P847"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/63U4P847"],"itemData":{"id":82,"type":"webpage","title":"Social media: history retweets itself - spiked","URL":"https://www.spiked-online.com/2013/10/31/social-media-history-retweets-itself/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Social Media: History Retweets Itself - Spiked). The platform allows certain groups to engage in unproductive and unnecessary discussions that do not reflect the themes of freedom of expression. The misinformation on social media also pava challenges for election on social media platforms ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"GbKa3Oum","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Meyer-Resende)","plainCitation":"(Meyer-Resende)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":85,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/KDISVKBB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/KDISVKBB"],"itemData":{"id":85,"type":"article-journal","title":"A New Frontier - Social Media/Networks, Disinformation and Public International Law in the Context of Election Observation","page":"22","source":"Zotero","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Meyer-Resende","given":"Michael"}]}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Meyer-Resende).

If social media were a platform, which allows people to express themselves politically then there, would have been no chance of bullying or threatening. According to By Samidh Chakrabarti, Product Manager, Civic Engagement on Facebook shares a story of government harassment. A citizen after sharing the video critical to authorities got a visit from the police for his tax compliance. This shows the states and governments use their power to intimate their critics putting a chilling effect to Facebook freedom of speech ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"2ZZxd09n","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Hard Questions: What Effect Does Social Media Have on Democracy? | Facebook Newsroom})","plainCitation":"(Hard Questions: What Effect Does Social Media Have on Democracy? | Facebook Newsroom)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":76,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/U3CG5Q2S"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/U3CG5Q2S"],"itemData":{"id":76,"type":"webpage","title":"Hard Questions: What Effect Does Social Media Have on Democracy? | Facebook Newsroom","URL":"https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2018/01/effect-social-media-democracy/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hard Questions: What Effect Does Social Media Have on Democracy? | Facebook Newsroom). The political power of social media is in the hands of the people who hold them. Standane claims that social media don't guarantee that freedom of expression is used for a good idea only. There are equal chances for exploitation.

Standage mentions, “Greater freedom of expression, means that bad ideas will proliferate as well as good ones, but it also means that bad ideas are more likely to be challenged” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"bZnGpEOs","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Social Media: History Retweets Itself - Spiked})","plainCitation":"(Social Media: History Retweets Itself - Spiked)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":82,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/63U4P847"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/63U4P847"],"itemData":{"id":82,"type":"webpage","title":"Social media: history retweets itself - spiked","URL":"https://www.spiked-online.com/2013/10/31/social-media-history-retweets-itself/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Social Media: History Retweets Itself - Spiked). Access to such platforms empowers certain groups who can use freedom of expression for promoting hatred or chaos. Dana claims that groups or government can control social media that will again undermine the notion of democracy. Dana claims social media is a "power to inform or misinform people, to engage or manipulate, to mobilize or control” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"8WqnDxud","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Social Media: History Retweets Itself - Spiked})","plainCitation":"(Social Media: History Retweets Itself - Spiked)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":82,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/63U4P847"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/63U4P847"],"itemData":{"id":82,"type":"webpage","title":"Social media: history retweets itself - spiked","URL":"https://www.spiked-online.com/2013/10/31/social-media-history-retweets-itself/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Social Media: History Retweets Itself - Spiked). The statement depicts that social media is an effective tool that can be used for misleading people. The events of the twenty-first century indicate that social media has me manipulated by certain groups or politicians for specific interests.

According to Susan D. Blum, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Notre Dame states how youth have stopped reading and they are relying on the free information available on the internet. With an excess of everything in a click students do not even buy, the books required in a particular course. Short items on websites encourage students to skip book reading. students in the current era have many reasons to avoid reading ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"R0NI4iBr","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}The United States of (Non)Reading: The End of Civilization or a New Era? | HuffPost})","plainCitation":"(The United States of (Non)Reading: The End of Civilization or a New Era? | HuffPost)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":78,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/MXXPV6TR"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/MXXPV6TR"],"itemData":{"id":78,"type":"webpage","title":"The United States of (Non)Reading: The End of Civilization or a New Era? | HuffPost","URL":"https://www.huffingtonpost.com/susan-d-blum/united-states-of-nonreading_b_4066244.html","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (The United States of (Non)Reading: The End of Civilization or a New Era? | HuffPost). Contents are available in short forms that consume less time. Students prefer to read plots or summaries to save time for playing to other activities. Blum mentions, “So if students are sipping text constantly on their devices, and suddenly they are asked to consume what sounds like an insurmountable mountain of pages in some other form — and for what!? They are likely to avoid it entirely” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"PdM92XQO","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}The United States of (Non)Reading: The End of Civilization or a New Era? | HuffPost})","plainCitation":"(The United States of (Non)Reading: The End of Civilization or a New Era? | HuffPost)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":78,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/MXXPV6TR"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/MXXPV6TR"],"itemData":{"id":78,"type":"webpage","title":"The United States of (Non)Reading: The End of Civilization or a New Era? | HuffPost","URL":"https://www.huffingtonpost.com/susan-d-blum/united-states-of-nonreading_b_4066244.html","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (The United States of (Non)Reading: The End of Civilization or a New Era? | HuffPost). They are convinced that relying on devices is a better choice because it saves time. Everyone is thus willing to skip reading for spending time on leisure activities. Blum has criticized the role of technology due to its adversarial impacts on the youth.

Social media cause more harm than benefits to society. Although the purpose of social media is to empower people but is used for negative things. Standane claims, Twitter allows anyone to send threats or abuse directly to other users. These platforms are more commonly used for criticizing others that promote emotions of hatred. Dana mentions, “current use of social media favors affinity over engagement, expression over the debate, silence over a disagreement, dogmatism over compromise and towards opponents, disdain over-respect" ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"5xXlsQ3O","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Dashed Hopes: Why Aren\\uc0\\u8217{}t Social Media Delivering Democracy? | HuffPost})","plainCitation":"(Dashed Hopes: Why Aren’t Social Media Delivering Democracy? | HuffPost)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":80,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/W346C6PF"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/W346C6PF"],"itemData":{"id":80,"type":"webpage","title":"Dashed Hopes: Why Aren't Social Media Delivering Democracy? | HuffPost","URL":"https://www.huffingtonpost.com/dana-radcliffe/dashed-hopes-why-arent-so_b_8343082.html","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Dashed Hopes: Why Aren’t Social Media Delivering Democracy? | HuffPost). The authors argue that social media is unsafe because it gives the right of disrespecting and humiliating anyone. Technology has discouraged students from reading. Blum argues that the students are less likely to spend time on reading when they Blum states, “ almost 19 percent don’t read for class, in terms of time, 94 percent of students spend less than two hours on any given reading for class, 62 percent spend less than an hour” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"gIiLS42T","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}The United States of (Non)Reading: The End of Civilization or a New Era? | HuffPost})","plainCitation":"(The United States of (Non)Reading: The End of Civilization or a New Era? | HuffPost)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":78,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/MXXPV6TR"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/MXXPV6TR"],"itemData":{"id":78,"type":"webpage","title":"The United States of (Non)Reading: The End of Civilization or a New Era? | HuffPost","URL":"https://www.huffingtonpost.com/susan-d-blum/united-states-of-nonreading_b_4066244.html","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (The United States of (Non)Reading: The End of Civilization or a New Era? | HuffPost) .Dana claims that internet involves more adversaries than benefits. The time students spend on productive activities is less than the time they spend on ruthless commenting.

The three showcase the negative aspects of social media and it’s a true face in the name of democracy and freedom of speech. They prove that the Internet and social media are impractical tools for attaining freedom, democracy, and civilization. Social media has some positives, but it is not reasonable to say that they outweigh negatives. If it provides a platform to share information, it spreads misinformation and corrodes democracy. The central arguments highlight the negative implications of the internet and social media. Standane proves that freedom of expression is promoting harmful activities like sexism and bigotry. Dana assures that social media does not guarantee democracy. Blum through examining reading activities confirms adversarial causes of the internet. In short, the internet and social media have changed the attitudes of youth by engaging them in unsafe activities.

Changes and Revision

Introduction and a better overview of the essay

Re-arrangement of information in order to support thesis points one by one

Expansion by giving an example of Facebook political harassment

Addition of external sources to back up the argument.

Explanation of the paragraphs to make it easy for the reader to understand

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Dashed Hopes: Why Aren’t Social Media Delivering Democracy? | HuffPost. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/dana-radcliffe/dashed-hopes-why-arent-so_b_8343082.html. Accessed 21 Feb. 2019.

Hard Questions: What Effect Does Social Media Have on Democracy? | Facebook Newsroom. https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2018/01/effect-social-media-democracy/. Accessed 21 Feb. 2019.

Meyer-Resende, Michael. A New Frontier - Social Media/Networks, Disinformation and Public International Law in the Context of Election Observation. p. 22.

Social Media: History Retweets Itself - Spiked. https://www.spiked-online.com/2013/10/31/social-media-history-retweets-itself/. Accessed 21 Feb. 2019.

The United States of (Non)Reading: The End of Civilization or a New Era? | HuffPost. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/susan-d-blum/united-states-of-nonreading_b_4066244.html. Accessed 21 Feb. 2019.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Up To You

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Contributions in the Discipline of Interior Design

I have always been deeply interested in the subject of arts, especially fine arts. Fine arts is a very diverse field; it includes a wide range of disciplines in which the artists depicts his or her creativity to get appreciation or quench their thirst of imagination, aesthetics, and intellect. I feel a deep connection to creative arts and think that I can express my thought and ideas much better by choosing the medium of art. To be specific, I feel more inclined towards planning, designing and decorating the spaces, that is why I decided to go in the field of interior design.

Interior designing is not a new discipline; it has been in there since the beginning of the medieval ages. The concept of interior design is to design and decorate the enclosed spaces, especially buildings to create a healthy and aesthetically soothing environment for the indivisuals using that space. The subject of interior design is interlinked with many other disciplines like architecture, construction space management, and many others.

The field of interior design has multiple sub-disciplines as well like commercial interior designing, residential interior designing, color management, etc. many authors and researchers have contributed their work in the said discipline, and numerous pieces of writings can be found in order to grasp a better sense of the subject. Some of these works have been discussed below.

The first piece of writing that inspired me was “A Philosophy of Interior Design” by Stanley Abercrombie. This book is an excellent contribution in the field of interior designing as it thoroughly explores the subject and even a newbie can easily understand it. The book throws light on the basics of interior designing and elaborates the importance of interior design for any closed space or building. It also explores the aesthetic side of interior designing (Abercrombie).

Another notable work in the area of interior designing is "Residential interior design: A guide to planning spaces" by Maureen Mitton. This book provides a specific knowledge regarding the decoration of buildings built explicitly for the purpose of residence. Maureen highlights the various aspects of construction and how different kinds of residential areas can be decorated, considering the needs and demands of the family. From re-modeling to reconstructing homes, this book covers all the essential aspects (Mitton).

Another book that I found very useful regarding the subject of interior designing is “The House in Good Taste: Design Advice from America's First Interior Decorator." The book hook has been penned down by celebrated American interior designer, Elsie de Wolfe, who is regarded as the "first lady" of interior designing. She is of the view that creative and good decoration skills can be learned just like good manners. She always emphasized on utilizing the spaces to the full extent and keeping the element of elegance on top while decorating the spaces, especially homes. De Wolfe was the one who gave the concept that the decoration of a home is the representation of the identity of the owner so it should be designed exquisitely (De Wolfe).

And last but not the least comes “The Handbook of Interior Design” by Jo Ann Asher Thompson and Nancy Blossom. The authors have penned down the book after thorough research, and it covers both the areas of theory and practice in the sector of interior designing. The publication highlights the critical aspects of the subjects and provides answers to many questions that lurk in the mind of an interior designer. The book also includes examples of projects by various interior designers and tips and pieces of advice from the experts (Thompson).

Works Cited

Abercrombie, Stanley. A philosophy of interior design. Routledge, 2018.

De Wolfe, Elsie. The House in Good Taste: Design Advice from America's First Interior Decorator. Courier Dover Publications, 2017.

Mitton, Maureen, and Courtney Nystuen. Residential interior design: A guide to planning spaces. John Wiley & Sons, 2016.

