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College education is a waste of time and money

Thesis statement: As college education don't prepare students for jobs, so it is a waste of time and money.


The purpose of investing in a college education is to secure better jobs in the future. However, college education in America does not guarantee stable careers to the students, depicting its incapability. College education has become a failing model because the students still lack professional competency required in jobs. The parents want their children to acquire college education so they could learn about job markets, but the reality is different. The teachers in the colleges emphasize on academics only that limit the opportunities of building professional skills. There is a need for improving college education by addressing the issues that the students will encounter in their endeavors of a future career.

The students taking college education fails to develop skills that are required for launching their careers. A college education is a waste of time and money because students lack the skills required for job markets. The argument claims that education restraint student's ability of common sense and thinking. The argument states that colleges don't pay attention to building skepticism or critical thinking among students that results in professional incompetency. Majority of students' lack skepticism and critical approach CITATION Dan13 \l 1033 (Cottom). There is a need for redesigning college education because it does not contribute to the future career of the students CITATION Tho15 \l 1033 (Bailey, Jaggars, and Jenkins). In searching jobs, the students encounter difficulties because the companies are demanding professional skills. The inability of students to find a job after college education confirms that it is waste of time and money. The argument claims that education doesn't focus on building strong professional personalities such as limited or no attention is given to the promotion of confidence. The focus of the educators is only on academic modules and courses that do not provide any practical exposure to the students. The facts reveal that “it is difficult to assess how many students are in college reluctantly. The conservative Carnegie Commission estimates from 5 to 30 percent” CITATION Car75 \l 1033 (Bird). The argument claims that students are not even interested in attending colleges that encourage them to remain absent. Evidence suggests that40% of the students don't attend college. The findings depict that majority of the students are not satisfied with a college education that proves the failure of the American education system. Spending lots of time in colleges do not provide better experiences that discouraged students from attending classes. Getting degrees is not sufficient for finding a job in the future. The lengthy courses and modules are boring that fails to evoke attention and interests among students although students spend lots of time on their modules but fail to use their knowledge in professional fields.

Most of the students face difficulties in launching their careers and need to take professional courses. The flaws of a college education become more visible when the student finds the need for launching their careers. The evidence states, “20% of positions (excluding health care positions) also expect a certificate or a license for a particular technical skill” CITATION Jef16 \l 1033 (Selingo). The time spent on a college education is wasted because parents invest huge money on high-school education, but the majority fails to provide returns. As college education is not contributing to job readiness, the majority of the students face difficulties to adjust to the workplace. Lack of professional techniques limits the potential of students to find jobs. Another flaw reflects the inability of colleges to prepare students for job interviews or professional lives. The claim states that students don’t hold any experience or knowledge of interviews that limits their chances of getting better jobs. Colleges ignore the fact that in a professional environment the students will be evaluated on the basis of their professional skills. More emphasis is given to the book education that does not contribute to the development of professional skills. Students in the practical life face difficulties irrespective of the money and time spent on college education. The critics state that college education is useless because students after spending time on education and courses are unable to handle the questions of the interview. This reveals their incompetency and proves that college education does not guarantee a better future. The facts indicate, “stragglers (33% of the young adults surveyed) press pause and spend most of their twenties trying to get their start” CITATION Jef16 \l 1033 (Selingo). Even in twenties students are still thinking about joining careers that is due to their professional incompetence.

College education doesn't prepare students for jobs so institutes must focus on developing professional skills for saving students time and money. Students acquire loans for attaining college education, but lack of adequate jobs eliminates their ability to return it. The budget shortfalls and inadequate changes in the classrooms have undermined the potentials of students. The critic's highlight concerns such as lack of technology integration in classrooms and reliance on old teaching methods. The argument states that to promote professional competency the colleges need to invest in intervention programs. The purpose of college education must not be limited to academic aspects. The real need is to provide opportunities that will allow students to learn about the professional environment. The suggestions presented by educators include building confidence, leadership skills, communication skills, positive and problem-solving attitude. The criticism reflects that colleges are paying no attention to the development of these skills that are essential for entering job markets. Although the purpose of getting an education is to find jobs in the future, but the implications are different. Most of the students completing their education have to take professional courses because they lack in professional competency. Colleges don’t have any, “strategy to compensate for certain lack of experience, ignorance and insufficient knowledge and as a very specific technique for temporal adjustment” CITATION Bla17 \l 1033 (Nikolova). The absence of vocational training has a negative impact on the lifetime career choices of the students. A college education is thus a waste of time and money because students struggle for jobs. The benefits of education can be derived according to the outcomes that mean financial returns in the form of salaries and careers. Student's inability to get jobs due to lack of experience proves the uselessness of college education.

Although a college education is important for students but lack of vocational training and ineffective teaching has made to waste of time and money. To derive maximum benefits from a college education, the institutes must focus on building professional competencies CITATION Wad18 \l 1033 (King and King). The argument claims that the schools are not providing opportunities for internships and professional workshops that are essential for familiarizing students with job environments. It is thus important to adapt vocational training tools and practices that will provide professional exposure to the students. Most of the American students acquire college education under the debt burdens that affect their careers. The source will allow me to explain that college education is a waste of time and money because irrespective of high loans students are unable to find appropriate jobs. Evidence reveals that "educational debt is unjust when it constrains borrower’s freedom to pursue a good life relative to those who do not have to borrow” CITATION Chr17 \l 1033 (Martin). To make education more useful, it is appropriate to adopt interventions that focus on maximizing ways for earning returns. Critics argue that college education is a waste of time and money because it is unjust to take loans. The pressures restrict the opportunities for earning returns. Provision or public funding such as scholarships will make education more supportive for the students CITATION BI18 \l 1033 (BI).

Fewer jobs created by industry also limits the scope of career prospects. With an increase in awareness, more children are acquiring college education that has raised the competition. Inadequate jobs cause students to compete over them. This gives more power to the firms as they can choose the best candidates. A disconnection is observed between academic education and the labor market. Facts reveal that “the anticipated increase in employment in this field is much faster than average, with a 15 percent increase in health information management–related technician jobs and a 17 percent increase in management jobs predicted between 2014 and 2024” CITATION Jac16 \l 1033 (Jackson, Lower and Rudman). Majority lacks market-ready skills that increase the probability of their rejections in the interview process.

The difficulties faced by students in finding jobs is adequate proof that college education is a waste of time and money. Findings reveal that "while scholarship for the sake of bettering oneself is still lauded, the financial rewards of higher education are undeniably the key reason for the recent growth in college enrollment” CITATION Dou141 \l 1033 (Weber). The failure of the colleges and the educators to address the issue of jobs has made education useless for the students. Investing in education is benefits because it provides better future returns. Without education students are less likely to find better jobs or careers. Parents that invest in college education of their children are making a wise decision. This indicates that the desire of kids to get better jobs is not linked to a college education. The students who are enrolled in colleges lack motivation because they are not familiarized with the practical environment that they will experience in the future. The policymakers have not considered the returns in designing curriculums, resulting in uselessness college education. When one evaluates the reasons for acquiring education it becomes clear that college education is not contributing to the professional development of students. Important skills that student need for fitting in careers are ignored by colleges.

More people are getting educated but still unable to get jobs. The article claims that students belonging to good backgrounds and have a greater likelihood of becoming successful. Spending on education is a waste of money when students are unable to earn returns. The students belonging to mediocre or poor backgrounds face more difficulties (Capllan, 2018). Another claims presented in the paper is the high debt burden faced by the children. Evidence reveals that 70% of college students rely on loans. Under the debt burden, students are unable to make better career choices. The reason for taking loans is to educate students with the belief that in future they will be able to pay loans. The facts indicate that students under the burden of loans lack the freedom of finding appropriate jobs. Spending huge amounts on a college education are a waste of resources because students fail to pay back debts. Relying on heavy loans is irrational because most of the parents hope to earn returns from investments they made on their children’s education CITATION Ash08 \l 1033 (Boyer and Hamil).


Without a college education, people will be more worst-off. Investing in education is benefits because it provides better future returns. Without education students are less likely to find better jobs or careers. It is important for students to understand the purpose of education and the right choices of degrees leads to better career prospects. Evidence states that “50 percent of baby boomers agree that their college education was worth it” CITATION Roy16 \l 1033 (Chan). It is important for the children to complete college education because this will provide them awareness and provide better career prospects. Without education, youth will choose destructive paths that will cause their demise. Economic returns are the prominent outcome of education because the industry hires educated and skilled graduates. Education is also crucial because the students will fail to compete with at the job markets without it. It also claims that Youth with a college education have better chances of economic growth. Education involves numerous benefits for the students such as jobs, salaries, future stability, and improved socio-economic status. Youth lacking education are more likely to struggle in careers compared to the educated ones.


College education without vocational or professional training is useless because students are unable to secure jobs in the future. The real purpose of college education is to provide a conducive learning environment ton students that will allow them to develop professional skills. However, the findings indicate that college education has become less useful due to the flaws of the education system. The education doesn't focus on building strong professional personalities such as limited or no attention is given to the promotion of confidence. Every year many graduates leave universities but face challenges in the job markets. However, the colleges fail to adopt adequate strategies that would allow students to mitigate these challenges. The counter-argument is weak because it lacks sufficient support and logic. The overall analysis depicts that the central argument is valid that proves with the help of facts and evidence that college education is a waste of time and money.



Bailey, Thomas R., Shanna Smith Jaggars and Davis Jenkins. Redesigning America's Community Colleges: A Clearer Path to Student Success 1st Edition. Harvard University Press, 2015.

BI. Is College A Waste Of Time And Money? 2018. 26 02 2019 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTSLpT__Wts>.

Bird, Caroline. "College is a Waste of Time and Money ." Psychology Today (1975).

Boyer, Ashley and Burnette Wolf Hamil. "Problems Facing American Education ." 2.1 (2008).

Chan, Roy Y. "Understanding the purpose of higher education: An analysis of the economic and social benefits for completing a college degree ." JEPARA 6.5 (2016).

Cottom, Daniel. Why Education Is Useless. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013.

Jackson, Kathryn, Christi L. Lower and William J. Rudman. "The Crossroads between Workforce and Education." Perspect Health Inf Manag 13.1 (2016).

King, Wade and Hope King. The Wild Card: 7 Steps to an Educator's Creative Breakthrough. Dave Burgess Consulting, 2018.

Nikolova, Blagovesta. "The wild card event: Discursive, epistemic and practical aspects of uncertainty being ‘tamed.'" Time & Society 26.1 (2017).

Martin, Christopher. "Should the public pay for higher education? Equality, liberty, and educational debt ." Theory and Research in Education 15.1 (2017).

Selingo, Jeffrey J. "Two-Thirds of College Grads Struggle to Launch Their Careers ." Harvard Business Review (2016).

Weber, Douglas. "Is the return to education the same for everybody?" IZA World of Labor (2014).

Subject: English

Pages: 7 Words: 2100

2. Imagine If Twain Had Changed “A True Story” So That The Cook Spoke Standard Dialect. How Would Our Understanding Of Her Character Be Different? Would The Characterization Be Different— Would She Be A Different Person? Use A Couple Examples From T

Anajunie Monjeune

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September 12, 2019.

Mark Twain ‘A True Story’- Character Analysis

If the cook speaks a standard dialect in ‘A True Story’, this will help in differentiating between the authorial voices with that if the person. The characterization of ‘Cook’ in story required some alterations in the manner, his character was displayed. Along with this, it might change the usage of grammar. At present, the story entails a standard grammar, which could have become non- standard in term marinating a conversational tone ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"nYRarg64","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Sloane)","plainCitation":"(Sloane)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":127,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/GDZ9VP7K"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/GDZ9VP7K"],"itemData":{"id":127,"type":"book","title":"Mark Twain's humor: critical essays","publisher":"Routledge","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"Mark Twain's humor","author":[{"family":"Sloane","given":"David EE"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Sloane). Such voices rather appear as ‘personal’ and not narrative. Such experiments with the short voices can lead to narrative voice, which follows with a detailed expression of narrators.

With the change of standard dialect, our understanding of the character could definitely change. The reason remains the change in a narrative tone. Since readers believe throughout the story that ‘Cook’ tempts an authoritative and rather a conversational tone, therefore, our understanding of this tone can change abruptly. As many believe that once a change in tone occurs, the characterization changes instantly. The readers might abruptly get an idea of how the character is being depicted in the story. Same is true in this case since the tone of ‘Cook’ changes and so does his characterization, therefore our understanding of her character can be different ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"PT0bKRvo","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Sloane)","plainCitation":"(Sloane)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":127,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/GDZ9VP7K"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/GDZ9VP7K"],"itemData":{"id":127,"type":"book","title":"Mark Twain's humor: critical essays","publisher":"Routledge","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"Mark Twain's humor","author":[{"family":"Sloane","given":"David EE"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Sloane).

She would not be a different person, rather a different character. The change of tone is always relevant to the character, and not to the personal qualities. The readers might observe a change in conversational tone and the body language. The human characteristics are dependent on what character- or role an author assigned to that body. With the change of dialect, the ‘Cook’ character might appear different but will remain relevant as to how it has been portrayed already ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"546upVpQ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Sloane)","plainCitation":"(Sloane)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":127,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/GDZ9VP7K"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/GDZ9VP7K"],"itemData":{"id":127,"type":"book","title":"Mark Twain's humor: critical essays","publisher":"Routledge","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"Mark Twain's humor","author":[{"family":"Sloane","given":"David EE"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Sloane). There could be slight changes in the manner the author wanted this character and will alter the manner the character has been portrayed. Therefore, one might argue that with the change of dialect, the character and personification changes largely.

Works Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Sloane, David EE. Mark Twain’s Humor: Critical Essays. Routledge, 2017.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

2018 HSC Assessment Task 3 B15140 English (Advanced)



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Workplace safety and dealing with occupational hazards is often neglected but a prime part of workplace practices. Almost 12 workers on average die every day due to workplace fatalities, in the USA. There are nearly 4500 reported cases in the USA every year due to workplace issues and injuries. The unreported cases are even more in number, thus increasing the bar (Canada, 2017). In the document, the workplace hazards and the safety issues at Tesla will be discussed, and the business report will surround the possible recommendations for the said company.

