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All Quiet On The Western Front, A Farewell To Arms And The Wars

Nina Bostock

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24 January 2020.

All Quiet on the Western Front and a Farewell to Arms and the Wars

All quiet on the western front is a novel by a German writer Erich Maria, who narrates the story of a young man, who had set his dreams aside to fight in battle. Though the young men’s career in the military lived short, he had to compromise over things he had aspired for himself. In addition to talking about the bravery of young men, Maria’s themes had revolved around the bad times the soldiers face after coming back to their normal lives ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"MfmnWiMM","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Remarque)","plainCitation":"(Remarque)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":496,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/KSZIZQ4M"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/KSZIZQ4M"],"itemData":{"id":496,"type":"book","publisher":"Bloomsbury Publishing USA","source":"Google Scholar","title":"All quiet on the western front","volume":"68","author":[{"family":"Remarque","given":"Erich Maria"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Remarque). Maria believes that the battlespace is tough and demands passion, bravery and a will to fight, which are absent in the average person’s life. Her characterization of the war, and the cruelties attached, depicts the courage those young men had during the time of wars ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"wOTRtsXC","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Remarque)","plainCitation":"(Remarque)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":496,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/KSZIZQ4M"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/KSZIZQ4M"],"itemData":{"id":496,"type":"book","publisher":"Bloomsbury Publishing USA","source":"Google Scholar","title":"All quiet on the western front","volume":"68","author":[{"family":"Remarque","given":"Erich Maria"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Remarque). The theme of this story revolves around fascination and charm at the same time, which she believes is in private life. For her, the public sphere of life, especially in the times of war, makes a person disgruntled and dreamy.

A bit related to the story of Maria, a farewell to arms and the wars, has intensified the vulnerability attached to the war times. Hemmingway, who is the author of this novel, believes that a farewell to arms is the most looked after dream in the battle spaces. His conceptualization of farewell is related to siding away from the worst aspects of life, which a young couple of his novel does. Though Hemmingway has exaggerated the charm attached to the peace times, his contrast between war and peace time, remains striking. The readers of this work draw an imagination of two aspects of life. Hemmingway has focused on the efforts, which he believes remain substantial to call of the bad times in life. By introducing a young couple in his novel, Hemmingway has attempted to bring forth, the importance of intimation and amorousness in life, which in war times become negligent ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"ipeOsR58","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hemingway)","plainCitation":"(Hemingway)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":501,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/2T3DXIBY"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/2T3DXIBY"],"itemData":{"id":501,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"New York: Scribner","source":"Google Scholar","title":"A Farewell to Arms. 1929","author":[{"family":"Hemingway","given":"Ernest"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1995"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hemingway).

Both these novels have attempted to beautify the existence of life in a different, yet related manner. One reason for this harmony in both stories during wartime, these authors lived in. They have focused on the theme of how some events in the peace times, triggers unrest and as a repercussion, people have to face the worst consequences. Both the novel shares the perception of how events in personal life, shape people and provide them the opportunity to either beautify or ruin their lives ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"6gBewR1Q","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Baumeister and Leary)","plainCitation":"(Baumeister and Leary)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":497,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/WLLD2M56"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/WLLD2M56"],"itemData":{"id":497,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Review of general psychology","issue":"3","page":"311–320","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Writing narrative literature reviews","volume":"1","author":[{"family":"Baumeister","given":"Roy F."},{"family":"Leary","given":"Mark R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1997"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Baumeister and Leary). Hemmingway has worked over portraying how situations of sadness and depression create uncertainty in life. He portrays that despair and sadness take away the chastity, which otherwise would have gone through in a more decent manner. Compared to Hemmingway’s depiction of life and the quality traits attached to it, Maria’s depiction of life is more personal in nature. She has attached the aspect of beauty to inner calmness and serenity ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"CxkmChU4","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Baumeister and Leary)","plainCitation":"(Baumeister and Leary)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":497,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/WLLD2M56"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/WLLD2M56"],"itemData":{"id":497,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Review of general psychology","issue":"3","page":"311–320","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Writing narrative literature reviews","volume":"1","author":[{"family":"Baumeister","given":"Roy F."},{"family":"Leary","given":"Mark R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1997"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Baumeister and Leary).

Another comparison between both novels could be drawn in the manner in which the situation materializes. In All Quiet on the Western Front, Maria display’s life as a phenomenon full of opportunities and life. She displays perfection in the characterization and depicts that her characters have a sense to grab lovely aspects of life, however, later she disapproves of what she hints at the start ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"zOvtUQeo","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Baumeister and Leary)","plainCitation":"(Baumeister and Leary)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":497,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/WLLD2M56"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/WLLD2M56"],"itemData":{"id":497,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Review of general psychology","issue":"3","page":"311–320","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Writing narrative literature reviews","volume":"1","author":[{"family":"Baumeister","given":"Roy F."},{"family":"Leary","given":"Mark R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1997"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Baumeister and Leary). Hemmingway, on the other hand, starts by displaying love and affection surrounding his key characters. His approach toward the bad incidents of life takes a gradual path, which finally ends at bringing two souls together, which many readers find beautiful.

Works Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Baumeister, Roy F., and Mark R. Leary. “Writing Narrative Literature Reviews.” Review of General Psychology, vol. 1, no. 3, 1997, pp. 311–320.

Hemingway, Ernest. “A Farewell to Arms. 1929.” New York: Scribner, 1995.

Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet on the Western Front. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2004.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Almost Before We Spoke We Swore It's About The Bad Language

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Use of Swear or Curse Words


           Today, societies are facing the growing concern of using bad languages in many different forms. It is noteworthy to mention that increasing trend of using bad words extensively impact people’s attitude. It is important to discuss the use of bad words and their influence on people as the citizens of cultured societies. The concept of profanity is defined as socially offensive language. This perspective can also be recognized in the forms of curse or swearing words. It is vital to identify how the use of curse words can be detrimental for the people not only in the short-run but in the long-run as well. Various social sources eventually caused the issue of using offensive words. Different TV shows are significant examples of extreme use of different types of swear words. It is vital to explore this perspective to determine the actual implications of curse words listen by people in daily routine. This paper focuses to select the TV program (Deadwood) as an example to critically analyze the perspective of using curse words. 


           Currently, many strong mediums play an active role to develop and enhance swearing habits within people. It is important to evaluate the drastic implications of swearing on TV as the new and common practice of using curse words in daily life. It is observed that people are cursing frequently as compare to past years and different TV programs are one of the main reasons. Mostly, the young generation is greatly influenced by the words delivers by TV actors and they eventually start using those swearing words in their lives. Undoubtedly, people start to consider it normal and nice to copy different curse words they heard from different actors on TV shows. 

           People’s addiction to following specific TV programs ultimately encourages them to develop the approach of swearing or cursing. This specific phenomenon happens through extensive use of some specific swear words regularly mentioned by actors in TV programs. This approach can be better apprehended by the particular example of the TV program of “Deadwood” that eventually promote profanity in some surprising manner. There are examples of some specific curse words repeatedly conveyed by actors in different episodes of the show. It is somehow surprising that continuous hearing these words ultimately cause the habit of swearing. This argument can be better understood by considering the specific word of “cocksuckers” as the example of the swearing word. It is observed that this specific curse word is extensively used by people in their daily conversations with others. This growing trend is one suitable example to determine the strong role of the TV program in case of an increasing form of profanity or swearing. Using the word “cocksuckers” was not this much in practice a few years back. This domain reflects the medium of TV as the strong entity that promotes the routine approach of bad language in society. 

           “Cocksuckers” from the TV program of “Deadwood” is only one example of extensive use of promoting profanity through the platform of television. A comprehensive analysis of the current status of society clearly shows that swearing words marked their position as favorite words of the audience that are continuously used by them. Undoubtedly, this growing trend is going worse with each day that indicates the strong connection between the influence of TV programs and the issue of bad language. It is important to address how influential the role of TV programs can cause the growing issue of extensive use of swearing or curse words. The irony is that now most people never considered it offensive and recognized it one normal practice of using swearing words for each other. It is critical to understand that deep down, it is one chronic issue that alarmingly promotes profanity in cultured societies. 

           The intensity of using swear words due to the extensive impact of TV programs are getting immense that requires significant attention. Active divulging of TV program dialogues motivates the audience to copy their favorite characters and using swearing words is one common example of this particular approach (Bednarek). Additionally, people considered themselves connected with their favorite TV programs once they start using the TV program’s language in their daily life matters. It is important to examine this trend considering the origin of swearing or cursing words as well. The prospects of swearing and cursing words are using interchangeably but there is a subtle difference in their origin. On thematically foundations, it is observed TV programs are more interested to use words of religious origin as the swearing words but the existence of cursing words can also never be ignored. The TV program of “Deadwood” is one prominent example of this approach where different characters use different cursing words in various scenes and a different context. 

           It is also important to understand that some swearing words are ranked as okay when appeared in TV program but some are not allowed. There is a need for a specific distinction between the magnitude of swearing or profanity associated with different forms of cursing words. The use of swearing words in TV programs turned as a crucial debate that indicates two strong sides of an argument. The practical idea of using cursing words on TV got immense attention referring to the perspective of creativity and entertainment. On the other hand, the increasing trend of swearing on TV questioning by parents and mentors who believe that it can be devastating for teens to frequently listen to different cursing words. It is important to apprehend how some taboo or swearing words can be recognized as the adverse forms of bad language. This form of assessment is vital to building some strong rational grounds to determine the influence of swearing words on TV over society. 

           The social taboos of using specific cursing or swearing words closely linked with the spectrum of TV programs in using these kinds of words. It is recognized that different social norms restrict people to use specific words to avoid profanity but on the other hand, these swearing words are promoting through the popular mass media approach of television. It is one genuine concern that why currently Americans are using cursing words more than ever. This is happening due to the popular trend of using swearing words established by different TV programs. People start perceiving that the use of swearing words is more helpful for them to convey their perspectives and thoughts to others. People extensively experiencing different cussing words on different platforms such as the swearing words on television, profaning in the movies, and even though the written words. The decline of moral standards in society is one major cause of this development but this is not the only reason. The increasing trend of individualism ultimately encouraged people to do what they want to do. The portrayal of swearing words by actors on TV programs also set the trend to consider swearing as something normal and stylish. 


              In conclusion, it is crucial to mention that today, the perspective of society dramatically changes when it comes to swearing. This specific approach is ranked as something normal due to the extensive delivery of cursing words by characters on different TV programs. The trend of using bad language is actively following by people due to the invading role of electronic media. 

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Bednarek, Monika. “What the F***? How Much Swearing Is There on TV?” The Conversation, 2014. Retrieved from:


Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

America's Opiate Epidemic

America's Opiate Epidemic




America's Opiate Epidemic

Since the last decade of the twentieth century, the opiate epidemic has emerged as one of the greatest health concerns in the United States of America. Over the course of the last decade only, the opiate prescription has tripled and the physicians are playing an important role in making the general population addicted to this drug. The opiate epidemic of the United States of America is not just limited to the addiction of the general public on the drug, but it is becoming the leading cause of deaths. One of the latest research about the epidemic entitled as “Bleak New Estimates in Drug Epidemic” highlights the issue in a great deal. The author has mentioned in his article that

“Drug overdoses killed about 72,000 Americans last year, a record number that reflects a rise of around 10 percent, according to new preliminary estimates from the Centers for Disease Control. The death toll is higher than the peak yearly death totals from H.I.V., car crashes or gun deaths (Sanger-Katz, 2018).”

This is a major point of concern for the authorities of the United States of America that they are unable to control the situation, which is going out of hand to the extent that death rate due to it has far increased than the deaths caused due to diseases. One of the major contributions to the death rate of the opiate epidemic is done by the mixing of “black tar heroin” with synthetic or prescribed opiates. This substitution or mixing is not being done by the pharmaceutical companies but by the street peddlers, which is worsening the situation. Street peddlers and pharmaceutical companies can equally be considered the culprits of opiate distribution in America, thus leading to the epidemic (Quinones, 2015). However, the pharmaceutical companies, along with physicians have played a more drastic role in severing the situation. It was Purdue Pharma which introduced Oxycontin as a non-addictive pain-coping opioid to the physicians, which was actually a false advertisement. The physicians and pharmaceutical companies are earning their profits by overprescribing and selling the drugs which are taking the lives of the general public. Over the course of years, the general public has got addicted, as well as immune to the opiates because the physicians prescribe them for the pain of minimal injuries as well. The concerned authorities are not taking action against the dependence of the physicians and the general public over the drug which is increasing the death rate with every passing day. Overprescribing of opiates and aggressive marketing of synthetic drugs has captured America’s lives.

New drug epidemic researches are highlighting the fact that the opiate crisis is killing white America. The major target or victim of the epidemic is the middle and upper class of the society, who can spend enough on purchasing the opiates. One of the primary drugs among them is Fentanyl, which is being used after mixing it with black tar heroin. A great number of the general public is using it as the source of killing their pain, while another majority is using for the sake of their addiction only. The mixing of Fentanyl with black tar heroin is introduced by the street peddlers who just wanted to increase their profits, oblivious to the danger caused to the health of the general public. In the present time, Fentanyl has become the most prescribed opiate drug which is stronger than morphine. On the other hand, the prescription rate of morphine has decreased over the years which highlights the fact that physicians and other involved parties are making a deliberate effort of killing the general public by making them dependent and addictive towards strong drug, instead of helping them to relieve their pain or addiction by the use of a less strong drug. The street peddlers are worsening the situation by mixing Fentanyl into heroin in order to provide an exciting experience to the drug abusers, who often die due to the overdose of the drug. They are not aware of the fact that heroin has some other drug mixed in it which makes it far stronger and reactive, having the potential of causing their deaths (Macy, 2018).

