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Unit 2 Questions MOS 5101

Unit 2 Questions MOS 5101

Kathryn Campbell

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

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Answers to three Questions

Unit 2 Questions MOS 5101

Answer 1

If the study of Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations are conducted, we can find that there are certain improvements when it comes to safety concerns regarding skilled labor. However, there are still some predicaments that the safety professional still faces in the implementation of OSHA regulations. One of these predicaments is related to the protection of workers from chemical hazards CITATION Sza15 \l 1033 (Szal, 2015). This is evident as the chemical exposure limits that the set by the Environmental Protection Agency is crudely a thousand times tougher than those set by OSHA. In addition to that, about five hundred of an estimated eighty-four thousand of chemicals in US manufacturing plants received OSHA evaluations, and OSHA officials concluded that even the evaluated plants are outdated.

The only way to counter such predicaments as face by workers in the education of workers of their rights under OSHA. Take the example of the "Cancer Alley" workers. Lack of compliance has resulted in an abundance of cases of cancer in both workers and their nearby living friends and families. OSHA regulations should declare education in workplace safety compulsory for every single worker who wants to pursue their career as a Skill Labor.

Answer 2

There are mixed responses when the participation of employers in OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) or the Star Program (SP) is concerned. The positive point of the employer's participation in OSHA VPP is that there are greater savings opportunities in place of medical expenses. Also, the reduction in medical-related costs, as well as absenteeism and insurance premiums, decrease other compensations that fuel competition in the workplace environment. The negative point that can prove it problematic for employers regarding the participation in VPP is additional costs in fixing all the workplace hazards. For industries such as chemical plants and construction sites, this can mean hefty strain in the employer's pocket. In case an incident does occur after the implementation of OSHA regulations, the employer cannot bargain on fines as these amounts are fixed with a specific period in which the fines must be cleared.

Based on these points, it is still advisable for an employer to participate in these programs as there is always a chance that these regulations could reduce workplace incidents, which is generally for the goodwill of the company, which could increase the revenue of the company anyway. This would cover the cost incurred for workplace safety in the first place.

Answer 3

OSHA has improved the health and safety outlook of the workplace. For once, the obligations that are imposed on the employer make them liable to concern themselves with the safety of the employee in the first place. This behavior increases workplace morale in the first place. Also, it helps in lowering the costs of insurance premiums that the workers have to pay despite their meager wages as the cost needed for compliance with OSHA regulations are solely borne by the employer.

Another regulation that has improved the safety and health-related outlook of the workplace is the right given to workers to complain about the behavior of their supervisors in the workplace environment. These complaints are kept anonymous for the safety of the workers. Furthermore, severe penalties are imposed on the employer that tries to retaliate against the complaints that are done against them. The workers also have the right to speak freely with the inspector concern if subsequently an inspection is conducted in the course of the resolution of the issue.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Szal, A. (2015). OSHA Not Doing Enough To Protect Workers From Chemical Hazards. Manufacturing,Net.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Using Phytormediation To Remove Hardness From Water


using Phytormediation to remove hardness from water

15 April, 2015

1) Phytoremediation is a method for removing toxic substances from soils, waters using plants and microorganisms. Phytoremediation is a set of methods for the treatment of wastewater, soil and atmospheric air using green plants. It became an effective and cost-effective method of cleaning the environment only after it discovered the heavy metal hyper accumulator plants that can accumulate up to 5% nickel, zinc or copper in their leaves in terms of dry weight - that is, ten times more than normal plants. The biological significance of this phenomenon has not yet been fully disclosed: it is possible, for example, to assume that the high content of toxic elements protects plants from pests and makes them more resistant to diseases.

2) Water hyacinth was able to absorb not only organic substances that pollute water, but also such heavy metals as zinc, cadmium and copper, as well as radio-nuclides. Water hyacinth or eichornia (from the Latin Eichhornia crassipes) belongs to the Pontederiaceae family and is divided into a separate genus Eichornia. This species was first discovered in the tropics of South America. In addition, the plant is successfully grown in artificially created reservoirs, aquariums and winter gardens. Its varieties have white, pale purple and blue shades. Hyacinth is a tropical plant, so it is necessary that it has 12 hours of sun every day. In the middle lane in winter, this can be achieved if you additionally hang a fluorescent lamp above the container in which the flower grows. When there is insufficient light, the leaves of eichornia begin to fall off. In addition, it is necessary to protect the flower from drafts and temperature changes.

