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Intercultural Communication

Answer 1

The term culture refers to the collection of knowledge, shared beliefs, and human interaction (Jones). Typically, cultures are created through communication. This is because communication is the means of interaction by which cultural characteristics such as gender roles, laws, rituals and customs are created. The course facilitated a lot in understanding between culture and communication. After taking this course I was able to understand the importance of not only verbal but non-verbal communication, as well. I have learned how even the slightest gesture such as making eye-contact with elders, can be considered as a friendly gesture in American culture, but disrespectful in many other cultures.

Answer 2

Non-verbal communication includes body language, facial expression, and physical distance, etc (Jones). The non-verbal signals can facilitate in giving clues that provide additional information over verbal communication. For instance, the question, “What are you doing in the evening?” can be interpreted in many ways based upon tone, posture, and eye-contact. Therefore it is necessary to use appropriate non-verbal messages while communicating with people belonging to a different cultural background

Answer 3

To be an effective and competent intercultural communicator, one has to respect other cultures. Also, one has to pay more attention to non-verbal communication, and practice active listening and observing. While communicating with people belonging to a different culture it is recommended to avoid colloquialism along with idioms and jokes etc. Furthermore, it is necessary to accept and learn from mistakes and be more tolerant to those who make them.

Answer 5

To avoid discriminatory, and oppressive behaviors, it is necessary to accept the differences regarding culture, race, sexuality, and religion of people. This can be done by launching a media campaign and providing awareness regarding the negative impacts of discriminatory remarks on an individual’s mental and emotional health. Furthermore, as a citizen, one should understand and learn more about diversity and respect the beliefs and cultural differences of other people.

Answer 6

To communicate with people with different cultural backgrounds, it is necessary to initiate communication with simple sentences and avoid using jargon. Secondly, it is necessary to first show respect and then proceed to talking with people rather than asking only random, yes or no questions. Non-verbal communication also plays a vital role while communicating with people of different cultural backgrounds, so it is important to have some knowledge regarding the culture and further initiate communication.

Answer 7

After taking the course I realize that cultural identity is the feeling of belonging to a group and is a part of self-conception and self- perception. I learned about different ethnicities and their cultures during a course. Although, there are occasions where individuals within a given culture may disagree with the views that are promoted by cultural leaders. However, this course helped me in building my cultural identity as I learned about the communication methods, rituals, and beliefs of different groups with whom I can identify myself, as well.

Before taking the course, I was not familiar with Chinese culture. I always thought that Chinese people’s parenting styles are strict and they intervene in every matter of their children. However, after taking the course, I realized, that in Chinese culture, family means a lot and therefore they rely more upon their families for advice while making important decisions. Also, in the context of non-verbal communication, I realized that bowing down in front of elders and not making eye-contact is a method of paying respect.

Answer 8

At the workplace, it is necessary to first respect the cultural differences and be tolerant and empathetic towards people of different cultural backgrounds. The next thing is to institutionalize cultural knowledge and avoid using jargon. Additionally, active listening and learning are very important. Also, one should not intimidate others while communicating with people of different cultural backgrounds, but rather try observing their speaking style and respectfully communicate with them. Moreover, it is necessary to accept mistakes to build a friendly relationship.

Answer 9

Owing to the tremendous increase in the use of technology has especially, become an indispensable part of our lives. The media also influences our cultural identity. Although, being consciously aware of what is being displayed by the media, it still plays a substantial role in influencing cultural identity. Media has the power to portray any culture or group positively and negatively which can, therefore, influence one’s cultural identity.

Answer 10

Intercultural competence can be described as the ability to develop targeted knowledge, and skills that facilitate both effective and appropriate intercultural interactions (Jones). Intercultural competence constitutes cultural self-awareness and culturally specific knowledge. If an individual learns to be flexible, empathetic, and adaptable, then he or she would be considered as being culturally competent.

Works Cited

Jones, Anna, and Xuan Quach. "Intercultural communication." The University of Melbourn (2007).

Subject: Culture

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Internal Audit Of Strategic Assets

Internal Audit of Strategic Assets

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

[Include any grant/funding information and a complete correspondence address.]

Internal Audit of Strategic Assets

Strategic resources in healthcare are human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and information resources. Utilizing strategic resources in an organization like healthcare can help them to reach organizational goals and development. This can also help in the minimization of risks. Strategic competencies in healthcare are communication skills, relationships with management, being a professional, knowledge and information about healthcare education, skills and knowledge about business and leadership skills.

Organizations like healthcare have been developed in the field of management and resources. They have introduced new systems in the practices starting form technologies to human behaviors. In healthcare, licensed healthcare providers can play in helping organizations to attain an advantage. Health care providers when trained enough and are made professional. It will result in better behaviors with the management and patients who can be considered as the customers. Their knowledge in the field of healthcare has an impact on the second person and the management. Their knowledge level decides their competency in healthcare ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"oEPNUZhM","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Evans, Brown, & Baker, 2017)","plainCitation":"(Evans, Brown, & Baker, 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":4,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/smYQhi21/items/J7Y6Y9QB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/smYQhi21/items/J7Y6Y9QB"],"itemData":{"id":4,"type":"article-journal","title":"Organizational knowledge and capabilities in healthcare: Deconstructing and integrating diverse perspectives","container-title":"SAGE Open Medicine","volume":"5","source":"PubMed Central","abstract":"Diverse concepts and bodies of work exist in the academic literature to guide research and practice on organizational knowledge and capabilities. However, these concepts have largely developed in parallel with minimal cross-fertilization, particularly in the healthcare domain. This contributes to confusion regarding conceptual boundaries and relationships, and to a lack of application of potentially useful evidence. The aim of this article is to assess three concepts associated with organizational knowledge content—intellectual capital, organizational core competencies, and dynamic capabilities—and to propose an agenda for future research. We conducted a literature review to identify and synthesize papers that apply the concepts of intellectual capital, organizational core competencies, and dynamic capabilities in healthcare settings. We explore the meaning of these concepts, summarize and critique associated healthcare research, and propose a high-level framework for conceptualizing how the concepts are related to each other. To support application of the concepts in practice, we conducted a case study of a healthcare organization. Through document review and interviews with current and former leaders, we identify and describe the organization’s intellectual capital, organizational core competencies, and dynamic capabilities. The review demonstrates that efforts to identify, understand, and improve organizational knowledge have been limited in health services research. In the literature on healthcare, we identified 38 papers on intellectual capital, 4 on core competencies, and 5 on dynamic capabilities. We link these disparate fields of inquiry by conceptualizing the three concepts as distinct, but overlapping concepts influenced by broader organizational learning and knowledge management processes. To aid healthcare researchers in studying and applying a knowledge-based view of organizational performance, we propose an agenda for future research involving longitudinal comparative case studies.","URL":"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5464516/","DOI":"10.1177/2050312117712655","ISSN":"2050-3121","note":"PMID: 28620489\nPMCID: PMC5464516","title-short":"Organizational knowledge and capabilities in healthcare","journalAbbreviation":"SAGE Open Med","author":[{"family":"Evans","given":"Jenna M"},{"family":"Brown","given":"Adalsteinn"},{"family":"Baker","given":"G Ross"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017",6,6]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",10,17]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Evans, Brown, & Baker, 2017). Human capital is about the skills, knowledge, and experiences of a human and utilized by them. In the field of health care, learnings from past experiences can be helpful to avoid future mistakes and it will be helpful in the integration of skillful and information-based decisions.

A caregiver having skills and information is not only about medication but also about the use of technology, handling situations in a professional way and management skills. Having complete information and knowledge would not only help, but nurses who are trained and are being provided with a license would be able to perform better, they would be able to solve issues and tasks with quality work ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"5Tijl0lY","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(De Oliveira, 2016)","plainCitation":"(De Oliveira, 2016)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":8,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/smYQhi21/items/U7QCRL6C"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/smYQhi21/items/U7QCRL6C"],"itemData":{"id":8,"type":"article-journal","title":"The importance of information technology as a strategic resource for hospital management process and the management skills required for managers","container-title":"International Journal of Business and Social Research","page":"34-47","volume":"6","issue":"4","author":[{"family":"De Oliveira","given":"Jayr Figueiredo"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (De Oliveira, 2016). Enhanced professional skills improve organizational achievements by assured decision making and better ways to tackle the technicalities. These strategies and competencies help organizations to attain competitive advantages in terms of quality and quantity.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY De Oliveira, J. F. (2016). The importance of information technology as a strategic resource for the hospital management process and the management skills required for managers. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 6(4), 34–47.

Evans, J. M., Brown, A., & Baker, G. R. (2017). Organizational knowledge and capabilities in healthcare: Deconstructing and integrating diverse perspectives. SAGE Open Medicine, 5. https://doi.org/10.1177/2050312117712655

Subject: Healthcare and Nursing

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Investigation Considerations

Investigation Consideration

Chimene tchokoko diboma


9 Oct, 2019

“Table of Contents”

TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u

Introduction 3

step 2 6

step 3 5

step 4 7 Toyata Motor 10

Organizational structure 11

CIA 12 Quality 15

Cyber threats 12

Solution 15



1. Introduction

The initiation of a criminal case is the first stage of the criminal process in which the interrogating officer, the body of inquiry, the investigator and the prosecutor accept and verify the statement or report of a committed or preparing crime and, within the competence established by the criminal procedure code, decide on the need for a preliminary investigation on criminal case in connection with the availability of sufficient data indicating signs of a crime, or the refusal to initiate a criminal case, or the transfer of the application on jurisdiction and the criminal cases of the private prosecution - to the court.

The criminal prosecution stage precedes the preliminary investigation stage. Its main task is to provide a quick response to every crime and create the opportunity for a comprehensive, complete and objective study of all the circumstances of the incident. A criminal case should be instituted in every case where there is at least the smallest chance that a crime has been committed. From the moment the case is opened, the criminal prosecution the mechanism is put in place, and the body of inquiry, the interrogating officer, investigator or prosecutor are given the opportunity to use all methods and means prescribed by law to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and establish objective truth (Maguire, M. (2003).

The interaction of investigators (interrogators) with the bodies of inquiry is determined by objective premises, the most important of which, according to A.P. Derbeneva, are as follows:

the community of their tasks in the fight against crime;

the difference of authority;

the specificity of forces, means, and methods of combating crime;

the independence of the investigator and the body of inquiry, resulting from the lack of administrative subordination to each other

A prosecutor, as well as an investigator or interrogating officer, shall have the right to initiate a criminal case with the consent of the prosecutor. Moreover, the adoption of such a decision is not only the right of these bodies, but also their obligation: a case must be instituted in each case of detecting signs of a crime. The investigator has the right to petition the prosecutor to initiate a criminal case when information about the crime came directly to him or when he himself discovered signs of a crime (for example, during the investigation of another crime). Usually, they initiate cases under his jurisdiction on tribal and territorial grounds.

1.1 Purpose of the planning

The purpose of planning in its content is objective and at the same time it is recognized by the investigating authority in relation to the circumstances of a particular criminal case. In connection with the last situation in the forensic literature, attempts have been made to differentiate the goals of crime investigation (planning).

The principle of validity implies the existence of a sufficient basis for all that is outlined in the plan, based on the information available to the investigating authority. At the same time, the source of such information, for example, in the investigation of crimes committed using banking technologies, can be materials from the criminal case, operational services, government agencies, credit organizations, etc.

2.  Resources

The principle of planning dynamism, on the one hand, consists of the continuity of planning and ensuring the necessary speed, mobility and flexibility of planning as new information about the crime is received, the conditions and conditions of the investigation change. On the other hand, it is a manifestation of the pattern of development of the investigative version. In the process of checking investigative versions, new information about the facts appear, new assumptions about the circumstances of the crime are verified, some versions disappear, others appear, and this happens before the investigation is completed, until the truth of the case is established.

The logical dynamics of the investigation will inevitably cause dynamics in the planning, constant updating and changing the plan of the investigation, taking into account the newly received information. Thus, even the most perfect, deepest, a prospective investigation plan is undergoing continuous adjustment. It does not at all follow that when drawing up the initial plan of the investigation, one can neglect the requirements of the comprehensiveness and depth of analysis of the materials received, the detailed development of investigative versions, planned measures, etc. counting on the fact that the plan is "unstable" and will be changed and supplemented (Dean, G., Filstad, C., & Gottschalk, 2006).

The principle of dynamism of planning obliges the investigating authority to timely make the necessary additions and amendments to the plan of the investigation, taking into account newly received information and changes in the investigative situation. detailed development of investigative versions, planned events, etc. counting on the fact that the plan is "unstable" and will be changed and supplemented. The principle of dynamism of planning obliges the investigating authority to timely make the necessary additions and amendments to the plan of the investigation, taking into account newly received information and changes in the investigative situation. detailed development of investigative versions, planned events, etc. counting on the fact that the plan is "unstable" and will be changed and supplemented. The principle of the dynamism of planning obliges the investigating authority to timely make the necessary additions and amendments to the plan of the investigation, taking into account newly received information and changes in the investigative situation.