Research conducted by Sanger-Katz highlighted that fentanyl and similar drugs have become an important part of the black market dealings. In previous times, only heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and some benzodiazepines drugs were available and dealt in the black markets. However, recently the street peddlers have become more profit-oriented and shifted their focus towards the production and dealing of Fentanyl. One of the main reasons for this shift in business is that Fentanyl can easily be manufactured in the laboratories, which is not the case with heroin which comes from the floppy plants. Fentanyl manufactured in labs is also easy to transport due to its concentrated form, thus lessening the worries of the dealers. In addition to it, the missing of heroin and Fentanyl provides a different kind of exciting and overwhelming experience to the drugs users, leaving a strong impact on their system and making them dependent on it. Due to this exciting experience, the drug users are now getting more dependent on synthetic drugs and abusing them than their prior addiction to heroin or other prescribed opioids. The repercussions of the problem are also increasing with every passing day as the younger generations are becoming the victims of over-prescription and overdosing of the drug. Moreover, the mixing of drugs with heroin is worsening the case. The opiate crisis is leading the American future towards a generation of addicts who will not be able t function properly without their doses. Moreover, the situation will greatly impact the statistics of the population, rendering more in hospitals than in the workforce. So, it is the high time for the authorities to take the action and save the country from disaster (Hollingsworth, Ruhm, & Simon, 2017).

The hope of the recovery of America lies with the anti-narcotic drug centers or treatment centers helping opioid addiction. The primary focus of the government and the concerned authorities should be on banning the over-prescription of the opiate drugs. In some cases, it is not possible to ban the prescription altogether, so the physicians can lower the dosage of the drug. The government also needs to pass laws regarding the manufacturing and distribution of Fentanyl. The situation will help in the favor of the general public and would ensure that the physicians, pharmaceutical companies and street peddler do not make money at the expense of the life of general public (Becker, & James, 2016).

Opiate addiction is the major issue of the United States of America in the twenty-first century, which is getting out of and due to the increasing death rate with every passing day. The situation has become alarming because there are more deaths due to over-prescription and overdosing of synthetic opiates as compared to deaths due to road accidents, which is considered the leading cause of death across the globe. Seventy-two thousand Americans lost their lives due to the epidemic in 2017 only and the death rate is still increasing (Sanger-Katz, 2018). Overprescribing of opiates and aggressive marketing of the opiate drugs captured America's lives as the general public was manipulated into the use of such drugs by the physicians and pharmaceutical companies, who only thought about their profit and not the well-being of the general public. The solution of the issue is banning the prescription of synthetic drugs and the functionality of the treatment centers for helping the users get rid of their addictions.


Becker, M. D., & James, B. (2016). The crisis of opiates in Appalachia. Marshall Journal of Medicine, 2(1), 2.

Hollingsworth, A., Ruhm, C. J., & Simon, K. (2017). Macroeconomic conditions and opioid abuse. Journal of health economics, 56, 222-233.

Macy, B. (2018). Dopesick: Dealers, doctors and the drug company that addicted America. Head of Zeus Ltd.

Quinones, S. (2015). Dreamland: The true tale of America's opiate epidemic. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

Sanger-Katz, M. (2018). Bleak new estimates in drug epidemic: a record 72,000 overdose deaths in 2017. The New York Times, 15.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

American And Food


Name of Professor



Americans and Food


In the United States, all the American values contributed to the dominance of fast food. It becomes a lifestyle for American to eat in the fast food restaurants (An 97). Fast food is a condiment, a trend toward the lifestyle of Americans. It is notable to mention that people go to fast food restaurants, with their busy schedules, as it is cheaper and faster than other restaurants. However, people often forget that there are several issues and risks associated with fast food consumption that can be harmful for their health. Despite its convenience, fast food can be harmful in the long run. Therefore, it is essential for every person to understand the health issues related to fast food consumption. Here, the focus is to understand the harmful effects of fast foods on anyone’s health.


In the 21st century, there is an enormous increase in the number of fast food restaurants and their advertisements. Even though, with the advancement in technology, people do not have to go to any restaurant to get their favorite fast food. They can order it online through the delivery hotlines. With these delivery hotlines, people can easily order their fast food. People find it harder to sit and wait for their food in the restaurant, so they prefer to order their fast food at home (Janssen et al. 16-24). That's the reason behind the increasing number of people eating fast food. Fast food is very addicted due to its taste and delicious flavor. Parents often bring their children to fast food restaurants. Due to spectacular flavors of fast food, children get addicted to it and ask for more. Fast food is as addicting as drugs, so a person habituated to fast food will have to face the negative consequences (Jiao et al. 171).

It is noteworthy to mention that fast food can make a person full, even at low price. That's why people prefer it over other types of food. The reason behind these cheap values is the usage of economical ingredients for fast food. The constituents of fast food include a high quantity of fat, calories, sodium, and cholesterol which can be catastrophic for their health. A high amount of sodium in fast food can enhance its flavor, but at the same time, it creates a high risk of heart attack due to increasing blood pressure (Saranya 65). Fat is essential for our body as it keeps us warm. However, a high dose of fat can cause osteoporosis and heart diseases.

In the United States, obesity is one of the significant health issues. Most of the adolescents are obese due to their addiction to fast food. Fast food contains a large amount of calories. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the recommended calorie intake per day is 2000 calories. However, it is terrifying to know that one meal of fast food contains more than 1000 calories. Such high amount of calories are disastrous for our health as it increases the chances of health attack and obesity (Burgoyne et al. 1540-1545). Hence, it is obvious to provide children with more nutritious food such as fruits and vegetables to avoid any health problem.


In a nutshell, fast-food consumption has some catastrophic impact on our health. Many diseases are related to increased fast food consumption including heart attack, obesity, and diabetes. Fast food constituents such as sodium, fat, and calories are responsible for increasing blood pressure and sugar level in humans’ body. It is the core responsibility of a parent to provide nutritious food to their children so they can avoid the negative consequences of fast food.

Works Cited

An Ruopeng. "Fast-food and full-service restaurant consumption and daily energy and nutrient intakes in US adults." European journal of clinical nutrition 70.1 (2016): 97.

Burgoyne, Thomas, et al. "Does neighborhood fast-food outlet exposure amplify inequalities in diet and obesity? A cross-sectional study, 2." The American journal of clinical nutrition103.6 (2016): 1540-1547.

Janssen, Hayley G., et al. "Determinants of takeaway and fast food consumption: a narrative review." Nutrition research reviews 31.1 (2018): 16-34.

Jiao, J., et al. "Health implications of adults’ eating at and living near fast food or quick service restaurants." Nutrition & diabetes 5.7 (2015): e171.

Mejova, Yelena, et al. "# foodporn: Obesity patterns in culinary interactions." Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Health 2015. ACM, 2015.

Saranya, P. V., et al. "Adolescents’ knowledge regarding the effects of fast food on health." Hindu 65.35 (2016): 65.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Background: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a progressive and fatal disease that is characterized by motor neuron deterioration within the body. Degeneration, in turn, leads to a bulbar dysfunction in the form of impaired swallowing and communication. It is not known that lingual endurance and strength training have a role in communication, airway safety, lingual strength, and endurance in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Therefore, this study is conducted to determine the effect of linguistic resistance training on communication and lingual strength. Methods: Two individuals with ALS were included in this study. Swallowing, tongue strength and communication outcomes were noted. Results: Little improvement was reported for speech intelligibility during swallowing, communication effectiveness, quality of life and swallowing impairment remained stable in both participants. Conclusion: Slight improvement has been seen in communication and linguistic strength. Further studies are needed to validate the preliminary findings of this study.