3) The absorption of copper, lead, cadmium and zinc ions from aqueous solutions by water hyacinth under model conditions was studied. It is noted that plants withstand excess of MPC of these elements in the water, remain viable and successfully multiply. According to the experimental procedure, the concentration of metals decreases by more than 5 times for zinc, 2 litres for cadmium, 4 times for lead, and add 2 drops of “Eriochrome Black T indicator”. Titrate slowly with 0.01M EDTA until the solution becomes blue. At the same time, there was no significant accumulation of these metals in the vegetative mass of eichornia. Thus, the efficiency of using water hyacinth plants for the purification of water for various purposes from heavy metals has been shown.

4) Water hyacinth feeds on insecticides, phosphates, phenols, heavy metals with inclusions of cadmium, nickel, silver, and also toxic alcohols and radionuclides. The plant is truly unique - it blooms beautifully, it can absorb pollution from water, it does not require complex technical operation. Some cities in Russia have begun experiments with the use of biological water purification, for example, in Balashov, Saratov region, a tropical flower from Amazonia grows on sewage canals. In some parts of United States (more precisely, in Florida), water hyacinth was deliberately introduced into drainage ditches and streams to purify water on its way to a lake or reservoir, which in many cases led to the creation of hyacinth farms. Such farms can be part of a system for cleaning contaminated water discharged subsequently into the lake, since these plants effectively reduce the level of nutrients and BOD, as well as assimilate heavy metals (they can also be used in the tertiary treatment of contaminated water at some wastewater treatment plants).

5) The water hyacinth has indeed many problems in the Ébrié lagoon. Indeed, some of these problems are very harmful and continue to harm the aquatic biodiversity of the lagoon and the daily activities of Abidjan. It is therefore essential to reduce the amount of hyacinth in our lagoon. However, reducing it to waste is not beneficial to anyone. The water hyacinth is not only a plant that is harmful to biodiversity but it is also a threat to the life and everyday use of Ivorians. The regular use of Ebrié lagoon by Ivorians previously for various reasons is becoming more and more difficult: one of the main reasons is the invasion of water hyacinth The water hyacinth covers a large part of the surface of the water bodies (especially that of the Porto-Novo lagoon). The roots of like many plants have negative charge to them. If there is a bigger charge on metal, sp there is a grater attraction of the water hyacinth.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Waste Prevention 1

In Shanghai, the nearby rural areas use irrigation system as a common pool resource for growing vegetations and crops. The aim of this pool resourcing is to make the entire farming process economical with least possible wastage of resources.

The basic leadership procedure of the affiliation presents no contrasts between the individuals developing their own territory and the occupants. Like clockwork, all the ordinary individuals choose a formal leading body of representatives, which is responsible for the administration of the entire commons. The fundamental objective for the affiliation is the arrangement of water for all the yield needs, alongside the keeping up and the improvement of transportation and conveyance offices. The affiliation draws its water from common spring wellsprings that, at any rate previously, were typically satisfactory to fulfill the irrigation needs.

The affiliation was made toward the start of the twentieth century, when crops were joined and planted in pivot so as to amplify both soil richness and yields. Ranchers generally given predictable consideration to the water channels, that were cleaned month to month, and to the water designs that were always checked to ensure that overabundance water streamed into underground storages for sometime later. Be that as it may, a move happened in the gathering's vision of their commons when, around two decades back, the European Union began to sponsor corn. Following the resulting monetary motivators, the affiliation finished revolution practices and swung to monoculture. Though normal springs and streams had recently been adequate for the irrigation needs, this new escalated cultivating prompted an extreme shortage of water for all ranchers. Additionally, the shortage has been exacerbated by the inadequacy of the affiliation individuals to change the current institutional plans (and particularly the water portion rules) so as to adjust to the new circumstance.


Timilsina, R. R., Kotani, K., & Kamijo, Y. (2017). Sustainability of common pool resources. PloS one, 12(2), e0170981.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week 14 Assignment


Instructor Name

Environmental Science

26 November 2019

Climate Change: Impact on Different States


Utah is a geologically varied state located in the western part of the Continental United States CITATION NCI19 \l 1033 (NCICS, Utah). Its climate is very unique due to its central location. According to the latest reports, Utah is facing several Issues, noteworthy of which are the steady increase in the average temperature of the state, increase in frequent droughts and the problems to the local wildfire due to the aforementioned two issues. There are several steps that the State government can take in controlling these rising problems. First, the state can use methods of sustainable energy to steady decrease the rise of temperature of the state's climate. Also, the state should build barrages and water reservoirs, as it will help in the sustenance of the local wildlife while making human settlements more likely.