Thompson, Jo Ann Asher, and Nancy Blossom, Eds. The handbook of interior design. John Wiley & Sons, 2015.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Up To You





Educational Inequality in America

Garom and Bruch, (1) state that in most English speaking states, including America, educational inequality remains a major concern. In the last 3 decades, the nations have experienced increased inequality in various levels. Despite the increase in inequality research publications, research on the manner in which to minimize inequality remains more of an exception than a rule. Inequality is evident in the academic performance distinctions or the achievement gap between different racial and ethnic groups. Garom and Bruch, (1) argue that moving beyond the trends need a powerful capacity for a study on minimizing inequality such as wider and more incorporated strategies to study educational inequality, more diverse voices for advocating for inequality, and additional funding for the research. Therefore, schools, government, and other stakeholders must address all the factors contributing to educational inequalities and the performance difference among students in America to ensure effective learning.

Reardon, Waldfogel, and Bassok, (230-242) claim that educational inequality still remains evident in the US, however, it has significantly reduced because US citizens continue to become aware of the significance of education. The authors state that in the 1990s, America issued educational resource to some classes and the minority students and low-income earners failed to access standard education. Today’s students have access to more materials, computer games and the internet increasing their knowledge. The authors note that the situation has changed, although it remains evident in some schools. Additionally, parents spend additional time with their children and assist them in their learning. The readiness gap has decreased by 16% in reading and 10% in math. More so, low income households can access quality education more easily compared to the past. However, the remaining gap still remain vast and can take many years to close it completely.

Garom and Bruch, (3) state that discovering research-based resolutions for bridging the achievement gap remain a challenge. The demographic shift of the learners in public schools continues to accelerate the issue. The racial/ethnic achievement gap in America defines the disparities existing in education between different ethnic/racial groups. The achievement gap remains evident in Hispanics and Blacks, including in high school dropout, a lower score on standardized tests, and lower grades. They also may not finish their college education compared to the Whites who score lower than the Asians from developed states such as China, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, and Taiwan. Students in America continue to make significant academic achievement over the last forty-five years. However, the ethnic/racial achievement gap exists due to the fact that not all learners advance and develop at similar rates.

According to Berliner, (par. 1), Bourdieu analyzed the post Second World War public policies of extending educational opportunities to eliminate social inequalities and discovered that despite the efforts in the Western nations, there still remain inequalities in status, income and wealth. Instead of equalizing, the education system reproduces the bias distribution of inherited cultural distinctions. More so, the out-of-school factors connected to poverty remain the primary cause of the achievement gap among the low income and minority communities. Research indicates that poverty influences the readiness for school and school readiness reflect the capacity of success socially as well as academically in a school setting.

Garom and Bruch, (8) claim that in America, narrowing the achievement gap between the non-minority and the minority population remain the key objectives in the education systems in America, hence enhancing the academic achievement of the minority learners via various procedures, policies, and laws. One of the policies includes the No Child Left Behind Act began the transformation to performance. Another policy entails the Race to The Top that promotes transformative modification within learning centers, enhances classroom resources and practices and targets leveraging. However, despite the efforts, the performance gap among the minority groups still remains despite the efforts.

National Education Association (par. 5) observes that Critical Race Theory indicate that in the 21st-century education in America possess a widening gap and the gap is accelerated by the deregulation and economic policies which can be tracked from President Regan reign as well as Clinton which passed the anti-worker policy. The Bush reign supported the main businesses and offered tax-free breaks for the wealthy compared to the middle and lower individuals. The adaptation of the social justice policies in the US education system results in equal opportunities to the learners. However, there still exist disparities as some schools are meant for the rich and others in the low-income population. The social-economic status of a household tends to determine the type of school the children will attend in addition to the selection of their extra-curricular activities, yearbooks field trips and the money for advanced placement among others.

According to Berliner, (par. 3), there exists 6 out-of-school factors evident among low-income households and significantly influence the learning and health opportunities of the children. They include insufficient medical, vision and dental care due to lack of medical insurance, non-genetic prenatal effects and low-birth weight in children, environmental pollutants, food insecurity, neighborhood attributes, and family stress and relations. They are connected to poverty-induced psychological, sociological and physical issues that kids bring to school, including oppositional behaviors, linguistic underdevelopment, excessive absenteeism, attention disorder, and neurological damage. The out-of-school factors connected to poverty remain the primary cause of the achievement gap among the low income and minority communities.

Ferguson, Bovaird, & Mueller, (20) claim that the factors develop an obstacle for learning institutions lying outside their influence and beyond their control. Most out-of-school programs aimed at addressing the issues through summer learning, after-school and preschool programs. However, insufficient funds, academic help, and attendance limit the efforts. Therefore, Berliner argues that efforts to address the issue at the school level do not address the detailed and interwoven elements that prevent learning success. Therefore, schools, government, and other stakeholders must address all the factors to ensure effective learning.

In conclusion, schools, government, and other stakeholders must address all the factors contributing to educational inequalities and the performance difference among students in America to ensure effective learning. The inequality is evident in the academic performance distinctions or the achievement gap between different racial and ethnic groups. The adaptation of the social justice policies in the US education system results in equal opportunities to the learners. However, there still exist disparities as some schools are meant for the rich and others in the low-income population. The social-economic status of a household tends to determine the type of school the children will attend in addition to the selection of their extra-curricular activities, yearbooks field trips and the money for advanced placement among others. Moving beyond the trends need a powerful capacity for a study on minimizing inequality such as wider and more incorporated strategies to study educational inequality, more diverse voices for advocating for inequality, and additional funding for the research.

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Berliner, D. "Poverty and Potential: Out-of-School Factors and School Success." National Education Policy Center. 2009. Web Accessed: 2 March 2019.

Ferguson, H, S Bovaird and M Mueller. "The Impact of Poverty on Educational Outcomes for Children." Paediatr Child Health. 2007 Oct; 12(8): 701–706. 2007. Web Accessed: 2 March 2019. 2 March 2019.

Garom, A and S Bruch. "Educational Inequality in the United States: Can We Reverse the Tide?" Journal of Education and Work, 30, (7). 2017. Web Accessed: 2 March 2019. 2 March 2019.

National Education Association. "Out-Of-School Factors Influence Student Achievement." National Education Association. 2018. Web Accessed: 2 March 2019. 2 March 2019.

Reardon, S., Waldfogel, J. and Bassok, D. “The Good News about Educational Inequality.” Greene, Staurt and April Lidinsky. From Inquiry To Academic Writing. Macmillan. 2018. 2 March 2019.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Use Of Secondary Sources

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Use Of Secondary Sources


“The sensibility of the reader is intrinsic to the poem, as the function of the reader is to help the writer create order out of chaos. The reader adds his personal acuity to the vision of the writer and, with luck, discovers more than the writer can by himself.”

One of the key things that can be interpreted from the phrase is that how the vivid description of the character and an event is being carried out. The idea is to make sure that the sense of perspective is being provided to the reader through which they are able to peak and look into things and have their own reflection about the events at the given point of time. The other aspect of the whole thing is that how such a strong depiction allows the reader to make sure that they are using their own imagination comprehend the imagery presented here.


There are some interesting insights that are being presented during the course of the article, the key thing that can be seen here is that how at times it is very important for the person to make sure that they are paying attention to the details with regards to the way things are shaping up. One must be able to inference what is happening in their surrounding and then must take the appropriate decision. On the other hand, at times, going into deep analysis and over thinking about certain situations is not helpful. What must be thought about here is that how effort must be made by the broader stakeholders all the time regarding how they are going to be making sure that things shape up in a certain manner and what are some of the broader aspects that are needed to be taken into consideration in this regard.

Works Cited

Ross, Haj. "Robert Frost’s ‘Out, Out-’." Crossing the boundaries in linguistics. Springer, Dordrecht, 1981. 265-282.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Utopia Or Dystopia

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Our Current Society as Dystopian Society

Dystopian Society

A dystopian society is characterized by the imaginative futuristic world in which society is controlled through oppression and perfect society illusion is maintained using corporate, technological, bureaucratic, moralistic, and totalitarian control(Awan & Raza, 2016). Dystopia is basically a worst case scenario and a current trend criticism of societal norm, political system, and societal norm.

Some of the characteristics of the Dystopian Society are as follow:

By using propaganda citizens of the society would be controlled

Freedom is restricted as well as restriction would be placed on independent thinking and information

Citizen of dystopian society worships a concept and a figurehead.

Constant surveillance of citizens is perceived

Fear is induced by the outside world in the citizens

State of dehumanization of citizens living

Banishment and distrust of the natural world is inducted in citizens

Conformity of uniformity is expected, dissent and individuality would be disregarded

Ways to Exercise Dystopian Society

Several controls are exercised using the illusion of perfect society and societal control through oppression. Some of the controls that can be used to create a dystopian society are:

Control can be exercised by the use of a corporate medium. One or several big corporations would control society using their advertisements, products, and media.

Societies can also be controlled by using Bureaucracy. Relentless regulations, red tape, and government officials incompetency can be used to control society through Bureaucratic measures.

Technological control can be achieved through technology using computers, scientific means, and robots.

Philosophical or religious control can be maintained by using ideologies related to the philosophies and religion that could be enforced using theocratic and dictatorship government.

Our Society Moving to Dystopia

A constant threat is placed on our present and future, one embodying corrupt morals and ideas. The tendency of human to wage wars and destruction, forcing power makers to make forced decisions that ensure our specie safety. In our present modernizing society and technological advancements, even maintaining basic privacy begins to challenge our daily life as we are drowning in the social networking and media world(Baccolini, Raffaella & Tom Moylan, 2003). While technological advancements have its uses but it also makes inequality between rich and poor creating distinct and clear class boundaries. Today political system encourages the unequal global wealth distribution.

Historically we have seen that war is a very important element that shapes the human society dysfunctionality. The Second World War is evident that events and activities of Nazi German party under the influence of Hitler's dictatorship has established concentration camps in thousands and innocent millions of civilians were murdered due to their religious values and culture(Claeys & Gregory, 2010). Propaganda is an important aspect of the dystopian society to forge thoughts and ideas and it was done in the Second World War when Nazis used propaganda machine successfully to brainwash German citizens.

Fictions related to dystopian society warns against destruction and causality of war: value and mortality being sacrificed for gaining powers and defending violence in party meetings as a means for peace achievement. In Winston Smith novel 1984, he describes the war futility by describing "War; however is no longer the desperate, annihilating struggle that it was in the early decades of the twentieth century. It is the warfare of limited aims between combatants who are able unable to destroy one another, have no material cause for fighting and are not divided by any genuine ideological difference” (Orwell 1984). In Winston's statement, he emphasizes on the war pointlessness from initiation to end. It is asserted by Orwell that throughout human history, going to war is not for any ideological differences. Instead, he thinks that we should consider ourselves as global citizens rather than dividing ourselves into race, culture, and religion.

Secondly, inequality is increasing day by day around the world and wealth distribution discriminates lower class. It would be a big challenge to promote human equality when the world's population is in possession of 1% elite class. Furthermore, it is evident in the modern day world that literate labor class works hard for less income while the bourgeoisie minority makes more revenue of the work done by the lower class. According to a report by Credit Suisse, the gap difference between the super-rich and the rest of the world's remaining population is increasing day by day. The 1% richest person in the world owns the world's half wealth highlighting the growing gap between everyone else and super-rich people(Resch, 1997). The world's richest people share the total global wealth that increases from 42.5% in 2008 to 50.1% in 2017. These aspects of our society have inspired many dystopian fiction writers and it is an evident piece of information that led wars to corrupt our present world, increasing inequality, and increasing media and technological influence. Considering this society which becomes more and closer to the dystopian world like the one which is presented in the novel 1984, the Ministry of Plenty perfectly relates to the idea of inequality. The Ministry of Plenty who is in charge of economic affairs, rations inequality among different social classes favored the Inner and Outer party which constitutes national population comprising of a small minority. As our world's majority population is starving, there is an increasing need to identify this distribution inequality as immoral and against the fairness of basic principles. Lack of necessities like water, nutrition, and other daily usage things causes poor vulnerability which prevents development. Due to deficiency of government services and infrastructure for underdeveloped areas also cause deadly diseases to spread endangering the environment through pollution and toxic material unsafe usage. According to Orwell, like our present society, it is vital for countries to have equal education so that they can pass through this era of evolution and without this equality, intellect creativity would decrease with increase in violence and substance abuse. Higher prostitution rates, drug trafficking, gangs are present mostly in poverty based areas.

