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Environmental Science Examples and Topics

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Aerial photographs of both locations (Google Earth can provide jpg of locations)


California elementary school

Site photographs from both locations


California elementary school

Numerical values of all area calculations (Percentages)


California elementary school

Answers to the discussion questions in paragraph form

• What are the differences between land cover for each site?

Land covers are basically comprised of bare ground which is fertile and contain several vegetative and ornamental plants and trees which enhance lands beauty as well as provide refreshment to the people around. Land covers are also capable of controlling a person’s mood and reduce stress.

The land covers that I selected belong to the school and shopping centre. School land cover is well maintained and cover a large area as it keeps the health of teachers and students good. School infrastructure is built in a way to enhance ventilation so that students can enjoy the fresh air and there would be less sick days. Recent research revealed that land cover improves students brain functioning and physical activities are also promoted via this. Besides greenery being used as ornamental purpose grounds are also used by students for physical activities which helps in their growth. In the evening, numerous local people also came here for a walk and games to maintain health and to enjoy the company of each other. Such gatherings are usable as they listen to each other and help to solve each other's problems. Trees are also responsible for controlling the climate as it provides cooling and shade. They clean pollutants that outcomes in creating noise buffer.

Land covers can also help promote environmental literacy among students. Students interest in increased for plants and they are taught how to grow and take care of trees and vegetables.

Weverstown mall contained no land cover as it is situated in the heart of the city. Buildings are mostly constructed by cutting down trees. The buildings surely increase the beauty of the city but it diminishes the natural beauty as well rate of air and noise pollution also increases. Certain artificial plants were there in the mall but that was only for the ornamental purposes. They play no role in regulating the environment and human health. Several artificial machines were used for ventilation and atmosphere cleaning. It was a clear representation of a man-made world where artificial facilities were provided but they are no match of ground land grass.

• How is stormwater drainage handled at each location?

Rainwater drainage management is necessary especially in schools because standing water can result in an increase in the growth of germs and mosquitoes. The microbial growth is one of the causes of biological contamination which can affect people at large scale and Malaria is one of an example which took many lives like a storm and was spread due to human negligence but students life is important as they have to lead the future so precautions are taken to provide them with a better environment.

Trees and grass help in regulating rainwater. Grass increases the ability of water to seep more into the soil. it is thought that the first-inch rain mostly contains pollutants and soil act as a filtrate. Grass makes the rainwater runoff stable. In the school, rain barrels are placed to store water coming from the school building rooftop. Storm sewers are part of the infrastructure which collects rainwater and via savage pipes drained into channels that are emptied far away from the population in open land. These savage systems are helpful and drain runoff water only when there is high water pressure but still, some water is left behind and there is no proper way for complete drainage.

Shopping malls are better maintained to attract the customers and different new technologies are being introduced that help in regulating rainwater. the shopping centre was covered and there was a plastic pipe that carries water from the rooftop to the gutter. The downpipes were being checked and cleaned by the employees to avoid contamination. As there are no standing water chances in the shopping mall which reduces the chances of water pollution and contamination. rate of water bore diseases is also low and people are provided with a healthy time so they can enjoy their time. Food corner was covered and there was no window which eliminated the chances of rainwater contamination. Rainwater is pure and is being used for many purposes. There are several companies and shopping malls that collect this rainwater in a tank for future reuse. But acid rain effect infrastructure as well as human health badly. Stormwater deteriorates buildings so special material is used for construction. Acid rain if coming in contact with skin may cause skin burn, irritation, as well as skin cancer, can occur.

Nitrogen and sulphur oxide released into the atmosphere and when react with rainwater results in rainwater. When this acid rain falls on the land covers, it destroys the plants and grass. Even if the plants survive they still become less cold tolerant. There are also certain other adverse effects such as if the canals that carry stormwater from school and shopping mall contaminate empty into any fertile land or where vegetables are grown then it may affect the growth of crop plant as well as the quality of food and fruits. And when consumed by locals can cause health issues. If the canal drain into any lake or river can affect aquatic life.

• How is energy used at each location (e.g., lights, buildings, etc.)?

California elementary school was constructed in a way to increase ventilation. There were a lot of windows and students are provided with natural habitat. So the energy use is not much. Students enjoy the natural atmosphere which improves their brain functioning. Students work in day sunlight whereas in shopping mall there was a high consumption of light. The building was closed so there was continuous use of light during day and night. Besides this energy was being consumed by elevators, lifts and displays. There was an indoor play area for kids and adults to enjoy which are also rich consumers of light energy. Light energy is continuously required for a shopping mall to run so there were energy alternatives prepared in advance i.e. generator and solar cell.

• What are the sources for stormwater runoff contamination?

During heavy rain runoff water may carry a litter, dead leaves, chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides. Biological control management systems are there which are preferred and are eco-friendly because pesticides may accumulate into the soil as well as into plants and affect the greenery. If the rain water drain pesticide and land on any fertile land can effect crop plant.

Stormwater can cause air pollution as the germ and microbial growth increases where there is standing water, water pollution as the rainwater when reaches lakes and streams may contaminate them and in less amount is responsible for noise pollution as the pollution and contamination effects mood swings. The beauty and attractiveness of the landscape make the people healthy and calm.

• Summarize the difference between land-use practices.

Land becomes more susceptible to degradation when there is no land-use planning. Land use practices are designed after collecting necessary information about the land area and it helps to restore the natural habitat. Land management has a great impact on nutrients, plants and fertilizers. Via proper regulation future shifts in land can be prevented.

Schools are more concerned about land-use practices as they had to maintain the landscape and it is also related to children's health. Schools are people-oriented where students are being taught about how to save the ecosystem. Whereas shopping malls are object-oriented. They are more focused towards there sales and there are no proper land-use practices, they make use of land for building more shops to increase earning.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Consider Current Threats To Forests At A Global Scale – Using Boreal, Temperate And Tropical Groupings As A Guide, And Discuss Which Forest Areas You Think Are Most At Risk And Why.

Consider current threats to forests at a global scale – using boreal, temperate and tropical groupings as a guide, and discuss which forest areas you think are most at risk and why.

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Consider current threats to forests at a global scale – using boreal, temperate and tropical groupings as a guide, and discuss which forest areas you think are most at risk and why.

When compared to the past, there is a number of threats in the current time to the forests at the global level or scale. Based on the boreal, temperature, and tropical groupings, these risks in the current time have a huge contribution in increasing the risk level of different forests. In other words, there is a number of forests that are at the most risk than others. The Amazon, Central Africa, and the Mekong are home to some of the world’s most rich, beautiful, and culturally significant forests. But a huge amount of segments of these forests might not be there in the coming 15 to 20 years if they have not been kept safe from risks they have or they would have (Payn, et.al, 2015). It means that these including other major forests of the world are at the most risks. While there are several reasons as well behind it.

According to the report findings of the WWF, there are eleven (11) regions of the world where most of the forests are at almost the highest risks. Beyond that, the report states that these forests in the regions are expected to be lost in the coming 20 to 30 years. These forests would be lost by us in case of not putting any effort into saving them from the risks they have to face or already facing them. It is very crucial and important to save the forests from the threats and risks by addressing the threats and risks because those threats and risks are the ultimate reasons that put the forests at the most risks. Some of those risks are, constructions, changing temperature levels, mining, and illegal logging, etc. (WWF, 2015).

Based on the statement of the WWF, from the report, stopping the threats that led the forests to the risks is much cost-effective and highly strategic in the current time than it looks in the future. Hence, there is a huge and crucial need for stopping these forests from the risks they are in.

The following is the list of the forests that are at the most risks.


The Amazon forest is at the hugest risk. It is at this level of risk because it is expected that the forest is having huge projected losses. In the case that the current trends and threats remained the same and continued, then the region looks without the forest in the future.

Atlantic Forest/Gran Chaco

The Atlantic forest is one of the largest and richest forests in the world as it has a richer biodiversity per acre in comparison with the Amazon forest. But! Very unfortunately, the forest is one of those which are at the most risk. The forest is at the most because of the huge amount of people living in the region and has no concerns to keep the forest saved instead they contribute to threats and risks the forest already has while placing more pressure on the forests in the region (WWF, 2015).


Borneo is considered as the heart of the forest and home of the most forests in the region. The forest is at almost the most risk because the forest region is managed ad driven by very poor governance while there is a lack of stability which motivates the community to improve the forest instead of harming it/them.


Almost all forests in this region are at the utmost risk. They all at the risk because of the pressure from the roads, power lines, oil exploration, and mining. As well as the increase in pressure from those things increases the risk level of forests of the region (WWF, 2015).

Eastern Africa

Almost 60% of the forest of Eastern Africa at the most risk. These forests of the region are at the most risk because of the illegal conversion to the livestock and other things such as cash crops.


Payn, T., Carnus, J. M., Freer-Smith, P., Kimberley, M., Kollert, W., Liu, S., & Wingfield, M. J. (2015). Changes in planted forests and future global implications. Forest Ecology and Management, 352, 57-67.

WWF. (2015). Living Forests Report Chapter 5: Saving Forests at Risk | Publications | WWF. (2019). World Wildlife Fund. Retrieved 6 November 2019, from https://www.worldwildlife.org/publications/living-forests-report-chapter-5-saving-forests-at-risk

WWF. (2015). Living Forests Report: What Future do we want? (2019). Wwf.panda.org. Retrieved 6 November 2019, from http://wwf.panda.org/our_work/forests/forest_publications_news_and_reports/living_forests_report/

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Critical Review

Critical Review

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Author Note

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Critical Review

The article focuses on analyzing the concepts of resilience and sustainability based on the similarities and differences in the environmental management system ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"AJIW48Cs","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Marchese et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Marchese et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":513,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/FEAGYYR2"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/FEAGYYR2"],"itemData":{"id":513,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"In recent years there have been many disparate uses of the terms sustainability and resilience, with some framing sustainability and resilience as the same concept, and others claiming them to be entirely different and unrelated. To investigate similarities, differences, and current management frameworks for increasing sustainability and resilience, a literature review was undertaken that focused on integrated use of sustainability and resilience in an environmental management context. Sustainability was defined through the triple bottom line of environmental, social and economic system considerations. Resilience was viewed as the ability of a system to prepare for threats, absorb impacts, recover and adapt following persistent stress or a disruptive event. Three generalized management frameworks for organizing sustainability and resilience were found to dominate the literature: (1) resilience as a component of sustainability, (2) sustainability as a component of resilience, and (3) resilience and sustainability as separate objectives. Implementations of these frameworks were found to have common goals of providing benefits to people and the environment under normal and extreme operating conditions, with the best examples building on similarities and minimizing conflicts between resilience and sustainability.","container-title":"Science of The Total Environment","DOI":"10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.086","ISSN":"0048-9697","journalAbbreviation":"Science of The Total Environment","language":"en","page":"1275-1283","source":"ScienceDirect","title":"Resilience and sustainability: Similarities and differences in environmental management applications","title-short":"Resilience and sustainability","volume":"613-614","author":[{"family":"Marchese","given":"Dayton"},{"family":"Reynolds","given":"Erin"},{"family":"Bates","given":"Matthew E."},{"family":"Morgan","given":"Heather"},{"family":"Clark","given":"Susan Spierre"},{"family":"Linkov","given":"Igor"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018",2,1]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Marchese et al., 2018). There has been a debate on the concepts of resilience and sustainability for many years. Some people characterize both concepts as a single entity while others claim them to be significantly unrelated. To analyze the similarities and differences between the different concepts, the author did an extensive review of literature that promoted the integrated use of resilience and sustainability in the context of environmental management ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"DnYV2Fjr","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Marchese et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Marchese et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":513,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/FEAGYYR2"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/FEAGYYR2"],"itemData":{"id":513,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"In recent years there have been many disparate uses of the terms sustainability and resilience, with some framing sustainability and resilience as the same concept, and others claiming them to be entirely different and unrelated. To investigate similarities, differences, and current management frameworks for increasing sustainability and resilience, a literature review was undertaken that focused on integrated use of sustainability and resilience in an environmental management context. Sustainability was defined through the triple bottom line of environmental, social and economic system considerations. Resilience was viewed as the ability of a system to prepare for threats, absorb impacts, recover and adapt following persistent stress or a disruptive event. Three generalized management frameworks for organizing sustainability and resilience were found to dominate the literature: (1) resilience as a component of sustainability, (2) sustainability as a component of resilience, and (3) resilience and sustainability as separate objectives. Implementations of these frameworks were found to have common goals of providing benefits to people and the environment under normal and extreme operating conditions, with the best examples building on similarities and minimizing conflicts between resilience and sustainability.","container-title":"Science of The Total Environment","DOI":"10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.086","ISSN":"0048-9697","journalAbbreviation":"Science of The Total Environment","language":"en","page":"1275-1283","source":"ScienceDirect","title":"Resilience and sustainability: Similarities and differences in environmental management applications","title-short":"Resilience and sustainability","volume":"613-614","author":[{"family":"Marchese","given":"Dayton"},{"family":"Reynolds","given":"Erin"},{"family":"Bates","given":"Matthew E."},{"family":"Morgan","given":"Heather"},{"family":"Clark","given":"Susan Spierre"},{"family":"Linkov","given":"Igor"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018",2,1]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Marchese et al., 2018). The first author tries to give the basic idea of both concepts and how they are perceived as similar or different in various systems. Sustainability is defined as a component of a system that ensures a better quality of life for present and future generations in the environmental, economic, and social context while resilience is characterized as an ability of a system to cope with the extreme turbulence and pressure. He proves his claims by giving evidence from the various studies according to which both concepts are classified as similar because both are the components of the system with the sole purpose of developing improvements in any particular system. Concepts are characterized as a separate entity due to their focus on the temporal and spatial grounds. Sustainability focuses on the broader scale of time frame and place as compared to the resilience.

