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The term biodiversity (from "biodiversity") refers to the diversity of life on earth at all levels, from ecosystems to genes, and can involve life-changing developmental, ecological and cultural processes ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"9ajG5dCj","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}What is Biodiversity?,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“What is Biodiversity?,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":362,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/X6KFRMGZ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/X6KFRMGZ"],"itemData":{"id":362,"type":"webpage","title":"What is Biodiversity? | AMNH","container-title":"American Museum of Natural History","abstract":"Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth in all its forms and the essential interactions among them.","URL":"https://www.amnh.org/research/center-for-biodiversity-conservation/about-the-cbc/what-is-biodiversity","title-short":"What is Biodiversity?","language":"en-US","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“What is Biodiversity?,” n.d.). Not only species that regarded as endangered, threatened or rare but biodiversity also involves all living things- from organisms to humans about what people know very little, such as fungi, invertebrates, and microorganisms. Cultural and human diversity is included as the center for biodiversity and nature protection. The powerful, interconnected nature of place and human, constantly evolving, and the idea of biological and social dimensions are connected to each other. The ecological system of which human societies are a part, is the concept recognizes that human use beliefs, knowledge and influence, and in turn get influenced. Biodiversity is made by these, which includes species, land, and marine landscape and cultural connections to the places we live. The term was devised in 1985 – a contraction of “biological diversity”. Biologically, biodiversity consists of several stages, beginning with genes, then communities of creatures, then individual species, and finally whole ecosystems, such as coral reefs or forests, where life interacts with the physical environment. These numerous interactions have made the earth livable for billions of years. A philosophical way of looking at biodiversity is: it represents the knowledge gained by developing species over millions of years on how to survive through the very varied environmental conditions experienced by the Earth ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"SJ2CcjcR","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}What is biodiversity and why is it under threat?,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“What is biodiversity and why is it under threat?,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":364,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/9BYAGB2P"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/9BYAGB2P"],"itemData":{"id":364,"type":"webpage","title":"What is biodiversity and why is it under threat?","container-title":"World Wildlife Fund","abstract":"Biodiversity is all the different kinds of life you’ll find in one area -- the variety of animals, plants, fungi, and even microorganisms like bacteria that make up our natural world.","URL":"https://www.worldwildlife.org/pages/what-is-biodiversity","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“What is biodiversity and why is it under threat?,” n.d.).

Importance of biodiversity

Biodiversity is important for most aspects of our lives. Biodiversity is valued by people because of two reasons: one is what it gives to humans and the other thing is that it has its own value. From biodiversity people can receive utilitarian values that contain basic needs such as food, shelter, fuel, and medicine. Furthermore, ecosystems provide important services such as seed distribution, pollination, climate regulation, cycling nutrients, agricultural pest management, and water purification. Potential welfare that are not yet acknowledged are valued under biodiversity, for example, new drugs and other potential services. Cultural value for humans is also included in biodiversity, especially in religious and spiritual reasons. The inherent value of biodiversity denotes to its intrinsic worth, which is independent of its value to anyone or anything. This is a more philosophical concept that can be thought of as an unchallengeable right to exist. Finally, the worth of biodiversity can also be understood through the lens of communication we form and endeavor for each other and the nature ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"WHUcRLSr","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Fisher and Editor, 2017)","plainCitation":"(Fisher and Editor, 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":366,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/BVKIZLDJ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/BVKIZLDJ"],"itemData":{"id":366,"type":"chapter","title":"5.3 Importance of Biodiversity","container-title":"Environmental Biology","source":"openoregon.pressbooks.pub","URL":"https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub/envirobiology/chapter/123/","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Fisher","given":"Matthew R."},{"family":"Editor","given":""}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Fisher and Editor, 2017). We value biodiversity because of our relationship to each other, how it shapes who we are, and social criteria. These mandatory values are part of human or shared sense of well-being, connection to the environment, and responsibility. Biological values that are fixed on biodiversity are essential because they can affect the decisions of nature that human make every day. Biodiversity is an essential part of identity and culture. Millions of people depend on nature and species in their daily lives. Developing countries rely on biodiversity for medicines, fuel, food, and other natural materials for their use and sources of income ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"61nq9jRP","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Why is biodiversity important?,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Why is biodiversity important?,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":367,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/DYLLR6MP"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/WcSf8WB9/items/DYLLR6MP"],"itemData":{"id":367,"type":"webpage","title":"Why is biodiversity important?","container-title":"ConservationInternational","abstract":"Four reasons biodiversity is essential to humanity.","URL":"https://www.conservation.org/blog/why-is-biodiversity-important","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Why is biodiversity important?,” n.d.).


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Fisher, M.R., Editor, 2017. 5.3 Importance of Biodiversity, in: Environmental Biology.

What is Biodiversity? | AMNH [WWW Document], n.d. . American Museum of Natural History. URL https://www.amnh.org/research/center-for-biodiversity-conservation/about-the-cbc/what-is-biodiversity (accessed 11.12.19).

What is biodiversity and why is it under threat? [WWW Document], n.d. . World Wildlife Fund. URL https://www.worldwildlife.org/pages/what-is-biodiversity (accessed 11.12.19).

Why is biodiversity important? [WWW Document], n.d. . ConservationInternational. URL https://www.conservation.org/blog/why-is-biodiversity-important (accessed 11.12.19).

Subject: Culture

Pages: 2 Words: 600


Title page


Development at Crestview

The central problem faced by Crestview is the division between mayor and council that threatens the future of the city. The government and mayors have been blamed for their ineffective decisions that threatened the entire city. The upcoming budget and low millage rate are two common factors that undermine the city development. According to experts the city require investment and good measurements for improving its quality of life. Traffic and unplanned developments have affects the lives of the citizens and causes inconvenience for the tourists. City mayors and councils have adopted many measures for improving the conditions based on the concepts and suggestions of Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). The policy emphasized on adopting a main street program for resolving the traffic problem for the citizens. Irrespective of these efforts Crestview is still struggling to offer a safe and well-organized infrastructure to the residents. The concept of progressive city is based on the idea of comfortable homes, schools, churches and buildings CITATION Wen19 \l 1033 (Victora, 2019). It has been argued that the government of the city has violated the Florida’s Sunshine Law.

In 1916 Crestview was chartered by the Florida Legislature and attained the status of Country Sea in 1917. Several initiatives were taken for community development. “Crestview is strategically located at the junction of three major highways U.S. 90, State Road 85, and Interstate Highway 10 gaining it the designation as the "Hub City" of northwest Florida” CITATION Hal14 \l 1033 (Hallway, 2014). The citizens and the business owners demanded revitalization of the downtown area as the inadequate city structure impacted all business and civilian activities. Several researches are conducted for evaluating the costs and benefits of restoring the main street. The research findings of the Electronic Hallway (2014) reveals that the cost of $3.7 million for the redevelopment of the main street was inadequate. The major sources of fund comes from the Tax Increment Financing.

There are several recommendations for resolving the issue of improper streets and infrastructure such as by developing resolutions and written proposals in accordance with the budget policies, programs and plans. City Council is the central body having the right of lawmaking so the focus should be on convenience, happiness and welfare of the citizens. The Land Development Regulations and comprehensive plan should work for directing growth and development of the city CITATION Soa07 \l 1033 (Soares, Farhangmehr, & Shoham, 2007). The development and growth should be proposed in a way that it would benefit the citizens and the businesses at large. This would further require effective leadership allowing the members of the council to take adequate steps for addressing the concerns of the people. The comprehensive plan presented by the leaders should focus on rational use of land resources including public facilities, development growth and zoning. The most important thing that the members of council must consider include long term development plans CITATION Mic18 \l 1033 (Moros, 2018). The best use of resources is assured when the state manages to focus on the development programs that benefits the masses for a longer time period. These developments are more practical as they offer a safe city structure to the future generations also.

There is need for having a common mission statement for the city development. The individual department heads must focus on a ‘single mission’ by identifying the difficulties faced by the towns people and exploring ways for overcoming those. City officials need to establish measurable goals and tactics for adopting a comprehensive and a practical plan. By involving the consultant firms the officials would be able to devise a development plan that would benefit the businesses and improve the economic activities in the city. It is also appropriate too engage the research firms that will conduct a feasibility study and identify the scope of the selected policies. These measures will increase the likelihood of its success. The metrics that could be included for the evaluation of the development plan include demographics, ordinances, retail establishments and ordinances. Osland et al., (2015) has highlighted the organizational behavior that is needed for implementation of the changing policies. Organizational behavior is important for creation and implementation of a master plan that helps in addressing issues and strategies for destination developments. This require receiving national grants and funding for the public projects.

Busse (2014) has emphasized on the behavioral and relational approaches that leads to the implementation of a successful plan. The public leaders or councils needs to build strong interaction with the citizens because it impacts the process of implementation and adoption of the development plans. The best strategy that a leader can adopt is to explain the reasons for the need for new development plan and highlight how it would benefit the masses of the city. It is also important to critically combine leadership fundamentals and the transformational leadership style CITATION JOs15 \l 1033 (Osland, Devine, & Turner, 2015). The history of the Crestview City depicts that several members have been elected but the policy of each lacked a proper coordination that are proved later inadequate an ineffective. There is a gap between the policies selected by the members and the needs of the citizens. An effective development plan must be able to focus on the needs of the citizens and the businesses.

Hofstede (2011) has uncovered another significant factor that is needed for the successful adoption of the new policy plans. The research findings suggests that dimensionalizing cultures is crucial for development plans. His theory is based on the approach of individualism/ collectivism stating how leaders could persuade the masses and win their support. This approach emphasizes on the level of aggregation highlighting on different dimensions. Value differences among individuals is addressed by leaders because it impacts the acceptance or rejection of a policy. As Crestview needs a redevelopment plan, the councils can rely on Hofsede’s model of addressing individual values. This suggests resolving concerns of the people and groups belonging to different cultures and work groups.

Violation of the sunshine laws is another issue faced by the council members of Crestview City. The recommendations suggests that the developments must fulfill the conditions of the Sunshine Law stating that the decisions must be made by the federal bodies only. The government and the leaders must be made accountable for their decisions and role in the implementation of the development policy CITATION Hal14 \l 1033 (Hallway, 2014). The government agencies should also be provided guidance for the Florida’s Open Government laws. Having knowledge of the Public Record Law will have direct impact on the decisions of the leaders because they will be concerned about taking the decisions that are in accordance with the city laws. This law states that public has a right to access the government records and meetings. This has direct impacts on improving the integrity of the leaders because records help in enhancing the process of auditing. The recommendations further suggests that the city leaders must not engage in misallocation of funds or resources.

Leaders in Crestview City have been accused of bad governance and development decisions. The development plans must follow the Sunshine Law stating that public should have access to the government records. Integrity and evaluation of leaders performance will improve their ability of using resources in the best interest of the citizens and businesses.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Abram, A. (2007). The Philosophy of Moral Development. Forum Philosophicum, 12 (1).

Busse, R. (2014). Comprehensive Leadership Review - Literature, Theories and Research. Advances in Management .

Hallway. (2014). THE DAY THE SUNSHINE LEFT CRESTVIEW. The Electronic Hallway .

Hofstede, G. (2009). Geert Hofstede cultural dimensions.


Osland, J., Devine, K., & Turner, M. (2015). Organizational behavior. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, 1-5.

Soares, A., Farhangmehr, M., & Shoham, A. (2007). Hofstede's dimensions of culture in international marketing studies. Journal of Business Research, 60 (3), 277-284.

Victora, W. (2019). First city manager ready to take lead. Crest Bulletin, 44 (12).

Subject: Culture

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Case Study

Culture – Case Study

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Culture – Case Study

The country has successfully absorbed various groups of people in the United States of America. People from different regions, religions, and races have settled in America. The immigrants and their children have successfully adapted to the environment of America. Various studies have shown that America has welcomed various populations from around the world. Different ethnic groups such as Black African Americans, Middle Easterners, North Africans, Asian Americans, Hispanic and Latino Americans are existing in United States ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"6LFDlCdt","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Gaas, 2019)","plainCitation":"(Gaas, 2019)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":361,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/P8FH85WW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/P8FH85WW"],"itemData":{"id":361,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Journal of Political Science and International Relations","issue":"1","page":"11","title":"Challenges and Breakthrough for Horn of Africa Regional Integration","volume":"2","author":[{"family":"Gaas","given":"Abdirahman Osman"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2019"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Gaas, 2019). Communities that have to develop and integrate into American regions have to acclimate with new environment, education, and new systems that can help them to get settled. Music, art, religion, and ethnicity are welcomed at all platforms in America. Communities from around the world can live and practice their religion, and civilization in American regions, however, a little flexibility at both ends can help them survive and adopt changes. This paper will analyze why some communities from race, ethnicity or religion have better settled in America over other population groups.

