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Discuss The History Of The Technology From Its Early Beginnings To The Renaissance

Mechanical Clocks

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The mechanical clock can be declared as one of the technologies, which revolutionized timekeeping. However, its invention did not occur as a sudden event. It was an outcome of a chain of innovations, which lead to an accurate device. Technological advancements were at a halt from roughly 500 to 1500 A.D, in Europe. The earliest method of timekeeping was a sundial. Ancient civilizations such as Romans and Greeks and ancient Iraq used it. They remained a typical way of telling time in the early 19th century. About 1400 BC, the Egyptians invented the water clock which comprised of water containers one higher than other. H the lower container was marked with rings, which indicated the hours of time that has passed. Sundials and water clocks were unreliable in Europe due to its climate. The mechanical clocks were developed in the Middle Ages. It was around the 13th century when the first clock was developed in Italy ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"e3nh05sY","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}A History of Clocks,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“A History of Clocks,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":69,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/PCCVLH4L"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/PCCVLH4L"],"itemData":{"id":69,"type":"webpage","title":"A History of Clocks","URL":"http://www.localhistories.org/clocks.html","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,19]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“A History of Clocks,” n.d.). The early clocks were normally in churches due to their heavy weight. Early clocks were not very precise, but in 1657, Christiaan Huygens announced the pendulum. After that, clocks became more precise.

Many factors played their part in the development of mechanical clocks, one of that is the economic factor. Since in the Middle Ages, sundials and water clocks were used. The activities such as market openings were done with the sunrise and typically ended in the noon. The labor day was very long and the concept of wage by hour did not exist. When the first mechanical clock was introduced and spread in Europe for the public, different attitudes on punctuality began. These clocks were built on churches and not divided the day into two units of twelve. The public could easily access the clock and listening to the chime enabled a person to count. These clocks made an impact on the economic development of Western European countries.

The invention of the mechanical clock had a great impact on various activities. During the Renaissance, it allowed to observe the prayer times, and life became more convenient. In fact, they lead to the invention of accurate timekeeping devices. The mechanical clock became the reason for the growth in the Western World who started to focus on getting knowledge and introducing new technologies ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"0AYD6WiG","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Boerner & Severgnini, 2016)","plainCitation":"(Boerner & Severgnini, 2016)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":71,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/VAXPM36T"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/VAXPM36T"],"itemData":{"id":71,"type":"post-weblog","title":"The impact of public mechanical clocks on economic growth","container-title":"VoxEU.org","abstract":"The public mechanical clock, which first appeared in European cities in the late 13th century, was one of the most important innovations in history. This column looks at the impact on growth of the arrival of this general purpose technology. European cities that were quick to install mechanical clocks enjoyed greater growth than late adopters. However, it takes some time for the effects from fundamental innovations of this type to be realised because the technology must be accepted both culturally and socially and then applied to related economic activities.","URL":"https://voxeu.org/article/time-growth","author":[{"family":"Boerner","given":"Lars"},{"family":"Severgnini","given":"Battista"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016",10,10]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,19]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Boerner & Severgnini, 2016).

Mechanical clocks transformed people’s perception of time. The clock shows the numerical measurement of time which is opposed to the qualitative measurement. When people reflect on how technology has transformed human life, they usually think of a car, computer, or television. However, according to philosopher Lewis Mumford, the invention of mechanical clocks has changed everything in human life, and it has become the key machine of the modern industrial age. Its influence increased with the Christian Monasteries where clocks were used to maintain the regularity of order. The clocks allowed the organization of human activities, which was never witnessed in the history of time. There were no longer obstacles to timekeeping. With the advent of mechanical clocks, timekeeping passed on to time-serving and time-rationing and time-accounting. Human life was impacted by not only synchronizing it but also by distancing it from original patterns of life. The organic functions like sleeping eating are now sanctioned by clocks.

The mechanical clock helped in the development of the modern clock which has helped fuel the industrial revolution in the United States. It impacted the places where people were adopters of new technology. The diffusion rate of mechanical clock supports the view that how general purpose technologies play a significant role in the development and economic growth of Western European countries ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"gNvmdRpy","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Boerner & Severgnini, 2016)","plainCitation":"(Boerner & Severgnini, 2016)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":71,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/VAXPM36T"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/VAXPM36T"],"itemData":{"id":71,"type":"post-weblog","title":"The impact of public mechanical clocks on economic growth","container-title":"VoxEU.org","abstract":"The public mechanical clock, which first appeared in European cities in the late 13th century, was one of the most important innovations in history. This column looks at the impact on growth of the arrival of this general purpose technology. European cities that were quick to install mechanical clocks enjoyed greater growth than late adopters. However, it takes some time for the effects from fundamental innovations of this type to be realised because the technology must be accepted both culturally and socially and then applied to related economic activities.","URL":"https://voxeu.org/article/time-growth","author":[{"family":"Boerner","given":"Lars"},{"family":"Severgnini","given":"Battista"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016",10,10]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,19]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Boerner & Severgnini, 2016).


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY A History of Clocks. (n.d.). Retrieved February 19, 2019, from http://www.localhistories.org/clocks.html

Boerner, L., & Severgnini, B. (2016, October 10). The impact of public mechanical clocks on economic growth. Retrieved February 19, 2019, from https://voxeu.org/article/time-growth

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Discuss The Insights You Acquire From Casey Hayden Account About Her Participation In The Civil Right Movement.




Day Month Year

Response on Casey Hayden account about her participation in the civil right movement

Casey Hayden was born in October 31, 1937 in Austin, Texas. She lived with her separated mother, mother’s sister and maternal grandmother; mainly in the female environment. Her mother always taught her not to compromise on human rights and not to indulge in any discriminatory practice against sex, race, religion and socioeconomic status. This parenting became the crux of her life as a civil rights activist. She took active participation in the Civil Rights Movement and stood against her own community to show integrity for black people. At that time, she was a student at University of Texas, Austin where she soon got involved with numerous activist organizations including Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and Student Democratic Society (SDS). Despite being White, she stood up for the rights of his fellows and delivered a groundbreaking speech in the United States National Student Association (USNSA) Congress in 1960 that led to the development of insight on the part of students about democratic society (UGP, 2002).

With the credible technological advancements, human mind has become diversified and conductive to only valid and reliable scientific knowledge. We tend to believe anything that is rational, logical and evidence- based in nature. This is why science has replaced irrational belief systems in each and every walk of life including alterations at micro levels such as our thinking patterns, perceptions, attitudes, orientations, preferences and outlooks for future. However, there are some areas that are still far from scientific notions and interestingly, despite any scientific evidence, people tend to believe them and are inclined to draw holistic frameworks based on such irrational beliefs. If you are wondering about examples; sexism is the one. Sexism is the phenomenon in which some set of beliefs, responsibilities and obligations are erroneously associated with the individuals belonging to different biological sexes; men and women (Jones et. al., 2005). For example, women are thought to be homemakers therefore their approach is not valued and embraced much in organizational and institutional level. When women attempt to make their ways in workplace; their presence is disregarded immensely and indirectly. The term indirect means that they are made to feel inferior through trivial and apparently minute verbal and gestural cues such as not giving the opportunities in important decision- making, disregarding their efforts, discouraging them through destructive criticism and lacking recognition. Such practices are not only limited to smaller organizations but also perpetuate within the national institutions ironically.

Casey Hayden’s case is not much different from other working women. She reported sexism in the associated organizations participating in the most groundbreaking Civil Rights Movement during mid nineties. Despite working day and nights, disregarding her personal and familial life, performing super- colossal duties even without any expectation of reward, rejuvenating the Civil Rights Movement through delivering excellent speeches and striking student’s interest, acting as a role model for other Whites to protect rights of the Blacks as humans, standing hard on the ebbs and flows of life, travelling through the hard paths, disregarding personal favors and maintaining self discipline for the sacred goals; she found nothing! What was her aim? Undoubtedly, to stay with her team and work harder until the accomplishment of journey that she vented out for. She was disregarded and eventually left her place with the heavy heart because she was a woman after all. After being segregated, she started working for the equality of women both black and white because it was an equally problematic issue for her as racial discrimination was. This was the turning point in women’s history that led to the development and reinvigoration of feminism (Faith et. al., 2010).

