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College Education For Americans

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College Education for Americans

Free public school education is provided to children by the States until the students complete their 12th grade. Once students pass out their school then they have to pay for their tuition fees and government no longer assist the students financially. In the United States of America in every election season whether the election is a major one or a mid-term election the issue of higher education along with the cost comes up. In order to complete the college education or the bachelor’s degree, students are now graduating with more loans as compared to any other time in history. Therefore the majority of the Americans think that college education is mainly the area of those people who are lucky and rich. Due to the lack of resources each year some of the brilliant students don't make it to college thus they stay far behind despite having the potential. So when it comes to free college education there is quite a valid reasoning on both side but there are some serious concerns about providing free education which cannot be ignored ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"M2hmXUwL","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Gonchar)","plainCitation":"(Gonchar)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1521,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/GL72GQU4"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/GL72GQU4"],"itemData":{"id":1521,"type":"post-weblog","title":"Should a College Education Be Free?","container-title":"The Learning Network","abstract":"Should students have a right to higher education, the way they now have a right to elementary and secondary education?","URL":"https://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/01/23/should-a-college-education-be-free/","language":"en-US","author":[{"family":"Gonchar","given":"Michael"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015",1,23]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,15]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Gonchar).

The first thing about providing free education is the money which has to come from somewhere. Although providing free college education is important but if the US government decides to move towards a free education policy then it has to be decided first that from where the money will come and one way to arrange the money is by imposing taxes on the citizens, and in majority of cases a certain class of people are liable to pay these taxes which is why many Americans are uncomfortable when it comes to pay taxes. Secondly providing a free education will be quite unfair because in this case, the rich families will also get advantage from this policy. Which will further provide them opportunity to hoard their money and the poor will still suffer. So before implementing such policy it is better to find out the students who actually deserve financial help otherwise it will only serve the rich people who already can efford to go to college. Although this will be a great initiative to benefit the poor families but it should be sorted first that who are the deserving students who should avail these oppurtunities ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Sqgbeh2o","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Roberg and Bonn)","plainCitation":"(Roberg and Bonn)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1522,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/4XPY9679"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/4XPY9679"],"itemData":{"id":1522,"type":"article-journal","title":"Higher education and policing: where are we now?","container-title":"Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management","page":"469-486","volume":"27","issue":"4","author":[{"family":"Roberg","given":"Roy"},{"family":"Bonn","given":"Scott"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Roberg and Bonn).

At this moment there is no free education in the US but still, it is one of the most developing and technologically diverse countries so that means that lack of free education is not a hurdle in the development of United States of America. If we look into the lives of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg they did not even finish their college education but still they became a sensation in the world of technology, so that means that even in the absence of such policy if the US and its citizens managed to be this innovative then that means there is no need of such a policy rather those fundings can be invested in some other programs like providing employment opportunities or training to the youth so at that time better outcomes would be achieved ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"fm0X4orc","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Roberg and Bonn)","plainCitation":"(Roberg and Bonn)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1522,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/4XPY9679"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/4XPY9679"],"itemData":{"id":1522,"type":"article-journal","title":"Higher education and policing: where are we now?","container-title":"Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management","page":"469-486","volume":"27","issue":"4","author":[{"family":"Roberg","given":"Roy"},{"family":"Bonn","given":"Scott"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Roberg and Bonn).

Another reason for not prviding free education is that, once this is provided to the students then the degree of the college might not be worthy for the students. If college education or any other higher degree education is provided free to the students then it can also be like devaluing the college degree. This can lead towards the non-serious attitudes of the students and it can also result in cutting more classes because as the money is not from their pocket, therefore, they are also not supposed to get the worth of their money. As far as the current prices of the college are concerned due to the high fee of the colleges, the students are more motivated to finish their college as soon as possible in order to reduce the debts. If this financial drive is not there then it is possible that students will become lazy and demotivated ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"lECsgIkw","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Thelin)","plainCitation":"(Thelin)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1524,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/LSDRZYAJ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/4C6u8dIT/items/LSDRZYAJ"],"itemData":{"id":1524,"type":"book","title":"A history of American higher education","publisher":"JHU Press","ISBN":"1-4214-0266-1","author":[{"family":"Thelin","given":"John R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Thelin).

On the basis of all these arguments, it is safe to say that although education is right of every citizen but providing free college education will not only be a burden on the economics of the country but at the same time, it will not benefit the students. There are students who need financial help in order to complete their education but first, those students should be screened out with the help of various standardized tests and then this facility should be provided to the needy ones. Otherwise not only it will be too expensive for the government but also it will render the students to be less motivated and lazy because they will start thinking that even if they don’t study the government will still pay their fee so instead of benefiting the students it can harm them so such policies should be implemented after proper negotiations and plannings.

Work Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Gonchar, Michael. “Should a College Education Be Free?” The Learning Network, 23 Jan. 2015, https://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/01/23/should-a-college-education-be-free/.

Roberg, Roy, and Scott Bonn. “Higher Education and Policing: Where Are We Now?” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, vol. 27, no. 4, 2004, pp. 469–86.

Thelin, John R. A History of American Higher Education. JHU Press, 2011.

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Combating Juvenile Delinquency

Combating juvenile delinquency

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[Name of the Institution]

Combating juvenile delinquency

Juvenile reduction efforts/ programs in Atlanta

The Department of Juvenile justice in Georgia has its legal authority in every city of this state including Atlanta. The Department of Juvenile justice in Georgia is running many programs that aim at preventing the Juveniles from adopting criminal activities. The department has adopted various practices which aim at making better the juveniles attitude toward life. Majority of the department's programs are designed in such a manner that the juvenile is kept in close association with his or her family and the Juvenile protection unit of the Department of Juvenile justice in Georgia. Following two programs of the department of the juvenile justice in Georgia are among the most popular programs for juvenile reduction efforts.

Behavioral health services: The behavioral health services program offers the all-inclusive medical treatment of the juveniles who are under custody of the department of juvenile justice. The services offered to the juveniles under this program includes the treatment against the harmful sexual behaviors of others, the treatment against the mental health issues and the general counseling of the juveniles. These medical services provided to the youth by the department of juvenile justice are substance oriented and are based on the evidence-based intervention ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"y2zgvplq","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Light, 2014)","plainCitation":"(Light, 2014)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":424,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/R3XHJPN7"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/R3XHJPN7"],"itemData":{"id":424,"type":"article-journal","title":"Police reforms in the Republic of Georgia: the convergence of domestic and foreign policy in an anti-corruption drive","container-title":"Policing and Society","page":"318–345","volume":"24","issue":"3","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"Police reforms in the Republic of Georgia","author":[{"family":"Light","given":"Matthew"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Light, 2014).

Chaplaincy services: The chaplaincy services program of the department of juvenile justice at Georgia ensures that the Juveniles are not been deprived of their religious rights. This program of the Juvenile department includes providing counseling that is specifically tailored on a religious basis. This program also aims at providing crisis intervention training and mentoring of the juveniles. This program is further divided into segments that are designed in such a way that a juvenile, upon completion of the program, is ready to become a healthy participant of the society. These segments include restoring the hope, teaching spiritual disciplines to youth, mentoring and involvement in a ninety-day commitment to community program ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"yS6zPVD7","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hockenberry, 2014)","plainCitation":"(Hockenberry, 2014)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":425,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MFLI5KJV"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MFLI5KJV"],"itemData":{"id":425,"type":"book","title":"Juveniles in residential placement, 2011","publisher":"US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile …","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Hockenberry","given":"Sarah"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Huckleberry, 2014)

Sociological theories

Rutter and Gilled have highlighted in their article Trends and Perspectives various theories that they believe underlie the community involvement in preventing juvenile crimes ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"HNkcWlYu","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Rutter & Giller, 1983)","plainCitation":"(Rutter & Giller, 1983)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":422,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/95K9P3TR"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/95K9P3TR"],"itemData":{"id":422,"type":"article-journal","title":"Juvenile delinquency: Trends and perspectives","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"Juvenile delinquency","author":[{"family":"Rutter","given":"Michael"},{"family":"Giller","given":"Henri"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1983"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Rutter & Giller, 1983). The behavioral health services program appears as based upon the theory of structural functionalism and delinquency theory. This theory suggests that there are some structural flaws in the upbringing of the children which makes them adopt violent practices. The behavioral health services program is therefore designed to cater to the needs of the juvenile suffering ailments such as the mental distortions caused by the family or personal issues.

The theory of differential opportunity put forwarded by Coward and Ohlin in the 1960s suggest that the psychological reasons remain predominant in making the juveniles adopt the criminal behaviors ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"plLFco6G","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Matsueda, 1988)","plainCitation":"(Matsueda, 1988)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":428,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/8MF3G9IC"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/8MF3G9IC"],"itemData":{"id":428,"type":"article-journal","title":"The current state of differential association theory","container-title":"Crime & Delinquency","page":"277–306","volume":"34","issue":"3","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Matsueda","given":"Ross L."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1988"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Matsudo, 1988). The theory also suggests that many different types of societal differences often lead to the development of a juvenile mindset. The chaplaincy services conform to this theoretical paradigm this resulting in making the juvenile healthy part of the society.

Improving the community's juvenile delinquency prevention efforts

There has always remained space for improving juvenile prevention efforts. The efforts at present are based largely on improving the conditions, once the juvenile has committed an offense. This shows that the social development programs that are based on developing the quality life aspects of minors lack effective plannings and proper materialization. For example, as Agnew argues that proper development of social programs for minor helps in eliminating the tendencies of minors towards criminal activities ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"O1FLraUj","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Agnew, 2001)","plainCitation":"(Agnew, 2001)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":430,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/BD5CCE2V"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/BD5CCE2V"],"itemData":{"id":430,"type":"article-journal","title":"Juvenile delinquency","container-title":"Los Angeles: Roxbury","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Agnew","given":"Robert"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2001"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Agnew, 2001). There are some more efforts that can be practiced in terms of reducing the minor’s attention toward crime. At present, there are much less public programs that are designed considering the psychological aspects of the general public. Almost every participant of the social program is targeted on similar situations. Same is true for the minors. They are not judged individually rather they are made to learn things collectively, which at times don't suit some minors.

Works Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Agnew, R. (2001). Juvenile delinquency. Los Angeles: Roxbury.

Hockenberry, S. (2014). Juveniles in residential placement, 2011. US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile ….

Light, M. (2014). Police reforms in the Republic of Georgia: the convergence of domestic and foreign policy in an anti-corruption drive. Policing and Society, 24(3), 318–345.

Matsueda, R. L. (1988). The current state of differential association theory. Crime & Delinquency, 34(3), 277–306.

Rutter, M., & Giller, H. (1983). Juvenile delinquency: Trends and perspectives.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Committee Of Sponsoring Organizations Of The Treadway Commission (COSO) Analysis

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Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission Analysis

In 2018, 5 leading private sector financial organizations in United States came together to form a committee called The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). The core purpose of this committee is to identify and fight against the corporate fraud. It is done by guiding governance entities and executive management on relevant characteristics of organizational governance. For example, internal control, enterprise risk management, business ethics, financial reporting and fraud. The organization has come up with a joint internal control model that helps companies and organizations to assess their control systems.

Five supporting organizations of COSO are:

The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)

The American Accounting Association (AAA)

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA),

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA),

Financial Executives International (FEI)

COSO came up with its highly anticipated framework in 2017 called Enterprise Risk Management focused on strategy and performance. It is world’s most recognized and practical risk management framework. The document helps organizations to understand that there are many challenges regarding business in 21st century, and the organizations need to be prepared for rapid innovation and navigate evolving business industry.

Pricewaterhouse Coopers authored the COSO framework with an intention of turning this risk management monologue into an opportunities-focused and proactive conversation to identify that an effective risk management strategy can preserve and create the value and quality of information. The update in the document of COSO presses on the need for organizations to work on their strategies of risk management in order to meet the requirements of an evolving business. Companies must consider risk management in setting a strategy and make efforts to implement it.