Thirdly media and technology are influencing our world day by day. It is very easy to disseminate ideologies of powerful by using propaganda from advertising to news creating perfect body illusion and illusion related to lifestyles, existence, and families. Like a dystopian society, it is not a reality but a construct. Truth is deeply hidden in piles of false advertisements and lies, photoshopped magazines, video games, films, and magazines. This perfect lifestyle illusion has a very deep impact in the society we are currently living in. The virtual universe is created by technology that is the inventor of an alternate reality. Today advancing society is putting its emphasis dangerously on the use of unreal, ideal, and virtual world which is of their making. Virtual sense of connection is falsely inducted in our society by the use of social media which forms an unrealistic bond with our society and creates expectations of lifestyle and identity of the modern world which is unrealistic. In Orwell novel 1984 it is clearly depicted that "If you want a picture of future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face- forever"

Comparing Today Society with Orwellian Society

It is amazing how a book that is published far before the inventions and usage of computers feels very relevant than before. Reading novel 1984 today, the most astonishing feature that is found out in today world is the fact of supporting a particular narrative by distorting the reality. Now in today's world be calling the propaganda "alternative fact". Protagonist writes in 1984, "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two is four." When state authorities' torture him, his declaration is used against his own self and forcing him to "doublethink", which was a way used by the authorities to prioritize their truth against his own. Same is done in our society when leaders invent ways of massacre and crimes, and when media departs from their official version, citizens with propaganda were made to decide to involve in doublethink.

Another thing that the 1984 novel claims and are found in our world is the modern-day idea of a surveillance state. Orwell's novel masterfully becomes more and more related to our world as we are becoming technologically connected and dependent on "big data". Today collection and gathering billions of information data which is analyzed by the intelligence community so that they can use and form patterns to access and make analysis on millions of individual behavioral data are quite normal. In 1984 novel, the idea of surveillance is presented in the form of watching television screens and fear of getting wrong under constant surveillance. In today world, gazillions of data are collected through the use of social media including every comment, gesture, or purchase we make and making our lives more under the microscope in our preferences.

At the end of the day, we are facing things that are imminent in a dystopian society. Technology and our data sharing have become more and more ingrained in our society and manipulation of our even basic instincts are solidify when their power exists (Winner & Langdon, 1997). Dystopia novels address these issues and people are modeled to analyze this threat which is the first step in the determination and awareness of the problem.

Overcoming Dystopia

A basic uniform income might tackle the threat of mass unemployment from automation job, but other ethical ways can be devised in dealing with this course of dystopia. The scientist might reach to the masses and help them in understanding the challenges and tells them the way to overcome those challenges. One of the main things to overcome dystopia is an informed citizenry. We can teach critical thinking in our teaching institutes and the researchers from different fields need to work alongside to better prepare ethical concerns shaping our century.

In this world of technology and constant surveillance, we felt a dire need to change our lifestyle for a better future. We have to make use of check on our self when using social media and try to make a society which is not virtual. Change starts from us, we have to look and share our views not with the virtual world but people close to us. We have to uplift poor's and eliminate poverty by helping them escaping Darwin's evolution. We have to support the weak and stand against the oppressor as done by many protagonists in dystopian novels. Reality has to be faced with courage and sheer will because there is no way of escaping reality. A pigeon never survives the cat by closing its eyes. There is always hope even when the possibility is small. As the heroes of our favorite dystopian novels fought back when there is a pain when people are silenced, they shout louder, we have to take those measures in our present world. There is always a utopian nucleus in a dystopia. "Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was the truth and there was an untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad." ― George Orwell, 1984.

Works Cited

Awan, Abdul Ghafoor, and Raza, Syed Ahmad. "The Effects of Totalitarianism & Marxism towards dystopian society in George Orwell’s selected Fictions." Global Journal of Management and Social Sciences 2.4 (2016): 21-37.

Baccolini, Raffaella, and Tom Moylan. "Critical Dystopia and Possibilities." Dark horizons: science fiction and the dystopian imagination (2003): 233-49.

Claeys, Gregory. "The origins of dystopia: Wells, Huxley and Orwell." The Cambridge companion to utopian literature(2010): 107-134.

Resch, Robert Paul. "Utopia, dystopia, and the middle class in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four." boundary 2 24.1 (1997): 137-176.

Winner, Langdon. "Technology today: Utopia or dystopia?." Social research (1997): 989-1017.

Subject: English

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

Utopia Reaearch Article Disneyland





Utopia Research Article Disneyland

Utopia is not a newly coined word; it comes with a history and a long series of hopes and imaginations. Literally, the word means ‘no place’ or as described by Thomas More, ‘a happy place’. It is used to describe the happy side of the world, without privatization and sectarianism, but a welfare state where everything is perfect. The perception of Utopia is a wide subject and different people have different descriptions for Utopia due to their beliefs and values. Nevertheless, vast majority considers it as a power of dreams and imaginations and it is established that there are various benefits of looking at the world in a different and positive way. On the contrary, there are many examples where people wanted to turn their Utopias into reality but it all went wrong and became a nightmare for them ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"xjaJ6izQ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Caines)","plainCitation":"(Caines)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":833,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/OnfrXiA2/items/GYCV63A4"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/OnfrXiA2/items/GYCV63A4"],"itemData":{"id":833,"type":"webpage","abstract":"There is a fine tradition of Utopias going terribly wrong when people tried to put their ideals into practice","container-title":"The Independent","language":"en","title":"9 of the most miserable attempts to create Utopias","URL":"http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/utopia-nine-of-the-most-miserable-attempts-to-create-idealised-societies-a6887316.html","author":[{"family":"Caines","given":"Michael"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,9]]},"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016",2,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Caines). Despite the many manipulations and exploitation of the term, there many individuals have flourished through their imaginative ideals.

The Utopias are created in the human minds when they start thinking about fleeing the present diaspora of the painful present. It can also be motivated by the sense of nostalgia, which actually is an escape from the present. Walt Disney took advantage of the endless childhood dreams and fascinating fairy and princesses’ tales. The entertainment industry started branding those ideals and materialized the innocent dreams. The first theme parks opened in the 1950s and they continue to expand them. Millions of visitors head to the Main Street in the United States and leave behind the melancholies of this world. Within that boundary, the conventions of this outer world cease to haunt human minds; senses are overwhelmed and aroused to a point of ecstasy and anesthesia. Eventually, rational judgement is deferred, the individual identity shifts into the acts of consumption. The visitors feel themselves immersed in a fascinating experience in the form of their idealized characters.

Disney opened the first complex in 1955 in California, and was later developed by Walt Disney in the 1960s under the name of The Florida Project. It intended to create a distinct vision of diverse attractions for its viewers. The original plan of the Walt Disney also included an Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT). It was an experimental project for a new city with enthralling innovations. Walt Disney died during the construction of the Disney complex in 1966. After his death, the company deviated from the original project plan and built a resort just like Disneyland. The first theme park known as Magic Kingdom was opened in the complex in 1971. In 1982, EPCOT was opened too following the Disney’s Hollywood Studios in 1989 and Disney’s Animal Kingdom in 1998. Today, Walt Disney World has become one of the most visited vacation resorts in the world. The Disney World was created as a metropolis of fictional, nostalgic and futuristic ideas. Walt created it with the intention of its educational along with amusement value to provide entertainment for children and adults equally.

Walt Disney’s idea of the futuristic city was based in the progressiveness that would never end and there would always be a gap to bring in innovations. If the project was processed under critical scrutiny, the dreamers could actually see the darker undertones to this urban Utopia. His ideals were to build an independent, unparalleled quasi government control in that city. He acquired municipal jurisdiction over the area and it meant that he could build anything he wanted to. Alas! Disney was never a utopian city Walt had dreamed about. The prototype project was designed so that it could become an operational city. It was supposed to be a place where future was limitless. Yet, it did not give the tenants the authority to own land or even vote. The residents were kind of employees or subjects hired by Walt Disney so he could test his prototypes under strict surveillance. He also wanted to introduce his own transportation system inside the Disney World. His plans had various limitations, as people would not have been able to deliver heavy liftings and supplies. According to the plans, EPCOT was supposed to be an environment friendly city where there would be no automobiles and everyone would lead a carefree life. However, the demise of Walt Disney changed everything and his dream died with him. The board of directors abandoned the project and today what remains of the futuristic city is essentially an EPCOT theme park.

Disneyland functional city still remains a dream and it raises questions for the think tanks that can there really be a Utopian city? Or would it always remain an imaginative world to live in? People, in this world full of despair and monotonous, want to head out far off this world. Walt Disney gave them an idea to think through and live in the imaginative world where there is justice, equality, peace and happiness. Some analysts argue that projects like Disneyland can never be implemented or even they are, they will still be fake and artificial. They can never replace the originality of the world we live in ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"1doZI91i","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Cl\\uc0\\u233{}ment)","plainCitation":"(Clément)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":830,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/OnfrXiA2/items/6RX64ELQ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/OnfrXiA2/items/6RX64ELQ"],"itemData":{"id":830,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"Long held as the province of capitalist domination, the Disney parks have recently seen other trends of analysis emerge, providing renewed emphasis on user activity and the parks’ competitive environment. In this article, we identify three trends of research toward the Disney theme parks, with the ‘locus of control’ for the parks’ meaning, design, and operations placed successively within the Disney-controlled environment of the park, within the user, and, lastly, within the park’s wider socio-economic context.","container-title":"InMedia. The French Journal of Media Studies","ISSN":"2259-4728","issue":"2","language":"en","source":"journals.openedition.org","title":"‘Locus of Control’: A Selective Review of Disney Theme Parks","title-short":"‘Locus of Control’","URL":"http://journals.openedition.org/inmedia/463","author":[{"family":"Clément","given":"Thibaut"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,9]]},"issued":{"date-parts":[["2012",11,15]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Clément). Socioeconomic analysts have suggested that constructing artificial environments in order to achieve fantasy goals can cost political, social and economic disparities in the society. Others have criticized the authenticity of the emotional expression and cultural performance in such places. Critics said that happiness is subjective yet Disney implies on its employees to stay happy and smile for its visitors. Such an apprehension instills confusion related to the concept of happiness and ultimately the idea of Utopia seems vague and unreal. Just like some figures on a colossal table game, the fabricated Disney World could never manage to become truly a Utopian city. It could not have political autonomy like the one Disney had imagined. All the experimental projects such as theme parks, schools, museums and film studio were set out in efforts to achieving higher goals. The idea of living in a Utopian city was a fascinating one but we would never know how it would be if it became a functional one. A city that has its own rules and government, and where residents can have absolute power over their civil matters except for the ownership and voting rights seems like something people dream of when they watch a Disney fairy tale. The project did not fail due to lack of vision or labor unions, but due to the inapplicability of an artificially made environment for mankind to live in and the ultimate surveillance. Walt Disney personally examined and supervised all aspects of this project as if it was one of his greatest films. However, the impossible city that Disney and many had dreamed about ultimately conformed to the desires of its visitors and made them feel like their dreams did come true. Disney’s genius is not dependent on creating an exploitable and profitable scenery but on his efforts on making the Disney fans and visitors never abandon the mysteries and fantasies of the Promised Land. Walt Disney constructed a factory full of memories to bring the nostalgia of childhood into reality.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Caines, Michael. “9 of the Most Miserable Attempts to Create Utopias.” The Independent, 21 Feb. 2016, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/utopia-nine-of-the-most-miserable-attempts-to-create-idealised-societies-a6887316.html.

Clément, Thibaut. “‘Locus of Control’: A Selective Review of Disney Theme Parks.” InMedia. The French Journal of Media Studies, no. 2, Nov. 2012. journals.openedition.org, http://journals.openedition.org/inmedia/463.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

V For Vendetta

V for Vendetta

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School or Institution Name (University at Place or Town, State)

V for Vendetta

1) The heroic cycle consists of various steps from leaving ‘home’ to the end towards ‘graduation’. During the journey, the hero discovers a truth that was unknown to the hero before the journey. When the hero realizes the truth, he/she tries to explain it to other people for their benefit. This ultimately culminates in more people realizing the truth that the hero discovered during the pilgrimage.