Works Cited

“Liberation Movement. In Turner, Elizabeth Hayes; Cole, Stephanie; Sharpless, Rebecca (eds.). Texas Women: Their Histories, Their Lives.” University of Georgia Press. pp. 295–318. 2002

Faith Holsaert, S.; Noonan, Martha Prescod Norman; Richardson, Judy; Robinson, Betty Garman; Young, Jean Smith; Zellner, Dorothy M.. “Hands on the freedom plow: personal accounts by women in SNCC.” Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 2010

Jones, Leslie E. Cudd, Ann E. et. al.. "Sexism". A Companion to Applied Ethics. London: Blackwell. Notes that "'Sexism' refers to a historically and globally pervasive form of oppression against women." 2005.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Discuss The Rise And Fall And Characteristics Of The Great Empires Of Sub-Saharan Africa, Ghana, Mali And Songhai

Rise and Fall of Sub Sahara estate

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In sub-Saharan Africa 1, there were several centers for political and cultural development. Several peripheral societies attracted each of these centers. The countries of Western and Central Sudan, as well as Ethiopia, achieved great development. In Western Sudan during the IV-XVII centuries. It has succeeded each other as a hegemon in the political and cultural life of the state of Ghana, Mali and Songhai. In the spaces of Central Sudan, there were Haus and Fulbe states, Kanem and Born. In Egypt, in the name of the country of repetition, the Berbers of Millet, the Hausa of Pohangara, the Arabs of Melil, and the Fulani of Mali. Hence the outside world knew this name. The Islamic State of Mali is one of the strongest and richest African countries that emerged in West Africa at the time. It distinguishes it from the great role it played to unite African tribes within states, units or kingdoms. As well as its prominent role in spreading Islam in West Africa (Quigley, 2002).

The rulers of Ghana relying on an army of up to 200 thousand people, extended their power to a vast territory, including the western and central regions of the modern Republic of Mali as well as the west and southwest of modern Senegal and Mauritania. The ethnic base of the state was Soninka, one of the peoples of Mandingo.

The capital of Ghana the city of Kumbi-Sale (on the territory of Mauritania) - was a major center for the caravan trade in salt, gold and slaves with the Muslim countries of North Africa. If before the XI century. Various local religious beliefs prevailed in the country, then Islam spread. This was mainly due to the invasion of the “empire” of warlike Berber tribes.

In 1076, their leader Abu Bekr captured the capital Kumbi and imposed a tribute on the vanquished. The head of state and the nobility of Ghana converted to Islam in the hope of preserving their privileged position. Under the pressure of the Islamized ruling elite, Islam began to spread rapidly among the tribe’s subject to the state - Tuku Ler and Songhai, Sarakole and Diula. Despite certain pockets of resistance to the influence of Islam, Islam spread rapidly, and many peoples of West Sudan were Islamized. The most persistent resistance was mine, which did not accept this faith, remained adherents of their own beliefs. The period of civil strife has come. In 1240, Sundyat Keita - the head of one of the provinces of Ghana, the leader of the Malinka people - seized power and founded a new state, which became the second great power of the Sudanese belt - Mali. (Quigley, 2002).

Mali ( XIII - XVII centuries)

In the second quarter of the XIII century. The rulers of the people of Mandingo, taking advantage of the weakening of Ghana, recreated the state of Mali, which reached its peak by the first half of the fourteenth century. During the reign of Musa I (1312–1337) and his brother Suleiman (1341–1360). The power of Mansa (ruler) spread from the areas adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean to the city of Gao. During this period, the empire of Mali noted the stability of the central government, as well as an abundance of food and developed weaving.

The bulk of the population of Mali lived in large family communities. This organization, using prisoners planted on the ground, has become the main form of folding early feudal relations in the state. Closed professional castes occupied a special place in the social structure of society. Each rank was engaged in a particular craft, the art of which was inherited. The artisan castes were not equal: blacksmiths were in the first place, followed by carpenters and woodcarvers, then weavers, etc. Professional singers and storytellers-groats occupied the last step in the hierarchy. In turn, the entire class of artisans was in a lower position than communal farmers. The tsarist guard, created from slaves, acquired an ever-increasing role in society. Its commanders became an influential part of the culture. (Darwin, 2007)

The basis of the economy of the state of Mali was agriculture and animal husbandry. An important place was occupied by caravan trade with the countries of North Africa and Egypt. The main items of business were gold and slaves, which were exchanged for salt and handicrafts made in North Africa. Mali has gained fame as a gold supplier from Western Sudan to the entire Mediterranean. On the map of Africa of the XIV century. the ruler of Mali was designated as "lord of gold." Large trading cities - Jenna, Tombouctou and Gao - at the same time playing the role of cultural centers. They formed Muslim colonies, which had a significant impact on the development of Mali. A lively trade and cultural exchange with Muslim countries in northern Africa contributed to the further spread of Islam in the state. The pilgrimages of the rulers of Mali to Mecca turned into the most important political actions, demonstrating the power and wealth of the empire of Mali.

In 1321, Mansa Musa I performed hajj to Mecca. The king's entourage was composed of numerous courtiers and slaves. The king rode a horse, preceded by five hundred slaves, each holding a golden rod in his hands. The caravan accompanying the king carried a hundred bales of gold. The Arab historian al-Omari, who visited Cairo twelve years after the Mansa journey, reports that long after this hajj there they continued to talk about the ruler of Sudan. According to him, the fabulous generosity with which Mansa Musa distributed gold to the people caused a drop-in price for this Precious Metal. In the XVII century. The territory of the former empire was limited to a small area. It was controlled by members of the imperial clan Keith, who retained power in their domain until the second half of the 19th century.

Songai State ( XVI - mid XVII century)

The Principality of Songhai at the time of its formation and before the establishment of its hegemony in the region was located in the Niger River Valley and was in vassal dependence on the Malian "empire". Back in the 7th century the first dynasty of the rulers of Songhai, bearing the title "di", and from the end of the XIII century. - The title "shea" or "sonny". At the end of the XI century. Under the "day", the Oblique state religion in Songai becomes Islam. (Quigley, 2002).

The gradual rise of Songai coincides with the heyday of Mali. The dependence on Mali lasted almost two centuries, until the accession to the throne of one of the prominent figures of Songhai, Sonny Ali. The basis of the economy of the Songhai principality was agriculture. Cattle breeding and fishing were quite developed. A significant role in economic life was played by hunting. Most of the income of the rulers of Songhai until the end of the XVI century. Came from trans-Saharan trade, mainly from the exchange of salt for gold from southern Sudan. Gradually, a system of feudal relations was formed, intertwined with elements of the slave system and the primitive communal system.

After the accession to the throne, Sonny Ali Bera, or Great Ali (1464–1492), Songhai expands his borders Principality and turns into power. Al captured significant trade centers between North and West Africa. Having inflicted a heavy defeat on the ruler of my people (1438), Ali Ber established the hegemony of Songai in Western Sudan for more than a century. After the death of Ali, his son and successor Sonny Bubakar Dao was almost immediately removed from power (1493) by the former military commander of his father, Mohammed Toure, who assumed the title of "Askiya" (king). During the reign of Askia al-Hajj Muhammad I (1493-1529), the Songhai Power was located on a vast territory - from the headwaters of the Senegal and Gambia rivers in the west to the Tener desert in the east, from the salt mines of Tegazza in northern Sahara to the Haus countries in the south-east. (Le Vine, 1997).

