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Women’s Fight And Struggle Against Apartheid

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Women’s fight and struggle against Apartheid


It has been the recurrent modus operandi of the world to control weak populations and assist the powerful ones. In this context, several historic struggles have been launched by aggrieved against the aggressors. Apartheid is one such freedom movement by the weak and the aggrieved black people in South Africa. This was the movement which aimed to curtail white supremacy in the land. The white race ran the country with iron-fist and much-institutionalized segregation. As tyranny produces resentment and rebellions in society, so happened in the south African society where freedom fighters rose against this inhuman institutionalized racial discrimination. This apartheid then produced many great leaders in world history such as Nelson Mandela who led the struggle against apartheid. However, no movement can succeed if women do no participate side by side. Keeping this universal fact in mind, the women from the black society also took part in ending apartheid in South Africa and this became the tipping point in the history ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"y0bYryP8","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Theorising Women: The Intellectual Contributions of Charlotte Maxeke to the Struggle for Liberation in South Africa})","plainCitation":"(Theorising Women: The Intellectual Contributions of Charlotte Maxeke to the Struggle for Liberation in South Africa)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":373,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/VVMCLB6Q"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/VVMCLB6Q"],"itemData":{"id":373,"type":"webpage","title":"Theorising women: the intellectual contributions of Charlotte Maxeke to the struggle for liberation in South Africa","URL":"http://etd.uwc.ac.za/handle/11394/1627","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",7,2]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Theorising Women: The Intellectual Contributions of Charlotte Maxeke to the Struggle for Liberation in South Africa). Among the most notable women, the name of Charlotte Maxeke is most significant. She is the women who led the women-front a participated wholeheartedly in the struggle. She was the person who believed in equality justice and collective benefit for all. She is the lady who did not hesitate a bit and went ahead in ending brutal practices of apartheid.


Charlotte Maxeke was an iron lady who was born in Polokwane (Pietersburg) District on April 7, 1874. Since her childhood, she wanted to attain a good education. when she grew up, it was the 19th century South Africa where the white population was dominating every aspect of life. Her mettle and the vigor did not accept the ongoing patterns of life, she decided to work for those who need help and assistance. This is the reason that she is known as the mother of Black freedom. She worked for uplifting blacks in their lives and decided to put her own contribution. Charlotte Maxeke was known for her two individualized characteristics: her wisdom and her intriguing voice. In order to raise awareness in the world against the heinous racial segregation in her country, she toured the civilized countries of the world such as Great Britain and the United States of America. Basically, she wanted to have free education for all African people. Later on, she was invited to the American University of black people- Wilberforce University- and then she graduated from there. As she had secured the right of education for herself, now she was determined upon educating other African girls or all Africans in general. She started her own school to propagate her own vision of the world where there is no discrimination of any kind. Charlotte Maxeke was known for her sense of justice and to seek justice for all, she initiates political activism in society ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"MRSawtwh","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Women Students in Political Organizations\\uc0\\u8239{}: Appropriating and Reinterpreting Apartheid History in Post Apartheid South Africa.})","plainCitation":"(Women Students in Political Organizations : Appropriating and Reinterpreting Apartheid History in Post Apartheid South Africa.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":377,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/3IWFD6VK"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/3IWFD6VK"],"itemData":{"id":377,"type":"webpage","title":"Women students in political organizations : appropriating and reinterpreting apartheid history in post apartheid South Africa.","URL":"http://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/handle/10539/14752","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",7,2]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Women Students in Political Organizations : Appropriating and Reinterpreting Apartheid History in Post Apartheid South Africa.). She voiced concerns against the edicts of carrying passports everywhere. To further promote her vision of the ideal society, she started her women association to give practical shape to her ideals. She founded the Bantu Women’s league which is still in place under the new name as African National Congress Women’s League.


In a nutshell, the struggle of Charlotte Maxeke was live even after her death. Her anti-apartheid sentiment was adopted by all feminist people and they advocated the same cause ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"A16RnRWO","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Onyebadi and Memani)","plainCitation":"(Onyebadi and Memani)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":375,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/FGXPYS88"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/FGXPYS88"],"itemData":{"id":375,"type":"chapter","title":"Women and South Africa's Anti-Apartheid Struggle:","container-title":"Music as a Platform for Political Communication","source":"ResearchGate","abstract":"Credit for South Africa's liberation from the apartheid system of government under the National Party usually goes to forces within the country, especially the African National Congress under various leaders, from Oliver Tambo to Nelson Mandela. Also mentioned in the struggle for the abolition of the racist philosophy of government are the activities of independent, black-ruled countries in Africa and sympathetic nation-states, especially in Europe. Rarely highlighted are the activities of indigenous black women who operated within and outside the apartheid-ruled enclave. This chapter uses textual analysis to explore the political agitation of one such woman, Miriam Makeba, who used her music to communicate political messages that challenged the apartheid government. Makeba produced anti-apartheid songs and held performances that mobilized suppressed black South Africans to overthrow the internal colonialism imposed by the Afrikaner ruling elite. Now dead, Makeba lived to see an independent South Africa with Nelson Mandela as its first black president.","note":"DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1986-7.ch002","title-short":"Women and South Africa's Anti-Apartheid Struggle","author":[{"family":"Onyebadi","given":"Uche"},{"family":"Memani","given":"Lindani"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017",2,14]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Onyebadi and Memani). It is no surprise that she is known for her noble ideals and values. For her momentous efforts and struggle, she is rightly known in the world as the mother of black freedom. Besides, she is the person who illustrated that fact that women are not lacking any potential. For the life of Charlotte Maxeke, it is clear that no matter what strong women do know how to stand up against injustices in society.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Onyebadi, Uche, and Lindani Memani. “Women and South Africa’s Anti-Apartheid Struggle:” Music as a Platform for Political Communication, 2017. ResearchGate, doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-1986-7.ch002.