To see the integrated effect of both concepts, the literature review showed dominance in the three frameworks: resilience characterized as a feature of sustainability, sustainability characterized as a feature of resilience and sustainability, and resilience characterized as distinct aims ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"x7Mpto8Y","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Marchese et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Marchese et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":513,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/FEAGYYR2"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/FEAGYYR2"],"itemData":{"id":513,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"In recent years there have been many disparate uses of the terms sustainability and resilience, with some framing sustainability and resilience as the same concept, and others claiming them to be entirely different and unrelated. To investigate similarities, differences, and current management frameworks for increasing sustainability and resilience, a literature review was undertaken that focused on integrated use of sustainability and resilience in an environmental management context. Sustainability was defined through the triple bottom line of environmental, social and economic system considerations. Resilience was viewed as the ability of a system to prepare for threats, absorb impacts, recover and adapt following persistent stress or a disruptive event. Three generalized management frameworks for organizing sustainability and resilience were found to dominate the literature: (1) resilience as a component of sustainability, (2) sustainability as a component of resilience, and (3) resilience and sustainability as separate objectives. Implementations of these frameworks were found to have common goals of providing benefits to people and the environment under normal and extreme operating conditions, with the best examples building on similarities and minimizing conflicts between resilience and sustainability.","container-title":"Science of The Total Environment","DOI":"10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.086","ISSN":"0048-9697","journalAbbreviation":"Science of The Total Environment","language":"en","page":"1275-1283","source":"ScienceDirect","title":"Resilience and sustainability: Similarities and differences in environmental management applications","title-short":"Resilience and sustainability","volume":"613-614","author":[{"family":"Marchese","given":"Dayton"},{"family":"Reynolds","given":"Erin"},{"family":"Bates","given":"Matthew E."},{"family":"Morgan","given":"Heather"},{"family":"Clark","given":"Susan Spierre"},{"family":"Linkov","given":"Igor"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018",2,1]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Marchese et al., 2018). These three frameworks suggest how both concepts are viewed as similar or distinct concepts. The first framework focuses on the institutional context by making resilience an integral part of the already established principles of sustainability. The second recognizes sustainability as an integrated component of resilience according to which it is believed that sustainability of a system will render the system more resilient, and the third framework is centered on the objective-oriented approach according to which both are independent of each other ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"FpXy4yLJ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Marchese et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Marchese et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":513,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/FEAGYYR2"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/FEAGYYR2"],"itemData":{"id":513,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"In recent years there have been many disparate uses of the terms sustainability and resilience, with some framing sustainability and resilience as the same concept, and others claiming them to be entirely different and unrelated. To investigate similarities, differences, and current management frameworks for increasing sustainability and resilience, a literature review was undertaken that focused on integrated use of sustainability and resilience in an environmental management context. Sustainability was defined through the triple bottom line of environmental, social and economic system considerations. Resilience was viewed as the ability of a system to prepare for threats, absorb impacts, recover and adapt following persistent stress or a disruptive event. Three generalized management frameworks for organizing sustainability and resilience were found to dominate the literature: (1) resilience as a component of sustainability, (2) sustainability as a component of resilience, and (3) resilience and sustainability as separate objectives. Implementations of these frameworks were found to have common goals of providing benefits to people and the environment under normal and extreme operating conditions, with the best examples building on similarities and minimizing conflicts between resilience and sustainability.","container-title":"Science of The Total Environment","DOI":"10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.086","ISSN":"0048-9697","journalAbbreviation":"Science of The Total Environment","language":"en","page":"1275-1283","source":"ScienceDirect","title":"Resilience and sustainability: Similarities and differences in environmental management applications","title-short":"Resilience and sustainability","volume":"613-614","author":[{"family":"Marchese","given":"Dayton"},{"family":"Reynolds","given":"Erin"},{"family":"Bates","given":"Matthew E."},{"family":"Morgan","given":"Heather"},{"family":"Clark","given":"Susan Spierre"},{"family":"Linkov","given":"Igor"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018",2,1]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Marchese et al., 2018). The author concludes that because of these distinct lenses, similarities and differences between the concepts are partially dependent on the approach adopted to improve the social, economic and environmental systems ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"W6gUNgaB","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Marchese et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Marchese et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":513,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/FEAGYYR2"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/FEAGYYR2"],"itemData":{"id":513,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"In recent years there have been many disparate uses of the terms sustainability and resilience, with some framing sustainability and resilience as the same concept, and others claiming them to be entirely different and unrelated. To investigate similarities, differences, and current management frameworks for increasing sustainability and resilience, a literature review was undertaken that focused on integrated use of sustainability and resilience in an environmental management context. Sustainability was defined through the triple bottom line of environmental, social and economic system considerations. Resilience was viewed as the ability of a system to prepare for threats, absorb impacts, recover and adapt following persistent stress or a disruptive event. Three generalized management frameworks for organizing sustainability and resilience were found to dominate the literature: (1) resilience as a component of sustainability, (2) sustainability as a component of resilience, and (3) resilience and sustainability as separate objectives. Implementations of these frameworks were found to have common goals of providing benefits to people and the environment under normal and extreme operating conditions, with the best examples building on similarities and minimizing conflicts between resilience and sustainability.","container-title":"Science of The Total Environment","DOI":"10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.086","ISSN":"0048-9697","journalAbbreviation":"Science of The Total Environment","language":"en","page":"1275-1283","source":"ScienceDirect","title":"Resilience and sustainability: Similarities and differences in environmental management applications","title-short":"Resilience and sustainability","volume":"613-614","author":[{"family":"Marchese","given":"Dayton"},{"family":"Reynolds","given":"Erin"},{"family":"Bates","given":"Matthew E."},{"family":"Morgan","given":"Heather"},{"family":"Clark","given":"Susan Spierre"},{"family":"Linkov","given":"Igor"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018",2,1]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Marchese et al., 2018).

According to my point of view, the author has done a great job of justifying the notion of sustainability and resilience in systems. The difference and similarities between the two concepts have shown to affect the economic, social, and environmental systems in few ways that cannot be neglected. This article analyses different practical methods to implement resilience and sustainability despite the similarities and differences between the two concepts. By taking account of the various applications, the author has suggested a way for the joint integration of sustainability and resilience that will govern the effectiveness of the management programs. This will not only help in improving the management programs but also help to reduce the conflict between the concepts by promoting collaborations.

However, the article lacks in few aspects considering the absence of evidence from the grey literature and policy documents. It also lacked a comprehensive analysis from the socio-cultural perspective that is why it is perceived differently in diverse social classes. It is also established in the studies, that North and South might have a difference in perspective because of the sociopolitical irregularities, however, the article lacked in giving a detailed analysis from that point of view.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Marchese, D., Reynolds, E., Bates, M. E., Morgan, H., Clark, S. S., & Linkov, I. (2018). Resilience and sustainability: Similarities and differences in environmental management applications. Science of The Total Environment, 613–614, 1275–1283. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.086

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600


Title page

Current Event

Summary of current event

Gun violence is one of the oldest issued faced by America as every citizen owns a gun or live in a household with one. Gun violence is also one of the common cause of deaths in the country. Two mass shootings occurred in Wal-Mart store Texas in August 2019 that caused deaths of 20 people and nine died from mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio CITATION BBC191 \l 1033 (BBC, 2019). Irrespective of the gun violence prevention policies no significant improvements occurred. Some of the larger cities of America are also victim of this issue due to the absence of measures for limiting the use of guns. New state gun laws cannot be enforced by the police officials that further gives liberty to the gun holders. The number of gun related incidents are also increasing due to flexible gun laws. The statistics on the gun violence incidents depicts that state’s adoption of measures such as expansion of the background system checks for gun buyers have proved to be inadequate. Gun owners misuse their weapons and engage in unnecessary disputes with the citizens that threaten their lives and safety. Gun violence has become a public health concern and a public health approach is needed for controlling it. The pathology of gun violence represents it as a public health issue as 100,000 people die due to shootings.


Social norms, awareness campaigns and education are critical tools that can change offensive behaviors of the youth engaged in gun violence. The events of mass shootings experienced in Texas and Dayton reflects offensive behavior. The behavioral analysis of these offenders reflects they are having personality disorders and face behavioral problems like lack of impulse control, aggression and adjustment disorders. The social and behavior theory states that it is critical to understand the change behavior and adopt interventions the allow offenders to get rid of violent or negative behaviors. The theory is relevant to the current event because social aspects suggests it is important to determine the root cause of gun violence and factors that contributes to it. Personal factors that could promote gun violence include poverty, low social status, lack of education and feelings of rejection.

Social cognitive theory stresses on social learning of the offenders. It stresses on the determination of the personal and environmental factors that contribute to offensive behaviors. The environmental factors related to the current event plays significant role in promotion of gun violence. The pathology suggests that citizens can easily purchase licensed gun from firearm dealers and they don’t even need to adopt illegal means such as smuggling. People engage in gun violence for two reasons; for harmful intent or without this intent. The bad apple gun dealers do not contribute to larger gun related crimes. There are also ways that allow criminals to purchase guns without background checks. The buyers don’t need to do any paper work or pay taxes for buying the guns. Due to excessive availability of guns the criminals can also steal them. Due to these factors the offenders can easily use guns in gang and community fights. According to social cognitive therapy it is crucial to change the environmental factors that promote negative behavior.


The current event of mass shooting at Texas and Dayton has relevance with the social and behavior theory that explains the reasoning behind such offensive attitude. Personal and environmental factors have played significant role in promoting gun offensive behaviors. The pathology suggests that citizens can easily purchase licensed gun from firearm dealers that encourage them to indulge in crimes.


BIBLIOGRAPHY BBC. (2019). America's gun culture in charts . Retrieved 09 15, 2019, from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41488081

Davey, M., & Hassan, A. (2019). When Cities Try to Limit Guns, State Laws Bar the Way . Retrieved 09 15, 2019, from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/15/us/philadelphia-shooting-gun-control.html

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600


[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]




Deforestation is one of the serious issues that is being faced by our planet earth in the current times. Deforestation refers to the permanent removal of the forests and trees in order to make the land available for other uses, most of the times, commercial uses (Jepma). According to an estimation by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, approximately 18 million acres (7.3 million hectares) of forest are lost due to deforestation.

