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White Collar Crime

White Collar Crime

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White Collar Crime


The world has been a place of good and bad since the very beginning. The forces of good and evil have always been in conflict since Adam and Eve descended down the heavens. The first crime took on the face of the Earth when Abel killed his own brother, Cain, out of sheer jealousy. The foundations of crime were laid in human society from then onwards and human kept indulging in various forms of illegal and criminal activities since then.

As the humans started evolving and spreading in the surface of Earth, the nature of crime also changed. The evildoers started doing illegal activities in certain different ways. Moreover, various types of criminal types were also evolved. The criminal activities started to be divided into various categories according to their nature and severity. Along with this, multiple types of laws and regulation were also formulated to cater to the issues of criminal activities. \

The criminal or illegal activities have been broadly divided into four main types according to their nature and the level of criminality. These four levels are:

Pink Collar Crime

White Collar Crime

Red Collar Crime

Black/ Blue Collar Crime

The most common type of crime prevailing in any society is the white-collar crime. David Friedrichs throws light over the details of the white-collar crime in his article “Occupational crime, occupational deviance, and workplace crime: Sorting out the difference”, published in 2002. He discusses in detail the cause and factors behind the occurrence of white-collar crime. Moreover, he also highlights the consequences and punishments that a criminal has to face as a result of a white-collar crime.


White collar crime or corporate crime refers to a form of non-violent crime that is financially motivated. This type of crime is mostly conducted by the business people and the officials working in the government. White Collar Crime is also known as organizational deviance, organizational crime or workplace crime. The concept of organizational crime or organizational deviance is not new; it has been making rounds since Clinard and Quinney's famous publication “Criminal Behavior Systems: A Typology” came out.

White collar crime is perhaps the most studied type of crime in the areas of criminology. Many pieces of research can be found over the topic and many cases are dealt b courts on a daily basis. These case studies also become helpful in the guidance of researchers, teachers, and students in the clarification of many concepts regarding white collar crimes.

Organizational crime or corporate crime are the two major forms of white collar crime if divided further. If further dwelled into the subject, the type of organizational crime also consists of multiple types like governmental crime, finance crime, state-corporate crime, techno-crime, counterprenuerial crime, avocational crime, and enterprise crime. Each type of crime is deeply linked in one way or another to the core definition of the white-collar crime. The term white-collar crime had been in the rounds since a very long but the specific names like "occupational crime” and "workplace crime” have erupted recently.

Friedrichs (2002) emphasizes that although both the afore-mentioned terms are used interchangeably, still there is a huge and clear difference between both. Many of the activities that are counted under the umbrella of white collar crime are not actually white collar crime and are uselessly categorized under these branches. The inter-mingling of both these terms confuses the researchers as well as the policymakers and disrupts the sequence in which the empirical and policy related matters are handled. The researcher further stresses over the fact that the words of occupational deviance are more suited instead of occupational crime or workplace crime, to explain the illegal or illegitimate activities ate an organizational level or governmental level.

In addition to all this, Friedrichs (2002) argues that opportunity is the fundamental or primary factor in the occurrence of a crime, especially a white-collar crime. Occupational crime has been divided into further four types. The first one is “Organizational Occupational Crime”. This type of crime is most similar to corporate crime. The second type of occupational crime is the “State Authority Occupational Crime”. This type of occupational crime is a little confusing as it intermingles state crime and political crime. This term is mostly used for the illegal activities carried on at the state level or the governmental level. The corruptions incurred on the official level or the tax corruptions that happen on the state level all come under the umbrella of State Authority Occupational Crime. The third type of occupational crime is Professional Occupational Crime. The corruption and frauds in the organizational level by groups like physicians is an example of this type of fraud. Due to this type of crime, the whole organization suffers a loss. The fourth and final type of occupational crime is Individual Occupational Crime. This type of crime only affects a single individual and doesn't leave a bad impact on the action or assets of any other person. The invasion in the personal income tax is considered an Individual Occupational Crime.

On the other hand, the term “deviance” is considered a more suitable name for defining an illegal activity or an evil activity, instead of “crime”. One of the striking features of the white color crime is that the criminals are fully integrated into society and do not show the behavior or characteristics of the deviant individuals of society. Moreover, these individuals fully comply with the rules and regulations of the organizations or the company they are working in. The workplace in this type of criminal activity is a place or the surrounding about which the criminal is fully aware of and knows all the rules and constraints of that property.

In addition to this, white collar crimes are the most non-violent form of crime. They are not against any specific persona or the organization but against policies and rules and regulations. The wrongdoer keeps his or her own benefit in their mind and tries to commit the illegal act. The term workplace crime cannot be used for this type of crime as it implies a different meaning. The phrase “workplace crime” may refer to any sort of crime which may be violent or non-violent in nature. It may include homicide, assault, harassment, and theft of any property at the workplace. Experts consider using the methods of careful analysis and audit methods in order to detect a white collar crime in the very initial stages. The detection of white collar crime is a little difficult as there is no visible signs of criminal activity, but careful analysis of the records can show the occurrence of any evil activity.


In a nutshell. It can be seen that out of all the type of criminal activities, white collar crime is the most common and the most discussed crime among the experts. It is a financially motivated illegitimate activity that happens at the official, organizational or governmental level. The terms occupational crime or workplace crimes are also used interchangeably at the place of white-collar crime but the name "occupational deviance" looks more suitable for the explanation of white-collar crime. The area of occupational crime has been further divided into four types; Organizational Occupational Crime, State Authority Occupational Crime, Professional Occupational Crime and Individual Occupational Crime.


Friedrichs, D. O. (2002). Occupational crime, occupational deviance, and workplace crime: Sorting out the difference. Criminal Justice, 2(3), 243-256.

Subject: Education

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

White Collar Crime

White Collar Crime

[Dewan Thompson]

[Name of the Institution]

White Collar Crime

Societies have predefined social control for the smooth functioning of social groups. Every society tries to maintain its social order and social conformity; however, this is an elusive phenomenon. Every society witnesses some form of social deviance, and often this deviance takes the form of criminal activities by its members. Broadly categorized, the two types of crime exist in a society are: Blue-Collar crime and White-collar crime. Blue collar crime is the result of poverty, miserability and oppression. Nevertheless, the white-collar crime is more serious as it is not the result of some miserable conditions. It is merely a crime of greed, fraud and of the superiors in the society. Modern trends in the American society depict that this is the burgeoning social issue, and many sectors of life are getting affected by it. It is way more hazardous than crime of the poor and injuring more people comparatively as claimed by various social thinkers. Furthermore, the lack of attention on the part of authorities is also aggravating the social order in the society. The deep insight into various books, arguments and recordings illustrates that white-collar crime is negatively harming the social fabric and hurting the level of justice in the American society.

To begin with, white-collar crime is expanding its outreach and is affecting varied sectors of life. This issue is discussed at length in various books such as ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"icX2zo4k","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}The Oxford Handbook of White-collar Crime - Google Books,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“The Oxford Handbook of White-collar Crime - Google Books,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":217,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/TWTRT2IE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/TWTRT2IE"],"itemData":{"id":217,"type":"webpage","title":"The Oxford Handbook of White-collar Crime - Google Books","URL":"https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=1llxCwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=The+Oxford+Handbook+of+White-Collar+Crime&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiBjIGLpOjiAhWByoUKHdoLBuEQ6AEIJTAA#v=onepage&q=The%20Oxford%20Handbook%20of%20White-Collar%20Crime&f=false","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",6,14]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“The Oxford Handbook of White-collar Crime - Google Books,” n.d.) , and several investigative shows that highlighted the issue in detail and its seriousness. White collar criminals are so abundant that they are found in the health industry as well. The case of Stow Biotherapy is a case in point where fraudulent Larry Stow claims to cure neuro cells by stem cells implantation. He claims that his biotherapy cured one thousand patients, which is totally fallacious and baseless. Moreover, the outreach of this white-collar criminality is witnessed in pentagon officials as well who sell sensitive American information to Chinese spy agents for a paltry amount of money. Even this fraud on construction sites is also noticeable which is hurting the poor masses working on such sites. The impacts are ominous for Americans where health, construction, policing and several other domains of life are not safe from it.

To further illustsrate white-collar criminals, Hazel Croall states in her arguments that it is not just the high official that indulge white-collar crimes which is the right view of this social malady. She states in her argument that often small business owners and corporate official perform such heinous acts in lure of making more money ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"CA6sbvQt","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Croall, 1989)","plainCitation":"(Croall, 1989)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":215,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/52XTQL7R"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/52XTQL7R"],"itemData":{"id":215,"type":"article-journal","title":"WHO IS THE WHITE-COLLAR CRIMINAL?","container-title":"The British Journal of Criminology","page":"157-174","volume":"29","issue":"2","source":"academic.oup.com","abstract":"Abstract. White-collar crime is traditionally associated with high status and respectable offenders: the ‘crimes of the powerful’ and corporate crime. However,","DOI":"10.1093/oxfordjournals.bjc.a047813","ISSN":"0007-0955","journalAbbreviation":"Br J Criminol","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Croall","given":"Hazel"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1989",3,1]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Croall, 1989). She mentioned that it is the immunity in the structure that promotes such criminal actions. This is true when one looks at those who want to have immediate benefits and more status in the society. This immunity to such offenders obstructs the growth and development of the society as it hurts those in the lower rungs of social setup. This social issue is a source of victimization and consumers are at the risk of it. Perhaps, this lure of corruption and money must be done away to have better and progressive society.

In a nutshell, it may be fairly concluded from the above analysis that white collar crimes are serious in nature and substance. They are way more critical than blue collar crimes as they target and kill more people. It also adds to the miserable life of the poor and exploits their distressed situation. Various cases have been highlighted and noted in the American society that need punitive action. Those small owners want to make more money by taking advantage of those in need which is unethical and immoral in nature. The authorized agencies such as FBI need to take notice and apprehend those who are involved in such white-collar crime. This is the way to stop crimes and uphold justice in the American society.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Croall, H. (1989). WHO IS THE WHITE-COLLAR CRIMINAL? The British Journal of Criminology, 29(2), 157–174. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordjournals.bjc.a047813

The Oxford Handbook of White-collar Crime - Google Books. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2019,

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Who Is God And Who Am I?

Who is God and who am I?

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Who is God and who am I?

Religion and spirituality plays a key role in everyone’s life. Everyone has a particular opinion about God, why do we exist, who created us and what is the purpose of praying; and answers to these questions guide one throughout their lives. This paper seeks to shed light on my views of God, faith, religion, sufferings, evil, and the idea of prayer.

Religion is philosophy at its deepest. It is a way of life that has stood the test of time. I feel it serves an anchoring role in our lives. And although I don't consider myself religious, I have a deep respect for religion. I don’t feel I am capable enough to define religion (any religion). It is too profound a concept to be completely understood by the limitations of the mind. Also, defining something confines it to its definition. I think religion transcends all boundaries of definition. There is a lot of overlap amongst religions. All of them seems to have a piece of the puzzle or a perspective that suits a particular group of people. It seems like all of them have come close to some core truths of life.

Faith to me is believing in something or someone, whether it’s a cause you are working for, a dream you are fighting to keep alive, having hope. Faith gives one a sense of security that things will turn out to be okay, that there is always a chance of things turning out. I believe that faith is one of the most powerful emotions, whether one puts it in a person or god. We all want a happy ending, and I guess somehow having faith keeps us sane in this world. Faith is a rope footbridge. It works best when the distance is short and you have no other options. The longer the chasm, the more likely there are better options, and if it succeeds, it’s probably not because you took the best road or chose the right one for the right reasons.

I have never seen God’s face hence I have no personal image of Him in my mind. However, I do seek it with spirit of my being. Moreover, I believe in His existence and have witnessed His presence at many points in life. Therefore, I am highly convinced of God’s existence, somewhere among us. God is, was and will always be; outside of that, He is the 1 that increases all other 0’s The proof of God is in man’s inability to create without having something to create from. God simply says let it be and it is.

Suffering and evil exist because it teaches us how to empathize with others. We go through suffering, we learn how God comforts us, and then we are able to comfort others who go through similar problems. If there were no suffering or evil, people would be attached to the world and would see no reason to hope for anything beyond it. How miserable and deluded they would then be when they died and went to hell because they never saw their need for God. When we suffer, it teaches us the futility of setting our hope in worldly, earthly things, and to put our hope on the eternal rewards of God.

Prayer is a conversation with God, not an imaginary God of the gaps, but your creator, who is as real and as personal as you are. This creator, who is present at your side at every moment, wants eagerly, like any lover, to engage in conversation with you. Prayer is therapeutic for me. It helps me to form a communication channel of sorts with God. This helps me get things off my chest and let God know that I am conscious of Him. Even though I believe in the concept of destiny, I also firmly believe in free will. I do not know what my destiny is therefore, I do my part and hope this influences the path I have taken to what has been preordained for me.

To sum up, despite having some vague views about religion, I do believe in faith and how it gives a sense of security. Suffering and evil also teach us to put our hope in God and I also believe that God exists and listens to our prayers. I do communicate with God using prayer as the channel, it gives me hope.

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Who Is Jesus And What Is The Reign Of God?



[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

Who is Jesus and what is the Reign of God?

In the Christian and Hebrew scriptures, there are some object, place and person, labeled "unclean,” Regarding food, the Israelites forbade eating certain animals. When Peter saw the contents of the leaf dropped from heaven and was told to eat of these animals, he replied, "I have never eaten anything common or unclean” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"bw0sPCtx","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Enduring Word Bible Commentary Mark Chapter 7,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Enduring Word Bible Commentary Mark Chapter 7,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":484,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/6WABI652"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/6WABI652"],"itemData":{"id":484,"type":"webpage","title":"Enduring Word Bible Commentary Mark Chapter 7","URL":"https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/mark-7/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,20]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Enduring Word Bible Commentary Mark Chapter 7,” n.d.). Paul wrote twice to communities where some members considered some foods proscribe and permissible. The Pharisees became deeply resentful that Jesus and his followers had eaten with their "unclean" hands. Jesus condemned the Pharisee's concern with the cleanliness of the "outside" of the cup. Jesus himself was surprised by the Pharisees when he "declared all foods clean". Regarding the physical body, the priests in Leviticus are estimated to inspect and state whether some persons are "clean" and very suitable to worship and stand or if they are "unclean" and thus excluded. Much care is paid to the body's surface and skin, but also to its perfection as a condition for entree to holy tasks and places ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"eoXUjPMS","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Enduring Word Bible Commentary Mark Chapter 7,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Enduring Word Bible Commentary Mark Chapter 7,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":484,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/6WABI652"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/6WABI652"],"itemData":{"id":484,"type":"webpage","title":"Enduring Word Bible Commentary Mark Chapter 7","URL":"https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/mark-7/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,20]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Enduring Word Bible Commentary Mark Chapter 7,” n.d.). Regarding Jesus, the solemn acts of this prophet included the exodus of "unclean" spirits. Woman in Mark 5:24-35 is not unclean. Although the daughter of Jairus, who died when Jesus came ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"2YSRxoZ1","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Gospel-of-Mark-Christian-Standard-Bible-CSB-Sampler.pdf}, n.d.)","plainCitation":"(Gospel-of-Mark-Christian-Standard-Bible-CSB-Sampler.pdf, n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":486,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/T82DK2T5"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/T82DK2T5"],"itemData":{"id":486,"type":"article","title":"Gospel-of-Mark-Christian-Standard-Bible-CSB-Sampler.pdf","URL":"https://csbible.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Gospel-of-Mark-Christian-Standard-Bible-CSB-Sampler.pdf","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,20]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Gospel-of-Mark-Christian-Standard-Bible-CSB-Sampler.pdf, n.d.), was unclean and everyone who touched her would also become unclean, because death is one of the fathers of impurity. Ancient Jews carried out extensive ritual laundering. The water that Jesus turned into wine was in jars preserved there for purification. Adhering to the traditions of the elders Jews do not eat unless they wash their hands in a special way. Whatever they bring from market they first wash it and then it. This was extra authorized allocation of spiritual leaders from Jerusalem, who came to assess the ministry of Jesus. They saw a prior allocation in Mark 3:22 and proclaimed cruel criticism against Jesus. They already decided and made up their mind against Jesus. They did not rate Jesus against the scale of the Word of God. They assessed him against their religious traditions ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"wujAqQ4d","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Gospel-of-Mark-Christian-Standard-Bible-CSB-Sampler.pdf}, n.d.)","plainCitation":"(Gospel-of-Mark-Christian-Standard-Bible-CSB-Sampler.pdf, n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":486,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/T82DK2T5"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/T82DK2T5"],"itemData":{"id":486,"type":"article","title":"Gospel-of-Mark-Christian-Standard-Bible-CSB-Sampler.pdf","URL":"https://csbible.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Gospel-of-Mark-Christian-Standard-Bible-CSB-Sampler.pdf","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,20]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Gospel-of-Mark-Christian-Standard-Bible-CSB-Sampler.pdf, n.d.).