In the second half of the XVI century, as a result of the consolidation of land slaves-prisoners of war in the grain regions of the state and the gradual enslavement of free sleep-gays, a class of feudally dependent peasantry was formed. At the other extreme, a single ruling class was formed, consisting of two types - the military-administrative and the spiritual merchant aristocracy. Both estates disposed of large land property. The primary source of income for the ruling elite of the Songhai society was the state-developed system of exploitation of the dependent part-time population. Ordinary warriors were also equated with dependent.


Darwin, J. (2007). After Tamerlane: the rise and fall of Global Empires, 1400-2000. Penguin


Le Vine, V. T. (1997). The fall and rise of constitutionalism in West Africa. The Journal of

Modern African Studies, 35(2), 181-206.

Quigley, M. (2002). Ancient West African Kingdoms: Ghana, Mali, & Songhai. Capstone


Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 4 Words: 1200


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The American Civil War is considered to be one of the fiercest and bloodiest wars out of all the encounters in the history of the United States of America. The battle started on April 21, 1861, and ended on April 9, 1865. It lasted for 3 years and 362 days and left great scars on the minds of American people. The bloodshed, loss of lives, and the pain cause by it, all had a bad impact on the whole nation, but as the war ended on a positive note, the Civil War is remembered extensively in the history of the United States.

Life as a soldier, during the time of the Civil War, was extremely difficult. Although the tales that are famous about this war vary indefinitely and include a mixed element of patriotism, sacrifice, sentiments and heroic action, there is a painful side to the story as well, that is mostly kept hidden. They may seem adventurous and romantic notions at times, but the reality is far more cruel and bitter. Roughly more than 620000 people laid down their lives in this war, which is a huge figure. People feel great remorse for the loss that they and the nation had to bear in this war. The most regretful thing quoted by the witnesses and the upcoming generations is that they feel that people of the same country were fighting against the nationals of their own country, and killing their own brothers. The only positive outcome of these sacrifices is the abolishment of slavery.

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America during the time of the Civil War. He handled all the matters very tactfully and smartly. All his efforts became successful and he finally prosecuted the Civil war and preserved the nation. Abraham Lincoln was the primary person who passed the Thirteenth Amendment and officially ended slavery in America.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300



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“The signs of obvious unwelcome that awaited the Quakers in the seventeenth century continued in less strident though always visible forms in the eighteenth century. No one attempted to lynch the Scotch-Irish Presbyterian immigrants who tried to land at Boston port in the 1720s, but mobs gathered to prevent their settling. The familiar arguments were made: immigrants were likely to become public charges, "foreigners" would eat Bostonians out of house and home, they represented unfair competition to the native-born working classes. Some Scotch-Irish immigrants made their way to, Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire, but the major direction of their movement shifted to the less-populated frontier sections of Penn- sylvania, Virginia, and the Carolinas” (Osofsky, 1975).

Irish immigrants were discriminated due to their ethnicity and religion, but the discrimination was not only focused on doctrine beliefs but rather the simple fact that they were Irish. Irish immigrants were treated as a third class citizen, and when they arrived, they were met with hostility. The discrimination was not only limited to verbal taunts, but they were also discriminated in jobs as the natively born working class considered them a danger to their jobs. The decimation that Irish immigrants faced at that time is almost nonexistent now, and they now have the same rights as other American. Irish are not discriminated now, and they are considered white American which have given the same level of respect as other Americans. The discrimination that Irish people faced due to their religious and national background has now shifted to other ethnic groups.

Irish immigrants came to America through the mass exodus with the hopes of a better life and a new life. Irish immigrants were trying to escape the horrors that they faced back home and were trying to find respect in their new home. They wanted to have the necessities such as food, protection, a roof above their heads and all the essential things required for their family to survive. This all turned out to be wishful thinking as their lack of education, and lack of skill in the industrial revolution created problems for them. They had to struggle a lot while fitting into American society, but they were able to find a way to connect with the American people through baseball. At that point, Irish Immigrant finally achieved their goal. The resistance that they face initially and education, as well as their perception of laziness, threw them into poverty which was the exact situation that they were trying to avoid. Because America was in the middle of the industrial revolution, the Irish Immigrant failed to find any work because there were no skills that they could offer in the industrialized world. They turned towards the low wage jobs and had to compete against African American for these jobs which escalated the socioeconomic factor. They became the outcast, but their ability to speak English became their only positive force which helped them a lot.


Ososfsky, G. (1975). "Abolitionists, Irish Immigrants, and the Dilemmas of Romantic Nationalism." The American Historical Review, Vol. 80, No. 4 (Oct., 1975), 889-912.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300



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[History and Anthropology]

[9 June 8, 2019]


The famous thinker Albert Camus said, “We cannot escape history, we are up to necks in it.” This is true when one explores the annals of history, one finds that all history is a living affair. American society is facing several pressing issues today, and so was the case in the past. It would not be an exaggeration that the gilded age was the most important period in the American history. It was the period of enormous changes such as social, political and economic. This is the phase when the American society went an overhaul and witnessed dramatic changes. This age was the direct consequence of the era of reconstruction after American civil war. So, it combined with the progressivism as well. At first several, t it was considered an era of innovation and discovery where millions of patents were issued to the innovators in America, and it helped the rise of American nation in the world.

However, this period became the gilded age for Mark twain as he observed several drawbacks in that era of modernity. He mentioned that this progress is not progressive at all. Not every aspect of life is getting progressive (Twain). This was primarily of the reason that it ushered an era of cartels, monopolies, big corporations in the country. Big business enterprises- Rockefeller, Shell- became the hallmarks of this periods in US history. One another negative impact was that the rich capitalist class got hold of the political power and there was no remedy for the poor class. People became unemployed and distressed. More crimes prevailed and the several other social issues emerged. Thus, it is not doubt that gilded age is the most significant phase in American history as it facilitated the rise of America, but also brought forth several critical social issues in the country.

Works Cited

Twain, Mark, and Charles Dudley Warner. The Gilded Age: a tale of today. Penguin, 2001.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 3

Discussion 3

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Discussion 3

Women have different roles in the Mughal Empire and it was majorly dependent on the class they belong to. Along with performing different jobs women also took part in Mughal family society in various ways. By reading the history of the Mughal period it will be clear that they were not only warriors and advisers in political matters but at the same time some of the women could do business along with owning lands. However the role of women was based on their status and class, the upper class was able to enjoy more power and freedom but the lower class was certainly not allowed to enjoy this freedom and privileges. Women in the Mughal Empire were able to receive education and they majorly played their role in arts and paintings. Most of the women were also playing the role of advisor and it will be clear by reading the life of Akbar that how his grandmother acted the role of political advisor in his life ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"aeutntckr7","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf ({\\i{}The Mughal queen who became a feminist icon}, 2018)}","plainCitation":"(The Mughal queen who became a feminist icon, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":720,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/229QBRJT"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/229QBRJT"],"itemData":{"id":720,"type":"article-newspaper","title":"The Mughal queen who became a feminist icon","section":"India","source":"www.bbc.com","abstract":"Nur Jahan broke many male bastions to become a powerful ruler in 17th Century India.","URL":"https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-45319055","language":"en-GB","issued":{"date-parts":[["2018",9,2]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (The Mughal queen who became a feminist icon, 2018).