Jake Sully suddenly receives news of his twin brother’s murder and is offered to replace his brother on Pandora. Since, their DNA’s match, Jake can pilot the avatar that was made for his brother. Thus began Jake’s journey to Pandora. In actuality, his hero journey started when he is accepted into the Na’vi and taught their ways. This represents him leaving “home” – his place among humans. He is tasked with learning about the alien race so he can help the military personnel defeat the Na’vi and extract the unobtanium. However, Jake realizes that the Na’vi are not savages, rather they are much more civilized than humans in the aspect of respect for all life whereas humans would kill each other for the smallest of reasons. He attempts to explain the truth to other humans but most of them don’t understand. Therefore, Jake’s ‘graduation’ is when he jumps in the sky onto the back of a ‘toruk’ – emphasizing that he has truly embraced his identity as one of the Na’vi.

V in ‘V for Vendetta’, has a troubled past because he was tortured and experimented on in a laboratory. He came out of the lab as a much stronger person, both mentally and physically. V left ‘home’ when he is taken to the lab and his journey can be described as the time period both before exiting the lab as well as when he was inside it. V disseminates the truth about the Fascist regime and attempts to change people’s opinion about the government. The time at which he starts his vigilante activities can be considered his ‘graduation’ as he was no longer the same person he used to be. He has evolved and changed into V.

2) In V for Vendetta, a mysterious war has ravaged the planet and England is shown to be ruled by an oppressive party that is led by Adam Susan, an authoritarian person known as the Leader. The Leader has curbed free speech in the country and people are not even allowed to draw or use art as a form of expression. Adam Susan is a characterization of an oppressive authoritarian father figure. The Leader rules through an iron fist and uses his police to quash any possible dissent. All rebellious elements are dealt with before they have a chance to create a law and order situation.

Another major characteristic of this dystopian England in V for Vendetta is that technology is used to rule over humans, rather than serve their needs. The technology in question is the Fate Computer – an advanced computer that the Leader turns to in order to control the people of England. Fate Computer can predict crime and weather patterns. Instead of using this technology to serve the masses by reducing crime rates and preparing to deal with natural disasters like floods and hurricanes, Adam Susan uses the technology to suppress people. He discovers rebellious elements and dissenters and has them executed so they do not attract other followers.

In Avatar, mass delusion is employed by the corporation Resources Development Administration (RDA). The company has mining interests on Pandora, the alien planet and wants full access to unobtanium, a precious metal RDA wants to exploit for profit. The local alien population however, stands in their way. The company developed a narrative that this alien population is savage and has no morality. Owing to the communication gap between humans and aliens, most humans unconsciously believe this to be the truth. However, this is far from the truth as the movie explains later on. The Na’vi are peaceful people with the most upright moral standing. They believe all life is sacred and are so peaceful that they even pray for the animals they must hunt and kill for meat. Thus, mass delusion is at play here because the whole ‘truth’ about the Na’vi is in fact a lie and it is the humans who are savage, not the other way around.

3) The Resources Development Administration has whipped up a strong narrative that establishes the local alien population, the Na’vi as savages and brutes that must be eliminated for the safety of humans. This narrative helps RDA in pursuing their goal of exploiting resources of Pandora, the alien planet that they are all on. RDA is looking for a precious element, unobtanium and their goal is to derive maximum profit from it. The narrative about the aliens is the means employed by RDA to achieve the end – profit.

In order to achieve maximum profit, they have to minimize costs. Some of the associated costs could be soldier hesitance in fighting Na’vi if soldiers think they are living creatures that must be respected or the cost of delaying extraction of unobtanium if things don’t go as planned. Therefore, it is crucial to establish that the locals are savages and cannot be reasoned with so soldiers fight them without regret or guilt. The means employed (the factually incorrect narrative) are justified by the ends (unobtanium and profit maximization). Therefore, this is the instrumental rationality Weber discussed and Adorno and Horkheimer built upon.

In V for Vendetta, England is ruled by the Norsefire government led by Adam Susan, an authoritarian figure who is a brutal and oppressive ruler. Adam Susan, also known as the Leader, has maintained absolute control over the people with suppression of free speech and sanctions against art. This renders people voiceless and helpless. The Leader does this on the pretext of security as he argues that this is ultimately for the benefit of the people. This false notion is the means employed by the Leader so he can achieve the end of maintaining his grip on power. Thus, Weber’s instrumental rationality is employed here as the ends (maintaining grip on power) justify the means of using such brutal tactics.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Vaccinating Children


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Course Title and Code


Vaccinating Children

Vaccinating the children has been one of the most controversial topics in history, as a great majority of the society held the point of view that vaccination was the source of causing major health concerns to the children. It was introduced back in the last decade of the eighteenth century and since then it has saved the lives of hundreds of millions of children across the globe. The vaccinations introduce the weakest form of the cells different diseases in the bodies of the children, which help them develop immunity against those cells and fight against the healthy cells of the disease if they ever interact with them. Measles, polio, smallpox, and diphtheria were among the common diseases which used to take the lives of thousands of children annually; however, after the introduction of the vaccines in the society the rate of death among the children due to these diseases decreased drastically. Although the effectiveness of the vaccines has been proved through the practice of years, still some sections of the society think that it is not safe and give rise to a number of other health concerns among the children, due to which the parents avoid getting their children vaccinated. Getting the children vaccinated against a number of diseases is not only the right of the children, however, it also secures and ensures their healthy and progressive future.

Vaccination was considered the source of making the immunity of the children weaker, resulting in their deaths. At one point in the history parents used to think that vaccination is the strategy of the government to control the population of the society by killing the young children. However, it is not right and vaccination actually makes the bodies of the children stronger, by helping them to develop immunity against the cells of different diseases. The most important reason for vaccinating the children ta the young age is that their bodies are in the process of development at that time. If they catch the cells of the diseases, it would progress and make the child sick. On the other hand, if the child is vaccinated with the weaker cells of the same disease, other cells of the body would fight against the weaker cells and make the body stronger, while developing the immunity against that disease (DeStefano, Bodenstab, and Offit, 1).

Vaccination practices of hundreds of years have proved the safety of the use of vaccination over the children. Apart from the example of the effectiveness of the vaccines, there are a number of other examples of the children who are suffering from the drastic impacts of the diseases, because their parents refused to get them vaccinated against the diseases. People in the developed countries of the world are still aware of the benefits as well as the necessity of getting their children vaccinated, however, the people in the developing and underdeveloped countries of the world think that it is the propaganda of the western world against them as they want to make their children sick by vaccinating the diseases and other halite issues to their bodies through such tactics. However, it is the most negligent attitude of the parents which endangers the life and health of their children (Yuan, Besley, and Ma, 4).

Getting vaccinated is the right and each and every child and parents have the responsibility of ensuring it. In the modern time, most of the mothers do not get their children vaccinated because they think that the vaccinations increase the chances of the development of diabetes, autism and ADHD among their children (McNeil et al., 49). The conception is altogether wrong as there has been a number of researches in the filed in order to explore the negative impacts of vaccines upon the health of the children, which include the physical and mental health conditions. Some children are weak by birth, due to getting some of the diseases from the genes of their parents. There are chances that such children would become ill after being vaccinated, however, it does not mean or prove that the vaccinations are the source of causing the disease. In some other cases, such children also develop the immunity of fighting against the diseases which they had by birth. So it is very important to get all the children vaccinated against the fatal diseases, irrespective of their physical or mental health condition (Gray, and Cathie, 1).

Getting the children vaccinated against a number of diseases like polio, measles, smallpox and diphtheria is also necessary because the vacancies ensure the eradication of the diseases for the next generations. There are a number of countries in the world which are now secure from polio. These countries have regular vaccinated their children over the short spans of time against polio, due to which the children are now secure and transfer the immunity of the disease to their future generations through their genes and the future generations do not need to get the vaccination (Saada, et al., 238).

Vaccinating the children against a number of diseases is one of the most important gifts that the parents can give to their children, as it will ensure their health and safety against the fatal diseases for their whole life. All the children have the right to being provided with a healthy atmosphere, which can support their development and progress and vaccination against diseases is the most important step towards it. The vaccinations do not contain the medication or material which would take the life of the children, so the patents should stay assured of the quality of the vaccines and ensure the safety and health of their children by getting them vaccinated.

Works Cited

DeStefano, Frank, Heather Monk Bodenstab, and Paul A. Offit. "Principal Controversies in Vaccine Safety in the United States." Clinical Infectious Diseases (2019).

Gray, Sebastian J., and Katrina Cathie. "Fifteen-minute consultation: Chickenpox vaccine—should parents immunise their children privately?" Archives of Disease in Childhood-Education and Practice (2018): edpract-2018.

McNeil, Deborah A., et al. "Maternal perceptions of childhood vaccination: explanations of reasons for and against vaccination." BMC public health 19.1 (2019): 49.

Saada, Adrianna, et al. "Parents’ choices and rationales for alternative vaccination schedules: A qualitative study." Clinical pediatrics 54.3 (2015): 236-243.

Yuan, Shupei, John C. Besley, and Wenjuan Ma. "Be mean or be nice? Understanding the effects of aggressive and polite communication styles in the child vaccination debate." Health communication (2018): 1-10.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Vaccination For Kids: It's Useful Or Harmful

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Vaccination for Kids: it is useful or harmful


Nothing is more heartbreaking than a young life that has been taken through infection of a killer disease. There are different significant infections including smallpox and rinderpest that are fatal. Many diseases are related to the bacteria that are entering the body and affecting different areas of the body. Some diseases are related to viruses that attack the immune system and other living cells. As children have a weak immune system, so they are more vulnerable to these infections ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"zNgXFnvs","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(van Delden et al., 2008)","plainCitation":"(van Delden et al., 2008)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1355,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/YNQTFMSL"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/YNQTFMSL"],"itemData":{"id":1355,"type":"article-journal","title":"The ethics of mandatory vaccination against influenza for health care workers","container-title":"Vaccine","page":"5562-5566","volume":"26","issue":"44","author":[{"family":"Delden","given":"Johannes JM","non-dropping-particle":"van"},{"family":"Ashcroft","given":"Richard"},{"family":"Dawson","given":"Angus"},{"family":"Marckmann","given":"Georg"},{"family":"Upshur","given":"Ross"},{"family":"Verweij","given":"M. F."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2008"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (van Delden et al., 5562–5566). Common diseases that require vaccinations for prevention include Diphtheria, Pertussis, Mumps, Tetanus, Smallpox, Measles, Rubella, Congenital rubella syndrome, and Paralytic poliomyelitis. There are no federal vaccination laws of the United States, but many states have made their laws that students should need to have a specific vaccination before entering a public school. These students must be vaccinated by DTaP vaccine (to stay safe from pertussis, diphtheria, and tetanus), IPV vaccine (for polio), varicella (for chickenpox), and MMR vaccine (for rubella and measles).


For many years, immunizations have lowered the number of deaths and saved lives. Immunizations lead towards the less spread of diseases as they controlled these diseases in the first place. Vaccinations are the means of providing specific protection against several diseases that are common and deadly. They stimulate the immune system by creating T-cells that provide cell-mediated immunity and produce humoral antibodies that fight against specific pathogens. Vaccines act by inducing the development of antibodies that develop the immunity to the particular disease. It is notable to mention that there are two types of immunity, acquired immunity and innate immunity. Acquired immunity develops after a person is being exposed to vaccinations while the innate immunity develops when a person is exposed to the disease organism ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"8G4Qu5cS","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Minor, 2004)","plainCitation":"(Minor, 2004)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1361,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/6MSJ7DIN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/6MSJ7DIN"],"itemData":{"id":1361,"type":"article-journal","title":"Polio eradication, cessation of vaccination and re-emergence of disease","container-title":"Nature Reviews Microbiology","page":"473","volume":"2","issue":"6","author":[{"family":"Minor","given":"Philip D."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Minor 473). There are further two types of the acquired immunity, active immunity, and passive immunity. Active immunity is developed when an individual is exposed to an antigenic stimulus. When an individual is given a direct infection than passive immunity develops. Extensional sources establish that passive immunity through injection of either sera or immunoglobulin. Therefore, the type of immunity extracted through vaccines is active immunity. Vaccinations provide active immunity that offers an individual with long-term protection.