The reality of planning assumes that the investigation authorities have the necessary resources at their disposal. All planned procedural and other actions (measures) and / or their complexes should be feasible, planned taking into account the specific conditions and capabilities of the investigation body, which are predetermined by the availability of appropriate resources? In the investigation of crimes committed using banking technologies, these may be: the presence of a sufficient number of operational employees, as a rule, units of the FS ENP, relevant specialists, the possibility of forensic examinations, primarily forensic economics, computer technology, the possibility of using information in the investigation process resources (both computer hardware and related software products) of temporary resources, technical means (e.g. motor vehicles). Otherwise, the investigation planning process will be divorced from the specific circumstances of the criminal case.

In these conditions, the inevitable: errors in determining the only correct the direction of the investigation, distraction of the investigation body to useless measures, loss of the optimal pace of work in a criminal case. The reality of planning is also expressed in the practical feasibility of the planned activities, the possibility of observing their deadlines.

3.  Develop a Plan

The first stage of planning is to analyze the information available to the investigating authority due to the investigative situation at the time planning began.

The sources of information about the investigated event may be various documents contained in the criminal case materials at the time of planning. The volume of such sources depend on the stage (s) of the investigation. So, at the initial stage of the investigation (immediately after the decision to institute criminal proceedings), the sources of information for planning the investigation may be:

Reports of a crime (statement of crime, confession, report on the detection of evidence of a crime, media reports, etc.);

The protocol of explanations of eyewitnesses of the incident, victims, etc .;

acts of departmental official audits, tax audits, documentary accounting audits (inspections);

materials obtained in the course of administrative proceedings (for example, a protocol on an administrative offense, explanations of persons in respect of which an administrative offense was conducted, testimonies of victims, witnesses, expert opinions, other documents (copies thereof), material evidence, etc. .);

results of operational investigative activities;

materials submitted by competent authorities of other countries;

regulations governing the sphere of public relations that have been subjected to criminal assault. It should be borne in mind that the legislation is changing dynamically, so you should carefully compare the time of the investigated event with the period of the validity of certain regulatory acts;

 In addition to the main plan, and often even before its formation, the investigating authority, especially in complex and / or multi-episode cases, develops supporting planning documents:

1) Cards ("personal accounts") on suspects (accused), where episodes of criminal activity is introduced in which the suspect (accused) took part, and data collected for each episode confirming his guilt. “Personal accounts” are separate cards (sheets of paper) compiled separately for each accused, and a card file is a collection of all “personal accounts”;

2) Chess sheets ("chess"): a combination of a graph with a description, a set of "personal accounts", deployed on a single sheet, where each horizontal column represents one of the "personal accounts". The chess sheet gives clarity to all the data collected on the case. “Personal accounts” and “chess” can be compiled by the investigating authorities before the investigation versions are put forward, in the process of studying primary information as a means of analyzing and systematizing (logical ordering).

3) various schemes and graphs reflecting the criminal ties of the accused, the movement of material assets and money, document flow, the organizational structure of enterprises and associations, the territorial location of individual organizations, etc.

4. Step 4

All additional forms of planning help to better navigate the case materials, unload the memory, give greater visibility to the collected evidence and upcoming actions are a kind of accumulative fund, an information base for the investigation as a whole and its planning in particular. The modern level of theoretical ideas about planning an investigation of crimes allows introducing into scientific and practical use the concept of “working documentation”, which should be understood as the entire volume of documents that accompany the investigation of crimes, but which are not procedural, evidence, or other documents that are based on Criminal Procedure Law attached to the materials of the criminal case (Yinghui, 2000). These documents should include:

Orders and instructions on the creation of SOGs and investigative teams and changes in their composition;

criminal investigation plans and programs;

Schemes: investigated criminal activity, preliminary investigation, relations between members of a criminal group (criminal communities, etc.), the movement of criminal capital, banking technologies that were used to commit crimes, etc.;

If the investigation of crimes is carried out by SOG, then planning is carried out by a group method, i.e. the head of the SOG, with the participation of all its members draw up a general plan of investigation of the criminal case, and, in addition, each member of such a group draws up his own, individual plan of investigation.

It seems that the triad of “planning, programming, algorithmization” can be considered as a single organizational element of private forensic techniques in the modern sense of the latter. Under the investigation program, we can understand the data intended to manage specific components of the system - the process of investigating crimes, processing information in order to implement a specific investigation algorithm. The latter, in turn, is an exact instruction to the investigating authority (SOG members), a certain sequence of procedural and other actions (measures) or their complexes to achieve the goal in a finite number of steps. Thus, the plan of investigation contains the program and algorithm of the investigation, as well as other data of an informative nature, allowing the most effective investigation of crimes (for example, indicating the number of the criminal case, the date of the start of the investigation, a brief plot of the case, investigative versions, tasks of the investigation, target dates for the stages of the investigation, etc.). At the same time, the investigation program in some cases, as was noted, it is advisable to set out separately, which optimizes the process of planning the investigation and allows for the multi-episode and / or most complex criminal cases to effectively organize the production of the preliminary investigation.

5. Toyota Motor Corporation

“Toyota Motor Corporation is a Japanese multinational automobile manufacturer headquartered in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. In 2017, Toyota's corporate structure had 364,445 employees worldwide and, as of September 2018, was the sixth-largest company in the world in terms of revenue.

“The Moscow representative office Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan recommends TerraLink as a reliable partner”. The company "TerraLink" provides after-sales service of the local network, the supply of computer equipment and software to Toyota Company. In early March 2018, the Japanese auto giant Toyota announced the creation of a new unit that will focus on the development of unmanned vehicles. Its employees will create “fully integrated, production-friendly drone driving software, (Yamada, 2013).”

 6. Organizational structure

From April 1, 2013, Toyota Motor Corporation’s automotive business will be divided into 4 main structural divisions, in order to more clearly distribute areas of responsibility and make quick decisions. The changes were designed to enhance Toyota’s competitive advantage and contribute to the implementation of sustainable growth strategies at the global level. New organizational and managerial structures were proposed after a thorough analysis of business methods and management decision-making mechanisms in the company.

Organizational StructureChief executive


Manager sales and marketing

Manager finance

GM after sales

Manager body and paint


CR Manager


Manager parts

Admin sales Coordinator

Deputy Manager sales

Service manager

Paint Technicians







Dent Technicians





Manager Parts


Manager Body & Paint



CR officer

Dent Technicians

Paint Technicians


Service Advisor

Assistant manager


Warranty advisor


The United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a department of the US the federal government and the main foreign intelligence and counterintelligence agency in the United States.

“Confidentiality, integrity, and availability, also known as the CIA triad, is a model designed to guide policies for information security within an organization. The model is also sometimes referred to as the AIC triad (availability, integrity, and confidentiality) to avoid confusion with the Central Intelligence Agency. The elements of the triad are considered the three most crucial components of security. PHI is any demographic information that can be used to identify a patient)”.

8. Cyber threats

Toyota is the target of a new cyber attack after an initial intrusion reported in late February 2019. Several Japanese affiliates are affected this time. Attackers could potentially access data from 3.1 million customers

The automaker Toyota revealed on March 29, 2019, that it was the victim of a security breach impacting several of its Japanese subsidiaries. The personal data of 3.1 million customers are potentially affected (Yamada, 2013).


This is the second flaw reported by the manufacturer in two months. A first attack had targeted Toyota's Australian division in February. The same criminal group appears to be behind both attacks, according to FireEye experts. The Australian branch could have served them to have access to the servers of the Japanese divisions.

Toyota has not yet revealed the nature of the data that hackers could access, the investigation is still ongoing. The company is looking for the moment to determine if they have been downloaded. She nevertheless stated that the financial information of the customers was not concerned, because not stored on these servers. The manufacturer has also announced measures to strengthen its global security.

Toyota: victim of two cyberattacks in 5 weeks

At the end of February, the Australian division of automaker Toyota was the victim of a cyber attack targeting the personal data of users.

In late March the Japanese brand reported a similar intrusion into its computer system.

Hackers had access to data from more than 3 million consumers of the automobile builder.

This the attack has indeed affected a large number of subsidiary fu Toyota group such as: Tokyo Tokyo Sales Holdings, Tokyo Tokyo Motor or Lexus Koishikawa Sales.

9.1 Benefits

Toyota is determining exactly what information the hackers had access to and how many people were affected by the attack. However, the group has announced that no financial information has been compromised because it is not stored on the affected server. According to FireEye's experts, both attacks were allegedly perpetrated by the same cybercriminal group. Their intrusion into the Australian branch may have allowed them to break into the servers of the Japanese division.

Toyota has announced important steps to strengthen its global security and reassure consumers. For this, an internal audit will be conducted on all of the group's IT servers. Toyota Financial Services selects Ivanti Patch for Endpoint Manager (powered by Landesk), Ivanti Device Control (powered by Heat) and Ivanti Application Control (powered by AppSense), with the following key benefits:

Significant reduction in patching time

Reduced risk of errors in updates

Previous error correction

Enhanced mobile device security (USB sticks)

Mobile RGPD compliance support Helps meet

security audits annually

White List and Contextual Blacklists and Privilege Management.

Present in around 40 countries, Toyota Financial Services offers its clients a full range of financing and related services through its dealer network. As an international company, Toyota Financial Services supports its IT strategy on global solutions for all its locations, while maintaining a certain autonomy for each country, according to their local issues and constraints.

Thus, if networks, remote access, links and inter-sites and messaging are global, the core network, storage and virtualization systems, office tools or some business solutions are entirely within the IT competence of each in the context of global objectives, including security.

In response to these safety guidelines from the Japanese parent company, the IT France team has, for several years, processed patching manually, aided by a few sporadic tools that did not meet the needs of managing updates on the Internet. Entire IT perimeter administered locally. Because unfortunately, when patches are applied manually, it happens that malfunctions occur, preventing the update of some components. "This is a problem we had with VMware Tools," recalls Pierre NG, Toyota Financial Services' Information Systems Security Manager.

10. Solution

As of March, the solution is deployed on almost 300 devices spread over 2 sites: 20 physical servers, more than 150 virtual servers, 20 laptops, 100 virtualized workstations, etc.

In addition, Toyota Financial Services France also uses Ivanti's Application Control solution to complete the security of its IS, against the risks of Zero-Day operations or the execution of unauthorized applications, by associating whitelists. dynamic and fine management of privileges. To reinforce this precautionary approach, the Ivanti Device Control solution enables Toyota Financial Services to quickly identify each mobile device (including USB keys) and to make it more secure, so that no application can be installed or run from scratch. an unknown mobile device, thus reducing the potential attack surface of the enterprise.

Recommendations for Toyota Motors

Toyota is not at its first failure. Already February 12, the car company had to recall 1.9 million vehicles of its model Prius. "This company should focus the quality and treat it before it represents a risk for the consumer.

In parallel, the recurrent security audits made it necessary to have better control of the applications, while, in particular, to meet the new obligations of the RGPD, the use of mobile devices and USB keys should identify and encrypt became mandatory.

For RAV4, Land Cruiser, and Hilux models, the driver's airbag may no longer work. But the user would still be informed via the indicator light on the dashboard. As for the seats of the Yaris and Urban Cruiser, they will not lock, which would cause their displacement back and forth in case of shock.


Maguire, M. (2003). Criminal investigation and crime control. Handbook of policing, 2, 430-464.

Dean, G., Filstad, C., & Gottschalk, P. (2006). Knowledge sharing in criminal investigations: an empirical study of Norwegian police as value shop. Criminal justice studies, 19(4), 423-437.

Yinghui, S. (2000). An Approach to the Technical Investigation in the Criminal Procedures [J]. CASS JOURNAL OF LAW, 3.


Leo, R. J. (1982). An Update of the Japanese Automobile Export Restraint. Brook. J. Int'l L., 8, 159.

Yamada, K. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 8,536,810. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Shu-jun, J., & Hui, L. (2013). Analysis on the Lean Production about Electronic Assembly Line. Control Engineering of China, S1.

Subject: IT

Pages: 17 Words: 5100

Is Welfare Is The Best Way To Eliminate Poverty?

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Is Welfare the Best Way to Eliminate Poverty?

Poverty is an issue that is persistent and prevalent in many parts of the world. In America, more than 48 million people live a life of poverty and that includes one in every child. Only 1/3 of the people that are born in the abyss of the income ladder make it to the middle rung. In The work responsibility reconciliation act of 1996 basic changes were made in the federal system of public assistance in America. It particularly bound the admissibility of refugee families to obtain many sorts of assistance. In the country many of the welfare programs run as in the rest of the countries, to assist the poor. These programs extend aid and assistance to the poor, low-income families and individuals. Though the programs aim at reducing the poverty and to help the poor, however, there still is a question that raises from many fractions of the society, and that is whether or not the welfare helps remove poverty. The answer is that welfare though provides the temporarily support to the needy and the poor people yet for the long term benefits it does not seem to work.