Theorising Women: The Intellectual Contributions of Charlotte Maxeke to the Struggle for Liberation in South Africa. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/handle/11394/1627. Accessed 2 July 2019.

Women Students in Political Organizations : Appropriating and Reinterpreting Apartheid History in Post-Apartheid South Africa. http://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/handle/10539/14752. Accessed 2 July 2019.

Subject: Political Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600

World Politics


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World Politics

Introduction to the Issue

Today, terrorism is recognized as the one upheaval for the world that affects different societies tremendously. The threatening consequences of this issue can observe in many different forms. It is the right time for the authorities of different countries to critically analyze different dimensions of the problem of terrorism and play their active role to save this world. There are many people who are facing the dangers of terrorism that eventually influence the peace of the entire world. It is vital to closely observe and evaluate different existing forms of terrorism activities and find out the possible solutions to successfully deal with this phenomenon. This paper focuses to select the one current news story from the New York Times relevant to the issue of terrorism to comprehensively understand the existing position of this political issue at a global level.

Overview of the News Story

On 2 Aug 2019, The New York Times published a news story about the threat of the existence of ISIS, a well-known terrorist group of this age. The focal point of authors through this discussion is to identify two different schools of thoughts when it comes to the growing role of ISIS in the region of Afghanistan (Gibbons-Neff and Barnes). Undoubtedly, it is crucial and interesting to critically examine whether there is an option of the threat of terrorist activities by ISIS group or it is just the myth. The problem of terrorism in the form of activities of ISIS can better apprehend by critically analyzing all the associated domains. Authors of this news story point out the concern of the U.S. military in case of the increasing role of ISIS in Afghanistan as the major threat for the west. The most interesting aspect relevant to this particular domain is that some intelligence officials completely reject this approach of terrorism in Afghanistan.

It is crucial to measure how the intervention of Islamic State in Afghanistan can be a threat to the western countries. This form of consideration is critical to offer better and direct practical measures to eradicate the issue of terrorism in Afghanistan. Making an immediate decision about the risk of ISIS in Afghanistan is also immensely important because it is a decisive movement for the American officials about the position of American troops in Afghanistan. It is reported by authors of this story that American military commanders in Afghanistan have a concern that the actions of Islamic State in this region becoming the growing issue that can be a further threat for the Western countries in the form of different terrorist attacks (Gibbons-Neff and Barnes). The twist of this news report is that intelligence officials in Washington do not agree with this particular theory. They come up with the opinion that the terrorist group of ISIS never have the capability to spread the issue of terrorism on a global level specifically in the areas of West. The difference of opinion of main stakeholders can be determinantal for the world in case of dealing with the global issue of terrorism.

Analysis of the News Story

The issue of difference of opinion about the ISIS position in Afghanistan can better apprehend by examining different concepts and aspects linked with the broad spectrum of terrorism. Appropriate understanding of the theoretical concept of terrorism is essential to make inferences about the actual position of the Islamic State in Afghanistan. Detailed understanding can be ultimately helpful to recognize the intensity of threat for different Western countries. At the first step, it is critical to evaluate all the activities of ISIS group under the standard domain of terrorism. This form of consideration is also important to offer better counter terrorism plan against the operations of the ISIS group in different parts of the world. Measurement of the actual strength of this terrorist group is important to ensure the proper management of the military campaign in Afghanistan.

At the first stage of the analysis of this event, it is important to assess the activities of ISIS group on the basis of the fundamental definition of terrorism. The concept of terrorism is defined as the illegal use of force by the group to achieve some form of its political objective by targeting innocent people. Now, it is critical to examine the actions of ISIS group on this particular theoretical definition. The recorded activities of this group explicitly revealed that the element of threat is clearly used by ISIS to gain political objectives and influence the functioning of the world. The activities of brutality in Iraq and Syria by ISIS group are the clear warning signs of the terrorist approach adopted by this group. The active role of the ISIS group indicates that the threat of terrorism by this group can never be ignored in case of appropriate handling of the global issue of terrorism. A detailed evaluation of actions of ISIS can be further helpful to adopt the most suitable strategies in the form of counter terrorism. It is the right time for the officials to take a decision about whether ISIS group is one regional problem or it has the capacity to attack different parts of the West. A critical assessment of the actual strength of the Islamic State is mandatory to successfully anticipate the entire risk involves in case of this particular terrorist group. Evaluation of the capacity of this group in Afghanistan is crucial to ensure the successful form of counter terrorism plan on a global level.

Understanding of the actual motives of the terrorism activities by ISIS is also indispensable to evaluate the actual concern of the American military in the region of Afghanistan. Differentiating the approach of terrorist activities from the other criminal actions is critical to offer a better solution to this issue in the form of counter terrorism activities. Policymakers should consider the approach of the actual motive of ISIS to determine its position as the threat for different countries specifically in case of West. A critical assessment of the actual methods of terrorism by ISIS can be helpful to determine the actual position of this group in case of threat for the Western countries. Adoption of violent ideology and ferocious attacks by ISIS in Iraq and Syria are clear examples of the terrorist approach established by this group to meet political aims. Statistics shared by U.S. military officials in Afghanistan clearly indicates about the prevalence of ISIS group in this region. The current situation is alarming that makes it essential for the decision makers to never neglect the risk of terrorism links with the actions of the ISIS group in Afghanistan. There is a possibility of collaboration between Taliban and ISIS groups that can eventually be dreadful for the peace of the whole world. It is revealed by the U.S. military in Afghanistan that Islamic State revealed its influential presence in Afghanistan by attacking the capital of the country. This kind of information clearly shows that the risk of the terrorism attack by ISIS group can never be ignored and there is a need for a better intervention plan to fix this specific problem.