Introduction to Occupational Hazards

A hazard is a substance, material, situation, or any aspect of the case that is supposed to cause any harmful impact on the person involved. Occupational hazards can be defined as the potential hazards to any worker's safety and the worker's risk of exposure to dangerous situations. Workplace hazards are the potential hazards in the environment of a workplace that can create harm to the well being of the worker. The risk is the probability of an adverse outcome from exposure to any hazard. A substance is considered hazardous if it is corrosive, toxic, reactive or flammable. The dangers are generalized in two significant timelines. The acute risks are the ones that have an immediate impact (such as burning by corrosive substances). The constant dangers are the ones with long-term, hidden, cumulative and consistent effects. Occupational health and safety have six primary hazard categories. They are defined as follows.

Physical Hazards

The physical hazards are the hazards that relate to the physical aspects of the workplace. The design, clutter, the lack of space, lack of oxygen, less lightning or very strong lightning, noise, lack of proper wire covers, electrical hazards, and so on, are to name the few.

Chemical Hazards

The chemicals related to the workplace can be dangerous to the health of the workers and employers. The fumes, the vapors, different gases like Nitric Oxide, dust, etc. are the chemical hazards usually found in the factories.

Biological hazards

The infections, containment, insects or parasites, poisonous reptiles, virus, fungus, contact with the person who is diseased, and other relevant biological hazards are the part of the paradigm.

Radiological Hazards

The radiation is a hazard that involves the handling of radioactive devices, radioactive technologies, nuclear substances, nuclear wastes, radiation exposure such as exposure to Gamma rays, microwave radiation, infrared waves, ultraviolet waves, lasers, X-rays, and so on.

Ergonomic Hazards

The hazards in the workplace can also be ergonomic. It includes the design of the workplace, the kind of tools, the equipment design, the postures and weight lifting, the dull moments for task completion are the names of a few factors.

Psychological/ Behavioral factors

The hazards can be behavioral and psychological. The attitude of supervisors and bosses, the shift timings, the workload, stress of dealing with the public, harassment, constant pressure, mental health of workers and so on, are the few factors to name.

The hazard is anything by which there can be harm. The risk is the likelihood, the probability of occurrence of the damage of the hazardous material/situation. Sometimes there is more potential for harm as compared to the risk of the case. The hazard may not always cause danger and damage, and many times risk and injuries come from the jobs that are otherwise not hazardous. The following example can understand it. Potassium Dichromate is a highly toxic carcinogen chemical used in some techniques to analyzed exhaled breath for alcohol content. For this reason, it is sealed in a tube and does not become airborne. Therefore, although it is a highly hazardous substance, the use of potassium dichromate does not create specific risk due to high safety precautions.

On the other hand, flour is not generally considered a harmful or hazardous substance. Unlike potassium dichromate, the jar of powder is not sealed with precautionary warnings and notes. The meal is readily available in the market, used for everyday purposes. However, the constant exposure of airborne dust and grit to bakery workers will cause them to have dermatitis (an inflammation of the skin), conjunctivitis (inflammation of eyes), rhinitis (inflammation of the nose), and even occupational asthma, an inflammatory disease of the lungs. All these can cause high stress and also produce a life-threatening situation. Thus, a material of relatively low hazard might create a highly substantial risk, while an article with high danger may not present a measurable risk in certain circumstances (Hencose, 2014).

There can be a lot of differences in how the risks are seen in the public, as compared to how the risks are seen in the eye of the scientist and everyday workers. Several factors are the influencing factors that are apt in the development of the risk analysis. Personal experiences, of seeing the direct effect of a hazard, socio-economic factors, sociocultural background and beliefs, the ability to exercise control over a particular risk, the extent to which the information is gained from different sources (e.g., from the media, social media, etc.), and other such factors influence the perceptions of the risks and hazards. Risks and dangers cannot be wholly eradicated from the workplaces, but there can be reduced exposure that is in the limits of the prevention and causes no substantial harm. Thus, we have the society's role in generating the tolerable and acceptable limits in terms of social, political, cultural and even economic considerations. Currently, two federal agencies are primarily responsible for improving health and protecting the lives of workers in the USA. First is NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health), which is responsible for research and professional personnel development. The next is OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) in the Department of Labor, which is responsible for enforcing regulations. An adult spends around 25% of his/her adult life in the workplace. Workplace safety is, paramount in improving the quality of life. Thus, it is important to realize that the workplace safety and turning workplace to a more secure environment is the prime responsibility of government, employers, employee, workplace and relevant authorities, which are critical stakeholders in the occupational safety. The risk assessment and drafting of the policies to increase the security and reduce the risks and hazards are the essential aspect of the economic frontiers (Comcare, 2012).

Workplace Safety

The work environment wellbeing can be characterized as the practices that guarantee the security of laborers and the earth in which they work. A protected workplace is a gainful one. Regardless of the size or sort of the business, work environment wellbeing methods are a need for all staff. Security measures ensure workers and additional hardware and business property. Maintaining a strategic distance from or limiting wounds and harm to gear and offices will result in fewer costs and the more benefit for a business. The working environment wellbeing gives essential components in the improvement of the productivity and manageability of the company. It requires that there are moves made toward the safety measures that guarantee that the representative, working environment, bosses are in a condition of harmony and proactive methodology is utilized to limit the conceivable issues in a working environment. The careful steps are as per the following.

Security Training

Preparing is vital with the goal that representatives will realize how to rehearse wellbeing in the working environments. Contingent upon the sort of gear utilized, the preparation might be required by government command. For instance, any work environment that works a forklift must give preparing to representatives for its protected task. Preparing can originate from outside specialists procured to encourage classes or workers exceptionally prepared to perform wellbeing guidance.


Proper individual defensive hardware (IDH) must be made accessible to any individual who interacts with a potential work danger. This incorporates hard caps, protective eyewear, ear plugs, shoes, gloves, goggles, and dress. The individual defensive hardware is to be claimed by everybody regardless of how little act or methodology is. For whatever length of time that the presentation is in critical breaking points, it is to be ordered that PPE directions be pursued.

Stress Reduction

A large portion of the representatives are not fit and solid on account of their bustling calendar, which incorporates long working hours, work-weight and clashes happen with associates or with the supervisor of the association. Every one of these components can prompt some ailment or wretchedness to the workers. Affects their expert life as well as makes the annoyance in their own lives as well. Subsequently, it is vital to center around the pressure decrease and glad condition working for the representatives. It is to be guaranteed that representatives get regular breaks, they can work in the great soul, they are paid well, and their dignity is kept up.


There needs to be the screening process that requires that employees are screened for sight, hearing, agility, dexterity, attention, memory and physical/mental health to make policies of how to improve the well-being and performance of employees. The daily routine and work routine adjustability is to be screened to find out, which kind of tasks and methods are taking the toll on the employees. The screening data will allow the company to the development of the policies and frameworks that will enable the workers to be directed into the prospects of workplace improvement.

Workplace safety is a standard paradigm. It involves the authorities and the workers on a personal level to be precautious and take necessary actions so that the workplace is a safer place. The workers need to be more precautious, and there need to be more strict rules and regulations for the workplace behaviors that are risky. Necessities such as good public dealing, stress reduction strategies, first aid kits, fire extinguishers, back braces must be added and learning the use of such devices/protocols is a must for the workers at all levels.

The manufacturing field is one of the unique places, and manufacturing factories are filled with the materials and processes that require a great deal of care and precautions. There are types of machinery that need preventive measures for operating. Heights and climbing is also a presenting problem. Chemicals and corrosive materials are present everywhere. The non-employees, clutter and fast working machines are a source of threat to the workers. Fire, electric flames and the confined space are the problems of working in manufacturing companies. The raw materials, the process of development of the product, the demand pressure is the contributing factor towards the unsafe workplace practices (Goldberg, Dar-El and Rubin, 1991, pg 122- p130).

Literature Review

There are many types of research on occupational health and public safety. The research provides ideas about the development of trends in a certain field. Occupational health and safety measures apply to every field of work. The few types of research will give an insight as to how the work safety measures work. In research by Vilkman (2004), the voice functioning of the teachers and the related effect on vocal cords was seen. A strong functioning voice is an essential teaching tool. Vocal demands vary a lot between the different voice/speech professions. In professions with heavy vocal loading (e.g., school and kindergarten teachers), occupational voice disorders threatening working ability are common. The research analyzed the vocal health of 50 school teachers in Philadelphia. The comparison showed that many teachers were more prone to sore throats, change of voice, problems in vocalizations and the health of larynx issues. The research emphasized that due to greater stress on the improved occupational health and safety measures and arrangements for voice and speech professionals. In another research, the critical challenges for occupational safety, health and ergonomics (OSHE) in the contemporary industry were observed. The employees of 5 moderate sized businesses were asked a questionnaire about the health, occupational safety, and ergonomics in which responses of 500 workers were assessed on domains of the personal knowledge, technical knowledge and organizational knowledge about the OSHE in the contemporary settings. The results provided that many workers have limited organizational knowledge of OSHE models within the context of their workplace. The personal knowledge was up to the mark while the technical knowledge varied with age, years of experience and payroll as the major predictors. The research focused on better OSHE training and development for better protection of the workers in the industry (Sherehiy and Karwowski, 2006). The examination by Lingard (2002) led a multi-week trial to survey how emergency treatment is preparing influences the inspiration of independent venture development industry workers in staying away from word related wounds and sicknesses and its impact on their word related wellbeing and security conduct. An improved different pattern structure crosswise over work environment settings was utilized to assess the impacts of emergency treatment preparing. Members' inspiration to control word related wellbeing and wellbeing dangers were investigated amid top to bottom meetings when receipt of emergency treatment is preparing. Target estimation of word-related security and wellbeing conduct was led by a specialist specifically watching the working environment when members got medical aid preparing. The perceptions at members' worksites proposed that, generally, the emergency treatment preparing positively affected the word related wellbeing and wellbeing conduct of members. Emergency treatment preparing seemed to lessen members' "self– other" predisposition, making them more mindful that their involvement of word-related wellbeing and wellbeing dangers isn't outside their ability to control however that their conduct is a crucial factor in the evasion of word-related damage and disease. Medical aid preparing likewise seemed to lessen members' eagerness to acknowledge winning dimensions of word-related wellbeing and wellbeing danger and increment the apparent likelihood that they would endure a business related damage or disease. Members communicated more noteworthy worry about going out on a limb at work in the wake of accepting medical aid preparing. Correspondingly, in another examination by Li et al. (2015), the conduct based security as a way to deal with unravel risks in development organization word related to wellbeing and wellbeing issues was watched. Development is a standout amongst the most dangerous ventures because of its dynamic, brief, and decentralized nature. Conduct based security (BBS) is one compelling methodology in overseeing worker wellbeing issues. The exploration proposed augmentation of the BBS approach, proactive conduct based wellbeing (PBBS), to enhance development security. PBBS coordinates the hypothesis of BBS with the innovation of Proactive Construction Management System (PCMS). The developments of PBBS are: (1) naturally checking area based practices; (2) quantitatively estimating wellbeing execution; (3) examining potential reasons for hazardous practices; and (4) enhancing the effectiveness of security the executives. A pilot investigation of a Hong Kong building site rehearsing PBBS was directed. The analysis results demonstrated that PBBS performed well on development mischance aversion and the Safety Index (SI) of the two venture groups, with expanded enhancements by 36.07% and 44.70% separately. It was discovered that PBBS is compelling and versatile to the development industry. The looks into demonstrates the word related measures by which the word related wellbeing, security, ergonomics and wellbeing measures can be enhanced for the advancement of better security rehearses in work environment condition.

Tesla’s Workplace Issues and Recommendations

Tesla is the Palo Alto, California based American automotive and energy company that provides the energy solutions and the electricity operating cars to the general public. The company specializes in motor care development. Model S, Model X, Model 3 are the name of a few products. There are some factories and subsidiaries of Tesla Inc. The issue at hand is to see whether Tesla's factory settings are following the rules of workplace safety or not. The California Occupational Health Department has issued multiple warnings to the department for a reduction in workplace injuries. There are 26 reported injuries at Tesla main factory by the year of 2017. Elon Musk, the CEO of the company, has taken some steps for a reduction in the workplace injuries but to no avail. The issues at Tesla, as investigated by COHD, in the central manufacturing unit, are summarized as follows.

There is clutter, in the factory. The objects and raw material are in close locations, and the usage is cluttered.

There are no signs on the machinery on how to use it or a line of precaution. There is no standing area line, where the workers will be allowed to stand, and non-workers steer away.

The floor is very slippery at times, and the standard cleanliness is not maintained.

There is the issue of the lack of safety gears and safety uniforms. The kits do not follow a proper protocol.

The factory materials do not put labels of "dangerous" or "safe" labels on its contents being used

The factory has the use of any machineries used in the process of manufacturing. Employees are not given any safety training before the usage of the machines.

There has been no comprehensive response to the worker's complaints of workplace injuries and lack of safety gears.

The factory has no appraisals on health and well being of their workers.

Many hazardous chemicals are used in factory and workers are not well aware of handling of the substances, as chemicals are uncategorized.

The workers of one department do not know about hazardous situations in the other department.

There has been some response from Tesla about the issue of the workplace safety and concerns of employees (Evans, 2018). However, the answer is not enough. Following steps are being recommended to Tesla as a source of development in workplace safety and occupational precautions.

The workers require extensive safety gears and training on workplace safety for all employees.

Tesla needs to renew its mechanism on the response management to the complaints of the workers and employees.

Tesla also needs a proper check and balance in the clutter, flooring, work conditions, lining and labeling of the machinery, chemicals and raw materials.

Tesla needs a board of response committee that will look into the screening and appraisals of workplace conditions safety ratings to make policies on occupational safety.

Tesla's response to workplace safety issues requires that Tesla provides a quick and proper response by increasing safety precautions for the employees. Thus, Tesla's worker satisfaction will allow better productivity and improved rating of the environment of the factory.


Canada, H. (2017) Occupational Hazard: Overview, Ccohs.ca. Available at: https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/hsprograms/hazard_risk.html (Accessed: November 24, 2018).

Comcare (2012) Chemical hazards, Comcare.gov.au. Available at: https://www.comcare.gov.au/preventing/hazards/chemical_hazards (Accessed: November 24, 2018).