It is notable to mention that vaccinations work with a proper principle. An immune system of eth host is developed when a pathogenic infectious agent results in disease in a person. The immune system produces antibodies that provide continued protection to a person from the same pathogen for an extended period. Therefore, vaccinations work behind this particular principle as they destroyed viruses and bacteria that results in any infections and provide long-term protection to a person from the same type of disease (Wynia 2-5). Vaccinations help to introduce the antigens in the body, which mimic the original pathogens. These antigens do not cause any disease but trigger the immune response resulting in either humoral or cell-mediated which stimulated the T helpers lymphocytes series ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"piDZyLXE","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(St Leger, 2001)","plainCitation":"(St Leger, 2001)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1363,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/ZIIRW2KI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/ZIIRW2KI"],"itemData":{"id":1363,"type":"article-journal","title":"Schools, health literacy and public health: possibilities and challenges","container-title":"Health promotion international","page":"197-205","volume":"16","issue":"2","author":[{"family":"St Leger","given":"Lawrence"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2001"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (St Leger 197–205). There are two series of T helper lymphocytes, Th1, and Th2 series. Th1 series results in the lymphocytic response while Th2 series results in the humoral response. Additionally, there are several factors upon which the timing of vaccinations depends and most prominent of them is the susceptibility of the disease ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"8G4Qu5cS","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Minor, 2004)","plainCitation":"(Minor, 2004)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1361,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/6MSJ7DIN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/6MSJ7DIN"],"itemData":{"id":1361,"type":"article-journal","title":"Polio eradication, cessation of vaccination and re-emergence of disease","container-title":"Nature Reviews Microbiology","page":"473","volume":"2","issue":"6","author":[{"family":"Minor","given":"Philip D."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Minor 473). Due to the absence of maternal immunity, a child can be exposed to polio and tuberculosis at birth, so the infant is given with the OPV and BCG vaccines at birth. Given vaccines control the maximum reactogenicity and protection against tetanus, pertussis, and Hemophilus influenza.

The benefits of vaccines are, so each country has developed their policies regarding the adoption of vaccination. In children and infants, vaccinations are of utmost importance as these provide reasonable protection against the infectious disease ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"XUCy1Nhy","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Jass & Massey, 2004)","plainCitation":"(Jass & Massey, 2004)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1365,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/NKBPVEMT"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/NKBPVEMT"],"itemData":{"id":1365,"type":"report","title":"Immigrant health: selectivity and acculturation","publisher":"IFS Working Papers, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)","author":[{"family":"Jass","given":"Guillermina"},{"family":"Massey","given":"Douglas S."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Jass & Massey). Newborn and children are much more vulnerable towards any disease as their immune system is not developed at that time. The course of the disease is usually mild through vaccinations and recovery is speedy ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"8G4Qu5cS","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Minor, 2004)","plainCitation":"(Minor, 2004)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1361,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/6MSJ7DIN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/6MSJ7DIN"],"itemData":{"id":1361,"type":"article-journal","title":"Polio eradication, cessation of vaccination and re-emergence of disease","container-title":"Nature Reviews Microbiology","page":"473","volume":"2","issue":"6","author":[{"family":"Minor","given":"Philip D."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Minor 473). The immune system becomes more stable due to attenuated vaccinations as they activate all phases of the immune system, which make the immune system effective and efficient in dealing with particular diseases. Majority of the attenuated vaccines are cheap and do not need any boosters as they develop the immunity quickly. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have classified many diseases that are potentially preventable or vaccine preventable. In the past few diseases, there has been seen the reemergence of the vaccine-preventable diseases even in those countries which have broader access to the vaccines and have high living standards ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"piDZyLXE","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(St Leger, 2001)","plainCitation":"(St Leger, 2001)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1363,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/ZIIRW2KI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/ZIIRW2KI"],"itemData":{"id":1363,"type":"article-journal","title":"Schools, health literacy and public health: possibilities and challenges","container-title":"Health promotion international","page":"197-205","volume":"16","issue":"2","author":[{"family":"St Leger","given":"Lawrence"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2001"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (St Leger 197–205). In the United States, the outbreak of vaccine-preventable diseases happens when travelers who came from another country are not vaccinated imposed the infection to people as well as a result of underimmunization among adults and children ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"rXNiobYl","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Viruell-Fuentes, Miranda, & Abdulrahim, 2012)","plainCitation":"(Viruell-Fuentes, Miranda, & Abdulrahim, 2012)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1366,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/E59R8C3F"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/E59R8C3F"],"itemData":{"id":1366,"type":"article-journal","title":"More than culture: structural racism, intersectionality theory, and immigrant health","container-title":"Social science & medicine","page":"2099-2106","volume":"75","issue":"12","author":[{"family":"Viruell-Fuentes","given":"Edna A."},{"family":"Miranda","given":"Patricia Y."},{"family":"Abdulrahim","given":"Sawsan"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2012"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Viruell-Fuentes, Miranda, & Abdulrahim 2099–2106). There are five main vaccines preventable diseases, which are globally out broken in the society including polio, mumps, rubella, measles, and diphtheria. These diseases attacked a person’s body from exposure to a percentage of immune persons ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"piDZyLXE","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(St Leger, 2001)","plainCitation":"(St Leger, 2001)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1363,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/ZIIRW2KI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/ZIIRW2KI"],"itemData":{"id":1363,"type":"article-journal","title":"Schools, health literacy and public health: possibilities and challenges","container-title":"Health promotion international","page":"197-205","volume":"16","issue":"2","author":[{"family":"St Leger","given":"Lawrence"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2001"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (St Leger 197–205). When the coverage of vaccination about a particular disease achieves the HIT in population than even those people who are not vaccinated in the society stays safe from any getting any deadly disease in the society ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"S46lJyXr","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Fauci, 2005)","plainCitation":"(Fauci, 2005)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1362,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/FNJ7W4N3"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/FNJ7W4N3"],"itemData":{"id":1362,"type":"article-journal","title":"Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases: the perpetual challenge","container-title":"Academic Medicine","page":"1079-1085","volume":"80","issue":"12","author":[{"family":"Fauci","given":"Anthony S."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2005"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Fauci 1079–1085). However, if a significant percentage of the population is unvaccinated that even those people who are previously vaccinated have the risk of getting these diseases back through the intersection with these people by extraordinary means. Therefore, herd immunity is generally only as good as the vaccine coverage in a given area ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"rXNiobYl","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Viruell-Fuentes, Miranda, & Abdulrahim, 2012)","plainCitation":"(Viruell-Fuentes, Miranda, & Abdulrahim, 2012)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1366,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/E59R8C3F"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/lMSdZ3dY/items/E59R8C3F"],"itemData":{"id":1366,"type":"article-journal","title":"More than culture: structural racism, intersectionality theory, and immigrant health","container-title":"Social science & medicine","page":"2099-2106","volume":"75","issue":"12","author":[{"family":"Viruell-Fuentes","given":"Edna A."},{"family":"Miranda","given":"Patricia Y."},{"family":"Abdulrahim","given":"Sawsan"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2012"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Viruell-Fuentes, Miranda, & Abdulrahim 2099–2106). It is difficult for a country to determine a minimum HIT as it is dependent over the heterogeneity of population and the infectivity of the agent.


In a nutshell, vaccinations provide significant protection against several infectious diseases that are common and deadly. The World Health Organization identified certain diseases that are preventable by vaccines. Vaccines are essential for a community to achieve herd immunity. Vaccinations are beneficial to protect people who are vaccinated against particular disease along with those who have weak immune systems such as children and older adults. Parents have the responsibility to vaccinate their children to contribute towards herd immunity.


Fauci, A. S. (2005). Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases: the perpetual challenge. Academic Medicine, 80(12), 1079–1085.

Jass, G., & Massey, D. S. (2004). Immigrant health: selectivity and acculturation. IFS Working Papers, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS).

Minor, P. D. (2004). Polio eradication, cessation of vaccination and re-emergence of disease. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2(6), 473.

St Leger, L. (2001). Schools, health literacy and public health: possibilities and challenges. Health Promotion International, 16(2), 197–205.

Van Delden, J. J., Ashcroft, R., Dawson, A., Marckmann, G., Upshur, R., & Verweij, M. F. (2008). The ethics of mandatory vaccination against influenza for health care workers. Vaccine, 26(44), 5562–5566.

Viruell-Fuentes, E. A., Miranda, P. Y., & Abdulrahim, S. (2012). More than culture: structural racism, intersectionality theory, and immigrant health. Social Science & Medicine, 75(12), 2099–2106.

Wynia, M. K. (2007). Mandating vaccination: what counts as a “mandate” in public health and when should they be used? The American Journal of Bioethics, 7(12), 2–6.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900





Influenza vaccination

Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent a disease. Influenza disease impacts each year up to 10% of the population. The hostile effect of influenza has led to commendation for large use of vaccine. For instance the spread of influenza in the elderly is exceeded by that of infants. The manufactures agreed to increase the production of influenza vaccine in the US. This was agreed by the Centres for Disease control and prevention and the National Vaccine Advisory committee and others. It was recommended in the US that all children between 6 to 23 months be vaccinated and young infants too. It is approximated that each year about 26,000 people are killed by influenza while 200,000 people are hospitalised Influenza vaccination has various challenges including high vaccine cost. (Gregory A Poland, 2004)

High production cost of influenza vaccine.

For instance, in the US biologist need high costs of capital investments. The investments costs result from the research of vaccine and development and clinic trials. There was a change in the US Food and drug administration leading to the change of current process of manufacturing practices that required a lot of upgrade and high cost. (Gregory A Poland, 2004). Children are known to be the spreaders of influenza disease. In United States , children vaccination has been well researched and studied and therefore there is an association in decrease of sickness. There is huge capital requirement in upgrading the vaccine manufacturing industry.

However there are some other alternatives to the high cost of influenza vaccine. These include;

Government providing incentives to private industries that manufacture vaccines. This includes provision of subsidies which encourages upgrading of manufacturing plants and building of new manufacturing industries. The government awards substantial amounts to the manufacturing plants.

The disadvantage of government incentive is that it is more risk hostile than funding from private funders.

Working together with the US government to determine ways to reduce the cost of the US food and Drug administration. This will help in finding the solution towards decreasing the costs of upgrade of manufacturing plants.

Therefore according to me the solution to the high cost of vaccine is the offering of government incentives for private industries for manufacturing vaccines to the public health. Incentives are offered in form of subsidies and also includes mechanisms like tax break. These enhance building of new manufacturing industries and upgrade of already existing manufacturing industries.

The government allowing varying prices whereby the vaccines are sold to developing countries at a lower price and developed countries at high prices. This also improves the technology platform since government is involved in sharing the high technology cost through offering direct grants and incentives.in addition, participating in developing new platforms in technology by the federal that could provide incentives too. The government works closely with the manufacturing plants to determine ways to decrease the high cost of meeting the US Food and Drug Administration regulatory. (Gregory A Poland, 2004)


Poland,G., &Marcuse,E.(2004).Vaccine availability.Nature immunology,5(12), 1-4,from https://scholar.google.com/scholar?


Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600






Vaccine is a synthetic substance prepared from living organisms that is expected to develop immunity on the part of person who is injected with it. Vaccine is prepared based on the rationale of antigen-antibody interplay—the hallmark of immune system (Chang et. al., 2019). A vaccine is prepared with a protein that typically encapsulates such entities or agents that are structurally and functionally identical with that of disease-causing agents. On the other hand, vaccination is the process of injecting vaccines in human beings for making their immune system work more efficiently (Chang et. al., 2019).

Interestingly, the history of immunization dates back to 17th century as some monks used to drink snake venom in order to develop immunity against snake bite. Moreover, they also attempted to smear a skin tear with cowpox so that immunity against cowpox virus could be conferred (Chang et. al., 2019). Surprisingly, people indulging in such practices were inspected to be healed at large scales due to which such practices of immunization captured the attention of scientists for further contemplation.

Under this influence, 1796 was the fortunate year when first formal laboratory vaccine was prepared by a renowned scientist; Edward Jenner who is also considered as the founder of vaccinology in the West. He experimented on a 13 years old boy that was suffering from cowpox disease and inoculated him with vaccina virus that successfully demonstrated immunity against problem disease (Gross et. al., 1998).

Over the following years, systematic implementation of massive smallpox immunization led to its successful global eradication which allowed the researchers to explore and develop vaccines for some other deadly infectious diseases. It can rightfully be said that Louis Pasteur’s experiment is the justified depiction of this research wave who invented Cholera vaccine in 1904. In the late 19th century, Plague vaccine was also invented and bacterial vaccine development also grabbed paced modifications during 1950s (Chang et. al., 2019). In a nutshell, vaccination has saved the mankind from mass slaughtering originating from fatal infectious attacks.


