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Things Fall Apart

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Things Fall Apart


“Things Fall Apart” is written by Chinua Achebe in 1958. It was one of the first novels that were written by an African author. It is important to consider the fact that “Things Fall Apart” got worldwide fame as the book documented a spiritual history of Africa. Chinua Achebe had written this novel to demonstrate the experience of Africans with Europeans. A critical examination of the themes presented by the author is highly considered to understand the attentions of the author. The author demonstrated the struggles of African between change and tradition. Moreover, the novel also presented the idea of varying interpretations of Masculinity. The development of characters in the novel assisted the author to make a strong argument. The major focus of this paper is to conduct a literary analysis of “Things Fall Apart” to understand how Achebe strengthen the development of his message in the novel.


The author presented the experience of a warrior named Okonkwo in his novel to demonstrate the struggles of Africans between change and traditions. At the beginning of the novel, it seems to be written for a specific audience such as academic scholars who are well aware of the traditions and cultures of Nigeria. Literary elements are effectively used by the author to present the clashes of cultures after the arrival of Europeans. The author used the traditions and narratives to exploits the religious rituals of Africans in an effective manner. It can be seen through the use of various literary elements that how the author illustrated two cultures in a highly indicative way. A critical examination of the novel illustrated the evaluation of Okonkwo’s life regarding European influence on Africans. The author explicitly narrated the life of Okonkwo depending upon the traditional values of Christians and Igbo.

The author demonstrated the entire story on the basis of the struggle between change and tradition. The novel illustrated how the reality of change had significantly impacted certain characters. The story of this novel revolved around the struggle of people to adopt the reality of change. The author effectively demonstrated that people of Igboland were facing the dilemma of whether to adopt the reality of change or not. It is notable to mention that cultural changes can be highly difficult for an individual to accept. Same was in the case of Okonkwo as he was afraid about losing societal status after the arrival of European. The author illustrated that fear of losing social status had a detrimental impact on the psychology of individuals at that time period. Furthermore, different people of Igboland had different perspectives about new cultural values that were brought by the missionaries (Whittaker, David, and Mpalive-Hangson 11). Some of the villagers of Igboland were even excited that missionaries had provided them with new opportunities to thrive in society.

Chinua Achebe effectively described the character of ‘Okonkwo’ in his novel “Things Fall Apart’. With the character of Okonkwo, the author presented the values of manliness. The author illustrated that Okonkwo strived in his life to make his way in the considered society. The author effectively demonstrated the idea that Okonkwo rejected believes of his father. The author presented various principles that proved to be effective for Okonkwo. Okonkwo managed to achieve financial success in society by adopting certain morals such as brave, violent, productive, and thrifty (Hargraves 7). In the novel, Okonkwo is a classic tragic hero due to his tragic flaw that brings about his own devastation. The author demonstrated that Okonkwo mixed the idea of manliness with violence, anger, and rashness due to which he had to suffer from tragic loss. Bad-tempered of Okonkwo always made it hard for him to separate his “manly” values from his “unmanly” values.

This novel was written in the final decade of the 19th century in Igboland. The author presented the narrative of the precolonial norms of Africans in the Igboland. The author wanted to demonstrate the social and political norms during that time period. The author used literary elements in the “Things Fall Apart” to illustrate that clusters of villages bound together in Igboland in order to survive in the cruel world. Furthermore, the idea of the gendering of geography is one of the most important aspects of the novel. The author built the cultural and traditional values of Igboland by presenting the gendering of geography. For instance, Okonkwo’s fatherland was Okonkwo as it was the home village of his father. However, he was sent to his mother’s homeland when he committed manslaughter. Moreover, the author presented the idea of British imperialism in the region that was started with the help of religious dominance.

It has been analyzed that the character ‘Okonkwo’ was frequently associated with a burning fire in the entire novel. A critical examination of the character of Okonkwo illustrated that his association with the burning fire is based on his vigorous anger. Okonkwo had been shown as a person of complex emotions in the entire novel. The author symbolized Okonkwo as fire due to the fact that he was both physically destructive and emotionally destructive.


In a nutshell, Chinua Achebe had effectively used various literary elements such as symbolization, setting, and characterization to strengthen the development of his message in the novel. The development of characters in the story helped the author to present his message in an appealing way.

Works Cited

Chinua, Achebe. "Things fall apart." Ch. Achebe (1958): 1-117.

Hargraves, Orin. Chinua Achebe's Things fall apart: a casebook. Oxford University Press on Demand, 2003.

Whittaker, David, and Mpalive-Hangson Msiska. Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart: A Routledge Study Guide. Routledge, 2007.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Things Fall Apart

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Things Fall Apart

The novel Things Fall Apart is written by a late Nigerian author, Chinua Achebe, in 1958. The setting of the novel is based on a small fictional village called Umuofia, which is on the outskirts of Nigeria, just before the arrival of white missionaries in their country. When unexpected white missionaries came to Umuofia, the villagers did not know how to respond to the sudden cultural changes brought by the missionaries and came along with their new political structure and institutions. Therefore, the paper will analyze the effects of colonialism on these villagers who fight a losing battle with the missioners to prevent them from taking control of his community. They struggle to keep their culture alive and rejected the authority of European missionaries.

Colonialism has always been a topic of debate for many writers throughout history as it is the greatest form of slavery that succeeded in destroying several friendships, family relationships and made tribes, countries, and nations fight against themselves. In Things fall apart, Chinua Achebe addresses colonialism fairly and decisively. It becomes clear from the novel that how colonialism influenced people and how it succeeded in dragging people in different directions according to its own rules and regulations ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"VqiBJM1W","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Osei-Nyame)","plainCitation":"(Osei-Nyame)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":370,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/HZETJ22K"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/HZETJ22K"],"itemData":{"id":370,"type":"article-journal","title":"Chinua Achebe Writing Culture: Representations of Gender and Tradition in Things Fall Apart","container-title":"Research in African Literatures","page":"148-164","volume":"30","issue":"2","source":"Project MUSE","abstract":"Research in African Literatures 30.2 (1999) 148-164 , While Achebe's early novels have been popularly received for their representation of an early African nationalist tradition that repudiates imperialist and colonialist ideology, his counter-narratives have only been narrowly discussed for their theoretical speculation on cultural and ideological production as a mode of resistance within the nationalist tradition that the texts so evidently celebrate. My epigraph not only recognizes that the definition of \"tradition\" in Achebe's work hinges upon ideological conflict, it comments also on the varying forms of consciousness that arise within discourses of self-definition within Igbo traditional culture. Moreover, it communicates the idea of complex rather than simple relationships between individuals and groups in the world of Achebe's \"fictional\" Igbo communities., This essay intends an appropriation of Bakhtin's notion of \"heteroglossia\" and dialogism in its exploration of some concerns relevant to the question of the representation of ideology in Things Fall Apart. Bakhtin's notion of dialogism views narrative discourses as forms of social exchange that locate \"the very basis\" of individual and social \"behaviour\" within conflicting worldviews and \"determine the very bases\" of \"ideological interrelations\" in a manner similar to that found in Achebe's narrative. Novelistic discourse thus performs \"no longer as [mere] information, directions, rules, models,\" but enables us to locate dialogue in its more immediate ideological and political context (342). Hayden White implies something of this immediacy of context when he suggests distinguishing between \"a discourse that openly adopts a perspective that looks out on the world and reports it\" and one that \"make[s] the world speak itself and speak itself as a story\" (2)., Writing stories that speak for themselves is central to Achebe's novelistic agenda. In a famous early essay, he wrote: \"I would be quite satisfied if my novels . . . did no more than teach my readers that their past . . . was not one long night of savagery from which the first Europeans acting on God's behalf delivered them\" (\"Morning Yet\" 45). Representing an African worldview through narratives that speak for themselves meant that Achebe would draw upon Igbo oral traditions to narrate the stories of his communities, while bearing in mind Richard Bauman's exhortations that in utilizing oral traditions to engage the \"canons of elite\" Western literary \"traditions and texts,\" oral narrative must not be taken merely to be \"the reflection of [End Page 148] culture\" or \"the cognitive arena for sorting out the logic of cultural codes\" in historical writing: instead, oral narratives must be utilized \"contextually and ethnographically, in order to discover the individual, social and cultural factors that give it shape and meaning\" (2)., Challenging and displacing the narratives of colonialist writers like Joyce Cary and Joseph Conrad meant for Achebe the appropriation of ethnographic modes of representation to prove that the communities of his African past were neither \"primitive\" nor \"without history\" (Clifford 10). James Clifford, borrowing from Bakhtin, argues that since culture is not \"a unified corpus of symbols and meanings that can be definitively interpreted,\" ethnographic representation must incorporate a narratological dialogism that reveals culture's \"contested, temporal, and emergent\" nature (19). As George Marcus also contends, this dialogical approach to ethnographic representation must be borne in mind by both \"outsiders\" like Conrad and Cary writing about the Other and \"insiders\" like Achebe writing about themselves and their own cultures. 1 Henrietta Moore, among anthropologists welcoming the new dialogical ethnography of Clifford and others, agrees with them on the use of \"new forms of writing such as those predicated on dialogue, intertextuality and heteroglossia to unmask and displace the unitary authority\" of the \"author\" (107)., Things Fall Apart's famous ending describes the District Commissioner's yearning to write the story of his colonized natives as a challenging ethnographic project in a moment of the colonial encounter in Africa. Having just witnessed the death...","DOI":"10.1353/ral.2005.0076","ISSN":"1527-2044","title-short":"Chinua Achebe Writing Culture","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Osei-Nyame","given":"Godwin Kwadwo"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1999"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Osei-Nyame). Although this novel is fictional story but there is clear truth about how colonialism has brought people to a level where their lives are destroyed by the missionaries and lead to their death. The novel may be seen as a one-way story about the events and life of a single tribal member in Africa, but in another broader perspective, it represents the collective life of the tribal people in Africa at the time when missionaries from outside the Igbo society came and tried to change the traditional practices of the people. Okonkwo is protagonist and leader of his community in the novel who is appreciated for his talents and recognized for his struggles to fight with the outsiders. Okonkwo is against the new ways of how the whites brought Christianity to Umuofia. He believes the changes are destroying Igbo culture, and the two qualities Okonkwo finds unbearable are the changes that require compromise and adjustment ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"ZoIyu71f","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Kenalemang)","plainCitation":"(Kenalemang)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":369,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/JXCSNSNJ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/JXCSNSNJ"],"itemData":{"id":369,"type":"article-journal","title":"Things Fall Apart: An Analysis of Pre and Post-Colonial Igbo Society","page":"21","source":"Zotero","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Kenalemang","given":"Lame Maatla"}]}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Kenalemang). He is too proud of his traditional beliefs and mourns the loss of the past. At the end of the novel, he realizes that he cannot compromise on the changes and developments brought by the English colonizers who are busy trying to instill these changes in people of his tribe. Things that are utterly acceptable and appropriate to Igbo culture do not appear so to the white colonizers who wanted to change certain elements of their culture that, according to them, were "unacceptable and inappropriate." For example, in Igbo, men can keep more than two wives, and according to the tradition, those who keep more wives are the “real men," but the missionaries are against polygamy marriages. Another example in the story is the killing of Igbo children and persons by their people, which is part of their religious practices. They consider it holy, but the missionaries are preventing them from practicing this ritual as this is against their Christians' believes ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"e3sjyKBG","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Kenalemang)","plainCitation":"(Kenalemang)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":369,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/JXCSNSNJ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/bWNXhCgk/items/JXCSNSNJ"],"itemData":{"id":369,"type":"article-journal","title":"Things Fall Apart: An Analysis of Pre and Post-Colonial Igbo Society","page":"21","source":"Zotero","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Kenalemang","given":"Lame Maatla"}]}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Kenalemang). The Europeans are not ready to acknowledge Igbo myths and proverbs, as the use of proverbs is mandatory in conversation. Igbo considers them to be the "fountain of wisdom and respect." The outsiders are fully aware of their authority in the book and tried to get control over the whole village and colonized for many years.

There are different ways of how colonialism may affect people, as one can observe from the novel. It can change the lifestyle of people completely in terms of practices and opportunities. So, it is important to understand the identity and traditions of other people who are under the authority of colonizers.

Work sited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Kenalemang, Lame Matala. Things Fall Apart: An Analysis of Pre and Post-Colonial Igbo Society. p. 21.

Osei-Nyame, Godwin Kwadwo. “Chinua Achebe Writing Culture: Representations of Gender and Tradition in Things Fall Apart.” Research in African Literatures, vol. 30, no. 2, 1999, pp. 148–64. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/ral.2005.0076.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

This (Illegal) American Life


Professor name


April 24, 2019

The illegal America life

Maria Andreu highlights the issues faced by immigrants in America due to the state's decision of throwing them out of the country. Many people leave their homelands and move to America in search of jobs and a better lifestyle. Strict measures for removing immigrants have adverse impacts on their lives and futures. Andreu shares her personal experiences of living in America as an immigrant. She herself witnessed the illegal Mexican border crossing at the age of 8 years. She encountered many events when people called her illegal immigrant that undermined her self-esteem. Such responses for the Americans make immigrants believe that there are outsiders and have no place in the country. Even Mexicans after living many years in America fails to get the status of citizens.

The biggest challenge faced by Andreu was to fit into western settings. This was due to the fact that she faced criticism from American citizens. Finding a permanent place remained a dominant challenge for her family. The family changed many places that influenced the life of a young girl. She mentions, “Sesame Street" my parents had assured me that one day we'd be in our real home of Argentina” CITATION Mar081 \l 1033 (Andreu). This reflects her state of unhappiness and confusion. Her family struggled hard to find an appropriate place for living in America. She witnessed the odds of immigrant life that made her believe that she belongs to somewhere else. Andreu mentions, "I missed home" CITATION Mar081 \l 1033 (Andreu). In America, she always felt like a foreigner or an outsider. This was due to the unwelcoming attitudes of local Americans. She missed her homeland and her people. The author explains through her experiences the darker side of immigrant’s lives. They are blamed for the bad things that happen to America. Andreu adds, “the coyotes hid my mother and me for weeks in a shack in Tijuana with an outhouse so pungent I held my need to use it until I was bursting”. The quotes transmit the complexities experiences by the author as a young girl that proves the adverse implications of removing immigrants.

Survival in foreign land involve challenges and require a lot of patience. The struggles of Andreu never ended in America due to the negative role of the state. Andreu mentions, “when the pundits began to tear into undocumented immigrants last summer, using terms like "parasites" and "criminals," my first reaction was to bury my head and turn off the TV” CITATION Mar081 \l 1033 (Andreu). Immigrants were called criminals and parasites that affected the author emotionally. She felts pain for being called by names that disrespected people of her land. The feelings of Andreu depicts that she wanted to attain the status of citizen that was impossible. Her experience of coyotes allowed her to see her place as an immigrant. Andreu remarks, “I only vaguely understood the danger of being in a no man's land”. This indicates her sense of shame and guilt. Andreu as a young girl continued to search for her reality because the people and media representation of immigrants caused discomfort and displeasure. At times she attempted to find who she really is and whey she is in the unfamiliar land. Andreu adds, “I became legal and what had always seemed a blank future of no hope suddenly turned dazzling with possibility”. The quote indicates that irrespective of all her efforts and legalization the changes for living in a foreign country didn't end. The argument of the author reflects that Mexican immigrants are unable to attain the status of American citizens irrespective of their years of struggles.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

This (Illegal) American Life Summary

The illegal

Maria Andreu in the article “The (illegal) American life” portrays the hardships experienced by immigrants in America. Although many immigrants move to America in search of better jobs and living opportunities they are unaware of the challenges. The author explains her personal experience of moving to New York with her parents. She learned many things about this new land such as the coyotes were accused of smuggling people. She was unable to attend public schools because she was not a documented immigrant.