There is considerable proof that welfare obstructs development against insufficiency. In a lot of the countries, the welfare programs actually increased the rates of poverty than to decrease them. The policy of those governments needs to be revised as they are not meeting the requirements. As Walter Williams says, lecturer of economics at George Mason University, that sentiments based strategy needs unemotional study of effects of policy. Examination of welfare displays it to be problematic for poverty, instead of a solution.

Many of the social scientists, politicians, and people who support the welfare government rely on the welfare programs in some measure since they consider social-welfare plans benefit to decrease the occurrence of poverty. However, a mounting sum of critics emphasizes that these programs in actual fact flop reduce poverty, as too trivial a part of transfers essentially stretches to the poor, or for the reason that these programs make a welfare/poverty con, or because they deteriorate the economy ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"neaVjUIT","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Kenworthy)","plainCitation":"(Kenworthy)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":80,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CyMh1xNF/items/M64HQ7VQ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CyMh1xNF/items/M64HQ7VQ"],"itemData":{"id":80,"type":"article-journal","title":"Do Social-Welfare Policies Reduce Poverty? A Cross-National Assessment","container-title":"Social Forces","page":"1119-1139","volume":"77","issue":"3","source":"JSTOR","archive":"JSTOR","abstract":"[Most social scientists, policymakers, and citizens who support the welfare state do so in part because they believe social-welfare programs help to reduce the incidence of poverty. Yet a growing number of critics assert that such programs in fact fail to decrease poverty, because too small a share of transfers actually reaches the poor, or because such programs create a welfare/poverty trap, or because they weaken the economy. This study assesses the effects of social-welfare policy extensiveness on poverty rates across fifteen affluent industrialized nations over the period 1960-91, using both absolute and relative measures of poverty. The results strongly support the conventional view that social-welfare programs reduce poverty.]","URL":"https://www.jstor.org/stable/3005973","DOI":"10.2307/3005973","ISSN":"0037-7732","shortTitle":"Do Social-Welfare Policies Reduce Poverty?","author":[{"family":"Kenworthy","given":"Lane"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1999"]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",5,13]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Kenworthy).

Afore becoming the leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination, Ben Carson showed up on The View to talk welfare modification a matter that carries on to be discussed in GOP spheres on and off the movement track. He claimed that the social security net could create dependence on America's deprived class. the good thing is that mounting proof all around the world proposes there is a modest proposal for a safety-net scheme that might not cause reliance and can aid boost folks up and out of poverty.

There are three basic problems regarding the issue of poverty. The first one is that poverty can only be overcome when people are self-sufficient. Even if they live temporarily in the acceptable standard of financial status and are dependent upon the assistance provided by the others, it is not the permanent solution. The second thing is that the production brings prosperity. The yield or production needs to be produced and increased constantly for the prosperity and the development to come to the door. If the process of increase in the production stops, the way to prosperity and the higher level of overall well-being also stops. The third and the last thing is that the way to prosperity demands long-term strategy and the methods that are not temporary and have short term effects. When we apply this very ides to the programs that are offering the welfare to the poor people, we come to realize that these programs make the people less self-sufficient and more dependent, which the way that further pushes them away from the path of prosperity ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"QooGRNb7","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Jr)","plainCitation":"(Jr)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":76,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CyMh1xNF/items/3MQBQLVC"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CyMh1xNF/items/3MQBQLVC"],"itemData":{"id":76,"type":"webpage","title":"Does Welfare Diminish Poverty? | Howard Baetjer, Jr.","URL":"https://fee.org/articles/does-welfare-diminish-poverty/","shortTitle":"Does Welfare Diminish Poverty?","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Jr","given":"Howard Baetjer"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1984",4,1]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",5,13]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Jr).

The 1st failure of welfare plans is to errand help with existing depletion while employing practically no stress on job preparation or whatsoever new that may let today’s deprived people become independent in the upcoming. Most of the states have been safeguarding renunciations from the Obama management so as to people on numerous welfare plans (such as SNAP, what used to be called food stamps), is not required to either the work or go to occupation training courses with the intention of continuing to obtain assistance. It is short-sighted as it makes individuals reliant on government welfares ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"65HGTJkM","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Dorfman)","plainCitation":"(Dorfman)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":78,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CyMh1xNF/items/RR564MFC"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CyMh1xNF/items/RR564MFC"],"itemData":{"id":78,"type":"webpage","title":"Welfare Offers Short-Term Help And Long-Term Poverty, Thanks To Asset Tests","container-title":"Forbes","abstract":"The federal government has over 100 welfare programs that collectively do an excellent job of ensuring that people have sufficient resources to maintain a decent standard of living. Unfortunately, those same programs act in ways that make it harder for welfare recipients to escape the welfare system and become self-sufficient.","URL":"https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffreydorfman/2016/10/13/welfare-offers-short-term-help-and-long-term-poverty/","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Dorfman","given":"Jeffrey"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",5,13]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Dorfman). The 2nd failure of government welfare schemes is the shared condition to have negligible possessions to be qualified for aid. Even though a lot of states have eradicated their asset assessments, still they continue in nearly one dozen states and can be so low as $1500. Although it gives the impression to be sensible to refute well-being profits to, say, a superannuated pair with fewer earnings but 2 million dollars in belongings, it does not seem right to push individuals to run through almost all their possessions afore giving them assistance. By making the receivers of welfare so fiscally insubstantial, we guarantee that slightly petite unanticipated economic holdup will be very destructive. The 3rd weakness in these welfare schemes is the way that assistance ends when the receiver’s salary rises. As a family’s salary reaches the deficiency mark and increases above it, families on numerous welfare schemes may essentially face real peripheral tax amounts of 50 or 60 %. Which actually means that the mixture of levies allocated on new wages and aids have gone for the reason that of the growing salary makes the household to lose 50 to 60 % of its original salary gain to the centralized government.

To put it simply, a deprived domestic trying their best to avoid poverty pays an operative border line levy rate that is significantly greater than a middle class domestic and greater than or approximately equivalent to the bordering income tax rate of a household in the highest one %. Keeping these facts our central income tax organization is supposed to advance, meaning higher earnings people pay a higher proportion of that salary in levies, it is ridiculous to force such extraordinary tax rates on folks in poverty.

Life is not the same for every one of us, as some of us are more fortunate than the others. Not everyone gets to seek the same level of education nor all of us live the same life, as the discrimination prevails and it is the reality of life. Every so often the persons we blame for 'taking advantage' of welfare have in fact beforehand been unsuccessful by our people. Some of these people may be of the kind that take the advantage of the others, but not all of them are alike and everyone is definitely not the same. We should not punish all of them for just a few people. The fact is that the welfare is given to those who actually need that, so we should not be judgmental, but it is not beneficial for them even. As they need our long term help and for that they need to be trained to work and to get the job trainings so that they can have a prosperous life ahead ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"27ratWVD","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Debate Topic: Welfare Should Be Abolished | Debate.Org})","plainCitation":"(Debate Topic: Welfare Should Be Abolished | Debate.Org)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":82,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CyMh1xNF/items/VZN3WXNZ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CyMh1xNF/items/VZN3WXNZ"],"itemData":{"id":82,"type":"webpage","title":"Debate Topic: Welfare Should be Abolished | Debate.org","URL":"https://www.debate.org/debates/Welfare-Should-be-Abolished/2/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",5,13]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Debate Topic: Welfare Should Be Abolished | Debate.Org).

At the beginning of the American welfare state president, Franklin D. proposed social security and aid to the poor children. After 60 years the dependency of the deprived still continues and the failure of the program is evident. Welfare is the consequence as well as the cause of many of the conditions, that are known as social pathologies ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"R2Jw59HN","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Niskanen)","plainCitation":"(Niskanen)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":84,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CyMh1xNF/items/QMUX7A5Q"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CyMh1xNF/items/QMUX7A5Q"],"itemData":{"id":84,"type":"article-journal","title":"Welfare and the Culture of Poverty","container-title":"Cato Journal","page":"1","volume":"16","URL":"https://heinonline.org/HOL/Page?handle=hein.journals/catoj16&id=3&div=&collection=","journalAbbreviation":"Cato J.","author":[{"family":"Niskanen","given":"William A."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1996"]],"season":"1997"}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Niskanen). America every year spends about 1 trillion$ for the fight against poverty. The spending on the welfare programs increased in the era of George W. Bush, and even more, raised in the regime of Obama. Despite the increase in the welfare programs, the rats often poverty are the same almost as they were when the programs started. This clearly shows that the state is throwing the resources in the wrong direction ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"YAyaq8JX","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Tanner)","plainCitation":"(Tanner)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":86,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CyMh1xNF/items/23QWJJCN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CyMh1xNF/items/23QWJJCN"],"itemData":{"id":86,"type":"report","title":"The American Welfare State: How We Spend Nearly $1 Trillion a Year Fighting Poverty — and Fail","publisher":"Social Science Research Network","publisher-place":"Rochester, NY","genre":"SSRN Scholarly Paper","source":"papers.ssrn.com","event-place":"Rochester, NY","abstract":"News that the poverty rate has risen to 15.1 percent of Americans, the highest level in nearly a decade, has set off a predictable round of calls for increased government spending on social welfare programs. Yet this year the federal government will spend more than $668 billion on at least 126 different programs to fight poverty. And that does not even begin to count welfare spending by state and local governments, which adds $284 billion to that figure. In total, the United States spends nearly $1 trillion every year to fight poverty. That amounts to $20,610 for every poor person in America, or $61,830 per poor family of three. Welfare spending increased significantly under President George W. Bush and has exploded under President Barack Obama. In fact, since President Obama took office, federal welfare spending has increased by 41 percent, more than $193 billion per year. Despite this government largess, more than 46 million Americans continue to live in poverty. Despite nearly $15 trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago. Clearly we are doing something wrong. Throwing money at the problem has neither reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient. It is time to reevaluate our approach to fighting poverty. We should focus less on making poverty more comfortable and more on creating the prosperity that will get people out of poverty.","URL":"https://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2226525","number":"ID 2226525","shortTitle":"The American Welfare State","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Tanner","given":"Michael"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2012"]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",5,13]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Tanner).

Poverty is one of the major issues as it directly affects society and gives rise to many other problems, such as crimes. The stats show that the welfare programs that are offered for the reduction of the poverty actually do nothing but to give the temporary relief and in long term they actually deteriorate the situation, as the people become lazy and dependent on the state. To sort out a long-term solution for the prosperity the government needs to take the steps to make the people self-sufficient rather than just providing them.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Debate Topic: Welfare Should Be Abolished | Debate.Org. https://www.debate.org/debates/Welfare-Should-be-Abolished/2/. Accessed 13 May 2019.

Dorfman, Jeffrey. “Welfare Offers Short-Term Help And Long-Term Poverty, Thanks To Asset Tests.” Forbes, https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffreydorfman/2016/10/13/welfare-offers-short-term-help-and-long-term-poverty/. Accessed 13 May 2019.

Jr, Howard Baetjer. Does Welfare Diminish Poverty? | Howard Baetjer, Jr. 1 Apr. 1984, https://fee.org/articles/does-welfare-diminish-poverty/.

Kenworthy, Lane. “Do Social-Welfare Policies Reduce Poverty? A Cross-National Assessment.” Social Forces, vol. 77, no. 3, 1999, pp. 1119–39. JSTOR, JSTOR, doi:10.2307/3005973.

Niskanen, William A. “Welfare and the Culture of Poverty.” Cato Journal, vol. 16, 1997 1996, p. 1, https://heinonline.org/HOL/Page?handle=hein.journals/catoj16&id=3&div=&collection=.

Tanner, Michael. The American Welfare State: How We Spend Nearly $1 Trillion a Year Fighting Poverty — and Fail. SSRN Scholarly Paper, ID 2226525, Social Science Research Network, 2012. papers.ssrn.com, https://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2226525.

Subject: English

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Issue Proposal Peer Review

Your Name

Instructor Name

Course Number


Issue Proposal

Poverty is a social evil that affects the society and its people negatively. There are many causes of this social issue. The main causes are unemployment, social injustice, illiteracy, natural disasters, and overpopulation. The changing trends in the economy of a country also cause poverty. It affects society and people in such a way that they end up trapped for the whole life. The highest-ranked among the effects of poverty is the Crime rate in society. When a person is unable to make both ends meet, he tries to earn and fulfill his needs through illegal means. It gives rise to terrorism and fuels a state of misery and frustration in the nation. The issue of inequality arises in society due to poverty and it creates a lot of social tensions and differences among people. Measures should be taken to cut down this social evil and create peace in the country. The best way is to create jobs so that most of the population can fulfill the basic needs and live a contented life. The minimum wage should be raised to reduce poverty. More people should be educated so that they know the difference between right and wrong and prevent illegal means of earning. A proper criminal justice system should be reformed to serve the barriers of poverty in a society. There is nothing impossible in cutting down poverty. The government should take necessary steps to increase economic security and provide opportunities to the middle and lower class.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Issue Proposal Peer Review

Your Name

Instructor Name

Course Number


Issue Proposal Peer Review

Peer Review 1

1. What issue is presented? Explain the "exigence" or problem surrounding the issue. Write out the central question posed by the writer. 