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Subject: English

Pages: 10 Words: 3000

3 Big Questions

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Compare the conquest of the Inca & the Mapuche

The Mapuche culture practiced for centuries a strong influence over much of Chile and Argentina today. Although their origins are uncertain, there are more than likely traces of this culture as early as the fifth century. It is a powerful love that is born, a stable relationship and trust, which will allow them to found the Kingdom of Chile. In this epic novel, love gives a truce to the violence and cruelty of an unforgettable historical epoch. Like all the other peoples of the American continent, the Mapuches had to face the ferocity of the Spanish Conquistadors and diseases brought from Europe. The Mapuches, unlike the Incas, had a level of development as a very minor society, they were emerging from a first stage of human development, we cannot speak of civilization, but of a people and a culture very rich in their attachment to theirs and their values ​​in defense of the land and its ancestors (Allende, Isabel, and Blair Brown). As a people they were fought by the Spaniards, then by the Chileans until today, where there is no clear policy towards their autonomy or respect for their own, which generates a strong resistance of them to integrate into the Chilean society. and they claim violently for their rights continuously and systematically violated.

Unlike the Inca Empire or the Aztec Empire, the Mapuche did not have a hierarchical structure as their northern neighbors. The great weakness of the Incas or the Aztecs was in the organization of their power, extremely centralized. The Conquistadors quickly realized that it was enough to imprison and kill the emperor - considered as a god by the population - for the rest of the empire to collapse. This was certainly not the case with the Mapuches, people without a centralized state and without a single leader. And that's what was the great resistance force of these Native Americans. The war between Conquistadors and Mapuches lasted almost 100 years. One of the great battles fought against the Spaniards ends with the death of the emblematic Pedro de Valdivia, one of the greatest Spanish military leaders, founder of Santiago and governor of Chile(Allende, Isabel, and Blair Brown).

This conflict, called Arauco's war (1546-1641), ended in the failure of the Spaniards to take control of the Mapuche territory and the signing of the Quilin Treaty. By signing this treaty, the Conquistadors had to recognize their helplessness against the Mapuche military organization. They signed the only document in colonial history that recognized a Native American people as a valid interlocutor. In addition, this treaty enshrined the existence of the Mapuche autonomous territory, located south of the Bío-Bío River. But long before the arrival of the Spaniards, the Incas also tried to conquer their land, without success. The Mapuche were therefore one of the only free peoples of the American continent to resist the Inca Empire as much as the Spanish soldiers. Mapuche territorial sovereignty was questioned only at the time of Chilean national construction during the nineteenth century.

In America, Ines does not find her husband, but a passionate love: Pedro de Valdivia, Francisco Pizarro's field master, with whom Ines faces the risks and uncertainties of the conquest and the founding of the kingdom of Chile. In this epic novel the breath of love grants a truce to the rudeness, violence and cruelty of an unforgettable historical moment. Through the pen of Isabel Allende, it is confirmed that reality can be as surprising or more than the best fiction, and equally captivating. The Spanish military detachment Francisco Pizarro (1475-1541) was a man of power, cruel, ruthless. An adventurer to the bone marrow, without principles and ideals. He has one goal - gold. In 1524, the governor gives the go-ahead, and Pizarro becomes the head of his first military expedition. It ends in complete failure after 12 months. But failure does not discourage the illegitimate Spaniard. On the contrary, it inspires him to try to get rich quicker and take an appropriate place in high society.In 1526 the second military expedition went to the lands of modern Ecuador. It lasts more than two years and does not bring any pesos. But instead of the despicable metal, the cunning and dexterous adventurer obtains very important information, which is worth no less in value than the chest of gold. n 1530, Francisco Pizarro leaves the New World. High-speed sailboat delivers it to the lands of Spain. Here he is strikingly seeking an audience with King Charles V.

It is not known what the adventurer talked with the crowned person, but he returns back to the captain-general, Adelantad, and his coat is decorated with the coat of arms of the Marquis. In his hand he triumphantly squeezes a letter signed by His Majesty. It speaks of the right given to him to govern over all lands lying 1000 miles south of Panama.The new governor does not lose time in vain and equips a third military expedition in 1531. Within a few months, he landed on the lands Tauantinsuyu. The Inca Empire in all its glory lies before it.

The mission of both the Pedro de Valdivia and Francisco Pizarro was same. Pedro de Valdivia is a conquistador of Spanish origin, the founder of Chile, he erected a huge number of monuments, his name is the main streets, squares and avenues in almost all Chilean cities. In 1540, Pedro de Valdivia became the first governor of the Chilean colony. He stayed on this post until the end of 1553. He established cities under his control, such as Santiago (1541), La Serena (1544), Concepción (1550), La Imperial (1551) , Valdivia (1552) and many other settlements. During his governorship the territory of Chile was located from the south of Atacama to Valdivia, including the island of Chiloe (Spanish Isla de Chiloe) in the southern part of Chile. On 23 December 1553, Valdivia personally came out against the rebels, Mapuche , at the head of 50 horsemen, he headed for the fort of Tukapel. At dawn on December 25, 1553, the detachment found the fortress completely destroyed. There was not a soul. As soon as the Spaniards camped among the ruins of the fort, Indians rushed at them from the surrounding forests. Lautaro stood at the head of the 6,000 thousand Mapuche militia. After an exhausting 3-hour battle, more than half of his men were killed. Pedro de Valdivia made a desperate dash to save the remaining fighters, escaping from the environment. But soon it was over. Through the ranks of the Indians only Valdivia and the army priest Don Poso managed to break through. They rushed through the forest, but when the rescue was very close, the horses were bogged down in a forest swamp. Thus, the riders were captured winners. Pedro de Valdivia longed for gold, so let him be filled with them,” decided the Council Mapuche. The Indians allegedly began to handful the golden sand into the conquistador’s mouth. Then they executed him with a powerful blow to the club. The massacre in which the tiny army of Francisco Pizarro captured the Inca emperor. On November 16, 1532, the Extremaduran managed to do something that seemed impossible: to capture one of the most powerful men in pre-Columbian America. An act that brought a huge amount of gold

#2. Who was more instrumental in the conquest & settlement of Chile:

Three years after the return of Almagro, in 1539, Pedro de Valdivia -experienced soldier and field teacher of Francisco Pizarro in the war against Almagro- requested his captain and governor permission to conduct an expedition to Chile. This, because King Charles V had authorized Pizarro to explode the New Toledo, after the death of Diego de Almagro. Francisco Pizarro agreed, naming Valdivia lieutenant governor; but he left it in his hands to organize and pay for the force with which "the occupation of the Inca Empire would end". To finance the campaign, Valdivia used the assets he obtained for his intervention in the Inca rebellion in Cuzco: the La Canela valley and a silver mine. However, it was not enough. It was associated with a rich Spanish merchant, Francisco Martinez, with whom they would share half what they found.

This second expedition to Chile sought the conquest and foundation of stable settlements, so they took seeds and domestic animals. Valdivia had to share the expedition with Pedro Sancho de La Hoz, to whom Carlos V had granted in 1539 the authorization to discover and govern the lands located south of the Strait of Magellan and the islands around it. The widow Inés de Suárez was also in the group. The news about the absence of great wealth and the hardships of the trip affected the recruitment of soldiers. The expedition left Cuzco in January 1540, with only eleven soldiers and a few dozen Indians, following the desert route through which Almagro returned. During the trip, some groups of conquerors who had failed in present-day Bolivia joined the column. First, it was the 16 that arrived with Rodrigo de Araya, then about 80 gathered by Francisco de Villagra. In San Pedro, 25 Spaniards were added under Francisco de Aguirre.

After an attempt to assassinate Valdivia, Sancho de La Hozfue was arrested and forced to dissolve in writing the company he brought with him, renouncing the rights they had agreed to divide. After expelling several of his accomplices, the expedition resumed. In Copiapó, 20 more Spaniards were added. Pedro de Valdivia had managed to gather 150 men on foot and on horseback, and a large number of Indians. With all this force took possession, in the name of the king, of the territory that would call New Extremadura, because at that distance and latitude ended the rights of Pizarro. After almost a year, in December 1540, the expedition reached the valley of the Mapocho River, the first destination of the conquest. The conditions of the land, the climate, the abundant population, lent themselves to establish a city, which with time would become the capital of our country. There are hundreds of cases in which historiography has left the role of women as a whole and of some women in particular in the background, when they have not been omitted directly, in order to extol and magnify the male role in history, that of great male characters that we all know.

That is why, taking advantage of the theme of this new issue of the magazine and for my debut as a columnist, I have decided to rescue the figure of Inés Suárez as a paradigm of 16th-century Spanish women in general and more specifically of the Castilian women who emigrated to Spain. America, centering the story on the expedition of conquest and colonization of Chile in which she participated with Valdivia and that was a key part in several specific moments of the same.

Inés Suárez was born in Plasencia in 1507 in the bosom of one of the humble Extremadura families of that time. Orphan father, was raised by his grandfather, a cabinetmaker of recognized prestige in the area and his mother, a seamstress by profession, which teaches him the trade. Apart from sewing, Inés inherited from her mother a kind of gift that consisted in knowing how to find underground water with a wooden stick. As we will see later this was very important in the life of our protagonist. Ines was married at nineteen with Juan, from Malaga, which he met in Holy Week in 1526. Juan was a hustler and a poor adventurer with whom he had no children, since Ines was apparently sterile. Inés must save her own dowry of the money she earns as a seamstress so that she can marry Juan since her grandfather only has a dowry and prefers to give it to Inés' sister. Once he gets it, he marries him and moves to live in Malaga.

Shortly after getting married, in the year 1527, Juan decided to undertake a trip to Panama to enlist as a soldier, leaving Ines again in Plasencia living with her sister and her husband. In Extremadura the women of soldiers who had gone to the New World were considered as "widows of the Indies" (widows during her husband's life), since it was rare for any of these soldiers to return to Castile. They had to wear mourning and could not remarry or have a social life.

"Cuzco" is the Castilian form used since the Spanish foundation of the city is refused by its spelling too close to Spanish. The second form, Cusco, is that commonly used and formalized by regional institutions. "Qosqo", the third form of writing the name of the city, responds to the desire to recover Quechua pronunciation and was officially used between 1990 and 1992. Obviously this last writing is the one that incants use by its native authenticity.

#3. Did the Spanish conquer the Mapuche?

The first attempt of conquest of Chile was made by the Spanish Diego de Almagro , who came to seek wealth and fame, although his chances were reduced to fame, because in Chile there was no mineral wealth, but many indigenous people unwilling to give up their territories . This situation caused that Almagro returned to its place of beginning to try to be the conqueror of the Inca culture, something that also did not manage to realize. Pedro de Valdivia meanwhile was fighting alongside Francisco Pizarro, who offered him a silver mine and an Indian encomienda as a reward. In spite of this, Valdivia wanted the notoriety much more strongly and to go down in history as a protagonist, so despite the bad reputation that Chile acquired, he sold all his wealth and asked for financial help to embark on the conquest company that It would end up being the definitive one in Chilean lands.

He left in 1539 choosing a route different from that of his predecessor, because Almagro had come in the winter on the road of the Andes Mountains, passing the hardships of the cold and the storms, he lost people and resources along the way. Valdivia instead took the desert route , not easy, but more bearable and safer than the previous one. The company of Valdivia was much more modest, but without a doubt more committed, when arriving at the Valley of the Mapocho River the city of Santiago was founded in 1520.The city of Santiago was often attacked and the Spanish forts also, the Chilean indigenous, predominantly Mapuches, they had no idea of ​​domination or authorities, they had even expelled the Inca pretensions from their lands, so they absolutely refused to accept the Spanish era.

They took care of their sacred lands, developed new war strategies and learned to use weapons and horses brought from Europe. They never gave up and never suffered a definitive defeat, which is why the process of conquest in Chile is unique: the occupation never took place and the conquest was simultaneous, and although they often retreated in the face of advances, they once again took control of their territories, including two governors were killed in the Arauco war, a situation that was sufficient for the Spanish crown to rule that the wars in Chile would not be financed, For a long time they received help from the Peruvian viceroyalty, since there was no sense in moving forward, but the strategy was to consolidate what was already occupied. The border of the Biobio was established, crossing it was an indigenous influence and it was until the Independence, where from the legal framework of the Chilean homeland, it signaled the border limits of Chile, and with it its norms and duties. At the same time that it included the indigenous territories, Chile post Independence was a single State and the occupation of the South would be gradual from there. and with it its rules and duties.

"It is the exchange in its various forms that dominates the Mapuche Hispanic frontier in the 18th century, both when war is waged and when peace is concluded. The warrior action seeks, from the two sides, not so much to conquer the territory of the other and physically eliminate it, but rather to appropriate, temporarily or definitively, its valuable goods (animals, objects, individuals), "he comments in Los Mapuches del 18th century, the historian José Manuel Zavala Cepeda. A clear and excellent definition of what was happening at that time corresponds to the historian Sergio Fernando Villalobos Rivera in his work Vida Fronteriza en la Araucanía: "Both sides were collective characters that adapted to new situations, took other customs, exchanged products and They mixed their blood, giving rise to a new reality that nobody had thought of. " He also points out the importance of acculturation in the Mapuche setback: "From the moment the Araucanians were attracted by the trinkets of the conquistadors, iron and alcohol, they were caught in a network from which they would never come off, given that with the passage of time it would become an indispensable trade ".

"The Indians were as active as the Spaniards and the mestizos who swarmed in the border sector. But the commercial dynamic went even further. The increase of mutual needs and appeasement made appear, already very clearly from the beginning of the eighteenth century, peddlers and peddlers who entered the Araucanía with their trinkets “. The Mapuches fought hard against the Spaniards, but also and with the same zeal, maintained with them a voluminous exchange of products. Alcohol was an important part of that exchange due to practical reasons: “The chicha or mudai that their women elaborated was obtained mainly in spring and summer of the mature fruits of diverse plants and of the maize, being more difficult to provide it in winter. It was usually used in ceremonies or to celebrate visitors. It had, nevertheless, several disadvantages: when preparing it it was necessary to wait four days until the fermentation began to produce alcohol and its duration was scarce, soon deriving in vinegar. Its alcoholic degree was, in addition, very low. Wine and brandy, on the other hand, were not necessary to prepare them on each occasion, they could be stored for a long time and their ethyl grade was very high, " says historian Villalobos Rivera.