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is defined as a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive and rapid degeneration of motor neurons in the peripheral and central nervous systems. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is categorized as the terminal disease with no cure and represents one of the most common motor neuron diseases with an estimated prevalence of 12000 and incidence of 1.6/1000 individuals in the United States. Men are at more risk in developing ALS than women and the average onset of the disease is 65 years. The life expectancy ranges from two to five years and mainly depends on the type of disease onset ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Andrenelli</Author><Year>2018</Year><RecNum>1263</RecNum><DisplayText>(Andrenelli et al., 2018)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1263</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1574326513">1263</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Andrenelli, Elisa</author><author>Galli, Federica Lucia</author><author>Gesuita, Rosaria</author><author>Skrami, Edlira</author><author>Logullo, Francesco Ottavio</author><author>Provinciali, Leandro</author><author>Capecci, Marianna</author><author>Ceravolo, Maria Gabriella</author><author>Coccia, Michela</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Swallowing impairments in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Myotonic Dystrophy type 1: looking for the portrait of dysphagic patient in neuromuscular diseases</title><secondary-title>NeuroRehabilitation</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>NeuroRehabilitation</full-title></periodical><pages>93-102</pages><volume>42</volume><number>1</number><dates><year>2018</year></dates><isbn>1053-8135</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Andrenelli et al., 2018). Almost 70% of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients are presented with spinal onset, whereas 30% with a bulbar onset. The ALS with bulbar onset is mainly characterized by the development of swallowing and speech deficit ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Rong</Author><Year>2019</Year><RecNum>1268</RecNum><DisplayText>(Rong &amp; Green, 2019)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1268</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1574326892">1268</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Rong, Panying</author><author>Green, Jordan R</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Predicting speech intelligibility based on spatial tongue–jaw coupling in persons with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: The impact of tongue weakness and jaw adaptation</title><secondary-title>Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research</full-title></periodical><pages>3085-3103</pages><volume>62</volume><number>8S</number><dates><year>2019</year></dates><isbn>1558-9102</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Rong & Green, 2019). On the other hand, individuals with spinal onset experience initial symptoms in the musculature of limbs. Regardless of the type of disease onset. All people with ALS develop problems related to respiration, swallowing, speech, and muscle weakness at some point during the disease course. Due to the inevitable fatal outcome of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, it is difficult to determine the appropriate therapeutic interventions PEVuZE5vdGU+PENpdGU+PEF1dGhvcj5BbmRlcnNlbjwvQXV0aG9yPjxZZWFyPjIwMTg8L1llYXI+ PFJlY051bT4xMjYyPC9SZWNOdW0+PERpc3BsYXlUZXh0PihBbmRlcnNlbiBldCBhbC4sIDIwMTg7 IEJhbmRpbmkgZXQgYWwuLCAyMDE4KTwvRGlzcGxheVRleHQ+PHJlY29yZD48cmVjLW51bWJlcj4x MjYyPC9yZWMtbnVtYmVyPjxmb3JlaWduLWtleXM+PGtleSBhcHA9IkVOIiBkYi1pZD0iYXh6cndw eHhxdnd0dzVldnNmM3hyZXIyYXJmd3NhNWYwZTVkIiB0aW1lc3RhbXA9IjE1NzQzMjY0NTUiPjEy NjI8L2tleT48L2ZvcmVpZ24ta2V5cz48cmVmLXR5cGUgbmFtZT0iSm91cm5hbCBBcnRpY2xlIj4x NzwvcmVmLXR5cGU+PGNvbnRyaWJ1dG9ycz48YXV0aG9ycz48YXV0aG9yPkFuZGVyc2VuLCBUaWlu YSBNPC9hdXRob3I+PGF1dGhvcj5TYW5kbmVzLCBBc3RyaWQ8L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0aG9yPkZvbmRl bmVzLCBPdmU8L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0aG9yPk5pbHNlbiwgUm95IE08L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0aG9yPlR5 c25lcywgT2xlLUJqw7hybjwvYXV0aG9yPjxhdXRob3I+SGVpbWRhbCwgSm9obi1IZWxnZTwvYXV0 aG9yPjxhdXRob3I+Q2xlbW0sIEhlZ2UgSDwvYXV0aG9yPjxhdXRob3I+SGFsdm9yc2VuLCBUaG9t YXM8L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0aG9yPlZvbGxzw6Z0ZXIsIE1hcmlhPC9hdXRob3I+PGF1dGhvcj5Sw7hr c3VuZCwgT2xhIEQ8L2F1dGhvcj48L2F1dGhvcnM+PC9jb250cmlidXRvcnM+PHRpdGxlcz48dGl0 bGU+TGFyeW5nZWFsIHJlc3BvbnNlcyB0byBtZWNoYW5pY2FsbHkgYXNzaXN0ZWQgY291Z2ggaW4g cHJvZ3Jlc3NpbmcgYW15b3Ryb3BoaWMgbGF0ZXJhbCBzY2xlcm9zaXM8L3RpdGxlPjxzZWNvbmRh cnktdGl0bGU+UmVzcGlyYXRvcnkgY2FyZTwvc2Vjb25kYXJ5LXRpdGxlPjwvdGl0bGVzPjxwZXJp b2RpY2FsPjxmdWxsLXRpdGxlPlJlc3BpcmF0b3J5IGNhcmU8L2Z1bGwtdGl0bGU+PC9wZXJpb2Rp Y2FsPjxwYWdlcz41MzgtNTQ5PC9wYWdlcz48dm9sdW1lPjYzPC92b2x1bWU+PG51bWJlcj41PC9u dW1iZXI+PGRhdGVzPjx5ZWFyPjIwMTg8L3llYXI+PC9kYXRlcz48aXNibj4wMDIwLTEzMjQ8L2lz Ym4+PHVybHM+PC91cmxzPjwvcmVjb3JkPjwvQ2l0ZT48Q2l0ZT48QXV0aG9yPkJhbmRpbmk8L0F1 dGhvcj48WWVhcj4yMDE4PC9ZZWFyPjxSZWNOdW0+MTI2OTwvUmVjTnVtPjxyZWNvcmQ+PHJlYy1u dW1iZXI+MTI2OTwvcmVjLW51bWJlcj48Zm9yZWlnbi1rZXlzPjxrZXkgYXBwPSJFTiIgZGItaWQ9 ImF4enJ3cHh4cXZ3dHc1ZXZzZjN4cmVyMmFyZndzYTVmMGU1ZCIgdGltZXN0YW1wPSIxNTc0MzI3 MDM5Ij4xMjY5PC9rZXk+PC9mb3JlaWduLWtleXM+PHJlZi10eXBlIG5hbWU9IkpvdXJuYWwgQXJ0 aWNsZSI+MTc8L3JlZi10eXBlPjxjb250cmlidXRvcnM+PGF1dGhvcnM+PGF1dGhvcj5CYW5kaW5p LCBBbmRyZWE8L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0aG9yPkdyZWVuLCBKb3JkYW4gUjwvYXV0aG9yPjxhdXRob3I+ V2FuZywgSnVuPC9hdXRob3I+PGF1dGhvcj5DYW1wYmVsbCwgVGhvbWFzIEY8L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0 aG9yPlppbm1hbiwgTG9ybmU8L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0aG9yPll1bnVzb3ZhLCBZYW5hPC9hdXRob3I+ PC9hdXRob3JzPjwvY29udHJpYnV0b3JzPjx0aXRsZXM+PHRpdGxlPktpbmVtYXRpYyBmZWF0dXJl cyBvZiBqYXcgYW5kIGxpcHMgZGlzdGluZ3Vpc2ggc3ltcHRvbWF0aWMgZnJvbSBwcmVzeW1wdG9t YXRpYyBzdGFnZXMgb2YgYnVsYmFyIGRlY2xpbmUgaW4gYW15b3Ryb3BoaWMgbGF0ZXJhbCBzY2xl cm9zaXM8L3RpdGxlPjxzZWNvbmRhcnktdGl0bGU+Sm91cm5hbCBvZiBTcGVlY2gsIExhbmd1YWdl LCBhbmQgSGVhcmluZyBSZXNlYXJjaDwvc2Vjb25kYXJ5LXRpdGxlPjwvdGl0bGVzPjxwZXJpb2Rp Y2FsPjxmdWxsLXRpdGxlPkpvdXJuYWwgb2YgU3BlZWNoLCBMYW5ndWFnZSwgYW5kIEhlYXJpbmcg UmVzZWFyY2g8L2Z1bGwtdGl0bGU+PC9wZXJpb2RpY2FsPjxwYWdlcz4xMTE4LTExMjk8L3BhZ2Vz Pjx2b2x1bWU+NjE8L3ZvbHVtZT48bnVtYmVyPjU8L251bWJlcj48ZGF0ZXM+PHllYXI+MjAxODwv eWVhcj48L2RhdGVzPjxpc2JuPjE1NTgtOTEwMjwvaXNibj48dXJscz48L3VybHM+PC9yZWNvcmQ+ PC9DaXRlPjwvRW5kTm90ZT5= ADDIN EN.CITE PEVuZE5vdGU+PENpdGU+PEF1dGhvcj5BbmRlcnNlbjwvQXV0aG9yPjxZZWFyPjIwMTg8L1llYXI+ PFJlY051bT4xMjYyPC9SZWNOdW0+PERpc3BsYXlUZXh0PihBbmRlcnNlbiBldCBhbC4sIDIwMTg7 IEJhbmRpbmkgZXQgYWwuLCAyMDE4KTwvRGlzcGxheVRleHQ+PHJlY29yZD48cmVjLW51bWJlcj4x MjYyPC9yZWMtbnVtYmVyPjxmb3JlaWduLWtleXM+PGtleSBhcHA9IkVOIiBkYi1pZD0iYXh6cndw eHhxdnd0dzVldnNmM3hyZXIyYXJmd3NhNWYwZTVkIiB0aW1lc3RhbXA9IjE1NzQzMjY0NTUiPjEy NjI8L2tleT48L2ZvcmVpZ24ta2V5cz48cmVmLXR5cGUgbmFtZT0iSm91cm5hbCBBcnRpY2xlIj4x NzwvcmVmLXR5cGU+PGNvbnRyaWJ1dG9ycz48YXV0aG9ycz48YXV0aG9yPkFuZGVyc2VuLCBUaWlu YSBNPC9hdXRob3I+PGF1dGhvcj5TYW5kbmVzLCBBc3RyaWQ8L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0aG9yPkZvbmRl bmVzLCBPdmU8L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0aG9yPk5pbHNlbiwgUm95IE08L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0aG9yPlR5 c25lcywgT2xlLUJqw7hybjwvYXV0aG9yPjxhdXRob3I+SGVpbWRhbCwgSm9obi1IZWxnZTwvYXV0 aG9yPjxhdXRob3I+Q2xlbW0sIEhlZ2UgSDwvYXV0aG9yPjxhdXRob3I+SGFsdm9yc2VuLCBUaG9t YXM8L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0aG9yPlZvbGxzw6Z0ZXIsIE1hcmlhPC9hdXRob3I+PGF1dGhvcj5Sw7hr c3VuZCwgT2xhIEQ8L2F1dGhvcj48L2F1dGhvcnM+PC9jb250cmlidXRvcnM+PHRpdGxlcz48dGl0 bGU+TGFyeW5nZWFsIHJlc3BvbnNlcyB0byBtZWNoYW5pY2FsbHkgYXNzaXN0ZWQgY291Z2ggaW4g cHJvZ3Jlc3NpbmcgYW15b3Ryb3BoaWMgbGF0ZXJhbCBzY2xlcm9zaXM8L3RpdGxlPjxzZWNvbmRh cnktdGl0bGU+UmVzcGlyYXRvcnkgY2FyZTwvc2Vjb25kYXJ5LXRpdGxlPjwvdGl0bGVzPjxwZXJp b2RpY2FsPjxmdWxsLXRpdGxlPlJlc3BpcmF0b3J5IGNhcmU8L2Z1bGwtdGl0bGU+PC9wZXJpb2Rp Y2FsPjxwYWdlcz41MzgtNTQ5PC9wYWdlcz48dm9sdW1lPjYzPC92b2x1bWU+PG51bWJlcj41PC9u dW1iZXI+PGRhdGVzPjx5ZWFyPjIwMTg8L3llYXI+PC9kYXRlcz48aXNibj4wMDIwLTEzMjQ8L2lz Ym4+PHVybHM+PC91cmxzPjwvcmVjb3JkPjwvQ2l0ZT48Q2l0ZT48QXV0aG9yPkJhbmRpbmk8L0F1 dGhvcj48WWVhcj4yMDE4PC9ZZWFyPjxSZWNOdW0+MTI2OTwvUmVjTnVtPjxyZWNvcmQ+PHJlYy1u dW1iZXI+MTI2OTwvcmVjLW51bWJlcj48Zm9yZWlnbi1rZXlzPjxrZXkgYXBwPSJFTiIgZGItaWQ9 ImF4enJ3cHh4cXZ3dHc1ZXZzZjN4cmVyMmFyZndzYTVmMGU1ZCIgdGltZXN0YW1wPSIxNTc0MzI3 MDM5Ij4xMjY5PC9rZXk+PC9mb3JlaWduLWtleXM+PHJlZi10eXBlIG5hbWU9IkpvdXJuYWwgQXJ0 aWNsZSI+MTc8L3JlZi10eXBlPjxjb250cmlidXRvcnM+PGF1dGhvcnM+PGF1dGhvcj5CYW5kaW5p LCBBbmRyZWE8L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0aG9yPkdyZWVuLCBKb3JkYW4gUjwvYXV0aG9yPjxhdXRob3I+ V2FuZywgSnVuPC9hdXRob3I+PGF1dGhvcj5DYW1wYmVsbCwgVGhvbWFzIEY8L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0 aG9yPlppbm1hbiwgTG9ybmU8L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0aG9yPll1bnVzb3ZhLCBZYW5hPC9hdXRob3I+ PC9hdXRob3JzPjwvY29udHJpYnV0b3JzPjx0aXRsZXM+PHRpdGxlPktpbmVtYXRpYyBmZWF0dXJl cyBvZiBqYXcgYW5kIGxpcHMgZGlzdGluZ3Vpc2ggc3ltcHRvbWF0aWMgZnJvbSBwcmVzeW1wdG9t YXRpYyBzdGFnZXMgb2YgYnVsYmFyIGRlY2xpbmUgaW4gYW15b3Ryb3BoaWMgbGF0ZXJhbCBzY2xl cm9zaXM8L3RpdGxlPjxzZWNvbmRhcnktdGl0bGU+Sm91cm5hbCBvZiBTcGVlY2gsIExhbmd1YWdl LCBhbmQgSGVhcmluZyBSZXNlYXJjaDwvc2Vjb25kYXJ5LXRpdGxlPjwvdGl0bGVzPjxwZXJpb2Rp Y2FsPjxmdWxsLXRpdGxlPkpvdXJuYWwgb2YgU3BlZWNoLCBMYW5ndWFnZSwgYW5kIEhlYXJpbmcg UmVzZWFyY2g8L2Z1bGwtdGl0bGU+PC9wZXJpb2RpY2FsPjxwYWdlcz4xMTE4LTExMjk8L3BhZ2Vz Pjx2b2x1bWU+NjE8L3ZvbHVtZT48bnVtYmVyPjU8L251bWJlcj48ZGF0ZXM+PHllYXI+MjAxODwv eWVhcj48L2RhdGVzPjxpc2JuPjE1NTgtOTEwMjwvaXNibj48dXJscz48L3VybHM+PC9yZWNvcmQ+ PC9DaXRlPjwvRW5kTm90ZT5= ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA (Andersen et al., 2018; Bandini et al., 2018).

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis includes disorders such as Huntingdon's disease and Parkinson's disease. ALS includes the involvement of both lower motor neurons and upper motor neurons. Due to muscle fiber denervation, weakness is one of the most profound features in ALS development. In initial stages of the disease, the weakness is restricted to a focal body area such as neck, head, and limb region. The symptoms which result from a bulbar dysfunction in the bulbar region include dysphagia (swallowing impairment) and dysarthria (speech impairment). Concerning the disturbances in communication, it is estimated that 80-95% of individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis will lose their ability of natural speech.


The current treatment strategy for swallowing and speech dysfunction in Amyotrophic dysfunction is lacking and usually focuses on the management of symptoms via dietary and environmental support ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Miller</Author><Year>1999</Year><RecNum>1264</RecNum><DisplayText>(Miller et al., 1999)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1264</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1574326566">1264</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Miller, Robert G</author><author>Rosenberg, Jay A</author><author>Gelinas, Deborah F</author><author>Mitsumoto, Hiroshi</author><author>Newman, Daniel</author><author>Sufit, R</author><author>Borasio, Gian D</author><author>Bradley, Walter G</author><author>Bromberg, Mark B</author><author>Brooks, Benjamin R</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Practice parameter: the care of the patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (an evidence-based review): report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology</title><secondary-title>Neurology</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Neurology</full-title></periodical><pages>1311-1311</pages><volume>52</volume><number>7</number><dates><year>1999</year></dates><isbn>0028-3878</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Miller et al., 1999). Previously little evidence was present regarding the effect of mild to moderate exercise at an early stage of the disease. It can be beneficial in ALS but is not known that there is an impact of lingual resistance training on airway safety, lingual endurance, patient communication, swallowing and quality of life, and disease progression. Therefore, this report will focus on linguistic resistance training on lingual strength and endurance. It is hypothesized that an 8-week training of linguistic resistance can lead to increased isometric lingual pressure as well as a longer duration of lingual hold time. This, in turn, will lead to functional improvement in speech intelligibility, airway safety, and slower disease progression ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Kuruvilla-Dugdale</Author><Year>2017</Year><RecNum>1266</RecNum><DisplayText>(Kuruvilla-Dugdale &amp; Chuquilin-Arista, 2017)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1266</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1574326694">1266</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Kuruvilla-Dugdale, Mili</author><author>Chuquilin-Arista, Miguel</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>An investigation of clear speech effects on articulatory kinematics in talkers with ALS</title><secondary-title>Clinical linguistics &amp; phonetics</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Clinical linguistics &amp; phonetics</full-title></periodical><pages>725-742</pages><volume>31</volume><number>10</number><dates><year>2017</year></dates><isbn>0269-9206</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Kuruvilla-Dugdale & Chuquilin-Arista, 2017).

Research problem

It is not known that lingual endurance and strength training have a role in communication, airway safety, lingual strength, and endurance in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.