North Carolina

North Carolina is a state with a significant amount of regional variation in its geology CITATION NCI191 \l 1033 (NCICS, North Carolina). Average annual temperatures vary from 20 F from the mountains in the west to the coasts in the east. The direst environmental issue faced by the state is the rise of several highly damaging tornados. This may be due to the steady rise in the average temperature of the state. Furthermore, there are other persisting environmental concerns like excessive plastics waste and smog in the atmosphere due to a large number of coal-based energy units. North Carolina can counter these issues by the careful practice of recycling and the use of renewable energy respectively.


Alabama is a state located near the Gulf of Mexico. Therefore, it is exposed to high-pressure winds from the region called the Bermuda High CITATION NCI192 \l 1033 (NCICS, Alabama). Due to this, there are minor winters and scorching summers in the region. This climate is an important economic factor for the agriculture-based economy of the state. Like North Carolina, tornadoes and hurricanes are two weather threats to the state, which have surfaced several times in the form of Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Isaac. The state government should contain its coal mining activities to help lower the state's average temperature. These coal mines are also causing damage to the local wildlife in addition to its people.

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY NCICS. "Alabama." Detailed and Investigative Report. 2019. Online Report. <https://statesummaries.ncics.org/chapter/al/>.

—. "North Carolina." Detailed and Investigative Report. 2019. Online Report. <https://statesummaries.ncics.org/chapter/nc/>.

—. "Utah." Detailed and Investigative Report. 2019. Online Report. <https://statesummaries.ncics.org/chapter/ut/>.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week 2 Alternate Credit Assignment

BPA-free bottles

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

BPA-free bottles

If there was a substance that could affect brain development, change the gender of wild fish, prostate cancer and diabetes, promote breast cancer, and cause congenital disabilities, where is the last place you would put it? In the drinking bottle of your baby or in your food? The name of that substance is BPA, which is short for Bisphenol A. It is notable to mention that BPA is a chemical additive. It is used in epoxy resins and polycarbonate plastic. It was invented in 1891 and proved to be effective as it has the ability to polymerize. It has the capability to link together in order to form polycarbonate plastic. It is noteworthy to mention that the BPA market is worth 2 Billion dollars alone in the United States. However, a study in 2003 has found that the bonding among the polymers of BPA is much weaker which can break down with the passage of time. Due to depolymerizing, it is obvious that the hazardous material can leach in the surrounding. These chemicals can be catastrophic for both land and water. Polycarbonate plastics are often used in water bottles. When these bottles are heated, de-polymerization of BPA occurs. These toxics can cause immunity, reproductive, and neurological problems.

Cynthia Marie Metz in her article states that BPA exposure amends standard estrogen and thyroid hormone signaling in vitro. BPA contaminates water supplies, air, and dust as it leaches into food due to weak bonding between polymers of polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins. Continuous exposure of BPA through food results in its accretions at evident levels in plasma or serum (Metz, 2016). BPA is a synthetic hormone which is also known as an endocrine disruptor. There are many natural hormones in the body which are accountable for the maintenance, fertility, and growth of normal cell metabolism. It interferes with the binding, transport, secretion, synthesis, and elimination of useful hormones in the body. Margot Pagan in his article states that epoxy resin is made up of BPA which is a synthetic estrogen. The BPA bottles leach BPA over time into surrounded liquids (Pagan, 2019). The study shows that these chemicals have a negative impact on heart muscle cells, which can lead to heart arrhythmias. Consequently, the BPA bottles should be banned and BPA-free bottles should be used to avoid any detrimental impact. Pagan suggests that there should be regulations to stop the limit of BPA. Additionally, BPS, also known as Bisphenol S, is also a plasticizing agent which is less harmful than BPA. For that reason, one should need to replace all BPA containers with BPS. BPA-free labels may cause people to make riskier decisions as people might select the products which are free of BPA, but the products may contain some more toxic materials in it.

Framing effect

BPA-free labels are just like framing effect in which a person allows himself to be unduly influenced by delivery and context.


Metz, C. M. (2016). Bisphenol A: understanding the controversy. Workplace health & safety, 64(1), 28-36. Retrieved from, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2165079915623790

Pagan, Margot. Think your Water Bottle is "BPA Free"? Better double check. (2019). EWG. Retrieved from, https://www.ewg.org/enviroblog/2011/07/think-your-water-bottle-bpa-free-better-double-check

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Week 8 Alternate Credit

Week 8 alternative Credit

Student’s Name




Over the last decade, carbon emission has been a global challenge and several actions have been committed to helping in reducing the emission of gases. Gas being emitted depends on how much energy we consume and therefore, the less we consume the better. Personally, I consume less than 250wats daily. It is because of energy consumption precautions, which I have taken. My monthly reading is less than 70 units. My biggest energy consumption happened when we hosted a party and it was a big entertainment. The power consumed was more than 100 units of reading. It was dues to the system, which was being used for entertainment.