The importance of music education in the education system is the issue presented in the peer draft. The school systems do not look upon the music education the way they consider sports and other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities important. The writer poses a question why music education is important in all school systems.

2. Explain why the issue is compelling to the writer.

The issue is compelling to the writer because most people now days are not aware of the importance of music education. They consider it a distraction from the academics and do not see any point of including it in the education system.

3. Explain what the writer knows about this issue.

The writer believes that people have no imagination that is why they are unaware of the benefits that music provides to the learners. It instills creativity, teamwork, intellectual skills, and discipline in them. According to most people, music cannot offer what academic education can offer them. In other words, they consider it a waste of time.

4. Explain some more that the writer needs to learn about this issue.

The writer needs to mention and appreciate those who are in favor of music education. They believe that music trains the brains to work better.

5. What other suggestions for revision (such as spelling, grammar, structure, readable, etc.) do you have for the writer? 

Revision of the draft should be done, as there are spelling errors that need to be corrected.

Peer Review 2

1. What issue is presented? Explain the "exigence" or problem surrounding the issue. Write out the central question posed by the writer. 

The writer in this draft presents the issue of gun control. People are freely allowed to carry guns with them in the country but this can lead to very serious issues.

2. Explain why the issue is compelling to the writer.

The issue is compelling to the writer because he has two boys that makes him worry constantly for them and the problems that may arise if someday the guns are used other than some safety purpose.

3. Explain what the writer knows about this issue.

The writer states the issue of gun control and the problems that may arise if the purchase of guns is not limited by the government. He has mentioned enough details regarding this issue and is trying to convince the readers to have a proper law for the control of gun purchase and use.

4. Explain what more the writer needs to learn about this issue.

The writer needs to focus on examples of the problems that have arisen due to the purchase and use of guns to a larger extent.

5. What other suggestions for revision (such as spelling, grammar, structure, readable, etc.) do you have for the writer? 

The draft must be revised as it contains some grammar and spelling errors that are affecting the structure of sentences.

Subject: English

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Issues On The Global Environment,

Kason Akbarov

Issues on the global environment

26th Sept, 2019

1. Introduction

“Title: The World’s Oceans Are in Danger, Major Climate Change Report Warns”

Author: Brad Plumer

Media source: “https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/25/climate/climate-change-oceans-united-nations.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fclimate&action=click&contentCollection=climate&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront”

Publication date Sept. 25, 2019

This article focused on a very current issue, which is the World’s oceans are in danger. The article Covenant can provide an opportunity to renew and modernize international environmental law, in particular by learning from the movements associated with major climate change while serving as a driver for improving the effectiveness of already existing instruments.

2. Statement

 According to the report, “Earth’s oceans are under severe strain from climate change, a major new United Nations report warns, which threatens everything from the ability to harvest seafood to the well-being of hundreds of millions of people living along the coasts”.

3. Primary and Secondary issues

 According to the report, moreover, rising temperatures, ocean acidification, increased water salinity, increased heat waves, rising sea levels are all upheavals that should impact marine ecosystems. The fall of marine resources has already damaged by overfishing or new distributions of these resources, to the detriment of some countries. The sea-level rise is a growing threat to small island countries and exposed coastal communities, but will also have a significant impact on world economic powers. In advance of the forthcoming publication of a much anticipated UN report on oceans and climate change, of which AFP has obtained an exclusive copy, here is an overview of what lies ahead for China, the United States, European Union and India if nothing is done, as well as a reminder of their respective contributions in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

According to the report shows that the "drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is essential if we want to avoid room for maneuver to fight the impacts of climate change, continues Valerie Masson-Demotte. She also stressed that for the oceans and the cry sphere, adaptation to climate change is not an option but a necessity.  

4. Facts

Oceans are heat sinks that run at full speed in these times of global warming. "They have absorbed more than 90% of the excess heat" that causes the rapid increase of greenhouse gases, said Brett Veerhusen. They have also captured between 20 and 30% of greenhouse gases emitted by men since the 1980s. But these services are not without consequences on the composition of these large bodies of water. The oceans are more acidic and their oxygen concentration has dropped by 2% in half a century, says this new publication. 

The global level of the seas is increasing, a process that has accelerated in recent decades," also notes the Gien. Between 1901 and 1990, the average increase was 1.4 mm each year. It has grown to “3.6 mm per year over the period 2006-2015”. The first fact is the increase in the average temperature of the water of the oceans, which causes their dilatation. The second is the significant loss of ice and ice sheet mass, particularly in Greenland and the Antarctic ice floe. It is this second factor that contributes most today to the acceleration of the rise in sea levels. This rise in sea level will continue regardless of the scenario of the increase in greenhouse gas emissions retained. The rise would be 43 cm in 2100 in the most optimistic scenario taken into account by the Gien, which limits global warming to + 2 ° C by the end of the century. 

5. Conclusion

Differences between projections come from different model sensitivities for greenhouse gas concentrations and different future emission scenarios. Most studies have chosen 2100 as a horizon, but the warming is expected to continue beyond that because, even if emissions stopped, the oceans have already stored a lot of heat, carbon sinks are to be restored, and the duration of life of Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is long.

6. Personal opinion 

This report provides a positive message despite very disturbing impact projections if greenhouse gas emissions are not drastically reduced." It shows that an emission scenario consistent with the Paris Agreement can stabilize or the state of the future ocean is therefore in our hands, “tempers Jean-Pierre Gattuso, oceanographer, and author of the report.

In my opinion, Devastated by climate change and man-made pollution, the oceans are preparing to unleash their power over humanity that cannot live without them, warns a UN draft report to be adopted on September 25th. Some of the consequences of climate change on the oceans and icy regions of the planet are irreversible and humanity must be prepared, warn experts.

This report is very important for management students due to the oceans change quickly, could suffer significant damage and cause rapid warming in the coming years. Financial mechanisms are needed to save the oceans. According to the report, asset managers, especially pension funds that are slow to appreciate the threat of climate change, may see the value of their investments in energy or electricity companies decline as investors become aware of the risks associated with industries producing large amounts of carbon. Yet opportunities are emerging for financial services to reduce or protect against risk, or even contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the destabilization of the Earth's climate and weather systems.


Brad Plumer, 2019. The World’s Oceans Are in Danger, Major Climate Change Report Warns” Online available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/25/climate/climate-change-oceans-united nations.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fclimate&action=click&contentCollection=climate&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront

Kellogg, W. W. (2019). Climate change and society: consequences of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Routledge.

Subject: Business and Management

Pages: 3 Words: 900

IT Security Policy Framework

Title page

IT security policy

Establishing an effective technology security policy framework is crucial for organizations. The fundamental purpose of an information technology system is to process the data. As every business includes some data processing, the IT security framework deals with critical information such as personally identifiable information. The IT frameworks face the risk of possible theft of its designs, test data, manufacturing and research support applications and its manufacturing capability by suspected foreign entities backing its research partners and civilian competitors CITATION Are14 \l 1033 (AlHogail & Mirza, 2014). This has encouraged the company to adopt an adequate security strategy that will allow companies to attain security control environment CITATION Gar02 \l 1033 (Stoneburner, Goguen, & Feringa, 2002).

Security framework of NIST and ISO/IEC 27000

The primary process in risk management performed according to NIST and ISO/IEC 27000 framework is risk assessment providing information about the levels of risks involved in the information systems. It reveals the information about the potential threats and the nature that helps the organization to reduce the level of risks by adopting the required measures. This also provides information about the internal control systems and its efficacy. NIST (SP 800-53) identify threats as low-impact, high-impact and moderate-impact.

Inventory assets

Potential impact

Mitigating risks



HSM codes/ cryptology



Applications testing

Cloud computing


cryptology/ HTTP

Company’s data


HSM code

Customer data


digital wallet/ merchant software


Based on NIST (SP 800-53) and ISO/IEC 27000 it is critical to deal with important and confidential information so it will adopt certain security measures that are for minimizing the threats associated with the information systems. The activities involved in risk mitigation and integration process is explained below;




Expressing requirements for IT system.

Defining the purpose of system and documentation.

Identification of risks.

Developing and supporting systems.

Meeting security requirements.

Implementing the operational strategy.

Development/ acquisition

Effective designing of IT systems. Purchasing programs and constructing designs where needed.

After identification, it provides security analysis.

Developing appropriate architecture for IT systems.

Meeting database storage requirements.


The security features are configured, tested, enabled and verified.

Effective assessment of risks.

Supporting systems implementation and modelling operational environment.

Critical decisions about systems operations.

Operation/ maintenance

Effective performance of system functions.

Modification of system including hardware and software.

Designing policies and recommendations for organizations.

Periodic systems reauthorization used for risk management activities.

Operational changes in IT systems when needed.

Operational enhancement of production environment.


Disposal of effective information.

Controlled use of hardware and software.

Discarding confidential information when vulnerable.

Scrutinizing hardware and software capabilities.

System components disposed or replaced ensuring proper disposal of hardware and software.

Appropriate handling of residual data.

Secure conduction of systems migration.

Solutions for securing network administration

System characterization is the initial step for assessing the risks involved in organization systems operations. It determines the scope of threats and available resources and involves delineation of operational authorization. The operational environment is also analyzed in this stage. The system-related information involves the description of characteristics of hardware, software, system interfaces, data and information and using IT system including data criticality and systems information. The functions required for the IT system is also explained in this process and defining the system security architecture. The network diagram is also explained in this process and the technical controls include built-in and add on security products CITATION Gar02 \l 1033 (Stoneburner, Goguen, & Feringa, 2002).

Another important information asset for any organization is cloud computing and NIST and ISO/IEC 27000 attempts to provide maximum security related to cloud computing to protect it from breaches and misuse. It provides increased transparency for assessing the quantity and prevents exposure of sensitive data. e-Security measures are provided by NIST to minimize the risks linked with cloud computing. It also includes effective cytological use for confirming authentication. This will minimize the risks associated with the loss and theft of data and the data remains in safe hands. It maintains compliance and privacy environment for organizations and involves security applications. The migration of sensitive data to clouds remains safe and inaccessible by unauthentic sources CITATION Tha16 \l 1033 (Thales, 2016). The cloud computing security is linked to many organizational benefits as it allows migration of cloud customers to cloud services and enhances the security of cloud services that provide certain levels of assurance related to the security of an organization. Some of the effective applications used by ISO/IEC 27000 are SSL secure socket layer also used for data encryption and enhancing the level of security. SSL establishes a safe link between the main server and the interface thus minimizing the risks of unauthenticated access. HyperText Transfer Protocol HTTP is also used for establishing key encryption authentication and is used for supporting multiple security mechanisms CITATION Tha161 \l 1033 (Thanles, 2016). Hardware is one of the important information assets for any organization and there is a need for minimizing the risks associated with hardware breaches. Security framework will safeguard the intellectual property of organizations and it provides various features for securing the company’s hardware. Cryptology is an advanced feature that protects the confidentiality of information specifically in hostile environments. It involves high levels of integrity and authenticity that can be accessed through electronic document and message. The cryptographic protection uses encryption for maximizing security that reflects the transparent deployment. Network connections are protected via Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) capable of accessing remote locations also. Data- crypto is the backbone of the hardware systems that maximize the level of protection and allowing access only after authentication.


BIBLIOGRAPHY AlHogail, A., & Mirza, A. (2014). Information security culture: A definition and a literature review. IEEE.

Stoneburner, G., Goguen, A., & Feringa, A. (2002). Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems. National Institution of Standards and Technology.

Thales. (2016). Controlling Fraud and Protecting Intellectual Property: Today's Challenge. Retrieved 2016 йил 02-october from https://www.thales-esecurity.com/solutions/by-business-issue/controlling-fraud-and-protecting-intellectual-property

Thanles. (2016). Cloud Computing Security. Retrieved 2016 йил 02-october from https://www.thales-esecurity.com/solutions/by-business-issue/cloud-computing-security

Subject: IT

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Job Evaluation

Job Evaluation

[Name of the Student:]

[Name of the Institution:]

Job Evaluation

Plan for Evaluating the Job Description

The plan for evaluating the job description involves the point system of job evaluation, which is based on a comparison of different compensable factors. These compensable factors help in determining the worth of a job relative to the other jobs in the organization. The plan considers the factors of skill, responsibilities, effort, and working conditions to evaluate the job. Skills can be subdivided into experience, education, and ability of the employee or candidate. Responsibilities can be fiscal or supervisory. The effort of an employee can be mental or/and physical. Working conditions vary according to the location, hazards, or the extremities of nature. Based on these factors, the job will be evaluated and compensation is offered. Every factor is assigned certain points for evaluation. The total score for the job will be calculated by summing up points for all factors (Weathington, Weathington, 2020). This job evaluation plan provides a comprehensive view of the job. By using this plan, the job can be evaluated in monetary terms. It can evaluate a wide range of jobs.