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

A non-profit organization i.e. International accounting standards board developed a set of accounting standards in 2001 called International financial reporting standards. The core purpose of these set standards is to provide guidance to the companies regarding preparation and disclosure of their financial statements. It is important for the large global companies to have an international standard of financial reporting. Currently more than 150 countries require IFRS to simplify the procedure of accounting by providing all investors and auditors with an organized and cohesive finance view.

Relationship between COSO and IFRS

IFRS provides the guideline to build strategies and models for an efficient financial reporting. Whereas the role of COSO is to monitor the whole process in order to foresee and manage the risks to achieve company’s set targets. There are a number of objectives of financial reporting i.e. to provide financial information that is useful to attract potential investors and already existing business partners. The information helps the stakeholders in making decisions regarding selling, buying, loans and credits etc. CITATION Wil19 \l 1033 (Crown, 2019).

In every organization, there are a number of finance experts that work on a project at the same time. Their approaches to look at things could vary as per their understanding, personal experiences and opinions which is why it’s important to have a guideline of set standards. Reliability of financial reporting is crucial to keep the operations efficient and effective. The decisions of investors to buy, sell and hold securities is dependent on the information that the company provides so it is important to make sure that the data provided by the company is authentic and genuine. The COSO Framework is intended to help large businesses to assess, establish and improve their internal control. Existence or the absence of the internal control system is crucial because it determines the authenticity of financial report. The accuracy of information makes investors and other stakeholders trust the whole process in order to make an informed decision. It gives them a greater confidence about the ability of an organization to recognize, evaluate, and take action to mitigate the risk and make changes in the business operations. It provides the guideline for standard-setting bodies and regulatory authorities in a number of countries i.e. US, UK, china, Canada, Turkey, India and France. The IFRS is constantly evolving along with the business trends in order to improve the existing standards. In US, a number of companies follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) while compiling their financial statements. There is a difference of complexities in rules, laws, standards and regulations between IFRS and GAAP but both models ensure that the companies read and follow the COSO guidelines. CITATION Sha16 \l 1033 (Cruze, 2016)


In every organization, there is often a risk of intentional or unintentional financial error. COSO ensures the risk assessment, environment control and communication regarding those errors and financial reporting. Both the models/organizations (COSO and IFRS) contribute in making the business more efficient and productive all around the world.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Crown, W. C. (2019). Successful IFRS Implementation . 5 Icasa, 23-34.

Cruze, S. (2016). Components of the COSO Framework. Knowledge Leader Blog, 245-251.

Subject: Education

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Communication And Teamwork

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Communication and Teamwork

Role of Nurses in continuous quality improvement and health care delivery

Taking care of a patient is not the only duty of a nurse. The roles have been widened with time and the responsibilities of nurses are different than they used to be a few years back. Starting from attending to the sick to guiding and counseling patients on their health and working constantly towards improvement of healthcare system. They play an important role in educating the patient about the history of their health care and provide them with effective guidance to avoid costly readmissions to the hospitals.

Two of major professional responsibilities of Nurse are to take full responsibility of their patient. Take care of their privacy and advocate for their legal rights. The other major responsibility is to spread information and knowledge about health care. Participating in civic activities and community programs for that purpose are essential.

Role of hospital administration in continuous quality improvement and health care delivery

 Hospital administration is one of the most important elements of health care system. They engage in the business side of healthcare and coordinate with each department within hospital to keep things going smoothly. They are responsible for strategic planning for the health care and communicating these strategies across health care unit. CITATION Rob18 \l 1033 (Pearl, 2018)

Nurses and hospital administration can help improve patient wait times in the emergency room by regularly reviewing and evaluating hospitals’ flow of work. A lot of time can be saved if nurses move from triage into direct patient care and physician is the first point of contact once a patient is registered. On reaching the emergency room greeter nurse conducts a quick checkup and then places the patient in an appropriate bed to save time.

Continuous interaction with the patient and an effective feedback are the communication techniques that nurses and administration can utilize for improving patient’s wait time in emergency. CITATION Ang18 \l 1033 (Eric, 2018)


BIBLIOGRAPHY Eric, A. (2018). 3 Ways To Decrease Emergency Wait Time. American Mobile, 121-133.

Pearl, R. (2018). Nurses Creating Solutions for ER Wait Times. KevinMD.com, 290-299.

Subject: Healthcare and Nursing

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Comparative Essay


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Comparative Essay


The site that I chose to visit for an authentic cultural experience was St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. Visiting the site was a culturally enriching experience. The awareness that I got by visiting the Church is far more than what I could have gotten from reading about the site. The Church is more like a work of art. The breathtaking building was designed by the Eugene Brothers of Chicago back in 1943. The design was initially demonstrated as mere fragments by Hagia Sophia. Diversity was added to my experience once I compared my site with the places that were visited by my group members. Comparing a Church with two culturally diverse temples portrayed how different a place of worship can be for people of diverse religions. This paper will highlight the comparison and contrast amid St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Temple Beth Am and Shiva Vishnu Temple.


The individuals who go to the Nicholas Church are mainly Catholics. Catholics are the people who believe the notion that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. There are certain views that Catholics also share with the Christian community (Hemeyer). However, the serious Catholic notions are comprised of Baptism, the Bible, The Holy Trinity and God’s Ten Commandments. On the contrary, the individuals who go to Temple Beth Am are believers of Judaism. This religion is monotheistic, which means that it is based on the concept of being God's servant. The main laws of Judaism are based on the Torah. The main core of all the scriptures and teachings of Judaism is God. Right of the back, Judaism and the Catholic religion has one thing in common, both follow and believe the teachings of a book. For Catholics, it is the bible and for Judaism, it is Torah. The most different religion out of all three is Hinduism. It is followed by the people who go to the Shiva Vishnu Temple. The religion that this group of people follow is quite colorful and unique. This religion is based on being fully devoted to achieving a righteous path, liberation, purification, and prosperity. This can be achieved by worshipping and practicing the Hindu Trinity. One of the most unique aspects of this religion is that milk is considered the drink of immortality and cows are considered sacred.

As far as the presence of all three sects in Florida is concerned, they are all thriving. Florida, in general, is a very diverse state. Both Catholics and Jewish people have strengthened their roots in Florida. Hindu's are comparatively less, but they are also cementing their feet in the state. When it comes to symbolism and art, both carry great importance in the Catholic Religion. One of the biggest examples of symbolism in this religion is the crucifix, which represents compensation and sacrifice. This sign is in the core beliefs of the Catholic religion. Even in Judaism symbolism carries great importance. They give great importance to the Torah and to symbolize its value they decorate the book intricately with jewels. They also use silver beakers for vine which are used on special occasions like Shabbat. Lastly, Hindu temples are like art. They make use of colors and geometric patterns to decorate their Gods and temples. The colors are a demonstration of the richness of their culture. Even the replicas that they have made of their God’s are beautifully decorated and painted to show love and importance.

When it comes to the dressing code, Catholics usually wear a robe or garments that are modest and cover the body well. For Jews, everyone is also expected to wear clean and nice clothes that are modest. However, in Reform temples, the men are expected to cover their heads. At times women also wear tallis and kippahs (Joseph). As far as Hindu attire is concerned both men and women wear colorful clothes. Color has great importance in the Hindu religion. One thing that is common in all the attires of the three religions is the presence of modesty. Every worshipper is expected to cover their bodies properly.

Further, there are various religious festivals and rituals that all three of the religions have. They are all very unique and different in their own way. For Catholics, the classical Church celebrations are inclusive of Holy Orders, Matrimony, Baptism, Penance and Eucharist. Further, the Catholics also celebrate the public declared festivities like Christmas and Easter. Additionally, Epiphany, Ascension and Pentecost are also celebrated by the Catholics. Jews have Shabbat which is a total of 25 hours long. Other festivals that they celebrate are Pesach, Bar mitzvah and mikvah. Jews also have many rituals that are performed after death, which are inclusive of Chevra Kadisha, shiva, sheloshim and the kaddish. Hindus also follow certain rituals. When they enter the temple they follow a path on the left which leads to all their prayers and bowing in front of the Gods. The major religious festivities are inclusive of Holi, Dewali, Onam, Navratri and many more. Since the Hindu religion is so colorful it has many festivals (Churchward).

If I look at my experience of the Catholic religion, I would say it is all about spreading positivity. The people who follow this religion have immense faith in manhood and God. They believe that they can get over any evil if they stick together and stay positive. Positivity is the aspect of the religion that hit me the most. After going through my peer’s thoughts on the Shiva Vishnu Temple, I can say that the religion is based on collectiveness, kindness and respect. That to me is the perfect foundation for a community to thrive and prosper. The best thing is that even though the religion is foreign and overwhelming it does not impose anything on anyone. Interestingly, going to a temple was more of a cultural than worshipping experience. Same is the case for the Jewish temple. My peer felt relaxation, it did not feel like they were forced or conditioned into worshipping. My peer's word suggests that the Jews accepted and welcomed them with open arms. Nothing in all the three experiences stroke as negative. It was more of a learning experience. This fact makes it clear that all three religions give, acceptance and awareness as opposed to treating one like and outsider.


There is no doubt in the fact that Judaism, Hinduism and the Catholic religion have drastic differences that give them their own standing. However, certain things were common in all three of the religions. For starters, the acceptance level that the believers gave to us as outsiders. That is commendable as it reflects how the religion teaches its followers to treat everyone with respect and inclusiveness. Secondly, all three of the religions had love, respect and faith at the core. So, these religions do not just teach how to worship but they teach the believers great values that are necessary to function in daily life. Lastly, even though the religions have many different teachings festivities and beliefs, the main aspect is to bring people together. These religions teach the followers how to function in a unit and how to move in a community. I would definitely like to go to a Catholic again to refresh my experience and I will also add Jewish and Hindu Temples in my site visit bucket list. This shows that no matter how different a religion is at the end of the day the core is always based on inclusivity and respect.

Works Cited

Hemeyer, Julia Corbett. Religion in america. Routledge, 2016.

Joseph, Morris. Judaism as Creed and Life. Routledge, 2018.

Churchward, Albert. The Origin and Evolution of Religion (Routledge Revivals). Routledge, 2015.

Subject: Education

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Compare And Contrast The Strategy Followed By Hitler And Bismarck At Creating A Large Powerful German State. Would Bismarck Have Approved Of Hitler’s Strategy?

Jonathan Alvarado

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History and Anthropology

13 December 2019

Bismarck and Hitler: Different Yet Alike

The ways of Otto Von Bismarck were in many ways similar to that of Adolf Hitler when it came to run the state of Germany. Bismarck was indeed the initial mastermind of the grand unification of Germany, but when it came to running it, both have a lot of overlapping characteristics. Both were highly skilled in the art of statesmanship. Also, both had a charismatic personality that they extensively used in manipulating others to achieve their ends. Both were firm believers in the doctrines of "realpolitik" CITATION Joh17 \l 1033 (John Bew). This meant that they were willing to backstab, conspire and use all sorts of illegal and extrajudicial measures to increase their power and status, both for their selves and for their nation. Both had unwavering loyalty for their fatherland and goals for the maximization of power for their beloved Germany.

The differences between both the leaders are though few and far between, are present and significant at the same time. These differences are the reasons that both are remembered differently in the pages of history books. One is remembered as a charismatic leader, and nothing short of one of the best statesmen in the history of the world, while other is remembered as a demon, a stone-cold killer and one of the evilest statesmen ever. These differences are largely due to the characteristics mentioned above. There is due to the presence of a greater sense of statesmanship in Bismarck, as he knew when to give up the violence and stop at the appropriate limit that would not provoke other European powers to take action against him for the sake of his nation. Hitler had to be the “Fuhrer”, or leader, and personally rule all the sections of the territories under his control with an iron fist. Bismarck stopped his drive to acquire new lands when he knew that he had gain power over a reasonable area and worked on making the Germans strong internally through his public policies CITATION Qui91 \l 1033 (Quint). Hitler, on the other hand, wanted to take over the whole of Europe as his lust for more land would not be satisfied with his overwhelming successes. Bismarck adopted a series of oppressive laws so that he would be able to strengthen the nation internally, and he would never have committed ruthless killings for the achievement of internal peace in his state. Hitler, on the other hand, committed genocide in his era of ruling Germany, killing millions of Jews in concertation camps located throughout his territories.