Asian Americans

The third major group that has developed their communities in the United States of America is Asian Americans. There are around 19.4 million Asian Americans in the US. California has a 4.5 million population of Asian Americans. 6.9 million Asian Americans have been recorded in recent years, this shows a 99 % upsurge since the 1980 census. This report has recorded that Chinese, Filipinos, Koreans, Asian Indians, Japanese, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, Hmong, and Thai people are included in Asian Americans ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Ro5CHrFI","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Bureau, n.d.-b)","plainCitation":"(Bureau, n.d.-b)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":356,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/59AWKQTK"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/59AWKQTK"],"itemData":{"id":356,"type":"webpage","container-title":"The United States Census Bureau","language":"EN-US","title":"We, the American Asians","URL":"https://www.census.gov/library/publications/1993/dec/we-03.html","author":[{"family":"Bureau","given":"US Census"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,20]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Bureau, n.d.-b). These people have struggled for their settlement. In the start, these communities have suffered racial discrimination in living, housing societies, and workplaces. Employment and job opportunities were not offered to them in the early periods. They have developed themselves through better education, struggle, and integration with the American system. History has shown that these communities have a population in some regions of America approximately 50%. For example, 49.9% population of Asian Americans in Northern Mariana Islands are settled. There was a time when this group has faced social, political and economic discrimination. They were ignored in all aspects including food, jobs, housing, and equality. There was a time when this community has conflicts with almost all people as they were discriminated against through race and region. That was called a cold war as these people have focused on the struggle and ultimately learned through progress. Better education and awareness have to lead them to adopt and submerged in America with equal opportunities. The United States of America has adopted these communities with open hands as they have developed themselves in all aspects such as socially, politically and economically. People of Asian Americans have managed conflicts through federalism and consociationalism. These groups have shown more cultural respect for other communities.

Middle Easterners and North Africans

There are around 1.9 to 2.0 million Middle Eastern Americans according to a recent census ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"xBDAxLAy","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Bureau, n.d.-a)","plainCitation":"(Bureau, n.d.-a)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":355,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/I6HU67GS"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/I6HU67GS"],"itemData":{"id":355,"type":"webpage","container-title":"The United States Census Bureau","language":"EN-US","title":"Search Results","URL":"https://www.census.gov/search-results.html","author":[{"family":"Bureau","given":"US Census"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,20]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Bureau, n.d.-a). It has been observed that Americans have adopted several populations from around the world in which North Africans are also present. These are the groups from North African regions and are settled in America. America has welcomed these communities though, the settlement of these groups has various issues. These communities have not adopted the environment of America well. It has been observed that they have faced difficulties in adopting the region. They have counted indigenous people and immigrants. These communities have adopted the American environment however; they are not well settled in America so far. Political and social issues have been observed to be more common among these communities. Time has revealed that these groups have several issues that are part of their settlement and has created several cold wars among them. Ethnicity and racial discrimination have been observed to be more prevalent in these communities. They have developed through education however; these communities have not adopted the modern education systems yet. Communities of Middle Easterners and North Africans have children that are grown in an environment to not show flexibility for integration with other communities. Crime is also high among these communities. These are some reasons behind their survival and settlement among Americans. Many groups of their communities have traveled back to their native countries. They have less education and the developmental process among these communities is slow. It has been observed that these communities have shown genetic drifts that mainly adopt their own environment rather than opting for American systems.


Studies and reviews from researches including surveys and census have shown that populations that have shown flexibility from all aspects including racial and religion settle better than other communities. Populations of North Africans have been observed with quite typical mindsets for adopting another environment ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"wogk77Yy","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Roediger, 2019)","plainCitation":"(Roediger, 2019)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":362,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/YUMBJ4CT"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/qnvKw9vm/items/YUMBJ4CT"],"itemData":{"id":362,"type":"book","ISBN":"1-78873-646-X","publisher":"Verso","title":"How race survived US history: From settlement and slavery to the Obama phenomenon","author":[{"family":"Roediger","given":"David R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2019"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Roediger, 2019). These communities have been observed with several education and awareness issues and have not welcomed other communities. It has been observed that education and awareness among communities can help to settle people from around the world in the same area (Read “The Integration of Immigrants into American Society” at NAP.edu, n.d.). People from around the world have adopted the American region and in turn, America has welcomed and helped communities to get settled in the region. It is a citizen's right to learn and adapt to the environment in which they are living. It is the responsibility of communities and individuals to adapt to the new environment and have to struggle to reach some point where their societies can live in the future with ease. Communities have shown that with federalism and little flexibility and more respect for all ethnic groups can significantly help them stele better than other communities and societies.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Bureau, U. C. (n.d.-a). Search Results. Retrieved December 20, 2019, from The United States Census Bureau website: https://www.census.gov/search-results.html

Bureau, U. C. (n.d.-b). We, the American Asians. Retrieved December 20, 2019, from The United States Census Bureau website: https://www.census.gov/library/publications/1993/dec/we-03.html

Gaas, A. O. (2019). Challenges and Breakthrough for Horn of Africa Regional Integration. Journal of Political Science and International Relations, 2(1), 11.

Roediger, D. R. (2019). How race survived US history: From settlement and slavery to the Obama phenomenon. Verso.

Subject: Culture

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Chinese Rice

Mingjia zhao

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Chinese Rice


Every country has its own culture and lifestyle. They are famous for their religious beliefs, culture and food. China is the country whenever rice is always discussed with its name. China is well known for growing and cooking rice. However, the land of the whole of China is not favorable for rice growth. Rice is cultivating in the southern region of the country while the northern area due to its cold climate is not suitable for rice growth. In addition, both regions have different consumption level of rice as Southern region consumes more rice than the northern region that prefers wheat over rice. The main purpose of the paper is to get more information regarding the diet pattern and rice importance in China. As China is the largest producer of the rice he provides thirty percent of the total rice to the world. Therefore, due to higher production people of China consume a large percentage of rice domestically ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"qoXjOeoJ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Boston and Ma 02115 +1495\\uc0\\u8209{}1000)","plainCitation":"(Boston and Ma 02115 +1495‑1000)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":639,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/JHKR4MBW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/JHKR4MBW"],"itemData":{"id":639,"type":"webpage","title":"Rice","container-title":"The Nutrition Source","abstract":"Rice is a main staple in more than 100 countries worldwide. [1] In some households, rice is included with more than one meal a day. This starchy high-calorie grain is generally low cost, making it …","URL":"https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/food-features/rice/","language":"en-us","author":[{"family":"Boston","given":"677 Huntington Avenue"},{"family":"Ma 02115 +1495‑1000","given":""}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018",9,24]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",5,13]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Boston and Ma 02115 +1495‑1000).


Growth and consumption of rice in China have a history itself. From ten thousand years ago, rice is growing and eating within the country. It was the time when the population of China was limited to lower Yangzai. Yangzai region was favorable for the growth of rice; therefore, people started cultivating rice in the region. Initially, the growth was limited due to which price was higher for the common people. Therefore, only rich people were able to consume rice during the Zhou dynasty. Rice became the regular meal at the time of the Han dynasty ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"wcF5MZnm","properties":{"formattedCitation":"({\\i{}Rice in China})","plainCitation":"(Rice in China)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":638,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/9PIUZRW5"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/9PIUZRW5"],"itemData":{"id":638,"type":"webpage","title":"Rice in China","URL":"https://www.chinasage.info/rice.htm","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",5,13]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Rice in China). With the passage of time growth of China increased the rice production and it became the symbol of success and failure of the country. Rice became part of the festival. At the different festivals different types of rice are used to show its ritual and traditional importance. For instance, rice cakes are used at New Year festivals and Lantern festival as a tradition. In addition, sticky rice or glutinous rice is used at the festival of dragon boat festival and chongvang festival.

Technology advancement and efficient use of resources helped China to grow as the biggest supplier of rice. To grow rice, lots of water is required. In China two methods are used to supply water include; flooding to suppress weeds and irrigation. Irrigation supply water to ninety percent of the land. About 298,997,512 acres of land is used for the cultivation of rice in the country. Other than irrigation, high rainfall is the source to provide water to the fields. In comparison between the southern region and the northern region of the country, the southern region is excellent for the growth of rice. The climate in both regions is totally different. One side is the northern area with its cold climate unable to produce rice on its land. Another side is the southern region which is perfect for rice production due to its warm climate and this is why the region is able to produce two harvests each year. South China supply rice to North China to fulfill their rice demand over there. The northern region of China produces wheat and therefore wheat is the regular meal of the region rather than rice. People in the north prefer wheat items like wheat noodles and dumplings whereas rice is the regular meal in the south.

There are two types of rice which are white rice and brown rice. White rice is the refined form of brown rice; therefore, fewer nutrients are present in it than the brown rice. Brown rice is full of fiber while white rice does not contain fiber. People of China use more white rice than brown rice hence the nutrition level is low. 94% in China consume three meals a day while 5% take only two meals every day. As they use more of white rice than brown rice, according to that their nutrients consist of carbs and protein. Rice is a complete diet with 130 calories, 28.7g carbs, 69% of water, and 2.4g protein. White rice does not contain sugar and fiber with a minor amount of fat. Rice is composed of water and carbs where carbs are starch. Starch is the form of carbohydrates and its percentage vary according to the type of rice. High digestibility is the disadvantage of sticky rice and it is not good for the patient of high blood pressure and diabetes. There are different uses of rice, various kind of dishes are made up of rice. Glutinous rice is available in the package. It is the stickiest rice which is wrapped in the bamboo leaves after cooking. Another use of rice is in the form of flour. Rice flour is commonly used in China. Noodles made up of rice are used in everyday meal. In addition, fermenting rice is used to make wines.

If we look at the economic view of rice, it can be understood that rice is a big part of the country's revenue. This is why it is considered as the symbol of success and failure in the country. China is the world largest producer of rice. It produces 30% percent of the world's high-quality rice. Therefore, it is considered as an important export item. High production of rice makes the price of the rice lower domestically. Low price enables middle and lower class people to consume more amount of rice. This is one of the reasons that rice is used at a large scale within the country. By using 298,997,512 acres of land for the production of rice, China is getting high revenue by exporting it. In addition, the demand for rice in the northern region of China is also fulfilling by providing them rice from the Southern region ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"OggLb9Mk","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Yuan et al.)","plainCitation":"(Yuan et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":641,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/SKLBJNF3"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/rVaVAHaF/items/SKLBJNF3"],"itemData":{"id":641,"type":"article-journal","title":"The Development of a Chinese Healthy Eating Index and Its Application in the General Population","container-title":"Nutrients","volume":"9","issue":"9","source":"PubMed Central","abstract":"The objective of this study was to develop a Chinese Healthy Eating Index (CHEI) based on the updated Dietary Guidelines for Chinese (DGC-2016) and to apply it in the 2011 China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS-2011) to assess diet quality and its association with typical sociodemographic/economic factors. Data from 14,584 participants (≥2 years) from the CHNS-2011, including three 24-h dietary recalls and additional variables, were used to develop the CHEI. The standard portion size was applied to quantify food consumption. The CHEI was designed as a continuous scoring system, comprising 17 components; the maximum total score is 100. The mean, 1st and 99th percentiles of the CHEI score were 52.4, 27.6 and 78.3, respectively. Young and middle-aged adults scored better than the elderly. Diet insufficiency was chiefly manifested in fruits, dairy, whole grains and poultry; diet excess was mainly reflected in red meat, cooking oils and sodium. The CHEI was positively associated with education and urbanization levels; current smokers and unmarried people obtained relative low CHEI scores. Occupation and body mass index (BMI) were also related to the CHEI. Our findings indicate that the CHEI is capable of recognizing differences in diet quality among the Chinese, and it is sensitive to typical sociodemographic/economic factors.","URL":"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5622737/","DOI":"10.3390/nu9090977","ISSN":"2072-6643","note":"PMID: 28872591\nPMCID: PMC5622737","journalAbbreviation":"Nutrients","author":[{"family":"Yuan","given":"Ya-Qun"},{"family":"Li","given":"Fan"},{"family":"Dong","given":"Rui-Hua"},{"family":"Chen","given":"Jing-Si"},{"family":"He","given":"Geng-Sheng"},{"family":"Li","given":"Shu-Guang"},{"family":"Chen","given":"Bo"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017",9,5]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",5,13]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Yuan et al.).

Rice is the part of rituals, festivals, and the economy of the country. However, it is not the only food consumed by the people of the country at large scale. The most interesting fact is that with this much high consumption, rice is not the main meal of the people. A large percentage of produced rice is consumed by the southern area where northern region prefer wheat as it is more economical than rice there. People in China use meat and eat almost all animals. The common meat they use included; chicken, perking duck, pork meat, mutton, and beef. Meat can be cooked separately or they add it with rice. Besides meat numbers of vegetables are being cooked in the country. Vegetables that are commonly used include; Chinese eggplant, Chinese cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, and white radish. Vegetables can be cooked along with the rice. For instance, fried rice is the famous food in China which consists of white rice along with different vegetables and boiled egg in it. As rice is not the main meal for the people therefore, they add vegetables or meat dishes with rice. The basic role of the rice is to fill the stomach. Therefore, people eat special dishes of meat or vegetables and then eat white rice with it to fill their stomach. Foods that are served with rice includes; salad, vegetables, burritos, sweet stuff, and soup. The most favorite food of Chinese is Chew Mein. Chew Mein consist of noodles made up of rice along with different vegetables and small pieces of meat in it. It is, therefore, full of nutrient as all three main food that is rice, vegetables, and meat is used in one dish. People in the Northern region also eat Chew Mein but they use wheat noodles more than the rice noodles in it.