The role of women in the Mughal Empire was quite delicate one as compared to the role of women in European countries. The queens in the European countries were more actively involved in the entire system be it politics or finance. The queens of the European countries were responsible to open Parliament with great show and ceremony and also they used to read out the words that were prepared by the government. Queens were also involved in the appointment of PM and government from the largest elected party. As compared to the women of the Mughal Empire who were not actively involved in politics the European queens were more involved in politics ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a2nvm4f44bn","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf (\\uc0\\u8220{}Queens in the Middle Ages | Middle Ages,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)}","plainCitation":"(“Queens in the Middle Ages | Middle Ages,” n.d.)"},"citationItems":[{"id":722,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/U6J86MUC"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/U6J86MUC"],"itemData":{"id":722,"type":"webpage","title":"Queens in the Middle Ages | Middle Ages","URL":"http://www.thefinertimes.com/Middle-Ages/queens-in-the-middle-ages.html","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",5,15]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Queens in the Middle Ages | Middle Ages,” n.d.).

Society and politics also played a huge role in the overall role of women both in the Mughal Empire and European countries. The Mughal emperors were more bound culturally and religiously, therefore, they were not in a position to give more power to the women. Also society at that time was against the freedom of women but in the European countries, the society was more open minded therefore they gave more power and freedom to their women ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a6s5647nc6","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Muhammad Shaharyar, 01:53:46 UTC)","plainCitation":"(Muhammad Shaharyar, 01:53:46 UTC)"},"citationItems":[{"id":724,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/KQRVG4EK"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/KQRVG4EK"],"itemData":{"id":724,"type":"speech","title":"Europe at the time of mughal empire","genre":"Presentations & Public Speaking","abstract":"Comparison of Europe at the time of mughal empire\nform fastian's of","URL":"https://www.slideshare.net/SHAHERYARPARIKH/europe-at-the-time-of-mughal-empire","author":[{"family":"Muhammad Shaharyar","given":""}],"issued":{"literal":"01:53:46 UTC"},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",5,15]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Muhammad Shaharyar, 01:53:46 UTC).


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Muhammad Shaharyar. (01:53:46 UTC). Europe at the time of Mughal empire. Presentations & Public Speaking. Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/SHAHERYARPARIKH/europe-at-the-time-of-mughal-empire

Queens in the Middle Ages | Middle Ages. (n.d.). Retrieved May 15, 2019, from http://www.thefinertimes.com/Middle-Ages/queens-in-the-middle-ages.html

The Mughal queen who became a feminist icon. (2018, September 2). Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-45319055

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 4

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Concept of Masculinity

In recent decades, gender research has highlighted how sexuality is an ever-changing and changing phenomenon that cannot be found in any final explanation or core. How we understand the nature of sexuality always depends on the surrounding culture. Our way of experiencing sexual desire and enjoyment depends on the ways in which the various experts in sexuality speak. Sexuality researchers, various therapists and theologians are examples of actors who build our understanding of the ultimate nature of sexuality. Many researchers who first inspected the appearance of the late 19th obsession with sex and gender offered it as a positive, progressive refashioning of our thinking about human sexuality (p.2)

Shame threatens people when the prevailing perception of acceptable sexuality is in conflict with their own experiences and feelings. The concepts of sexuality at different times emerge in shame letters as if through a mirror image. The letters highlight those features of sexuality that are perceived as abnormal. For many of the oldest writers, the perceptions of the present are already ashamed of themselves.

The term contains a lot of aggression. It was possible, for example, to say “research” or “study” of masculinity. The choice of this term gives the intentions of those who use it. Deconstructions of masculinity say that they want to rethink it, but in fact it turns out that they want to destroy this masculinity. That is, use another meaning of the word "deconstruction". Behind the wave of indignation about male domination, which was evident in the example of sexual harassment, hides another truth: the general decline of the status of "male." According to Dr. Fauconney's own books on the sexual issues preoccupying the belle époque consisted of a curious amalgam of both old and new information, a blend of traditional lore and scientific discovery (p.149).

Work cited

McLaren, Angus, and Todd McLaren. The trials of masculinity: Policing sexual boundaries,

1870-1930. University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 5

Discussion 5

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Discussion 5

Question 1

How did the European conquest, “Scramble for Africa”, impact Baba’s life?

The European conquest turned life upside down for Baba, an African woman from Nigeria. Most Africans living outside the port cities had little to no idea what they should expect from the European invading their native lands. Their colonial authority was foreign in unimaginative ways to the locals. While the response towards European rule greatly depended on the conditions of the affected area. It is worth mentioning here that slavery was a long-established tradition in the area, with Baba and her family losing considerable amounts of income when these slaves were taken away from Africa by the Europeans. However, this loss was more or less offset by a stark reduction in the taxes the African farmers had to pay to the local chiefs and officials ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"2sV5oERu","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Pakenham, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Pakenham, 2015)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":199,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/NYG8TQIW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/NYG8TQIW"],"itemData":{"id":199,"type":"book","title":"The scramble for Africa","publisher":"Hachette UK","ISBN":"0-349-14193-2","author":[{"family":"Pakenham","given":"Thomas"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Pakenham, 2015)

Question 2

What is the symbol of the Veil in Modern Islam? How does the representation of the veil in Hughes book differ from Satrapi’s view in Persepolis?

According to ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"kRzfmdtg","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hughes & Hughes, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Hughes & Hughes, 2015)","dontUpdate":true,"noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":198,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/BE5FWQSM"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/BE5FWQSM"],"itemData":{"id":198,"type":"book","title":"Women in World History: v. 2: Readings from 1500 to the Present","publisher":"Routledge","ISBN":"1-317-45182-1","author":[{"family":"Hughes","given":"Sarah Shaver"},{"family":"Hughes","given":"Brady"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} Hughes & Hughes, (2015), veiling and seclusion of women in Islam are not enjoined in the Holy Quran. While one verse asks women to veil their bosoms and hide their ornaments, where the words ornaments may refer to everything except the hands and the feet, another tells them to draw their cloaks tightly around their bodies so they wouldn’t be recognized and annoyed. Seclusion, on the other hand, is meant to only be a practice that was asked of Muhammad’s wives, owing to their status as the wives of the Holy Prophet. However, this practice, courtesy of the prestige attached to it, was takes up by most upper-class ladies at the time. However, Satrapi’s view in Persepolis sees the veil imposed on the women as a symbol of conformity and obedience. The protagonist of the story, Marji, viewed it negatively, calling it the embodiment of Islamic cultural authenticity by Irani government, it was nothing more than a form of repression. She calls those complying with this form of repression as being blinded by tradition and follow the regime set by the government with no original thought of their own ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"gnu2A52y","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Satrapi, 2008)","plainCitation":"(Satrapi, 2008)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":197,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/EK4YQQXM"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/0omESN17/items/EK4YQQXM"],"itemData":{"id":197,"type":"book","title":"Persepolis I & II","publisher":"Random House","ISBN":"1-4070-7075-4","author":[{"family":"Satrapi","given":"Marjane"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2008"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Satrapi, 2008).


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Hughes, S. S., & Hughes, B. (2015). Women in World History: v. 2: Readings from 1500 to the Present. Routledge.

Pakenham, T. (2015). The scramble for Africa. Hachette UK.

Satrapi, M. (2008). Persepolis I & II. Random House.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 6

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Hughes and the McLaren texts

The medical discourse of Masculinity by McLaren

In McLaren's text, the medical discourse of Masculinity suggests that ‘manhood' was constructed. Most of the concepts related to manhood were negative and involved biased opinions. For example, being Cad, being exhibitionist, weakening, or the sadist, etc. these all concepts narrowed down the concept of Masculinity. McLaren text is important also as it includes the analysis of some courtroom trials. This text suggests that in the times of pre- WWI era, the bachelors were considered as Melodramas. Such debate suggests that manhood in those times were a complex and intriguing topic. In the whole of McLaren's text, the courtroom melodramas and the discourses related to sexual orientations are representatives, which locates all such concepts in late Victorian culture.