In concluding remarks, it is critical to designate that the ISIS group showed its position as the strong terrorist group that is working for a specific political agenda. There is need of time to consider the risk of ISIS group’ presence in Afghanistan seriously to save different parts of the world and effectively adopt the approach of counter terrorism.

Work Cited

Thomas Gibbons-Neff and Julian E. Barnes "U.S. Military Calls ISIS in Afghanistan a Threat to The West. Intelligence Officials Disagree." Nytimes.com. N. p., 2019. Web. 3 Aug. 2019.

Subject: Political Science

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

World Politics

World Politics

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World Politics

Terrorism is defined as the use of violence against civilians following political, religious or social objectives. It can be classified as state-sponsored terrorism in which state is directly involved in any terrorist activity, dissent terrorism that includes any terrorist activity by the rebellions against the government, religious terrorism that includes a terrorist group that is religiously encouraged or compelled and lastly, criminal terrorism which helps in crimes and criminal profits (“Definition, History, and Types of Terrorism | Online Degree Programs,” n.d.).

Typically terrorists target a larger population as their basic aim is to spread fear while causing as much damage as possible. They tend to study the area which they want to target and then select different methods to perform the attack. Some of the methods are bombing, suicide bombing, use of biological or chemical weapons, and drone attacks, etc. To get rid of these terrorist attacks it is important to make counter-terrorism law enforcement agencies so that the lives of many innocent people can be saved.

Moving on towards drone attacks, it can be defined as an attack by unmanned combat aerial vehicles. Since 19th-century drones have been a part of warfare. They were first considered as spy planes however soon they turned into a deadly weapon that can kill thousands of people. Although many researchers agreed upon using a drone to save America yet they forget to consider that with terrorists many civilians also died because of these strikes. According to the US, foreign policymakers drone attacks are precise and less messy limiting collateral damage. However, drone strikes are one of the main reasons for increased terrorism because innocent people who lost their loved ones or people living under constant fear of drone attacks develop immense rage causing them to join certain terrorist groups.

While discussing specifically state terrorism, it is defined as any terrorist acts committed by the state. Many states are involved in terrorism and are funding certain terrorist groups for their own benefits. For example, North Korea in 1987 detonated a bomb on Korean Air flight thereby killing all the people abroad. Thus to maintain peace it is important to understand basic human rights and focus on negotiating issues rather than war.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Definition, History, and Types of Terrorism | Online Degree Programs. (n.d.). Retrieved July 29, 2019, from https://ekuonline.eku.edu/homeland-security/definition-history-and-types-terrorism

Subject: Political Science

Pages: 1 Words: 300

World Politics


Name of Instructor

Political Science

July 19th, 2019

The tensions between America and Iran explained by Megan Specia and Rick Gladstone

The United States and Iran have remained engaged in a conflicting relation for many years in their history. The Iranian regime which is ready not to compromise on its nuclear program, is creating security risks for the international community. It is widely believed that Iranian nuclear program threatens the stability of the Middle Eastern region specifically and of the whole world generally. This nuclear program has been considered as a threat for United States allies in the region. It is also against the norms set in many international treaties. Most of all it is the violation of the United Nations charter both in its spirit and action. Considering the tense security situation erupting from the Iranian threat, the United States supported the six-party talks for curbing the nuclear proliferation by the Iranian state, but later actions by Iranian authorities forced the United States to pull back from the agreement. United States President Donald Trump has openly argued that Iranian steps are a threat to the international peace order.

In all this developing situation, it is important to note that what the United Nations (the supreme authority) in the world has to say. Although the United Nation chief Antonio Guterres has raised his concern on this situation the role of United Nations remains debatable in this complete scenario. To understand the role of the United Nations in such situations one needs to understand its charter. For example, the United Nations charter which was adopted in 1945 calls that this institution will prevent the future generations from the threat of wars and will create conditions which will force countries to respect the international treaties. In light of these clauses of the UN charter, one needs to understand the Iranian situation. There are some questions which remain unanswerable if this situation is viewed from the United Nation’s lens. They are

Is Iran complying with all the international treaties?

Is Iran a stabilizer or a destabilizer in this developing situation?

What role the UN should play in this situation?

Does this situation raise the threat of war?

There are some questions which remain unanswerable despite the massive authority the UN has compared to both the United States and Iran. Since till yet, the situation is unfolding in the worst way as expected, so one may claim that the UN remains ineffective in addressing these concerns. These concerns have been highlighted by Madeleine Albright already in his article titled ‘United Nations'. He writes in the article that the United Nation is useless as it remains inefficient in addressing the challenge of maintaining peace in the region. He has clarified his point of view by presenting some past and recent example. He writes that the UN rejected the preemption charter presented by the then President Bush. He also argues that UN peacekeeping efforts have remained failed since there is still chaos and fear among the nations. He urges that the Security Council which is a superior group of nations at the UN must be enlarged and expanded so that the concerns of other regional countries should also be talked about.

At present, the United States- Iran conflict is making the headlines. With each passing day, there are threats that these countries will go into the war. The one instance which supports this argument is the recent New York time story referred above in the title. Such Iranian steps are forcing the United States to take strict measurements against such irresponsible behavior of Iran. To understand the role of the United Nations in this situation one needs to consider the charter of the United Nations, the role of the General Assembly and the function of the Security Council. These both bodies of the United Nation are headed by its Chief, which is appointed for the term of five years. The General Assembly of the United Nations is the largest arm of the UN. It makes laws and amends the existing laws in light of the changes developed in the international scenario. The General Assembly can urge the belligerent states to refrain from developing a worse situation. It can work for the peaceful arbitrations of the dispute between countries.