Andreu explains the miserable lives of the undocumented immigrants who struggle in America in search of an identity. The strict policies have adverse impacts on families and children. Most of the children don't attend schools that minimize possibilities of stable future careers. She mentions, "the coyote hid my mother and me for weeks in a sack in Tijuana" (Andreu). This reveals that in an unfamiliar lack immigrants lacks security. They are living like a stranger because the state doesn't give them any right. Survival in America as an undocumented or illegal immigrant is not easy.

The author through her personal experiences attempts to inform the people about the challenges for moving to America without documents. They continue to struggle for getting legal status. affording to school for kids is not easy because it is expensive and public schools deny admitting undocumented children. Andreu mentions, "I fit in with the crowd of illegal immigrants" (Andreu). Irrespective of all years and struggles the Americans still recognize immigrants as illegal and second-class citizens. Claiming an American identity is useless and it involves years of tragedy for the foreigners. The overall argument of the author reveals that moving to America is not an ideal choice. It brings disappointment and worthlessness for the immigrants.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300


[Carlton Sillah]

[Name of Instructor]


[19 August 2019]


This world is not as simple as it appears. Isn’t? Most of the people sitting here would agree with me as the planet earth offers contrasting yet similar experiences to all its inhabitants. Hi, I am Carlton Sillah, a soul with unique self and a unique vision. Today I am going to share an important story of my life, an adventure that changed me, and my most favorite thing to do when I am not occupied.

Let’s begin! When I was a child, I was the most pampered one. I had all the bounties of this world. Nevertheless, this thing changed when I went to a summer camp and saw everybody else. There were many people from modest backgrounds and I learned that it is not necessary to have all the amenities in life. I realized that I was the blessed one as I had everything and this experience made me even more grateful for all the good things in my life.

Secondly, the adventure that transformed me into a better person was traveling to an unknown land. I took a tour to another city and enjoyed the peculiarity of that area. It was really an eye-opening experience for me as I learned the new ways of life and understood that different normative patterns exist apart from my own standardized patterns.

Thirdly, the thing I want to reveal that I am an avid reader. This hobby has remained the attribute of all great minds in the world, and I am learning to tread on that path

In a nutshell, this world is unique and so is the case with every single soul here. I learned from traveling and living in another space that life is never the same for everyone. Besides, reading opened new horizons for me and I am preparing myself for the implementation of that vision in coming years of my life. As it is well said that, “It is not the years in life , but the life in years that count.”

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Tiger Extinction


Instructor Name



Tiger Extinction

Animals share this planet with us and bring joy to it. Likewise, through their presence, one cannot help but marvel at God's creation. There are thousands of species in the animal kingdom and every other day, new species are being discovered. Tiger is a noticeable animal in the animal kingdom because of its strength, swiftness, and fierceness. Lion also shares these characters of strength and swiftness. Likewise, it is also known as the largest animal in the cat family. There are multiple species of tigers, such as Siberian tiger, Bengal tigers, South China tiger and Caspian tiger (Piper and Philip). These species live in varying habitat ranging from high temperatures to low temperatures. According to the report issued by the world wildlife fund (WWF), there are 3,890 tigers left in the world (Piper and Philip). This ratio is considerably higher than the records found in the last decade nonetheless but still, they are considered endangered because, in different regions, their survival rate is decreasing day by day. In this context, world associations for animal rights are raising a red alert to protect them from extinction. The major reasons behind their extinction are loss of habitat, climate change, consumer demand, and poaching.

Tigers acquire a large space because of their size, they need thousands of acres to roam freely and hunt their prey. They do not like to live with the rest of the animal kingdom and instead remain solitary. Due to deforestation, they are losing their natural habitat and in various cases, they enter the human territories in search of new homes and either get injured or killed. Moreover, urbanization is another key factor that results in habitat loss. Their chances of survival outside their natural environment get decreased. They either relocate or cease to exist when they cannot find favorable living conditions. Moreover, they face a hard time in finding and hunting their prey outside of their habitat which increases the fatality rate of tigers. Bengal tigers are a species which is found in India and search for food, they often attack cattle such as goats or buffaloes for food. In such instances, villagers hunt them down by making the tiger eat a poisoned carcass. Cattles are considered a symbol of wealth and income in villages and they protect them by retaliating against these tigers. Their lack of knowledge contributes to lessening the chances of survival for tigers. Although many measures are taken by the Indian government to protect wildlife due to the mindset of these villagers, this situation cannot be changed anytime soon.

Climate change has affected almost every aspect of life and animal kingdom is threatened with greater dangers than human beings. They are highly adaptive animals nonetheless but they are finding it hard to survive in those regions where humidity level and temperatures are increased over years due to global warming. For instance, Siberian tigers are found in the coldest regions of Russia and that harsh environment is highly adaptative for them because they are used to live in lower temperatures. Over the course of years, due to climate change, this species may not be able to survive in increased temperature levels due to a gradual increase in the earth's temperature. On the other hand, Bengal tigers live in India and Bangladesh in the Sundarbans, mangrove forests and this ecosystem is highly adaptive for them (Thatte and Prachi). Due to tropical weather conditions and increased sea levels, they can be wiped away in an instant if there ever occurred a flood situation. Similarly, WWF has predicted in the results of a study that if mitigation efforts are not made, increased sea-level even a foot level rise will cause the loss of the entire Sundarbans by the year 2070 (Thatte and Prachi). Scientists believe that if unfavorable weather conditions continue to last for a longer period, these two species will perish in the coming decades.

Tigers are highly in demand globally because of their unique skin, whiskers, claws, and bones. To obtain these body parts, they are illegally hunted to meet high consumer demand. In China, an estimated 5,000 tigers are kept in large farms where they breed and live, their bones are fermented to make highly expensive and rare tiger-bone wine. Moreover, they are hunt down by humans and their parts are then used for making medicines (The decline and impending extinction of the South China tiger). Robs, shoes, coats, and handbags made out of tiger skin are a global attraction and masses like to carry these articles because of their value and high-end fashion trends. In a report, a shocking fact is revealed that in China, tigers are specifically killed at a large level by the Chinese investors and businessmen in place of their extinction in future years. Unfortunately, this cannot be considered a legal offense in China because it brings revenue to the country. Besides, it is creating more avenues and favorable conditions so that this business can flourish as an established market in the population of 1.3 billion people medicines (The decline and impending extinction of the South China tiger). There teeth and claws are used as expensive showpieces and are in high demand as well. Similarly, it is a ritual in the elite class that they take pleasure in hanging their skins on either their walls or placing it as a rug in their houses. In such an alarming situation, they are highly endangered and also signify human brutality and pretense. Governments seem helpless in controlling the tiger trade because of economic trade and its global market value. Tiger poaching also results in creating unfavorable conditions for them by setting traps where they normally roam. This process also causes them to die a painful death and their organs are used in soups and ancient medicines which have no medical benefits according to researches.

Tigers are endangered because of various diseases, recently a study conducted by the Wildlife Conservation Society revealed the presence of a virus named as canine dumpster virus. This disease is a lethal one and so far no remedial action has been taken against it due to which tigers are dying. In Russia, 29 tigers could not survive this lethal virus and died, only 9 tigers survived the disease caused by this virus. Similarly, after a year or two, more tigers were found dead and scientists have declared this virus as another lethal threat to the remaining tigers in the world (Crouching tigers, hidden prey). This virus kills the tigers individually and in an estimate, it is revealed that it targets a low population more, for instance, 25 individual tigers are more likely to be perished by this disease. Over the decades, they have loose immunity against diseases because they cannot find their prey due to mass animal extinction. A tiger needs to eat 6,600 pounds of flesh per year to sustain (Crouching tigers, hidden prey). In recent years, many animals are either hunt down by hunters or they have perished too because of loss of habitat. This alarming situation needs a remedy but politicians and concerned authorities at the local level do not take wildlife and forest issues seriously. Due to a lack of funding, these tigers cannot be vaccinated by the wildlife protection department. The presence of poachers makes it hard for these tigers to come out of their safe places and ultimately they perish there. The cases of animal corruption are also on record and all these factors contribute to tigers dying from incurable diseases.

Animals add beauty in this world and every animal in the animal kingdom is unique. Moreover, due to human cruelties and mass negligence, tigers suffer which plays an improve factor in their endangerment. Likewise, due to urbanization and deforestation, tigers lose their natural habitat and they have to survive under unfavorable conditions. When they enter in human population in search of livestock and shelter, they are hunted down by the ignorant villagers. Similarly, climate change is risking them with extinction because of increase in the earth's temperature level and change of tropical weather. Their ecosystems are getting destroyed too as a result because they have lived for ages in their habitats and they cannot survive anywhere less. Tiger trade and illegal poaching is another major factor in their illegal killings and huntings. Care should be taken and their rights should be preserved and human beings have to be considerate and change their approach of destroying the Animal kingdom and the planet in general.

Work Cited:

O'Brien, Timothy G., Margaret F. Kinnaird, and Hariyo T. Wibisono. “Crouching tigers, hidden prey: Sumatran tiger and prey populations in a tropical forest landscape.” Animal Conservation forum. Vol. 6. No. 2. Cambridge University Press, 2003.

In this article, researchers have described the loss of natural habitat, faced by the tigers.

Piper, Philip J., et al. “The first evidence for the past presence of the tiger Panthera tigris (L.) on the island of Palawan, Philippines: extinction in an island population.” Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 264.1-2 (2008): 123-127.

In this article the origin of Tiger species has been discussed.

Thatte, Prachi, et al. “Maintaining tiger connectivity and minimizing extinction into the next century: Insights from landscape genetics and spatially-explicit simulations.” Biological conservation 218 (2018): 181-191.

This article talks about possible reasons to control tiger extinction due to genetic diversity.

Tilson, Ronald, Kathy Traylor‐Holzer, and Qiu Ming Jiang. “The decline and impending extinction of the South China tiger.” Oryx 31.4 (1997): 243-252.

This article states the reasons behind the extinction of South China Tigers.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Time In Your Life Where A Lack Of Knowledge Of Another Culture Made You Embarrassed

Cultural Differences and Lack of Knowledge

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Cultural Differences and Lack of Knowledge

Culture plays a vital role in understanding the living lifestyle and norms of any society or any country, and this helps the people to learn the various aspects about their culture. This also enables a person to learn culture of other's country as it is relevant and irrelevant to their community.

There is a basic rule that while visiting any different country or society, one should have enough knowledge about their society and their lifestyle. Without the proper information, the tourists or the explorer may face severe consequences within the country or the society (Shimahara & Sakai, 2018). This is the similar situation which I encountered when I visited Japan for the very first time and due to my lack of knowledge and research about the Japanese culture I faced embarrassment, but on the whole it was a lesson for me to increase my understanding of the cultural aspect of various countries.

Being an American, we have always been taught to be friendly with everyone. It is engraved in our roots to be helping and highly encouraging towards the foreigners and tourists. We consider it as our prime duty to interact with the people over the various place to create a friendly yet invigorate atmosphere where they may not feel socially awkward. But going to Japan, made me realize that everywhere it is not the same situation.

The people of Japan are highly reserved and formal in their conversation with each other whereas, in our culture, we believe to talk it informally to create a healthy environment. As we move across the Japanese region, from Tokyo to Kyoto, there is a change in the region while observing the behavior. My friendly attitude made me highly embarrassing as it was not much appreciated in Japan. This made me feel socially awkward as I was unaware of their norms and traditions that the people believe in formal interaction (Shimahara & Sakai, 2018).

This was a lesson for me to learn the basic rules of the cultures of any society or any country while entering the premises, as this may help to improve the cultural knowledge and modes of interaction with each other.


Shimahara, N. K., & Sakai, A. (2018). Learning to teach in two cultures: Japan and the United States. Routledge.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300


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Portfolio essay

New Orleans is a place that I would like to put if on my profile place. So, I got to the city ​​of New Orleans - New York, Chicago, the cities of the American West Coast, and the amazing national parks of the states of Utah, Arizona and Nevada were left behind - it's time to finally “slow down”. The state of Louisiana is known for its light-minded attitude to life, to then jerk with new forces in Miami and further along the East Coast of the USA (Atkinson 91) . I loved the places like Monument Valley, Grand Canyon and Antelope Canyon riding at my car with Hassan.

The climate in New Orleans is tropical, in the middle of October, plus 30, which is not surprising, since the city is located on the latitude of Florida, almost on the shore of the Gulf of Mexico. After the cold weather on the heights of Arizona and Utah, it was very pleasant to wander in shorts and bask in the sun. The abundance of drunken citizens with bottles in their hands is striking (New Orleans is one of the few cities in America where open drinking on the streets is not punishable (Storey1). In addition, the distinct smell of grass was repeatedly felt.

In addition to alcohol, New Orleans is a city of jazz, Mardi Gras carnival and blacks: According to statistics, as of 2013, African Americans made up 58.9% of the total population. Immediately after Hurricane Katrina, demographers predicted dramatic changes in the structure of the city’s population: according to their data, after eliminating the effects of the disaster, only 30% of the evacuees returned to New Orleans; the lion's share of those who returned are wealthy whites - the blacks simply do not have the money to start all over again and they are forced to live where the authorities have evacuated them. (Mansfeld, Yoel, and Abraham 271).

Work cited

Atkinson, Connie Zeanah. "Whose New Orleans? Music's place in the packaging of New Orleans

for tourism." Whose New Orleans? Music's place in the packaging of New Orleans for tourism. (2007): 91-106.

Mansfeld, Yoel, and Abraham Pizam, eds. Tourism, security and safety. Routledge, 2006.

Storey, Ken. “Orlando Ranks among Largest Tourism Markets in the World, but the City's

Reliance on the Industry Could Be a Problem.” Orlando Weekly, www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2018/10/29/orlando-ranks-among-largest-tourism-markets-in-the-world-but-the-citys-reliance-on-the-industry-could-be-a-problem.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300


[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]





Social justice is a hot topic in the current times and it is not only today that it has become a hot issue. It has been a topic of debate since a very long time as people have always been fighting for equal rights and opportunities. Individuals ask for equal rights, equal opportunities and equal privileges for all irrespective of the discrimination of age, gender, race, religion, nationality, etc. Gender has always been a major source of discrimination in societies and the issue has been taken on international levels in many instances. The issue has become so sensitive that there have been protests, seminars, and conferences all over the world to address the problem. The females mostly face this dilemma and the males are always blamed to take the good opportunities of the market whether in the field of education in the professional area.

In addition to this, females also face difficulties in moving in general in society even in this modern era of globalization and technology. Men are still considered superior to females and they are given the better portion of everything whether it’s the food, education or opportunities. This idea of “Masculinity” creates a big gap in the perception of gender roles in the society and crushes the impact of a perfect social justice system that is required to create a balanced and harmonious society.


Masculinity refers to a set of particular qualities or a set of characteristics that are only attributed to men. Although most of these qualities are very common and ordinary in nature as these are only associated with men, it makes them look very extraordinary and out of the reach for females. These characteristics may be very ordinary like being physically strong and mentally intelligent but as a common perception has developed that a female cannot be intelligent, the tradition or mentality is carried on as it is.

A lot of work is being done all over the world to eradicate this specific mindset. There are multiple conferences, seminars, marches, and different social gatherings and activities all over the world to highlight the importance of the fact that women are no lesser than men in any field. A lot of literature is also being published in the form of research papers, articles in journals, newspaper articles, magazines, and photos in various places. Media plays a very important role in shaping up the perception and thinking of the individuals, especially the youngsters, whether it’s the electronic media or the print media. People get influenced by media, get6 lessons from it, get inspired by it and act like the actors they see in movies or TV shows.