Rice is the most common grain used in China. China is growing rice from about ten thousand years ago. Rice is the part of ritual, festival, and economy of the country. There are numbers of festivals where different type of rice is used as a tradition. Rice makes China's economy strong by producing about thirty percent of world rice. However, not the whole country harvests rice. It is the southern region that produces rice because the Northern area is not suitable for rice production due to its cold climate. The southern region produces rice which meets the demand of rice for the Northern region of the country as well as the demand of the world market. Southern region harvests rice twice a year. People of China uses white rice which consists of carbohydrates, protein, and fewer amount of fat. It does not contain fiber and sugar. Therefore, it is the food item full of nutrient for the people. The consumption of rice in the country is high still; rice is not the main meal of the people. They use it to fill the stomach after eating special food made up of different vegetables or meat. There are numbers of uses of rice that is boiled rice, noodles, flour, and wine made up of fermenting rice. Chew Mein is the favorite dish of the Chinese that contains rice noodles, vegetables, and meat all in one dish. Besides this number of dishes are made from rice. The main reason for the high consumption of rice is high production. High production keeps the price of rice lower and therefore, more people are able to consume it as a normal food item.

Work Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Boston, 677 Huntington Avenue, and Ma 02115 +1495‑1000. “Rice.” The Nutrition Source, 24 Sept. 2018, https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/food-features/rice/.

Rice in China. https://www.chinasage.info/rice.htm. Accessed 13 May 2019.

Yuan, Ya-Qun, et al. “The Development of a Chinese Healthy Eating Index and Its Application in the General Population.” Nutrients, vol. 9, no. 9, Sept. 2017. PubMed Central, doi:10.3390/nu9090977.

Subject: Culture

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Colonial Music Analysis

Academic Institution

Colonial Music analysis

Purpose Statement





Colonial Music Analysis


The early 17th century was the beginning of the colonial era in the United States. During this period, the music of every genre emerged in the country. In this context, it ranged from local spiritual music to African Banjos. The music in the United States has been diverse like its overall population. In the colonial period, religion had a significant influence on the people, and that is the reason why they preferred music with a religious theme. The rhythm has been the focal point in the music of America in that phase. Also, those who first colonized the United States brought diversity in music. In this respect, the seventeenth and first half of the eighteenth century witnessed the popularity of Baroque and Classical music.

Baroque Music

Generally, music historians used the term baroque to explain a wide range of classes from a broad geographic region in Europe and America. Baroque was composed for more than 150 years, i.e. from 1600 to 1750 and made an impression on the hearts and minds of people. At first, it was thought that the term Baroque was specific to architecture, but it appeared in the context of music in a satirical analysis of the premier in Hippolyte et Aricie of Rameau in the year 1733, which was printed in France in 1734. The overall period of Baroque is categorized into three major stages: early, mid, and late. However, their time periods overlap, they are traditionally dated from 1580-1630, 1630-1680, and 1680-1730. In this paper, the history of Baroque music is analyzed with respect to its time periods.

Early Baroque (1580-1630)

A group named Florentine Camerata was comprised of different musicians, intellectuals, poets, and humanists during the latter part of Renaissance Florence gathered under the supervision of Count Giovanni de’ Bardi to share and guide various styles in music, drama, and art. In this regard, their ideas were based on the theme of Classical (particularly ancient Greek) music drama that underlined speech and discourse. Furthermore, they ignored their contemporaries’ style of instrumental and polyphony music and described the ancient Greek musical instruments as monody, which was based on the idea of solo singing alongside kithara. The early ideas that included Jacopo, L’Euridice, and Peri’s Dafne set the foundation of opera, which served as the facilitator of overall Baroque music.

In regards to music theory, the prevalent use of figured bass also called thorough bass signifies harmony as the basic underpinning of polyphony. Harmony is the outcome of counterpoint while figured bass is a visual aspect of harmonies, generally used in musical performances. In addition, the composers started associating themselves with the overall progress of harmony, and also utilized the Triton, which was considered as an unbalanced interval to make dissonance. Meanwhile, certain composers invested in harmony during the Renaissance. Harmony led to the tone, instead of modality, the overall pattern shifted from the Renaissance into the Baroque era. Furthermore, it referred to the concept that chords, instead of notes, could give a feeling of closure, which is among the basic ideas, and was called tonality.

Moreover, by introducing the new segments of composing, Claudio Monteverdi advanced the transition from the Renaissance theme of music to that of the Baroque phase. Also, he developed two separate trends of music: Renaissance’s heritage of polyphony (prima practica), and the fresh basso continuo method of the Baroque (seconda practica). Alongside texts of the operas L’incoronazione di Poppea and L’Orfeo among others, Monteverdi managed to bring considerable attention towards the new genres of Opera.

Middle Baroque Music (1630-1680) Jean-Baptiste Lully

The mid-Baroque period is described by the rise of oratorio, cantata, and opera in the decade of 1630s. This theme was one of the most significant contributions towards the refinement of Baroque as well as the Classical pattern. Meanwhile, it was created by a new idea of melody and the harmony that raised the standard of the music to one of the equivalences of the words that formerly had been renowned.

Furthermore, The Florid, coloratura monody of the initial Baroque paved way to straight forward, and the more sophisticated musical theme, particularly in ternary rhythm. In this context, these melodies were developed from short and defined ideas on the basis of stylish dance techniques inspired by the courante or sarabande. In addition, harmonies were more straightforward compared to that initial Baroque monody. The complimentary bass lines were more aligned with the melody, yielding a contrapuntal equivalence of the components that gave way to the new proper instrument of the variation of aria and recitative. In this respect, the most significant innovators of this theme were the Romans Giacorno and Luigi Rossi, and predominantly they were the composers of oratorio and cantata respectively. However, the notable practitioners of this theme include Alessandro, Giovanni Legrenzi, and Antonio Cesti.

Moreover, the middle Baroque had absolutely no compliance with the theoretical work of Johann Fux, who regularized the rigid counterpoint feature of the initial ages in his Gradus ad Parnassus, 1725. Subsequently, one leading example of a court style musician is Jean-Baptiste Lully. He managed to buy patents to become the solitary composer of operas, and his idea was to stop others from entering operas staged. Also, he was the one who accomplished 15-lyric misfortunes and left unaccomplished Achille et Polyxène.

Late Baroque Music (1680–1730)

During the late Baroque, George Frideric Handel and George Frederic Handel were the major composers of this style of music. Also, the instruments like Violin, Viol, Viola, and others took effect. The music became much more instrumental due to the strings and the development of keyboards.

There are several types of music such as the Opera, the Dance Suite, and the Cholera. The next half of the 18th century and the subsequent period mainly belonged to classical music.

Classical Music (1750 to 1820)

Classical period was the time when people began to participate in different musical styles. The involvement of people in large numbers led to live concerts and stage performances. The general public started paying for shows, which provided composers with the luxury to write what they wanted as long it inspired masses. The focus was shifted from the elite class, and composers adopted a public-oriented approach for music. The foundation of Classical music was the balance. The extravagant, and heavy ornate theme were the hallmarks in the Baroque phase, but they were no longer the specialty in the Classical period. Also, compositions did not employ flowery names such as "The Four Seasons." Furthermore, the compositions had more substantive titles, for example, "Piano Concerto No. 9”.

The music of that particular time comprised symphonies, sonatas, rondos, and minutes. Harmony had polyphonic items, although imitative polyphony had no longer been favorable. Harmony was mostly a melody of single line alongside the use of chords that hints the end of the musical phrase. The breakthrough in the innovation of the instrument came when pianoforte was invented, which actually means "soft-loud." However, prior keyboard tools were not pressure sensitive such as the sound generated by harpsichord had the same effect irrespective of the tickle of ivories by someone. The overall theme and style of the classical period were considered much more dynamic and soft as compared to earlier phases. Finally, classical music has a clearer, softer, lighter, and much simpler texture with more contrast and variety than Baroque music.


Barkley, Elizabeth F. Crossroads: The Multicultural Roots of America's Popular Music. Prentice Hall, 2007.

Buelow, George J. A history of baroque music. Indiana University Press, 2004.

Burkholder, J. Peter, and Donald Jay Grout. A History of Western Music: Ninth International Student Edition. WW Norton & Company, 2014.

Fawcett-Yeske, Maxine. "An Introduction to America's Music, By Richard Crawford and Larry Hamberlin. New York and London: WW Norton, 2013." Journal of the Society for American Music 10, no. 1 (2016): 107-109.

Horowitz, Joseph. Classical music in America: A history of its rise and fall. WW Norton & Company, 2005.

Subject: Culture

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Company Setting

Company Setting

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Company Setting

In the given scenario, I am working in a company where the confidentiality of an employee is taken very seriously. It is a formal or written policy that no employee, in any case, breaches the confidentiality of the fellow employee. If any employee found doing so, he or she will have to face serious consequences.

In the given scenario, if my boss or supervisor starts discussing a secret of any other employee in front of me, I will first listen to her patiently. But if the discussion goes far beyond the acceptance level, I will try to communicate it her indirectly that she is crossing the limit and should immediately stop. I will drop such hints or clues during my conversation and through my body language that I am not at all interested in listening to anybody’s secrets. If she still does not stop, I will take two actions, either leave the discussion or try to report this to the HR department of the company, without mentioning my name.

Role of Self-Efficacy and Grit:

Self-efficacy and grit play a very important role in this situation as they help in determining the strength of one’s character and the passion to achieve the goals.

Follow-up Posts:

The post has been designed brilliantly. The author has a deep insight of the whole insight and knows very well how to cater to this critical situation that how he or she can still handle the situation while remaining in the good books of the supervisor.

The response to this situation has been aptly designed keeping in mind the crucial situation. The author has decided his or her reaction after a careful analysis of the sensitivity of the whole scenario and keeping in mind the temperament of their supervisor. There can be another approach to handle this situation; the author can try to change the topic of the conversation or try to divert the attention of his or her supervisor.


Wang, C., Harrison, J., Cardullo, V., & Lin, X. (2018). Exploring the relationship among international students' English self-efficacy, using English to learn self-efficacy and academic self-efficacy. Journal of International Students, 8(1), 233-250. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1134299. Retrieved from: https://search.proquest.com/pqrl/docview/1994331082/86213846386D45F2PQ/3?accountid=41759

Subject: Culture

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Comparative Essay

Comparative Essay: Ancient Female RulersA6pam

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

Comparative Essay: Ancient Female Rulers

Wu Zetian and Pharaoh Cleopatra were among the most well-known ancient female rulers. Cleopatra ruled ancient Egypt from 69 to 30 BC, whereas Empress Wu reigned between 624-705 AD. The paper compares and contrasts the two leaders in terms of their lives and struggles and compares them to modern women leaders indicating the relevance both rulers hold in setting influential precedents for female leadership.

A major difference between the two ancient female leaders was how they rose to power. Pharaoh Cleopatra was born to a royal Ptolemaic Greek origin family. As she grew up, she was elevated to the status of a co-ruler by her father and ruled Egypt after Alexander the great. She was granted the throne in a just way according to the will of her father and then remained a ruler until she died CITATION Tyl08 \l 1033 (Tyldesley, 2008). In contrast, Wu Zetian was the daughter of a Chancellor in the Tang Dynasty in China, and her intelligence, beauty, and wit led her to be appointed as a secretary to the Emperor. She used her position to become close to the Emperor and became his concubine. From there, she cleverly worked her way up in the royal palace until she became the only empress in Chinese history CITATION Woo08 \l 1033 (Woo, 2008). Despite ruling impressively, her rise to power was cunning, manipulative and unjust, framing her rival to reach the throne. Another difference between the two rulers was how they were remembered by history. Cleopatra is generally favored by historians as someone brave, intelligent and capable of leadership as well as love. Her story has influenced numerous painters, historians, filmmakers and writers, though a significant portion of her life story in books are based on fictional legends wherein she is portrayed as a sensual character who could manipulate men with her charms. On the other hand, Chinese historians largely revile Empress Wu as an oppressive and manipulative leader and spread many insults about her throughout their works.

A similarity between the two leaders was their stern stand and ruthlessness in which they dealt with their enemies, eliminating anyone that posed a threat. Cleopatra had several enemies from different parts of her empire; family members that were a potential threat to her throne would be swiftly murdered CITATION Tyl08 \l 1033 (Tyldesley, 2008). She was well versed in the geopolitical and strategic realities of her time. The riches in Egypt led Rome to increasingly depend on its wealth through which Cleopatra exercised her influence. Similarly, Empress Wu annihilated anyone who stood in her way. She hired secret intelligence officers who would kill or silence any average citizen or from the military hierarchy whom they saw as opposing her. Moreover, both Empress Wu and Pharaoh Cleopatra, who ruled people from two different times and cultures introduced reforms that sought to increase the revenue from the capital peasants raised from their lands, by increasing taxes. They both reigned over a political system in which the Pharaoh or the Emperor was considered the absolute, unquestioned ruler.