Evaluation of the Two Plans

HR Business Partner

The position requires strong HR qualification, experience, and skills as they will train the employees assigned to them. Their ability to create positive relationships among employees will make an impact on the organizational culture. Their responsibilities are supervisory. Their work entails mental as well as physical effort. They might have to travel long distances to fulfill the requirements of jobs (Caldwell, 2008).

Talent Recruiter

The talent recruiter has to work closely with the management. The job needs skills in research, interviewing, and staffing. The job responsibilities are varied (Brymer, Paraskevas, Ellram, & Josefy, 2019). The employer also expects an efficient hiring in monetary terms. There is no more physical effort. The recruiter does not have to travel long distances, as much of the recruiting work can be completed online.


Weathington, B. L. & Weathington, J. G. (2020). Compensation and benefits: Aligning rewards with strategy, updated edition [Electronic version]

Caldwell, R. (2008). HR business partner competency models: Re‐contextualising effectiveness. Human Resource Management Journal, 18(3), 275–294.

Brymer, R. A., Paraskevas, J.-P., Ellram, L., & Josefy, M. (2019). Talent Sourcing Concentration: Source Abundance, Recruiter Power, and Organizational Performance. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019, 12953. Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Job Market For Lawyers And Possible Careers In Political Science Related Fields

Job Career for Lawyers and Career in Field of Political Science

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Job Career for Lawyers and Career in Field of Political Science


The assessment of legal and political education for lawyers and those who have important subjects of political science related fields provide ample of opportunities at various offices and places. Both subjects are inter-related and have considerable difference also. The area of political science is supported by the current events and happenings across the world. There is an excellent opportunity for the corresponding structures of state and formulators of public policy. On the contrary, lawyers have a bright career because they are directly or indirectly connected with the affairs of state, constitutional organizations like parliament, research engines and courts system. It is essential to consider that becoming a lawyer is always well-paid, famous profession and certain trends also encouraged them to advise the government, individual and corporations on legal problems.


The annual survey of the international and comparative law reflected that there is a significant relationship between politics and law. Politics explained the legal values, norms and the functions of institutions while the phenomena of the rule of law is well supported by the interpretation of courts over a particular subject. In such circumstances, there is an excellent market for lawyers to work at every legal firm after completing their required qualification. Even the corporate sector have various arrangements for lawyers to advise them on the matters of legal issues in establishing and marinating the business (Cerar, 2009). For every place or the new settlers of business, there is a requirement of completing the legal documents which cannot be possible without a well-known and competent lawyer. For the legal world where people approached and get advice over the disputes they face at various stages, there is a market for lawyers to serve and earn accordingly.

Before entering into the market, the aspiring lawyers have to receive the graduation in law from a reputable and recognized school/college of law. At the initial stages, they have to undergo through specific training which polished them for arguments and availing significant opportunities inside their course of action (Cerar, 2009). Most of the lawyers have to pass the exam of a bar for the state of employment, and if a person wanted to practice in other state or area of discussion, then he or she has to pass the bar council exam of that particular country. As per estimation of Bureau of Statistics, there is a median salary for a lawyer which ranges from 140000 US dollars to 190000 in a year. In other words, this means that they can earn more than the amount paid to them. Form the past few years the amount of earning on the part of lawyers is the same and many organizations and associated entities reflect it.

The lowest percent of the earning is 57900 US dollars while the upper level of earning on the part of lawyers is 210000 dollars per year. The median annual pay income for the new entrance into the legal market ranges from the 90-15000 US dollars. This shows that starting salaries have risen over the period and these are dramatically high than the other profession. It was for several months and years that benchmark starting salary of a new lawyer at the large firms with more than 700 employees had been 160,000 a year with certain bonuses/allowances. The figure has jumped over the years and reaches up to 180,000 dollars every year. In this regard, a report issued by the National Association of Law provided that more than 50 firms are paying for new graduates at the same amount (Cerar, 2009). There are certain mega-firms which ensures the protection of jobs issued to lawyers.

Market Over-Saturation Lawyers and Political Career

It happens that when a school or the educational institution produced more lawyers or graduates of political science which are not required immediately for the market than it creates a flux and situation of saturation (Friedman, 1971). Many universities in the world neglect the demands of the market. There are very few in the world which arises and meets the related requirements of the market regarding the issuance of particular people. Too many law graduates create tension for society, and it is the same as the supply and demand issues. As a prestigious profession lawyers area given significant attention but still there are firms and large corporations who fail to acknowledge the growing number of graduates from various universities. The economic crises of 2008-09 had developed a severe situation for the firms to hire more and more lawyers as legal advisor and other positions. What is important here is that law graduates or the student need to think about the different ways and out of box tools to manage their association with the particular field.

The government, financial services and the corporations’ at large places ensures the policy work in a professional way which could consider the future career of lawyers and political scientist. It is not as easy for the professionals to engage in some job shortly after the passing the graduation exam because the market has to be run on certain principles which will not allow everyone to indulge without demand. A profession of lawyers is based on hard work and significant work, but still, it will not work unless a person could smartly approach the market. In a short period, one can achieve a higher level of goals and demand main goals by putting specific smart initiatives (Friedman, 1971). Time for hard work is no more applicable in the contemporary era of competition and defeating the higher number of competitors in a professional and befitting manner.

Significant Differences between Law and Political Science

Many people start their education with political science and end up the training at some law school (Wirt, 2017). This shows that the field is inter-connected and most of the terms, course, and syllabus are similar in nature and practice. Since politics deals with the system of communities and law define those communities in legal conditions for the understanding of everyday people. However, there are specific significant differences like politics deals with the study of institutions that have primarily related to the public. In one way or the other state organizations like the parliament, presidency or the organs of security-related departments are included in the politics. On the contrary, the law defines how to run these organizations and what are the rules that can be useful for the community to be run effectively. There is always a dialogue in politics which is not in law because monologue is not applied in the field.

Among the significant difference between both subjects, politics deals with the issues of social concerns while the law provides specific rules for regulating the action of members and those who are involved in the imposition of political conflicts. The document of policy will not be a law because it lies under the mandate of political stakeholders and those which are part of devising a policy framework. Bureaucracy, the political class, ministers, members of the parliament are significantly involved in dealing with daily affairs of the state. For those who are seeking a career in this field can have the option of serving in legislative organizations and other state-own enterprises (Wirt, 2017) while those having the options for advising the masters sitting in constitutional departments can have many chances to serve and earn money. One thing that is essential to consider for any practice is the training and educational experience because without it there would be no chances for a bright career of the person.

The law would govern the principles, procedures, and standards for the policy document or any action taken by the state through the representatives selected by the public. These actions can be political (Wirt, 2017). Some scholars have defined both fields with the same sense of dealing with internal and external affairs. One can say that law is the central product of politics which cannot be separated because there would be no direction for the measurement of actions and framework considered to resolve the public issue. In straightforward words laws are for the people and policies to be made in the name of the public.

Previously there was no difference in law and politics, and it was considered as same for building a bright career in the future. However, with the passage of time and evolution of the process, things change, and both subjects are differentiated. Expansion of knowledge and the training in various fields have also supported the difference to balance functions of state institutions (Wirt, 2017). There are more significant challenges for the democracies of the 21st century to differentiate between the responsibilities of law and politics which are also creating troubles for the careers of the people.


Concluding the discussion legal and political career for lawyers and those who have essential subjects of political science related fields provide the plenty of chances at various agencies and chairs. Both subjects are inter-related and have substantial differences also. The area of political science is supported by the current events and happenings across the world. There is an excellent opportunity for the corresponding structures of state and formulators of public policy to align both and reduce the gap for career builders and new graduates of the law.


Cerar, M. (2009). The relationship between law and politics. Ann. Surv. Int'l & Comp. L., 15, 19.

Friedman, L. M. (1971). Response—Lawrence M. Friedman: Some Thoughts on the Relationship between Law and Political Science. Washington University Law Review, 1971(2), 375-380.

Wirt, F. M. (2017). Politics, products, and markets: Exploring political consumerism past and present. Routledge.

Subject: Political Science

Pages: 5 Words: 1500



[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]


[Religious Conflict and Violence]


Religion is defined as a set of rules, regulations, principles, and instructions that guide an individual or a group of people about various aspects of life. Religion sets the boundaries and limits for people, it sets the framework of life for its believers (Zinnbauer, et. al, 2015). In short, religion acts as a guiding light or a path to follow for masses. There are approximately 4200 religions or codes of life in the world currently, and every religion teaches peace, humanity, humbleness, and piety to its followers but sometimes the same religion can become a curse for its followers or the other people living with the believers of some specific religion. The religious beliefs give rise to the fundamentalist approach and the followers start thinking that only the teaching provided by their own religion is right and every other religion or doctrine is wrong. One the basis of this fundamentalist thinking, people start inflicting violence among the believers of other religions, making it hard for them to live (Sacks, 2017). Although there are different religions in the world, and every religion has its own teachings, it should not be a reason for conflict or violence on the other people. Every religion teaches humanity and it should be kept in mind that every individual has the equal right to live their life according to their own set of beliefs.


It can be seen in this case that the difference of opinion or the uniqueness of teachings in different religions is proving to be the reason of conflict among the people living and sharing the space in a similar geographical location (Koesel, 2014). People living in different parts of the world are becoming a victim of the violence, created due to the rigidity in the beliefs and teachings of different religions. This rigidity in the beliefs creates a sense of extremism in the believers, which makes them believe that only the guidance provided by their own religion is the right one and the person or group of people denying to accept those teachings has no right to live.


The best solution to this issue is that every individual should be made to believe that every religion has its own set of teachings and beliefs which need to be respected. There should be developed a sense of mutual respect and an environment of peace among people so that this culture of violence can be discouraged. People should learn to respect the teachings and guidance provided by other religions to learn to live in peace with them.

Moreover, it is the also responsibility of religious leaders to propagate positive thinking among the believers of any specific religion. They need to inculcate a peaceful approach to resolve the conflicts arising due to the difference of opinion among the believers of the different religions (Neuberg, et. al, 2014).

Evaluation of Evidence

The evidence of religious conflict and violence can be seen in various parts of the world. This religious violence was carried on either the basis of difference in religion or sectarian violence (Selengut, 2017). According to reports, more than one-quarter of the world's countries experienced religious violence in various forms in 2018. It was either in the form of mob violence, domestic violence based on religious beliefs, terrorism and harassment on women on the violation of religious codes.


In a nutshell, it can be seen that religious conflict is a sad reality of the world and this harsh reality is being used as a tool to make people suffer and even die. Religious conflict gives rise to religious violence and it can be seen in the different parts of the world today, but it can be controlled by proper training and mindset building.


Koesel, K. J. (2014). Religion and Authoritarianism: Cooperation, conflict, and the consequences. Cambridge University Press.

Neuberg, S. L., Warner, C. M., Mistler, S. A., Berlin, A., Hill, E. D., Johnson, J. D., ... & Broome, B. J. (2014). Religion and intergroup conflict: Findings from the global group relations project. Psychological science, 25(1), 198-206.

Sacks, J. (2017). Not in God's name: Confronting religious violence. Schocken.

Selengut, C. (2017). Sacred Fury: Understanding religious violence. Rowman & Littlefield.

Zinnbauer, B. J., Pargament, K. I., Cole, B., Rye, M. S., Butfer, E. M., Belavich, T. G., ... & Kadar, J. L. (2015). Religion and spirituality: Unfuzzying the fuzzy. In Sociology of religion (pp. 29-34). Routledge.

Subject: Education

Pages: 2 Words: 600


KLP TASK 2: Community Outbreak

[Author Name]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

KLP TASK 2: Community Outbreak

AIDS is a disease that is caused by the virus known as HIV that stands for human immunodeficiency virus infection. Initially, a person that acquires AIDS, shows no visible symptoms and only experiences influenza-like illness. However, after the progression of infection, a person is at an increased risk of getting many common diseases because the virus directly damages the immune system (Konotey-Ahulu, 1989).

Specifically talking about the USA, AIDS found its way in the early 1960s although it was first identified when doctors discovered clusters of Kaposi’s sarcoma and pneumocystis pneumonia in gay men who were from LA and NY (Rosenberg, 1989). According to the statistics over 1.2 million people are currently living with an HIV infection. However, most concerning part is that more than 15% of people are still unaware that they have AIDS. Mostly, gay men, African Americans are more prone to this disease. In 2015 the AIDS outbreak occurred in the state of the US known as Indiana. The main reason for the spread of the diseases was due to the injection of a newly developed drug called Opana. Although it was recommended to use the drug in the form of pills it was injected intravenously. Due to lesser cases in the community, there were no specific methods to deal with any outbreak. This was a major reason that helped in the spread of a disease. After the outbreak due to government interventions, many programs such as safe needle programs were organized that provide awareness among people to prevent the diseases. Also, many health care centers were build that provide health care facilities to the people who were infected. Another approach that the government took was to put restrictions on the travel to contain the diseases in the specific area (Reif & Gong, 2014).