In these two individuals who are diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are included. Participant X was a 51 years old woman with bulbar onset amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. She at a time of the study was 32 months post symptom onset. Participant Z was a 60 years old man with spinal onset amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Robison</Author><Year>2015</Year><RecNum>1265</RecNum><DisplayText>(Robison, 2015)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1265</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1574326625">1265</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Robison, Raele Donetha</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>The impact of lingual resistance training in two individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a case series</title></titles><dates><year>2015</year></dates><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Robison, 2015). Complete demographic information was collected from each individual at the start. Due to the rapid neurodegenerative feature of ALS, several baselines were performed to benchmark the progression of the bulbar disease. Both participants underwent linguistic resistance training. Lingual strength was determined by the Lingual Pressure Generation, and the outcome variable was endurance and maximum anterior isometric pressure. The speech was tested by speech intelligibility test. The outcome variables were word and sentence intelligibility rating. Swallowing was tested by the videofluoroscopy and penetration aspiration scale ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Jani</Author><Year>2016</Year><RecNum>1270</RecNum><DisplayText>(Jani &amp; Gore, 2016)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1270</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1574327176">1270</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Jani, Mansi Pankaj</author><author>Gore, Geeta Bharat</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Swallowing characteristics in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis</title><secondary-title>NeuroRehabilitation</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>NeuroRehabilitation</full-title></periodical><pages>273-276</pages><volume>39</volume><number>2</number><dates><year>2016</year></dates><isbn>1053-8135</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Jani & Gore, 2016). The speech intelligibility test was used to evaluate the speech intelligibility during the training session. In this, both participants were administered with a sentence and two-word intelligibility test. For this participant were seated comfortably. A microphone headset was placed on the head of the patients. Five patient-rated outcomes were administered, which include communication effectiveness survey, functional oral intake scale, swallowing quality survey, and eating assessment tool. The communication assessment tool was comprised of questions to determine how efficiently participants perceive their communication ability. These responses were ranked on a 4 ordinal scale in this score '0' indicates a person is not effective in communication whereas a score of '4' indicates that a person is very effective in communication. The total score was calculated after adding all scores of participants together. The swallowing ability of a person was determined by the eating assessment tool. There were seven questions, and in these 4 scales, the ordinal scale was used. In this score, '0' correlates to no swallowing problem whereas score '4' corresponds to severe swallowing problem. The quality of life survey regarding swallowing was done to determine the individual self-perceived quality of life regarding swallowing function ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Tabor</Author><Year>2016</Year><RecNum>1272</RecNum><DisplayText>(Tabor, Gaziano, Watts, Robison, &amp; Plowman, 2016)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1272</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1574327220">1272</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Tabor, Lauren</author><author>Gaziano, Joy</author><author>Watts, Stephanie</author><author>Robison, Raele</author><author>Plowman, Emily K</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Defining swallowing-related quality of life profiles in individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis</title><secondary-title>Dysphagia</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Dysphagia</full-title></periodical><pages>376-382</pages><volume>31</volume><number>3</number><dates><year>2016</year></dates><isbn>0179-051X</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Tabor, Gaziano, Watts, Robison, & Plowman, 2016). This survey includes questions to determine how swallowing has an impact on attitude mood social role of the person. Both participants were told to complete the training session 5 days a week for the 8-week treatment period. The exercise included different swallowing performance task to help patients with efficient swallowing techniques;

Results and Discussion

In this study, the impact of linguistic resistance training on lingual endurance, lingual strength, and speech intelligibility were found. In this study, both patients showed no substantial improvement in tongue strength. However, the improvement was seen in the lingual endurance. One explanation for this is due to the unique tongue muscle fiber characteristics. There are primarily type 1 and type 2 fibers throughout the tongue muscle. Type 1 muscle fiber contracts slowly and are resistance to fatigue, whereas type 2 is fast contracting and are more susceptible to fatigue ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Nijssen</Author><Year>2017</Year><RecNum>1267</RecNum><DisplayText>(Nijssen, Comley, &amp; Hedlund, 2017)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1267</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="axzrwpxxqvwtw5evsf3xrer2arfwsa5f0e5d" timestamp="1574326793">1267</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Nijssen, Jik</author><author>Comley, Laura H</author><author>Hedlund, Eva</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Motor neuron vulnerability and resistance in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis</title><secondary-title>Acta neuropathologica</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Acta neuropathologica</full-title></periodical><pages>863-885</pages><volume>133</volume><number>6</number><dates><year>2017</year></dates><isbn>0001-6322</isbn><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Nijssen, Comley, & Hedlund, 2017). Airway safety remained unchanged during swallowing for participant A and remained stable for participant B. Perceptions of communication effectiveness swallowing impairment, and swallow-related quality of life was not affected by the lingual strengthening regime. Quality of life, swallowing impairment, and communication effectiveness remained stable.


It is not known that lingual endurance and strength training have a role in communication, airway safety, lingual strength, and endurance in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In this study effect of linguistic resistance training on communication and lingual strength was determined. Further studies are needed in this area.


ADDIN EN.REFLIST Andersen, T. M., Sandnes, A., Fondenes, O., Nilsen, R. M., Tysnes, O.-B., Heimdal, J.-H., . . . Røksund, O. D. (2018). Laryngeal responses to mechanically assisted cough in progressing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Respiratory care, 63(5), 538-549.

Andrenelli, E., Galli, F. L., Gesuita, R., Skrami, E., Logullo, F. O., Provinciali, L., . . . Coccia, M. (2018). Swallowing impairments in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Myotonic Dystrophy type 1: looking for the portrait of dysphagic patient in neuromuscular diseases. NeuroRehabilitation, 42(1), 93-102.

Bandini, A., Green, J. R., Wang, J., Campbell, T. F., Zinman, L., & Yunusova, Y. (2018). Kinematic features of jaw and lips distinguish symptomatic from presymptomatic stages of bulbar decline in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61(5), 1118-1129.

Jani, M. P., & Gore, G. B. (2016). Swallowing characteristics in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. NeuroRehabilitation, 39(2), 273-276.

Kuruvilla-Dugdale, M., & Chuquilin-Arista, M. (2017). An investigation of clear speech effects on articulatory kinematics in talkers with ALS. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, 31(10), 725-742.

Miller, R. G., Rosenberg, J. A., Gelinas, D. F., Mitsumoto, H., Newman, D., Sufit, R., . . . Brooks, B. R. (1999). Practice parameter: the care of the patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (an evidence-based review): report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology, 52(7), 1311-1311.

Nijssen, J., Comley, L. H., & Hedlund, E. (2017). Motor neuron vulnerability and resistance in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Acta neuropathologica, 133(6), 863-885.

Robison, R. D. (2015). The impact of lingual resistance training in two individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a case series.

Rong, P., & Green, J. R. (2019). Predicting speech intelligibility based on spatial tongue–jaw coupling in persons with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: The impact of tongue weakness and jaw adaptation. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(8S), 3085-3103.

Tabor, L., Gaziano, J., Watts, S., Robison, R., & Plowman, E. K. (2016). Defining swallowing-related quality of life profiles in individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Dysphagia, 31(3), 376-382.

Part 1




Date of Disease onset

Part 2

No problem

Mild problem

Medium problem

Severe problem

Swallowing problem leads to the loose weight

Swallowing issue interferes with my ability to take meals

Extra efforts are needed to Swallow the liquid

Swallowing is painful

Extra efforts are needed to swallow pills

Coughing is usually associated with swallowing

Swallowing is stressful

Part 3

Having a conversation with friends and family at home

Participate in the conversation with unknown people in quite a place

Conversation with family on the telephone

Conversation with strangers on the phone

Part of conversation in noisy environment

Have a conversation while traveling

Speak to a friend when emotionally angry and upset



Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

An American Experience

An American Experience

Ronald Lubin


American Experience

This paper will shed light on American experience using writings from the late 19th century. First writing is a journal article “Women and American Experience” written by Woloch Nancy, which explains the experience that women faced in late 19th century and how the experience is related to American dream. The article focuses on the challenges that women faced in achieving their status as a working-class in 19th century. American dream for most groups is simply their beliefs and making them into realities. What really attracted different groups of people to an American dream is freedom of choice. In late 19th century, women have been facing various difficulties to get recognized and to become contributing part of society. An American experience in women’s perspective is the challenges that women faced in achieving their dreams CITATION Wol84 \l 1033 (Woloch, 1984). American experience of women has changed with time on the basis of women’s intelligence, empowerment, and strength CITATION Law00 \l 1033 (Lawson). With the prospering economy of the country, women have been attracted to America because of equal rights they can have. Both men and women have helped in building America, women in America are no longer dreaming of getting marrying and having children. In this era, women are dreaming to become lawyers, doctors, engineers and CEOs which can be possible today as there are almost the same opportunities for women in America as that men get. For a woman an American experience is the struggles that they done to achieve their career goals. In the late 19th century women began leaving the status of “just a housewife”, and entered the formal workforce, becoming an equal competitor in job market. In the 19th century, the modern education system in America encourages kids to develop skills and work to achieve their own goals. With having equal opportunities and right of education, women in America have developed their own version of American dream based on their experiences. American experience of women in this era has strengthened women in American community.

The second writing which has been chosen for this paper is an article “The Black Man’s Burden” written by HT Johnson in 1899. The paper explains the struggles of African American community to get recognition, identity, and equality in United States. Africans who were brought to the United States in the early era were all slaves. There are many biographies of African American from early era to explain American experience of Black people. Black slavery ended in the 19th century, but African Americans face new difficulties in achieving equal status as white people. With the end of slavery after the civil war, African American community has realized that freedom is not just equal opportunities because of bias treatment of government and other people to the blacks. In this era African Americans were harshly punished for petty crimes, and the new concept of slavery has developed under the facilities of correction CITATION ame15 \l 1033 (Sinha). Black people were sentenced for a long time for small petty crimes, and eventually they will be doing labor work like in the era of slavery. In this era, African Americans dream about getting equally treated by other Americans. Another aspect that has been discussed by Johnson is the issue of identity of African Americans. According to the writer, blacks have to achieve their identity through their actions CITATION Joh99 \l 1033 (Johnson, 1899). A new American dream for the black community in this era is to get complete freedom according to the new definition of freedom. Along with getting absolute freedom, black people also struggle to get an equal opportunity as that of white people. Even if a black person gets his freedom, and had never been wrongly accused he still struggles to get a decent job. Unequal opportunities were not only subjected to the job market for African Americans. African Americans had to struggle for equal opportunities in education, healthcare, employment, and justice system.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Johnson, H. (1899). The Black Man's Burden. Voice of Missions. Retrieved from https://www.thatenglishteacher.com/uploads/6/6/8/5/6685188/johnson-theblackmansburden.pdf

Lawson, H. (2000). Ladies on the lot: Women, car sales, and the pursuit of the American dream. Retrieved from https://books.google.com.pk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=jl1LByCY6wcC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=Women+Perspective+on+American+Dream&ots=IKVooeexFz&sig=VdWkKYOeaB7Xq9CET6ZeVUoWO7w&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Women%20Perspective%20on%20American%20Dream&f=false

Sinha, A. (2015). Slavery by another name: Voluntary immigrant detainee labor and the thirteenth amendment. Retrieved from https://heinonline.org/hol-cgi-bin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/stjcrcl11&section=4

Woloch, N. (1984). Women and the American experience. (A. A. Knopf, Ed.)

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

An Analytical Essay About A Poem

Name of student

Name of institution

Name of instructor


Conflicts within self

In the poem, Singapore, there are many instances that show that the author has a lot of conflicts going on. The person that the author of the poem is referring to also has a lot of things going on within. The woman who is employed as a casual worker at the airport has a lot of things going on because she has to use the rag to be able to clean. The author feels that this should not be work that is done by the women but again she feels that there is nothing that the woman can do about it. Though it is not good for a woman to do such a job, it is not possible because she has to get a job that she can do to get income. The author talks about the fact that it is important for any person in a poem to be in nice places yet the author goes ahead to talk about a person who seems to be suffering. The author believes that a poem should be about good experiences and not suffering as depicted by the words in the poem. By saying that a person wants to stand in a good place in a poem, the author believes that the poem goes contrary to the normal. The normal depicts a person who is not standing in a good place. The person has to do odd jobs to be able to get income yet she should be standing in a good place because this is a poem.

Talking from the perspective of the woman, it is also evident that she has some level of conflict going on within her. One would expect that with her beauty, she would be doing a better job than the one she is currently doing. In the poem, the woman turns to look at the author and the author finds it hard to answer the facial expression that she has. The beauty and the embarrassment are contradicting. It shows some level of conflict within the person. The woman is depicted as not to be happy with the kind of job that she is doing. The fact that she is beautiful and embarrassed when she views shows that she is not contented with the kind of work she is doing. This also depicts to a great extent the fact that she has conflict going on within her. The author states that every person wants to be in a good place in a poem but looking at the woman and the kind of labor that she doing, it also shows conflicting ideas within the poem. The author wanted to show that it is important for a person to be happy yet the author still has to go ahead and present the situation of the woman. Beauty is associated with happiness and confidence but looking at the facial expression of the woman, it is possible to note that there is a great level of conflict in the manner in which she is doing things.

At the end o the poem, the author goes ahead to look at the world and logic in general. At the start, the author states that every person in the world wants to be in a good place but it is not always the case for many people. People end up places that have never wished to be in and as a result they have a lot of conflict going on. The truth is that there are many people who wish to be in good places but then it is not possible to have it because they world does not offer such a place. The poem has depicted the level of conflict that many people have all over the world.