The Security Council, unlike the General assembly, is a selected group of countries all with powerful militaries and economies. The Security Council has the primary duty to maintain peace and security in the world and to decide where the peacekeeping delegations will be deployed. In the Iranian conflict, the Security Council have warned the United States not to aggravate the situation. The United Nation chief who heads each organ of this body has a nominal role in all crisis. He performs the function enshrined to him by the Security Council. Normally, the United Nation Chief's office urges the states to remain calm in the situation which can lead to further tensions accidentally. The Iranian conflict can be seen as a test case to view the functions and roles of the US- Iran conflict. Before this, one may have to notice that UN role and functions are pre-defined. No authority working under the UN is allowed to take actions which overrun its already defined statues. Similarly, in this US-Iran conflict, the United Nations has a pre-defined role and it largely depends upon the belligerent states and somehow on the arbitrary entities like the European Union that how this situation gets unfold.

Megan Specia and Rick Gladstone's article titled ‘The tensions between America and Iran explained' is of worthy read to understand the underlying reason for conflict between the two countries ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"ZIHUFClw","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Gladstone and Specia)","plainCitation":"(Gladstone and Specia)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1680,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/YV37Y4D5"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/YV37Y4D5"],"itemData":{"id":1680,"type":"article-newspaper","title":"The Tension Between America and Iran, Explained","container-title":"The New York Times","section":"World","source":"NYTimes.com","abstract":"Here’s what to know about the long-strained relationship that poses the risk of a broader conflict.","URL":"https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/16/world/middleeast/iran-tensions-explainer.html","ISSN":"0362-4331","language":"en-US","author":[{"family":"Gladstone","given":"Rick"},{"family":"Specia","given":"Megan"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2019",5,16]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",7,18]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Gladstone and Specia). They write that Americans consider that there are serious threats to the interests of the United States in the Middle East. This situation has not erupted in days, rather has developed in years. Both countries anticipate each other as serious threats. The US interests in the region are far impactful since much of its oil trade is carried over by the routes near to the Iranian borders. Iran which has threatened many times to attack the US allies in the region eyes on disrupting the oil supplies from this region. At present, both states are standing eye to eye with each other, which many International experts consider dangerous for regional peace.

The United Nations has many roles to play in this situation. Besides the UN Chief call of refraining from creating a dangerous situation, the General assembly session and the Security Council session must be called over. There is an obvious thought that the Security Council mighty give a go-ahead to the US for attacking Iran. On the other side, the General Assembly session which is yet to start from September in this year will just include speeches and harsh exchange of the words as like it does so each year. This situation is a test case for the authority of the UN. As it has already given ample time to both the parties for situating this matter, which has been neglected so far. The vote of China and the European countries in the Security Council will also be crucial since these both parties prefer the continuation of the Joint Comprehensive plan of action which was signed to limit the Iranian proliferation efforts. The UN role in this matter also remains questionable.

Works Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Gladstone, Rick, and Megan Specia. “The Tension Between America and Iran, Explained.” The New York Times, 16 May 2019. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/16/world/middleeast/iran-tensions-explainer.html.

Subject: Political Science

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

World Politics

World Politics

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

World Politics

The international community today is faced with numerous challenges; surging numbers of refugees, organized international terrorism, the proliferation of nuclear arms, cyber-attacks, and drug trafficking. Most of these issues stem from either rogue states or failed states. Rogue states pose a grave threat when it comes to global security. States that qualify as rogue states have two characteristics: repression and aggression. Rogue states like North Korea and Iran oppress their population through a systematic process. Furthermore, rogue states deny human rights and civil liberties of their population. Moreover, rogue states curb political freedom, stifle the voices of dissent, and prevent economic opportunities to their citizens. These are the characteristics of a repressive rogue state. When a rogue state seeks to develop or acquire weapons of mass destruction, they become a threat to the world order. Furthermore, these aggressive rogue states sponsor terrorism and often conduct military misadventures on neighboring states. Additionally, aggressive rogue states are involved in drugs smuggling and money laundering. These are the characteristics of a rogue state that can destabilize regional or global political or economic order. Apart from abuse of human rights and liberties, the major threats that the rogue states possess are a proliferation of nuclear arms, drug smuggling, and money laundering.

The threat posed by rogue states could be tackled by both power and diplomacy. When a rogue state becomes the instigator of an international crisis, the major international players must respond to them to uphold the world order. Some of the measures that can help in tackling threats by rogue states are listed below

•Impose stringent sanctions upon rogue states

•Isolate them to contain global economic damage

•Try their leaders in international courts

Only these harsh measures can bring a change in the approach and behavior of a rogue state. These were the exact measures that brought Iran and North Korea on the table against the US.

Subject: Political Science

Pages: 1 Words: 300

World Politics

World Politics

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

World Politics

Health can be defined as the complete and mental well-being of a person. Every individual is entitled to have access to basic health facilities. The United Nations organization and the European nation recognized health as a basic human right. Humans should have access to clean drinking water, safe food, access to medications and health awareness programs.

According to the US constitution, the right to access health facilities is defined as "the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health,”. It is the responsibility of the government

To provide basic health care facilities to all the citizens by making certain policies that help the people to access their right to basic health facilities. Due to the entrance of the private sector in the health care systems, it is their responsibility as well to provide low cost and quality health care to people so that more people can access this facility. However, every individual should also take all the necessary measures to prevent the disease by focusing on personal hygiene and cleaning the environment.