Similarly, in the UK many people were affected by AIDS. In the UK also most of the gay or bisexual people, Black people and other immigrants such as Latinos were highly infected by the diseases. The major outbreak that the country experienced was in 1980. During this time people were not aware of the disease and they labeled it as a “gay plague”. At this time most of the people that were diagnosed with the disease were drug users. There was no effective treatment for the people that were diagnosed with AIDS due to which the number of deaths was largely increased. After some time due to several awareness programs, people were aware of the disease and more work was done on the prevention of diseases. However, even in 2015, almost more than 1 million people were reported to have AIDS and 13% were still unaware that they have AIDS. Recently, due to government interventions, the number of people infected by the diseases is reducing. Many HIV prevention programs are running in the UK and most of the hospitals have allocated special units responsible for taking care of the people diagnosed with AIDS (Sinka & Morgan, 2003).

Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS and risk factors

AIDS is a very common disease and it is known globally. According to the statistics it is estimated that more than 36 million people were infected by HIV in 2017. However, many cases are still not reported also many people are not diagnosed with the diseases due to lack of health services accessibilities.  Although, according to the statistics most of the black Africans, Hispanics and Latinos were reported to have this disease. Also, many bisexual people are reported to have this disease (Adler, 2001). There are several modes of transmission of HIV/AIDS. They are listed below:

Drug injection:

Direct needle sharing is one of the most common ways due to which people can get infected with HIV. Even penetrating the contaminated needle in the skin is enough to transmit the diseases. Most of the drug addicts are vulnerable to get infected with HIV as they are involved in direct needle sharing. Mostly, cocaine and heroin users are above in the list of people getting infected with HIV (Lurie & Drucker, 1997). However, a health care facility is the main place where people are at a higher risk of getting infected. Many hospitals use sterilize syringes and then destroy the syringe after use however in many countries where the health care facilities are not up to date health care staff use the same syringe on a number of people. Although, most of the workers wash syringes yet the blood residue is more than enough to infect the person (Connors, 1992). As most of the people are unaware and remain undiagnosed with AIDS this direct needle sharing practice can be a potential threat to all the people that have used the same injection. Also, many hospitals have not developed a system for blood transfusion due to which many people that require urgent blood transfusion can be infected by HIV.

Sexual transmission:

This is the primary mode of transmission of HIV among people. Although the risk of getting infected by HIV after single exposure is typically low yet this factor cannot be neglected. Previously, it was considered that AIDS is a disease that occurs due to the intercourse between men however regardless of the sexual orientation of the person receptive anal intercourse is considered more dangerous and one of the reason of people getting infected (Schmiege & Bryan, 2016). Typically, females are at higher risks of getting infected by HIV (Adeboye & James, 2016).

 Perinatal transmission:

Newborns and infants are at higher risks of getting infected by AIDS if their mother or father are injection drug users. Even if the mother is not a drug user but her partner is then still a child is vulnerable to get infected with AIDS. Also, an infected mother can transmit HIV during breastfeeding as well (Prendergast & Van de Perre, 2019).

In Virginia, there are more than 21,500 people currently living with HIV. Due to which it is very important that people have awareness regarding the disease so that they can prevent themselves from getting the disease. When the AIDS epidemic was on the rise my state was also influenced by the issue. In the past, there were no separate units in the hospitals that would treat patients even there was no proper way to diagnose AIDS. People used to think that this disease only occurs in the gay community due to which people were more violent towards them. Also, during outbreak schools and offices were closed as people thought that AIDS could spread through air and food, etc. but when people came to know about the real causes they were more afraid to get the treatment from the hospitals that involved syringes. However, due to government interventions and many health care organizations are working to organize awareness programs that can help people getting information regarding this disease. The topic AIDS was also included in the curriculum of students so that they can have an idea about the disease (Swati & Sushma, 2015). Specialized care units were developed to treat people having AIDS.

After the modes of transmission of the diseases were known my state has certain laws related to HIV/AIDS. According to the law, the engagement of people having AIDS in any sexual activity is considered illegal and is punishable by up to five years in jail and fine of $2500. Also, the selling and buying of blood or organ of a person infected by AIDS are considered as class 6 felony. Additionally, all the hospitals must report the case of the person having HIV and during outbreaks, it is legal to isolate the infected people to protect the community.

 To prevent an outbreak of the disease healthcare institutions of my state have developed certain educational programs to teach people about the disease such as “assess patient’s health literacy in which the knowledge of the patient is assessed regarding the disease also people are advised to go for regular screening so that any disease can be diagnosed at early stage. Also in my community, many seminars are conducted on the community level in which the whole community participates. These seminars spread information about several diseases as well the prevention techniques that can help people prevent the disease.


Adeboye, A., Yongsong, Q., & James, N. (2016). Risky sexual behavior and knowledge of HIV/AIDS among high school students in Eastern Cape South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology, 53(3), 194-204.

Adler, M. W. (2001). Development of the epidemic. Bmj, 322(7296), 1226-1229.

Connors, M. M. (1992). Risk perception, risk taking and risk management among intravenous drug users: Implications for AIDS prevention. Social Science & Medicine, 34(6), 591-601.

Konotey-Ahulu, F. I. (1989). What is AIDS?.

Lurie, P., & Drucker, E. (1997). An opportunity lost: HIV infections associated with lack of a national needle-exchange programme in the USA. The Lancet, 349(9052), 604-608.

Prendergast, A. J., Goga, A. E., Waitt, C., Gessain, A., Taylor, G. P., Rollins, N., ... & Van de Perre, P. (2019). Transmission of CMV, HTLV-1, and HIV through breastmilk. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 3(4), 264-273.

Reif, S. S., Whetten, K., Wilson, E. R., McAllaster, C., Pence, B. W., Legrand, S., & Gong, W. (2014). HIV/AIDS in the Southern USA: a disproportionate epidemic. AIDS care, 26(3), 351-359.

Rosenberg, C. E. (1989). What is an epidemic? AIDS in historical perspective. Daedalus, 1-17.

Schmiege, S. J., & Bryan, A. D. (2016). Heterogeneity in the relationship of substance use to risky sexual behavior among justice-involved youth: a regression mixture modeling approach. AIDS and Behavior, 20(4), 821-832.

Sinka, K., Mortimer, J., Evans, B., & Morgan, D. (2003). Impact of the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa on the pattern of HIV in the UK. Aids, 17(11), 1683-1690.

Swati, A., & Sushma, B. (2015). Knowledge, Attitude and sources of information for increasing awareness about HIV/AIDS among college students. Healthline Journal of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, 4(4), 50-7.

Subject: Healthcare and Nursing

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Lace Accessories In 1980s

Name: Cherise Zhu

[Name of Instructor]




From the sixteenth century onwards lace dressings have an enormous role in the ground of style industry. Lace can defined as a fabric which is nonwoven, bright and open worked. In the historical point of view, lace is made up of two outfits such as the needle and bobbin. Working on acquiring lace has always required a great deal of skills. Due to this from history, it has always been very classy. Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, lace was one of the vital fashionable dress components. For instance, Lace-up details made its first appearance during the 1970s on pieces such as the peasant blouses, but before that, they were very prominent in women's boots that laced all the way up the front of the leg. (Block). In Europe, a handsome amount of money used to spend on lace that gave rise to reformed technologies to make lace manufacture less expensive. However late in the 19th century with the advent of modern machinery lace misplaced its attraction and were also used as a common wedding and everyday attire


Much before needle and bobbin lace advanced around 16th-century lace was stated as strings that were detached part of clothing. For example, sleeves, shoulders or back side of a dress. Strings were made in various ways such as the use of bobbins to intertwine the outfit. The term lace came into the context during the 18th century when it was also labeled as the interlaced bands. Lace fabric plays an important role in the overall clothing development. In turn, the clothing promoted the development of lace fabric. Late of the 20th-century artists and fashion designer sustained to craft lace. In fact in Australia, Denmark and Germany art schools were developed to teach students designing that followed designs of the early 2oth century. In the mid-20th century, designers explored artistic ways of using lace such as handmade lace patterns.

The trend of lace design originated due to Princess Diana who is known as a 1980s fashion icon. In the 1980s, Diana often wore lace collars, blazers, pearl necklaces, and hats. For instance, “What’s amazing to me, when you first meet Lady Diana Spencer in the exhibition, you meet her in her debutante dress from 1979,” Lynn noted, “and it’s very frilly, very lacy, and very far removed from the fashion icon that she would become.”(Tashjuan, n.p) In addition to this, throughout the belatedly 16th and two following centuries, lace collars, cuffs, borders, ruffles, and headdresses were de rigueur for anyone with fashionable pretensions.” (Parmal, n.p) However at the same time as the majority European states advanced in manufacturing some form of lace production, the majority of the two important beginning of lace fashion industries were in Venice and Flanders.

Likewise, in the 80s, fashionable underwear turn out to be stylish with women's styles lace trimmings, camisole with built-in bras and a collection of light colors fetching popularity still in the present time. For example, “now, if you're not too familiar with the distinctions of this era, there are a few standout looks we're sure you'll recognize: big shoulders, white jeans, underwear as outerwear and oversize jewelry. It was the decade of the power dresser but also of punks. It gave us Madonna, Tina Turner, and Cher, plus numerous other superstars whose sense of style influences many in 2018” (Block, 1). Likewise, In the 1980s, a post-punk gothic style carried on from the seventies that was popular in Europe and America with the ‘LA Scene.' The style featured black clothing made out of unusual materials such as leather, fishnet material, and lace.

The fashion of lace can never disappear for the reason that all the bridal industries and other cloth fashion designing include design from the decades of the 1980s. Now that lace is made up of silk dressed designed by artists are covered by lace appliqués. In addition to this, women wear in today's fashion entirely attached to different styles of using laces. The development of modern society pays more and more attention to environmental protection, green and ecological. In the field of design, the concept of lace fabric design is also gradually developing towards the direction of green and environmental clothing design. Under the influence of this design concept, the development of new lace fabric has gradually entered people's schedule of activities. For example, even in 2019, the trend of using lace is still popular. Inspired by Kaya Gerber many of the Channel logo belts that girls wear today are a fresh new crop of 19080' design. (Payer 3) Thus we can still see the trend of lace fashion and design connected in the present world.

In fashion and luxury-embroidery, laces and other soft material can be developed using innovative designs. For example, efforts made by the Fashion Museum and the designers who love lace made clothing still show the fact that it is the demand of the public which has yet to cease. The magic of lace is still imagined by both men and women where lace makers all around the world are teaching on different exhibitions about how to sculpture the art of lace. Lace is still a fashion for those who do not know the long history of it, but in fashion history, the love for lace will always be cherished. In addition, fashion and embroidery industry still use innovate ways to bring lace into the world of today’s fashion. Both men and women for everyday wear prefer designers to use lace in the outfit. It is not just women choice but men and women both.

Work Cited:

Block, Elinor. “80s Fashion is back—These Were the Most Iconic looks at the Time."


Clark, Sanmo. “History of Fashion 1980’s-1990”


Deleon, Jian. “The Greatest 80’s Fashion Trends ”


Parker, Allson. “8 Trends From the Chanel Show That'll Majorly Influence” 2019 https:// www.whowhatwear.com/chanel-runway-show-ss19-review

Rooney, Pia "Like Totally 80s."


Parmal, Pamela A. "Needle and Bobbin Lace Origins."


Tashjian, Rachel, " How Princess Diana became a fashion Icon" 2017


Subject: Education

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Leadership/Followership Paper

Team Project: Inputs

Team 6


October 3rd, 2019

1. Describe the members of the team, including any applicable surface-level and deep-level characteristics.

Patagonia is a very humble brand with noble beginnings. There is not one person who claims the limelight for the brand, and the culture of Patagonia workplace is unconditionally collaborative. These ideals and expectations were set in place by founder Yvon Chouinard. Born in Southern California, Yvon fostered a passion for rock climbing. He, while climbing, realized that the equipment that was available back in the 1960’s was made of soft iron and was designed to be used once and left in place. This inspired him to forge his own steel and sell climbing rappels from the back of his car. The equipment sale started to grow because of the high quality of the equipment and Chouinard equipment became the highest seller of climbing gear of the United states by 1970. by forging his own steel to make and sell climbing rappels. Afterwards, coming from his trip to Scotland, he bought a rugby shirt which he saw fit for climbing. It was bright blue in color, which surprised everyone. His friends demanded that he brings some more. He thus bought another pile of shirts which got sold very quickly and thus, Patagonia clothing line was found. His desire was not business but making utility-based equipment for climbing. This inspired him to create his own equipment. This was his true passion and despite the fact his profits were initially very slim, he continued this pursuit living on less than $1.00 a day. This set the tone for the amount of dedication all leaders in Patagonia would possess. The collaborative aspect of the team comes from Patagonia’s ability to recognize all the people who are a part of what makes them successful. On their home website, there is a balanced representation of devout ambassadors and employees of the brand from high-level purchasers, to part-time product shippers. Employees of Patagonia all share a few similar deep-level characteristics: passion, dedication, drive, and an undying sense of community.