Works cited

Singapore by Mary Oliver

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

An Unforgettable Experience


Professor name


15 August, 2019

An unforgettable experience

Every time I passes by Disney Land recall the an unforgettable experience of my childhood. The spot still provides the best scenic view and captures my attention. I always like to visit the place because it takes me to my childhood event. When I was 12 I visited The Fury with my parents and a cousin. Many things happened on the same day that made this visit part of my memory. I had experienced the fear and anxiety that was beyond my imagination.

It was Saturday afternoon when I left for Disney land with my parents. I was really excited and accepted the offer when my father set “lets go for a ride on the roller coaster”. I jumped to the offer because I always desired of it. I was so excited to sit on a gigantic coaster, everything seemed so colorful and amazing. My mother said “be careful! It’s scary”. I was not frightened and replied “ don’t worry mom. I want to be scared to death”. Then in 5 minutes the ride started and I had mixed feelings of excitement and anxiousness.

As the coaster gained momentum my heart started pounding. I closed my eyes and seized the seat tightly. I was really panicked and felt that I would fall because the speed was very high. I still remember the sweat was streaming down my face and I was unable to speak to my cousin who was sitting next to me. I shouted many times ‘please stop’, ‘please stop’. But I realized no one was listening so I decided to keep calm.

I was just praying for the ride to stop that didn’t happened before 15 minutes. When the ride finally stopped I was so relaxed and happy for being safe. Since that day I decided never to sit on a roller coaster.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Analyse How The Experience Of Isolation Is Given Representation Through The Characterisation Of Harry, Miles And One Other Character Of Your Choice In Favel Parrett’s Novel, Past The Shallows,

Your Name

Instructor Name

Course Number



The novel, Past the Shallows, is a moving piece of art. In this novel the teenage voices of three brothers are invoked together by the author. The first character is Harry who is the youngest of all three. The theme of isolation and tragedy is clearly evident from the representation of this character. Harry is a sweet little boy who is greatly neglected after the mother of these boys has died.

Harry has to suffer a lot and bears the brunt of his dad’s anger. “They wash up in the surf sometimes, the lost ones.” This quote has the technique of foreshadowing and is metaphorically referring to Harry himself. The themes of death, love and family invoke emotions in the readers.

The relationship between siblings and strangers prevails as the only remaining positive link between the characters. “And if you didn’t know better, you’d think that no one lived here anymore. That all these places were abandoned. But people were in there somewhere, hidden and burrowed in. They were there.” The technique of this quote is to hint towards the changing nature of human condition and its persisting qualities.

Multiple tragedies and a cruel behavior from his father broke Harry’s courage and he felt isolated from his contemporaries a million times throughout the plot. ‘I’ll never be a fisherman,’ Harry said. The author is trying to hint towards despair and the spirit of giving up. An in-depth reflection of this quote portrays a violent outcome of a traditional masculine expression.

The novel is hard-hitting story and is concentrated on the lives of Harry and his brother Miles. More often than not, Miles shoulders the responsibilities which his siblings don’t bear. He wants to grow up to be a craftsman and also loves to surf.

Miles was terrified that just like his grandfather this water will surround him completely and he will not be able to live his life up to a certain potential. This is evident from the quote,

“Water that was always there. Always everywhere. The sound and the smell and the cold waves making Harry different. And it wasn’t just because he was the youngest. He knew the way he felt about the ocean would never leave him now. It would be there always, right inside him.” The writer is trying to show Miles felt about the water and this quote is all about persuasion.

Miles also had a sense of wry humor about him because he was forced to grow up quickly and also had to do things to lighten up the mood.

“What should I find?” he asked.

“A shark egg.” Miles said.

And there was silence.

The author also showed the internal struggle of the character of Miles when he had to finally accept that he had to fill the gap of a dead relative.

“First day of school holidays. First day he must man the boat alone while the men go down. Old enough now, he must take his place. Just like his brother before him, he must fill the gap Uncle Nick left.” The author is trying to adapt a tone of utter despair and hopelessness in this quote in which he has succeeded as well.

The third character of this novel who has proven to be instrumental in reflecting the experience of isolation is Joe. Joe is the eldest of three brothers and escaped when he got the first chance, leaving his two brothers. The plot tells the readers that Joe is forced to take care of his brothers and he follows the footsteps of his grandfather to learn the skill of carpentry.

“Out past the shallows, past the sandy-bottomed bays, comes the dark water—black and cold and roaring. Rolling out an invisible path, a new line for them to follow.To somewhere warm.To somewhere new.”

This quote directly refers to Joe at as the novel concludes when he talks to his younger brothers about the places that they would visit.

The intricate inclusion of these characters chiefly allowed the experience of isolation to create a heart-wrenching impression on the readers.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600



[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

[Include any grant/funding information and a complete correspondence address.]

“What are you going to be” is a play written by Steven Korbar in 2011 with three main characters, Greg, Carol and their daughter Natalie. The character chosen for the analysis is Natalie and her motives, actions, conflicts, and emotions are explained in this analytical essay. Natalie is a young girl who has just reached her adolescence and in this play, she is preparing for Halloween and trying to wear an outfit that makes her unique. She is a very liberal and open-minded girl contrary to her parents. She is strictly against the notion of associating any physical display of culture and ethnic practices with common perceptions of society. Apart from having a liberal world view, she is also very open in expressing her ideas and views about culture, religion, and choices an individual makes in society. She not only believes in expressing her views but also in persuasion by enforcing her ideas even in front of parents who possess opposite views.

She has is a witty and clever girl and knows how to left others speechless during argumentation. She wanted to wear a ‘Burqa’ for Halloween while her parents were strongly against this decision. Greg, her father made a point that wearing Burqa in Halloween can possibly hurt their emotions and sentiments so she must refrain from wearing it. She replied “What would he like me to be; a white, male, Protestant who can prove he’s straight? ( Harbison,2013)”. This left Greg speechless and frustrated to a point that he started blaming her wife Carol for raising her loudmouth and disobedient. At the end of the play, she decided not to wear that burqa for Halloween to stop her parents from arguing with each other about the matter. She expressed her obedience in a very sarcastic way by pointing out the tendencies of racial and ethnic discriminations in her parents as “If my parents can’t handle somebody dressing a little different then I guess I was just expecting too much! Everyone has their secret little hates and prejudices, even my own mother and father (Harbison,2013) ”.


Harbison, L. (Ed.). (2013). The Best 10-minute Plays, 2013. Smith and Kraus.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300



Professor name




The narrator has no name and is motivated to inquire Mason de Sante and investigate the mental asylum. He engages in dialogues with Millard for exploring things about the asylum. He starts by observing the presence of a female and wonders if she is a patient. The narrator is a doctor motivated to find what is happening in the asylum and how new system is working CITATION Pet111 \l 1033 (Davies).

Monsieur Mallard is running the asylum and has a motive for offering liberty to the people who are mentally ill. Millarrd is insane and lacks denouncement. He adopted a ‘new system’ not to punish patients but for secretly allowed them to roam in the house and grounds. Watching them and Millard communicates through dialogues such as she introduces his niece to the narrator and tells that she is not a patient CITATION Ric68 \l 1033 (Benton).

The niece is just following the instructions of Millard and she is unaware who she really is. She is only living with the other patients in the asylum. Her initial encounter with narrator presents her as a confident girl but later she reveals her lunacy.

Dr. Tarr & Prof. Fether are not characters but symbolizes what patients had done to old workers. It is used for portraying insanity and delusion. Patients are living in an unreal and non-existent world that is unreal. They say things that lack truth and reflect their mental instability. Dr. Tarr & Prof. Fether don’t exist in the asylum and transmits the lunatic tendencies of the patients.

Work cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Benton, Richard P. "Poe’s “The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether”: Dickens or Willis? ." Poe Newsletter 1.1 (1968).

Davies, Peter. "The System of Dr Tarr and Professor Fether ." BMJ (2011).

Poe, Edgar Allan. Poetry, Tales, & Selected Essays. New York: Library of America, (1996).

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Analysis And Make Arguments About The Poem

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Analysis and Arguments about “Behind Grandma’s House”



           “Behind Grandma’s House” is recognized as one significant poetic work presented by Gary Soto. The most interesting aspect of this piece of literature is that the poet used different prominent and critical words as irony to present the main idea or theme to the audience. This particular poem is an illustration of the story of ten years boy who wants fame and attention of others. The overall reading of this poem indicates that he adopts different practical options to grab the attention of others. It is noteworthy to examine the setting and actual consideration of different words used in this poem to identify their actual significance. Moreover, it is also essential to determine the main argument developed by the poet to establish the fundamental theme of this poem. This paper focuses to critically analyze the placement of different words in case of this poem and evaluate the main argument established by the poet. 


           It is significant to indicate that different important words in the form of verbs used by the poet in this poem to present the main concept to the readers effectively and efficiently. There are some words in case of specific actions mentioned in this poem to deliver the main approach of a young boy who wants some tendency of attention by others. Exploration of particular actions of a boy is an essential point to determine the actual significance of words used by a poet in case of this literary piece. There are some prominent words in the form of necessary actions of boys described by the poet to deliver the actual aspiration of the speaker. The boy in this specific illustration is attempted to kicking over trash cans. Furthermore, he chucked light bulbs with the only attention to grab some form of responsiveness by others. There is consideration of some other words that help to identify the actions of a young kid. It is mentioned by a poet that he also flicked rocks at cats due to the same purpose. 

           There is also a consideration of many other words in this poem that helps readers to examine the deeds of a young kid. These certain words are recognized as during the practice when he kicked fences, shooed pigeons. Additionally, he also broke a branch from a flowering peach and the only purpose of all these actions is to get some level of attention by someone. He was keenly interested that his acts are registered by others. Consideration of specific words in the case of this poem reveals that the poet intentionally used some verbs to define the inner thoughts of a young boy. Adoption of different little deeds represents used as critical symbols to define the actual thought process of the speaker. It is critical to indicate that these words are often present in this poem to define the actual narrative of this poem. 

           Exploration of “last word” of this poem is also vital to critically analyze the overall approach of the poet. Consideration of “the last word” is also crucial because it is defined as an unexpected and turning point of the thematic prospect illustrated by a young boy as a speaker. The last word mentioned in this poem presented by speaker’s grandmother when she punched him between the eyes. Undoubtedly, it is one most unexpected action presented by the poet that eventually influence the overall approach of this poem. The last word by the speaker’s grandmother consists of her action of punching him with the ironic statement of: “let me help you.” Comprehensive analysis of the approach of words in case of this poem explicitly reveals the existence of unexpected events in life. The analysis of this poem can never be considered complete without the exploration of the actual last word. The actual last word of this poem appears in case of grandmother’s action when she punched his grandson for his actions. She adopted this approach because she wanted to control the speaker from an unnecessary domain of attention. The last word in this poem significantly involved the factor of pun. The action of punching considered by the poet to develop the prospect of multiple meanings to create a rhetorical effect. The last word in case of grandmother’s action defined the actual significance of the story delivered by a speaker about his life. 

           It is necessary to examine the actual approach that becomes the reason for all the activities adopted by a young kid in this poem. It is significant to demonstrate the actual factors that were driving forces for a young guy to adopt specific acts. Identification of all the activities of a young boy helps the audience to understand that he is one troublesome soul who is interested to get the attention of everyone. He is recognized as an individual who craved to present the tough side of his personality to others. Deep consideration of different actions of young kid revealed that he wanted to become the active part of others’ life. He wanted to be noticed and accepted by others by opting different practical deeds. The poet of this poem wanted to share that people are greatly willing to change their physical appearance in the form of different actions to impress others. The young boy adopted the approach of specific activities because he wants to be acknowledged and accepted by others as a bad boy. 


           In a nutshell, it is important to indicate that this particular poem is one crucial piece of literature to examine human psychology when they want to connect with others. It is established that young kid is interested to adopt everything to get some form of fame but lastly he got a punch from his grandmothers. The action by her grandmother is a clear indication that people around him did not agree with his approach of getting attention. 

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Analysis Article

Name of Student

Name of Professor

Name of Class

Day Month Year

Response to Danielle Allen’s Essay “What is Education For”

Danielle Allen raises valid points through his articles by giving the reference of the highest court in New York that every student in the state has the right to the civic education. In this regard, he focuses on the idea that education is not only the name of building vocational capacities rather it also deals with enhancing civic capabilities. The overall society is getting diverse, and that is the reason why citizens are required to work collectively across differences such as different prejudices, ideologies, cultures, income, and ethnicities. Furthermore, the civic agency can be viewed from cultural perspectives as values, symbols, and behaviors of life that that improve or diminish abilities for collaborative action. Subsequently, these practices can set the foundation for an initiative to upgrade sources of public downfall into the renewal of civic resources.

In other words, Danielle Allen meant that knowledge and education of an individual should be utilized for the greater good of the society. However, when people send their children to schools, they think that primary purpose of child's education is that he would be good in the calculation, history, geography, and other subjects, whereas they ignore the fundamental element of civic agency (Allen Danielle). In this respect, the policymakers are also responsible because while formulating education policies and curriculum they do not take into account the significance of citizenship which is one of the core social elements. Society needs to come close to each other and remove linguistic and cultural barriers. Through Civic Agency, skills are transferred from one individual to others, which eventually benefits society in a broader spectrum. Society has already gone through many inequalities; therefore, young individuals need to come forward and improve their civic capabilities so that a gap in society can be bridged. In this context, Allen gives a roadmap through his essay that designing a uniform system of education is not the only solution to bridge inequalities in the society.