Sexual boundaries of Masculinity

The sexual boundaries of masculinity upheld by the groups of modest men and those being laborers and cads are different, as mentioned in McLaren's text. The fraudulent matrimonial services offered by many different men back in late centuries were more related to their foolish hopes. In meeting such desires, wealthy wives were prey for such modest and clad oriented male. McLaren has based his findings on court proceedings and suggests that adultery fell afoul, in such libel suits. In authenticating his view, he has refereed towards an adultery case committed by a female with her brother in law. McLaren has also worked on the medicalization of male deviance. Such studies coupled with those in his early reading suggests the gender norms played in real life.

What being away in the Empire mean?

Hughes reading suggests that norms and cultures remained different especially in the cases of sexuality. In cases where a male is away from the empire, the sexualities varied for him. Hughes referred to some example which is suggestive of the facts that male fringes include acceptability to many forms of sexuality. Such a varied form of sexuality naturally leaves many areas for investigation. ‘Imperialism' remained a prominent factor in observing how the sexuality of males was different in same geographical zones. There was another reason for the varied form of sexualities of males. For example, being more militarily aggressive required sexual satisfaction.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Lancaster, Roger N., and Micaela Di Leonardo. The Gender/Sexuality Reader: Culture, History, Political Economy. Psychology Press, 1997.

McLaren, Angus. Twentieth-Century Sexuality: A History. Blackwell Oxford, 1999.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 7

Personal Statement

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(All double-spaced)

Personal Statement

How did women in Japan and China begin to ‘revolutionize’ the role of women in 20th Century Asia?

The role of women in both China and Japan was considerably different from that of European or America continent in the 20th Century. Social and cultural structures were way different for women in different regions. They were deprived of social privileges in many regions of the world. The absence of such social privileges ignited the revolution by women during the 20th century. In China and Japan, the revolutionary movement for getting social privileges was way different from that of other regions.

In both China and Japan the revolutionary movement was influenced by the second wave of feminism in Europe and America. During the year 1910, the second wave of feminism majorly influenced the neo- Confucian ideology set around the concept of a good Wife or wise mother. The Seito magazine played an important role in making women aware of their new rights and duties in changing centuries. They started negating the ideas of neo- Confucianism. This magazine was later banned as it started promoting the ideas about freedom for love and marriages.

Gradually, the Chinese society started attracting the influence of the new wave of feminism in Japan. Majority of the women’s started writing and behaving in the way as was practiced in Japan. In between the years of 1915 and 1925, a new movement of emancipation emerged in China. These years are also classified as the years of violent struggle by women in China. This movement by Women in both China and Japan during the 19th century was set against imperialism and traditional cultural norms.

Did the changes and efforts in China and Japan differ significantly from the European efforts for suffrage?

The efforts against male dominance in both the Asian continent (China and Japan) ad European continent were ideologically alike. However, they differed significantly in the ways they were carried on. In Europe, the feminist movement was just against male dominance and for getting equal rights, this is the reason the movement was carried majorly in a peaceful manner. Compared to the European efforts against suffrage, the Asian women had to fight many evils. They were confronted with a more striking ideology in the form of Confucianism and they experienced more oppression compared to those in Europe and the Western world. This is the reason that during their efforts against neo- Confucianism and imperialism, they were subjected to forced disappearances, violence and were stared regarding as ill- minded citizens. This ill- mentality was generally referred to challenging the established norms in both China and Japan.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Judge, Joan. “Talent, Virtue, and the Nation: Chinese Nationalisms and Female Subjectivities in the Early Twentieth Century.” The American Historical Review 106, no. 3 (2001): 765–803.

Molony, Barbara, and Kathleen Uno. Gendering Modern Japanese History. Harvard University Asia Center, 2008.

Tamanoi, Mariko Asano. “Women’s Voices: Their Critique of the Anthropology of Japan.” Annual Review of Anthropology 19, no. 1 (1990): 17–37.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion 8

Personal Statement



Women and Feminism

Presently, the society is a far cry from what it was back in the way, with the women choosing to keeping their head down and paying no heed to what is going on around them. These women try to make themselves small, so that they may blend in. They made an effort to minimize themselves so that they wouldn’t be looked at too closely, stared down, and, if push comes to shove, molested. They considered themselves nothing more than a fly on the wall, or a part of the pavement. However, while the present age holds room for improvement, it remains indisputable that the public spaces belong to women as much as they belonged to men. Unfortunately, a better part of the male centric society fails and refuses to believe that. They would much rather have the public spaces look predominantly male or completely asexual but have proper representation, equal representation of both the genders in society. In this way, rights are rather gender centric within urban spaces.

In the west, a number of huge advances have been made for and by women in the past century or so. However, the society as a whole is still reluctant to consider the terms “women” and “power” in the same sentence. It refuses to give women an equal status to men, regardless of her potential and intellectual capabilities in comparison to those men. Today, more women than ever are overcoming barriers and are trying to bring in leadership and influence change. They are shattering the glass ceiling and making a name for themselves despite the struggles.

Gloria Steinem, in her own words, wanted to bring about revolution as opposed to reformation. Departing a career in journalism, she turned into a full-time activist. She worked towards learning the issues faced by most women and proving to all the women around her that their issues were the same, their problems were the same, thus they need to come together in order to bring effective change. This effort of hers to change the way people saw women and how women themselves could work on their personal value of life and themselves make room for positive change. Everything she did was in the favor of women, including making them work towards their common good and achieve a common goal. One of the best amendments to the constitution was carried out by Gloria Steinem, especially with ratification and implementation of the Equal Rights Act or ERA. So was her presence that between her and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, they were, are, and have always been one of the most famous feminists of all times.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Allen, Amy. The Power of Feminist Theory. Routledge, 2018.

Beebeejaun, Yasminah. “Gender, Urban Space, and the Right to Everyday Life.” Journal of Urban Affairs 39, no. 3 (2017): 323–34.

Tillet, Salamishah. “Why Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Gloria Steinem Still Matter.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 42, no. 3 (2017): 790–92.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion Board

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Discussion Board

Discussion 1

Spain was initially interested in coming to the new world for two reasons such as religion and economic situations. They wanted to spread Catholicism around the world and decrease the ratio of protestants. Spanish people wanted to acquire the land which is abandoned with lots of gold. At that time the Armada was destroyed, and they were looking to rebuild it and build their influence (OpenStax, U.S. History, N. p, 2017).

Discussion 2

I don't agree with this statement, and my answer is not. Slavery had already banned at the time civil war. For the first time, slavery was banned in 1808 by the British government. The importation of slaves was completely banned and was declared illegal. In 1833 the British government had outlawed slavery, and every modern nation had abolished slavery by the 20th century. The USA strictly followed these laws during the 19th century set by British rulers. The southern states of the country followed these laws. Brazil was the last country who had followed these laws and banned slavery in 1888.

Discussion 3

The war of 1812 between USA and Britain boosted the spirit of nationalism among the people of the United States. The country developed after this war, and Henry Clay developed the overall systems of the country. A national bank was created, build new buildings and roads, placed tariffs on imports. The economy of the country grew during this era, and the United States entered a new period of development and prosperity. The United States became both politically and economically strong. There are no such parallels of the nationalism during the war of 1812. Nationalism is the major problem of the United States because it is the land of opportunity for all immigrants. The USA is comprised of different nations, and the identity of Americans are rooted in nowhere. The people of the USA have some common interests, a common set of ideals, regardless of their races, religions, and ethnicity. American culture has evolved with time and entry of different cultural traits brought by the immigrants. Economic development of the country has seen continuously from the 19th century and especially the war of 1812. Americans are proud of their history and their country. Mostly the white Americans are proud because they had a better lifestyle from the last few centuries.

Discussion 4

James K Polk was younger president of the USA who entered the White House as a president at the age of 49 years. He was a visionary president, set an agenda for his presidency contained four goals; acquire the territories of California and New Mexico, cut tariffs, secure the Oregon Territory and reestablish independent US Treasury. He was an aggressive president and moved the army to the border with Mexico and initiated the Mexican-American war. This war was started in 1846 which was continued for two years and finished in 1848. The United States wore this war and it resulted in Mexico relinquished its claim of the Texas state. Though the USA won this war still this war was considered controversial by many history scholars because it promoted slavery. This ultimately resulted in the American civil war which was started in the 1860s.