2. What evidence do you see of diversity or non-diversity on the team? How did this affect the team?

Each team member who contributed to the beginning of Patagonia was similar in their interest for outdoor activity, which made their common goals very clear. They also established their love of outdoor activities by projecting and establishing common values for protecting the environment. These commonalities allowed for easily established team norms and priorities. The leader of the team and creator of Patagonia Yvon Chouinard began the company by creating pitons, and later added aeronautical engineer Tom Frost to the team. Chouinard believed that he could contribute by bringing in a more innovative design perspective (“History of Patagonia - A Company Created by Yvon Chouinard.”). Their recruiting website states, “We're always looking for motivated people to join us in our retail stores; at our Ventura, California headquarters; Reno, Nevada Service Center; and occasionally in our overseas offices. We're especially interested in people who share our love of the outdoors, our passion for quality and our desire to make a difference.” (Patagonia, 2019) This proves Patagonia wholeheartedly has the desire to empower people of all colors, ages, races, religions, and backgrounds, so long as these individuals can aid in maintaining their common goal of truly making an impact on society and the globe. What is a better way to reach several parts of the nation than by having representation from every corner within their workforce?

3. Choose three of the following and describe. How did they affect the team?

1- Working support for the team: Patagonia grew out of a small company that made tools for climbers. A big part of Patagonia’s mission involves support for the team and huge engagement. They give the opportunity to share their ideas and experience with the biggest business community, colleges and universities, activists, designers and policymakers. By having support, it developed their skills with high confidence. The increase in support helped in establishing high-performance standards for the founding team. Patagonia has been able to establish a name for itself, not only for their environmentally conscious products, but also having one of the best work-life cultures of any company in the US. Yvon Chouinard made sure to make himself available to all members of the company. His legacy still lives on.

2- Norms within the team: The norm or what you may call as the common trait within Patagonia’s founding team was its passion for climbing. The main goal of the founding team was to create cloths that could improve the climbing experience for climbers. This, however did not restrict their market, as they were able to separate Patagonia from Chouinard equipment. This passion made them the brand that they are today.

3- Structure of the team: their values reflected those of a business started by a band of climbers and surfers, and the minimalist style they promoted. The approach that they took to design the product demonstrates a bias for utility and simplicity. Their structure for the best product rests on how it works, its repairability and durability. One of the important structures for Patagonia’s team was to use this business to protect nature.

4. How was the team launched? Was it a successful or unsuccessful launch? Why or why not?

The Patagonia team was launched in 1973 by Yvon Chouinard as an offshoot of the Chouinard Equipment company. Chouinard was originally worried that Patagonia would fail due to lack of brand recognition, but eventually Patagonia launched when Chouinard decided that his new brand should be distinguished from his equipment line. This choice paid off in the end as Patagonia was able to access a new customer base of average consumers while maintaining its original Chouinard Equipment clientele. Patagonia carried on the legacy of Chouinard Equipment at launch, which led to successful store openings and a quick return on investments. One tradition that Patagonia inherited from Chouinard Equipment, was the constant need for innovation in both design quality and material strength. This led to the innovative use of polypropylene and a unique mix of bright colors into the company's outdoor apparel. These new innovations were often pulled from already existing products, which caused Patagonia to significantly increase its research and development budget. Patagonia also had a strong starting manufacturing team, as Malden Mills had greater access to capital and the business knowledge to help Patagonia fulfill its unique vision. Yvon Chouinard also used catalogs to highlight new Patagonia clothing apparel, this helped the company establish a reputation. This form of advertising attracted both outdoor enthusiasts and fashion seekers alike, but it was originally used by Chouinard Equipment to sell its new mountain climbing gear. Part of Patagonia’s success at launch also came from its family-oriented business practices. At the insistence of Malinda Chouinard, Yvon Chouinard's wife, childcare facilities were set up at Patagonia offices. These facilities were some of the first in the country and helped paint a family image of the company as employees and their children ate together at lunch. The final thing that helped set Patagonia apart, was its environmental friendly focus, as Yvon Chouinard had a deep respect for the environment. This led the company to develop sustainable business practices and to take on their corporate responsibility by donating to small environmental protection groups.

5. Based on your analysis of the team’s inputs and reading of course material, what could have been done differently in this team to make it successful and/or what made the team successful and why? Provide at least 2 examples.

Patagonia experienced great successes due to the culture they established early on. On the Patagonia website, they explain the values that the first few in Patagonia ingrained into the culture writing “we must defend the place we all call home”. Chouinard built the company on the idea of sustainability even when they were a small team of individuals. This created a clear basis for what their team was working for and the standard their work would be held to regarding sustainability (“Patagonia Mission Statement - Our Reason for Being.”). Chouinard has also established great respect and concern for the well-being of his fellow employees even very early on. Chouinard never wanted to confine himself or fellow team members to a desk and took on the “open-office” concept. Establishing freedom for team members to express and choose to work where they feel most comfortable. Without limiting the space Chouinard has never limited ideas and kept diversity and innovation at the forefront of his brand (“Yvon Chouinard”).

Works Cited:

Bauck, Whitney. “Patagonia's CEO on How Saving the Planet Has Been Good for Business.” Fashionista, 17 Jan. 2019, https://fashionista.com/2019/01/patagonia-politics-ceo-rose-marcario-interview

“Patagonia Mission Statement - Our Reason For Being.” Patagonia Mission Statement - Our Reason For Being, https://www.patagonia.com/company-info.html.

Patagonia Mission Statement - Our Reason For Being. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.patagonia.com/company-info.html.

“Yvon Chouinard.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, https://www.forbes.com/profile/yvon-chouinard/#3e5a1d9c4fb5.

“History of Patagonia - A Company Created by Yvon Chouinard.” History of Patagonia - A Company Created by Yvon Chouinard, https://www.patagonia.com/company-history.html

Subject: Business and Management

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Liberty Challenged In Nineteenth Century America

Liberty Challenge in 19th Century America



Liberty Challenge in 19th Century America


Most horrifying and disastrous crimes are the one that is against humanity. Slavery falls into not only the category but on the topmost horrible thing which humanity has to suffer. In our American history, we have committed this crime of denying people of their most basic human right. Comprehension of this is very sad but it is a truth that our modern America foundation was laid on the bones of slaves under key and lock, as they were the pinnacle of progress. When America got its independence, it gets the culture of slaves keeping from the same colonist mindset and used it to get its achievement on this basis by using slaves for agricultural development. Some events led to the Civil War that resulted in slavery abolishment are discussed in paragraphs to follow.

3/5th Compromise:

The Three-Fifth Compromise took place in 1787 in the house of representatives. According to the compromise, all the slaves were counted as three-fifths of the white man in order for states representation in the House of Representative. Its motive was to give southern states more representation by this amount but not equal so that it does not mean that slaves are counted as that of free men.


Southern states had not proportionate effect as compared to the northern state in selecting president, speaker oh house, and also no influence on Supreme Court.

It also resulted in the USA having an equal number of slave and free states

Missouri Compromise

It was legislation passed by the United States 16th Congress on 3rd March 1820 to admit Maine as USA Free State and alongside Missouri a slave state thus maintaining balance set by three fifth compromise(Etcheson, 2005).


Short term outcome of the Missouri compromise was that they become states

In the long term the country is divided into South and North section, which later resulted in battles later fought over slavery and also led to the Civil War.

1850 Compromise

1850 compromise consists of five bills that are separate from one another by Congress of USA in 1850 September that is presented in order to resolve the conflict between free and slave states on territorial acquisition status after the war of America and Mexico.


Strengthen of fugitive state law and new free state California for North

In Washington DC, trading of slaves is banned but slavery was not prohibited.

Kansas Nebraska Act

This act was passed by Congress of the USA on 30th May 1854. It gives the right of decision to territorial people of Kansas and Nebraska whether to allow or not slavery within its territory.


The clause of law concerning sovereignty leads to Kansas flooded with pro and anti-slavery elements with voting up or down the slavery, results in the number of armed conflicts that we know now as "Bleeding Kansas"

This controversy surrounding the act was the main cause of the Civil War.

Dred Scott Decision

The decision of Dred Scott is a legal case that was heard and given a decision by the Supreme Court of USA on 6th March 1857 who ruled 7 to 2 that Dred Scott a slave who became resident of Free State was not given a free citizen entitlement and declared Missouri compromise as unconstitutional.


Missouri Compromise is abolished due to this case

It led to the civil war because the limit of spread Missouri compromise put to slavery and balance of power is negated by this act

Incompatibility of Slavery

Slaves are not allowed the right of education which led to no industrial development(Ransom, 1989).

Our present economic system is based on a capitalistic economy which leads to self-autonomy that is opposite to that of slave labor based economy on communism.

As our present stress on autonomy and free will negates the idea of slavery.

Civil War

Slavery is the main driving force that led to the Civil War. The south uses slave labors for field working while north believes slavery was an evil(Rose, 1994). The clash between the ideology of south and north eventually results in the Civil War.

States' rights are another cause behind the Civil War. It was felt by the southern states that their rights were taken from them by the federal government.

The power shift between southern and northern states due to westward expansion was also the cause because it makes fear in southern states that their power would be lost due to expansion.


Etcheson, N. (2005). The Origins of the Civil War. History Compass, 3(1).

Ransom, R. L. (1989). Conflict and compromise: the political economy of slavery, emancipation and the American Civil War. Cambridge University Press.

Rose, A. C. (1994). Victorian America and the Civil War. Cambridge University Press.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Macbeth Is A Sociopath

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Thesis: Macbeth is a sociopath


Sociopathy is a disorder associated with antisocial tendencies in a person. A person going through this disorder lacks attributes of normality which are required to live in a society. Such a person lacks empathy, sympathy, and feelings for others. In this thesis, the life of a sociopath whose name was Macbeth is discussed. Macbeth is a character from Shakespeare's play namely, the ‘Tragedy of Macbeth’. He is a Scottish army general and is very brave and ruthless. His life is characterized by violence and an urge for supremacy over others. He would not care about killing anyone who may come in his path of power and rule because he is a sociopath and has lost all the feelings of mercy and empathy. His wife Lady Macbeth is also a furious and violent lady who is the helper and counselor of her husband. According to this poem, Macbeth receives a prophecy from the trio of witches that one day, he will become the ruler of the Scotland. Blinded by the lust of power and frenzy of rule and also driven and motivated by his wife, he killed the king of Scotland. After killing the king, he occupied the throne of the king as per the prophecy.

Following are some of the famous quotes from Shakespeare’s Macbeth: 

“Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under ‘t.” (Shakespeare)

– Lady Macbeth (Act I, Scene V)

In this phrase, Lady Macbeth is trying to convince her husband to behave like an ideal host and receive King Duncan warmly. Actually, she was planning the murder of the King and wanted her husband to deceive him so that she could kill the King successfully. Therefore, she tells her husband (Macbeth) “to look like an innocent flower but be like the serpent which hides underneath it”.

“Yet do I fear thy nature, It is too full o’ thy’ milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way.” (Shakespeare)

– Lady Macbeth (Act I, Scene V)

Lady Macbeth receives a letter from her husband. This letter mentioned the details of the prophecy performed by witches which tells that the next king would be Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is very excited but at the same time afraid of the fact that her husband is too ‘full of the milk of human kindness’, to adopt the shortest path to the crown which would be to murder the king.

“There’s daggers in men’s smiles. The near in blood, The nearer bloody.” (Shakespeare)

– Donalbain (Act II, Scene III)

In this line, the younger son of Duncan (Past King) is telling his brother that the murderer of their father is present in this crowd of people, gathered here for his funeral. By saying this phrase, ‘daggers are present in men’s smile’, he has probably referred to the hounds which indicate that when a person smiles, it is signifying that not everyone who acts friendly is a friend. ‘The near in blood, the nearer bloody’ warns the people to stay alert and don’t put their trust in somebody just because he treats you with kindness and love. People may cheat and once they are trusted by someone, they may betray them at the right moment.


Macbeth was blinded by lust of power and gone through the mental disorder called a sociopath. He had all the symptoms, sociopath possess including, untruthfulness and insincerity, lack of guilt, shame or any kind of rumors that one can feel after committing a crime. He killed the king to occupy his throne and then became so obsessed with it that he started killing anyone who may become a potential threat to his king. Sometimes when one achieves something, instead of satisfaction he may start living in the continuous fear of losing it. To retain the power gained by oppression, he continued oppressing others until he became a sociopath.

Works Cited

Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Macbeth. Vol. 2. Classic Books Company, 2001.