Written law was honored by Judaism at that time. There was also oral law, which was codified, but human interpretations and tradition were written highly in written law. Oral law was more honored than written law during Jesus time. One of the greatest contradictions between unclean and clean happens in chapter 7 of the Gospel of Mark. Pharisees, supposedly clean, descended from Jerusalem to find error with Jesus and his followers. Jesus not only rejects their judgment, but he clarifies that there is nothing that can make a person unclean; but evil in the heart will lead a man away from God and it will make him unclean. Pharisees, who believe they are clean, are in fact unclean. Jesus wishes them to see this, because people who think that they are unclean will return to Jesus. Jesus travel to Sidon and Tyre which were the unclean regions. The Syrophenician woman that Jesus met was unclean according to Jewish tradition but because of her great faith she was clean according to Jesus. In our society the unclean is not who looks dirty, who wears torn clothes. But unclean is the one who is hypocrite and have no faith. The person whose behavior with others is not good, who feels superior to others and feels disgust for poor people is unclean. In short, a sinner is unclean man in the society. As Jesus said unclean is one who is alienated with God or have no faith is unclean man. Cleanness of soul and mind is important than physical cleanness.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Enduring Word Bible Commentary Mark Chapter 7. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2019, from https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/mark-7/

Gospel-of-Mark-Christian-Standard-Bible-CSB-Sampler.pdf. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://csbible.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Gospel-of-Mark-Christian-Standard-Bible-CSB-Sampler.pdf

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Who Was Booker T. Washington? (subject: Activist)

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Instructor Name

Course Number


Title: Booker T. Washington

Booker T. Washington was an African-American civil rights activist, educator, former slave, and founder of the Tuskegee Institute (now the Tuskegee University) and depending on the politics, an appeaser for white violence (Harlan, Louis). He was actively following the collapse of reconstruction and sought to improve the status of African-Americans (AAs) through education. He is best known for holding a pragmatic view on African-American (AA) civil rights in the late 19th century while his opponents held more idealistic ones. Washington took birth in a slave family but later moved to West Virginia. He completed for his graduation in 1875 and taught at a fay school in Malden for about two years. He joined the staff of Hampton following his studies at Wayland Seminary.

Booker T Washington set up the Tuskegee Institute. It aimed to teach AA practical skills they would need to become self-sufficient and which weren’t perceived as “urbane” enough to offend whites. Skills such as woodworking, agriculture, sanitation, and literacy were most commonly advertised. He also snuck in some ‘higher’ topics such as history, languages, and philosophy and then undersold their importance in every interview to maintain the status quo.

He is often compared with W.E.B. DuBois, and it is assumed that Washington was in it for the power. He made friends with the rich and powerful. When other African Americans threatened his power by asking him to do things that would piss off whites, he ignored them when he didn’t actively refuse. He was viewed as a “good Darkie.” That meant he didn’t speak out on injustice for his people but constantly lectured them to behave themselves. He didn’t even suggest that the rash of southern lynchings was bad. Booker T. Washington was also more liberal in his views concerning civil rights.

Washington plays a key role in history because he is credited with initiating a huge movement. He emphasized education as a basic right for all. In the opinion of DuBois, it was not considered enough (Denton, Virginia). DuBois also noticed the huge influence of capitalism on the Black movement and thus involved ideas of radical politics that were not favored by Washington. Washington, at that time also had the ear of several vital politicians, so he was faced criticism regarding drawing a tow between what was needed and what political establishment was ready to accept. Booker T. Washington was also invited by Teddy Roosevelt, to dinner at the White House. Washington was the first African American to eat at the White House outside the servants’ quarters. TR took so much flak for his gesture that he never invited another black person to be his guest again.

Booker T Washington is one of the most celebrated key figures in a movement that created a vivacious AA middle-class at the times when doing efforts towards any social advancement resulted in fierceness (Smock, Raymond). Most of the blacks were comfortable with his approach and his impact on the whites as well. Even if one mocks at his mollification, that’s something to appreciate and history will always remember him.

Works Cited

Denton, Virginia Lantz. Booker T. Washington and the Adult Education Movement. University Press of Florida, 15 Northwest 15th Street, Gainesville, FL 32611, 1993.

Harlan, Louis R. Booker T. Washington: Volume 2: The Wizard Of Tuskegee, 1901-1915. Oxford University Press, 1983.

Smock, Raymond W. Booker T. Washington: Black leadership in the age of Jim Crow. Ivan R. Dee, 2009.

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Why Are There Different Patterns Of Victimization For Women And Men?


[Name of Student]

[Name of College/University]


Gendered victimization is excessively focused on women and girls that include intimate-partner violence, sexual assault, trafficking for sexual exploitation and genital mutilation. The focused findings proclaim that it is only due to their gender. The gender-motivated victimizer who harass and punish motivated others for enforcing their approach of gendered behavior toward those who do not accept those approaches. In this regard, the National Panel on Research on Violence against Women found that there is little methodical information about the different patterns of violence ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"1igqv8l3hq","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Fear of Victimization,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Fear of Victimization,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":415,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/4Z5VFDS6"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/4Z5VFDS6"],"itemData":{"id":415,"type":"webpage","title":"Fear of Victimization: Why Are Women and the Elderly More Afraid? - ProQuest","URL":"https://search.proquest.com/openview/2a187a230664693fe2db8505670d05c2/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=1816420","title-short":"Fear of Victimization","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Fear of Victimization,” n.d.).

Some scholars, for example, have observed that there is an association between the origin of a family and spousal victimization. On the other hand, co-occurrence of different pattern of victimization such as sexual victimization and physical assault within a specific intimate partnership ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"cKKe6gja","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Trends and patterns in victimization to domestic and non-domestic homicide - Leiden Safety and Security Blog,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Trends and patterns in victimization to domestic and non-domestic homicide - Leiden Safety and Security Blog,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":405,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/DXYUAMP8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/DXYUAMP8"],"itemData":{"id":405,"type":"webpage","title":"Trends and patterns in victimization to domestic and non-domestic homicide - Leiden Safety and Security Blog","URL":"https://www.leidensafetyandsecurityblog.nl/articles/trends-and-patterns-in-victimization-to-domestic-and-non-domestic-homicide","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Trends and patterns in victimization to domestic and non-domestic homicide - Leiden Safety and Security Blog,” n.d.). Another study has shown some speculations that both dating violence and marital violence are associated with each other. Simply to say, victimization, across relationship and over time has not been sufficiently explored. Therefore, identification of different patterns of victimization is critical to the criminal justice theorist and victimization theorist themselves to design an approach.

Conceptualization of Victimization

The theorist, legislators, activists, and policymakers have been putting efforts to conceptualize victimization. To the criminology theorist, the words which identify the patterns of victimization based on sexual and gendered orientations have become important ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"E6Pu4u9M","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Fox & Fridel, 2017)","plainCitation":"(Fox & Fridel, 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":408,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/JLKQE2HR"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/JLKQE2HR"],"itemData":{"id":408,"type":"article-journal","title":"Gender Differences in Patterns and Trends in U.S. Homicide, 1976–2015","container-title":"Violence and Gender","page":"37-43","volume":"4","issue":"2","source":"liebertpub.com (Atypon)","abstract":"In the research literature on homicide, gender has generally received less attention than other demographic characteristics, specifically the age and race of victims and offenders. To some extent, this is understandable because the overwhelming majority, almost three-quarters, of homicides in the United States involve a male killing another male. Therefore, the usual patterns of homicide mirror for the most part the patterns of male homicide. However, there are substantial differences in the trends and patterns of female offending and victimization that should not be ignored in the aggregate. In this article, we employ a national homicide database (the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports, SHR) from 1976 through 2015 with multiple imputation of missing information to examine gender differences among victims and offenders in terms of characteristics such as age, race, weapon, circumstances, and victim–offender relationship.","DOI":"10.1089/vio.2017.0016","ISSN":"2326-7836","journalAbbreviation":"Violence and Gender","author":[{"family":"Fox","given":"James Alan"},{"family":"Fridel","given":"Emma E."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017",5,12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Fox & Fridel, 2017). They have made it possible for the people who discuss patterns of victimization that were previously unspeakable and ignored. The new terms that describe the patterns of victimization include harassment, sexual abuse, stalking, emotional abuse, intimate-partner violence, wife battering, acid throwing, patriarchal terrorism, date, and marital rape and acquaintanceship. Therefore, this is the possible reason that statics present a considerable decrease in the number of females to crimes as they themselves are being victimized. On the other hand, underage marriage is coming the less developed countries of Asia result in underage pregnancy and eventually to the death of young girls. This is, however, the oldest pattern of victimization that had never been highlighted on prior the globalization. The conceptualization of the patterns of victimization is greatly discussed in many government publications.

Occurrence of Victimization

The victimization is most likely to occur from partner and parents. But the risks are highest among partner relationship. The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) found that the data has an exclusive gain for highlighting an extensive pattern of victimization for men and women in the selected racial groups in the US. However, the survey findings are affected by underreporting of victimization, particularly exceedingly personal experiences such as sexual assault and intimate-partner violence. The relative rates of victimization for racial group and sex depend on crimes which happen in public places and in or around the home. Such differences highlight gendered victimization and experience of the people. Most of the incidents of victimization are of robberies, assaults, and sexual assault. The largest difference in gendered victimization include offenses in public places and the native US women have reported the same. Though, men, in general, have informed the higher level of victimization away from their homes while black women also have the same results. For the women of color, the home is a relatively dangerous place, but black women are also vulnerable.

Victimization within Relationship

There are no different patterns of victimization among strangers, acquaintances or relatives. Contrary to this, there are three different patterns of violence between the parent-child relationships. It includes various patterns of violence including injurious violence. Similarly, intimate-partner victimization includes four different patterns of violence such as stalking, sexual assault, physical violence, and more violence. Moreover, intimate-partner violence can be characterized in many different classes of violence which reflect variation in the extent and the number of violence. Whereas stranger relationship might include fewer patterns of violence, perhaps distinguishing physical and sexual violence.

The risks of a specific pattern of victimization are independent of the risk of experiencing another pattern of victimization. People in common have a dynamic pattern of violence and rarely gets out of hand to a minor pattern of victimization. Patriarchal terrorism is a pattern of victimization found traditionally in patriarchal men’s right to control women. This approach is more constant with the pattern of systematic abuse. Significantly, systematic abuse is constant with the notion of patriarchal terrorism proposes controlling the sexual and social activities of their female partners. Such patterns offer a higher rate of victimization with the people who favor violence and possess norms and values. It also offers the basis for the credentials of risk factors and concern of the basic variable consequences.

Nature of Victimization

Men and boys are mostly victimized by other men while women and girls are mostly victimized by men either. However, regardless of the race, more than 90 percent of occurrences perpetrated on men have involved a male offender. While men are rarely victimized by women, it constitutes less than 10 percent for each racial group in the US. Of the victimization of native US women, 65 percent involve a male offender, while crime against women against every racial group has above 70 percent. Moreover, women are more likely to be victimized than men having a men offender.

Domestic and Non-Domestic Homicide

Over the past few years, the number of homicide rates has been decreasing. If it studied more closely, we find different patterns of victimization. Compared to women, here the maximum number of victims are men. Indeed, around the world, men's rate of victimization is four times higher than that of women. In addition, the possibility of victimization differs from country to country and continent to continent. Veli Verkko's ‘static law' explains the differences between victimization are reproduced in the share of women victims. When there is a higher number of victimizations, then there must be fewer female victimizations.

Homicide can unevenly be categorized into domestic and non-domestic. As per Verkko’s second law on homicide, the ‘dynamic law’ explains sequential changes in homicide number are chiefly due to the changes in the number of men-to-men violence over time and gain. Domestic law includes the killing of a parent, partner, children and other family members. While in domestic setting women are the victims and this might be due to interpersonal clashes. On the other hand, the non-domestic homicide includes the killing of drug-related crimes, nightlife violence, strangers and victims of robbery. The non-domestic killings are mostly dominated by men-to-men homicides.

Global Pattern of Victimization against Women

The evaluation of gendered victimization is, however, difficult in developing world due to spotty availability of research and findings. As per some official proclamation, some patterns of victimization are higher than that of the US in few countries. Such as in Papua New Guinea, 56 percent in cities while 67 percent in rural areas had been hit by their male counterparts. On the other hand, there is a significant increase in the rape of women and girls.

Across the borders, trafficking women and young girls for sexual purposes for victimizing is a crime. They have been forced or tricked into the cross-border and are engaged in prostitution usually come rural and urban areas of the less developed countries. While selling the female children is on the rising among poor families to the traffickers. Estimates say over 1 million women have been trafficked each year. They have been taken and recruited from poor Asian countries for profits with limited risk compared to that of the arms and drugs. This notion will surely encourage an increase in traffickers from poor Asian countries.

Risk Factors of Victimization

There can many risk factors ranging from socio-political and economic factors to low education, race, age, and marital disruption are significantly associated with the patterns of victimization. The number of risk factors in a particular pattern of victimization in a specific relationship were high. Over a period of time, both victimization and its consequences would possibly have a profound implication on social relationships and attainments. In this regard, young people are at a greater risk of being victimized.

In the US, poverty has gradually been concentrated on women and children and it cannot be explained by their education and age. However, it can be ameliorated by income support programs. Moreover, the poverty rate is highest among non-whites in the US particularly with both adults and the children. They are at the risks of economic disadvantage and hence result in women’s criminal victimization.