However, there are several methods, which the community could adopt to help in reducing energy consumption hence reducing carbon emission. The community should adopt the use of light bulbs, driving in couples to work, use bicycles more often to work and malls, and also use curtains and blinds at the windows to keep heat. According to Trulia (2015), vehicles or cars and industries are the biggest cause of environmental problems. Cars release a lot of carbon into the atmosphere and this pollutes the environment. When couples drive to work and use bicycles a total of 500 watts worth of energy would be saved. Each trip to work would cost less energy compared when each couple drive to work separately and therefore, it is recommended for couples to share a car. It is estimated that the normal bulb of 70 to 100 watts can use up to 2 units of electricity per day. And by replacing them with light bulbs, it is likely to save more than 10 units, which is 500 watts. In that case, about 1000 watts of energy would be saved from bulbs alone.

The use of bicycles more often will have a huge in the environmental. The use of bicycles means fuel or any other energy would not use. Since bicycles do not produce gases, it helps in reducing the gas emission and therefore, the heat will automatically reduce. It is, therefore, makes the environment cleaner compared to cars and other motor vehicles CITATION Wor99 \l 1033 (Worrell, Martin, & Price, 1999). Therefore, the energy would be saved from the bulb is 1000 watts, window curtains 500 watts, using bicycle 2000 watts and driving to work as a couple 3000 watts. In total 6500 watts would be saved if the actions recommended are taken at home. Besides energy saving, the action will also save the family from using an of money on energy and therefore, these are the most appropriate actions, which can help in addressing the excess emission of gas into the atmosphere and saving energy as well.

These actions are hard to take but I commit to ensuring that each one of them is done. First, I will replace my bulbs, and take walking and using a bicycle as an exercise and hobby. I have also chosen these actions because they are easy to commit to them and they do not require much financial spending to achieve any of these obligations. However, using a bicycle more often would be difficult and this is of the weather and especially during winter. The bicycle cannot be used for a long distance and this means that still cars would be used more often since I travel for a long distance to work and college.

In conclusion, green energy is the best energy to use and it helps in saving energy. The best method of saving energy would, therefore, be using light bulbs, which consume less energy, using bicycles and driving as couples to work every day instead of each person using a separate car.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Bryson, J., & Mansueti, L. (2009). Energy Efficiency as a Low-Cost Resource for Achieving Carbon Emissions Reductions . https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-08/documents/ee_and_carbon.pdf , 5-18.

Trulia, N. (2015). Energy Saving Gadgets That Are Totally Worth It. https://www.forbes.com/sites/trulia/2014/04/11/5-energy-saving-gadgets-that-are-totally-worth-it/#33c3f0412e2f, 3-38.

Worrell, E., Martin, N., & Price, L. (1999). Energy Efficiency and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction Opportunities in the U.S. Cement Industry. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237764710_Energy_Efficiency_and_Carbon_Dioxide_Emissions_Reduction_Opportunities_in_the_US_Cement_Industry , 12 (4), 12-35.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600


Submitted by

Submitted to



Part 1

The mission of Jason is to educate and motivate learners from all over the World. It allow learners to get the live and real experience of different projects up till K-12 students. It is not just watching videos, but I allow us to learn a lot after watching them instead of just reading text book. I believe this is the best way of teaching as it allow students to inquire and think critically. It is interesting and every video is so interesting that any one can watch it. The real live experience and the quality of videos are remarkable. The next thing is to Nautilus Live site. From this site we can experience live movies, For example, in “Baleen Whale Fall Becomes a Deep-Sea Banquet” is so interesting and informative related to the bnes of dead fish and how it is used by other creatures. Another example is “Seafloor Swarming, Crawling, and Camouflaging in Greater Farallones NMS. Shows a great way of mastery in Camouflage.

Part 2

Paragraph 1

Thank you for your post and it is really nice to know about your experience. I believe the best thing of this program is that it is online and easily accessible. Secondly, it is associated with STEM so as apart of STEM it allows us to learn what is a part of syllabus in scientific ways. And you are very right that the approach of Jason is incredibly beneficial to the students and it , provides the in depth and multimedia lesson plans, that offers learning capabilities to all learners.

Paragraph 2

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. It is really a good experience for all of us to watch movies and to visit underwater projects even staying at home . I believe Nautilus Live site is one of the best sites that not only provide information but also, we can rely on that information. It provides us a real-life experiences with scientific knowledge and easy to access for anyone who is interested to have this kind of world class experience.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 1 Words: 300

What Is Conservation Science?