The civic conception is the right approach to bring economic and democratic equality in the society, and it is all about participatory readiness at the school level. For that purpose, educational institutions and the schools need to raise their standards so that they can train the children right from the beginning in the context of civic participation. The author rightly identified the responsibility of people at the helm as they need to allocate more resources to schools to educate children so that they can be prepared for civic participation. If this idea is implemented in its true letter and spirit at the school level, then society will see a paradigm shift, and the social values will be transformed through this civic agency and participatory readiness.

Moreover, the model suggested by Allen demands a firm commitment from the public to make civic participation. Thus, not only the resources need to be allocated to the schools, the community should be trained about the challenges of the inequalities that are embedded in society. The public education is necessary because people of different age group can play their role in the development of society. In this way, the onus is not only on young school and college students. Several organizations and NGOs talk about equality and human rights but in reality, the role of their speeches does not seem to be effective, and one would feel that many often their narratives turn out to be rhetoric. The world has transformed into a global village, and the village comprises different classes and economic inequalities in society. The world will become a global village in a real sense when society gets rid of all the inequalities. If seeds of civic participation are sown today in schools and communities, then we will be able to see the outcomes in the near future as the results will not come overnight instead it will take some time. There is also a lot of division in political parties which indicates that there is political inequality as well which needs to be addressed, and the best way is the civic engagement of people as it would not only support political equality may result in economic fairness overall. In this respect, emphasis should be on subjects such as humanities and social sciences as they provide students with knowledge of society and the overall structure.

For students to become an active civic agent, they need to understand the dynamics of society, and they should be guided by their mentors that how can they effectively play their roles through civic participation. The righter critically analyzed that there is no effective model of civic agency in American culture. Also, the question arises that what tasks should be performed by civic agencies. In this regard, first should be the fair-minded discussion on public issues. This concept is derived from Athenian citizens. Secondly, visionary works aimed at changing overall society values which includes public perception and communication literature, this is now known as "frame-shifting".

Moreover, in response to Danielle Allen’s essay, Deborah Meier rightly described that association between liberal arts and political participation is a class difference and the parallels cannot be drawn with socioeconomic status. Also, for the students who belong to the same socioeconomic background the focus on social sciences and humanities would provide them with the opportunity for active political participation. The due attention was not paid to the differential impact on the civic progress of humanistic education even though it is very critical. The humanistic aspect of education backs the development of participatory readiness. The primary focus should be on getting equality for poor and underprivileged people. Also, the author rightly points at the shortcomings at the K-12 and college level education that extra-curricular activities and other programs are dwindling, and as a result students do not seem to be taking an interest in civic participation instead they either stick to their course books and the tools such as PC, smartphones, and tablets.

The response of Carlos Fraenkel is also balanced in a way that he rightly describes that wise sailors are needed to strengthen the overall system of democracy. Also, the parallels of Allen's essay was drawn with Platonism by Fraenkel by saying that in democracy a right man may not be elected by people, whereas the society needs wise people more. According to Fraenkel the system proposed by Allen would benefit society in the long run because the curriculum based on civic engagement and participation would produce wise, sympathetic and considerate individuals who would bring equality in all respects. The citizens with the civic, educational background will believe in collective happiness. They would be able to set the direction of society in their own way which will be the right approach.

Finally, Danielle Allen emphasizes civic agency, which means that children should be trained in school to participate within communities to remove inequalities from the society effectively. In this regard, the main focus should be on subjects like Humanities and Social Sciences because these enable students to learn the dynamics of society. People need to change the perception about education as it is not only about being well versed in Mathematics, Science and Technology rather participatory readiness is essential. Through participatory readiness and active civic participation, society will see a positive change in the form of political, educational, and economic fairness.

Works Cited

"What Is Education For?". Boston Review, 2019, http://bostonreview.net/forum/danielle-allen-what-education.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Analysis Essay

Submitted by

Submitted to



Blackfish Movie Analysis

In 1991, a tragic story occurred. Right during the show, the Tilikum killer whale, or just Tilly, who was born in the natural habitat ten years earlier, along with two other killer whales, dragged the trainer Kelty Byrne under the water. The trainer died, and her badly damaged body could only be reached after a few hours. Tilikum was then held at Sea land Aquarium in Canada; after the tragedy, this aquarium was closed, and all the whales were sold. For his shows, Tilikum acquired SeaWorld. In 2010, after the next show, the killer whale dragged under the trainer Down Branch, who was doing massage to the animal - she died. And the man who was trying to get to Tilly in the pool. But even after these incidents, SeaWorld did not even think of abandoning the orca performance. The Tilikum continued to speak.

Orcas have been a symbol of the American SeaWorld network for decades, for the sake of these trained mammals, spectators came to water shows and especially went to oceanariums. SeaWorld has largely changed the way Americans think of killer whales as dangerous inhabitants of the sea (like sharks) and turned them into extremely popular animals that children like and happily perform tricks to the delight of the public (just like dolphins).

It is the three deaths associated with Tilly's whale that the Blackfish film, released in 2013. He tells what the maintenance of killer whales in captivity leads to as animal rights advocates argue, attacks occur since, in confined spaces, whales become aggressive. Another argument of the animal advocate is a reduction in the life expectancy of killer whales, which in nature live on average 30-50 years. The killer whale Tilikum slammed into the water and slammed the water, winning the audience applause, but the blood behind it was cruel and cruel--"Tillicum" killed three people. A new documentary pursued its motives, revealing that losing freedom and rigorous training made it physically and mentally traumatized (Burford, Caitlyn, and Julie16).

  "Tilikum" is the star of SeaWorld Orlando, Florida. Its most memorable "performance" is the sudden abhorrence during the 2010 performance, bringing trainer Dawn Brancheau I bite my waist and sway to the bottom and drowned. It also killed two people in 1991 and 1999 respectively. One was a trainer, and the other was secretly hiding. After the park closed, he jumped into the pool and might want to get close to the killer whale.

  Experts say that wild killer whales don't kill people casually, so after the tragedy three years ago, Gabriela Cowperthwaite decided to follow the story of Tilikum and make a documentary about Blackfish. "Tilikum" was born in the wild. He was caught near Iceland in 1983. From then on, he lost his freedom and was forced to learn to play. He was forced to live in a small pool and was bullied by other killer whales (Cowperthwaite1).

  Former Marine World employees frankly disapproved of the practice of detaining killer whales. Take Tilikum, for example. It has been swimming with the mother and family for hours and has been swimming in the ocean. Detaining it will make it hurt. There are also fragments of other killer whales that do evil or even hurt the trainers.

  The documentary was released at the Independent Film Festival earlier, and it was well-received. The sound of the bombing of Orlando's Sea World increased. The film has been scheduled to be released in the United States and the United States in July. This is a sensitive moment for the SeaWorld Orlando, where Ocean World Group, which has 11 theme parks, plans to list on the New York Stock Exchange this year. I think this documentary should also be known to more people. It is clear from how the killer whale Tilikum was caught, trained for performance, some trainers accidentally attacked, later, and the lawsuit. In addition to sigh or sigh. The greatest enemy of all creatures is humanity (Pierce21).

In the inside, when the world of SeaWorld was the first time that human beings were killed, they had suspended business, but later they relapsed. Ignorant trainers play one by one, assuming you are injured, it doesn't matter, some individuals will replace your position. The next trainer will not know what happened to the former trainer. I think the lifestyle of the killer whale is very interesting. They are social animals and are mainly mothers. And when the child comes out, the child will follow his mother almost all his life. Different groups have different ways of standardizing and communicating.

The person who caught the whale inside was interviewed. He said that he only sent to kill the killer whale, but he didn't know why. When the killer whales are trapped, the adult male killer whales will be caught by a group of dead people, while the female killer whales will escape with the children. But the human beings are catching the killer whale children, so the last child was taken away, that is, the Tilikum in the documentary. At the moment when it was ready to be transported, the original killer whales did not swim but stayed to mourn.

Work cited

Burford, Caitlyn, and Julie Schutten. "interneural activists and the “Blackfish effect”:

contemplating captive Orcas’ Protest rhetoric through a coherence Frame." Frontiers in Communication 1 (2017): 16.

Cowperthwaite, Gabriela, and Gabriela Cowperthwaite. Blackfish. NFP, 2014.

Pierce, Ashley. "SeaWorld and the Blackfish: The Lack of Two-Way Symmetrical

Communication and Finding the Correct Message." (2015).21

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Analysis Essay

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]





Early child marriage has become a global issue and is especially widespread in Cameroon. Particularly, early child marriage is prevalent in the north of the country. It has become a kind of violence against women and girls. Early child marriages are harming young girls mentally and physically and at the same time, this practice is affecting sexual, reproductive, and psychological wellbeing of young girls. In early marriage, both partners could be of same age but mostly this type of marriages take place between an older partner and an underage girl. In Cameroon, the legal age of marriage is 15 for girls and 18 for boys. It has been analyzed that there are various causes why girls in Cameroon are bound in forced marriages at a tender age. Gender inequality, belief of girls being inferior to boys, poverty, traditional perspectives and mindset of people are the main driving forces that give lifetime torture to young children in Cameroon. Power imbalance, lack of awareness and traditional attitudes in Cameroon are decisive elements that push young children (especially girls) towards marriage. Many organizations are trying to rule out this monopoly of ancient traditions in which girls are being looked upon as feeble individuals who are meant for marriage since birth.


Early child marriage has become a hot issue; especially in countries like Cameroon that appeal to many national and international organizations for coming on the front foot to fight against this unjust practice. It has been analyzed that many feminist associations are making people aware by running campaigns so that they could help young children (specifically girls) who are falling a victim of this unethical practice. This fact cannot be denied that without the help of political and government assistance, it’s hard to combat this issue of early child marriage. Though many solutions have been provided and one of the most important solutions is legal handling. Cameroon is committed to eliminate early marriage by 2030. Legal resolutions and bills are presented so that this issue could be brought in limelight. Cameroon is trying to ratify the African Charter on Human, People's Rights and welfare of the child including Article 21 regarding child marriage prohibition. Every solution comes with some pros and cons, likewise, this legal solution has positive as well as negative points. Legal ratification cannot be challenged so it paves the way for Cameroon for making it free from early child marriage for long terms. Legal bills and resolutions would bind people to follow them without any opposition. Legal protection gives self-confidence to girls and all those who are against early child marriage. On the other hand, it is a fact that legal enactments take long for implementation. Lack of political will for legal ratification has been observed as an obstacle.

Second solution for eliminating early child marriage is that there is a need to break the monopoly of traditional and cultural norms that encourages forced and early child marriages. Traditional and cultural norms could be witnessed as the main driver force behind early child marriage. There is a need to change perception of society as girls were looked upon as fragile and infertile individuals. Many organizations are trying to change the mindset of society. Social awareness and mobilization of families and communities could be looked upon as the second important solution for which many feminist associations and organizations are trying to educate the parents. Traditional and societal norms should be forgotten that force girls in their early life to get married by using so called logics. Widening of the views regarding early child marriage would help in decreasing number of early child marriages. This solution could be implemented in short time and would prove as one of the lasting solutions. Positive change in the traditional system of early child marriage could prove as most effective solution for years. It is hard to take people back from their track specially which they have been following for years. Encouraging people to deviation from their traditional path may pose many challenges for those who wanted to bring a positive change in society. Another factor that has been observed is, the expectations of girls may become so high that they start forgetting to compromise on things that were considered compulsory for them in the past.

The third solution that could be looked upon for reducing the number of early child marriages in Cameroon is empowering the females. Youngsters especially girls must be educated and skilled as they are often seen as economic burden. Low self-esteem is the greatest risk of early child marriage. Empowering girls would provide them confidence. It would not only change the lives of girls but the whole society could be reformed. They could be made a useful member of society and through empowerment programs, girls could be provided a social identity in Cameroonian society. Though there are innumerable positive sides of empowering girls, but at the same time, many negative factors are also attached with this solution, such as need of sincere support from parents' side that is hard to achieve. This solution may lack political and legal support as girl empowerment clashes with traditional and cultural norms of Cameroon.

Legal ratifications, change of ancient traditional and cultural norms and empowering girls all are practical and effective solutions that could be used for eliminating the issue of early child marriage in Cameroon (Marcos Delprato et al.). Each of the presented solutions may seem better than others because of certain supporting factors. It could be seen that legal amendments and ratifications of certain articles may strongly support the idea of eliminating this issue of early child marriage. It is better than the other two solutions because it would be implemented uniformly so every individual would be following it. It would be difficult to disobey laws and doing things against legal statements as there would be some consequences as well that the violators would face. Protection provided by the government seems to be the strongest of all.

Changing traditional and cultural mindset seems to be the best solution among all; it would serve as lasting change if brought. Though changing of social attitudes of people is a tough task but once it’s done, it serves as the most beneficial solution of all. It assures protection for centuries as legal ratifications could be challenged and changed but breaking of unjust social practices and replacing them with favorable ones would last for years. Breaking of traditional and cultural practices harms not only future victims of early marriage but all cast equal damaging effects on the society as a whole (Becke et al, pp. 200-219). This solution is better than the other two because if once the girls are being given this message by the society that they are not an economic burden and are not at all inferior to boys, their self-esteem could be protected.