On the 16th, while the Spaniards waited with a mixture of anxiety and nervousness, Atahualpa made his arrival in Cajamarca accompanied (attending to the different sources) by between 8,000 and 40,000 men. When the sun was high in the sky, the emperor ordered to leave for the square in search of Pizarro. And he did it with a smile knowing that his brother - whom he considered the usurper of a part of the Empire - had fallen prey to his armies. The day could not start better. He only had to annihilate those annoying invaders to reign without major difficulties in his extensive territory. As Pedro Pizarro (cousin of Francisco) explains in his chronicles, Atahualpa was carried in a rich litter (which had pillows of parrot feather) and surrounded by hundreds of fighters who formed in phalanges: "Two thousand Indians were ahead of him , sweeping the road [paved] by which he traveled . They carried such an amount of gold and silver table service that it was wonderful to see it shine under the sun [...] In front of Atahualpa many Indians were singing and dancing (Haughney).

In principle, the procession stopped on the outskirts of the city. Bad news for the Spaniards, who had prepared their trap inside the square. Fortunately, Pizarro solved this difficulty by sending one of his men (Pedro de Aldana ) to the Atahualpa camp . This, despite having no idea how to communicate with those Indians, managed to make them understand by signs that their boss was waiting to "parley" within the square. They took the bait and, shortly, some 600 Indians agreed to the construction. " Eighty gentlemen carried [the Inca lord] on their shoulders , and all wore very rich blue uniforms. Atabalipa himself was dressed very richly, with his crown on his head and a necklace of large emeralds around his neck. I was sitting on a small seat that had a sumptuous cushion, "said Miguel de Estete , another of the combatants who accompanied the Pizarros on the expedition. While Atahualpa entered the square, some Spaniards wet themselves with fear. And it is that, although they were brave and knew that they had to fight, they were not crazy. When Atahualpa arrived at the plaza, there was no enemy in sight. He could only observe four strange bronze cylinders (the cannons) that were at one end. The square seemed to be virgin of Spaniards. And so it was until, from a nearby building, two figures emerged. One of them dressed in a tunic (Father Val Verde ) and the interpreter, Felipillo . The first carried in his hand a crucifix and a prayer book (an object that the Indians had never seen before).

After approaching the emperor, Val Verde set out to read the manifesto that - as a rule - had to be proclaimed in each and every one of the places they planned to conquer. That document was called " Requirement." And in him it was affirmed (basically) that either they surrendered and gave all their possessions to Charles V, or they could prepare to be annihilated. This was what was promised in the manifesto if the Incas did not surrender: "I certify to you that, with the help of God, we will enter powerfully against you, and we will make war on you everywhere and in ways that we could, and we will subject you to the yoke. and obedience of the Church and His Majesty, and we will take your people and your wives and children and make them slaves , and as such we will sell them and dispose of them as Their Majesties commanded, and whatever damage we could. And I insist that the deaths and the damages that follow from it will be your fault! ».

We also do not know why, because that character had never seen one and did not know how it was opened. In any case, the Inca leader should not have liked to invade his personal space, because he gave the priest a slap. There was no possibility of parliament, so Pizarro just gave the order to attack. In a few seconds, Pedro de Candia detonated his cannons and, based on bullets and shrapnel (and among a tremendous noise) began to annihilate the Incas. His harquebusiers did the same and, leaning on tripods, began to fill the square of smoke with their continuous shots. The thunder was brutal and, as expected, so was the bewilderment of the enemies.

Works Cited

Allende, Isabel, and Blair Brown. Ines of My Soul: A Novel. Harper Audio, 2006.

Haughney, Diane. "Neoliberal policies, logging companies, and Mapuche struggle for autonomy in Chile." Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies 2.2 (2007): 141-160.

Subject: English

Pages: 12 Words: 3600

3. Present A Line Suggesting Suffering, A Line Suggesting Hope, A Line Suggesting Thanks, And A Line Suggesting A Petition In “Lift Every Voice And Sing”? Consider That “Lift Every Voice And Sing” Was Written In 1935 That Johnson Had Been Ver

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“Lift Every Voice and Sing”

Some lines from the song suggesting


Stony the road we trod,

Bitter the chastening rod,


Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,

Let us march on till victory is won.


Shadowed beneath Thy hand,

May we forever stand,


Led us into the light,

Keep us forever in the path, we pray.

Political Stance

The song is written by James Weldon Johnson for Abraham Lincoln’s birthday in 1899. This was the time when lynching of Africans was on the rise in segregated south America. Jones completed his graduation from Columbia University and started working at a segregates school of blacks in Jacksonville. Meanwhile, he studied law and was admitted to the Florida bar in 1897. Weldon was also a civil rights activist in Florida. The song experienced resurrection during the rise of the civil rights movement when all the churches, Black schools and parents ensure that their children knew words. Whoever from the black professors listen to this song, call it the black anthem without bothering its inspiring message. And see it as a message on the racial device.

Weldon NAACP in 1935, where he played his role in transforming the organization as a leading Afro-American civil rights Advocacy group. Weldon was aimed at demanding to protect the rights of Negros. He decides to make it an official song in 1920 and called it a Negro anthem because he believed that Black nations should have only one anthem, and the country should not be divided further by discriminating races. The comparations of capitalism and race in the community win the anthem calls the Negros not to stop their struggle for justice.

The only company which was named as Miller Brewing had great intentions towards Weldon’s aim. They provided the scholarships to the students of the Black nations, but on the other hand, Miller Chose a song with anti-racist lines in opposition to capitalism, which was considered as, a system built-in support of imprisoned Blacks, and a system that generate profits by oppressing and exploiting the people of African Americans.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

5 Paragraph Essay On Teen Driving

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Teen Driving


In the world full of political problems, there is a high need to point one of the main concern of the 21st century which is teen driving. Teen driving in which teens between the age of 13 and 19 are seen driving cars or motor vehicles. Among such teens, a few of them are trained and pertains to have the knowledge and skills required to drive the vehicle on highways. However, a large number of such teens are not well-trained, and due to this, they are often seen being indulged in certain incidents. Such incidents can either lead to something really devastating or sometimes deaths. The matter of fact is that there has been seen an increase in the number of teen drivers on the road which undoubtedly results in a higher risk of such incidents.


Studies and researches show that there are more than 33% deaths in crashes of motor vehicles which include the teens having age between 13 and 19. The numbers are quite high, and it has been seen an increase in the number of such incidents on a daily basis. Although most of the accidents are due to the negligence of both ends, there is no doubt that age plays a key role in such incidents (Simons et al., 2017). The reason for that lies in the fact that teens having the age of 16 tends to face higher crash rates as compared to the drivers of any other age. There is a high need to understand the reasons behind such accidents among teens. In the majority of the cases, the reason behind accidents is due to carelessness such as using cellphones while driving. Due to such negligence or indulging in certain acts at the very wrong time, an accident may occur (McDonald et al., 2015). Such an accident can either make a teen wounded or he/she may die right at that place. When it comes to the time in which such incidents happen the most, it is between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. At that particular time, the risk of a teen being involved in such an issue is quite high.

There is no doubt that age tends to play an important role, and in most cases, age often refers to the main cause of accidents on roads. The reason for that is quite simple as statistics show that the death rate of 16 and 17 years old drivers tends to increase with every additional passenger. It can simply be assumed that due to less age, and immaturity, teens are not able to put the focus on the road while driving. The result of such negligence will undoubtedly be negative. Apart from this, less than half of the teens that are involved in the act of driving would undoubtedly be speaking up in case if someone were driving in a way due to which they were frightened. Experience is another main factor that contributes to the increase in incidents due to teen driving. The inexperienced teen will always have a fear of accident. Due to this, he/she may not be able to put concentration on driving. The outcomes of this can be resulting in a bad accident (McDonald et al., 2015). There is no doubt that talking on a cellphone tends to double the likelihood of an accident. The matter of fact is that one in five of 16 years old drivers tends to have an accident within the first year of driving. The outcomes of this result in making age a contributing factor to such incidents in society.

Car crashes are undoubtedly the greatest threat of health and safety for a teenager. Parents are on a high need to understand that the majority of teen crashed can be prevented. Most teens do not give an ear when they are asked to go for road safety laws. Every driver must need to pass road safety laws. The reason for that is quite simple as such laws gives a piece of evidence that a person possesses the required skills to drive a motor vehicle. Moreover, it will be ensured that the teen will prevent injuries and crashes. Moreover, it means that the teens will be making the road safer as well. Therefore such laws are considered to be a great guide for all drivers. One of the most effective ways to reduce crash related to teen-driving is GDL provisions (Shults et al., 2017). They tend to provide an understandable approach to steadily increasing privileges of a new driver as he/she tends to gain maturity and experience during driving in less risky conditions. The crash risk for teens tends to increase in an incremental manner. Such an incrementation is with each mile per hour over the speed limit.


It is concluded that most of the accidents are due to the negligence of both ends, but there is no doubt that age plays a key role in such incidents. In the majority of the cases, the reason behind accidents is due to carelessness such as using cellphones while driving. It can simply be assumed that due to less age, and immaturity, teens are not able to put the focus on the road while driving. There is no doubt that the outcomes of such negligence will undoubtedly be negative. The inexperienced teen will always have a fear of accident. Due to this, such teens may not be able to put concentration on driving. There is a high chance that in such scenarios, the results would be in bad accidents

Work Cited

McDonald, Catherine C., and Marilyn S. Sommers. "Teen drivers’ perceptions of inattention and cell phone use while driving." Traffic injury prevention 16.sup2 (2015): S52-S58.

Shults, Ruth A., and Allan F. Williams. "Trends in teen driver licensure, driving patterns and crash involvement in the United States, 2006–2015." Journal of safety research 62 (2017): 181-184.

Simons-Morton, Bruce, et al. "Teen driving risk and prevention: naturalistic driving research contributions and challenges." Safety 3.4 (2017): 29.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

5 Years From Now

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Five Years from Now


Is it possible that the literature like "And of clay we are created" and "The Streetcar named desire" can be deemed worthy enough to be included in the curriculum five years from now? Yes. The significance of these pieces must be recognized to fulfill the basic purpose of literature that ensures preserving. "And of Clay, We are Created" is a short story by Isabel Allende while "The streetcar named desire" is a play written by the renowned author Tennessee Williams. The essay provides reasons why these pieces should be considered a part of the syllabus five years from now. Discussion

The most important reason why "And of Clay, We are Created' should be included in curriculum in five years from now is because it illustrates the real events of the 1985 earthquake in Colombia that featured Azucena (Omayra Sanchez) as a victim. It is one of the stories from the collection of the stories depicting the life of Eva Luna who was also the narrator of the story. The main character of the story, ‘Rolf Carle” is a lover of Eva Luna. Throughout the story, he remains by Azucena’s Side. Allende tries to illustrate the notion of self-discovery through love by making use of delicate images and plotlines. The story starts with, “They discovered the girl’s head protruding from the mud pit, eyes wide open, calling soundlessly,” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"y8NYPQ4p","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Allende)","plainCitation":"(Allende)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":347,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/3N9FC3IT"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/3N9FC3IT"],"itemData":{"id":347,"type":"book","title":"The Stories of Eva Luna","publisher":"Simon and Schuster","number-of-pages":"360","source":"Google Books","abstract":"Isabel Allende now ranks as one of the world's most beloved authors. In 1988, she introduced the world to Eva Luna, in a novel of the same name that recounted the adventurous life of a poor young Latin American woman who finds friendship, love, and some measure of worldly success through her powers as a storyteller. Her most ambitious novel up to that time, \"Eva Luna\" was described by the \"Washington Post\" as \"a cascade of stories [that] tumbles out before the reader, stories vivid, passionate and human.\" Returning to this tale by popular demand, Allende unveiled \"The Stories of Eva Luna\" in 1991. A treasure trove of brilliantly crafted tales, the book showed us once again why \"Eva Luna\" and her much-celebrated creator have won such a large and devoted readership.We begin with Rolf Carle, the European refugee, journalist, and lover who figured so largely in \"Eva Luna.\" Lying in bed with Eva Luna, he asks her to tell him a story. \"What about?\" she asks. \"Tell me a story you have never told anyone before. Make it up for me.\" And so she does, giving Rolf Carle and the reader twenty-three vibrant, enchanting demonstrations of her artistry. Here are \"compesinos\" and rich people, guerrillas and fortune-tellers, great beauties and tyrants, the foreign rendered indelibly familiar. Here is Clarisa, \"born before the city had electricity, she lived to see television coverage of the first astronaut levitating on the moon, and she died of amazement when the Pope came for a visit and was met in the street by homosexuals dressed up as nuns\"; here is El Capitan, who waited for forty years before proposing to his dancing partner; Horacio Fortunato, a circus owner and entrepreneur, whose encounterwith a languid foreign woman will force him to change his roguish ways even as he attempts to court her; Maurizia Rugieri, who abandons her husband and child for a young medical student, converting their life together into an opera of her own design; Nicholas Vidal, who \"had always known that a woman would cost him his life\" but never suspected that it would be the wife of Judge Hidalgo; Raid Halbi, once again displaying his concern and wisdom for the people of Agua Santa; Marcia Liberman, the wife of a European diplomat, whose brief affair with the President for Life of an unnamed Latin American country has startling rewards...Love, vengeance, nostalgia, compassion, irony -- Isabel Allende leaves no emotion untouched in these stories. Opulently imagined, stirringly told, they confirm her place as one of the world's leading writers.","ISBN":"978-0-684-87359-6","note":"Google-Books-ID: VtsL4KtmYykC","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Allende","given":"Isabel"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1999"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Allende) which not only gathers the audience's attention by dramatic appeal but also contributes towards establishing the theme of sight. While reading the plotline, the reader can feel the agony and fear that surrounds the whole story. The author herself has highlighted the importance of the novel in an interview with Marilyn Berlin Shell saying, “The face of Omayra Sánchez, one of the thousands of victims of Colombia's Nevado Ruiz volcanic eruption. The black eyes of that girl have haunted me. . . . She is telling me something. She is talking to me about patience, about endurance, about courage” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"RNXpgyVY","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}And of Clay Are We Created})","plainCitation":"(And of Clay Are We Created)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":353,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/XEGQF6JG"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/XEGQF6JG"],"itemData":{"id":353,"type":"webpage","title":"And of Clay Are We Created","abstract":"And of Clay Are We Created<BR><BR> Unlike many novelists, Isabel Allende did not train as a fiction writer by creating short stories before moving on to nove","URL":"https://academiclibrary.com/paper/8W5bYG9K","language":"en-us","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,26]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (And of Clay Are We Created) which demonstrates the impact the events have left on the Author. Allende has done a great job in the adaption of historical events into a fiction novel which makes it worthy of appreciation.