Discussion 5

The root causes of the civil war started with the 1828 tariff of Abomination, which restricted the export of goods from one state to another. Northern representatives of Congress party supported this tariff. The purpose of this tariff was to save the industries of northern America. This tariff adversely affected the exports dependent southern states. The south of the country was based agrarian economy. They opposed this tariff and declared that South Carolina would not enforce it inside its borders. In 1860s election, Lincoln won at Electoral college, although Lincoln had not polled 50 percent of its popular vote. At this point, the civil war was considered as inevitable. This war changed the fate of the African Americans because they brought changes in constitutions and protected their rights.

Work Cited

OpenStax, U.S. History. OpenStax CNX. Jul 27, 2017, http://cnx.org/contents/a7ba2fb8-8925-4987-b182-5f4429d48daa@3.84.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Discussion Posts

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Discussion posts

Mussolini and Goebbels

Both Mussolini and Goebbels make good use of metaphors as they try to pass across their messages. The metaphors are mainly of evil and bad health to show the status in which their countries were in after the world war. Mussolini claims that the they were is a state of marasmus which simple implies the bad economic state in which the country was in and how the soldiers were not able to continue with the fight. Goebbels also terms the people who contribute towards the erosion of German culture as germs within their midst. Germs cause death if not handled well and this is what Goebbels uses to refer to the people who are helping in doing away with their culture as germens.

Both of them talk about nationalism and socialism as a way of solving the problems that they had difference in their look at socialism. I believe the difference in attitude comes as a result of the different things that the two countries faced.

Goebbels argues that anti-Semitism is good for the well-being of the Germans. This is because according to him, the Jews are the major enemies of the Germans and must be removed from their midst. Mussolini on the other hand identifies Russians, Austrians and Germans as the major enemies of fascism (Kaes et al, pp 138).

Diary of the dark days

The piece by Guehenno is a collection of his thoughts on whether Petain will be able to move the country forward or not. First he claims that he is too old to make any rational decisions for the country and is likely to repeat every stupid thing that the oppressors will tell him to say. According to him, there are a group of Frenchmen who were not at peace with other people and would therefore rejoice in this defeat.

He refers to the divisions that took place in the country fifty years ago as some of the things that led to the defeat. The people are not in any way together and that is why some of them would rather celebrate the defeat of the country. The groups that feel the country has been defeated and are sad about it does not support the Petain government. On the other hand, the others rejoice in the formation of this government as they believe it will continue to add to the sorrows of the French.

When he says that the country is only an idea, he implies that it the duty of the Frenchmen to either support France or not. Just like one would have their thoughts on any idea, the country is also left to such possibilities (Guehenno, pp 10).

The reunification of Germany

In Kohl’s speech it is evident that the major point of interest that he has is the unification of the two Germanies after the fall of the Berlin wall. He tries to prove why it is important to unify both sides of Germany as well as the larger part of Europe that are not in unity. He also intends to use the idea of contractual community suggested by the prime minister as a way of convincing the citizens that the unification is the most important thing.

The major tradition that he refers to as he tries to argue out the need for unification is the federal government. The federal government will continue serving as the overall government on the land and they will offer help to people from both sides of the country.

The context that he refers to in this case is the economic and political cold war that resulted to division between the two sides (Adam et al, pp 120).

Islamic headscarves in France

Soud talks about the manner in which primary school played an active role in separating people based on where they come from. She says that in the school where she went, the French were in a more advanced section while the other people were left in the middle school. This created a notion among the students as they already knew that they were superior that the others.

Although her decision to wear a Muslim headscarf was a requirement by the religion, she also did it as a way of showing that she loved her religion and was determined to overcome all the obstacles she faced. People would ridicule her for being a Muslim and the best way she used to fight back and show her determination was the use of the headscarf.

When she went with the headscarf to her place of work, the experience was a bit different. She found tolerant people who even went ahead to tell her that they were willing to deal with any person who would discriminate her based on her religion. It is a fact that made her feel that the country was making progress in the right direction (Bowen, p 76).

Works cited

Adam Daniel Rotfeld and Walther Stutzle, eds. Germany and Europe in transition. (New York: 1991). Pp 120-122

Anton Kaes, Martin Jay, and Edward Dimendberg. The weimer republic sourcebook (Los Angeles: 1994), pp 137-38, 142

Jean Guehenno. Diary of the dark years, 1940-1944: Collaboration, Resistance, and daily life in occupied Paris, trans David Ball (New York: 2014), pp 10-11.

John R Bowen. Why the French don’t like headscarves: Islam, the state, and public space ( Princeton: 2014) P 75-77

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Discussion Question




Discussion Question

To civil rights, Br Marther Luther King Jr’s assassination was more like a rupture. It was like breaking of dreams and hopes for the African civil right activists. As the King was very active in his movement against social inequality and injustice, so his assassination was a setback for the poor Africans who were living in the highly American unjust society. After the assassination of the King, the Africans were neglected in every field. The King was struggling for everything for the Africans who were being ignored; he took part in marches related to jobs and other equal opportunities for African Americans. If the king was not killed, then the situation would be quite different. There would be equal job opportunities for everyone including the African Americans who were struggling for their basic needs, and also they would be treated better.

The consequence of King's assassination was a major setback for the African civil rights. The people felt devastated and left out, they were diverted from their goals towards a much better and respectable society, and they were not focused anymore. There was no one to lead them toward social equality so in general, it was quite devastating for all of them. Although by the time Dr. Luther was assassinated his popularity was not intense as compared to his earlier days, but the grief that fell on the African community after his assassination was quite intense. There was no one at that time to lead them towards their goals they lost the track and were directionless. If King Luther would be alive, then the situation would be quite different. Most of the goals of the African people would be achieved if he wasn't killed, so his suicide put them in a miserable situation.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Discussion Questions

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Discussion Questions

Religions: Hinduism – the Gita and Puja

Part 1: I read The Bhagavad Gita a year ago and found this a very fascinating book as it covers different aspects of human life. It is the holy book of Hindu religion which the scholars interpret as the song of God. It talks about the real purpose of life and the actions that are done for the sake of betterment of human life and not for the sake of reward. The flourishing of human beings should be the goal of life. According to Gita, there’s no such thing as death, it is just the soul that leaves the body, nothing else changes. Identifying yourself as soul, not the body is what Gita says about “self” and the real identity or real ego is what “self” is about. Gita also claims that humans have the ability of rebirth and enjoy seven more lives after death. Death is never an important thing,its just a gateway to another life ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"UNOmovu6","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}The Hidden Truths in the Bhagavad Gita})","plainCitation":"(The Hidden Truths in the Bhagavad Gita)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":9,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/RBNYwj78/items/DHAP4CZD"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/RBNYwj78/items/DHAP4CZD"],"itemData":{"id":9,"type":"webpage","title":"The Hidden Truths in the Bhagavad Gita","URL":"https://yogananda.org/the-hidden-truths-in-the-bhagavad-gita","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,2]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (The Hidden Truths in the Bhagavad Gita). The religious textsreveal the actual happening of a specific era and tell the stories of society. Some of these texts have a long history of existence and there are no specific limitations as a source base.

Part 11: Puja is a kind of prayer ritual in Hinduism and is performed while worshipping different gods. This is not the same for everyone because Hindus worship different gods and their ways of doing “Puja” is also different from one another. The most surprising thing about the Puja isthe time that some of the pujas take to be completed. It is interesting because these pujas are performed for a long period of time and can go for nine days. It is also considered as the longest-running puja of the Hindus. This video has made me think of some other aspects of Hindu religion because they perform puja to many Gods and it makes me wonder how all these Gods became part of Gita and how Puja was made an important part of the religion.