Empowering girls appeal most to the feminist associations as they are trying all their resources for protecting and assuring them of a great future. Empowering programs makes girls skillful that would remain with them forever. Skills enable them to rely on their own and change the traditional perception about them. Empowering girls could be considered a better solution than the rest other two as these two provide the legal and social security only but empowering programs would raise their self-confidence and they won’t be considered a burden on society, this satisfaction is missing in other two solutions (Mutyaba et al, pp. 339–355). Empowerment solution also beats the other two as by empowering girls with education, skills, and exposure they would be defining their ways that would make them a useful part of the society. Making girls a useful part of society would help Cameroon in excelling others countries. If early child marriage would be discouraged and girls would be skilled they would be able to contribute to their society effectively and as a whole, a positive role would be performed by girls (Bangha et al, pp. 1-18). Females if skilled and then married at an appropriate age, they could play a constructive role in child-rearing and as a whole society could be reformed as Napoleon said, “Give me good mothers and I shall give you a great nation!” According to Universal Periodic Review, Cameroon agreed to intensify awareness campaigns for families, local authorities, religious and traditional leaders to effectively fight against early child marriage.


Taking a look at the above discussion, it has been analyzed that early child marriage is still prevailing in most of the countries and Cameroon is one of them. Early child marriage should be eliminated from Cameroon by finding possible solutions. Legal and social solutions are being offered by organizations and legal authorities so that this issue of early marriage could be eliminated and girls could be provided with a sense that they are also an important part of the society and are no more an economic burden on their families. So as a whole, it could be concluded that creating awareness among families, authorities, and communities of Cameroon is essential for coping with this issue of early marriage.

Work Cited

Bangha, Martin W. "How Early is the Timing of Family Formation in Rural Cameroon?." African Population Studies 18.1 (2003): 1-18.

Becke, Sophia Daphne, Stephan Bongard, and Heidi Keller. "Attachment as a Collective Resource: Attachment Networks During Middle Childhood in a Cameroonian Clan." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 50.2 (2019): 200-219.

Marcos Delprato, and Kwame Akyeampong. “The Effect of Early Marriage Timing on Women’s and Children’s Health in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southwest Asia.” Annals of Global Health, no. 3–4, 2017, p. 557. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.aogh.2017.10.005.

Mutyaba, Rita. “Early Marriage: A Violation of Girls’ Fundamental Human Rights in Africa.” International Journal of Children’s Rights, vol. 19, no. 2, July 2011, pp. 339–355. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1163/157181811X584514.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Analysis Essay : Looker Koenigs

[Your Name]

[Instructor Name]

[Course Number]


Analysis Essay: Looker Koenigs


Postmodernism is credited with challenging the status quo and breaking the stereotypes throughout the world, post-structuralism is one of the prominent movements of postmodern era. Post-structuralism observes how language is constructed and how ideas are associated with it. Samantha Looker Koenigs writes in the introduction to Chapter 2 in her book Language Diversity and Academic Writing: A Bedford Spotlight Reader, “We notice when someone's language is different from ours, and many times we perceive that difference as indicating something about a person's identity, personality, or intelligence” (Looker, Samantha. P.p. 176). She argues that people living in diverse societies like American society also stereotype the other people on the basis of their dressing, behavior, and way of talking. American Whites have stereotypes regarding American Blacks and vice versa. Regional stereotypes among southerners and Ney Yorkers also exist. Moreover, she talks about some features that make a male sound like a gay. The article Students Challenge Negative Perceptions of Spanglish discusses Professor Meghann Peace who teaches his students who speak Spanglish not to stereotype their language inferior to the other Americans. DS Bigham’s article also gives an overview of the phenomenon that some people are stereotyped as sounding like gay, but now few people feel inferiority complex because of such stereotypes. A gay guy David made his video to share his experience of sounding gay, he interviewed many people and asked about his accent, but he got mixed replies from the interviewees. Koenigs claim appears true that many people are stereotyped on the basis of their accent, and their sexuality, social background, etc. are judged.


Looker Koenigs’ introductory paragraphs shed light on a popularly unpopular issue of stereotyping or judging people on the basis of their accent in America. She says that New Yorker accent is associated with rudeness by the southerners whereas southern accent is termed as unintelligent and less sophisticated cum professional by the New Yorkers. According to her claim, if a well-educated and intelligent person would speak in typical southern dialect, he/she will not appeal a New Yorker as a wise and educated person. The reason of this factor is history, southern part of America is comparatively less developed than New York and literacy rate is also not very high there. A particular southern culture prevails there. The New Yorkers on the other side appear shrewd because they live in the epicenter of America having more refined education and civilization. The other argument of Koenigs is about stereotyping among Blacks and Whites. Again, Whites have an upper hand in looking or sounding like sophisticated and intelligent people. History is again best explainer of the phenomenon here. Blacks belong to Africa which is lagging behind world in civilization and Whites have European backgrounds who are still leading the world in civilization (Looker, Samantha. P.p.176). Additionally, they lived in America as masters and slaves for centuries, this opposite co-existence developed two or more different dialects. The final argument in the introduction indicates towards one other stereotype that is gender-based. She quotes Kathryn Campbell-Kibler who investigated how men are stereotyped as gay because they speak in a certain way.

The provided articles and the video portray some practical experiences where people’s gender is judged when they speak particular words in a particular accent. The article Sounding Gay, Punk, or Jock: What Language Says About Your Social Group by DS Bigham notes that Stanford University linguist Penny Eckert was one of the first scholars who looked at the relationship between social groups and linguistic styles (Chung, Sheng Kuan. P.p). She argued that if people modify words like hot, bus and bed more like hat, boss, and bud they are stereotyped about their gender and they are asked “are you gay?” Bigham argues that the time is over when people used to care about being stereotyped rather now being gay or looking like gay or sounding like gay has become a fashion that people adopt such identity. Bigham’s argument reveals that people who adopt such appearance are sure that they would be stereotyped (Blashill, Aaron J., and Kimberly K. Powlishta. P.p. 783-793). David is a gay who felt uncomfortable with being stereotyped and he approached many people on public places and scholars at their homes to ask if he sound like a gay and if something is wrong in that. Some people acknowledged that he looks like gay, but some others denied. The answer of his second question was almost same from the majority of the audiences some of them were gay also. They said that there is nothing odd or wrong in being gay or sounding like gay. He also approached a doctor who said him to modify some of his words but she also said that there was nothing wrong in sounding like a gay.

The article Students Challenge Negative Perceptions of Spanglish also endorses that people in America who speak English in Spanish accent are judged by their accent that they speak the language wrong. Professor Meghann Peace claims that different accents of a language do not and cannot determine the intelligence or intellect of a person, and Spanglish accent is as good as other refined accents of English in America.


Looker Koenigs’ introduction to the chapter 2 of her mentioned book looks upon the identities of the people from a linguistic perspective. She argues that although the world has become too smart that no one’s intellect or capabilities can be measured, but many people still stereotype others on the basis of their accents. Their regional backgrounds were judged and when it was not enough people started judging others’ gender terming someone gay if he speaks in an effeminate way.

Works Cited

Blashill, Aaron J., and Kimberly K. Powlishta. "Gay stereotypes: The use of sexual orientation as a cue for gender-related attributes." Sex roles 61.11-12 (2009): 783-793.

Chung, Sheng Kuan. "Media literacy art education: Deconstructing lesbian and gay stereotypes in the media." International journal of art & design education 26.1 (2007): 98-107.

Looker, Samantha. "Writing about Language: Studying Language Diversity with First-Year Writers." Teaching English in the Two Year College 44.2 (2016): 176.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Analysis Essay Of Fought, Are White People Ethnic? Whiteness, Dominance, And Ethnicity

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Analysis of Fought’s, Are White People Ethnic?

The central principle of studying whiteness is to read history and its influence on the present, inspired by postmodernism, in which, racial superiority concept emerged and developed against a discrimination contrary to nonwhite or other races. Research on whiteness is an interdisciplinary field of research that began in the United States, especially from the end of the 20th century. Those who labelled as white have a certain social contrast of social construct of “whiteness “simply as an ideology. It is also associated with social status associated with social, historical and sociological concept of label “whiteness”.

The ideologies associated with linguistic aspects of whiteness often correlate with social aspects.

The critical view of sounding white occurs over and over in a number of different ethnic groups. Consequently, investigation of studied the concept of white , as being not about some important quality of people, but about the leading philosophies of race in a specific culture at a precise moment in time, in the similar way that all investigations of race must be understood.( Fought 115). Since the 19th century, some authors have claimed that phenotypic meanings accredited to detailed races do not have a biological connotation, and consequently a race is not a valid biological idea. Another theme in the depiction of the “white “disguise is what might be labeled carelessness.( Fought 120)

The privilege of identifying and separating oneself from other groups is one of the undisputable privileges of whiteness. Because of the racial socialization defined above, the “whiteness as a privilege” model claims that whiteness is considered not so much by racial prejudice (i.e., racism), but by racial source of pride. “Whitness is often linked with education and or rational positioning (Fought 116)

How are social stereotypes about who white people are (middle class, educated, not particularly masculine or "cool") connected to linguistic stereotypes about how they speak (standard and sometimes overly correct)?

The ultimate perspective on whiteness and language is the most interesting. It comprises the link among whirtness and lingustic varities that the locally marked.The African-American students in Ogbu’s (1999)study listed “valley talk”. Both the terms “whiteness’ and privilege endure in educationand learning after versions of Jim Crow's segregationist ideology that was lost due to legal and political collaspe. “Confidentiality and the discourse of individualism mask white fear and new forms of exclusion in modern education, says scientist Charles R. Lawrence III”( Helms20). it means that whitness works as amask to hide the true identity . For example, New York Times columnist Farhad Manjoo has denied a "racist and misogynistic theory that white people are experiencing an existential decline" due to rising immigration and declining birth rates. "Actually, the whole argument comes down to this; being pure rhetoric, this theory is in its depth comparable to today's popular notions of a flat Earth, unless it lacks the scientific rigor that the defenders of the latter strive for." In other words, it is ridiculously false, and this is obvious. True Manju does not explain why this is so. “The future is incomprehensible, and demography is an inaccurate science,” she assures the reader.

Fought notes that the specific evidence almost denies the concept of the role of struggle in history and how is played a part in creating the concept of “whiteness”. This concept is further known as the primary source of whiteness and all these primary sources that denotes to enhance the concept of “whiteness”.

Although, whiteness has so many diverse meanings that the word "is unknown but a poignant target." Helms, (2005) notes that scholars involved in research on whiteness are in the extreme left-wing radical spectrum and proposes that their outward flaw with deference to white Americans is comparatively due to the fact that white workers do not accomplish the guesses of the Marxist model that the working class will dazed racial and class variances get together and upheaval capitalism (Helms20).

Additionally, one key feature of the philosophy of whiteness is that whiteness is “not cool”, or “unhip”( Fought 117).this shows that whiteness is concept of superiority but not of personality traits like the term cool. The stereo type of white are associated with education , class, personality and linguistic abilities. Three basic perceptions on language and whiteness appear to be leading in the societies that have been the emphasis of current anthropological and sociolinguistic researches

In what ways might these stereotypes reinforce each other and discourage people from seeing a fuller picture of white people and their speech?

The first thing is the way how white speaker speaks standard English. It is not easy to explain but it is well associated with ideologies. Another concept that is associated with the concept of whines and linguistic stereotype is the level and standard of English used by white speakers. It is assumed that they know beyond basic English more likely super standard for grammar and vocabulary.

Particular region stereotype is often stigmatized with the concept of whiteness for example, the terms lie “valley girl”, or New York City dialects. But all of the concept that are associated with whiteness is not clearly and fully fit in to this category. Nor theses perspectives found in sociolinguistic studies of language and ethnicity.( Fought 117)

Finally, racism and whiteness are integrally and exclusive for Americans. But for Fought who completely rejects the argument, the concept of whiteness associated with white intelligent, rich and educated people. And she expresses apprehension about the "belief in moral the emptiness of whiteness, is still there and that is why some white behave or adopt other cultures like African or Indian to hide this emptiness. " She personally put “whiteness” in quotation marks because she was shying away by using the term” whiteness”.

Works cited

Helms, JE (2005). Updating the White Helmet and people with color racial identity patterns. A

guide to multicultural counseling. In JG Ponterotto, JM Casas, LA Suzuki and CM Alexander (Eds.). A guide to multicultural counseling. (p. 181-198). Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications.

Fought, C. Language and ethnicity; "Writing about Language: Studying Language Diversity with

First-Year Writers." Teaching English in the Two-Year College 44.2 (2016): 176.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Analysis Essay Of Fought, Are White People Ethnic? Whiteness, Dominance, And Ethnicity

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Analysis of Fought’s, Are White People Ethnic?

The central principle of studying whiteness is to read history and its influence on the present, inspired by postmodernism, in which, racial superiority concept emerged and developed against a discrimination contrary to nonwhite or other races. Research on whiteness is an interdisciplinary field of research that began in the United States, especially from the end of the 20th century. Those who labelled as white have a certain social contrast of social construct of “whiteness “simply as an ideology. It is also associated with social status associated with social, historical and sociological concept of label “whiteness”.