Unfortunately, females are still projected as an object or a beautiful piece of creation that needs to be admired for her beauty and looks, instead of her other intrinsic qualities. No one views a female in the light of the intellect or the strength that she carries within and even the media highlights only the “beautiful” aspects of a female. It is a true humiliation of the whole community itself especially for those females who are excelling in different careers other than modeling or acting

There are a number of videos present on YouTube that defy the image of females as shy and fragile creatures and encourage the females to be proud of their real strengths, instead of becoming something or someone they are not CITATION Bat11 \l 1033 (Newsom). The mindset that males are much better and superior or masculinity definitely affects the society and that in a negative way, as females are considered inferior to men and deprived of many opportunities or roles that can be performed by them in a much better way than men. Parents and basic school institutes can help in shaping up a mindset that is based on the equality of genders and roles instead of just focusing on outer appearances. The government can also play a role in minimizing the discrimination against any specific gender by designing and implementing such laws that discourage gender discrimination and suggest punishments for any such individual who indulges in any such activity.

Jackson Katz, a famous America filmmaker, educator, and author, strongly argues that it is our society that has given rise to terms like masculinity and thinking like “women problems” are only related to females; the other gender of the society does not need to pay any attention to them. Domestic violence is the problem of men at the same level as it is for females CITATION Jac13 \l 1033 (TED). Moreover, many famous female celebrities are excelling in their field, either its sports, education or politics but they are still targeted frequently just due to their gender. One of the prominent examples of such a celebrity is Serena Williams, a famous tennis player CITATION VOX15 \l 1033 (VOX). I have myself been a victim to gender-based discriminatory comments in my educational and professional career but I have opted to look past them.


In short, it can be concluded that women are no lesser than men in any filed and can perform any function with an equal or much better level of efficiency than it is performed by men. The specific mindset that has been implemented and developed over decades in the minds of the people, needs to be changed and many institutes can play a role in this respect like families, especially parents, educational institutes, especially schools, government and most importantly and media. The media need to project an equal and much stronger image of females than it is currently doing and put the females on a much stronger podium.

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Every Serena Williams win comes with a side of racism and sexism. Dir. VOX. Perf. VOX. 2015. Video. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF5OdUTT6Ro&feature=youtu.be>.

Jackson Katz: Violence against women—it's a men's issue. Dir. TED. Perf. Jackson Katz. 2013. Video. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElJxUVJ8blw>.

Miss representation Trailer HD. Dir. Jennifer Siebel Newsom. Perf. Batallie Sam. 2011. Video. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgWsDpa7bAo&feature=youtu.be>.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900


[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Psychological Analysis of “A Rose for Emily”


“A Rose for Emily” is written by William Faulkner which was published in 1930. It is one of the most famous works of William Faulkner that comes up with specific social considerations. The story illustrates the life of a lonely girl Emily, in some old southern town. The short story written by William Faulkner describes the odd relationship of Emily with her father before and after death. The story illustrates how Emily slowly isolated after the death of her father and how she poisoned her boyfriend Homer Barron and kept her dead body in her bed for over 40 years by hiding it from others. The author demonstrates that Emily lives in the past to protect herself from the future and she is much concerned about her social status. Emily has the inability to change and accept the uncertain future. The author highlights the house of Emily, named as Grierson house which was one of the best houses in the town of Jefferson. However, with the passage of time, people accepted changes, but Emily's house stands for traditions, which indicates that Emily is not willing to accept changes. Here, the focus is to illustrate the social paradigms of the character to understand the historical features and psychological conditions after the civil war.


The setting is one of the critical literary facets that can be efficaciously detained in case of "A Rose for Emily." This story contains vital features of setting in different forms such as geographical, physical, and historical elements. It is notable to mention that the detail discussion of the story about the atmosphere and setting of the story delivers significant background information for readers to understand particular characters and their beliefs in the story (McGlynn 461). Following words of the author critically discuss these prospects, “A window that had been dark was lighted, and Miss Emily sat in it, the light behind her, and her upright torso motionless as that of an idol” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Ug31MPEi","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Faulkner et al.)","plainCitation":"(Faulkner et al.)"},"citationItems":[{"id":441,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ynipWzca/items/4XW4Y5YI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ynipWzca/items/4XW4Y5YI"],"itemData":{"id":441,"type":"book","title":"A rose for Emily","publisher":"Harcourt College Publishers","URL":"https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=ccorAQAAIAAJ","ISBN":"978-0-15-507471-2","author":[{"family":"Faulkner","given":"W."},{"family":"Kirszner","given":"L. G."},{"family":"Polk","given":"N."},{"family":"Mandell","given":"S. R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2000"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Faulkner et al., 146). The author tried to emphasize the condition of the south after the civil war. He demonstrates after the civil war, the condition of southern people remained worse. They were oppressed and discriminated in the society, and northern considered themselves more superior and civilized to them. These features of the story are closely related to the geographical, physical, and historical paradigms of the era of post-civil war.

Many themes have been created by William Faulkner by using many literary devices, but the main focus was based on the fact that how metaphorically Miss Emily was the part of the South which will have a terrible ending if it would not change. Miss Emily had some major effects on her life as she was raised in that society, which drives her crazy due to which in her later life, she took some crucial actions. Emily is a respected lady in society due to the reputation of her father and family. Moreover, her father impacts her life and her mentality a lot by keeping her separate from the others, which had serious effects on her mentality and she took crucial actions in her later life. Her father always tried to keep her away from the evil deeds and desires of others (Blythe 50). The author illustrates that Emily’s father bound her in the house and restricted her interactions with others for the sake of her safety, but that overprotection proved to be catastrophic for Emily. Emily’s attachment with her father is the primary reason behind her odd behavior and activities.

A huge transition period is visible by looking deeply into the setting of the story that illustrates the South in general. The story takes place somewhere between the 1860s and 1930s and at that time the middle class was becoming prominent due to the end of slavery. After the death of Emily’s father, their family reputation and status turned upside down. The townspeople were effectively transitioning, but Emily refused to change herself with the passage of time (Howe). Moreover, Emily was attached to her father, and after the death of her father, she did not burn his body or buried him for nearly three days and kept on pretending that he is not dead. “We did not say she was crazy then. We believed she had to do that. We remembered all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will” (Faulkner, 1-8). This quotation shows the fact that everyone was aware of the fact that the father of Emily had influenced her a lot by letting her away from other persons, which affects the mentality of Emily. The authors illustrate that her father never selected a single person for her to date and get married as he was afraid to let her go. She only had interaction with her father and was forbidden to interact with another male. Many women of the town who were the constant gossipers felt that Emily being a Grierson must have lost her dignity and honor due to her love for Homer Barron who was a labor and was a northerner. Miss Emily was old, but she was not still married as the ladies thought that meeting of Miss Emily with the Homer Barren in the town could put a negative effect on the kids.

This story illustrates the facts that south was built around the traditions and history, by which the actions of Miss Emily also influenced. At that time south judged everyone by their rank and social class. That is the reason behind Emily’s refusal to change or renovate her house as she wants to follow everything in a traditional manner. She always refused to adopt changes in the progressing modern world due to her anal-retentive type of nature. To symbolize Miss Emily metaphorically, Faulkner also uses the house as decaying and left unchanged. Colonel Sartoris’s views and the period was also described by Faulkner in the story that how Colonel think about the women of African American. He thinks that African American women are "no negro women should appear on the streets without an apron" (Faulkner, 3-6). This quotation shows how time changes the views of the town since Miss Emily was younger. People changed with the passage of time, but southern people tend to live according to traditional ways. They hate changes as they are not civilized as compared to whites. The author also illustrates the gender relation among the South. According to the standards of the South, one should need to marry before a certain age and should need to marry the person of the South as well. No women of South can marry any person who is not of the South. It is forbidden for the women of the south to have any sort of relationship with northern people. This is due to the fact that Whites always considered them more superior to other races of the world. They considered southern people uncivilized and not worthy of marrying a northern person. Homer Barren was not from South so Miss Emily can't marry her. Women were caged and criticized the basis of these standards of the South and Miss Emily was also treated like that. Emily wants to marry him, but the pressure of societal and traditional cultures forced her to bury her desires. Moreover, in the southern culture, every woman moves were watched, and they were not given the freedom of living their life on their own, so they just kept gossiping about others actions.

In this story, the author portrays the historical setting by having Miss Emily believe that she is still living in the past. The author emphasizes that Emily is not willing to accept the future as she still stuck in traditions and values. Emily is too afraid to accept the reality as she refused to pay taxes as she thinks that they are living in the past. The authors illustrate that Emily likes things, the way they are. She still believes that her social status is better than everyone else in the house. She refused to pay taxes for her house, “I have no taxes in Jefferson.” The author demonstrates that her mind still believes that the past is a reality. Her social status is everything to her, and she feels that by paying taxes her reputable status will downgrade her to regular status.

After the death of her father, Miss Emily found the Homer who was not traditional Southern material, but the people of the town knew the fact that Homer won't be fit as a husband for Miss Emily as he was homosexual. Homer was gay and did not want to marry Emily, but Emily was praise due to his attractive personality and charming face. Emily’s father kept her away from everyone else, but she met Homer, her inner voice urged her to be with him to feel satisfaction. Homer refused to marry her, due to his homosexual desires and due to the fact that he was from the north, and she was from the south. Even the people of the town criticized Emily about Homer. Due to all the criticism and pressure, Miss Emily got crazy, and with the refusal from marriage by Homer, she poisoned him and kept his dead body in her home, and isolate herself from other except for that dead body. When she was informed that her boyfriend was homosexual, so she poisoned him and kept the body in her house. Authors in this short story describe the traditions and standards of the Southern people that how they see everything and how they don't want anyone from outside to adjust with them as others don't match with their standards (Scherting 397). Moreover, Faulkner takes the character of Miss Emily to illustrate how a part of the South doesn't want to change themselves like others. Due to these traditions and standards from the South Miss Emily got crazy and in response, she killed her Homer Barren, and then after killing she attached with that dead body. The author gave the fact that if the South didn't change her traditions, standards and historical change then they will remain far behind from others and they will remain uncivilized (Perry, 35-36). Moreover, the author focused on the fact that if South would not change themselves, then they will probably decay like that dead body decay, and the South will eventually be removed from the map of the world.


In a nutshell, the particular setting of the story determinates the social paradigms and specific beliefs of Emily and Southern people. The author uses characters and symbols to demonstrate the psychological understanding of people after the civil war. Emily refused to accept changes due to the high reputation and social status of her family before the civil war. The author emphasizes that people attaining high social status were afraid to accept changes due to the fear of losing their dignity in society. This story is all about facing the facts of past and present which are thick as thieves.

Annotated Bibliography

McGlynn, Paul D. "The Chronology of" A Rose for Emily." Studies in Short Fiction 6.4 (1969): 461.

McGlynn examines the story of "A rose for Emily" in a chronological manner and presents the idea about different psychological prospects in the given text. According to the author, the chronology of this story is useful for two reasons; to clarify the function of time in the story and to differentiate the psychological prospects of Emily and her town members. The author illustrates that the psychology of Emily was disturbed due to her living circumstances and conditions with the father. Her father always kept her inside and restricts her to meet any male person which had a significant impact on her psychology. This article is helpful to examine the psychology condition of Emily in comparison to her town members.

Perry, Menakhem. "Literary Dynamics: How the Order of a Text Creates Its Meanings [With an Analysis of Faulkner's" A Rose for Emily"]." Poetics today 1.1/2 (1979): 35-36.

Perry made an extensive research in her article to demonstrate the psychological prospects of “A rose for Emily”. According to Perry, Emily's attachment to her father is the primary reason behind her odd behavior and activities. She was raised in a reputable family, but with the passage, everyone embraced changes, except Emily. The author emphasizes the relationship of Emily with her father was the main reason behind this refusal. This article provides help to understand the importance of alteration in comparison to the changing world.

Blythe, Hal. "Faulkner's a Rose for Emily." The Explicator 47.2 (1989): 49-50.

Blythe in his article emphasizes on the motive of Emily to poison Homer Barron. The Author illustrates that Emily was not willing to let him go as she always got what she desires because her family was one of the well-known and powerful families in the area. Therefore, Emily was not habitual towards rejection. Moreover, the author emphasizes that in accordance with the psychology of Emily, she hated changes. When she was informed that her boyfriend was homosexual, so she poisoned him and kept the body in her house. This article is beneficial in determining the psychological perspectives of Emily towards change.

Scherting, Jack. "Emily Grierson's Oedipus Complex: Motif, Motive, and Meaning in Faulkner's" A Rose for Emily"." Studies in Short Fiction 17.4 (1980): 397.

Scherting in his article illustrates the idea Emily always seems to exhibit the opposite end of the spectrum. According to the author, she always refused to adopt changes in the progressing modern world due to her anal-retentive type of nature. The author illustrates that she refused to avail the free postal delivery and was not ready to pay the house taxes. According to the author, the mindset of Emily different than the rest of people as she was still considering herself living in the pre-civil war era. The restrictions of her father in order to have an intimate relationship with any person had a significant impact on her psychology. The author demonstrates that her psychology forced her to stick to her opinion that her family should not be forced to provide taxes. This article is helpful to determine various psychological aspects of Emily after Civil War.

Works Cited

Blythe, Hal. "Faulkner's a Rose for Emily." The Explicator 47.2 (1989): 49-50.

Faulkner, William, John Carradine, and Anjelica Huston. A rose for Emily. Paderborn, De: Verlag F. Schöningh, 1958.

McGlynn, Paul D. "The Chronology of" A Rose for Emily." Studies in Short Fiction 6.4 (1969): 461.

Perry, Menakhem. "Literary Dynamics: How the Order of a Text Creates Its Meanings [With an Analysis of Faulkner's" A Rose for Emily"]." Poetics today 1.1/2 (1979): 35-36.

Scherting, Jack. "Emily Grierson's Oedipus Complex: Motif, Motive, and Meaning in Faulkner's" A Rose for Emily"." Studies in Short Fiction 17.4 (1980): 397.

Subject: English

Pages: 8 Words: 2400

Title Is Given Already

Assignment and Discussion

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Assignment and Discussion

With the recent influx of the superhero films, one complains that audience has with these films is that they do not have deep philosophical undertones during the course of their movies and instead the CGI induced fights are all that matter. One exception to this rule is the "The Dark Knight" which is a superhero movie that has transcended that boundary. It is considered as one of the greatest movies of all time, and despite the fact that it is now more than a decade that film had released, some of the themes that are discussed in the movie are still relevant today.

There are still many movies and seasons which are using a theme of Batman and representing the vigilantism such as Arrow, Flash, Wonder Woman, etc. It is difficult to conclude that the Dark Knight was based on a single theme because there are many interesting themes which are discussed in the movie. The Dark Knight is an epic view of the Joker’s character and the whole movie moves around the characterization of the Joker and Batman. Joker had anti-social ideas, and he wants to kill everyone. However, Batman was shown as a superhero who come to rescue people from criminals like Joker. Lt. Jim Gordon and DA Harvey Dent were the allies which help Batman in keeping a solid cover on the crimes in Gotham City. However, with the arrival of a criminal calling himself, the Joker suddenly creates problems for the town, and the Caped Crusader begins to strike a fine line between heroism and vigilantism.

As the change in the self-esteem of Bruce Wayne, Batman's identity his strong sense of citizenship with the residents of Gotham City as well as his feelings for retribution. After the sudden death of Batman’s parents, his main ambition was to fix the problems which were right or wrong on his way. Heroes and the villains in comics are characterized by a realistic graphic representation in this movie. The anti-hero is downright spiteful. The assailant competes in a "language of gestures" (Mead, 1938). To the author, since in the world is made through actions and communications as a kind of social attitude (Mead, 1938). The superheroes save the world from criminal people and don't let criminals ruin the world.