The experience of victimization would likely to continue in an intimate partnership and most probably in and around the home. The difference in victimization experiences proposes the need for tailor intervention. Such as the criminal justice system, in dealing with isolated victimization could be exclusively beneficial. In such a case, a specific offender could possibly be targeted by criminal justice sanctions. While in other cases, it may improve women’s capability to quite an abusive situation. An effective response starts with considering the recognition of patterns of victimization. In addition, the extensive comorbidity of violence, psychological distress, fear, use of substance and health problems will propose the need for coordination of counseling, medical assistance, and victim services. Whereas victim-witness liaisons and justice-based advocated will remain important including the other services.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Fear of Victimization: Why Are Women and the Elderly More Afraid? - ProQuest. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2019, from https://search.proquest.com/openview/2a187a230664693fe2db8505670d05c2/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=1816420

Fox, J. A., & Fridel, E. E. (2017). Gender Differences in Patterns and Trends in U.S. Homicide, 1976–2015. Violence and Gender, 4(2), 37–43. https://doi.org/10.1089/vio.2017.0016

Trends and patterns in victimization to domestic and non-domestic homicide - Leiden Safety and Security Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2019, from https://www.leidensafetyandsecurityblog.nl/articles/trends-and-patterns-in-victimization-to-domestic-and-non-domestic-homicide

Subject: Education

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Why Child's Social-Emotional Skills Are So Important

Why Child's Social-Emotional Skills Are so Important

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Why Child's Social-Emotional Skills Are so Important


Social and emotional skills are an integral and vital step in the development of a child. Social and emotional skills acquired at a young age are linked to the emotional, social and professional skills which show effect later in life. Such skills are inst5rumental in the child's ability to make decisions and show perseverance challenging tasks. The most common themes to teach social-emotional skills are to provide enabling environment to them so that they can better, practice, learn and execute social-emotional skills. Such abilities result in the best of life choices and endurance opportunities. It poses a reflection of ones being in a variety of social settings throughout life. Certain types of effects on development and lifestyle behaviors.

Behaving appropriately

Make friends; behaving appropriately will enable the child will make friends and along with them by showing empathy, kindness and a welcoming attitude. Social and emotional skills enable the child to create ideas, further enhance critical thinking and develop rationality regarding the subjects CITATION Why19 \l 1033 (Why Childs Social-Emotional Skills are so-Important, 2019). The child can enhance. Behaving appropriately encourages the notion of a good citizen with less deviation or indulgence in criminal behaviors later in life. Behaving appropriately generates a sense of appreciation on behaving in a particular manner and hence punishment for not doing so CITATION Joh06 \l 1033 (Mag, 2006). This creates a sense in the child regarding approval and encouragement for behaving appropriately and vice versa for not doing so.

Gain Confidence and Self-esteem

Confidence is a key element in a child's social and emotional development. Social-emotional development creates the effects of confidence along with vapored self-esteem, this is done by allowing the child to make choices for themselves. Children who have social and emotional skills incline more towards likeness/fondness towards those amongst them and initiate friendships with them. such skills help them get along with others without being anxious. Academically confidence in a child exudes when he/she is better able to share their ideas and raise questions for a better understanding without being hesitant about them. Later in life the social-emotional skills aid on in making choices, being comfortable with self and take opportunities. Such individuals because of their belief in self are more successful than others. In the complex environment of classroom confidence and self-esteem aid a child into not falling into complexities of inferiority or superiority.

Resolve conflicts more readily and less aggressively

Social and emotional skill have a significant effect on child ability to resolve conflicts more readily and less aggressively. The child exudes a welcoming and friendly nature which helps him make more friends and get along with them without many disagreements and fighting. Resolving conflicts and being less aggressive drives the child to further develop patience to endure the problem solving and a more solution-based mindset when it comes to academics. Resolving conflicts helps the child to have a peaceful life in future with no anxiety and depression later in life. The classrooms environment becomes less assertive and calm with children being unable to resolve conflicts on their own. This creates less animosity and co-existence amongst themselves CITATION Pam92 \l 1033 (McWhirter, 1992). A less aggressive approach towards resolving conflicts brings the child to conveying their own issues to others and resolving peacefully.


The learning experience of social and social-emotional skills on the child has positive effects of achieving appropriate behavior, confidence and self-esteem, resolving conflict and many more on the children when it comes to their socialization process, academia, classroom environments and later in life. The social-emotional skills are incorporated and enforced by school systems and the parents of the child. The understanding that enduring and embracing emotions in a social setting and the vulnerability are themes of life helps ease the burden from one's life in the longer run.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Why Childs Social-Emotional Skills are so-Important. (2019). Retrieved 2019, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-wide-wide-world-psychology/201701/why-child-s-social-emotional-skills-are-so-important

Mag, J. W. (2006). Social Skills Training for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Review of Reviews. SAGE, 4-17.

McWhirter, P. S. (1992). A peer mediation model: conflict resolution for elementary and middle school children. Elementary School Guidance & Counseling, 15-23.

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Why China's One Belt One Road Project Turkey Side Has Too Many Risk And Why Turkey Should Not Be Part Of The Project.

Why China's one belt one road project Turkey side has too many risks and why Turkey should not be part of the project?

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Why China's one belt one road project Turkey side has too many risks and why Turkey should not be part of the project?


With primary concerns over its economic development and focus on soft power, China has managed to capture the Asian market for trade and business to boost its economic growth. Now the country is aiming at a much challenging position, i.e. becoming the regional power, but for that, it has to expand its business to surpass India in this tug of war. This is why through projects like CPEC and BRI, China wants to dominate the global market and make the rivalry with the United States of America much stronger. As China is facing challenges from all sides in the world, therefore, the country is putting all its efforts in expansion towards Europe. The motive behind the way forward to Europe is both political and economical serving different interests for the Chinese government. Chinese government by adopting wise diplomatic foreign policies with the countries in its way of “one belt one road project (OBOR)” is trying to maintain stability in the region. China's ladder to success in the one belt one road project in Turkey as Turkey acts as the gateway to Europe and this is the most effective road route China can opt for. Thus, China is trying all the political tactics to bring Turkey to the table. But there are many risks involved in the project of One belt one road project that is political, economic, financial and geographical and cultural. The project seems to be too risky for both the countries to opt for as due to the presence of internal conflicts and security concerns on both sides. China's most extensive region Xinjiang is the centre of all those risks that will be tackled by both countries once the project starts. This paper will analyze all the risks that are becoming obstacles in China's way to merge into the European market through One Belt One road project. This paper will also identify all the concerns Turkey has while agreeing to initiate this project with China. This analytical essay will also answer all the questions to clarify the position of both the countries in power concentration stance and their exposure to risks. The project is not feasible because it is too risky for China as well as for Turkey because of the significance of those internal and political risks.

China’s One Road One belt project

One road one belt project famously known as OBPR initiative around the world is China's economics and foreign policy proposed d by the Chinese president Xi Jinping. The one belt one road project is aimed to accelerating the huge investment coming to China and to improve its trade and development. The project is started to extend the market of the People's Republic of China to Europe, Central Asia and Indo-Pacific concentrated countries. The One belt one road (OBOR) is extracted from the overland “Silk Road Economic Bet” and the recent 21ST Century Maritime Silk Road which are both the development strategies. The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road precisely known as MSR or maritime Silk Route is the part of the vast OBOR initiative that focuses on the sea channels of the project and will direct sea routes. These initiatives are also solely based on fostering economic growth in many countries and to increase the collaboration between the countries. OBOR is the development strategy started by China to involve infrastructure development and direct investments in the relatively underdeveloped countries of Europe, Asia and Africa.

right000China’s OBOR in World Map

The background for this initiative is that the People's Republic of China is a one-sided landlocked country surrounded by Asian countries on different sides. Take a look in the map above enhance its work. In the past few decades, due to good governance and massive input in the development side, China has managed to emerge as the most potent Asian country. The country further wants to makes position strong by fostering economic development, improving regional integration, accelerating economic growth in other countries as well. There are several reasons behind the initiation of this OBOR project; however, the leading two causes are more related to economic and political aspects. The first reason is that, due to its geographical location as the landlocked country, China wants to have access to seaports also which can only be achieved by extending its one belt road project to Turkey. The second reason behind the OBOR project is that China wants to become economically active and after capturing a large share in the Asian market, now wants to target the European markets. Through OBOR, China will be able to surpass India, Singapore and other central Asian countries and acquire more dominance over the world.

This project OBOR will involve an extended road that will go through all the relevant countries in its way to Turkey and will eventually connect to Europe. Reason for collaborating Turkey is that; Turkey is the only country that acts as a gateway to Europe. If the Google map is examined in detail, then it will be understood that there are two seaports with Turkey which China can easily avail from the one road initiative. The idea is to invest heavily in the development of infrastructure in the areas that are linked through two Silk roads so that they can be joined and one ordered space can be created. The sole purpose is to dominate the world global market and trade to establish itself as a developed country in the world as China wants to position itself as the new world leader.

Importance of Xinjiang and Uighurs for China’s One Belt One road project

Looking at the world map, it can be seen that for China to establish its way of OBOR globally, it is imperative to start from the Xinjiang region of China to access other countries. This is because Xinjiang is the autonomous territory that is situated in the northwest of China towards the direction of Europe. Due to this reason, Xinjiang has a very critical role to play to clear the way for China to enter Europe. Below is the map provided for China's geographical boundaries in which the whole country is highlighted in yellow, but Xinjiang can be seen in the red portion.


China’s Map


Apart from its geographical location, Xinjiang holds enormous importance for China in political aspects as well. Xinjiang is the largest region of China that is considered autonomous. This region of China consists wholly of deserts and mountains.

Moreover, Xinjiang is also different from other parts of China in a way that the region is home to numerous ethnic minority groups in which the majority are Turkic Uyghur people. The old Silk Road trade route also passed through Xinjiang to link China with the Middle East. 45% of people there are Uyghur who follows the religion of Islam and speaks the language Uighurs. Xinjiang is the most considerable portion of China to manage and is also the eight largest division of any country in the world. Xinjiang is connected to the borders of Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.

Looking at the geopolitical conditions of Xinjiang, it can be examined that China no doubt has severe issues with the Xinjiang. Beijing has always shown concern over the ethnocultural dominance of Uyghur people there and the low economic development making the country watchful on the region's security matters. To manage this tension, Beijing followed a dominant strategy of integration by controlling the area politically, socially and culturally and to encourage the settlement of Han Chinese people. A state-owned modernization program further promotes this procedure and to transform Xinjiang into one of the major hubs of trans-Eurasian connectivity. The motive behind this action is that economic development will eventually surpass the Uyghur objectives to acquire more significant political independence. Under the belt and road initiative, China wants to exploit Xinjiang’s geographical benefits to ease China in the economic expansion towards Europe. Many efforts are put by the Chinese government to assimilate Uighurs into Han culture by imposing targeted programs on them through education etc.


Uighurs are very important to China in this project because they are in the majority in Xinjiang area and the Chinese government is undertaking many actions against them to control and stabilize them according to their requirements. From many years, China is not having good ties with the people of Uyghur and suppressing them. On the other hand, Turkey has always provided them with proper treatment because of the soft corner Turkey has been a Muslim country. Uighurs are or Turkic origin, and many of them are also present in Turkey. This whole matter creates a dilemma for both the countries in the project and makes Uighurs more critical to the project than the Xinjiang region itself.

Importance of Turkey in One Belt One Road Project

Turkey plays a very critical and assertive role in this project because if the situation is analyzed carefully from Turkey's point of view, then it can be assessed that Turkey is not much in an economic advantage with China on this project. China is the one which is receiving maximum political position and economic benefits from its spread to European markets through Turkey. Turkey is only helping China to maintain good foreign relations with China and to gain investment in return from the project for the short term. Whereas, if China undertakes this project then many opportunities will arise for the Chinese citizens as well as the Chinese government. This is one of the primary concerns Turkey has from the OBOR project. Looking further on the political aspects and gains from this side, it may also happen that by collaborating with China. Turkey may even reach a strong position in the region to exercise its political strength. Many other neighbouring countries will rely on Turkey to foster their economic growth and start trading with him. Turkey will be able to influence the decisions in international politics. It ultimately depends on Turkey to ensure and maximize the economic prosperity it will bring in the OBOR project. China is dependent on the Turkish government's support, so this stance provides a golden opportunity for the Turkish government to impose some conditions on China. This will require Turkey to stop the Chinese government’s unjustified and unfair activities in the Xinjiang region. In the OBOR project, Turkey has vital importance, and this is the time when Turkey can make China agree on some internal matters related to the Uighurs ethnic group. China will receive political pressure and might give in to some of the conditions.

Who Uighurs are

Uighurs are the ethnic group Turkic by origin living in East and Central Asia. Uyghur although a minority ethnic group lives in the majority in Xinjiang, China. Uyghur is also one of China's minority ethnic groups that are recognized in its list of officially recognized ethnic groups. Uighurs generally practice Islam and are also present in Turkey. There is also the presence of this ethnic group to Iraq and Syria.China's policy toward Uighurs in Xinjiang

Xinjiang was a region that had irregular autonomy and often had occasional independence, but in the 18th century China took charge of the Xinjiang and started their rule in the area. Xinjiang which can also be called as East Turkestan was declared as an independent state in 1949, but the independence was for a brief period. In the same year, Xinjiang officially joined China and became a part of communist China. Xinjiang has approximately 21.81 million population according to the 2010 census. Turkic Muslims are in the majority here with the people of almost eight million out of 19 million currently. This region is affluent in resources, and due to large scale immigration of Han Chinese by the Chinese government, the economic development is also gradually improving. Turkic Muslims are in the majority here, but yet again they are treated as minorities. They are not given the Chinese passports by the Chinese governments to travel the world. They cannot practice their religion in public and are victims of heavy policing. The Uighurs are forced to work for low wages and are not given equal employment opportunities. They are experiencing discrimination and marginalization in all the areas, and the intensity is getting higher with every passing day. The Uighurs are forced to radicalize by the Chinese authorities as the authorities have also built hidden camps for the detention of Turkic Muslims. In 2018, after receiving strong evidence of the violation of human rights by the Chinese government, the United Nations stated that more than one million people are held in the counter-extremism centres in Xinjiang. The UN also pointed out that China has turned into a vast imprisonment camp that is hidden in secrecy. To which China reacted and denied all the concerns of detention camps. In response, China, however, justified its position by blaming the Uighurs for acts of religious extremism and said that the Uighurs need re-education and resettlement to live in the region. International media also viewed those hidden camps from a satellite which are now expanding, but China kept on refusing and did not admit their cruelty with Uighurs. China is blamed many times in global politics by many international entities that the once communist country is violating the fundamental human rights of many citizens of Xinjiang. China in defence names its crackdown policies to be re-education and reassessment for the people so that terrorism can be controlled. The irony of the situation is that, because of stricter policies of the Chinese government and the continuous discrimination with Uighur people, the local structure of the region is getting adversely affected. Until now the Chinese government have made thousands of camps in the region, and they imprison the Turkic Muslims without any substantial justification. This is getting common as the Urumqi which is the capital of Xinjiang has become a headquarters of these camps. In many areas of camping, the general public and media's entry is strictly restricted.