Multiple causes are held responsible for the issue of deforestation. They are broadly divided into natural and man-made causes. Natural causes consist of fires, hurricanes, parasites, and floods. However, the human activities consist of agricultural expansion, cattle breeding, dams construction, oil extraction, mining, timber extraction and infrastructure development. Some of the biggest sites for deforestation are considered to be in the Amazon District of the United States of America and the forests present in the Southeast Asian Region.

Although both these regions are heavily under the curse of deforestation the causes of deforestation at both these sites are completely different. The Amazon forests are depleting due to natural causes more than human cause (Nepstad). These factors mainly include fires that erupt every year. On the other hand, the cause behind the removal of forests in the South Asian Region is the cutting of trees for the extraction of palm oil. The oil industries in Southeast Asia especially Malaysia and Indonesia clear the land area that is captured by the forests to plant palm trees and extract oil from them for commercial purposes.

Works Cited

Jepma, Catrinus J. Tropical deforestation: a socio-economic approach. Routledge, 2014.

Nepstad, Daniel, et al. "Slowing Amazon deforestation through public policy and interventions in beef and soy supply chains." science 344.6188 (2014): 1118-1123.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Determination In Water Samples

Course Title/Name

Determination of Water Hardness

Lab # 7

Your Name

Instructor’s Name

Date of Experiment


The objective of this lab experiment is to determine the total hardness of the tap water acquired from NYC source. As the sample, there was one known bottled water source and two unknown water samples. The samples were categorized as either soft, hard, moderately hard or very hard.


For conducting the experiment, following materials were used:

Buffer solution


EDTA Liquid

NYC Tap Water

3 different samples from different sources.

Bottled Water

Unknown Sample A and Sample B

Measuring Cup (50mL)


Following steps were followed to conduct the experiment and achieve the derived results:

Measure 50mL of water for each of the source separately.

Add 1mL buffer solution in each of the measured sample.

Add 1 drop of indicator in the measured water samples.

With the addition of indicator, the color of water will change to wine red.

Gradually titrate with EDTA Titrant until all the reddish tint has disappeared.

Now the water will become blue.

Record the volume of EDTA which is used for titration.

Now calculate the Total Hardness for each of the samples separately.

Repeat above steps for other two samples as well.


Based on the recorded values and calculations made, following are the acquired values:

Water Samples

Volume of EDTA (mL)

Hardness (mg/L as CaCO3)

Tap Water (NYC)

2.1 mL

42 mg/L (Soft)

Bottled Water

0 mL

0 mg/L (Very soft)

Unknown Sample A

3.5 mL

70 mg/L (Soft)

Unknown Sample B

4 mL

80 mg/L (Moderately hard)

Based on the above record values, following calculations were made:

Tap Water (NYC):

2.1 mL x 1 x 1000/ 50 mL

= 2100/ 50 mL

= 42 mg/L

Unknown Sample A:

3.5 x 1 x 1000/ 50

= 3500/ 50

= 70 mg/L

Unknown Sample B:

4 x 1 x 1000

= 4000/ 50

= 80 mg/L


Based on the above derived results, the samples of water were categorized as soft, hard, moderately hard or very hard. The experiment revealed that the Unknown Sample B had significantly higher level of hardness as compared to all other samples. This was because Unknown Sample B had higher amount of chemical traces. This sample also took significantly longer to turn blue because of which a higher volume of indicator was used for this sample as well. This revealed that in certain areas, the chemical traces in water because of lack of or poor filtration have increased the hardness of water.


Conclusively, it can be stated that the Unknown Sample A and Unknown Sample B along with tap water (NYC Source) had higher number of chemical. This makes these water sources inappropriate for drinking and public use. The experiment also provided an opportunity to identify the characteristics of clean water, the process of water purification and filtration, and understanding of how the chemicals impact the quality of water they are mixed with.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Dirt By David’s Montgomery, A Book Report

Dirt by David Montgomery

Author name


Dirt by David Montgomery

Main Theme of the Book

This book is written by a geomorphologist, David Montgomery. In this book, he focuses on the rapid change in the landscape through time and stresses on the issues faced by human beings and other species on this earth regarding dirt. The author provides the most intriguing insights into one of our most valuable natural resources and provides significant indicators for sustainable land management. He argues about how the previous civilizations treated their soils and the topic stimulates the debate on how can soil, land and agriculture be protected for years to come. Soil is the most important natural resource of mankind and is fundamentally connected to the survival of modern civilization. You can tell a lot about a society by the way they treat their soil. Talking about agricultural history, the author mentioned that the societies in the past collapsed because human beings exhausted the soil. Eventually, everyone moved on but that is not the option anymore because there is not enough land for our future generations. Mechanized agriculture in the United States has eroded an alarming quantity of agricultural property, due to which the degraded soil has become one of the biggest cause of poverty in the developing world. If things don’t change now, we will soon run out of soil and it won’t be possible for agriculture to sustain the increasing population of the world. Chemical fertilizers are not the answer since they are produced from lots of cheap oil. Environmentalists in the past suggested that genetically modified seeds could be used, but they have not produced a great outcome and also increased the need for pesticides. In this book, the author proposed a soil based agrarian revolution. He suggests that we should bring organic matter back into consideration by simulating natural circumstances instead of tilting the soil and making it susceptible to erosion. This view of the author was mostly dismissed in the beginning but was later acknowledged on making a convincing case for the need to respect and maintain the limited supply of soil in the world.

The author stated that the two problems of hastened erosions and degradation of soil ultimately decide the destiny of civilizations to come and it is crucial for the well-being of humanity to prioritize long term interest of society in soil stewardship. Dirt is the foundation of existence of life on earth, supporting our farms and our towns. This book is very captivating as well as disturbing at the same time due to the revelation that it makes about dramatically changing conditions of our agriculture and land. We are short on soil and dirt and it is a matter of serious concern for not just environmentalist but all of us. This book “Dirt: The erosion of civilization” investigates the convincing concept that we have used the soil of earth for a long time and there has been an enchanting cultural and natural history of soil from ancient evolution to the modern times. Cultivated soils are eroded bit by bit when there is no proper protective flora or vegetation and is exposed to any kind of weather conditions. It is not evident quickly but it is fast enough to restrict the civilization’s lifespan. This book touches the role of soil and its consumption and abuse over the past 1000s of years with respect to the mix of geology, history and archaeology. With the rise and prosperity of human beings, we have witnessed how the soil is shaped and how it has shaped us. With the latest increase of organic and no-till farming, the author David R Montgomery is hopeful for a fresh agricultural revolution that might assist us in avoiding the destiny of previous civilizations CITATION Fre14 \l 1033 (Pearce, 2014).

Environmental Message of the Book

Over the past 80 years, severe soil erosions have degraded 1.3 billion hectares of agricultural area which was nearly equal to the size of India and China combined. Some researchers argue author’s view that when people face shortage of food, culture and even civilization of that society itself is at risk. The author stresses on the fact it is disturbing how landscapes has changed over time and how the relationship between geology, climate, topography and vegetation affects soil structure and density. Industrial farming practices that require cheap oil and fertilizers cannot be maintained and the effects would be catastrophic. Montgomery encourages the food production system where small level traditional farm culture is promoted in order to treat soil as locally embraced biological system. And the myth that huge farms with heavy machinery and chemicals can produce more efficient results is rejected. Agriculture utilizes 30% of our petroleum consumption, and Montgomery calculates that agriculture industry based on petroleum will end later this century because natural gas and oil have become too important to use for fertilizer manufacturing. Mr. Montgomery has bravely discusses the emotional and one of the most controversial problem that the population of the world has touched an unsustainable level, and has enlisted unpleasant facts scientifically. Agriculture is considered to the natural reaction to population growth. There are dire behavioral responses and civilization collapses when the maximum food production achievable by agriculture is reached and it becomes hard to feed the population. Scientists estimated the earth's population at 4 million people in the year 20,000 BC when the glaciers melted in the latest glaciation. They also estimated that over the next 5,000 years, the earth's population increased by 1 million to achieve 5 million in 15,000 BC. Currently, after two thousand years the population of the earth is 6.5 billion. It requires 0.2 hectares of agricultural land to feed one person. Keeping in mind these statics, Montgomery warns that it would only be possible to support around 6 million people. Given the continuing loss of fruitful cropland, it is predicted that by 2050, the quantity of accessible agricultural land will fall to less than 0.1 hectares per individual. It is possible to support up to almost 10 million people but it would require some huge developments in agricultural technologies and it would take a log of time to produce appropriate outcome. The author provides a list of examples of how various societies collapse when there is an increased pressure of growing population and insufficient food supply. Back in 1990’s half of the Iceland’s agricultural area was deforested due to extreme weather conditions. The soil that took more thousands of years to build up, disappeared in a few years. At that central part of Iceland, the soil has been totally removed, it turned into a barren desert, nothing develops in that area and no one lives there anymore. Farming on sharp slopes converted almost one third of the country into plain rocky land which is not capable of supporting any kind of agriculture anymore CITATION Mon07 \l 1033 (Montgomery, 2007).

According to me, there are many positive and negative sides to this book. The positive side to this book is that it gives an easy and relaxed presentation on science of soil with a detailed background. Author covers all aspects i.e. biology, geology and chemistry in a disturbing but informative and considerable way. This book seems to be about soil but actually it’s more about human history, their need for soil to survive and how all civilizations have been destroying it. Montgomery’s book covers the topics ranging from cost of agricultural machinery to Guatemala's banana export policy, from history of conversation of soil services to crop domestication causes. His grip on all these fiends and disciplines is admirable. Chapter 4 and 5, “Let Them Eat Colonies,” takes us back to the time of European colonization of America, it seemed to be heavily motivated by the need for more food, which was in short supply due to soil degradation in the Old World. He also stressed on the view that the U.S. Soil erosion caused civil war and the appearance of social classes resulted from the fertile soil of the Mesopotamian valleys. The only problem with this book is that most of its content is based on previous researched, there is no disagreement, debate and alternative interpretations, it only follows a single and an unchallenged narrative. But he tried to make us realize about our moral responsibilities to treat the soil as communal legacy instead of a commodity. Therefore, I appreciate Montgomery’s effort of assimilating human history with scientific understanding and speaking about an issue that has a great importance CITATION Dan07 \l 1033 (Yee, 2007)

Environmental Issue is still relevant

Global soil degradation is a highly under rated crisis. In the past 40 years, soil erosion has caused farmers to abandon nearly 500 million hectares of agricultural land. Climate change is the biggest cause of soil erosion as per Dirt, the book by David Montgomery, political war and social evolution has caused an irreparable damage to the nature. Author suggests that the fundamental condition for sustaining a civilization is to protect the soil and its fertility. According to the most recent study in 2010, soil erosion causes deforestation which is the biggest cause of downfall of the ancient civilization around the globe. Study suggests that in the upcoming years, many new environmental crisis will rise but environmentalists will not be able to recognize them due to the slow pace at which they are occurring. In order to cater with such situations smartly, we need to prioritize environmental information through media. Global warming has become and undisputed fact about our livelihood, our planet is heating up and we are the part as well as reason of this problem. This is not the only issue about our environment that we need to be worried about, environmentalists come up with researches on daily basis about drastic changes in climate and are significantly changing the landscape. These problems make us susceptible to disasters and tragedies. There is a huge list of environmental issues that need to be addressed on emergency basis i.e.