Bismarck and Hitler were both overlapping political schools of thought when it came to running their state. Both were utterly ruthless in putting down their political opposition to strengthen their grip on political power as much as possible. Bismarck often did extensive legislation that was aimed at the containment of ambition of his political parties as well as the workings of state pressure groups that he saw as dangerous to the rule of Kaiser in the country. This can be explained by an example. In the 1870s, after the release of a catholic document called the “Syllabus of Errors” CITATION IXP64 \l 1033 (IX), which attacked several state institutions of the time, he expelled the Jesuits, closed down all the Church schools, and removed all the subsidies to the church that were given by the state. In another incident that occurred in 1878, he forcefully asked the German Diet housed in the Reichstag to pass a series of laws that prohibited the practice of socialist parties that were involved in the act of opposing him CITATION Hag19 \l 1033 (Hage). Summing up this argument, Bismarck knew the limits well. He knew very well when to push the limits and when to contain himself for doing so, but most importantly he did every single one of his political maneuvers discreetly. Hitler also used such methods to systemically eliminate the opposition in his way, but his methods can be categorized as brutal and blunt at best. This can also be explained with a historic example. On the "Night of the Long Knives" in 1934, the Schutzstaffel, or SS for short, killed thousands of members of the Sturmabteilung, or SA, as well as people from the Catholic action CITATION Edi15 \l 1033 (Editors). Also, the state's prominent general, Kurt von Schleicher, and his wife were assassinated in his rule due to a slight disagreement with the Fuhrer. Here, the similarity of tactics by both leaders can be noted, but there are varying limits when it comes to the limit of exercising. It can be easily noted that Hitler had engaged in ceaseless, and often unnecessary practice of violence, while Bismarck was moderate and careful in his use of violence and systematic killing as a tool of power.

Where the arena of foreign affairs is concerned, both men act as they had done in their domestic ventures, meaning that they acted in a sneaky, brutal and an underhanded manner. At the same time, it can be observed that Hitler went overboard when it came to the political use of these violent tactics. Both were very aggressive in their political outlook, shattering all the accepted practices of former political and diplomatic standards and adopting the cruel Machiavellian doctrine of Realpolitik instead. Eventually, each of the two leaders would offer some leniency and offer some concessions in the form of treaties and ceasefires, that would seem as done in good faith. But in reality, they would act as far-sighted leaders as they would think about the seeming act of peace might give them the benefit of a military or political kind soon. To explain this, let us focus on a few examples. After the rise of Napoleon III, he initiated a series of military campaigns in Europe. During his numerous skirmishes in Belgium and Austria, Bismarck "conveniently" ignored his advances in Europe due to his diplomatic reasons CITATION Kob04 \l 1033 (Kober). Another example is that of the political concessions to the territories of Holstein and Kiel, which he subsequently attacked later. This is another thing that Hitler has in common with the Iron Chancellor as he did employ similar tactics later on. On numerous occasions, Hitler did violate his prior peace agreements with all the states of Europe, a move that the major powers of the region ignored for some time due to their policy of appeasement.

Each person has a set of goals that are the compass of his existence. Here, each of the two leaders that two different sets of goals, but their end goal was the same, which was the greatness of the state of Germany. Bismarck was a progressive statesman in Prussia at the time when the united state of Germany did not exist. The principle policy of this focus was only to unite all the German states, except those led by Austria, and form the united state of Germany. Keeping the extreme focus on this goal, he was willing to implement any required domestic policy. He was also willing to go on the battlefield with powerful opponent nations, often multiple times, sacrificing almost anything in the process. Hitler, like Bismarck, was also extremely patriotic when it came to the affairs of his nation. He was wounded on the battlefield while performing his duties during the First World War, and he considered the defeat of Germany at the hands of the allied forces as the lowest point in his life. He never wanted to see Germany reduced to such a position again. According to his intellect, this was only possible by dominating all the areas of the former Holy Roman Empire, known in the history books as the First Reich. For this aim, he violated every treaty done at the of the First World War, sacrificed millions of his fellow countrymen in the course of the Second World War. He also killed millions of Jews and other undesirables in designated concentration camps in the name of purification of the Aryan German Race CITATION Arn15 \l 1033 (Arnett). Again, there is an observable difference between the policies of Bismarck and Hitler on these points. It can be observed that Bismarck's goal was a reasonable one, and as soon as he had achieved it, he started to work for the internal stability of the Germans through other means. On the contrary, the behavior of Hitler shows that his goals were unreasonable. He wanted to take control of entire continental Europe, for which used several shocking and outrageous means in the course of achieving this goal, which includes blood purges, his war against the Allied nations, and his murders of millions of undesirables he deemed useless in the German society.

A question might arise from these points is that how Bismarck might have reacted if he was in the Fuhrer instead of Hitler. First, he would have only concentrated on uniting Germany and fighting Communism. The genocide of Jews and Undesirables might not have been on his list unless they were a challenge to his rule. Second, he would have not engaged in entire Europe at once, especially the states of France and the Soviet Union. He would have tried to ally with at least one of them. Bismarck knew that Germany could not stand against a combination of the three other European powers of his time - France, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. In his time, he created a system of alliances that kept the other powers from uniting against Germany. Third, if at some point, the Iron Chancellor had felt that there was an opening to destroy communism in Europe, he would have maneuvered Stalin into declaring war, causing a carefully constructed anti-communist alliance with France as there was no third power in Europe as Austria-Hungary was at his time.

In short, we can conclude that Bismarck and Hitler were similar in many ways. These political and sociological aims, and the reasons for such aims, and the methods used to achieve them were similar. They had a varying degree of morals when it came to the achievement of their goals for the sake of strengthening their nation. Their difference seems relatively minor but they were the deciding factor of their places in the pages of history. But these differences are to be noted sternly, as these were the reason the course of history of Germany was shaped in their subsequent years. Even, if their places were exchanges in their moments in time, there is no doubt that the entire course of world history might have been different.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Arnett, George. "Auschwitz: a short history of the largest mass murder site in human history." The Guardian 27 January 2015. <https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/27/auschwitz-short-history-liberation-concentration-camp-holocaust>.

Editors, Charles River. The Night of the Long Knives: The History and Legacy of Adolf Hitler's Notorious Purge of the SA. Charles River Editors, 2015. Kindle.

Hage, Frank M. "Political conflict in Bismarck's Germany: An analysis of parliamentary voting, 1867–1890." Party Politics 25.2 (2019): 179-191. Research Article.

IX, Pope BI. Pius. "The Syllabus Of Errors." 1864. Papal Encyclicals Online. Document. 13 December 2019. <https://www.papalencyclicals.net/pius09/p9syll.htm>.

John Bew, G. John Ikenberry. "Realpolitik: A History." Council on Foreign Relations in June 2017. Document. <https://www.foreignaffairs.com/reviews/capsule-review/2017-04-14/realpolitik-history>.

Kober, Stanley. "What Napoleon and Bismarck Teach Us About Preventive War." CATO institute (2004). <https://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/what-napoleon-bismarck-teach-us-about-preventive-war>.

Quint, Peter E. "The Constitutional Law of German Unification." Maryland Law Review 50.3 (1991). Electronic. <https://digitalcommons.law.umaryland.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2819&context=mlr&mod=article_inline>.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

Compares The Development Of Renewable Energy In At Least Two Countries Outside Of The U.S.

Comparison of the Development of Renewable Energy between Japan and Germany

Your Name (First M. Last)

School or Institution Name (University at Place or Town, State)

Comparison of the Development of Renewable Energy between Japan and Germany

For many years the world has been dependent on the fossil fuels to generate energy, however, in today's world, it is becoming problematic to use them for the energy needs. The reason is that fossil fuels take ages to be produced and the energy produced from them is not renewable, so depending upon them we cannot survive for a longer period of time. Another reason to not use this resource is that they produce heavy pollutants in the environment. This is the reason the world needs to shift towards the resources that are environmentally friendly, and also replenishable resources, such a solar, nuclear, and wind energy. This energy cannot be drained and is constantly renewed. In 1960s-1980s Germany and Japan have inspected a new energy strategy of viable hastened modification, they extended nuclear power, modernized productions, and stimulated efficacy to counter uncertainties of oil deliveries. However during 1990s Germany expanded in wind and solar, while Japan became the world's leading power in nuclear energy production. This divergence in their paths is much more than a theoretical problem and to understand that we need to look into the matter closely.

When It comes to consuming energy Japan is the fourth largest country in the world, though its population only occupies 2.1% of the world. Japan has been using fossil fuel energy for many years, the oil is imported from UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Kuwait. However, in recent years, people have become more concerned about environmental issues and climate change. Regarding climate change and environmental issues, Japan launched an energy project for the use of renewable energy sources that would reduce the release of carbon dioxide gas. One of the reactions to the 1970s oil calamity was a struggle to progress in other sources of energy (Moe, 2011). Today only 1.3 percent of the total energy usage of Japan is dependent on renewable energy resources. This current rate of renewable energy usage is still low, but the country is planning to increase the development of energy through renewable sources. Solar is one of the most promising sources of energy that can be renewed. It is used for the solar Thermal heating and the Photovoltaic (PV) for electricity. Japan is developing in the advancement of PV and is leading the world Photovoltaic market. There are a lot of benefits attached to the use of PV. It is environment-friendly, low operation cost, highly reliable, and lower cost of construction. In the world, a total of 45 percent of the PV cells are formed in Japan. For the purpose of promoting PV in the household, the Japanese government proposes subventions for fitting charges. The use of PV is prevalent for the houses, most of the solar-thermal systems are fitted in the hospitals and communal institutes. As Japan mends the charge and effectiveness of these solar equipment, the country can then ship these systems to the whole world for the advantage of all countries, and the Japanese budget. In contrast to Japan, Germany has gone through a turbulent time in solar power, since the country's renewable energy act in the year 2000. German corporations were prominent in the solar power technology, however, in 2012 there was a collapse and many of them had to shut down. Despite the fact that Germany is one of the countries that have the least sunlight hours, it is one of the major solar power manufacturers round the world. It has a mounted ability of 43 gigawatts in the year 2017. It had over 1.6 million installed solar collections that were 10 percent of the world's installed capacity in the year 2017. In the first half of the year 2018, these solar panels produced more than 7 percent of the total production of the country, an of the renewable shares it made about 39% according to BDEW. Its worldwide contribution to producing solar power was 2 percent. With a net production of 6.7 (TWh) in July 2017, solar power made a new monthly production record in the country and added about 15% to the German power mix. It was more than the production of nuclear energy. Solar panel s accounted for more than 40% o the production of the company at the peak hours of sunlight and the usage of energy. The government’s yearly development aim to inflexibly launch solar power as core support of Germany's power system is 2.5 GW.

The past of the nuclear projects in Japan and Germany can be traced back in 1960s when both the countries operated with American manufacturers and the local industries to build their first nuclear reactors. Major impacts in the history of German energy strategies have, on the nuclear side (Renn & Marshall, 2016).

Nuclear power required the deployment of the RD and D spending and the political support that they got during the 1970s oil crisis. However, for the new nuclear connections, this did not have many practical consequences. During the 1990s, Germany did not officially changed its nuclear power strategy and did not attach new NPPs to the network. It sustained dropping the public RD and D energy expenditure (Cherp, Vinichenko, Jewell, Suzuki & Antal, 2017). Without building new reactors the local nuclear tools makers hunted agreements overseas. Siemens that was involved in the manufacture of all German nuclear reactors traded its reactor corporate to French Framatome in 2011 proclaimed the termination of its nuclear accomplishments. However, in Japan, fifteen new nuclear reactors amplified national sustenance of nuclear power. The Japanese government overpowered the resistance of the locals to the new nuclear energy, by increasing monitoring support to the sitting NPPs. As a consequence of the German Red-green alliance government, the policies of the two countries diverged further. The stiffness between the agendas of these coal and nuclear reactor had already started during the 1970s, over the competition for base-load power. During that time the dropping electricity bills did not permit for the growth of the coal and the nuclear programs at the same time. About 2002, Greens and SPD assigned a law barring manufacture of new NPPs and restraining the lifespan of current reactors to Thirty-two years averagely.