Reasons for the formation of concentration camps in Xinjiang by China

There are firm shreds of evidence of the creation of concentration camps in Xinjiang to which China most of the times failed to justify but looking into the history of Xinjiang; many reasons can be identified. Xinjiang was once an independent state although for a brief period and China quickly took control of the region. The Turkic Muslims are in the majority, so the Chinese government is facing some security issues in the area. They have the fear that the Turkic Muslims will rise to power if they are not controlled in time because Xinjiang is the largest division of China and the government want to keep the power with themselves. This is why they want to suppress the Uighurs so that the power stays with the Han Chinese. This also justifies the fact why the government facilitated Han Chinese immigration into the region.

Security risk for the project's Turkey Foot

China has many security risks not from the Xinjiang region but also by the presence of Uighurs in Syria and Iraq who has borders with Turkey. Below is the map the location is highlighted with red lines around the Syria and Iraq.

Syria and Iraq are attached geographically with Turkey, and they have Uighurs population quite in the majority. They are radicalized and strongly condemn the acts of the Chinese government about the Uighurs present in the Xinjiang region. So, the topmost risk that China might face with the OBOR project is that the Uighurs present in Syria and Iraq might intervene in the economic trade expansion of China and make matters worse for the Chinese government. They may want to sabotage China's one belt one road project from Turkey's side as they cannot tolerate the injustice happening to their ethnic group in Xinjiang. Through Turkey, it will become effortless for them to take revenge for the political oppression experienced by them for many years. This will land China into big trouble, and the matter will receive international attention. China has a good reputation in the world and is trying to cover the internal conflict through soft power and diplomatic strategies. But, this might not go for much longer.

Risks for the Turkish Government

Uyghur people are from the same ancestors as Turkish people, and they both share the same ethnicity due to which their culture and religious values are also the same. Due to all these similarities and common points, Turkish citizens have a soft corner for Uighur people suffering the injustices in the Xinjiang region of China. Their sentiments are getting hard every time they come to know about the latest restrictions imposed by the Chinese government and the apparent violations of human rights. Uighur problems in Xinjiang leaves a very severe impact on the citizens of Turkey, and they are strictly against Chinese policy there. So, if China keeps on imposing bans on Uighur people and imprisoning them without any trial, Turkish people will soon retaliate if the Turkish government didn't take any action. The current government in Turkey might face a severe backlash from the general public for not speaking up for the Uighur people, and they might lose votes too for election. Because nationalist and conservatives in Turkey do not want to accept friendly relations with China on foreign policy matters if China keeps on eradicating the Uighur identity from Xinjiang. The Turkish government will have to take a wise decision on time before its people go against the government to fight for the rights of their Uighur brothers.


After critically analyzing all the dimensions of “One belt one road project” initiative of China, it is suggested that China should reconsider this decision as the project has numerous risks involved which cannot be ignored. China and Turkey both will get affected by the project as the political and social risks are much higher than the economic and foreign gains they will receive from the project. This project is not feasible for any country as the matters are highly internal that will leave an international impact if they are not taken seriously. Even if we keep the political issues of both the countries on a side, there are still many geographical, security and economic risks involved that will incur huge cost not necessarily monetary.

End Notes

"China Envoy Says No Accurate Figure On Uighurs Fighting In Syria". 2019. U.S.. Accessed March 8 2019. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-china/china-envoy-says-no-accurate-figure-on-uighurs-fighting-in-syria-idUSKCN1L508G.

"This Map Shows A Trillion-Dollar Reason Why China Is Oppressing More Than A Million Muslims". Business Insider Malaysia. Accessed March 8 2019. https://www.businessinsider.my/map-explains-china-crackdown-on-uighur-muslims-in-xinjiang-2019-2/.

"Turkey Renews Criticism Of China Over Uighur Minority". 2019. AP NEWS. Accessed March 7 2019. https://www.apnews.com/5f0e055b10994483b30d479c62f20d7f.

"Turkey Urges China To Respect Uighur Rights, Close Camps". 2019. ABC News. Accessed March 7 2019. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/turkey-urges-china-respect-uighur-rights-close-camps-60959789.

Acharya, Arabinda, Rohan Gunaratna, and Wang Pengxin. Ethnic identity and national conflict in China. Springer, 2010.

Ala, Mamtimin. 2018. "Xi Jinping’S Genocide Of The Uyghurs | Foreign Policy Journal". Foreign Policy Journal. Accessed March 7 2019. https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2018/11/07/xi-jinpings-genocide-of-the-uyghurs/?fbclid=IwAR35Onn1wVFE5NpQwvuTLVOm6z8vSRjnaeeN7TgFmCFkRDfBujHxxwbsK1E.

Friedrichs, Jörg. "Sino-Muslim relations: the Han, the Hui, and the Uyghurs." Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 37, no. 1 (2017): 55-79.

Hyer, Eric. "China's policy towards Uighur nationalism." Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 26, no. 1 (2006): 75-86.

Ivan Watson and Ben Westcott, CNN. 2018. "'Cultural Genocide': How China Is Tearing Uyghur Families Apart In Xinjiang". CNN. Accessed March 7 2019. https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/14/asia/uyghur-china-xinjiang-interview-intl/index.html.

Vergani, Matteo, and Dennis Zuev. "Analysis of YouTube Videos Used by Activists in the Uyghur Nationalist Movement: combining quantitative and qualitative methods." Journal of Contemporary China 20, no. 69 (2011): 205-229.

Zang, Xiaowei. "Major determinants of Uyghur ethnic consciousness in Ürümchi." Modern Asian Studies 47, no. 6 (2013): 2046-2071.

Zang, Xiaowei. "Uyghur islamic piety in Ürümchi, Xinjiang." Chinese Sociological Review 44, no. 4 (2012): 82-100.

Subject: Education

Pages: 10 Words: 3000

Why Did The Great Depression Happen

Why did the Great Depression happen?

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Why did the Great Depression Happen?

The modern international system emerged after the historic Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. This treaty gave the notions of modern and sovereign nation-states. After the passage of this famous treaty, their element of sovereignty came in where states became sovereign and autonomous in real sense. After some time, this notion of sovereignty also transformed and several other dimensions were added to it. The stable and sound economy became the most significant aspect which symbolized the real sovereignty of states in this modern world. However, the science of economics is not the simple one as it takes into account different contrasting elements that prove beneficial only in the short period. they have drastic impacts when is about long term sustainability. The power of economics in any state has been so powerful that it brought significant events of the world. the Great Depression is one such event in the world history which shook the world with its magnitude and intensity. This is the reason that this phase of Great depression is associated with different historical debates. For some researchers, the Great Depression occurred due to the inefficiency of the Federal Reserve Bank, and for some, it occurred as the world opted for protectionism at that time. This clash of ideas and the conclusion is still obvious in world history.

Annals of history evolve with the clash of ideas. This is the idea of the famous philosopher Hegel who propounded the method of “Dialectics” in understanding the events and traditions of world history. According to him, a thesis is given, and after some time it clashes with the anti-thesis which is direct opposition with the old ideas. Afterward, this clash of ideas takes a new form as it begins to transform into synthesis where it is the merging of those two ideas in one. This is how the history evolves in the world, and according to him, this is the accurate lens to be used in understanding the dramatic and glorious events of the world. Keeping this clash of ideas in mind, it is frequently applied in the case of the Great Depression as well where everyone has a different narrative. The great depression is associated with the Black Tuesday of 1929 when the stock market in united states of America clashed and began the era of depression in the country and then in the rest of the world. Historians have different point of views on the event of the great depression.

The great depression is not a sudden event. It was triggered suddenly but it was not an overnight affair. Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz- the famous economist historians- in their A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960, opine that it was due to the wrong policies of the Federal Reserve Bank as it paved the way for notorious actions. The bank at that time permitted the two-fifths of the nation's banks to collapse between 1929 and 1933 (or 10,797 of the 25,568 banks in 1929). This was the dysfunctional side of the federal reserve bank that it could not ensure the steady deposits to other banks in the country. At that time, the deposits were not protected and this to the vicious banking failure in the United States of America. It then resulted in the shrinkage of money as well and it became limited in supply. It is estimated by the studies that from 1929 till 1933 the money supplied in the market dropped by one-third which upset off the credit facility. This limited supply of money then made it impossible to run businesses in the land of progression and discovery. The investment opportunity was curtailed overall in the country. It is the main premise of both Friedman and Schwartz that this limited availability of money in the economic system strangled the economy and brought havoc in the world. Furthermore, both historians argue that this Great Depression was the internal handicap that devastated the world economic system later on as it expanded in rest of the world.

On the other side, the other side of the economic historian follows a different course to explain the landmark event of the Great Depression. The other side of this economic catastrophe is explained by some other historians such as the Charles Kindleberger3. Charles in his The World in Depression, 1929-1939, views the depression as a global incident triggered by a reason that there was no economic leadership in the world. Great Britain was assumed to be an economic leader for the rest of the world before the tragic World War I. It developed and nurtured the phenomenon of global trading by keeping its land and sea routes open for business activities. The Great empire kept its markets and opportunities opened and promoted expansion in the trade with the help of overseas investments everywhere in the world. Moreover, this global leadership of Great Britain was effective and efficient in a way that it limited and disallowed any incidence of financial crises with its consistently available emergency loans. Nevertheless, this set of circumstances for the world economy was transformed when the United States of America became the leader of the world after the culmination of World War II. The new leadership of the USA played this leadership role. However, the interregnum period which is between the two world wars, there was no stable country to counter the burgeoning threat of economic depression in the world as argued by Kindleberger. There was no potential country at that time to put a restraint on this banking crisis and the associated industrial failure in leading economies. So, when industrialist adopted the notorious measures of protectionism to curtail imports and speed up exports, this became e full-blown crisis for the world. Consider for instance the case in 1930 when President Herbert Hoover- who is notoriously acclaimed for Great Depression- signed the Smoot-Hawley Act. This is also alleged that it was president Herbert Hoover who did not cater to this menace of deflation in the American society. So, he raised tariffs on dutiable items by with a huge difference such as 52 percent. This gained widespread bad fame but it accelerated the advent of Great depression. As a result, this choice of protectionism and the protectionist measures further delimited the overall trading activities. With this mercantilist mindset, world trade became deplorable as instead of promotion the countries opted to ban economic exchanges with others.

To summarize, the event of the Great Depression has its narratives. Both economic historians have their school of thought and they have their conclusions as well. for Charles Kindleberger, it was the adoption of protectionism that brought the menace of the Great Depression for the world. Similarly, for Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz, it was the blunder on the part of the Federal Reserve Bank that led to the advent of the Great Depression. Hence, the event of the Great Depression is much controversial in world history due to debates and different arguments.

End Notes

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Calomiris, Charles W. “Financial Factors in the Great Depression.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 7, no. 2 (1993): 61–85.

2. Fremling, Gertrud M. “Did the United States Transmit the Great Depression to the Rest of the World?” The American Economic Review 75, no. 5 (1985): 1181–1185.

3. Lucas Jr, Robert E. “Review of Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz’s ‘a Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960.’” Journal of Monetary Economics 34, no. 1 (1994): 5–16.

Subject: Education

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Why Do Boys Drop Out Of School More Often Than Girls

Why do boys drop out of school more often than girls?

[Author’s Name]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Why do boys drop out of school more often than girls?

Attaining education is the essential thing that can guarantee a bright future. Additionally, it can facilitate social mobility as well, which may, in turn, increase the economic stability of a country. However, students' dropouts pose a great threat to not only an individual leaving school but also to the well-being of a country and society. Despite various efforts being done by the government, the number of students being dropped out of school is alarming. In recent years it has been observed that many boys are dropping out of not only schools but colleges as well, which is alarming.

Specifically, discussing the US, according to the statistics, more than 1.2 million students drop out of school, and more than 26% of students fail to graduate high school (Miller, 2015). However, one thing that cannot be neglected that most of the high school or college dropouts are male students. Several reasons are there due to which boys drop out of school more than girls. Typically, boys do not mature as rapidly as girls due to which they usually have a careless attitude. Girls tend to have better behavioral and social skills as compared to boys. As boys lack behavioral and social skills, they tend to make behavioral choices that result in poor adjustments.

Another reason for boys getting a drop out of school is because of various reasons. According to the research conducted by Marder and his fellows, two-third of students that possess learning disabilities are males (Wagner & Marder, 2007). Also, diseases such as ADHD and Dyslexia are more common in males than females. Owing to the difficulties that male individuals encounter while having learning disabilities, they tend to drop school.

Social media is another factor that influences both males and females. The unrealistic perception that is shown on social media regarding the fun activities that other people are doing makes teens, especially young boys, to be indulged in various fun activities. The fragile young person is unable to identify unrealistic posts and try to attain the same level of leisure and fun (Miller, 2015). They tend to focus more on social media rather than attaining education and thus get poor results and eventually had to drop out of school.

Owing to an increase in the pressure of attaining education and good grades, many teens suffer from several mental disorders, especially depression. However, according to the research published by the author Quinn and fellow researchers, male students are less likely to avail of counseling services than female students (Quinn & Wagner, 2015). Thus, the inability of managing and handling pressure of high school results in poor grades that eventually leads to getting dropped off from the school.

It has been observed that many students enter high school with many unrealistic expectations. Most of them believe that successful business tycoons such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, they will also be able to start a business without having a degree (Bridgeland & Morison, 2006). Young boys do not realize that every person is not the same, and education is essential to have a successful future. Thus, the unrealistic expectations that young boys have to make them focus less on education that results in poor grades.

Drug abuse is of the major issue that every country in the world is facing. Particularly, in the US, more than 21 million people have at least one addiction. Also, Americans ranging between the ages of 16 to 25 are more likely to use addictive drugs (Neill & Martin, 2015). In high school, many male students fell prey to the drug smugglers and indulged in drug abuse. The drug abuse not only affects their health but their ability to focus on attaining education. Due to this reason, many boys are being dropped out of school.

Several reasons are there due to which boys drop out more from high school as compared to girls. Thus, mutual efforts from educational institutes, parents, teachers, and society are required so that the rate of boys getting dropped out of school can be decreased.


Bridgeland, J. M., DiIulio Jr, J. J., & Morison, K. B. (2006). The silent epidemic: Perspectives of high school dropouts. Civic Enterprises.

Miller, T. (2015). Partnering for education reform. US Department of Education.

Neill, K. A., & Martin, W. (2015). Marijuana Reform: Fears and Facts. Issue Brief, (02.04. 15).

Quinn, J. M., & Wagner, R. K. (2015). Gender differences in reading impairment and in the identification of impaired readers: Results from a large-scale study of at-risk readers. Journal of learning disabilities, 48(4), 433-445.

Wagner, M., Newman, L., Cameto, R., Levine, P., & Marder, C. (2007). Perceptions and Expectations of Youth with Disabilities. A Special Topic Report on Findings from the National Longitudinal Study-2 (NLTS2): Chapter 6--Youth's Expectations for the Future. Journal for Vocational Special Needs Education, 30(1), 18-27.

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Why Do We Work?

Why Do We Work?