The ethos of the movie is set up in a very different manner as with the passage of time it is being shown that how in a modern society, a social justice or the vigilantism that Batman tends to bring is something that is not going to bring order in the society, instead it is going to compound further the impending issues that are faced in the society. The twisted fabric of human nature is also discussed as of how at times it takes only one incident to bring a person to the brink.

The pathos of the movies is based on the fact that how people are able to understand the motivations of the players in the movie. Even a psychopath like Joker is making sense on many occasions, and the audience is not able to sympathize, they are able to relate with him to a certain extent at the given point of time.

In the Dark Knight Movie Meta changes, some perhaps considered insignificant or undetected can have extensive forceful changes on the immense social system. The villain was frustrated in the movie, and all was right in the Gotham until the health concern comes back on the top of the policy docket. Bruce Wayne establishes the sweet spot concisely, receding to his bunker wearing his Batman suit to the wise advice of his companion whose name was Alfred. Policymakers reenter the policy bunker by evading the heuristics minefield. The citizens of Gotham haunted the policymakers all in public health while some citizens take an extended pull on their tab to calm their nerves.

The supervillain Bane uses pathos, ethos, and a comprehensive variety of logos to convince Gotham to force to his will. The historical context of bane words gives understanding to the audience so that they can see that he utilizes the commonplace of, "The rich getting richer." The supervillain Bane was also able to use the promise of change productively to tempt the people to accept his thoroughgoing thoughts. The Dark Knight Rises does not only display many rhetorical themes, but it also gives a lesson on the threats of rhetoric and how under different circumstances people can understand their perspective for a forceful change they consider important for them (Persuading Gotham, n.d.).

Many of the target audience will be moving when exposed to the poster, so having one large image that stands out against the black background is very effective. People can get the message that the movie is dark, menacing, and twisted by looking at this image of The Joker's face. This appeals to the ethos of the audience because the audience will want to follow their intentions to watch the movie. People will want to see what The Joker has in store because of the sinister sense of mystery that his face conveys in the poster.

At the end of the day, the underlying logic that is being presented is that how at times it is hard to carry out a distinction between a winner or a loser as well as the fact that how sacrifices of self-image are needed to be made at the expense for better future.


Phillips, N. D. (2010). The dark knight: Constructing images of good vs. evil in an age of anxiety. In Popular culture, crime and social control (pp. 25-44). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Mead, George (1934) Mind, Self, and Society, ed. C.W. Morris (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)

Persuading Gotham | Ryan Dieter's E-Portfolio. n.d. Sites.psu.edu., from https://sites.psu.edu/ryandieterportfolio/persuading-gotham/

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Title Is In The Paper Provided

Factors of Parental Vaccination Decision

Roberto Tato


May 26, 2019

National University

ILR260: Information Literacy

Instructed by James Lhotak


This current paper examines the impacts of vaccine effectiveness on children that are fully immunized with the aim of disease prevention. This paper makes three important contributions; vaccine effectiveness, information availability and fear of side effects. This paper is important because it demonstrates the importance of vaccinating children at young ages. It stresses in uncovering the factors that discourage parents from getting their children vaccinated. It also highlights the issues like incomplete knowledge on side-effects, the inability of evaluating cost-benefits and personal beliefs.

Although vaccinations are crucial for the health of the children and minimize the risks of diseases there are many factors their undermine its use. In a study conducted by Gilkey et al., (2016) it is revealed, “vaccinations confidence was consistently associated with early childhood vaccination behavior across multiple vaccine types”. It is critical to study the beliefs of parents regarding vaccination of their children. Without addressing the concerns of the parents and families about vaccinations it is difficult to target larger populations in countries where literacy rates are low.

Vaccines prevent diseases but the beliefs and concerns of parents can delay its use. Parental behaviors, beliefs, and ethics lead to refusal of vaccines that can contribute to adverse impacts on the health of children. Preventing diseases can decrease the number of children suffering from serious diseases. The lack of knowledge about vaccines contributes parents refuse vaccines. Hendrix et al., (2016) uncovers the impact of parents role on vaccination. The findings of the study reveal that most of the parents refuse vaccines on the basis of their limited knowledge that threatens the health and stability of the child. The common beliefs state “they will enjoy herd immunity without subjecting their child to the risk of vaccinating (free-riding). It depicts the need for addressing the issue of lack of parents awareness about vaccinations (Damnjanović, Graeber, Ilić, Lam, 2018).

A Causal Analysis of the Relationship Between X and Y

This paper examined the effect of parental decision regarding vaccines. Fear is the central factor that discourages parents from vaccinating their children on time that leads to several problems such as diseases develop in the future. This paper is intended to address the conflict on parent’s ethics and beliefs that are not true. Lack of education is the primary cause behind such irrational beliefs that risks the health of children. The hypothesis of the paper states that a lack of information or knowledge convinces parents to delay treatment that contributes to adverse health conditions. The research questions that guided this paper included, what will happen if we stop vaccinating children? What factors prevent people from getting vaccinated? The most important findings of this paper are that the major reason is incomplete information. Their lack of information or knowledge motivates them to link vaccination with other health issues such as autism. The article proposes solutions for promoting the use of vaccinations that include educating parents and informing them that vaccines are safe. This will be an effective technique used for removing their concerns about the harmful impacts of vaccination (Gilkey et al., 2016). The causal relationship explains that delay in vaccinations increases the likelihood of catching viruses of various diseases.

History of the Problem

The history of vaccines started years ago when the medications were introduced for controlling diseases like polio and measles. Vaccines were introduced to society and but faced criticism because people considered them the cause of deaths and were not willing to accept the advantages. Researches have shown that vaccines are safe and prevent diseases. Many vaccines were created such as MMR, MMRV, polio, diphtheria, and others in order to prevent or decrease the number of diseases in America and all over the world. Another issue faced by the clinics and state in the process of vaccination involved ethics. The philosophy of ethics made it obligatory for the healthcare providers to take consent from the parents. Without a parent's autonomy, it was not possible to immunize the children. The clinics thus focused on “ethical considerations pertaining to herd immunity as a community good, vaccine communication, dismissal of vaccine-refusing families from practice, and vaccine mandates” (Hendirx et al., 2016). A common practice was followed for fulfilling ethical considerations by taking permission from the parents after sharing complete information about the costs and benefits.

Literature Review

Vaccinations still remains a controversial topic that continues to expand throughout time. Parents who are uneducated regarding this topic and continue to decide for their children unwisely by refusing immunization. The statistics keep growing over time and it is affecting the children who are exposed to different types of diseases. Two-third of the annual deaths around the world are prevented by vaccinations. The findings of the World Health Organization (WHO) states, “global coverage with 3 doses of Hib vaccine is estimated at 72%. There is great variation between regions. In the WHO Region of the Americas, coverage is estimated at 91%, while it is only 28% in the WHO Western Pacific Region. The WHO South-East Asia Region raised coverage from 80% in 2016 to 86% in 2017” CITATION WHO18 \l 1033 (WHO, 2018). The findings confirm that the low rate of vaccinations is common in underdeveloped countries like Africa and the western Pacific.

Table: Comparison on coverage of vaccination

People do not think about the cause and effect of declining vaccinations. There are different sources that can help and contribute to educating society and families about vaccines. Vaccines are safe according to researches that involve years of work and efforts. A dominant reason for vaccine decline according to the Centre for Disease Control is its association with autism. The society believes that vaccines lead to other health-related problems such as autism. These fears restrict them from accepting vaccinations that are baseless. Research studies revealed that vaccines promote health and no evidence suggests its relationship with autism. CDC also rejected the association between vaccination and autism by presenting their study. Findings reveal that "the surge in measles cases in 2017 included large outbreaks in 15 of the 53 countries in the (European) region. The highest numbers of affected people were reported in Romania (5,562), Italy (5,006), and Ukraine (4,767)” (Damnjanović, Graeber, Ilić, Lam, 2018). This confirms that the community still needs to be educated on the role of vaccinations.

Table: Country-wise representation of measles cases

The fear of parents is not only risking the lives of their children but also pose challenges for future generations. The fear about side-effects can also lead to having misunderstandings regarding vaccines. The best strategy adopted by WHO for addressing the concerns of the parents and society is by offering education. It has been involved in different campaigns that focused on spreading awareness about the need for vaccinations CITATION WHO18 \l 1033 (WHO, 2018).

There are many programs that cover the costs of vaccines for children and adults. In California, there are different programs that contribute to helping children by offering free vaccinations such as Vaccines for California Children (VFC), and Vaccines for Adults (VFA). These are offered at any community clinics, private clinics, and country buildings throughout California. The attitudes and behaviors regarding vaccines have impacted the lives of several children and adults. Vaccines are created in safe ways that minimize adverse impacts.

Vaccine effectiveness.

Vaccines not only protect children but they also protect adults. It is believed that vaccines can save lives. While the opposing group believes that vaccines can harm people. The article of Hendrix et al., (2016) explains that the parent’s decisions affect the ethical practices and the lives of children are at stake. They focus on considerations such as the dismissal of vaccine, families who refuse to immunize their children and vaccine mandates.

Findings of WHO states, “global coverage with 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine is estimated at 84% and is as high as 93% in the Western Pacific. In addition, 105 countries introduced one dose of hepatitis B vaccine to newborns within the first 24 hours of life, and the global coverage is 43%” CITATION WHO18 \l 1033 (WHO, 2018). The prevention of deadly diseases like hepatitis is also possible by vaccinating children. This requires mitigating the challenges by removing fears of the parents (Damnjanović, Graeber, Ilić, Lam, 2018).

Information Availability.

Nesson (2016) identifies the challenges to the broader implementation of strategies for vaccinations. The article reveals that immunization is the key to prevent deaths and diseases. It also states that two to three million deaths and diseases have been prevented by vaccination. Lack of information and incomplete information is due to the reliance of parents on unreliable sources. This is also due to the reliance of society on old myths about medications that causes death. However, research has proved that vaccines kill viruses of the diseases and strengthens the immune system. Children who are vaccinated are capable of fighting against diseases.

Fear of side effects

In the academic journal, “Dying Preventable Deaths,” by Michaela Nesson, she also illustrates that parents are scared of side effects that vaccines might cause other complications, such as autism. However, no significant evidence has proved the relationship between autism and vaccination. Findings reveal that “parents are more focused on the potential outcomes of vaccine-related decisions, which can yield a specific pattern of the outcome bias” (Damnjanović, Graeber, Ilić, Lam, 2018).


In the United States, exposure of children to different environments can lead to various diseases if they are not vaccinated. Children are being exposed in schools to other kids who are not completely vaccinated. Parents need to be aware of the increases in the risk of preventable diseases. Empowering parents can help to reduce the number of cases that are growing over time. Unreliable cases on the harmful impacts of vaccines manipulate the thoughts of parents and restrict them to vaccinating their children. The statistics have proved that vaccines do not lead to any harmful diseases. Research reveals that receiving the virus of the vaccine can protect children and adults from getting the virus of harmful disease. The vaccines inject a weaker virus that allows children to build a strong immune system (Nesson, 2016).

Another controversial topic related to vaccinations is making vaccines mandatory. For example, the schools have made it compulsory for the children to get fully immunized before enrolling them. Children who do not have the appropriate vaccines are not admitted. This is a good way to encourage parents to vaccinate their children. This will not only prevent diseases, but it will contribute to helping the communities. The education of vaccines matters, social empowerment is also very important because it stresses on spreading the word about positive implications. Ethics, personal opinions, and different backgrounds must also be addressed for attaining full benefits of vaccination.

Vaccines have been approved by the centres of disease control (CDC). The decision of CDC is based on the comparisons between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated children. The findings indicate that vaccinated children have a strong immune system and they are less likely to catch the virus of serious diseases like smallpox, measles, mumps and polio (Hendrix et al., 2016).

There are many sources that share complete information about vaccines such as the media, the internet, and other experts opinions. However, irrational thoughts and beliefs regarding vaccines can affect a parent's decision about getting their children vaccinated. The information should be received by a health care professional. The most effective solution is to release information through reliable channels such as clinics, healthcare institutes and healthcare providers (Damnjanović, Graeber, Ilić, Lam, 2018). Similarly, campaigns are also organized by different healthcare organizations and WHO for raising awareness about the need and significance of vaccination. The use of multimedia and videos can be used for providing education to families about the health risks faced by their children. It is important to adopt adequate communication channels such as the use of technology and media for improving interaction with the targeted population.


Some parents refuse to vaccinate their children due to their fears of side-effects and harmful implications. They believe that it is their job to protect their children from any risk that vaccines can cause. This decision might have negative consequences on the children. A parent who refuses to vaccinate their children must be aware of the risk of morbidity. According to different studies, it can be concluded that vaccines are safe for everyone. Education can be provided by different sources such as schools, health fairs, social media, or the internet. Giving educated about vaccines can decrease the number of deceased children. The most affected children are at risks of morbidity due to having a weak immune system. The encounter of diseases children with others will spread the diseases. This is common in the cases of measles and smallpox. It is the job of healthcare providers to teach parents about the importance of vaccination.


Damnjanović, K., Graeber, J., Ilić, S., Lam, W. Y., Lep, Ž., Morales, S., et al. (2018). Parental Decision-Making on Childhood Vaccination. Front Psychol, 9 (735). doi:  HYPERLINK "https://dx.doi.org/10.3389%2Ffpsyg.2018.00735" \t "pmc_ext" 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00735

Gilkey, M. B., McRee, A. L., Magnus, B. E., Reiter, A., Dempsey, A. F., & Brewer, N. T. (2016). Vaccination Confidence and Parental Refusal/Delay of Early Childhood Vaccines. PLoS One, 11 (7). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159087.

Hendrix, K. S., Sturm, L. A., Zimet, G. D., & Meslin, E. M. (2016). Ethics and Childhood Vaccination Policy in the United States. Am J Public Health, 106 (2), 273-8. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2015.302952

Nesson, M. (2016). Dying Preventable Deaths: The Importance of Immunization. Harvard International Review, 37 (2), 18-20. Retrieved from


WHO. (2018). Immunization coverage. Retrieved 06 04, 2019, from https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/immunization-coverage

Subject: English

Pages: 10 Words: 3000

Title Of The Short Story

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Title of The Short Story

1.Friendship is the most selfless relationship of all times and the trust in this relationship is the key factor that makes this relationship beautiful. Even if the entire world doubted the friendship then there shuld be trust and love between the friends in order to retain the pressure.

2. in the beginning of the story it is mentioned that “both of the friends trust each other so much that no one can persuade them that the other one is unfaithful even if that was the case.. so this sentence perfectly matches with the theme of the story because it sghows the trust that both of them have on each other and the entire story revolves around this main idea.

3. when in the story the other friend who was sentenced to death by king had to go to somewhere to fix his affairs before the execution the king asked him to hand over someone who will be his hostage until his return so Pythius instantly remembered his friend Demon knowing that his trusted friend will never refuse him and exactly that happened with him Demon happily handed over himself to the King. This incidence shows the depth and the beuty of their friendship whose foundation was pure love and trust on each other.

4. in the stiory when the tyrant king announced the execution of the Pythias despite of beuing innocent then when Pythias came to know about it and he tried his best to convince the king about his innocence but all in vain. Then he came to know that the king might allow him to fix his affirs before hanging if he leaves behind a hostage so he instanylt asked his friend Demon and he also adrees right away this was the thing that impacted the ending of this story because if he didn’t ask his friemd to stay in prison then at the end their friendhip would not prove itself. The trsut that melted the hearts of millions along with the king who finally offered them his friendship too was a result of this trust.

5. Presently the excitement grew more intense still as a swift runner could be seen approaching the palace courtyard at an astonishing speed, and wild shrieks of relief and joy went up as Pythias, breathless and exhausted, rushed headlong through the crowd and flung himself into the arms of his beloved friend, sobbing with relief that he had, by the grace of the gods, arrived in time to save Damonʼs life. When Pythius came back on time and hugged his friend instantly then after this point every one took a satisfactory breath that now Demon will not be executed and everything was sort out.