Ebola outbreak is one of the major health issues that people are facing even in developed countries. It is a hemorrhagic fever that is caused by the Ebola virus and is spread through direct contact with body fluids like the blood of an infected person, etc. Recently the Ebola fever got more attention because many people died during the outbreak. However, during this time many other health care issues were highlighted. Initially, people thought that the death rate was increased because of the virus although these deaths were caused by many infectious diseases like malaria, lack of doctors, lack of health infrastructure, etc. Another issue that was raised during the Ebola outbreak was a lack of sanitation. Due to the sanitation problem, many diseases like malaria are spreading widely because this impure water serves as growth for mosquitos and bacteria. However, this can be preventable by spraying insecticides during the rainy season and by spreading awareness about diseases and hygiene. It is, therefore, the responsibility of every citizen to raise their voice regarding these health issues so that the government can make certain policies and implement them to avoid quieter deaths.

Subject: Political Science

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Writer Can Choose

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[Name of Instructor]



Comparison of the Articles of Confederation And The U.S. Constitution


The United States of America has been operated under the two constitutions. The first constitutions are considered to be The Articles of Confederation which was effected from the 1st of March 1781 which was ratified by Maryland. The second one is considered to be the Constitution of the U.S. that replaced the Articles of Confederation when New Hampshire ratified it on 21st of June 1788. Both of these documents have very much in common as they were introduced by the same people and often the same people and mostly in terms of contemporaries. If someone studied both these constitutions in details he would realize that there are more differences than similarities between them. If someone would compare these constitutions he would realize the important findings of Framers in 1781 and also what forced them to change their mind by 1788. This report compares both the constitutions that include the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of U.S.


Formal Name of the Nation

In case of Articles of Confederation, the formal name of the nation is considered to the United States of America while in the U.S. Constitution it is not specified and referred to in the Introduction as the United States of America.


Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government has a single body of legislative known as Congress of the United States. So, the national government had restricted authority under the Articles of Confederation. As the central government could not regulate commerce or levy taxes. This process of Legislature is also Unicameral. Whereas, under the U.S. Constitution the Legislative branch was divided into two houses one is known as House of Representative and the other one is known as Senate. Such method of the legislature is known as Bicameral.

Members of Congress

In Articles of Confederation, the members of Congress were considered to be numbers of members between two and seven per state while under the U.S. constitution there were only two senators per state and all the representatives were apportioned on the basis of the population of every state.

Voting in Congress

Under the Articles of Confederation, only one vote was allowed for each state. All the representative of each state has to cast only one vote with the mutual understanding of other members of their state while In the U.S. Constitution each representative or senator has to cast one vote so they have the right to vote according to their will.

Appointment of Members

In the articles of confederation, all the members are appointed by the legislatures of the state. Each member is directed by the legislature while under the U.S. Constitution all the representatives are elected by the voting process and the Senators are appointed by the legislatures of the State.

Term of Legislative Office

In the Articles of Confederation, the terms of legislative office were considered to be only one year while in case of U.S. constitution it is considered to be two years for the members of House of Representatives and six years for the members of House of Senate.

Term limit for legislative office

Under the articles of confederation, the term limit for the office of the legislature is considered to be no more than three out of each six years while in case of U.S. constitution there is no term limit for the office of the legislature.

When Congress is not in session

In Articles of Confederation, the States committee had the complete power and authority of Congress when the Congress is not in the session. They have the right to take any decision and give any orders which are related to the authorities of Congress while under the U.S. Constitution, the only president have the right for Congress to assemble during the time when Congress is not in session.

Chair of Legislature

In articles of confederation the chair of legislature for providing guidance, direction and leadership on the legislative matters of state was acquired by the president of Congress while under U.S. constitution this chair of legislative is acquired by the speaker of the House of Representative and the Vice president who is also considered to be the president of Senate. So, they have the right to guide, direct, and lead on the state’s legislative matters.


Under the Articles of Confederation, no members were considered to be the executive, while in the case of the U.S. Constitution, the president is considered to be the executive member.

National Judiciary

In the articles of Confederation, the judiciary of maritime was established while under the constitution of U.S. the Federal judiciary was established that also include the Supreme Court.

Adjudication of disputes between states

Under the articles of Confederation if any the dispute occurs between the states then the adjudicator of disputes between these states were considered to be the Congress while in case of U.S. constitution if any disputes occur when the Supreme court would be considered to be the adjudicator of disputes between the states.

New States

In case of articles of confederation, the proposal of new states was admitted upon only the existed nine states but there was a special exemption for Canada while under the U.S. constitution proposal of new states were only admitted upon the Congress agreement. Congress has only the right to decide on the new states.


Under the Articles of Confederation, the amendments were done when all the states were agreed while in the Constitution of U.S. amendments has done when only three-fourths of all the states are agreed.


In articles of confederation, the Congress was authorized for building a navy and the states were authorized for equipping the warships in order to counter the piracy while under the U.S. Constitution the Congress is also authorized for building the navy but the states are not allowed for keeping the warships in order to counter the piracy (Knutson, 540).


Under the articles of confederation, congress has to decide the size of the armed forces and the troops are requisitioned according to their population from every state while Congress is authorized for supporting and raising armies.

Power to Coin Money

In the article of confederation, the United States and every state have the power to coin the money while under the U.S. Constitution only the United States have the power to coin the money.


Under the Article of Confederation, the taxes were apportioned only by the Congress but they are collected by the states while the scenario is different for the U.S. Constitution. In the constitution, the taxes are collected and laid by Congress. The government has the power to implement taxes on the public.


Under the Articles of Confederation, agreed consent was required while in the constitution of U.S. nine states consent are required (Maggs, 397).