Why Do We Work?

Work and employment have always been an important part of human life. Most of the people think that it would have been better if they did not have to work and enjoy their lives in adventures and leisure. However, all of this is not possible without some money on the hands of the individual. A general conception in the society is that human beings work to earn money, which is not completely wrong, however, the major motive of working and engaging in employment is to satisfy the needs. So, according to the sociologists, satisfying the needs is the most important motivation for the human beings to not sit idle but engage in some mode of work and employment and receive the benefits of their service. The benefits of the service are majorly in the form of money, however, it can range to other benefits as well, like free insurance policies, transport compensations, etc. in modern times. The satisfaction of needs is greatly dependent on the social organization and modes of production. The world has faced different types of social organization and mode of productions in the pre-modern times, which include the agrarian, industrial and postindustrial social organizations, as well as profit based and use based modes of production. The workers also invest their emotional labor into the work, in order to maximize their benefits, as well as the quality of their service. The satisfaction of needs may have been the most important motivation of human beings to work, which is supported by the social organization, as well as the means of production of any society.

One of the earliest sociologists was Ibn Khaldun, who put forward the theory that human beings do work to satisfy their needs, however, they have to dwell in common and develop the organization and cooperation, in order to settle and work together, for the sake of increasing their benefits. One of the key questions is to shed light on human needs, the satisfaction of which makes them work hard by finding and indulging in employment. Karl Marx, one of the greatest economist and sociologist of the nineteenth century, has explained the nature of the human needs and their importance in his works. He is of the view that having food to eat, and water to drink, having clothes to wear and a place to live are the most basic needs of human beings, apart from the many other needs of getting education, treatment of their medical problems, etc. every human being is not self-sufficient in satisfying his needs, for example all the people cannot grow or produce their own food, or construct their own home or produce their own clothes, so they have to depend on each other, in order to satisfy their needs. According to Marx, the satisfaction of human needs led them to the means of production, which was the very first historical act in the history of human beings. Since that time, the means of production have become the basic necessity of human beings and all of the young human population is engaged in one or the other mean of production, in order to carry on the cycle of the human life, while satisfying their basic, as well as secondary needs (Jones, 2019).

Another key point in the debate of why we work is the role of the social organization and means of production, which facilitate the satisfaction of the needs of human beings. Modes of production in the pre-modern societies consisted of slavery and feudalism, while that in modern society is based on capitalism. Slavery was one of the earliest modes of production, in which human beings were bought by another individual, who had greater wealth and social status then them. The slaves were then utilized to work on the agricultural land, and other kinds of production methods, in order to serve the person who had bought them, who was also called their master. The master had complete authority over the lives of the slaves and they were expected to obey him in any kind of situation. The slaves usually managed the agricultural production and the livestock, in addition to adding to the profits of their masters. They were the mobile workforce, which could be sold at the time of need (Neff, 2017).

The second mode of production in the pre-modern time was feudalism. Feudalism was different from slavery in the way that the individuals were not bought by the wealthy people of the society and they would not sell them. Other than that, the system was almost the same in the way that the land was owned by the feudal lords and the peasants were responsible to manage and look after that. The common thing among slavery and feudalism was that the lower section of the society could not own the means of production and progress to the upper ladder of the society. The modern mean of production is capitalism in which all the individuals have the right of buying, and selling the property, as well as reach the upper ladders of the society which denote the wealthy status of the individual (Edgell, Gottfried, and Granter, 2015).

The social organization is another key point in the readings of this week, which shed light on the agricultural, industrial and postindustrial society. In the agricultural society, the profit was low and the land was owned by the few sections of the society, while the other people worked under them. In the case of industrial society, the profits increased a little bit, however, the industries were still owned by the wealthy groups of the society and the rest of population had to work for them, in order to earn money and satisfy their needs. The system changed in the postindustrial society in the way that the labor force emerged as the greater power as they had the skills and competence of making use of the technology and the industries. On the other hand, the industry owners did not have those skills. So, the labor force now sells its services and competence to the industry owners who need them to earn their profits and both of the segments of the society increase their benefits by cooperating with each other (Schwartz, 2015).

The means of production have changed over the courses of years, due to the change in the social organization and the working class now invests more emotional labor in their service, in order to maximize their benefits. One of the most important industry is service, which includes the telephonic customer care or the restaurants business etc. In such industries, the labor force has to include the emotional labor, in order to not let their internal conflicts affect the service provided to their client, as they have to keep a smile on their faces in addition to politeness in their tones. This is necessary to improve the experience of the client, who would then reuse the service, as well a recommend to others and ensure the progress of the business (Blyton, and Jenkins, 2007).

The most important motivation of the human beings behind working is satisfying their needs. The means of production and social organization of the society has changed over the course of years, which has not only increased the profits of the general workforce but also have allowed them to make progress and own the resources of production. On the other hand, it has also given rise to emotional labor, which has become an important part of the work setting.


Blyton, P. and Jenkins, J., 2007. Key concepts in work, Emotional Labour, pp. 64-68. Sage: London.

Edgell, S., Gottfried, H. and Granter, E. eds., 2015. The Sage Handbook of the sociology of work and employment. Sage.

Jones, R.F., 2019. We Work: The Employment Journey.

Neff, W., 2017. Work and human behavior. Routledge.

Schwartz, B., 2015. Why we work. Simon and Schuster.

Subject: Education

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Why Emergency Management Principle Are Important

Why Emergency Management Principles are Important

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Why Emergency Management Principles are Important

The importance of emergency management principles as rightly described by Davis and Etkin in 2007 that a clear understanding of stated principles is needed in order to achieve a cohesive, consistent and embracing strategies for emergency management and effective communication in organizations is also achievable through these principles. This search accurately mentioned that these principles are essential for the direction of decision making in emergency or disaster management (Etkin, Davis, Coventry, & Universities, 2007). The pressure of accountability has been transferred from the international donor and financial institutes either governmental or non-governmental to the developing countries. The accountability is shared through these ethical principles for supporting the policies and practices.

Moreover, these ethical principles help in coping with the issues that arise during calamities and disasters. This gives a boost to the culture of flexibility and resilience by strengthening the target population giving them an ethical content for the management of disasters. Hence it reduces the vulnerability and gives rise to sustainable development and reconstruction. Therefore, these principles are essentially required to strengthen the resilience of helping institutes and the target population of developing countries. The special protection for the target population going through risk management is needed due to their vulnerability.

It develops the disaster preparedness in people volunteering for the target developing countries, therefore the emergency management principles bound these volunteer countries to act according to the ethical principles provided based on the wellbeing of the society and the donor country. As the human rights of the local and indigenous community require ultimate protection in these unusual circumstances, so considering their culture, customs, norms, and traditions is a must. This makes them extremely vulnerable to the disaster risk, whereas it emphasizes the significance of informing them about the history of the locality leading them towards reconstruction and protection.


Etkin, D., Davis, I., Coventry, O. B., & Universities, K. (2007). The search for principles of disaster management. Retrieved November 9, 2011.

Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Why Evolution Is True?

Why is Evolution True?

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Why Evolution is True?


Evolution is the process through which a certain species characteristics change over the passage of time through the reproduction in the upcoming generations and dependent on the mechanism of the natural selection (The individuals who are more likely to adapt to the changing surrounding will be able to survive and reproduce but for those who are not being able to do such will have a less chance of survival and reproduction, which gradually causes evolution in them). Evolution is reluctant on the idea that the species tend to change gradually over time. Several philosophies, non-scientists people have contemplated the idea of evolution. They have believed the idea of the population to be fake or untrue which has raised an undefeatable debate not admitted by both parties. There were some ideas that believe in the existence of the evolution. However, some arguments state the contrary. Life on the earth developed and evolved gradually with minor changes that occurred generation over aa generation and started from one species, a molecule that was living in nature more than 3.5 billion years ago. After that, it started reproduction, creating its copies, mutating and reproducing in every upcoming generation, and creating a diversity of many crops, but the mechanism that underlies every process is the natural selection. The sense of the evolution in the minds of some people still occurs that it never happened because of the uncertainty created by some scientists and can cause complication. In this essay, the concept of the evolution will be highlighted as well as the development and the understanding of the idea. The noted ideas will be presented in the light of philosophical, theological, and sociological reflections to demonstrate the scientific understanding of evolution. Additionally, the critique of the ideas that were presented in Jerry A. Coyne ‘s book, Why Evolution is true?.


It should be duly noted that Darwin did not comment on how the life originated, rather than to make an image of it and compare it with the concepts and contrast the biochemical origin of "evolution." The concept of evolution is different than the origin of life. With the preface of the origination of life, there is a very little number known of hypotheses discussed that supported the idea regarding the origin of life. But on the other hand, the evidence supporting the idea of evolution are redundantly large in number. This evidence is manipulated in such a way supporting the life is present on the planet among all forms, arisen from a single ancestor common for all the species, i.e. protists and due to genetic regulation, expression, and mutation, it evolved over the passing by of billion years. However, with a lot of sources supporting the idea, evolution is still a complex and a difficult thing to understand. The best evidence the supports the idea of evolution is genetic evidence. The variety of a species, the recurring genetic complexity, and diversity among the DNA of every species can be an addition to the evidence.

The genetic sequences of the living organisms are known to be very similar, but there are mistakes in their sequences, which are known as the mutations. These mutations tend to be shareable among the species that have a close relationship in the evolutionary tree of the organisms. The differences can be copied in such a way that the species that were a little bit different from one another are from the same group on the evolutionary tree. This supports the idea of Evolution in terms of branching that the species were created through the same branching line of genetics, but through the natural selection over every generation of a species, every species strived to be the fittest for their survival, passing those abilities to the next generation and the species showing less capability for the resources usage wouldn’t be able to survive.

In 1859, when Darwin published the Origin of Species, each type of life has arisen from a common ancestor or a common ancestor with decent modifications. But this didn’t address the evolutionary changes taking place. However, the underlying mechanism that was proposed for the Evolution was Natural Selection.

Natural Selection:

Darwin didn't propose or said a word about the evolution of the organism, but instead, he proposed a mechanism through which the organism evolved. This mechanism was Natural Selection, a mechanism which appeared logical and elegant to the senses. The mechanism shows a better approach to the explanation of how the population evolve and become better in their suited environments.

Following are the several key steps which highlight Darwin's concept of Natural Selection:

Heritable Traits:

In living organisms, those traits are called heritable which have the ability to transfer from parents to offsprings, or some of the characteristics are passed, for example, eye color, walking style, etc. Darwin at the time knew that this was happening. However, he didn't know that genes are responsible for this

More production of offsprings than their survival:

Organisms have the capability of producing more offs springs than their environment can support. This raises a competition among the species to survive in the toughest conditions among a limited number of resources.

Offsprings show variation in their heritable traits:

As many of the features will be heritable as mentioned earlier, but there can be a possibility in the next or any generation that the trails (characters), will be slightly different from one another.

Individuals that had favorable characteristics had a higher chance of survival as compared to the individuals having less favourable characteristics for them.

On the basis of these observations, it was concluded that

As many of the traits are heritable and over the number of generation, they show variation in their offsprings, which will lead to the evolution of the species.

In a population, some individuals will obviously inherit the traits that will help them to survive and reproduce among an environment where there are limited food sources and a precaution of predators. The individuals who have better traits of survival and reproduction will leave more peers in the community than the lesser ones. This leads to the evolution of that certain species in terms of survival and having the capability of reproduction even in the toughest environment.

According to Darwin, inheritance works through the physical presence of “hereditary substances” from the two parents. The produced offspring will be an intermediate (Red and white combination of paint would result in a pink paint color).

Jerry A. Coyne’s Why Nature is true?

According to Coyne, “if evolution meant only gradual genetic change within a species, we’d have only one species today—a single highly evolved descendant of the first species. Yet we have many… How does this diversity arise from one ancestral form? splitting, or, more accurately, speciation,” which “simply means the evolution of different groups that can’t interbreed” CITATION Jer10 \l 1033 (Coyne, 2010). If there was such thing that Darwin's theory was true, there should have been a record of some species in the fossils, with the terms of branching showing that one species are mutating or through natural selection, a new wild species could be seen into the light of the records.

However, if Darwin was right about the origin of species which evidence shows that he was, but on the contrary, there was no supporting evidence relating to the idea that evolution is true. But in the light of seeing that Darwin is right, the fossil record that was discussed under his idea of the natural selection, there must be evidence which supports the hypothesis that most of the species originate from one specie; that for a number of species, line of descent can be one. However, there are a number of species, that are linked to one group of ancestors like birds have reptiles and that of fishes have amphibians. It is to be remembered that Darwins ideas and evidence only support idea of evolution, but not the origin of species. The supporting evidence is found in the speice distributed patterns around the earth like fossils buried in the lands during his Voyage of the Beagle, and other which concludes the development of an organism from its embryos, and the extinction of the vestigial organs which are of no further use anymore. However, other than the origin of species, evolution of the specie can be true keeping in mind each evidence supported by Darwin from the Voyage of the Beagle.

The concept of evolution is undeniably true if the underlaid concept of evolution coincides with the definition that species goes through a number of major or minor changes over the passage of time, which can be seen in their offsprings, or that some forms/things of the species that are being existed today did not exist in the past. But, according to Darwins idea which states that all species share a common ancestor. But, in Jeryy A. Coyone’s Book Why Evolution is True, he claims that the certain mutations in DNA and the natural selection as well have produced these modifications, which can either argue or support the claim because the DNA mutations, not just evolve a certain organism, but are responsible for the presence of certain genetic diseases and complications in the living organisms.


The first precedent found by Coyne that related to the idea of evolution is the fossil record, However, in the light of the statements which was to find any of that evolutionary changes occurring in the fossil records. The buried and the oldest rocks would contain the fossils of the primitive species, and as the rocks layers progresses to its younger stages, fossils become more complex. The organism which are relating to the present day species are commonly found in the most recent layers of rocks. This shows that species tend to change over time as seen in their fossil records, from older to younger fossils, the specie will be more complex. And these species also tend to form a lineage which means they have a tendency and modify over a period of time, The species that are found in the recent rocks should show a line of decency with the previous rocks.

In the Darwin’s book, The Origin of Species, he clearly presented an acknowledging argument in the favour of the fossils that fossil record proposed compications and diffciluties to conclude an appealing sense in the theory. In his Natural Selection Theory, all the living species of today are interconnected to each other through some sort of way, and all species that are present today have geniusly linked to one parent genus, and the species that were present in the early living environments of the world, are not that much of a different than the species of the present day, If there is a presence of some immediating or some transitioning links that can be found within the species that are living and for that which are extinct can be great in some sense. But, the major animal or plants, which are called collectively as “phyla” showed no such evolutionary change. They are still in the same form as they were in the earliest of the centuries, when found in their fossil-bearing rocks. These fossils were deposited at earliest geological period, Cambrian. For the theory to be true, it should have been for each living organisms that existed and should show evolutionary changes throughout the progression in each era. But, they showed consistence and persistence in their characteristics which were known to show evolution in other living organisms like human beings. This makes the theory inexplicable and goes against the statement of the idea that evolution is true and undeniable.