In the year 2000, Japan manufactures five more factors, yet the portion of nuclear power in the electricity of the country was reduced to 26% by 2010. Japan also helped to build the factors in South Korea and the business is flourishing globally. The new national energy strategy of Japan aimed at a rise in the production of nuclear power.

Just like nuclear, wind technology developed exterior of Germany and Japan. Germany sustained study into wind power in the 1970s and 80s, but it unsuccessful to yield a profitablly feasible project and finished the task. During 1990, Germany approved a Feeding-law (StrEG). It was initially planned to profit a trivial hydropower plant owners, but unexpectedly it leads to the 100 times rise in the wind power. This increase in the growth of wind power was based on the Danish technology. Subsequently, many producers entered the market and in the initial 2000s, the wind turbine business of Germany had turned into the second highest in the domain. However, Japan did not back the study in wind energy. The reason is that the technical circumstances in Japan are more perplexing than in Germany. Nevertheless, in the 1990, Japan came up with the technology the fiscal measures that were supporting the wind power. However, the results were not similar to those in Germany. During the mid of the 1990s Danish Via,]stas mounted their main viable wind turbines in Japan but the growth in the arcade was no the same as in Germany. The difference in wind placement between Japan and Germany has sustained to increase. Japan's calculated wind power placement for 2030 is 4.5 times greater than in 2010 yet less than half of Germany's capability today.

Both countries worked with officials to raise domestic stream, restrain demand, or otherwise lessen the susceptibility of energy structures. Five mechanisms worked behind the differences between both the countries. The quest of the safe supply and demand of both countries resulted in the difference of the strategies regarding the renewable energy projects during 1970 and 1980s.


Moe, E. (2011). Vested interests, energy efficiency and renewables in Japan. Energy Policy. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2011.09.070

Cheap, A., Vinichenko, V., Jewell, J., Suzuki, M., & Antal, M. (2017). Comparing electricity transitions: A historical analysis of nuclear, wind and solar power in Germany and Japan. Energy Policy, 101, 612-628. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.10.044

Renn, O., & Marshall, J. (2016). Coal, nuclear and renewable energy policies in Germany: From the 1950s to the “Energiewende”. Energy Policy, 99, 224-232. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.05.004

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Consumer Law

Consumer Law

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Consumer Law

Consumer rights are emphasized hugely all over the world. The courts, especially the consumer courts, all over the world, strive to protect the rights of the consumers and provide justice to them wherever there is injustice being done to the end consumer. American Consumer Courts perform the same function, every day. They have always been striving to protect the rights of the consumers on a large basis. The cases are being dealt on the foundations of Administrative and Federal grounds. One of the instances of such cases is the “Impax Laboratories, Inc., In the Matter of”. The details of this case have been provided as under.


The case actually started in 2017, when Impax Pharmaceuticals Inc. sued Endo Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd for marketing its drugs without getting it patented in the market. Patients are usually ready to pay extra for prescription drugs. Under consumer law, it's not allowed by the generic companies to produce or market drugs under the generic name.

Endo Pharmaceuticals was working as an anti-competitive drug retailer in the market. It initially got permission to market the drugs under its brand. The court of consumer market regarded this case as an issue of “reverse payment”.

Legal Conclusion

The American consumer court gave the best ruling over the case, as it could be. Any judge who would have been proceeding the case would have given the same ruling or verdict over the case CITATION Fed17 \l 1033 (Impax Laboratories, Inc., In the Matter of, 2017). If I would have been proceedings over the legal procedures of this case I would have also given the same ruling, i.e., to repay the losses incurred to the actual manufacturer of the drug. In addition to that, I would put a ban on the production of generic drugs by Endo Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd.

Further details of this case can be found at https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/cases-proceedings/141-0004/impax-laboratories-inc.


BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Impax Laboratories, Inc., In the Matter of, 141 0004 (Federal Trade Commission January 23, 2017). Retrieved from https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/cases/d09373_impax_laboratories_opinion_of_the_commission_-_public_redacted_version_redacted_0.pdf

Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Contract, Consolidated, And Civilianized Police Services

Contract, Consolidated, and Civilianized Police Services

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Contract, Consolidated, and Civilianized Police Services

Question: What are Contract, Consolidated, and Civilianized police services and what are the advantages and limitations of each? Do we see this in other areas of the criminal justice system?

Mainly, there are three major concepts which countries and even all of the cities utilize to fill out requirements of the manpower to effectively maintain the police services. These concepts are to contract, consolidate and civilianize the police services. Each and every concept (out of these three) has its own advantages (merits) and disadvantages (demerits) in different terms and many ways. This report (essay) would deeply examine every concepts and advantages and disadvantages of each concept for maintaining the manpower requirement or needs for the police services.


The very first and highly well-known concept which is largely used by the different countries and cities or even regions is contracting. This concept (contract) maintains police services through recruiting the manpower by the way of contract. Contract is highly popular and mostly used by the private industry as well as used by the cities and countries. Contracting is an efficient way when looking at the budget costs which contract cuts down because of the high-security company or firm offering the weapons uniforms, vehicles and all other required facilities to the police officers. In most of the cases, the police services would be enhanced and offered with having no additional cost or expense or even possibly lower than what municipality can have already budget for the own department of police services (Sarre, & Prenzler, 2018).

It cannot be stated or said that contracting has no negative side or does not have any disadvantage, nor it can be stated that the concept of contract is perfect and only have advantages. While the concept of contracting also has some key and highly crucial disadvantages (demerits) beyond its huge advantages. Based on the findings of (Wilson, et.al, 2018), some of the workers of security companies of firms have been known to go on strike. It will leave the recruiting entity or body without having a police force or police body. Another key and highly noticeable disadvantage of contract concept are the views of the public or citizens on private security (Reid, 2018). Some of the people say and think that they only hold their own benefactors' interest instead of the interest of citizens or public and community.


Consolidation is the next concept which is used to maintain police services. According to (Sarre, & Prenzler, 2018), the concept of consolidation mostly occurs inside the city or country or region. Towns in the country or region would consolidate in one police force for the whole country or region. It has taken place in the St. Louis and even in the City of Salt Lake. This is also an efficient concept because of its capability of saving costs. Typically the severity argument like it:; suppose if Town A spend around one million dollars on the police services as well as town B spends the same amount while Town C spends double amount (two million dollars) of Town A and Town B, will not make any sense to streamline such services by developing a collective force which costs less and smaller?

In terms of disadvantages, one major disadvantage the consolidate concept is that higher level management has been downsized because of the actual consolidation (Rawlins, & Kwon, 2016). If there were three chiefs for every different town, two of the chiefs will have to be let go until one person or position is there only.


The last and the highly efficient and well working concept is civilianization. The concept of civilianization states that public or people would be the examiners of the police services who will be examining the civilianization of the police services in the country or region or country/state. This usually happens when the countries or states and cities or regions recruit civilians for filling out L.E professions or jobs like dispatching, forensics and even any kind of interrogation or investigation (Wilson, et.al, 2018). The key advantage of the civilianization is that a single body can easily and conveniently save costs or budgets lonely on the pieces of evidence and facts the civilization and its members would be and can be kept on a much lower amount of incentives than the sworn officers of police services or police officer. "It has been found by the researches and finding of analyst that a sworn police officer usually makes 63 percent higher amounts than a civilian". This finds when accounting for the extra or supplementary compensations beyond that actual salary of the police officer(s) (Rawlins, & Kwon, 2016).

Beyond advantages, there are several disadvantages associated with the concept of civilianization. The most crucial and major disadvantage of the concept is the morale of the sworn may be get impacted because of the feelings that most or even all of the civilians are going to move and moving on the jobs or roles of sworn police officers.


Rawlins, P. W., & Kwon, S. W. (2016). Walking the line on police privatization: efficiency, accountability, and court decisions. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 82(3), 580-597.

Reid, C. (2018). The Public Debate about Privatizing Police Services in Ontario: Lessons from the UK (Doctoral dissertation, Mount Saint Vincent University).

Sarre, R., & Prenzler, T. (2018). Ten key developments in modern policing: an Australian perspective. Police practice and research, 19(1), 3-16.

Wilson, J. M., Hall, B., Chermak, S., Corsaro, N., Grammich, C., & Gruenewald, J. (2018). A Multi-Site Assessment of Police Consolidation.

Subject: Education

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Course Project Milestone: Proposal

Course Project Milestone: Proposal

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Course Project Milestone: Proposal


Slavery is defined as the owning, buying and selling of human beings with the intention to force them into unpaid labor. Everybody converges on a point that slavery is unethical. Those practicing slavery don’t defend it, however, they tend to put forward excuses. This implies that they have an idea of what they are doing.


History bear enough evidence that shows slavery. Religions like Judaism, Islam, and Christianity have acknowledged slavery (Parish, 2018). However, in modern times, the practice of slavery has been abandoned somewhat. Egyptians had a large number of slaves that were Jews and Ethiopians. Greeks had slaves serving in their military. Romans had slaves that were employed as civil servants. The Ottomans had slaves that too served as soldiers. Africans before having any contact with the Europeans kept slaves. Serfs, the lowest class in social strata in Imperial Russia, were somewhat different from the slaves. They had the right to own land. Nonetheless, they were also employed as slaves.

Over time, Historians have tried to investigate the root causes of slavery. Many historians believe that slavery stems from the increase in farming some nine thousand years ago (Links, Green & Fourie, 2018). Many slave owners had a small scale farm. They had no more than five slaves. Those slaves toiled and lived there. Some historians have even concluded that slavery was an economic classification. To maintain an economy that was based on agriculture primarily.

In modern times, there is an increase in the number of servants that serve at home. They are often employed as cooks, cleaners, caregivers, and baby sitters.


Everyone should condemn slavery in any form. Why it is important to condemn slavery? There are several reasons for this. Slavery creates resentment among slaves. Slaves don’t tend to make ends meet, rather they cater to the needs of their master. Moreover, it exploits human beings. Additionally, it violates fundamental human rights. United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights has banned slavery of all forms and shapes.


Parish, P. J. (2018). Slavery: history and historians. Routledge.

Links, C., Green, E., & Fourie, J. (2018). Was Slavery a Flexible Form of Labour? Division of Labour and Location Specific Skills on the Eastern Cape Frontier. African Economic History Working Paper Series, 42, 2018.

Subject: Education

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Cover Letter And Grant Summary

Cover Letter and Grant Summary

Student’s Name



Cover Letter and Grant Summary

Giving Hope Inc. is a nonprofit organization registered and operates in the United States. It works with vulnerable communities within the suburb regions to uplift the living standard of people. Over the last decade, it has worked with various partners to provide services to the community and therefore, its core objectives are to support the needy people in our society. The organization has various programs to address the issue of homelessness including the long term and the short term program. The long term program is for the people who are homeless, and they require assistance to support themselves. They are provided with shelter until they save an adequate amount of money and the organization will assist them in attaining affordable housing. The short term program is for individuals who have little money not enough to cover their everyday expenses and rent.

The grant is meant to help the organization to provide needed services to the communities. It will help the organization to provide shelter, food, counselor to support the family to meet their basic needs. Therefore, the grant is meant to fund the initiative of the provision of shelter to the homeless people through the Giving Hope Inc. I have found various opportunities, and the reason for this is because homelessness has become a principal problem in America. Many people are being evacuated from their houses for failing to pay rent because of lack of proper budgeting of their funds. Reducing homelessness in society has been of main concern among people and therefore, the grant will give many Americans the opportunity to restart their lives and live a decent life in a decent house.