Consequently, investigation of studied the concept of white , as being not about some important quality of people, but about the leading philosophies of race in a specific culture at a precise moment in time, in the similar way that all investigations of race must be understood.( Fought 115). Since the 19th century, some authors have claimed that phenotypic meanings accredited to detailed races do not have a biological connotation, and consequently a race is not a valid biological idea. Another theme in the depiction of the “white “disguise is what might be labeled carelessness.( Fought 126)

The privilege of identifying and separating oneself from other groups is one of the undisputable privileges of whiteness. Because of the racial socialization defined above, the “whiteness as a privilege” model claims that whiteness is considered not so much by racial prejudice (i.e., racism), but by racial source of pride. “Whitness is often linked with education and or rational positioning (Fought 116)

Both the terms “whiteness’ and privilege endure in educationand learning after versions of Jim Crow's segregationist ideology that was lost due to legal and political collaspe. “Confidentiality and the discourse of individualism mask white fear and new forms of exclusion in modern education, says scientist Charles R. Lawrence III”( Helms20). it means that whitness works as amask to hide the true identity . For example, New York Times columnist Farhad Manjoo has denied a "racist and misogynistic theory that white people are experiencing an existential decline" due to rising immigration and declining birth rates. "Actually, the whole argument comes down to this; being pure rhetoric, this theory is in its depth comparable to today's popular notions of a flat Earth, unless it lacks the scientific rigor that the defenders of the latter strive for." In other words, it is ridiculously false, and this is obvious. True Manju does not explain why this is so. “The future is incomprehensible, and demography is an inaccurate science,” she assures the reader.

Fought notes that the specific evidence almost denies the concept of the role of struggle in history and how is played a part in creating the concept of “whiteness”. This concept is further known as the primary source of whiteness and all these primary sources that denotes to enhance the concept of “whiteness”.

Although, whiteness has so many diverse meanings that the word "is unknown but a poignant target." Helms, (2005) notes that scholars involved in research on whiteness are in the extreme left-wing radical spectrum and proposes that their outward flaw with deference to white Americans is comparatively due to the fact that white workers do not accomplish the guesses of the Marxist model that the working class will dazed racial and class variances get together and upheaval capitalism (Helms20).

Additionally, one key feature of the philosophy of whiteness is that whiteness is “not cool”, or “unhip”( Fought 117).this shows that whiteness is concept of superiority but not of personality traits like the term cool. The stereo type of white are associated with education , class, personality and linguistic abilities. Three basic perceptions on language and whiteness appear to be leading in the societies that have been the emphasis of current anthropological and sociolinguistic researches

The first thing is the way how white speaker speaks standard English. It is not easy to explain but it is well associated with ideologies. Another concept that is associated with the concept of whines and linguistic stereotype is the level and standard of English used by white speakers. It is assumed that they know beyond basic English more likely super standard for grammar and vocabulary.

Particular region stereotype is often stigmatized with the concept of whiteness for example, the terms lie “valley girl”, or New York City dialects. But all of the concept that are associated with whiteness is not clearly and fully fit in to this category. Nor theses perspectives found in sociolinguistic studies of language and ethnicity.( Fought 117)

Finally, racism and whiteness are integrally and exclusive for Americans. But for Fought who completely rejects the argument, the concept of whiteness associated with white intelligent, rich and educated people. And she expresses apprehension about the "belief in moral the emptiness of whiteness, is still there and that is why some white behave or adopt other cultures like African or Indian to hide this emptiness. " She personally put “whiteness” in quotation marks because she was shying away by using the term” whiteness”.

Works cited

Helms, JE (2005). Updating the White Helmet and people with color racial identity patterns. A

guide to multicultural counseling. In JG Ponterotto, JM Casas, LA Suzuki and CM Alexander (Eds.). A guide to multicultural counseling. (p. 181-198). Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications.

Fought, C. Language and ethnicity; "Writing about Language: Studying Language Diversity with

First-Year Writers." Teaching English in the Two-Year College 44.2 (2016): 176.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Analysis Of A Theme In A Short Story

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Instructor Name

Course Number


Theme Analysis- I stand here ironing by Tillie Olsen

The short stories normally tend to reflect the personal experiences of authors. The themes of such stories revolve around the personal experiences and about their understandings regarding the pressing aspects of life. This short story titled I stand here authored by Tillie Olsen is also the reflection of her life. This sort of story was originally published in 1961 and has been referred by many authors in their scholarly works. The central character of this short story is Emily, who is living a life away from her mother. Her mother has been through some difficult times in her life and for such reasons she could not provide her children with the life they needed. Emily's mother has also experienced some worst times in her personal life, one of which was the time when her husband left her in search of a better life for himself. Emily believed that because of such worst experiences of her, she remained unable to enjoy her time with her children. These experiences have developed her life into a feeling of sorrow and painful experience. Everything related to her children makes her remember that what she has lost. In her last phases of life when she is left alone, she believes that she is living a life away from her children which is slowly moving her towards the end of life. I stand here ironing is about how life is worst in the absence of the most loved relations and how regression becomes an enduring piece of one’s life if anyone doesn't cherish the presence of children.

Olsen has made use of metaphors in this short story. In the very beginning of the story, she has presented the idea about motherhood, her character, Emily's mother has been through this experience five times. At times, when she lived with her newborn she believed that being a mother is not what could be the ultimate end product of anyone's life. For her the vision and idea about life were different. She wanted to make herself more close to her husband so she can enjoy every moment of his presence. But unfortunately, such times for her couldn't last long. Her husband left her in a span of some time. The time turned bad for Emily's mother and she started treating herself as the one responsible for these bad times. The last note her husband wrote to her mentioned: "we could no longer endure this relationship ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"mxTv6BWf","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Olsen 292)","plainCitation":"(Olsen 292)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1146,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/E3CWJFQI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/E3CWJFQI"],"itemData":{"id":1146,"type":"book","title":"I stand here ironing","publisher":"ProQuest LLC","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Olsen","given":"Tillie"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2002"]]}},"locator":"292","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Olsen 292)”. This was what had been the pressing thought for her for the times throughout her life. She believed that the presence of children and lack of financial support from her husband has resulted in separation. He mentioned in his last note as what has forced him to go far away from her was his idea of “sharing want with us ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"xF4upQr5","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Olsen 293)","plainCitation":"(Olsen 293)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1146,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/E3CWJFQI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/E3CWJFQI"],"itemData":{"id":1146,"type":"book","title":"I stand here ironing","publisher":"ProQuest LLC","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Olsen","given":"Tillie"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2002"]]}},"locator":"293","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Olsen 293)”. She believes that there is no other reason for him going far away from her other than his desire to spend the time together. Her five children and the expanded financial need have forced him to leave which he has referred to as the end of want between them.

Among her five children, Olsen’s character is attached to her elder daughter which she believes is most attached to her. Olsen has named this character as Emily. Emily is also what her mother believes her partner of the times of joy and sorrow. The time when Emily was born, her mother cherished that moment a lot. Emily makes her remember that time as well. She had spent a considerable time nursing her and taking care of her needs. But it all changed after the birth of her other children. Similarly, the times moved on and Emily had to leave her mother to support their financial burden. This was the time of much sorrow for her mother. She is experiencing one of her most precious belonging coming and going away from her. Every time when Emily say goodbye to her mother, which Olsen have mentioned as “I will have to leave in some times ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"F4UQxLKc","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Olsen 305)","plainCitation":"(Olsen 305)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1146,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/E3CWJFQI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/E3CWJFQI"],"itemData":{"id":1146,"type":"book","title":"I stand here ironing","publisher":"ProQuest LLC","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Olsen","given":"Tillie"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2002"]]}},"locator":"305","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Olsen 305)”. This makes her mother feel depressed and alone and in order to divert her attention away from her, she starts to Iron something. The relation of Emily's mother and Emily is the important theme of this short story. Olsen has developed this relationship in the most inspiring and attractive way possible. She has written about the times when they are together and when Emily departs. During her stay Emily’ mother kept her urging to stay with her for some more time. She says “Can’t you go some other time ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"xYojcL6p","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Olsen 308)","plainCitation":"(Olsen 308)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1146,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/E3CWJFQI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/E3CWJFQI"],"itemData":{"id":1146,"type":"book","title":"I stand here ironing","publisher":"ProQuest LLC","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Olsen","given":"Tillie"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2002"]]}},"locator":"308","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Olsen 308)”, which shows that her mother cherishes the presence of her.

There is one other important theme shared by Olsen in I stand here ironing, which is about the character of Emily. Emily is the beautiful lady who has now grown up and has turned toward the practical world. This is not as beautiful as she has been raised by her mother. Emily's mother has been too protective of her. She has raised her in the most mannered way possible but not at everywhere she is there to protect her from the ills present outside. Emily who is an Asthma patient needs care and protection from many things in an open environment. This makes her mother more careful and protective of her. Whenever Emily returns back to her home, she finds her mother ironing something. She mentions her "to leave ironing every single thing of the home ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"DQehMNDO","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Olsen 320)","plainCitation":"(Olsen 320)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1146,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/E3CWJFQI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/E3CWJFQI"],"itemData":{"id":1146,"type":"book","title":"I stand here ironing","publisher":"ProQuest LLC","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Olsen","given":"Tillie"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2002"]]}},"locator":"320","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Olsen 320)”. Emily is not aware that her mother does so in order to distract her mind from the thoughts of her children and from the one who has left her long ago. Emily which is now busy in her life has with time forgotten that her mother needs her attention. But at the same time, other ideas seem prevailing which is about the freedom Emily needs in order to remake and enjoy her own life. Since this short story is focused on the characters of Emily and her mother, therefore Olsen has remained too general in describing her lives. This has helped in developing the plot for this story.

I stand here Ironing is a collection of themes that appears very natural. In a first read, it appears that it has been taken from anyone’s real life, but with time it becomes clear that these are just the mere uses of metaphors and nothing else. Emily might be a lady somewhere in a real world but Emily of this story is for sure not present anywhere outside other than in this short story. I stand here ironing by Olsen has presented in the most beautiful manner the relation of a mother and a daughter and also what it feels like when anyone leaves her or his life partner in the middle of the pressing times. This could be the worst feeling in anyone's life and makes him or she think of committing any worse thing as like Emily's mother thought of doing. This short story suggests that life becomes like a hell when someone is not there to make the times enjoyable. This also suggests what could be the reason for one being too materialistic as like Emily's mother is. Therefore this story suggests that despite being too busy in life, one should never leave apart the most cherished and loved relations in life.

Works Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Olsen, Tillie. I Stand Here Ironing. ProQuest LLC, 2002.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Analysis Of An Advertisement

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Advertisement analysis

An integral characteristic of advertising is its "temptingly seductive" character. This means that advertising not only draws attention to the product, promises benefit, success, popularity to those who purchase it, but also forms a desire to possess this product. It is always a dream for women to look young and beautiful and for that Maybelline is a brand name that promise women to give beauty and youth . same is in the case of “Maybelline Instant Age Rewind”. The selected ad for this assignment is “Maybelline Instant Age Rewind”.

Advertising shows us the image of an ideal woman, who often has nothing to do with reality. Marketing is aimed at making the potential consumer think: "If I have this thing, I will become like this cover girl." Due to the fact that the model of perfection is unattainable, there is a desire to invest more and more forces and means in order to at least get a step closer to it.

(Ethos) There are some ways in which this ad uses attribute so as to realize its purpose. initial of all, Maybelline could be a known and trusty complete for nail clipping. it's supported by an outsized range of celebrities WHO work for them for the ads and as spokesmen. Christy Turlington is that the model employed in this ad. More and more women are turning to surgeons to eliminate flaws in their appearance, which in essence are not. Tighten everything that is possible and impossible. And those who are afraid of scalpels and other sharp objects are offered the latest in cosmetology. How, for example, vibrating massage machine Gold Sculpting Bar . (Jerslev349).The ad focuses on the perception of the concept of “beauty” in advertising communication. The article presents a technique that allows to identify the frequency characteristics of the analyzed concept and the features of its perception by various groups of respondents. The results of an empirical study allow us to determine the semantic field of the concept and parameters that are significant for respondents. The conclusions obtained by the authors allow us to formulate recommendations for the development of advertising texts.

(Pathos) is another tool that Maybelline uses to show the beauty and youth in women and showed that how a woman can fight with age marks, spots, wrinkles ,crow feet’s or fine lines. From the point of beauty , this ad represents the concept of beauty and age rewind concept. It shows that women do have some insecurities due to their age and this product will help women to over come these effects . that is why they have named this product as age rewind and this concept is very persuasive itself. The ad provide the comparison of age with or without using this product. Before using this product, skin seems old with wrinkles but after using it seems very smooth and youth.

Loreal is one of the best-selling brands for women cosmetics and skin products. It always use media campaign and different sources to persuade their customers to buy its products. This ad not only give a feeling of youth but also tell that it is right of rich women to stay youth and even they can rewind the effect of age. Maybelline is using rhetorical elements such as ethos, logos and pathos to achieve its goal. Christy Turlington is use as a model for this ad. She is supermodel and very famous personality. Many women admire her beauty and want to be her as a role model, so this company selected her and company is successful in motivating their clients.

Works cited

Jerslev, Anne. "The elderly female face in beauty and fashion ads: Joan Didion for Céline."

European journal of cultural studies 21.3 (2018): 349-362.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

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