Darwin acted defensive for his theory by citing that the geological record could be imperfect. He argued that the fossils can be denatured and destroyed by various environmental conditions and stress such as erosion, heat and pressure. That was because the Precambrian fossils were either too soft or too small to be matching the inclusion criteria for fossils. Many of the today’s palaentologists of today have argued that the Precambrian fossils that existed were either destroyed in their formation or didn’t remain in their conserved states. Since 1859, many of the Precambrain fossils were either too microscopic in nature of soft-bodied.

Coyne account of the evolutionary changes and history goes back grom 600 million years to 400 millions years, without the contextual explanation of 540 million year old Cambrian explosion. Fossils that are discovered recently, showed a close a relative of whales wth a raccoon sized animal which was known as Indohyus. It was a raccoon sized animal, living around 48 million years ago, which was pretty smiliar and showed a close analogy to that ancestral whales. This was recorded as the evolutionary transition. Another specie, which existed 52 million years ago, known by the name of Pakicetus, was derived from a fossil skull and was wolf-sized. Pakicetus is more 4 million years old, and more similar to Whales than Idohyus. To a Darwinist, it should fall in the category of Indohyus and the modern whales, regardless of the evidence shown by the fossils. Within the premises of the Darwinian theory, no fossil descent showed such drastic evidence.


For the better provision in the terms of evidence other than fossils for evidence supporting evolutionary history, Darwin considers Embryology. Embryos of the most distinct species which belong to the same class, are pretty similar, but they show dissimilarities when they those species embryos were fully developed. But this still shows community descence. Since, Darwin was not an embryologist, he used by citing the German Embryologist, Karl Ernst von Baer.

In Why Evolution is True, Coyne states that modified aspects van be seen in the evolutionary and developmental sequences of various organs. For a proper growth and make sure that a certain living organism has those properties and characteristics.. the vertebrae needs to go through developmental stages, and those developmental stages should follow the evolutionary sequence of its ancestors. As the specie starts to evolve, the descendent should beer the characteristics and traits of its ancestors. It is seen those things are to be developed in them in the later life. All vertebrates are known to develop which looked like a robust for the basic development as all of vertebrates are known to be fish like as thhe embryonic fish as we are descended fron ancestors that are fishlike.

However, at the embryonic stages, living organisms are not what they are at their adult stages. Fossil embryos are rare, but as per accordance with the Darwin’s theory, fish are our true ancestral forms and human embryos look alike fish embryos. Furthermore, vertebrate embryos are are only smiliar in their early developmental stages, but, vertebrate embryos, donot resemble in their earliest stages. In The Origin of Species, Darwin argued again that through the occurrence of the vestigial organs (such organs that are previously in use but not anymore), is an evidence. In the Decent of Man, Darwin says that human appendix is a vestigial organ. But Darwin was mistaken, as the human appendix is the organ which was used in anto-body producing blood cells and an integral part of the immune system. Appendix also serves as the portion for those beneficial bacteria which are involved in the digestion, this shows that the appendix is not useful.

Like Darwin, in Why Evolution is True? Coyne cites that human appendix is a vestigial organ. But, coyne concludes with the fact they are maybe of small use because the numerous parts of the tissues that function as an immune system. But, the appendix can be used as a refugee site for the useful bacteria that are essential in creating the microbiota of the gut. But, it is concluded that the appendix is still considered as a vestigial organ, as it is no longer performing the function for which it is created and evolved.

In the Origin of the Speices, Darwin states with theological arguments which are dominant; stating the living things geographical distribution made no sense, but if the orgin of the species was done properly, but it was making a contextual reference in the light of the Darwin’s theory.


Darwin calls for a long arugment through the Origin of Species in the favor of his theory¸ but Jerry Coyne has denied it through his range of observations and limitations. Coyne’s book Why Evolution is True? Tries to defend the Darwins’ theory through the rearrangement of the Fossil records. However, his presentation on the fact that vertebrate embryos are developed and same as the human embryos was mislead and inngoring the fact the functionality presence of the vestigial organs and the regions of the DNA which are functioning as a non-coding sequences, and then logically hitting the theological arguments of Darwinism as a bad design. There were some ideas that believe in the existence of the evolution. However, some arguments state the contrary. Life on the earth developed and evolved gradually with minor changes that occurred generation over aa generation and started from one species, a molecule that was living in nature more than 3.5 billion years ago. After that, it started reproduction, creating its copies, mutating and reproducing in every upcoming generation, and creating a diversity of many crops, but the mechanism that underlies every process is the natural selection. The sense of the evolution in the minds of some people still occurs that it never happened because of the uncertainty created by some scientists and can cause complication. The actual evidence propose that the fossil records were not in the favor of the Darwin to propose his idea of evolution. In the Verterbrate embryos, early development is consistent with the separate origins and share a common ancestory. Non-coding DNA is known to be essential and presented working as a fully functional part which were proposed as a contrary to that of the New-Darwinism ideas, theories and predictions.



Coyne, Why Evolution Is True, pp. 17-18, 25.

Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, Sixth Edition (London: John Murray, 1872), Chapter X, pp. 266, 285-288. Available online (2009) here.

J. William Schopf, “The early evolution of life: solution to Darwin’s dilemma,” Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9 (1994): 375-377.

James W. Valentine, Stanley M. Awramik, Philip W. Signor & M. Sadler, “The Biological Explosion at the Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary,” Evolutionary Biology 25 (1991): 279-356.

James W. Valentine & Douglas H. Erwin, “Interpreting Great Developmental Experiments: The Fossil Record,” pp. 71-107 in Rudolf A. Raff & Elizabeth C. Raff, (editors), Development as an Evolutionary Process (New York: Alan R. Liss, 1987).

Jeffrey S. Levinton, “The Big Bang of Animal Evolution,” Scientific American 267 (November, 1992): 84-91.

“The Scientific Controversy Over the Cambrian Explosion,” Discovery Institute. Available online (2009) here.

Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2002), Chapter 3. More information available online (2009) here.

Stephen C. Meyer, “The Cambrian Explosion: Biology’s Big Bang,” pp. 323-402 in John Angus Campbell & Stephen C. Meyer (editors), Darwinism, Design, and Public Education (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2003). More information available online (2009) here.

Timothy Lenoir, The Strategy of Life (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1982), p. 258. Frederick B. Churchill, “The Rise of Classical Descriptive Embryology,” pp. 1-29 in Scott F. Gilbert (editor), A Conceptual History of Modern Embryology (Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991), pp. 19-20.

Coyne, Why Evolution Is True, pp. 77-79.

Simon Conway Morris, “Fossil Embryos,” pp. 703-711 in Claudio D. Stern (editor), Gastrulation: From Cells to Embryos (Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2004).

Walter Garstang, “The theory of recapitulation: a critical restatement of the biogenetic law,” Journal of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 35 (1922): 81-101.

See Chapter Five and accompanying references in Wells, Icons of Evolution. See Chapter Three and accompanying references in Wells, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design.

Michael K. Richardson, J. Hanken, M. L. Gooneratne, C. Pieau, A. Raynaud, L. Selwood & G. M. Wright, “There is no highly conserved embryonic stage in the vertebrates: implications for current theories of evolution and development,” Anatomy & Embryology 196 (1997): 91-106. Michael K. Richardson, quoted in Elizabeth Pennisi, “Haeckel’s Embryos: Fraud Rediscovered,” Science 277 (1997): 1435. Stephen Jay Gould, “Abscheulich! Atrocious!” Natural History (March, 2000), pp. 42-49. “Hoax of Dodos” (2007). Available online (2009) here

Subject: Education

Pages: 10 Words: 3000

Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?

Client’s name

Professor’s title

The title of the course

06 May 2019

Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?

The upper-level, influential, decision-making positions in American art and museum and literary institutions, and in academic publications, book publishers, and most other cultural and intellectual establishments, have always been and continue to be dominated by men. This is true in spite of rising participation by women in recent decades. The article throws light on the fact that ale artists always got and continue to get more opportunities, more influential mentors, more public art commissions, more senior jobs in publishing and teaching, and more of the limited administrative and leadership positions in the arts. This has always been seen in terms of aristocracy where male decision-makers tend to show the work of contemporary artists who are men, and history as written tends to support the idea that the most “important” past artists were men. That’s because the great women artists of the past struggled to be accepted, and their work was ignored or even sabotaged, and much of it has now been forgotten or lost.

Artistic works by men are more likely to be reviewed, more likely to be reviewed in major journals, more likely to be stocked by galleries, more budget is spent marketing them, and they thus often make more money than books by women. Which is why, 200 years after the Bronte sisters, women artists still sometimes exhibit their work under male or gender-neutral pseudonyms or initials.

The historic works of influential persona like Frida Kahlo in my opinion also follow the same approach as the article in view. Kahlo was already an incapacitated woman with shattered dreams, however, her art work representations of gender-based stereotypes of the society. Sexism, Eurocentricity, and hundreds of years of rule by men of European descent have contributed to the present-day struggle of the lack of representation of women in the upper management levels of the art world. Women are overrepresented in the curatorial field but rarely make it to the director level positions. If one wants to have an even more nuanced look, they need to examine the disconnect between white feminists in the Women’s Art Movement and the Where We At Collective. The legacies are still very much alive and well as we approach the anniversary of the Women’s Building. Throughout history the role of women has been to keep her husband fed and happy and have babies. They didn’t have the time or encouragement to express themselves. Only female royalty or aristocrats were in a position to express their talents publicly. Still, many female writers and painters hid behind male names so they world be taken seriously. Even now it is very common for a woman writer to use initials, such as, J.K. Rollins and E.L. James, to appear to be masculine, to avoid discrimination. Women have been painting and writing since the beginning of time, yet they were deliberately and systematically excluded from institutions of power and the article highlights that this did not happen by accident. Women were discriminated against and prevented by law from entering universities, from holding positions of leadership and from having agency over their own lives.

The way women live now is a direct result of the discrimination they have suffered in the past; the tendency to ‘overlook’ women’s creative efforts is ingrained and pandemic. It is learned behavior so much so that women themselves accept it without even always understanding it. Yet, again based on my personal experience as an art world observer the artwork by women artists like Kahlo of every historical period are just as interesting, just as accomplished, just as innovative or avant-garde as work by men but remain uncounted for. The need is to realize that women are behind in opportunities and are only very slowly catching up, but they are in no way lagging on the level of artistry or accomplishment.


Nochlin, Linda. "Why have there been no great women artists?." The feminism and visual culture reader (1971): 229-233.

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Why I Choose Nursing Carrer

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Why I Choose Nursing Career

When I was thirteen years old, I met an accident in the car which my mother was driving. I was in the backseat and have few memories of that unfortunate accident. However, I do remember a face as I was lifted gently from the car. My hand was held by paramedics as we traveled towards the hospital. I suffered grave injuries and had to be admitted to the hospital for several weeks. The most critical part I desire to explain here is the potential interaction with the doctors and nurses. The distress and anxiety took a severe toll on me but the nurses assisted me and they became my hope. As I grew up, that moment established a strong connection with me. I was blessed with the opportunity to witness the power of healthcare professionals is not only healing individuals but also bringing persons together in profound ways. Since then, I have been aspiring to be one of them. It is the primary motivation that influences my ambitions to join a nursing school and contribute towards the betterment of affected individuals potentially.

Besides, I belong to a middle-class family. My parents have always strived to make me achieve my educational goals and offer me comfort. My uncle, who is an experienced doctor, inspires my parents. On several instances, they have expressed their desire to my uncle to teach me the essential objective of pursuing the career and motivate me to be one of them. My uncle has inculcated in me the passion to be like him. Moreover, it is significant to highlight I aspired to be a musician as well. I sing songs on family occasions but it never intrigued me as it lacked the substance to aid the community in true letter and spirits. Nursing school is what rejuvenates my passion and ambitions.

In addition, I am well aware of the challenges involved in the career I desire to pursue. It is emotionally and physically draining. Above all, the healthcare professionals are often bashed and not given the due credit for their honorable services for the community. I have experienced what they can offer to the ill, injured or affected persons as I described above. My fundamental aim is joining these ranks to offer profound care. Nurses should not be deemed merely as caregivers. Instead, they are the role models for their community and patients ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"FDCl2mwj","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Nursing Programs, Jobs & Careers | EveryNurse.Org})","plainCitation":"(Nursing Programs, Jobs & Careers | EveryNurse.Org)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":360,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/h6KbaPMu/items/57XBSCDS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/h6KbaPMu/items/57XBSCDS"],"itemData":{"id":360,"type":"webpage","title":"Nursing Programs, Jobs & Careers | EveryNurse.org","URL":"https://everynurse.org/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,16]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Nursing Programs, Jobs & Careers | EveryNurse.Org). After becoming a nurse, I shall advance to live a healthy lifestyle and seek opportunities to hone my professional skills through certain development courses. After completing my graduation, my goals are stipulated to gain experience by working in a renowned hospital for initial years and then proceeding to extend services toward a deprived rural area. The people who have no or limited opportunities must be given the privilege to exercise quality healthcare in hospitals.

To discuss a significant instance, I once went camping with my friends. I was 15 years old. We came across an old person who shared a true story and intrigued us. He told his father suffered cancer and he failed to be treated owing to poor financial conditions. His mother had died while giving him birth. He was the only son and spent more than half of his life looking after his father and collecting for his treatment. It struck me and still makes me feel sad. Our society contains immense instances where such people seek assistance. At the end of the day, life matters the most but the concept is largely overlooked and deemed as a petty matter. That moment rejuvenates my spirits to extend my services towards the community without seeking financial gains.

Work Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Nursing Programs, Jobs & Careers | EveryNurse.Org. https://everynurse.org/. Accessed 16 Apr. 2019.

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Why I Chose Socialwork

Why I Chose Social work

[ Ethel Marie Moss]

[Name of the Institution]

Why I Chose Social work

Social Work Profession

Human life is complex and intricate in nature. Several disciplines have volved to deal with the complexities of life. Social work is one such discipline that offers a new perspective on life. Human service is the core value of social work profession. In my point of view, this field of social work is the field which strives to alleviate the sufferings of those who remain deprived in society. Social work is all about uplifting the downtrodden sections of the soiety. This profession of social work is not limited to any class of society. Besides, it is an all-inclusive field which is irrespective of all n any distinctions such as color or class. Moreover, the prime purpose of social workd is to assist to those people who cannot help themselves. In this vein, I consider myself quite apt for this social profession as I am the person who is always willing to help others. This is primarily due to the reason that I am already a strong believer of the “Greater Good” and the collective benefit for all. As a responsible member of the society, I am not the follower of any man-made barriers such as colour, religion, ethnicity. I have chosen Social work as my professional career because this is the profession which is really motivating for my soul and spirit. I have always loved helping the needy and destitute people as this gives the feeling of personal satisfaction. Moreover, social work is a people-oriented field which strives to make social institutions in the society more responsive to the lower class people. It is the perfect profession for someone who wants to be connected with others easily and effectively. Therefore, the feeling of realizing the pain of others is a great stimulus for me as I have opted social work as my profession.