The main problem which affects the community is a high number of homeless people on the street. It has been established that almost 10% of Americans are kicked out of street annually and the number is projected to continue to increase. The rate of school dropout in Texas, Denton region is high. Research conducted established that the high rate of dropout is as a result of lack of mentorship and school feel for most students. It is also as a result of lack of proper nurturing and therefore, several students drop out of school as a result of drug and other peer group influence. A study conducted by Giving Hope indicates that Denton region has a high rate of poverty, teen pregnancy and other social problem such as drug abuse. These result in a high rate of school dropout and therefore, reduce the living standard of several young people in the society. Without proper and efficient problem the problem could become a big issue and therefore, it is important for the organization to work together with the community and state government to provide a permanent and temporary solution. Research indicates that 10% of school going girls involves premature sex and 20% 10% of school girls get pregnant annually.

Giving Hope Inc believes the solution to the problem is the formation of a mentorship program, provision of the house for the homeless and providing food to the needy people. However, forming a mentor group system in collaboration with community centers would be essential in addressing the deficit in society. The organization, therefore, intend to work with schools, community centers, and parents to address the issues by establishing a strong network, which can allow issues to reported and working together with several mentor groups to address the problem the community is facing. The goal of the project is to create a better environment for people and address the problem being faced by the residents permanently. The total budget for the project is $202,540, which will be used to finance the budget in every stage.


Karen, P. (2014). Community Health and Education research . Journal of Community Development and Nursing , 2-15.

Melik, R. (2015). Teens Pregnancy and its effect in the society. International Journal of community development , 21 (1), 2-15.

Subject: Finance, Accounting and Banking

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Creative Project

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Critical Project

Spinning the wheel of history, one could come across many philosophers who are having different perspectives and philosophies about life. It has been seen that different philosophers have given their philosophy depending on their own life experiences. Socrates is one of the most influential philosopher of all times whose philosophy is still followed and practiced. He is the most unique individual of his time and he is known for making a profound impact on an individual’s mind through his wisdom, intelligence, power of the critical thinking and moral strength. Critical evaluation of most of the studies shows that his philosophy is based on discovering the truth. One of the most evident factors of his philosophy is “Socrates quest”. One of his main claims is "All I know is that I know nothing” and this gives a clear insight of his philosophy, the practice of having critical thought about all the things that he found in his surroundings.

Though there are various characters in books and movies that follow Socrates philosophy of exploring everything, Sherlock Holmes is one of the most suitable characters who go hand in hand with Socrates’s philosophy “The unexamined life is not worth living. One commonality that has been found in Socrates philosophy and Sherlock is that both encourage exploring the undiscovered (Marshall & Mason). He is a famous fictional character of the 19th and 20th century. Sherlock became famous among the readers for having powers of using the logics and his keen observation that he used to solve his cases. It has been witnessed that despite being one of the most knowledgeable people of his time, he used to believe that he knows nothing. His quest for knowledge led him to explore more and more and likewise, the character of Sherlock could be seen as one who wanted to know all the secrets of the world. Analysis of character “Sherlock Holmes” shows that the author of this character, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s portrayal of this character shows that his ideology, while sketching this character was based on Socratic ideas.

Analysis of Socratic philosophy shows that one must consider that there is a sea of knowledge and he/she only has a drop out of that knowledge sea. Sherlock’s curiosity of exploring and discovering things by using his logics shows that he was inspired by the Socratic philosophy (Weiss & Roslyn, 165-183). Another interesting factor that could be noticed in Sherlock’s character is that after his fake suicide, he was remembered as the wisest person that people ever knew, as he was master in solving the cases (Fitzpatrick, 153-208). Since then, it has been portrayed in many Sherlock shows that crimes during that time were not all solved by using science and generally superstitions were highlighted and people used to wait for wrongful confessions. At that time, even the investigation methods were very simple and non-scientific. Doyle purposely inculcated in Sherlock an instinct to search for truth by using logic and deductive reasoning which sheds light on the fact that this character was a follower of Socratic philosophy.

Taking a look at the character of Sherlock it could be said that he was quite consistent with the decisions that he made. He was the one who wanted to solve every misery considering that there is much in this world that is hidden from him and his quest for exploring more was the driving force that inspired him to go into the depth of the mysteries. His struggle for knowing the unknown and solving mysteries shows the consistency of his decisions. Sherlock didn’t show lack of overriding philosophy as he was just following his nature and his quest for knowledge could be viewed as part of his nature.

His actions and keen observation skills show that he got into his cases so deeply that he used to remain immune to all the distractions until he solved the mystery. His actions spoke a lot about his nature that for him, this world was a puzzle that he had to explore by using his power of logic (Heifetz & Carl). His extremist nature of digging the bottom of things and truth concealed by mountains of trifles and deception made him a true follower of Socratic philosophy: “All I know is that I know nothing” which pushes him to uncover the hidden facts of life. Socratic philosophy claims that one who once starts believing that this world is full of mysteries and needs to be explored cannot rely on other’s justification, rather they start exploring the other side of the world that remained unknown to others.

Sherlock’s actions depict his belief that matches Socratic philosophy. Sherlock believed that the world around us has hidden meaning and many secrets are there and one who realizes this fact would look for the secret and would not rest unless he/she finds answers. It won’t be wrong to say that people are obsessed with the characters because somewhere in his character, they could see a reflection of their curiosity and anxiety for life. Being more logical, analytical and rational is the only way of gathering all the desired knowledge. So as a whole, it could be concluded that Sherlock Holmes is one of the characters who spends his life on Socratic principles and beliefs. The central idea of Sherlock and Socratic belief are that no one could claim that he knows all, rather it is better to accept that unexamined life is not worth living.

Work Cited

Fitzpatrick, P. J. "The legacy of Socrates." Socratic Questions. Routledge, 2018. 153-208.

Heifetz, Carl. Sherlock Holmes through the Microscope. Andrews UK Limited, 2018.

Marshall, Mason. "Socrates’ defensible devices in Plato’s Meno." Theory and Research in Education (2019): 1477878519862544.

Weiss, Roslyn. "Free to Care: Socrates’ Political Engagement." Socrates in the Cave. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 165-183.

Subject: Philosophy

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Criminal Defenses And Criminal Punishments

Criminal Defenses and Criminal Punishments

Student’s Name

Institution Affiliated

Criminal defenses and criminal punishments

The American legal system provides controversial issues, especially on how it deals with criminal punishment and types of defenses. Some of these controversies relate to concepts of self-defense, castle doctrine, defenses of immunity, entrapment, and the “three strikes” as discussed in this paper.

The lawfulness of the use of force and how the courts determine reasonable self-defense

There are many key points that American courts use to determine the lawfulness of use of force by the police. They include the severity of the crime, consideration of whether the person resisted arrest or flee away, determination of whether the arrested posed immediate danger or threat to officers or people, the mental health of the accused, the facts of the incident and the individual possessed lethal weapon or equipment. The courts vindicate the actions of the police officers based on the above determinations. American court system determines whether an incident was a case self-defense or not based on specific justifications on the incident. Self-Defense is seen self-protection to battery, assault or case of criminal homicide; however, issues of self-defense can be modified by the courts based on specific facts available in the individual incident.

For a person to claim self-defense, he or she must convince the American legal system on four elements. Firstly, the defendant must show evidence of deadly unprovoked attack or confrontation. Secondly, the defendant must show that there was an imminent threat of death or injury. Thirdly, the defendant must convince that the level or degree of force applied at the time was objectively reasonable given the prevailing circumstances. Fourthly, the defendant must prove to the court that he or she had a justifiable or reasonable fear that the attacker could kill or injure unless he or she used self-defense. The above factors are justifiable reasons for killing a person to defend oneself. If the attacker possesses a lethal weapon and shows an unwavering intention of committing a crime or assault, a person has every opportunity to safeguard his or her life through self-defense.

Castle doctrine

Castle doctrine is a common law principle stating that a person has the right to use deadly force to protect themselves against an intruder in their home, who is exhibiting evidence of committing a crime (Randall & DeBoer, 2012). The state legislatures have expanded this principle to give people the right to apply it not only at home but any other place that a person is exercising his or her duties. I support this principle because it provides every American with the opportunity to protect or defend themselves against threatening circumstances in and outside their homes. In a situation that the attacker invades legally occupied personal space such as their houses, place of work, or car, and threatening the occupant, the assaulted is permitted to attack intruder instead of retreating. Retreating in this situation gives the attacker opportunity to perpetrate other crimes, including destroying property, harming other people in the place, or unlawfully possessing a property. I view that castle doctrine is an acceptable practice since it gives the defendant the right to protect property, lives of other people and deter the would-be criminals from committing other crimes. Furthermore, castle doctrine provides the initial step for an individual to ensure personal safety by protecting themselves against criminals intending commit crimes even before law enforcement officers arrive.

The defenses of diplomatic, legislative, and witness immunity

The law provides different levels of immunity and defenses to diplomats, legislators and witnesses. Diplomatic immunity refers to the protection of foreign diplomats against criminal prosecution. The rationale of giving this protection is to safeguard the relationship between America and countries of diplomats. Legislative immunity provides senators and members of the house of representative protection against arrest while the legislature is in session. This protection, however, does not apply in cases of treason or felonies. Witness immunity means granting protection to a crime against prosecution in exchange for providing vital information to investigative agencies. It gives the government access to critical information relating to criminal activities which may be crucial in deterring future crimes or prosecuting other perpetrators.

The defenses given to diplomats, legislators and witnesses play a role in the criminal justice system. The diplomatic immunity is particularly necessary for the maintenance of peaceful cooperation and friendly relationship among states as this ensures smooth commerce and better exchange of information and ideas (Akande & Shah, 2010). Legislator’s immunity protects dignity and respect of the law-making bodies and promotes non-interference of activities of the legislative branch. Besides, protecting legislators ensure continuity of legislation process since the bills introduced by accused legislator will continue deliberated without disturbance.

The application of witness immunity gives fairness to the defense since it cushions an individual from facing charges and possible penalties in exchange for a testimony to prosecute high-level criminals. By granting witness immunity, legal balance is achieved. The criminal offense committed is excusable in exchange for information required to prosecute a dangerous criminal. The witness gets justice for not being subjected to the punitive legal system since his or her willingness to provide information exonerates crimes. It is a fair deal that benefits all parties as it prevents lawsuits against a witness and ensures that investigators acquire impactful information.

Elements of the defense of entrapment

Entrapment refers to defense of charges facing a person on the idea that the defendant committed crimes because of coercion or harassment by government officials. It means without such coercion; the defendant could not have committed the crime. Entrapment has two related elements, i.e. government officials inducing a crime, and secondly lack predisposition commit a crime. Of these elements aspect of defendant’s predisposition is crucial. If predisposition inquiry is certain that defendant committed crime through inducement, then defense entrapment is granted. Entrapment occurs when enforcement officers overly encourage or urge an individual to commit a crime that one could otherwise not commit. I think defense entrapment has little value in the American criminal law system because it is difficult to assess and requires a thorough evaluation of facts.

The “three strikes” law

Three strike statute increases prison sentence of individuals who committed a felony or other violent offenses in two or more instances. It reduces the chance that offender will get other penalties other than life sentence (United States Department of Justice, 2017). It is unacceptable practice since it curtails the individual’s right to get leaner punishment, and does not give a chance for rehabilitation. Importantly, the statute increases individual’s penalties and removes the opportunity for parole or other chance of acquitting. It also leads to overpopulation in prisons since individuals are convicted for life.

In conclusion, as noted in the study, there are many controversies in America’s criminal defenses and legal punishments. Some of these defenses and punishments are contentious as it contravenes the fundamental rights of people. Apparently, some of the defenses and punishment have been expanded to include broader definitions and jurisdictions.


Nelson, J (2016) How to figure out when police use of force is justified. Retrieved from https://www.dailynews.com/2016/02/06/how-to-figure-out-when-police-use-of-force-is-justified/

Randall, M & DeBoer, H (2012). The Castle Doctrine and Stand-Your-Ground Law. Retrieved from https://www.cga.ct.gov/2012/rpt/2012-R-0172.htm

Akande, D., & Shah, S. (2010). Immunities of state officials, international crimes, and foreign domestic courts. European Journal of International Law, 21(4), 815-852.