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



What is Conservation Science?

Conservation science is the interdisciplinary study of preserving art, architecture and other culturally significant works. The author Peter along with his fellow researcher Michelle in their article revisits the question that was asked by Michael Soule several years ago. The question was: what is conservation biology? The author compared each part of the essay written by Michael Soule with latest inventions as lots of things have changed since the essay was published. According to Soule conservation biology can be classified as a crisis discipline. However, the author argued that due to the latest inventions in the field of medicine, practitioners rely more upon evidence-based practices and meta-analysis rather than acting rapidly in a certain issue. This highlighted the shortcoming in the Soule essay as he never focused on human well-being. The articles further discussed that humans play a very important role in the process of conservation as their actions are responsible for reshaping the world for future generations. Additionally, biodiversity affects not only people's lives but also their livelihood. There are many instances where people's lives were disrupted in the name of environmental protection. There is no denying that conservation also benefits humans yet the solution proposed to conserve environment lacks to incorporate human needs. The authors further discussed Soule’s functional postulates and normative postulates and explained that Soule’s idea of coevolution is misplaced. As due to several environmental changes, species have very little opportunity to coevolve. Furthermore, the author presented his own set of axioms that will facilitate in determining how conservation science must work in the future. The basic aim of the author is to explain that although Soule’s concerns were true, yet his argument that the history cannot be reversed is untrue. Additionally, the author emphasized that there is a need to spread awareness regarding conservation by advocating that conservation is for the people rather than from people. After reading the article I came across several important points (Kareiva).

The point I liked the most was that this article provides an insight into how the perception of conservation has changed globally as compared to what it was in 1985. Previously, several articles on conservation were focused on ways to balance the ecosystem and neglecting it. This article highlighted this issue and explained that human wellbeing is also important.

Works Cited

Kareiva, Peter, and Michelle Marvier. "What is conservation science?." BioScience 62.11 (2012): 962-969.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Writing Assignment 1

Environmental Science

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Environmental Science


One of the key points that is being put forward by Malthus is that how the population is growing at a geometric rate while the resources are growing at an arithmetic rate. Some of the concerns that were raised by Malthus and the crisis that he predicted did not came to the fruition, but the underlying fact remains that some of the issues that he discussed and talked about during this work are still prevalent and relevant even today . Even though the same problems are being faced by the humanity and the issues are compounded, people are still quite far away from finding the plausible solution to the problems that are faced by mankind .


The argument that is being put forward by Malthus is that how the earth is not going to be able to sustain too many people and something inevitable is going to happen as resources are going to run out with the passage of time. The idea is to make sure that the level of control is being brought in this regard. There have been many researches and works that have pointed out the similar problem that what are some of the long-term things that are needed to be done when it comes to making sure that the element of control is brought as far as the way resource optimization is needed to be done. One of the key things that is needed to be done is that radical steps are needed to be taken to make sure that the long-term solution of the issues is being carried out so that the prevailing issues that are needed to be taken care off are looked after in the appropriate manner. Even though the mass starvation that was predicted by these people have not come to the fruition, there is one thing that Malthus was not able to find and talk about and that is regarding how the demographic transition is supposed to be carried out. The long-term structural issues are also needed to be sorted out .


In the hindsight, it can be said that the long-term resolution of the issues is needed to be carried out. How the resources that are at the disposal of the people . Even though the catastrophic repercussions are not being faced, the usage of the technology is still prevalent. The argument that was put forth by Hardin is that how in the long run is that how the national security are needed to be done and kept in mind in the long run to make sure that these issues are that the nations that are involved in the long term decision making and are powerful enough are too engaged in the arms race. As a matter of fact, nuclear proliferation is being done all in the name of the national security but now it has become the case of the of arms race .


Hardin, Garrett. Population, evolution, and birth control. 1969.

Lee, Ronald D. "Comment: The second tragedy of the commons." Population and Development Review 16 (2017): 315-322.

Daly, Herman E., and Kenneth N. Townsend, eds. Valuing the earth: economics, ecology, ethics. MIT press, 2016.

Rankin, Daniel J., Katja Bargum, and Hanna Kokko. "The tragedy of the commons in evolutionary biology." Trends in ecology & evolution 22, no. 12 (2017): 643-651.

Buchanan, James M., and Yong J. Yoon. "Symmetric tragedies: Commons and anticommons." The Journal of Law and Economics 43, no. 1 (2018): 1-14.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600

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