Advocating for Others

Social work is not bereft of a mission statement. The mission is the end objective which every program in the society has to fulfil. So, the main objective of social work is to assist and give voice to those underrepresented sections of the society that are often go unheard and remain silent in public affairs. I have realized this pain of others when I met the social injustice a couple of years ago. In my case, the principle of merit was sacrificed and that really left an indelible mark on me. I realized after that painful experience that people are quite vulnerable in this world of power and prestige. I am fully cognizant of the fact that man-made barriers are not god for the society, and thus need to be eradicated.

Mission Statement

The mission statement of the Diana R. Garland School of Social Work explains and highlights the strong resolution of the authorities to final shun the grotesque practices in the society. This school aims to uplift the people who do not have adequate resources to voice their concerns in society. Without a shadow of a doubt, mission reiterates the firm resolve to produce such effective and efficient social workers who can meet the recent challenges of the society. In this vein, Baylor’s program of social work is indeed a resource for those who aspire to become efficient social work practitioners. This program has the potential to burnish my skills and talent in the service of people. I strongly believe that this is one the best program for all the people who are serious in the field of social work and collective welfare.

Societal Issue

Racism is a strong issue in the world and particularly in American society. This struggle of civil rights is not the development of the modern century. Rather, it is a troubling issue that dates back from the ancient centuries. Who can forget the notorious American civil war in the history of the United States? Though Abraham Lincoln and then the civil right movement of the Martin Luther King Jr did alleviate the sufferings of the black people in America; however, this racism is still present with its full rigour in American society. this issue needs a prudent response from the public and authorities. It is no blinking the fact that the white race has exacerbated this civil rights issue which is really a blot on the credentials on American society. So, it is mandatory that such social workers are produced who can soothe the grievances of coloured people. Social workers have the prime role in this social malady as they are ones who can really ameliorate the situation and the menace of racism in society. I might take a leadership role in countering this situation because this social problem necessitates a pragmatic and proactive approach. One needs to be vigilant enough in this endeavour to trace even the slightest case of racism in public life. as I have understood this issue, this is all about having the wrong approach towards the African-American population. I myself witnessed this seral where a white citizen has given more precedence over black in public facilities. This is the totally partisan view of the life which needs to be corrected at earliest. This is why I think social work and the social work practitioners have a role to play in eradicating the social problems of American society.

Subject: Education

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Why Internal Combustion?

Internal Combustion Automobiles



Internal Combustion Automobiles


This assignment is concerned with the initial technological advancements in the field of motility. This point does not require further elaboration that the first human invention—wheel–was centered on the pivotal and cardinal human factor—locomotion. This assignment is aimed at defining the incorporation of science and technology within the primordial human factor. First, a brief introduction of internal combustion engines will be elaborated followed by the associated preferences of humans during the period of 1900-1920. The notion of freedom in relation to the internal combustion engine will be elaborated afterwards. Conclusion section, in the end, will attempt to deduce meaningful inferences from the textual activity, enclosing it within a single paragraph. In a nutshell, this assignment will present intricate information regarding internal combustion car engines and their significance for human freedom.

Internal Combustion Engines—a brief introduction 400

Human being is considered as “the crown of creations” due to the fact that he is having a revolutionary brain aimed at searching for the best, based on the logical and rational grounds of universality. For that matter, he reproduced research-based knowledge of facts and worldly phenomenon and its utmost practical form known as technology. Invention of wheel added much more to the confidence and will power of humans as the resulting sense of creation nurtured their sense of achievement and associated motivation. Hence, science and technology has brought about immense alterations in the lifestyle in context to healthcare, social aspect, economics, business, trading, agriculture and commutation.

This assignment provided me with the opportunity to embrace detailed contemplation to one of the technological advancements mentioned above. Internal combustion engine was the best example of technological advancement in locomotion field during early nineties. It is referred to as a heat engine which allows combustion of fuel—the gasoline or water—and some oxidizing agent within the combustion chamber (Ricardo, 1922).

The fundamental working mechanism of this engine is quite simple. The fuel and air mixture is first compressed and added to the chamber; this mixture is having higher chemical energy at the moment. Next, this mixture is ignited under standard conditions and all the available chemical energy is converted into powerful thermal energy due to the evolution of gaseous products. Resulting thermal energy is manifested in terms of pressure and temperature which is then translated into efficiency of engine e.g., its movement. Engine’s piston is driven by these gases and associated structures start moving (Ricardo, 1922).

After the cycle is completed, remaining gases are ejected through side valves resulting in settling the piston to its original resting position. It is the indication of next cycle to take place. Heat energy evolved through this process is not useable so it is ejected as a waste product after each cycle is completed. As evident through the mechanism, automobiles based on this engine mechanism are potent enough to produce immense noise and air pollution. This is because such engines offer incomplete carbonaceous combustion producing chemical derivatives like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, polluted water, sulfur and some particulate matters (Ricardo, 1922).

Why was Internal Combustion Engine transportation preferred in 1900- 1920

During the initial years of World War 1, the dominant means of ground transportation were animals. Nearly all sorts of animals were used at that time i.e., horses, oxen and pigeons for transporting arms, weapons, soldiers and important messages. At the times when speed was not the matter of concern but the transportation of heavy loads was critical; super-colossal, gigantic caravan animals of Mediterranean world were opted (Abernethy, 2016).

During the further years of WW-I, the most requisite cause of transportation was delivering ammunition to entrenchment and bringing food to the soldiers and common people. For that matter, the importance of comparatively swifter transportation was realized acutely. Hence, realizing this need, technology allowed the manufacturing of mechanical motor-based transportation for meeting defense and survival needs (Abernethy, 2016).

After the development of internal combustion engines—steam, electrical and gasoline—the scope of practice of cars, trucks and bicycles was expanded. Train systems were complimented, potent enough to travel on the unprepared and ordinary roads exclusively operating within the specified army zones. Development of internal-combustion engine coupled with the manufacturing of endless road or railway tracks and pneumatic tyres enabled manufacturers to develop various forms of vehicles based on above mentioned fundamentals.

Truck, a colossally spaced piece of transportation, made it possible to deliver largest number of ammunition to comparatively inhospitable sites where the speed factor was less critical. On the other hand, two-wheeled motorbike was highly recommended for fastest supplies in emergency situations, particularly when speed was the matter of concern. As a result, mechanized armies gathered fast mobility, striking power and strength particularly in European spheres (Abernethy, 2016).

Prior to the execution of war, all the countries were having operating railway systems under the influence of their governments. During 1914, Germany had the most efficient mobilization networks and means of transportation which influenced the war strategies of European powers to greater degree. It was the matter of 4-5 days for troops to travel from western to eastern front due to the excellent railway system of Germany having eight divisions. On the other hand, for the transportation of troops and ancillaries, Russians were largely reliant on their train systems as well (Abernethy, 2016).

Notion of freedom and private Internal Combustion Engine Cars

The above mentioned section made the idea clear that engine cars were having irrefutable significance during WW-I. Although, it was the war which welcomed the advancement of accommodation systems for meeting defense and survival needs but it brought about immense alterations in the life of common people because when the war was over, they were welcomed to enjoy the privilege of travelling at comparatively faster rates (Csaba, 1988). Moreover, with the industrial revolution, many automobile industries stepped forward and manufactured cars on large scales for personal possessions at individual level. For example, St. Louis Gasoline Buggy, Cleveland Runabout, Albion, Locomobile, Wolseley, Ford Model A, Pierce-Arrow, and Oldsmobile Roadster (Georgano, 1985). After automobile industry development, more and more individuals started owning cars and it became a symbol of personal freedom. This is because car takes us where we want; we are free to choose our destination. The front wheels and accelerator empowers us to move ahead and back tyres enable you to reverse our direction to whenever we want (Walker, 1996). Car ejects us from the place where we feel frustrated, helpless, worried, frightened, tormented, perturbed and dejected. Freedom in this sense is referred to as being independently mobile; car is not just the possession but a choice. This trend has long being observed in automobile advertisements where car is symbolized as human freedom, empowerment and masculinity; Jeep's 1994 Snow Covered, Volkswagen's 1999 Milky Way and Honda's 2004 Cog are some of these illustrations (Walker, 1996; Susan, 2003)


This assignment was concerned with defining the incorporation of science and technology within the human mobility. First, a brief introduction of internal combustion engines was elaborated followed by the associated preferences of humans during the period of 1900-1920. The notion of freedom in relation to the personal internal combustion cars was elaborated afterwards. It can be concluded that development and advancement of internal combustion automobiles took human development to the next level; it became easy for us to travel to desired destination with the full fledge freedom.


Georgano.N., G.N. (1985). Cars: Early and Vintage, 1886–1930. London: Grange-Universal. ISBN 1-59084-491-2.

Csaba Csere, (1988). "10 Best Engineering Breakthroughs". Car and Driver. Vol. 33 no. 7. p. 62.

Abernethy S. T. (2016). Moving Wartime London: Public Transport in the First World War. The London Journal: A Review of Metropolitan Society Past and Present, 41(3). Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03058034.2016.1213526

Susan Alexander, (2003). "Stylish Hard Bodies: Branded Masculinity in Men's Health Magazine." Sociological Perspectives, Vol. 46(4): 535-554

Walker Laird, Pamela (1996). " 'The Car without a Single Weakness': Early Automobile Advertising." Technology and Culture. Vol. 36(4): 796-812.

Ricardo, H., (1922). Recent Research Work On The Internal-Combustion Engine. SAE Technical Paper 220001, 1922, https://doi.org/10.4271/220001.

Subject: Education

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Why Is It Important To Work To Delete Cyberbullying?

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Why is it important to work to delete cyberbullying?

Internet is one of the major resources that are used for numerous purposes such as, education, employment and entertainment but today, these resources have become one of the potent causes of destruction. There are billions of users of various social media apps such as Facebook, snap chat, twitter, Instagram and YouTube, taking into consideration that this statistic is still in counting with every passing hour. With the passage of time, the underlying reality of technology is becoming more virtual and equally less humane. This devastating aspect of internet paves the way for depression, aggression, anxiety and suicide taking into account that the sole aim behind such stimuli is to joke, eradicate boredom or act superior by cracking jokes on others. This is also called cyberbullying, provided, it can be both virtual and real life. (Kshetri, et, al. 2019, pp. 64-68). Cyber bullying is not confined to screens only, it has the tendency to reach out real world where it can cause both psychological and physical danger to an individual.

There are thousands of students who feel insecure because they get bullied into changing their attire as per trends, accompanied by bold exposure to feed insecurity. Boys are doomed to believe that a successful boy is the one who is an actor, rapper or a model. Homosexuality is also a byproduct of cyberbullying. It would not be wrong to say that generations are shunned out of society and doomed to cyberspace where a single click can destroy career, life and opportunity of an individual. (Kshetri, et, al. 2019, pp. 64-68). All these realties infer that cyber bullying must be mitigated because technology was meant for facilitating human beings but now it has become one of the causes of snatching and deteriorating all the hopes of life. Cyberbullying must be deleted because a single action should not be given the authority to define and consume an individual.

Work Cited

Kshetri, N., & Voas, J. (2019). Thoughts on Cyberbullying. Computer, 52(4), 64-68.

Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Why Legalizing Prostitution In The United States Would Not Eradicate Human Trafficking

Your Name

Instructor Name

Course Number


Title: Why Legalizing Prostitution In The United States Would Not Eradicate Human Trafficking

Worldwide, millions of children and women are trafficked every year. it can occur in any community and victims can be of any gender, race, nationality, and age. traffickers usually use manipulation, false promises and violence to trap victims in trafficking. fear of law enforcement and the language barrier keeps victims from seeking support and help and thus making trafficking a hidden crime. Many studies have focused on the globalization's effect on human rights and in particular women's rights. One of the largely neglected and important aspects of globalization direct implication of human rights is the increased human being trafficking. Globally, human trafficking is demonstrated as a criminal phenomenon and is considered as a violation of human dignity, rights, and integrity. The United Nation Organization protocol for stopping, preventing and punishing human trafficking especially children and women consider that: human trafficking mean that recruitment, transfer, transportation, and receipt of person by mean of force or threat or another form of fraud, abduction, coercion, and deception of a power or abuse of a vulnerability position for the exploitation purpose. It is reported that most of the victims of human trafficking are girls and women and the majority of them end up being exploited sexually through prostitution. Most of the authors believe that human trafficking is usually caused by prostitution. By the implementation of prostitution law, human trafficking can be reduced to a great extent. Hughes in his study shows that legalizing sex industries will result in greater human trafficking to meet the demand of female sex workers to be used in legalized sex industries. In another study, it is demonstrated that the countries where prostitution is legalized, human trafficking to the sex industry also increases in that region. In a report of 'Trafficking in Persons', it is stated that prostitution is dehumanizing and harmful and it also fuels human trafficking. Some authors have a different point of view such as they argue that prostitution legalization will enhance safety and working conditions for sex workers and allows sex industries to recruit local women who choose prostitution as occupation as their free choice. The opinion that legalizing prostitution can reduce human trafficking is mostly held by those who think that sexual services for money is an individual choice and not be forced. Human trafficking consist of many kinds of exploitation and the sex industry comprises of the largest victims' groups. Results have shown that many women are involved in the sex industry at a very young age. These women usually came from sexually and physically abusive backgrounds. As a result of this exploitation, these women are usually suffered from mental health issues. Internationally human trafficking is a major issue of concern and recently, this type of exploitation has gained attention in the United States ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Batsyukova</Author><Year>2007</Year><RecNum>1369</RecNum><DisplayText>(Batsyukova)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1369</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1575969073">1369</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Batsyukova, Svitlana</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Prostitution and human trafficking for sexual exploitation</title><secondary-title>Gender Issues</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Gender Issues</full-title></periodical><pages>46-50</pages><volume>24</volume><number>2</number><dates><year>2007</year></dates><isbn>1098-092X</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Batsyukova).

There is a variation in how this kind of exploitation is described. Sex trafficking is usually referred to as coerced and forced individual trade into the sex industry. According to the law of the United States, sex trafficking is harboring, transportation, recruitment, obtaining and provision of an individual for the commercial sex act purpose. According to the US Department of State, worldwide, approximately 27.1 million victims are trafficked. Although sex trafficking is just one kind of human trafficking that may include forced labor, sexual servitude, and domestic bondage. Both internationally and domestically, it comprises of the largest trafficking industry. For example, according to the US justice department in the United States, almost 82.1% of the trafficked individuals are forced to work in the sex industry. The Federal Bureau of Investigation of US estimated children and women are mostly trafficked in the commercial sex industry. The FBI considers a human sex trafficking as a very important problem across the US. According to different studies, the US is second to Germany in the number of people who are trafficked for sex purposes. This is due to the high demand for paid sex in the United States. It is reported that human trafficking generates approximately 32.1 billion US dollars. This is a kind of organized crime which due to high trafficking demand in the US continues to increase revenue ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Coy</Author><Year>2016</Year><RecNum>1372</RecNum><DisplayText>(Coy)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1372</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1575969555">1372</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Book">6</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Coy, Maddy</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Prostitution, harm and gender inequality: Theory, research and policy</title></titles><dates><year>2016</year></dates><publisher>Routledge</publisher><isbn>1317074505</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Coy).