United States Department of Justice. (2018) Entrapment – Elements. Retrieved from https://www.justice.gov/jm/criminal-resource-manual-645-entrapment-elements

United States Department of Justice. (2018). Sentencing Enhancement—"Three Strikes" Law. Retrieved from https://www.justice.gov/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1032-sentencing-enhancement-three-strikes-law

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Critical Discourse Analysis Assignment

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



President Donald Trump’s inaugural speech analysis

President Donald Trump has remained vocal about his policies throughout his election campaign. He criticized the policy plans put forwarded by Hillary Clinton bluntly. His victory speech was also not an exception to this. It showed the bluntness and the populist narrative that brought him into the office. The inaugural speech of him was not conforming in any way the image of the President of a global power, rather it was more inward driven. The speech was also much different compared to the policy priority of the past administration of the White House. Throughout his speech he has remained unfair with the citizens of the United States, who voted for Hillary, as he remained bluntly opposed to the policy priories of her in his inaugural address to. Experts believe that the speech contained less thankful remarks for the people of the United Sates who voted him. They opine that normally the Presidents pay much regard to their voters in the inaugural address. Considering the popular academic discourse about his speech, and the political commentaries made over it, one may opine that the inaugural address reflected more the tone of confrontation rather cooperation. This shows the extent of his political powers after becoming the President. People opine that he has deliberately used to avoid such conciliatory tone in order to kick start the Presidential term in kind of confrontational manner.

Social and situational context: After beating Hillary Clinton after a scorched campaign, the {resident started his speech in a more a kind of conciliatory manner. people have written many times that before his inaugural speech, the president was of the view that the speech must contain the elements of uniting the people of the America ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"3Keqju2c","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Chilton)","plainCitation":"(Chilton)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":153,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/pCT5fGyt/items/I44Y4XLU"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/pCT5fGyt/items/I44Y4XLU"],"itemData":{"id":153,"type":"article-journal","title":"“The people” in populist discourse","container-title":"Journal of Language and Politics","page":"582–594","volume":"16","issue":"4","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Chilton","given":"Paul"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Chilton). He actually wanted that the speech of him might be a step toward reconciliation the people of America. He believed before that the election campaign has ideologically divided the people of America. Therefore he made the supporters of Hilary stunned by mentioning her with the good reward. There are linguistics experts who opine that there was nothing much in the speech of the 45th President at his inaugural that could be called as remarkable. They base their opinion on the pre- text that during his campaign he has remained so vocal on the issues that were talked about much differently throughout the history of the United States. Although he has talked about the unity and changing the people’s attitude toward the politics of America, but he has too vaguely done so. There were other things which doesn’t conformed the societal aspect of the United Sates. For example, a country that has remained the best host to the immigrants around the world, but is now being presided over by a President who consider the Mexican people a threat to their country.

There has been a tradition set by the previous Presidents of the United Sates about their inaugural speeches. At the start of the speeches, they usually honor the services of the previous Presidents and quotes them in a very welcoming way. Similarly the upcoming President talks about the same priorities which he will be taking more forward. At the inaugural of the President Trump, it looked that he will also be following the same footsteps, but he later on changed the perception. When he criticized the past Presidents (not being directly) but by criticizing the policies they introduced. Not every time it is that an opponent is treated like an opponent. It remains in the values of the United States that every incoming President at his inaugural speech appreciates the policies introduced by the previous administrations. This speech has also challenged this tradition of the United States too. At the very right time, when the incoming President Trump must have been appreciating the efforts of the Obama administration for their valuable inputs to the country’s decision making, he quoted

We, are now joined in a great national effort to re- build our country.

This shows that the President appeared nil prepared in admiring the past administrations. Rather, he opined that the past governments have caused damage in sense of the unity of the country. There are people who believe that at this very right time when the United States is facing an emerging threat of China, which is giving tough time at every sphere, the President must have refrained himself while talking about unity of the country. For them it reveals a sense of division of the country. The whole speech was like a show off about populism in the worst way possible ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"o9PDWVDn","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Suhadi and Baluqiah)","plainCitation":"(Suhadi and Baluqiah)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":154,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/pCT5fGyt/items/V2HRXEZZ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/pCT5fGyt/items/V2HRXEZZ"],"itemData":{"id":154,"type":"article-journal","title":"DONALD TRUMP AND BARRACK OBAMA’S INAUGURAL ADDRESS: STYLISTIC ANALYSIS","container-title":"Proceedings of ISELT FBS Universitas Negeri Padang","page":"169–177","volume":"5","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"DONALD TRUMP AND BARRACK OBAMA’S INAUGURAL ADDRESS","author":[{"family":"Suhadi","given":"Agung"},{"family":"Baluqiah","given":"Kiagus"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Suhadi and Baluqiah).

The textual features: The speech was delivered by the President in a very general and cohesive way. There appeared no textual flaws or lack of understandings. There were points during the speech when the President was clearer and more precise. He spoked about the policies in a more accurate way. Although many of his policies are subject to wide criticism, despite passing of a considerable time, but he conveyed that more clearly. He used throughout the speech, short sentences. These short sentences helped him remain specific. His tone was confident, and throughout he remained stick to the primary cause of him. Throughout his speech he used not more than 1500 words, which shows that how Mr. Trump dispersed what he had in his mind in a more concise manner. Before President Trump, President Bush used to utter short sentences, which is a sign of conceptual clarity of the thig being talked about.

Coherence and cohesiveness: The inaugural speech falls on the definition of both coherence and cohesiveness. He started from being thankful to some notable, and ended up calling to the people of America, to stand again and work once more for the betterment of their country. If this inaugural address is compared to the previous ones, it shows that it was like that of any previous address. It is one of the qualities of the speeches to employ both cohesiveness and coherence. Cohesiveness is inculcating many phenomena’s in a one go. It then helps in taking out understanding of the things from a similar address ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"jIjCF6HM","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Suhadi and Baluqiah)","plainCitation":"(Suhadi and Baluqiah)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":154,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/pCT5fGyt/items/V2HRXEZZ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/pCT5fGyt/items/V2HRXEZZ"],"itemData":{"id":154,"type":"article-journal","title":"DONALD TRUMP AND BARRACK OBAMA’S INAUGURAL ADDRESS: STYLISTIC ANALYSIS","container-title":"Proceedings of ISELT FBS Universitas Negeri Padang","page":"169–177","volume":"5","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"DONALD TRUMP AND BARRACK OBAMA’S INAUGURAL ADDRESS","author":[{"family":"Suhadi","given":"Agung"},{"family":"Baluqiah","given":"Kiagus"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Suhadi and Baluqiah). Coherence is being too fluent. Thus, inaugural address was coherent too. Nowhere throughout the speech, the President disconnected any sentence or remained too narrow toward any aspect of his speech. This shows that he was ready to convey what he had in his mind.

Inter- textual aspects: The inaugural address lacked nowhere any aspect which showed that the speech lack the grammatical sense. The use of nouns, verbs and adjectives were quite at the right place. There was no sweeping statement and there remained no such mistake which showed that anywhere the President had been confusing and had went out of the way. He remained also focused on iterating what he was thinking. This helped him being fluent and being free from the grammatical errors. In his speech, he highlighted both the Americans and the America. Often this had been noticed in the past, that the Presidents remains understandable in their definitions of relevant concepts, but President Trump remained much clear on his use of such connotations. There were other aspects of his speech, that made him stand different ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"AN1fPoRD","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Blake)","plainCitation":"(Blake)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":155,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/pCT5fGyt/items/E5UL2HXA"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/pCT5fGyt/items/E5UL2HXA"],"itemData":{"id":155,"type":"article-journal","title":"Donald Trump’s full inauguration speech transcript, annotated","container-title":"The Washington Post","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Blake","given":"Aaron"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Blake). He used the word Islamic while referring toward the Muslims, compared to his predecessor. They used to call this community as Muslims or immigrants. This is worth noting that the use of word Islamic broadened the scope of what he had in his minds about Muslims. Also, the word Islamic helped him being broader and being acceptable to his Muslim voters.

Representation of the other actors: It is very right about Donald Trump that he is self-focused person. Nothing at anywhere he compared his self or his priorities with any of his contemporaries or past Presidents. This was the reason he avoided using other actors as representation. Experts opine that doing so also limits the scope of the speech. If in case the President had used any comparison, it might had led him towards narrowness. As it is a general phenomenon that when a thing is compared with another thing, the scope shifts towards narrowness. He had many options throughout his speech to use a comparative analysis of contrasting analysis, but he avoided using that. There are some personal reasons for the President for not using the technique of comparison or contrast. As doing so also undermines the priorities set by the incoming authorities. In some cases, it also diminishes the importance of the national cause, worked upon by the previous administrations. There were other areas where he could have used the comparison or contrast. For example, where he was describing about the policy priorities of his administration. He could have criticized Hillary’s policy programs, but ha again avoided doing so. Thus, he remained centric over what he thought suits his policy preferences.

Use of conceptual metaphors: This must be called the quality of Mr. President’s inaugural address that he nowhere used conceptual metaphors. Doing so would have caused complications in the understanding of his message. He could have used some sweeping words while talking about the sensitive issues, but he avoided doing so. I helped him being clear headed and focused. The use of metaphors confuses the audience and they remain in the confusion of interpretation. The metaphors are used where anyone wants to make the audience think. Since it was his first interaction with the public after being elected as the President, this could have been the reason that he avoided using metaphors. Also, in the Presidential address, it remains too vague and wired if one uses metaphors. The reason is that it deviates the supporters, which are there to listen about the policy preferences of the new administrations. It causes misunderstandings also. As far this speech is concern, the President avoided using the metaphors. He was very clear headed in his words. He uttered very clearly what he had in his mind and avoided using the help of metaphors or any such clauses to lengthen his words. This also helped him being more specific and understandable.

Modality: It is among one of the qualities of the President that he stresses upon the words he used for conveying his message. He stresses upon every of his word that helps him being more projective. It is not just the inaugural address of him that he stressed upon the words, but it is the kind of habit or Donald Trump that he stresses upon the words for being too focused. He referred to many areas throughout his speech ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"gQ1FRZOr","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Blake)","plainCitation":"(Blake)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":155,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/pCT5fGyt/items/E5UL2HXA"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/pCT5fGyt/items/E5UL2HXA"],"itemData":{"id":155,"type":"article-journal","title":"Donald Trump’s full inauguration speech transcript, annotated","container-title":"The Washington Post","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Blake","given":"Aaron"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Blake). Somewhere he used more iterations that Muslims or Immigrants. It helped him being more logically clear toward his concepts. It is a general understanding that if someone modals any word, it means that he is being more concentrative toward that thing. Same is true with his inaugural address. While referring toward the re- building of his nation, and the re- building of his country he modeled upon such words. It served him in two ways. He remained clear at first and secondly, he made it clear to his fellow humans that he values this thing. Many previous Presidents had also used such techniques to focus over their words, but in the case of Mr. Trump, it is very right to say that he naturally had this habit of stressing upon the words, and not just in this case.

Conclusion: A complete analysis of the inaugural address of the 45thh President of the United States suggest that he remained confrontational throughout his speech. There is reason that have been explained above also. For example, he stressed upon his policy priorities, it is a kind of an attitude which shows that there are many changes in his policies. Along with this it shows that such differences are important and are relevant to just his specific Presidential term. For example, Mr. Trump remarks about the Muslim community or Islam are much different from the of the previous Presidents. He also stressed upon many such areas that remain important in understanding his policy priorities. The confrontational aspect was also evident from the fact that he avoided talking about the most acclaimed accomplishments of the previous Presidents. Such is not the custom of the inaugural addresses. Rather it is considered against the democratic norms of the country. There is an understandable thing that the incoming administration will be different toward many things, but this was also quite evident in his address too. The above-mentioned aspects also show that despite being fulfilling toward the grammatical rules and the syntax, the speech employed all the features of being confrontational.

Work Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Blake, Aaron. “Donald Trump’s Full Inauguration Speech Transcript, Annotated.” The Washington Post, 2017.