Chang, Y., Brewer, N. T., Rinas, A. C., Schmitt, K., Smith, J. S. (2019). Evaluating the impact of human papillomavirus vaccines. Vaccine., 27 (32), 4355–62. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2009.03.008

Gross, C. P., Sepkowitz, K. A. Kolika, M. L. & Saddi, J. M. (1998). The myth of the medical breakthrough: smallpox, vaccination, and Jenner reconsidered. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 3 (1), 54–60. doi:10.1016/s1201-9712(98)90096-0

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300


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Vietnam War was the 2nd longest in the history of the United States. Throughout the world, the war was deemed as extremely contentious as the U.S. had been unable to achieve military victory. As a result, North Vietnam took over South Vietnam, and the bitter experience of the Vietnam War by Americans was considered the only war that America lost. The Vietnam War continued to affect foreign, internal, and military policies of U.S. for a long time. The U.S. military suffered heavy casualties during the Vietnam War. More than 47,000 U.S. soldiers were killed in the combat while the figure of non-combat deaths was 11,000 (Obermeyer et al.). In addition, in excess of 150,000 were injured, and 10,000 missing. On the other hand, Vietnam suffered heavy losses as the conservative estimate indicates that more than 110,000 combat killed in action, whereas 500,000 were injured (Obermeyer et al.). Unfortunately, civilian casualties were very heavy. In this context, according to the lowest estimate, almost 415,000 people lost their lives. However, the careful estimates suggest that more than two million people had lost their lives, and tens of thousands were injured and misplaced (Obermeyer et al.). Overall, the Vietnam War brought a lot of devastation to the country (Herzog, Tobey). In this paper, a Vietnamese, American soldier, and a hippie’s take will be investigated in the overall context of the war.

Phil Gioia (American Soldier’s take)

Phil Gioia joined U.S. Army after his graduation from Virginia Military Institute in the year 1967. Also, he left the military in 1977 and became mayor on Corte Madera, Calif, and provi9ded his services in the technology industry. His story is being narrated here in first person's account.

Long time back, we fought a war which saw a lot of bloodsheds and took lives of more than 58,000 U.S. soldiers while leaving thousands injured. The war saw the death and miseries of more than 3 million Vietnamese from North and South (Usatoday.Com). We were involved in a battle that was dragged for more than a decade. As soldiers, we were told that our mission was to save South Vietnam from falling to communism. I was a young infantry platoon leader and also as a company commander. I have observed soldiers were wonderful, but they were waiting for the war to end. I realized that most of them were passing the time, and they also knew that this was bringing too many miseries to innocent Vietnamese.

However, the army was a second family to me, and I was a dedicated soldier. In Vietnam, the radio code for our divisions' infantry was family. My company had to stay in the jungle and moved quietly to different locations. All the soldiers including me were in the same boat as we were feeling the humidity, and different insects such as leeches, big mosquitos, and in the open fields were exposed to different diseases. During that war, I learned so many things about leadership. One of my senior officers counseled me, he advised me not to worry too much about your soldiers, and I told him clearly that all the time, my priority is my men's safety. In the jungle, were like pack animals, taking upwards of 60 pounds of ammunition, water, gear, and much more for the people who were operating radios and machine guns. I was thoroughly impressed by the courage and determination of the soldiers who were performing their duties in such adverse conditions. Although my company lost a few soldiers, I still remember their deaths and can't forget those events.

According to me, all the soldiers were professional, and some of them lost their lives while serving their country. Our primary duty was to control the damage of the war, were balling enemy's birth rate. As far as the strategy of the war is concerned, it was like "Alice in Wonderland." The main supply line of enemy ran through Laos and Cambodia. Until 1970, both of the countries reached their limits against U.S. ground forces. We continually bombed the trail, but our enemies did not lose their ability to move forward. North Vietnam was never attacked by us. I look back at the war strategy and found that had we reached a deadlock situation with our enemies, Would South Vietnamese have defended themselves on their own? I think it was unlikely. Also, the question arises would the U.S. have been in a position to keep forces in South Vietnam for a long period or indefinitely? I think it was also unlikely. The history has taught us many harsh lessons but have we learned anything out of it? We need to ask ourselves this question.

Vietnamese take (Mai Elliot)

Mai Elliot was born and raised in Vietnam, and she spent most of her childhood in Hanoi, where her father was an officer under the French colonial system (Usatoday.Com). As a result of some political conflicts, her family got divided. During the Vietnam War, Mai conducted research on the Viet Cong insurgency for Rand Corp. She witnessed all the horrific events of the war and shared it with the public. Here, her story is narrated in the first person's account.

During World War II, when I was a child, I remember people clustered in different shelters as Allied aircrafts targeted Japanese positions in the Northside where we lived. Also, in 1946, French soldiers returned to get Vietnam back from Ho Chi Minh's regime, French soldiers launched an attack on my village where were in refugees camp. In the incident, my father almost died although he worked under French colonial rule (Usatoday.Com). Later, in 1954 fearing retaliation from communist forces which were about to enter Hanoi, we escaped and moved to Saigon by taking a few clothes with us. Furthermore, we had to flee again as we were trapped in the battle between the army of the President Ngo Dinh Dien and the armed forces he was attempting to kill, thus, over home was likely to burn in the conflict. Moreover, in 1945, U.S. helicopters pulled my family members from Saigon in the last minute as communist bombs exploded nearby.

We experienced a lot of fear and uncertainty; however, it was not big in comparison with the trauma suffered by Vietnamese residing in the rural areas of South Vietnam as bombs and shells landed just in front of them, and many of them saw the tragic deaths of their loved ones. We were informed that children, old people, and women were dying helplessly. In addition, people were running out of edible things; they did not have much to eat, they were facing a shortage of medicine. The overall situation was miserable. My relatives in North Vietnam were hit by terror as U.S. B-52 carpet bombed the area in the year 1972, everyone was terrified, and had no idea that when they would get rid of this uncertain and devastating situation, they were trapped in. We were refugees and were able to get shelter and support from middle-class relatives and friends, while poor people had to move to the filthy camps in which overall living conditions were not suitable for people and they were struggling to get the necessities of life.

We learned that surviving and rebuilding process would need a lot of courage and determination. Besides, we were hopeful that one day we would come out of this miserable situation and things will be easier for us. Losing home and loved ones were, but we had to be courageous to meet the challenges of the life after the war. We all were waiting for peace although for many of the Vietnamese the world had ended because they went through a lot and were under trauma. The tears, cries, mourning, bombs, shells, bullets, and destruction of properties are still preserved in my memory, and these are the things that I cannot forget. Most of the people in the camps were living on their own as they were getting meager aid from the government in Saigon. The people like us who have witnessed war and a lot of bloodsheds can appreciate and value peace. The world needs peace, and war is the not the solution to any conflict but some governments are not concerned with the lives of the people, and they engage them in battle. The experience strengthened me I decided to live and would help out people. I am happy that now I am living peacefully in America, and the war that has ended the lives of many people ended. The Vietnam War affected millions of people both physically and mentally. The war was so unfortunate and disastrous for Vietnam and America.

Hippie’s take (Bill Zimmerman)

Bill Zimmerman shares his experience of War which is narrated here as first person’s account. In the year 1958, I graduated from high school, considering myself a patriot, I was quite ambitious and wanted to become a fighter pilot. However, thirteen years later, I found myself in U.S. prison after the protests carried out by fighter pilots in Vietnamese Sky (Usatoday.Com). I witnessed the overall situation in the South during 1963 after a short spell of the civil rights movement. Meanwhile, the U.S. engaged itself in the Vietnam War, many patriots including me were skeptical as we were of the view that America is dragging itself towards a swamp. Subsequently, war intensified in 1965, and I opposed that war and protested vehemently against it. As a result, I was dismissed from two jobs at the university. However, in my opinion my sacrifices were minor compared to that of young U.S. soldiers forced into the battle, or Vietnamese citizens dying due to heavy bombardments.

Although other antiwar activists were supporting me, I was annoyed with the overall situation that we have been effective in stopping that bloody war which was taking the lives of people. Furthermore, we were furious in committing civil disobedience. I observed that other people were joining me as well, and they were in agreement with my viewpoint, and this particular aspect was not acceptable for authorities, and that is the reason why I found myself in jail in the year 1971, I was making an unsuccessful attempt to halt traffic to cause problems for federal government. Consequently, our failure that day harmed our cause because antiwar leaders realized that we had managed to convince a large number of Americas to stand against the war, but our militant strategy did not let them join us. In this respect, we changed our strategy. We ended large demonstrations. Educationists and intellectuals were an approach to guide the masses and lobby Congress.

The overall work was risky; still millions participated in the cause. Richard Nixon was the one who intensified the war, but he was feeling the pressure exerted from anti-war protestors, and their numbers were increasing with every passing day. Nixon's administration made their signature on the Paris Peace Accord in January 1973 as our lobby influenced Congress to stop funding for the incompetent and corrupt South Vietnam government, led to the collapse in the year 1975. We experienced that during both war and peace, Presidents do not tell the real story to the citizens of the country. All the presidents from Truman to Ford did not speak the truth regarding the Vietnam conflict. Also, we found that Nixon and Johnson were more concerned with their survival and political career than the lives of common people and the U.S. soldiers. They both dragged thousands of Americans to die in a war that they knew was extremely difficult, and the military was not in a position to win that. Participation in that war was a wrong decision by the government instead it was a crime against humanity.

Different chemicals were sprayed on millions of acres, which made population vulnerable, and they developed the risk of cancers and other diseases. The Vietnam War taught many lessons to the citizens of United States, and one of them was that every decision and policy of the government is not in the larger interest of the nation and the people of the country. As a responsible citizen, we should oppose our governments if they are engaging in unnecessary conflicts and the wars. The bloodshed in the war was very unfortunate, not only the soldiers from both sides suffered, but also their families got affected. The survivors of the war faced long-term health conditions, and they faced issues in treatment.


Three different viewpoints have been analyzed in this paper. One thing is evident that the U.S. should not have intensified the war. Bill Zimmerman rightly mentioned that on many occasions governments lie to their people and that government during that time was not much concerned with the lives of their soldiers. Also, for Vietnamese the war was the biggest tragedy of their lives. More than three million people got affected as a result of this war. Survivors of the war demonstrated a lot of courage and determination. Many of the U.S. soldiers also knew that they would not be able to win the war since they were soldiers, so, they had to fight the war.

Works Cited

Herzog, Tobey C. Vietnam war stories: Innocence lost. Routledge, 2017.

Obermeyer, Ziad, Christopher JL Murray, and Emmanuela Gakidou. "Fifty years of violent war deaths from Vietnam to Bosnia: analysis of data from the world health survey programme." Bmj 336.7659 (2008): 1482-1486.

Usatoday.Com, 2017, https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/09/11/vietnam-war-voices/105499474/.

Subject: English

Pages: 7 Words: 2100

Vintage Book Project

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Vintage Book Project

Humans have always been looking forward to attaining a healthy and active lifestyle, and this struggle is not new. They have been striving to achieve a vigorous lifestyle since ages, since the time humans used to live in caves. In those times, people used to rely on natural sources like herbs, weeds, plants and natural extracts to cure various kinds of diseases. After that, the times started to advance and modern science started taking over. Humans started to move from conventional methods to modern techniques, and started using chemicals to treat themselves. But still there are a large number of people who believe in the magic of natural treatment and use organic remedies for their medical care (Kamboj). These people continuously strive to highlight the importance of organic and natural remedies and make people aware of their effectiveness. One of such persons is Dr. D.C. Jarvis.

Dr. DeForest Clinton Jarvis, born in 1881, was a famous physician from Vermont, United States of America. He was a great advocate of folk medicine and contributed a lot in this respect to the nation and the world. Although, there are a number of compilations on his name, the most notable one, by Dr. D.C. Jarvis, in this respect is “Folk Medicine”. “Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health” was published in 1958 by Henry Holt & Co. Publishers, New York (Jarvis). The book remained in The New York Times Best Seller list continuously for two years, selling more than 245,000 copies in a year. The book has seen many editions since that time and is still being published and sold with the last edition being updated in 2002.

“Fold Medicine” is a book that highlights the importance of organic treatment and remedies in order to cure different diseases and medical issues. In the publication, the experienced medical specialist has focused on a very popular and effective method that is centuries-old but is still very useful. Dr.Jarvis recommended using a mixture of raw apple cider vinegar and honey for the treatment of various medical issues. This mixture is exchangeably called honegar or switchel. This method can still be used even in modern times and is highly recommended by both doctors and herbal practitioners.