Global warming


Natural Resource Depletion

Waste Disposal

Climate Change

Loss of Biodiversity


Agricultural runoff

Ocean Acidification

Ozone Layer Depletion

Acid Rain

Water Pollution

Industrial discharge

Recreational and Commercial uses

Urban Sprawl

Salt and heavy metal contamination

Polar ecosystem degradation

Public Health Issues

Genetic Engineering

All these factor are the cause of environmental issues which lead to the soil erosion and other challenging problems. In areas with growing population, the biggest challenge is to achieve the appropriate amount of agricultural production but soil erosion is a huge hurdle. It adversely hampers the growth of agricultural yields, plants, recreation and quality of water. Environmental change is a slow phenomenon, sometimes goes unnoticed but it occurs at a rapid rate causing a huge loss of agricultural soil. Environmental change is the biggest crisis of this generation and for the generations to come. Problem is that rising seas, Dangerous floods, devastating storms and melting glaciers have become regular facts of our everyday life. We must recognize the problem in order to make efforts towards solving it CITATION Dan16 \l 1033 (Richard, 2016).


BIBLIOGRAPHY Montgomery, D. (2007). Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations. California: H-Environment .

Pearce, F. (2014). Review: Dirt: The erosion of civilizations by David Montgomery. New Scientist, 142-145.

Richard, D. (2016). Climate Crisis 101. Science of Climate Change, 90-101.

Yee, D. (2007). Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations Review. University of California Press, 123-130.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

Discussion Board

Merchants of Doubt

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Merchants of Doubt

Part 1

a) One of the key things that has been highlighted during the premises of the document is that how the climate change deniers tend to play an important part in the legislation process. The effort that is being made on their part is that they carry out the legislation that do not help the climate cause. The first thing that they do is that how they were using flame retardants so that they are able to protect their sales. The other thing that they do was cultivation of the scientists that nullified the concerns regarding the environment.

b) One of the first unethical practice that was done by these people was that they made sure that the legislation was done at such a slow pace that the impact of the climate proliferation could not be achieved. The other thing that was done was that they maneuverer the scientific community and general populace into believing that how all the hue and cry regarding the environment is not something that is important. As its second example, the film describes how manufacturers of flame retardants worked to protect their sales after toxic effects of the retardants were reported in the scientific literature. The central concern of the film is the ongoing use of these tactics to forestall governmental action to regulate greenhouse gas emissions in response to the risk of global climate change.

Part 2

a) During the premises of the movie, Oregon Petition is defined as the deliberate attempt that has been carried out by the United States regarding how it is going to make be made sure that whatever the legislation that is being presented with regards to the climate change is going to be brought down and effect of the positive climate change controls are going to be deduced.

b) The climate gate effect was the series of the messages and e-mails that were subsequently leaked that showed that how the greater scepticism that is being witnessed from the scientific community with regards to the environmental pollution is going to be brought down. One of the ways through which it was going to be done was to make sure that all the efforts that are going to be done with regards to bringing control to the environment are going to be halted and even policy changes are going to be discouraged in terms of the climate change.

Part 3

a) The first person who changed his views with regards to the damage that such initiatives are going to be having towards the environment and went towards the radical change in the mindset was Michael Shermer. He was the publisher of the magazine Sceptic and despite the fact that he had contrarian tendencies with regards to the way climate change was going to be managed, he later on became a strong advocate of the efforts that are undertaken for better climate control.

b)Bob Inglis was the congressional representative from the South Carolina. He was the one of the few politicians who lost his seat in the primary elections after the announcement was being made by him that how he has changed his views. There was a recognition on his part when it comes to understanding the global climate issues and what are some of the initiatives that are needed to be taken at the level of the government to bring about control.

Part 4

a) NIPCC stands for Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change and one of the reasons that it was being created was to make sure that the politicians and some of the stakeholders at the parliament are able to recognize what are some of the broader policy risks that are faced by the public at the moment in the wake of the climate change. The organization lobbied for the advocation of the climate change (Oreskes & Conway, 2010).

b) William O'Keefe was the CEO of the George C Marshall Institute of the climate change. One of the basic purposes that they tended to serve was to make sure that the governmental regulations are going to be opposed that are related to the climate change (Oreskes & Conway, 2010). One area that they were specifically working towards was how it is going to be made sure that the opposition of the laws and bills is going to be done for the regulation of the greenhouse gas emissions and what is the degree of control that is needed to be achieved in this regard (Oreskes & Conway, 2010). He was initially a "contrarian" regarding regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, but his views changed as the science of climate change advanced.

Part 5

There are many scientists who seems to have studied the concept of the tipping point and one of the key concerns that has been placed by them is what are going to be some of the results if the tipping point is being met in terms of the Greenland Ice Sheet (Oreskes & Conway, 2010). The first thing that is going to happen if something of sorts happen is that there is going to be rise in temperature by at least two or three Celsius, At the same time the other thing that is going to be compounded with the whole phenomena is that there are going to be number of glaciated earthquakes that are going to take place due to which the Glacier movements are going to be happening (Oreskes & Conway, 2010). The interesting concept that has to be understood with regards to this whole issue is that there are going to be broader long term and short-term changes (Oreskes & Conway, 2010).

Part 6

The deal that has been referred to in the movie was about how they aligned with different Russian firms in order to make sure that the exploration of the Shale Oil Reserves is going to be carried out. The idea behind this deal was to make sure that how Exxon is going to be in position to ensure that they would eventually take care of it running out oil reserves (Oreskes & Conway, 2010). The other major thing that has to be kept in mind is that how they made sure that the climate change legislations are going to be carried out in the manner that there is not going to be any impact towards the exploration of the Russian oil shale (Oreskes & Conway, 2010). One of the key reasons for this not happening is due to the fact that how Tillerson was lobbying for them at the legislative level. It is a classic case of how the conflict of interest was convexity disregarded when it comes to making sure that the presential appointments are going to be carried out (Oreskes & Conway, 2010).


One of the reasons that the documentary is so sought after is due to the fact that it is one of the few documentaries that rather than going into the preaching mode, make sure that the shady way through which all such dealings are being carried out is being exposed (Oreskes & Conway, 2010). The other thing that the documentary has done is that it has shed light on the fact that how the people who are advocating about the environmental change are taken out of the system (Oreskes & Conway, 2010).


Oreskes, N., & Conway, E. M. (2010). Defeating the merchants of doubt. Nature, 465(7299), 686.

Oreskes, N., & Conway, E. M. (2011). Merchants of doubt: How a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Domestic Water

Domestic Water

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Domestic Water- Lab Report

The amount of personal water use such as drinking, cooking, and bathing is considerably

less compared to other uses of water. The worst aspect of personal consumption of water includes using drinking water for car and clothes washing, for flushing toilets or for watering lawns, etc. This personal usage of water construct community water dynamics. These community water dynamics may include the construction of urban drinking water distribution system. Similarly, some issues that may arise from personal or domestic use of water may include the issues of solid waste disposal, the disposal of industrial waste and drainage, etc.

The concentration of metals, petroleum products, and some other dissolved materials can add an astringent taste to water. The brownish color which appears as a result of the concentration of petroleum products imparts brownish stains to laundry. The concentration of these all can also result in chronic toxicity, kidney failures, and nervous system disorders ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"t1YEMPuv","properties":{"formattedCitation":"\\super 1\\nosupersub{}","plainCitation":"1","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1296,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/K942X9GX"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/K942X9GX"],"itemData":{"id":1296,"type":"article-journal","title":"Fluoride contamination in groundwater resources of Alleppey, southern India","container-title":"Geoscience Frontiers","page":"117–124","volume":"8","issue":"1","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Raj","given":"Dhanya"},{"family":"Shaji","given":"E."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} 1. Other than humans many natural species like birds, mammals, reptiles, and plants depend upon the human uses of water. The Illinois Department of natural resources claims that conservation techniques like reducing the use of water, maintain the pH scale of water and proper chlorination of the underground water may help the natural ecosystem to survive population ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"QZAbZI9L","properties":{"formattedCitation":"\\super 2\\nosupersub{}","plainCitation":"2","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1298,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/68DDSTLV"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/68DDSTLV"],"itemData":{"id":1298,"type":"webpage","title":"Natural Resources, the Environment and Ecosystems","URL":"https://extension.illinois.edu/ecosystems/teacherguide2.cfm","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",6,30]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} 2.

The data evaluated and referred in this report suggest that the human existence and survival of other natural species depend upon the moderate use of available water resources. Some techniques which may be employed for reducing water use at home may include lowering the outdoor water consumption, the fixation of leakages in domestic supply systems, the installation of water efficient devices, and increasing the trends of reusing water ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"LPJjK74Y","properties":{"formattedCitation":"\\super 3\\nosupersub{}","plainCitation":"3","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1300,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/69Q48IGH"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/69Q48IGH"],"itemData":{"id":1300,"type":"article-journal","title":"End use water consumption in households: impact of socio-demographic factors and efficient devices","container-title":"Journal of Cleaner Production","page":"107–115","volume":"60","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"End use water consumption in households","author":[{"family":"Willis","given":"Rachelle M."},{"family":"Stewart","given":"Rodney A."},{"family":"Giurco","given":"Damien P."},{"family":"Talebpour","given":"Mohammad Reza"},{"family":"Mousavinejad","given":"Alireza"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2013"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} 3. There are other ways also which affects the water supply. For example, during irrigation, the use of well decreases the underground water levels. It also reduces the level of surface water which directly impacts on the supply of water for domestic use. Similarly, the uses of pesticides and many residuals increase the concentration of nitrate and phosphate in drinking water, which is proven to be hazardous for human health ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"2IQZfLiI","properties":{"formattedCitation":"\\super 4\\nosupersub{}","plainCitation":"4","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1303,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/PVW6GC85"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/PVW6GC85"],"itemData":{"id":1303,"type":"article-journal","title":"Organophosphorous pesticides in surface water of Iran","container-title":"Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology","page":"867–869","volume":"88","issue":"6","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Fadaei","given":"Abdolmajid"},{"family":"Dehghani","given":"Mohammad Hadi"},{"family":"Nasseri","given":"Simin"},{"family":"Mahvi","given":"Amir Hossein"},{"family":"Rastkari","given":"Noushin"},{"family":"Shayeghi","given":"Mansoreh"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2012"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} 4.

The facts presented above and the resources used suggests that the domestic consumption of water impacts the overall natural water cycle. There are many ways which can help in regularizing the water use both at the domestic and the industrial level. If such facts are made part of the regular environment related literature than many students could be encouraged to conserve water. This laboratory exercise has helped the students in reading the researches which are related to the environmental sciences and the sustainability course.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Raj D, Shaji E. Fluoride contamination in groundwater resources of Alleppey, southern India. Geoscience Frontiers. 2017;8(1):117–124.

2. Natural Resources, the Environment, and Ecosystems. https://extension.illinois.edu/ecosystems/teacherguide2.cfm. Accessed June 30, 2019.

3. Willis RM, Stewart RA, Giurco DP, Talebpour MR, Mousavinejad A. End-use water consumption in households: impact of socio-demographic factors and efficient devices. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2013;60:107–115.

4. Fadaei A, Dehghani MH, Nasseri S, Mahvi AH, Rastkari N, Shayeghi M. Organophosphorous pesticides in surface water of Iran. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. 2012;88(6):867–869.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Ecological Footprint


Professor’s Name:



Ways of reducing Ecological footprint

Question 1

The first step towards reducing carbon footprint would be by reducing the use of disposable plastics and if need be then I would reuse them. The usage of plastics has a high level of disposal rate even though they are not biodegradable. In addition, I had proposed to my parents to consider providing us with water bottles so as to avoid a situation whereby we would be forced to buy plastic bottles when headed for campus (Miller & Spoolman p 10).

In addition, I am currently using renewable energy for every electric item I have. I have opted to buy a solar panel that I use for charging my phone and even lighting for my room at campus. I believe going the solar way would indeed help me reduce my carbon footprint on the earth.

Moreover, I am currently eating more vegetable than meat because the meat industry is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions thus reducing my intake helps in solving carbon footprint menace.