Both Cleopatra and Empress Wu were influential leaders. We can see glimpses and traces of their leadership styles in female leaders today. Hilary Clinton is comparable to Cleopatra today in the sense that she like Cleopatra rose to prominence on the appendage of her partner, Bill Clinton, just as Cleopatra did using Julius Caesar. Cleopatra also influenced Caesar’s decisions yet rarely credited for them. Hilary was also known as the puppeteer behind Bill Clinton’s presidency yet had an image of a sacrificing partner who forfeited her political and personal principles for her husband CITATION Cli03 \l 1033 (Clinton, 2003). Empress Wu can be compared to Margaret Thatcher in our Era. Both of them were seen as the Iron Lady of their times. Empress Wu was the first female ruler and enjoyed absolute authority and power in her dynasty, whereas Margaret Thatcher was the first female British prime minister. Like Empress Wu, Thatcher was also hated by a large portion of the British people for not only her policies but for being a woman. Moreover, both women oversaw their nations in expansionist wars. Wu led her empire to expand West of China, whereas Thatcher led her nation in the Falklands War with Argentina CITATION Jes15 \l 1033 (Jessop, 2015).

In conclusion, it is evident that both these rulers had characteristics that will make their names live on forever. What we can learn from their history is their determination to rise to the occasion despite having an obvious disadvantage of being a woman in a male-dominated culture. It is because of women like them that women in positions of leadership today has become accepted and seen as something normal within the world.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Clinton, H. R. (2003). Living History. New York: Scribner.

Jessop, B. (2015). Margaret Thatcher and Thatcherism: Dead but. British Politics, 10(1), 16-29. Retrieved from http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Tyldesley, J. A. (2008). Cleopatra : last queen of Egypt. London: Profile Books.

Woo, X. L. (2008). Empress Wu the Great. New York: Algora Publications.

Subject: Culture

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Critical Review

Critical Analysis

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Critical Analysis

Using the Master’s Tools: Resisting Colonization Through Colonial Sports

In this article, there is a lot of drama about Navajo school children. The article discusses the imposition of colonial sports such as basketball and football on Navajo school children. The aim of missionaries in that scenario was to assimilate the children into Euro American culture which is something disturbing for some people as it is opposite to their ideology. It can simply be considered as an attempt for erasing the memory along with the history of native people. One may wonder why? But the answer to that question is the beliefs of missionaries of that time. They thought if the structure of colonial sports is adopted by natives, it will result in making them able to adopt the meaning of such sports.

The overall research is based on the examination of the relationship between Navajo and sports as it tends to examine basketball which is considered one of the most popular sports among Navajo. The analysis tends to propose that in case if natives tend to embrace the structure of colonial sports forcefully uniformly, there is a high chance that they can be utilizing colonial sports as an instrument of unifying among natives. One thing that must be taken into consideration is the fact that if the structure of colonial sports that is adopted by Navajo without their meaning, it may allow Navajo to trick colonists into thinking they have been succeeded (Anderson, 2006).

In the overall picture of the article, it can be seen that Navajo tends to use such sports for certain reasons that can serve in making the popular off the reservation. There is no doubt that they are considered as fast-paced team sports that can be raising money for many schools. Moreover, they have the ability to provide a good seat for many. It seems to be like the reason behind why Navajo value such sports lies in the fact that these spots are the ones that are valued the most by the colonists. Apparently, it may seem that colonists have been undoubtedly successful when it comes to their assimilationist efforts. However, one thing that must be taken into consideration is that this research tends to show that Navajo have used such sports with a sole purpose for uniting the Navajo along with providing them a chance to perform games with different communities.

The most important thing here is that colonial sports tend to provide Navajo with an avenue for competing against the colonists. Looking at the marriage between the Navajo and colonial sports, it can simply be not considered perfect in any sense. When it comes to the obtainment of individual fame on the reservation, it seems to be in meeting with the conflicting sentiment. Athletes who tend to rise to the top, look at their own selves as an individual who is the representative of the Navajo Nation (Anderson, 2006). There is no doubt that getting a scholarship is no less than a symbol of pride. The reason for that lies in the fact that the scholarships are given by the colonists themselves.

An effort for escaping the poverty of reservation life, undoubtedly, such type of strategy seems highly ineffectual. The matter of fact is that the high school athletes do not have the similar height as compared to the associates of different communities. In a nutshell, it can be said that such sporting appears to be a mixed bag in the case of Navajo. It can simply be concluded that the connection between the Navajo and the colonial relationship is quite complicated, and it refers that the acceptance structure has not been effective till date.

That Picture – Nicky Winmar and the History of an Image

The article explores the time of 18th century when the followers of Aussie Rules football started yelling at players. The picture stating the entire story is quite famous, and the article is mainly based on it. At that time, yelling was quite notable. When it came to the year 1993. Nicky Winmar was seen responding to the racist barracking, as he was the pride in his skin colour. There is a high probability that the rest of footy players had given a response to such type of abuse back in history. One thing that must be taken into consideration is the fact that it was nothing but the words and image of Winmar's response that did come to look at some sort of symbolising movement against the racists in football.

The image has powerful semiotics that tends to make it easier to understand the concept behind it. There is no doubt that by just looking at the image, one can recall the 1990’s and current racial issues in sports. However, considering the Winmar’s image, the status was not considered automatic (Klugman et al., 2009). The reason for that is quite simple that it did not happen in a single night. One thing that must be taken into consideration is that it remains contested. The gesture of Winmar might not be having the same impact if it was not captured by Feder and Ludbey. The matter of fact is that there was a high chance that the unpublished pictures and alternative shots with outstretched arms of Winmar to be chosen for publication at that time.

When it comes to the ongoing debate over Winmar's words, it reveals that there might be a possibility of dominant meanings to reside outside the race. Although, the meaning of the picture is not completely set, it still tends to continue to be a popular and powerful symbol of racial issues in sport. The best thing about this article is that it has highlighted the largely untapped potential to analysis the past events or history of individual photographs. The matter of fact is that the image we use cannot be considered as the neutral representation of the past. However, it has been observed that they are the products of specific history that tends to reveal much of the social and cultural context of their time.

The semiotic meaning of those pictures along with their material uses, and affective natures are undoubtedly all of high importance. The Winmar image is of high importance, and it tends to elicit the consideration of other symbolic moments that may be lost. By having an in-depth analysis of the image, it can be seen that Ludbey, being a photo-journalist was pretty much aware of precariousness (Klugman et al., 2009). There is no doubt that there was an involvement of luck as well that lead to capture such symbolic sporting moment.

One of the most discussed questions is that how one image came such in power. It often happens that photographs are taken, and they are forgotten. However, in the current scenario, the Winmar’s image still has its own importance in sports. The article reflects how by using an image, the whole scenario can be delivered to the audience in no time. The beauty of this article is that it summarises the whole racial situation of the 18th century. Moreover, it tends to connect it with the racial discrimination of the 21st century as well. There is no doubt that the racial discrimination has been dissolved in the roots of this society, and each area whether it is of sports or other occupations, there is a high need to highlight such issues.


Anderson, E. D. (2006). Using the master's tools: resisting colonization through colonial sports. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 23(2), 247-266.

Carr, P. R. (2017). Whiteness and white privilege: Problematizing race and racism in a “color-blind” world and in education. In Rassismuskritik und Widerstandsformen (pp. 871-889). Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Davies, C., & Dunbar, N. (2015). Internal Policing of the Enduring Issue of Racism in Professional Team Sports. U. Notre Dame Austl. L. Rev., 17, 59.

Hallinan, C. (2015). Assessing the sociology of sport: On indigeneity, politics of identity and Australian sports. International review for the sociology of sport, 50(4-5), 448-453.

Klugman, M., & Osmond, G. (2009). That picture-Nicky Winmar and the history of an image. Australian Aboriginal Studies, (2), 78.

Subject: Culture

Pages: 4 Words: 1200


Student’s Name


Course Code


“Where to Put Augustus?” A Note on the Placement of the Prima Porta Statue”

The article “Where to Put Augustus? A Note on the Placement of Prime Porta Statue was authored by Klynne and Liljenstolpe and published in 2000. It was published by The Johns Hopkins University Press and therefore, it became a major journal which provides illustration of where the statue of Augustus was discovered and placed years ago. The article provides brief discussion of the sculpture of the statue of the Augustus Prime Porta. The articke arrived at the conclusion of the study of the statues of the Augustus Prime Porta. It traces the original of the statue as the Villa of Livia. In the journal, Klynne and Liljenstolpe (125) provided a detailed location, where the status was discovered and therefore, importance to the imagery and the entire art industry across the country. The purpose of the article is to provide clear description of the statue of Augustus, its importance and where it is located.

The site makes part of the Uppsala University Archaeology Department, and therefore, it provides a short summary of the certain attractions at the Villa of Livia, situated outside of Rome. Some of the things, which are included in the brief, are the Augustus of Prima Porta. In the article, Klynne and Liljenstolpe provides an illustration of when the period the statues was discovered and the location where they are currently being displayed. The authors provided various interpretations to offer understanding of the nature of the statue. The various interpretations are also given concerning the hands and cuirass. It is pointed that the right hand was never found and restored specifically to get a look as though the Augustus was providing an address. Moreover, there are some biases, which can be pointed from the authors’ writings. The authors failed to point the education, sex and even age. The author pretends of the sex and assumes to be addressing only one gender throughout the article. This is a bias and can make other readers to assume that the author is more sided with the male.

In the article, it is stated that Augustus is one of the famous of work of Roman art, which is regarded as the master piece in classical archeology. Though the location of display of the art, is a matter of discussion, it is pointed out by authors Klynne and Liljenstolpe (124) that the statue were brought back and reserved for the future generation. It is being displayed in the Vatican Museum and has been used to show an example of some of the Roma art or sculpture of the early century. Klynne and Liljenstolpe (120) stated that statues have revolved and therefore, the basic example of the Roman sculpture is the statue of Augustus. The placement of the statue is also a matter of discussion since several opinions are provided to give an accountability of what transpired so that the importance of the status to the Romania could be clearly pointed for learners and artists of the modern world. Several factors are regarded as matters of argument presented by the authors of the article. The most important element of argument is the placement of the statue in the modern world and the early days. This is because of different accountability and reasons offered to show where the status is situated.

Klynne and Liljenstolpe (121) pointed out that treatment of archeological record is not convincing and this makes it difficult to point clearly the historical place where the statue was located. The argument is made by both parties to prove that the placement of the statue has never changed. But according to the study presented it is evident that the placement has changed over the years and the current placement is Rome. Above all, Klynne and Liljenstolpe (126) provided interpretation of various statue elements and also offers the historical explanation for every viewer in regard to the existence and the placement of the statue of Augustus, which is the borne of contentious among the historians and the artists. In the article, Kleiner compares the statue Augustus at Prima Porta with other Augustan era statues. It also gives reference to the likely dates through which the analysis of the statue characteristic was conducted.

In the article the authors made an argument on the existence of the Villa of Livia. It is pointed out that according to the ancient sources the Gallianas and the Villa are situated in the vicinity of the nine milestones along the Via Flaminia (Klynne and Liljenstolpe 121). The main point of discussion in the article is the existence of the Augustus Prime Porta Statue and some of its importance. Therefore, the argument is made regarding the existence of the statue, the location and its historical importance. Klynne and Liljenstolpe (125) stated that statue is a symbol of revolution among the Nero, which withered away immediately after the death of the Nero. It also pointed that the death of Nero is also associated with the sacred offering of the hen died off, which has become a potent of the end of the Iulio Claudian dynasty in the days. However, the Augustus statue illustrates the transformation of the image of Roman Empire, which has occurred over the year. Therefore, the article is authored to asnwer the question why the Roman Empire image changed thoroughly over the last 50 years. Klynne and Liljenstolpe (128) observed the cultural aspect of the Roman people as some of the reasons for the change of the face of the image over the last years. It represents the existence of violence during the early days and some of the changes, which have been endured over the years so make sure that the cultural model represented by the image or statue could be revealed.

The issues raised in the article by the authors are properly addressed. First, the issue related to the placement of the Augustus statue is addressed effectively. This is because, in the article it is pointed that the Augustus statues is located in the Roman and used as attraction at the Villa of Livia. The importance of the August statue to the Roman and the modern artists are also address by the article. It is pointed that the article provides a clear reflection of life full if challenges and hope. Klynne and Liljenstolpe (120) stated that one of the Augustus’ hands was never found and therefore, the statue is raised but it looks like it is bending, which is a sign of life experience, and suffering of the society. It means that the statue is used to communicate a word of hope and strength to the society as pointed by the authors of the article. Therefore, it is evident that the purpose of the article was achieved.

In conclusion, the article” Where to Put Augustus?” A Note on the Placement of the Prima Porta Statue” is meant to investigate the existence of the statue of August and provide a brief of its importance to the culture and art in the Roman empire.

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Klynne, A. and P. Liljenstolpe. "“Where to Put Augustus? A Note on the Placement of the Prima Porta Statue.”The." American Journal of Philology 12.21 (2000): 121– 128.