6. Thus did the two friends of Syracuse, by the faithful love they bore to each other, conquer the hard heart of a tyrant king, and in the annals of true friendship there are no more honored names than those of Damon and Pythias—for no person can do more than be willing to lay down his life for the sake of his friend. This sentence tells the outcome and also it is relatable to the theme because in this sentence not only their trust conquered the hearts of the people but also the tyrant king was now a soft and changed man.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Title: Therapeutic Writing Effects On Adolescents

Name of Student

Name of Professor

Name of Class

Day Month Year

How does therapeutic writing allow teenagers to grow mentally?


Teenage is attender time for young individuals when they are going through different biological changes that produce various kinds of mood swings and behavioral changes in them. Also, this is the most critical time in terms of academics when external pressure is high on them. All these changes along with the academic pressure lead them to depression and anxiety. These issues become critical in young individuals when they are suffering from chronic mental illnesses, disability and any other kind of physical issues. These traumatic situations result in lower levels of self-esteem and confidence. All these situations can be improved through therapeutic writing. In this paper influence of therapeutic writing on teenagers is discussed in terms of its physical and mental effects. Getting out of depressive symptoms and negative thought patterns is really important for physical cognitive development. Does therapeutic writing has an effect on the emotional state of the adolescents, is the question that will be explored in this research paper.


Trauma and drama are the two words that describe the teen life for many teenagers. This is due to all the changes and transitions that they go through physically and mentally. According to various researches, depression levels in teenagers are on the rise(“New Report Shows Depression Rates Rising”). Causes of which include family issues, economic problems, parental influences, traumatic situations like physical or sexual harassments, bullying, and academic pressures. If teenagers have a lack of confidence to deal with their issues it can lead to worsening the situations. Also one of the most important factors that contributes to depression in teens in the transition, from the teenage to adulthood. According to the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, transitions are really problematic in teens and one in six teenagers consider suicide as the solution to their troubles in teenage ("Transitioning to Adulthood"). All these situations along with the transitional difficulties often result in depression and anxiety in the young individuals which often leads to suicide and self-abusive attitudes. These individuals feel alone, stressed and lost. All the mental trauma not only affects their memory and behavior but also is the leading cause of substance abuse in the teenagers turn to drugs and alcohol in young teenage to seek refuge from their problems. Problems like self-cutting are really among such children. These problems not only affects their personal health but also affects their physical health. Due to depression and other mental problems, often teenagers develop eating disorders that also affects them physically. Many of them turn obese which in turn results in high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease. These issues also cause chronic fatigue, unexplained pain, headache, migraine, and type 2 diabetes(“The Effects of Depression on the Body and Physical Health”).

All such broken teenagers often don't have anyone to talk to which keeps worsening the situation. Such teenagers often become a challenge for the teachers and parents. At such a critical stage role of the therapists is essential. But the therapeutic effects of the journaling can't be neglected. Teenagers can practice this therapeutic journaling all by themselves. And often therapists also suggest them to adopt this activity. Many studies are present that strongly suggests that therapeutic journaling turns out to be the most effective therapy in troubled teens. Therapeutic Journaling allows teens to manage their stress by writing the causes of their stress. Writing about anxiety and troubled personal experience allows them to deeply identify the main contributors in their bad situations. It gives them a safe place to vent their emotions. Venting out emotions give clarity to the mind and helps in increasing emotional intelligence. It is beneficial in improving communication issues (Federica et al.).

Writing the emotional allows the heart to become clear, which results in contentment and makes individuals happy. Thus provides a healthy environment to the brain and heart. This positivity helps teenagers to grow as a person. Writing about the wishes and dreams signals brain that these wishes are important thus helps to organize the brain around finding means to make the dreams come true. It also helps them to solve their problems without relying on others. It clarifies their perspective and rereading the written material allows them to look at their problem in a different dimension that allows new solutions to come in into being. It helps teens to develop a sense of empathy.

Even when teenagers go to therapists and talk about their emotions and thoughts, many fail to deliver the exact issues through their speech. Trust issues also come in the way of their sessions with the therapist as it is not easy for everyone to open up, freely to another human being. Thus therapeutic writing allows them to explore their problems and issues. Various studies suggest that therapeutic writing results in improved physical and emotional health among teenagers. But some studies show that writing has more effect on the minds of healthy patients than on the ones that are dealing with mental issues (Frisina, Borod, and Lepore). According to evidence-based research writing down, life experiences create a positive impact on the psyche. It also helps teenagers to digest their issues and get over the troubling incidents of their lives. Thus creates space for the positive impact to come in place. It improves the immune system, decreases the symptoms of various illnesses and improves memory and blood pressure. (Frisina, Borod, and Lepore)

It results in improving the overall personality and health of the teenagers by making them more aware of their habits and patterns and providing them the best support system that no other individual can. According to the article named "Study: Blog More Therapeutic for Teens than Diary research" that took place University of Hafia, teenagers who write blogs release the emotional stress better than the ones who write it in a diary as it creates a possibility for outside interactions (Siegel-Itzkovich)

Thus it can be suggested that therapeutic writing is beneficial in self-improvement among teenagers as emotional disclosure is a stressful event that is not possible for all the teenagers. Writing allows them to vent out their emotions and feelings and helps them get their focus back. It helps them take back control on life by sorting out their thoughts and emotions, thus proves to be beneficial for physical and psychological health. All these emotional disclosures allow them to become improved versions of themselves and help them get rid of their addictions. Following are the few effects of therapeutic writing.   

Growth as a product of experiences and learning

Mental growth is a product of emotional growth, intellectual growth, and social developmental skills. For the mind to develop correctly during the teenage years, it is necessary that teenagers are in a sound emotional and mental state. Growth in teen years is associated with experiences and observations. These two help teens to grow and become ready for the adult world. With the growing depression among teenagers, mental growth is getting hindered by the unsorted emotions and traumatic experiences. Only healthy individuals can grow into stable and healthy adults. According to research writing is something that helps to improve memory and sort out the emotions ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"HQe0XlFT","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Stages of Adolescence\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(“Stages of Adolescence”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1507,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/NXM4BFIK"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/NXM4BFIK"],"itemData":{"id":1507,"type":"webpage","title":"Stages of Adolescence","container-title":"HealthyChildren.org","abstract":"Adolescence, these years from puberty to adulthood, may be roughly divided into three stages. The fundamental purpose of these developments is to form one’s own identity and to prepare for adulthood.","URL":"http://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/teen/Pages/Stages-of-Adolescence.aspx","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,18]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Stages of Adolescence”).

Therapeutic writing and Expressive writing

Writing is a therapeutic experience. Therapeutic writing is also called writing therapy as it is all about receiving therapeutic benefits that aid clarity of thoughts and emotions in young individuals. It is the easiest accessible, versatile and low-cost therapy that can be adopted by anyone at any age. Expressive writing is done to express personal feelings and emotions, regarding any chosen topic or randomly. Therapeutic writing is a form of expressive writing, but its objective is inward emotions, and thoughts. It is also confused with the daily journaling, due to its flexible nature. But therapeutic writing can be done at any selected time. One way of adopting this therapy is to write freely and let all emotions transfer to the paper on their own. Another way of doing it is to think of a single traumatizing or disturbing event and write all of its associated dimensions on the paper. Like what happened, how happened, what could have been improved. All the feelings associated with the events should be written on the paper. Such form of writing helps a person to find the closure that enables him/her to free himself from all the negative emotions that are trying to hold the person back ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"WBlcniTE","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Writing Therapy})","plainCitation":"(Writing Therapy)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1514,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/WU8SH48Z"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/WU8SH48Z"],"itemData":{"id":1514,"type":"webpage","title":"Writing Therapy: Using A Pen and Paper to Enhance Personal Growth","abstract":"Writing therapy, also known as journal therapy, is exactly what it sounds like – journaling for therapeutic benefits. Read more here!","URL":"https://positivepsychologyprogram.com/writing-therapy/","shortTitle":"Writing Therapy","language":"en-US","issued":{"date-parts":[["2017",10,26]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,18]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Writing Therapy). According to research by research written emotional disclosure about the stressful traumatic event produce benefits emotionally and physically in the teenagers ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"zPDZbZWd","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Facchin et al.)","plainCitation":"(Facchin et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1646,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/ETRPU5UA"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/ETRPU5UA"],"itemData":{"id":1646,"type":"article-journal","title":"Effects of Benefit-Focused Versus Standard Expressive Writing on Adolescents' Self-Concept During the High School Transition","container-title":"Journal of Research on Adolescence","page":"131-144","volume":"24","issue":"1","source":"Wiley Online Library","abstract":"This randomized trial compared two types of expressive writing—benefit-focused versus standard expressive writing—with a factual writing (control) condition in enhancing adolescents' self-concept during the transition to high school. First-year male students (N = 201) wrote on three consecutive days about either the potential benefits of the school transition, their deepest thoughts and feelings about this transition, or their school activities. The benefit-focused group had better short-term academic self-concept relative to the other two conditions, especially among students who had low academic self-concept at baseline, but these changes were not lasting. Writing about the benefits of the transition may be a cost-effective school-based intervention to strengthen academic self-concept, but may need augmentation with booster sessions or interpersonal discussion.","DOI":"10.1111/jora.12040","ISSN":"1532-7795","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Facchin","given":"Federica"},{"family":"Margola","given":"Davide"},{"family":"Molgora","given":"Sara"},{"family":"Revenson","given":"Tracey A."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Facchin et al.). It produces increased negative mood effects and decreased positive mood, immediately after writing the emotions, but in long run after few days, positive effects prevail over the person’s mood ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"WOR3L60A","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Smyth et al.)","plainCitation":"(Smyth et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1651,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/B5I7EZ94"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/B5I7EZ94"],"itemData":{"id":1651,"type":"article-journal","title":"Effects of writing about stressful experiences on symptom reduction in patients with asthma or rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized trial","container-title":"JAMA","page":"1304-1309","volume":"281","issue":"14","source":"PubMed","abstract":"CONTEXT: Nonpharmacological treatments with little patient cost or risk are useful supplements to pharmacotherapy in the treatment of patients with chronic illness. Research has demonstrated that writing about emotionally traumatic experiences has a surprisingly beneficial effect on symptom reports, well-being, and health care use in healthy individuals.\nOBJECTIVE: To determine if writing about stressful life experiences affects disease status in patients with asthma or rheumatoid arthritis using standardized quantitative outcome measures.\nDESIGN: Randomized controlled trial conducted between October 1996 and December 1997.\nSETTING: Outpatient community residents drawn from private and institutional practice.\nPATIENTS: Volunteer sample of 112 patients with asthma (n = 61) or rheumatoid arthritis (n = 51) received the intervention; 107 completed the study, 58 in the asthma group and 49 in the rheumatoid arthritis group.\nINTERVENTION: Patients were assigned to write either about the most stressful event of their lives (n = 71; 39 asthma, 32 rheumatoid arthritis) or about emotionally neutral topics (n = 41; 22 asthma, 19 rheumatoid arthritis) (the control intervention).\nMAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Asthma patients were evaluated with spirometry and rheumatoid arthritis patients were clinically examined by a rheumatologist. Assessments were conducted at baseline and at 2 weeks and 2 months and 4 months after writing and were done blind to experimental condition.\nRESULTS: Of evaluable patients 4 months after treatment, asthma patients in the experimental group showed improvements in lung function (the mean percentage of predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 second [FEV1] improved from 63.9% at baseline to 76.3% at the 4-month follow-up; P<.001), whereas control group patients showed no change. Rheumatoid arthritis patients in the experimental group showed improvements in overall disease activity (a mean reduction in disease severity from 1.65 to 1.19 [28%] on a scale of 0 [asymptomatic] to 4 [very severe] at the 4-month follow-up; P=.001), whereas control group patients did not change. Combining all completing patients, 33 (47.1%) of 70 experimental patients had clinically relevant improvement, whereas 9 (24.3%) of 37 control patients had improvement (P=.001).\nCONCLUSION: Patients with mild to moderately severe asthma or rheumatoid arthritis who wrote about stressful life experiences had clinically relevant changes in health status at 4 months compared with those in the control group. These gains were beyond those attributable to the standard medical care that all participants were receiving. It remains unknown whether these health improvements will persist beyond 4 months or whether this exercise will prove effective with other diseases.","ISSN":"0098-7484","note":"PMID: 10208146","shortTitle":"Effects of writing about stressful experiences on symptom reduction in patients with asthma or rheumatoid arthritis","journalAbbreviation":"JAMA","language":"eng","author":[{"family":"Smyth","given":"J. M."},{"family":"Stone","given":"A. A."},{"family":"Hurewitz","given":"A."},{"family":"Kaell","given":"A."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1999",4,14]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Smyth et al.). In a study where groups were analyzed to measure the effects of writing, it was revealed that the group with shorter follow-up times, like less than a month, had better effects of the personality than the groups who participated in writing with longer follow-up periods ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"ZszapXbR","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Facchin et al.)","plainCitation":"(Facchin et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1646,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/ETRPU5UA"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/ETRPU5UA"],"itemData":{"id":1646,"type":"article-journal","title":"Effects of Benefit-Focused Versus Standard Expressive Writing on Adolescents' Self-Concept During the High School Transition","container-title":"Journal of Research on Adolescence","page":"131-144","volume":"24","issue":"1","source":"Wiley Online Library","abstract":"This randomized trial compared two types of expressive writing—benefit-focused versus standard expressive writing—with a factual writing (control) condition in enhancing adolescents' self-concept during the transition to high school. First-year male students (N = 201) wrote on three consecutive days about either the potential benefits of the school transition, their deepest thoughts and feelings about this transition, or their school activities. The benefit-focused group had better short-term academic self-concept relative to the other two conditions, especially among students who had low academic self-concept at baseline, but these changes were not lasting. Writing about the benefits of the transition may be a cost-effective school-based intervention to strengthen academic self-concept, but may need augmentation with booster sessions or interpersonal discussion.","DOI":"10.1111/jora.12040","ISSN":"1532-7795","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Facchin","given":"Federica"},{"family":"Margola","given":"Davide"},{"family":"Molgora","given":"Sara"},{"family":"Revenson","given":"Tracey A."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Facchin et al.). In a study the effects of therapeutic writing were observed in First-year students, who experienced the death of the friend. It was revealed that benefit-focused therapeutic writing turned about to be effective to students dealing with the loss.

Writing simply without expressing emotions, is less beneficial than writing that is based on pure emotions and problematic events. Similarly, if it’s done for yielding the benefits, according to psychiatrist’s guidelines, it turns out to be more beneficial.