Question 2

In future, I will reduce carbon footprint by engaging in movements that advocate for carbon footprint reduction. It may be assumed that everybody knows what carbon footprint is but the truth of the matter is that people need to be informed something I will gladly take part in.

In addition, I will also have all the electronic items in my house running on solar energy in a bid to reduce the carbon emissions. Besides this, I will ride to work instead of driving to work because excessive carbon emissions increase the carbon footprint (Vale & Vale p 12). Through riding I will be keeping myself fit and at the same time reducing the carbon footprints. If there is need for driving, I will opt for an electric car rather than a vehicle running on fuel because of the carbon emissions.

Works cited

G. Tyler Miller, Scott Spoolman. Sustaining the Earth. Chicago: Cengage Learning, 2014.

Robert Vale, Brenda Vale. Living within a Fair Share Ecological Footprint. New York: Routledge, 2015. Nature.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 1 Words: 300

EIA Process Audit ( Uncertainty Management Consideration In EIA)

Neha Kakkar

EIA Process Audit (Impact Prediction)


1. Introduction

EIA is a set of measures carried out in order to identify the degree of danger of the impact of financial action on the environment and public health. The Government of Japan launched the idea of ​​environmental impact assessment in 1972. That year, the Cabinet adopted guidelines on environmental conservation measures affecting public works. These guidelines, however, did not describe any procedure for environmental impact assessment (Harashina, 2001). The Environmental Agency, created in 1971, has prepared a standard legislative procedure beginning in 1975.

Best Practice

Figure1, flowchart

According to Barrett and Therivel, (1989), On March 28, 1997, the government introduced a draft law on EIA. This bill provides for an enrollment method based on the scope of projects to designate those that should be the subject of an environmental impact study. The supporter of a project that exceeds a certain size established by ordinance under the law (category 1 projects) must prepare an environmental impact study without prior review. A project smaller than the Category 1 Threshold, but larger than a Prescribed Scope (Category 2 Projects), must be screened to allow the Competent Authorities to determine environmental impact is needed. In addition, the bill establishes a process (with public participation) to determine the significance of the issues to be addressed. The proponent of a project will be required to write a document that describes how they intend to conduct the study, projections or assessment of environmental effects. It must also make this document public in order to receive the advice of local governments and those interested in environmental conservation. The proponent must also make the preliminary environmental impact study public. The Environmental Agency may comment to the competent authorities on the impact study. If necessary, the competent authorities may require the proponent to amend its final environmental impact study (Barret and Therivel, 2019).

Practice issues

According to Imura and Schreurs, (2005), The Commission for the Study of Environmental Impact Assessment Systems has identified a number of problems that need to be tackles by the nationwide administration. Here are the main points:

the late stage of environmental impact assessment (the need to take environmental issues into account in the early stages of project development),

the limited opportunities for participation available to the public (only residents of a designated area can express their views),

the weakness of the review process (the Environmental Agency can not express an opinion unless the competent authorities ask it).

The 1997 Environmental Impact Assessment Bill is expected to improve, in many ways, Japan's assessment system, including:

establishing public processes to determine the importance of the issues and priorities that will be the focus of the evaluation,

Establishing screenings for designated medium sized projects

by ensuring the simplicity of the evaluation method

by integrating a controlled monitoring system

Strength and weaknesses

It is a specific tool focused on a specific project and context. At the same time, the EIA has the properties of both an integral (all conceivable types of environmental impact) and a selective (only concerns solutions and projects of crucial importance) tool. It also ensures that environmental interests are respected before exposure (Wiedmann et al., 2007).

The weaknesses of the EIA process in Japan relate to such problems: using a linear approach to the decision-making process, which, in essence, is cyclical; difficulties in reviewing alternatives and effects resulting in unproductive information overload; the duration of the EIA process and project planning; limited usefulness of using EIA for decision making.


Several debates on EIA systems have led Japan to recognize the need for strategic environmental assessments or planning. It is the responsibility of the proponent of a project to initiate the process. When deciding to do so, the proponent's internal decision-making process is already completed, although the content of the decision will be reviewed as part of the environmental impact assessment process.


“The Environmental Impact Assessment” Act of 1997 allows us to believe that the environment will be more accountable when making decisions in Japan (more than is currently the case with existing procedures).


Harashina, S. (2001). A new stage of EIA in Japan: towards strategic environmental assessment. Built Environment (1978-), 8-15.

Barrett, B. F., & Therivel, R. (1989). EIA in Japan: environmental protection v economic growth. Land Use Policy, 6(3), 217-231.

Barrett, B. F., & Therivel, R. (2019). Environmental policy and impact assessment in Japan (Vol. 2). Routledge.

Imura, H., & Schreurs, M. A. (Eds.). (2005). Environmental policy in Japan. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Wiedmann, T., Lenzen, M., Turner, K., & Barrett, J. (2007). Examining the global environmental impact of regional consumption activities—Part 2: Review of input–output models for the assessment of environmental impacts embodied in trade. Ecological economics, 61(1), 15-26.

Canter, L. W., & Wood, C. (1996). Environmental impact assessment.

Wood, C. (2003). Environmental impact assessment: a comparative review. Pearson Education.

Jay, S., Jones, C., Slinn, P., & Wood, C. (2007). Environmental impact assessment: Retrospect and prospect. Environmental impact assessment review, 27(4), 287-300.

Ramanathan, R. (2001). A note on the use of the analytic hierarchy process for environmental impact assessment. Journal of environmental management, 63(1), 27-35.

Wathern, P. (Ed.). (2013). Environmental impact assessment: theory and practice. Routledge.

Morris, P., & Therivel, R. (Eds.). (2001). Methods of environmental impact assessment (Vol. 2). Taylor & Francis.

Wang, Y. M., Yang, J. B., & Xu, D. L. (2006). Environmental impact assessment using the evidential reasoning approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 174(3), 1885-1913.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600

EIA Process Audit (Impact Prediction)

Neha Kakkar

EIA Process Audit (Impact Prediction)



Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a comprehensive interactive process aimed at identifying the effects of the planned to implement economic or other activities on human health and the environment. The basis of the Australian system of environmental assessment of economic activities is EIA and environmental impact assessment. Thus, in the Australia, a real mechanism was developed to prevent negative impacts on the OPS, as well as the manifestations of social tensions caused by them. The experience of using the EIA procedure in the Australia has entailed favorable consequences for the protection of the environment, reducing the negative impacts from the implementation of insufficiently thought-out and informed decisions in economic activities (Thomas, 1998). In general, it is necessary to note the crucial role of the application of the EIA procedure in the Australia, as the clear and simple methodology for its implementation has gained recognition and quickly spread in almost all developed countries Glasson and Therivel, 2013).

2. Best practice ideas

The Act provides for various types of environmental assessment:

evaluation without preparation of a public report on the environment or an environmental impact study;

evaluation following the preparation and public review of a public environmental report or an environmental impact study;

Figure.1 EIA

According to figure 1,the first consideration of best practices is fully provided for in the EIA system of Western Australia in that anyone can comment on the proposals and their materials will be considered as the initiator. This ensures that minimum expectations for natural justice are ensured by this process (Ahammed and Nixon 2006). In addition, the assessment provides for the analysis of not only new (developed and coming into force), but also existing legislation. It can be probable that citizens with weak education or who only speak English as a next verbal communication may not contribute in EIA as a consequence The “environmental bureaucracy” represented by state authorities in the field of environmental protection, with the support of the demagogic-minded part of the population, erected this barrier to economic development, with the aim of - creation of additional costly "ritual" of environmental fees. Both that and another creates obstacles to a steady progressive economic development, being a brake at a substantiation of economic projects (Arts and Morrison-Saunders, 2012). . 

The second best practice is only partially in the sense that the EPA itself is not directed or explicit stakeholder engagement is expected (Canter and Wood, 1996). Overall, based on the considerations covered in my two criteria for participative EIA, the process in Western Australia meets minimum expectations for natural justice but falls short of what represents ‘best practice participative EIA’ in advanced democracies.

3. Disadvantages / Practice issues

The practice of environmental assessment in both industrialized and developing countries is subject to a number of difficulties and restrictions whose existence is widely recognized. The Symposium explored a wide range of issues and challenges. 

Three points of discussion had been defined before the Symposium:

understand and communicate the added value of environmental impact assessment

apply the EIA in times of limited resources

Situate environmental impact assessment in the context of international development


The effectiveness of the EIA system is most fully manifested when it is used for large-scale projects with significant environmental impact and affecting a wide range of stakeholders. For such projects, the impact assessment, which is produced according to the methods regulated by the applicable standards, norms and rules that separately consider the impact on the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, without informing a wide circle of interested parties, turns out to be particularly inadequate to its real value.


The national environmental impact assessment, conducted more than twenty years ago, is a well-established practice in support of Australia's environmental policy. However, as in other countries, EIA is under pressure in government and society at large. These include the micro-economic reform of the Australian economy, the evolution of Commonwealth-State relations, and the need to reconcile the demands of economic development with those of environmental protection.

In recent years, environmental policy has undergone some notable changes across the Common wealth. These changes have had and will continue to have significant effects on the way EIAs are administered in Australia.


Thomas, I. (1998). Environmental impact assessment in Australia. Sydney: Federation Press.

Glasson, J., & Therivel, R. (2013). Introduction to environmental impact assessment. Routledge.

Gilpin, A. (1995). Environmental impact assessment: cutting edge for the 21st century. Cambridge University Press.

Ahammed, A. R., & Nixon, B. M. (2006). Environmental impact monitoring in the EIA process of South Australia. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 26(5), 426-447.

Arts, J., & Morrison-Saunders, A. (Eds.). (2012). Assessing impact: handbook of EIA and SEA follow-up. Routledge.

Canter, L. W., & Wood, C. (1996). Environmental impact assessment.

Wood, C. (2003). Environmental impact assessment: a comparative review. Pearson Education.

Jay, S., Jones, C., Slinn, P., & Wood, C. (2007). Environmental impact assessment: Retrospect and prospect. Environmental impact assessment review, 27(4), 287-300.

Ramanathan, R. (2001). A note on the use of the analytic hierarchy process for environmental impact assessment. Journal of environmental management, 63(1), 27-35.

Wathern, P. (Ed.). (2013). Environmental impact assessment: theory and practice. Routledge.

Morris, P., & Therivel, R. (Eds.). (2001). Methods of environmental impact assessment (Vol. 2). Taylor & Francis.

Wang, Y. M., Yang, J. B., & Xu, D. L. (2006). Environmental impact assessment using the evidential reasoning approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 174(3), 1885-1913.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Energy Letter Essay

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Energy Policy United States


When one talks about the energy policy in the United States, the determination of this policy is being carried out by the federal, state and local authorities and the wayMPW-100013hey work. There are many issues that this policy tend to address as how the production of the energy, the way it distributed and how the consumption is going to be done. At the same time, the energy policy also looks at how the underlying legislation is carried out in this regard in terms of how the energy conservation, taxation and other such policy measures are being carried out.


When one talks about the energy policy of the United States, there are many mandates that are being produced. Such as the gasoline should not be exceeding the $ 1 per gallon, or the legislation regarding the import. The problem is that there is no long term energy policy that is being drafted by the United States. There has been as many as Three Energy Policy Acts that are being passed during the course three decades, but they have been witnessed more as a recommendation as compared to the concrete policy at the given point of time. There are tax incentives of the stakeholders who are working in the renewable energy sector as well as the non renewable energy sector. State-specific energy efficiency incentive programs also play a significant role in the overall energy policy of the United States.[10] The United States refused to endorse the Kyoto Protocol, preferring to let the market drive CO2 reductions to mitigate global warming, which will require CO2 emission taxation.