Chilton, Paul. “‘The People’ in Populist Discourse.” Journal of Language and Politics, vol. 16, no. 4, 2017, pp. 582–594.

Suhadi, Agung, and Kiagus Baluqiah. “DONALD TRUMP AND BARRACK OBAMA’S INAUGURAL ADDRESS: STYLISTIC ANALYSIS.” Proceedings of ISELT FBS Universitas Negeri Padang, vol. 5, 2017, pp. 169–177.

Subject: Education

Pages: 7 Words: 2100

Critical Issues Paper

Critical Issues Paper

Ethnic Identity




Critical Issues Paper

Ethnic Identity

Question: 1

Unauthorized population in the United States of America has reached the number of almost 5.5 million, which is a point of great concern. Most of them are the parents, however, a significant number is of the children and the adolescents, who are unable to get authorizations due to the unauthorized status of their parents. Stepping to adolescence from childhood, the youth has to face a number of challenges as they realize their importance and position in society. Belonging to a different ethnic group than the majority groups of the society also gives rise to the identity issues to the youth and they feel themselves excluded from the majority culture of the society. This is mainly because of their unauthorized status in society. The unauthorized status of their parents, as well as their own, is like a constant hanging sword on their heads, which can kill them at any time, as they are fearful of being deported, sent to detention and separated from their parents. They develop a feeling of constant fear and anxiety, which does not only tires them physically, but also has greater implications on their mental health and psychological state (Yoshikawa, Suárez‐Orozco, & Gonzales, 2017).

The unauthorized youth face continuous fear and anxiety as they that they would be separated from their parents. Their constant fear and anxiety have great implications for their development. One of the most important domains of development which is affected by this state of constant fear and anxiety is the mental wellbeing of the youth. They are not able to enjoy the pleasures of life and are in the state of worry and fear all the time which does not even let them think properly. This can weaken their physical health by affecting the working of their heart, as well as other organs of their body. They may not be able to concentrate their studies and ultimately not being able to depict a remarkable result in their academics. Most of the times, the remarkable and impressive performance of the students is their chance towards a better life, however, in the case of unauthorized youth, they cannot even avail this opportunity because of their unauthorized status. The unauthorized status adds to their difficulties in the way that they are not able to enjoy the rights and leisure of life, which are available to other authorized segments of society. All of this is contributed by the continuous fear and anxiety. Another domain of developmental implication of living with fear and anxiety is that the youth develops the risk attitude and have the tendency of getting involved in the risky or even criminal activities. They think that they would not be able to make a change by following the laws of the society and ultimately they have to face deportation or detention, so it is better to make their life a little better even if they have to commit a crime for it (Hernandez et al., 2011).

Question: 2

The film “Papers: Stories of undocumented youth,” sheds light on the experience of the unauthorized youth who grew up in the United States of America. The film has highlighted that most of the unauthorized youth, who have spent their childhood in the United States, feel themselves as Americans and not as the member of their ethnic group. On the other hand, some other members of unauthorized youth feel alienated in the American society because of the fact that they are staying illegally in the United States of America and have not been given the authority of being the legal citizens of the American society. This has greater implications on their ethnic identity and experiences as they are made to think that they cannot relate to the American culture due to their illegal status (Manuel, Pineda, Galisky, & Shine, 2012).

The young adults’ positive ethnic and/or cultural identity development can be affected by the dissonance between their sense of identity, and the invalidation of that identity by the immigration laws of the United States of America. According to Phinney’s model of ethnic identity in adolescence, the youth belonging to the minority group of the society responds in four different ways to the awareness of their identity. The very first way is the assimilation, in which the members of the ethnic group forget about the values, traditions, and culture of their ethnic group and follow the majority culture of the society. The second way is marginality, in which the member of the ethnic group reject the values of their culture and they are also rejected by the majority culture of the society. The third way is the separation in which the members of the ethnic group reject the values of the majority culture and follow their own minority culture. The fourth and last way is biculturalism in which the members of the ethnic group develop a dual identity and follow both the minority and majority culture of the society (Phinney, 1993).

The most prominent aspect of my identity is biculturalism. Moving through adolescence and young adulthood, some aspects of my identity remained fairly stable and the connection with my minority culture is one of the examples. On the other hand, the aspect of my identity which changed while moving from adolescence to young adulthood is becoming closer to the majority culture of the society. I have accepted the fact that there are strengths of each culture, and taking them along will only add to my strengths and increase the opportunities for progress.


Hernandez, I., Mendoza, F., Lio, M., Latthi, J., & Eusebio, C. (2011). Things I'll never say: Stories of growing up undocumented in the United States. Harvard Educational Review, 81(3), 500-508.

Manuel, J., Pineda, C., Galisky, A., & Shine, R. (2012). Papers: Stories by undocumented youth. Portland, OR: Graham Street Productions.

Phinney, J. S. (1993). A three-stage model of ethnic identity development in adolescence. Ethnic identity: Formation and transmission among Hispanics and other minorities, 61, 79.

Yoshikawa, H., Suárez‐Orozco, C., & Gonzales, R. G. (2017). Unauthorized status and youth development in the United States: Consensus statement of the society for research on adolescence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 27(1), 4-19.

Subject: Education

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Critical Issues Paper

Developmental Implications of Homelessness for Adolescents and Emerging Adults

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Developmental Implications of Homelessness for Adolescents and Emerging Adults

Question 1


Homelessness is a serious and emerging problem in many countries including the United States of America CITATION Mas04 \l 1033 (Mason G. Haber & Toro, 2004). Defining homelessness involves many difficulties. One difficulty is addressing the question that how long should one remain outside the home to qualify as being homeless. Homelessness has enormous developmental implications on mental and physical health, education and family relations of the sufferer.

Developmental implications on mental health. Adolescents who are homeless are at a higher risk of mental disorders than those who are not homeless. For instance, Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is markedly high in homeless adolescents CITATION Mas04 \l 1033 (Mason G. Haber & Toro, 2004). Mood disorders and suicide attempts are also prevalent among them. There is a risk of behavior disorders, sexual abnormal behavior, and illegal behavior. Studies have shown that homeless are more prone to substance use disorder because of greater exposure.

Developmental implications on physical health. Homeless children are more exposed to catching a contagious disease. Due to financial instability and lack of support, they might not be able to timely treat a disease. Moreover, they might not be aware of the precautionary measurements to avoid diseases

Developmental implications for education. Homeless adolescents have difficult school histories with problems such as dropouts or interruptions. In a study of Detroit, out of 251 adolescents, 88% were found suspended and/or dropped out CITATION Mas04 \l 1033 (Mason G. Haber & Toro, 2004). They suffer from learning difficulties. A high percentage of such students suffer from attention deficit disorder (ADD) CITATION CAX94 \l 1033 (Mason, 1994). Some suffer from diseases. Residential instability adversely impacts education.

Developmental implications on family relations. One of the foremost causes of running away from home is disturbed family relations CITATION Jef17 \l 1033 (Arnett, 2017). The relations become worse after running away. There is a lack of contact as well. Parental authority is undermined which may result in misbehavior. A child's running away might impact the mental and physical health of the mother in grief too. Relations in families that are homeless are also strained CITATION Mas04 \l 1033 (Mason G. Haber & Toro, 2004).


Haber & Toro have discussed several perspectives in their article: Poverty and Child Development, Homelessness as Trauma, Social Learning Theories, Risk Amplification Model, Intergenerational Perspectives, the COR Model and Ecological Perspectives on Homelessness. The Ecological-Developmental Perspective seems the most comprehensive, It explains the causes of homelessness, the developmental implications and also the suggests policies steps to address the issue in both adolescents and families. All the ideas discussed in this perspective are testable. By providing an ecological perspective, it regards poverty as one of the foremost causes of homelessness. Homelessness also deteriorates parents-child bond in cases of a runaway.

The ecological-developmental perspective puts into account early developmental stages i.e. infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and also look at the bigger picture i.e. social systems. Most of the other developmental approaches fail to consider the interplay between family and larger social systems. Ecological perspective explains the developmental impact at different stages of development. It is useful in the case of runaways as well. It makes a distinction between those who are thrown away and those who run away on their own. It also discusses families that are homeless with implications on adolescents. As it combines ecological considerations with developmental theories, it provides suggestions for remedies as well. It also takes into account the person-environment fit approach and the deficit-based approach and advocates against stigmatization.

Question 2


The pressing issue of homelessness demands serious interventions on the part of the society, institutions and the government. For homeless adolescents who are students, school, as well as entities outside schools, can provide finance to support them. However, only 55% of liaisons of schools are doing good to help homeless students connect with supports and services CITATION Eri \l 1033 (Ingram E. S., Bridgeland, Reed, & Atwell). The students should be encouraged to stay in schools. They should be connected with outside entities for assistance. In order to prevent student homelessness, early warnings systems such as attendance, etc. can be employed. Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that homeless students be supported to continue studies CITATION ByE \l 1033 (Ingram B. E., Bridgeland, Reed, & Atwell). Therefore ESSA should be fully implemented. To promote their education, a national graduation rate should be set.

Homeless people should be identified. Efforts should be made to make them aware of their rights. Homeless children or families should be connected with public or private welfare homes for the homeless. Moreover, they should be made aware of hospitals where they are treated for diseases.

The community should also play its part in financially supporting homeless people including adolescents and families. Schools liaison should connect with outside donors. Homeless families should be connected with donors.

Awareness in the community and the nation as a whole should be raised so that people become sensitive towards the child homelessness issue

Affordable housing should be provided by connecting homeless people with houses supported by public funds. To address the homelessness issue, host home programs can also be initiated.


Homelessness is a national issue and therefore it demands intervention by the three tiers of the government and the community as a whole. It is a shared responsibility. The government alone can never identify all the homeless people. Nor can it finance all of them from public funds.

The community can help identify homeless persons and connect them with donors. If the relations between adolescents and family are tense in any neighborhood, the community should encourage good family relations between them. Big businesses should include helping the homeless in their corporate social responsibility agendas.

The United States Interagency Council embarked upon a federal goal to end youth homelessness in 2010, which is a welcoming step. The four key goals include ending homelessness by 2020. The federal government should strive to implement this program in letter and spirit.

State governments should specifically allocate funds for homeless people. These funds should be smoothly transferred to the local governments since local governments are more connected with people. Local governments should strive to raise the level of awareness of the community. Funding raising campaigns may be started by the local government.

Media can also play a role in raising the awareness of the people. International organizations such as UN agencies for education and eradication of poverty should include combating homelessness in their agenda. The enormity of this grave issue demands national and global cooperation.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Arnett, J. J. (2017). Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood.

Ingram, E. S., Bridgeland, J. M., Reed, B., & Atwell, R. (n.d.). HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: HOMELESS STUDENTS IN AMERICA PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

Mason. (1994). Adolescent Problem Behavior. American Journal of Community Psychology.

Mason G. Haber, & Toro, P. A. (2004). Homelessness Among Families, Children, and Adolescents. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review.

Subject: Education

Pages: 3 Words: 900

CSEG Reach Scholarship

CSEG Reach scholarship

[Author Name]

CSEG Reach scholarship

What stimulated your interest in your chosen major and what attributes do you possess that you feel would enhance your career?

Education helps us to grow and to achieve high achievements in life. I am working as a flight assistant just because of my previous education. Now I want to start my bachelors to deepen my knowledge and to develop excellent leadership skills. I believe that by getting this degree I will contribute to the community at the college in a much positive way. My background and experience of working as a flight assistant and managing others give me a great and valuable perspective.

I am a passionate individual who has the ability, drive, and ambition, all of which are qualities that are important for effective leadership. I possess excellent team working skills and I can work individually or in groups. I possess strong organizational skills that I have gained during my work experience. I consider my key strength to have an ability to manage people, make analytical judgments, assessing emergencies and making decisions. I possess excellent interpersonal skills that allow me to relay information clearly to my passenger.