So it is concluded that the main strength of both these constitutions is that it has remained unchanged and successful up to date and serving as the source of regulations and rules for the United States of America. Still, some people believe that such strong constitutions of the U.S. has some critics as well and considered as undemocratic. These constitutions are usually called as undemocratic due to its idea of having indirect elections of president and also the confusing elections of senators. Hence the constitution has replaced the federation articles because the strength of constitution overcome its weakness while articles of confederation are considered to have more weaknesses than its strengths.

Works Cited

Knutson, Katherine. "US government textbook review." PS: Political Science & Politics 50.2 (2017): 536-541.

Maggs, Gregory E. "A Concise Guide to the Articles of Confederation as a Source for Determining the Original Meaning of the Constitution." Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 85 (2017): 397.

Subject: Political Science

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Writer Can Decide

Cross-national correlates of the level of terrorism


The current paper aims at uncovering the factors that promote terrorism. The incidents of terrorist attacks increased in the western countries after 9/11. The incidents of terrorists’ attacks in the west represent a small percentage (4.4%) of the total attacks that occurred in the world. These incidents caused 2.6 percent of deaths in these countries during the period of the last fifteen years. The likelihood of terrorist attacks is more high non-western countries due to the weaker regulatory framework and violence. The most affected countries of terrorism include Syria, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Afghanistan. Terrorism is defined as, “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” CITATION Dou17 \l 1033 (Criss). Several factors contribute to terrorist activities such as political instability, ineffective states, corruption, the weaker rule of law and lack of accountability CITATION Mic182 \l 1033 (Schumacher and Schraeder).

Literature review

Voice of accountability has a significant relationship with terrorism. The evidence considers corruption, government effectiveness, transparency and accountability as important indicators for controlling terrorism. The World Bank reveals, “the level of corruption is measured by the perception of corruption (CPI; Transparency International) and the political situation by the political instability indicator (as measured by the worldwide governance indicator) and the GTI indicator (referring to the Global Terrorism Index” CITATION Wor17 \l 1033 (World Bank). Corruption is seen as an abuse of power that affects the political and state's decisions regarding terrorism. Corruption prevailing at different levels undermines the procedures of controlling terrorism. The corrupt activities like accepting bribes affect the process of controlling terrorism. The literature identifies a causal link between corruption and terrorism. Corruption at the state level is the dominant reason for high terrorism in countries like Nigeria and Syria. Corrupt politicians in Iraq have the process of controlling terrorism. The facts depict that state in Iraq supports Daesh and local militants that weakens the security and provides wider opportunities for terrorism. The prevalence of financial and administrative corruption derails the security establishment in the country. This is also the reason for the wider gap between the public and security services of Iraq. The corrupt officials that seize the funds are unwilling to spend them on security enhancement. It thus weakens the internal security and fails to protect the people. The report of OECD recognizes corruption as the central factor of uncontrolled terrorism in Iraq. The findings indicate that corruption and poor governance decline state's ability to fight terrorism. Corruption provides increased opportunities for international attacks and supports cross-border terrorist financing. The existence of corruption in the military and defense sector weakens the legitimacy and ability to halt terrorist groups. Frauds and corruption in defense cause misuse of public money and contributes to insecurity. Prevalence of corruption in police also undermines the ability to control terrorism. Corruption in judiciary allows terrorist groups to escape pre-trial detention that weakens the overall process of justice CITATION OEC171 \l 1033 (OECD).

Literary evidence suggests a significant correlation of the rule of law with terrorism. It remains one of the significant factors in controlling terrorism. Countries that lack strong states and stable states are more likely to face terrorist incidents. Weak or failing states are unable to control terrorism in their countries CITATION Edw07 \l 1033 (Newman). Good governance is a strong indicator for controlling corruption. Terrorism in African countries like Nigeria is due to poor governance or ineffective government. The evidence suggests that the prevalence of terrorism is high in third-world countries due to ineffective government. East Africa is considered as a region that faces the highest threats of terrorism. The government of Nigeria and other African countries that fail to adopt strict regulatory frameworks promote terrorism. Boko Haram is a prominent Islamist group that is involved in the killings of thousands of people. Adoption of good governance practices has a significant impact on controlling terrorism CITATION Mut171 \l 1033 (Mutanda).

Political instability is another factor that increases the likelihood of terrorism. Evidence suggests that political instability was associated with the Arab Spring that caused surge of Global terrorism in 2014. Domestic political instability was apparent in the forms of riots, a greater level of terrorist activities and revolution CITATION Mic182 \l 1033 (Schumacher and Schraeder). Political instability remains one of the significant cause of terrorism in Iraq. The evidence depicts that Syrian-civil war was also the result of political instability. Inappropriate political system failed in controlling the terrorist activities that made these groups strong. Evidence also indicates that terrorism in western countries is controlled due to political instability. In Iraq, single-party dictatorship failed to control terrorism in the country. The main causes of terrorism in Iraq include the propagation of Jihadist Salafi's. The group was involved in causing sectarian disputes due to the state's incapability of establishing adequate security CITATION Has171 \l 1033 (Karami).

The Global Terrorism Index considers accountability of states and institutes as a critical factor for controlling terrorism. The countries that adopt strict accountability or transparency measures are more likely to control terrorism. Lack of accountability in countries like Nigeria, Iraq, and Syria have strengthened terrorist groups. Accountable states like the United States, United Kingdom, and Norway have managed to control their terrorism rates CITATION Wor17 \l 1033 (World Bank). The World Bank has considered the absence of violence as an important indicator of terrorism. The countries where the prevalence of violent groups is high are more likely to face terrorism. Violence has a significant correlation with terrorism. The prevalence of violent groups like Jihadists in the countries; Afghanistan and Iraq have contributed towards terrorism. Al-Qaeda and ISIS are strong violent groups that are involved in terrorist attacks. Afghanistan faces the challenges of eliminating terrorist groups due to ineffective government and absence of the rule of law CITATION Mut171 \l 1033 (Mutanda).