The reason why “The Streetcar named desire” should be made part of the curriculum five years from now is because it hits a chord with the society. A play is not just a source of entertainment, but it also incorporates various social conflicts that make it deeply relevant and useful. The author William has tried to convey it in a way that it touches the heart of the audience. Social conflicts depicted in the play are mainly the conflicts that arise due to society's different perception of a person's reality. Stanley along with other characters was under the impression that the Blanche outward appearance is a actually a fake mask which she wears to protect herself ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"lhs3qmtR","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Williams)","plainCitation":"(Williams)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":349,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/WX68EPS8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/WX68EPS8"],"itemData":{"id":349,"type":"book","title":"A Streetcar Named Desire","publisher":"Amereon Limited","number-of-pages":"book","source":"Google Books","abstract":"The story of Blanche DuBois and her last grasp at happiness, and of Stanley Kowalski, the one who destroyed her chance. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.","ISBN":"978-0-8488-2699-4","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Williams","given":"Tennessee"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Williams). He seems to attack her faintest link: reality to expose her to the outside world. It also demonstrates the impact of conflict between a person's reality and fantasy. In the plot, Blanche seems to be delusional because she refuses to accept her reality ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"1ase3aB4","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Williams)","plainCitation":"(Williams)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":349,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/WX68EPS8"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/WX68EPS8"],"itemData":{"id":349,"type":"book","title":"A Streetcar Named Desire","publisher":"Amereon Limited","number-of-pages":"book","source":"Google Books","abstract":"The story of Blanche DuBois and her last grasp at happiness, and of Stanley Kowalski, the one who destroyed her chance. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.","ISBN":"978-0-8488-2699-4","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Williams","given":"Tennessee"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Williams). By hiding her traumatic past, she seeks a genuine social and emotional acceptance. “Both Blanche’s drinking and her endless hot baths suggest that she is attempting to wash away her past and emerge through a sort of watery purgatory” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"emkCBfga","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}A Streetcar Named Desire\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(“A Streetcar Named Desire”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":351,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/UQAC5WPW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/UQAC5WPW"],"itemData":{"id":351,"type":"webpage","title":"A Streetcar Named Desire: Social Conflict Analysis","container-title":"Owlcation","abstract":"Character, thematic, and social analysis of A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams. This play has several intriguing themes, which I will discuss. Thank you for reading!","URL":"https://owlcation.com/humanities/A-Streetcar-Named-Desire-by-Tennessee-Williams","title-short":"A Streetcar Named Desire","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,26]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“A Streetcar Named Desire”). Moreover, the play tries to demonstrate the fact that is in favor of individualism by refusing to accept women's victimization. The society wanted Blanche and women like her to submit to men but she refused.


Both of these literary pieces have a different reason why they should be deemed worthy of incorporation into the curriculum 5 years for now. Although "And of Clay, we are created" is a piece of fiction but it is based on the real-life events of the 1985 volcanic eruption in Columbia which gives the message of self-acceptance through love which is needed in this society. “The Streetcar named desire” is a significant piece that addresses the major conflicts and issues faced by society and a person and are not taken under consideration.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY “A Streetcar Named Desire: Social Conflict Analysis.” Owlcation, https://owlcation.com/humanities/A-Streetcar-Named-Desire-by-Tennessee-Williams. Accessed 26 Nov. 2019.

Allende, Isabel. The Stories of Eva Luna. Simon and Schuster, 1999.

And of Clay Are We Created. https://academiclibrary.com/paper/8W5bYG9K. Accessed 26 Nov. 2019.

Williams, Tennessee. A Streetcar Named Desire. Amereon Limited, 2004.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

9/11 A Government Plot

[Writer’s Name]

[Instructor’s Name]



9/11 A government plot

9/11 was one of the darkest days in the history of the United States America. On Tuesday 11 September, there were a series of four terrorist attacks that caused massive causalities and as a result, many people lost their lives. The destruction of the twin towers also known as a world trade center was the spotlight of the attack. The attackers hijacked four domestic aircraft and took control of the planes as soon as they took off. The first plane was piloted into the World trade center while the second struck the south tower in Boston. The third plane struck the southwest side of the pentagon and the fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania. This cause huge chaos in the whole country as the clouds of smoke quickly filled the streets within minutes (Pelkmans).

As the attacks were of a wide spectrum, they captured the attention of every person not only with in the country but also of people all over the world. Initially, people all over the world were under shock and were consoling the people who lost their loved ones. However, after some time, several conspiracy theories started to emerge. Even today, after so many years have passed, people are still making several conspiracy theories regarding the attack. Most people think that it was an insider job. Michael Meacher who was a former British environment minister claimed that the United States government knew about the attack and advertently failed to prevent the attack. Many theorists claim that the US officials already knew about the attack and were also involved in the planning of the attack due to which they didn’t try to stop it. According to different theorists, a significant amount of ‘put options’ were placed on both the United and American Airlines stocks which means that insiders were already aware of the attacks. This unusual stock exchange market activity clearly indicates that the attack was an insider job. Additionally, the Chicago board options exchange recorded the total 4744 put options and almost 4516 were put on the American Airlines day before 9/11. This cannot be a coincidence as no other airline company has received this much amount of put to call ratio. Moreover, several insurance companies saw irregular trading activities as well. Many government officials have their businesses so they can get a huge benefit from investing in the stock market. All these facts pointed out that many government officials were indirectly involved in the attacks (Bell).

The theorist claim that to execute an attack this big is only possible if a people involved in the attack have high-security clearance or people have the authority to stage a drill simulating the attack. Also, to execute the attack, someone must have designed a highly efficient software and a pilot testing would have been conducted in real life. So how was the government unaware of the testing conducted within the airspace of the country? Also, only the government can authorize the security clearance of the hijackers and other tools that were bought to plan the attack. Furthermore, the attack happened before the elections so this provides an opportunity for all politicians to come under the spotlight and can gain benefits by sympathizing with the people. This will make them more popular thus the attack can benefit them in getting more votes. Also, many theorists claim that the US wanted to invade Iraq and Afghanistan so they planned the attack and blamed Islamic terrorist organizations. Oil was a major factor that the US government wanted to invade Iraq to initiate a war with several Muslim countries. By blaming Muslims, the US government can increase the anger of people against Muslims and would make it easy for them to invade Iraq and Afghanistan and later invade Iran.

Despite several controversies surrounding the 9/11 tragedy and the role of government, many people think that the government was not involved in the execution of the attack. This is because soon after the attack, Al-Qaeda took the responsibility of the attack. Also, according to the FBI, reports identified some of the hijackers who were all Muslims and had letters in their luggage written in the Arabic language. The letters contained information regarding the attack and the identity of hijackers. This indicated that Saudi Arabia was involved in the attack. Although they must have US allies as well yet the whole financing and planning was done by the Saudi government. The reason Al-Qaeda stated for the attack was due to the involvement of the US government in supporting a war against Muslims in Somalia, Kashmir, and Palestine (Powell). This clearly indicated that the government was not involved in the attack. Also, religion was another factor due to which the attack happened. These are the reasons that people believe that the government was not involved in plotting 9/11. Media also played a very important role in the whole scenario. The media portrayed Al-Qaeda and Muslims as terrorists making people of the US believe that the attack was entirely planned and executed by Muslims. Not only electronic media but also print media portrayed the same thing (Kellner). Additionally, FBI agents and all law enforcement agencies also provided several pieces of evidence towards Muslims. Due to this reason people never actually bothered to think regarding government involvement in the attacks.

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Bell, Chris. "The people who think 9/11 may have been an 'inside job'." 2018.

Kellner, Douglas. "9/11, spectacles of terror, and media manipulation: A critique of Jihadist and Bush media politics." Critical Discourse Studies 1.1 (2004): 41-64.

Pelkmans, Mathijs, and Rhys Machold. "Conspiracy theories and their truth trajectories." Focaal 2011.59 (2011): 66-80.

Powell, Kimberly A. "Framing Islam: An analysis of US media coverage of terrorism since 9/11." Communication Studies 62.1 (2011): 90-112.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900


[Your Name]

[Instructor Name]

[Course Number]


English: Film 97%


At first when I found the film titled “97%” was quite charming and funny but the idea it has and conveys is very clear and credible.

The case with the film goes like; the best is on the train home and gets a notification a dating app saying there has a profile match nearby to him with a rating of matching of 97% the rest of the film is him and trying to find that girl. Same as I said a simple idea but enough interesting. Something that this film did and I noticed in the film looks to be a fairly popular theme with a short film is the lack of dialogue while showing a lot of characters through expressions. For the analysis, I would be using the worksheet to categorize the film in different ways. The sheet highlights camera and lightening, location, recording, editing, and the story.

Camera and Lighting

Based on my view and opinion the lightning of the film is much than only fine but a small issue is that the camera work was a bit stuck to me. In most of the scenes, it gave me a nice touch as the camera person focuses on the women sat in front of him but he looks at the reflection of her to the left of her window. Anyway, the camera looks at him looking at the left of the screen and here an enhanced camera shaking. I think this is the point of view shot of the women looking at him who look at her reflection and smiling. And the moment when he witnesses that she also smiles then they look back to each other is a point of huge interest. I guess he looks at the reflections twice times in the film but the scene is really enjoyable,

The Location

Most of the film has been made and shots have been taken mostly on the train and very few are not taken in that place (train). They were on the place or platform and the location worked very finely with this little story they had because it provides good information about the main and almost entire character. Clearly, he is finding the women with so much match but the location he is using to find her is much fine and smart in my view and opinion. This is smart and good because it adds to the sense of urgency because it has been shown the lady is also at that (same) train. So that is why he has the concern to find her before the train stops at a station and she leaves before he finds her. According to my opinion, the location used is more than good and fit for the film and idea to show. Beyond that, the location is fit because the idea is also as simple as the story and they are using particular items or elements to empower their entire film.

Recording (Audio Recording)

In terms of recording, it is also much simple, clear, and fit according to the film. The tome is also a perky tune which is strangely enough for the situation in the film. The recording and audio they play are very perfect as per the situation when he is finding that women on the train. But it becomes more perfect at the time when he in search of the women as well as in the danger of losing her track. For instance, the situation and time when people are leaving the train and he searches for the platform for her. But one thing, the way it played was needed to be played a bit too often and a bit more loudly as per the scene.

Beyond that, anther finest perfection in the sound was the Foley, based on my view and opinion, they have added to the realism very perfectly while the finest example of it in the film is the dull rumble of the train wheels on the tracks. This can be considered as they have added to realism perfectly because it gives a very pleasant sense of calm when the man was very quietly and silently in search of the woman and was getting more and more frustrated with the task of searching the woman. Another sound or recording in this film is the sound of notifications of the phone and the time when his phone goes off is the very proper start of the film. I think this scene has been taken as the start because it develops a sense of purpose and engagement for the viewer and it is the entire story point. Hence, this is the way for the viewers to gain the message and anticipate the information which would become available to the character and which would assist to ascertain the location of the match of the man.

The Editing

At the very start, this shows that the man is thanklessly in search of the way to his train home. But after that, it shows him entering the train and setting. According to my opinion, this was almost the smartest way to add a good character with the very first couple of moments. Despite this, the feelings of the man which is a very sad feeling and feeling of loneliness is a way of generating the motivation for finding the girl or woman so intensely. The way the film has been edited shows us the way the man searches. I think that the entire way of editing shows quite efficiently and skilfully the way he searches as well as the urgency of his search.

The Story

After analyzing all aspects of the film production, I think there is nothing much to be said or stated about it. Based on my opinion, the story is incredibly and efficiently simple and clear as well as very expertly saturated by everything involved and used in the film such as location, camera work, lighting, and audio, etc. Based on my view and analysis, it has been made clear by this film that clear and simple can lead to some credible and almost best films. The idea of man searches for the woman is based on the details about the girl/woman, based on dating profile of her on the train, you have to elaborate it with much effective and good use of the other components of the films which this film performed quite better and well. So I think and based on my analysis, it can be stated that the story of the film has been empowered by such means.

Work Cited

Vimeo. "97% (Short Film)." Vimeo.com. N. p., 2015. Web. 3 Nov. 2019.

Available at: https://vimeo.com/143233550

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200


[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Prompt no 1


This essay is decoding a chosen physical location by analyzing its signs. I have chosen New York City as a physical location. This essay will illuminate what aura does this location provides on the basis of its signs: the design, the atmosphere, the colors, shape of the buildings, and the architecture.


This physical location is entirely the representation of the modernize urban society. Tall buildings in various sizes, with multiple stories, and several windows, roads, and alleys that are distinct one building from another, no plants or no trees to be seen, all of this represents the urbanization of the society. On observation, it can be seen that there is no such empty space left, all the space has been utilized by the buildings of different sizes or the roads. In the background, more countless buildings of different shapes and sizes can be seen that are standing in a flow, one after the other. Moreover, it can be seen clearly that this particular city is surrounded by water bodies. Furthermore, the architecture and style of different buildings is unique and distinctive. It represents the creativity and inventiveness in the designs of the buildings.

Several buildings that are right next to each other in rows and in a flow, this massive number of the buildings describe that how much populated this location is with people and there is a massive community that lives in this area with everyday needs. It can be seen that instead of housing society system there is apartment and flats system in the buildings. Therefore, the major population of people is living in apartments and flats instead of houses. It can also be explained by the number of windows in buildings. Moreover, not all of these buildings are the shelter for people, a large number of buildings houses different businesses, organizations and corporations which employ thousands of people that are residing in this city.