Problem Statement

United States is ranked as one of the top most country for human trafficking. According to the recent data, the top three countries for human trafficking are United States Philippines and Mexico. In the United States, it is difficult to measure the sex trafficking scope because most of this industry is underground and it's not easy to identify trafficked persons. Most of the victims of human trafficking live in constant fear and are not likely to report victimization. Therefore, there is no reliable survey or measure which can provide the exact number of trafficked people. From 2008 to 2010, almost 2,515 cases of human trafficking have been found and 8 out of every ten trafficking cases were categorized as cases of sex trafficking. During this time, almost 145 arrests were recorded and data from 528 victims were collected. In 2000, the Trafficking Victim Protection Act was enacted and was influenced by the 55th session of the United Nations General Assembly ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Batsyukova</Author><Year>2007</Year><RecNum>1369</RecNum><DisplayText>(Batsyukova)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1369</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1575969073">1369</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Batsyukova, Svitlana</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Prostitution and human trafficking for sexual exploitation</title><secondary-title>Gender Issues</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Gender Issues</full-title></periodical><pages>46-50</pages><volume>24</volume><number>2</number><dates><year>2007</year></dates><isbn>1098-092X</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Batsyukova). During this time UN protocol was signed by the United States to suppress, punish and prevent human trafficking. The main purpose of this article is to determine the relationship between prostitution legalization and human trafficking. Different scientific articles have been reviewed that refer to the legalization of prostitution and human trafficking. This article will discuss the legalization of prostitution's influence on the number of trafficked people.

Human trafficking occurs in many forms but most common is the one that is used for sexual exploitation because it is considered less dangerous as compared to another form of human trafficking. Based on this many international organizations that deal with the rights of women protection raised the need to legalize prostitution to decrease the number of trafficked individuals for sexual use. They also emphasize the safety of sex workers so that they can be treated equally without any discrimination. There are many different policies regarding prostitution: in some countries, it is legal in all forms, in some countries some prostitution forms are legalized whereas in some countries prostitution is considered as totally illegal.

It is demonstrated in many studies that legalizing prostitution is seen as the main contributor to the problem of human trafficking. It is found that legalizing prostitution serves as a motivation factor in the illegal global trade of human trafficking. Another study was conducted by O Brien (2011) in which it is demonstrated that decriminalized and legalized forms of prostitution increase illegal sex trafficking. It is also demonstrated in the same study that legalized prostitution serves as a pull factor that encourages sex trafficking growth. Although it is predicted that legalizing prostitution can lead to a decrease in human trafficking and also protects sex workers, however different studies have shown that legalizing prostitution is not a good solution for decreasing human trafficking. It is demonstrated in the literature that human trafficking increases after prostitution have been legalized. The legal prostitution will not eliminate human trafficking because it will open ways for domestic sex workers to enter the market as they will not have any fear of imprisonment and arrest. Legalization will also increase the demand for prostitution.

A study was conducted in which it is demonstrated that countries in which prostitution is legal experience a high incidence of human trafficking. After Germany has legalized prostitution, sex trafficking increases from 98000 in 2001 to 13000 in 2003. If prostitution is illegal, then most people will be deterred from utilizing commercial sex services as they will have fear of prosecution. On the other hand, legalizing prostitution will invariably increase prostitution demand. Legalizing prostitution will also allow sex workers to enter into the market especially those who were frightened in engaging such activities by the prosecution threat. The term prostitution is described as an act of performing a sexual act and having intercourse explicitly for money, but also other property forms such as real estate, jewelry, expensive clothing, and drugs. The phenomenon of human trafficking is complicated. and sex exploitation trafficking is documented as an illicit action by international law. Prostitution can be illegal or legal and measured depending on what is specified in-country law. Most of the researchers argued that prostitution legalization is never the answer ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Batsyukova</Author><Year>2007</Year><RecNum>1369</RecNum><DisplayText>(Batsyukova)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1369</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1575969073">1369</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Batsyukova, Svitlana</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Prostitution and human trafficking for sexual exploitation</title><secondary-title>Gender Issues</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Gender Issues</full-title></periodical><pages>46-50</pages><volume>24</volume><number>2</number><dates><year>2007</year></dates><isbn>1098-092X</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Batsyukova) Prostitution is the third most profitable business next to armed and drug selling. In developed countries, neoliberalism and globalization have increased the personal services demand, unregulated and rapid movement and enticement of human capital via the internet and are the main factor that increases human trafficking. Children and women are the most common trafficker's victims and are taken for labor and sexual exploitation. They are usually traded as commodities without any humanitarian and legal protection ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Cho</Author><Year>2013</Year><RecNum>1367</RecNum><DisplayText>(Cho, Dreher and Neumayer)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1367</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1575968932">1367</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Cho, Seo-Young</author><author>Dreher, Axel</author><author>Neumayer, Eric</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Does legalized prostitution increase human trafficking?</title><secondary-title>World Development</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>World Development</full-title></periodical><pages>67-82</pages><volume>41</volume><dates><year>2013</year></dates><isbn>0305-750X</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Cho, Dreher, and Neumayer).

Most of the researchers have described this phenomenon as personal commodification in which children and women served as cheap possessions in the global market. Human trafficking is an illegal phenomenon that all countries of the world agreed to abolish and is related to labor and sexual exploitation. According to the United States Department of victims of trafficking, from the total number of trafficked people, 81% are involved in sex trafficking and 18% involved in labor trafficking. It is found in studies where prostitution is legalized, the sex trafficking flow also increases ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Cho</Author><Year>2013</Year><RecNum>1367</RecNum><DisplayText>(Cho, Dreher and Neumayer)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1367</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1575968932">1367</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Cho, Seo-Young</author><author>Dreher, Axel</author><author>Neumayer, Eric</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Does legalized prostitution increase human trafficking?</title><secondary-title>World Development</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>World Development</full-title></periodical><pages>67-82</pages><volume>41</volume><dates><year>2013</year></dates><isbn>0305-750X</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Cho, Dreher, and Neumayer). However, there are lots of controversial issues regarding prostitution criminalization and legalization when it comes to human trafficking. Some authors argued that prostitution criminalization has increased the risk of sex workers to trafficking dangers, less safe sex practices and exposure of prostitutes to dangerous clients ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Batsyukova</Author><Year>2007</Year><RecNum>1369</RecNum><DisplayText>(Batsyukova)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1369</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1575969073">1369</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Batsyukova, Svitlana</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Prostitution and human trafficking for sexual exploitation</title><secondary-title>Gender Issues</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Gender Issues</full-title></periodical><pages>46-50</pages><volume>24</volume><number>2</number><dates><year>2007</year></dates><isbn>1098-092X</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Batsyukova). Legalizing prostitute provides chances for sex workers to build confidence and to testify against smugglers. If the law is implemented effectively then prostitution criminalization discourages trafficking and gives few chances to traffickers to carry out their work due to fear of taking risks against the law. Prostitution is highly related to human trafficking and laws of countries on prostitution consider as the main factor to increase sex trafficking ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Cho</Author><Year>2013</Year><RecNum>1367</RecNum><DisplayText>(Cho, Dreher and Neumayer)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1367</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1575968932">1367</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Cho, Seo-Young</author><author>Dreher, Axel</author><author>Neumayer, Eric</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Does legalized prostitution increase human trafficking?</title><secondary-title>World Development</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>World Development</full-title></periodical><pages>67-82</pages><volume>41</volume><dates><year>2013</year></dates><isbn>0305-750X</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Cho, Dreher and Neumayer).

Sex trafficking is related to exploitation which comes in many different ways such as forcing victims into prostitution and forcing them to commit sex acts for pornography purpose, and compelling victims to involuntary servitude and slavery. Sex trafficking is considered a modern form of slavery in which the commercial activity of sex is induced by fraud, force, and coercion. Evidence has demonstrated that legalized prostitution results in increased human trafficking to meet the demand of women to be used in legalized sex industries. It is determined that where prostitution is legalized, trafficking of sex workers also increases. It is reported that the high demand for trafficking is registered in Germany, Italy, Greece, Netherland, Turkey, Belgium, and the United States. Depending on the legislation and policies of different countries regarding prostitution, it is found that the prostitution act can be legalized or criminalized. Legalization usually permits behavior that conforms to the specified regulation and is unregulated and permissible and saves for regulations that can be applied to all businesses.

Studies have shown that sex trafficking increases due to legalized prostitution and are a gift to traffickers, pimps and sex industry. According to Janice Raymond, legalization of prostitution contributes to permitting the sex industry all aspects and women themselves. It also converts massage parlor and sex clubs into legitimate venues where all type of sexual activities is allowed to legally flourished with only a few constraints ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Cho</Author><Year>2013</Year><RecNum>1367</RecNum><DisplayText>(Cho, Dreher and Neumayer)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1367</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1575968932">1367</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Cho, Seo-Young</author><author>Dreher, Axel</author><author>Neumayer, Eric</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Does legalized prostitution increase human trafficking?</title><secondary-title>World Development</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>World Development</full-title></periodical><pages>67-82</pages><volume>41</volume><dates><year>2013</year></dates><isbn>0305-750X</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Cho, Dreher, and Neumayer). The legalization of prostitution means that the US government has lifted the ban that existed in prostitution. This means that prostitutes can register themselves as sex workers, open bank accounts and also have access to health services and insurances. Human trafficking is always illegal even if the government legalized prostitution. Over the last few years, there has been an increase in concern and awareness about human trafficking. According to the survey of 2015, more than 44% of Americans think that prostitution should be made legal. Amnesty International has embraced a policy that supports the legalization of sex work and believes that prostitution is a victimless crime. However, many authors argued that the legalization of prostitution leads to the enslavement of women, children, and men for sexual exploitation purposes. By legalizing prostitution, demand for sex work substantially increases while increasing minimally the prostitute supply.

The commercial sex act supplier is not capable of meeting the demand of willing prostitutes so they force people to engage in illegal sex acts. According to the economic theory, the transnational women trade is based solely on demand and supply from receiving and sending countries. Those countries with large sex industries will create the demand whereas those countries where human traffickers easily recruit women are sending countries. A study was conducted and data from 150 countries shows that countries where prostitution is legalized experience more inflow of human trafficking. In another quantitative analysis, similar results are reported that human trafficking prevalence is more in countries where prostitution is legalized. It is also stated in these studies that regulated prostitution enhances the commercial sex overall market size which in turn supports criminal enterprises' profit from human trafficking ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Batsyukova</Author><Year>2007</Year><RecNum>1369</RecNum><DisplayText>(Batsyukova)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1369</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1575969073">1369</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Batsyukova, Svitlana</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Prostitution and human trafficking for sexual exploitation</title><secondary-title>Gender Issues</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Gender Issues</full-title></periodical><pages>46-50</pages><volume>24</volume><number>2</number><dates><year>2007</year></dates><isbn>1098-092X</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Batsyukova). In Nether land, a large scale prostitution legalization evaluation has found that most of the sex workers rely on cash transfer, anonymity, and secrecy and also shows that a legalized prostitution operates more like a criminal market. It is also stated in different studies that legalizing prostitution will expose victims to a dangerous situation as no law will be there to punish the trafficker. The legalization of prostitution will help to give legal protection to the trafficker and hence increase human trafficking ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Batsyukova</Author><Year>2007</Year><RecNum>1369</RecNum><DisplayText>(Batsyukova)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1369</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1575969073">1369</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Batsyukova, Svitlana</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Prostitution and human trafficking for sexual exploitation</title><secondary-title>Gender Issues</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Gender Issues</full-title></periodical><pages>46-50</pages><volume>24</volume><number>2</number><dates><year>2007</year></dates><isbn>1098-092X</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Batsyukova). Prostitution legalization will not reduce human trafficking because it will remove the fear of punishment among the traffickers and they openly indulge in illegal activities.


Human trafficking can occur in many forms but most common is the one that is used for sexual exploitation. The main aim of this study was to find the relationship between prostitution legalization and human trafficking. Statistical results and literature findings have shown that prostitution legalization will not eliminate human trafficking. It is found that countries where prostitution is the legal, rate of human trafficking is high and are the ideal destination of trafficked sex worker. Prostitution legalization sometimes becomes an indirect barrier in-country commitment to stop human trafficking. It is found that legalizing prostitution serves as a motivation factor in the illegal global trade of human trafficking.


ADDIN EN.REFLIST Batsyukova, Svitlana. "Prostitution and Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation." Gender Issues 24.2 (2007): 46-50. Print.

Cho, Seo-Young, Axel Dreher, and Eric Neumayer. "Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?" World Development 41 (2013): 67-82. Print.

Coy, Maddy. Prostitution, Harm and Gender Inequality: Theory, Research and Policy. Routledge, 2016. Print.

Subject: Education

Pages: 8 Words: 2400

Why No Great Women Composers?

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Why No Great Women Composers?

Main Arguments Presented in the Article

The main arguments presented in the article by Carl E. Seashore states that there are many issues that are involved that cause the concern that “Why No Great Women Composers?” Being a psychologist, the author presents his argument with no authoritative arguments. Hence by Carl E. Seashore argues that the main reasons because of which women could not become great composers is the native talent, intelligence, musical Temperament, and Creative Imagination. In details, women fail to become great composers because nature is very productive in respect of composition and such skills while the environment, society and people are fully wasteful. Beyond that, music requires a high level of intelligence and musical attitude. But, in schools, girls are not highly encouraged and thought with the provision of best musical learnings as well as there is lack of native resources for musical intelligence especially for girls even they (girls) tend to average better than boys (Seashore, p.p. 21-88). In terms of creative imagination, girls are the persons who have strong creativity but their creativity is less sustained in comparison to boys. So that is also a reason behind the concern that no huge amount of women are composers.

Furthermore, the argument proposed also includes that the prodigies of girls are more forgotten than the boys. More number of girls study music than boys but the percentage of boys in composing in high is mainly because girls face criticisms while boys are encouraged to participate more (Seashore, p.p. 21-88). Despite, late emancipation and marriage and related burden and extra responsibilities make girls unable to sustain their skills and capabilities in music while these things inversely affect their career instead. Lastly, the argument presented by (Seashore, p.p. 21-88), states that we and the community speak of men as strong sex and consider them having musical strength while females sacrifices and suffer in these respects. Hence, this factor is also a rationale.

Aspects of Argument that are Problematic or Offensive

The ideas presented by Seashore are realistic and fine up to a high extent. But, an aspect of his argument can be considered as a problematic one. The argument is he states that “Great composers must be born with the musical talent. While the environment, society, individuals, and art are wasteful with such resources.” (Seashore, p.p. 21-88). But in reality, in every field or expertise the role and importance environment, society, individuals, and art cannot be ignored or devalued. Beyond that, another aspect of the same argument which says that the seeds implanted by nature come to fill out fruition in creative music which means that the environment, society and person’s learning and knowledge have no importance. Hence, the argument can be considered offensive.

Arguments that Make Perfect Sense

In terms of suitability, the argument given that marriage, extra responsibilities, and other burdens are the reasons that inversely affect the capabilities and composing skills of females makes more than perfect sense to me. This does so because it is a reality and these thing put impacts with no doubt.

Work Cited

Seashore, Carl E. "Why No Great Women Composers?" Music Educators Journal 26.5 (1940): 21-88. http//www.jstor.org/stable/3385588.

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600

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