Subject: Culture

Pages: 4 Words: 1200



[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]


Latin America has experienced a tremendous change in the role of women in society. Today Latin America is far different for women than four decades ago. In past, women place was the private sphere of the house while men were meant to play their role in politics and workplace. However, with the passage of time, the stereotypes related to the sex-role became weaker and women acquired their rights and identity. Inequality between men and women is even present today but it is far better than past Latin America.

In Latin America, the family remains a crucial institution since the beginning. Women play a central role to organize and maintain tradition, norms, and cultural expectation. In today's Latin America women are not bound to their home responsibility, they are playing their role in politics, economy and international affairs. However, the basic responsibility that is the maintenance of the home has remained constant for the women. The changes in the socio-economic condition of the women started when few women came forward for the rights of the women. They started a movement for shaping regional feminism. Manuela Saenz is one of the first prominent name who considered as the precursor to feminism in the 1820s. In 1900s Petra Herrera formed all-woman army after disguising her gender. She was a famous general during the Mexican revolution. Even in the second battle of Torreon, she fought along with four hundred other women. Juana Belen Gutierrez was another famous women who played a significant role as a journalist and Mexican revolutionary in 1910 ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"jkGkyBlT","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Feminist Movements Across Latin America,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Feminist Movements Across Latin America,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":909,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/KXA3Q4K6"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/KXA3Q4K6"],"itemData":{"id":909,"type":"webpage","title":"Feminist Movements Across Latin America: a Brief History","abstract":"As the world celebrates International Women's Day on March 8, teleSUR profiles some of the first women emancipators in Latin America.","URL":"https://www.telesurenglish.net/analysis/Feminist-Movements-Across-Latin-America-a-Brief-History--20180308-0022.html","title-short":"Feminist Movements Across Latin America","language":"en_US","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",7,13]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Feminist Movements Across Latin America,” n.d.).

Marcelo Rios Tobar was a sociologist who presented the concept that feminism is socialism. Her essay became the strength for other women who raised their voice for the rights. Their demand was based on the concept that women give birth but dictatorship destroys it. With the chain of feminism movement, today women got their rights and opportunities for education and job. Women are now part of politics and economy. They give birth to fewer babies, getting a higher education, and allowed to join the workforce. A report indicates that women participation in the labor force has increased about fifty percent from almost eighteen percent recorded in the 1950s and twenty-seven percent in 1990s. However, more changes are required as women even today facing issues like low wages, gender stratification and household decision-making along with workload ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"yGMxPtUB","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Latin American Women The Gendering of Politics and Culture,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Latin American Women The Gendering of Politics and Culture,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":910,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/IZKBYFM7"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/IZKBYFM7"],"itemData":{"id":910,"type":"webpage","title":"Latin American Women The Gendering of Politics and Culture","container-title":"NACLA","URL":"https://nacla.org/article/latin-american-women-gendering-politics-and-culture","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",7,13]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Latin American Women The Gendering of Politics and Culture,” n.d.).


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Feminist Movements Across Latin America: A Brief History. (n.d.). Retrieved July 13, 2019, from https://www.telesurenglish.net/analysis/Feminist-Movements-Across-Latin-America-a-Brief-History--20180308-0022.html

Latin American Women The Gendering of Politics and Culture. (n.d.). Retrieved July 13, 2019, from NACLA website: https://nacla.org/article/latin-american-women-gendering-politics-and-culture

Subject: Culture

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Cultural Activity Report

The play is starting from the streets of Vienna and the time form 1823 where the rumours of murdering are arising. According to rumours, everybody is talking about that Salieri (an old man) has confessed the murder of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The play then starts and the Salieri interacts with the audience by telling them (the audience) that he has poisoned Mozart. Then the play goes back to 1781 and it was the time when both Mozart and Salieri didn't interact with each other. Salieri devoted his whole life to music by the name of God and he used to play music for the royal family and that was his stable job before the arrival of Mozart.

Salieri was the favourite musician in the court of Royal but when Mozart arrived everybody started calling him for music. Because he was a musician from his soul to the body and meanwhile Salieri was anxious about him. Salieri became a good friend of Mozart but when he realizes that he (Mozart) is born with music then he decides to ruin the life of him. With the ruing the life Mozart, Salieri also ruins his life as well as career and does all behind the mask of friendship. So Salieri decides to poison Mozart and leads himself towards destruction and Mozart towards death. So the plot of the story lies behind the genius, jealousy as well as revenge.

So there are three main characters of the entire play. One is Salieri, other is Mozart and the third one is Constanze Weber who is female and her role is the supporting role in the whole play. She is the wife of Mozart and loves him a lot but with the passage of time her love diminishes towards Mozart. Salieri wants an illegal relationship with Mozart wife but when she visits Salieri's house a servant kick her out.

Scene one is starting with six characters that are standing the same as the statue and the voice of Salieri is in the surrounding. The background is totally black but there is slightly light in the centre of the set. Three males are there in a scene in which one is sitting on the resting chair and two are standing. On the other hand, three females are there and one is standing in a dancing position and the other two are normal. From the behind two characters (one male and one female) are coming by saying I don't believe this and meanwhile the voice of Salieri is equivalent.

Females are wearing frocks and males are in pant shirt. One character starts speaking, the bell rung and he says go to the future and other two males don't say anything just stares him what is he trying to say. While he is talking mysteriously other characters standing in the position of statute goes back while murmuring Salieri. Now in scene two males are standing beside him and he is still sitting on the chair. One of the standing men is anxiously staring him and listening to him but the other one is not giving a response to his words.

The second scene is presented in the form of the courtroom and there is a panel of three judges who enter the courtroom with full excitement. The scene is in full light and three chairs are arranged for them. In the room judges are sitting in the centre, on the right side there are two chairs and on the left side, an attorney lawyer is sitting. On the left, at the back side, a musical instrument is also there in the form of piano and a musician is playing that. The judges are in their uniform and the attorney lawyer is also ready for the case.

The musician starts playing music and on the other hand, the attorney lawyer is speaking about the case. The judges stop enjoying the music and whispering that they don't know about the situation. After listing the case the majesty says that I do not like it. The other one says that it's not about liking, you have to give some decision on that according to law. The case is about to guard the music and majesty say that he will guard the music and he also order musician to play music. The musicians laugh at the companions of majesty because he was giving orders against their will. Other characters also come in the scene, everybody sits in their position and the musician starts playing music. Everybody seems to enjoy the music till the end of the scene.

Overall the play was very informative being an audience. The selection characters, dialogues, props, scene presentation, dressing and display was up to the mark. The dressing of the characters was very impressive in such a way that the audience can easily tell the era by observing the dressing. Through this play, the entire story is presented in an informative manner. When the play goes back to 1781 the sense of dressing is according to that. It was the time when both Mozart and Salieri didn’t interact with each other and it was presented well.

Salieri devoted his whole life to music by the name of God and he used to play music for the royal family and that was his stable job before the arrival of Mozart. He also used to play music at the time of royal parties and also in the court. But the music in the, especially at the time of decision making, was not understandable by the audience. Overall the play depicted the story very well.

Subject: Culture

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Cultural Dervisity

Workforce Diversity Plan

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]


Workforce diversity is an important concept, which remains at the top of mind of both employee and employer. It is the understanding of individuality and distinctiveness based on gender, ethnicity and socio-economic status and beliefs. Having diversity in the workplace means that employees belong to different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Not only this, but it also includes employees of different age, gender, sexual orientation, and educational background and so on. Australian legislation covers anti-discrimination and equal employment opportunity in the workplace diversity (c=AU;o=Australian Government;ou=Department of Industry, 2018). The Australian Human Rights Commission offers a fact sheet to guide the organisations making policies and laws to prevent discrimination based on diversity.

A diverse workforce brings creativity and productivity. In addition, it allows employees to work effectively and efficiently. A diverse workforce is more productive as an organisation can take benefit from different perspectives and creative ideas of different people CITATION Kea09 \l 1033 (Kearney, 2009). New ideas coming from people of different min sets enhances the efficiency of an organisation. It also brings creativity in an organisation because unrelated groups are cross-fertilising each other. It brings variety to the company, and more solutions are available to choose from when an issue occurs. Language diversity allows the organisation to expand relationships with organisations from other cultures and languages.

The diversity plan

Diversity support programs are very important for an organisation to not only attract top talent but also to promote innovation and creativity in an organisation. Employees can be encouraged to support diversity inclusion and to align their everyday work activities with the diversity strategy. One of the programs is to communicate employees about the diversity vision of an organisation and how diversity influences one's role and how their role can contribute to the success of diversity in an organisation. Another way is to encourage employees to take part in engagement surveys. Employees can also be encouraged to take part in diversity effort and becoming culturally competent. Creating an environment, which establishes a sense of belonging for everyone, is a support activity to encourage everyone to takes part in diversity. Empathetic leadership is significant; diversity inclusion is not the effort of a single person. The empathetic leadership will enable diversity addition effectively. Everyone must be involved in the process of diversity encouragement and appreciation, and it must not be considered a top-down approach.

Diversity training and awareness is vital in diverse workforce settings. Every day diverse workforce teams encounter work issues due to the differences in culture and religions. Diversity training is an initiative taken by different companies to create awareness of diversity related issues and bring cohesiveness in teams. It initiated in 1960 as a response to the Civil Rights Movement. It will be of two types, skill based and awareness based training. Awareness based training will make the workforce aware of the importance of diversity as well as prejudice about others. Skill-based diversity deals with the handling of issues when they approach, and it takes trainee from awareness to the proficiency stage.

One training exercises that will be implemented, as part of diversity training is perspective raking. It is the process of walking in someone else shoes mentally. Research indicates that it is the most promising approach in changing the attitudes and behaviours towards the racial groups and minorities ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"KZuR0j7w","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Lindsey, King, Membere, & Cheung, 2017)","plainCitation":"(Lindsey, King, Membere, & Cheung, 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":103,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/ZDIKJV6I"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/ZDIKJV6I"],"itemData":{"id":103,"type":"article-magazine","title":"Two Types of Diversity Training That Really Work","container-title":"Harvard Business Review","source":"hbr.org","abstract":"Experiments show that context and personality matter.","URL":"https://hbr.org/2017/07/two-types-of-diversity-training-that-really-work","ISSN":"0017-8012","author":[{"family":"Lindsey","given":"Alex"},{"family":"King","given":"Eden"},{"family":"Membere","given":"Ashley"},{"family":"Cheung","given":"Ho Kwan"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017",7,28]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,24]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Lindsey, King, Membere, & Cheung, 2017). Diversity goal setting is another successful approach, which will be employed. In this method, the trainee sets goals to appreciate and challenge inappropriate comments. Goal setting is an effective approach, which leads to pro-diversity behaviour. Both of these exercises are effective in diversity training and research.

Communication plan

Since diversity training is a sensitive topic, effective communication strategies must be used to make it more effective and work. The diversity communication and promotion must involve the keywords which everyone must understand genuinely. The actual meanings of the word must communicate such as equality is dealing with everyone according to their needs, not treating everyone the same identical way. Choice of language must be considered, some idioms or slangs may not be appropriate to use, and they should be avoided in diversity training. Communication is verbal and non-verbal, and both must be given equal importance in communicating during the diversity training. The rules of non-verbal communication must be understood before using them in a culturally diverse environment. Avoiding inappropriate or gratuitous references is also crucial in this regard ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"d9RylT4a","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Communicate effectively with culturally diverse persons - Communicate effectively with culturally diverse persons,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“Communicate effectively with culturally diverse persons - Communicate effectively with culturally diverse persons,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":105,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/XCSIKDGM"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/svENvmyw/items/XCSIKDGM"],"itemData":{"id":105,"type":"webpage","title":"Communicate effectively with culturally diverse persons - Communicate effectively with culturally diverse persons","URL":"https://sielearning.tafensw.edu.au/MCS/9362/Sterilisation%20disk%203/lo/7373/7373_00.htm#ID0EDB","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,24]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Communicate effectively with culturally diverse persons - Communicate effectively with culturally diverse persons,” n.d.).

Other communication strategies that will be used in the diversity training will be the authenticity of the statements and language. The diversity training is an opportunity to connect with the workforce and for this purpose; the leader must speak from the heart. The communication will be centred on communicating the opportunities for development by the training. The training will ensure that the message moves from top to bottom of the organisation without ignoring the middle management and everyone must understand their role in diversity development and management. The communication strategies will be aimed at encouraging engagement from the diverse workforce and everyone. Two-way communication is highly encouraged, and listening will be emphasised more than speaking.

Monitoring and review

Monitoring and review are critical to ensure that diversity training objectives have been met or not. For this purpose, the Monitoring and review program will be initiated during the diversity training phases. The progress of diversity strategies can be obtained by doing a survey and obtaining information about the employee’s engagement in diversity programs. The survey or questionnaire can be a useful technique to assess the implementation of training and knowledge being delivered in the training sessions. The information must be obtained from the culturally diverse teams and workforce to gauge the level of acceptance.