The tallest building that can be seen in this physical location, it is Empire state building. It gets so easier to recognise that this physical location is New York City because of the popularity of the Empire State Building. It is an Iconic building standing in New York City that has more than 100 floors. Its size, it's design, and its poularity have made this building a symbol and icon for New York City. Other than that, the distinctive and unique design of the buildings represents that it is like a race between different architectures to come up with smart and brilliant ideas of designing these modern masterpieces.

Through its architecture of buildings, it can be analyzed that people here prefer individuality than the family system. They prefer to live independently and make their own life, by having their own job. It seems like there is more individualism in this city not only because of locals but because of the diversity of nationalities that are residing in this city just for the sake of higher and better standards of life. There is a number of people who come to this city from other countries for a good and respectable jobs and life. Instead of buying or renting a house, it gets easier for them to share a flat with someone or to live in an apartment.

The different roads that are in different geometrical pattern but are wide and vast, this represents that the infrastructure of the building was designed for the massive population. It can be seen that the roads are designed in such a way to avoid the jam of traffic because of the dense population that is residing in this area. As there can be a constant issue of people getting late for there everyday matters of life. Moreover geometrical pattern in which different buildings are aligned represents that this area is crowded with population.

Water bodies that are surrounding the city explain that the temperature and atmosphere of the location should be moderate. It represents that it usually does not get too much hot or too much cold in this location. There are no mountains nearby, so the sunlight falls directly on this city which explains the bright and sunny days that this city experiences. There are no trees visible in the picture, the location is not rich in greenery, and on the other hand, this area is densely populated which means there is more use of cars, engines and polluting components. Therefore, it is obvious that this location is participating greatly in generating more pollution. Although, the roads look neat and clean which means garbage has been deposited wisely, but the leading cause of the pollution here is the massive use of engines and burning fuel. It is because of this pollution, and there are chances that people are struggling in this location for the sustainability of the fresh environment as pollution is bringing many diseases to this location.


The infrastructure, buildings, roads, no greenery, and the entire design is the epitome of urbanization of modern times. The empire state building, the water bodies behind in the picture, the sunny weather, and unique and modern designs of the building, densely populated area, describe clearly that it is the New York City which is the embodiment of today’s society. It gives aura of true urbanized society.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

A Classroom For Everyone

A Classroom for Everyone

Paragraph 1

Considering the inclusion for students in a classroom, based on their special needs, there are a lot of challenges that students have to face. One of the significant challenge involves difficulty in having discipline. Hence, having no discipline in the classroom tends to face difficulty in the learning rate for the students with special needs. Along with this, having all the kids on the same rate of learning gets difficult, and this can be regarded as the key challenge. Because, the needs of the special kids are different than that of the normal kids (Lee et al., 2015). Moreover, in a classroom, a kid whether normal or special, have to survive among other kids, in this way another challenge that rises is to take care of the well being of the kid. As it has been observed that many of the times, special kids are bullied or they are humiliated. In that way, it affects their psychological health as well as their learning motivation and interest (Florian, Rouse, Black-Hawkins, 2016). Furthermore, as like any normal kid, the student with special needs also requires a play time, however, based on their needs and disabilities they might not be able to play a certain game or sports, that his class fellows and friends are playing. It might also affect his well being, and that is why it is an essential challenge for the inclusion of these students. If we consider the needs of these kids by providing them with the opportunity to play a game that they want to, it would be required from the school to look after a kid and help him in playing. However, realistically it will require a lot more resources, and that is why the presence of low resources is another challenge in the inclusion of the classrooms (Giese, 2017, pg. 6). Based upon the disabilities of these students, another challenge might be that the instructional method must be focused on all the students, but the teacher is using the method which is only doable by the normal kids, in this way it becomes a proponent challenge as well. However, an instructional assistant can play a role in designing a lesson plan that can help every student in a classroom to learn the concept by employing multiple strategies and activities.

Paragraph 2

Challenges that are discussed above are very important, hence it is very neceassry to solve them. As, despite these challenges, the inclusion of students with special needs is still essential. In this way, it can be attempted to solve the issues. Thus, the challenge of the instructional method can be dealt with in the already mentioned way. As the role of an educational assistant can be very vital to design a lesson plan and instructional method which tends to cater to the needs of every kid including normal as well kids with disabilities. Furthermore, to deal with the challenge of bullying a classroom culture can be created where kids understand the uniqueness that everyone holds and also respects their special class-fellows (Barton, Smith, 2015). Moreover, the solution for dealing with the problem of assistance in play for these kids can be tackled by providing them with their need specific plays such as video games or resources by which they can be able to play as well. However, this solution will require some resources from the school administration. Whereas dealing with the discipline problem, education assistant will be required to create a management plan that will be based upon every kid and based on the plan every kid will get a reward and consequence based on the maintenance of discipline (Westwood, 2018). Moreover, the problem regarding the psychological wellbeing of the special kids can be dealt with by taking parents and child on board. Also, by making parents to continuously make their kid proud of his abilities and motivate them. Along with the parents, an education assistant will also be required to help in coping with these challenges. Hence, these attempts can be made in the way of making the inclusion of special kids possible.


Barton, E. E., Smith, B. J. (2015). Advancing high-quality preschool inclusion A discussion and recommendations for the field. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 35(2), 69-78.

Florian, L., Rouse, M., Black-Hawkins, K. (2016). Achievement and inclusion in schools. Routledge.

Lee, F. L. M., Yeung, A. S., Tracey, D., Barker, K. (2015). Inclusion of children with special needs in early childhood education What teacher characteristics matter. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 35(2), 79-88.

Westwood, P. (2018). Inclusive and adaptive teaching Meeting the challenge of diversity in the classroom. Routledge.


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Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

A Comparison Of 2 Magazines


Professor’s Name:



Comparison of 2 magazines

The two magazines provided focus on people and animals. The people magazine focuses on the lives of people with a particular emphasis on kindness in their lives. The animal geographic magazine focuses on the unique features of animals and the contributions made by various Nat Geo Wild stars towards ensuring the pets are in safe hands and not endangered in any way.

In the People magazine, the author begins writing the first article chronologically by tracing the points at which the Chip and Joana Gaines started practicing kindness. Focus is on the different years they took part in various events where the proceeds went towards a good course or charity.

The author then proceeds to use the order of importance by stating the relevant acts of kindness the characters take part and for example, taking part in marathons, volunteering in the community and even displaying stickers with kindness messages in the community around them. In the second article, the author writes in chronological order since Julia Roberts gives her encounter of human kindness through her years as a teenager up until adulthood.

The other magazine’s first article is written in a spatial order as it begins with a look at Dr. Pol’s veterinarian work and the contributions he has made towards the well-being of the animals. Focus is given in different cases he has had to handle as a veterinarian at his clinic. The second story in the first article is that of Shannon Swanson, whose contribution as pet trade investigator looked at with a focus on investigating how aquarium fish is traded illegally. The second article on Nat Geo magazine is also written in order of importance as it looks at various attributes of pets and their unique abilities, what separates them from others, and any unique talents they have.

Works Cited

Nat Geo magazine; Pets issue

People’s magazine; Kindness issue

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

A Day In An Ant Colony

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Title: A day in an Ant Colony


The research paper follows the ant colony and depicts it from different aspects. The ant colony, functionality, and types of different ants, how these feed and gather food are all covered in the paper. The paper provides an overview of the living of the ants in their colonies and how each group serves a separate purpose, and new colonies come into existence. It elaborates how a simple tiny ant starts its journey and in the end able to form an entire colony with a potential of millions of ant under her.

Discussion & Analysis

An ant-colony is a name given to the way ants live their life on a set pattern which resembles a colony. The ant colony can be described as social because ants work in groups performing separate functions. A colony consists of multiple people living together and doing their tasks. The same is the case with ant-colonies where ants live together, and each kind of ant has its specified function. Each and every ant is appointed on a different task, and they continue to do so all their life. The colonies can either be confined in a small area where only a few dozen ants are present to a huge territory that may compose of millions of ants.


An ant colony is comprised of queen ants that are responsible for laying eggs. At any given time, there can be one or more queen ants in a colony. Other types of ants include worker ants as well as winged ants that can either be male or female. Reproductive ants are also available in the colony. An ant colony can be of any size. The size of the ant colony depends upon many factors e.g.; season is a major component that defines the size of the ant colony as there might be more ants in winter as compared to summer. The species of the ant also affects the colony size. The whole properties of the entire colony change according to its size e.g., the nests they build, how these defend themselves, etc.


Ants build nests to start a colony. Ant colonies can be found at different places wherever the ants feel suitable. Ant colonies can be found in a small mound of sand, or the ants create holes in the soil and live there. Many ant colonies can be found in old rotting tree trunks, under the leaves, and even under the rocks. All of this solely depends upon the condition being favorable and species of ants. Normally looking from a human's perspective, the ants are might unorganized creatures, but in reality, ants are one of the most organized creatures out there.

Task assignments

Each individual and is responsible for selecting its own job. Queen does not assign jobs to the ants. One factor that sets the criteria for a job is the age of the ant. The younger ants work from within the center of the nest or from near the queen where they defend their leader. The older ants are responsible for other works that involve gathering food etc. (The Ant Colony: Structure And Roles).

Scout/Worker ants

Scout ants are responsible for leaving their colonies in search of food for the other ants of the colony. As the food is found, the scout ants return to the colony to get help to carry food and inform the other ants about the food search by tapping on their head (Gordon 11). The ants then combine and leave to get food for the entire colony. The scout ants are part of the worker ants, as mentioned above. To keep track of the trail of the food, the ants scent the area by rubbing their abdomen wherever they go along the path. This smell becomes a reason for the guide of other ants to the location of the food. Worker ants are female. Worker ants are responsible for creating nests, looking for food, and other tasks related to the nest like protecting it, providing warmth and moisture.

Queen ant

As described above, the main role of the queen ant is to reproduce and lay eggs. Queen ant is identified mainly by its size as it is always bigger than the normal and. Queens are responsible for starting a colony. Once the colony starts, queen seapartes itself from the colony to reproduce and lay eggs. Other than this, the queen ant is also responsible for looking after the colony and fulfilling the needs. Another characteristic of the queen ant is that it can live for many years as compared to the other ants. When the worker ants are unable to look after the nest, it is the queen’s duty to look after it and make sure she protects her eggs and territory. As soon as the worker ants mature, they take on other tasks while queens responsibilities reduce to just laying eggs.

Shelter and defense

Multiple ants are able to join their bodies and form different formations. Many times ants are able to form a living ant’s nest when they join each other through their feet and jaws. Also, another formation that the ants get into is that of a bridge-like structure that helps ants to cross puddles and other areas that might normally be inaccessible. All these show the highly developed intellect of the ants and how these adapt to different situations. Ants use different means by which the colony is protected. Such formations can also be used to scare the enemies that try to invade and destroy the ant colony. Furthermore, the worker ants are also responsible for protecting the queen ant while it lays eggs.

The lifecycle of an ant colony

As queen lays eggs, these eggs can be divided into male ants that are mainly responsible for mating, female ants that turn out to be worker ants, and finally, other queen ants. When the queen ant reaches a certain maturity level, it leaves the current colony through a process called nuptial flight. This flight is exclusively for the mating purpose. When the conditions are favorable, the queen ants abandon their colony and begin to mate and look after its eggs. After the nuptial flight, the ants settle at a bright place e.g a roof From there on the start of a new colony takes place, where the eggs that hatch and mature turn to worker ants and the cycle continues (The Lifecycle Of An Ant Colony).

It is not always necessary that the ant takes a nuptial flight. In some species of ant, the queen never leaves the current colony and begins searching for the male partner from top of the nest. This allows the queen ant to stay at her current location being in any danger. The queen ant stays protected due to the worker ants.


Ants are social creatures where each type of ant has a set function. Ants form their colonies, and each group of ants within the colony serve it according to their jobs. The ant colony is a complex system involving many different components. Every day the process of reproduction by the queen ant and other activities like finding food, protecting the nest, etc. are all done by the worker ants.

Works Cited

"The Lifecycle Of An Ant Colony". Antkeepers, 2019, https://www.antkeepers.com/facts/ant-colony/lifecycle-ant-colony/. Accessed 16 Dec 2019.

"The Ant Colony: Structure And Roles | Western Exterminator". Westernexterminator.Com, 2019, https://www.westernexterminator.com/ants/the-ant-colony-structure-and-roles/. Accessed 16 Dec 2019.

Gordon, Deborah M. Ant encounters: interaction networks and colony behavior. Vol. 1. Princeton University Press, 2010.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

A Doll House

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Course Number


Title: A Doll’s House

The role and social position of women have been the topics of debates, and literature throughout history. A Doll’s House is no exception to the rule. The play highlights the social position of women in the Victorian Era and in the 19th century. There are many themes and the author may have several intentions while writing the play, but one that seems obvious is showcasing the social status and position of Victorian women. Women were considered as doll-like creatures and by no means, they were given the authority to make decisions. Men used to be the heads of house, whether husband or father. A Doll’s house illustrates the social status of women in the Victorian era, reflected by the protagonist Nora through family sacrifices, belittling of women by society and her life choices.

The play is centered on a couple, Nora and Torvald. Nora is the ideal woman of Victorian society. The Victorian era is known for the male dominance in the society and women were restricted to managing house chores and taking care of children, according to the traditional family patterns. As the play begins, it is very easy to observe the social status of women and Ibsen’s beliefs about it. Nora’s behavior is exactly what is expected of her as a woman and an ideal wife. She gave into everything as her husband desires and took in all his orders and commands. Her husband accuses her of doing excessive shopping, taking so many sweets and gaining weight. He also insults her on many occasions considering that women are the silly creatures unfamiliar of how to handle the matters. Though Nora takes the decision to save Torvalds’s life by borrowing money. She says, “In any case, Torvald, a man, proud to be a man- how do you imagine he’d feel if he knew he owed anything to me? It would break us apart. Our lovely home, our happiness-al gone” (Ibsen, 36).

Nora, the protagonist of play who is the wife of Torvald Helmer sees like an innocent playful childlike character, not knowing enough of her surroundings and the world outside her home. However, her decision to take a loan and save her husband’s position reveals that she is not as innocent and silly as her husband considers. In comparison with the other female characters of the play, she is financially advantaged but lives a complicated life due to societal expectations. As society indicates that Torvald must be the marriage governing partner. She hides the loan she took to save his life because she knows, being a man he would never accept the idea of a wife, a woman helping her financially. In addition, she needs to work in secret to play back the loan since it is not legal for a woman to attain any loan without the approval of her husband. Nora’s husband’s behavior and attitude of society leave her disposed to Krogstad’s extortion.