Religions: Hazelton and the Quran

Part 1:

I always wanted to read the Quran because it has the world's 2nd highest believers and is considered to be one of the oldest Holy books in the history of the World. It is a collection of stories from the past and God’s direct conversation with his chosen messenger. This is what fascinates me that how God uses his messenger as a medium to address his believers. In 18: 110 of the Quran, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) says that "It has been revealed to me that your God is One God. So whoever expects to meet his Lord, then let him do good deeds and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord" ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"lgGZKa6v","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u699{}Al\\uc0\\u299{})","plainCitation":"(ʻAlī)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":11,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/RBNYwj78/items/JZW686R7"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/RBNYwj78/items/JZW686R7"],"itemData":{"id":11,"type":"book","title":"The Holy Qur'ān : Arabic text and English translation","publisher":"Islam International Publications Ltd.","publisher-place":"Tilford","source":"http://worldcat.org","archive":"/z-wcorg/","event-place":"Tilford","ISBN":"1-85372-811-X","language":"English","author":[{"family":"ʻAlī","given":"Maulawī Sher."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2005"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (ʻAlī). In another part of Quran in Surah Al-Ahzab, God clears the status of Muhammad (P.B.U.H) by stating that “Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things”.

Lesley Hazelton as a Non-Muslim found a self-identified "tourist" in the Holy Book of Quran which she had never expected. It is interesting to see that how Lesley discusses the flexibility and mystery of the Quran with grace. This "tourist" point of hers is new for me and makes me study more about Quran because I want to explore more about these past stories that are believed by millions of people ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"rixvFrx0","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hazleton)","plainCitation":"(Hazleton)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":5,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/RBNYwj78/items/UWF4RHD7"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/RBNYwj78/items/UWF4RHD7"],"itemData":{"id":5,"type":"motion_picture","title":"On reading the Koran","source":"www.ted.com","abstract":"Lesley Hazleton sat down one day to read the Koran. And what she found -- as a non-Muslim, a self-identified \"tourist\" in the Islamic holy book -- wasn't what she expected. With serious scholarship and warm humor, Hazleton shares the grace, flexibility and mystery she found, in this myth-debunking talk.","URL":"https://www.ted.com/talks/lesley_hazelton_on_reading_the_koran","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Hazleton","given":"Lesley"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,2]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hazleton). When I first read the Quran, I thought it would only be about Allah but after watching the video of Lesley, I have become more interested in reading the whole Quran because I want to know about the happenings and difficulties faced by different pious people 1400 years ago.

Those Famous Traveler’s: Marco Polo:

This source tells that Silk Road is a long-distance trade network that plays important role in making the world, a Globalized world and talks about Marco Polo as the most famous traveler who made a journey of 24 long years. While travelling, he came in contact with many societies and learned about their culture, geography, and their government. His assessing of communities was mainly fictional and many of the evidences he shared, were not witnessed by him. He considered other tales as truth. The most significant thing about his description of the World is the understanding of Central Asia and its inhabitants ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"3PdtH6R6","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed, Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed, Episode 1 | Alexander Street, a ProQuest Company})","plainCitation":"(Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed, Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed, Episode 1 | Alexander Street, a ProQuest Company)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":12,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/RBNYwj78/items/4NZ45J67"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/RBNYwj78/items/4NZ45J67"],"itemData":{"id":12,"type":"webpage","title":"Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed, Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed, Episode 1 | Alexander Street, a ProQuest Company","URL":"https://search.alexanderstreet.com/preview/work/bibliographic_entity%7Cvideo_work%7C2791395","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,2]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed, Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed, Episode 1 | Alexander Street, a ProQuest Company). The documentary, Marco Polo- the China Mystery Revealed shows Marco Polo's experiences and his voyage in Asia and spent 17 years in China. He learned about the culture, wealth and social structure of China and was impressed by the empire's paper money, coal burning, communication system, and gunpowder.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Hazleton, Lesley. On Reading the Koran. www.ted.com, https://www.ted.com/talks/lesley_hazelton_on_reading_the_koran. Accessed 2 Nov. 2019.

ʻAlī, Maulawī Sher. The Holy Qur’ān : Arabic Text and English Translation. Islam International Publications Ltd., 2005. /z-wcorg/.

Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed, Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed, Episode 1 | Alexander Street, a ProQuest Company. https://search.alexanderstreet.com/preview/work/bibliographic_entity%7Cvideo_work%7C2791395. Accessed 2 Nov. 2019.

The Hidden Truths in the Bhagavad Gita. https://yogananda.org/the-hidden-truths-in-the-bhagavad-gita. Accessed 2 Nov. 2019.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Discussion Questions

The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King had shocked the world by brutal violence in the United States of America. He was died after a long struggle to bring some racial justice in the country. His death awoke the morality of some Americans to brought changes to the racialist structure of the country’s economic and social system. Some middle class of the Negroes move into decent jobs, moved from the ghetto into cities. They also got some prestigious positions which they never had in the past.

If Martin Luther King had not been assassinated the civil rights improvement and racial integration would not happen. He leads the civil rights movement in the USA for the rights of Negroes from 1950 to 1968. He was an advocate for the nonviolence movement if he had not assassinated the country would not face such destructive protests. After his death there was no one to replace him, there were no dialogues between the violent group and the nonviolent group.

First, the murder of Martin Luther had led to anger and violence. The property, markets, and businesses of the white community were targeted after the incident. After his death, the Civil Rights Act of 1968 was passed which also included the Fair House Act. It also fueled the black power movement. This movement helped the black community to get their fundamental rights in society.

The events might not happen with the nonviolence movement of Dr. King. He believed in the political dialogues and diplomatic solution to the problems of black Americans. The administration, constitution, and all the powers were in the control of white Americans. They were not seemed in the favor to empower the Negroes. However, if he had not assassinated there would be no violence in the country, and the businesses and other properties of the people would not be harmed.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300


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Thomas Paine published a pamphlet, ‘common sense’ in 1775-1776, to support and advocate the independence of Americans from British colonies. In this pamphlet, Thomas Paine wrote in persuasive and clear prose through logical, moral, and political arguments against the colonial oppression of the British on the people of 13 colonies of the United States across the Atlantic coast of the country. He urged the people of the United States to fight and strive for independence and had a great influence on masses as his publication was distributed and read aloud widely. He presented the case of freedom as an essential requirement for the people of the United States against the colonial setup. One of the famous and inspiring sentences of James Paine is “Everything which is natural and right demands doe separation. Even the distance between England and America placed by Almighty is one natural and strong proof that the one’s authority on the other is not even in the design of nature.” This is a very important quote and powerful in the sense that it provides a logical argument against the British colonial political framework. No government can rule and impose its policies on people and countries that are thousands of miles away from the capital. He argued that it is not possible to determine a proper name for British rule and colonies in these states. After the discovery of America, the British royal family and kingdom can't rule over people and restrict their rights of freedom, equality, and justice.

Paine's style was very effective, and his arguments had a great impact on prescient debates of government, morals, and mechanisms of democracy. John Adams, one of the pioneer freedom leaders of America, highly regarded the work of Thomas Paine and considered this a pure work of democracy without any confusion and evil.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Do You Feel The Federal Marijuana Laws Should Be Changed?

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Day Month Year

Do you feel the federal marijuana laws should be changed?