The obtained information can be evaluated against the diversity training goals to get insight into the gaps in goals and actual results. If the gaps exist then the training can be modified to direct them towards the desired results. Training interventions can be made based on the results to remove the barriers in either communication or the other area of diversity training. Monitoring and review must be done after intervals as well to appraise the progress and get insight about future training needs.


c=AU;o=Australian Government;ou=Department of Industry, I., and S. (2018, September 11). Equal opportunity and diversity [Business Topics]. Retrieved February 23, 2019, from https://www.business.gov.au/people/hiring/equal-opportunity-and-diversity

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Communicate effectively with culturally diverse persons - Communicate effectively with culturally diverse persons. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2019, from https://sielearning.tafensw.edu.au/MCS/9362/Sterilisation%20disk%203/lo/7373/7373_00.htm#ID0EDB

BIBLIOGRAPHY Kearney, E. G. (2009). When and how diversity benefits teams: The importance of team members' need for cognition. Academy of Management journal, 52(3), 581-598.

Lindsey, A., King, E., Membere, A., & Cheung, H. K. (2017, July 28). Two Types of Diversity Training That Really Work. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2017/07/two-types-of-diversity-training-that-really-work

Subject: Culture

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Cultural Experience


Instructors’ Name

Course Title and Code


Cultural Experience


Ever since this world came into existence, countless cults, groups and religions have emerged. Every religion has a specific background and history. The history of most of the religions is quite well known. Majority of the people are familiar with the basics of the most followed religions. Having said that, Buddhism is a religion that no one knows much about. There is no clear or defined meaning present for this belief. Siddhartha Gautama is the founder of Buddhism. He is more commonly known as Gautama Buddha. There are many aspects of the history that suggest that Buddha had supernatural powers. Gautama Buddha was born in Nepal and his journey mainly started in India. From India, he started to travel so that he could learn more about life. In the middle of his journey, he discovered Buddhism that was the turning point for Gautama Buddha. He came to the discovery of Buddhism by experiencing a deep consciousness of the nature of life, existence itself and finally death (Cooper and James). That was the initiation of Buddhism. Gautama Buddha started teaching people about Buddhism and today it is one of the most popular religions all around the world. This paper will discuss and reflect on Buddhism in-depth.


Buddhism is now one of the most ancient religions in the world, dating up to 26 hundred years back. The religion has been followed and passed down by many civilizations over the course of time. The word Buddha itself means “The awakened one.” Gautama Buddha’s teachings helped Buddhism gain the popularity that it has today. Buddhism succeeded as a religion that was native to West India. The religion comprises of various beliefs, practices and traditions, which are mainly stemmed from the teachings of Gautama Buddha (Siderits). There are a plethora of reasons why Buddhism gained the popularity that it has today. Buddhism is especially appreciated in the contemporary world and the West is heavily adopting it today. There are a lot of questions surrounding the notion of Buddhism's popularity (Rapgay, 590-591). There must be something special about the religion that no other belief can offer, hence the widespread and consistent popularity all across the globe.

The many civilizations that are following Buddhism are inclusive of India, Japan, Vietnam, China and Korea. The most surprising fact is that Buddhism is spreading its wings even in America. The religion has made significant changes in the American culture over the course of time as well (Burton, 53-64). Nowadays, the world has become more materialistic. In this materialistic world, Buddhism has the answers to many issues that the various societies face. That is why the religion has more than 300 million followers all across the globe and the number keeps on increasing by the day. Buddhism gives its believers a spiritual development and an enlightening path that leads to insight and awareness regarding the nature of reality. Buddhism revolves around the practice of meditation. The follower meditates to change themselves and this also leads to the development of qualities like kindness, awareness and wisdom. One of the main reasons why Buddhism has a cult following is that the believer does not have to worship a God (Coltart). Many individuals of the contemporary world like this aspect of the belief.

Buddhists do not look to a God for salvation, they believe that seeking a God to bring them enlightenment and redemption is a hollow concept. Buddhism in general addresses its belief to the people from every single background regardless of caste, nationality, gender, color and sexuality (Keown). That is why a lot of the members of the LGBTQ community are directing towards this religion because of the inclusive nature that the belief showcases. The religion teaches its follower the practical methods that enable and empowers people to become fully responsible and accountable to their own life. Every Buddhist lives under the light of the five principles. The five principles make sure that everyone is safe and following these precepts leads to the happiness and peace of mind. The principles are stated as follows:

The first principle is made on the basis of compassion and in accordance with this precept, the believer is prohibited to torture, hurt or kill.

The second principle of Buddhism forbids any activity of stealing, any action that may support stealing and any activity or action that might be equivalent to stealing. This principle helps secure every individual's belongings and property.

The third precept of Buddhism refrains the believer to ever cheat and be unfaithful in marriage. Sexual activity outside marriage is strictly prohibited.

The fourth principle prohibits the believer to tell direct or indirect lies. Truthfulness is given great importance and breaking of promises is highly prohibited.

The last principle of Buddhism prevents the believer to indulge in intoxicants as they cloud the mind and judgment of a person.

Through these five principles, Gautama Buddha is asking the believer to lead a life that revolves around kindness. Any behavior that might lead to anyone getting hurt is strictly prohibited. The concept of Buddhism gives purpose to the believer's life. The fact that Gautama Buddha gave these principles makes it evident that there is great injustice and inequality in this world. However, the values given by Buddhism can help anyone lead a happy and peaceful life. The fact is that in Buddhism, there is no concept of worshipping a God, which makes many people believe that it is not a religion but a way of life (James). The Buddhist teachings are straightforward and quite basic, which is among one of the many reasons why many people follow this religion. As opposed to other religions like Islam and Christianity, change is possible at any step. In fact, Buddhism is a belief in which change is constant. The Buddhists work around finding ways to meditate, which further helps them enrich their life.

The act and main concept of Buddhism started after the death of Gautama Buddha. After the death of Buddha, around 500 monks got together for the first council which was held in Rajagrha. The meet up was under the leadership of Kashyapa. The monastic code which is also known as Vinaya was recited by Upali as he remembered it. The main lessons given by Buddha which are known as Sutra were recited by his beloved cousin Ananda for the monks to hear. After the monks debated on the details, votes were made on the final version of Buddha’s teachings, which were further taken forward to the believers (Lopez Jr). Many monks translated these teachings into various languages found on Indian plains, and these aspects were then memorized. One of the most interesting and baffling fact is that Buddhism is an oral tradition for around two hundred years now.

Buddhism is widespread in China and everyone knows it throughout the country. In accordance with a legend, Ming Ti the Chinese Emperor had a dream that made him send his troupes to the Silk Road. When the Emperor's agents came back, they brought back the picture of Buddha along with a copy of Sutra which was divided into 42 sections. There are mainly two major schools of thought in Buddhism that are inclusive of Theravada and Mahayana. Theravada is the teaching that was taught and passed down by the elders. Mahayana is the teaching that was developed later on (Albahari). Theravada Buddhism mainly teaches people that redemption is something that a person can only achieve on their own and the teacher can only give guidance. The individuals who believe in Theravada believe that Buddha was a man who carried superpowers, but at the end of the day, he was a man.

On the other hand, people who follow Mahayana believe that there are many claiming Buddha's but only one who can be given the title of Buddha. The other Buddha's teach people and help them reach salvation. They have elevated the actual Buddha to God's level. Mahayana emphasizes that part of Buddha's life in which he delayed Nirvana to help people with salvation (De Silva). The first 60 monks that Buddha sent taught people based on the five principles. They mainly taught people compassion and kindness, since these values are embedded deep in the Buddhist views. The main essence of Buddhism is kindness and treating everyone with inclusivity.


There is no doubt in the fact that Buddhism was and still is one of the most popular religion. Most people like it because of its simplicity and teachings. The contemporary world has given the religion great appreciation and acceptance because it excludes worshipping of any God. The religion is centered on finding oneself through meditation. Further, the five principles of religion enrich it even more. Buddhism teaches people to be happy and kind to one another. Most people find these teachings to be in sync with their own life goals. The fact the religion encourages change makes it more popular among the believers as well as the non-believers. Gautama Buddha and his teachings have indeed made a significant mark on people all around the world.

Works Cited

Albahari, Miri. Analytical Buddhism: The two-tiered illusion of self. Springer, 2016.

Burton, David. Buddhism, Knowledge and Liberation: A philosophical study. Routledge, 2017.

Coltart, Nina. "The practice of psychoanalysis and Buddhism." Freud and the Buddha. Routledge, 2018. 53-64.

Cooper, David E., and Simon P. James. Buddhism, virtue and environment. Routledge, 2017.

De Silva, Padmasiri. Environmental philosophy and ethics in Buddhism. Springer, 2016.

James, Simon P. Zen Buddhism and environmental ethics. Routledge, 2017.

Keown, Damien. Buddhism and bioethics. Springer, 2016.

Lopez Jr, Donald S. Buddhism in Practice: Abridged Edition. Princeton University Press, 2015.

Rapgay, Lobsang. "Mindfulness and memory in early Buddhism: a response to Ven. Anālayo." Mindfulness 10.3 (2019): 590-591.

Siderits, Mark. Buddhism as philosophy: an introduction. Routledge, 2017.

Subject: Culture

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Cultural Exploration II

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Cultural Exploration II

Many works of art bring back a lot of emotions and memories. They touch our heart and take us down a roller coaster ride of a memory lane, where we can meet a number of people, who are not with us anymore. They may have departed due to natural causes like death, or some mishap, like gone missing or just disappeared. One of such the pieces of artworks of media is a documentary “Our Disappeared” or “Nuestros Desaparecidos”.

“Our Disappeared” is a documentary film shot in and about Argentina. The movie talks about the people who went missing or disappeared in the dark period of 1976-1983. During this time period, Argentina was going through a very dark phase of military dictatorship, which is why this era is also known as the “dirty war”. Written, produced and directed by Juan Mandelbaum, the creator of the documentary sets on a hunt for his loved ones, who went missing during this “dirty war”, especially his girlfriend, Patricia Dixon. In this process, the director goes down the memory lane and discovers many amazing and shocking things about the disappeared people.

The documentary is a mixture of being informative, political and cultural as it tells about the political and economic struggles of the people, especially young people, of Argentina, against the military dictatorship, along with the inclusion of information about various cultural aspects of the society at that time. There is no main audience or a specific group of people that have been targeted by the director for this movie, it addresses the whole world and wants to tell the whole world about the story of cruelty that the world went through in its military dictatorship days. The director has adopted a very impressive and informative narrative style to elaborate the events that took place during the military dictatorship period of 1976-1983.

There is a date that has been especially mentioned and highlighted by the director in the movie i.e. June 20. 1973 as very “powerful day, in the history of Argentina. This specific day has been referred like this because it marks as the first day or the beginning of the dark phase of Argentina in the form of a military war CITATION Man08 \l 1033 (Mandelbaum).

The narrator or the director closed the film on very positive and the point that he is hopeful that no such thing will take place in the future. The narrator has completely covered all the details of the “dirty war” of Argentina. I had almost no knowledge about the military dictatorship or the war of Argentina but this documentary gave me a bundle of information about the subject. I am sure the not only the citizens of Argentina, but everyone who watches this movie, will feel nostalgic and will miss their lost ones.

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 “Our Disappeared” / “Nuestros Desaparecidos”. Dir. Juan Mandelbaum. Perf. Juan Mandelbaum. 2008. Video, Documentary. <https://vimeo.com/140972462>.

Subject: Culture

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Cultural Intelligence

Cultural Intelligence

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Cultural Intelligence


Cultural intelligence is relatively a new concept in the circles of business, government, education, and academic research. It refers to the capacity and capability of working and giving out the best while performing across different cultures. It is the measure of competence and efficiency that how well an individual or a team can perform when working in a setup or culture different than their original set values of a culture. It is also known as Cultural Quotient (CQ). Cultural intelligence is gaining a lot of significance as the world is becoming a global village and the people are moving across the borders to study, earn and live their lives.


Cultural intelligence or cultural quotient is becoming more and more important with every passing day as the concept of diversity is also becoming prevalent among the organizations of the world (Li, Rau, Li, & Maedche, 2017). The companies present in the global market are embracing the concept of diversity at a significant level and welcoming a large number of multi-cultural employees to come and work with them.

Importance of Cultural Intelligence at Workplace

Cultural intelligence holds great importance at a modern workplace as they are becoming culturally diverse and more distinct in their nature. It helps an employee in achieving personal goals as well as collective goals in the form of a team. It helps a person to collaborate and produce cultivate relationships among each other (Gregory, Prifling, & Beck, 2009). It creates a positive environment that creates in achieving the organizational goals in a much efficient and effective manner. It also allows to determine and bring out the best qualities in the people working for the organization.

Example of Cultural Difference

In today’s diverse markets, cultural differences can be observed everywhere, especially in big cities and huge markets, where people from different cultures and backgrounds are working together for achieving the goals of a specific organization, collectively. I once encountered such a situation while working for a project for my course. I came across an Indian colleague, who had entirely different values than mine. I learned a lot about Indian religion, culture, and values and found out about various festivals in their culture. I gifted him various things at his festivals and he invited me over to his place to have a celebration. It strengthened our bond significantly and help us understand each other better, which also brought an improvement in our relationship at work.