Benefits of Therapeutic writing

According to a study, participants who wrote their most traumatic experiences for 15 minutes for consecutive four days, experienced health benefits ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"9ey8CQ67","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Baikie and Wilhelm)","plainCitation":"(Baikie and Wilhelm)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1511,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/REAERKFD"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/REAERKFD"],"itemData":{"id":1511,"type":"article-journal","title":"Emotional and physical health benefits of expressive writing","container-title":"Advances in Psychiatric Treatment","page":"338-346","volume":"11","issue":"5","source":"Cambridge Core","abstract":"Writing about traumatic, stressful or emotional events has been found to result in improvements in both physical and psychological health, in non-clinical and clinical populations. In the expressive writing paradigm, participants are asked to write about such events for 15–20 minutes on 3–5 occasions. Those who do so generally have significantly better physical and psychological outcomes compared with those who write about neutral topics. Here we present an overview of the expressive writing paradigm, outline populations for which it has been found to be beneficial and discuss possible mechanisms underlying the observed health benefits. In addition, we suggest how expressive writing can be used as a therapeutic tool for survivors of trauma and in psychiatric settings.","DOI":"10.1192/apt.11.5.338","ISSN":"1355-5146, 1472-1481","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Baikie","given":"Karen A."},{"family":"Wilhelm","given":"Kay"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2005",9]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Baikie and Wilhelm). Research also proves that therapeutic writing can benefit the executive functioning of the brain. Executive functioning is really important in dealing with the memory of events and information storage, which is critical in teenagers ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"FgJTgKUb","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Barcaccia et al.)","plainCitation":"(Barcaccia et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1517,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/EBVQW47R"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/EBVQW47R"],"itemData":{"id":1517,"type":"article-journal","title":"Is expressive writing effective in decreasing depression and increasing forgiveness and emotional wellbeing of preadolescents?","container-title":"Terapia psicológica","page":"213-222","volume":"35","issue":"3","source":"Crossref","abstract":"Expressive writing (EW) can be an effective way to alter maladaptive emotional reactions to stressful life events, although little is known about how pre-adolescents may benefit from it. In this quasi-experimental study, we compared measures of depression, anger, forgiveness, positive and negative affect in pre-adolescents before and after EW in both an experimental group undergoing the EW paradigm and a control group (N=138). No significant effects between control and experimental groups were found for the considered variables, except for positive and negative affect. We suggest potential reasons accounting for these results. Given that the theorised mechanisms involved in the EW paradigm include executive functioning abilities, it is possible that preadolescents may not be able to benefit from it, due to not fully developed executive functioning skills. Our results provide useful information in order to better design future studies and prevention/intervention programmes to be implemented with preadolescents.","DOI":"10.4067/S0718-48082017000300213","ISSN":"0718-4808","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Barcaccia","given":"Barbara"},{"family":"Schaeffer","given":"Tyler"},{"family":"Balestrini","given":"Viviana"},{"family":"Rizzo","given":"Fabio"},{"family":"Mattogno","given":"Francesca"},{"family":"Baiocco","given":"Roberto"},{"family":"Mancini","given":"Francesco"},{"family":"Schneider","given":"Barry Howard"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017",12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Barcaccia et al.).

Forgiveness is an important gesture that is a gift that is not for the others but our own selves. According to research forgiveness is a voluntary process due to which person forgive the offender and cultivates positive emotions in himself. Therapeutic writing provides a chance for individuals to get emotional closure thus makes the process of forgiveness easy ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"46f15poR","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Barcaccia et al.)","plainCitation":"(Barcaccia et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1517,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/EBVQW47R"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/EBVQW47R"],"itemData":{"id":1517,"type":"article-journal","title":"Is expressive writing effective in decreasing depression and increasing forgiveness and emotional wellbeing of preadolescents?","container-title":"Terapia psicológica","page":"213-222","volume":"35","issue":"3","source":"Crossref","abstract":"Expressive writing (EW) can be an effective way to alter maladaptive emotional reactions to stressful life events, although little is known about how pre-adolescents may benefit from it. In this quasi-experimental study, we compared measures of depression, anger, forgiveness, positive and negative affect in pre-adolescents before and after EW in both an experimental group undergoing the EW paradigm and a control group (N=138). No significant effects between control and experimental groups were found for the considered variables, except for positive and negative affect. We suggest potential reasons accounting for these results. Given that the theorised mechanisms involved in the EW paradigm include executive functioning abilities, it is possible that preadolescents may not be able to benefit from it, due to not fully developed executive functioning skills. Our results provide useful information in order to better design future studies and prevention/intervention programmes to be implemented with preadolescents.","DOI":"10.4067/S0718-48082017000300213","ISSN":"0718-4808","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Barcaccia","given":"Barbara"},{"family":"Schaeffer","given":"Tyler"},{"family":"Balestrini","given":"Viviana"},{"family":"Rizzo","given":"Fabio"},{"family":"Mattogno","given":"Francesca"},{"family":"Baiocco","given":"Roberto"},{"family":"Mancini","given":"Francesco"},{"family":"Schneider","given":"Barry Howard"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017",12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Barcaccia et al.) The study took place in Institute of Physical Activity, and Nutrition IPAN at Deakin University revealed that writing by hand requires the coordination between verbal and fine movements system of the body, and when we coordinate to write to encode information, it leads to richer memory. This university also encourages its students to ditch their laptops and instead write on paper by hand ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"6YxBWfTy","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Blatchford)","plainCitation":"(Blatchford)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1509,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/D879VUF5"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/D879VUF5"],"itemData":{"id":1509,"type":"article-newspaper","title":"Writing By Hand Improves Your Memory, Experts Say","container-title":"Huffington Post","section":"HuffPost International","source":"Huff Post","abstract":"Don't throw away your old notebooks just yet. According to experts, sticking with a pen and paper has a some serious benefits (and it has nothing to do going nuts in the newsagent stationery aisle)....","URL":"https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2016/04/21/writing-by-hand-benefits_n_9735384.html","language":"en_AU","author":[{"family":"Blatchford","given":"Emily"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016",4,21]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,18]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Blatchford). This suggests that writing requires a person to collect his thoughts and emotions, one can't just randomly write anything on paper. This makes a person dig deeply to find his voice, which allows him to reconnect to his feelings at a deeper level. Thus it promotes clarity of the mind, get rid of toxic thoughts and allows a person to focus on better things in things, which leads to better observation and development. ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Vgngrpzg","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Blatchford)","plainCitation":"(Blatchford)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1509,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/D879VUF5"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/D879VUF5"],"itemData":{"id":1509,"type":"article-newspaper","title":"Writing By Hand Improves Your Memory, Experts Say","container-title":"Huffington Post","section":"HuffPost International","source":"Huff Post","abstract":"Don't throw away your old notebooks just yet. According to experts, sticking with a pen and paper has a some serious benefits (and it has nothing to do going nuts in the newsagent stationery aisle)....","URL":"https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2016/04/21/writing-by-hand-benefits_n_9735384.html","language":"en_AU","author":[{"family":"Blatchford","given":"Emily"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016",4,21]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",3,18]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Blatchford).

Self-regulation is a process that enhances a person’s ability to regulate his emotions. In a Study, it was hypothesized that expressive writing will help individuals to gain a sense of empowerment and control over their emotion. Especially in circumstances in which a person has experienced a traumatic event. It becomes difficult to manage emotions especially in teenage, when a person experiences personality conflicts and circumstantial conflicts, due to transitional phases. The similar study particularly studied the effects of writing for 24 minutes over four consecutive sessions about the transgression of the friend, to see if the positive effects can be yielded in such circumstances. But this study did not supported the hypothesis that writing is an effective coping strategy for children who experienced transgression by a friend. But it was found that simply writing expressively about the issue yielded an increase in the negative emotions but did not let the child get over the event. This can be due to the general perception of the writer, as he will be biased while writing about the event. It was concluded that writing will be beneficial only with sound executive function due to their ability to process and store information effectively but it won’t turn out to be effective for the individuals with less capable executive functioning. Also, self-regulation capabilities are not completely depended on the therapeutic writing. ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"9qZxPse0","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Barcaccia et al.)","plainCitation":"(Barcaccia et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1517,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/EBVQW47R"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/EBVQW47R"],"itemData":{"id":1517,"type":"article-journal","title":"Is expressive writing effective in decreasing depression and increasing forgiveness and emotional wellbeing of preadolescents?","container-title":"Terapia psicológica","page":"213-222","volume":"35","issue":"3","source":"Crossref","abstract":"Expressive writing (EW) can be an effective way to alter maladaptive emotional reactions to stressful life events, although little is known about how pre-adolescents may benefit from it. In this quasi-experimental study, we compared measures of depression, anger, forgiveness, positive and negative affect in pre-adolescents before and after EW in both an experimental group undergoing the EW paradigm and a control group (N=138). No significant effects between control and experimental groups were found for the considered variables, except for positive and negative affect. We suggest potential reasons accounting for these results. Given that the theorised mechanisms involved in the EW paradigm include executive functioning abilities, it is possible that preadolescents may not be able to benefit from it, due to not fully developed executive functioning skills. Our results provide useful information in order to better design future studies and prevention/intervention programmes to be implemented with preadolescents.","DOI":"10.4067/S0718-48082017000300213","ISSN":"0718-4808","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Barcaccia","given":"Barbara"},{"family":"Schaeffer","given":"Tyler"},{"family":"Balestrini","given":"Viviana"},{"family":"Rizzo","given":"Fabio"},{"family":"Mattogno","given":"Francesca"},{"family":"Baiocco","given":"Roberto"},{"family":"Mancini","given":"Francesco"},{"family":"Schneider","given":"Barry Howard"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017",12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Barcaccia et al.)


Therapeutic writing is an effective tool in improving the adolescent’s mental capabilities and helping them grow emotionally. Its positive effects can’t be denied but therapeutic or expressive writing is not the only factor that will affect the growth and self-regulation capabilities in adults. Different researches propose that it is effective in helping individuals deal with the loss, but in certain circumstances, depending upon other factors, it is not effective in all types of circumstances. Thus it can be said that the effects of therapeutic writing rely heavily on the circumstances and the cognitive processes and abilities of the participants.

In measuring the effects more researches are required in this field that benefits specific. Further studies also need to control the moderating effects regarding the demographics, developmental stage and other range of factors that can potentially affect the adolescents. This therapy can be adapted by the individuals by themselves but turns out to be more effective when an expert professional is controlling the outcomes and expected benefits. This therapy should be adopted by the individuals as a hobby as many studies support that it has multiple benefits over the person’s mental growth, as it promotes the clarity in emotions. But the context of writing is important in yielding the benefits. Exactly like the destructive negative nature of the negative self-talk, writing if starts to takes the negative nature, can prove to be destructive rather than constructive. Thus it is important to have a clear agenda in mind if it is done as self-help. Agenda can be based on simple expressing of emotions, and it can be based on exploring the dimensions of the situations. But it is advised that if writing is adapted for therapeutic purposes, a specialist should be consulted. As psychiatrists and therapists know how to yield the positive outcomes out of therapeutic writing. Therapeutic writing is therapeutic because of its nature, thus it is important to perform it by keeping the purpose and constraints in check.


Works Cited

Frisina, Pasquale G., Joan C. Borod, and Stephen J. Lepore. “A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Written Emotional Disclosure on the Health Outcomes of Clinical Populations.” The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 192.9 (2004): 629–634. Web. 5 Mar. 2019.

F, Facchin et al. “Effects of Benefit‐focused versus Standard Expressive Writing on Adolescents’ Self‐concept during the High School Transition.” Effects of benefit‐focused versus standard expressive writing on adolescents’ self‐concept during the high school transition. (2014): n. pag. Print.

Siegel-Itzkovich, Judy. “Study: Blog More Therapeutic for Teens than Diary.” The Jerusalem Post | JPost.com. N.p., 21 Feb. 2012. Web. 5 Mar. 2019.

“New Report Shows Depression Rates Rising.” Newport Academy, 15 May 2018, https://www.newportacademy.com/resources/mental-health/teen-depression-study/.

“The Effects of Depression on the Body and Physical Health.” Medical News Today, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322395.php. Accessed 18 Mar. 2019.

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Baikie, Karen A., and Kay Wilhelm. “Emotional and Physical Health Benefits of Expressive Writing.” Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, vol. 11, no. 5, Sept. 2005, pp. 338–46. Cambridge Core, doi:10.1192/apt.11.5.338.

Barcaccia, Barbara, et al. “Is Expressive Writing Effective in Decreasing Depression and Increasing Forgiveness and Emotional Wellbeing of Preadolescents?” Terapia Psicológica, vol. 35, no. 3, Dec. 2017, pp. 213–22. Crossref, doi:10.4067/S0718-48082017000300213.

Blatchford, Emily. “Writing By Hand Improves Your Memory, Experts Say.” Huffington Post, 21 Apr. 2016. Huff Post, https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2016/04/21/writing-by-hand-benefits_n_9735384.html.

Facchin, Federica, et al. “Effects of Benefit-Focused Versus Standard Expressive Writing on Adolescents’ Self-Concept During the High School Transition.” Journal of Research on Adolescence, vol. 24, no. 1, 2014, pp. 131–44. Wiley Online Library, doi:10.1111/jora.12040.

Smyth, J. M., et al. “Effects of Writing about Stressful Experiences on Symptom Reduction in Patients with Asthma or Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Randomized Trial.” JAMA, vol. 281, no. 14, Apr. 1999, pp. 1304–09.

“Stages of Adolescence.” HealthyChildren.Org, http://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/teen/Pages/Stages-of-Adolescence.aspx. Accessed 18 Mar. 2019.

Writing Therapy: Using A Pen and Paper to Enhance Personal Growth. 26 Oct. 2017, https://positivepsychologyprogram.com/writing-therapy/.

Subject: English

Pages: 8 Words: 2400

To Be Of Use By Marge Piercy Reading Response

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



To Be of Use by Marge Piercy Reading Response

It is rightly said that “Hard Work is the key to success.” English literature is full of texts and pieces of writings glorifying the importance of hard work and the fruits a person gets as a result of it. Two of such works have been penned down by Marge Piercy by the name of “To be of Use” and Gary Soto by the title of “Red Palm." Both are motivational poems written to highlight the importance of hard work in a person’s life.

In the poem, "To be of Use," the author Merge Piercy points towards the necessity of hard work and the hardships of this world. She observes hard work in a very positive light, and informs that she; in fact, everyone loves a hard working individual. Everyone likes people who are always ready to accept challenges and who never bow down to any adversitieseveryone. These are the people who remain successful in the cycle of life. The hardships of life are pointed out by the author as “The work of the world is common as mud. Botched, it smears the hands, crumbles to dust.”(Piercy) The poet explains that although this world is a cruel place, and coping up with its challenges is not an easy task, but still the people who are consistent and keep on moving are highly appreciable.

The other poet, Gary Soto, takes an alternate approach to view hard work, in his poem “Red Palm”. He exemplifies the hard work from the life of a farmer who works in a cotton field all day. The poet makes the reader imagine a person, working in the blistering sunlight in the fields, sweating all over in the words “The sun is a red blister." He points that, in the current times of severe economic crisis, a person is bound to push his limits and work hard, to fulfill the needs of his family. Still, in the end, there is a positive aspect that hard work pays off and he is able to afford the food, electricity bills and the education of his children, which is a satisfying factor for the worker.

Works Cited

Piercy, Marge. To be of use. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1973.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

To His Coy Mistress

The poem is immensely emotional and passionate with less logic and rationality but more emotional appeal. I believe that the women are likely to be attracted and convinced by the immense emotional display of his love, desire, sensuality and passion by Marvell.

In the poem, the message is in the immense intensity of the poetic touch that may move the audiences to the cores of their heart. The amalgamation of the feelings of the eternal love with the briefness of life and youth made the lady consider the amount she is wasting in being a coy while making the poet wait for the answer. As the reader advanced through the first stanza, reader may be was emotionally moved for the immortal feelings of love poet had in his heart. The moment he stated “For, Lady, you deserve this state,; Nor would I love at lower rate” the reader may tremble and think from the depth of their hearts that how can any lady, in her complete sense, refuse the love and romance of such an intensity, level and passion.

proceeding towards the next stanza of your poetic message, the poet may be grieved and felt pity for all the time I have wasted for not responding to his love and passion. Life is indeed too short to be wasted. The moments of love and passion can be immortal but the physical existence of the youthfulness and body do not last longer. the phrases: “The grave's a fine and private place,; But none, I think, do there embrace”, gave Goosebumps and highlighted the immense passion and love by the poet. The poet further emphasizes on his aggression, dedication, devotion and passion for the lady as he stated that “And tear our pleasures with rough strife; through the iron gates of life”.