Another aspect of the social position of women as highlighted in the play is the economic dependence of women on men. Women were not allowed to take a loan or have control on money without the permission of her husband or father who was considered as the owners of women. In addition, they were not educated enough to participate in financial matters. Nora feels vulnerable to both these inequalities, by taking the loan from a bank without the permission and authority of her husband. Also, out of her innocence, she thought she would get away of the matter by the falsification of signature. This economic dependence of women on men adds to the insubordination of women.

The play, in fact, paints the picture of the sacrificial role of women in Victorian society and the way their choices are influenced by others desires and orders. The other female characters of the play also epitomize Nora’s claim that men refuse to sacrifice their integrity. Hundreds of thousands of women sacrifice their lives and integrity to support their families and children. Mrs. Linde abandons Krogstad to back her mother and two younger brothers and marries a rich man in comparison to Krogstad. The Nanny also abandons her children and becomes a caretaker and feels lucky to have a job otherwise would have led astray.

Nora’s role and position in her house were like a Christmas tree that serves the purpose of adding allure and visual appeal to the home merely. As she tells the nurse that children should not be allowed to see the Christmas tree unless decorated and tells her husband that none of the guests must see her before she gets dressed. In addition, she knew that her husband’s love will also fade with her looks, “a time will come when Torvald is not as devoted to me, not quite so happy when I dance for him, and dress for him, and play with him” (Ibsen, 36).

At the end of the play, she finds clarity in their relationship and with that, she gets the power to free herself from her situation. She tells Torvald that she has been doing a lot for him and did everything as per his desires. She realized that his husband and father have done her a great wrong, and because of them she has made nothing in her life. At this point in time, she finally realizes that her husband and father and she lived all her life satisfying them, and somehow lost her own identity. Though she realizes and takes a decision on her own, but not every Victorian woman was able to do that. After portraying the social position of women, Ibsen also encourages women to change their predetermined position the society.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll’s House. A&C Black, 2008.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

A Doll House

A Doll House

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

A Doll’s House


English literature is full of many classical plays and acts. These plays highlight the importance of some specific theme or situation. They have been written on various unique topics and every play holds its own importance. Every playwright has tried their level best to present the topic or the theme of the play in the best possible manner, in which it can be understandable for the audience at a maximum level and the viewers can relate to it.

One of the examples of such a stage play or theater performance is “A Doll’s House”, by Henrik Ibsen. It is a triple-act play written and directed both by the same person. It has been set in the era of 1879 in a Norwegian town. It is a story of a happily married woman who had been living a peaceful life with her husband. Her family consisted of her husband and three kids. The play throws light over the issues of her life and how her life takes tragic turns within a short span of time. The play first premiered on December 21, 1879, at the Royal Theater in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The following piece of writing provides a detailed account of the play and how it has been rightly planned and written to portray the miseries of a woman in a society.



The tragic story revolves around the life of a married woman Nora Helmer, who has been married to Torvald Helmer. Since the past 8 years. They have three children and seem like a quite happy family. Mrs. Nora Helmer is a homemaker and tries to take as much care of the home and the children as she can. She has also hired a nanny to help them with this. The story reveals that Mr. and Mrs. Helmer were not always wealthy, they had pretty bad times financially where both had to work for long hours but now the conditions have got much better and both enjoy a healthy financial status (Ibsen).

Mr. Helmer has recently got a job as a bank director and he wants his wife to spend money very carefully and wisely. In the meanwhile, the Helmer family gets visitors, Dr. Rank, and Kristine Linde. Dr. Rank is a family friend of the Helmers and often visits them, whereas Mrs. Linde has come to see Mrs. Helmer after a very long time. Mrs. Helmer reveals a secret to her that she her husband had gone to Italy by getting money by a trick from her father. She forged her father’s signature and got the money out of his funds. Mrs. Linde promises to keep this a secret if only Mrs. Helmer helps her in getting a job at Mr. Helmer’s bank. Mrs. Helmer promises to do so.

There is another guy in the play named as Krogstad. Krogstad is a low-level employee at Torvald’s bank. Torvald is not happy with his performance, and his reputation at the bank and decides to kick him out. He holds the secret about Nora’s Fraud. Krogstad even has the contract on which Nora forged her father’s signature. He blackmail’s her that if she did not save his job, he will reveal those papers to Torvald. Torvald finally finds that copy of the contract and gets angry over his wife. Mrs. Nora Helmer gets very offended and says that she only did it for her husband's health and the whole family (Isben). She leaves her husband stating that she had always been extremely sincere to her husband and the family but he only considered him a doll, with whom he could play any time and leave her anytime. She decides to go and find herself instead.


In the play “A Doll’s House”, writer and director Henrik Ibsen intends to put emphasis on the issues of the life of a married woman. The story of the play has been set in such an era when the patriarchal supremacy was at the peak and there was a huge difference between both the genders. Women were considered to only stay at home and do household chores and men were supposed to go outside and earn bread and butter for the family.

The story throws light over multiple aspects of the relationship of a husband and wife. Torvald Helmer and his wife Nora Helmer had been married to each since the last eight years but still, Tarvold does not trust him. This becomes evident when he shows distrust over his wife for not spending the money carefully. He watches his wife’s Christmas shopping and exclaims that she spends money too extravagantly, she should be more careful with the money. Moreover, the wife, Nora Helmer, has also been shown deceiving her husband, not a huge level, but in a very sweet innocent way. Torvald abstains him from eating sweet but as he goes out of sight, she starts eating macaroons.

Regarding the settings of the play, it has been set in the living room of a house. The room has been decorated lavishly and shows the taste of the residents of the house. The expensive decoration pieces, the curtains, and the sofas, everything depicts the rich aesthetic sense of the owners of the home. It also depicts the importance of money and status in society, as the director wants to depict that money is the only root of happiness. It is also more elaborated from the example of Nora’s Christmas shopping, which gives her the ultimate pleasure. This shows that happiness has been linked with shopping which cannot be done without money, so happiness in anyone’s life is directly dependent upon money.

The main theme of the play revolves around the sacrificial role of the women in a society and in a relationship. The director lays emphasis over the fact that a woman sacrifices everything in a relationship, especially in marriage but at the end, she gets nothing in return. It is very easy for a man to put all the sacrifices of a woman at a side and stop loving her, but it never occurs to him that how much he is hurting that woman. The same situation has been depicted in the play when Torvald accuses his wife Nora of fraud and cheating him, totally ignoring the fact that whatever she did was for him and the whole family. She did not forge her father’s signature just for herself, but to get afford a trip to Italy, so that his husband’s health can get better. The tile of the play is also perfectly in accordance with this theme of the play.


In a nutshell, it can be concluded that “A Doll’s House” perfectly elaborates the topic for which it was intended. Where at one place, it depicts the problems and miseries of the life of a married woman, on the other hand, it shows the cruel side of the male patriarchal society. The play describes the twist and turns in the life of a woman, and how her world turns upside down with the entry of just a man. The play stresses on the fact that a woman has got her own rights and the society should respect them.


Ibsen, H. (2008). A Doll’s House. 1879. Boston: Indy Publish.

Ibsen, H. (2008). A doll's house. A&C Black.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

A Doll’s Houseby Henrik Ibsen Research Assignment

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Title: A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

Marriage as an institute was considered sacred at the time when Henrik Ibsen wrote the play, A Doll’s House which was first played in 1879. Women did not have the option to leave their husbands and their role in marriage was very sharply defined. The play questions these traditions of the time and, therefore it is highly criticized (Ibsen).

The play is about a middle-class woman Nora Helmer who took an illegal loan in order to save her husband’s life. She tries to hide her financial issues from her husband Torvald but her husband gets to know about her deceit and he loses his temper. As she violates the gender role of a Victorian woman and she wants to be independent. She dismantled the illusions that outbreak her marriage. After considering herself independent and supporting her husband financially she considered herself as no more anyone’s Doll wife (Ibsen).

The Different Aspects of Nora’s Character

She is the “doll “wife of her husband Torvald. As a person, she is shown very sensitive in the play and she is not aware of her worth till the end of the play. She is portrayed as very excited and capricious and she is shown busy in charming her husband. The play shows that Nora as a person was very different in the start and transformed into a different person in the end (Ibsen).

Nora as a conventional wife:

Nora was a happy wife she cared for his husband and respected him. She followed every order of her husband without any doubt. Her husband used to call Nora his “little singing bird” and a “darling little wife”. She did not mind anything her husband does to her and was ready to do anything to make Torvald happy. In fact, she borrowed money without telling Torvald but her intentions were to save her husband life. Torvald was not happy about this act and he outburst at Nora. After this incident, Nora felt that she is being treated like a doll by her husband as well as by her father. In the play, she says that “father and you have done immense wrong to me and my life has come to nothing due to you” (Ibsen, p.164).

Nora as a mother and as a woman:

Nora loves her children and is a very affectionate mother. The pay shows a domestic setup and the children are very happy playing. The children are shown enjoying their mother's company and Nora looks concerned about her children. But she was going to leave her children to search a purpose for her life other than taking care of the Dollhouse. She asked the old nurse in the play to take care of her children and it is surprising for her as well that a mother is leaving her children behind (Ibsen).

However, a character called Dr.Rank secretly loves Nora but Nora respects him a lot. He offered Nora all of his property in order to get her but Nora kept a distance from him in order to maintain the purity in the relationship of hers. Thus she proved herself a woman of dignity (Ibsen).

Nora as an independent woman:

Nora is more practical than her husband and she became more independent from any Victorian women after she realized that her husband’s love as artificial for her. She tried to rediscover herself and left children and Torvald to voice a protest against male-domination. She was portrayed as a doll in the play and her intellect was never appreciated neither by her husband nor by her father. Nora was ready to face the world on her own and she had a painful choice to leave her children just to end the doll game. Thus she eventually lefts her doll’s house and struggles to become a woman thus this play becomes a masterpiece (Ibsen).

Criticism on the character of Nora

The article “Portal to Forgiveness” by Vicki Mahaffey’s says that forgiveness is a way to neutralize conflicts and it also helps to create a better person. Forgiveness is not the response to someone else’s action but it is done for the inner satisfaction of one’s self and to let go grudges despite having a wound in the heart. In the play, Nora and Torvald had different rules for forgiveness. Nora hurt her husband by lying to him and she turned to be a perpetrator so her husband must forgive her to move on. Torvald thinks that his wife has threatened his reputation. Torvald is concerned with her behavior and she is the one who needs forgiveness. But the lady is not even asking for forgiveness in the play because according to her she had not done anything wrong. Nora has no concern about the superficial life the two had together and she wanted to release herself from the bondage of the marriage (Mahaffey).

Another Critic of the play, Paul Rosefeldt says that Nora’s act was an offence against motherhood and it shocked the audience. He says that “the pay question the accurate definition of motherhood”. He further says that the play directly attacks patriarchy by the help of the character of Nora and it disavowed the causes of feminism. The play hides the struggle of every father and blames them for not doing anything right for their wives and children as is shown in the case of Nora (Rosefeldt).

Another author Michael Feingold defines Nora as a character and says that she is a symbol of a woman struggling for independence and Nora is the one who identifies disappointments in marriage. The writer has described some critics who were against the viewpoint of Nora in the play. Emmy who replied to Nora’s understanding of married life by saying that “Because you left your marriage and it does not mean that marriage will always look like this but I know that what the absence of marriage looks like. “ (Michael, p.1).

Thus most of the Victorian women considered marriage as an ultimate thing for women and want to tie notes. Nora was up against every accusation and she was portrayed as a woman who wants to be an independent married woman and that was not possible for any Victorian women. Nora was shown as a poster girl who is struggling for equality and she had set intellectuals goals for herself (Michael).

The author Choi says about the play, “A Dollhouse” that it was the reason of global sensation in the nineteenth century when it was first played. The author view about Nora is that her character became an icon for the women worldwide and the writer had tried to relate the character of Nora with the Korean gender politics (Choi).

The writer examines the perception that developed about this character and the Korean called women like that in the country as “Korea’s Nora”. Choi explained in his article that how this play shows western modernity and that is not yet to be localized. The writer says that Nora is an architect of a new woman who was a reason for debates among the intellectuals. In the article, Choi is historicizing the character of Nora as an agent of social transformation (Choi).

In a nutshell for some intellectual, the character of Nora was portrayed a new woman who is going to bring social transformation by standing against male dominance and for some she is merely distorting the role of a father and considering marriage as a burden.

Annotated Bibliography

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Choi, Hyaeweol. “Debating the Korean New Woman: Imagining Henrik Ibsen’s ‘Nora’ in Colonial Era Korea.” Asian Studies Review, vol. 36, no. 1, 2012, pp. 59–77.

The article discusses the livelihood of a women and the struggle she goes through. Nora is considered as a women of intellect and she is compared with the women of Korean colonial era. Thus the article historicizes the character of Nora.

Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll’s House. 1879.

A Doll's house is a play that describes the behavior of Victorian Women and it has portrayed a character called Nora who is going to transform this society by standing against the Victorian norms of being dependent on man.

Mahaffey, Vicki. “Portal to Forgiveness: A Tribute to Ibsen’s Nora.” South Central Review, vol. 27, no. 3, 2010, pp. 54–73.

The central idea of this article is forgiveness and the writer says that both Nora and his husband have different rules for forgiveness. Nora should be forgiven and should set free in order to minimize conflict.

Michael, Feingold. NORA (A DOLL’S HOUSE). Nov. 2004.

The article explains Nora as a character in a way that she is considered as a symbol of woman struggling for independence and Nora is the one who identifies disappointments in marriage.

Rosefeldt, Paul. “Ibsen’s a Doll’s House.” The Explicator, vol. 61, no. 2, 2003, pp. 84–85.