There are many opportunities in my company to get promoted. I love new challenges and aspire to develop skills in me that can help me to get promotion in this organization. I am a hard-working and motivated person and want to achieve an exciting and rewarding career in the company. I am extremely interested in a leadership position in the same company where I am working. I feel that my strong travel and customer service background experience would allow me to make a great contribution to the company. I possess excellent communication skills and this I know while performing my duties as a flight attendant where I have to communicate with passengers and I have great listening power. I know that the knowledge and skills which I gained from my position as a flight attendant can be easily adapted by me in my future career. I have a great ability to think critically as this is a part of our training as a flight attendant. I have a great ability to make quick decisions as I am trained to deal with the emergencies and in the past, I have taken some decisions which were proved very effective such as dealing with security and emergencies.

There come several occasions where I used my leadership qualities to come out of the worst situation and at that time I always feel that I possess excellent leadership qualities. I believe that being a flight attendant is far more than just serving beverages. In this job, we work with many different kinds of people all around the world. The most important aspect of my job is conceptual, human and technical skills. I believe that I possess technical skills by knowing specific aircraft, as all of them do not work the same. In my position as a flight attendant, most of my work is with people and I feel that excellent human skills are very important as I have to treat each passenger differently. My supervisor is not always present on a plane watching me so at that time I apply what I have learned. A good leader possesses all these skills and every day when I step on an aircraft I consider myself as a leader as people look at me for guidance and to solve their problem.

How would receive this scholarship change your life?

In my opinion, all of us must have the desired goal that can change our carrier path. This scholarship will help me to build the leadership skills that will help me in future to get the position which I want. This scholarship will boost my self-confidence, by knowing that I have not only completed a very important task but also create a foundation for getting closer to my career goals.

After contributing my duties as flight assistant now I am seeking new challenges in my organization with exceptional leadership, planning, and management skills. In the future, I want to serve my responsibility as leader in inflight operation. I am already working in the airline and by getting this scholarship it will enhance my leadership abilities.

My goal is to have a career in which I can use my specialized leadership, attentiveness and decision making skills combined with a strong background of business to help my company to achieve their business goals. Currently, I am working as a flight attendant and I enjoy this job because I love to serve and help other people. I want to see the impact of my work on the lives of other people. But on the other hand, I want to enhance my quality of helping, organizing and persuading abilities. This scholarship will help me to enhance my skills and I will successfully implement this in my organization and managed to help the company to work efficiently and effectively. To get a leadership position in the inflight department I must require a strong understanding of both business and technical practices to excel.

I am very committed to undertaking professional training to fulfill my goals but the very high fee of most of the online courses and certification holds me back to take them. This scholarship will help me to strengthen my position to fulfill the goal that I have set for myself which I was unable to pay due to the financial burden and helps to serve my position as a leader in my company. Overall this scholarship will help me to accomplish my goal and helps me to become a successful professional in the inflight management field. I strongly believe that my education and experience fit well with the requirements of this scholarship and I am sure that this scholarship will make a great contribution to my continuing education and my career.

Please describe, what your educational and career goals are and how the scholarship will help you live your life.

Well, I believe that the BA in business leadership will help me to give the confidence to apply for the position in my company that I want. I believe that I possess excellent skills and capability to become a leader. However, I am anxious and nervous about not having financial resources to get the degree that is required for promotion. I believe that this scholarship will give me that confidence that I needed to step up and get the lead role in the inflight department.

Regarding my education goal, I wanted to possess an understanding of the leadership role in the organization. I want to develop reflective and analytical thinking to analyze problems and to develop different alternatives so that I can take best decisions during an emergency as I feel that decision making is very important and it's a social responsibility. I want to learn the skills to recognize ethical dilemmas related to decision making regarding the flight. I want to possess knowledge that is needed to assess customer needs and to meet the quality standards of the services which I can provide to my passengers as for me customer satisfaction is the very important and utmost priority. I want to learn about different policies, procedures, equipment, and strategies necessary to promote effective security operations and passenger’s protection. The degree in BA in business administration is perfect for me as by having this degree I will achieve my educational goals and which in turn benefit me to get the dream position in my company.

What are your projected goals for the next five years and how do you see college contributing to the achievement of these goals?

Well, since becoming a flight attendant, I've found I like my job. In five years, I see myself being a team leader in the inflight department of my company. I would like to have my leadership training course completed and would like to develop skills that are needed to manage the team. My goal is to develop professional skills that can help me to grow in my career. I would be interested in learning more about leadership skills and different strategies that can help me to perform duties effectively. I want to seek new challenges in my organization with exceptional planning, leadership, and management skills. In next year I want to serve my responsibility as managing the inflight operation. The degree this college is offering is sufficient to reach my goals. The college will help me to develop all the skills that are necessary for professional growth. The college will provide me a degree which is the main requirement for a leadership position in my company as this degree covers all the topics that interest me the most. As a future inflight leader I must be an expert in analyzing and solving practical problems which I face in the daily routine task. I am sure that the numerous case assignments and traineeships during this program will help me to gain the necessary skills and knowledge.

Subject: Education

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Cultural Intelligence

Cultural Intelligence



Cultural Intelligence

Cultural intelligence (CQ) is the competency of individuals to relate and work efficiently within a diverse cultural setup. In today's globalized world, workplaces have become diverse with a variety of cultural backgrounds. It is necessary to evaluate employee's skills and capabilities if they can suit well in a multi-cultural setting. Several tests have been developed to characterize intercultural intelligence. The CQ Assessment is a pioneering research-based model for weighing the employee awareness and skills to work efficiently within national, racial, transcultural and executive cultures. CQ assessment measures within four discrete field; drive, knowledge, strategy, and action. It helps evaluate an individual's motivation to work and keep good relations with people from different cultural backgrounds. It assesses one's knowledge of different cultures and their norms. It also helps individuals strategize and adapt during interactions. But this cultural intelligence is dynamic and can be improved and leveraged based on the results.

In my CQ assessment, the results revealed a very astounding thing that I did not know about me before. I did not know that I had such a lack of knowledge around values and norms. The results also showed that I have a low score around business cultural intelligence. Values and norms are deeply rooted in culture and they define one's attitude and ways of interacting with people from diverse cultures. I thought I had enough knowledge about cultures norms and values to distinguish and fit in well, but after taking this test I realized that within a workforce environment, one has to have a very sound command on this matter. These things subconsciously guide our behavior and opinions and eventually influences everything that occurs in any organization. Similarly, knowledge about business cultural intelligence is as important to adapt well to any multi-cultural firm. In a much diverse cultural organization, we see segregation based on nationalities or sometimes religion. The knowledge about ethnicities, cultural values and differences influence the potential growth of a business.

CQ assessment results have an important element of variability in them and can be used as a strategy for comparative research. Individuals can get an opportunity of an extensive though processing scheme and recognize the reasons for variabilities in skills and aptitude. Through this test, I came to know my strengths in cultural intelligence. The report suggested that I have a high CQ drive score in all categories; overall, intrinsic interest, extrinsic interest, and self-efficacy. It means I have a high motivation for learning and adapting to a new and diverse cultural environment. It boosts the confidence for adapting abilities that influence the performance in an intercultural setting. I also have a moderate score in CQ strategy in awareness and checking categories. I tend to look carefully and act accordingly before and after intercultural interactions. I also reflect on my experiences later and it helps in refining my mental maps and strategies for efficient interactions.

By finding out results from the CQ assessment, strengths can be leveraged and used for achieving improved performance results. The first thing to leverage strengths is to reflect on oneself and identify the strengths and how they have a positive impact on the workplace and personal performance. It is postulated that cultural diversity has a significant impact on business effectiveness more than we think of. Our cultural backgrounds and values influence our thinking, actions, and interactions. The proportion of success and failure depends on the degree of understanding the variations and their reason. It is imperative to plan and make strategies to analyze personal interactions. A good way is to collaborate with fellow employees and explore their norms and values. In a business setting, it is important to analyze how management and employees interact with each other. One should always remember while interacting with people from different cultures to talk about their language, country, common traditions, economy, religious outlook, how they interact physically, how they greet each other etcetera. But not just this, one should also be familiar with their own culture because it helps in comparing and starting a conversation. Cognitive thinking should be utilized in such a social situation and observe and learn other's attitude.

The areas in my assessment report that need improvement are norms and values and business knowledge cultural intelligence. There is a huge variation within all cultures so it is not fair to generalize an idea related to all people belonging to that particular culture or ethnicity. Thus CQ knowledge provides an opportunity to all people within a workforce to identify when and how specific cultural values influence an individual's thinking and behavioral pattern. To remove these flaws, it is important to learn that all cultures have different economic, legal, business and political systems. The pattern of production, services and governing inside a business vary nation to nation. Somethings might seem unimportant but are crucial in the understanding of a culture such as family and education system for developing human resource policies. The integration of all domains of CQ assessment is a valuable and efficient phenomenon for adapting in multi-cultural environments. Feedbacks on the assessment can help improve the weak areas and focus on personal development. Also, the organizations should allow the employees to conduct question-answer sessions, where people can openly be involved in inter-cultural differences. Internalization helps understand and learn more than mere reading and hearing about cultural studies. Cultural intelligence in action helps individuals create adaptive communication strategies within a cross-cultural environment.

Subject: Culture

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Cyberattack On HBGary Federal

Your Name

Instructor Name


Cyber Attack on HBGary Federal

Question 1 Part A

A content management system was created by HBGary’s website ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"FksChgRm","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Olson)","plainCitation":"(Olson)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":147,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/sbFMNDWM/items/4HPAE4CN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/sbFMNDWM/items/4HPAE4CN"],"itemData":{"id":147,"type":"webpage","title":"Anonymous Takes Revenge On Security Firm For Trying To Sell Supporters' Details To FBI","container-title":"Forbes","abstract":"Five members of group bring hack servers, emails, Twitter account and Web site, potentially ruining business.","URL":"https://www.forbes.com/sites/parmyolson/2011/02/06/anonymous-takes-revenge-on-security-firm-for-trying-to-sell-supporters-details-to-fbi/","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Olson","given":"Parmy"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",10,18]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Olson 2) . The CMS has several vulnerabilities and attackers were able to exploit these vulnerabilities. Anonymous attackers were able to gain entry by using new passwords that were updated by the employees.

Question 1 Part B

The attackers were able to exploit local vulnerability because the passwords that employees were using were not strongly encrypted.

Question 1 Part C

The attackers were able to use the social engineering of a network administrator. After hacking it, they were able to access the rootkit.com webserver.

Question 2

The attack on HBGary Federal can be characterized as opportunistic. This is because it was the organization’s fault. They should have considered all security options by catering to the vulnerabilities of a new content management system. Also, they must have trained the employees to use strongly encrypted passwords.

Question 3 Part A

In any organization, employee data is always protected and is highly confidential. Hackers were able to retrieve not only the email addresses of employees but were able to retrieve usernames and passwords of the administrators for HB Gary Federal web servers as well. As hackers were able to access all the organization's data, they could have exposed confidential emails to the public which could cause HBGary Federal to lose lots of money and reputation.

Question 3 Part B

The anonymous hackers hacked into HBGary’s website and after gaining access, they replaced it with a message indicating that they would release all the findings that Barr investigation had been doing on them. This activity can be described as an integrity attack as hackers not only gained access to the website but were able to corrupt the data and rewrote them.

Question 3 Part C

Anonymous took control of the organization’s emails while also erasing 68,000 emails from the system. This activity can be considered as an availability attack.

Question 4 Part A

Gaining access to Linux computers with the help of social engineering, hackers were able to access web servers and Barr’s Twitter account as well.

Question 4 Part B

Action G was done first because after gaining access to the rootkit.com webservers, hackers were able to access all the data of an organization.

Question 4 Part C

Hackers need to gain access to the webservers to delete emails and other important data so action D was done first.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Olson, Parmy. “Anonymous Takes Revenge On Security Firm For Trying To Sell Supporters’ Details To FBI.” Forbes, https://www.forbes.com/sites/parmyolson/2011/02/06/anonymous-takes-revenge-on-security-firm-for-trying-to-sell-supporters-details-to-fbi/. Accessed 18 Oct. 2019.

Subject: IT

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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