Power Dynamic among the Leadership at My Work Place

I have seen a balanced and positive power dynamics at my workplace. The individuals working in the leadership roles or at management positions concentrate on maintaining a very fair and equitable approach towards all the employees. They treat all the employees equally and no person is given any extra favor in any regards. This strengthens the belief of employees, working in the organization over the fairness and equality of system for everyone.

Reflection on Past Experiences

I have worked among people from different cultural backgrounds in the past. I have observed and learned various things and values form their culture. It was an amazing experience as I was able to communicate the constructive values of my culture to them and learn the glittering values from the other cultures.


Hence, it can be clearly seen that the understanding and usage of cultural intelligence is necessary to maintain a balance at a modern workplace. If used positively, it can bring many fruitful results for the organization as well as the person themselves. It can significantly help to understand the cultures prevailing in the world and use their positive traits to bring shinning results for the organization.


Gregory, R., Prifling, M., & Beck, R. (2009). The role of cultural intelligence for the emergence of negotiated culture in IT offshore outsourcing projects. Information Technology & People, 22(3), 223-241. Retrieved from: https://search.proquest.com/pqrl/docview/222338705/44D0D8D68C7B4A4BPQ/6?accountid=41759

Li, Y., Rau, P. L. P., Li, H., & Maedche, A. (2017). Effects of a dyad's cultural intelligence on global virtual collaboration. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 60(1), 56-75. Retrieved from: https://search.proquest.com/pqrl/docview/2057334353/44D0D8D68C7B4A4BPQ/2?accountid=41759

Subject: Culture

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Cultural Paper On India

Cultural Paper on India

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Cultural Paper on India


The history of India dates back to thousands of years. The prehistory of the country, however, also dates back to good hundreds of years. Indian culture is quite diverse. It will not be wrong to say that the culture of the country is more like a cocktail. It is a collective mesh of all the cultures that are present and practiced by various communities present in the country. The religion, music, dance, language, food, and architecture varies from place to place in India. The cocktail of cultures making one whole nation has been because of the influence of their ancestors who are several millennia old (Kulke, & Rothermund, 2016). Indian culture is not just restricted to the country alone, the religions, food, philosophy, dance, martial arts, movies, and music have an impact across the globe (Evans, 2016). All in all, the culture is quite vibrant and reflects color, richness, family values, generosity, respect, celebrations, happiness, and collectivism.

When Indian culture is being discussed let us not forget to talk about one of the biggest influences and influencers on the culture. Starting by “Mother Teresa,” she came to India in 1929. She instilled the feature of selflessness and care in the people of India. Her humanitarian work is to this date talked about as one of the noblest. She later even won a Nobel Prize in 1979 for her good deeds. She believed in helping the poor in every way possible (Coffey, Gupta, Hathi, Spears, Srivastav & Vyas, 2015). She taught her students the basic skills of healthcare giving and taught them the joys of giving and selflessness. To this day Indian people try their best to have some reflection of her in them through their generosity and feeding of the poor.

Another factor which has a great impact on Indian Culture are the religions that are followed by the country. The main religions that are being followed by various communities lately are Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism. These religions are based on the concept revolving around Karma and Dharma. Indians are believers of the philosophy of non-violence. They cannot even come in terms of harming a small insect or animal. The main religion that the country follows was based on the teachings of Lord Buddha. When Lord Buddha achieved enlightenment, he set out on a journey to teach everyone around him Nirvana (Kulke, & Rothermund, 2016). This is one of the most significant historical events that have helped shape the culture of India. Further, in light of Hinduism, there are many Gods that are worshipped by the Indians. God's like Brahma, Vishnu, Ganapati, Lakshmi Shiva, Maa Kali, and Saraswati are some of the few Gods and Goddesses that are being worshipped all across the country. These Gods are popular for various reasons, like Ganapati is said to remove obstacles and Saraswati is the Goddess of learning. The pictures and replicas of these Gods are present in both the homes and temples of every Indian.

Talking about the worldview, the Indians believe in spirituality more than physicality. However, there are many factors that have an impact on the Indian Worldview, but the most important thing that should be kept under consideration is that Indians have great respect for their nation (Coffey at al., 2015). This is the reason that the subcultures present in the country thrive and grow. Further, there is a heavy caste system that is present in the culture which was also instigated by religion.

The Family system in India is quite strong. Most of the Indian’s are family oriented and share a great bond with all their family members. It is said that no Indian can escape or pass on the family system. It is essential that every single individual goes through the stage of being a part of the family. It is not necessary that the family will be only consisting of the parents and the children, grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles are also included. Hinduism finds that the family as a whole carries more importance than a single individual. Marriage is given great importance and it is actually necessary so that the generation can continue. Another reason why marriage carries great importance is so that the dead family members are also taken care of with the help of Pooja. It is also very common for four generations to live under one roof in India. In the Indian family system, the parents have authority over their children. They decide the career path and marriage of their children. Further, the opinion of the elders is given great importance as well and always at the core of every decision that is made.

Cultural Values

The cultural values of Indians are made on the basis of respect. The elders of the family are given great respect as they have lived longer and have the experience that younger individuals do not have. It is not just the elders that are respected, the younger generation is also treated with respect. When the children are younger, the parents take care of them, but as the parents get older, they are taken care of by their children (Longkumer, 2015). While some people do live away from their families but mostly the children live with their parents till they die.

Another aspect that should be kept in mind is that an individual and society are said to be complementary, the two are incomplete without one another. Indian society is old so it lives by the rule that every individual plays their part. Further, Karma is given great importance. In accordance with Karma, the good and bad deeds of a person decide their fate (Kulke, & Rothermund, 2016). This is where the concept of "Reincarnation" also steps in. in accordance with this term a person who does good deeds will be reborn in a higher caste and will get great respect. While a person who does bad deeds will be reborn in low caste or even an animal (McClelland, 2018).


In India the main language through which people interact with one another is Hindi. Other than that, the country is very rich and culture and speak in around eighteen languages inclusive of English as well. However, the main interacting language that is recognized and familiar in all the parts of the country is Hindi. In Indian culture, there are many things that are to be kept in mind when speaking. When referring to an elder an individual should always use the term "Ap,” but when a person is talking to friends and youngsters the term “Tum” can be used.

Additionally, Indians are people pleasers. They will do whatever it takes to keep everyone happy. Proverbs are also a significant part of their culture, they have been passed on from one generation to the other. It is said that a country's proverbs can reflect a lot about people. Proverbs like; "do not delay today's work on tomorrow, and a friend advices in his interests, not yours,” are some of the proverbs that make sense even to this date (Coffey et al., 2015).

In India, the use of nonverbal gestures is quite high. People even meet and greet each other by putting their hands together in front of their chest and taking a slight bow. This gesture is followed by the word Namaste. This gesture and the word means that one is giving a respectful greeting to the person they are meeting. Further, different gestures carry significance in India. People touch their ears when they see something taboo (Longkumer, 2015). They make excessive hand gestures as well when talking to put emphasize in their statement. Other than that, women should never initiate a handshake with a male, rather not get physical whatsoever. However, men can shake hands.

In regards to family and gender roles, men are mostly the breadwinners, while women take care of the household and cook. Due to recent awareness and social change, this framework and thought are changing, now the females earn as well as their male partners.


Majority of the businesses in India are family owned, this automatically increases the nepotism rate in the country. Family again is given great importance even in the business sector. Further, the cultural expectations play a great role in structuring the context of companies and leadership in India. People are usually very honest and hardworking in regards to their work. Indian people push limits to achieve their goals (Longkumer, 2015). They are very open to other people’s opinions and believe in enhancing their skills through the process of continues learning. Education is also given great importance and stern on in India. It is seen as a mean to increase the economy and reduce the poverty rate of the country.

Healthcare in India is similar to how it is world-wide. However, there are disparities present in the rural and urban areas. The people in rural areas do not get the same quality of healthcare that the people in urban areas get (Kulke & Rothermund, 2016). The rural areas lack good healthcare givers. Other than that, death also carries great significance in the country. People prefer to die amid family and friends and the funeral ceremony is quite vast where everyone participates, including the children as well. In India, the body of the deceased is placed on wood and is burned to be returned to mother earth, while the family members and friends stand around the fire and pay their respect. The cremated ashes are then spread in Ganga Jal or any river or sea.

Expression of the Culture

Wedding in India is quite different. It is a universal fact that weddings are a way to celebrate and appreciate love and commitment. It is the same in India, every single relative gets together in order to celebrate the bond of two people. The wedding ceremony is quite vast and prolongs for a few days. Initially, a date is decided based on the birth dates of the bride and groom. The first ceremony is "Sangeet,” in which the families of the bride and groom get together dance, sing and celebrate (Evans, 2016). Then comes “Mehendi," which is a day before the wedding, in this henna is applied to the bride's hand and the husband's name is written as well. Finally, the marriage itself; the bride and groom sit in front of a fire which is said to be the witness, the ceremony is performed by the Pundit. Then the groom puts a “Mangalsooter" in his bride's neck (A kind of necklace). Then a parent figure ties the clothing of the bride and groom and they both take seven rounds around the fire taking vows and finally the groom puts a red powder in the hair partition of the bride. The brother of the bride gives her rice as a gesture of good omen for her life ahead.

Improving Intercultural Communication

There are certain problems that can be faced when communicating in India. The fact that the culture is so rich and there are so many ethnicities amongst one country, there are different beliefs and ways to communicate everywhere (Kulke & Rothermund, 2016). This is why some people face issues when communicating with culture. They think that the beliefs are similar throughout the country, they are wrong. In regards to improving the intercultural communication among the country, awareness should be made at a very young amongst students so they can differentiate different cultures, backgrounds, and castes so they can communicate without offending anyone. Other than that, the people who are not from the country need to educate themselves more and not stereotype the Indian culture.


Kulke, H., & Rothermund, D. (2016). A history of India. Routledge.

Coffey, D., Gupta, A., Hathi, P., Spears, D., Srivastav, N., & Vyas, S. (2015). Culture and the health transition: understanding sanitation behavior in rural north India. International Growth Centre. Working Paper, April.

Evans, A. E. (2016). Music in India: An Overview.

Longkumer, A. (2015). " As our ancestors once lived": Representation, Performance, and Constructing a National Culture amongst the Nagas of India. HIMALAYA, the Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies, 35(1), 10.

McClelland, N. C. (2018). Encyclopedia of reincarnation and karma. McFarland.

Subject: Culture

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Cultural Transmission

Cultural Transmission

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Cultural Transmission

Native Americans have faced various losses in the past which resulted in generational trauma transmission. Various historical loss symptoms like unemployment, depression, diabetes, substance dependence, dysfunctional parenting have been observed due to the historical loss of culture, land, population and many others. All these elements resulted in intergenerational trauma transmission. The main purpose of the essay is to identify the variables that are responsible for the intergeneration transmission of the trauma. It is important to analyze because health quality among racial groups is far worse than white Americans.

In contemporary times, African Americans have lots of social, economic, and psychological health issues that are not because of the present situation but the impact of problems that their past generation has faced. The first variable that is linked with the intergenerational trauma is the loss of land. African Americans had to leave the authority of their land when the European started colonizing in Africa. This act left the generation with the feeling of helplessness and powerlessness which can be observed in the present generation where African Americans face the issue of racism and do not talk about it because they still believe that they are helpless and this issue cannot be resolved. On the other hand, white Americans have got a feeling of power and dominance over other races people ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"N15S6VEa","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Evans-Campbell, 2008)","plainCitation":"(Evans-Campbell, 2008)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1417,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/QS9PZM9Z"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/QS9PZM9Z"],"itemData":{"id":1417,"type":"article-journal","title":"Historical Trauma in American Indian/Native Alaska Communities: A Multilevel Framework for Exploring Impacts on Individuals, Families, and Communities","container-title":"Journal of Interpersonal Violence","page":"316-338","volume":"23","issue":"3","source":"DOI.org (Crossref)","DOI":"10.1177/0886260507312290","ISSN":"0886-2605, 1552-6518","title-short":"Historical Trauma in American Indian/Native Alaska Communities","journalAbbreviation":"J Interpers Violence","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Evans-Campbell","given":"Teresa"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2008",3]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Evans-Campbell, 2008).