Global terrorism index identifies the significant correlation of terrorism with the Governance indicators identified World Bank including; Voice of Accountability, Political Stability, Absence of Violence, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, Rule of Law and Corruption Control. Kaufmann et al., (2010) recognize these variables as Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) that provide cross-country comparisons. The indicators are developed after considering a hundred variables from 31 different sources. The variables are used for determining the level of terrorism in cross-countries.

The methodology conducts a comparison of two groups the western countries (Norway, United States, France, Belgium, and Netherlands) and third-world countries (Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Nigeria and Pakistan). The comparison of the WGI indicators among these groups will show how these variables impact terrorism CITATION Wor18 \l 1033 (World Bank). The study relies on the secondary data retrieved from the website of the World Bank that provides estimated scores of WGI for the selected countries. The scores are recorded for 2017 to examine the recent status of terrorism in these countries CITATION Kau10 \l 1033 (Kaufmann, Kraay, and Mastruzzi).


Table 1: Attacks in western countries between 2006-2014






More than 75

United States


More than 50






More than 5



More than 3

The evidence provided by the Global Terrorism Index (2016) depicts that the rate of terrorism declined in the countries having the highest terrorism impacts that include Syria, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Afghanistan. Highest reduction in deaths is recorded in Nigeria as 3.100 fewer people were killed in 2016 compared to the previous year. The major factor has been a decline in the 80 percent of killings of the people of Boko Haram. No decline has been recorded in Iraq, so it remains one of the most affected countries from terrorism in the world. The reduction is non-satisfactory because the prevalence of terrorism is still high.

Table 2: Countries with the highest deaths due to terrorist attacks













The deaths rates in these countries decreased, but they are still high compared to the western countries. In 2016, a drop of 1,832 deaths was recorded in Nigeria, in Syria, it declined by 24 percent compared to the previous year. A decline of only 4,574 deaths was recorded in Afghanistan (Table 2). The governance indicators depict that the Voice of accountability is high in western countries. Lowest accountability is recorded in Syria (2), Iraq (21), and Afghanistan (22) (Table 3).

Table 3: Voice of accountability





United States


















The World Governance Indicators (WGI) identify political stability and absence of violence as critical factors for controlling terrorism. The score depicts that western countries having high scores of these indicators include Norway (90) and the Netherlands (80). The countries with violence and lack of political stability include Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria, Syria, and Pakistan (Table 4).

Table 4: Political stability and absence of violence





United States


















The findings also reveal that western countries are high in government effectiveness compared to third-world countries. The countries with the lowest government effectiveness include Syria (2), Afghanistan (9) and Iraq (10).

Table 5: Government effectiveness





United States


















The WGI also estimated the scores on regulatory quality that has a significant correlation with terrorism. The findings indicate that the Netherlands has highest regulatory quality with a score of 99. The third-world countries scoring low on these indicators include Syria (3), Afghanistan (7) and Iraq (10).

Table 6: Regulatory quality





United States


















The WGI indicator of the rule of law is also linked to the prevalence of terrorism because Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq scored the lowers. This indicates that these countries are lacking the effective rule of law.

Table 7: The rule of law





United States


















The findings of the World Banks also show that western countries are better in controlling corruption as they score high compared to the third-world countries. Significant different appears between the two groups. Third-world countries inability to control corruption has increased terrorism.

Table 8: Control of corruption





United States



















The results of the study depict a wider difference between the western and third-world countries. The prevalence of terrorism is high in Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria, Syria, and Pakistan. The occurrence of terrorist incidents is high in these countries while fewer attacks occurred in western countries. The data obtained from the Worldwide Global Index of terrorism confirms the significant correlation of selected indicators with terrorism. The reason for the high prevalence of terrorist activities in third-world counties is lack of accountability, ineffective government, political instability and violence, the absence of the rule of law and corruption.


Criss, Doug. When is a crime a hate crime and when is it terrorism? 2017. 05 06 2018 <https://edition.cnn.com/2017/04/19/us/hate-crime-or-terrorism-definition-trnd/index.html>.

Kaufmann, Daniel, Aart Kraay, and Massimo Mastruzzi. "The Worldwide Governance Indicators Methodology and Analytical Issues." 2010.

Karami, Hashem M. "THE POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ROOTS OF TERRORISM IN IRAQ (2003-2017)." Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce 3.1 (2017).

Newman, Edward. "Weak States, State Failure, and Terrorism ." Terrorism and Political Violence 19.4 (2007): 463-488.

Mutanda, Darlington. "What Makes Terrorism Tick in Africa? Evidence from Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram." Jadavpur Journal of International Relations 21.1 (2017).


Schumacher, Michael J., and Peter J. Schraeder. "Does Domestic Political Instability Foster Terrorism? Global Evidence from the Arab Spring Era (2011–14) ." Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (2018).

World Bank. Worldwide Governance Indicators. 2018. 25 02 2019 <http://info.worldbank.org/governance/wgi/#reports>.

—. "Global Terrorism Index." (2017).