Different states of America have legalized the use of recreational marijuana, while others are still debating over the status of legality. Some states have legalized the use of medical marijuana. Recreational use of marijuana was introduced to the US by Mexico, where its usage is linked to the criminal and anti-social behavior. The federal government has still prohibited the use of marijuana in all the states. Despite the federal regulations nine states in the US have voted to legalize the planting and growth of marijuana. The Many consider that status marijuana is still legal in the US not do to the harmful effects that are often associated to it but due to the moral and public perceptions of violence and crimes that are associated to its usage. For many years the majority of the US citizens considered the use of marijuana immoral and thus the support regarding the criminalizing the marijuana were in majority. But the sentiments regarding the legalization of marijuana have increased by the 20 points in a small period of one decade ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"OW2m5SkX","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Galston and Jr)","plainCitation":"(Galston and Jr)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1780,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/WFHSG6CY"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/WFHSG6CY"],"itemData":{"id":1780,"type":"article-journal","title":"The New Politics of Marijuana Legalization:","page":"17","source":"Zotero","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Galston","given":"William A"},{"family":"Jr","given":"E J Dionne"}]}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Galston and Jr)

According to report the proportions of the Americans who consider it immoral have dropped from 50 percent to 32 percent in a small period of seven years. The majority opinion is shifting towards the legalization of the drug. According to a survey in the married couples with children the support for the drug,, legalization is declining and this pattern can be observed in all the millennials when they enter parenthood. Conservatives are the strongest opposition of the legalization. Understanding the difference between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana is essential in understanding the consequences of legalization on the states and the public. Medical marijuana is used in certain drugs to control the symptoms of certain diseases. FDA does not approve the use of this plant the medical drugs but it is used in the different medicines in the states where its use is legalized by the local governments. Marijuana has two important components THC and CBD. THC is the psychoactive chemical in the drug that is responsible for producing the high state in its user while CBD does not contain psychoactive chemicals. Medical marijuana has high levels of CBD. However, recreational marijuana contains the high levels of the THC that puts its users in the high state. This high state is associated with the hallucinations, increased fear, and anxiety and stated of panic that results in behavioral problems in the users. Its short terms effects include the inability to think and solve problems, influence overreactions, poor judgment, and memory but in long term, its regular use can lead to memory loss and changes in brain structure that causes depression, and psychosis ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"qfVbnQdl","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Recreational Marijuana FAQ\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(“Recreational Marijuana FAQ”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1783,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/QA2SVZIS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/QA2SVZIS"],"itemData":{"id":1783,"type":"webpage","title":"Recreational Marijuana FAQ","container-title":"WebMD","abstract":"Learn how recreational marijuana use can affect your health. And find out if it's addictive.","URL":"https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/recreational-marijuana-faq","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,11]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Recreational Marijuana FAQ”).

Legality of marijuana is associated with the freedom of choice. And is linked to the legal status of drugs like alcohol and cigarettes. If the drugs are legal then the marijuana can also be declared as legal by the federal government. Due to this popular opinion the states that have not legalized the status of marijuana as legal they have decriminalized it.

In my opinion, the federal laws regarding the marijuana need to change not because they are exploiting the freedom of choice but due to other important factors excluding the debate over its ill influences over the health of its users. In the present state even after the legalization of marijuana in the various state of American, it cannot be transported to the other states of America due to the federal laws. But this issue with the illegalization is still not stopping the drug dealers from transporting it to the various states. Alone in 2017, around 70,237 people in the US died due to illegal drugs use ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"cCkE7G6e","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Annual Causes of Death in the United States\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(“Annual Causes of Death in the United States”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1773,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/ZV6HNXWM"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/ZV6HNXWM"],"itemData":{"id":1773,"type":"webpage","title":"Annual Causes of Death in the United States","container-title":"Drug War Facts","abstract":"Accurate, reliable data on drugs and drug policies including full source citations.","URL":"https://www.drugwarfacts.org/chapter/causes_of_death","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,11]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Annual Causes of Death in the United States”). The illegal distribution the drugs makes it difficult for the federal government agencies to control its usage. Legalizing the different forms of marijuana will allow the government to keep a check on the distribution of the drug. Often minors are sold the concentrated form of drugs by the drug dealers that causes more threatening effects on health than the regular recreational form of marijuana.

Many states like Oregon are planting marijuana plants in large amounts for the export to the other states. This industry has been part of this state’s identity long before it was legalized. Every year more than 1 million pounds of the weed goes in waste in Oregon due to federal state laws. These laws are affecting the economic state of this state and many others like it. Currently, the state has 1 million pounds of unsold cannabis. Its price in Oregon has reduced to $7,000 while in the New York it gets sold for $20,000. The status of the legalization has turned into a political problem ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"jQ9NFTyZ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Stickles)","plainCitation":"(Stickles)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1777,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/BTC79966"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/KZl8ZL3A/items/BTC79966"],"itemData":{"id":1777,"type":"webpage","title":"Oregon has 1 million pounds of unsold cannabis, and it reveals the state's marijuana-surplus problem","container-title":"Business Insider","abstract":"The oversupply of cannabis in Oregon is driving prices down. The state's limited-access problem is putting the local marijuana industry in jeopardy.","URL":"https://www.businessinsider.com/why-oregon-has-1-million-pounds-of-unsold-cannabis-2019-4","author":[{"family":"Stickles","given":"Abby Tang","suffix":"Jennifer Lee, Nisha"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,11]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Stickles).

Despite public opinions are changing regarding the status of the marijuana Federal government is still not considering the legalization of the drug. In my opinion, legalizing marijuana and opening the borders for export will even benefit the US in the long run by improving its economy. Also, the federal state will be able to control the illegal smuggling and distribution of drugs. New policies regarding the distributions of the drug will ensure that it is distributed in the right formation that is healthy for the use.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY “Annual Causes of Death in the United States.” Drug War Facts, https://www.drugwarfacts.org/chapter/causes_of_death. Accessed 11 Apr. 2019.

Galston, William A., and E. J. Dionne Jr. The New Politics of Marijuana Legalization: p. 17.

“Recreational Marijuana FAQ.” WebMD, https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/recreational-marijuana-faq. Accessed 11 Apr. 2019.

Stickles, Abby Tang, Jennifer Lee, Nisha. “Oregon Has 1 Million Pounds of Unsold Cannabis, and It Reveals the State’s Marijuana-Surplus Problem.” Business Insider, https://www.businessinsider.com/why-oregon-has-1-million-pounds-of-unsold-cannabis-2019-4. Accessed 11 Apr. 2019.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Documentary : Influenza 1918

History and Anthropology

Documentary: Influenza 1918

Paty Valiente


In 1918 the influenza pandemic killed several people and was cited as the most devastating epidemic that is recorded in history and is known as a global disaster. The virus spread through the exhalation of respiratory droplets of the infected person. The war provided perfect conditions for the spread of the virus because, during war young males, military personnel used to live in close quarters with several other troops. This proximity combined with malnutrition and immense stress of the war resulted in a weak immune system of the soldiers that in turn allowed the virus to spread like wildfire. Not only in the quarters of military personnel but overcrowding in the hospitals also provided an ideal environment for the spread of the virus.

Due to the severity of an epidemic, the US economy faced a huge set back economically. This was because of the shortage of workers. However, due to a shortage, many females were coming out of their homes to get a job. Thus, this helped women in obtaining social and financial independence. Another issue that was highlighted during the epidemic was a lack of healthcare facilities. There were no vaccinations to treat the infected people and to accommodate a large number of people in the hospital was a huge task. This burden jeopardizes health care provision to the people, especially to the immigrants.

The influenza pandemic inspired development in the field of science as many scientists started to find a cure for this disease. This led to the invention of vaccinations that help to combat the disease. Although, the war provided favorable conditions for the disease spread yet the lack of awareness was another factor due to which the virus was spread like wildfire. Due to this many health care practitioners were more focused on spreading awareness among people on how to protect themselves in a situation like this.


The Best Film Archives. 2019. The 1918 Influenza Pandemic In America | Struggle Against The Spanish Flu | Documentary. Video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0juBE-ra3A.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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