Paul Rosefeldt says that Nora’s act was an offence against motherhood and it shocked the audience. He says that “the pay question the accurate definition of motherhood”. He further says that the play directly attacks patriarchy by the help of the character of Nora and it disavowed the causes of feminism. The play hides the struggle of every father and blames them for not doing anything right for their wives and children as is shown in the case of Nora

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

A Fight For Rights

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Title: A fight for rights

The time of Reconstruction is a significant period marked in history of the United States. It lasted from 1865-1877, during which efforts were made to resolve the status of ex-Confederate states and their leaders, coupled with the efforts for freedom as soon as the Civil War ended. Both, Abraham Lincoln, the president of America and the Abolitionist Frederick Douglass had some goals for the nation during the time of Reconstruction. They also shared a common goal to eradicate slavery after the Civil War; however, their priorities also contrasted. Lincoln’s main goal was to unify the nation and bring them back from the destructive impacts of civil war whereas Douglass aimed abolish slavery and have equal rights for all. Both the leaders played a significant role in American history, shared a bond, and worked together to attain their common goal of slavery abolishment (“Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln”). Lincoln succeeded to unify the nation but Douglass’ goal, which was to achieve equality, remained unattainable.

President Abraham Lincoln is known as a leader who preserved the Union after the Civil War. One of the key goals of Lincoln was to unify the nation and to eradicate the conflicts between South and North America. He took the most significant decision to fight to unify the nation. This decision resulted in the loss of many lives and major devastation for the US, however, eventually, it resulted in the US remaining as a single nation rather than two divided countries. At the same time, he devised plans and set different policies that protected America from intervening of other nations in the Civil War (“Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln”). Throughout the war, he remained a resolute commander-in-chief to save the union; and all his efforts in the war aimed at unifying the nation.

The issue of equality and slavery was secondary for the president and he wanted to take any action that could preserve the union. His words describe this very well, "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery." (Boyer et al.) these words are from his letter to Horace Greeley, an abolitionist. Nonetheless, during the Civil War, he issued Emancipation Proclamation based on the procedure to free slaves and it allowed black soldiers to fight for the nation. He also made slavery illegal in the US and is known as a precursor of the 13th amendment.

Both Lincoln and Douglass involved in politics to attain some goals for their nation. Besides, they shared a close but tumultuous relationship during the time Lincoln was in office (“Lincoln and Douglass Shared Uncommon Bond”). Frederick Douglass himself was a slave and after escaping slavery, he became the leader of the abolitionist movement. After the Civil War, he remained the most active player and fought against slavery. He was a firm advocate of abolishment of slavery and equality for all, whether white, black, immigrants, and females. In order to support his efforts to eradicate slavery in America, he published the anti-slavery newspaper and made a role in politics. To attain his goals of abolishing slavery, he used the power of words and delivered remarkable speeches. The most famous among all is “The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro”. He became a consultant to Lincoln and urged African Americans to take part in the union army. He also fought for the right to vote for all. He attained his goals to some extent in the form of the 15th Amendment and Emancipation Proclamation (Douglass’s Role in the Civil War).

Thus, both Lincoln and Douglass played a vital role in history and attained their mutual goals to end slavery. Douglass was not able to fully attain his goal of equality for all but Lincoln managed to unify the nation.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Boyer, Paul S., et al. The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877, Concise. Cengage Learning, 2012.

Douglass’s Role in the Civil War. http://www.americaslibrary.gov/aa/douglass/aa_douglass_war_2.html. Accessed 22 Jan. 2020.

“Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.” WHHA (En-US), https://www.whitehousehistory.org/frederick-douglass-and-abraham-lincoln. Accessed 22 Jan. 2020.

“Lincoln and Douglass Shared Uncommon Bond.” NPR.Org, https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=100694897. Accessed 22 Jan. 2020.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

A Frustrating Experience

A Frustrating Experience

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

A Frustrating Experience


Three months ago, I experienced the most frustrating thing of my life when I had been trapped in the elevator in our new house. I couldn't believe that such a thing would have occurred to me as such type of incidents only seems to appear in the movie.


It was a very special day for me as it was my sister’s birthday. In the afternoon, after I bought a birthday cake for her, I arrived at the entrance of the building of our house where the elevator was installed. My house is on the fourteenth floor of the building. When I was on the ninth floor, the light of the elevator was turned off suddenly.

The atmosphere became full of darkness. I was so frustrated and afraid that the sweat was breaking out of my whole body. I was screaming very loudly and could not do anything instead of seated on the floor and waited for any rescue.

At this moment I tried to calm down for figuring out a way to escape. After thinking a lot, I found the emergency button and pressed that button for contacting to the security guards. Luckily, they attended my call and asked me to calm down and wait for them. They made me wait for so long, and after thirty minutes the lights were turned on, and I could hear the sound of the elevator machine. After a while, the door of the elevator was also opened. I came out and saw many people standing outside the elevator with worried faces.


I have learned a lot from this incident which is considered to be the most frustrating thing in my life. Now, I have the experience of dealing such situations and can’t predict that such incident will make me frustrated in the future. As, now if I will get stuck in the elevator then I will immediately press the emergency button and will avoid myself to get in any frustrating situation. So, this frustrated and unforgettable experience taught me to face the emergency event in the future.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

A Good Man Is Hard To Find

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



A Good Man is Hard To Find

The author Flannery O'Connor developed the subject of the struggle between good and evil in her work "A Good Man is Hard to Find". The story developed the subject by expressing anxieties of the contemporary world and the threat of sudden disturbance or violence. As it is considered as a rare uncertainty, therefore characters create the wrong perspective that things defined will never happen to them. In another way, the storyline presented the unexpected irony to the readers. The concept of evil and good remained the main focus of the author. The story reveals the subject that is Misfit and grandmother. In the story, Misfit who was the serial killer represented the evil while grandmother was the character who represented the good. Through the point of view of the author, the story indicates that confornation of the grandmother with The Misfit present her situation, opportunity, and a supreme test that every person somehow face. The Misfit in his lift acquired the sadism and egotism. The gesture of the grandmother became the reason to make The Misfit into the person for the reason he was born to be. In other words, the author used the characters constituting reasonable of the unreasonable where the reasonableness may not be obvious.

The human being are portrayed in the story as good and evil. Their action and behavior in a particular situation made them a good person and an evil person. The stories like other fiction story have characters as heroic and also selfish. In other word, story presents the mix of characters. It does not focused on just one character and made him a hero, in fact, the character who was portrayed as evil preserved the same importance and focus in the story. The characters included in the story are Bailey, grandmother (character represented as good), The Misfit (a character who was portrayed as evil), Red Sammy Butts, John Wesley, and June Star. The beauty of the story can be identifyied through the character of the grandmother who was portrayed as good. Even her character had a mixed perception. For instance, on one side she was considered as the character which showed the good person. On the other hand, the same character represents the racial and class prejudice. Grandmother was selfish and vain in her character. However, she believed that good character can come from a good person only. It was the crucial concept of the story " A Good Man Hard to Find".

Every character in the story had its own importance. They portray them by presenting the difference in thoughts people acquire when they face an uncertain situation at the same time. The grandmother was the heroic character who faces death. She was selfish but still her action and decisions made her good. The Misfit was evil, his thoughts, and actions made him lie in the evil category. Therefore these two characters were typified, representing the goodness and evilness. The character was not round. Every character had its own uniqueness and importance in the story formation. The character of Misfit embodies a highly negative quality. He was a serial killer. The character who had redeeming qualities was the grandmother. She faced death. Interestingly, the story also portrays her as a character who is not good by highlighting her hypocrisy and stubbornness. On the other contrary, The Misfit who was the evil character of the story got sympathy and positivity through her thoughts and feelings for his grandmother. The Misfit loved her grandmother but his actions made him evil. The reader can find both good and evil in both the characters although the author highlighted one characteristic in one of the characters but it is possible that the reader can think and shape other perspective of the story.

The author presented the society in which characters live as full of rigidness and self-obsessed. The character of The Misfit did not belong to the squabble and self-absorption of society. The family did not listen to her grandmother and grandmother with her hypocritic and narrow-minded nature tried to manipulate the situation when her grandchildren mocked her. The story highlighted that most of the time family was involved in an argument and no one was ready to listen to the other member of the family. The author did not portray the loving and happy family ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"DpopIi41","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}LitCharts\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(“LitCharts”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":403,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/RSX6EIZJ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/RSX6EIZJ"],"itemData":{"id":403,"type":"webpage","title":"LitCharts","container-title":"LitCharts","abstract":"A Good Man is Hard to Find Summary & Analysis from LitCharts | The creators of SparkNotes","URL":"https://www.litcharts.com/lit/a-good-man-is-hard-to-find/summary-and-analysis","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,30]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“LitCharts”). Instead, she portrayed the family with full of argument, anxieties, and anger in them. The story reveals that it was a life-destroying society where no one was ready to understand the point of view of others. The characters also tried to escape from the society as The Misfit does not fit in the family and he tried to avoid their family member and engagment in any argument. The grandmother also tried to manipulate and change the situation when her grandchildren did not give her importance or respect. They were trapped in society. It was their family whom they could not leave and they really wanted to change the environment of the family. They wished for a peaceful and happy family.

The character had not much control over their lives. For instance, the grandmother lived with his son. The grandson always wanted her to leave their home. He did not want her as a family member but grandmother had no other choice. Despite the fact that grandchildren did not listen to the grandmother still she ,most of the time, tried to enforce their decisions and suggestions on them which grandchildren did not like. The Misfit was the character who was free to choose regarding his decisions. He compared himself to Jesus. All his bad actions and killing did not make him ashamed of anything. He got pleasure from his action; it was his own choice to kill innocent people. Even when grandmother met The Misfit, she tried to convince him not to kill her family. However, The Misfit was free to make his decisions. He killed the whole family including grandmother without any guilt and sorrow. They all were blamed for their action. For instance, grandchildren thought their grandmother was a hypocrite lady while she always strived to tie up her family together. The Misfit was also blamed as evil but he had chosen his path himself.

The character of the grandmother served as the moral center of the work. She was the one who was portrayed as the hypocrite and narrow-minded lady in the family. However, in reality, she loved her family and tried to bring them together. She was a decent and modern lady as well. For instance, when the family went out to visit their family friend, grandmother was well dressed and wore a hat which symbolized her ego and hierocracy but in reality, she was a lovely lady. When she met The Misfit, she did not call him killer or evil instead she tried to convince him to stop the evil acts. As in every fiction story, character like the grandmother reflects that goodness is necessary. It is because the main purpose of any fictional book is to pursue a critical message to the reader. Authors always try to bring positivity and good thoughts regarding the personality and society within the life of the readers. Therefore, a good moral of the story is necessary to fulfill the purpose of its writing. In this story, the author tried to convince us that good characters only come from good people. It was highlighted the scene where the grandmother met The Misfit. The Misfit was so proud of his evil actions. He thought he was the Jesus. He compared himself with the God. The grandmother on the other side tried to bring something good from The Misfit. The effect of the moral center on the other character was that there come circumstances in life when we cannot blame the situation. It is our decision and behavior which make us good or evil.

The main conflict of the story exists within the character of the grandmother. The grandchildren portrayed her as a hypocrite while she thought that she was a Christian woman. Grandmother thought that all she did is just according to the massage of Jesus, therefore, she is the true Christian lady. However, when she met with The Misfit, she realized that she was not a Christian lady. She thought of her sinfulness and realized her weakness. The conflict was resolved at the end of the story. While convincing The Misfits about his evilness and bad act, the authors resolved the conflicts through the word "head cleared for an instant". The grandmother realized about her sinfulness and instead of reminding the message of Jesus to The Misfit, she said "Why you're one of my babies. You're one of my own children!" ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"ORdIQIRQ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}What Is One of the Conflicts in \\uc0\\u8216{}A Good Man Is Hard To Find,\\uc0\\u8217{} and How Is This Conflict Resolved?\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(“What Is One of the Conflicts in ‘A Good Man Is Hard To Find,’ and How Is This Conflict Resolved?”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":402,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/GWQNM9PE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/GWQNM9PE"],"itemData":{"id":402,"type":"webpage","title":"What is one of the conflicts in \"A Good Man Is Hard To Find,\" and how is this conflict resolved?","container-title":"eNotes","abstract":"Get an answer for 'What is one of the conflicts in \"A Good Man Is Hard To Find,\" and how is this conflict resolved?' and find homework help for other A Good Man Is Hard to Find questions at eNotes","URL":"http://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-one-conflicts-good-man-hard-find-how-resolved-481296","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,30]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“What Is One of the Conflicts in ‘A Good Man Is Hard To Find,’ and How Is This Conflict Resolved?”). The end was unusual where the grandmother who was portrayed as good died and The Misfit who was evil survived. It was because the author did not present the typical ending where evil lose and goodness conquers at the end. Instead, she spreads the message that it is an open choice offered to all to choose the path. You can be good or evil, all depends on you.

Work Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY “LitCharts.” LitCharts, https://www.litcharts.com/lit/a-good-man-is-hard-to-find/summary-and-analysis. Accessed 30 Mar. 2019.

“What Is One of the Conflicts in ‘A Good Man Is Hard To Find,’ and How Is This Conflict Resolved?” ENotes, http://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-one-conflicts-good-man-hard-find-how-resolved-481296. Accessed 30 Mar. 2019.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

A Hog’s More Than A Hog

Riber Mohammad

Instructor Name


30 January 2020

A Hog’s More than a Hog

There are several symbols when it comes to this novel. Some of the important ones are as follows:

The painting of the last supper in the schoolteacher’s classroom. This painting symbolizes the sense of community that Grant and Jefferson enjoy. This symbol also shows the future where Jefferson was to be executed. List Christ himself, Jefferson is also sentenced to death for the deeds that he had not committed. In short, Jefferson is depicted as a figure that is going to be executed for the sins of others.

Radio, which symbolizes the connection of oneself with the news in the community. Grant gifts a radio to Jefferson while he is in jail. It is given as it was supposed to be a comfort for Jefferson in his time of solitude while making sure that his connection with the world around him is not severed completely.

Hog, which is the symbol of the African Americans, and how the people regard them as dirty animals. The words of Jefferson’s lawyer as he says that he would “sooner convict a hog than his client” show that the African-Americans were not considered human in this society. They were considered the lowest of animals by the whites of the community.

Food, which is the most appearing symbol in the novel that depicts life in the plantations, especially in the case of African-Americans. Food is also an important element of the entire novel as most of the important events in the novel seem to happen around the dining table.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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