One of the other criticism that has been levied towards the energy policy is the fact that how there has not been critical thinking with regards to the long term policy, and instead the idea is to make sure that the short term temporal fixes are there. There are no such rules that allow the business owners to make sure that they are in the position to carry out the research that is going o make sure that they are seeking alternate sources of the energy. At the same time, when one talks about the different governments of the United States, there underlying focus all the time has been on making sure that how the economic productivity has been taken care off and the effort is more towards making sure that the self sufficiency has to be gained in terms of the way energy resources are being gained at the given point of time. So this is another aspect that is needed to be kept in mind when it comes to the way broader thinking has been adopted by the different stakeholders at the given point of time. The administration of Barack Obama has proposed an aggressive energy policy reform, including the need for a reduction of CO2 emissions.

There are other state specific energy efficiency solutions that are created by the government to make sure that the modulation of the energy policy is being done in the appropriate manner. The idea is to make sure that the endorsement of the different policies and protocols that are going to be making sure that the focus must be there towards how the energy efficiency is going to be achieved at the given point of time. During the course of the last regime, the effort was being made to make sure that the reduction is needed to be made possible in terms of how the CO2 emissions are going to be controlled. The cap and trade program were being implemented to make sure that encouragement has to be there in terms of renewable and sustainable energy solutions at the given point of time. There are some new technologies that are being worked upon, such as the tracking of the carbon footprint of the business, and that has allowed all the stakeholders to make sure that the right decision making is carried out at the given point of time in terms of how the decision making is needed to be made. Furthermore, fracking is the practice that has been introduced off late that has made the United States the top oil producer of the world. There are certain things though that can be done. Such as making sure that the oil security is achieved in terms of how the national average of the new vehicle fuel economy improvement is needed to be carried out. Furthermore, there is a need to make sure that the legislation has to be there in the congress in terms of the implement a market-based program so that the emission of the greenhouse gases can be limited. By 2018, the US is on the verge of achieving energy security or self-sufficiency as the total export of coal, natural gas, crude oil and petroleum products are exceeding imports.[6][7] The US had a trade surplus in the energy sector by 2018.


When one talks about the energy policy of the United States, it can be seen that there is no long-term concrete policy that is being carried out, and instead the policy making is done in the flexible manner as per the need basis of the people of the United States. Keeping that in mind, how different stakeholders have made decisions at the given point of time in terms of how the better decision making is needed to be done. The legislation regarding the climate change is one important change that is needed to be incorporated in the policy.

Works Cited

Allcott, Hunt, and Sendhil Mullainathan. "Behavior and energy policy." Science 327.5970 (2014): 1204-1205.

Bird, Lori, et al. "Policies and market factors driving wind power development in the United States." Energy Policy 33.11 (2016): 1397-1407.

Laird, Frank N., and Christoph Stefes. "The diverging paths of German and United States policies for renewable energy: Sources of difference." Energy Policy 37.7 (2018): 2619-2629.

McDonald, Robert I., et al. "Energy sprawl or energy efficiency: climate policy impacts on natural habitat for the United States of America." PloS one 4.8 (2018): e6802.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Environmental Science Final

Environmental Science Final

Student’s Name


Environmental Science Final

Q1a. The source of Co2 and No2 are mostly combustion. A lot of combustion being registered in the morning is because of vehicles. This is because in the morning hours many vehicles are out and people are heading to different locations for work. Vehicles produced a lot of gases, followed by the mining sectors but in this case a lot gases are produced by vehicles as a result of combustion.

b. the lose curved occurred during the day. It is because the number of vehicles on the road has reduced and therefore, the combustion level hence low emission of gases NO2, and CO2.

C. the ozone curved is because of high and low temperature. It is evident that when the temperature is high especially during high usage of roads the ozone level melts.

d. the decrease trend of NO2 is due to introduction of green energy policy. The United States stated to use clean energy in most sectors. The urban air pollution reduced overtime due to change in policy to use clean energy instead of traditional diesel which pollutes the environment. The introduction of electric cars and move of industries away from urban setup also contributed to the decline of pollution. The policy formulation against the greenhouse gases and the introduction of other clear energy could be the cause of decline of N02 level.

Q2. a September, May and July.

b. March, September and May

c. they most takes place during the same month. However, the Town Brook is more intense compared to Charles River.

d. In 2018, the discharge at Town Brook and discharge high in Town Brook was very low and few but in 2019, the discharge has increased and high. This could me the increase of temperature between 2018 and 2019 in the two regions.

e. The Charles River appears to be more impermeable because of fewer occurrences. Looking at the two watersheds, it is evident that the Charles River delayed in occurrence and this could mean that it has high resistance compared to Town Brook in Quincy. However, there is different in the way discharge takes place. The width is high in 2019 in both cases and these could mean a change in certain environmental factors.

Q3a. Chesapeake Bay Watershed is not healthy. The bay is 200 miles and therefore, one of the longest watersheds. The feet are about 21 feet.

b. the healthy and clean watershed would be worth $129.7 billion. The value is based on the economic activities taking place using the water and the number of households which depend on the watershed as well.

c. Chesapeake Bay Watershed provides water for filter for both domestic and industrial use, agricultural activities and sea food production and enhancing of the values of properties.

Q4a. The chances of increase hurricane are caused by increased human activities. The hurricane is caused by the decrease of temperature between the two poles. However, the decrease of temperature is caused by the emission of gases into the atmosphere and therefore, the use of hydro and other elements which release a lot of gases are the cause of decrease of temperature and the hurricane.

b. The tippling element on the earth and industrial emission are some of the causes of global warming. The threshold is when the temperature reaches them. The rapid end of ice age, mega drought and rapid warming are some of the thresholds.

C. The arctic is melting faster than scientist predict due to increased temperature on the North Pole. The increased temperature is due to global warming.

d. Another example of feedback is change of rain pattern in some regions, decline of the level of ocean, seas and other water bodies.

e. Cloud plays an essential role in regulation of temperature of the earth. It can either warm or cool the temperature of the earth therefore; the cloud can play both negative and positive feedback hoop.

Q5a. The sparrow cannot survive for more than10 years understand the Biosphere condition. The survival rate of sparrow depends on the environmental factors such as temperature. The sparrows survived on woods and greens and with high rate of biodegradation it would be difficult for the sparrow to survive for more than ten years in a location.

b. Rhino cannot survive in a Biosphere 2 for more than 10 years. Rhino is herbivorous and needs a lot of water for survive. In a biosphere there is a lot of reduction of things like water, trees, plants and others and therefore, the rhino would not live for long.

c. the excess CO2 is used by plants. CO2 is used by plants and for growth and photosynthesis. It is the reason people are advised to plan several trees as measure to reduce the emission of gases.

Q.6a. Approximation of waste leaving the house requires proper understating of the type of groceries and whether is raw or dry. Otherwise the waste leaving house would be less than 100 pounds. It is evident that part of the groceries would be used for consumption for the production of energy. The waste cannot add up to 100 pounds. The groceries bought and brought in the house were used for daily consumption for the energy. Not everything from the grocery is waste and therefore, the waste was less than 100 pounds.

b. If a low flow (1.6 gallon/min) showerhead is installed in the house instead of (3.8 gallon/min), it is likely that the water will be saved for 15 mins shower and 33 gallon will be saved.

C. 24.508 196 721 gallon [U.S.] of automotive gasoline. The distance which can be covered with the gallon of gasoline depends with the type of car or vehicle. The high fuel consumption cars would cover approximately 200kms. The low consumption cars would cover more than 420 kms with 24.5 gallon of gasoline.

Q7a. The concentrated solar power generate work through the use of mirror to covert energy to heat, which is used to drive turbine that is used to generate electrical power. The technology applied on the process uses the sunlight to generate heat, which is stored and used to generate electricity during the cloudy period. The process of involve the use of sunlight to generate heat for industrial and domestic use. The energy use for generating power comes from sunlight and reflected by mirror to be used to drive turbine. The energy therefore, comes from the sunlight. Electricity is generated through the use of energy to drive the turbine. The electricity is produced from the heat energy when fueled by combustion and therefore, the electricity is generated from energy.

b. The advantages of using concentrated solar panel are high efficiency, an inherent thermal storage which allows the generation of electricity during cloudy period. It has lower investment cost compared to other types of energies. However some of its limitations are; it could destroy wildlife inhabitant and promotes deforestations. It is also produce some potent greenhouse gases, which can result to global warming.

C. The potential impact of the use of concentrated solar power is land use and the loss of habitat. The use of solar energy can reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and this could lead to a decline in temperature.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Environmental Shopping Assignment

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Environmental Shopping Assignment

Part 1

I recently visited a departmental store near me and researched various recyclable material present in the store. Recycled or recyclable material is mostly used in the packaging of the materials of different products. I talked to the manager of the store that whether they use recycled material in their packaging and whether the packaging is actually recycled or they just use the label of recycled. The manager told me that they use recycled material in packaging. The store tries to use as much paper bags as possible.

Product name

Plastic Type



PET- 1


Cold Drink

PET- 1











Washroom Detergent



Surface Cleaner



I also found some products that were made from recycled paper or recyclable paper. These products included Recycled paper tote bags, recycled paper vases, paper handbags, gift tags, and holiday decorations. These products had been made out of recycled paper that had been recycled post its usage. Some of the products had been made out of bleached paper like recycled paper vase, whereas other products were made out of unbleached recycled paper.

Part 2

There are certain products that I buy and use on a regular basis. These products are generally known as Fast Moving Consumer Goods or FMCG Products and are consumed and disposed off on a regular basis. These products include soaps, shampoos, conditioners, detergents, dishwashing liquids, body sprays, cold drinks, juices, etc. these products are usually bought on a weekly or monthly basis. The packaging is not much environment-friendly as they mostly come in plastic bags or plastic bottles and cannot be recycled. However, the containers can be reused for storage of items. There is usually no or limited option of excess packaging. All these purchased items are an essential need for daily life.

The second category of items that are usually bought in excess is food items. Food items are usually packaged in excessive packaging as there is a hazard of leakage or food going bad. I also buy food items in bulk and sometimes they are individually packaged like fast food. Food items usually do not give a choice to buy in bulk and are usually individually packed.

The third most commonly used items are clothing, jewelry, accessories or shoes. These items are not bought in bulk usually and are a one-time purchase. I buy clothes once in a month or once in two months and shoes in three to four months. These items are more of wants than needs and are recyclable. Whenever I want to dispose of my old clothes, shoes or accessories, I take them to the nearest dumping site or thrift store and place them there from where poor people can purchase them for less cost.

I occasionally buy newspapers, as most of the times, I receive the news online and can read them easily on the internet. If I ever buy a newspaper, I make sure that it is printed on a recyclable paper and I dispose them off on a thrift store or the nearest drop box as well.

I and my family regularly use chemical materials (also known as hazardous materials) like bleaches, pesticides, and motor oils, etc. but we take care that the containers of these materials are disposed off in a proper manner, in which they can be least hazardous to the environment around us. We collect the trash and then take it to the nearest dumping site which is some kilometers away from our place. This process is repeated once a month or once in two months.

Part 3

There are many products in the market that claim to be eco-friendly or in coordination with nature. Some of the products claim to be completely harmless for the environment whereas the others claim to be completely (or mostly) made from natural products. Where some of such products that claim to be environment-friendly are actually like that, some are just boasting about their qualities of being natural and friendly with the environment. One of such products is Aveeno Naturals.

The company claims to provide one of the best and most natural products in the market. Aveeno Naturals deals in skin, hair and body care products all over the United States of America. A complete line of Aveeno Cosmetics can be easily found on its website https://www.aveeno.com/. Although the company may claim to produce and sell all-natural products that are completely environment-friendly and is equally beneficial for the skin as well as the environment, the product details on the products tell some other story. Let’s take a look at one of the products produced and sold extensively by the skincare brand all over the country. Aveeno All-Natural Daily Scrub. The product may look very subtle and claim to contain no chemicals, the ingredients list at the back tell a different story. The details of the product reveal that it contains Sodium Laureth Sulfate, phenoxyethanol, Cocamidopropyl betaine, methylparaben, butylene glycol, glycol distearate, fragrance, and many other chemical compounds like this.