Subject: Political Science

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

Writer Choice


Enter the Name of Instructor

Political Science

September 19, 2019

Californian experience to cater Homelessness

The article “Trump’s big idea to fix homelessness is to do what California is already doing — sort of” is written by Liam Dillon and Benjamin Oreskes ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"zoXKe2Xm","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Trump\\uc0\\u8217{}s Big Idea to Fix Homelessness Is to Do What California Is Already Doing \\uc0\\u8212{} Sort Of\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(“Trump’s Big Idea to Fix Homelessness Is to Do What California Is Already Doing — Sort Of”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":240,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MT7M8VIE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MT7M8VIE"],"itemData":{"id":240,"type":"webpage","title":"Trump's big idea to fix homelessness is to do what California is already doing — sort of","container-title":"Los Angeles Times","abstract":"President Trump’s plan to get homeless people off L.A. streets is to eliminate layers of regulation to make it easier and cheaper to build more housing. But it’s too simple to link that approach with that of his liberal antagonists in California.","URL":"https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2019-09-18/trump-housing-homeless-ben-carson-california-deregulation","language":"en-US","issued":{"date-parts":[["2019",9,19]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",9,19]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Trump’s Big Idea to Fix Homelessness Is to Do What California Is Already Doing — Sort Of”). The article was recently published in the Los Angeles Times. The authors believe that President Trump’s initiatives to DE regularize some essential requirements in building housing for homeless people might are contradictory to his initiatives in other states. The authors have widely criticized the present regime, while citing examples of what they have done with the immigrants. They have went ahead to criticize the polices under consideration for Californian housing sector by the Council of Economic Advisors under the Trump regime. They believe that by putting forward a tailored plan to build affordable housing fit in the interests of the present regime, as reflected in a previous article ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"VSUB3tFc","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}What Trump Once Understood About Homelessness - The Atlantic})","plainCitation":"(What Trump Once Understood About Homelessness - The Atlantic)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":242,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/REZ5PX7L"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/REZ5PX7L"],"itemData":{"id":242,"type":"webpage","title":"What Trump Once Understood About Homelessness - The Atlantic","URL":"https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/09/trump-homelessness-california-roundups/598252/","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",9,19]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (What Trump Once Understood About Homelessness - The Atlantic). For the authors, the only viable solution to meeting the housing need in California is to reduce the local zoning rules in California.

I believe that housing remains a pressing task for the local authorities in my state. I have seen people facing challenges. The reason for such challenges are the unnecessary regularizations which force people to consider different options, rather than building their own house. Irrespective of the political beliefs and material interests, the political regimes must come together to make it feasible, for the Californians to build their own residence. I think the state where housing remains a persistent challenge, the state representatives or any other stake holder must not indulge into political rhetoric, since it just invites skepticism. I have observed that despite some welcoming initiatives being offered by the Federal government, the authors have tried to relate the housing problem with a broader problem of immigrants. I think such manner of opinion writing must be carped, as they create hurdles in law making and influence things in negative manner.

Works Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY “Trump’s Big Idea to Fix Homelessness Is to Do What California Is Already Doing — Sort Of.” Los Angeles Times, 19 Sept. 2019, https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2019-09-18/trump-housing-homeless-ben-carson-california-deregulation.

What Trump Once Understood About Homelessness - The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/09/trump-homelessness-california-roundups/598252/. Accessed 19 Sept. 2019.

Subject: Political Science

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Writing Assignment

Kadidiatou Bane

Instructor Name

Course Number

15 June 2019

Writing assignment: Role of the Federal Government

The system of U.S. power and government is based on the concept of separation of powers, as defined by the Constitution. The framers of the Constitution aimed at creating a system that prevents power from being concentrated within a single individual or authority. Under this system, the primary function of the federal government of the United States is to create and enforce laws that preserve individual freedom and promote stability and order within society. The federal government is comprised of the executive, the legislative, and the judicial branch. The legislature consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives and is tasked with creating laws, while the executive branch is responsible for the implementation of those laws, while the judicial branch judges the constitutionality of the laws.

Together, the branches of the federal government yield a significant influence over the states, each of which operates under its own government. The economy of the nation is under the direct control of the federal government, wherein Congress is allowed the authority to impose duties, taxes, and excises to generate revenue. Similarly, the federal government is responsible to protect the life and property of its citizens and is therefore responsible for national defense. Closely connected to defense is the nation’s foreign policy. The federal government is responsible to develop the nation’s foreign policy to protect its interests abroad.

In recent years, the responsibilities of the federal government have extended to public service, health, and education. The federal government provides funds to states to improve education and healthcare. These include various social welfare programs and initiatives that are funded in tandem with other state programs using federal revenue.

However, a significant portion of the American public holds a negative view of the federal government, citing wastefulness, incompetency, and inefficiency. A reason why the federal government fails at its job is divisions over policy implementation. The government fails to execute the right policies on healthcare, climate change, financial markets, or budget deficits, and in turn, it leads to large scale failures in fulfilling its duty. For instance, the 9/11 attacks were the result of a lack of coordination among federal intelligence agencies and the FBI. Similarly, the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina could have been prevented if the federal emergency services had made preparations before the storm and taken adequate protective measures after it. In terms of foreign policy, the Iraq war was characterized by shocking policy decisions, implementation failures, corruption, and incompetence by U.S. agencies. Likewise in the case of social welfare programs, the federal health care system continues to underfinance certain health care measures, while spending heavily on advanced and expensive technology. At the same time, it has done a poor job working alongside states to rebuild infrastructure and repair bridges, rails, and sewerage systems in a number of states, especially those suffering from the aftermath of storms and hurricanes.

A key reason for the failure of the federal government comes from its reliance on coercion and top-down planning. Policy making and implementation at such levels create winners and losers at various fronts, instead of developing mutually beneficial relationships among various institutions and components of the society. In many cases, federal policies rely on guesswork since there is lesser incentive to make the price-based decision making. At the same time, the federal government launches a number of initiatives and programs that have led to an enormous increase in its scope and size. These programs lead to a significant rise in spending but do not produce as much value, which in turn, leads to tax increases. Although there are no simplified solutions to improve the efficiency of the federal government, it is necessary to begin with cutting down its size and scope.

Subject: Political Science

Pages: 2 Words: 600

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