The treatments and remedies shared in the book are especially helpful in burning body fat, decreasing body weight, improving sleep patterns, overcoming chronic fatigue, reducing high blood pressure and more everyday issues. Although these issues are very small, they are very common in current times and almost every person is worried due to them.

The publication was highly acclaimed in literary and medical circles. It received many positive reviews from both the readers and critics and was held in esteem by both alike. This appreciation can be seen in the form of the review presented by a reviewer in the form of the following comments, "Pliny, the ancient Roman originator of the doctrine of signatures, used honey and vinegar to cleanse the system and promote good health. D. C. Jarvis, M.D. in Folk Medicine has re-popularized the use of honey and apple cider vinegar in modern times.”

Hence, it can be concluded that Dr.D.C. Jarvis has presented great and valuable information in the form of his publication, “Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health”. It contains the secrets to a vigorous and healthy life, especially in the forms of practices adopted by the generations of Vermont. These techniques can help the people attain their goals of a fit and healthy life in a successful and unharmful way, without having to pay thousands of dollars to the doctors and wasting money on medicines.

Works Cited

Jarvis, DeForest Clinton. Folk medicine. Fawcett Books, 1995.

Kamboj, Ved P. "Herbal medicine." Current science 78.1 (2000): 35-39.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Violent Video Games: What Actually Causes Aggressive Behavior In Adolesents?

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Violent Video Games: What actually causes aggressive behavior in adolescents?

A new subculture of media and entertainment is the videogame culture. The usage of computers has increased exponentially in the contemporary world, and relying on technology in every aspect of life is a direct outcome of this fact. As electronic sports are establishing their niche worldwide, online video gaming is also increasing in popularity CITATION Ada12 \l 1033 (Adamus).

There has been extensive research on the impact of violent forms of media on children and adolescents. The relationship between violent forms of media and the resulting level of aggression in individuals became a scientific topic of inquiry in the late 1930s. Although the contents of many video games prove to be extremely instrumental in providing entertainment to children, some elements of the games have grown extremely violent and perturbing in their effects. Since the advancement of computing technology, increasing trends of stealth shooting and graphics mirroring hostile military strategies are deployed in many of these games. The popularity of video games as in-door sources of entertainment has gained global recognition. Likewise, many developers and programmers have created theme based or scenario based video games that render the player addicted to the games. Many superheroes, villains, assistant characters along with extended families are deployed in the game's scenario. Furthermore, there also has been an up gradation of the weapons and equipment used in the games. The arsenal deployed by different teams meets the contemporary strategies required by military. Recently, the dramatically increasing pattern of mass shootings has also been associated with the intensity of violent elements present in the video games, paving the way for fueled debates among the advocates and opponents of video games.

Video games are of various categories, and a lot of genres have developed since the introduction of the first personal computer games. Quality of the graphics and the content in the games has also increased considerably. Engagement of gamers and players is only possible through more dramatic effects; therefore, game developers around the world have intensified multiple storylines and graphics of the game. Concerned parents of gamers and young adolescents have grown increasingly worried over the elements of violence and military strategies, which are manifested in various plots of popular video games. This argumentative essay strives to present a stipulation in favor of video games and the effects that they have on children and young adolescents.

Against many common generalizations, there is no concrete evidence that video games play any part in emancipating youth violence. Adults tend to worry about many things that their children engage in, especially in video games. However, adult anxieties about the effects of entertainment are sometimes the real causes of the very effects they fear most. Dwellings on violence in popular western culture stem from some ancient works, including epic poems of Homer and the theatric dramas in the Greek period. Trending music, television, and media frequently represents violent acts. Researchers in social science disciplines and behavioral economics, have scrutinized the relationship between the occurrences of aggression in young adults and violent media, specifically violent video games. Despite the alarming conclusions that surface in the popular press, there are very few studies that deploy samples of young children and the effects that video games have on them. Another important point to consider about the extant literature is that not much of it has focused on the effects of violent video games on children, rather it sheds light on the lasting impressions of other forms of violent media. The absence of a normatively accepted definition of ‘aggression’ is one factor posing barriers in the pursuit of studying the association between instances of aggression and huge involvement in violent video games.

‘Violent media’ is commonly postulated as those forms of entertainment that are true depictions of intentional attempts by individuals in the pursuit of inflicting harm on others. In the context of scenarios of various video games, it may be difficult to demarcate violent content as a primary factor from various other factors that are constantly influencing thinking and behavior patterns.

In spite of the elements of violence, video games also have several benefits and positive aspects. In a seminal work by Gerard Jones, 'Violent Media is Good for Kids,' the author advocates that violent media is not solely harming the mental well-being of children, rather it is also presenting some multi-faceted benefits. These benefits are notable and are observed by many scholars from an emotional and psychoanalytic perspective. The adults are habitual of constantly sheltering their kids against violent incidents, which renders the children incapable in the face of adversities and realistic problems. In turn, children also detach their true feelings from the society and suppress their emotions. Jones also suggests in his highly controversial argument that violence and its forms in media are actually doing more good than harm, and if the effects are harnessed properly, many children can blossom into dynamic citizens of the society. The writer further depicts his own experience of childhood and goes on to deploy his son's story in the pursuit of attaining some credibility on his perspective on this sensitive matter CITATION Jon00 \l 1033 (Jones).

In my opinion, the competence of children can also be pushed by exposing them to video games as they attain some abilities and skills in overcoming various obstacles in different levels of a video game. The famous game, ‘Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six,' requires a certain professional degree of teamwork, thereby enhancing the abilities of children to work efficaciously when they are assigned in different groups. Many stealth shooting games also instill a sense of logical thinking and formational strategy in children, which is not provided this action in an academic setting.

Apart from cognitive development, video games also improve the skills regarding social interactions in children. The creation of powerful bonds between online friends is possible through these games, which has additional benefits to it. Prevention of exposure to drug usage and violent tendencies is also made conducive by positively harnessing the effects of video games. I personally also made many friends with several Koreans and British inhabitants from associations formed in the PUBG game. Although it is mostly based on strategies deployed for mass shooting and the mere survival of the player, knowledge about utilizing information and tactics is adequately gained from this.

However, there is a counter-argument backed up by many instances and references in this regard. In another article by ‘When Life Imitates Video' by John Leo, he attempts to address and critically respond to those arguments which are contextually defending violent video games. Stating the examples of two school shootings, Paducah, Ky, and Colorado massacre, Leo opines that the potential psychological effects of various violent video games mirror the hostile military strategies. The author of this article does not believe that violent media is just another source of entertainment; rather, he places specific emphasis on the fact that this a larger problem than many may think CITATION Leo99 \l 1033 (Leo).

Following the preceding line of approach, in another study, a professor of speech communication at the University of Illinois maintained that in addition to the popular culture of violent video games, environmental aspects, self-control, and genetics are also some of the key factors that increasingly contribute to the sheer rise in aggressive manifestations. Similarly, easier access to firearms in a specific region can also trigger violent thought patterns in individuals CITATION Lyn05 \l 1033 (Lynn). Research scholars also signify that no single cause or independent variable can be identified as the true reason behind increasing levels of aggressive outbursts in children and young adolescents.

Promotion of aggressive behaviors through violent video games and the resulting decline in empathy is a pervasion concern, and the common generalizations also imply that violent forms of entertainment cause adverse psychological impacts. These issues are of urgent nature to the concerns of society, but there is a need to reflect upon other factors which are responsible for causing aggression among adolescents.

Many policymakers and professional organizations have also demonstrated varied stances and opinions regarding video game effects. There are many reasons to believe that engagement with violent video games can cause aggressive thought patterns in adolescents, but this notion is controversial in nature. Domestic abuse, traumatic events, psychiatric disorders, peer-pressure, and self–esteem can also lead to aggressive behavior. Profound psychosocial and health effects are found in perpetrators and bystanders due to aggressive behavior. Greater risk of anxiety, suicidal behavior, and depression also cast a notable socio-economic toll on the well-being of individuals, and these factors are not related to violent forms of media. Aggressive behavior in adolescents, if left unchecked, can cause a lot of risks, including legal repercussions, and in some cases, it can also lead to imprisonment. An adequate and better understanding of the factors behind the etiology of aggressive behavior can pave the way for better options of treatment, and this also results in better outcomes for the adolescents in their transition to practical life. Additionally, the widely prevalent misunderstandings about the social and emotional functionalities of video games should also be cleared as they chiefly allow adolescents to engage with a partial fantasy world in the pursuit of compensating their suppressed feelings.

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Adamus, Tanja. "Playing computer games as electronic sport: In search of a theoretical framework for a new research field." Computer games and new media cultures (2012): 477-490.

Jones, Gerard. "Violent media is good for kids CL Alfano and AJ O" Brien." Envision in Depth (2000): 496-498.

Leo, John. "When life imitates video." US News & World Report (1999): 14.

Lynn, Andrea. "No Strong Link Seen Between Violent Video Games and Aggression." (2005).

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Virginia Woolf To The Lighthouse

Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse

[Name of Writer]

[Name of Institution]

Literature by women in the nineteenth and early twentieth century has a significant and irreplaceable stature as being a torchbearer for feminism. These texts stand defiant in the pre-world war era where Victorian households maintained the tradition of opposing the idea of women as artists or writers. From Jane Austen to the Bronte sisters and Mary Shelley; none escaped fire from their critics based on their gender. As the long nineteenth century dragged along, literature by women and for women was increasing at unprecedented rates. The gendered role of women was an unending topic of discussion in every social setting and the idea of women as writers did not sit very well. At the turn of the century, even after a mountain of literature gathered at women’s feet, the social strata loitered amidst hierarchies and narrow boundaries of how far a woman could go.

The first world war shifted this understanding around gendered boundaries as women took up jobs left unoccupied by men who went off to fight. Virginia Woolf in her novel ‘To the Lighthouse’ emerges as the feminist voice of this transition. The novel joins two moments stretched across ten years of war, blood and conflict. CITATION Lji11 \l 1033 (Gjurgjan, 2011) The world when this journey to an actual lighthouse is suggested is completely different from the one in which it reaches its culmination.

At a cursory glance, it is the story of a boy becoming a man in the eyes of his father. There is regular discussion of and circulation around the various layers and meanings to a father-son relationship. The way Woolf describes Mr. Ramsay as a stoic and unflinching patriarchal figure with strong opinions and a very well-defined character almost takes the attention away from the real theme of the story. Seemingly underlying is the very real and lifelike mother-daughter relationship between Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe. These women of ‘To the Lighthouse’ exist in the realms of this novel as two halves of a whole. CITATION HUI15 \l 1033 (Jingrui, 2015) The novel also provides fascinating commentary on marriage through their relationship. Lily is an artist and an unmarried woman who, according to the matchmaker Mrs. Ramsay, is not quite attractive enough to be married. Even so, Lily’s art is later irrelevant and her financial dependence on men is the reason why she must give in to Mrs. Ramsay’s ideals of marriage.

Moreover, even as Mrs. Ramsay reaffirms her husband’s masculinity and stays lovingly subservient to him throughout the course of the story, there is more than enough proof to declare her as the true central character. Although the father is supremely unyielding and masculine to the point of cruelty, it is the love of the mother which acts as the true grounding force for their children. The pervading homage to her throughout the final part of the novel even after her death confirms it. Therefore, Woolf only appears to give in to Freud’s orthodox views that pin the father as the center of the household. She successfully dodges it to illustrate the Kleinian matricentric theory through Mrs. Ramsay. CITATION Nin18 \l 1033 (Fang, 2018) There are countless feminist undertones to Virginia Woolf’s writing in general. One can see those in this novel as easily as peeling off a single layer of the Freudian façade.

The scene at the beach successfully touches nearly all of these themes as clearly as they are expressed elsewhere throughout the novel. The striking femininity of emotion (Minta) juxtaposed with the satirically displayed relationship between manliness and apathy (Andrew) shows how patriarchal men perceive both women and emotions. To Minta, the loss of a dear item is unbearable. There are memories of her late grandmother attached to the physical item and she would have lost anything but the precious brooch. To Andrew on the other hand, the fuss over ‘a brooch’ is aggravating. It is clear that Minta’s emotional attachment to the brooch, which elevates it from simply being any brooch, is incomprehensible to Andrew. A few sentences later, this comparison is reinforced when Minta makes a declaration that exaggerates the danger they are in. Andrew’s exasperation is condescending. Masculinity is re-invoked as Andrew and Paul calmly discuss their next course of action. It is, once again, feminine emotions and theatrics vs masculine sternness and presence of mind. Only Nancy, also a woman, successfully connects with Minta’s grief. As it is with gender and feminism in the novel as a whole, this paragraph also seems to reaffirm patriarchal notions. However, with only one layer peeled off, the tone with which Woolf weaves these sentences becomes visible. It establishes the indifferent masculinity as hollow and the compassionate femininity as pure.