The second variable is the loss of culture. When Columbus first arrived in America, people were living for food and shelter only. There was no concept of economical transaction, agriculture, and struggle for power. They lived in the forest in small houses with family and used to acquire food from trees and hunting. However, white people destroyed their culture and imposed their traditions and norms with the mindset that black Americans were uncivilized and they were trying to civilize them. This part of history resulted in the emergence of feeling shame, low self-esteem, and inferiority complex ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"D2cRVRSa","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Bombay, Matheson, & Anisman, 2009)","plainCitation":"(Bombay, Matheson, & Anisman, 2009)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1418,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/RN6XTRES"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/RN6XTRES"],"itemData":{"id":1418,"type":"paper-conference","title":"Intergenerational Trauma : Convergence of Multiple Processes among First Nations peoples in Canada","source":"Semantic Scholar","abstract":"Stressful events may have immediate effects on well-being, and by influencing appraisal processes, coping methods, life styles, parental behaviours, as well as behavioural and neuronal reactivity, may also have long lasting repercussions on physical and psychological health. In addition, through these and similar processes, traumatic experiences may have adverse intergenerational consequences. Given the lengthy and traumatic history of stressors experienced by Aboriginal peoples, it might be expected that such intergenerational effects may be particularly notable. In the present review we outline some of the behavioural disturbances associated with stressful/traumatic experiences (e.g., depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse disorder), and describe the influence of several variables (age, sex, early life or other experiences, appraisals, coping strategies, as well as stressor chronicity, controllability, predictability and ambiguity) on vulnerability to pathology. Moreover, we suggest that trauma may dispose individuals to further stressors, and increase the response to these stressors. It is further argued that the shared collective experiences of trauma experienced by First Nations peoples, coupled with related collective memories, and persistent sociocultural disadvantages, have acted to increase vulnerability to the transmission and expression of intergenerational trauma effects.","DOI":"10.18357/ijih53200912337","title-short":"Intergenerational Trauma","author":[{"family":"Bombay","given":"Amy"},{"family":"Matheson","given":"Kim"},{"family":"Anisman","given":"Hymie"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2009"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Bombay, Matheson, & Anisman, 2009).

Later on, Black Americans had to face the loss of generation when white Americans get involved in the trafficking of young black Americans. Children of black Americans were stolen from their families and loaded to England for slavery and labor. This incident had a great impact on the lives of black Americans. They were left with constant fear, sorrow, grief, and the disruption of families.

Slavery is another factor that shaped the psychological development of black Americans. They were unable to oppose this oppression because the punishment was so harsh in case of rebel and mistake that black Americans slowly and slowly accepted that they cannot come in power and will remain dependent on white people.

When the world came to know about the discrimination with black Americans, white people had to give them rights and opportunities to come back into normal life. However, inequality never ended. Black children were not allowed to study with white children. Besides, they were not allowed to perform their rituals in boarding which led that generation unconnected with the religious practice and living traditionally.

All these variables lead to intergenerational trauma in the present generation who also have feelings of helplessness, inferiority complex, fear, dependency, and shame. Present generation is facing the issue of various psychological disorders like posttraumatic stress disorder, mood disorders, depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"KsZtzLvS","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Ward, Wiltshire, Detry, & Brown, 2013)","plainCitation":"(Ward, Wiltshire, Detry, & Brown, 2013)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1421,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/83HJFZCL"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/mlRB1JqV/items/83HJFZCL"],"itemData":{"id":1421,"type":"article-journal","title":"African American Men and Women’s Attitude Toward Mental Illness, Perceptions of Stigma, and Preferred Coping Behaviors:","container-title":"Nursing Research","page":"185-194","volume":"62","issue":"3","source":"DOI.org (Crossref)","DOI":"10.1097/NNR.0b013e31827bf533","ISSN":"0029-6562","title-short":"African American Men and Women’s Attitude Toward Mental Illness, Perceptions of Stigma, and Preferred Coping Behaviors","journalAbbreviation":"Nursing Research","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Ward","given":"Earlise C."},{"family":"Wiltshire","given":"Jacqueline C."},{"family":"Detry","given":"Michelle A."},{"family":"Brown","given":"Roger L."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2013"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Ward, Wiltshire, Detry, & Brown, 2013). The suicide rate is higher in African Americans than white Americans. Spending on the healthcare of African Americans, America is still far behind obtaining a high-quality health level in the nation. It indicates that history has a great influence on the new generation which cannot be eliminated in their lives in a short period. Therefore, the government has to take more initiatives to motivate African Americans in every field of life.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Bombay, A., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2009). Intergenerational Trauma: Convergence of Multiple Processes among First Nations peoples in Canada. https://doi.org/10.18357/ijih53200912337

Evans-Campbell, T. (2008). Historical Trauma in American Indian/Native Alaska Communities: A Multilevel Framework for Exploring Impacts on Individuals, Families, and Communities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23(3), 316–338. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260507312290

Ward, E. C., Wiltshire, J. C., Detry, M. A., & Brown, R. L. (2013). African American Men and Women’s Attitude Toward Mental Illness, Perceptions of Stigma, and Preferred Coping Behaviors: Nursing Research, 62(3), 185–194. https://doi.org/10.1097/NNR.0b013e31827bf533

Subject: Culture

Pages: 2 Words: 600


What is my Culture

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Cultures: An All Inclusive View

As interesting as it is to live in a country so diverse that one benefits from so many different perspectives each day, it's also imperative to understand the limitations that people from different communities face due to their cultural values. There are countless aspects because of which differences in lifestyles occur. When it comes to education, for instance, 33% of individuals from a Caucasian background have a graduate or professional degree, whereas African Americans are at a 20%, Native Indians and Hispanic population score really below average with 12 and 14% respectively. The highest percentage of 63% of individuals with a bachelors degree or more is of the Asian population (Yau, The Demographics of Others, 2018). The Asian community is stereotyped as "the model minority" that states Asian Americans place a lot of value on working hard and education (Lee, 1994). Similarly, when it comes to employment, An individual from a white background would have a high likelihood to be employed compared to a Native American, Hispanic or Asian Americans with a high percentage of 87% employment rate (Yau, The Demographics of Others, 2018). However, a lot of it is also based on the population of each race in USA which also affects the results. An estimation carried out stated that 63.3% of people in U.S.A were white, with a 16.6% of Hispanic populations, 12.2% African Americ and 4.8 % and 0.7 % Asian and Native American respectively ( Yau, Mapping The Most Common Races, 2018).

As far as I am concerned, hailing from a low-income family with no religious ties and living in a region which is considered very diverse, I understand how privileged I am because I am a caucasian male. Even though I personally do not associate any supremacy within myself that is often ascribed to my race. I enjoy serenity and peace as I am accepting of all religions, creed and believe in co-existing in harmony.

I am like any other American because the largest racial strata comprise of White Americans. So quite a lot of similarities are evident (Yau, Mapping the most common races, 2018). However; interestingly, as age is not seen to effect a person’s ability to earn, it shows I might be as capable of providing for myself and my family in old age as I am now. Apart from differences in gender another similarity I noticed across all races in the presence of veterans above age 60 which reaffirms my confidence in our armed forces and highlight that individuals in the USA actively worked to keep America safe, as racial factors did not affect their love for the country (Yau, The Demographics of Others, 2018).

It is quite evident, however, that most communities are mostly at a disadvantage compared to my own. For instance, it is noted that a woman in my own community is as much entitled to all the rights and benefits that I am entitled to, yet on other groups the median for aspects such as income and employment they score quite low. Interestingly, however, women are on a higher median compared to men when it comes to education and being a degree holder (Yau, The Demographics of Others, 2018). Which leads me to believe that even though the women lead in the education sector, they are unlikey to have been given enough opportunities to utilize their skills.

Nevertheless; I am very hopeful that as our country and communities continue to grow and improve, all these issues will be duly catered for and the difference will start to diminish. Because even though unique-ness is encouraged and appreciated, everyone living in America should be provided with equal opportunity and chances.

It is widely known that diversity-related programs often times aren't carried out as intended, in order to cater to this issue researchers have highlighted gaps in ability, motivation and limited evaluation as the major causes (Nishii, Khattab, Shema & Paluch, 2018). So awareness of these cultural differences play a huge role in understanding variances among all the demographics in a work setting. Assuming that I am given the responsibility to lead a diverse group of people. I would like to implement a system that looks at employes through regional, organizational and personal level and highlight which particular individual needs to be given more confidence, some might require a leverage with the English language as it may not be their strong suit, also implementation of fair treatment and payment plans for all individuals irrespective of their race and culture.


Lee, S. J. (1994). Behind the model‐minority stereotype: Voices of high‐and low‐achieving Asian American students. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 25(4), 413-429.

Nishii, L. H., Khattab, J., Shemla, M., & Paluch, R. M. (2018). A multi-level process model for understanding diversity practice effectiveness. Academy of Management Annals, 12(1), 37-82.

Yau, N. (2018, April 26). Mapping the Most Common Races | FlowingData. Retrieved from FlowingData: http://flowingdata.com/2015/05/04/map-of-most-common-race/

Yau, N. (2018, April 26). The Demographics of Others | FlowingData. Retrieved from FlowingData: http://flowingdata.com/2018/01/23/the-demographics-of-others/

Yau, N. (2018, April 26). This is an American Workday, By Occupation | FlowingData. Retrieved from FlowingData: http://flowingdata.com/2017/05/17/american-workday/

Subject: Culture

Pages: 2 Words: 600


Aboriginal Representation in Films


Media representation of the early people or Aboriginals is largely dominated portrayals of their negative, as misfits or as problem creators for the white audiences creating an invisible distinction between them and the aboriginals.

Reel Injun

Reel Injun is a documentary portraying aboriginals in America. The movie has includes interviews from several filmmakers and scenes from different movies portraying Native Americans. It accurately describes the stereotyping of natives by Hollywood. The movie tells in detail about how Hollywood has created a certain perception of Natives. Hollywood portrays Natives as wild humans who were not corrupted by civilization i.e. Noble Savage. If not as a Noble savage, they are portrayed as individuals who drank themselves to death. The documentary film sheds light on another important issue. It shows how Natives are not used by Hollywood to present their own ethnicity (Kurt, 2010). Hollywood, over a long period of time, has used Italian Americans and American Jews to portray native Americans. Iron Eyes Cody, an Italian by descent is an ominous example in this regard. The documentary film has also discussed movies that have depicted a native culture in an authentic way.

Rabbit-Proof Fence

Rabbit-Proof Fence is an Australian movie based in 1931. It is based on a true story of three siblings that live in a native settlement located in Western Australia. The film follows and tries to capture the essence of distinctive lifestyles and orientations of both the colonizers and the Aboriginal settings. The movie is an accurate depiction of the native culture of the time and colonizers behaviour to the natives. The movie brings to light the issue of the Stolen Generation. Native children that were forcibly removed from their families by the white masters. The movie sheds light on exclusion and separation of aboriginals from white people by the imperialists. It reflects a mindset that differentiates between people based on the colour of their skin (Harding, 2006). It is, however, pertinent to mention that the movie was a near accurate depiction of an aboriginal culture owing to the use of aboriginal music and cast (D aeth, 2002).


D aeth, T. H. 2002. Which Rabbit-Proof Fence Empathy, Assimilation, Hollywood.Australian Humanities Review.

Harding, R. 2006. Historical representations of aboriginal people in the Canadian news media. SAGE Journals, 205-235.

Kurt, U. 2010. Reel Injun On the Trail of the Hollywood Indian. Journal of American Indian Higher Education, 61.


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Subject: Culture

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Culture And Crime

Culture and Crime

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Culture and Crime


Culture refers to the values, customs, and beliefs of a specific group/. People sharing the same culture in most cases tend to behave in a particular manner (Ramone 2016). The way they communicate, treat each other, dress among other things heavily relies on the expectations of the culture. This raises the importance of having people understanding different cultures, in order to accept and appreciate others (Newman & Wolfgang 2017).

Role of culture in shaping human behavior

Culture plays an important role in shaping human behavior (Chen et al 2018). As much as most people would argue that human behavior is heavily influenced by the mental state of the person, the surroundings also matter. People and even children tend to do what other people do around them. Just to prevent them from being different. The way children are trained to handle different things they tend to stick to that up to their later stages in life (Helmreich & Merritt 2017). Some of the factors like urbanization are among the things that influence people to turn away from their culture. But then they would still end up practicing the urban culture. Basically, culture has a powerful control over how human beings behave.

“Crime is a social construct”

Behaviors become a crime, through the social construction process. This means that whether the behavior is good or bad, in order for it to be termed as a crime relies on the social response (Dowler et al 2006). There are certain activities which are accepted to a certain group of people or countries but when the same activities are performed anywhere else it becomes a great deal. Simply because it does not meet the social expectations of that particular area. Basically, for an action to be viewed as a crime, there is a great social responsibility that must be involved. People decide what a crime is and what is not. For this reason, we can say the Crime is a social Construct” (Chakraborti & Garland 2012).


Chakraborti, N., & Garland, J. (2012). Reconceptualizing hate crime victimization through the lens of vulnerability and ‘difference’. Theoretical Criminology, 16(4), 499-514.

Chen, H. Y., Yarnal, C., Chick, G., & Jablonski, N. (2018). Egg white or sun-kissed: A cross-cultural exploration of skin color and women’s leisure behavior. Sex Roles, 78(3-4), 255-271.

Dowler, K., Fleming, T., & Muzzatti, S. L. (2006). Constructing crime: Media, crime, and popular culture. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 48(6), 837-850.

Helmreich, R. L., & Merritt, A. C. (2017). Culture at work in aviation and medicine: National, organizational and professional influences. Routledge.

Newman, G. R., & Wolfgang, M. E. (2017). Comparative deviance: Perception and law in six cultures. Routledge.

Ramone, J. (2016). Reading takes place: reading and the politics of space in Leonardo Padura’s Havana quartet. Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies, 4(1), 99-118.

Subject: Culture

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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