Overall, it can be stated this poem was a unique example of how the immense passion of poet has made him miserable and longing for the woman – unable to suppress his emotional and passionate desires.

Works Cited

Marvell, Andrew, and Tony Harrison. To his coy mistress. ProQuest LLC, 2004.

Gregory, Michael. "Marvell's ‘to his coy mistress’: The poem as a linguistic and social event." Poetics 7.4 (1978): 351-362.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

To Kill A Mockingbird Final Essay

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Course Number


Final Essay: To Kill a Mocking Bird

The story To Kill a Mocking Bird takes place in a town that is situated in southern Alabama. The era in which the story takes place i.e. 1930’s seems to have great differences from today. The story mainly centers on the lives of the two siblings Scout and Jem who live with their father Atticus and nanny Calpurnia. A family is considered to be quite well off as compared to others in the neighborhood since Atticus is a lawyer. He decides to defend a black man in court who has been accused of rape. In this journey of defending the accused, Atticus and his family face many challenges throughout the book. The story mainly depicts the cruel face of a society based on the ignorance that fuels Racism and Prejudice which in turn affects the relationships in the community.

Ignorance is defined as a lack of education. Harper lee tries to demonstrate the effects of ignorance on society throughout the novel. It is expressed by the kids as well as adults of the neighborhood. This ignorance has resulted in the emergence of negative concepts in the community that has effected it in many ways. This essay will analyze in-depth the Racism and Prejudice fueled by ignorance through credible evidence from the text.


Throughout the book, Ignorance for different groups of the community has resulted in the emergence of racism among them. At one instance, when Scout is in school. A kid shouts at him saying that his father is helping a “nigger” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"tue5Ynln","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Lee)","plainCitation":"(Lee)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":122,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/LGdpQbDd/items/5Z4728GD"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/LGdpQbDd/items/5Z4728GD"],"itemData":{"id":122,"type":"book","title":"To Kill a Mockingbird","publisher":"On The Mark Press","number-of-pages":"65","source":"Google Books","ISBN":"978-1-55035-611-3","note":"Google-Books-ID: UAz9ZdDeXXMC","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Lee","given":"Harper"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2000"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Lee). Later Tom goes to his father and asks if he protects the niggers? Atticus gets bewildered thinking of how children talk these days. Cecil Jacobs is naïve and he barely knows what the word means. This supports my claim that kids are being racist just because of their parent's ignorance towards understanding who black people actually are. On another incident where even though Atticus provided proper evidence which showed that Robert Ewell was guilty, he was still saved due to a white Jury in the Court ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"xLdn1N0a","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Lee)","plainCitation":"(Lee)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":122,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/LGdpQbDd/items/5Z4728GD"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/LGdpQbDd/items/5Z4728GD"],"itemData":{"id":122,"type":"book","title":"To Kill a Mockingbird","publisher":"On The Mark Press","number-of-pages":"65","source":"Google Books","ISBN":"978-1-55035-611-3","note":"Google-Books-ID: UAz9ZdDeXXMC","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Lee","given":"Harper"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2000"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Lee). Jury refuses to acknowledge the evidence which is nothing but sheer ignorance. The sheer ignorance is basically a lack of Jury knowledge towards understanding black people. This has, in turn, kept the concept of racism alive in the community. Being black has turned to be unfortunate for Tom Robinson as a result of ignorance from the member of the court. Racism has led to social injustice.

Another characteristic thought to emerge as a result of ignorance in the community is Prejudice which has negatively affected the relationships between the different communities in the neighborhood. Ignorance has led to the fact that people have started assuming things about others without prior knowledge. In the text, Boo Radley is thought to never come out of the house which has risen a wrong perception about him. The children of the neighborhood are scared of Boo Radley. Even adults are seen to make rumors about him such as Miss Maudie saying: “Stephanie Crawford even told me once she woke up in the middle of the night and found him looking in the window at her…” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"VBtQMHDn","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Lee)","plainCitation":"(Lee)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":122,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/LGdpQbDd/items/5Z4728GD"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/LGdpQbDd/items/5Z4728GD"],"itemData":{"id":122,"type":"book","title":"To Kill a Mockingbird","publisher":"On The Mark Press","number-of-pages":"65","source":"Google Books","ISBN":"978-1-55035-611-3","note":"Google-Books-ID: UAz9ZdDeXXMC","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Lee","given":"Harper"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2000"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Lee). From the text, it is quite clear that she seems to come up with the idea of Bradley looking at her out of nowhere. This shows that Miss Stephanie Crawford along with other adults and children in the community are prejudice because all of them are unaware of the truth. This has caused people to spread rumors about the Boo Radley. Since he doesn't come out to tell people about himself he is also portrayed as being ignorant. Both of these situations are negatively giving rise to prejudice in the community.

The effects of ignorance on the relationships between the community members are evident through several incidents. One such piece of evidence comes from chapter 12 where Jem and Scout go to the church with their nanny Calpurnia. Upon reaching there, Calpurnia was asked by the black woman Lula that why did she bring them here? ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"IVN5xnel","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Lee)","plainCitation":"(Lee)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":122,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/LGdpQbDd/items/5Z4728GD"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/LGdpQbDd/items/5Z4728GD"],"itemData":{"id":122,"type":"book","title":"To Kill a Mockingbird","publisher":"On The Mark Press","number-of-pages":"65","source":"Google Books","ISBN":"978-1-55035-611-3","note":"Google-Books-ID: UAz9ZdDeXXMC","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Lee","given":"Harper"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2000"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Lee). Considering the fact that white in a community has developed strong hate towards black, black people have also started to loathe white people regardless. Just because Lula was faced with the prejudice which was thrown by the white, she seems to consider every white person equally blamed. Ignorance has fueled hatred among the communities. However, after learning that their father is the one who is pleading the case of Tom Robinson, they all seem to start liking the siblings. It proves that knowing the facts can lead to harmony in the community.


The basic message that Harper Lee is trying to give her audience regarding ignorance throughout the whole book is that ignorance has resulted in negatively effecting the community by building the concepts of prejudice and racism. She demonstrates that it is ignorance that without knowing the actual truth, someone develops a completely different image of a person in their head. The most important evidence according to which Atticus tries to teach his children about empathy is given as "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"uxnUAgp3","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Lee)","plainCitation":"(Lee)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":122,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/LGdpQbDd/items/5Z4728GD"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/LGdpQbDd/items/5Z4728GD"],"itemData":{"id":122,"type":"book","title":"To Kill a Mockingbird","publisher":"On The Mark Press","number-of-pages":"65","source":"Google Books","ISBN":"978-1-55035-611-3","note":"Google-Books-ID: UAz9ZdDeXXMC","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Lee","given":"Harper"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2000"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Lee). Through this, Harper Lee tries to convince her audience about the impact of ignorance and advise them to put themselves on other's positions before assuming something about the person which might not be true.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. On The Mark Press, 2000.

Subject: English

Pages: 3 Words: 900

To The End Of June

To the end of June


[Institutional Affiliations]

To the end of June

In the book ‘To the End of June: The Intimate Life of American Foster Care’, Chris Beam has asked several questions from the Americans about the foster care and the treatment of the children who are at the mercy of these organizations. She addresses the matter as she inquires the Americans that who must get a right to raise a child and who must take these decisions. She has raised a vital point to ponder that either the parents who give birth to the children should get to keep them or the parents who get to nurse and feed them. She has pointed towards the center of America’s wrecked, exasperating foster care system ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"12K423kz","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Beam, 2013)","plainCitation":"(Beam, 2013)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":387,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/S37KATKW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/S37KATKW"],"itemData":{"id":387,"type":"book","title":"To the End of June: The Intimate Life of American Foster Care","publisher-place":"USA","number-of-pages":"336","event-place":"USA","author":[{"family":"Beam","given":"Cris"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2013",8]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Beam, 2013). As she has mentioned in her book, the tragedy and trauma that comes with the foster care both for the child and the parents, it is still not established that whether the purpose of child welfare is being fulfilled or not. In her own words:

“There are so many crises in foster care—the original abuse, the shock and alarm when a child is removed, the courtroom fights, kids rebelling, biological parents panicking, foster parents molesting, relapses, rehabs, abuse—that basic, low-level functioning begins to seem exemplary. These are the mediocre flatlands of child welfare, where if it’s not a crisis, it’s not a problem.”

However, this book has made me think about the real-world issues where the system of foster care seems so chaotic. The common men must contemplate the answers to mounting questions that who should be responsible for deciding the right way of raising a child whilst economy, politics, race and the perplexing philosophies of parenting collide. What is the moral basis for deciding the right way of raising a child? What becomes of a child who has been so much damaged even at the hands of the benevolent foster parents? And finally, who will take the responsibility of a child when no one wants to keep him?

Beam has mentioned three different scenarios in the book by the names of ‘Catch’, ‘Hold’ and ‘Release’. In the section ‘Catch’, she has described the historical and current perspective of ways of taking in children in the foster care. She has also highlighted the phenomenon where instead of providing resources to the parents who are unable to raise their children, the system has been evolving such that it can provide resources to the children to enter in to the foster care. It is quite disturbing that how children are removed from their parents unjustly and then are subjected to move from one foster family to another. The section ‘Hold’ deals with the issue of rising number of children being caught in the system while there is no foreseen perseverance to their homelessness. As children age, they are less likely to be placed in foster homes rather they are placed in boarding homes or apartments where they live on their own and age out without receiving high school education or technical diplomas. The expenditure on housing the youngsters is much more than average expenses of a room and tuition in any private school.

However, the section ‘Release’ highlights four different outcomes for children within a foster care. First outcome is that the children who are hard to be placed can be released into a different level of foster care that includes a specialized care or residential care. Second outcome can be that the children in the foster care, be released into an adoptive home. Another outcome can be returning the children back to their family of origin. This practice can be achieved after the parents are eligible and show significant reforms in their behavior. There are several parents who try extremely hard for reunification with their children. The last outcome can be children reaching to the legal age and leave the foster care while manage to live on their own. However, most of these children do not have the ability or means to support themselves. Such youngsters end up in criminal justice system while girls are likely to carry unintended pregnancies. Those children are already inexplicably affected by complex trauma. The sufferings during and after the process of foster care placement cause severe post-traumatic stress symptoms. Young girls are considered to experience highest trauma due to sexual abuse during or after the placement. Such experiences by the youth lead them to the physical and verbal aggression and other criminal activities which results in the change of foster homes. As per the findings of a study on traumatic effects on children in foster care ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"YV3Z80Cy","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Riebschleger, Day, & Damashek, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Riebschleger, Day, & Damashek, 2015)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":389,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/B6LZLNNL"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/B6LZLNNL"],"itemData":{"id":389,"type":"article-journal","title":"Foster care youth share stories of trauma before, during, and after placement: Youth voices for building trauma-informed systems of care","container-title":"Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma","page":"339-360","volume":"24","issue":"4","author":[{"family":"Riebschleger","given":"Joanne"},{"family":"Day","given":"Angelique"},{"family":"Damashek","given":"Amy"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Riebschleger, Day, & Damashek, 2015);

“Ironically, externalizing behaviors are common responses to trauma events. When externalizing behaviors lead to removal from foster care placements, the loss of placement can become an additional traumatic experience that adds to the youths’ cumulative trauma loads.”

The foster care policies should be amended such that the need for the utilization of preventive health services can be provided in the early stages where needed. It can be observed quite widely that the foster care services dismiss the physical and health conditions of the children. Albeit, the recent funding policies and innovative ideas give a hope for saving the American’s failing foster care institution. A very simple yet effective preventive approach is changing the flow of incentives from the foster care for the provision of placement and beds to providing the incentives for efforts to decrease the need of foster placement. Beam has done justice with her words in highlighting the issue so well while giving the innovative ideas in improving the foster care conditions and impact of policies on health care. As in the book review by ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"bH2jlOV5","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Palmer, 2014)","plainCitation":"(Palmer, 2014)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":385,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/6CU6I6RP"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/6CU6I6RP"],"itemData":{"id":385,"type":"article-journal","title":"To the End of June: The intimate Life of American Foster Care by Cris Beam (review)","container-title":"Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved","page":"1472-1474","volume":"25","issue":"3","source":"Project MUSE","DOI":"10.1353/hpu.2014.0117","ISSN":"1548-6869","title-short":"To the End of June","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Palmer","given":"Debra M. J."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014",8,13]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Palmer, 2014);

“The ideal audience for this book includes child advocates of all types, especially policymakers, physicians, nurses, psychologists, and social workers, as well as those interested in evidence- based cost- effective health care.”

The state dedicates a huge budget for administering child protective services. The foster care policy makers target the children who are at higher risks of leading a poor and unproductive life outcome. However, it remains unclear that if removing children from their homes and placing in foster care can be beneficial for them or does it cause harmful effects on the child development. Though the children get rid of the toxic households or in other cases receive better financial and health conditions, the shift might have some negative implications on their mental and physical health. The primary objective of these services is primarily placing the children in foster care facilities and giving incentives to them. Nonetheless, there could be some efforts made in order to improve the family conditions to save the child and the parents from the mental trauma ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"IIYQzccU","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Doyle Jr, 2007)","plainCitation":"(Doyle Jr, 2007)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":386,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/FWXYITEV"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/FWXYITEV"],"itemData":{"id":386,"type":"article-journal","title":"Child protection and child outcomes: Measuring the effects of foster care","container-title":"American Economic Review","page":"1583-1610","volume":"97","issue":"5","author":[{"family":"Doyle Jr","given":"Joseph J."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2007"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Doyle Jr, 2007).

“Child protection agencies trade off two competing goods: family preservation and child protection. Although an abusive family environment is undoubtedly harmful to child development, removing a child from home may be traumatic as well.”

Beam has introduced the ironies and the skepticisms of the foster system that works for the welfare of the children and the families who take them in. She has so beautifully and skillfully mentioned the narratives of ether sides while describing the all too often dismissal ending of their lives together. All the stories that she has mentioned in the book provides foibles and revitalizations of what it takes to be human though in the end the cost of the whole system has to be paid by the child alone ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a9uxjxEO","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Altman, 2014)","plainCitation":"(Altman, 2014)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":388,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/G2JR3QJ3"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/G2JR3QJ3"],"itemData":{"id":388,"type":"article-journal","title":"To the End of June: The Intimate Life of American Foster Care. Cris Beam. From Pariahs to Partners: How Parents and Their Allies Changed New York City’s Child Welfare System. David Tobis. Reviewed by Julie Cooper Altman.","container-title":"Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare","volume":"41","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Altman","given":"Julie Cooper"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Altman, 2014).

“To the End of June leaves the reader moved by its intimate portrayals, bewildered by the complexities, ambiguities and mistakes Beam points up, and nearly incapable, by its end, of seeing anything right about today’s child welfare system.”


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Altman, J. C. (2014). To the End of June: The Intimate Life of American Foster Care. Cris Beam. From Pariahs to Partners: How Parents and Their Allies Changed New York City’s Child Welfare System. David Tobis. Reviewed by Julie Cooper Altman. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 41(1).

Beam, C. (2013). To the End of June: The Intimate Life of American Foster Care. USA.

Doyle Jr, J. J. (2007). Child protection and child outcomes: Measuring the effects of foster care. American Economic Review, 97(5), 1583–1610.

Palmer, D. M. J. (2014). To the End of June: The intimate Life of American Foster Care by Cris Beam (review). Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 25(3), 1472–1474. https://doi.org/10.1353/hpu.2014.0117

Riebschleger, J., Day, A., & Damashek, A. (2015). Foster care youth share stories of trauma before, during, and after placement: Youth voices for building trauma-informed systems of care. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 24(4), 339–360.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Topic ( Life & Musical ) Discuss Halmiton And Some Of The

Research Essay

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]


Alexander Hamilton is a well-known Statesman in the history of America. He was among the Founding Fathers of United States of America. Inspired by his life Hamilton musical was established which holds significance in the musical industry of America.