Subject: English

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Mackie’s Argument


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Art 101

19 November 2018

Mackie’s argument

The branch of philosophy that asks the question of what morality is, known as Metaethics. It asks question in mind philosophy, language philosophy, epistemology, and metaphysics. It raises questions that if ethics are true or false if there are any moral properties as right or wrong, and if there are ethical truths, then how a person can discover them ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"8ZEyKq0R","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Olson)","plainCitation":"(Olson)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":496,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/2YI29WLQ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/2YI29WLQ"],"itemData":{"id":496,"type":"book","title":"How to Understand Mackie’s Argument from Queerness (I)","publisher":"Oxford University Press","source":"www.oxfordscholarship.com","abstract":"This chapter considers the argument from queerness and identifies non-naturalist moral realism as its target. A distinction is made between the argument from queerness and the queerness arguments. The first step of the argument from queerness is to identify ways in which moral properties and facts are queer; the second step is to offer debunking explanations of moral belief. Four queerness arguments are identified, concerning supervenience, knowledge, motivation, and irreducible normativity. This chapter examines the first three. The first two arguments generalize beyond the moral and the normative to more general issues in metaphysics and epistemology, or reduce to more basic worries about the queerness of non-natural properties. The third argument rests on problematic assumptions about moral facts. It is concluded that the first three queerness arguments are unconvincing.","URL":"https://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198701934.001.0001/acprof-9780198701934-chapter-5","ISBN":"978-0-19-177162-0","language":"en_US","author":[{"family":"Olson","given":"Jonas"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014",1,23]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Olson). According to moral realism, wrong and right are the properties of actions, and bad and good are properties of situations. Mackie begins with the shared observation that moral rules differ from one society to another; that is, there is a relative morality in societies ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"q4aTb6aN","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Olson)","plainCitation":"(Olson)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":496,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/2YI29WLQ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/2YI29WLQ"],"itemData":{"id":496,"type":"book","title":"How to Understand Mackie’s Argument from Queerness (I)","publisher":"Oxford University Press","source":"www.oxfordscholarship.com","abstract":"This chapter considers the argument from queerness and identifies non-naturalist moral realism as its target. A distinction is made between the argument from queerness and the queerness arguments. The first step of the argument from queerness is to identify ways in which moral properties and facts are queer; the second step is to offer debunking explanations of moral belief. Four queerness arguments are identified, concerning supervenience, knowledge, motivation, and irreducible normativity. This chapter examines the first three. The first two arguments generalize beyond the moral and the normative to more general issues in metaphysics and epistemology, or reduce to more basic worries about the queerness of non-natural properties. The third argument rests on problematic assumptions about moral facts. It is concluded that the first three queerness arguments are unconvincing.","URL":"https://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198701934.001.0001/acprof-9780198701934-chapter-5","ISBN":"978-0-19-177162-0","language":"en_US","author":[{"family":"Olson","given":"Jonas"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014",1,23]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Olson). Rendering to one society, slavery is allowed under specific circumstances. Similarly, all people should be treated as equals and sometimes people should be treated according to their caste. Mackie argues that there are no objective moral facts, but the argument is indirect. ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"UrxXhODh","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Loeb)","plainCitation":"(Loeb)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":500,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/5K4NJWHG"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/5K4NJWHG"],"itemData":{"id":500,"type":"article-journal","title":"Moral Realism and the Argument from Disagreement","container-title":"Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition","page":"281-303","volume":"90","issue":"3","source":"JSTOR","archive":"JSTOR","ISSN":"0031-8116","author":[{"family":"Loeb","given":"D."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1998"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Loeb) The fact that there is a moral difference between societies does not in itself show that there is anything wrong with moral realism. Societies also differed in empirical realities; for example, some thought the earth was flat, others were round, or again, some people could magically convey things by thinking against magic, etc. The fact that societies have disagreed about morality still opens the option of having objective moral truths, but some societies have held false beliefs about what is good and morally correct. When we think about the way we should understand and explain moral differences between societies is where the argument of moral realism comes. The realist must reason that diverse societies, with their dissimilar moral values ​​and practices and values, are all trying to come to reality about morality. According to the relativist, morality should be understood as a reflection of its way of life.

Mackie goes on to point out that realism can answer to the fact that there are general ethical principles shared by diverse societies. For instance, most communities prohibit theft, lying, murder, and encouraging the care of the weak. If the dispute chains the view that there is no objective moral truth, then the agreement will say there is. Mackie argues that the response to the argument of relativity is weak. At the finest, it appears only that essential moral principles are objective. Other moral judgments are tied to certain situations; for instance, "stealing is wrong" is true in some societies, but in others, it may be wrong. Mackie's assertion that any moral judgments relating to the conditions of society are not objective ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"y1YPss7b","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Ap)","plainCitation":"(Ap)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":495,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/ZLULXLZB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/ZLULXLZB"],"itemData":{"id":495,"type":"post-weblog","title":"Wrestling with Philosophy : The Arguments from Queerness and Relativity (Mackie Part 2)","container-title":"Wrestling with Philosophy","URL":"http://missiontotransition.blogspot.com/2012/03/arguments-from-queerness-and-relativity.html","title-short":"Wrestling with Philosophy","author":[{"family":"Ap","given":""}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2012",3,3]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Ap). This misinterprets the nature of moral reality, as we can say, as well as the nature of truth. For instance, some plants grow in hot countries but not in cold countries. So "chili plants will grow well" is a relative fact - it's a fact in one country but not in another. But that does not make it less objective. Mackie offers a second argument against moral realism, which he calls an argument of "queerness" ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"zPPJzk93","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Moral Anti-Realism > Mackie\\uc0\\u8217{}s Arguments for the Moral Error Theory (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)})","plainCitation":"(Moral Anti-Realism > Mackie’s Arguments for the Moral Error Theory (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy))","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":494,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/QKRBCGYB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/QKRBCGYB"],"itemData":{"id":494,"type":"webpage","title":"Moral Anti-Realism > Mackie's Arguments for the Moral Error Theory (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)","URL":"https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moral-anti-realism/moral-error-theory.html","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,21]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Moral Anti-Realism > Mackie’s Arguments for the Moral Error Theory (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)). The strangeness of moral characteristics and how one can know them if they do make it unreasonable to believe that there are any moral characteristics. The argument has two aspects, epistemological and metaphysical. Mackie argues that if there are moral characteristics, they must be completely diverse from anything else in the universe. His argument for this claim is based on the relationship between motivation and morality. Moral judgments motivate us - avoid actions that we think are wrong and try to do the right things. But that means, if there are moral characteristics, knowing what is wrong or right, bad or good, will be enough to motivate us to act in firm ways ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"rdCvn1Od","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Loeb)","plainCitation":"(Loeb)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":500,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/5K4NJWHG"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/5K4NJWHG"],"itemData":{"id":500,"type":"article-journal","title":"Moral Realism and the Argument from Disagreement","container-title":"Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition","page":"281-303","volume":"90","issue":"3","source":"JSTOR","archive":"JSTOR","ISSN":"0031-8116","author":[{"family":"Loeb","given":"D."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1998"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Loeb). Mackie's argument is contingent on his understanding of what claims moral realism. In specific, he takes moral realism to be dedicated to the idea that moral properties are part of reality and independent of reason.

Work Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Ap. “Wrestling with Philosophy : The Arguments from Queerness and Relativity (Mackie Part 2).” Wrestling with Philosophy, 3 Mar. 2012, http://missiontotransition.blogspot.com/2012/03/arguments-from-queerness-and-relativity.html.

Loeb, D. “Moral Realism and the Argument from Disagreement.” Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition, vol. 90, no. 3, 1998, pp. 281–303. JSTOR.

Moral Anti-Realism > Mackie’s Arguments for the Moral Error Theory (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moral-anti-realism/moral-error-theory.html. Accessed 21 Nov. 2019.

Olson, Jonas. How to Understand Mackie’s Argument from Queerness (I). Oxford University Press, 2014. www.oxfordscholarship.com, https://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198701934.001.0001/acprof-9780198701934-chapter-5.

Subject: Philosophy

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Market Segments

Market Segments

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

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Author Note

[Include any grant/funding information and a complete correspondence address.]

Market Segments

The United States is known for its diversified society, where people from all over the world live. The population of the United States has increased because of boomers and affordable healthcare facilities. Segmentation like Medicare enhances growth while this can be a threat to hospitals, which can put a stop on the survival of hospitals.

The healthcare industry in the United States has developed with a high growth rate. Market segments are to be followed according to the structural and infrastructural resources of hospitals to meet the demands of market segments. Medicare is that segment that is considered as the efficient use of health care services and outcomes for adults. Patients have Medicare facility or insurance tend to visit hospitals which are providing quality services, but patients without Medicare use high-quality hospitals have lower use ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"9ATPcGEE","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Popescu et al., 2017)","plainCitation":"(Popescu et al., 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":255,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/F0XOCTdk/items/QVZ69G9P"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/F0XOCTdk/items/QVZ69G9P"],"itemData":{"id":255,"type":"article-journal","title":"Differences in use of high-quality and low-quality hospitals among working-age individuals by insurance type","container-title":"Medical care","page":"148-154","volume":"55","issue":"2","author":[{"family":"Popescu","given":"Ioana"},{"family":"Heslin","given":"Kevin C."},{"family":"Coffey","given":"Rosanna M."},{"family":"Washington","given":"Raynard E."},{"family":"Barrett","given":"Marguerite L."},{"family":"Karnell","given":"Lucy H."},{"family":"Escarce","given":"José J."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Popescu et al., 2017).

Lack of Medicare or insurance facilities has caused significant disparities in access to health care. However, the Affordable Care Act is aiming to reduce the amount of uninsured so that the maximum number of people can have access to care and health facilities ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"LqF5t38c","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Scott et al., 2016)","plainCitation":"(Scott et al., 2016)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":256,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/F0XOCTdk/items/YSJT2LLI"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/F0XOCTdk/items/YSJT2LLI"],"itemData":{"id":256,"type":"article-journal","title":"Impact of ACA Insurance Coverage Expansion on Perforated Appendix Rates Among Young Adults","container-title":"Medical care","page":"818-826","volume":"54","issue":"9","source":"PubMed Central","abstract":"Background\nThe 2010 Dependent Coverage Provision (DCP) of the Affordable Care Act allowed young adults to remain on their parents’ health insurance plans until age 26y. While the provision improved coverage and survey-reported access to care, little is known regarding its impact on timely access for acute conditions. This study aims to assess changes in insurance coverage and perforation rates among young adults with acute appendicitis—an established metric for population-level healthcare access—after the DCP.\n\nMethods\nThe National Inpatient Sample and difference-in-differences linear regression were used to assess pre-/post-policy changes for policy-eligible young adults (19–25 year-olds) compared to a slightly older, policy-ineligible comparator group (26–34 year-olds).\n\nResults\nAfter adjustment for covariates, 19–25 year-olds experienced a 3.6-percentage-point decline in the uninsured rate after the DCP (baseline 22.5%), compared to 26–34 year-olds (p<0.001). This coincided with a 1.4-percentage-point relative decline in perforated appendix rate for 19–25 year-olds (baseline 17.5%), compared to 26–34 year-olds (p=0.023). All subgroups showed significant reductions in uninsured rates; however, statistically significant reductions in perforation rates were limited to racial/ethnic minorities, patients from lower-income communities, and patients presenting to urban teaching hospitals.\n\nConclusions\nReductions in uninsured rates among young adults after the DCP were associated with significant reductions in perforated appendix rates relative to a comparator group, suggesting that insurance expansion could lead to fewer delays in seeking and accessing care for acute conditions. Greater relative declines in perforation rates among the most at-risk subpopulations hold important implications for the use of coverage expansion to mitigate existing disparities in access to care.","DOI":"10.1097/MLR.0000000000000586","ISSN":"0025-7079","note":"PMID: 27367865\nPMCID: PMC5468100","journalAbbreviation":"Med Care","author":[{"family":"Scott","given":"John W."},{"family":"Rose","given":"John A."},{"family":"Tsai","given":"Thomas C."},{"family":"Zogg","given":"Cheryl K."},{"family":"Shrime","given":"Mark G."},{"family":"Sommers","given":"Benjamin D."},{"family":"Salim","given":"Ali"},{"family":"Haider","given":"Adil H."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016",9]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Scott et al., 2016). Having access to the hospital would enhance and increase the in-flow of patients while they can be facilitated with quality services and facilities by the hospitals. However, more Medicare and insurance facilities can be a threat to quality services because it would not be easier to facilitate a larger population with quality services. So, an unhealthy environment and poor quality services will threat the hospitals; patients in-flow will be decreased.

Hence there is a need for strategies to maximize opportunities and minimize threats so hospitals have to provide safe and quality health services that can be afforded by a maximum number of people. This strategy will not threaten survival because this is customer attractive and encourages a relationship between hospitals and customers.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Popescu, I., Heslin, K. C., Coffey, R. M., Washington, R. E., Barrett, M. L., Karnell, L. H., & Escarce, J. J. (2017). Differences in the use of high-quality and low-quality hospitals among working-age individuals by insurance type. Medical Care, 55(2), 148–154.

Scott, J. W., Rose, J. A., Tsai, T. C., Zogg, C. K., Shrime, M. G., Sommers, B. D., … Haider, A. H. (2016). Impact of ACA Insurance Coverage Expansion on Perforated Appendix Rates Among Young Adults. Medical Care, 54(9), 818–826.

Subject: Healthcare and Nursing

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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