Talking about the packaging of the product, the product comes packed in plastic bottles which are also not possible to recycle, hence, the claims of the skin and body care product producer to be environment-friendly are just mere empty claims. In fact, the products of the company do more harm to the environment around it than good and I would never recommend anyone to use Aveeno products.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Envrironmental News Headlines Assigment

Environmental News Headlines Assignment

List 5 current MIAMI-DADE COUNTY environmental news headlines along with source or link and date. Pick any one headline that you like, write a brief summary using your own words (a paragraph containing 6 - 8 sentences)

Emails show Miami-Dade worried Turkey Point canal permit could violate federal rule

Lauderdale, F. (2019). Emails show Miami-Dade worried Turkey Point canal permit could violate federal rule. [online] Fort Lauderdale News. Available at: https://1fortlauderdale.com/emails-show-miami-dade-worried-turkey-point-canal-permit-could-violate-federal-rule/ [Accessed 15 Mar. 2019].

Paving paradise: Another Miami park gets the concrete treatment

C, R. (2019). Paving paradise: Another Miami park gets the concrete treatment - Miami to Live Magazine. [online] Miami to Live Magazine. Available at: http://www.miamitolivemagazine.com/2019/03/09/paving-paradise-another-miami-park-gets-the-concrete-treatment/ [Accessed 15 Mar. 2019]

Miami Bans Controversial Herbicides That Are Killing Biscayne Bay

Pulse, S. (2019). Miami Bans Controversial Herbicides That Are Killing Biscayne Bay - Sustainable Pulse. [online] Sustainable Pulse. Available at: https://sustainablepulse.com/2019/03/05/miami-bans-controversial-herbicides-that-are-killing-biscayne-bay/ [Accessed 15 Mar. 2019].

Key West Takes First Step To Ban Certain Sunscreens

Key West Takes First Step To Ban Certain Sunscreens. (2019). Retrieved from https://miami.cbslocal.com/video/4010605-key-west-takes-first-step-to-ban-certain-sunscreens/

Miami Beach, Surfside Consider Banning Sunscreens Harmful to Coral Reef

Shammas, B. (2019). Miami Beach, Surfside Consider Banning Sunscreens Harmful to Coral Reefs. Retrieved from https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/miami-beach-surfside-consider-banning-sunscreens-harmful-to-coral-reefs-11114227

In this newspaper, it tells us that the authorities of Key West took the first steps to prohibit the sale of sunscreens containing two ingredients that could be harmful to coral reefs. The measure would ban products containing oxyben zone and octinoxate, which according to studies cause coral discoloration, the Miami Herald reported. Miami Beach could become the second South Florida to ban sunscreens that contain two ingredients that some say is detrimental to the area's coral reefs. It is not uncommon that on the coasts of the Pacific this is experienced as an ecological, economic and social drama. And, nevertheless, the decision has been controversial: the vast majority of sun creams will be prohibited with the new law (and the alternatives, although they can already be found in the market, do not just take off due to the profitability of the polluting creams.

2. List 5 current FLORIDA STATE environmental news headlines along with source or link and date. Pick any one headline that you like, write a brief summary using your own words (a paragraph containing 6 - 8 sentences)

Florida Senate Committee passes single-use plastic straw pollution bill out of committee.

Florida Senate Committee passes single-use plastic straw pollution bill out of committee. (2019). Retrieved from https://environmentflorida.org/news/fle/florida-senate-committee-passes-single-use-plastic-straw-pollution-bill-out-committee

Legislation aims to transition Florida to 100 percent statewide renewable energy

Legislation aims to transition Florida to 100 percent statewide renewable energy. (2019). Retrieved from https://environmentflorida.org/news/fle/legislation-aims-transition-florida-100-percent-statewide-renewable-energy

In Florida, a New Governor Shifts Gears on Environment, and Maybe Climate Change

In Florida, a New Governor Shifts Gears on Environment, and Maybe Climate Change. (2019). Retrieved from https://insideclimatenews.org/news/28012019/florida-governor-desantis-environment-directives-sea-level-rise-climate-change-republican

Why Florida’s red tide is killing fish, manatees, and turtles

Why Florida’s red tide is killing fish, manatees, and turtles. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2018/8/30/17795892/red-tide-2018-florida-gulf-sarasota-sanibel-okeechobee

Thousands of sharks make annual migration off Florida coast

Rossiter, M. (2019). Thousands Of Sharks Are Passing By Florida's Coast—Check Out The Footage. Retrieved from https://www.simplemost.com/thousands-blacktip-sharks-florida-coast-spring-break/

This news tells that Florida is a favorite vacation spot for Americans and tourists from other countries. However, this year not only people wanted to bask in the sunny region. As recorded in the photographs and videotapes of researchers of the seasonal migration of sharks, tens of thousands of these predators from the black-footed species have gathered in the warm waters of the southeast coast of Florida. Black-necked sharks, as is known, attack people and, according to experts, it is this species of sharks that most often caused incidents caused by predatory fish recorded in the Sunshine State. Despite the huge number of sharks, tens of thousands of which have reached the immediate vicinity of the shores of South Florida, today we have relatively few cases of sharks causing injuries to tourists. Considering how many people swim here and how many sharks swim, one would think that there should have been more such “meetings.

3. List 5 current UNITED STATES environmental news headlines along with source or link and date. Pick any one headline that you like, write a brief summary using your own words (a paragraph containing 6 - 8 sentences)

Environment America and U.S. PIRG celebrate Skip the Straw Day by introducing bills in seven states to help Americans go strawless

Environment America and U.S. PIRG celebrate Skip the Straw Day by introducing bills in seven states to help Americans go strawless. (2019). Retrieved from https://environmentamerica.org/news/ame/environment-america-and-us-pirg-celebrate-skip-straw-day-introducing-bills-seven-states

U.S. State, City Climate Leaders: “We Are Still In”

Editor, N. (2019). – U.S. State, City Climate Leaders: “We Are Still In” | ENS. Retrieved from http://ens-newswire.com/2017/11/15/u-s-state-city-climate-leaders-we-are-still-in/

U.S. Department of Energy’s proposed repeal of lighting efficiency standards a huge blow to planet’s health

U.S. Department of Energy’s proposed repeal of lighting efficiency standards a huge blow to planet’s health. (2019). Retrieved from https://environmentamerica.org/news/ame/us-department-energy%E2%80%99s-proposed-repeal-lighting-efficiency-standards-huge-blow-planet%E2%80%99s

Environment America joins nationwide campaign calling on states to adopt energy-saving standards for common products

Environment America joins nationwide campaign calling on states to adopt energy-saving standards for common products. (2019). Retrieved from https://environmentamerica.org/news/ame/environment-america-joins-nationwide-campaign-calling-states-adopt-energy-saving-standards

Statement: U.S. Department of Energy’s delay on appliance efficiency regulations not only in violation of the law but also a threat to planet.

Astor, A. (march 7, 2019, March). News Releases. Retrieved from https://environmentamerica.org/news

In this news article, it is stated that the United States of America does not make an impression of an energy efficient country. There is not even a state energy saving program. The functions of the US Department of Energy in the field of energy efficiency are reduced to the development of initiatives - laws and presidential directives, as well as financing R & D and promoting the advancement of advanced developments to serial use. The massive introduction of new technologies is stimulated, in particular, through state guarantees for loans. In 2008, by decision of the Congress, such guarantees were granted for $ 38 billion. The Ministry of Energy is working to eliminate intermediaries between carriers of the idea and venture funds (26 funds are active). There is a trust fund to fund the creation of a working prototype by the authors. In 2008, the first exhibition of ideas for venture funds was held, where the authors themselves could present them.

4. List 10 current or past (2012 to current) INTERNATIONAL environmental news headlines (emphasizing negative development – deforestation, pollution, greenhouse gases, etc.,) along with source or link and date. Pick any one headline that you like, write a brief summary using your own words (a paragraph containing 6 - 8 sentences)

Global climate school strike takes place todayShip leaks tons of oil near Solomon Islands in Pacific Ocean

Global climate school strike takes place today. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.beat.com.au/arts/global-climate-school-strike-takes-place-today

Environment damage behind one in four global deaths, disease ..

Environment damage behind 1 in 4 global deaths, disease: UN. (2019, March 13). Retrieved from https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/environment-damage-behind-1-4-global-deaths-disease-103717446.html

Tornado facts: What causes twisters, and why are they so destructive?

Tornado facts: What causes twisters, and why are they so destructive? (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/tornado-facts-what-causes-twisters-why-are-they-so-destructive-ncna980001

When Environmental Crises Hit Homes, Women Suffer the Most

From 2018: When Environmental Crises Hit Homes, Women Suffer the Most. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ipsnews.net/2019/03/reissue-environmental-crises-hit-homes-women-suffer/

A Three Trillion-Dollar Opportunity that UN Environment Wants People to Develop

Innovative Sustainable Business: A Three Trillion-Dollar Opportunity that UN Environment Wants People to Develop. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ipsnews.net/2019/03/innovative-sustainable-business-three-trillion-dollar-opportunity-un-environment-wants-people-develop/

Hidden valleys and mountain ranges discovered under Antarctica ice

Press Trust of India. (2018, May 28). Hidden valleys and mountain ranges discovered under Antarctica ice. Retrieved from https://www.hindustantimes.com/environment/hidden-valleys-and-mountain-ranges-discovered-under-antarctica-ice/story-FLQe09x5OvuCdSwCtpep4J.html

Himalayas fading owing to climate change: Experts

Ians. (2019, February 03). Himalayas fading owing to climate change: Experts - Times of India. Retrieved from https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/environment/global-warming/himalayas-fading-owing-to-climate-change-experts/articleshow/67815267.cms

Top 10 Most Polluted Cities In India.

The Daily Records. (2019, January 02). Top 10 Most Polluted Cities In India. Retrieved from http://www.thedailyrecords.com/2018-2019-2020-2021/world-famous-top-10-list/world/most-polluted-cities-india-least/8542/

Environmental impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Environmental impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. (2019, February 27). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_impact_of_the_Deepwater_Horizon_oil_spill

China bans ordinary tourists in core zone of Mt Everest

China bans ordinary tourists in core zone of Mt Everest ... (n.d.). Retrieved from https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/environment/pollution/china-bans-ordinary-tourists-in-core-zone-of-mt-everest/articleshow/68011003.cms

In the news article, China has banned tourists from accessing its base camp to Everest in Tibet as a campaign is growing to clean up the garbage on the roof of the world, the official China News Agency said on Friday. This ban applies to "ordinary tourists" and not mountaineers who have been granted permission to attempt the climb, the agency said. Access will be closed from the areas above Rongpo Monastery, which is about 5,000 meters above sea level. A new camp reserved for visitors will be installed about two kilometers from the old one, specifies the agency.

Everest, an 8,848-meter peak that straddles Nepal and China, has seen not only mountaineers but also tourists come in recent years. This growing popularity means that, in addition to more and more abandoned rubbish, there are more bodies of alpine climbers who are victims of the mountain. And given the Congestion on the Nepali side, more and more Mountaineers from Everest are abandoning the traditional way of climbing to Nepal to climb the Chinese side, from Tibet. In addition to the ban on tourists, China intends to strive to bring back the bodies of mountaineers killed above 8,000 m and will limit the capacity of its base camp to 300 mountaineers.