Hamilton is an American Musical which is rapped and sung by musical regarding the life of founding father of America, Alexander Hamilton, with books, lyrics, and music by Lin Manuel Miranda, enthused by the biography of Alexander Hamilton (2004) by Lin Ron Chernow. Comprising pop, color-conscious, R&B, traditional- style show tunes, hip hop casting of actors who were non-white as the founding fathers and many historical figures, this musical accomplished both box office success and critical acclaim. This musical was a huge success and it received a very warm response.

At the public theater in February of 2015, Off-Broadway debut was made by this musical, where engagement of it was wholly sold out. Later, at the Richard Rodgers Theater, the show was relocated to Broadway in August of 2015 (Miranda, Lacamoire, & Chernow, 2015). It received passionate and warm critical reception and unparalleled box office sales in advance on Broadway. Hamilton received 16 Tony nominations which were record-setting in 2016, it won 11 of them, comprising the Best Musical. Moreover, it was the recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama of 2016 as well as Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album of 2016. Out of nominated categories, the previous Hamilton’s Off-Broadway production won the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Musical along with seven more Drama Desk Awards. In September 2016, at the CIBC Theater, Hamilton’s Chicago production initiated preview performances and the following month officially opened. To sum up, it was a success wherever and whenever its performances were opened.

One of the most significant reasons why this musical was a success was because of the significant life Alexander Hamilton lived. He aided in ratifying the constitution through writing down 51 of the 85 essays under the title of the Federalist, which was later recognized as the Federalist Papers (Brookhiser, 2000). These papers are still in use, they hold the importance of being used as one of the most essential references for the constitutional interpretation. Moreover, Hamilton was the one who managed the Treasury Department as a reliable, trusted and important member of the first Cabinet of President Washington (Hamilton, 1841). While he was treasury secretary, Hamilton was an advocate for the powerful central government and he struggled hard with his with fellow cabinet members who were scared of the strength of the central government. Seeing their lack in loyalties, Hamilton turned down the opportunity of New York to house the capital of the nation in the favor of fortifying support for his economic program called "dinner table bargain." It was Hamilton's belief that the Constitution gave him the authority to create economic policies that strengthened the central government (Miller, 1959). His proposed fiscal policies initiated the payment of federal war bonds, had the federal government assume states' debts, instituted a federal system for tax collection and would help the United States establish credit with other nations. Hamilton believed that he was given authority by the constitution to make economic policies which empowered the central government. His suggested economic policies started the federal war bonds payment, had the central government estimated debts of the state, for tax collection introduced the federal system to help the United States of America create recognition with other nations.

The play of Hamilton involves the two acts and tell the story of Hamilton through the eye of main events that were happened in his life and history of America. In addition, it reveals the life of Hamilton from the start to the end with several characters like Hercules Mulligan, Phillip Hamilton, former Presidents George Washington, John Laurens, Aaron Burr, Elizabeth Schuyler, Marquis De Lafayette, Angelica Schuyler, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison. The first act of the play revolves around all the struggles Hamilton had been through all his life. The second act of the play comprises of the performance that shows the history of United States of America and how Hamilton played a significant role in founding America, struggled for the economic policies which helped in strengthening the federal government of America.

Inspired by his life, Lin-Manuel Miranda came up with the groundbreaking Hamilton musical which was revolutionary and astonished everyone. Miranda was inspired by the person who was a poor Caribbean child, who defended the constitution of the country, fought with the British and aided to found the United States of America. Miranda and McCarter addressed the interesting life of Hamilton in The Revolution and appreciated the efforts of Hamilton. “When Lin optioned his book, Ron was relieved that the Founding Father who had the most dramatic and least appreciated life story would finally get his due—even though a rap musical was the last way that Ron had anticipated Hamilton getting it. (Miranda & McCarter, 2016).”

Moreover, both of the authors have also discussed the rivalry of Aoran Burr and Alexander Hamilton and the consequences of it in the history of the United States of America. There were intricate results from the intersections of these two personalities in the history which led to events which are spotlighted in the history of the United States of America. Authors have addressed them as “This was the way into Burr. I knew he and Hamilton circled each other all their lives, I knew they went from friends to frenemies to foes, but it wasn’t till I read this detail online—that Theodosia was married to a British officer when Aaron Burr met her, and he waited until she was available—that the character of Burr came free in my imagination. Imagine Hamilton waiting—for anything. That’s when I realized our task was to dramatize not two ideological opposites, but a fundamental difference in temperament (Miranda & McCarter, 2016).” In history, Jefferson and Burr got an equal number of votes. Jefferson's supporters proved that how much they worth and after hours and hours of backroom dealing Jefferson came up and made President. Alexander played an important part in backroom dealings and said, “Aoran Burr is a dangerous man and one who ought not to be trusted,” In their rivalry Alexander acknowledged how little a man can be trusted because Burr constantly showed how much he lacked moral practices in his life and Alexander did what he has to do in the defense of country and to protect it from a man who had immoral character in life. He knew it would be chaotic for the nation if a person like Burr came up as a President (Pierucci, 2018).

The Hamilton musical was inspirational, its compelling performance caught the authors in awestruck. The performance left author dwelling in incertitude and wonder that either life of Hamilton was inspiring or the musical itself. “On opening night, standing under the Rogers's marquee, [Lin] realized that if Eliza's struggle was the element of Hamilton's story that had inspired him the most, then the show itself was a part of her legacy (Miranda & McCarter, 2016).” Furthermore, the author addresses excitement after seeing the performance of Hamilton as, “Is this the most revolutionary thing to happen to Broadway or the most revolutionary thing to happen to hip-hop?" (Miranda & McCarter, 2016).”

Hamilton Musical honors and appreciates the life of Alexander Hamilton as it should be and reflects all the struggles he made for setting the foundation of the United States of America. He was the most significant person in American history and he is honored by the American public. The composition of the musical reflects the impact that he made on the lives of thousands of people.


Miranda, L. M., & McCarter, J. (2016). Hamilton: The Revolution. Hachette UK.

Hamilton, J. C. (1841). The Life of Alexander Hamilton (Vol. 2). D. Appleton.

Brookhiser, R. (2000). Alexander Hamilton, American. Simon and Schuster.

Miller, J. C. (1959). Alexander Hamilton and the Growth of the New Nation. Transaction Publishers.

Miranda, L. M., Lacamoire, A., & Chernow, R. (2015). Hamilton: An American Musical. Atlantic Recording Corporation.

Pierucci, A. (2018). People Who Changed the Course of History: The Story of Alexander Hamilton 265 Years After His Birth. Atlantic Publishing Company.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Topic About Immigration



Course Code




Immigration laws are pretty much concern of Donald Trump. Many immigrants are feeling insecure and worried about their citizenship and green card. Different steps have been taken by the administration. Different news articles have been published that highlights the policies and issues of immigrants from which two are discussed below. The first article "How green card issuance would change under Trump's new immigration proposal” makes the better argument. This is because the author discussed all the aspects from both (administration and citizens) point of view with facts and figures which are helpful for the readers to understand the pros and cons of the policy.

Article 1:

President Donald Trump is trying to pass a merit-based immigration policy to thwart off immigrants who come to the U.S. to use public benefits. This article ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Jw2szmd3","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}President Trump\\uc0\\u8217{}s New Immigration Proposal Would Be Terrible for Tech - Vox})","plainCitation":"(President Trump’s New Immigration Proposal Would Be Terrible for Tech - Vox)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":747,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/LEPUKXJZ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/LEPUKXJZ"],"itemData":{"id":747,"type":"webpage","title":"President Trump’s new immigration proposal would be terrible for tech - Vox","URL":"https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/5/17/18629466/president-trump-new-proposal-immigration-h1b-tech-build-america","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",9,14]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (President Trump’s New Immigration Proposal Would Be Terrible for Tech - Vox) published in Vox written by Rani Molla addresses all the immigrants who work in the tech industry about a new policy of Donald Trump. Her intended audience is the people who work in the tech industry. President does not want to continue the ridiculous policy of accepting potential citizens by a lottery drawing. The writer pathos in the article is to present Donald Trump as a businessman, not a politician. The writer asserted that Trump knows that the way for any enterprise to succeed to the maximum is to include the best available folks to participate in the endeavor. Trump is running well behind Obama in the deportation of undocumented workers. He has also made legal immigration a bit easier. He has used undocumented workers in the past and he has no intention to give up cheap labor. He and his friends like paying low wages and they don’t care who gets undercut. The author wrote that “They’re hiding the fact that that’s a huge downside by trying to create a dichotomy between supposedly low-skill, low-paid, family immigrants and high-tech, high-wage, not-jobs-stealing, merit-based immigrants,” Doug Rand, a Boundless co-founder, told Recode. “The fact is everyone has family,” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Jw2szmd3","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}President Trump\\uc0\\u8217{}s New Immigration Proposal Would Be Terrible for Tech - Vox})","plainCitation":"(President Trump’s New Immigration Proposal Would Be Terrible for Tech - Vox)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":747,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/LEPUKXJZ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/LEPUKXJZ"],"itemData":{"id":747,"type":"webpage","title":"President Trump’s new immigration proposal would be terrible for tech - Vox","URL":"https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/5/17/18629466/president-trump-new-proposal-immigration-h1b-tech-build-america","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",9,14]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (President Trump’s New Immigration Proposal Would Be Terrible for Tech - Vox).The writer logos assert that President Donald Trump knows that bringing into the country potential new citizens that have shown their individual abilities to be productive. The self-supporting is preferable to leaving that opportunity up to chance like the roll of the dice or the drop of the ball into some slot. The writer also pictured Trump's view that it is as a sacred responsibility to press forward with the best team that can be assembled. He knows that the success of that team will generate more wealth and opportunities for all people from the least to the wealthiest. Moreover, the writer asserted that the goal of merit-based immigration policy is to open the door to people who can “Keep America Great.” How many merit-based immigrants would vie for Nobel prizes? How many might actually find cancer cures? Or help develop means to feed a constantly growing population without destroying other species? This may well be a completely false strategic plan because an awful lot of our industries and farmers require low paid workers, so if these are too much limited it will severely affect the economy. “You’re just going to have a different type of person who wants to come here as a consequence of restriction on family sponsorships,” Bier said ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Jw2szmd3","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}President Trump\\uc0\\u8217{}s New Immigration Proposal Would Be Terrible for Tech - Vox})","plainCitation":"(President Trump’s New Immigration Proposal Would Be Terrible for Tech - Vox)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":747,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/LEPUKXJZ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/LEPUKXJZ"],"itemData":{"id":747,"type":"webpage","title":"President Trump’s new immigration proposal would be terrible for tech - Vox","URL":"https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/5/17/18629466/president-trump-new-proposal-immigration-h1b-tech-build-america","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",9,14]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (President Trump’s New Immigration Proposal Would Be Terrible for Tech - Vox).

From writer points of view, Immigration is supposed to be a win-win. The immigrant gets to live in a better place (or one they like better at any rate). Moreover, the country can get valuable new citizens whose presence will result in a net benefit to society. According to the writer, it may be true, as some claim, that the President wants us to return to merit-based immigration (yes, return, we had a merit-based system from the day the U.S. implemented a system until about 25 years ago) because he’s a racist. That doesn’t mean the system is racist. The writer does not see these people accusing the leaders of Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Japan, and Australia. Moreover, the writer argues that it could be a political dodge meant to distract people from noticing that they’re being replaced by people with more skills who will work for lower wages. Besides, the writer assumes that immigrants come to the USA for public benefits. This is not at all the case because it is hard to imagine, and there is no proof, that immigrants come to the US to gain public benefits.

Article 2:

Donald Trump and his administration are really active towards the policies and actions related to the immigrants. In this article ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"cApTrVxb","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Roth)","plainCitation":"(Roth)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":749,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/JHKDTVBD"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/JHKDTVBD"],"itemData":{"id":749,"type":"webpage","title":"U.S. government wants to screen immigrants’ social media before granting citizenship","container-title":"miamiherald","abstract":"A new Trump administration regulation seeks to vet and review social media accounts of immigrants and asylum seekers applying for 9 types of benefits, including U,.S citizenship, residence, travel document, refugee","URL":"https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article235022202.html","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Roth","given":"Marta Oliver Craviotto | Daniel Shoer"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",9,14]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Roth), the author discussed the step of trump administration related to the access to social media of immigrants. The intended audiences of the author are both government and citizens (including immigrants). Trump wants the US to seek out and invite best and brightest individuals only to come to America and grasp their dreams here, where it is possible to do just that. This is why administration along with the help of security institution wants to screen immigrants’ social media account before providing them green cards or citizenship. “U.S. Government departments and agencies involved in screening and vetting, to include DHS, identified the collection of social media user identifications (also known as usernames, identifiers, or ‘handles’) and associated publicly available social media platforms used by the applicant during the past five years, as important for identity verification, immigration and national security vetting,” states the DHS notice published last week” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"cApTrVxb","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Roth)","plainCitation":"(Roth)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":749,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/JHKDTVBD"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/JHKDTVBD"],"itemData":{"id":749,"type":"webpage","title":"U.S. government wants to screen immigrants’ social media before granting citizenship","container-title":"miamiherald","abstract":"A new Trump administration regulation seeks to vet and review social media accounts of immigrants and asylum seekers applying for 9 types of benefits, including U,.S citizenship, residence, travel document, refugee","URL":"https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article235022202.html","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Roth","given":"Marta Oliver Craviotto | Daniel Shoer"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",9,14]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Roth).

Author provided the logos by saying that the list of things is endless and the opportunities as varied as the human imagination can dream. They come to work, and the president is certainly trying to reduce the number of those entering the country with minimal skill levels, however, as he would like to, limit the total number of immigrants altogether so why not only approve those who can get good jobs? Why the government wants to see the activities and private discussion of the immigrants through social sites accounts. “It is clear that an open-ended inquiry into ‘online presence’ would give DHS a window into applicants’ private lives,” a coalition of 28 civil rights and technology groups wrote in a letter in August in opposition to the proposal,” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"cApTrVxb","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Roth)","plainCitation":"(Roth)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":749,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/JHKDTVBD"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/JHKDTVBD"],"itemData":{"id":749,"type":"webpage","title":"U.S. government wants to screen immigrants’ social media before granting citizenship","container-title":"miamiherald","abstract":"A new Trump administration regulation seeks to vet and review social media accounts of immigrants and asylum seekers applying for 9 types of benefits, including U,.S citizenship, residence, travel document, refugee","URL":"https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article235022202.html","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Roth","given":"Marta Oliver Craviotto | Daniel Shoer"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",9,14]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Roth).

The author presented the pathos of the audience by discussing the consequences of this strategy. The author believes that it can develop a sense of insecurity in immigrants. Social accounts are something where personal information and activities that people do not want to discuss with everybody can be public. The administration has no right to disturb the privacy of the people. Instead of increasing security by screening the accounts, administration policy may result in an increase in criminal activities due to privacy concerns.

The result of the policy is that immigrants are now more worried about their privacy and citizenship. It is observed that most of the immigrants who are trying to get citizenship avoid posting stuff or activities that can create hurdle in the process of citizenship. Therefore, if a person is not feeling secure in his house using his personal account that how can be this policy benefits the nation to increase their safety and security?

Work Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY President Trump’s New Immigration Proposal Would Be Terrible for Tech - Vox. https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/5/17/18629466/president-trump-new-proposal-immigration-h1b-tech-build-america. Accessed 14 Sept. 2019.

Roth, Marta Oliver Craviotto |. Daniel Shoer. “U.S. Government Wants to Screen Immigrants’ Social Media before Granting Citizenship.” Miamiherald, https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article235022202.html. Accessed 14 Sept. 2019.

Subject: English

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

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