Another aspect of orthodox gender roles is clearly defined in the next paragraph as Paul takes it upon himself to console Minta and to ‘provide for her’ that which she desires. The paragraph begins with Paul wishing to pacify and comfort Minta as a lover would desire to soothe their beloved. He narrates childhood stories of ‘valor’ and reinforces the idea of him willing to face danger to bring back her brooch. This sentiment has already been foreshadowed in the previous paragraph as Paul vehemently searches for the brooch and instructs Andrew to do the same. Andrew’s clear annoyance at Paul condoning Minta’s behavior is also underlined with the patriarchal notion of men lowering their station if they heed to a woman’s whims. Reinforcement for this idea arrives in the second paragraph as the mood shifts from Paul’s desire to help Minta. Paul now believes he should search for Minta’s brooch at dawn and replace it if he cannot find it ‘without telling her’. Like Andrew, Paul also completely fails to understand that it is sentimental attachment that makes the brooch s0 important and its loss so profound. If we peel off the ‘love’, Woolf has successfully painted a picture of how patriarchal men would believe that their condescension and coddling towards a woman is love.

After mixing gender roles with loss, sentiment, apathy and condescension; the most significant part of this scene is the analysis of marriage in the eyes of Paul. The opening sentence of his train of thoughts contains a short and exceptionally vivid picture of what marriage is to him: the man always leads while the woman stays by his side. The several thoughts that follow this declaration are all secondary ideas that draw their relevance from it. Paul feels exuberant over his engagement, but he also draws confidence, strength and his manliness from it. The broader theme of the novel in the context of Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay with respect to marriage is the same as Paul’s idea of it. The last few sentences bring in Mrs. Ramsay herself in order to reinstate the patriarchal belief at the root of the institution of marriage: a woman’s support so the husband can ‘feel like a man’. Paul scolding himself over harmless childish gimmicks in the last sentence is also a successful dig at masculinity by Woolf.

This micro-event at the beach encompasses several key themes of the whole novel in two paragraphs. Clear juxtaposition of gender roles throughout the text assisted by the patriarchal perception of loss, emotion and marriage are all topics covered at length in ‘To the Lighthouse’. The passage therefore comprehensively caters to complicated phenomena of gender and marriage in the Victorian era. We owe it to the genius of Virginia Woolf.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Fang, N. (2018). Lily Briscoe and her canvas: Kleinian depression in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse. Emotion, Space and Society, 15-21.

Gjurgjan, L. I. (2011). The Politics of Gender in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia: Revue publiée par les Sections romane, italienne et anglaise de la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université de Zagreb, 3-17.

Jingrui, H. U. (2015). Analysis of Women Images in to the Lighthouse. Cross-Cultural Communication, 59-64.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Visual Analisis

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3 June 2019

Contrast Essay

Visual Analysis


The two paintings I have chosen to compare and contrast for this essay are Mark Bradford’s ‘150 portrait tone’ and ‘Driving the World to Destruction’ by Judy Chicago. Both the paintings are rather painted in a contemporary style and illustrate features of abstract art; signifying characteristics of realism and displaying powerful messages through their work. However, the only difference is visible in the use of the themes and art techniques in these works of art. Mark Bradford's ‘150 Portrait Tone' 2017 was conceived after the Philando Castile shooting in 2016, it is a sobering reflection of power and representation, as to how a cop shot a civilian in spite of him following the orders, later to be found not guilty. The painting shows a visual depiction of communications of the victim’s girlfriend. The second work of art is known as ‘Driving the World to Destruction’ 1985 by Judy Chicago. It was painted to challenge and showcase the uncontrolled male dominance within society. It is a feminist depiction of power dynamics in the world.

Thesis Statement

The essay will explore significant similarities and differences in that both the paintings under the umbrella of abstract art, through a comprehensive analysis of the themes, techniques and the meanings these art pieces hold.


Subject Matter

The first painting shows a series of dialogues and commentary by the victim's girlfriend that occurred during a hostile act of shooting an innocent man which was live streamed on Facebook. The mural shows the following dialogues on its canvas, “please, officer, don’t tell me that you just did this”; “Lord, please, Jesus, don’t tell me that he’s gone”; “please don’t tell me he just went like that”. The text is presented and painted above the color contrast and rushed image of blood and flesh. The second painting by Judy Chicago, ‘Driving the World to Destruction’ paints a half image of a muscular male with a destructive expression on his face. The masculine figure is leaning forward aggressively trying to control or steer a wheel. The half-nude body shows that muscular power is being forcefully exerted onto the mechanic steering. While a rush of a fiery constituent is overbearing the emblematic steering into a gushing rhythm.


Mark Bradford’s ‘150 Portrait Tone’ is a horizontal scale painting 120x 120-inch dimensions, with layered colors and built with palpable density. The portrait is a depiction of rushed brushed strokes using pinkish tones to represent the color of flesh. Bradford uses acrylic paints with dark colors in the background and lighter shades of colors to highlight the forefront of the painting. The portrait is a mural with lines running back forth establishing the entirety of the painting. While on the other hand, Chicago uses a vertical scale with 108 x 168-inch dimensions. The painting uses shades with rigid and clear brush strokes to differentiate and distinguish between different elements in the portrait. She emphasizes on the figures by airbrushing the background. Chicago has used acrylic and oil paints on Belgian linen to paint the marvel. Chicago uses cartoonish expressions and colors in contrast between figures to demonstrate her feminist ideas.


The dialogues were heart-wrenching and created an empathetic impact people in the video had the power to evoke an emotional response in a number of people. Mark Bradford relays the emotional anxiety through the use of powerful and yet emotional words in his mural. Chicago in the second painting illustrates her perception of patriarchy, by symbolizing the male figure, which is painted muscular, signifying strength and power men imply in the world. The painting does not create a heroic impression of the male figure. She portrays the historical dominance of the masculine power over femininity and the affairs of society as an oppressive power. Chicago seems to develop an awareness of feminist notions through her work of art.


Mark Bradford addresses objects into his works of art which do not belong there, he has used rather a poster style portrait with a message conveyed through the use of colors and words painted upon it. The use of dialogues in a painting is rather not a new technique in art, however, these specific dialogues represent the vice of injustice and helplessness the victim faced at the hands of those who had the authority to serve justice. This work of art registers a silent cry for the protest against tyranny in society.

‘Driving the World to Destruction’ is part of Power Play series, where Chicago highlights the patriarchal construction and interference within the working of the world and how masculinity has brought consequences upon themselves and the world as a result of this. The painting paints a reflection that patriarchy dominates authority and power in the world. It localizes patriarchy that is embodied in the violent and aggressive domination of men, through nature. The painting symbolizes the fear that is created through masculine identity which is inescapable.

Both paintings carry certain similarities as compared to differences illustrated in their comparisons. The two paintings have been identified as a contemporary abstract form of art. Although they were years apart, both represent freedom of thought and expression, the art prides itself upon. Both the painters come from the sociologically struggling groups within the society, gay and feminist schools of thought. They recognize the vital sensitivities that persist within the society such as injustice and vulnerabilities that individuals are exposed to. The two paintings illuminate and distinguish between irreversible realities of power dynamics such as patriarchy and authority representation within the general public. These works of art portray existential realities through the mediums of art. The portrayals of sensitivities in these paintings carry a social-emotional value that only those who have suffered can directly or indirectly relate to. This suggests that the individuals within the society can associate themselves with it. The painters have however used art as a platform to create awareness among masses regarding grave issues and especially those which go beyond mere paintings on the canvas.


The comparative analysis of the paintings in this essay shed light on the difference in the techniques, the portrayal of elements and the subject matter the artists are trying to portray. Both the paintings although being conceived decades apart are also very different from a viewers perspective. However, many may argue that visible differences of clarity and use of brush strokes make them different. The comparative analysis may still conclude that the foundation of the intent behind these paintings shares common ground.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Visual Analysis

Visual Analysis of Joan of Arc saved France

Submitted by



Author: Haskell Coffin (1878–1941)

purpose: This poster from World War I issued by the U.S. Treasury encourages women to buy military savings brands to help fund the war.

Audience: The audience for this poster are all women.

Context: The program for the production of military savings brands was aimed at strengthening civil patriotism and attracting additional funds.

Where : by the U.S. Treasury

Tone: emotional/persuasive

Genre: war time poster

Methodologies : The poster of Joan of Arc (circa 1412–1431) reveals a Frenchwoman who led the battle against the British in the Hundred Years War, whose image traditionally serves as an example of patriotism and martyrdom.

Effectiveness: The United States Post Office ensures the distribution of these vouchers of a small amount from the end of the year 1917. These individual stamps report a little less than 1 billion dollars, half of what was planned, which allow financing 3.5% of the country's total war debt.

This picture depicting a young and beautiful Jeanne raising a sword was made by the American artist Haskell Coffin (1878–1941), The Saturday Evening Post, McCall's Magazine, The American Magazine, Redbook, and other weekly and monthly magazines. There are two Joan of Arc. The heroine of a medieval epic first, which mixes the most energetic religious feeling and the nascent patriotism in a France cut in two by the Hundred Years War. A daring adventure that will earn him the stake, after a trial of five months whose meaning is still discussed. Jeanne is then our contemporary. A figure of legend resurfaced in the heart of the nineteenth century, an issue disputed between the Church and the Republic, she could serve as a standard-bearer for the worst excesses of nationalism. Analysis of a French passion

Rhetoric tools

In this poster, ethos and pathos are used to persuade their audience and raise funds. The pathos used in the form of women image who is a Frenchwoman who led the battle against the British in the Hundred Years War, whose icon traditionally serves as an example of patriotism and martyrdom. This image shows the similarity as Joan safe country with her sword in the same way US women can safe their country and fight against envy. It is historically significant because the war was going on and everyone was disturbed due to fighting in that case women were not allowed to join the army, but this poster shows that women can do that as Joan did for France. This persuades the audience that how French women are struggling to fight against the British with her sword and for that she needs funds. By using ethos as the text states and using the image of Joan of Arc and giving similarity with American women creates ethical appeal to persuade the audience to buy stamps.

Text: there is a very little text added in this poster by saying that women of American can save your country buy war saving stamps. This shows that if you want women to fight for a country, then you need to purchase stamps in this way, they can get money and fight for you and your country.

Colour: there are few colors used in this poster the background is vivid blue with an image in copper colour showing wartime attire and little red color to enhance features and it cause more positive and less saturated emotions. Blue is the color of friendship and peace. The color of harmony and trust. It helps to present everything in a global, holistic way and with a favourable outcome. It can help focus on the issue. Such color will well emphasize creativity. It stimulates brain activity and helps to solve creative problems. Can be used in advertising products for creativity, unisex clothing, bedding. It has a powerful effect, so it can only be used in small areas and in combination with other colors.

Font: The text is in the bold and soft gold color to enhance the writing and message. At the top there is a caption of a poster that says Joan of Arc saved France . and at the end of the poster it states that "Women of America save your country -buy war saving stamp". Different fonts and script used in text to make it attractive. The word" Buy" is enhanced with different script and italic to force and show the reason for this poster.

Image: the image used in this poster is of Joan of Arc, a French woman. The case of the "Joan of Arc symbol" is indeed rather thorny and perfectly illustrates the debates and contradictions that agitated nineteenth-century France. Maleficent for Shakespeare, burlesque for Voltaire, a feminist before the hour for the suffragettes, but especially incarnation of the French people for Jules Michelet, the national saint for the former Bishop of Orleans.

Placement" the text is added in the uppermost corner of the poster, and then the image is added at the most area of sign and at the end again text added which is an actual message of this poster.

Concludingly, this is a very creative wartime poster by Haskell Coffin, an American artist. It is a wartime poster to persuade and motivate people to buy war stamps to get funds, and for that, the image of French women used. The color, text, image, placement, rhetoric tools all work in the making of this poster, and this is an excellent example of how various elements can make an excellent piece.


Meltzer, F., 2003. Joan of Arc in America. SubStance, 32(1), pp.90-99.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

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