5. List 10 current or past (2012 to current) INTERNATIONAL environmental news headlines (emphasizing positive development – habitat protection, pollution prevention, green energy development etc.,) along with source or link and date. Pick any one headline that you like, write a brief summary using your own words (a paragraph containing 6 - 8 sentences)

Climate change could wipe out Bengal tigers in 50 years

Climate change could wipe out Bengal tigers in 50 years. (2019, February 14). Retrieved from https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/environment/flora-fauna/climate-change-could-wipe-out-bengal-tigers-in-50-years/articleshow/67985277.cms

Global warming believed to be behind Oz rodent extinction

Global warming believed to be behind Oz rodent extinction. (2019, February 20). Retrieved from https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/environment/global-warming/global-warming-believed-to-be-behind-oz-rodent-extinction/articleshow/68074705.cms

Air pollution claims 7 million lives each year: UN expert

Air pollution a silent killer, claims 7 million lives each ... (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/air-pollution-claims-seven-million-lives-each-year-un-expert-119030500276_1.html

unexpected magic of mushrooms

Gray, R. (2019, March 15). Future - The unexpected magic of mushrooms. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20190314-the-unexpected-magic-of-mushrooms

The Clean Water Network

Clean Water Network. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://clean-water-network.org/

Blueprint for City Marine Parks

Blueprint for city marine parks. (2019, March 04). Retrieved from https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/03/190304095933.htm

Scientists finally decide on world’s ‘largest bird’. And it is extinct

France-Presse, A. (2018, September 26). Scientists finally decide on world's 'largest bird'. And it is extinct. Retrieved from https://www.hindustantimes.com/science/scientists-finally-decide-on-world-s-largest-bird-and-it-is-extinct/story-5oDKrJEtryZ1JcBejqb8KK.html

Soon, guidelines for elephant safaris in tiger reserves in Uttarakhand

Sharma, N. (2018, June 23). Soon, guidelines for elephant safaris in tiger reserves in Uttarakhand. Retrieved from https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/soon-guidelines-for-elephant-safaris-in-tiger-reserves-in-uttarakhand/story-6vwfff3LLUnj5KTVhfpD0O.html

Dragon in space

Wall, M. (2019, March 08). SpaceX Crew Dragon Splashes Down in Atlantic to Cap Historic Test Flight. Retrieved from https://www.space.com/spacex-crew-dragon-returns-to-earth.html

UK Antarctic meteorite hunt bags large haul

Amos, J. (2019, February 27). UK Antarctic meteorite hunt bags large haul. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-47390360

In this news article, it is explaining that The meteorites we find in Antarctica will help us understand how the Solar System originated and formed. These celestial stones come to us from the surface of other planets, their moons and asteroids, not all of which NASA can visit, using rovers and probes.

Over the past 39 years, scientists have been able to find and study over 20 thousand fragments of "celestial stones", some of which, such as the Martian meteorite, have become real celebrities. In addition to the America, a number of other states of the world conduct their own programs for searching for meteorites in the Antarctic. Scientists are looking for fragments of fallen asteroids and particles of Martian or lunar soil on its territory for two simple reasons.


How to provide global awareness? The first is that environmental problems are not all the same and that their perception and impact on the lives of citizens vary depending on whether they are macroecological problems (climate change, hole in the ozone layer, loss of biodiversity ...) or myocroecological (drought, fires forest, pollution, lack of green areas in cities, pollution ...). It is true that both are related, but the citizen usually perceives them separately. These works also tell us that it is necessary to distinguish between the problems of the "green" environment (nature, rural environment, agriculture), "gray" (cities and urban environment) and "brown" (industry), which, although they are problems interrelated, respond to different logics that should be separated to analyze them from the perspective of environmental awareness. The third thing they indicate is that environmental awareness is the joint result of several dimensions: affective (concern), cognitive (knowledge) and behavioral (behavior). And they tell us that, on each of these dimensions, public policies can act with sanctioning, sensitizing or incentive measures.

Environmental awareness can be increased through awareness campaigns organized by public authorities in collaboration with civil society organizations (citizen platforms, professional associations, environmental movements). These campaigns are useful to improve the knowledge of citizens and raise awareness about the importance of caring for the environment. But in many cases they are insufficient to modify the behavior, being necessary then punitive measures that oblige citizens to modify their behavior for fear of being sanctioned (discharges, selective collection of solid urban waste) or incentive measures based on obtaining some reward (think of the installation of solar panels in buildings or the introduction of sustainable agricultural practices). In short, in order to continue advancing in the environmental awareness of citizens, complicity between citizens and public authorities is necessary. But it is also necessary that the awareness campaigns are made in a differentiated manner according to the type of environmental problem in question, and also according to the target audience to which they are addressed.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 4 Words: 1200


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Social Determinants and Primary Health Care

In the past, people had to wait in the lines for medical care, while waiting for their turn, their kids died. Sometimes, they were not given attention to for better treatment by the doctors.

Health care is a basic human right. People of Cuba have created their health care systems. There are few positive aspects of the Cuban health care system in that they provide a free care system and there are medicines which are latest and of advanced technology. The notion of the right to health care and wiping out diseases is the main aspect to contribute to global health. Sour kids of a community member died because they did not got treatment on time, they died because of diarrhea and 5th family member was taken to the hospital for the same reason, but he was saved. It was the 1960s when primary health was a focus of doctors and trainers. Facilities were later on provided to people and door to door facility was introduced.

Identification of illnesses and diseases is the key idea and it has to be solved on time. It was a time when there were very limited medicines, all of medicines and surgery machinery would come from United States transnational and American labs. The Cubans made a primary health system that was accessible to everyone. Better facilities by doctors for medication was appreciated, and they were appreciated for their availability for the medical services. Poverty is the reason that children suffer the most. Children are at higher risk, like in Africa, around 3000 children die from malaria daily (this statistic is according to video). The Cuban doctors serve the Gambians. In the Gambia situations are different, pregnant women and children are at higher risk. Doctors in Cuba initiated awareness sessions for community members to fight back with malaria. Recognition of such fatal diseases is an important part of healthcare. The doctors live in communities to serve the people. The drop-in malaria cases in the Gambia are the success of doctors and the cooperation of community members by changing their behaviors and adopting the best precautionary measures is appreciable. In 2002 the record for malaria cases was 600,000 and it drastically dropped down to 200,000 in 2004.

Primary health care is indeed important, and it helps people for time being. The problem is, when an emergency hits people they had to lose their lives because of no help being provided to them in such emergencies, an example can be a hurricane in Honduras. Interventions on the government level are important to not compromise on the lives of humans. Accessibility of medical doctors to every corner has to be made sure. The behavior of people towards outsiders needs to be changed. There lie loan contradictions too, policy interventions by involving the public sector and a clear constitution will work for the improvements in social determinants whether it is food or health. The government has to make sure that it is providing security, food and education facilities. Doctors need to get paid properly because they have to survive too, and their professional training and their interaction and communication needs some attention. There is a need for paradigm shift, the doctors need to work for their communities. Access to education would help in overcoming the issues of health. Education facilities for children to peruse their degrees in medical would be an appreciable step towards better health care provisions.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Salud! Documentary. YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dthF5P7cBrg. Accessed 15 Oct. 2019.

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Explain The Role Of Forests In The Global Carbon Cycle And Critically Evaluate Whether Forest Management Can Assist In Mitigating Rapid Global Warming.

Explain the role of forests in the global carbon cycle and critically evaluate whether forest management can assist in mitigating rapid global warming.

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Explain the role of forests in the global carbon cycle and critically evaluate whether forest management can assist in mitigating rapid global warming.

Role of Forests in the Global Carbon Cycle

In the current time, the rapidly changing global carbon cycle is very crucial to consider and studied in every aspect. It is so important because the global carbon cycle puts the very inverse impact on every area ranging from the life of living things to climate change. But! There is a credible and huge role always played by the forests in the global carbon cycle. In other words, forests play a huge and major role in the global carbon cycle. The major source of carbon to the atmosphere is the deforestation. While forests are the sources and their regrowth is a major sink for the carbon from the atmosphere (Kirschbaum, 2001). The understanding that the forests have a huge role in the global carbon cycle comes from more than a few decades. Beyond that, it is also a fact and everyone witnesses it that the global carbon cycle is always impacted inversely by many human activities such as production and industrialization etc. (Malhi, 2019).

The role of forest in the global carbon cycle can be seen in many ways.

Initially, the role of forests can be analyzed from the fact that forests absorb CO2 “Carbon Dioxide” in the atmosphere. The very point here is that Carbon Dioxide is necessary for the forests (trees and plants). Forests plays and incredible role in the global carbon cycle because it absorbs carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, store carbon below and above the ground and generate or produce oxygen as a by-product for the photosynthesis (Kirschbaum, 2001). On the other side, in the strong presence of greenhouse and increases in the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the role of forests becomes highly and more crucial and vital because (as mentioned above) it removes the carbon dioxide to reduce and mitigate the impact of climate change on the entire world and communities.

Forest Management and Rapid Global Warming

In the current time, global warming is considered as the real enemy of every nation and country around the globe. According to the article titled “The U.S. and China Need to Put Aside Their Rivalry and Focus on the Common Enemy: Climate Change”, climate change and global warming are considered as the common enemy of every nation and country in the world. They are considered so because of their hugely inverse impacts in the entire world and communities and environments as well as individuals and their lives. Hence, in case of so much critical impacts on almost every aspect of the world, there is a need for huge efforts to put for mitigating the rapid global warming. Yes! Forest management is a way that assists in mitigating the rapid global warming. In short, the ways through which forest management can assist in mitigating the rapid global warming are elaborated below.

The very first is the effective forest management is the process of improving the forests from every aspect. While (as discussed above) forests play a huge role in mitigating the rapid global warming. So when there are improved and better forests then the rapid global warming would be managed better manner.

Forests influence the climate of the earth. The forests and the plats and soils of them drive the global carbon cycle by storing CO2. Hence this effectively driven global carbon and stored extra CO2 lead to lower the global warming (COFORD, 2019).

The forest management is the way through which the CO2 can be stored. The forest management is the way that ensured and still ensuring the storage of carbon on the global level and this storage directly leads to help in mitigating the rapid global warming.

Last but not the least, forest management assist in mitigating rapid global warming because forest management helps to implement forestry measures to mitigate climate change, makes contributions towards reducing the reasons that increase global warming, and positively influence the rate at which the global warming increases (COFORD, 2019).


COFORD. (2019). Role of forests in mitigating climate change. Coford.ie. Retrieved 7 November 2019, from http://www.coford.ie/publications/projectreports/climatechangeandforests/faq-roleofforestsinmitigatingclimatechange/

Kirschbaum, M. U. (2001). The role of forests in the global carbon cycle. Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management”(Raison, RJ, Brown, AG. and Flinn, DW, eds.), IUFRO, 7, 311-339.

Malhi, Y. (2019). Forests, carbon and global climate. - PubMed - NCBI. Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Retrieved 7 November 2019, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12460485

Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600

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Analyzing ESG Disclosure

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Analyzing ESG Disclosure

The case analyzes the performance of Ørsted based on its strategies to respond to environmental and governance and social issues. It also analyses the Ørsted status of ESG disclosure to provide needed advice to the company on the strategy to develop proactive ESG reporting. The basis of the study was to provide Ørsted with techniques how it can utilize its information to attract potential investors. It is established that the investors have been looking into the financial material of Ørsted and therefore, the management was interested on how they can utilize the information to attract investors. The case also discusses some of the decision, which the Sustainability took to understand what the Ørsted requires. It is noted that the interviews were conducted to establish the needs and the retention techniques of investors. However, the best strategies would be use of its financial statement or report to show investors its performance. The financial reports for the previous year and ESG disclosure information should be published on the company’s website. The information regarding the shareholders’ decisions, strategic plans and its performance should also be available on the website for potential investors to access. This would provide details which investors require to make an informed decision on whether to investor on Ørsted or not.

Ørsted may face several challenges both local foreign and some of these challenges include its ESG disclosure status which might be violating some of the local environmental policies and laws. Over the last years several environmental laws have been implemented and they each company adheres to them are likely to influence its performance. Ørsted adherence to ESG may be affected by local politics regarding the environmental issues because of the fact some politicians are opposed to environmental laws. I believe with the growing concern regarding global warming it would be important for Ørsted to work its strategies by focusing on green energy as a way of making the company to achieve ESG plan to attract investors.



Subject: Environmental Science

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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